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northern county subjected to his arms. The Picts were<br />

driven back to their mountain fastnesses, and his success<br />

was complete. A few years after, however, a kinsman of<br />

the victorious Ida, seeing his goodfortune, sailed up the<br />

Humber, and seized from him a portion of his territory<br />

from the Tees to the Humber, called Deira. The<br />

remainder of Ida's district was named Bernicia, and<br />

the wholecountry, when united (for in the timeof their<br />

descendants it was alternately governed as one kingdom<br />

or two, accordingto the descent and power of the kings)<br />

was known as Northumbria. It was extended from the<br />

north side of the Mersey to the Eden on the west coast,<br />

and from the Tweed to the Humber on the east coast;<br />

though in the time of Eadwine (the son of Ella, the<br />

kinsman of Ida) who became King of Northumbria, it<br />

stretched as far north as the Forth, where a fort was<br />

built, round which a town sprang up — Eadwinsburg —<br />

now Edinburgh.<br />

Such is the descriptionof the founding of the kingdom<br />

of Northumbria. Ida died, and was succeeded by his<br />

son Ethelfrith,who was killed inbattle. After an interval<br />

of sovereignty by the Deiran kings, Oswy, of Bernicia,<br />

a natural son of Ethelfrith, became the King of<br />

Northumbria by the murder of Oswine. He reigned for<br />

28 years, leaving by his queen one son, Ecgfrid, and<br />

another, and elder, Elfrid, illegitimately born. This<br />

latter is the subject of our present notes. Oswine was<br />

the King of Deira,and on his murderby Oswy, the latter<br />

elevated Alchfrid, Ealfride, Elfrid, or Alfred, as he is<br />

variouslycalled,to the Deiran throne as his Viceroy. Alfred<br />

was a young man of an ambitious, bold, and energetic<br />

character, and by his importunity, mingled with threats<br />

of revolt, etc., persuaded Oswy to this step. He even<br />

aspired to be independent ofhis father's kingly authority,<br />

and to be absolute Sovereign of Deira; but Oswy refused<br />

this, probably by the advice or remonstrances of his<br />

nobles, to whom the illegitimacy of Alfred was an<br />

insurmountable obstacle. Accordingly, at the death of

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