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INDEX. 199<br />

PAGE.<br />

Flamborough,landing of KingIda<br />

at i<br />

Flanders " 60<br />

Flint Castle, Richard II.,conveyed<br />

to 78<br />

Flodden Field, Battle of 62<br />

Folcard's " Life of St. John of *<br />

Beverley "<br />

PAGE.<br />

Drake's "Life of St. John of<br />

Beverley<br />

16<br />

"<br />

16<br />

Durham 118,119<br />

PlagueofJolly Raut in ... 29<br />

Robert, Earl of Northumberland,<br />

at 86<br />

Eadwine,King 1<br />

Eadwingsburgh,see " Edinburgh "<br />

Ealfride, see " Alfred, King of<br />

Northumbria "<br />

Eata,Bishopof Hexham 8<br />

Ebberston 6<br />

Eboracum, see " York "<br />

Ecgfrid, Kingof Northumbria ... 2<br />

Eden, River 2<br />

Edinburgh(Eadwinsburg)... 2,165, 178<br />

Castle 178<br />

Edward theConfessor<br />

69, 70<br />

Edward 111 69,70,88<br />

With 50,000menat York ... 88<br />

His excursion to Scotland ... 88<br />

Marries Philippaof Hainhault. 88<br />

Queen Philippa'sArmyat York 89<br />

Defeats the Scotch at Neville's<br />

Cross 89<br />

Edward IV 10S<br />

At the Battle of Towton ... 108<br />

Edward VI 125<br />

Egbert's, Archbishop, Library at<br />

St. Peter's, York, destroyed<br />

by fire ... ... ... ... 87<br />

Elfer-tau, now Northallerton ... 99<br />

Elfred, see "Alfred, King of<br />

Northumbria"<br />

Elland, town of ... ... ■"- 75<br />

Elland Hall 73<br />

"Elland Miln" 74<br />

Elland Family 69<br />

SirJohn 7°<br />

Ballad on<br />

70, 71<br />

His marriages 71<br />

Death of 74<br />

His son, Sir John 74<br />

Ellands, Tragic Story of 69<br />

Embsay, early home of Bolton<br />

Abbey 46<br />

Removalfrom, to Bolton ... 49<br />

Ethelfrith, " Kingof Northumbria... 2<br />

EugeneAram:" byBulwer,Lord<br />

Lytton,quoted<br />

160,161<br />

Exeter,Duke of 105,106,111<br />

At the Battle of Wakesield ... 105<br />

Fabyan's " Chronicle,"quoted ... 80<br />

Fairfax Charles "7<br />

Major "7<br />

Lord H4. "6<br />

Lord, of Gilling 151<br />

Sir Thomas "7<br />

Falconberg, Lord 109. no<br />

Neville.Lord 5°<br />

Fall and Death of Richard II. ... 7°<br />

Fawcett,Richard<br />

188,189<br />

Fearne, Josiah<br />

180<br />

Committal to York Castle for<br />

the Murder of Thomas Grave 180<br />

Ferrybridge<br />

Io8<br />

Filey<br />

6<br />

Forth,river ... 2<br />

Foss,river ... ... 86<br />

Fountains Abbey 45<br />

Francis, Thomas,of Pullan, Norfolk 143<br />

Freed Stool,see " Fridstol"<br />

Fridstol 141. 142, H5<br />

Fulford 87<br />

Fuller 13<br />

Life ofSt. John of Beverley ... 16<br />

Furness Abbey 45<br />

Flight of Adam Beaumont,<br />

Lockwood, and Quarmby, to 74<br />

Gaunt, John of,Duke ofLancaster 76, 77<br />

Gent's, Thomas, "Life of St. John<br />

of Beverley" ... ... ... 16<br />

Ghent, Robert Fitz-RichardGilbert<br />

of 86,87<br />

Gilling 151<br />

Gipton, Saxonremains at 21<br />

Gloucester, Dukeof 76<br />

Sent to Calais 76<br />

Godwin, quoted 13<br />

Gowthwaite Hall,Ramsgill ... 155<br />

Grange's " Battles and Battle-fields<br />

of Yorkshire" m<br />

Grenville,Randel de 32<br />

Grey,Richard Lord 133<br />

Grimston 109<br />

Guest, General ... 178<br />

Commands the Troopsat Edinburgin<br />

the Rebellion of '45--- 178<br />

Gyseburn. John, Mystery Plays<br />

performed at his door in York 37<br />

Hagulstadt,see " Hexham "<br />

Halifax 185<br />

Visited with the Plague of<br />

Jolly Raut 29<br />

Hall, Sir David 105<br />

Hall's " Chronicle," quoted ... 53, 54<br />

Hallam's "Constitutional History<br />

ofEngland," quoted 126<br />

Hamilton,Duke of(Lord Arran)... 148<br />

Hambleton Haugh 131<br />

Hardynge's " Chronicle" quoted... 22<br />

Harpham, birth of St. John of<br />

Beverley at 8<br />

John of succeeds Bosa as Arch-<br />

bishopof York 9<br />

Harpham, Robert, Mystery Plays<br />

performedathisdoor inYork 37<br />

Harsthead - cum - Clifton, Saxon<br />

remains at ... 21<br />

Hartlepool, St. Hilda, Abbess of<br />

Whitby and<br />

20<br />

Hart, William 127<br />

Sufferings of, during the<br />

Catholic Persecution 127<br />

Taken prisoner and sent to<br />

■■■ York Castle 127

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