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can enable us to fully realise,for none knew whose turn<br />

might come the next for similar treatment. Another of<br />

the Hebrews, Jocenus, who had escaped from London,<br />

and had, therefore, special need to fear the mob, asked<br />

leave ofthe Governor to takerefuge with his family in the<br />

Castle. He had but shortly availed himself of the<br />

Governor's permission, and vacated his house, whenit<br />

was attacked. The exampleof Jocenus was followedby<br />

a large number of his race,until almost all the Jewish<br />

population of York had taken refuge in the Castle, a<br />

proceedingwhich greatlyprovoked those who had hoped<br />

to secure a rich bootyby the persecution. The exciting<br />

events of the following days are well treated in the<br />

following paragraph culled from Miall's " Yorkshire<br />

Illustrations of English History." In the rage of the<br />

conspirators they subjected the few Jews<br />

within their<br />

reach to the most torturing treatment, and set before<br />

them the alternative of baptism or death. In the meantime,<br />

the majority of the body remained in the Castle.<br />

But one day, seeing the Governor leave the building, a<br />

a sudden terror seized them that he would be gained over<br />

by their enemies, and that the whole body would be<br />

delivered over to their malice. Influenced by this fear,<br />

when the Governor returned the Jews denied him<br />

admission. Indignant at this treatment, the Governor<br />

went to Randal de Grenville, the High Sheriff, to whom<br />

he toldhis tale,and he also was extremelyirritatedat the<br />

insult offered to the royal authority represented in his<br />

person. He hastilyorderedthat entrance should be made<br />

by force. The populace caught the excitement, and<br />

took their measures accordingly. Seeing the effect of<br />

his words the High Sheriffwouldhave retracted his order,<br />

but it was toolate. The desire of themultitude toattack<br />

the Jews in the citadel had becomeuncontrollable. Led<br />

on by a canon of the Premonstratensian Order, they<br />

surrounded the Castle and began the work of demolition.<br />

The monk headed the people, shouting out, ' The<br />

enemies of Christ must be destroyed ' till,in attempting

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