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said to have been " a personageof verybecoming gravity."<br />

At several places along the route the verses we have<br />

given above were repeated by AldermanThompson, who<br />

was then but a boy of five years, and who eventually<br />

became M.P. for Bradford; and it is said that the spectators<br />

were greatly pleased at the manner in which he<br />

recited the lines. At one o'clock the processionpartook<br />

of refreshment, which consisted of sandwiches and ale, in<br />

a field near to Mr. Fawcett's factory. At three o'clock<br />

the pageantry againmoved off, and did not disperse until<br />

five o'clock in the afternoon. The rejoicings were continued<br />

in the evening by a sumptuous dinner being<br />

provided at the Court House, which was attended by the<br />

spinners, manufacturers,and merchants. The apprentices<br />

and masters' sons also dined togetherat the Sun Inn. At<br />

the former dinner were present a number of very influential<br />

gentlemen, and lengthy speeches were made<br />

suitable to the occasion. Nor did the festivities end on<br />

this day,for a " StuffBall" was given at theCourt House<br />

on the followingevening, which was attended by a large<br />

number ofladiesand gentlemenof the higher class.<br />

Other attempts have been made to organise festivals<br />

similar to the above, especially in 1833, Dut without<br />

success. With the advance of time improvements were<br />

made in woolcombing; and machinery eventuallyperformed<br />

the work which had been done by hand, and the<br />

employment of the handcombers was to a great extent at<br />

an end.<br />

According to Ribadencia, St. Blaize met with a strange<br />

end. He says: — " St. Blaize was scourged, and seven<br />

holy women anointed themselves with his blood; whereupon<br />

their flesh was combed with iron combs, and their<br />

wounds ran nothingbut milk; their flesh was whiter than<br />

snow;angels came visibly and healed their wounds as<br />

fast as they weremade; and they wereput into the fire,<br />

which would not consume them, wherefore they were<br />

ordered to be beheaded,and were beheaded accordingly.<br />

Then St. Blaize was ordered to be drowned in the lake,

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