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142<br />


another towards NorthBurton; a third [towards Kinwalgraves;<br />

and the last south ofBeverley,on the road which<br />

led to the ferry across the Humber.<br />

Ifa party seized a fugitive whohad contrived to reach<br />

any one of the four crosses, he was obliged to paytwo<br />

hundredth (a hundredth was equalto £8) ;if he took him<br />

within the town, then he forfeited four hundredth; if<br />

within the walls of the churchyard, six hundredth; if<br />

within the church, then twelve hundredth; if within the<br />

doors of the choir, then eighteen hundredth, besides<br />

penance, as in case of sacrilege; but if he presumed to<br />

take the runaway delinquent out of the holy chair of<br />

" Fridstol" itself the offence was irredeemable by money,<br />

and had become sine emendatione " boteless " (bootless),<br />

and called forth not only the utmost severity of the<br />

Church, but the heaviestpunishment of the secular power<br />

also.<br />

In the British Museum, amongst the Harleian MSS.,<br />

is a thin folio volume containing a list of persons who<br />

have obtained sanctuary for different crimes inpart of the<br />

reigns of EdwardIV. and Richard III.,and part of the<br />

reigns of Henry VII. and Henry VIIL, or from about<br />

1478 to 1539. The registeralso contains the oath taken<br />

by those who sought " its peace within its mile," and<br />

affords, perhaps, the only copy of a sanctuary oath now<br />

extant. The bailiffof the Archbishop,by whom the oath<br />

was administered,is directedto inquire ofthe refugee —<br />

"What man he killed, and wherewith, and both ther<br />

names, and then gar him lay his hand uppon the book,<br />

saying on this wyse: ' Sir, take hede on your oth. Ye<br />

shal be trew and feythfull to My Lord Archbishop of<br />

York, Lordoff this towne; to the Provost of the same, to<br />

the Channons of this Chirch, and all other ministers<br />

thereof.<br />

"' Also ye shall bere gude hert to the Baillies and xjj<br />

governarsof this towne,toall burges and comynersofthe<br />

same. Also, ye shall bere no poynted wepen, dagger,<br />

knyfe, and ne nane other wapenagenst the Kyng's pece.

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