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heat of the persecution — have been collected by Dr.<br />

Bridgewater. Many of these died in prison under sentence<br />

of death.<br />

We will now direct attention to a few Yorkshire<br />

instances of the suffering Catholics. The first case we<br />

will notice is that of William Hart, a member of Lincoln<br />

College, Oxford. On account of his faith he left<br />

England, and passed some years on the continent. He<br />

suffered from an internal disease, and under a most<br />

painful operation displayed much fortitude. He passed<br />

some time at Douay, Rheims, and Rome, and was subsequently<br />

sent to his nativeland,and to our own county.<br />

The prison of York was filled to overflowingwith Papists,<br />

and his kindness to the poor sufferers endeared him to<br />

them. He administeredto themin secret the sacrament,<br />

and on one occasion at night he narrowly escapedbeing<br />

caught,but escaped. Six months later,namely,the night<br />

after Christmas Day, 1583, when in bed, he was taken<br />

prisoner, and sent to York Castle. He was placed in a<br />

dungeon, and loaded with double irons. An effort was<br />

made by the clergy of the State Church to induce him to<br />

forsake his faith, but he gentlybut firmly refused. Mr.<br />

Baring-Gould tells us that " he was tried on the charge<br />

of havingreceivedordination as a priest out of England,<br />

and of having dispensed the sacraments to Roman<br />

Catholics in Her Majesty's realm. Inreply to a charge<br />

of high treason,he said that he acknowledged obedience<br />

to the Queen on temporal matters, but that obedience to<br />

the Pope in things spiritual was not inconsistent with<br />

hearty allegiance to the Queen<br />

in other matters not<br />

involvingreligion." On hearing his sentence he repeated<br />

the words of Job, "The Lord hath given, and the Lord<br />

hath taken away; blessed be the name ofthe Lord."<br />

Before his execution he passed six days fasting,and spent<br />

his nights in incessant prayer. On March 15th, 1583,<br />

after biddinga lovingfarewellto his fellow prisoners, and<br />

thanking the chief gaolerfor his kindness, he was placed<br />

on ahurdle and dragged to the scaffold. It is recordedthat

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