1851_52_Cinnci_Direc.. - Chicago Billiard Museum

1851_52_Cinnci_Direc.. - Chicago Billiard Museum

1851_52_Cinnci_Direc.. - Chicago Billiard Museum


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OJ<br />

Authorized in 1853 as a Public and School<br />

Library, it became in 1867 an independent<br />

Public Library for the city, and in 1898<br />

the Library for all of Hamilton County.<br />

Departments in the central building,branch<br />

libraries, stations and bookmobiles provide<br />

a lending and reference service of literary,<br />

educational and recreational<br />

material for all.<br />

751* Public Library is Yours . . . Use it!



AND<br />


FOR<br />

1S51--<strong>52</strong>,<br />





PAGE.<br />

Preface 3<br />

Map of Cincinnati facing 5<br />

Streets, Alleys. &c 5<br />

Alterations, Oiniasions, Removals, &c 8<br />

Alphabetical Arrangetnent of Names 9<br />

Business Key 291<br />

Geri^ralluformatlon 308<br />

Banks 308<br />

Churches ?08<br />

Colleges 310<br />

City Officers 310<br />


Courts ^^^<br />

Insurance Companies - 3U<br />

Periodicals 312<br />

Pnblic Buildings, Halls, &c 313<br />

I'ublic Schools 313<br />

Theological Semiuaries 313<br />

Libraries 3H<br />

Orphan Asylums 314<br />

Societies, Offices, Institutions, &c 31*<br />

Miscellaneous 315'<br />

Index to Advertisements 316<br />

/f ;r<br />

ENTERED, according to Act of Congress, in the year Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-one, by<br />

C. S. WILLIAMS, in the Clerk's Office of the Distiict Court of the United States,<br />

for the district of Ohio.<br />


PREFACE.<br />

The publication of the present imraber, the third Annual Issue of the Cincinnati <strong>Direc</strong>tory,<br />

has been unavoidably delayed a short time. The improvements which have been made in<br />

the work, and which to some extent have caused tlie delay, will, we trust, be found such ns<br />

will amply compensate the subscribers, many of whom, we are aware, have been anxiously<br />

.iwaiting its publication. We briefly notice a few of them.<br />

The names of each individual belonging to firms, as far as obtained, have been inserted<br />

in connection with the firms to which they respectively belong, thereby furnishing the<br />

information given in Copartnership <strong>Direc</strong>tories, (rarely published) sometimes found attached<br />

to business cards or adverti.sements, but more generally obtained only by direct inquiries.<br />

This will be to many a very important improvement, and in future numbers we hope to<br />

give this information much raor* fully than in this. In adding these names to the firms,<br />

initials have been generally used as abbreviations for such names as are found in the firm<br />

to which they are attached.<br />

In the insertion of names in the preceding issues of the work, a marked distinction has<br />

been made between subscribers and non-subscribers. This distinction we have increased<br />

in the present issue, by generally inserting the names of Business Houses wiio are not subscribers,<br />

without naming their business. We believe it a matter of very little importance to<br />

those who consult <strong>Direc</strong>tories, that they should contain that information, while it is important<br />

to citizens generally, and to all who visit the city on business, to know the Business<br />

Houses who will not subscribe for a <strong>Direc</strong>tory. We ask them to consider this matter well,<br />

and determine whether it tends particularly to their advantage to deal with such in preference<br />

to others.<br />

The arrangement of the Business Key has been improved to some cvtent; we feel confident<br />

this part of the <strong>Direc</strong>tory is destined to be a very important one to subscribers. We<br />

find it generally so e'onsidercd by t'lem, and would particularly request any not properly<br />

represented in it, to notify us. We wish to make it as ])crfect as possible.<br />

The addition of the InJe.-c to the advertisements, will be particularly appreciated by the<br />

advertisers, and will be found a very great convenience to many otliprs. This, the advertising<br />

department of the <strong>Direc</strong>tory, in the first issue apparently of very little con.sequence, is<br />

constantly and rapidly increasing in favor, has received the approval of many of the<br />

Trincipal Business Houses, and may be said already to have proved itself the most efficient<br />

medium known for permanent advertising. In future issues it is intended as far as<br />

possible to classify the advertisements. We believe they may be so arranged as to add<br />

materially to the utility of the work, as well as enhance their value to tlie advertisers.<br />

Previous to the issue of the present number, believing it to be a matter of considerable<br />

importance to the subscribers, to have it widely circulated on the great thoroughfares<br />

of the west, and knowing this could be effected only by a gratuitous circulation'<br />

we concluded, for the purpose of effecting the object, to raise the price of the subscription,<br />

which, we supposed, would generally meet the approval of the subscribers. We<br />

snnounccd this, togetlier with the intention of publishing 500 extra copies, to be place

PREFACE.<br />

generally on board of steamboats navigating any of the western rivers, and visiting Cincinnati,<br />

and to be sent to the principal I'ailroad depots within the general range of the trade ot<br />

Cincinnate, and to other public places where it would tend particularly to benefit subscribers.<br />

Of the whereabouts of these, we shall from time to time inform the public through the<br />

columns of the Pathfinder. We have at this time to thank the subscribers generally for tlie<br />

promptness with which we have been met in that respect, having lost but two or three from<br />

our whole list of names, on account of the advance in the price.<br />

A few remarks in regard to the future prospects of the work, may be deemed appropriate.<br />

When we commenced the publication of this work, we did it understanding the difficulties<br />

attending it. We knew that works of a local character, however important, were seldom<br />

properly supported, and that such of them as it is desirable to have issued at regular intervals,<br />

were almost universally far more diflScult to establish than others of a more general character.<br />

not confined to any particular location in regard to interest, utility or convenience. We<br />

were also well aware, that several attempts had been made to establish a <strong>Direc</strong>tory in this<br />

city, and abandoned, apparently because they did not receive such support as was requisite<br />

to warrant the publishers in continuing their publication. Neverrheless, we knew such a<br />

work was very much needed. We did not suppose.it could be made at once a source of profit,<br />

but concluded, that with proper exertion it might afford a moderate compensation for the<br />

labor attending its preparation and expenses of publication, and that the rapid growth of<br />

the city would insure such an annual increase in its circulation, as would soon secure to<br />

the publisher an ample compensation. In these calculations we have been disappointed<br />

only in the start. It is true that in publishing the present series, we have, like those who<br />

preceded us, so far failed to receive an adequate compensation for our exertions, yet we have<br />

the satisfaction of announcing, that the work has met with such a reception from the<br />

citizens, as amounts to a guarantee of its future support, and encourages us to continue our<br />

efforts to make it what a <strong>Direc</strong>tory for such a city should be. The annual increase in the<br />

amount of the expenses attending the publication are small, when compared with the gross<br />

receipts, such as would in fact warrant its continuation, even if the avails of the present<br />

number, after paying the expenses of publication, would not moderately compensate the<br />

publisher for his time and trouble. This, however, we are happy to announce, is not the<br />

fact, and as we are well aware that a great proportion of the subscribers to the work feel<br />

interested in its success, we will give such data as will be suflScient to show them there is<br />

110 room for doubt, in regard to the future success ot the work. The receipts on account of<br />

the second issue of the work were nearly double those of the first, an advance of more llian 8H<br />

per cent., and those from the present number will amount to more than Ixith the preceding<br />

ones. The avails of the present issiie will afford a moderate compensation for the trouble<br />

attending its publication, sufficient to enableus to continue it, and live by that means. This<br />

we intend, but shall not rest satisfied either with the <strong>Direc</strong>tory itself as at present published,<br />

or the receipts arising from it. The prospect in regard to the work is now much better than<br />

it ha.sbeen at any previous time. The <strong>Direc</strong>tory in regard to its appeai'ance, the number of<br />

names it contains in proportion to the population represented, and we believe, in its general<br />

con-ectness and arrangement, will, as now published, rank favorably with those of other<br />

cities, yet it is not, by any means, what it might be made with a corresponding support ;<br />

in our opinion it is far from being soeh as it is the interest of this city to have, and<br />

such as we believe will hereafter receive an adequate support from the business portion<br />

of the citizens. We have heretofore had to devote a very large portion of our time in<br />

securing for it such a support as would insure its future success, we shall hereafter<br />

be engaged principally in the improvement of succeeding issues, being fully aware,<br />

that the knowledge of its utility is generally becoming known, and that it has already<br />

obtained such a standing among the citizens, that it will not require the same exertions<br />

to extend its circulation, which it hitherto has done.


Ablott's alley, fr. W. Kow to SmiUi, b. 4th and .'iLh<br />

Abigail, ir, MtLiii to Bvottdway,b. Hunt and Woodward.<br />

Accommodation, Ml. Adams.<br />

Adaiiiis, fr. tClm lu Pkiii., n. of Jefrerson.<br />

Alexiindcr. n. Ii. Uuany e. uf Vine<br />

Allison, fr. Main tu Vino, b, Mtrcer and Jjiberty.<br />

Anderson's AUty. n. from ~d i). Park and Mill<br />

Ann, fr. PluintoW. Kow, next u. of l^tli.<br />

Auburn, Mt. Auliuni.<br />

Arch, fr. Broadway to L;.ivience,b :'d and 4th.<br />

Ash, w. fr. Plum, next n. of liberty.<br />

Augusta, fr. W. Kuw to Smiib, b. 2nd and :M.<br />

Avery, fr Wood to \V. \V. (JhnjI, b. :id and .iLb<br />

Bach, fr. bejid of Wyhiut to H.nncrs. uf Hani, road<br />

Bailey's Court, fr. .Abbott'^ .i.Uey, b. John . and<br />

Sn-.ith.<br />

Baher, fr. Walnut to Vine, b. ?,d and 4th.<br />

Baltimore, w. from Sycamore n. of iVliami<br />

Bank alley, fv.I'd io4tl], b. Maiiiiuid W'alncit.<br />

Bank, fr. W. Row to Krceiuan, s. of Ham. Koad.<br />

Barley, fr, John to Smith b. Sd and 4th<br />

Barnard, s. from Harrison pilce, e of Western Av.<br />

Barnes alley, fr. Front to "Jiid, b. Main and Kyc.<br />

Barr, b. George iindTthw. fr. Mound.<br />

Bauimm's alley, fr. Mill to Stone, b. 4th pnd .'ith.<br />

Baum, fr. Observatory road to Hiyb, e. of Lock.<br />

Baymiller, fr. George to Cl.Tk, w. of Linn.<br />

Bedinyei, e. fr. Broadway, b. yth and nth.<br />

Bern, near n. end of Hamburg n. of Mnh.nvk<br />

Benham,s alley, fr. Race to Jillni, h, t.id and -Itb.<br />

Benton, fr. Vine to Hamer s. of Elder<br />

Betts, fr W. Kow to Freeman, b. Laurel and Clinton.<br />

Boai, e. from Sycamore, b. Milton and Prospect<br />

Booita. w. from Freemyn b. Gcst and Hopkina<br />

Borden's alley, Ir. Kace to Kim, b. 6th and George.<br />

Bratici.,w. ofDuiilupb. M. Canal and Urown<br />

• Bremen, fr. 12th to Liberty, b. Vine and Kace.<br />

Brigliton.fr. Barnard to Harrison Pike w. of Ben-<br />

Dison<br />

Broad, e. fr. Park, b. 2nd and ?d-<br />

Broadway, n. fr. river, h, .Sycamore and Ludlow.<br />

Brooks, n. from Ptbb. Harriet and Horn<br />

Brow, Vine st.Hill.<br />

Brown, e. from Miami Canal near Mohawk bridge<br />

Buchanan, fr. 4th to 5th, b. Broadway and Pike.<br />

Buckeye, w. from Main, b. Burgoyne aud Peet.<br />

Burgoyne, w. fr. Main, b. Ham. road aud Buckeye.<br />

Burnet, fr. Vine to Race. b. 3d and 4th.<br />

Burrow.'!, fr. Race to Elm, b. 2nd and Pearl.<br />

Butler, fr. River to 5Lh, b. Pike and M. Canal.<br />

Byrne, Mt. Auburn<br />

Canal, fr. Sycamore to Plum, on each side M.<br />

Canal.<br />

Carmalt, e. fr. Young n. of Channing<br />

Carr, I.-. Front to Hih, b. Freenran and Harriet.<br />

Cassait's ;illty. fi. iVTain to Broadway, b. Abigail<br />

and Woodward.<br />

Catharine, fr. W. Row to Freeman, b. Richmond<br />

and Elizabeth.<br />

Cedar, w. from Baymiller b. Catharine and Clark<br />

Celestial, Mt. Adams.-<br />

Center, fi. Vine to Elm,b. 5th andOth.<br />

Chdiming, e, fr. Young b. liinggold and Carmalt<br />

Charles, Yr. KIni to Plum, b. Canal and 12th.<br />

Charlotte, w. from W. Row b. Maple and York<br />

Cherry, fr. Race to W. Row,b. Front and 2nd.<br />

Cliestnut, fr. W, Kow to Fulton, b. Elizabeth and<br />

Clark.<br />

Church alley, fr. Main to Walnut, b. 4th and 5th-<br />

Clark, fr. W. Kow to Freeman, b. Chestnut and<br />

Hopkins<br />

Clarkson, fr. Ham. road to Bank, b.thc terminus<br />

of W. Row and Piatt.<br />

Clay, fr. Canal to Allison,b. Main and Walnut.<br />

Clearwater, e, from Fieeman s. of Ham, Road<br />

Clinton CouiL,n. s-Clinton, h. John and Cutter,<br />

Clinton, fr. W. Row to Freeman, b. Betts and Everett.<br />

College, fr. 6th to 7th, h. Vine and Race.<br />

(,'olldrd, fr. I,M unt to High, b. Lytl^ and Washington.<br />

Commerce, w. fr. Walnut, b. Front and 2nd.<br />

Congress, L'. I'l. BrnadwMy, b. 2nd and 3d, to Front.<br />

CorpuratiiMi Alley, fr. Price to Wilson n. of Liberty<br />

Cooper, fr. Elm to Dunlap, n. ofFindley.<br />

Cuurt, fr. W . Row to Deer Creek,b. 9lh and Canal..<br />

Cross, w. fr. w


Fremont, w. from Carr, n. of W. W. Canal<br />

Friendship .alley, fr. Lawrence to Butler, b. Front<br />

and Congress.<br />

. Front, fr. Fultpn to Mill Creek, b. Water and 2nd.<br />

Fulton, n. fr, 8th, b. John and Cutter, contlnua<br />

tion of Mound.<br />

Gano, from Main to Vine, b. 6th and 7th<br />

Garrard, n. from Gest, w. of Freeman<br />

Gas Alley, fr. Front to 2d w. of Kose<br />

George, fr. Race to Horn, b.Sth and 7th.<br />

Gest, w. from Freeman, n. of Richmond<br />

Gilmore's alley, fr. Frontto 2nd,b. Vine and Kace<br />

GifUn, e. from Ludlow, b. River and Front<br />

Graham, e. from Ohio Avenue<br />

Graham's alley, fr. W. Row to Smith b.Water and<br />

Front<br />

Grandin's alley, fr. Vine to Tlum. b. Coart and<br />

Canal.<br />

Grant, fr. Elm to Plum, b. 12tb and t4th.<br />

Green, fr. Vine to Elm, b. Liberty and Ham. road.<br />

Greenleafa alley,w.fr.W.Kow.b.Front and Augusta<br />

Guilford, n. fr. Dorsey w. ot Sycamore<br />

Hamburg, n. fr. Ham. road, near Mohawk bridge.<br />

Hamer, fr. Huber to Blder e. of Vine<br />

Hamilton road, w fr. Main, n. of Liberty.<br />

Hammond, fr. 3d to 4th. b. Main and Sycamore.<br />

Hannibal, n. from 5th b. W. W. Canal and Pierson<br />

Harriett, fr. Front to 6th, b. Carr and Horn.<br />

Harrison, e. fr. fir'dway, b. 5th and 6th.<br />

Harrison pike, w.fr. Brigh'n House.<br />

Hatch, Mt. Adams<br />

Hathaway, fr. Jane to W. W. Canal b. 6th & George<br />

Hickory, fr. W. Row. to Freeman, b. Wade and<br />

Liberty.<br />

High, fr. Butler, n. of Front, continuation of<br />

Symmes.<br />

Hill, Mt. Adams<br />

Home, fr. 4th to 5th, b. Elm and Plum.<br />

Hopkins, fr.W. Row to Mill Creek, b. Clark and<br />

Laurel.<br />

Horn.fr. Pront.n., near Mill Creek.<br />

Huber, e. from Vine, n. of Liberty<br />

Hughes, n. fr. Liberty b. Main and Sycamore<br />

-Hunt, fr. Main to Broadway, b. Canal and Abigail.<br />

Husted's alley, fr. 5th to 6th, b Elm and Plum.<br />

Jackson, fr. Canal to )3th, b. Walnut and Vine.<br />

Jail alley, fr. Main to Sycamore, b. Hunt and Abigail.<br />

Jane, fr. 6th to George w. of Cutter<br />

Jefferson, fr. Elm to Plum, n. of Madison.<br />

AaefTs alley, fr. Vine to Race, b. Canal and 12th.<br />

John, n. fr. River, t. W. Kow and Smith.<br />

Johnson's alley, fr. 7th to 8th, b.Vine and Race.<br />

Jones, fr. Everett to Liberty, b. Cutter and Linn.<br />

Kemble, fr. W. Row to Freeman, D Mh and Richmond.<br />

Ttenuer. w. from Freeman, n. of Hopkins<br />

Krameraburg,n. fr. Jefferson, h blm and M.Canal.<br />

Kilgour, fr. Front to High. e. I M. Caoril.<br />

Kossuth, fr. Catharine to Clark e. of Kitienhouse<br />

Langdon'^ alley, fr. 6th to Stli, b. Main and Syc.<br />

Laurel, fr. W. Row to Freeman, b. Hopkins a'nd<br />

Betts.<br />

Lawrence, fr. River to 4th, b. Ludlow and Pike<br />

Lawson. fr. 4th to 5th b. Main and Sycamore<br />

L'Hommedieu's alley, fr. W. Row to Smith b<br />

George and 7th. '<br />

Liberty, fr. Lebanon pike to Western Avenwe.<br />

Lineas.fr. W. Row to Piatt h. Dayton & Hani, road<br />

Locust, fr. Ham. road to junction of Guilford and<br />

Dorsey<br />

liinn, fr. George to Ham. road, b. Cutter and Baymiller.<br />

Livingston, w. from W. Row, b. Poplar and Maple<br />

tockjfr. High to 8th, next. e. of M. Canal.<br />

Locust, fr. Clark to Liberty,b. Linn and Freeman<br />

Lodge. fr.Sth to 7tb, b. Walnut & Vine.<br />

Logan, fr. Liberty to Findlay e. of M. Canal,<br />

Longworth, fr. Elm to Mill, b, 5th and (ilh, continuation<br />

of Center.<br />

Louis, fr. Vine to Pleasant, n. of Liberty.<br />

Lower Market, fr. Main to Broadway,b. 2nd and<br />

3d.<br />

ILudlow, fr. River to 4th, b. Broadway and Lawrence.<br />

lytle, fr. River to High,b. Parsons and CoUard.<br />

McAllister, fr. 4th to 5th, b. Broadway and Pike.<br />

McGrew, fr. Guilford to Alexander n. of ttuarry<br />

Mcllvaine, n. fr. Saunders b. Sycamore & Guilforc<br />

Madison, fr. Elm to Plum b. 14th and Jefferson<br />

Maiden Lane, w. fr. Gas house al b. Front and 20<br />

Main, fr. River n., b. Walnut and Sycamore.<br />

Mansfield, n. fr. Liberty, b. Sycamore and Broad<br />

Maple fr. W. How to Freeman, b. Poplar and York.<br />

Margaret.b. 6th and George w. of Mound<br />

Martin, Mt. Adams, continuation of Morton<br />

Mason fr. Plum to W. Row. b. Ann and Everett.<br />

McFarland fr. Elm to W. Kow, b. 3d and 4th.<br />

Mclancthon, fr. W. Kow west, b. Hickory and<br />

Liberty.'<br />

Mercer, fr. Walnut to Vine, b. Allison and 13tb.<br />

Miami, w. from Sycamore n. of Burgoyne<br />

Mill, fr. nver to 5th, b. Park and Stone.<br />

Miller, fr. 6th>to 8th, b. Main and Walnut.<br />

Milton, e. from Sycamore n. of Liberty<br />

Mitchell, Mt. Adams<br />

Mohawk, w. fr. Race, n. of Ham. road.<br />

Monroe, w. from Elm b. Adams and Liberty<br />

Morton, from Congress n. to High<br />

Moses, fr. P»rk to Stone, b. 4th and 5th.<br />

Mound, fr. 5th to 8th. w. of Smith.<br />

Mount, w. from Sycamore n.of Keeder<br />

Mulberry, w. fr Main. b. Peet and Quarry.<br />

New, fr. Sycamore to M. Canal, b. 6th and 7th.<br />

New. continuation of Bremen, frLiberty to Ham.<br />

road.<br />

Ninth, fr. Broadway to W. Row, b. 8th and Court.<br />

North, fr. Ham. road to Plum, n. of Green.<br />

North, fr. 6th to7th, b. Sycamore and Broadway,<br />

Observatory, Mt. Adams.<br />

Ohio Av, n. ffom Ham. road continuation of Race<br />

Oliver, fr. Linn to Piatt, b. Poplar and Liberty.<br />

Orchard, fr. Main to Sycamore b. Webster and<br />

Liberty.<br />

Oregon, fr- Catharine to Clark, b. Fulton and<br />

Cutter.<br />

Ormsby's Alley, w. from W. Row b. Augusta and 2d<br />

Pancoast alley fr.7th to 9th, b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Park, 2d to 6th, b. Smith and Mill.<br />

Parsons, fr. river to High, w. of Jjytle.<br />

Patterson's alley, fr. Main to Walnut, b. 5th and<br />

6th.<br />

Pavilion, Mt. Adams.<br />

Pearl, fr. Main, to W. Row b. 2d and 3d.<br />

Peet, w. fr. Main, b. Burgoyne and Mulberry,<br />

Pendleton, n.fr. Lebanon pike, e. of Broadway.<br />

Perpendicular AUev, Mt. Adams<br />

Perry, fr. Plum to'W. Row, b. 4th and Sth.<br />

Phoebe,from Plum to W. Row b. Front and 2d<br />

Piatt, fr. Liberty to M, Canal, continuation of<br />

Locust.<br />

Pierson, fr. 5th to 6th, w. of W. W. CanaL<br />

Pike, fr. river to Sth, b. Lawrence and Butler.<br />

Pine, fr. Cedar to Clark b. Baymiller and Freeman<br />

Pine Alley,s. Ir. 15th b. Pleasant and Elm<br />

Pleasant, fr. 14th to Liberty, b. Kace and Elm.<br />

Pleasant, s. fr. Ham. road, b. Walnut and Vine.<br />

Pleasant Court, e. s. Elm, b. 4th and 5lh.<br />

Plum, fr. river n., b. Elm and W. Row.<br />

Poplar, fr W. Kow io Freman, n. of Liberty.<br />

Poplar, n, fr. Ham. road, w. of Walnut.<br />

Price, n. from Liberty e. of Young<br />

Produce alley, fr. 2d to L. Market, b. Main and Syc.<br />

Prospect, e. fr. Sycamore, 3d st. D. of Liberty.<br />

Prospect, w. fr. w. end of Cross n. of Mohawk<br />

Providence, fr. Everett to Liberty, b. Plum and<br />

W. How.<br />

Quarry, w. fr. Main, n.of Mulberry.<br />

Race, n. fr. river, b. Vine and Elm.<br />

""jmsjy, fr- Front to W. W. Canal Basin w. of<br />

Rice, n. fr. Mulberry b. Alexander and Fox<br />

Keeder, w. fr. Sycamore n. of Dorsey<br />

Heed's Av. from Elm to Plum b. Court and Canni<br />

Re^y^nolds, fr. Front to Pearl, b. Main and WaV.<br />

Richmond, fr. W. Row to Freeman, b. Kemble and *<br />

Caihanne. **<br />

Riddle, s. from Harrison pike, w. of Brighton hoase<br />

Kmggold, from Walker to Price b. . Prospect »«.? and<br />



Kittenhouse, fr. Catharine to Clark, b. Cutter and<br />

Linn.<br />

Rose, fr. Front to 3d, h. Smith and Park.<br />

Sargent, fr. Freeman to Carr n. of Front<br />

Sassafras, n. fr. Ash, b. Plum anu W. Row.<br />

.Saunders. Mt. Auburn<br />



EiMY Sc WIL.COJL, (Stephen O. A. & Al­<br />

A fred W.) bauUers. s.s. Jd, w.'of Walnut<br />

Atkins Richard, n.b. Grant b. Elm and Plum<br />

Ban Ii. W. 8 Main • ,<br />

AXCHEI^UCK KEV. J. L. ,pub. Journal<br />

and messenger, 34 w. 4th<br />

^Mht Conrad (G. Neeb & Co.) r,ti Broadway<br />

Bigger James E. real estate and nego. ofBce, 224<br />

OHNSTON J. & J. HI. box manuf, office<br />

J 41 Walnut , -<br />

1/ ECK. GEORGE, Railroad car manuf. office<br />

K. s.a. Front b. T.P, 42 and 43 F'n<br />

Kelly Michael, lab. s.s. Front b. Kace and Elm<br />

Kenlpf M. finisher, at Powell's fouudry<br />

K<br />

|L,BRU'rH & DEOAinif, (James P. K..<br />

& Harvey 1).) lumber yard, s.e,c.l2ih and PInm<br />

Kilbreth James P. (K. & Decamp) n.s. Franklin b.<br />

OUTON JACOB, ec. physician, n.w.c. 9th Sycamore and Broadway<br />

B and Raice, hw.s. W. Row op, 9ih . . . K-ingsnorth Miss, Sarah A. dress mkr. 168 w. Sth,<br />

TtRDNSWICK & H01.il!*IALB, billiard h. Cutler w. of Barr<br />

J) table manuf. n.w.c. Walnut and M. Canal op, Kinion C. machinist, at H. H. Miller & Sons'<br />

M, Greenwood's foundry<br />

Kinney Dennis, lab. n.s, 2d b. Broadway & Ludlow<br />

Bninet S, G. dept. clerk. Supreme Court<br />

Kinney Thomas, shoe mkr. at Filley & Chapin'a,<br />

UMGOVME: JUUIN, pres't National Ins. bds. 0. Front and Ludlow<br />

B ^Co. of Cincinnati, 6 e. Front, 2d stoi-y Kinsey Oliver, patent medicines, n.s. 6th b. Plum<br />

B V T L E K ic BRUTHEK have removed to and W. Kow<br />

27'Pcarl , ^ Kouutz Capt. H. s.w.c. Front and Race<br />

Carpenter A. B. notions, w,s. Walnut b. Sth & 6th Kramliert George, carp. n.s. Cherry h. Race & Elm<br />

riU.lKTER O,*KI>IFEI«S.€O.0fHart. Laby Thomas, foreman in SeyboUI's plane factory<br />

\j ford, Conn. H. E. S|iencer, agent, S6 w. 4th ATHAM & MOOBK, have removed ton.<br />

CofTin Wra. G. elk. at VV. E Ogborn & Go's, h. 326 L w.c. 2d and Walnut<br />

w.7th<br />

LAWRENCE D. M. wb.hardware and cut­<br />

OIiEiniA.1V&: WITHEKEB, carriage bolt lery, 198 Main op. Sth st. Market Space<br />

C manuf. s.s. 12th b. Race and Elm<br />

Lee Joseph C. printer, bds. D. Martin's, s.s. 2d b.<br />

C01iVII,I,iE ANDREW B. scale manuf, Broadway and Ludlow<br />

n.s. 2d b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Little S ROBERT, notary public, s.w.c.<br />

R Sycamore and 8th<br />

Kice Rev. N. L., D.U. n.s. 7th b. Mound and Cutter<br />

(^IPENCER, SMITH &COKWIJ^E,attyg<br />

iJ at law. n.w.c. ?d and Main<br />

Smith W. F. perfumery, n.e.c. 4th and Vina<br />

Taft Alphonso (T. &Mallon) Mt. Auburn<br />

Taft Peter R. Mt. Auburn, e.s. Auburn st<br />

rnHORPE W. COLEMAN, atty at law<br />

i 130 Walnut ' ' "' "''^•<br />

Tinnemann Philip, blk. smith, w.s. Race b Lihcrni<br />

and Green "'•«<br />

Trevor Samuel, 34 w. 4th. h.s.s. 7th b. John ._!<br />

Cutter *"*<br />


S. and O. E. Newton, eds, and pubs. 89 w 7V1!<br />


.^m't^^<br />

T. Wrightson, Printer, 43 Main street.<br />



FOR<br />

<strong>1851</strong>—<strong>52</strong>.<br />


acct. accountant; aL alley or allopathic; atty. attorney; b. between; bds.boards; b. b. boarding house;<br />

b.k.book keeper; bh. book or brick; bidg. building; bo. botanic; c. corner; carp, carpenter; elk. clerk;<br />

com. commission; confec. confectioner; e. east; ec. eclectic; ex. exchange; F'n. Fulton; h. house- ho!<br />

homoeopathic; Jab. laborer; M. Miami; manuf. manufactory or manufacturer; raer. meicbant; mkr!<br />

maker; n. north; opp. opposite; s. s'mth or side; T. P. Telegraph Post; tp. township; U. Upper; w!<br />

wes*.: wh. wholesale: W. W. "White Water.<br />

ABE ABO<br />

Abba John, baker, n.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

Abel Mrs. Magdaline, washing. Friendship Alley<br />

Abbets Henry, lab. w.8. Jackson b. 12th and J3th b. Pike and Butler<br />

Abbey William, atty. 2 Law Buildings<br />

Abel Wm. J. bk. binder, n.s. 7th b. Cutter and Lion<br />

Abbot John, lab. at Johnson, .Vlorton & Go's Aber Jacob S. (Comstock, Willcox & Co.) bds. Kt<br />

Abbott ChaB. S. (A. & Co.) bds. at Arbour Eating F. Haijd's jr<br />

Rooms<br />

Abcnethy W. lab. at Robert Cruise<br />

BBOTT & CO. (Chas. S. A., Anthony Deffen- Abker Henry, lab. e.s. Hughes b. Liberty & Schiller<br />

A baugh,Wm.H. Deffeubaugh & Geo, T. Brown,) Able James, bk. binder, n.s. Vanhorn b. Cutter aifd<br />

pubs. Nonpareil, 0 w. Sth<br />

Linn<br />

Abbott Hiram, butcher, n.s Bank b. Linn & Piatt Ablehart Maiy, n.s. Frontb.T.P.4 and 5 F'n<br />

Abbott Lucius, bds. at A. H. Stowell'e<br />

Ableng Henry, boot and shoe mkr. bds. at J. H.<br />

Abbott Wm. cooper, c. Bremen and 13th, h. w.s. Gottbehodc<br />

Cutter b. Laurel and Betts<br />

Abler Henry, teamster, s.s. Clark b. Freeman and<br />

Abee Frederick, lab. w.s, Pleasant b. 14th and 15th Miller<br />

Abel Henry, grocery, n.s. Green b. Race and Bre­ Abney Presley, river man, e.s. Sycamore b. Boal<br />

men<br />

and Miller<br />

Abel Joseph, grocery, n.s. 6th b. Harriett and Horn Aboits Joseph, finisher at Poweirs fouadrr





rviArstuFAC-ruRER OF<br />



Walnut Street, between Pearl and Third, Cincinnati.<br />

Being . member of Ihe above orders, I am prepared at all tiroes to furnish everythiog apperlaioing thereto with<br />

puDClualil}' and dispatch<br />

ADA AFT<br />

Abraham Abraham, furnishing store, (children's) 68 Adams James, steward, bds. Robert Stevenson's<br />

w. 4th, h.n.w.c. 3d and W. Row<br />

Adams James, blacksmith, bds. Mrs. Sarah Car-<br />

Abraham Joseph, Notary Public, 55 Main, h.w.s. nahan's<br />

Plum b. Longworth and 6th<br />

Adams Jesse M. travelling agent, s.s. Canal b. Race<br />

BRAHAJn: liEWIS, wh. liquors, wines, and Elm<br />

A and cigars, 11 Walnut, h.n.s. 9th b. Elm and Adams John, drayman, n.s. Wade b. Cutter & Linn<br />

Plum<br />

Adams John, pattern mkr. n.s. Pearl b.Vine and<br />

Abrams John, miller, e.s. Broadway, b. Sth & 9th Race, h. 184 Longworth<br />

Abrams Mrs. Sarah, 135 w. 7th<br />

Adams John, finisher, s.s.2d b. Race and Elm, h.s.s.<br />

Achant Etiza, bk. sewer, bds. at 35] Race<br />

Front b. Plum and W. Row<br />

CHET HENBY, Gait House, s.w.c. 6th and Adams John N. cabt. mkr. n.s. 3d b. Wood and<br />

A Main<br />

Stone<br />

Achey Manuel, Chemist, bds. nt J. C. Baum's Adams John Q. elk. steamboat, e.s. W. Row b.<br />

Ackarman Simon, moulder, n.s. Ann b. Plum and M'Farland and 4th<br />

W. Row<br />

Adams Lewis, shoe mkr. e.s. Vine b. ]2th & Canal<br />

Ackermao Christian W. elk. at G. A- Franks, bds. Adams Michael, cabt. mkr. Front b. Harriett and<br />

at Andrew Roegel<br />

Horn<br />

Aokerman Mrs. Eliza, glove cleaner,n.s. Sth b. John Adams Nathan, lab. n.s. Slow 4 doors w. of Harriet<br />

and Fulton<br />

Adams Richard, painter, bds. Francis Craig<br />

Ackerstaff L. carp. e.s. Pleasant s. of 14th Adams Robert F. constable, s.e.c. Park and 3d<br />

Ackley Abram, n.s. Clark b. Linn and Cutter Adams Samuel, carp, e.s. Cuttei b. Catharine and<br />

Ackley George, boatman, w.s. Cutter b. Clark and Clark<br />

Hopkins<br />

Adams Solomon, salesman, 150 Main<br />

Ackley Hezekiah, watchman s.s. Richmond b. Ful­ Adams Solomon, grocery, n.w.c. 7th & Broadway<br />

ton and Cutter<br />

Adams Thomas D. teacher. No. 6 Clinton Court<br />

Ackley John, teamster, s.e.c. Hickory and Linn Adams Valentine, moulder, n.s. Liberty b. \V. Row<br />

Ackley Samuel, sexton of Cumminsville Cemetery, aud John.<br />

h.e.s. Cutter b. Catharine and Clark<br />

Adams Williard,e.s "W.Rowb.9th and Court h n.<br />

Ackley William, stone yard, n w.c. Catharine and s. Kemble w. of Hairiet<br />

Rittenhouse<br />

Adams William, omnibus driver n.s. Ham. Road<br />

CKLEY WM. E. broker, 140 Walnut bds. w. of Freeman<br />

A at City Hotel<br />

Adams William A. 117 Broadway<br />

Ackman Henry, foundry man, s.s. Abigail b. Syca­ Adams Willinm A. 62 Pike<br />

more and Broadway<br />

Adams Wm H (Willi anis& Adams) n.s. Longworth<br />

Acrey John, tobacconist, s.s, 2d b. Race and Elm b. W. Ron- and John<br />

h.s.s. Moses b. Mill and Stone<br />

A DAMSON KOBERT, cooper s.s. Front<br />

Acton Clement, J. (Acton & Woodnut) 304 Vine £\ and 0.9. Water b. Kace and Elm<br />

CTON & WOODIVCT, (Clement J.Acton Adaz Jacob, grocery w.s. Clay t>. 13th and Allison<br />

A and Thomas Woodnut) wh. dry goods, 211 Main Adderly William, clerk 23 w. 4th<br />

Adae Charles F. (C F.A. & Labrot) n.s. Liberty e. Addis John, lab. at Powell's foundry<br />

of Broadway<br />

DDIS WILLIAM, tailor and regalia manu­<br />

DAE C. F. & I.ABUOT, (Chas. F. Adao<br />

A A facturer, e.s. Walnut b. Pearl and 3d h. n. a 4th<br />

and August A. Labrot) com. mers. and imp. of b. Smith and Park.<br />

wines, liquors, cigars, &c. 16 w. Front Addis William, variety store s.s. Symmes b Kil­<br />

Adams Andrew, carp. n.s. Milton b. Wilson and gour and Mt. Carmei<br />

Broadway<br />

Adams Benjamin, drayman, s.s. Clark b. Cutter and<br />

Addleman Joseph P. elk 65 Main<br />

Adkins Edward, ship carp. s.s. Front b.T P 4 and<br />

Linn<br />

5 F'n<br />

DAMS & CO, (Alvin Adams, Wm. B. Dins- Adkins Kmery, ship carp. s.s. Front b. T.P. 13 and<br />

A more, Edward S. Sanford, Samuel M. Shoema­ 14 Fulton<br />

ker, Wm. S. Woodside, Geo. W. Cass, and<br />

Howard Kennedy,) Eastern and Western Ex- Adkins Henry, ship carp. B.s. Front b. T.P 1 and 2<br />

Fulton<br />

presh, Geo. Mowton, agent, 15 e. 3d<br />

Adams Christopher, T. elk. 134 Main<br />

Adkins Mrs. M. J. dress mkr. 261 Longworth<br />

Adams Daniel, ccffee h. 241 w. Gth, h.c. WaUc and Adler Albert, s.e.c. Bremen and Kace<br />

Smith<br />

Aeglor Andrew, Front St. House n.s. Front b.<br />

Adams Daniel. Stereotyper, bds.1 Harrison<br />

Broadway and Ludlow<br />

Adams David, Wade St. Exchange, a.n. Wade b. Aeith Phillip, butcher e.s. Locustb. Poplar & Maple<br />

Johu and Linn<br />

Alderheida Barney, driver furniture car for J Mul­<br />

Adams David T. elk. 172 Main bds. at 107 w. .5th len, P.P. Sth b, Linn and Baymiller<br />

Adams Edward F. atty. 8 e.2d, bds. Boston Eating Afderheida Henry, furniture car s.s. 3d op. Wood<br />

House<br />

Afenker Frank, carp. s.s. Barr b. Baymiller and<br />

Adams Francis, finisher, s.s. Allison, b. Walnut<br />

Freeman<br />

and Vine<br />

Aftcrhall Henry, tailor w.s. Pleasant b. Green and<br />





No. 68 Sycamore Street, East side, between lower Market and Third.<br />

His mahogany Saw Mill is on the north side of Pearl street, between Elm and Plum Sawing<br />

fi done to order. Also,<br />


Constantly on hand and for sale at the store on Sycamore street.<br />

T. WriehtMiii. Printer, 43 M;iin Htrcel, Cincinnafi.<br />

ALB ALE<br />

Agau Bridget, s.e.c. 2d and Plum.<br />

Agan Peter, lab. e.s. Cutter b. Clark and Catharine<br />

Agar Wm. P. carp. w. s. Smith s. of fith.<br />

Aghers George, moulder at Martin, Anshutz & Co's<br />

Agen Cossan, lab. s.s. Adams b. Elm and Plum<br />

Agert Adrian V. salesman 22 w. 2d h. 103 w. Sth<br />

Agin Albert G. (Schartz & A.) bds, M. G. Sackett<br />

Agin Wm. drayman e. s. Dublin n. df bock.<br />

Agnew & Parkinson, coffee h. s.s Front b. T.P.<br />

25 and 26 F'n<br />

Agnew Samuel, painter s.s. Webb b. Smith & Park<br />

Agnew Wm. (A. & Parkinson) opp. T. P. 24 F'n<br />

Aharn Daniel, shoe mkr. n.s. 7th b. Plum and W.<br />

Row<br />

Aharn Edward, carp. e.s. Piatt b. Linn and Maple<br />

A'Herne Edward, carp, n.e.c. W. Row & Ash<br />

Ahlborn William, shoe mkr. n.w.c. David and John<br />

Albers Henry H. lab. e.s. Kace b. Green and Liberty<br />

Albert Adam, pilot, n.s. From b. Lytle and High<br />

Albert Andrew, lab. Lodgeb. 6th and Gano<br />

Albert Jacob C. s.s. High b. Collard and Front<br />

Albert John H. st. mason, w.s. Tanner b. Liberty<br />

and Webster<br />

Albertney Catharine, w.s. Race b. Front and Water<br />

Albricbt Gotlieb, t'-unk maker, e.s. Broadway b.<br />

Hunt and Abigail<br />

Albright William, carp, at Parvin & Johnson<br />

A<br />

LBKO HEIVRV, hardware and mahogany<br />

dealer,(38 sycamore, res. Covington<br />

Albus Gerhard, lab. s.s. Buckeye b. Main & Locust<br />

Albus Joseph, w.s. Vineb. 2d and Front<br />

Alcan Lewis, painter at Burley


B. K. ALLEY,<br />




ALL<br />

Allan John, 22 e. 4tb<br />

Allan George,(A & Porter)George b. Baymiller and<br />

Freeman<br />

Allan & Porter (Geo. Allan & Janries Porter), paintera<br />

w.s. Plum b. ,^>Lh and Longworth<br />

AUbaker Joseph, D. Robinson & Co. e.s. Vine b.<br />

Liberty and L^th<br />

AUbecker John, tanner, s.s. Ham. road b. Race and<br />

Elm<br />

Allcorn Sarah, seamstress, n.s. Catherine b. Baymiller<br />

and Freeman<br />

Allen Albert, ivaggon mkr. s.s. Cherry b.Race and<br />

Elm<br />

AUcB Alfred, s.a. Longworth b. Smith aud Mound<br />

Allen Alfred F. (Allen &Co.)135 w.Sth<br />

Allen Caleb (C. ik W. H. A.), w.s. Elm b. 4th and ."ilh<br />

Alien & Co.(Marston Allen, Samuel B Allen, Chas.<br />

H. Allen Alfred F. Alltn), s.w.c. Slh and mam<br />

Allen Chappel, lab. n.s. 6tb b. Broad way and Culvert<br />

A. W. ANDERSON,<br />

C A R V E R ,<br />

Ionic, CorintMan & Composite<br />




Nortb side SeconcI,<br />


ALL<br />

Alexander Henry, produce dealer, n.s, Ham. road Allen Charles H. (AUen &Co.) s.s. 8tb b. Race and<br />

b. Main and Locust<br />

Elm<br />

Alexander James, 12 w. Sth, h, s.s. 4th b. Elm and lil^EN C, A: W. H. (Caleb Allen & Wm. H.<br />

Plum<br />

A Allen) imp's watches, watchmakers'materials,<br />

Alexander John, harness mkr. 89 Main, h. n.e.c. 3d &c. 117 Main<br />

and Plum<br />

Allen David, 343 w. 6th<br />

Alexander John, trunk mkr, bds. Washington H'se Allen David P. brh. layer and plasterer, n.s. George<br />

liEXAl^ BKK JOHN, M. D., F. K. C. S. S. b. Cutter and Linn<br />

A 60 w. 6th b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Allen Eliza, tailoress, n.s. M canal b Race & Elm<br />

Alexander John, finisher at Martin, Anshutz &Co. Allen Frances R. seamstress, w.s. Plum b. 2nd and<br />

Alexander Joseph, w.s. Kace,b. M, Canal and 32th Front<br />

Alexander Joseph, bath house, s.e. 3d b.Vine and Allen George M. n.e.c. Main and 6th, bds. M. AlleD<br />

Race<br />

Allen Henry, s.s. Harrison e. of Broadway<br />

Alexander Lewis, elk. w.s. Race b. Canal and 12th Allen James, blacksmith, n.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

Alexander Lewis, packer, c. Canal and Kace r.EEIV JOHN,surgeon dentist, 59 w. 4tb b.<br />

Alexander Robert,salesman, 10 Pearl,bds. Walnut A Walnut and vine<br />

St. House<br />

Allen John calker e.s. Ramsey b, Canal and Front<br />

Alexander William, carp. n.s. 6th b. Broadway Allen John A. ship carp. s.s. Front b. T, P. 13 and<br />

and Culvert<br />

14, F'n<br />

Alexander Stephen, cooper, s.s. Front b. Race and Allen John K. batter, bds. Mrs. G. Vansant<br />

Vine, res. Covington<br />

Allen Joseph, cattle dealei, e.s. Race b. ISth and<br />

Alexander Thomas, carp. bds. B VV. Alexander Liberty<br />

Alexander William, elk. bds. No. 12 w. hih Allen Lewis, mill stone mkr. bds. Fireman's Hall<br />

Alf Frank, cab't mkr. e.s. Plum between Jeffer­ Allen L. D. b. k. for John D. Park, h. 13 College st<br />

son and Adams<br />

Allen Marston, (Allen & Co.) s.w.c. Sth and Race<br />

Alf Harmen, lab. e.s. Jefferson b.Elm and Plum Allen Nancy, tailoress. s.s. Front b.T.P.7 and 8 F'n<br />

Alf John, lab. s.s. Jefferson b. Elm and Plum ELEtV WIKUM, aLpbys. 59 w.4thb. WAI.<br />

Alf Richard, shoe mkr. at C. Druker's,n.s, Front b. A nut and Vine<br />

Cor. line and T. P. I, F'n<br />

Allen Peter, foreman, 41 w.3d<br />

Alf William, wagon mkr. s.s. Liberty b. W. Row Allen Robert, plasterer, s.s. Sth b. Lock and Baum<br />

and John<br />

Allen Samuel ti.{A.& Co.) s.e.c. Sth and Race<br />

Alfcrs Henry, feed store, e.s. Vine b Allison & 13th Allen Thomas H. C (J. N. Harris & Co.) bds. Gib­<br />

Alfred Daniel, ship carp. n.s. railroad h. T. P. 18 son House<br />

and 19 F'n<br />

AELEI^ VAIiENTINE R. stencil cutter.<br />

Alfterhide Rudolph, lab. w.s. W. Row b. David J\ 141 Walnut bds. U. S. Hotel<br />

and Wade<br />

Allen William, chair mkr, 55 George<br />

Algood William, cooper,s.s. 7th b. Broadway and Allen William, produce dealer, 200 w. 6th h. 55<br />

Sycamore<br />

Vieorge<br />

Alguire Sebestian, tinner, s.s. Clinton b. Cutter Allen William, blacksmith, n.s. Hopkins b. Joha<br />

and Linn<br />

and Cutter<br />

Allaban Patrick, waggon mkr. w.s.Butler b. Front Allen William, bds. J. B. Kent<br />

and Congress<br />

Allen William, cabnt. mkr. n.s. Richmond b. John<br />

LLAERB^ JAMES P.Drick layer,s.s.l21h and Fulton<br />

A b. Vine and Kace.<br />

Allen Wm. H. (C. & W. H. A.) 113 George<br />

Allan John, shoe mkr. bds. C. Clark<br />

Allen William T. ship carp. s.s. Front b.T P 7 and<br />

8 F'n<br />

AUerton John, moulder, 178 w. 3d<br />

Alley Albert, confec. n.s. Sth b. Elm and Plum<br />

LiL-KY rt. K.hats, caps, »fec. 41 Broadway<br />

A w.s.b. Front and 2d<br />

Alley Samuel A. printer, n.s. Barr b. Baymiller and<br />

Freeman<br />

Allgaier Henry, W. W. Canal Hotel, s s W W Ca<br />

nal basin 2d door w. of John • • • v^«<br />

^"^'and'un'^n'^'^" ^' ''""''" '•'• ^^^"^°° ^- ^"^^^<br />

^^^"Wood"""^^' *^^''^^^""f- S.3. Sth b. Stone and<br />

Alligan George,lab. n.s. Wntor b. Race and Elm<br />

A gan Kich.rd, trader, n.s. Water b. Race &Sm<br />

Allison Jas. G. tinner, 13 Front<br />

Allison Robert C. salesman 16 Pearl, bds. Gibson<br />

House "".<br />

Allison Robert C. elk. s.s. Sth b. Smith and Park




Have now on hand at their lumber yards, corner of Scott and Second streets, and on j<br />

[the Lexington Pike, between Washington and Russell streets, opposite B. H. HcUman's J<br />

! store. No. 45, in Covington, also corner of Liberty and Walnut streets, in Cincinnati,<br />


[ Of all kinds usually kept in lumber yards. Also, Lumber from their Saw Mill on the Landing,<br />

5 in Covington, opposite Western Row ferry, enabling them to<br />


At tlie clieapest rates, and on tlie best terms^<br />

And in large or small quantities to suit purchasers.<br />

AMB AND<br />

Allison William, brass finisher, bds. Baltimore<br />

House<br />

Allison Wm. H. carp, s.e.c. Plum and Sth<br />

Allman James, engine builder, e.s. Anderson b.<br />

Canal and Front<br />

AUmier Matthew, shoe mkr. s.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

Allshure Solomon, w.s. Walnut b. Allison and Liberty<br />

Aimers Henry, lab. Ganob- Vine and Lodge<br />

Almon John, carp. e.s. Broadway b. Hunt and<br />

Abigail<br />

Alms Frederick, porter, n.w.c. Main and 2d, h.e.s<br />

T- Wrightjon, Printer, 43 Main.<br />

Amberg & Weiler, (H. J. & Lewis A. & Samuel<br />

W.) wh. clothiers n.e.c. Front and Sycamore<br />

Ambers Francis, n.s. 2d b.Elm and Plum<br />

Ambrecht Frederick, tailor, n.s. Fountain<br />

Am, B.C. F. Missions, 30 w. 4tb<br />

A<br />

MERICAN EXPRESS CO. (Livington,<br />

Fargo & Co.) Henrie House<br />


Kev. Samuel Day, Sec'y, 28 w. 4th<br />

1 MERICAN RESTAUR A'r, John B.GaniV<br />

ter, n.s. 3d b. Walnut and Vine<br />

American Sunday School Union, 30 w. 4th<br />

Miller b. 6th and 7th<br />

M. MOT, INS, CO, of N. Vork, A. S. Chew<br />

liMS HENRV, Verandah, s.s. 3d h. Main<br />

A A agt. 15 Front<br />

and Walnut<br />

AM'R MUT, EIFE INS. CO, of New<br />

Alms Henry, carp, s.e.c. Race and Liberty<br />

Haven, Ct., Frost & Foster agts. 12 Main<br />

Alms Henry A. dry goods, s.w.c. Vine and Liberty AM, TRACT SOCIETY, depot and agency<br />

I.MS AVIIililAM, Globe Hotel, s.w.c. 3d Seely Wood agent, 163 Walnut<br />

A and Race<br />


Ai.MY SXEPHEW O. banking house, s.s. 9 e 3d opp. Henrie House<br />

3d b. Walnut and Vine h. 122 w.7th<br />

Ames Dan, 134 e. 4th<br />

Alph George, cabt. mkr. s.s. Front b. W. Row and Ames William, calker at J. Litherbury's<br />

Plum<br />

Ameskamp Clemens, tailor, 262 Main<br />

Alpha Henry, al.phys. 125 w. Sth<br />

A mrhein B. baker, s.s. Elder b. Race and Bremen<br />

Alsop Thomas, cooper, bds. John Bolen<br />

Amrust John, b. and ch. n.s. Ham. road b. Main<br />

Alsten Cornelius H. n.s.Sth b. Broadway and Pike and Locust<br />

Altfoght Wm. lab, n.s. 2d b. Vine and Race Amschler Joseph, vest mkr. e.s. Bremen b. 15th and<br />

Altemier Henry, tailor, n.s.2d b. Vine and Race Liberty<br />

Altenua Henry, carp. w.s. Plum b. McFarland Amtaur Henry, coflfee h.e.s. Linn b. Catharine and<br />

and 4th<br />

Clark<br />

Alter Charles, elk. at Central Ch. Herald Office, h. Amtaur Henry, shoe mkr. n.s. Front b. Broadway<br />

n.s. 7th b. John and Mound<br />

and Ludlow<br />

Alter Theresia, n.s. railroad b. T. P. 26 and 27 F'n Analt Philip, lab w.s. Ham. road b.Poplar& Locust<br />

I^TER "%VIELEAM, Gilmorc House, n.s. Ancker Adolph, salesman, 22 e. 2d h.n.s. Long-<br />

A Front b. Vine and Race<br />

worth b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Alter Wm. F. pilot, bds. Gilmore House<br />

Ancker Alfred, 73 w. 7th<br />

AlvesMrs. Han nab, n.s. Richmond b. Cutter & Linn AncUer Jacob P. elk. 40 Walnut<br />

Alvord James H. bds. Wm. B. Alvord<br />

Ancker Mitchel, VA4 Longworth<br />

Alvord Wm. B. b. k. 198 w. 3d<br />

Anderlin Theobald H. coffee h. 61 Court<br />

Always John B. e.s Ludlow b. Congress and 3d Anders Joseph, drayman, w.s. Lawrence b.2d and<br />

I."WES HENRY, mineral water manuf. s. Congress<br />

A s. Pearl b. Vine and Race, h.n.s. Gano b. Wal­ Anderson Rev. n.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />

nut and Vine<br />

Anderson Alexander, barber, c, Sth and Elm h.e.s<br />

Amann Henry, stone dresser, n.e.c. Buckeye and Freemen b. W. W. Canal and Sth<br />

Locust<br />

NDERSON AEONZO \V, house and ship<br />

Amann Martin, carver, n.s. Findlay b. Race &Elm A carver, n.s. 2d b. Race and Elm h.s.s. Water b.<br />

Amann Peter, w.s. Broadway b. Court and Hunt Plum and W. Row<br />

Amberg H. J. (A. & Weiler)<br />

Anderson Charles, (King, A. & Herron) 301 Race<br />

Amberg Sellig, (A. & Stachel) n.s. 6th b. Main and NDERSON IIAVID, books and stationary<br />

Sycamoie<br />

A 34 w. 4th b.n.e.c, 7th and Elm<br />

Amberg & Stachel, (Sellig Amberg & Wm. Stachel) Anderson David, painter, w.s. Elm b. Green and<br />

clothiers 209 Main<br />

Findley<br />

Amberg W. manuf, of rectifier's charcoal, n.w.c. Anderson David, mill stone dresser, at J. Bradford<br />

Walnut and Ham. road<br />

&. Co's



J. ASHCRAFT & CO.,<br />

N<br />

M<br />

a.<br />

^SGi*-<br />

^@)^®.|££@)@.H^®|«J"^<br />

GEO. MIX,<br />

II'B lulle imporlant all should knotr<br />

Thai w,tnl pood coal, jusi where to go ;<br />

And il you want what will burn nice,<br />

Thal'a what we keep al lowest price.<br />

We spare no pains lo get Die best.<br />

Which we'll deliver East or West;<br />

If that won^i do, ope" your mouth,<br />

And well deliver North or South.<br />

Send in your orlers—few or many,<br />

And have them filled wjrh TougbinpheiiT.<br />

You'll find it well to keep this card,<br />

It wil direct ynu lo the yard.<br />

SouUi East Corner of Cong^ress and EaTvrence Streets.<br />


AND AND<br />

a<br />

S3<br />

e<br />

''^m<br />

Anderson David G. plasterer, n.s. 8tli b. Laurel and Anderson William, grocery, n.s. Front b.T.P 9 and<br />

Baymiller<br />

Anderson Mrs Eliza, s.s. Water 2d door e. of Smith 10 F'n<br />

Anderson Mis. Elisabeth, s.s. 6th b. Elm & Plum Anderson William, salesman, 87 Main bds. Walnut<br />

Anderson Georp:e,carp. bds. J.Woodruff<br />

St. Honse<br />

.iuderson George, carp. s.s. 6th b. Elm and Plum Anderson William, trunk mkr. at Parvin & John­<br />

bds. J. Clirisinans<br />

son's<br />

Anderson Hadden. ship carp.n.s.R.K,b.T.P. 18 aud Anderson William B. ship carp. s.s. Front b T P<br />

lOF'n<br />

17 and 18 F'n ' ' '<br />

Anderson H. T. cnEiineer al. b. Jefferson & Adams Anderson W. S. cooper, w.s. Bremen b.Mth & 15th<br />

Anderson Isaac, cik. at W. Anderson's, s.s. Front Anderson Yeatman,salesman, 16 Pearl<br />

b.T.P. 9 and 10 F'n<br />

Andress Chas. O. (F. & C. A.) 378 w.6th<br />

Anderson Miss Isabel, seamstress, w.s. Home Andress & Co. (Paul Andress and John F. Soelpl<br />

Anderson Jacob, plasterer, w.s. Fulton b. Catha­ . y^^-X'^Sbl-h?-^'^- ^^"1 ''• t-o^st & Poplar<br />

rine and Clark<br />

4 NDKESS F. & C. (Frederick and Charles)<br />

-Inderson James, carp, bds. Mrs. C. Edwards il paper hangings, 179 Main<br />

Anderson Jane, dress mkr. e.s. Linn b. Catharine Andress Frederick, (P. & C. A.) 134 w. 7th<br />

and Clark<br />

Andress Henry W. b.k. 378 w. 6th<br />

.Inderson John, drayman, e.s. Elm b. 15th and Andress Nicholas, tailor, s.s. Mulberry b. Locii"t<br />

Liberty<br />

and Eden<br />

.Anderson John,sawyer, n.s. Front b. Lytle and Cor. Andrew Jacob, lab. n.s. Front b. Wood & Mill<br />

Line<br />

A '*.**,*5 K^'^ ^ETE«, com. and ffrd mer. 8<br />

Anderson John, produce dealer, n.s. Front b. Broad­ T-r^fZ m",?'"^ ^°"' ''•'=•"• Baum n. of Symmes<br />

way and Ludlow<br />

Anderson John, lab. n.w.c. Water and Race<br />

Smith ' ^'^^ ^>• B-^^s and<br />

Anderson Samnel.carp. at B. Hazen's F'n<br />

Anderson Mrs. Sarah, tailoress, n.s. Sth b. Fulton Andrews Joseph H. elk. at John S. Kuhn's coal or<br />

and Cutter<br />

Anderson Thomas M. drayman, w.s. Race b, I3th And?^^^^.'k:cf^^s^5!^;iS'r^A^;?u[Hv<br />

and Hth<br />

Anderson Thomas, carriage mkr. bds. Robert Leeky<br />

Anderson Tucker, trunk rakr.at Parvin & Johnsons<br />

Anderson T B. (Toby & A.) w.s. Elm b. r'th & 13th<br />

Anderson T. B.jr, brk. lavcr, bds. T. B. Anderson<br />

NDERSON WAILXKU,portrait engraver<br />

A and lithographer. No. 5 Weave's bldg. n.w.c.<br />

4th and Kace<br />

Anderson William, tailor, w.s. Mansfield 1 door n.<br />

of Liberty<br />

"n^dkr/s-----^'-^'-o-rZy-tre<br />

Andrew's Peter, shoe mk'r e.s Raceb 13lh =„^ !..,>,<br />

"":.r4thr^a'ceYnd^s:"-"•"•"""''>-^"^<br />

L^^Je%\^ R^t-t'S; ^^'lmVso"/JS-;;--^ =d<br />

kins. Sycamore b 5th and 6tli '' """P"<br />

Andrews Samuel, (Minor, A. & Wliitol K'. w Sii,<br />

Andrews^ William S. pUstere* bds'.'M'ar't-hrT'ro'w.


O. F. ADAS & LABROT,<br />


Wines and Liquors, Havana Digars and Havana Goods; general dealers In<br />

Spanish and domestic Leaf Tobacco of every description,<br />

16 West Front Street, North side, bctirecn Main and Walnut.<br />


B. "Wc arc prepared at all times to furniah short sight drafts on Paris, Frankfort<br />

Bremen, &c.. &. '<br />

Andrews Wright S, bds, at Tompkins w.s. Sycamore<br />

b. Sth and Gth<br />

Angan George, drayman, w.s. Butler b. Congress<br />

and Symmes<br />

Ange Solomon, clock manuf. 214 Walnut<br />

Angel Henry, e.s. Race b. Green and Liberty<br />

Angert Daniel, foundryman, n.s. Liberty b. Race<br />

and Bremen<br />

Angevine John, brk. mkr. e.s. Carr b. 7th & 8th<br />

Angevine William, salesman, 8 Commercial Row<br />

h. 144 Elm<br />

Annis Hamilton, carp. n.s. Front b.T.P. 9 & 10 F'n<br />

Ansbigley John, butcher, bds. Matthias Schroth<br />

Ansbourg James, lab. M. Canal b. Frout and Congress<br />

Anshutz Charles, blacksmith, at Martin, Anshutz<br />

& Co's<br />

Anshutz Christian, finisher, at Martin, Anshutz<br />

& Co's<br />

Anshutz Oliver, engineer, s.s. 7th b. Cutter & Linn<br />

Anshutz Philip, (Martin, A. & Co)<br />

Anspaugh John, engineer, s,s. 'Ad b. Wood & Stone<br />

Ansted John A. engineer at Miles Greenwood &<br />

Co's, h.e.6. Springb. Woodward and Liberty<br />

Anthony Mrs. tailoress, s.s. 4th b. Stone & Wood<br />

Anthony John G. 285 w. 6th<br />

Anthony Thomas, shoe mkr. s.s. Moses b. Mill<br />

and Stone<br />

Antonia Sister, teacher, s.s. Gth b, Sycamore and<br />

Broadway<br />

Antram James B. salesman, 35 Pearl<br />

Appell Frederick, tailor, s.s. Buckeye w.'of Main<br />

bds. Wm. EUmund<br />

Appell Jacob, shoe mkr. n.s. Buckeye b. Eden and<br />

Locust<br />

Appell Louis, segar mkr. n.s. Allison b. Main and<br />

Clay<br />

Applegate Baswell W. carp. s.s. George b. Cutter &<br />

Linn h.n.s. Clark b. John and Cutter<br />

Applegate Henry S (H. S. & J. A.


No. 117 Main st., bettreen Third aud Fourtli, Cincinnati,<br />



Watch Glasses, Tools, Materials, Jewelry, Plated Ware,<br />

Wrightson, Printer.<br />

ASB ATK<br />

Armstrong Mrs. Sarah, widow of James, n.s, 6th<br />

b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Armstrong Wafwick, elk. bds, Mrs. S. Armstrong<br />

Armitrong William E. messenger Geo. Milne &Co.<br />

Arndt Henry, coffee house, e.s.Linn b, Catharine<br />

and Clark<br />

Arndt Frederick,foreman at Smith & Co's Candle<br />

factory, h. n.s. Maple b. Freeman and Piatt<br />

Arnet Cristopher, brick mkr. n.s. Sth b. Freemnn<br />

and Carr.<br />

Ajnet David (A. & Robison), w.s. Baymiller b.<br />

Richmond and Catharine<br />

Arnet Jacob, brick mkr. n.s. Sth b. Freeman and<br />

Carr<br />

Arnet Peter, bakery, 92 Court<br />

Arnet & Robison (David A. & R.) brick yard,<br />

n.s. Catharine b. Freeman and Baymiller.<br />

Arnford William, lab. n.s. David b W. Row& John<br />

Arnold Christian, tailor, e.s. Bremen, b. loth and<br />

Liberty<br />

Arnold David, paver, 1<strong>52</strong> w. Sth<br />

Arnold David, lab. n.s. Webb b. Smith and Park<br />

Arnold David, flat boats and lumber, s.s. Front w.<br />

of Globe rolling mill,h. w.s. Smith n. of 3d<br />

Arnold Franklin E. (Dorr & A.) 65 w. 7th<br />

Arnold G, tinner, n.s. Ham. road opp. Piatt<br />

Arnold George, cooper, s.s. 2d b. John and Smith<br />

Arnold John, sawyer at Sprague & Waldon's, h.<br />

B.s. Front b.T.P. 12 and 13 F'n<br />

Arnold John, lab. n.s. Hopkins b. Baymiller and<br />

Freeman.<br />

Arnold Joseph, teamster,w.s. Carr b. Front and 6th<br />

Arnold Lester, elk. bds. 65 w. 7th<br />

Arnold Lyman, pattern mkr. s.s. Hopkins b, Linn<br />

and Cutter<br />

Arnold Mrs. M. dress mkr. a.g. Elder b. Race and<br />

Bremen<br />

ArnoldT. at A. Harkness & Sons<br />

Arnot Adam, boot and shoe mkr. n.s. 6th b. Culvert<br />

and Broadway<br />

Arnot David, brick yard, e.s, Carr b. Kemble and<br />

Richmond<br />

Arns & Schroll, stone yard, w,8. Broadway b.<br />

Court and Hunt<br />

Arnt John, candle manuf. n.s. Liberty b. W. Kow<br />

and John<br />

Arons David, boiler mkr. Butler b. 4th aud Symmes<br />

Arons William, boiler mkr. 154 Broadway.<br />

Ariett Seviller, washing, s.s. Front b. Elm & Plum<br />

Arstingstall George, e.s. Sycamore b. 3d and 4th,<br />

h.s.s. 4th e, of Sycamore<br />

Arstingstall Thomas, w.s. Broadway b. Abigail<br />

and Woedward<br />

A RT UNION. n.w.c 4th and Sycamore<br />

Arthur Frederick, butcher, bds John Strong<br />

Arthur James, harness mkr. 89 Main<br />

Arthur John, drayman, s.s. Wade b. Cutter& Linn<br />

Arthur Robert W, finisher at Martin, Anshutz<br />

& Co's<br />

Aitinan Frederick, huckster, s.w.c. Harrison Pike<br />

and Brighten House<br />

Aebury Thomas, stone mason, w.s. Pleasant s. of<br />

14th<br />

Ashbaw J. at A. Harkness & Sons<br />

Ashberg Jacob, jewelry and cutlery, 98 Front<br />

Ashby David, carp, at B. Hazen's<br />

Ashby James, carp. s.s. Front b.T.P. 17 and 18 F'n<br />

Ashby Reuben C. carp, s.s. Front b.T.P, 17 and<br />

18 F'n<br />

Ashcraft Isaiah, teamster, bds. D. W, Long<br />

A<br />

SHCRAFT J". &; Co, (Jesse A. & George<br />

and William Mix), citizens' coal yard, s,e.c.<br />

Lawrence and Congress<br />

Ashcraft Jesse (Ashcraft J. & Co.), s.s. Front b.<br />

Lawrence and Pike<br />

Ashcraft Richard, s.s. Frontb, Butler and M. Canal<br />

Ashcraft Robert C. engineer, e.s. Butler b. Cungress<br />

A<br />

and Front<br />

SHCRAFT SAMUEI. S. Queen City Pipe<br />

Foundry, n.s. Wade b. Plum and Providence<br />

Asher Joseph W. carp, and builder, w.s Fulton opp.<br />

Chesnut, h. n.s. 5th e. of Park<br />

Ashew L. S. finisher, s.s. Everett b, John and cutter<br />

Ashford H. shoemaker, 230 w. 6th<br />

Ashman Charles, boots and shoes, w.s. W. Row b.<br />

Betts aud Clinton, h, e.s. Linn b. Everett and<br />

David<br />

Ashman James, shoemaker, w.s. W. Row b. Betts<br />

and Clinton, h.e.s. Linn b, Everett aud David<br />

Ashton William A. (Sawyer & Co.) s.s. Clinton b.<br />

John and Cutter<br />

Asling C. shoe mkr. w.s Pleasant b. 15th and Libertv<br />

ASPINWAEI. CHAtJIVCEY B. watches<br />

^ jewelry &c. 5 Clinton bldgs h. n.e.c. John and<br />

Betts<br />

Aspinwall Horace, brksmith, s.e.c. John aud Betts<br />

Asstir Alexander, dry goods, 122 w. 5th<br />

Asting Joseph, lab. n.s. Yeatman b. Sycamore and<br />

Broadway<br />

Aston James A. express messenger Adams & Co<br />

Aston Thomas P. elk. bds. Hii w. 5th<br />

Aszmann Henry F. w.s. W.Row b. Kemble and<br />

Richmond<br />

Atamire Andrew, stone mason, c. Race and Green<br />

Atchison Cordelia, b.h.n.s. Congress b. Butler and<br />

M. Canal<br />

ATHEAUIV & HIBBARI>,(IraA.& Sa<br />

il muel P. H.) steamboat agents and com. mers<br />

5 e. Front<br />

Athearn Ira, (A. & Hibbard)<br />

Atherton George, shoe mkr, bds. Central Hotel<br />

Atherton Theodore,painter-at Samuel Barnes bdss.s.<br />

Center b. Vine and Race '<br />

Atkin Mrs Eliza, fancy goods, e.s. Walnut b 6th<br />

and 7th<br />

Atkin James, Carp. u. », Accommodation <<br />

State<br />

Atkins Mrs Alice, fancy goods 102>^ w. Sth<br />

Atkins George, stucco worker, 102'!^ w 5th<br />

Atkins Hiram, lab. Canal b. Race and Elm '<br />

Atkins Henry, elk. n.s. Sth E. of Lock<br />

AtUins John, elk. bds s. s. Sth e. of Broadway<br />

Atkins Mark, 337 Vine<br />

Atkins Miss Mary, teacher, bds D. Anderson.<br />

Atkins Thomas, prof, of music. 24 George<br />

Atkins Thomas, painter, bds, Mrs Thomas<br />


m<br />



H. S. & J. APPLEGATE & CO.,<br />


43 Main Street, Cincinnati.<br />

Being the publishers of several valuable and STANDARD WORKS, "we are enabled to<br />

make extensive and favorable exchanges with other publishers throughout the United States J<br />

and in consequence thereof, our miscellaneous stock of Books comprises a general assortment in<br />

the various departments of Literature, Science, Theology, Medicine, &c., "which, by means of<br />

this exchange, we are enabled to sell<br />


_n Our assortmant of Text Books for Schools and Colleges, is very extensive, comprising n<br />

nearly every book used, from the simple primer to those of the most advanced course-<br />

AUL AYR<br />

Atkins William, s.w.c. Court and Broadway, h. AuU Mrs. 25 George<br />

n.s. 8th e. of Lock<br />

AuU Jacob elk. s.s. 12th b. Elm and Plum<br />

Atkinson Mrs. Cynthia, tailoress, n.s. Melancthon Aulton H.s.s. Franklin b. Main and Sycamore<br />

b. John and Cutter<br />

Auman John, e.s. Linn b. Catharine and Clark<br />

Atkinson Edward, elk. bds, John V. Atkinson Aupke Frederick (A. & Wehrahoff), n.w.c. Main<br />

Athkinson Edward, butcher, bds. Thomas Weight- and Canal<br />

man<br />

Aupke & Wehmhoff, (Frederick A.& Diedrich W.)<br />

Atkinson Henry H. e.s.W. Row b. Mason and Eve­ coffeehouse, n.w.c. Main & Canal<br />

rett<br />

Auperle & Adams, (Alexander A. & John Adams),<br />

ATKINSON JOHN V, jewelry watches, &c, lock manuf., n.s. Ham. road b. Main & Locus^<br />

w.s. W. Row b. Kemble and Richmond, h. n.s. Auperle Christian D. Jefferson House, n.s. Ham.<br />

Richmond b. W. Row and John<br />

road b. Main & Locust<br />

Atkinson Joseph, hatter, bda. M. J Magurk Auringer, cab't mkr. n.s. Barr b. Cutter & Linn<br />

Atkinson Joseph H. brick layer, n.s. Kemble b. Ausplider Sabastian, stone mason, e.s. Vine b. Li­<br />

Linn and Baymiller<br />

berty & Allison<br />

Atkinson Lydia, b.h.n.s. Congress b. Butler and Austin James S. n.w.c. 4th & Elm, h.s.w.c. 4th &<br />

M. Canal<br />

Elm<br />

Atkinson Thomas, grocery. s.e.c.Butler & Symmes Austin Morris, blacksmith, at Martin, Anshutz &<br />

Atkinson William, lab. at Powell's foundry<br />

Co's<br />

Atmon Miss Amelia, milliner, s.w.c. Vine and Austin W. at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Liberty<br />

Autenheimer Frederick, sup. water works, s.s.<br />

Attee Mrs. Elizabeth, s.s. 4th b. John and Smith Symmes b. Butler & Pike<br />

Attee James F. bds. Mrs. E. Atlee<br />

Autenrieth Adolph, Broadway near Hunt<br />

Attersly James, tile grinder, Water near Smith Autenrieth Lewis, engraver, s.w.c. Woodward dz<br />

Attersly William, elk. s.s. Liberty h. Plum and Broadway<br />

W. Row<br />

Autenrieth Gustav, pocketbook mkr, Broadway<br />

Attig Phillip, barber, 212 Walnut<br />

near Hunt<br />

XTEESEV AsBOBROWfflAN, (James Auth Nicholas, drayman. 17 e. 3d h.e.s, Linn b.<br />

A A. & Thomas B.) plumbers and hydrant mkrs. Laurel & Betts<br />

s.w.c. Walnut and 7ih<br />

Author Joseph, rope mkr. w'.s. Walnut b. Allison<br />

Attlesey James, (A. &. Borrowman)<br />

& Liberty<br />

Attmire Hendrick, stone mason, c. Race and Green Averdick Henry G. druggist 325 Main<br />

Atwater John P. al.phys. 178 Vine<br />

Avennaat George, lab. e.s. Providence b. Wade &<br />

Atwood Frederick, wh. grocer, 293 Main, h. Sth b. Liberty<br />

Vine and Race<br />

Avers Joseph, lab. s.s. Woodward b. Main & Syca­<br />

Aub Abraham (A., Bloch & Frenkel),27 Center more<br />

Aub, Block & Frenkel, (Abraham A., Lazarus B. Aversman Joseph, steward at Verandah, h.s.w.c,<br />

& Benedict F.) clothiers 54 Main<br />

13th & Walnut<br />

Aubery Wm. (Traber & A.) s.e.c. Pike and 3iJ. Avery Charles, cab't mkr. n.e.c. Front & Walnut<br />

Auc Christopher, blksmith, n.s. Court b. Plum & VERY CHAREES E, al.phys., 99 w. 7th<br />

W. Row<br />

A b. College & Race<br />

Auchey Mrs Mary, e.s. Plum b. Front and Water Avery John, Court St. Exchange, 62 Court<br />

Auchhouse Joseph, w.s. Mill b. W. W. Canal and Avery Mrs. J, C. 274 Race<br />

Front<br />

VERY JOHN E, notary public, 139 Syca­<br />

Audenuch Joseph, e.s. Race b. 14th and 15th A more<br />

A 1JBITOR7S OFFICE, (A.W.Armstrong) Avery Joseph, 139 Sycamore<br />

il Court b. Main and Walnut<br />

Avery Seymour B. elk. 174 Main<br />

AlIFDENK-AMP CHAREES, grocer, s.s Avis David, porter at Springer & Whiteman's, h.<br />

J\ Everett b. Cutter and Linn<br />

n.s. Front b. Caned & Kilgour<br />

Aug Jacob, painter s.s. Liberty b. Walnut aud Vine VIN S. shirt manuf. and furnishing goods, 146<br />

Aught Michael, musician 45 12th<br />

A Walnut<br />

Augur Wm. bds at W. Boggs<br />

Avis Matilda, shoe binder, n.s. 6th e. of Lock<br />

August E. boot and shoe mkr. w.s. Race b. Liberty Avinger F. carp, e s. Race b. 14th & 15th<br />

and Green<br />

Avitt Thomas, grocer, c. Broadway & 6th<br />

August Henry, lab, e.s. Buckeye b. Poplar and Vine Aydelotte Rev. Benjamin P. 98 w. 9th<br />

August Lewis, elk. at David Breman's, h.e.s. Broad­ Ayres Albert B. salesman, 8 & 9 Front, res. 22 Art<br />

way b. 2nd and Congress<br />

Union bide.<br />

August S. wagon mkr. w.s. Pleasant b. 15th and Ayres James, chair manuf. 181 Longworth<br />

Liberty<br />

YRES M, & CO. (Mark) dry goods, 171<br />

Aulbach John A, w.s. Can b. 7th and 8th<br />

Main b. 4th & 5th<br />

A<br />



lyi H j^L 1 XJ £i Y.<br />

(S(D)MMI§g]l®M MEESMAHT<br />



BAG<br />

Ayres S. G. elk. n.e.c. 12th & Plum<br />

Ayres Silas Ii. agent, bds. Mrs. Sarah Warner<br />

Ayres Stephen S. n.s. Longworth b. W. Row &<br />

John<br />

Baazur Jacob, carp, at Hise & Williams'<br />

Babbitt Andrew S. messenger Ohio, L. & T. Co. s.s<br />

Clinton b. Linn & Locust<br />

Babbitt Calvin, (B., Good & Co.) 28 George<br />

B<br />

ABBITT OOOD & CO. (Calvin B., John<br />

G. & Edmund B. Gardner), wh. grocers and<br />

com. mers. 18 and 19 Front<br />

Babbitt Hathaway, No. 2 Clinton Court<br />

Babcock Barzillai B. cab't mkr. at Burley & Lyford's.<br />

bds junction of Congress and Front<br />

Babcock Charles H. (C. H. Babcoek & Co.) bds.<br />

Mrs. Wrights<br />

Babcock C. H. & Co. (Charles H. B. & Edward<br />

Willaid), 3 College Buildings.<br />

Baber Benj. F. s.s. Water b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Baber Mrs. Mary Ann, 178 Broadway<br />

Babinger Michael, huckster, n.s. 15th b. Race and<br />

Elm<br />

Bacciocco Joseph, n.e.c. Sth and Plum<br />

Bacciocco J. & S. «Sc J. n.w.c. 5tli and Elm<br />

Bach Lewis, w.s. Sycamore b. 3d and 4th<br />

Bachsted Christopher, lab. s.s. W. Row b. Linn and<br />

Mohawk bridge<br />

Back W. H. hatter, bds. Chas. Thornton<br />

Backhaus Frederick, lab. n.s. Buckeye b. Eden and<br />

Locust<br />

Backhaus Mary, dress mkr. Court b. Race and<br />

Elm<br />

Backhaus Chas. n.w.c. Main and 7lh h. 256 Walnut<br />

Backling Anlhony. s.s. 6th b. Smith and Mound<br />

Backinger Frederick, n.e.c. Barr and Freeman<br />

Backman Mrs. B. widow of Adam, al.b. Jefferson<br />

and Adams<br />

Backman Wm. n.s. 13th b.Vine and Bremen<br />

Backtall P. lab. at Powell's foundry<br />

Backus Wentell,s.s. Buckeye b. Locust & Poplar<br />

Bacon James, n.s. Elizabeth b. W. Row and John<br />

Bacon Joseph D. a.s. 4th b. Mill and Stone<br />

Bacon Richard S. s.e.c. Walnut & Sth b. 347 w. 7th<br />

Bades Lewis, w.s. Vine b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Badger Benj. n.s. Ellen n. of Symmes<br />

Badger William, teamster,Johnson,Morton & Co's<br />

Badgley Robert W. n.s. 3d e. of John<br />

Badenhop Frederick, e.s. Vine b. 12th and 13th<br />

Badou.v Francis, watch mkr. bds. John V. Atkinson<br />

Baen William, n.s. Sth w. of Park<br />

Baenhampen George, teamster, s.s. Findley b. Elm<br />

and Canal<br />

Baeiiningcr & Frey, (Solomon B. & John F.) 42S<br />

Main<br />

Baenninger Solomon, (B. & Frey) 428 Main<br />

BaerEzra, Race b. 13th and Hth<br />

Baer John, s.s. Liberty b. Vine and Walnut<br />

Baettia Thomas, e.s. Broadway b. Court and Hunt<br />

Baggemann Mrs. Elizabeth, n.s. 3d, b. Mill and<br />

Stono<br />

T^^rightson^PrinterTis Mai^ st. Cin<br />

so?<br />

BAI<br />

Baggot Thomas, e.s, Fulton b. Kemble and Rich'<br />

mond<br />

Baggot Wm. s.s Hopkins b. John and Cutter<br />

Baggot Wm. Z. 162 w. 3d<br />

Bagley Aaron C. (Edward's & Co.) 24 w. 4tb<br />

Bagley John. n.s. 6th w. of Carr<br />

Bagley John, tailor, e.s. Vine b. 4th and 5tb<br />

Baho Henry, elk. n.s. Betts b. Locust and Freeman<br />

Bahn H. H. e.s. John b. Clinton and Betts<br />

Bahn John, n.s. Betts b. Locust and Freeman<br />

Bahlmann Bernard, bda. Mrs. Sandmann<br />

Bahmer Henry, w.s. Pleasant s. of Hth<br />

Biihnning H. s e.c. Everett and Cutter<br />

Bail Joseph, n.s. Woodward b. Main & Sycamore<br />

Bailer B. locksmith, 28 w. 3d<br />

B<br />

AIEEY CHAREES P. prod.& com. mer.<br />

s.s. Water b. Walnut and Vine, bds. Madison<br />

House<br />

Bailey David H. elk. at Taylor & Odiorn's<br />

Bailey & Decamp, (John B. and John D.) s.s. Front<br />

b. Lawrence and Pike<br />

Bailey Edward, trunk mkr. 89 Main h.w.s. Vine b.<br />

Hth and 15th<br />

Bailey Eli, lab. 120 w. 9th<br />

Bailey Eugene, Lodgeb. Gano and 7th<br />

Bailey Ezra, (B., Laugstaff & Co.) e.s. Smith b. 4th<br />

B<br />

and Sth<br />

AIEEY FREBERICK, booksellei and<br />

stationer, w.s, W. Row b. Longworth and 6th,<br />

bds. 234 w. 4th<br />

Bailey George, type dresser, 41 e. 2d, bds. Central<br />

Hotel<br />

Bailey Jacob, lab. n.s. Betts b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Bailey J. cabt. mkr. Gano b. Lodge and Vine<br />

Bailey James, lab. New e. of Broadway<br />

Bailey Jeremiah, whitewasher, e.s. Elm b. Front<br />

and 2d<br />

Bailey John, cartman, e.s. Lock b. Symmes & Sth<br />

Bailey John, 54 w. Sth<br />

Bailey John (B. & Decamp) n.s. Liberty e. of Young<br />

Bailey Johu, baker, n.s. B'rontb. Ludlow andLAWrence<br />

Bailey. Joseph, potter, n.s. Ham. road opp. Brighton<br />

House<br />

AIEEY, EAT^GSTAFF & CO. (Ezra B.,<br />

B Jamts L.,& William H. Malone) saw-mill aud<br />

lumber yard s.s. Fiont b. Mill and Wood<br />

Bailey Mrs. Martha, s.s. I5th b. Race and Elm<br />

Bailey Martiu, baker, s.s. Sth b. John and Smith<br />

AIEEY MICAJAH, com. mer. and wool<br />

B dealer, 01 Walnut, bds. H. Lewis<br />

Bailey Mrs. e.s. Broadway b. Abigail & Woodward<br />

Bailey Samuel, stone mason, n.s. Mason e. of Lock<br />

Bailey Samuel, lab, s.s. Commerce b. Gillmore al,<br />

and Vine<br />

Bailey Susiui, 7 Clinton Court<br />

Bailey Thomas, lab, n.s. Front b. Race and Elm<br />

AIEEY THOMAS, musical instruv.iente,<br />

B n.w.c. -Ith and Walnut h.e.s. Chestnut b. John<br />

and Fulton ,<br />

Bailey William, candle manuf. c. Poplar & Piatt<br />

BainbridgeE.C. al. phys. 87Broadway,bds. Henrie<br />

House<br />

Bainbridge William, 32 George



I liaCHAIT TAILOE,<br />

NO. 105 MAIN STREET,<br />


T. Wrightson. Printer, 43 Miin st.<br />

BAK BAL<br />

Bair John, n.s. Sth b. Broadway and Pike Baker Lewis H. (L. H. B. & Co.) s.s. Sth b. Smith<br />

AIRDS MISSES, millinery, 38 e, 4th b. and Park<br />

B Sycamore and Broadway<br />

AKER E. H. Sc CO. (Lewis H, and Lewis<br />

Baird Wm. H. atty. bds. 38 e. 4th<br />

B B. and Michael Magurk) hats and caps, s.w.c.<br />

Baird Wm. cooper, s.s. Clinton b. Locust & Free­ 4th and Main<br />

man, bds. John Cranch's<br />

Baker «fc McCracken, (Greenbury R. B. and Ralph<br />

Baird Wm. grocer, n.e.c. Plum and Water, h.e.s. C. McC.) 128 Walnut<br />

Plum b. Water and Front<br />

AKER, MORTON & FRAZER, (Tim­<br />

Baitsell John, cooper, s.s, Madison b. Elm & Plum B othy IJ. B., Henry M. & John F.) iron railing<br />

Bakel Wm. n.w.c. Vine and Water<br />

and grate manuf. s.s. Sth b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Bakenkup Wm. s.w.c. Mulberry and Locust AKER NATHAIX, lumber yard at elbow<br />

AKER ABRAHAM H. al. physician,<br />

B B of Canal, h. 46 w. 8th<br />

142 w.6th<br />

Baker Peter, lab. e.s. Plum b. Jefferson & Liberty<br />

Baker Augustus, (C. & A. B.) Plum b. 9th and Wil­ Baker Philip, shoe mkr. bds. Wm. Miller's<br />

liam<br />

Baker Richard, currier, e,s. M. Canal b. Court and<br />

Baker Bartlet, n.e.c. 4th and Walnut<br />

Sth<br />

Baker Benj. P. (Stem, B. & Co.) n.s. 3d b. Plum and Baker Samuel J. cooper, bds. Mrs. Jane Baker<br />

W. Row<br />

Baker Silas, carp. bds. Carll & Pagan's<br />

Baker Bowman C. (B. & Co.) n.s. 6th b. John and Baker Theodore, shoe mkr. n.s. Front b. Ludlow<br />

Smith<br />

and Lawrence<br />

Baker Casper, (C. & A. B.) e.s. Plum b. 9th and Baker Thornton T. (J. W. B. & Co.) 26 Broadway<br />

William<br />

Baker Timothy L. (B.. Morton & Frazer) e.s. Elm<br />

Baker C. & A. (Caspar and Augustus) e.s. Plum b. b. Longworth and 6th<br />

9th and William<br />

Baker & Von Phul, (John W. B. & Henry Von<br />

Baker Charles, s.s. Liberty b. Main and Sycamore Phul) 160 Main<br />

Baker & Co. (Bowman C. & Joel B. & Nimrod H. Baker William, Lodge b. Gano and 7th<br />

Sinclair) 29 Main<br />

Balats Edward A. s.s. Hopkins b. John and Cutter<br />

Baker Conrad, n.w.c. Bremen and Hth<br />

"pAECEM CONSTANT B"., house, sign and<br />

Baker David, bds. at J. C. Stewart's<br />

D orn. painter, n.w.c. Sth and Vine<br />

Baker David F. elk. s.w.c. 4th and Main<br />

Baldock Henry, carp. w.s. Providence b. Everett<br />

Baker Frank, finisher, bds. at F. Gastelo's s.s. and Wade<br />

George b. Smith and Mound<br />

Baldock Milton, drayman, s.s. Front b. Ludlow &<br />

Baker Frank, skin dresser, w.s. Broadway b. Hunt Lawrence<br />

and Abigail<br />

Baldock Willis, drayman, w.s. John b. Kemble<br />

AKER & GROOCOCK, agents Union and Richmond<br />

B Mutual Life Ins. Co. Boston, s.s. 3d b. Walnut Baldosar Fritz, carp. w.s. Walnut b 12th and 13th<br />

and Vine<br />

Raldridge David A. b. k. 350 w. Gth<br />

Baker Greenbury R. (B. & McCracken) Mt. Auburn Baldridge Eliza, n.s. 2db. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Baker Henry,n.s. Franklin b. Main and Sycamore Baldridge James R. elk. 350 w.6th<br />

Baker H. F res. Walnut Hills<br />

Baldridge Nathaniel, w.s. Plum b, 2d and Froni<br />

Baker Increase, agent, Providence b. Everett and Baldwin Almon, curator Art Union, h.n.s. Court<br />

Mason<br />

b. Vine and Race<br />

Baker Jacub.at A. Harkness & Son's foundry Baldwin Amini, elk. HO Main<br />

Baker James, brush mkr. bds. 168 w. eth<br />

Baldwin JBlli C. elk. auditor of. bds. Mrs. E. Bell's<br />

Baker Mrs. Jane, w.s. Spring b. Wood and Liberty Baldwin Francis H. elk. 118 Main<br />

AKEKl J. W. & CO. (John W. & Thorn­ Baldwin James H. (Saunders & B.) e.s. Elm b. M.<br />

B ton T. B ) shirt manuf. and eents' furnishing Canal and 12lh<br />

goods, 26 Broadway<br />

Baldwin John, jeweler, w.s. Kossuth<br />

Baker Joel R. messenger Amer. Express Co. Hen­ Baldwin John S. carp. s.s. Catharine b. Fulton and<br />

rie House<br />

Cutter<br />

Baker John, boots and shoes, s.s. Sth b. Plum and Baldwin John, (McClung & B.) res. Covington<br />

W. Row<br />

Baldwin Jofeph, s.s. Front b. Plum and W. Row<br />

AKER JNO 25 w. 4th b. Main and Wal­ ALOWIN .roSEPH, builder, e.s. Elm b.<br />

B nut<br />

B 8th and 9th, h.s.s. 9th b. Race and Elm<br />

Baker John, grocer, s.w.c. Pike and Sycamore BAEBWIN JOSEPH T. tinware manuf.<br />

Baker John A. e.s. Plum b. 2d and Cherry<br />

n.e.c, Catherine ard Fulton, h.s.s. Catharire b.<br />

Baker John H. teamster, w.s. Jones b. Wade and Cutter and Fulton<br />

Liberty<br />

Baldwin Moses,saddler,89 Main h.w.s.Linn b.Cath­<br />

Baker John W. (J. W. B.&Co.)2G Broadway erine and Clark<br />

Baker John W. (B. & Von Phul) 923 w. 4th Baldwin Mrs. Mary Ann,laundress. Liberty b.Linn<br />

Baker Lester F. elk. n.e.c. 4th and Vine, bds. Mrs. and Locust<br />

W. Wright's<br />

Baldwin Robert B. salesman, 87 Main, bds. Henrie<br />

Baker Lewis, porter, 140 Main h.c, Broadway and House<br />

Woodward<br />

Baldwin Thomas F. 116 Main, res, Reading road


D. & J. -W. BANNING,<br />


WiSTi^M EliSiaVi iPTTTgR ^M® e&CliSlj<br />


No. 32 Walnut Street, East side, between Front and Columbia,<br />

Particular attention given to purchasing and shipping such articles as can be procured<br />

in this market.<br />

BAN BAR<br />

Baldwin Tbomas F. carp. s.s. Hopkins b. John and<br />

Cutter<br />

Bales Caleb, 95 w. 4th<br />

Balker Henry, n.e.c. Main and Mulberry<br />

Ball Flamen, (Chase & Ball) res. Clifton<br />

Ball James P. daguerrean artist, 10 w, Sth.h. Sycamore<br />

b. Woodward and Abigail<br />

Ball Martin, carriage mkr. s.w.c. Sycamore & 6th<br />

Ball William, moulder, e.s.Kim b. Pearl and Union<br />

Ball William, awning mkr. w.s. Elm b. Grant and<br />

14th<br />

Ball William, w.s. Sycamoreb. Abigail and Woodward<br />

Ballance Charles, collector, 214 Court<br />

Ballard G. A. carp. e.s. W. Row b. Ann and Mason<br />

Ballance John H. n.s. Canal b. Vine and Race, h.<br />

s.s. Court b. Race and Elm<br />

Ballauf William,202 Court<br />

Ballenger J. S. b. k. bds Pearl St. House<br />

Ballenger Allison e.s. Liberty b. Front and river,<br />

(F'n)<br />

Ballinger John, carp, bds at D. Johnson's, w.s.<br />

John n. of Longworth<br />

Ballhaus Henry, musical instrument maker 295<br />

Main<br />

Balling John, stone cntter, e.s. Race b. Liberty and<br />

Green<br />

Balman Gasper, grocer, e.s: Race b. Gieen and Liberty<br />

Ballman Henry, shoe mkr.w.s. Raceb. Cherry & 2d<br />

Balsley Mrs. L. A. milliner, n.s. Sth b. John and<br />

Fulton<br />

Balthan Alfred G. engineer, n.s. Richmond w. of<br />

Harriet<br />

Balthis J. Milton, (Stillman & B.) s.s. Barr b.<br />

Mound and Cutter<br />

Baltz Peter, blacksmith, n.s. Ham. road b. Clarkson<br />

and Piatt, bds. n,e.c. Piatt and Ham. road<br />

Bamberger Phillip, clothing store, 335 Main<br />

Bamberger Simon, dry goods store, w.s. Main b.<br />

13th and Allison<br />

Bamsey George, bds n.e.c. McFarland and W. Row<br />

Bancker Theodore, shoemaker, Canal b. Vine and<br />

Race<br />

Band John, machinist at Columbia Foundry h n s<br />

B<br />

Linn b. Catharine and Clark<br />

ANK EXCHANGE, Geo. Selves, s.s. 3d D.<br />

Main and Walnut<br />

Bankart Henry, carpet weaver, w.s. Elm b. Adams<br />

and Liberty<br />

Banks Jedediah, steamboat inspector<br />

Banks Daniel, barber, w.s. Plum b. 5th and Longworth<br />

Banks Mrs. Elizabeth J. 34 Vine<br />

Baomem J. H. lab. w.s. Clay b. 13th and Allison<br />

Bann John, drayman, n.s. Court e. of Broadway<br />

Bannegan James, tailor, 6 Pearl<br />

Bannin Elijah, s.s. R.K. b. T.P. 26 and 27 F'n<br />

Banning Casper, elk. e.s. Buckeye b. Locust and<br />

Poplar<br />

Banning David, (D. & J. W. B.) res. Covington<br />

B<br />

ANNING 1». & J. -W. (David & Jeremiah<br />

VV.) com. and forw. mers. and produce dealers<br />

32 Walnut '<br />

Banning Herman, oil cloth mkr n.s. Findley b.<br />

Race and Elm<br />

Banning Jeremiah W. (D. & J. W. B.) res. CoTington<br />

Bannister William B. cab't mkr. n.s. Hopkins b,<br />

John and Cutter<br />

Banois Christian, cooper, n.s. Liberty b. W. Row<br />

and John<br />

Bannon Mrs. Catharine, washing, e.g. North b. 6th<br />

and 7th<br />

Bansing John, turner, w.s. Dunlap b. Cooper and<br />

Ham. road<br />

Bantlin J. currier, bds. Mrs. Thomas<br />

Baptist Book Depository, 34 w. 4th<br />

Barbara Mrs. R. widow of F. W. e.s. Plum b. Adams<br />

and Liberty<br />

Barber Joseph, sawyer, s.s. Front near M. Canal<br />

Barber Oliver P. 165 w. Sth<br />

Barchegar Frederick, s.s. Eden b. Main and Buckeye<br />

Barclay Alexander, blacksmith, bds Mr. Irwins<br />

Barclay Charles, type founder, s.s. Laurel b. John<br />

and Cutter<br />

Barclay P. K. boatman, bds. Anthony Frazier<br />

Barclay Thomas, box mkr bds. s.s. Clinton b. John<br />

and Cutter<br />

Bard Archilrald, carp. s.s. Kemble h. Cutter and<br />

Linn<br />

Bard Sylvester W. livery stable, w.s. John b. Clinton<br />

and Everett, h.n.s. Clinton b. John and<br />

Cutter<br />

Bard Zebedee, molder, s.s. Catharine b. Cutter and<br />

Linn<br />

Bards Henry, meat store, e. s. Vine b. Ham. road<br />

and Elder<br />

Bardsley Jonas, lab. s.s. High h. Lytle and Par-<br />

Bardsley Zebulon, hatter, s e.c. Longworth and<br />

Mound<br />

Bare Martin, (Ringwalt & B.)<br />

Baren Jacob, lab. e.s. Vine b. Allison and 13th<br />

Barenhigh Olto, porter at H. P. Gryden & Co's, bds,<br />

s.s. M b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Baretz Frank, w.s. Mill b. Front and Canal<br />

Barfoot Edward, porter, 146 Main, h.w s Elm B<br />

of Sth<br />

Bargelt John, tobacconist, n.s. Bth e of Lock<br />

Barger James, lab. n.s. Front b. T.P. 7 and 8 F'n<br />

Bargcr J. N. carp, bds Mrs. Hewitt's<br />

Barmghart Christian, lab. s.s. Green b. Race and<br />

Bark J. at A. Harkness & Sons<br />

Bark Jacob, lab. s.s. 15tb b. Race and Bremen<br />

Barkalow D. L. (Andrew M'Cleary & Co ,<br />

Barkalow Wm. T & Co fW T H \« o - -<br />

3 J\"-" & Brown,,^P%[aTb.^J-ohn t L^i^n'"'"^<br />

'"Bt7etS'il,'"r ""• ^'- ^- "^"'^ * '^"0 bd.<br />

Barker Amns, cartman, s.s. W. W. Canal b Proo<br />

man and Carr °'


BAR BAR<br />

Barker B. F. (B., Hart & Co.)<br />

Barker George, riverman, s.w.c Rose and 2d<br />

Barker George, book binder, 222 Broadway<br />

B<br />

ARKEtC-, HARX & CO. (J. H. & D. F. B.<br />

& Mathew Hart), grocers, boat stores, and sh.<br />

chandlers, 20 Broadway<br />

Barker Henry, bk. binder, n.s. Kew e. of Broadway<br />

Barkei Henry, carp. e.s. Walnut b. Allison and<br />

Liberty<br />

Barker Jacob lab. w.s. Walnut b. Allison and Liberty<br />

Barker James, plasterer, 222 Broadway<br />

Barker James, brk. layer, bds. Mrs. C. Edwards<br />

Barker J. H. (B., Hart & Co.)<br />

Barker Margaret, s.s. 3d b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Barker William, carp. bds. Mrs. Sarah Carnahan<br />

Barker William, boatman w.s. Fulton b. Elizabeth<br />

and Catharine<br />

Barkley George, e.s. W. Row b. Everett and Wade<br />

Barker William, finisher, bds. Mrs. Sarah Carnahan<br />

Barkman John F. stone cutter, e.s. Rittenhonse b.<br />

Catharine and Clark.<br />

Barkman William, tailor, e.s. Rittenhouse b. Catharine<br />

and Clark<br />

Barkmier Frank, cooper, e.s. Broadway b. Hunt<br />

and Abigail<br />

Barlage Frank, lab. w.s. Sycamoreb. Abigail and<br />

Woodward<br />

Barlage George (B. and Steinman), e.s. Walnut b.<br />

12th and 13th<br />

Barlage Joseph, blacksraiih, w.s. Broadway b.<br />

Hunt and Court<br />

Barlage & Steinman, (George B. & Louis S.) furniture<br />

ware rooms, 127 w. 5th<br />

Barland Esther, washing, w.s. Mill b. Front and<br />

Canal<br />

Barlow Joel J. elk. n.e.c. Walnut andSth, h. 28<br />

M'Farland<br />

Barlow Mrs. M. w.s. Providence b., Everett and<br />

Wade<br />

Barmayer Henry, drayman, n.e.c. M'aia and Mulberry<br />

Barnard Edward, baker, at 164 w. ."ith<br />

Barnard George,printer, n.s. Hopkinsb. Baymiller<br />

and Freeman<br />

Barnard L. actor, bds. at Khires'<br />

Barnard William C. (W. C. Davis & Co.) bds. Waverly<br />

House<br />

Baroe Miss Lucy, dress mkr. e.s-. Race b Hth and<br />

15th •*<br />

Barne Miss Margaret, dress mkr. e.s. Race b. 14th<br />

and 15th<br />

BarnelT Susan, dress mkr. s.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />

Barnes Alfred, b.k. at Ellis & Morton's, res. Newport<br />

Barnes Charles, phys. and dentist, e.s. Vineb. 3d<br />

and Baker<br />

Barnes Henry, printer, e.s. Pleasant b. tSth and<br />

Liberty<br />

Barnes James, bds. G. L. Hanks<br />

Barnes James R. n.s. Front b. Freeman and Carr<br />

Barnes John,printer, e.s. Pleasant b. Ijth & Liberty<br />

Barnes John C. (H. W- Berby & Co.) bds. Burnet<br />

House<br />

Barnes Martha, n.s. Congress b. Laurel and Pike<br />

Barnes Nelson, Harriet b. 8th and Kemble<br />

Barnes Mrs. P. e.s. Pleasant b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Barnes Richard G. foreman W. R. Sarle's 219 Main<br />

ARNES SAMUEE, carriage manuf. e.s.<br />

B Sth b. Sycamore and Broadway, h. s.s. Longwoith<br />

b. Vine and Race<br />

Barnes Mrs. Sarah, e.s. Raceb. Canal and 12th<br />

Barnes William, carp. n.s. Front b. T.P. 16 and 17<br />

F'n<br />

Barnes William, shoemkr. e.s. Pleasant b. 15th and<br />

Liberty<br />

Barnett James, (Watson & B.) n.e.c. Pearl and<br />

Elm<br />

Barnett William, barber, e.s. Walnut b. Pearl and<br />

3d, h.s.e.c. W. Row and Longworth<br />

Barney Burdsal J. printer, Gazette office, rea. Columbia<br />

tp.<br />

Barney Chester, printer, s.s. Richmond b. John and<br />

Fulton<br />

Barney E. A. drayman, s.s. Hopkins b. Cutter and<br />

Linn<br />

Barney Hiram H. teacher In Central High school,<br />

h. 366 w. 7th<br />

Barney William, mill stone mkr. n.s. 2d b. Elm<br />

and Plum, bds. Frederick Cooper<br />

Barnham Clements, coffeehouse, Court b. Walnut<br />

and Vine<br />

Barnsey John, tailor, s.s. 2db, Race and Elm<br />

Barnwell George, shoemkr. a.s. Moses b. Park and<br />

Smith<br />

Barr Baldwin, carp. n.s. 12th b. Elm and Plum<br />

Barr Henry, elk. s.y. 3d b. Vine and Race<br />

Barr John, grocery, n.e.c. George and Elm<br />

Barr Lewellyn, salesman, 59 Main<br />

Barr Rachel, dressmkr. 166 w. 3d, c. Elm<br />

BaiT Robert, Iramemkr. bds. 351 Race<br />

Barr Samuel, carp. B.S. Front b. T.P. 31 and 32, F'n<br />

Barr Thomas, ven. blind mkr. w.s. Cutter b. Clark<br />

and Hopkins<br />

Barra Joseph, music, academy, 74 w. 4th<br />

Barrett A. C. elk. bda. B. P. Baker<br />

Barrett Rev. B. F. 137 w. Sth<br />

Barrett Edward, finisher, bds. Mrs. R. Manser<br />

Barreit Edward, midshipman, n.w.c. Cherry & Elm<br />

Barrett John, lab. s.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />

Barrett & Ljlia, (Oliver B. & John L.) carp, and<br />

builders, s.e.c. Plum and Ann<br />

Barrett Oliver, (B. & Lilia) Providence b. Wade<br />

and Liberty<br />

Barrett Patrick, harnessmkr. 208 Main<br />

Barrett Mrs. S., KLaloslhenium, 91 w. 3d<br />

Barrett Samuel, drayman, s.s. Mercer b. Walnot<br />

and Vine<br />

Barrett Theodore, ship carp, at J. Litherbury*s<br />

Barrett William, saddler, 208 Main<br />

Barrington William, lab. s.s. Catharine b. John<br />

and Fulton<br />

Barrows Ira P. carriage mkr. s.a. Sth b. Johu and<br />

Mound<br />

Barry James M. salesman, 27 Main, h.w.s. Plum b.<br />

5th aud Longworth


mm m SHJE mwuM w^^%<br />

No, 45 Walnut street, Cincinnati.<br />




U3^ Manufacturer of every description of Domestic Cigars.<br />

BAS BAT<br />

Barry John, carp. n.s. 9th b. Elm and Plum<br />

Barry John, tailor, w.s. Pleasant b. Green and<br />

Findley<br />

Barry MichaeL lab. s.e.c. Plum and Pearl<br />

Barry Patrick, engineer, n.s. Bedinger b. M. Canal<br />

and Broadway<br />

Barry Susan, tailoress, s.s. High b. Collard and Lytle<br />

Barry William B. pension elk. at Com. Bank, h.n.<br />

B. 3d b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Barry William, eth Ward House, s.s. 2d opp. Park<br />

Bart Mrs. Bridget, washing, c. 4th and Mill<br />

Bartels Charles, sdgar mkr. alley b. Jefferson and<br />

Adams<br />

Bartels John, shoemkr. e.s. W. Row b. Elizabeth<br />

and Chesnut<br />

)AR'rH FKEBERICK, engraver andxil-<br />

9 ographer, e.s. Vine b. 12th and 33th<br />

Qarth Henry, engineer, at Wells' type foundry,bds.<br />

Pioneer House<br />

Barth John, stone mason, s.s. Ham. road b. Elm<br />

and Uunlap<br />

Bartholomew Andrew, tailor, n.s. Ham. road b.<br />

Main and Locust<br />

Bartholomew Elizabeth H. tailoress, e.s. Baymiller<br />

b. Kemble aad Richmond<br />

Bartholomew Valentine, tailor, n.s. Burgoyne b.<br />

Main and Sycamore<br />

Bartlett Brewer, (B. B. & Co.) s.s. 4th b. Wood<br />

Wrightson, Printer.<br />

Bass Frederick, moulder at Powell's foundry<br />

Bass Thomas, 148 Walnut<br />

Bassett Luke A. hoop poles and lumber, s.s. Water<br />

b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Bassford Thomas, jr. 101 Walnut, h.n.s. 3d b. Park<br />

and Mill<br />

Basterman Barney, lab. n. s. 6th e. of Lock<br />

Bastle J. at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Batch C. tanner, s.s. Front b. T.P. 3 and 4<br />

Batchelder Francis Y. Capitol House, w.s. W. How<br />

b. TthandSth '<br />

Batchelder George H. (Cutaiar & B.) s.s. Sth b W<br />

Row and John<br />

Batchelder Mrs. Sarah, tailoress, n.s. 3d b. W. Row<br />

and John<br />

ATCHEI.OR SOLOmOlV C. varnish<br />

B manuf. 42 c. 2d, res. Walnut Hills<br />

Bate Mrs. S. milliner, w.s. W. Row b. Longworth<br />

and 6th<br />

Bate Samuel, at McArthur & Co's, h w s W Row<br />

b. Longworth and 6th<br />

AT?'EMAN A: CO. (Thomas B., Samuel H.<br />

B Taft, James Wise & John Connelly) lumberyard<br />

and flooring mill, c. W. Row and Laurel<br />

Bateman Henry, porter, 27 Main<br />

Bateman John. carp, n s. 3d b. Smith and Park<br />

Bateman J. H. lab. w.s. Pancoast al. b. 7th and Sth<br />

Bateman Thomas, (B. & Co.) n.w.c. Betts and Cut­<br />

and Stone<br />

ter<br />

ARTLiETX B. A: Co. (Brewer B. & Geo. Bateman Warner M. atty. 93 Walnut<br />

B A. Bicknell), com. mer. 28 w. Front<br />

Bateman William D. elk. stm. boat, h. s.s. Water<br />

BARTIiETX, CHAPMAN A: Co. (Phipps b. Elm and Plum<br />

W. B., Stephen G. C. & Richard T. Stockton), Bateman William K. stereotyper, 167 Walnut, h.s.<br />

wh. grocers, ford, and com. mer. 38 Walnut s. Sth b.Vine and Race<br />

AUTLETT'S COMMERCIAI^ COl,. Batersby James, elk. n.s. 7th b. Baymiller and<br />

B L/EGE, Melodeon bldg. n.w.c. 4th and Walnut<br />

rreeman<br />

Bartlett Curtis, carp. n.s. Front b. T.P. 34 and 35 '^^'te^ George D. elk. n.e.c. 4th and Vine, bds. City<br />

F'n<br />

ATES J,4MES W. National Theatre, e.s.<br />

Bartlett Mrs H. n.w.c. Clark and Cutter BH.,;/^"'"'??- ^^"'-'^ •'"'' "• 1 '*o°'' "• «f theatre<br />

Bartlett Nathaniel, 119 w. 9th<br />

Bates iMiss Ja^ie, dressmkr. n.e.c. 6th and Broadway<br />

jQ,.<br />

Bartlett Phipps W. (B., Chapman & Co.) bds.<br />

Broadway Hotel<br />

ATES i-OHN, National Theatre e s Svci-<br />

Bartlett Reed, elk. Gazette ofRce, h. 06 Center B more b. 3d and 4th • . u,tr<br />

•DARTI.E'1'T ROBERT M. Commercial<br />

Bates Joseph S. (B. Whitcher & Co.) 91 w 4th<br />

D College, Melodeon bldg, n.w.c. 4th aud Wal­ ^"^'of'^Patr H- (B- & Scarborough) h. s.^. 4th w.<br />

nut, rep. in Storrs tp.<br />

Bartlett William, lab. s.s. New b. Broadway and ATE.S RICH.IRM, wh. grocer and


C. S. BURDSAL &, CO..<br />




Mo. 238 Main st. between FifYh and 8ixth,<br />

Wrightson, Printer.<br />

BAU<br />

oea?-^55e^S33e^s;<br />

Bath House, (French) Joseph Alexander, s.a. 3db.<br />

Vine and Race<br />

Bathurt Henry A. watch mkr. Court b. Walnut<br />

and Vine<br />

Batter Diederich V. shoemkr. s.s. Abigail h. Sycamore<br />

and Broadfvay<br />

Battershy Jamea, b.k. at Lyon & Bell's, h.n.w.c.<br />

7th and Baymiller<br />

Battle Joseph, tailor, n.s. Sth b. Sycamore and<br />

B<br />

Broadway<br />

AVX:U ADOJLPH, ho. phys. 100 w. 9th b.<br />

Vine aud Race<br />

Bauer Anthony, brklayer, w.s. Hughes b. Schiller<br />

and Burgoyne<br />

Bauer Conrad, lab. e.s. Dunlap b. Cooper and Ham.<br />

road<br />

Bauer John carp. s.s. Buckeye b. Main and Eden<br />

Bauer John W. grocery, s.w.c. Ham. road and<br />

Walnut<br />

Bauer Michael, cooper, w.s. Hughes b. Schiller and<br />

Liberty<br />

Bauer Thomas A. lab. w.s. Ham. road b. Poplar<br />

B<br />

and Locust<br />

AVnR JOSEPH, ho phys. 100 w. 9th b.<br />

Vine and Race<br />

Baug Frederick, grocery, c. Pleasant and Liberty<br />

Baug Philip, wood sawyer, e.s. Bremen b, 15th and<br />

Liberty<br />

Eaugh E. at B. Hazen's<br />

Baughman Egnetz, tailor, w.s. Bremen b. Green<br />

* and Liberty<br />

Baughman Jacob, painter, s.s. Webster b. Sycamore<br />

and Broadway<br />

Baughman Michael, brklayer, e.s. Peet b. Locust &<br />

Poplar<br />

Baughman Peter, shoemkr. e.s, Linn b. Maple and<br />

York<br />

Bftughman Robert A. painter and composition<br />

roofer, e.s. Freeman b. Liberty and Poplar<br />

Baughman William H. house painter, e.s. Dudley<br />

b. Everett and Liberty<br />

BauU J. at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Baulmire Jrhn, lab. n.e.c. Bremen and Green<br />

Baulser William. chairmUr. bds. B. Hazelton<br />

Baulter William, grocery, e.s. Elm b. Green and<br />

Findley<br />

Baum Mrs. A. s.e.c. Corporation line and Auburn<br />

Baum George, cooper, s.s. Ham road b. Clarksoo<br />

BEA<br />

Baumgardner John, raoider, bds. Mia S Ranm<br />

gardner ' * •"*'"'"•<br />

Baumgardner Joseph, e.s. Main b. Liberty and<br />

bchil Ler<br />

'^''Tn^d's'c"h1ue'^"" ^"''''' "•'• ^"SheB b. Liherty<br />

^^" wTlnut'''"' P'*''"*''' ^•'- Pov^i-r h. Main and<br />

Bavinger Louis, shoemkr. n.w.c. Bremen and 14th<br />

Bavis James, pattern mkr. at Globe fouudry bds<br />

Central Hotel ''<br />

Barwise Luther T. cutter. Oak Hall, bds. Dennison<br />

xiouse<br />

Baxter Archibald, basement Melodeon bide<br />

Baxter Christopher M. (Hooper & Co.) e.s. Mill b<br />

4th and Sth<br />

Baxter Hiram J. n.s. Congress b. Butler and M<br />

Canal<br />

Baxter John, pattern mkr. Melodeon bldir<br />

D 38 Main, h. 26 w. 8th<br />

Bay Michael, cooper, e.s. Hughes b. Schiller and<br />

Burgoyne<br />

Bay Sarah, canal b. Race and Elm<br />

Bayer Murdin, shoemkr. s.s. Elder b. Vine and<br />

Race<br />

Bayger Albert, tailor, w.s. W. Row b. Clinton and<br />

Everett<br />

Bayless William H. 136 w. 9th<br />

B<br />

AZAUK STABILE, Mathew Smith, s.e.c.<br />

3d and Vine<br />

Beach Hiram, engineer, n.s. 4th b. Park and Mill<br />

Beach Jacob, boot and shoe mkr. e.s. Vine b. Allison<br />

and 13th<br />

Beach James, trader, n.s 2nd b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Beach Julia M. dress mkr. n.s. 4th b. Mill and Park<br />

Beachman Frederick, s.s. Front b.Vine and Kace<br />

Beadle Delancea, barkeeper, 2U e. 4th<br />

Beagard Adam, lab. at W.J. &. C. Schultz<br />

Beahl Philip, lab. at Johnson. Morton & Co's<br />

Beaker Andrew, b.h. e.s. Ludlow b. 2nd & Congress<br />

Beale John, teacher, bds. ii.s. Sth b. Elm and Plum<br />

Beale John, (J. B. & Co.) bds. Pearl St House<br />

Beale John & Co. (James D. Smith) 26 Pearl<br />

B<br />

EAEEK CORNEI.1CS F. wines and liquors<br />

18 Broadway<br />

Bealer Peter, carp. e.s.Elm b. 12th and 13th<br />

and Piatt, bda. Jacob Ringel<br />

Beall John jr. (Christopher & B.) s.s, Madison b<br />

AUIfl JOHJV C, Mohawk chemical labora­ Elm and Canal<br />

B tory, h. Canal and Dunlap s. of Ham. road, h.e. Beall Peter, finisher, e.s. Baum s. of Symmes<br />

a. iJunlap b. Cooper and Ham. road<br />

Beall William B., hatter, s s. 7th b. Baymiller &<br />

Baum William, plane mkr. n.s. Observatory road Freeman<br />

Bauman John, n.s. 3d b. Sycaraore and Broadway Beals Robert, carp. n.s. Sth e. of Lock.<br />

Bauman John E. machinist, w.s. Mill b. 4th and Beam Alexander, ship carp. s.s. Front b. T P 1*<br />

Sth<br />

and 18 F'n<br />

Bauman Peter, s.s. Sth b. Mill and Stone<br />

Beam John, ship carp. ,at Jonnson, Morton & Co'/<<br />

AUITIEISTEK & Ci;oi:.DSCHin:ii>T, Beaman Reinhard, marble mason, 70 w. -Ith, h.n.s.<br />

B (William B & Hirsch G.) cabt. ware rooms, Liberty h. Main and .Sycamore<br />

6fi Sycamore<br />

Beamer Andrew, lab. n.s.Sth b. Broadway & Butler<br />

Baumeister William, (B. & Goldschmidl) GG Syca­ Bean U. Jackson, printer at Commercial office, bds<br />

more<br />

n.w.c. Sth andBroadway<br />

Baumer Edward, shoemkr. s.w.c. W. Row and Sth Beaner Joseph, b.k. e.s. Jackson b. 12th and 13th<br />

Baumer Herman, shoemkr. s.w.c, W. Row and Sth Beans Thomas, fruit store 144 Walnut<br />

Bear Mrs Barbery, u s. Findley b. Race and Sim



-^ "wu" «c: rac a: «:» :!«r JE3 3E3 JHK. ^ 9<br />


^^^31VO. 30 OTAIX STKEET,<br />

Q^ :^ c^'v^ £1^ ,^N.. i;^ ^ ,.£:^ £^ isi ^ a<br />

(« Groceries : Tuesdays & Fridays—Dry Goods: Wednesdays & Thursdays.<br />

BEC BEE<br />

Bear Bernard, tinner, w.s. Pleasant b. loth and Liberty<br />

Bear Frederick, waggon mkr, s.s. Hopkins b. Linn<br />

and Locust h.n.s. Hopkins b.Linn and Locust<br />

Bear Hamilton M. printer,w.s. Race b. 13th & Hth<br />

Bear Louisa, dress mkr, w.s. John b. Kemble and<br />

Richmond<br />

Bear William, 121 Symmes<br />

Beard James H. artist. Magnolia Hall h. s.s. 9th b<br />

Main and Walnut<br />

Beard John, elk. bds SI Center<br />

Beargmanu Henry, carp. w.s. Pleasantb, 14th and<br />

15th<br />

Bearheder John H. carp. n.s. Liberty b. Race and<br />

Pleasant<br />

Bearheder William, lab. e.s.Pleasant b. Green and<br />

Findley<br />

Bearkle Florentine, rectifier, w.s. Ann b. Plum and<br />

W. Row<br />

Bearly George, lab. bds. New e. of Broadway<br />

Bearly George, carp, s.s. Everett b. Locust and Freeman<br />

Bearly Henry, s.s. 15th b. Race und Bremen<br />

B<br />

EATXIE Oc EKAZEK (John B. & Peter<br />

K. F.) produce and com. mers. s.s. Front b.<br />

Walnut and Vine<br />

Beattie John,(B.& Frazier) s.s.Water b. Race &Elm<br />

Beatty James, (Trowbridge & B.) e.s. Race b. Canal<br />

and 12th<br />

Beatty John, cabt. mkr. s.s. Laurel w. of Linn<br />

Beatty Thomas, blk. smith, n.s. Bth e. of M. Canal<br />

Beatty William, n.s. Front b.T.P. 16 and 17 F'n<br />

Beaver Henry, w.s. Linn b. Everett and Hickory<br />

Beaver John, teamster, w.s. Elm b. 12th and 14th<br />

Beazell Jasher, b. k. 39 Main, bds. N. W. Speeis<br />

Becher John, tailor, w.s. Peet b. Locust and Eden<br />

Bechler Jacob, n.w.c. Clay and Allison<br />

Bechomeus George, at Harkness & Son's<br />

Bechtel Ludwig, cabt. mkr. e.s. Broadway b. Hunt<br />

aud Abigail<br />

Bechtholdt George, drayman, s.s. W. W. Canal w.<br />

of John<br />

Bechtholdt Jacob, n.s. Mulberry b. Main & Locust<br />

Bechman Henry, tanner, n.B.6th e. of Lock<br />

Beck Andrew, n.s. Mercer b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Beck Bernard, city police, w.s. Pendleton b. Woodward<br />

and Liberty<br />

Beck Mrs. Catharine, tailoress, s.s. 12th b. Walnut<br />

and Vine<br />

Beck Frederick, coffee h. n.s. Front b. M. Canal<br />

and Depot<br />

Beck George, pastry cook, n.s. Ham. road b. Main<br />

and Locust<br />

Beck George, lab. w.s. Linn h. Catharine & Clark<br />

Beck Henry, lab. William b. Elm and Plum<br />

Beck Henry, lab.n.s.Cherry b. Elm and Plum<br />

Beck Jacob, carpet weaver, e.s. Buckeye b. Locust<br />

and Poplar<br />

Beck Johu, lab. w.s. Elm h. Green and North<br />

Beck Joseph E. bk. binder, s.s. George b. Cutter &<br />

Linn<br />

Beck Joseph, w.s. Fulton b. Bth and Kemble<br />

Beck Mrs. Mary, dress mkr. n.s. 8th b. Linn and<br />

Baymiller<br />

Wri^htsOn, Printer, 43 Main^<br />

Beck Peter, carp. 43 Jackson<br />

Beck Stephen, tailor, bds. Mrs. Cosgroves<br />

Beck Truman, hatter, n.s. Sth b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

Beckel Joseph, e.s. Young n. of Ringgold<br />

Beckenhopt John, bakery, e.s. Freeman s. of 6th<br />

Becker Albert, cooper, s.s. Madison b. Elm & Plum<br />

Becker Mrs. Catharine, w.s. Bremen h. Green and<br />

Liberty<br />

Becker Christian F. 77 w. 3d<br />

Becker Frederick, s.s. Mulberry b. Locust & Eden<br />

Becker Henry, w.s. Smith n. of Augusta<br />

Becker John B. lab. n.w.c. Peet and Poplar<br />

Becker J. C. w.s. Bremen b. 14th and 15th<br />

Becker Joseph, s.s. Buckeye w. of Main<br />

Becker Sebastian, n.s. Liberty b. Race and Elm<br />

Becket John, e.s Linn b. Catharine and Clark<br />

Becking John, s.s. Catharine b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Beckleman Clements, ooffeo h. Court b.Vine and<br />

Race<br />

Beckley H.<br />

Race<br />

T. boatman, n.s. Water h. Vine and<br />

Beckley Jesse, composition roofer w s W Row b<br />

B. F,^°"\^f'!^ ^''' ^•^•^- ^'^'*'«'' ^- Plum & W. Row<br />

Beckley William, calker, 134 w 3d<br />

Beckman August, tinner, e.s. Vine b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Beckman Charles, e.s Bremen b. Hth and 15th<br />

Beckman Frederick, s.s. Hopkinsb. John and Cotter<br />

Beckman H e.s. Clay b. 13th and Allison<br />

Beckman Henry, w.s. Ham. road h. Walnut and<br />

Liberty<br />

Beckman Henry, teamster, s.s. 6th e. of Harriet<br />

Beckman Herman, e.s. Pierson b. Sth and 6th<br />

Beckman J. n.s. Ham. road b. Piatt and Freeman<br />

Beckman J. H. e.s. Walnut b. Allison & Liberty<br />

Beckman Louis, n.s. Ham. road b. Main & Locust<br />

Beckman Otto, s.s. Jefferson b. Elm and Canal<br />

Beckman Theodore, s.s. Greeu b. Race and Bremen<br />

Beckman William, carriage smith, at H P Gryden<br />

& Co's, bds. Buckeye b. Main & Sycamore<br />

DECKSIMIXH HEIVRr, Whife HaU Tav<br />

D ern,S94 and 296 Main ' "lienaiiiav<br />

Beckstedt Christain, s.s. Buckeye b. Locust and<br />

Poplar<br />

Beckwermer Herman, lab 6 and 7 Kugler's Row<br />

Bockwith Franklin, drayman, e.s. Fulton b. Kemble<br />

and Richmond<br />

Beckwith JolinP. s.s 3db. John and Smith<br />

Beckwith \\ 11 nam IN. barber at Alex. Price's<br />

Bedart B. flmslicrat Powell's foundry<br />

Bedart William,finisher at Powell's<br />

Bedeau C. K. blk sniith at Johnson, Morton & Co",<br />

h.s.s. Front b.T.P. 13 and 14 F'n ""-" •<br />

Bedell Joseph, n.s. Ham. road b. Locust and Poplar'<br />

Bee George, tinner, bds. Mrs. McDonald<br />

Ho^hTus ""'*"' ''•'• ^- ^'"'' ^- «"'' »"'> .<br />

^''an'^d'^EIm '"^- ^* ^^ ^- '^'"'=' ^'•^•=- ="i »• «»«'<br />

Beebe Samuel, s.s. Catharine b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Beeham Miss Ellen, milliner, 188 w. Sth







Wrightson, Printer, 43 Main st<br />

BEL BEL<br />

Beeka James^ Levee b. Main and Walnut<br />

Bell David R. n.s. 6th e. of Lock<br />

Bcel John, carp. n.s. Pendleton b. Liberty and Bell David M. e.s. Mitchell s. of Observatory road<br />

Woodward<br />

Bell D. K. (Johnson, Morton & Co.) s.a. Front e.ol<br />

Beeler Peter, w.s. Elm b. 13th and 14th<br />

depot<br />

Beeler Peter, barkeeper, 230 Walnut<br />

Bell Fountain, s.s. Everett b. Linn andLocuet<br />

Beer C. W. cabt. mkr. at Burley & Lyford's h. Cov­ Bell Herbert, elk. 15 Pearl<br />

ington<br />

Bell James B. teacher, 353 w. Gth<br />

Beerman Frederick, stone mason, s.s. Everett b. Bell James B. n.w.c. Main and 6th, bda. Walmit<br />

Culler and Linii<br />

St. House<br />

Beerman Fredericic, coffee h. w.s. Main b. 13th and Bell John, at Harkness & Son's foundry<br />

Allison<br />

Bell J ohn, lab. n.s. Front b. Butler and Pike<br />

Beerrt Charles H. coffee h. Landing e. of Broadway. Bell Johu, huckster, s.s. Chesnut b. John and Ful­<br />

h.n.s. Liberty b. Young and VVilson<br />

ton<br />

££SL.1^V JOfflIN *V, mer. tailor, 105 Main Bell J ohn, s.s. 3d b. Smith and Park<br />

B h.s.s. 5th b. John and Smith<br />

Bell Joseph, (Lyon & B.) n.s. 13th b. Elm &. Plum<br />

Beggs Joseph P (B. & Smith) s.s. 4th b. Park and Bell Josepb, s.s. George b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Mill<br />

Bell tWary, n.s. Cherry b. Kace and Elm<br />

EOGS & SIWLITH, (Joseph P. B. & Harry Bell Mrs. Mary n.s. M. Canal b. Vine and Race<br />

B K. iS.) jewelry, silverware, &c. 14 w. 4th Bell Mrs. Eliza, b.h. 193 Court<br />

Behma CiiBper, carp. e.s. Sycamore b. Liberty and Bell Max, Itii Muin, h.n.s. Gth b. Sycamore and<br />

.Schiller<br />

Broadway<br />

Behmeu Herman, w.s. Hughes b. Schiller and Bur­ BellNaULy, w s. Johu b. Kemble and Richmond<br />

goyne<br />

Bell Peter, s b. Cuurt b. Main and Walnut, h.w.6.<br />

Behmen Rhinehard, w.s. Hughes b. Schiller and SiuiLli b. George and 7th<br />

Burgoyne<br />

Bell Robert, s.s. Kichmond b. W. Row and Job*<br />

Behne Anihuny, s.s. Front b. John & Smith i-iiili Sidney S. punter, Gazette ofiice<br />

Behne Joseph, s.s. 5lh b. Kuce and Kim<br />

BbUTUOiiias, piasierer, bds. James Hall<br />

Behr Nicholas, carp. s.s. Mulberiy b. Poplar and bell William, carter, U.S. Sth e. of Lock<br />

Locust<br />

Bell William, huisher, n.>. 6th e. of Baum<br />

Behr Peter, (S. Feinberg & B ) 31 w. 7th<br />

Bell Williajn, teamster, n.s. Kossuth<br />

Behrens Henry, carp. bds. Mrs. M. Behrens Bell William, grocer, n.w.c. Kace and Cherry<br />

Bebroiis Jacob, s s. Front b.T.P. ::iO & 21 F'n Bell William ji.n.s. 7th b. Linn & Bd.ymiller<br />

Behrens Mrs. Margaret, s.e.c. Hughes & Schiller Bellamy William, saddler, bds. Court b. Walnut<br />

Behrman Bernard, tailur, 28ti Longwurth<br />

and Vine s.s.<br />

Behrman Michael, tailor. New b. Elder and Green BelUugy Wm. F. elk. bds. Ludlow Patterson<br />

Behs Michael, e.s. Bremen b. loth and Liberty Belle George, w.s. Vineb. Green and elder<br />

Beidler Michael, e.s. Bremen b. 15lh and Liberty Beller Francis W. e.s. Walnut b. 9lh and Court<br />

Beimann Bernard, s.e.c. Abigail and Broadway Bellers George, bds. F. HiKrick<br />

Beinert troorge, printer, s.e.c. Ham. road


B<br />



Elegant and Fashionable Furniture, of every style and pattern, at low<br />

prices, warranted superior quality and workmanship.<br />

BEN<br />

'Viwif!<br />

BER<br />

EIiVIDERE, J. Wilmerton, s.w.c. Vine Bennett Thomas S. (Bennett and Grapevine) ii.B.<br />

and 3d<br />

Front b. Lytle and Collard<br />

Belville Saml. S. carp. a.s. Everett b. Locust and Bennett William, finisher, bds. A. B. Robinson<br />

Freeman, h.s.s. Laurel b. Linn and Locust Bennett William, carp. s. of Front b. T.P. 3 and<br />

Belville Wm. W. grocer, s.s. Laurel b. John and 4 F'n<br />

Cutter<br />

Bennett Wm P. elk. Gibson House<br />

Bemer "William, shoe mkr. bds. E. Maltby Benning Mrs. Elizabeth, tailoress, Hamilton road<br />

Bemia Frederick A. machinist, at Reynold, Kite b. Locust and Poplar<br />

& Tatura'a<br />

Benny Bryen, sheet iron worker, Patrick Connelly<br />

Bemis G. at Harkness & Son's foundry<br />

Benschardt Louis, e.s. Hamilton road b. Vine and<br />

Bemis Mrs. Margaret, a.s. 3d b. Smith and Park Poplar<br />

Bemis William, bar keeper Gilmore House Bense James, printer, 19 e. 3rd<br />

B«n. Franklin coffee h. George H. Patten, 1 Com­ Sensing Christian, stone cutter, n.a. 15th b. Race<br />

mercial Row<br />

and Bremen<br />

Benbecker Louis, e.s. Clay b. 13th and Allison Bensing George, n,s. 15th b. Race and Elm<br />

Bend Henry, elk. 62 Lower Market<br />

Benson Benjamin, e.s. Park b. 3d and 4th<br />

Bene G. H. w.s. Race b. Liberty and Green Benson C. bds. Thos. Prout's<br />

Bender Henry, n.s Betts b. John and Cutter Benson Henry, w.s. Vine b. 2nd and Pearl<br />

Bender Wm. e.s W. Row b. Mason and Everett Benson Jerry, c. 6th and Lock<br />

Benedict Alexander, carp. n.s. Betts b. Cutter and Benson John, e.s. Vine b. Liberty and Allison<br />

Linn<br />

Benson Sarah, seamstress, w.s.W. Row b. Chesnnt<br />

Benedict Edwin, shoe mkr. bds. Wm. H. Spence and Elizabeth<br />

Benedict Emanuel, s.s. Mason b. Plum & W. Row Benson William, river, n.s. Front b. Race and Elm<br />

Benedict Isaac A. res. 143 w. 3d,<br />

Benson William.engineer Cin'tisaw mill, junction<br />

ENEDICT ElVElil' STABILE, (Isaac 6th and Front<br />

B A. B. & M. De Witt Loomis) s.s. 3d b. Race & Benst Frederick A. e.s. Broadway b. Hunt and<br />

Elm<br />

Abigail<br />

Benedict Stephen, cabnt. mkr. w.s. Race b. Front Bentel Louis, locksmith, s.s. Mulberry b. Locust and<br />

andSd<br />

Eden<br />

Benedict Thomas, e.s. Vineb. 12th and Canal Bcntley Alexander Jr. foreman book room Gaiett»<br />

Beneke Casper, elk. at M. A. Orlopp's<br />

Benfaart Bernard, e.s. Race b. Green and Elder<br />

Office<br />

Benhart Jacob, bds. 51 Centre<br />

Bentley Milton, e.s. Locust b. Betts and Clinton<br />



ALL,<br />


No. <strong>52</strong> Main Street, three doors abo\ e Columbia,<br />

inanufacturcs and keeps constantly on liand, tlUc larg^est and<br />

best assortment nrcst o£ New York, n^arrauted pure,<br />

and to keep in any climate,<br />

ci^^ Wrightson, Prinlerjfe>^J




East Front Street, near tlie "Water \rorJks,<br />

Are prepared to furnish at short notice, SAWED LOMBER, such as Pine, Poplar, Ash, Oak, Walnut,<br />

etc. The best of Oak for steamboat work always on hand. Also sawed and cut lath, and flooring<br />

hoards.<br />

Proprietor and Mannfactnrer of the most improved<br />


BIL BIS<br />

Biohcr 0. at Harkness & Son's foundry<br />

Bicker Frederick, s.s. Buckeye b. Locust & Poplar<br />

Bickeidyke Joseph, b.k. bds. Benjamin Bofinger<br />

Bickerstair Samuel, n.s. Hamilton road b. Locust<br />

and Poplar<br />

Bicknell Benjamin, (B. B. & Co) e.s. John 3 doors<br />

Billeaa Michael, tailer, c. Vine and Allison<br />

Biilerback C. A. grocer, s.e.c. Congress and Butler<br />

Billinger Martin, carp. w.s. W. Kow n. of Ash.h,<br />

w.a. Sassafras n. of Ash '<br />

BiUingsley Henry, 25 w. 7th<br />

BiUiod George, bakery and coffee house, junction<br />

8. of Everett<br />

Vine and Ham. road<br />

ICK)VEl,ti BENJ. & CO Queen City saw lH,tOD FKEDEKICK, Lafayette brew­<br />

B mill e.Front near water works B ery, junction Vine and Ham. road<br />

Bicknell George A. (B. Bartlett & Co) 266 Vine Binca William, n.s.Everett b. Linn and Locust.<br />

Bidenham George, mer. bds. BoUmau & Bruinings Bindhammer Paul, w.s. Vineb. 12th and 13th<br />

Biding Joseph, (David Griffey)<br />

Bindley James, carp s.s. Front near Butler, h.B.a.<br />

Biedenbender Jacob' bds. J. A. Biedenbender<br />

3d b. Smith and Park<br />

Biedenbender John A. w.s. Bremen b. Liberty and Bing Nathan, 259 w. 6th<br />

Green<br />

Bing Samuel, n.s. 5th b. W. Row and John<br />

Biedenberg John, n.s. Water b. Plum and W. Row Bingan Miss Harriet, milliner, 168 w. Sth<br />

Biedenburg J. H..\. n.s. Water b. Plnm and W. Kow Bingham Charles, H. printer, 167 Walnut, h.s.s.<br />

Biedinger Peter, segar mkr. e.s. Pleasant b. Liberty George b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

and 15th<br />

Bingham John, confec. bds. J. M. Livezey<br />

Biell John, w.s. Vine b. Ham. road and Elder Bingham John A. (Johnston, B. & Todd) s.s. 3d w.<br />

Bieler Henry, e.s Elm b. 12th and M. Canal<br />

of Broadway<br />

Biela George, w.s. Pendleton 1 door n. Woodward Binker J. H. carp. s.s. Jefferson b. Elm and Plum<br />

Biels Mrs. Sarah, e.s. Vine b. Hth and Allison Binnemier Herman H. tailor, e-s. Broadway b<br />

Biels Thompson W. P. e.s. Vine b. 14th and.'Vllison Hunt and Abigail<br />

Bierbaum Hans, s.e.c. Milton and Young<br />

Binninger W. (Harkness & Son's foundry)<br />

Bierbaum Peter s.s. Liberty b. Elm and Plum Binsacli Peter, w.s. Bremen b. Green and Liberty<br />

Bierce , bds. Joseph Delaplains<br />

Birch John, brush nila;. bds. Baltimore Housa<br />

Biere T. W. tuner Piano's n.s. 7th b. Plum aud Bird Abraham, n.s. jfli w. of John<br />

W. Row<br />

Bird Bloss, e.s. Linnb. Davton and York<br />

Bierenbaum N. w.s. M. Canal b. Maple and Ash Bird Dennis, brick mason, bds. Carnelle Viaam<br />

Bierger Conrad, lab. n.s. Liberty b. Main and Syca­ Bird Henry, elk. bds. Ira H. Birds<br />

more.<br />

Bird Ira H. (Bascom & B.) 213 w.7th<br />

Bierman Henry A. s.s. Court w. of Main<br />

Bird Joseph, e.s. Cutter b. Catherine and Clark<br />

Biesent John. e.s. Providence b. Everett and Wade Bird Mrs. Mary, s.s. Front b. Walnut and Vino<br />

Biesenthal S R. jeweller. 24li w. 6th<br />

Bird Nicholas, elk. and reporter. <strong>52</strong> w 4th<br />

Biftes Jacob, e.s. Vineb. Liberty and Allison Bird Richard, n.s. Sth w. of W. Row<br />

Bigelow Horace G. (Wm. Smith & Co) n. s. 3rd b. Birkett James A. n.s. Front b. Parson and Lytic<br />

Mill and Stone<br />

Birney James (B. & Pierce) 114 Main, res. w.s. Au<br />

Bigelow John A. n.e. Ringgold e. Sycamore<br />

burn n.of Mason<br />

Biggers David A. b.k 27 L. Market bds. 207 Long- IK.\EV A; i'EBKCE, (James B. & Chas.<br />

worth<br />

B C. P.) attys, notaries, and commissioners 114<br />

Biggers Heni7 J. painter, bds. 200 Longworth<br />

Main<br />

Biggers James, carp. bds. WHO Temples Birney Jamea, salesman, bds. 130 M,jn<br />

Biggs John, s.s.New b. Sycamore and Broadway Bisbee Francis i Ira, Patterson al. o. of Walnut<br />

Biggs John, n.w.c. Front aHd Ludlow<br />

b. 5th and Uth, bds. Mrs. Denneys. s.s. 6th w of<br />

Biggs Joseph A. e.s. Vine n. of 9th<br />

Smith<br />

Biggs Thomas J. Pres.Woodword College, 332 Vine Blsch Victor, bd.^. Shires'<br />

Biggs Thomas K. (Dickson. Taylor »i: B.)bds. James Bischer Frederick, s.s. Buckeye b. Poplar and Lo-<br />

Bones<br />

Biggs Wm H. s.s. George h. Smith and Mound<br />

Bigler Daniel M. 155 w. 5th<br />

^'^"S '^"""'°5-, n.s. Buckeye b. Eden and Lo<br />

Bigler Dr. Geo. W. (B. & Wright) 1 Neaves' bldgs<br />

c. 4th and Race<br />

Bischoir Vallen, w.s. Hughes b. .Schiller & Liberty<br />

IUL.ER tt WKISHT (George W. B.& Bischer Anthony, s.s. Gforgc b. Mound and Cutter<br />

B Augustus S W.) ho. phys. 1 Neaves bldgs. c. 4th Z uud'llh''- '''•• '"'^"^ '^ """-^ ^."jobnX<br />

and Kace<br />

Bigman John, millstone dresser, J Bradford &Co's BishoS 'Mi-^°« ' Y-' ••""l?, *•• A'"^°" =""' Liberty<br />

Bickerstaff Robert, engineer, .s.s. Kemble b. \V. Row G?een ''•^" ^^"''^'"'^ *• liberty and<br />

and John<br />

Bile George, n.s. .Abigail 1 door n. Pendleton ^itZ Bishop PiT' IJii ip, '•'• c s. V>'''' Linn b. ''• Maple ^'"">' and and York John<br />

Bilfer carp. w.s. Cutter b. Richmond and Catherine<br />

Bierkley Antonio, n.e.c. George and Baymiller a°fd8t'h •'' *'• ""• ^ '•''""'• ''••=•*• «='" "• '""<br />

Bill John, bds. J. Gerdhard3d opji. Stone<br />

Btllauby P. at A. Harkness & Sons' foundry<br />

Bishop Samuel P. asst. cashier Ohio L. & Trust Ca<br />

s.s. Harrison



BISHOP, "WELLS & CO.;<br />




Sl^^SH^^ii CD^a^'SS £3l22a>S ^S.t^ }Sfm



Manufacturers of every variety of<br />

WAKE Rooms,<br />


Between Lower Uarket and Third sts,<br />

BLU BOD<br />

Blickmystoerfer John, hds. George F. Eckel<br />

Blincker Theodore, Pleasant h. Liberty and Green<br />

Blinn Asa, b.h. n.s. William b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Blinn & Burns (Osias B. & J. B.B.) s.s. Sth b. Brdway<br />

and Pike<br />

Blinn G. B. elk. bds. William Thompson<br />

•Blinn James, (Green & B.) e.s. Cutter b. Laurel &<br />

Hopkins<br />

Bliss Asa, s.s. Slow b. Freeman and Can-<br />

Bliss George R. n.s. Front b. T.P. 17and 18 F'n<br />

Bliss Henry, bds. Broadway Hotel<br />

Bliss Orramel, printer, Commerc. office, res. s.s.<br />

Webb b. .Smith and Park<br />

Bliss Oliver H. salesman, 12 e. 4th res. Covington<br />

BUven David, Lawrence b. Symmes and Congress<br />

Block Ale.xis, e.s. Walnut b. Pearl and 3d<br />

Block Aaron, (Lehman & B.) 2S7 Main<br />

Block Ellas, 53 Centre<br />

Block Emil, bds. 53 Centre<br />

Block Lazaras, (Aub. B. & Frenkel) n.s. Commerce<br />

b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Block E. & Co. (Ellas B. & Emil B.) 35 w. 5tb<br />

Block Job, Front b. Harriett and Horn<br />

Block John, w.s. Harriet 2d. n. Gth<br />

Block Joseph, s.s. Bth 4 d. e. of Harriett<br />

Block Leopold,2(i9 Main<br />

Biock Lewis, n.s. Hth b. Elm and Plum<br />

.Biockmier Henry, s.s. Woodward b. Pendleton &<br />

*. Broadway<br />

JJlockwell Charles H. messenger. S. S. Goodman &<br />

Co's 101 Main<br />

Biockwell Mary A. e.s. Raceb. Pearl and 2d<br />

Blodgett Anna E. e.s. Elm b.4th and 5th<br />

Bloetz William,e.s. Vine b. Liberty and Allison<br />

Bloff Casper a.s. Mulberry b. Vine and Poplar-<br />

Blom Frederick, cap mkr. ss. JelTcrsonb. Elm and<br />

Plum<br />

Blombry Frederick, bds. c. Sycamore and Gth<br />

Blome Frederick, shoe mkr."s.s. Cherry b. Race &<br />

Elm<br />

Blomer Henry, n.s. Sth b. Pike and Butler<br />

Blommal William, s.s. Jefferson h. Elm and Plum<br />

Bloom Frederick, coffee h. w. s. Front e. of Depot<br />

Bloom George, shoo mkr. n.s. Betts b. Cutter and<br />

Linn<br />

Bloom Henry, n s. Front e. of Depot<br />

Bloom Moses, bds. 17 North st.<br />

Bloom S. W. city police, n.s. Sth b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Bloomer George, s. of Front b. TJ". 2 and 3 F'a<br />

Bloomer James, s.s. Water b. Plum and Elm<br />

Bloomer John H. elk. (Cline & Co.) n.s. sth b. Pike<br />

' and Butler<br />

Bloomes Davis, bds. Peter Nemsgems<br />

Blossom Ansel, bds. Mrs. Coleman's<br />

Blue Mrs. Sarah, widow of Ezekiel, w.s. Clay b<br />

Allison and Liberty<br />

Bluhme Andreas, n.e.c. Poplar and Pete<br />

Blume Theodore, w.s. M. Canal h. Maple and Dayton<br />

Blumer Henry, n.s. Hunt b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Blumhardt Frederick, w.s. Vino b. Liberty and<br />

Green<br />

Blumenstiel Frederick, tailor, w.s. Walnut b. Canal<br />

and 12th<br />

Blundell Joseph M. n.s. 2d w. of Walnut, h.e.s.<br />

Vineb. Front and 2d<br />

Blune Joseph, e.s. Providence b. Mason and Everett<br />

Blunt Edmond B. (Cooper & B.) e.s. Auburn h."<br />

Corporation line and Carmalt<br />

Bly Frederick, bookseller and phrenologist, e.a.<br />

Vine b. 4th and Sth<br />

Blye Anthony, n.s Liberty b. Dudley and Linn<br />

Blye William, carp. n.s. Liberty b. Linn & Dudley<br />

Blythe John, s.s. Sth b. Lock and Baum<br />

Boake John, e.s. Race b. Hth and 15th<br />

Boal Rev John M. n.s. 7th b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

Boal Robert (W. B. Moores & Co.> s.s. 7th b.Linn<br />

and Baymiller<br />

Boarding Alexander, s.s. Harrison<br />

Boargeding Henry H. w.s. Pleasant b. Liberty and<br />

Green<br />

Boardman Henry, tailor, n.s. 8th e. of Lock<br />

Boch William H. (Thornton & Co.) bds. Wm. C.<br />

Thornton<br />

Eochtell Augustus, cab't rakr. n.s. Sth w. of Park<br />

Bochman William, e.s. Hughes b. Schiller & Burgoyne<br />

BocUer John, city police, e.s. Vine n. of Mulben7<br />

Bockeler Ludwig, e.s. Plum b. Jefferson & Liberty<br />

Bociihorst Henry, n.s. Water b. Race and Elm<br />

Bocklage George, lab. s.s. Woodwaid b. Sycamore<br />

and Broadway<br />

Bocklage Herman H. packer, 87 Main, h.w.s, M.<br />

Canal b. Sth and Gth<br />

Bockton Barney, w.s. Elm b. Green and North<br />

Bockway Henry, lab. e.s. Pleasant b. Green and<br />

Liberty<br />

Bocund Mrs. Melissa, w.s. Vineb. Elder and Ham.<br />

road<br />

Boda William, n.s. Cassett al. b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Bodamer Andrew, s.s. 2d b. Plum and Elm<br />

Bodda Hermann, cooper, n.s. Water b.Race and<br />

Vine<br />

Bode C. e.s. Bremen b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Bode Gerhardt W.'s.w.c. Bremen and Liberty<br />

Bode Henry, bds. H. H. Kramers<br />

Bodeker John H. 87 Main, bds. s.s. 2d b. John and<br />

Smith<br />

Bodenmiller L. fringe manuf. w.s. W. Row b. 6th<br />

and Longworth<br />

Bodgar William, w.s. Riddle b. Harrison road and<br />

Bank<br />

Bodine & Co. (Elisha & Virgil B.) w.s. W Row D<br />

of 6th<br />

Bodine Elisha (Bodine & Co.) w.s. W. Row n. of<br />

6th<br />

Bodine F. at B. Hasen's<br />

Bodine Virgil B. (Bodine & Co.) w.s. W. Row D.<br />

of Bth<br />

Bodley Anthony P. pattern mkr. w.s. John b Cheoinut<br />

and Clark<br />

Bodley James P. book peddler, e.s. observatorv<br />

Bodley Joseph, at G. Shields ""'"rvaiory<br />

Bodley Pricbard T.carp.n.s.Barr b. Cutter* Linn





R. W. BOOTH,<br />


93 Wain Street,<br />


BOR BOU<br />

Bonner John, bds. Mrs. Jefferson's, s.s. 6th b. Race<br />

and Elm<br />

Borger Frederick, e s. Main b. Hunt and Abigail<br />

Bonner Joseph, sexton Union Chapel, res. 7th b. Borgerding Rudolf, n.s. Liberty b. Linn & Locust<br />

Plum and W. Row<br />

Borgert John, a.e. Buckeye b. Poplar and Locust<br />

Bonsatl Mrs. Eliza, 297 Longworth<br />

Borgman Francis, W.R. Buckeye b. Eden and Main<br />

ON SALE CHAREES, surgeon dentist, 118 Borgman John, n.s. Liberty b. W. Row and John<br />

B w. 6th b. College and Race<br />

Borgman H. H. n.s, 8th b. Lock & AccommodatioD<br />

Bonsall Franklin, (Greenwald & B.) n.s. 4th b. Borgo George, n.s. Front b. Race and Vine<br />

Stone and Wood<br />

Borland Mrs. Phebe, 20 Centre<br />

Bonsall Israel, e.s. Lock b. 4th and Sth<br />

Born Afer, e.s. Walnut b. 13th and Allison<br />

Bonsall Isaac, s.s. Longworth b. Mound and Park Borntrihger Lewis, w.s. Bremen b. Hth and 14th<br />

ONSAEE S, N. & CO. (Samuel A. B. & Borntrihger Valentine, w.s. Bremen b. Hth aud<br />

B John Justis) lumber dealers, w^.s. Freeman op. ISth<br />

George<br />

Borre Miss £. milliner and dress mkr. n.s. Sth b.<br />

Bonsall Samuel N. (S. N. B. & Co.) s.s. George b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

Linn and Baymiller<br />

Borrman William, w,s. Elm b. North and Findley<br />

ONXE JOHN, ropes, cordage, &c. 8 Com­ Borrowman Thomas, (Attlesey & B.)<br />

B mercial Row, foot of Main, h.vv.s John b. Borton Edward, elk. 188 Main, bds. Dr. Borton<br />

Clinton and Betts<br />

Oftl'ON JACOB, ec. phys. n.s. 8th b. John<br />

Bonte John H. s.e.c. John and Kemble B and Fulton<br />

Bonte John, atty. hds. 237 w. 6th<br />

Borwick B.irnes, e.s. Bremen b. Hth and 15th<br />

Bonte Peter C. rope manuf. w.3. M'. Row b. David Boschen Robert, s.s. Front b. Walnut and Vine<br />

and Wade, h.n.s. David b. \V. Row and John Bosfeld Christian, e.s. Raceb. Green and Libertv<br />

Book Frederick, e.P. Cherry b. Race and Elm Boskc Clemens, 36 L. Market<br />

Bookka Wm. w.s. Pleasant b. 15th and Liberty Boss Cliristiau, grocer, 72 L. Market<br />

Booklage Henry H. e.s. Culvert b. Sth and Gth Bosse Henry. (J, EUerman & Co.) n.w.c. Gan^<br />

Bookman Ralph, b.k. bds. 51 Centre<br />

and Miller<br />

Boom Jacob, currier, s.s. Everett b. Plum and W. Bosse John H. s.s. Sth b. Walnut and Vine, h.n.s,<br />

Row<br />

5th below Park<br />

Boon Margaret, milliner, w.s. W. Row b. 6th and Bost John, carp- n s, Burgoyne b. Main and Syca<br />

George<br />

more<br />

Boonter Conrad, boot and shoe mkr. e.s. Elm b. OSTON EATINGBBOUSE, W. n. Fales,<br />

Findley and Ham. road<br />

B proprietor, i:^0 Sycamore<br />

Boorcher John, e.s. Vine b. Benton and North Bostler Mrs. Marg't, e.s. Vine b. Buckeye and<br />

Boorlard George, lab. w.s. Ramsey<br />

Ham. road<br />

Boorvenkal Ani.h'y, w.s.Broadway s. of Abigail Bostwick David B. n.s. 2d b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Boosier Jacob, lob. n.s. High b. Lytle and Collard Bostwick Norman G. b.k. 128 Main<br />

Booth John P. elk. 03 Main. bds. 150 Broadway Boswell Alexander, Geo Boswell's w.s. Cutter b.<br />

OOTH KAEPBf "\V, wh. hardware 93 Lawrence and Hopkins<br />

B Main.h. 150 Broadway<br />

Boswell & Trescott, (Thomas E. B. & Enos F. T.)<br />

Booth Roderick, dentist, s.s. Elizabeth b. W. Row carps, n.s. 3d b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

and John<br />

Boswell George, carp. w.s. Cutter b. Laurel and<br />

Boothby Charles, s.a. 3d b. Smith and Park<br />

Hopkins<br />

Boots William, provision dealer, s.w.c. John and Boswell George, blk. smith, e.s. W. Row. b. ADD<br />

Richmond<br />

and Plum<br />

Boott Frederick, b.k. IG Pearl<br />

Boswell Thomas E. (B. & T.) h. Laurel b. Linn and<br />

Bovenger Edward, n.s. Woodward b. Main and Baymiller<br />

Sycamore<br />

Boswith Mrs. Francis, dress mkr. n.s. 7th b. Linn<br />

Borchding H. at H. P. Gryden & Co's. bds. ^-. Rit­ and Baymiller<br />

tenhouse and Clark<br />

Botla Bern'd. s.s. Abigail w. of Broadway<br />

Borchelt H. W. e.s. W. Row b. Ann and Mason Bolter Catharine, s.s. 2db. Vine and Race<br />

Borchelt John, n.s. Liberty b. Cutter and Linn Bottger William, apothecary, junction Vine and<br />

Borcherding Henry, s.s. Front b. Race and Vine<br />

Borcherding William, w.s. Bremen b. 15th and<br />

Ham. road<br />

Botta Thomas, e.s. W. Row b. 2d and Front<br />

Liberty<br />

Botts John, e.s. W. Row b. 2d and Front<br />

Borden James U. 32 L. Market, h. 209 w. 4th Boucgingon Joseph, s.s. Monroe b. Elm and Plam<br />

Borden William, lab. 142 Walnut<br />

Boughadide Herman, n.s. Liberty h. Linn and<br />

Borden William F engineer, w.s. Smith b. 4th Poplar<br />

and Sth<br />

Boulet Frederick, s.s. Mercer b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Boredal William, shoemkr. w.s. Plum b. Sth and Boulger James, salesman, 12 Pearl<br />

Perry<br />

Boullie John, tailor, e.s. Race b. Green and Elder<br />

Borgelding Frederick, w.s. Bremen b. 15Lh and Bourgoin Charges A. dry good store, s.s. Front h.<br />

Liberty<br />

T.P.l and 2 F'n<br />

Borger Mrs. Agn©9» n.s. Abigail, b. Main and Syca Bourke Thomas^ c. house, n.w.c. Front and Raco


wi^m^ ^mi22 Mn<br />




IVo. 8 East Fourth iStrect, Cincinnati<br />

Wrightson, Printer, 43 Main st., Cin.<br />

BOY BRA<br />

Bovard Alexander, hds. 137 Walnut<br />

Boyce Mrs. Sarah, w.s. Home<br />

Bovare Valentine. Grandin's al. b. Elm and Plum Boyce Wm. serg't at arms City Council, 12th b.<br />

Bowdle Daniel, bds. A. Pugh's<br />

Vine and Race<br />

Bowen Aaron S. (M'Cleary AEEXANBEK, mer. tailor, 32 e. 3d<br />

Bowen David, harness mkr. 89 Main, h.s.s. Rich­ B b. Main and Sycamore<br />

mond b, Linn and Baymiller<br />

Boyd Or. Charles, n.e.c. Franklin and Main, bds.<br />

Bowen George A. salesman, 128 Main<br />

Waverly House<br />

Bowen G. E. W. elk. 128 Main, bds. 160 Sycamore Boyd Hamilton, bar keeper Fox House, s.e.c. Home<br />

Bowen Mrs. Mary A. e.s Auburn<br />

and 5th<br />

Bowen Mrs. Mary A. tailoress, w.s. Fulton b. Sth OYD HENRY, patent bed stead manuf. n.<br />

and Kemble<br />

B w c. Sth and Broadway, h.s.s. New b. Syca­<br />

Bower Anthon, w.s. Hughes b. Schiller and Liberty more and B^'oadivay<br />

Bower Conrad, n.s. 2d e. of Walnut<br />

Boyd James B. bds. H. Cherry's n.s.Bair b. Mound<br />

Bower Mrs. Eva, e.s. Pierson b. Sth and 6th<br />

and Cutter<br />

Bower Francis, e.s. Baum w of High<br />

Boyd John, carp. n.s. Laurel b. John and Cutter,<br />

Bower George, bds. Mrs. E. Bower's<br />

bds. 1134 w. 3d<br />

Bower Jacob, Sycamore b. 3d and 4th<br />

Boyd John, steward, e.s. Broadway b.6th and 7th<br />

Bower John, s.s Elder b. Vine and Race<br />

Boyd J. C. coach mkr. n.s. Bank b. W. Row and<br />

Bower Michael, n.w.c. Front and Wood<br />

Linn,bds, Mrs. Holz<br />

Bower Nathan, lab. s.s. Harrison road, b. Division OYI> JOSEPH S.Cin.Daguerrian Gallery,<br />

and Brighton<br />

B 23 e. 4th, h. HG w. Sth<br />

Bower Timothy, n.s. Front opp. T.P. 8 F'n<br />

Boyd Maria F. n.s. (';Uhaiine b. John and W.Row<br />

Rowers George, e.s. Providence b. Wade and Lib­ Boyd Mrs. Rebecca, H6 w. 5th<br />

erty<br />

Boyd Mrs. Rachel, vest mkr. w.s. Plum b, 2d and<br />

Bowers John, bds. Stephen Felly<br />

Front<br />

Bowers John, carp. n.s. Bank h. W. Row & Linn Boyd Thomas, e.s. Vine junction Buckeye<br />

Bowers Malhias, n s. Sthb. Smith and Mound Boyer Gilbert, cooper, w.s. Kossuth<br />

Bowers Margaret, e.s. W. Row b. McFarland Boyer Ludwick, s.s. Front e, of Depot<br />

and 4th<br />

Boyer Mrs, M. w.s. Ellen n. of 4th<br />

BowersTimothy,bds. B. Hazen's<br />

Boylan & Co. (James & A. B.) 190 Main<br />

Bowers Valentine, w.s. Bremen b. 13th and Hth Boylan James, (B. & Co.) 162 w. 4th<br />

Bowers William, w.s. Raceb. M. Canal and 12th Boylan James, tailor, 130 Walnut<br />

Bowers William, brk. layer, w.s. Race h. 13th Boylan John, salesman, w.s. Clay b. 14th and 15th<br />

and Hth<br />

Boylan JuUus A. (B. & Co.) bds. Walnut St House<br />

Bowink Henry, elk. bds. 48 L. Market<br />

Boylan Michael, lab. w.s. Vineb. 2d and Pearl<br />

Bowlan William, n.s. 7th b. Linn and Baymiller Boyle Conrad, shoe mkr. at Filley & Chapin'ts<br />

OWEEia & E"^VING^ (Robert B. B. & Boyle Henry, bar keeper American Restaurat<br />

B Morgan Ewing) wh.dry goods, 25 Pearl<br />

OYLE JA:TIES, atty. at law, 22 w..Sth, h.<br />

Bowler Robert B. (B. & Ewing) res. Clifton B w.s. Baymiller b. Kemble and Richmond<br />

Bowler R, B. bag manuf. s.s. Front e. of Depot, res. Boyle James, s.s. Commerce b. Vine and Race<br />

Mt. Auburn<br />

Boyle Joseph.shoe mkr. at Filley & Chapin's, h.c.<br />

Bowlin Henry, e.s. Pierson b. Sth and 6th<br />

Oregon<br />

Bowlsby John M. b.k. e.s. Freeman b. 7th and Van Boyle Michael, s.e.c. Plum and Pearl<br />

Horn<br />

OYEE STEPHEN S, manuL alcohol and<br />

Bowman Amos, s.n. Sth e. of Lock B pure spirits, 59 e. 2d, h. 118 w. 7th<br />

Bowman D. at A. Harkness & Son's foundry Boyle Walter, n.s. Webb b. Smith and Park<br />

Bowman Frederick, jeweler, 103 Main<br />

Boyle William, hds. Joseph Cassidy's<br />

Bowman Henry A. s.s. Clark b. Cutter and Linn Boyles John, tailor, s.s. Catharine b. Cutter and<br />

Bowman Henry P. e.s. Linn b, Catharine and Linn<br />

Claris<br />

Boynton Rev. Charles B. pastor Vinest. cong. ch.<br />

Bowman Joseph, 40 Front<br />

h n.s. Ringgold b. Young and Price<br />

Bowman Joseph H. e.s. Linn h. Catharine and Brace B. F. No. Ill w. 7th<br />

Clark<br />

Brace Julius, distiller, e.s. Western Avenue<br />

Bowman Peter, n.s. Morton e. of Kilgour Brace Thomas, cartman, 41 Jackson<br />

Bowman Wm. s.e.c. Main and Canal<br />

Brachman Henry, s.s. Sth b. Smith and Mound<br />

Bown John. w.s. Elm b. Sth and 9th<br />

Bracht Frederick G. elk. 13 Pearl, h.s.s. Webster,<br />

OWN THOMAS, painter and gildej-, 16 e. b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

B 4th<br />

Brackraan Robert, safe mkr. E. Hall & Co's<br />

Bowner Henry,n.s. Everett b. Linn and Locust Bracken Thomas, w.s. Baymiller, b. Cedar and<br />

Bowring George, n.w.c. Betts and Locust<br />

Clark<br />

Boyce Charles, bds. Mrs. S, Boyce<br />

Bracumbic Frederick, n.s. Findlay b. Elm & Race<br />

Boyce Edmun, bds. Mrs. S. Boyce<br />

Bradbury William, confec. n.s. Ham. road opp.<br />

Boyce Peter, e.s. Pleasant b. Liberty and Green Brighton House


io M M S10 • B BH M M W ff fia ^ B ® HB<br />

Corner of Sixth and Sycamore Streets.<br />

\^ '•'^'^nf^^^^n?^<br />

BRA BRA<br />

BADBCRY CORNEIilDS S. manuf.<br />

B steam dried meal and farina n.e.c. Sth & Broadway,<br />

res. e. Walnut Hills<br />

Bradbury Julius. C. S. Bradbury's Flouring Mill, h.<br />

w.s. Broadway b. Abigail and Woodward<br />

Bradbury Vincent C. elk. 140 Main<br />

Bradbury Wm. E. b.k. at C. S. Bradbury's, bds.<br />

Cowles'<br />

Bradbury Wm. n.s. Ham. road opp. Brighton House<br />

Braddock Paul, moulder. Hoofs foundry, bds. Wm.<br />

Smith<br />

Bradford Alexander, e.s. Vine, near junction Buckeye<br />

BRADFORD J. & CO. (James & John B.)<br />

mill stone manuf. 65 Walnut<br />

Bradford James, f J. B. & Co.) s.s. George b. Linn<br />

and Baymiller<br />

Bradford James, w.s. Sycamore 1 door w. of Burgoyne<br />

Bradford John, (T. B. & Co.) n.s. George b. Linn<br />

and Baymiller<br />

Bradford John (J. B. & Co.) bds. s.e.c. Vine and 2d<br />

Bradford Robert, flnisher Powell's Foundry<br />

Bradford Robert, engineer, res. e.s. Lock b.Stb and<br />

Symmes<br />

Bradford Robert, T. Bradford & Co's<br />

Bradford T. & Co. (Tliomas & John BO 61 Walnut<br />

Bradford Thomas, (T. B. & Co.) n.s. Barr b. Linn<br />

and Cutter<br />

Brading John V. w.s. Ham. road near Main<br />

Bradish Joseph, 192 Sycamore<br />

B<br />

RADIiGV C. F. & CO. (Charles F. B. &<br />

Henry W. Derby) blank books and stationary,<br />

147 Main '<br />

Bradley Charles F. (Bradley & Co.) 197 w.3d<br />

Bradley George, w.s. 7th b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Bradley George B. b k.Prai^lin Bank,bds.l25w.5th<br />

Bradley Hugh, s.s. 2d opp. Park<br />

Bradley Hiram, n.e c. Milton and Broadway<br />

Bradley H. M. elk. bds. Geo. Bradley<br />

Bradley, carp. bds. Mrs. Coleman s.s. Sth b. Elm<br />

and Plum<br />

Bradley John, e.s. Elra b. Pearl aud 2d, bds. n.e.c.<br />

Milton and Broadway<br />

Bradley John H. elk. Phrenix Bank<br />

Bradley Lewis A. elk. Phfflnix Bank, h. 26 w. 9th<br />

B<br />

RADLEV OT. A. & CO. Phoenix Bank,<br />

s.a. 3d b. Main and Walnut<br />

Bradley Miles A. (M. A. B. & Co.) 334 Race<br />

Bradley Martha, n.s. High e. of Reservoir<br />

Bradley Mrs. Rachel, s.s. 6th b. Broadway and<br />

Culvert<br />

Bradley Mr. e.s. Broadway 1 door s. of Woodward<br />

Bradley Mentor, grocer, a.s. 9i.h b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Bradley Orlando, elk. 130 Main, bds. 26 w. 9th<br />

Bradley Wm. P. b.k. Franklin Bank, bds. 125<br />

w. Sth<br />

Bradley Thomas, drayman, e.s. Elm b. 13th & 14th<br />

Bradstreet Jno. M. (B. & Stokes) h.n.s. Clark b.<br />

B<br />

Plum and W. Row<br />

RADiSTREGX & STOKES, (Jno. M. B.<br />

& Samuel S.) auctioneers, real ea. agts. notaries<br />

public, &c. 4 College Building<br />

Brady A. moulder. College b. 6th and 7th<br />

Brady James, well digger, s.s. Kemble b. W, Row.<br />

and John<br />

Brady James, moulder, 7tb b. Walnut and Lodge<br />

Brady James, lab. res. n.s. Front b.T.P. 8 & 9 F'n<br />

Brady J. O. Cutter b. David and Wade<br />

Brady Peter, Sycamore s. of Woodward<br />

Brady Philip, moulder, s.s. Front b. W. Row and<br />

Plum<br />

Brady Philip, lab. w.s. Vine near Ham. road<br />

Brady Solomon, s s. 141h b. Race and Elra<br />

Brady Thomas, s.s. 2d b. Main and Walnut, h.8.8. Sd<br />

b. Race and Elm<br />

Braecker Frederick, Fireman's Hall, s. 8. Sth b.<br />

Walnut and Vine<br />

Bragger F. finisher, Powell's foundry<br />

Brakman Arnold, shoemkr. e.s. Mound b. 7th and<br />

Sth<br />

Branagen Edmund, 264 Vine<br />

Branagen Margaret, w.s. Butler b. Symmes & Congress<br />

Branch Cushmau A. carp. res. s.s. Moses b. Parkdi<br />

Smith<br />

Branch & Coon (Wm. B. & Geo. C.) s.a. Webb h.<br />

Smith and Park<br />

Branch William (B. & Coon) e.s. Rittenhouse b.<br />

Catharine and Clark<br />

Brand Francis, n.w.c. Race and 15th<br />

Brand John G. s.s. Ham. road b. Findley and Rase<br />

Brandal Jacob, w.s. Bremen b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Brandal Valdin, cooper, w.s. Bremen b. 15th and<br />

Liberty<br />

Brande Bernard, n.s. Mill b. W. W. Canal & Front<br />

Brandt Charles, s.s. Orchard b. Main & SycamoH<br />

Brandt Dietrich, elk. 9 Pearl, res. Newport<br />

Brandt Henry, w s. Butler b. Front and Oongiesi<br />

RANDT JOHiV H. boot and shoe manuf.<br />

B s.s. 3d op. Masonic Hall<br />

Brandewiede Christian, 185 w. Sth res. do<br />

Brandenstein & Co. (Judah B.) s.s. Sth b. Race and<br />

Elm<br />

Brann Jeremiah, n.s. Hopkins b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Brannan Benj. F. b.k. n.s. 4thb. W. Row and JohB<br />

Brannan Pattick, lab. s.e.c. Pearl and Plum<br />

Branucn Henry, e.s. W. Row b. Ash and Maple<br />

Bratinic Edward, lab. F. Lawson's<br />

Brannick Edward, carp. s.s. Abigail b, Sycamovp^<br />

and Broadway<br />

Branning Thomas, e.s. John b. Catharine and Elizabeth<br />

Branning Ann, w.s. Sycamoreb. Liberty & Schiller<br />

Brannock Henry, Johnson Morton-& Co. res. a. of<br />

Front b. T.P. 13 and 14<br />

Brannon Mrs. M. n.s. Bth b. Broadway & Culvert<br />

Brannon Patrick, porter, 26 w. Front<br />

Brannon Samuel, s.s. Front 5 d. w. of W. Row<br />

Brant Mrs. Martha, n.s. Muses b. Park and Mill<br />

Brardy J. C. s.w.c. Wade and Cutter<br />

RASHEAKS GASSaWAT, auc. and<br />

B com. mer. 57 Main, h.n.s. George b. John and<br />

Smith<br />

Brashears Joseph, salesman, 57 Main<br />

Brasher Frederick, elk. Schooley & Hough, ». i;<br />

Deer creek e. of Court



Would respectfully inform his friends and the public, that he has taken the large establishment<br />

known as the<br />


ii U JL ci .JuJLlX)JLcJbla.JuXi XXU XJuXa^<br />


Which he has thoroughly repaired and fitted up for the accommodation of Travelers, having<br />

attached to it a convenient<br />

His bills will be made as reasonable as any in the city, to insure satisfaction to<br />

I>roT'ers9 AVag'oners, and. Travelers g^encrally.<br />

W ri^htsoiTr^rrnterT^FM^^<br />

BRE BRI<br />

Brasher Robert C. 92 w. 9th<br />

Brasnan Patrick, n.s. Sth b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Brate Theodore, n.s. Liberty b. Dudley and Linn<br />

Brath Mrs. Dorothy, w.s. Walnut h. 13th & Allison<br />

Bratzlers Charles, n.s. Front b. f'anal and Depot<br />

Braunstein Frank X. bds. Revere House -<br />

Brawl Robert, wire mkr. n.s. 6th b. Smith and<br />

Mound<br />

Bra>y Charles, printer, bds. Carll and Fagan's<br />

Bray Richard,"city fiie engineer, w.s. Sycamore b.<br />

6th and 7th, h.w.s. Vine b. Front and 2d<br />

Bray William, res. Charles<br />

Breakmiere B. e.s. Bremen b. Hth and 15th<br />

Breanais John, n.s. Cherry b. Race and Elm<br />

Brenrty James, e.s. Dunlap b. Elm and Plum<br />

Breckenke Lambert, e.a. Anderson b. Canal and<br />

Front<br />

Brechts Charles. Vine b. Court and Canal<br />

Breda Henry, lab. s.s. Green b. Race and Elm<br />

Bree John, bds. K. Burke<br />

Breed Abel D. 42 Walnut, bds. 23G w. 4th<br />

Breese Wm. G. 7o w. 4th<br />

Brehmer Frits, coffee h. Courth. Main aud Walnut.<br />

h. w.s. Main n.of 9th<br />

Breig Jacob, s.s. Melancthon b. W. Row and John<br />

Breckmier Henry, s.s. Commerce b. Vine & Race<br />

Breleux Charles, baker, Jolin Bailie's<br />

Brell Adam, n.e.c. Elm and Liberty<br />

Bremer Francis, w.s. Raceb. 14tli and 15th<br />

Bremer Frederick W. e.g. Tanner b. Webster and<br />

Liberty<br />

Bremer Frederick, tanner, s.s. Cooper b. Elm and<br />

Canal<br />

Bremer H. (A, Harkness & son's foundry)<br />

Bremer Lewis, w.s. W. Row b. Liberty & Mohawk<br />

bridge<br />

Bremier Ferdinand, e.s. Bremen b. 15th & Liberty<br />

Brenizer John, b.k. 12 e. 4th<br />

Brenizer John, steward, Gibson House<br />

Brennan Dajiiel, drayman, h.s.s. Front b. Plum &<br />

Elm<br />

Brennan John, e.s. Division s. of Ham. road<br />

Rrennan Michael, lab n.s. 3d b. Mill and Stone<br />

Brennan Patrick, lab. w.s. Plum b 2d andad<br />

Brennan Patrick, lab. Lawrence b. Symmes and<br />

Congress<br />

Brennan. Patrick, lab. w.s. Vine b. Front & Water<br />

Brennan Wm. tanner, res. e.s. Logan b..Elm and<br />

Canal<br />

Brenner John C. 3 Hammond, h.s.s. Sth b. John &<br />

Sniith<br />

Brenning Frederick, chair mkr. res. w.s, Bremen<br />

b. Uth and 15th<br />

Brenning Richard, chair mkr. res. w.s. Bremen h.<br />

Hth and 15th<br />

Brenning Wm. cab't mkr. W. Avenue s. of Harrison<br />

pike<br />

Brenning Wm. plasterer, n.s. Catharine b. John A<br />

Fulton<br />

Breno Peter, teamster, e.s. Walnut b. Allison and<br />

Liberty<br />

Bresner Michael G. elk. bds. e.s. Sycamore h. 7th<br />

and 8Ui<br />

Bresnin John, shoe mkr. Filley & Cbapin's, h.n.fi.<br />

Sth b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Brestel Valentine, s.s. Ham. road c. Piatt & Freeman<br />

Brethorst Heinrich, n.s. Mulberry e. of Main<br />

Brett Nelson, s.s. Front b. Smith and John<br />

Breuleux Philip, bds, J. T. Racine<br />

Brewer Abraham R. s.s. Sth b. Race andVine, h. 30<br />

w. .5th<br />

Brewer Henry, w.s. Clay b. l.'tlh and Liberty<br />

Brewer Joseph, w.s. Sassafras n. of Ash<br />

Brewer Abraham R. 1^0 w. Sth<br />

Brewster Pri.scilla. n.s. Hopkins b. John & Cutter<br />

Brey Lewis, elk. n.w.c. fith aud VV. Row<br />

Brian Micliael, e.s. Broadway b. Abigail & Woodward<br />

Briant Thomas, n.s. Sth b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Brice Wallace. (Merfield & B.) bds. Pioneer House<br />

Brich worth J. at Harkness •& Son's foundry<br />

Bricka Godfred, w.s. Bremen b. Elder and Findley<br />

Bricker George, junction High and Front<br />

Brickett C. & Co (Charles B. & L. B.) ^'.".2 Walnat<br />

Brickett Charles, (C. B. & Co.) bds. 250 Walnut<br />

B<br />

KICfiiETT HEi^Rir C. grocer. 134 Walnut,<br />

res. s.e.c. 4th and Vine<br />

Brickett Irad, IM Walnut, res. College Hill<br />

Brickett L. (C. B. & Co.) bds. Q50 Walnut<br />

Bricklacher Grorge, carpet weaver, e.s. John h,<br />

B<br />

George and 7tii<br />

BICKiLKY THOMAS E. central bakery,<br />

W. Row op. Court<br />

Biiden Wra. 201 w. 4th<br />

Bridee Harrison, s.s. Ham. road b. Freeman and<br />

Brighton house<br />

Bridge John, bds. Thomas llt'outs<br />

Bridges Alfred, n.s. Laurel b. Linn and Cutter<br />

Bridgman William, n.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />

Briedenback Lewis, n.s. Ham. road b. Main and<br />

Locust<br />

Brien John, lab. s.s. Sth b. McAlister and Pike<br />

Brier Frederick, n.s. Hopkins b. John and Cutter<br />

Brigerhof Anthony, w.s. Main b. Knb and Allison<br />

Bdigge Bernard, shoe mkr. h.n.s. Liberty b. Race&<br />

Elm<br />

Briggs James, butcher, n.s. poplar b. Linn and Maple<br />

Bn>gs John Y. boatman, h.s.s. Front b. Plum and<br />

Elm<br />

Biiggs William, n.s. Front w. of John<br />

Brigps Wm. H. (Wm.Tell) h. George b. Smith and<br />

Mound, s.s.<br />

Brigham John, carp, bds, Mr. Mathius Brigham


B. H. BUR^o^. III. GREENWOOD,<br />

S. H. BURTON 8c CO.<br />



Nos. 13 and 15 Tf'est Columbia Street, betireen ITIain and TPalnnt,<br />

1<br />

§c©M @f iMers mTiNiT e@Q)e^[N© §T@W«<br />

Wrightson, Printer, 43 Maiiw<br />

BRI BRO<br />

Brigham Matthias, n.s. 5th b. Mound and Park<br />

Brigham Mrs. Susan, n.s. 4th b. Juhn and Smith<br />

Bnghtmore Mark, w.s. Broadway b. 7tb and Sth<br />

Brighton House, (J. A. Porter) junction of Ham.<br />

and Harrison pike<br />

Brigman J. A. s.s Ash b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Brilagi Anlhony, n.s Sth e. of Lock<br />

Bnley William, s.s. Kemble b. John and Fulton<br />

Brill Andrew, e.s. Bremen b. 15th snd Liberty<br />

Brill Charles, n.s. Findley b. Race and Elm<br />

Brill George, elk. P.O. 26 e. 4th<br />

Bnll John. n.s. Findley b. Race and Elm<br />

Briner Mary, ,?2 George<br />

Bring Alexander, n.s, Hopkinsb. Linn and Locust<br />

Bnngelman John, aU s.s. Abigail b. Sycamore and<br />

Broadway<br />

Bringmeir Henry, e.s. Bremen b. ]5th and Liberty<br />

Brinlier Bernard, porter, 144 Main, res. s.s. 2d b.<br />

Race and Elm<br />

Brinker Henry, n.s. Sth h. Baymiller and Freeman<br />

Brinker William, n.s. Everett b. Linn and Locust<br />

Bnnkerman Barnett, lab. n.s. Front b. T.P. 38 and<br />

39 F'n<br />

Brinkers John H. e.s. Race b. Liberty and Green<br />

iirinkley John \V. L'Hommedieu al. b. George and<br />

, 7th and W. Row and John<br />

Brinkman Barney, s.s, Clark b. Baymiller & Free-<br />

_ man<br />

Brinkman Christian, e.s. Elm b. Liberty & Green<br />

Brinkman Frederick, e.s. Bremen b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Brinkman Henry, n.s. Grant b. Elm and Plum<br />

Brinkman Henry, n.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

Brinkman John, res. n.s. Cassett al. b. Main and<br />

Sycamore<br />

Brinkman Martin, n.s. Sth b. Baymiller and Freeman<br />

Brinkmier Joseph, res. w. s, Baum b. Sth & High<br />

Bnnkmier Wm. s.s. M 2 d. w. of Stone<br />

Brinkmier Wm. porter, 12 w. Front, h. Cherry<br />

'"'ct°'^ William, n.s. Everett b. Linn and Lo-<br />

Britton Anson, n.s. George b. John and Smith<br />

Britton Charles L. H. n.s. George b. John & Smith<br />

Britton Conrad, n.s. Front b. T.P. 39 and 40 F'n<br />

Britton James, w.s. Broadway n. of Hunt<br />

Britton Joseph, n.s. Liberty b. Pendleton and Wilson<br />

Erizzolara Charles S. n.e.c. Front and Race<br />

B<br />

KOADITAV EXCHANGE, 54 Broadway<br />

e.s. b. 2d and Congre





DEALERS IN j<br />

No. 50 West Front Street, Cincinnati.<br />

BRO BRO<br />

Brockmann Willbrant, w.s. Hunt b.Sycamore and Brookfield Agustus B., (Wm. B. & Son,) e s Stone<br />

Broadway<br />

b. 4th and Sth '<br />

Brockmeyer Bernard, s.s. North b. Elra and Canal ROOKFIELD WM, & SOIV. (Augustus<br />

Brocksmidt Frederick, (B. & Klocken) 83 Court B B.) marble ware rooms, w.s. Broadway b 5th<br />

Brocksmidt & Klocken (Fred. B, & Lewis K.) 83 and 6th<br />

Court<br />

Brookman Joseph, n.s. Mulberry w. of Main.<br />

Brocksmidt Christian, lockmkr. h.w.a. Clay h. 13th Brooks Almon, s.a. Catharine b. Mound and Cutter<br />

and Allison<br />

Brooks Charles, h. n.s. Baum, b Sth and High<br />

Brocksmith Frederick H. n.s. Fountain<br />

Brooks Kben. S. n. a. 41h b. Sycamore and Broad­<br />

Brod John, res. s s. Front b.T.P. 34 and 35 F'n way, h. n.s. 4th b. John and Smith<br />

Brodbeck Stephen, n.w.c. Linn aad Hopkins BROOKS FREDERICK F, com. raer.<br />

Brodby Robert, e s. Providence b. Wade & Liberty Walnut b. Froutand2iid h. 63 McFarland<br />

Broddy Rufus, St. Clair al. b. 6th and 7th<br />

nROOKS GEORGE W, plumber n.s. S'.h b<br />

RODFCBHRea CHAR1.ES H. boot 1) Main and Sycamore h. n.s. 4th b. Smith and Park<br />

B and shoe mUr.58 w.6thh.s.s.Kichmondb.Linn Brooks H. .55 Broadway<br />

and Cutter<br />

Brooks Jolin, e.s. John b. 3rd and 4th<br />

Brodie Alexander, s.s. 2d b. Race and Elm Brooks Theadore M. s.a Richmond b. Baymiller &<br />

Brodie George, porter, Ellis & Morton<br />

Freeman<br />

RODIE HUUU, Jr. druggist and phys. Brooks James, s.e.c. Pearl and Elm<br />

B n.w.c. Catharine and Fulton<br />

Brooks Joseph, o.s. Maple b. Freeman and Piatt<br />

Broecks Bernerd, w.s. Spring b. Abigail and Hunt Brooks Mrs C. A. 211 Longworth<br />

Broesmet Charles, w.s. Clay h. 13th and Allison Brooks Mrs Sarah Ann, 136 Walnut<br />

Brofy James, w.s. Vine b. 2d and Pearl<br />

Brooks Thomas s.s. 2nd b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Brofy Kerence, w.s. Vine b.2d and Pearl Brooks Thomas B. b. k bds. Samuel Stokes, Pros­<br />

Brogan John, w.s. State, b. Accommodation and pect Hill<br />

Deer creek<br />

Brooks William, bds Mrs N. Hare<br />

Brokamp Bernard, n.a. Abigail b. Spring and Pen­ Broome George, bds Johu Bolen w.s. Lock b. 4th &<br />

dleton<br />

Symmes<br />

Brokamp Frank, w.s. Sycamore, b. Abigail and Broon Nicholas, s.s Mercer b. Vine aiid Walnut<br />

Woodward<br />

Brophy Michael, s.s Catherine b. John and Fulton<br />

Brokamp Frederick, n.s. Hunt<br />

Brosard Jacob, w.s. Plum b. 9th and Court<br />

Brocamp Henry, n.s. Front b. Race and Elm Brnsort Morton, w.s. M.Canal b. Maple and Dayton<br />

Brokamp John H. e.s. Broadway b. Abigail and Brossmer Prancis, w.s. Observatory c. of Celestial<br />

Woodward<br />

Brother Bernard e.a. John b. Wade and Melancthon<br />

Brokerug W. H. cab't mki. n.s.Liberty b. Elm and Brotherman Henry, n.s. Front b. Butler and Pike<br />

Pium<br />

Brotberton James H. ( Gilmore & B.) 144 Elm<br />

Brokenshire Benjamin, n.s. Everett b. W. Row Browbinder Martin, s.s. Sycamore b. 4tb and Sth<br />

and John<br />

Brown , brk. layer, w.s. Bremen b. Hth & 15th<br />

Brokesmidth Frederick, tobacconist. Court, h.s.w. Brown A. w.s. Vine b. 2d and Front<br />

c. Gano and Miller<br />

Brown A. C. 37 Walnut<br />

Brokmear Rudolph, tailor, h. s.s. Madis^on b. Elm Brown Albut, e.s. Bremen b. 15th and Liberty<br />

and Plum<br />

Brown Dr. Alexander s.s. 8th b. John and Mound<br />

Brom Beinard, lab, C.B. Broadway b. Hunt and Brown Asa W. 30 Sycamore, h. w.s. Auburn<br />

Abigail<br />

Brown Rev. Artemus, e.s. Elm b. Hth and 15th<br />

Bromkamp D. e.s. Main b. Franklin and Webster ROWN AGUSXUS J. att'yat lawReeders<br />

Bromley William, s.w.c. Ham. road and Freeman B building,res. Clifton aud 1<strong>52</strong> Broadway<br />

RUIflWCIiLi CMAIfi.Jl.K&» iil. wire wkr. Brown & Broths, (John, Richard and Gej.) n.w.c<br />

B s.s. 6th b, W. Row and John<br />

Vine and Pearl<br />

Bromwell Jacob, 270 Race<br />

ROWiM A: MROTHER,(JohnS.& Thomp­<br />

ROlYllVECLi WIJLMAITI, wove and<br />

B<br />

B son L.) wh. grocers and com. mers. s.e.c. Main<br />

worked wire manuf. 181 Walnut<br />

and 9th<br />

Brondaveada Barney, s.s. Mill b. Front andSd Brown Catherine, HI Walnut<br />

Bronson Daniel, e.s. W. Row b. 9th and Court Brown Charles T. (Spinning, Wilson & B.) 333<br />

Bronson Geo. H. teller Almy's bank, h.e.s. Mound Vine<br />

1 doom, of Gth<br />

Brown Charles, e.s. Dublin n. of Lock<br />

Bronson Tracev J. salesman 176 Main, res. junc­ Brown Charles D. machinist, n.e.c. Main and Burtion<br />

Ludlow and Lawrence<br />

goyne<br />

Brook John, foreman Geo. W. Gilmore's h. Cov. Brown C. W. C. elk. s.s. Sth b. Smith and Park<br />

Brook Josepn, Front b, Butler and Pike<br />

Brown D. & R. (Daniel and Robert) 253 Main<br />

Brnoko Rev. John T, s.s. 5th b. McAllister and Brown Daniel (D. & R. B.) n.s. Liberty b. Spencer<br />

Pike<br />

and Young<br />

Brooke Leighton, salesman, 12 e. 4t\\<br />

Brown Daniel, at Rosebrough's w.s. Broadway b.<br />

Brooks Mrs Clara dress mk'r n.w.c. Sycamore and Court and Hunt<br />

Broadway<br />

Brown David, c. Ellen and High


BURCKHAKDT & Co,<br />

Manufaeturers and wholesale Dealers in<br />

liAlSD OIL, I<br />


N. £• Corner Ctk and Waluat sts, |<br />




.or^ ,00.<br />


Second door N. W. corner of Conrt and Main sts., Dineiiinati.<br />

Where we keep on hand and make to order, an assortment of BILLIARD TABLES, of the best<br />

quality and workmanship. Also for sale, Rilliard Clotlis, Silk Pockets, Frcncla<br />

Iieatli.v.^, Maces, Cues and. Cue Wax, &c,<br />

53= Uilliard Tables taken down, repaired and setup in the best manner, on the shortest<br />

notice, cheap for cash.<br />

BRU BJRY<br />

Brown William, blk. smith, e.s. W. Row b. Wade Bruggemanu Henry, s.s. Mulberry b. Locust and<br />

and Liberty<br />

Eden<br />

Brown William, (W. B. & Sons) w.s. W. Kow op. Bruhnmeir John, s.s. 12th b. Race and Elm<br />

Court<br />

Brungman Henry, s.s. Abigail b. Sycamore and<br />

Brown Wm. stone cutter, w.s. Cutter b. Laurel Broadway<br />

and Hopkins<br />

Brummelhaus Heinrich, 304 Longworth<br />

Brown William, hatter, bds. n.w.c. Front & Elm Biummer John B. (Ahlering & B,) 2<strong>52</strong> Walnut<br />

Brown William, lab. w.s. M. Canal b. 6th and 7th Brun Michael, lab. s.s. Front b. T. P. 25 and 26 F'n<br />

Brown Wm. & Sons. (Leonard W. and George P.) Brun John, coffee ho. n.s. Lebanon pike w. of Toll-<br />

e.s. Freeman b..5th and 6th and s.w.c. Court gate<br />

and Plum<br />

Brundel Charles, n.s. Vine b. 12th and 13th<br />

Brown W. H. w.s. John b. 4th and Sth<br />

Brune H., shoe mkr. bds. H, Hannings<br />

Brown W. II. Lodge b. 6th and Gano<br />

Brunemiei Henry, e.s. Broadway b. Hunt ahd Abi­<br />

Brown Wilson N. s.s. 3d 2 doors e. of Walnut, h. gail<br />

e.s. W. Kow b. Sth and 9tb<br />

Bruner Jacob, (A. Harkness «& Son's foundry)<br />

ROWN iR & CO, (Alfred J. M. B. & Joseph Bruner Phillip, e.s. Bremen b. 14th and ISth<br />

B JacKsoii) groceries, 138 Sycamore<br />

Bruning Joseph, w.s. Sycamore b. Liberty and<br />

Browne Allied J. M. CB. & Co.) n.s. Canal near Schiller<br />

Brighton House<br />

Brunner Alphonse, c. Sth and W. Row<br />

Browne J. W. S. Hamilton Cotton Mills, h. <strong>52</strong> Bruns Anthony & Co., (Anthony B. and Joseph<br />

e. 3d<br />

Luken) 66 Lower Market<br />

Brownfield Hannah, Phcebe b. Plum and W. Kow Bruns Henry, n.s. Laurel b. John and Cutter, h.B.9.<br />

Brownfield Isaac, w.s. Plum b. Front and 2d Madison b. Elm and M. Canal<br />

Browning Wood, elk. (Babbit Good & Co.) bds. Bruns H. J., s.s. Findley b. Elm and Canal<br />

77 w. 4th<br />

Bruns John H., n.s. Lebanon pike<br />

Brownrigg s:amuel, 90 w.Sth, h. Reading pike Bruns John, bds. Sth b. Mound and Park<br />

Brubacker Jacob, e.s. Main b. Franklin and Web­ Brunsmann Henry, porter, n.s. Gano b. Walnut<br />

ster<br />

and Lodge<br />

Bruce Alexander, e.s. W Row b Mason & Everett Brunsman J. H. at G. Shields' foundry<br />

Bruce Benjaiain, (1. & B. B. & Co.) 161 Kace Brunson Daniel, w.s. W. Row b. William and Sth,<br />

Bruce Benjamin, blind mkr. 150 Walnut<br />

h.s.s. Hopkins b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Bruce David, at Harkness & Son's foundry Brunson George, elk. s.s. George b. Smith and<br />

RUCE & FERGUSON, (Wm. E. B. & Mound<br />

B Mathew F.) wh. grocers & com. mers. 37Main Brunst Peter, e.s. Walnut b. 13th and Allison<br />

Bruce Isaac, (1. & B. B. & Co.) 42 Vine<br />

Brunstrop Henry, e.s. H ughes b. Liberty & Schiller<br />

Bruce I. & t>. & Co. (Isaac, Benjamin and Wm. S. RUNSU'ftCK Ac UOEZIIAUB, <strong>Billiard</strong><br />

B.) 75 Walnut<br />

B Table manuf. s.w.c. Main and Court, entrance<br />

Bruce Jacob, cabt. mkr. 10 w.Sth<br />

on Court<br />

Bruce James E. school teacher, hds. Horatio Brunswick Jno., (B. & Holzhalb) w.s. Lodge b.<br />

Gatchel s<br />

Sth and Gth<br />

Bruce James W. carp. res. w.s. Kossuth<br />

Brush Charles L., w.s. Sycamore b. Woodward<br />

Bruce John. A. Harkness & Son's fuundiy<br />

aud Franklin<br />

Bruce John,lab. e.s. Butler b, 4th and 5ih Brusher Frank, tailor, s.s. Liberty b. Walnut and<br />

Bruce John ii. elk. bds. Mr. Brown's w.s. Smith b. Vine<br />

3d and 4ih<br />

Bi-unton Thomas, n.s. Laurel b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Bruce Mrs. -Wary, b.b.s.s. Sthb. Vine and Race Brunge John, s. s. Sth b. McAllister and Pike<br />

Bruce Robert, w.s. Plum b. 12th and Ann Bryan James, n.s. 4th b. Stone and Wood<br />

Bruce Robfit, s.s. Sth b. Stone and Mill<br />

Bryan John, s.s. AVebb b. Smith and Park<br />

Bruce Willinm E. (B. & Ferguson) 338 Vine Bryan Richard, s.s. 3rd b. Plum and W.Row, h.e.e.<br />

Bruce Wm. S. (1. & B. B. &.Uo.)<br />

Park b. 4th and Sth<br />

Bruckner Michael, e.s. Buckeye b Locust and Bryant Alfred, b.k. bds. Mr. Hughes e.s. Plum b.<br />

Pop] ar<br />

4th and Sth<br />

Brude H. w.s. Main b. 12th and 13th<br />

Bryant Charles S., (B. & Probasco) res. Frirmount<br />

Bruel Saimu-I, n.s. Front b. Plum and W. Row Bryant Rev. Daniel, pastor Sth st. Baptist church,<br />

Bruehl G, n.s. Laurel b. Cutter and Linn<br />

h.e.s. Freeman b. Sth and Gth<br />

Bruon Josepti, watchman, n.s. Longworth b. Elm Bryant J. G, barber Broadway Hotel<br />

and Plum<br />

Bryant Mary, s.s. Cedar b. Baymiller and Frt^eman<br />

Hiugelman (.'harles, s.e.c. Walnut and Mercer UVANX Ac PROBASCO, (Charles S. B.<br />

Bruger, Josiph, lab. e.s. Pleasant b. Liberty and B and William P.) attys. at Law, s.w.c. Court<br />

Green<br />

and Main<br />

Brugge Henry J. 232 Walnut<br />

Bryant Richard, res. n.s. Catherine b. Baymiller<br />

Bruggen, e.s. Abigail b. Sycamore and Broadway and Freeman<br />

Bruggemanu Bernard, n.s. Abigail b, Pendleton & Bryant Samuel, e.s, Butler b. 4th and Sth<br />

spring<br />

Bryce Peter F. n.e.c. John andCtb


H. B U C H A H A<br />



mum ^^^imi<br />

No. fSG Columbia street, East of Main,<br />

Wrightson, Printer, 43 .Main st.<br />

BUG BUN<br />

Bryce Robert, blacksmith, e.s. Broadway b. Court<br />

and Hunt res. s.s. Court e. of Broadway<br />

Bryce William, s.w.c. Pearl and Race<br />

Bryson Ambrose M., (T. O'Khaughnessy & Co.) n.s.<br />

4th b. Syeamore and Broadway<br />

Bryson Jaraes W., salesman 93 Main, bds. Broadway<br />

Hotel<br />

Buchanan Mrs. Ann, res. e.s. Race b. 15th and<br />

Liberty<br />

Buchanan Charles P. foreman at A. G. Cheever &<br />

Co's, h. Newport<br />

Buchanan Francis K., elk. bds. at Mrs. Bell's<br />

B<br />

B<br />

B<br />

UCHANAN JOSEPH U., Prof. Ec.<br />

Medical College, ofiice College Hall, h. n.e.c.<br />

Lawrence and Symmes<br />


pub. office 41 e. 2d, editor's office College<br />

Hall over Merchant's Ex.<br />

UCHANAN ROBERT, agt. Cooper and<br />

Covington Cotton Factories and com. mer. 26<br />

e. 2d, h. 148 Broadway<br />

Buchanan Robert, s.s. Schiller b. Sycamore and<br />

Hughes<br />

Buchanan William, elk. 26 c. 2d, bds. 148 Broad<br />

way<br />

Buchanan William R., elk. e.s. Butler b. 4th & Dth<br />

Buches Fidel, n.s. Front b. Broadway and Ludlow<br />

Buchert George, grocery s.w.c. W. Row and Elizabeth<br />

Buchhole Conrad, bds. Carll & Fagan's<br />

Buchhole Brucker, n.w.c. Bremen and Liberty<br />

Buchhole Fritz, w.s. Clay b. 12th and 13th<br />

Buchholz Mrs. E., Ann b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Bnchmann Henry, n.s. Buckeye b. Eden & Locust<br />

Buchman Raphael, b.k, 37 Pearl<br />

Buchris John, e.s. Buckeye b. Poplar and Vine<br />

Buchel G. M. e.s. Clay b. 12th and 13th<br />

Bucker Frank, s.s. Woodward 1 door w. Spring<br />

Bucker Hard, n.s. Liberty b. Kace and Pleasant<br />

Buckhart John, bds. Stephen Gibson<br />

Buckingham Alfred H., 231 Longworth<br />

Buckingham E. J. (Cooper & B.) bds. at W.<br />

Cooper's<br />

Buckingham Robert, s.s. Sth b. Wood and Canal<br />

Buckle Michael, s. s. Liberty b Elm and Plum<br />

Buckles Truman, n.s. Front b. T. P. 11 and 12 F'n<br />

Buckley Andrew, n.s. Betts b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Buckley Bridget, n. s. Pearl b. Park and Smith<br />

Buckley Frank, w.s. Baymiller b. Catharine and<br />

Cedar<br />

Buckley Mrs. Hannah, s.s. 3d b. Wood and Stone<br />

Buckley Henry, ^^pring near Liberty .<br />

Buckley Jeremiah, n.s. Abigail b. Sycamore and<br />

Broadway<br />

Buckley John, at Filley & Chapin's, bds. at White<br />

Hall<br />

Buckley John, n.s. Pearl b. Vine and Race, h. w s<br />

Race b. 2d and Frout<br />

Buckley Thomas, lab. s.s. Sth b. W. Row and John<br />

Buckley William, blacksmith, u.s. Hum. road w<br />

of Freeman, h s.s. Ham. road w. of Freeman<br />

Bucknell Thomas W., carver, 34 e. 3rd, h. s.s. Kemble<br />

b. Cuttei and Linn<br />

Sucknci C. F., s.s. 7th b. Main and Sycamore<br />

JJUCKNER PHILMP J., aL phys., s.e.c<br />

•^ of Walnut and Gano, h. n.w.c. John and Clark<br />

Buckner Mrs. Mary, grocery, s.s. 6th b. Culvert<br />

and Broadway<br />

Buckner Wiiliani, s.s. 7th b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Budda John, n.s. Liberty b. Linn and Cutter<br />

Budde Henry, 506 Main and n.s. Sth b. Main and<br />

Sycamore<br />

Buddekei- Henry, s.s. Buckeye b. Locust and Eden<br />

Hudke Conrad, e.s. Springb. Liberty & Woodward<br />

Budke John D., (Budke, Wolfington & Co.) n.Ss<br />

Water b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Budke John H., lockmaker, 28 w. 3rd<br />

Budke William, res. Pleasant b. 1.5th and Liberty<br />

Budle Alfred, watchman. Congress b. Pike and<br />

Lawrence<br />

Bueeker Ernst, finisher, res. e.s. Clay b. 13th and<br />

Allison<br />

Buehler C. H., elk. bds. Andrew Leser<br />

Buell Henry C, chief operator Morse's Telegraph<br />

ofiice<br />

Buena Vista Free Stone Company, office c. Water<br />

and Vine, Htiiry Wonliington agent<br />

Buerkle J. G., n.w.c. Slh and Main<br />

Huffington J. R., 57 Broadway<br />

Bugbie Mis. Mary A,, teacher, s.w.c. John & Oavid<br />

Bugg & Skinner, n.e.c. 3rd and Race<br />

Bugg William H., n.e.c. Race and Canal<br />

B<br />

VttSjEU. E«%VARD, imp. foreign books.,<br />

prints, music, &c., 129 w. Sth<br />

Buhnemann J., bds. H. Dieckman<br />

Buhner J. H., n.s. Abigail b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Buhrmann Garret L., s.s. Wade b. W. Kow & Jo&a<br />

Buhter William, s.s. Water b. Elm and Plum<br />

Bukard Joseph, w.s. Carr b. Kichmond and Gest<br />

Buker Frederick, n.s. 13th b. Brenitn and Kace<br />

Bukey Henry, e.s. Pleasant b. 14th aud 15th<br />

Sukhost George, n.s. Hunt b. Sycamore aud Broadway<br />

Bulger James, 54 McFarland b. Plum and VV. Row<br />

Bulger Jesse, w.s. Clay b. 12th and 13th<br />

Bulica Henry, s.s. George h. Mound and Cutter<br />

Bulkman Louis, n.e.c. Bremen and 13lh<br />

Bull Arthur, e.s. Butler b. 4th and 5th<br />

T)lIl.JLEr CHAiitiES, sculptor, 12 Art<br />

-^ Union Building<br />

miLl^OCK. .•VNXHONY »., wool dealer.<br />

•^ 2j w. 2d, bds. Burnet House<br />

Bultmann Christian F. (Kohkasse & Co.) C.B.<br />

Jackson, b. 12th and 13th<br />

Bumberiy William, e.s. Elm h. 2d and Cherry<br />

Bunce James W. (Snedewend aud B,) s.s. McFar<br />

land h. Elm and Plum<br />

Bunipus Mrs. Eliz. hncy basket rakr. n.s. Sthb.<br />

Freeman and W. VV. Canal<br />

Bunker Charles, coal mer. e.s. Smith b. Longworth<br />

and Sth<br />

Bunker Charles, u.s. Abigail h. Broadway and<br />

Spring<br />

Bunker John, e. s. Western Row b. 2d and Fionl<br />

Bunkmeirs, Jno. n.s. Gth b. Walnut and Lod-'e<br />

Bunnemeir C. e.s. Plum b. Jefferson and Adams<br />

Buute William, n.s. Abigail b. Sycamore & Broadway

NO. 14<br />


STREET,<br />


URNET'<br />


" P SI-IILLITO & CO'S<br />

AND THE<br />



mwm w^mmmm mmmumm^m<br />


UardTpare, Cutlery, Tea, Trays. Britannia, Japanned, Bran<<br />

zed, and TlM Ware, Brushes, \raodcu & Willoiv Ware.<br />

BUR BUR<br />

Burbrink H. s.s. Abigail b. Main & Sycamore Burgett Henry, porter, 50 Main<br />

Burch John. hds. 57 w. 4th<br />

Burgett Paul, e. s, Dudley b. Hickory and Liberty<br />

Burah Wm. ^ *^th b, Broadway and Culvert Burgifi Miss Mary, dress mkr. n. s.6th e. of Baum<br />

Burchell Mrs. IVjatilda, e.s. Elm b,. George and 6th Burgis Francis W. s.s. Front e. of depot<br />

URCKHARDT&CO. (Frederick* Leo­ Burgoyne John, w.s. Sycamore b. Liberty and Bur­<br />

B pold. B.) Laid Oil Works and Grocery, n.e.c. goyne<br />

Walnut and 6th<br />

BUKGOYNE JOSEPH-, magistrate, e.s.<br />

Burckhardt Frederick,(B. & Co.) w.s. Vine h. Sth Main n. of LiLerty.iu u.s. Ham. Road b. Main<br />

and 6th<br />

SLUd Locust<br />

Burckhardt Leopold (B. &Co.) w.s. Vine b. Sth and Burgoyne W. elk bds J. Siinpkinaon's<br />

6th<br />

Burguart Zed. n.s. Vin« b. Canal and ]2th<br />

Burckhett Christopher, s.s. Fountain<br />

Burgund Henry w.s. Walnut b. 13 and Allison.<br />

j3urckmann John. c. Vine and Elder<br />

Burk Ann, seamstress n.s. Canal e. of Lock.<br />

SBnrdett Frederick E. s.s. High b. Collard and Lytle Burk Edward, lab. n.s, Everett b. Jones and Linn<br />

fiurdge & Johnston (Jonathan B. & John B. J.) s.s. Burk Josiah, s.s. Laurel b. John and Cutter<br />

2db. Elm&lEace.<br />

Burk Patrick, aaddler 158 Main<br />

Burdge Jonathan (B. & Johnston) s.e. Moses b. Burk Patrick, n.e c. Everett and Linn<br />

Park and Smith.<br />

Burke William,291 Vine<br />

Surdge Mrs. Mary L. s.e.c. Harriet and .'Sargeant. Burke Ansoa L. elk, w.s. Plumb. Sth & Longworth<br />

Burdge Michael s.s. Webb b. Smith and Park Burke Bridget, w.s. W. Row b. Elizabeth and<br />

Burdge Miss Elizabeth s.s. Webb b. Smith & Park Catharine<br />

Burdge Stephen, elk.bds. Michael Burdge Burke Edmond. e.s. W. Row b. 9th and Court<br />

Burdge Stephen J. Sthb. Elm, and Plumb, h.s.s. Burke James, elk 220 Main<br />

Webb b. Smith and Park<br />

Burke John S. 159 Kace<br />

UUDS.4LLI& BROTHER, (Henry W. & Burke Joseph, w. s. Parson b. High and Front<br />

B Jamse S.) wh. druggists, n.w.c. Main and Front Burke J. F. w. s. Langdon's al. b. 6th and7th<br />

BURDSAL, C. S. ic CO.wh. druggists, 228 and Burke Levi, w. s. W, Row b. Chestnut and, Eliza­<br />

230 Main, res. College Hill<br />

beth<br />

Burdsal Elijah, b, k.22H Main street,res. Covington Burke Richard, n. s. Front e. of Depot<br />

Burdsal Francis A. elk, 409 Main<br />

Burke Richari-1, w.s Mansfield b. Liberty and Milton<br />

Burdsal Jefferson, s.e.c. Vine and 2d<br />

Burke Thomas, s.s. High b, Lytle and Collard<br />

BurdsalJesse.clk (B. & Brother,)bds. H.W. Burdsal Burke Thomas, s.s. 6th e. of Baum<br />

Buj-dsal Henry W. (B. & Brother) w.s. Sycamore Burke Valentine, a.s. Front b. Broadway and Lud­<br />

b. .5th and 6th<br />

low<br />

Burdsal James S. (B. & Brother) n.s. Sth between Burke William, B.S. Betts b. W. Row and John<br />

Broadway and Pike.<br />

flKKETX JAMES, 3d Ward House, n.s.<br />

URDSAL. SAmCEL,, druggist and apothe­<br />

B<br />

B Front b. Parsons and Collard<br />

cary, 409 Main b. Court and Canal.<br />

Burkhammer George, s.s. Sth b. John and Mound<br />

Burdsal Solmon, elk, 228 Main, h. n.w.c. 3d and Burkhardt George, e.s. Buckeye b. Locust and Pop­<br />

Elm.<br />

lar<br />

URDSAE THOMAS C. druggist and Burhhart Andrew, e.s. Plum b. Grant and Hth<br />

B apothecary, s.e.c. Walnut and Sth, h. Sth e. of Burkhart Basili, w.s, Linnb. Catharine & Clark<br />

Broadway<br />

Burkhart Frank, s.s. Abigail b. Main and Sycamore<br />

UREAU, BOIZEL.EE & CO. com. mers. Burkhart Jacob, w.s. Plum b. Ann and Mason<br />

B and imps, wines and liquors, u.s. Front b. Burkhardt Jacob, w.s. Providence b,.Everett a.nd<br />

Walnut and Vine<br />

Wade ^<br />

Bureau L. P. (B. Boisclle & Co.) n.s. 4th b, John Burkhart John, bds. on Vine b. 2d and Pearl<br />

and Smith<br />

Burkhart Nicodemus. at A. Burkharta<br />

Bureau Mrs. Louisa, n.s. 4th b. John and Smith Burks Samuel, n.s. :?d e, of John.<br />

Burger John, bds. Phillip Burger's<br />

Burks Gerh'd. s.s. Buckeye b. Locust and Eden<br />

Burger Philip H. boot and shoe mkr 324 Main Burley Charles J. messenger Mechanics and Tra­<br />

Burgess Charles, s.s. Front, b. T. P. 24 and 25 F'n. ders Bank, bds. 72 e. 4th.<br />

Burgess Frederick bds. 138 Longworth<br />

BUKLEY & liYFORD, (Thomas H. B. &<br />

Burgess Henry, Canal b. Elm. and Plum<br />

Lewis L.) enameled furniture s.s.3d b. Sycamore<br />

Burgess James, al. b. 7th and Sth, and b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

and Broadway.<br />

Burly Thomas, b.k. 23 w. Front, bds Mrs. Hayden<br />

Burgett Daniel, lab. 1<strong>52</strong> w. Sth.<br />

Burly Thomaa H. (B. & Lyford) bds. W. J. S. Browp<br />



m<br />



T- WrightBon, Printer, 43 Main.<br />

BUR BUS<br />

Burly William, e.s. Mansfield h. Liberty & Milton<br />

Burman Thomas, w.s. Linn b. Catharine and Clark<br />

Burmester Charles, n.e.c. Elm and Patterson al.<br />

Burn Jacob, w.s. Viue b. Canal and 12th<br />

Burn John s.s. Front b. Race and Elm<br />

Burn John, morrocco finisher e.s. Pendleton b.<br />

Liberty and Woodward.<br />

Burn Mathias, e.s. Baum n. of High<br />

Burn Morris, w.s. John b. Kemble and Kichmond<br />

Burner John B. n.w.c. Elra and Hth<br />

Burner Samuel, e.s Bremen h. 15th and Liberty<br />

Burner Thomas, e.s. Spring s. of Woodward<br />

Burnet Henry, bds. Wm. Burnets w.s. Elmb. 4th<br />

B<br />

7E<br />

iOr<br />

Burnside John, carp. n.s. 3rd b. Wood and Stone-<br />

Burr J. bds Shire3<br />

Burris Miss M. teacher Orphan Asylum Elm n. ofI2th<br />

Burris Stephen H. n.s. Barr b. Mound and Cutter<br />

Burritt Cornelius, n.s Barr b. Baymillerand Freeman<br />

Burritt Daniel, hds. M. J. Louderback<br />

Burroughs Edward, b.k. 20 Pearl<br />

Burroughs John J. n.s. Front b. T. P. 18 & 19 F'n.<br />

Burrows David, finisher at R. B. Bowler's<br />

Burrows James, cooper w.s. Race b. 13th and 14tll<br />

h. n.s. Clinton b. Cutter and John '<br />

Burrows John, moulder Novelty Iron Works e.s<br />

Spring b. Woodward and Liberty<br />

and5ih<br />

URROWS J, U. Sc Co. (Joseph H. B. &<br />

URNEX HOUSE (A. B. Coleman), c.Vine<br />

B B Abel Kimball) Columbian Foundry n.s. 2d b. Elia-<br />

and Third<br />

and Plum, office 23 w. Front<br />

Burnet Isaac G. elk. sup. court, res. Walnut Hills Burrows J. H. (J. H. B. & Co.) 175 w. Srd<br />

IIKNEX JACOB, (judge) n.w.c. Seventh Burrows Mrs. Mary, w. s. Pendleton a. of Liberty<br />

B and Elm<br />

Burrows T. A. Ladies Seminary 132 w. Sth res. 358.<br />

Burnet Jacob,7 Worthington'sbldgs.bds. n.e.c. 7th w. 6th<br />

and Elm<br />


URN EX Jacob, Jr., atty. at law 148 Main " Thompson) wh. groceries 13 Pearl<br />

B s.e.c. 4th<br />

Bursner John M. elk. Democratic Journal off h 26<br />

Burnet J. C. elk. bds. n.e.c.7th and Plum<br />

e- 4th<br />

Burnet Robert W. 165 w. 7th<br />

Burt Andrew G. 12 w. Srd, h. n.s. 4th b. Smith and<br />

URWEX, SHUU P, & Co. (Wm B., Joel O. Park<br />

B S., Guernsey Y. Roots and Samuel Tate) bankers Burt Clement W. b.k Jacob GrafPs bela. A. Fithians<br />

n.w.c. .?d and Walnut<br />

Burt David, s.s. Congress b. Butler and M. Canal<br />

Burnet William, (B. Shoup & Co.) n.e.c. 7th and Burt Johns. G. (Willis & B) w.s. Race b. 4th & Sth<br />

Plum.<br />

Burt Moses, 36 %v. Srd, h. w.s. Broadway b. Wood<br />

TJRNET WILtilAM,house furnishicgem- ward and Webster<br />

B poriura, 14 e. 4th, h. w.s. Elm b. 4lh and sth Burt Mrs. Nancy, s.s. Sth. b. Plum and W Row<br />

Burnett Alfred, conf. andbaker, 154 and 96 w. Sth Burt Samuel T. s.s. Front b. T. P. 27 and 28 F'n<br />

BRNEXX XHOMASN. baker and conf. Burth Thomas, n.s. Webbb. Park and .Mill<br />

B n.s. Sth b. Elm and Plum,b. 2811 Longworth Burtner Peter, n.s. Hopkins b. Loiust and Freeman<br />

Burns s.s Commerce b. Gilmore al. and Vine Burton George, ns. Grant b. Elm and Plum<br />

Burns Ann, s..s. Front b.Race Elm<br />

Burton Gideon, (Tingley & B.) s.s. 6th 1 door e oC<br />

Burns Derby,{w s. M. Canal b. 6th and 7th<br />

Sycamore<br />

Burns Edward, shoe mkr. Filley and Chapin's h. c. Burton Ottoway, n.s. 7th b. Broadway and Culvert<br />

W. Kow and Front<br />

•nURXON S. m. & Co. (.-Stephen H. B. and<br />

Burns Francis, s.w.c. Elm and Pearl<br />

U Miles Greenwood) stoves and hollow ware 13 &<br />

Burns & Greggs (Ransom S. B. & James G.) 67 Sy­ Id w. 2d<br />

camore<br />

Burton Stephen R. (S. H. B. & Co.) Vine st Hill<br />

Burns James, bds. s s. Evercttb. W. Row and John Burvinkin John, w.s. Clay b. 13th and Allison<br />

Burns James A. w.s. Park b. 3d and 4lh<br />

Busby .Samuel, moulder n.w.c. Cherry and Elra<br />

Burns Jno. s. e. c. 9th and Elm<br />

Kusean Henry, n.s. Woodward e. or Sycamore<br />

Burns John, carp. bds. B. Crawfords<br />

Burns John, Blacksmith e.s. Lodge b. Sth and Gth,<br />

Busch Henry, n.s. 13th b. Main and Clay<br />

Buscher Hermann, e.s. Sycamore b. Liberty and<br />

h. n.s. Sth op. Mill<br />

Burns Joseph, n.s. Hopkins b. Linn and Cutter Schiller '<br />

Burns Margaret, n,s. Deer Creek<br />

Busching Henry, e.s. Sycamore b. Woodward and<br />

Burns Michael, s.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />

Ahagail<br />

Burns Miss Mary, s.s. Sth b. John and Mound Buschle George, n.s. Ham. Road b. Locust & Poplar<br />

Burns Mrs. Eliza, s.s. 7th b. John and Smith Kuser Irederick, n.w.c. Hunt and Sycamore<br />

Burns Patrick, w.s. eth b. Cutter and Linn Buser Samuel, lab. (B. Bicknell & Co.) s a Front e<br />

Burns Patrick, n.s. Betts b. John and Cutter<br />

Burns Patrick, grocery s.s. 2d w. of W, Kow<br />

of depot<br />

R!!!^<br />

Burns Peter, shoe mkr. bds. Thomas Prouts Kush S?^"""!"';?;'- Edward, 221 w. *'."'" 6th *• Orchard and Liberty<br />

Burns Peter, e.s. Plum b. Sth and 9th.<br />

Bush Eliza, n.s. Front h. Plum and W Row<br />

Burns Ransom S. (H & Greggs) e.s. McAllister Hush and Field, (James F. B. & Hampton E F)<br />

Burns Thomas, boot mkr. 232 Main<br />

Fancy Store, h. Barr b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Burns William, steward Burnet House ISO w. ?d Bush George, bds. Mrs. McCormack<br />

Burnaide A. B. w.s. Elm b. Grant and Hth Bush James F. CB..



We offer for sale a large stock of<br />


Comprising the largest and only complete assortment of Paper in the West, and<br />

Embracing every descriptiou ot Paper Iflnterial w^anted,<br />

A large proportion of^he Paper sold by us is made expressly to our oraer. We warrant the<br />

Pipers sold by us to be the very best of their class made in the country.<br />


Maia street, between Fifth and Sixth.<br />

T. Wrightson. Printer, 43 Main st.<br />

as<br />

BUT CAB<br />

Busher Frederick, n.s. Webster b. Sycamore and<br />

Tanner<br />

Busher Harmon, w.s. Sycamore b. Liberty &.Schiller<br />

Busher Henry, conf. S2 Main<br />

Busher Theodore, n.a. 6th e. of Lock<br />

Bushing Frederick, elk. 174 w. Sth, bds. Mr. Well-<br />

" man's<br />

Bushkamp Joseph, n.w.c. Plum and William<br />

Butler Jcthro, s.s. Front b. T. P. 13 and 14 F'n<br />

Butler John, bds Peter Campbell's<br />

Butler Joseph C. (J. C. B. & Co.) s.s. Court b. Race<br />

and Vine ^ ,^ ,<br />

Butler J. C. & Co. (J. C. B. Peter L. Brown and<br />

Hiram H. Stout) n.w.c. Mam and 2d<br />

Butler Mrs. Julia, s.s. Woodward b. Sycamore and<br />

Broadway<br />

Butler Mif;s Mary A. shoe binder bds. Ji. iNorns<br />

Butler Mrs. Mary, 1G6 w. 3d<br />

Butler Michael, s. s. 2d W. of Rose<br />

Butler Peter P. n.a. Yeatman b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Butler Thomas, b.k. 10 Pearl, bds. Pearl St. House<br />

Butler Thomas C. (B. & Bro.) 104 w. 6th<br />

Butler Thomas S. (B. & Bro.) l34 w. Sth<br />

Butler John, shoe mkr. n.s. Front b. Butler & Pike<br />

UTTEia ST. fJOUSE, Charles Ratcliff,<br />

Bushnell Andrew L. all. Physician 203 Vine, h. w.s. B Butler b..Front and Congress<br />

John b..Chestnut and Clark<br />

Butt James, (Hurlbut & B.) h. n s. Clark b. John &<br />

Bushnell Buel, atty. 114 Main<br />

Cutter<br />

Bushnell M. student bds. Mrs. Spragues 127 Race Rutters & Doble, brewers n.s. Front op. T. P. 10 F'n<br />

Busk Charles, 221 w. 6th<br />

Butters David. (B. & Boble) res. s.s. Front b. T. P.<br />

Buskdause Dedrick. n.s. Green b. Pleasant ct Race 12 and 13 F'n<br />

Buaken J. H. 234 w. 6th<br />

lITXEMiIil.ER-.fNO. P. Hotel and W.<br />

Buss Miss Catharine, dress mltr. s.a Mercer b. Wal­ B Yai d. n.s. Court b. Main and Walnut<br />

nut and Vine. „ Butterfield Algernon S. (Moores&B.) 102Longworth<br />

Bliss & FRENCH. (H. A. B. & Ira French) Butterfieid Cummings, 93 Race<br />

stove and tin store 28 W. sth<br />

Hutterly Thomas, s.e.c. 6th and Plum<br />

Buss H. A. (B. & French) h. Sth b. Race & Elm n.s. Butterworth Thomas, s.a. Clark b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Buss John, s.w.c. Clark and Baymiller<br />

Butts Samuel A. e.s. Race b. Snd and Commerce<br />

Bussard Henry, s.s. Sthb. Vine and Walnut, h. n.s. Butz G. V. e.s. Dunlap b. Cooper and Ham Road<br />

Gano b. Main & Walnut , . . , Buxbaum .laron, bds 259 6th<br />

Busse Joseph, tinner w.s. Main b. 12th and 13th bds. Buxtery Henry, e.s. Pleasant b. 12th and Hth<br />

H, W. Struve<br />

Buzzell George, watchman s.w.c 12th and Race<br />

Busser Frank,.s.s. .Abigail b. Sycamore & Broadway Byarl Michael, s.e.c. Water and Race, h. n.s Water<br />

Bussing & Carney, (George H. B. & Daniel Carney) b. Kim and Kace<br />

s.s. Sth b. Main and Sycamore.<br />

Byerly Charles, s.s. Harrison Road b. Riddle and<br />

Bussing Clemens, n.s. Court b. Walnut and Vine Division<br />

Bussing George H. (B. & Carney) bds. Walnut St. Byerly Danl. C. printer bds. Washington House<br />

House<br />

Byers Nathan, at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Buster Frank, lab. c. Green and Pleasant.<br />

Byers William J. (I)unlap& Co.) 115 w. 9th<br />

Butcher Henry, Madison b. Elm and Pium<br />

Byington James, No. 3 Clinton b. John and Cutter<br />

Butcher Henry, w.s. Dunlap b. Cooper & Ham. Road Byington Mrs. Sarah, s.s. Ham. Road op. Brighton<br />

Butcher John, n.s. Harrison Road op. Brighton^ Hou.se<br />

Butcher T. & Co. (Thomas B.) 1U6 Mam<br />

Byington Mrs.S. A. widow of Charles, dressmkr. n.<br />

Butler Alison, s.e.c. Race and Commerce<br />

s. 7th b. Mainand Sycamore<br />

Butler Bernard, stcieotypcr (Morgan & Co's.s.w.c. Byington Milo N. o.s. Mound b. Longworth and Bth<br />

Abigail andBroadway<br />

Byington William W. n.s. Front b. T. P. 1 & 2 F'n<br />

TT'1'£ER & BRO. (Thomas S. & James J.) Byl Cornelius, 9th b. Vine and Race<br />

B paper warehouse 215 Main<br />

Kyi Leonard, Sexton 9th b. Vine and Race<br />

Butler Conrad, shoe mkr. at Filley & Chapin's h. n. Bymer Bernard, e.s. Elm b. Liberty and Green<br />

w.c. Front and W. Row , „, ^<br />

Byrm .lohn, grocery &c. s.e.c. 2d and Kace<br />

Byrne Mrs. Ann, n.s. Harrison<br />

Butler C. T. barber w.s. Sycamore b. Woodward &<br />

Franklin<br />

Byrne Matthew, bds. Matthew Lee's<br />

Butler David, w.s. Watson al. b. Sth and Jth<br />

Byrne M. W. s.s. Clinton b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Butler Daniel, w.s. Broadway b. 7thand bth<br />

Byrne Patrick, s. s. 7th b. Broadway and Sycamore<br />

Butler Daniel, shoe mkr. bds. e.s. Elm b. tenter and Byrne Thomas, groces n.w.c Catharine & Baymiller<br />

Byrne William, 141 Walnut<br />

5th<br />

Byrnes George W. s.s. 3rd b. Smith and Park<br />

Butler Jerry, s.s. Front b. T. P. 13 and 14 F'n<br />

Butler Henry, at Martin Anshutz & Co's.<br />

Byrnes Jamea, n.s. Front b. T. P. 39 and 40 F'n<br />

Butler James, at Harkness


O, RICE,<br />



Has removed his.Eactooy to |l<br />

North side Columbia, between Raec and Elm streets, Cincinnati. S<br />

Wrightson, Printer.<br />

]\o. 10 Main iStreet.<br />

GAL CAi\r<br />

Cadwallader Charles T. b.k. IS Pearl, bda. 71 w. Gth .Callahan John, s.s. Moses h. Park and Mill<br />

Cadwell Humphrey. Vine h. Sth and 9th<br />

Callahan JMichael, e.s. Sycamoreb. 7ih ami Sth<br />

Cadwell John, w.s. Lytle b. Frout and High Ca ahan Mrs; Honor, e.s. Sycamore b. 7th and Sth<br />

Cadwell John, s.s. Front e. of depot<br />

Ca ahan Owen, n.s. Water b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Cady Charles B. (L. W. C. Bro. & Co.) bdsSl w. 4th n ^5''" I'"-"\'"-^- Jones, b. Everett and Wade<br />

Cady David,hds. John Hughes,<br />

Callahan Timothy, Plasterer, s.s. Moses, b. Park<br />

ADY DAVID K.. variety store n.e.c. Sth<br />

C and walnut, h. 74 w. Sth<br />

and Mill '<br />

Cady Lafayette W. (L. W. C. & Co.) res. Covington Callahan Thomas, lab. s.s. Sth b. W. Row & Joho<br />

ADY L,, \V BRU. & CO. (Lafayette W. Ca aman Wm. scale mkr. Colville & Stryker's<br />

C C. Charles E. C, & O. S. Leavitte) wh. cordage Callander Thomas, e.s. Fulton, h. Kichmond and<br />

warehouse 4 Water<br />

n-emble<br />

Cady Mrs. Mary, Walnut h. Gth and Gano Caller John, Elmb. Cooper and Ham. Road.<br />

Caffrey James, s.s. Friendship al. b. Pike & Butler Ca lin Mrs. Mary, n.s. Webb h. Smith and Park<br />

Cafferey William A. s.s. 4th h. W. Row and John<br />

Cahan Herse, n.s. Liberty b. Elm and Race Ca nvi",/^i;-'- '•"' "• E^^Oway and Culvert<br />

Cahan Jeremiah, 30Sycamore<br />

Wade '"^^- '"•^- Providence b. Everett and<br />

Cahan Michael,;10 Sycamore, h. c. Gth & McAllister Calvert & Co. (Hervey Calvert & Powel) s.s. Canal<br />

AHEINS VAtENXiNE, Pike St. House h. Main and Walnut<br />

C n.e. c. Front and Pike<br />

nAEVEKT GEOKKE H. fancy goods and<br />

Cahill Elizabeth, n.s Rittenhouse<br />

Vj cumb. manuf. 63and65w.Gth<br />

Cahill Piitrick, e.s. VV. Row b. Sth and 9th, h. n.s Ca vert Eliza, s.s. Catherine b. Cutter and Linn<br />

6th b. John and Smith<br />

Cahill Thomas, n.s. Commerce h. Walnut & Vine v[ne "''' ' • * °°-^-^^^i^oa b. Walnut and<br />

Cain Alexander, e.s. Jackson b. Canal aud rjth Calvert William 65 w. 6th<br />

Cain Michael, e.s. Baum w. of High<br />

Calv.n George, s.s. 7th b. Broadway and Culvert<br />

Cain Peter, e.s. Butler b. Congress and Front Cameren -—, painter, bds. ms, V.V. Riggs<br />

Cain Thomas, porter 9and 11 w. 2d<br />

Cameron Allen, 6S w. Sth<br />

Cain Thornas P. elk. J. & J. .Slevin, hds. 123 w. Tth Camerm, D,'^';- \^°^" & Alexander) 68 w.StU<br />

Calder David O. elk. rcg. Soule chapel<br />

cZl'Z FK • ^- 'Vf Hoi"'-i"sb.yohn & Cutter<br />

Caldow R. W. elk. at R. R. Depot, res. Newport<br />

Came on Ebenezcr D. W. M..& E. D. C.) Chesnut<br />

h. John and VV. Row v-usouui<br />

ALDOW WSL.I.IAM, diy goods mer. 96 Cameron John, n.e.c. Plum and Front<br />

C w. Slh<br />

Cameron John (Cameron &Co.)«8 w Sth<br />

pAIjDWEtl,, t'OENZtEK & HEUN.<br />

\j ISCH, (John W. C. Joseph C. and Charles F.<br />

rVZ'°" r"^"''?' "•'• Waterb. Kim and Plum<br />

H.) attys. couns and Notarys, No. 1 Court Cameion Joseph, silversmith, bds. Joseph Kirk'.<br />

Square b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Caldwell Geo. J. b. k. ao Main, bds Broadw.ny Hotel '"Tar,*d^-^ki







CAN CAR<br />

Campbell Angus,-bds. John Custard's<br />

Campbell Bartlett, e. a. Mansfield, b. Liberty and<br />

Milton<br />

Campbell Benj- n.a Ham. Road opp. Piatt<br />

Campbell Conrad, n.s..6th e.of Lock<br />

Campbell Duvall, bds. Chester Barney's<br />

Campbell Daniel, S.TT.C. John and Catharine<br />

Campbell Elijah, n.s. 7th b. W. Kow and John<br />

C<br />

AITIPB£JL.L., 1EC.L.ISON & CO. (John C.^<br />

Wm. E., David T, Woodrow, Hiram Campbell<br />

& Rob't Scott) stoves, hollow ware, (tec. 12 e.2d<br />

Campbell George W. s. s. George b,. Smith and<br />

Mound<br />

Campbell Mrs. Harriet, 15 e. 4th<br />

Campbell Henry, s.s. Front e. of depot<br />

Campbell Henry, e.s. Plum b. 9th and William<br />

CanipbeU James, city police, bds. B. Hazelton's<br />

Campbell James, plasterer, w.s. Smith b. 4th & Sth<br />

Campbell, James, drayman, w.s. Sycamore b. Orchard<br />

and Liberty<br />

Campbell James, drayman, h.e.s. Linnb. Hickory<br />

and Wade<br />

Campbell James, porter, 140 Main, h.n. end Accom<br />

modation<br />

Campbell John, moulder, s.s. Congress b. Kilgour<br />

and M. Canal<br />

Campbell John, w.s. W. Row b. Liberty & Poplar<br />

Campbell Joseph, s.s. Commerce b. Walnut and<br />

Vine<br />

Campbell M. elk. bds. K. Campbell's<br />

Campbell M. 68 w. Sth<br />

Campbell Mathew, n.s. Everett b. W. Row & John<br />

Campbell Noah N. bds. Washington House. Walnut<br />

Campbell P. elk. s.w.c. Sth and Broadway<br />

Campbell Peter, s.e.c. Plum and Pearl<br />

Campbell Peter, w.s. Ludlow b. 2d and Congress<br />

Campbell Peter, drayman, s.s. 6th e, of Lock<br />

Campbell Peter, grocer, s.s 2d b. Rose and Park<br />

Campbell Robert, n.s. 7th b. Cutler and Linn<br />

Campbell Samuel, e.s. Elmb. 15th and Liberty<br />

Campbell Wm. moulder, e.s. Lock b. Symmes and<br />

Sth<br />

Campbell Wm. finisher, William<br />

Campbell Wm. drayman, e.s. Providence b. Mason<br />

and Everett<br />

Campbell William G. s.s. Kemble b. W. Row and<br />

John<br />

Campbell Wm. H. paying teller Franklin Bank,<br />

res. Walnut Hilis<br />

Gampbell Wm. H. ag't peach orchard coal, a. e. c.<br />

Main and 2d, h.e.s. High w. of Kilgour<br />

Campfield Mary, seamstress, e.s. W. Rowb. M'Farland<br />

and 4Lh<br />

Camphouse Joseph, n.s. Liberty b. New and Vine<br />

Campion Martin, n.w.c. Plum and 2d<br />

ftAN AL PACKET OFFICE, (Sam. Doyle)<br />

\j c. Main and Canal<br />

C<br />


Thomson, n.e.c. Main and Court<br />

Canapp John, s.s. David b. Cutter and Jones<br />

Canapp George, s.s. David b. Cutter and Jones<br />

Canaught Otto, s.s. I3th b. Walnut and Vine<br />

CaacrofT Edward, bds. D, W. Long's<br />

Cane Franklin, s.s. 8th b. Mound and Cutter<br />

Cane William, n.s. New b. Broadway and Culvert<br />

Canfleld James W. (C. & Moflfett) grocers, b. Sth &<br />

6th Main, h. 327 Vine<br />

PANFIELD & MOFFETT, (James W.<br />

' C. & James SrM.) wh. grocers 226 Main<br />

Canno Jaraes. e.s. John b. 8th and Kemble<br />

Cannod Robert, w.s.W, Row b, Everett and David<br />

Cannon Emetine, 125 w. 3d<br />

Cannon Charles K. b.k. 184 Main<br />

Cannon Hewitt P. n.s Elizabeth b. John & Fulton<br />

Canhon Jaraes W. s.s. Kemble b. John and Fulton<br />

Cannon Jno. elk. 66 w, Sth<br />

Cannon Mrs, b. h. n.s. Richraondb. Fulton & Cutter<br />

Cannon Patrick, s.s. Clark b. Freeman and Baymiller<br />

CanrighutT John, n.a. Findley b. Elm and Race<br />

Capp George, carp, bds, Hiinley'a<br />

Capp John, n.s. Findlay b. Elm and Race<br />

Capelle William, elk. 76 Main<br />

Capella William, salesman, w.s. Main b. Pearl &<br />

2d<br />

Capen Charles, s.s. Sth b. Smith and Park<br />

Capingbrink Anthony, e.s. Pleasant b. Liberty &<br />

Green<br />

Caray Thomas, e.s. Broadway b. 9th and Dth<br />

Carbery Joseph, c. Smith and Webb<br />

Carbon Miss Mary, teacher, u.s. 3d b. Smith and<br />

Park<br />

Carbot Thomas, e.s. Butler b. Symmes & CongresB<br />

Cardas Henry, w.s. Race b. Liberty and Green<br />

Carey Jared, barber. Pearl St. House, h.e.s. McAllister<br />

b. 4th and Sth<br />

pARGIEL E. ». & CO. (E. De Lano C. &<br />

\J Henry M. Ernst) raanufs, window shades, 8<br />

College bldg.<br />

Cargill E. De Lano (C. & Co.) w.s. Walnut b. 6th<br />

and 7th<br />

CariU Patrick, s.s. Front b. T.P. 9 and 10 F'n<br />

Caring Francis, s.e.c. Mitchel and Celestial<br />

Carke August, n.s. Commerce b. Walunt and Vine<br />

Carkou Thomas, w.s. State b. Mill creek and Accommodation<br />

Carkur Hiram, s.s. Maple, b. W. Row and Linn<br />

Carl James, s.s. Cherry b. Race and Elm<br />

Carl Mrs .C. s.a. Findley b. Elm and Canal<br />

Carl Nelson, bds. J. Howard's<br />

Carl Thomas, n.s. Water b. Race and Elra<br />

Carl William, e.s. Dunlap b. Cooper & Ham, road<br />

Carlan Henry, e.s. Sycamore b. 7th and Bth<br />

Carlay Mrs. Mary, widow Timothy, s. s, al. b.<br />

Smith and Abigail<br />

Carley Samuel T. (S. T. C. & Co.) e.s. Plum h. 9tb<br />

and Court<br />

p AKEEY S. T. & CO, (Samuel T. C. & Hen-<br />

\j ry G. Wray) manufacturingjewellera, ISO Walnut<br />

Carlin Benj. n.a. Sth b. Vine and Race, h.n.s. Betts<br />

b. Linn and Locust<br />

Carlin H. P. e.s. W. Row b. Chesnut and Elizabeth<br />

Carlin John, e.s. Dublin n. of Lock<br />

Carlin Mrs. Mary, Landing b. Lawrence and Pike<br />

Carlin Robert, e.s. Vine b. 4th and Sth



DRUG-G-IB<br />

Il Canaries, Mocking Birds, Red Birds, &c. ,<br />

Bealer in Paints, OiIs.and Dye-stuffs, 1]<br />

409 Maim st. opposite Court House,<br />

Wrightson, Printer, 43 Main.<br />


Bird Cages of every variety, suitable for<br />

Also—Grate Fenders, Rat and Mouse Tiaps, I<br />

Stands and Brackets for Millinery and Fancy !<br />

Stores, and a variety of articles in the Wire •<br />

line tor sale, wholesale and retail, at the Manu-1<br />

factory on Xbird Street, between Walnnt<br />

and Vine. j<br />


•t'SJ^KT til<br />

CAR<br />

CAR<br />

Carlin William, e.s. Linn b. Catherine and Clark ARPENTER SAMXTEE S. atty. at law,<br />

Carlis Jam^es, grocer, s.s. Gth b. Culvert and M. C Worthington's bldgs. h.e.s. Plum b. 4th and Sth<br />

Canal<br />

Carr Alfred, n.s. Richmond b. Linn and Cutter<br />

Carlisle George, s.w.c. 4th and Walnut<br />

Carr Mrs. Ann, e.s. Linn b. Clark and Hopkins<br />

Carlisle J. at A Harkness & Son's<br />

Carr Caleb, n.s. Catharine b. Fulton and Cutter<br />

Carlisle Wm. T. salesman, 17 Pearl<br />

Carr C. G, 1S3 Pearl<br />

Caril and Fagan (Ephraim C. & Jonathan F.) Tem­ Carr George, type caster, 41 e. 2d, h.c. 5th& Elm<br />

perance House, n.e.c. 7th and W. Row Carr James, at B. Gossiu'.s<br />

Carlos William, Smith's Court b. 4th aud Sth on Carr Jobn, pilot, s.s. Frontb. Plum and Elm<br />

Smith<br />

Carr John, e.s. Baum b. Gth and Observatory<br />

Carlton John W. n.s. George b. John and Smith Carr John, blk. smith, bds. Nancy WilUams<br />

Carmichael Rob't, b.lt. bds. J. H. Gamble's 3S Mc­ Carr Joshua, w.s. Vine b. 2d and Front<br />

Farland<br />

Carr Margaret, seamstress, 143 Race<br />

Carmichael W. W. n.w.c. John and Laurel Carr Michael, Landing b. Main and Walnut<br />

Carmin James, bds. ftlr. Carpenter's, e.s. Plum b. Carr Moses, n.s. Betts b. Cutter and Linn<br />

4th and Sth<br />

Carr William, s.s. Court b. Vine and Race<br />

Carnahan John (C. & O'Neill) w.s. Pleasant b. 15th Carrett Grath, s.s.8th b. Broadway and Culvert<br />

and Liberty<br />

Carrick David, (Thornhill Oe C.) bds. H. Morton's<br />

Carnahan R. editor, n.s. 3d b. Broadway & Syca­ Carrick James, bds. Mrs. B, Lackey's<br />

more<br />

Carrigan John, w.s. M. Canal b. Sth and Court<br />

Carnahan Mrs. Sarah, boarding house, w. s. \Vd.l- Carrigan Mrs. Sarah, b.h.s.s. Harrison<br />

nut b. Canal and ]2th<br />

Carrigan Stephen, 130 w. Sth<br />

Carnahan & O'Neil (John C. & Peter O'N.) =. o. Carrliche Matthias, w.s. Pendleton b. Woodward<br />

Sth e. ofMain<br />

and Liberty<br />

Carnahan Thomas, s.s. Kemble b.Linn & Baymiller Carroll David, n.s. 4th b. Wood and Stone<br />

Camay James, blksmith, n.s. Hunt b. Spring and Carroll Edward, s.s. 4th b. Elm and Plum<br />

Pendleton<br />

Carroll Elizabeth, e.s. Dublin n. of Lock<br />

ARNEAJL XJ. Ac CO. (Louis C. & Towsend Carroll Dr. Foster, c. Sth and Walnut, bds. Dr. T.<br />

C Hills,) white lead manuf. 21 Main<br />

Carroll<br />

Carneal Louis (L. C. & Co.) w.s. Pike n.of Symmes Carroll George, lab. n.s. Webb b. Smith and Park<br />

Carnes Adolphus, 238 w. Gth<br />

Carroll Hamilton, s.s Sth b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Carnes Robert, rarp. at B. Hazen's<br />

Carroll John,shoe mkr.bds. Mra.Cosgrove's<br />

nAItlVES WILLIAM R, wh. dealer in Carroll Margaret, e.s. Dublin e.of Lock<br />

\j veneers, rattan, &c. S. O. O'Niles, ag't 20 e. 3d Carroll Mrs. Mary, w.s. Pancoast al. h.Sth&91h<br />

c. Hammond<br />

Carroll.Mr«. Mary, grocery, s.s. 3d b. W. Row and<br />

Carney Daniel, (Bussing & C.) bds. Gait House John<br />

Carney Garrett, e.s. Bremen b. 13th and Hth Carroll Patrick, waiter, Burnet House<br />

Carney James, s.s. 5tli b. Main and Sycamore, h.n. Carroll Philip, waiter Burnet House<br />

s. 6th e. Miami Canal<br />

Carroll Randolph, engineer, e.s. Race b. Water<br />

Carney John, lab. s.s. Sth b. Smith and Park<br />

and Front<br />

Carney Leroy S. salesman 63 Pearl, bds. Dennison Carroll Robert W. 115 Main<br />

House<br />

Carroll Thomas, pilot, bds. Mrs. R. H. Looker's<br />

Carney Mary, n.s. Frontb. Race and Elm Carroll Dr. Thomas, n.e.c. Plum aud George<br />

Carney Timothy, huckster, s.s. 7th b. Broadway Carroll Wm. bds. Mrs.R. H. Looker's<br />

and Culvert<br />

Carroll Wm, bds. 134 Elm<br />

Carney Thomas, salesman, 25 Pearl, bds. Dennison Carrolly Wm. s.s. W. Rowb, Linn and Mohawk<br />

House<br />

bridge<br />

Carney William, al. b. Court and Canal and Kace Carruthcrs Wra. s.w.c. Sth and Wood<br />

and Elm<br />

Carsey Michael, lab. e.s. Dublin e. of Lock<br />

Carolan Bridget, e.s. Race b. Pearl and 2cl Carson Alex. T,, R. R. Sup. n.s. 6th b. Cutter and<br />

AROLAM> DK. CMARLES A, 85 Linn<br />

C Broadway, h. 14 Walnut<br />

Carson Isaac, bds. Mrs. C. Edwards'<br />

Carpenter Adam, w.s. Kossuth<br />

Carson Jaraes, n.w.c. Mill and Front<br />

Carpenter Mrs. A. M. n.s. 5th b. Elm and Plum Carson Mrs. Margl. n.w.c. Mill and Front<br />

Carpenter Abraham F. n.s. Wade b. W. Row and Carson William, n.s. Observatory road<br />

John<br />

Carson William, w.s. Elm b. Canal and 12th<br />

Carpenter Charles, 68 L. Market, h.s.s. Oliver b. W. Carson Dr. William, 3d b. Broadway and Ludlow<br />

Row and John<br />

Carswell William, n.s. Congress b. Butler and M<br />

Carpenter & Ford, (Isaac B. C. and Smith Ford) 14 Canal<br />

w. Front<br />

Carter Adam, n.s. Catharine b. Cutter & Linn<br />

Carpenter Isaac B. (C. & Ford) 46 w. 9th Carter Alfred G. W. (C. & Long) 348 Race<br />

Carpenter Jacob, bds. J. Wall work<br />

Carter Daniel B. bds. 15 w. 9th<br />

Carpenter Mary, w.s. Fulton b. Kemble and Rich­ Carter E. Henry, secretary Wash. Ins. Co. 346 Race<br />

mond<br />

Carter Edward, s.s. Water e. of Smith


mMmmM<br />


We continue, as we have done for ten years past, to manufacture<br />

Paste Blackings, W^ritlng Ink, and Nerve aud Bone Einimcnt.<br />

The quality of these articles we warrant equal to any in the country, and the low price<br />

at which we now sell Paste Blacking and Writing Ink, offers inducements for western<br />

Dealers to buy of us, instead of bringing out an eastern article at a higher cost in the addi-<br />

[J^ tion of freight, insurance and exchange. We have for several years past made large sales<br />

^ anniiilly to most of the Western and Southern cities.<br />


Wrightson, Printer, 215 Main street, between Fifth and Sixth.<br />

CAR CAV<br />

Carter Charles G. (C. & Lippincott) n.s. 7th b. Main Case Jonn B. at David Griffey's<br />

and Walnut<br />

Case Josiah Jr. bds. 147 Race<br />

Carter E. S, & Co. (E. S. C. & James C. M'Kee) 76 Casey Chavous lab. e.s. Bank Alley<br />

L. Market<br />

Casey Conrad, lab. s.s. Harrison Road b. Brighton<br />

Carter K. S. (E. S. C. & Coj 3d b. John & Smith and Avenue House<br />

Carter Francis, n.s. 7th b. Cutter and Linn Casey James, e.s Butler between Congress and<br />

Carter George W. n.s. Harrison<br />

Front<br />

Carter Henry, carriage mkr. Samuel Barnes, bds. Casey John, plasterer, bds. Mrs. Nancy Hare's<br />

281 w. 7th<br />

Casey John lab. e.s. M. Canal b. Sth and Court<br />

Carter James B. elk. 93 Main<br />

Casey John, lab. bds. Mrs. Sarah Henry's<br />

Carter James H. 6 Main, h.n.s. Sth b. Vine & Race Casey Joshua, bds. Pioneer House,<br />

Carter James S. n.s. 5th b. Plum and W. Kow Casey Patrick, n.s. Front, b. T. P. 10 and 11 F'n.<br />

Carter John, bds. Sarah Byington's<br />

Casey Thomas, n.s. Frontb. Lytle and Parson<br />

Carter John, wagon mkr. n.s. Mason b. Plum and Casey William, lab. e. s. Bank Alley<br />

W. Row<br />

Cashal John, n.s. Frontb. T. P. Sand 9 F'n.<br />

Carter John H^ elk. 14 Pearl<br />

Cashmier Patrick, w.s. John b, Elizabeth nnd<br />

Carter John S. wagon mkr. s.s. Kemble b. Harriet Chesnut<br />

and Brooks<br />

easily, J. lab. R. B. Bowlers<br />

Carter John W. w.s. Vine b. 2d and Front Casler Mrs. vest mkr. s.s, 7th b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Carter Joseph, 26 e. 4th<br />

Casner Frederick cab. mkr. n.e.c. 4th and Butler<br />

ARTER & EIPPffNCOTT, (Charles G. Casner William, stone cutter, bds. Mrs. Casner's<br />

C C. & Edwin L.) daguerrean artists, n.e.c. 4th Casper Castner 108 Symmes<br />

and Vine<br />

Cassady Francis H. A. Harkness & Son's foundery<br />

ARTER & LONG, (Alfred G. W. C. and Cassady James, e.s. Butler b. Symmes and Con­<br />

C Alexander L.) attys. at law, 2<strong>52</strong> Main<br />

gress.<br />

Carter Miles B. a.s. Harrison<br />

Cassady John bds. H. Glasgow's<br />

Carter Mrs. H. Walnut b. Slh and 9th<br />

Cassady Lee, w.s. Plumb. Grandin and 12th<br />

Carter Mrs. (Thos.) 15 w. 9th<br />

Casstitt David, s.s. Woodward, b. Main and Syca­<br />

Carter Nathaniel, barber at Lemuel Even's<br />

more.<br />

Carter Dr. Restore C. 162 w. Gth<br />

Cassidv James, lab. n.s. Gth b. Harriett and Home<br />

Carter Richard N. printer, n.s. 4th b. Mill& Stone Cassidy John, n.s. Everett b. Jones and Linn<br />

Carter Samuel R. elk. bds. Walnut b. Sth & 9th Cassidy John, s.s. Gth b, Broadway and Culvert<br />

Carter & Tucker, (Frank C. aud James T.) n.s. 7th Cassidy Joseph, City Police, e.s. Broadway b.<br />

b. Cutter and Linn<br />

7ih and Sth<br />

Carter Thomas P. (Daniel C. & Co.) bds. 15 w. 9th Cassidy Patrick, n.s. Water b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Carter William, bds. Mrs. Sarah Byington's Cassilly Charles P. (Leidy, Baird & C.) w.s,<br />

Carter William, lab. e.s. Pleasant b. 15th & Liberty Broadway b. 3d and 4th<br />

Cartman Henry, n.s. Webb h. Mill and Stone CassUly J. lab. at R, B. Bowlers<br />

Cartwright Joseph, elk. 84 Pike<br />

Cassidy William s.s. Laurel b. Linn aud Locust<br />

Carty E. B. bds. 251 Walnut<br />

Gassing Herman, salesman 248 Main<br />

Carty Frederick, s.e.c. Linn and George<br />

Cast S. S. elk. bds. J. Wall's<br />

Carty Michael, n.s. Frontb. Elm and Plum Castlehund David, w.s. Biemen,b. 15th & Liberty<br />

Carty William, s.s. George h. Smith and Mound Casting Lewis, n.e.c. Ringgold and Young<br />

Carver Addis M. printer I. Hart & Co.<br />

Castlor Valentine, n.s, 7th b. Linn and Baymiller,<br />

Carver Henry E. n.s. Lawrence h. Symmes and Caswell William, 249 w. 7th<br />

Congress , , . Castner Peter, w.s. Pleasant b. Green and Findlay<br />

Carver .lohn H. Frontb. Ludlow and Lawrenoe, h. Cathell John, pattern mkr. 143 Sycamore<br />

Jjawrence b. Symmes and Congress<br />

Gather Joseph, w s. W. Row b. Kerable and Rich­<br />

Carver Leander R. bds. 30 w. Sth<br />

mond.<br />

Carver Thomas, 156 Pearl<br />

Catlin Stephen P. w.s. Treeman b. Catherine and<br />

Carver William H. s s. Pearl b. Vine and Race, h. Gest<br />

15G Pearl<br />

Catnia Martin,e.s. Providence b. Mason and Eve­<br />

Cary Jared, e. s. McAllister _<br />

rett<br />

Cary John s.s. Clark b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Catterlin Solomon, 143 Longworth<br />

Carey John, city police, e.s. Elm b. Liberty and Cauclin John, 79 Pike<br />

Crcen . , ^,. Caulfield John, n.s. Liberty b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Carv Joseph H, e.s. Fulton b. Catharine and Eliza­ Cavagna Bartholemew, 31 w. Sth<br />

beth<br />

Cavalle Lewis, e.s. Vine,b 511i and 6th<br />

CaryM. n.s. 7th b. Plumand W.Row<br />

Cavanagh John, porter, Corr di Poland's<br />

Cary Mflrtin W. hatter, n.s. 7th, b. Kace and Elm Cavanagh Miles, e.s. Wood b. -^th and Sth<br />

Carey Samnel U. discount elk. Com. Bank, w.s. Cavanagh Thomas, n.s. Sth b. Broadway and Syca.<br />

Vine n. 13th.<br />

more<br />

Carry William, s.s.7th, b. Main and .'••ycamore Caveman Charles, n.s. Abigail b. Main and Syca­<br />

Carey William, carp, bds Carll & Fa^^a's<br />



T. Wrigtilson, Frinrer, CiDCinii.i(.<br />


AND<br />



A. CURTIS, President,<br />

A nd Professor of the Principles and Practice<br />

of Medicine and Surgery, Anatomy,<br />

Physiology, Phrenology, &c.<br />


CHA CHA<br />


«© a ^3"-^ 5£ £^ aiP «!u "^ S »<br />

Caverltamp Henry, w.s. Riddle b. Harrison Koai rillAIftBERS FRANCIS T. attorney at<br />

and Bank<br />

\) lavf,-15 w. 3d,h. 102 w. Sth.<br />

Cawley Owen, n.s. Front b. Elm and Plum Chambers G. W. carp. n.s. Woodward,^). Main'<br />

Cayler Henry, teamster, s.s. Richmond W. of Har. and Sycamore<br />

riett<br />

Chambers Jacob B. bds. John Custard's<br />

Cearns William, painter, w.s. Liberty n. of Front Chambers John M. elk. n.s Longworth b. Elhland'<br />

(Fulton)<br />

Plum<br />

Oelestin Sister, teacher, s.s. Gth b. Sycamore and Chambers John T. (C. &. Bryden) 22 Perry<br />

Broadway<br />

Chambers Theodore, s.s. William b. Elm and PluW'<br />

Cella Anthony, fruit store, 62 w. 5tli<br />

Champ (' 188 Walnut, h. 24 George<br />

Cellers S. lab. Powell's foundry<br />

rlHAMPIylN & FRENCH (Matthen-F. C.<br />

Cemperback Francis, e.s. Pleasant b. Green abd Li­ \j A Charles A. F.) com. and prod. mers. r.2<br />

berty<br />

Sycamore<br />

Cendner Phillip, s.a. Jefferson b. Elm and Plum Chaniplin James M, b. k. at Champlin & French's<br />

Center H. n.s. George b. Baymiller and Freeman Champlin L. D. att'y, 11 law bidg. h. n.s. 4th b. W.<br />

Center Ira S.'n.s. Sth b. John it Fulton h.n.s. George Rot? and John<br />

b. John and Smith<br />

Champlin Matthew F.(C. &. French) h. n. s, 4thb.-<br />

Centner C. H. n.s. Liberty b. W. Row anb John W. R* and John<br />

EN'JTRALi BANK. (Hatch and Langdon) n. Chandler E. S. music teacher 68 Centre<br />

C w.r. Court and Main<br />

Chandler Jos. 349 Race<br />

riElVTKAlj CH. HKKAtW, Thornton A. WiandlerLewis, elk. n.s. Barrb. Gutter and Linn<br />

\J Mills, Ed. and prop. 6 Gazette bldgs.<br />

Chaney Benjamin, turner, s.s. 2d b. Smith it JohiJ<br />

ilENrRAI. HOTEL, B Farlow s.e.c. Elm Chaney Wm. s.s. Mason b. Plum and W. Row<br />

\} and Cth<br />

Channing E. collector, bds. 1)4 w. 3d<br />

Cerney James, n.s. Gth e. of Lock<br />

Chapin Adams, hoot makr at Fillev and Chapin's,<br />

Chace Ira H. (Sherwood & C.1 127 w. Sth<br />

h. n. e. c. Smith and LonsWorth<br />

Chacker Frank, s.s. 12th b. Elm and Rum Chapin Amasa, salesman at F'illey & Co's. res. 193<br />

Chad wick B. A. at Harkness and Son's<br />

Broadway<br />

Chadwick Darmn, n.s. Water b. John and .Smith Chapin Lorenzo, shoe rakr, h. 114 .Symmes<br />

Chadwick Miss Mary, 154 w. 4th<br />

Chapin Mrs. Lydia, w.s. Broadway b. 6th «nd Tth<br />

Chadwick Richard, finisher, n.s. Front e. of Lytle Chapin Rnfus (Filley & C) 195 Broadway<br />

Chalfant Robert, 118 Symmes<br />

Chapman John, carp. b. Tth and Sth and b. Broad­<br />

Chalish Henry, n.s. 13 b. Bremen and Race<br />

way and Sycamore<br />

Challan Joseph J. salesman 16 Pearl<br />

Chapman Joseph, lab. al. h. Sth and Sth<br />

Challis James R. n.s, 6th b. Broadway and Sycamore Chapman Stephen G. (Bartlett, C,& Co.) bds City<br />

Chamberlain Francis, n.s. Frontb. Lytleand Collard<br />

Chamberlain John, s.s. Kemble b. John and Fulton<br />

Hotel<br />

Chamberlain Mrs. L. M. school a.s. Hth b. Bremen<br />

pHAPMAN WM. B. druggist. Mechanics'<br />

\j Institute s.w. c. 6th and Vine h. n.s. gth b.<br />

and Race<br />

"Vine and Race<br />

Chamberlain Wm. R. elk. e.s. Mill b. 4th & Moses Chapman William, w.s, North b. eth and Tth.<br />

Chamberlain , elk. bds. Jos.Delaplain<br />

Chappel Alanson s.s. Pearl b. Elm and Raco<br />

Charaberlin Mrs. C. w.s. Clay b. 12th and 13 Chappel Jacob H. n. s, Catharinf^ b. Linn & Locust<br />

pHAlWBEUHIV E. KIRBY. al phys. n Chappell W, H. e,s. \V. Row b. Front and 2d<br />

I; s. Bth opp. U. S. Hotel, bds. s.w.c. Elm and Court Chappell Wm. P, (Hoffner & Co) bds. Cowles<br />

ChamberlinF. D. moulder, bds. Mrs. C. Chamberlin Chord Alanson C. e.s. Walnut b. Water and Front<br />

Ohamberlin Harriet E. P. ass't teacher district 5 Chard Charles W. n.s. Richmond b. Fulton and<br />

Chamborlin J. H. bk. binder, bds. Mrs. O. Cham- Cutter<br />

berlin's<br />

Charles Joseph, s.s. Poplar b. Linn and Locust<br />

Chamberlin John, carp. s.s. Front near Corporation Charles Samuel, n.s. Liberty b. Linn and Cutter<br />

line, bds. Lone Star House.<br />

Cburnock George, sadler, bds. Robert Hall's<br />

Chamberlin Mrs. Susan, e.s. Mill b. 4fh and 5th Charlei George, elk. 24 e. 2d. res. Newport<br />

Chamberlin Rev. Wm.R. e.s. Mill b. 4th and 5th PHASE &BAEL, [Salmon P. C. & Flamen<br />

Chamberlin Wm. B. elk. bds. J, Melleary<br />

\j B.) attrs. at law, 10 e. 3d<br />

Chamberlin W.G. printer bds. Mrs, C Chamberlin's Chase J. W. brush makr. 125 Main<br />

Chambers C. C. 80 L. Market, h. 100 e. 4th Chase Reason, s.s. Harrison<br />

HAITIBEKS A: »»Y1>EI\, (John T. C, & Chase Salmon T. (C. &. Ball)<br />

C Giles G. D.l carpenters, and builders, s.s. 5th b Chatflcld Albert, n.s. Longworth b. Smith and<br />

Plum and W. Row. ' I Mound



J. II. BURROWS & CO.<br />

Colnmbia Street, between Elm aud Plum,<br />




J. H. Burrows' Patent Grist Mills, Steam Engines,<br />

Grist and Saw Mill Irons,<br />


Also. Dealers in<br />


CHI CHU<br />

ChatfieldWra. H. elk. P. O. bds. 2<strong>52</strong> Longworth Childs Mordecai, e.s. Walnut b. 2d and Pearl<br />

Ohatfield Hugli,bds.34 Centsr<br />

Childs William E. 13 and 15 w. .'ith res. Storrs tp.<br />

ChavisMrs, Priscilla, e.s, Raceb. 2d, & Commerce Chill Dassander, stone cutter, n.s. R. R. b. T. P.20<br />

Checkly William, n.s. Canal b. Elm and Race<br />

and 21 F'n<br />

Cheesebrough Junius, 180 Longworth<br />

rilSlPraATV H. ». Ac CO. (Horace D. &<br />

CheesebroUgh & Mullin (Mrs.) b. h. 200 -w. 5th \j Wm. D. C.) wh. and retail grocers, n.w.c. Bth<br />

Choeseman Joseph, bds. W, Avenue House s.w.c. and Elm, & com. mer. n.s. W. W. Canal b. W.<br />

W. Avenue and Harrison Road<br />

Row and John<br />

Cheeseman William, u.s. Elizabeth b. W. Row and Chipman Horace D. (C. A: Co.) n.w.c. fith and Elm<br />

John<br />

Chipman J. H. n.s. 13th b. Main and Clay<br />

Gheever A. G-. & Co. (Ariel C. E. & Nathaniel Chipman Wm. D.(H. D. C.& Co.) bds.H.D.Chipraan<br />

Ropes) star candle and lard oil mannls. W.s. Chippindate Thomas, junction Front and High<br />

Locli b. Cd and Sth<br />

C'hisholm George, n.K. 8th b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Choevcr Ariel G. (A. G. C. & Co.) e.s. Lock b. 3d Chittenden Henry, bds. A. H. Stowcll's<br />

and 5th<br />

Chlouscr John, n.s. Mercer<br />

Cheever John H. b. k. n.e.c. 6th and Raco<br />

Clilyer George, n.s. Betts b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Cheftver George, bds. Adam Metz<br />

Choate Mrs. dressmkr. 372 w. 61.h<br />

Cheney S. J. bds. Mrs. Floyd's<br />

Choate, carp. bds. 237 w. 6th<br />

Chenis James R. n.s. 5th b. Sycamore & Broadway Chrisbaum Jolin, S/S. W, Kow near Mohawk bridge<br />

Chenowcth James 34 Pike<br />

Chrisendon, shoe rakr. bds. s.s. Center b. Race &<br />

riaiEI^OWETM .ff, S. & Co. (J- S. C. & Elm<br />

V Koss} com. mers. 2j e. Front<br />

pHK.BSFlEL,B> "Wm. & CO, (Wm. C, Eze-<br />

Chenoweth John R. (J. S. C. & Co.) 34 Pike yj kiel Ross & James L. Collins) painter's depot<br />

Chenowelh VVilllanin.s.s Chesnut b. W. RoW an 222 Main<br />

John<br />

Chrisfield Wm. (Wm, C. & Co.) Sth b.Elm & Plum<br />

Chenoweth William, H. bds. 22 4th<br />

Christian H, b.k. 70 Main, bds. WalnUt St. House<br />

Cherry Barney, s.a, Water, b. Elm and Plum Christian John, e.s. Lock b. Sth and 6th<br />

Cherry Henrv, n.s. Barr b. Mound and Cutter Christian William, e.s. Lock b. Sth and 6th<br />

Cheseldine C^iarles, 58 L. Market, h -w.s. W. Row Christian Mrs. Ann M. w.s. Bremen b* 15th & Li­<br />

b. 3d and 4th<br />

berty<br />

nHESEL.I>fi]^E O, R. (Garrard) dry goods. Christie George, 76 Pike<br />

\J s.e.c. Main and L. Market, res. Mt. Auburn Christie Joseph, e.s. Vine b. Baker and 3d<br />

Cheseldine Samuel P. elk. c. Main and L Market Christman J. A. at Harkness & Son's<br />

bds. G. R. Cheaeldine*3<br />

Christinan Jacob, e.s. Elm b. Grant and 14lh<br />

Chesford Bridget, Brown's al. b. Cutter and Linn Christman Jacob, e.s. Walnut b. Allison & Liberty<br />

Chesman John, bds. W, Hildreth^s<br />

Christman Jacob, s.s. Gth b. Elm and Piura<br />

Chester Ira H. (Moore & C.) bds. Mrs. T. Tain's Christman Peter, n.s. Liberty b. W. Row and John<br />

H E W ANTHONY S. agt. Phonccx Ins. Co. (>hristeier Frederick, at Martin, Anshutz & Co*s<br />

C of St. Louis, Am. Mut. Ins. Co. of N. V, and Christon Robert, s.e.c. 4th and Butler<br />

N. York Life Ins, Co.15 Front, h. s.s. 7thb. Christopher Alexander C elk. bds. Wm. Chris­<br />

Vine and Raco<br />

topher<br />

H E W JAMES S. Insurance Agent, 53 w. 3d,<br />

rtHRIJSTOPHEia Ac BEAL.Ii, (WMlliam<br />

C bds. A. S, Chew's<br />

U L. C. & John B. jr.) stoves and holloware, 282<br />

Cbick J.n iiies elk. w.s. Freeman b. Ham. Road and Main<br />

Bank<br />

Chriglopher Frederick, e.s. Pleasant b. 14th & 15th<br />

HEDSEY "WITI. wire worker, and birJ 'cage Christopher Jacob, w.s. Clay b. 13lh and Allison<br />

C manuf. s.s. 3d b. Walnut and Vine, h. 46 Vine Christopher O. n.s. Liberty b. W. Row and John<br />

Child Isaacs. 329 w. 6th<br />

Christopher William L. (C. & Beall) n.s. Liberty b.<br />

Child John R. bds. James Tompkins<br />

Wilson and Young<br />

Child John R. & Co. packers, curers and smokers Christy Henry, n.s. Water b. Race and Elm<br />

of pork and beef, 207 Court<br />

Chromer Henry,s.s. Harrison road, b. Riddle and<br />

Child Samuel, carp. n.s. 7th b. Baymiller and Free­ Division<br />

man<br />

Chuck Joseph, a.s. fith b. Elra aud Plum<br />

Childs Nathan, 113 w. 9th<br />

Chumley Armstrong, s.s. Clinton b Juhn & Culler<br />

Childs Jacob. 123 w. 9th<br />

Chumney Franklin, n.s. Laurel h. Linn and Cutter<br />

Childs Marcus, Walnut b. Sth and 9th<br />

Church John, n.s. Front b. T.P. 17 and 18 F'n


siiM^ n^'NA^ii<br />

jj laJUL^JuliXllaiHa laABuJLiil. X UXi X ^<br />

Junction of Congress and Front streets,<br />




PURE NITRIC ACID, ALCOHOL, 76 to 95 pr. ct.<br />





ALLEN & CO.<br />

Soutb-^vest corner ot main and Fifth Streets,<br />

{Q^ All orders promptly attended to.<br />

CIS CLA<br />

Church Wm. P. (Davis & Co.)<br />

Church Wm. e.s. Plum b. Cherry and Front<br />

Churchill A. W. 6 w. Front, h. 119 w. 7th<br />

Churchill Franklin, turner, c. W. Row and Laurel,<br />

bds. W. B. Mahone<br />

Ci(i Salvador, at D. A. Powell's<br />

niL.L,V .TOIVAXHAN, coal yard, n.s. 2d b.<br />

Cist Francis G.engineer bds. 335Race<br />

Cist Lewis J. paying teller O. L. & T. Co. Bank h<br />

n.s. 4th b. Park and .Smith<br />

plXlZEN'S MANK, W. Smead & Co. 143<br />

\j Mam<br />

rVy \J Reeder's ?^,?^' bldgs, '•^- 5" "• '«'«I' =»« Vine,<br />

\J Face and Elm, h.s.e.c. .Smith and 7th<br />

ni'VY CI.ERKVS OFFICE Collet. Rid,.<br />

IIV. COAL, jniNINO CO. yds. Landing t Wm. G, Williams elk ^ ^''^^'<br />

C foot 01 Plum, and s.s. 3d b. Race and Elm,<br />

James Parker sec.<br />

r'r.'^^^J'J?'*- \J Pres. 8 Front *-'"• e. of Main °' Cincinnati'E. B. Reeder ricener<br />

Cin. Eq. Ins. Co. u.s. 3d b. Walnut and Vine City Temperance Hotel, Kautz Mrs. Mary, widow<br />

IK. FUEL, CO. office and yard s.w.c. 3d and orilavidSSandse.Svcamore<br />

C Ludlow, N. S. Hiibhell, agent<br />

CIIV. CHEHIICAI, liAKOKATOKY, rJ.fll'^riy'"',''' '''',?• "l^i"-"- ^- "ow and Liberty<br />

E. Grasselli, pro. n.s. Front e. of Water AVorks, Clafiin Charles, elk. 43 Main<br />

Allen &Co. sole agents, c. IMain and 5th. Clafflin George D. elk. 56 Main, hds. G. L. Weeds<br />

rlllV. OAS r




Capital S150,000.<br />

JOHN B. CAMDEN, Pres't.<br />

W. H. PRITCHARTT, Secretary.<br />


Capital %S100,000.<br />


ALDEN T. MALLERY, Secretary.<br />

As AGENT of the above Companies, I fim prepared to insure Cargoes of Steamboats, Flatboat?,<br />

Canal Boats, and veesels navigating the Seas and Lakes ; also to insure Buildings. Goods, Furniture,<br />

Machinery, and other property, against loss or damage by fire, on reasonahic terms.<br />

A. S-. CHEW, Agent.<br />

Office IVo, 15 FroMt Street, Cincinnati,<br />

Over Messrs. Shuenberger's Iron Store.<br />

CLA CLE<br />

Clark Eliza, 136 Pearl<br />

Clark Mrs. Elizabeth, washing«.s. 6thb. Broadway<br />

and Culvert;.<br />

Clark Francis, w.s. Elm b. 9th and Court<br />

Clark Frank, Agt. 14e, 3d, bds. Henrie House<br />

illjAJftK. OEOKGE, mer. tailur 0 Pearl, h. n.<br />

\j w.c. Kemble and Fulton*<br />

Clark George, at Litherbury's F'n<br />

Clark George, b.k. 134 Main, h. Walnut Hills<br />

Clark Geo. W. elk. 180 Main<br />

Clark George W. lab. s.s. Front b. T. P. 2 & 3 F'n<br />

Clark & Groesbeck, (John C. and John B. G.) 134<br />

Main<br />

Clark H.N. Cutter. 14 Sycamore.<br />

Clark H. S. (Glenn & Co.) n.s. Sth b. Walnut & Vine<br />

Clark Hugh, lab. w.s. Providence b. Everett and<br />

Wade<br />

Clark Henry, B6w. 4th<br />

Clark Henry, S. saddler 208 Main<br />

Clark James G. elk. 13 w. 2d<br />

Clark James, s.s. Front b. T. P. 3o and 36 F'n<br />

Clark James, grocer, c. 3d and Elm, bds. H. Martins<br />

Clark James, pattern mkr. n.s. George b. Mound and<br />

Cutter<br />

Clark James, s.s. Laurel b. Linn and Locust<br />

Clark John, lab. s.s. Friendship al. b. Pike & Butler<br />

Clark John, engineer n.s. 6th e. of Lock<br />

Clark John, finisher s.w.c. Pearl and Race<br />

Clark John, lab. w.s. Elm b. Court and Canal<br />

Clark John, silver plater n.s 7lh b. Sycamoie and<br />

Broadway ,,, , ^ ^,.,,<br />

Clark John, (C. & Groesbeck) Walnut Hills<br />

Clark John A. (C. & Williams) Catharine w. ofFul.<br />

Clark John D. e.s. Linn b. Everett and David<br />

Clark John H. s.s. Front b. T. P. 3d and 36 I'n<br />

C ark Jolin M. elk. 1 Front, bds Madison House<br />

Clark Jonathan P. (J. P. C.& Co.) res. Columbia tp.<br />

C<br />

near sportman'sHall „ , , ,, ,„.•,<br />

I.AU.Iv .f. P. & Co, (Jona P. & A. M. Whitney)<br />

real estale agents and brokers, 70 w. ^d<br />

Clark Joseph, e.s. Kace b. 12th and Canal<br />

Clark Joseph, n.s. 4th b. Smith and Park<br />

dark Latham, w.s. John b. Everett and David, h.s.<br />

e.c. John and Everett<br />

Clark Miss Mary A. teacher, res. n.w.c 7th & Elm<br />

Clark Mrs. Louisa A. n s. 6th b. Broadway & Pike<br />

Clark Miss Marella, teacher bds. D Anderson's<br />

Clark Owen, boatman bds. New Orleans House<br />

Clark Patriclt, n.s. Catherine b. W. How and John<br />

Clark Patiick, s.s. 2d b. W. Row and Plum<br />

Clark Patrick F. s.s. 3d b. Smith and Park<br />

Clark Robert, bds. H. Brown's , . ^<br />

Clark Mrs. Ruth, w.s. Pleasant b. Liberty & Green<br />

Clark Samuel, (S.&S.S.C.)w.s. Walnut b. 8th &,9th<br />

Clark S. & S. S. (Samuel & Sidney S.) 180 Main<br />

Clark Mrs. Sarah, vest mkr. s.w.c. Smith and Longworth<br />

Clark Sidney E. e.s. sycamore b. 7th and sth<br />

Clark Sidney S. (S. & S. S. C.) e.s. SycaJ^iore b. Sth<br />

and yiii<br />

Clark Stephen, s.s. Court w. of Main<br />

Clark Stephen, elk. Geo. Browi.s, bds. Mrs. Ann<br />

Byington<br />

Clark Thomas, s.w.c. Hopkins and Cutter<br />

Clark Wm. lab. n.s. 6th b. Harriet and Horn<br />

Clark Wealthy, s.s. Chestnut b. W. Kow and Jokn<br />

Clark Wm- s.e.c. Plumand Pearl<br />

Clark William, s.s. High b. Collard and Lytle<br />

Clark William C. n.w.c George and Linn<br />

/llyAIili. & \Vii:.l,lAi«S, (John A. C. &<br />

\j Samuel W.) grocers 224 Walnut<br />

Clark William M. s.s. Sth b. Mound and Cutter<br />

Clark William Y. elk. 1-16 Main bds 305 Race<br />

Clark Mrs. dress mkr. w.s. John b. Kemble and<br />

Kichmond<br />

Clarke Erastus, b.k. 14 e. 2d, bds. Dr. J. White<br />

(U.AKKE HJKAOT O. all. physician, 20<br />

\_j w. Sth<br />

Clarke Peter,n.s. 3d b. Main and ^\'alnut,h, 82 w.7th<br />

Clarke Wm. L.(T. O'Shaunessy & Co.) 280 Race<br />

Clarkin John, porter.n.e.c. Mainand,2d bds Fremont<br />

House<br />

Clarkson John B. engineer73 Pike<br />

Clarridge James H. hatter bds. at J. Haslett's<br />

Clary John, lab. s.s. Front e. of depot<br />

Clason C. e.s. Main b. Webster and Orchard<br />

Clason Lewis, sec'y Firemens Ins. Co. h. 207 w. 7th<br />

t'laus Anthony, w.s. Plum b. Otli and Court<br />

Claus Dominicus, w.s. Plum b. 9lh and Court<br />

Claus John 11. w.s. Plum b. 9th and Court<br />

Clausheit Henry, s.s. J.uckeye b. Poplar and Locust<br />

Clavin James, n.s. Front b. corp. line and T. P. 1 F'n<br />

Clawson Isaac, at Clawson & Mudge's, h. n.s. Au.<br />

gusta 1 d. e. of Smith<br />

pLAWSON &MUOGE, (Wm. C. & Enoch<br />

\j M.) steam bedstead factory,e.s. 2db. Vine &Kace<br />

Clawson Samuel, lumber dealer n.s. Richmond b.<br />

Fulton and Cutter<br />

Clawson Wm. (Clawson & Mudge) n.s. 7th b. Race<br />

and Elm<br />

Clay Beatrice J. elk- 170 w. Sth bds. Burnet House<br />

Clay Ralph A. elk. 17 e. 2d, h. n.s. 4th b. Park and<br />

Mill<br />

Claypoole Joseph; n.s. Front b. Ludlow and Lawrence,<br />

h. w.s. Broadway b. Woodward and<br />

Franklin<br />

Clayton Amos, s.s. Hopkins b. Cutter and Linn<br />

/HiAY'S'tHM KICHAKl>,imp.of watchesand<br />

\j Jewelery s.c.c. 2d and Sycamore bds. Broadway<br />

Hotel<br />

Clayton Rev. Samuel D. (city Missionary) bds. at<br />

Rev. J. M. Trimble's<br />

Cleary Michael, porterat Athearn and Hibbard's<br />

Cleary .Mrs. Frances, e.s. Ludlow b. 3d

<strong>52</strong> CINCINNATI DIRECTORY.<br />

IMIi »«««.<br />

And Dealer in Bolting Cloth, Screen Wire, Jlill Irons and Screws,<br />

Snint Machines, Plaster of Pari.s, &c.<br />


of various patents. Has also for sale. Portable and Stationary Horse-Powers.<br />

All the above articles will be warranted by ROBERT COCHRAN.<br />


CLO<br />

Clements Robert M. b.k. 16 Jackson<br />

Clements William H. sup't R.R. bds. with H. Lewis<br />

Clemmer John, e.s. W. Row b. 9th and Court<br />

Clemmer J. H. n.e.c. 7th and Main, h. n.s. Sth b.<br />

John and Mound<br />

Clemmer William H. turner, bds. John Clemmer<br />

Clemner Jacob, n.s. Sth b. John and Fulton<br />

C<br />

JLENE.W & BKOXHER, (Wm. and<br />

Thomas) wh. grocers and com. mers. 22 Pearl<br />

Cleneay Francis G. elk. 22 Pearl<br />

Cleneay G. W. Boliver (J. C. & Co) w.s. Plum b.<br />

C<br />

3d and 4th<br />

IJEIVEAV JOHIV & Co, (Joseph, John,<br />

Joseph S., & G. W. Boliver C.) wh. grocers &<br />

com. mers. .51 Walnut<br />

Cleneay John, (J. C.& Co.) w.s. Plum b. 3d and 4th<br />

Cleneay Joseph, (J. C. & Co.) w.s. Plum b. 3d and<br />

4th<br />

Cleneay Joseph S. (J. C. & Co.) w.s. Plumb. 3d and<br />

4th<br />

Cleneay Mrs Matilla, dress maker, s.s. Sth b. Lock<br />

and Baum<br />

Cleneay Thomas, (0. & Bro.) 143 w, 4th<br />

Cleneay Wm. (C. & Bro.) I43w. 4th<br />

Clendennin Dr. William n.s. George b. Mound and<br />

Cutter<br />

Clete John. s.s. 12 b. Etm and and Plum<br />

Cleveland George, 18 L. Market<br />

Cleveland John, n.s. R. R. b. T. P. 21 and 22 F'n<br />

Clicard Adam, s.s 12th b. Race and Elm.<br />

Clifford Cornelius, s.s. Kemble b.W. Rowand John<br />

Clifford Thomas, w. s. Pancoast al. b. Sth and 9th<br />

Clifton Sciron, n.w.c. Smith and George<br />

CUmer Henry, s.s. Clinton b. Locust and Freeman<br />

Cline Alexander, e.s.Butler b.Congress and Symmes<br />

Cline John. s.s. Front b. Ludlow and Lawrence &<br />

s.s. Front b. Pike and Butler, h. n.s. High b.<br />

Elten and Kilgour<br />

Cline John, at A. Harkn'^ss and Son's<br />

Cline John, n.s. 14th b. Race and Bremen<br />

Cline Mrs. Margaret, n.a. 12th. b. Vine and Race<br />

Cline Peter, moulder, n.w.c. Bremen and 14th<br />

Cline Thomas, n.s. Betts b. Freeman and Locust<br />

Clinworth .Andrew, n.s. 3d. b. Mill and Stone<br />

Cling Jacob, w.s. Vine b. 14th and 15th<br />

Clingman Sarah, w.s. Butler b. Congress and Front<br />

Clinton Hiram, Front e. of Carr<br />

Clinton John, s.s. Front b. Race and Elm<br />

Clinton Thomas, (C. Guild & Co) bds 142 Longworth<br />

C<br />

l-ISBY A; PAXlllCK, (Thomas. W. C. &<br />

John P) produce and com. mers. llj w. Front<br />

Olisby Thomas W. (C & Patrick,) bds 127 w. Sth<br />

Cloburn Charles, bds. 61 Center<br />

Cloon Samuel jr. 15 Sycamore, res. Mill Creek tp.<br />

Clooney R. W. elk. at Commercial office h. Newport<br />

Clooney Thomas, n.e.c. Plumand Water<br />

Cloren Owen, s.e.c. 3d and Elm<br />

Closing Henry, at G. Shield's<br />

Closing Joseph, at G. Shield's<br />

Closs John, w.s. W. Kow b. Catherine and Elizabeth<br />

Clossmyre Frederick, s.s. 7th b. Baymiller and Freman<br />

Closterman Henry, s.w.c. John and Augusta, h. n.a<br />

Sth b. MilLand Stone<br />

COD<br />

Cloud David, cllt. n.w c. Clark and John<br />

Cloud Thornas, s.s. High b. Parson and Lytle<br />

Clouser John, s.s Pearl b. Race and Elm<br />

Clousing H. n.s. Vine b. 2d and Front<br />

Clousing Hugh, e.s. Butler b. 4th and Sth<br />

Clutch John V. elk. bds. Mrs. M. M. Riggs<br />

Clute John, e.s. Walnut b. 13th and Allison<br />

piYDE ANOKEW, carp, and builder, s.s.<br />

\j Everett b. Locust and Freeman, h.n.s. Clinton b.<br />

Cutter and Linn<br />

Clyde, widow of J E. n.s. Mason b. Plum & W. Row<br />

Clynch Mary, n.s. 2nd b. Plum aud W. Row<br />

Coale Thomas, bds. B. Crawford<br />

Coale Wm. b.k 8 Front<br />

Coalston Thomas, n.s. 2d. b Vine and Race<br />

Coander Hike, n.s. 6th b. Elm and Race<br />

Coates Mrs. Barbara, e.s. Elm b. Center and Sth<br />

Coates Mrs. Elizabeth, n.s. 9th b. Elm and Plum<br />

Coates Mrs. E. S. dress mkr. n.s. 5th b. W.Kow and<br />

John<br />

Coates John F. s.s. Grant b. Elm and Plum<br />

Coates J. P. elk. bds. J. L. Mitchener<br />

Coates Matthew H. b.k. 12 e. 4th. res. e. Walnut<br />

Hills<br />

Coates Paxton, College Hall, h.n.s. Front b. Smith<br />

and Johu<br />

Coates Robert, elk. e.s. Elm b. Center and Sth<br />

Coates William, 164 w. Sth<br />

Coates William M. ns. 3d b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Coates William, elk n.s. oth b. W. Row and John<br />

Cobb Joseph R. elk. 143 Sycamore<br />

Cobb Lewis, n.s. Commerce b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Cobb L. at A. Harkness


W. F. COLBURN. ' - J. D. FIELD.<br />

^ COLBURN & FTFLD^;<br />

(Successors to Mason & Colbnrn,)<br />


H B SB BB W H © H« 0<br />


154 Main Street,<br />

o a sr ® a sr gr ii a a»<br />


COH COL<br />

Coddington Nelson,painter,bds.Mrs. S.Coddington Coliorst Herman, porter, 14 Pearl<br />

•Coddinglon Mrs. Sarah, 30a Longworth<br />

Cohrs & Segelke, (H. C, & Henry S.) w.s. Vine h,<br />

iCoddingtonW. S. chair mltr. w.s. Vine b. 2d and 34th and 15th<br />

Fiont,-h. 19 Jackson<br />

Cohrs H. (C. & Segelke)'W.s. Vine b. 34th & 15th<br />

Codmann.Henry, w.s. Piattb. Everett.& Liberty Coit Daniel R. notaiy public, 1^ Worthington's<br />

OI>¥ PAXRBCK, wh. grocer and com. buildings<br />

C mer. 9 and 10 Water, n. 65 McFarland Coit Thomas, s.s. 3d b. John and Smith<br />

Coe E P.,(Roots & C.) n.s. Barrb. Cutter & Linn Coit Roger, e.s. Auburn<br />

Coe Stephen W. b.k. at Hughes & Foster-s Coke Henry, n.s. Green b. Kace and Pleasant<br />

Coens John, e.s. W. Row b. 2d and Front CoKely, paper hanger, bds. 43 Centre<br />

Coenzler. Joseph, (Caldwell, C. & Heunisch) c. Colahan James, s.s. 12tb b. Elm and Race<br />

Court Square, res. w.s. Elm c. Charles Colburn Charles L. 140 Main, bda. L Tompkins s.s.<br />

Coffee Lafayette, n.s. 2d b. Vine and Race<br />

Sycamore b. Sth and Gth<br />

Coffee Ttionias, e.s. Lock b. Symmes and Sth Colburn E. E. elk. 16 Pearl, h.w.s Plum b. Perry<br />

Coffin Charles, n.s. Laurel b. Cutter and Linn and Sth<br />

Coffin Charles D. (C. & Mitchell) bds. J. Garretson pOLBURN & FIEI.D, (Wm. F. C. & Joel<br />

• Coffin Dennis H. B.20 L. Market<br />

^\j D. F.) Pianos and Music, 154 Main<br />

OFFIN G, W. & CO. (G. W. C. &,G. R. Colburn Pen-y. 74 Centre<br />

C Dudley) bell and brass foundry,n.s. 2db. Broad­ Colburn Wm. F..(C. &,Field) s.e.c 4th and Smitb<br />

way and. Ludlow<br />

Colby Daniel, at Fiiemen's Ins. Co. b. 22 Centre<br />

Coffin G. "W, (G. VV. C.i&Co.) 118.w. 4th Colby George W. printer, bds. Mrs. Looker's, 3d<br />

Coffin L. & Co. (Le.vi>C. & Dewitt C. Gerard) gro­ Colby Ipaac, city police, s.s. Gano b. Main and<br />

cers and com., mers. n.s. Court b. Main and Walnut<br />

Walnut<br />

Colclaser Frederick, w.s.Walnutb. Pearl and 3d<br />

Coffin Levi, (L. C,& Co.) h. Elm b. Sth And 9th Colder John, bds. A. D. Robinson<br />

Coffin John W. elk. 20 L. Market<br />

Coldiron William, n.s. Kerable near Harrison<br />

•(Coffin Joseph, at G, Shield's<br />

Cole Abraham, n s. Libertv b. Spencer and Young<br />

OFFIi^ & MI'rCHKLI>. (Charles D. C. Cole Edward C. c Main and Levee, h.s.s. Pearl b.<br />

C & Thomas G. M.) attys. at law, 115 Main<br />

Race and Elm<br />

i-Coffin Moses, n.a.Sth b. Smitb and Mound Cole Ephraim, bds. 162 w. Sth<br />

Coffin William, n.s. Front near Corp. line Cole Frederick, 57 L. Market<br />

*Coffin Wm.G. b.k. 139 Pearl<br />

Cule Henry, (Steaveus & G,).e.s. Sycamore b. fith<br />

OFFIN ZEBU1.0IV B, grocer, 32 w. 5tli, and 7ih<br />

C res. Newport<br />

Cole. James, n.s. Richmond b. Cutter and Fulton<br />

•Cofflin Daniel, w.s. Dublin b. Sth and Court Cole James C. bds. William Tell<br />

•Cogel Christopher, s.s. Clinton b. ti"" and Locust Cole Jacob F. dry goods, c.Sth and Vine bds.-Wal-<br />

'Coggshall Wm. T. editor, bds. 250 Longworth nut St. House<br />

•Cogswell Henry, b.h.s.s. Sth e. of W. W.Caoal Cole J. S.316 Main<br />

Cohen Alexander, s.w.c. Symmes and Pike Cole James V. n.s. Water h. Elm andPlum<br />

^ohen Abraham, 2 Commercial Row, h.w.a. Vine Cole Mrs.216 Longworth<br />

b. Frjnt and 2d<br />

Cole Mrs. Rosannah, tailoress, w.s. Cutter b.<br />

Cohen Dr. H. M. w.s, Broadway b. L. Market & 3d George and Barr<br />

Cohen J. at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Cole Thomas C. salesman, at B. White's, h.s.s.<br />

Cohen Lewis, harness mkr. 242 Main<br />

Chesnutb. John and Fulton<br />

Cohen Lewis, n.s. Front b. Plum and W, Row Colelish Alfred, bds. Friendship Hall<br />

Cohen Mrs. Regina, dress mkr. w.s. Elm b. 5th & Coleman Alexander, s-s. Water b, Elra and Plum<br />

Longworth<br />

OLEITIAN A, B, Burnet House, n.w.c. Vine<br />

Cohen Sim, a.s. Pearl b. Race and Elm C and 3d<br />

Cohen Solomon, 158 Pearl<br />

Coleman Augustus, a.s. Cherry b. Elm and Race<br />

Cohn Abraham, 40 Front, h.s.s. Front b. Walnut Coleman Clariuda, chair bottom mkr. s.s 2d w. of<br />

and Vine<br />

Rose<br />

Cohn Jacob, 323 Vine<br />

Coleman Daniel, bds. Mrs. Roxey Coleman's<br />

Cohn Marcus, (Mayer & C.) w.s. Sycamoreb. 3d Coleman C H. s.s. Everett b. Locust and Freeman<br />

and 4th<br />

Coleman Edward, e.s. Race b. 13th and i4Lh<br />

Cohn M. 25 Broadway, h.n.s. Sth b. Broadway and Coleman Elliott, b.k. 16 Pearl<br />

Sycamore<br />

Coleman Gabriel, n.s. Cherry b. Plum and Elm<br />

Cohn Michael, 9 College<br />

Coleman Henry, n.s. Clark b. Linn and Cutter<br />

Cohn Moses, w.s. Vine b. 2d and Front<br />

Coleman J. bds. Carll & Fagan's<br />

Cohn Wolf, Vine b. Sth and 9th<br />

Coleman James, w.s. Park b. 3d and 4th<br />

OHOOIV & FEKIN, (RobertC. & Oliver Coleman James, w.s. Vine b. 2d and Front<br />

C P.) com. and prod. mer. and dealers in grain, Coleman John, carriage smith, s.w.c. Sycaraore<br />

hops, malt, &c. 33 and 35 Walnut<br />

and 6th<br />

Cohoon Kobeit, (C. & Perin) n.s. Frontb Walnut Coleman John, bds. Mrs. E. Lewis<br />

and Vine<br />

Coleman John, lab. 49 Sycamore


f<br />




Mils m 11 111 II I<br />

COL<br />

T. Wrighlson, Printer, 43 Main fllreet^<br />

COM;<br />

Coleman John. n.s. Cherry b. Plum and Elm<br />

Coleman John H. w.s. Elm n. ol 12th<br />

Coleman John W. s.a. Court b..Main and Walnut,<br />

h.llOw. 4th<br />

Coleman Keser, tailor, w.s. Race b. Findley and<br />

Ham. Road<br />

Coleman Loyd, river man, e.a. Race b. 2d & Pearl<br />

Coleman Richard, lab. n.s. Observatory Road<br />

Coleman Robert S. 115 Main<br />

Coleman Mrs. Roiey, a.s. Sth b. Elm and Plum<br />

Coleman SamueU s.s. Slow b. Freeman and Carr<br />

( tOLEMAN >yil.VAI\US B. marble and<br />

Collins Luther W. u.s. Frontb. T.P. 21 and •>2 F'c^<br />

h. b.T.P. 22 and 23 F'n u-^ r n*<br />

Collins R. n.s. Frontb. T.P. 23 and "^4 F'n<br />

Collins Peter, bds. John Dunne<br />

Collins Peter M. constable, n.s. Front b T.P 23


IVortli side of Court St., East of Broadway,<br />



UNCHANGEABLE WHITE PAINT, in assorted sized kegs.<br />

A LIQUID PREPARATION, for putting on the same, in barrels or kegs, assorted sizes<br />

Packages always extra charge.<br />

SUPERIOR PARLOR WHITE LEAD, assorted sized kegs.<br />

BOILED AND CLARIFIED LINSEED OIL, suitable for same, or for any other fine<br />

Painting, in barrels or kegs, assorted sizes.<br />

PURE WHITE LEAD, in oil, as'td sized kgs.I WHITING, '-flre dried."<br />

NO. 1 DO. do. do. PARIS WHITE, do.<br />

DRY DO.<br />


EUTTY.. 1<br />


DO. WHISKY DO.<br />



COLORED PAINTS, assorted q,ualities dry or in oil, in assorted sized, cans, from 1 lb<br />

and upwards.<br />

Coarse Colors, ground in Oil. viz : YELLOW OCHRE, SPANISH BROWN. VENITIAN<br />


We have adopted the most approved method, as practised by the best Eastern manufacturers,<br />

in manufacturing WHITE LEAD, and will warrant it equal to any made in the United<br />

States. Will warrant the quality of each article we manufacture to be as good as can be<br />

procured, and to give entire satisfaction. Offered.at.the lowest prices on usual time, or<br />

discount for Cash.<br />


CON CON<br />

Comrie James, baker, at Thomas Brickley's Conklia.Ttuman, atty. at. law, n.w.c. 3d & Main<br />

Comstock Mrs. Anna, 23 w. Sth<br />

res. 213 w. 4th<br />

flOMSXOCK, W1I,I.C«X ^k CO. (Wm. Conklin W. H. n.a. Richmond b. Cutter and Linn.<br />

\j H. C, Jesse W. & Jacob S. Aber) wh. boots & Conkling Edgar (C.Wood & Co.) s.s. Lebanon piker<br />

shoes, 14 Pearl<br />

e..of Broadway<br />

Corasiock Wm. H. (C. Willcox & Co.) res. e. Wal­ Conkling Isaac V. (R. C. & Sons.) s.s. Hunt e. of<br />

nut Hills<br />

Broadway<br />

Conahan. Daniel, n.s. Laurel b.John and Cutier Conkling Joseph L. c. Sth and Buchanan, h. s. a.<br />

Conahan Charles, receiving teller Lafayette Bank, Harrison<br />

h.s.s. Laurel b. John and Cutter<br />

Conkling Richard. (C. & Sons) 97 w. 7th<br />

Conahan James, stereotyper, bds. Wm. P. Monfort pOIMK.IN


K CONKLING & CO. ^<br />



''a NS'S ''es ••& •'!& '(^<br />

EAST OF<br />

BP,0 ADT:7 AT,<br />

CON<br />

T. WrightBuo, Vrialet.<br />

R. CONiaiNG & SONS,<br />

ITE LEAi<br />


North .of Court Street,<br />

T. Wrightson, Printer.<br />

S5«:<br />

COO<br />

Conn Joha A. n.a Belts b. John and Cutter Conradi Frederick, blacksmith, a.s. Cherry b. Elm<br />

.Conn.Wm. A. (C. & Lape) h. Hopkins b. John and and Race<br />

Cutter<br />

Conraili Henry, Iwis s.s. Buckeye h. Poplar and Lo­<br />

OI^]N & LAPE, (W. A. C. & Jas. S. L.) cust<br />

C flooring mill, n.w.c. Kim and Canal<br />

Conroy John G. currier and tanner n.w.c. 3d and<br />

.Connagan Frank, n.s. K.R. b. T.P. 22 and 23 F'n Elm<br />

Connaughty Patrick, n.s. Front b. Plum and Elm Conroy Peter s.w.c. Plumand Longworth<br />

ONNECXICU'r MCJT.1.IFE liXS, CO. Conroy Thomas, s.s. 6th e. of Lock<br />

C of Hartford, J. J. Davis ag't 53 w. 3d, up stairs Conroy William, e.s. Dublin n.of Lock<br />

(•Connell Daniel, n, e. Water b. Plum and "W. Row Conry John, n.e.c. 3d and W. Row<br />

Connell James, s.w.c. 3d and Sycamore.<br />

Conry Michael, s.s. Eden b. Main and Buckeye<br />

Connell Levi, n.s. Melancthon b. W. Row & John Constantino & Mack, 125 w. Sth<br />

-Connell Michael, s.s. Sycamore b. Lawrence and Constantino Phillip n.s. 14th b. Elm and Race<br />

Ludlow<br />

Constantino P. at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Connell William, s.s. Symmes b. Ludlow & Law­ Conway James, 150 w. 3d<br />

rence<br />

Conway James, n.e.c. 3d and W. Row<br />

Connelly Catherine, 203 w. 4th<br />

Conway John, w.s. State b. Deer Creek and Acco­<br />

OI^IVEIiL.X' EDWARB, mer. tailor, 20<br />

modation<br />

C w. 4tb.bds. 22 w.4th<br />

Conway Lawrence, 75 Pike<br />

Connelly James, printer, at Commerc. office, bds.<br />

Conway Mason A. (Armstrong & Co.) w.s. Mound<br />

s.s. Harrison<br />

b. 7th and Sth<br />

^Connelly Jeffrey, w.e. Fulton b. Richmond and Ca Conway Michael n.s. 6th b. Harriett and Horn<br />

tharine<br />

Conway Patrick, s.s. New b. Broadway and Culvert<br />

Connelly John (Bateman & Co.) n.s. Richmond b. Conway Peter, I3l Sycamore<br />

W. Row and John<br />

Conway Thomas, s.s. Kemble b. Freeman and Carr<br />

Connelly Jobn, e.s. Ludlow b. Congress and 3d Con-way Wilton A. 36 e. 3d, h.s.s. George b. Cutter<br />

Connelly Isaac R. elk. at Leidy, Baird & Cassilly and Linn<br />

Connelly Patrick, s. s. Frontb. Ludlow aud Law­ Cook Wm. 5.3. 2d b. Plum and Elm<br />

rence, h.n.s. Water b. Walnut and Vine Cook , bds. 134 Elm<br />

Connelly Patrick, lab. s.s. Friendship al. b. Pike& Cook Albert L. (J. Scott & Co.)<br />

Butler<br />

Cook Ambrose, n.s. Sth b. John and Fulton<br />

Connelly Thomas, at Patrick Connelly's<br />

Cook Benjamin F. s.s. Sth b, Broadway and Syca­<br />

Connelly Tnomas, painter 64 M'Farland<br />

more<br />

Conner Bridget,'w.s. Jonesb. Everett and Wade Cook Benjamin, w.s. Park b. 4th and 5th<br />

-Conner Daniel, s.s. Front b. Race and Elm Cook Carter, w.s. W. Row b. Richmond and Ca-<br />

.Conner Dennis, bds. s.w.c. 3d and W. Row<br />

tharine<br />

• Conner John,.elk. B.S. 4th "b. Main aud Sycamore Cook Edward, elk. bds. Globe Hotel.<br />

tConoer William, lab. s.e.c. Ludlow and Symmes Cook Eli Jr., n.e.c. John and Clinton<br />

iConnery Edward, s.s. 8th b. Baymiller and Free­ Cook Francis Wm., Hannibal b. 5th and 6th'<br />

man<br />

Cook George, w.s. Observatory road e. of delestial<br />

»Connor Ann E. tailoress, n.s. Catharine h. W.Row Cook George, millwright, res. Mount st.<br />

and John<br />

Cook: George, n.s. Franklin b. Main and SycaiQOre<br />

Connor 13cnj. n.?. Barr b. Cutter and Lian Cook George T. s.s. Cherry b. Elm and Plum"<br />

Connt)r James, bds. B. Crawford's<br />

Cook Gilbert, coach proprietor, Burnet House<br />

Connor John, lab. e.s.W. Row b. M'Farland & Gth Cook Henry, n.s. Schiller b. Main and Hughes<br />

Conoiy Catharine, s.s. Court r. of Broadway Cook Henry, at Powell's foundry<br />

Conoly George, at West & Dumont's<br />

Cook Henry, n.s. Clark b. Linn and Cutter<br />

Conoiy Jajnes, w.a. Clay b. 12th and 13th CoDk Herman, w.s. Clay b. Allisonand Liberty<br />

ConoUy John, n.s. Richmond b W. Row and John Cook Herman, grocer, s.e.c. 6th and Baum<br />

OI^OVEK. ELIPIIALEX S. Sycaraore Cook Ira, n.e.c. John and Clinton<br />

C House,£. .'>th and Sycamore<br />

Cook L H. carp. bds. Mrs. Lewis'<br />

Conover James T. atty. s. s. 3d b. Main & Walnut Cook Jacob, bds. Peter Fogle<br />

h. Elm h. Sth and Oth<br />

Cook Jacob, s.s. 4th b. Smith and Park<br />

Conover William, e. s. Kittenhouse b. Clark & Ca­<br />

Cook James, safe mkr. at E. Hall & Co<br />

tharine<br />

Cook Jonas S. n.s. Webb b. Stone and'wood<br />

Cook Jesse, w.s. Fulton b. Sth aud Kemble<br />

Conrad Christian, s. s. Clinton b. W. Row & John Cook John, s.s. Mercer b. Vine and Walnut<br />

Conrad Craner, at J. C. Geisendorfs<br />

Cook John, w.s. Broadway b. Hunt and Abieail<br />

Conrad Jacob, boot and shoe mkr. e.s, W. Row b. Cook John, at John Cline's<br />

Court and Catharine<br />

Cook John G. s.s. 5th b. Smith and Park<br />

Conrad Peter, conf. w.s. Walnut b. 13th & Allison Cook John H. w.s. Plum b. McFarland and 4th<br />

Conrad Peter, boot and shoe mkr. n. s. Ham. road :ook John M. P. 145 Walnut bds. James Hartshorn<br />

b. Main and Locust<br />

cook John S. teUer City Bank, h.s,s. Moses b. Park<br />

Conrad K. e.s. Bremen b. 13th and 14th<br />

and Smith<br />

Conrad Valentine^ n.s.'Bremen b. 16th and Liberty


g^^^ fe^ m', ©s^^s!?©j)<br />


SOFAS, CHAIRS, &a<br />

Warerooms, No. 81 Sycamore Street, one door above Third,<br />

N. B. Work dona to order ; Furniture repaired; Upholstery done with-neatness and<br />

dispatch. Xernis niodei'ate,<br />

380<br />

COO COR<br />

Cook John T. n.s. Front b. Plum and Elm<br />

Coonrod Weavei, steward, Araerican restaurat<br />

Cook John W. s.w.c. Snd and Elm<br />

Coons, Catherine, n.s^Front b. Pavsons and Lytle<br />

Cook Joseph, bda. Mrs. F. A. Bemis<br />

Cooney Richard G'. n.s. Sth b. Broadway und Syca­<br />

Cook Joseph s.s. Friendship al. b. Pike and Butler more<br />

Cook. Joseph S, n.e.c. Sth and Cutter<br />

Cooper Abram, Powell's foundery<br />

Cook M. C. n.s. jail al.<br />

Cooper Alfred, n.s. Accommodation e. of Stone<br />

Cook Michael, e.s. Dublin n. of Locke<br />

Cooper & Buckingham (James C. & G J. B.) s.s.<br />

Cook Miss Jane, n.s. Webb b. Stone and Wood Court b. Main and Walnut<br />

Cook Milton H. (M. H. C. & Co.) s.s. 4th b. Smith Cooper Casper, s.s. Front b. T. P. 3 and 4 F'n<br />

and Park<br />

Cooper Eliia, n.s.. 4th b. Vine and Race<br />

Cook M. H. & Co. (Milton H, & AlfredM.) s.s. 4th Cooper Mrs. Elizabeth, n.e.c. Barr and Freeman<br />

b. Smi'th and Park<br />

Cooper George 6. e. Sth, h. s.s, Webster b. Syca-<br />

Cook Mrs. Mahala, tailoress, n.s. Webt b. Stone and merce and Broadway<br />

Wood<br />

Cooper George,.at Shreve, Steele & Co. h.e.s. High<br />

Cook Oliver H, P. saddler, 242 Main<br />

b. LyLle and Collard<br />

Cook Riley, s.s. Bedinger<br />

Cooper George, n.s. Sth b. Main and Sycamore, h.<br />

Cook Rody, s.s. 6th b. Broadway and Culvert<br />

s.s. Webster b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Cook Theodore, elk. at Leidy, Baird and Cassilly Cooper Geurge W. c. W. Row and Betts, h. w.s.<br />

Cook Thomas, messenger City Bank, h. s.s. M:oses W. Row b. Sth and Gth<br />

b. Park and Smith<br />

Cooper James, bds. 02 w. 3d<br />

Cook Wessell w.s. Pendleton b. Hunt and Abigail Cooper James, 23 w. Sth. bds. 114 w. 7th<br />

Cook Wm. foreman for Procter & Gamble, h. n.s. Cooper James (C. & Buckingham) h. e.s. Broad­<br />

Lineas b. W. Row and Dayton<br />

way opp. Hotel for Invalids<br />

Cook William, elk. n.e.c. John and Clinton<br />

Cooper James F. 62 w. 3d<br />

Cook Wm. J. n.s. George b. Linn and Baymiller Cooper Joseph, s.s. Sth b. McAllister aad Pike<br />

Cook Wm. P. elk. bds. J. J. MerrelPs<br />

Cooper Dr. Lot, s.e.c. Park and 3d<br />

Cooke David B. (H. W. Derby & Co.) 277 w, 7th Cooper Robert A. (Bennett & C.) 30 L. Market<br />

Cooke J ohn T. n.s, 4th b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Cooper Samuel, s.s. Catherine b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Cooke Wm. E. n.e.c. Front and Plum<br />

Cooper Samuel M. cabt. makr. n.s. Frontb. John<br />

Cooke Wm. w.s. W. Row b. Linneus and John and Smith<br />

Cooke W. E. s.w c. Sth and Jobn<br />

Cooper Samuels, n.s. Sth b. John and Mound<br />

Cookmeyer Henry, e. s. Race b. Green and Liberty Cooper William, n.s.Kemble b. Fulton and Cutter<br />

Cool James S. s.e.c. Linn and Kemble, h. n.s. Coopersraith Mrs. Magdaline e.s. Pleasant b. Green<br />

Catherine,b. Cutler and Linn<br />

and Liberty<br />

Cooley Dennis, s.s. 3d b. Walnut and Vine Coors FredericU, Lauding b. Ludlow and Broad<br />

Coolidge C. J. elk. S.W. Pomoroy's, bds. w.s, way<br />

Wdlnnt b. Gth and 7th<br />

Copall Charles, s.s 12th b. Elm and Plum<br />

Coolidge Elisha T. b.k. Ohio Life and Trust Co. h. Copeland John, finislier, at R. B. Bowler's<br />

3 George<br />

Copeland Miy. Mary, b. 7th aud Sth and b. Bread-<br />

OOI.lB>riJE JOHIV K, furniture factory, n. way and Sycamore<br />

C e.c. Smith and Front, h. n.s. 4th b. John and Copeleu George W. Sec. Ohio Mut. Ins. Co. res. a.<br />

Smith<br />

s. Longwurtli w. of Mound<br />

rf1004..IH>TiE & WMETTSTOWE, (Wm. C. Copelen Isaac C. pres. Eagle Ins. Co. res. Wal­<br />

\j & Jacob VV.) druggists, s.f^.c. W. Kow and 5th nut Hills<br />

Coolidge Wra (C. & Whetstone) s.e.c. W. Row Copl' Chillies, w s. Dunlap b. Cooper and Ham.<br />

and Sth<br />

road<br />

Coolot Frank, e.s. Sassafras n. of Ash<br />

Copf George, n.s. Hopkjns, b. Baymiller and Free­<br />

Coombs Adara H. s.s. Oth b. Elm and Plum<br />

man<br />

Coombs David, al.b. Ann and Mason<br />

Coplcn Barnet, s.s. 3d, b. Smith and Park[<br />

Coombs Elijah, 74 Court<br />

Coplin John, w.s. l.-yile h. High and Front<br />

Coombs James G. (C. Ryland & Blackwells) 345 Coppall Michael, u.s 13ih. b. Vine and Race<br />

w. Oth<br />

Coppin Daniel, bds. Joseph Coppin's<br />

Coombs M. S. n.w.c. George and Race<br />

Coppm Josepii, w.s. Ellen n of 4th<br />

CoombsMaiLin B. (Glass&C.) c.4tb & Sycamore Coppin Wm e.s. Spring b. Liberty and Woodward<br />

/^OOiraifiS, KYEAND Ac BLACR- Copsey Lewis at G. Shield's<br />

l; "WEJL.LS, (James G. C, James W.R. Samuel Coiban H. B. n.e.c. Butler and 4th<br />

C. B. & Henry B. B.) wh. hardware, 16 and 18<br />

Corbett William, bds. M. Obriea's<br />

Main<br />

Corbin Mrs. Elizabeth, bds. H. Keeper's<br />

Coon George, e.s. Rittenhouse b. Catherine and<br />

Oorbin Wra. se.xton Associate Kelornied Church,<br />

Clark<br />

res. basement ch.<br />

Coon John, n.s. Park b. Carr and Harriet<br />

Corby Francis P. e.s. Stone, b. 4th and Sth<br />

Cooney Nicholas, s.e.c. Plum and Pearl<br />

Corcoran John, s.s. Congress b. Butler & M. Canal<br />

Cooney Patrick, bds. Cleveland House<br />

Corcoran Patrick, s.s. New b. Broadway and Cul­<br />

Cooney P, P. n.a. 12th b. Vine and Kace<br />







E. G. WHITNEY, Secretarn. A. W.' PITCHER, President.<br />

Insures property against loss or damage by fire ; against the perils of the sea and inland' navi"<br />

gation ; and also insures the lives of individuals at cuitent rates.<br />

Office of the Cincinnati Ao'ency, K. W. Corner of Columbia and Tfalaut sts.<br />

S. F. COVINGTOIV, Agent,<br />

SBC<br />

COS cow<br />

Corcoran Thomas, n.s. 7th b. Sycaraore andBroad­ Costello An.thony, e.s. Pierson b. Sth and 6th<br />

way<br />

Costello John, w.s, Pierson bSthandOth<br />

CoTdeman John W. w.s. W. Row b. Elizabeth aiid Costello Thomas, s.w.c. Elm and 3d<br />

Chesnut<br />

Costillo Thomas, s. s. George T). Smith and Mound<br />

Cordes Dietrich, n.e.c. Walnut and 12th<br />

Coston Michael, w. s. Butler b. Front & Congress<br />

Cordingly John, w.s. Pike.b. Sycamore & Congress Cotleanbrook Henry, s.s. 15th b. Race and Elm<br />

Cordisman Joseph, s.s. Yeatman b. Sycamore and Cott Deitrich, w.s. M. Canal b. Ash and Maple<br />

Broadway<br />

Cottam Richard, n. s. Catherine b. John & Fulton<br />

Cordrey Abel, n.s. Laurel b. John and Cutter Cotter Ann, Lodge al.b. Gano and 7th<br />

Cordrey Michael, n.s. Front, b. T. P. 18 and 19 F'n. Cotter Edward (Prindergast & O.) 145 Sycamore<br />

Corey Leander H. machinist, 72 Pike<br />

Cotter George, 5 College bldgs.<br />

Corey Mrs. E. 271 Walnut<br />

Cotteral & Goldsworthy (James W. C. & Tbomas<br />

Corey William M. bds. 271 Walnut<br />

G.) s.e.c. Court aud Plum<br />

Corke Alfred, elk. at Colfin and Gerard's Cotteral James W. (C. & Goldsworthy) e.s. Elmb.<br />

Corkill Philip, w.s. Pendleton b. Woodward and 9th and Court<br />

Liberty<br />

Cottle Catharine, s.s. Sth b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Corklin Timothy, w.s. Dublin b. 8th and Court Cottle W. F. n.s. Liberty b. Young and Wilson<br />

Corlett Elijah, bds. 137 w 3d<br />

Coltman David, e. s. W. Row b. 3d & McFarland<br />

Cormer Mary, s.s. Catharine b, Fulton and Cutter Cottman Henry elk. n.s. 6th b. John and Smith<br />

Cornell George R. bds. Mrs. S. M. Ward's Cnttman Thomas, n.s. 6th b. John and Smith<br />

Corneau JohnA. (C. &. Son) 13 Pearl,res. Latonia Cotty Charlotte, 294 w. Oth<br />

Ky.<br />

Couch Chauncy, e.s. Elm b. 12th and Hth<br />

Corneau John B. T. (C. & Son) res. Latonia Ky. Couch John, w.s. Ramsay b. Canal and Front<br />

ORNE4U & SON, (John B. T. & John A.) Couden Elizabeth, n.s. Sth b. Race and Elm bds<br />

C manuf. Catawba and other native wines. 82 w. George s s. b. W. Row and John<br />

4th<br />

Coughlin John, at J. C. GeisendorPs<br />

Cornilen Charles, w.s. W. Row b. 7th and Bth Coulson William, n.s. Wade b. John and Linn<br />

Cornish Ann, n.s. 5th b. Stone and Mill<br />

Coulter George, bds. B. Hazelton's<br />

Cornman Caleb, w.s. Cutter b. Betts and Laurel Coulter Wm. (Fitzgerald & Co.) h. n. =. Grant b.<br />

Cornwell Smith, at Miles Greenwood's<br />

Elra and Plum<br />

Corothers John, s.s. Commerce b. Walnut & Vine Coumpor John, s.s. JelTerson b. Elra and Plum<br />

Corr Mrs. Anne (Corr & Poland) h. 128 w. Sth Courtee Tobias, e.s. Pleasant b. ISth and Liberty<br />

WRR & POtAND, wh. sale gro's. & liquor pOITrsXY TREASURER'S OFFICE,<br />

C dealers n.e.c. Sycamore and 2d<br />

" Court b. Main and Walnut<br />

Corrigan Martin,bds. w.s. Race b. 2d and Pearl Court House, n. s. Court b. Main and Walnut<br />

Corry Thomas F. 09 c. 3d.<br />

Courter Frederick, e.s. Culvert b. Sth and 6th<br />

Corson Daniel H. 5thb. W. Row and John Courlman Clemens, n.s. Sth op. Pike<br />

Corty Fred. bds.287 -Main<br />

Courtney John, s. s. Oth b. Broadway and Culvert<br />

Corwin Daniel W. (King, C. i>: Co.) s.s. 4tl.b. Race Cousins Samuel, n.s. Front b. Park and Rose<br />

and Elm<br />

Coval Mrs D. b.h. 138 Longworth<br />

Corwin Erastus, w.s. John, b. Kerable & Rich­ Cover Leonard, s.s. Logan b. Liberty and Green<br />

mond<br />

Cuverdale T. Burnet House, h. 103 w. 3d<br />

Corwin Marcellus, salosmnn.bds. Dennison House Covert Joseph B. janitor Masonic Hall, bds. 16 e.<br />

Corwin Samuel W. c. Walnut and Canal, h. w.s. Cth<br />

Walnut h. 12th and 13th<br />

Corwlne Mrs. Kli/.alieth L. 383 w. (ith<br />

Covert Richard, n.a. 2 1}. Plum and Elra, h.n.s.Wa-<br />

Corwine Richard M. (Spencer & C.) 379 w. Ctll ter b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Corwine Snmuel L (Foster. C. & Co.) 383 w. Oth Covert Robert, w.s. Broadway n. of Abit-ail<br />

Cory Marshall at B. Hazen's<br />

Covington Eli. bds. 3d b. Plum and Elm "<br />

Cosgrove James (Hayden & Co.) George b. Smith Covington Nathaniel, n.w.c. W.Row and Oth. bds.<br />

and Mound<br />

Wm. B. Wilson<br />

Cosgrove Gcorpc G. at Mrs. M. G. Co.Sffrove's riOVII\GTO?r SABHTEE- F. ag't Madison<br />

Cosgrove Mrs. .M. G. w.s. W. Row b. Georse & 7th \j Ins. Co. a. w. c. Walnut and 2d, bds. Pearl St<br />

Cosgrove Michael, n.s. 7th b. Sycamore and Broad- House<br />

w ay<br />

Cowan John, bds. C. Clark<br />

Cosgrove Nicholas n.s. 71h, b. Sycamore & Broad­ Cowan John, tailor, 240 Broadway<br />

way<br />

Cowan Sophia, nurse, e.s. High b. CoUard & Lylle<br />

Cosgrove Otway n.s. George b. Smith and Mound Gowan Wm. e.s. Pierson n. of 6th<br />

Cosgrove Patrick, n.s. Richmond b. John & Fulton Cnwen Joseph, at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Cosgrove Thomas, s.s. 2d 3 doors e. Smith Cowen Robert, s.s. 7th b. Mound and Cutter<br />

Cosh Spencer, n.s. Oth b. Broadway and Culvert Cowen Terry, a s. Front b. Smith and John<br />

Cosher Lucinda, e.s. Baymiller b. Kemble and CowguiU G. Washington, s. s. Court e. of Broad­<br />

Richmond<br />

way<br />

Cosfl James, e.s. Pike b. Front aud GongresB Cowguil 1 Madison, 29 Sycamore, h.n.w.c. Elm and<br />



COHNEAU & BON.<br />


^<br />

m<br />

GiTAWBi WINES,<br />

ISo. 3 Burnet House Stores, tinbrnhati.<br />

Ii<br />

• ^ ><br />

-.-? *:*




ISM, Mm, HEll, SPfiI»liS, OlES, lAlIiyE, &[.<br />


I\oi>th East Corner of l¥estern Row and Court Sts.,<br />

CRA<br />

Wrightson, Printer, 43 Main<br />

CRA<br />

Cowing Calvin, lumber dealer, bds. D. G. Dickin­ Crail J. at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

son<br />

Crail Milton, salesman, 87 Main, h.n.e.c. 3d & John<br />

Cowler John, trader, w. s. Carr b. Sth and Kerable Cramer Fred. e.s. Bremen b. Uth and ISth<br />

Cowles Robert B. 73 e. 3d<br />

Cramer Jack, e.s. Vine b. Liberty and Allison<br />

CoK Aaron F. printer n. s. Catharine b. John and Cramer George R. (C. & Watson) s. s. Clinton b<br />

Fulton<br />

John and Cutter<br />

Coi-K David, s.s. Hopkins b. John and Cutter nRAMER & WATSOPr, (Geo. R. C & Wm.<br />

Cox Edward, elk. w.s. John b. 3d and 4th \j E. W.) Pomeroy iron store, n.e.c. W. Row and<br />

Cox George, u.s. 9th b. Elm and Plum<br />

Court<br />

Cox Griffin, e.s. Elm b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Cramer Mrs. Mary, n.w.c. Hunt and Sycamore<br />

OX HIRA-M, ec. physician s. e. c. 12th and Cramer Mathias, n.s. Liberty b, Linn and W Row-<br />

C Race<br />

Cramer Patrick, n.a. 4th b. Smith and Park<br />

Cox John, s.s. Front b. Plum and Elm<br />

Cramer widow of S. s.s. al. b. 7th and Sth, and b<br />

Cox John, S. druggist, e. s. Race b. Canal & 12tb, Main and Sycamore<br />

bds. Dr. H. Cox<br />

Cramer Wra. n.s. Ham. road b. Main and Walnut<br />

OX JOSEPH, atty. at law, n. w. c. Sth and Crammer Frank, e.s. Race b. Green and Liberty<br />

C Walnut, res. Storrs tp.<br />

Cramsey William, w.s. Fulton b. Richmond and<br />

Cox Joseph, superintendent City Temperance Hotel Catharine<br />

Cox Nancy, e.s. Elm b. ISth and Liberty<br />

Cramsy Charles, elk. bds. Wm. Cramsy's<br />

Cox Nelson, 43 w. 4th<br />

nRANCH EDIVARD P. clerk Commer-<br />

Cox Oliver H. s.w.c. 8th and John<br />

\j cial Court, res. Mill creek tp.<br />

Cox Richard K. county com. a. s. 7th b. Sycamore Crandall Ira, e.s. Pleasant b. 15th and Liberty<br />

and Broadway<br />

Crandall Sol. S. ;ji9 w. Oth<br />

Cox Robert M. w.s. Walnut b. 12th and 13th Crandall Thomas G. s. e. c. Walnut and 3d, res<br />

Cox Kodolph, bds. at Young's, n.s. Sth b. Sycamore Newport<br />

and Broadway<br />

Crane Alfred, n.s. 12thb. Elm and Race<br />

Cox R. S. e.s. W. Row b. Everett and Wade Crane E. F. 272 w. 6lh<br />

Cox Susan, s.s. 3db. Mill and Stone<br />

Cox William, 93 Longworth<br />

Crane Frank, n.s. Orchard b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Coyle Edward, w.s. John b. Longworth and Cth<br />

Crane Henry, dentist, 71 w. Sth<br />

Coyle Philip, w.s. Langdon al. b. Oth and 7th<br />

Crane John ns. Bank b. W. Row and Linn<br />

Coyle Wm. bds. J. Boggianos<br />

fIRAKE I.EiH»IEt, M, cab't ware room. 81<br />

Cozine A. V. e.s. Findley b. Elm and Cftnal<br />

V Sycamore h.e.s. Sycamoreb. 6th and 7th<br />

Cozine Jacob, w.s. Elm b. North and Findley<br />

Crane Michael, city police, s.s. Court b. Main and<br />

Cozzens Landry, n.s. 2d b. Sycamore & Broadway<br />

Sycamore<br />

Cozzens Wiley, n.s. Water w. of Main<br />

Crane Kufus, b.k. n.s. 7th b. John and Mound<br />

Craad Dennis, w.s. Langdon's al. b. 6th and 7th<br />

Crane K. elk- 223 w. Sth, h.n. s. 7tb w. of John<br />

Crabb Alexander, printer, w.s. Sycamore b. Sth &<br />

Crane hamuel at O'Shaughnessy & Co. h.n.s. Sth b.<br />

W. Rowand John<br />

6th<br />

Crano Thurston, s.w.c. Bth and Walnut, h. e. Wal­<br />

Cracken William, bds. Oliver Blade's<br />

nut Hills<br />

Cracker Joseph, carriage smith, s. w. c. Sycamore<br />

and Oth<br />

Crapton John,79L. Market, h. s. s. Union b. Race<br />

Craf John, e.s W. Row b. Liberty and Ash<br />

ami Elm<br />

Craff John, bds. Peter Bestran's<br />

Crapsey J. T. 432 Main<br />

Craft Lewis, n. s. Kemble b. Linn and Baymiller Crary Milton, n.e.c. John and Clinton<br />

Craft Thomas, n.s. Laurel b. John and Cutter Crary Mrs Nancy, s.s. Clinton b. John and Cutter<br />

Cragg Richard, c\k. 200 Court<br />

l^raton John, bds. Sarah Carnahan<br />

Craig & Anderson, e.s. W. Row b. George and 7th Cratty John, bds. at Cleveland House<br />

Craig Francis, n.w. Slh e. of M. Canal<br />

Oratty Patrick, n.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

Craig Jaraes, Congress b. Butler and M. Canal Craugh Frederick, n.s. Liberty b. Elm and Race<br />

Craig Jaraes ('. w.s. Broadway b. Liberty & Millon Crausz Peter, s. s. Laurel b. John and Cutter, bds.<br />

Craig Jaraes H. n.s. Gth e. of Lock<br />

n.w.c. Hopkins and Freeman<br />

Craig Robert S. (C. & Anderson) e. ». W. Row b. Craven G. .S. bds. Carll and Fagan's<br />

George and 7th<br />

Craven Henry, n.s. Longworth b. W. Row & John<br />

Craig Toliver, w. s. Baymiller b. Kemble & Eich- craven John, s.w.c. 6th and Sycamore<br />

raond<br />

Craven John W. s.e.c. W. Row and Front<br />

Craig Wm. bds. Mrs. Ellen Winter's<br />

Ciaw 'Thomas, s.s. Harrison road b.Brighton House<br />

Craighead Samuel, bds. Mrs. Jane Miller<br />

and Avenue House<br />

Craik Wm. 70 w. 4th<br />

Crawford B. c. W. Row and Laurel<br />

Orail Mrs. Hannah, e.s, Raco b. I4th and 15th Crawford Benjamin, w. s. W. Row b. George and


DAVIS 8c CO.<br />




And every description of Cooking and Heating Stoves. Hollow Ware, Dog Irons, Sad Irons, Tea<br />

Kettles, Cauldron, Potash and Sugar Kettles, and Castings in general; and Dealers in English<br />

and American Steel, Juniata Iron and Nails of all sizes and of a warranted quality.<br />

Sale Rooms, North-east corner of Ninth and Iain streets, Cincinnati, Ohio-<br />

CRI CRO<br />

Crawford George 137 w. 6th<br />

Crawford. George M. bds. J. Weeks<br />

Crawford Henry, w.s. Bremen b. 13th and 14th<br />

Crawford Hansen, s.s. Abigail b. Sycaraore and<br />

Broadvvay<br />

Crawford Hugh, s. s. Catharine b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Crawford Johu 102 w. Sth bds. U. S. Hotel<br />

Crawford John, Lock b. 4th and Sth<br />

Crawford John, s. s 7th b. Broadway & Sycamore<br />

Crawford Levi S. (Worthington & Co.) bds. 6i<br />

Center<br />

Crawford Mrs. Mary, w.s. Jones b. Everett &. Wade<br />

Crawford Robert, e.s. Walnut b. 7th and Sth<br />

Crawford Wm. 128 Main<br />

Crawford William, s. B. George b. Baymiller and<br />

Freeman<br />

Crawford William, w.s. Sycamoreb, Orchard and<br />

Liberty<br />

Crawford Wm. n.s. Sth op. Mill<br />

Crawford Wm. Salesman, 12 Pearl<br />

Crawley Dennis, barkeeper, J. Carney<br />

Crawley Michael, s.s. 3d w. of W. Row<br />

Crawley l*atrick, s. s. Front b. John and W. Kow<br />

Crawley William, n. s. Front b. T.P. 10 and 17 F'n<br />

Crary Samuel, s.s. AV. Row near Mohawk bridge<br />

Cray John P. w.s. Race b. Green and Findley<br />

Cray Thomas, w.s. Race b. Cherry and 2d<br />

Creagor Theodore, n. s. Everett b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Creain George, n. s. 7th b. Plum and W. Row, h.s.<br />

s. 7th b. Mound and CuLter<br />

Crear Robert, s.s. Tth b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Creasser Wm. s.s. Clinton b. John and Culter<br />

Crede John, w.s. Vineb. 12th and 13th, h. s.s. 12th<br />

b. Elm and Plum<br />

Creel Joseph, 374 Main<br />

Creell Samuel, n.s. George b. W. Row and John<br />

Creichton David, s.e.c. Slh and Broadway h.Broadway<br />

b. 7th & Sth<br />

Crein Philip, n. s. Abigail b. Mound and Sycamore<br />

Cremer Henry, e.s. Elm b. Green and Findley<br />

Cramer John, n.s. Cana! b. Vine and Race<br />

Cremperback Henry, e.s. Pleasant b. Green and Liberty<br />

Creque M. w.s. Vineb. Canal and 12th. h.w.s. Main<br />

b. 14th and 15th<br />

Cresep Mrs. Martha, s.s. George b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Cresta Emanuel, s.w c. Elm and 9th<br />

Crisp W. H. Woods's Cin. <strong>Museum</strong> c. Sth «fe Walnut<br />

Crissip Thomas, n.s. 6th b. Broadway & Culvert<br />

Crittenden Henry, c. 4th and Race<br />

Crocker Luther H., e.s. W. Row near Everett<br />

Crockett John H. s.w.c. Main and 4th<br />

Crogan Wm. w.s. Mill 2 doors ii. W.W. Canal<br />

Crogg Richard, n.s. Court b. Elm and Plum<br />

Croken Paul, w.s. M'Allister b. 4th and Sth<br />

Croker Mis. n.s. George b. Smith and Mound<br />

Crolley Mathew, 182 Walnut<br />

CroUey Sarah, b.h. w.s. Race b. 2d and Pearl<br />

Cromax Daniel, n.s. Liberty b. Linn and Piatt<br />

Crombeck Maclt, Eagle bldgs.<br />

Cromer K. e.s. Culvert b. Sth and Gth<br />

Cromwell Bennett, s.s. Bth b. Mound and Cutter<br />

pROMWEl^r. JOSEPH H. Broadway<br />

1; Hotel, s.e.c. Broadway and 2d<br />

Cronan Cornelius, w.s. Dublin b. Sth and Court<br />

Crouan Daniel, bds. Martin Cronan'a<br />

Cronan Denis, s.s. Dublin n. of Sth<br />

Cronan Dennis, n.s. Laurelb. John & Cutter<br />

Cronan Martin, e.s. W. Row b. Longworth «fe Bth<br />

Cronan Wm. n.s. 7th b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Crone Benj. s.s. Clinton b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Crone John S. paver, n.s. 7th b. Baymiller and<br />

Freeman<br />

Cronemus George, n.e.c. Morton and Springhill<br />

Cronemus Jacob, n.s. Morton e. of Reservoir<br />

Cronien James, plasterer, s.s. Catherine b. W. Row<br />

and John<br />

Cronin & Co. (Timothy) 27 Water, h.s.s. Front b.<br />

Race and Elm<br />

Cronin Jeremiah, e.s. Dublin n. of Lock<br />

pRONIIV JEKEIMIAH Ac SON, lard oil<br />

\j factory w.s. Culvert b. 7tb and Sth<br />

Cronin Timothy, carriage mkr. bds. n.s. Front b.<br />

Race and Elm<br />

Crooks John, 26S Main<br />

Crooks Wm. B.S. Congress b. Broadway and Ludlow<br />

Crooks Wm. blk. smith at Hamlin & White's<br />

C<br />

KOPJPEK C. Ac SON, (Cyrus and Charles<br />

Cropper) book bindery, 70 and 130 Main<br />

Cropper Charles, (C. C. & Son) res. Covington<br />

Cropper Cyrus, (C. C. & Son) res. Covington<br />

Crosley John, bds. Johu Hughes'<br />

Cros Charles, n.s. Front2 d. w. of W. Row<br />

Cross E. printer, hds. 137 w. 3d<br />

Cridland Edward, w.s. Race h. 3d and 4th Cross Mrs. E, n.s. George b. W. Row and John<br />

RIOLiANn THOMAS W. gilder and pic­ Cross James, brass finisher, bds. Mrs. James'<br />

C ture frame maker. 167 Vine<br />

Cross James S. s.s. Bth b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Crighton David, e.s. Broadway b. 7t^ and Sth nROSS NELSON, atty. at law. n.e.c. 3d and<br />

Crigler Moses F. 15 L. Market, bds. City Hotel U Hammond, bds. Mrs. Keatings<br />

Crigler Silas J. elk. 15 L. Market<br />

Cross Snmuel, e.s. Fulton b. Clark and Chesnut<br />

Cril T. e.s. W. Row b. George and 7th<br />

Crossen Henry, n.s. Water b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Crinn Mrs. Catharine, w.s. Pleasant b. Liberty aud Crossley Thomas B. 20S Main<br />

Grossman Searley, shoe mkr. 28 Front<br />

Green<br />

Grossman Samuel V. e.s. Elm b. Hth and 15th<br />

Cripp, Mrs. Mary, w.s. Race b. Liberty & Green Grossman Thomas, w.s. Elm b, Longworth &6th<br />

Crippel F, e.s. Ham. road b. Vine and Poplar Grossman Wm. tp. trustee, office s.s. Gth n. of Vine<br />

Crippin Francis C. w.s. North b. 6th and 7th<br />

Crippen Frederick B. s.s. David b. John & Cutter h. 207 w. Gth<br />

Crippen Jesse, w.s. W. Row b. 4th and Sth Crossway Mrs. Catharine, w.s. Dublin b. Sth and<br />

Crippen John W. s.s. Front b. T.P. 13 and 14 F*n Court<br />

Crippen Wm. w.s. North b. 6th and 7th<br />

Crothers Wm. s.s. Woodward b. Sycamore and<br />

Crippen W. G, reporter, n.w.c. 17th and Sycamore Broadway


F. P. CUMINGHAM,<br />




Constantly manufacturing eif^ery variety of Candiesj which he offers for sale LOW FOR CASH<br />

Dealers will do well to give him a cil! before purchasing elsewhere.<br />

CUL CUN<br />

Crouch John, s.a, Clinton b. Locust and Freeman<br />

Crouke Timothy, porter at O'Sbaugnessy & Co. h.<br />

s.s. Catharine b. John and Smith<br />

Grouse J. S. bds. Broadway Hotel<br />

Grout Geo.e.s. Hughes b. Schiller and Burgoyne<br />

Crow IVTrs. Ann, n,s. 7th b. Sycamore & Broadway<br />

Crow Mrs. Elizabeth, e.s. Elm b. Hth a,nd 1.5th<br />

Crow James, s.s. New h. Broadway & Culvert<br />

Crow John, n.e.c, McFarland aud W Row<br />

Crow John, n.s. Gthh. Culvert and M. Canal<br />

Crow Michael, w,s. Providence b. Mason and<br />

Everett<br />

Crow Patrick, s.c.c. I'ltli and 15th<br />

Crowder S. James, s.s. Front b. Lawrence & Pike<br />

ipKOWELL, HENKY C. brick mk. e.s.<br />

\j John b. Everett and Wade<br />

Crowell John, n.s. Hopkins b, John and Cutter<br />

CrowellJohn Calvin, printer at Commercial office,<br />

bds. Wm. Shires<br />

Crowell William D. elk. e,s. Mound b.7th & Sth<br />

Growl George, w.s. Vine b. 14th and. 15th<br />

C<br />

ROWJLEY A. & CO. (Alvin, Asahel & Addison<br />

C.) lumber yard, 3,s. Front near Gas<br />

Woriis<br />

Crowley Alvin (A. O, & Co.) bds. Front St, House<br />

Crowley Albert, w.=. Fulton h. 8tli and Kemble<br />

Crowley Daniel, n.s. Canal h. Sycamore & Broadway<br />

Crowley Michael, s.s. 2d h. Elm and Race, bds,n.e.<br />

c. Elm and Pearl<br />

Crown Anthony, tailor, n,s. Nobb h. Pike and<br />

Buchanan<br />

Cruc Jacob, w,s. Freeman b. Bank and Dayton<br />

Cruc John, w.s. Freemanb. Bank and Dayton<br />

Cruger Peter, n.s. Webb b. Smith and Park<br />

Cruickshank M. elk, s.e.c. Broadway and 5th<br />

Cruickshanlt Mrs. M. M. ladies'seminary, 70 w.Sth<br />

Cruise Kobert, n,s. Front b. Mill and Smith<br />

Crum Rev. George C. 135 w. Oth<br />

Crumley Henry, s.s, Gano b. Main and Walnut<br />

Crumley T. at Harkness & Son's<br />

Crurapton Ebenezer, tinner, n.s, 5th 2 cEoors from<br />

Smith<br />

Crundwell, widow of John, s.s, Everett b. Providence<br />

and W. Row<br />

Gruse Berman,bds. G, H, Gherdine<br />

Cruse John H.s.w.c. Spring and Pendleton<br />

Cruse Joseph, n j . 3d b. Wood and Stone<br />

Crutchfield Wm. hds. A. D. Robinson's<br />

Cubet Henry, Betts b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Cuddy Wm, n.s, 4th h. Mill and Stone<br />

Cuffers Frederick, baker. Taylor's al.<br />

Culan Mrs. n.s. Sth b. Fulton and Cutter<br />

Culbertson Charlotte, s.w.c. Elm aud 3d<br />

Culhertson Miss Harriet O.A. bds. Mrs. S.Medaris'<br />

w.s. Celestial n. of High<br />

CulbeitBon Jacob B, s.s. George b, Baymiller and<br />

Freeman<br />

Culbertson John C. n.s. Gth h. Mound & Cutter<br />

Culbertson Robert, bds. 305 Race<br />

CuUan James, cllc. at A. Isham's<br />

CuUem George, 122 w. Sth<br />

CuUem James R. mer. 122 w. Stli<br />

CuUen E. L. bds, William Darnen<br />

CuUen Thomas, s.e.c. High and Pierson<br />

Cullin Thomas, e.s. .Sycamore h. 7th and Sth<br />

CuUum Geo. W. (Jackson & C.) bds. 175 "Walnut<br />

Cullum J. K, s.e.c. 8th and Main, h.s.s. Sth b. Race<br />

and Elm<br />

Cullum James, n.s. Broadway b. Franklin and<br />

Woodward<br />

Oulmann R. n.s. Findley b. Elm and Race<br />

Gulp Henry, w.s. Cutter, b. Richmond and Catharine<br />

Gulp Michael, s.s. Front e, of Depot<br />

Gulp Philip, s S. Elizabeth D. John and Fulton<br />

Culver Elizabeth, n.s. Froi't b.T.P, SSand 24 F^n<br />

Culver Leonard, at G. Welch's<br />

Culver Richard M. n.s. Catharine b. Linn and Rittenhouse,<br />

h.c. Linn and Catharine<br />

Gumbo John G. n.s.R.R,b.T.P, 18 and 19 F'n<br />

Cummings Andrew, w.s, W. Row h. Betts and Clinton<br />

Cummings Goorge W. n_s. Front e. of Depot<br />

Cummings Isaac, e.s. Cutter b, Betts & Laurel<br />

Cummings James, n.s. Everett b. W. Row & Joha<br />

Cummings Samuel, n.s. Front b. Butler and Pike<br />

Cummins Ann, s.s. Front b. Vine and Race<br />

Cummins Dennis, sj. Gth e. of Lock<br />

Cummins Mrs. Frances, n.s. Findley b. Race and<br />

Elm<br />

Cummins George, at R. B. Bowler's<br />

Cummins Henry, 135 Walnut, res. Covington<br />

CumminsJames, s.s. Elizabeth b. W.Row &John<br />

Cummins Patrick, n.s. Sth b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Cumpton Mrs. Mary, n.s. Friendship al. b. Pike<br />

and Butler<br />

Cunning James, (C. & Ricker) s.s.Sth b. Mill and<br />

Stone<br />

Cunning & Eickor, (James G. & Darius R.) Lawson's<br />

al.<br />

Cunningham Miss Agnes, vest mkr. s.s.5th b. Mill<br />

and Stone<br />

Cunningham A. e.s. Sycamore b. 3d and 4th<br />

prr«iIVIN«HAM ANMKEW, edge tool<br />

\j grinder, w.s. Lock b. Sth and Oth, h.e.s Sprins<br />

b. Woodward and Liberty<br />

nUNNINGHAM & APPtEGET, (John<br />

\J P.C. & Basil W. A.) builders s.s. George b<br />

Gutter and Liun<br />

Cunningham Bernard, Levee b. Ludlow and Broad<br />

way<br />

Gunnintham Condy, s.w.c. Smith and Augusta<br />

Cunningham Cunagin, s.s. Sth b. W. Kow aud John<br />

Cunningham Mrs. E. 215 7th<br />

Cunningham Francis, s.e.c. Broadway and Libertv<br />


"U sale conf c. Gth and M. Canal<br />

Cunningham James, n.s. Sthe. of Lock<br />

Cunningham James, s.s. Maple b. W. Rowand Linn<br />

Cunningham James, e.s. W. Rowb. Dayton& Maple<br />

Cunningham John, n. s. 2d s. of Liberty<br />

Cunningham John, n.s. Kemble b. Fulton and Cutter<br />

Cunningham John P. n.s. George B. Linn & Baymiller<br />

Cunningham Josei.h, 63 Court, h. e.s. Jackson b<br />

12tb and Canal<br />

Cunningham' Joseph, n.s. Betts b. Locust & Freeman<br />

Cunningham Michael, s.s. Front b. Kace and Elra



Ho. 4® and 43 liowcr Market, Ciiucinnati,<br />


Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Evergreens, Shrubs, Bulbous Roots, Roses, Greenhouse Plants,<br />

Grape Roots, Cuttings, &c.<br />

N. B. A constant supply of Subsoil and other Plows.<br />

CUR<br />

Cunningham Michael, w.s. M. Canal b. Dayton aud<br />

Maple<br />

Cunningham Robert, s.w.c. Cutter and Barr<br />

Cunningham. Thomaa, with Joseph Cunningham<br />

Cunningham Thomas, w.s. Langdon al. b. 6th and 7th<br />

Cunningham Thomas, n.s. 6the.of Lock<br />

Cunningham Thomas, Cherry al. b. "W. Row & Plum<br />

Cunningham Thomas, bds. John MrRee<br />

Cunningham Wm. printer at Commercial office, bds.<br />

e.s. Sycamore b. 4th and Sth<br />

Cunningham Wm. n.s. Ijongworth near Smith<br />

Cunsler Joseph, s.s. Adams b. Elm and Plum<br />

Cuppleraaim Charles, s-s. 6th b. Main and Walnut<br />

^-pples Samuel, elk. 10 Main, res, Newport<br />

Ourdeway Jacob w.s. Bremen b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Curley Lulie, s.s, Gth e. of Baum<br />

Curley Michael, s.s Lawrence b. Congres and Ludlow<br />

Curley Thomas, s.s. High b. CoUard and Lytle<br />

Curme Arthur A. teller Western Bank, bds. D. H.<br />

Harne Jr's<br />

Curran William F.ns. Front b. Lytle and Congress<br />

Curren Daniel, lab. s.s. Ferguson's al. b- Sth and Oth<br />

Curren John, lab. w.s. John b. 3d and Columbia<br />

Curren Patrick, n.s. Catherine b. John and Fulton<br />

Curry Mrs. Ann, n.s. al.b. Broadway and Sycamore,<br />

and b. Abigail and Woodward<br />

Curry Bernard, n.s. Maple b. Piatt and Linn<br />

Curry Clemens, s.s. Liberty b. Linn and Piatt<br />

Curry H. R. n.s. Pearl b. Walnut and Vine, U. Walnut<br />

Hills<br />

Curry Jacob, e.s. John b. Betts and Clinton<br />

Curry James, n.s. Everett b. Jones and Linn<br />

Curry James, landing b. Main and Walnut<br />

Curry Martin, bds. e.s. John b. 3d and 4th<br />

Curry Michael, e.s John b- 3d and 4th<br />

Curry Patrick, s.s. 2d b. Race and Vine<br />

Curry Samuel, e.s. Providence b. Everett and Wade<br />

JOHN F. DAIR & Co. Proprietors.<br />

DAI<br />

Custard Chamber.'?, s.s. Symmes, b. Butler and M.<br />

Canal<br />

Custard John N. bds. Jobn Custard<br />

Custard John, s.s. Symmes b. Butler and Pike<br />

Cutaiar & Batchelder, (Joseph C. & George H. B.)<br />

237 Main<br />

Cutaiar;Joseph,(C.& Batcheldcr)w.s.Elm b.Charles<br />

and 12th<br />

Cutihie Henry & Co. n.s. 13th b. Vine & Walnut<br />

Cutler Thomas B. printer Gazette offi-ce, res. VV'alnut<br />

Hills<br />

Cutler Rev. Wm. ns. Everett b. Linn & Locust<br />

Cutler Alpheus, n.s, bth b. Walnut and Vine, h.n.s.<br />

Longworth b. Elm and Plum<br />

Cutter Anthony, 2ci Sycamore<br />

Cutter Andrew, at D. Root's, h n.s. Sth b. Mound<br />

and Park<br />

Cutter Mrs. Amelia M. s.w.c. 6th and John<br />

Cutter Andrew J. elk. 50 w. 4th, bds. 50 w. 9th<br />

Cutter Charles F. elk. for Stewart, Demming & Cc.<br />

n.s. 3d b. Smith and Park<br />

Cutter George, s.s. Friendship aL b. Pike and Butler<br />

Cutter Henry, s.e. Gest b. Freeman and Carr<br />

Cutter Henry, s.s. Laurel b. Linn and Locust<br />

Cutter H(;rret, e.s. W. Row b. Pearl and 'id<br />

Cutter Mr:?. S. 1U9 w.Sth<br />

Cutting George, e.s. Linn b. Hopkins and ClarK<br />

Cutting Margaret, n.s. Elizabeth b- W. Row and<br />

Juhn<br />

D<br />

Dabolt John, s. s. Division b. Harrison road and<br />

Brighton House<br />

Daest John, s.s Bank b. Piatt and Freeman<br />

Curry Thomas H. n-S, Richmond b. Mound & Cutter Daggett Henry J. s.s. Canal b. Walnut and Vine, h.<br />

UBITSS ALVA, bo. phys. s.s. 3d b. Broadway o.e.c. 4th and John<br />

C and Ludlow<br />

Dagmer Frederick, n.e.c. Broadway and Court<br />

Curtis Arias, s.s. Front b. T. P. 17 and 18 F -n Daguet A. w. s. Sycamore b. VA^ebster and Orchard<br />

UK,XBSS&: B'S'KNE,CJohn C. & John B.) Dahlmann Henry, n.s. Webster b. Sycamore & Tan­<br />

C felly Manufs. n.w.c. W. W. Canal and Park ner<br />

Curtis Mrs. Elizabeth, n.s. Sth b. W. Row & John Dailar James, n.e.c. 7th and Sycamore<br />

Curtis Hudson B. w.s Elm b. George and 7th Dailey James, at Lowry & Rule's, hds. c 5th and<br />

Curtis Jobn,(C. & Byrne) felly factory, n.w.c. Broadway<br />

W.W. Canal alid Park, h.s.s. 3d b. Mill and Dailey Levi, Betts b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Stone . „ ..^ - Dailey Mrs. Margaret, bds. at Jesse Dailey<br />

Curtis John, w.s. Fulton b. Richmond & Catharine Dailey Nicholas A n.w.c. Sassafras and Ash<br />

Curtis L. Greely, (C. & Potter) ed. Commercial, h, Daily Daniel, e.s. Sycamore b. 7th and Sth<br />

n.s. 3d b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Daily David T. 43 e. 2d, h. s.s. Catherine b. Fulton<br />

UBTHS & I»«TTEK, (L. Greely C. & M. and Cutter<br />

C U. P.) publishers Commercial, n.e.c. 3d and Daily Edward, s.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

Sycamore<br />

Daily James, c. 7th and Sycamore<br />

Curtis Richard B. s.e.c. of George and Elm Daily Jesse V. 13 Main, h. e.s. Baum w. of High<br />

Curtner Henry, salesman, 38 Main, hds. 136 Main Daily John, hds. H, Brown<br />

Curvin Thomas, n.s 3d b. Mill and Stone<br />

Daily Patrick, baker n.e.c. John and 6th<br />

UKA^EN iUASKELlj E. atty atlaw.ed.<br />

Dailey Samuel, e.s. Baum w. of High<br />

C of Western Law Journal, Professor in Cin.<br />

DainsMrs. Thomas S. 3d b. John and Smith, h. w.s.<br />

Law School, 5 lawbldgs. bds. Dennison House<br />

Elm b. Sth and 9th<br />

Cuscaden Alexander R. 65 George<br />

AIH JOHr^ F. Sc CO. (J. F. D. & William<br />

Gushing Atlam P. b.k. at Burnet House, h.l03 w.3d D Storms) seed store and agricultural warehouse,<br />

Cushion Timothy, n.s. 8tb b. Fulton and Cutter 40 and 42 L. Market<br />

Cushion Thomas, s-s. 6th b. Broadway & Culvert Dair John F.(J. F. D. & Co) n.3.7thb.Walnut &Vlne




AND<br />

s i CS) tS 532. .^S\ STJr IE> 133 t ^ I ^ 1^=' ZS^ a£\ O 5S2. liS IS ^ a<br />

Corner ot Itacc and. Canal streets, Cincinnati,<br />

Will give strict attention to Purchases for the supply of the trade. They also prepare<br />


And other ProTisrons lor Family Use.<br />

Wrightson, Printer, 43 Main.<br />

DAN DAU<br />

Daisey John, lab. at Powell's<br />

Daker John, s.s. Ho|ikins b. John and Cutter<br />

Bakes Henry J. elk. 83 L. Market, h. Harrison e. of<br />

Broadway<br />

Dale Benjamin T. w.s. Mansfield n. of Liberty<br />

Dale Hervey, n.s. Clark b. J ohn and Cutter<br />

Dale James, e.s. John b. Wade and Melancthon<br />

Dale John S. at Price and Brother's ,<br />

Dale Nathaniel, e.s. Baymiller b. Richmond and<br />

Kemble<br />

Daler William, e.s. Sycamore b. Wood and Abagail<br />

Dalser Adam, n.s. Front b. T. P. 20 and 21 F'n<br />

Daley James, bds. 164 w. 3d<br />

Daley John, bds. 164; w. 3d<br />

DaUas Fred. b.k. bds. Miss M. Sorley, Hace b. 4th<br />

^nd oth<br />

Daller John, w.s. Vine b. 12th and Canal<br />

Dalie William, s.s. Front b. T. P. 22 and 23 F'n<br />

Dallinghouse Mrs. C. M. n.s. Grant b. Elm & Plum<br />

Dallniann H. brush mkr. bds. C. Classen<br />

Dallon James, s.s. Webb b. .^inith and Park<br />

Dalot Dominick,. e.s. Wood b. 4th and Sth<br />

Dalpers Henry, w.s. Main b. 12th and 13th<br />

Dalson John,.s.s. Wade b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Dalton G. W. bds. J. Daltons<br />

Dalton James, n.s. Sth b. Elm and Plum<br />

Dalton John, at D. A. Powell's<br />

Dalton Joseph, e.s. Race b.llth and 15th<br />

Dalton Joseph Jr. e.s Main b. Allison and Liberty,<br />

h. e.s. Mansfield b. Liberty and Milton<br />

Dalton Richard, elk. at John J. Wright's<br />

Dalton William D. elk. at John J. Wright's<br />

Daly Dennis, n.s. Water b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Daly James, e.s. Elm b. 2d and Pearl, h. n.e.c Elm<br />

Daniel Michael, n.s. 6th b.Elm and Plum<br />

Daniel Peter, n.s. Sth b. Baymillerand Freeman<br />

Daniel W. w.s. W. How. b. Clinton andEverett<br />

Daniels, Carter & Co, (James A. D. & Thomas E.<br />

C.)'32e. 2d<br />

Daniels Hector L. (Ernst & D.) 149 Longworth<br />

Daniels James A. (D-, Carter & Co ) s.c.c. Sth and<br />

Sycamore<br />

Daniels L. bds. 62 w."3d<br />

Daniels Stacy, u.s, Clark w of Freeman<br />

Daniels William, n.s. Kemble w. of Harriet<br />

Danihua Dennis, s.s. Richmond b. Fulton and Cutter<br />

Danky Dorothy, s.s. High b. Parsons and Lytle<br />

Danenberg Mrs. Sabine,.w s. Vine b. 12th and l3th<br />

Dapker Henry, n.s. 3d b. Mill and Stone<br />

Dapking Henry, at J. and G. Pipher's<br />

Darby James, at Davison and Steeles, bds. Thomas<br />

Darby<br />

Darby John, n.s. David b. "W. Row and John<br />

Darby Thomas, at J. C. Schroder's, h. n.s. Sth b.<br />

Mound and Park<br />

Dare Matilda, s.s. Elizabethb. W. Rowand John<br />

Darfus John, lab. al. b. Jefferson and Adams<br />

Daring Lewis, s.s. Webb b. Stone and Wood<br />

Dark John, s.s. Barr b. Baymiller and Freeman<br />

Darker Phillip, w.s. Pleasant b. 14th and loth<br />

Darlage John H. es. Broadway b. Cth and 7th<br />

AKJL.ING E. G. dentist, 120 w. 6th c. of<br />

D Kace<br />

Darling Jeremiah, s.s. George b. John and Smith, h.<br />

s.s. George b. W. Row and John<br />

Darling John, s.e.c. Sth and Mill<br />

Darlton James, s.s. Catharine b. John and Fulton<br />

Darnal William, at Johnson, Morton & Co's s.s.<br />

and Pearl<br />

Front e. of depot<br />

ALrZIEL. WAIiTER, N«ave3 bldg. n. Dames William, n.s. 8(h b. Main and Sycaraore<br />

D w.c. 4th and Vine<br />

Barr George, w.s. Bremen b. I4th and loth<br />

Damby Charles, elk. bds. George Angan<br />

Barr Henry, w.s. Bremen b. Hth and 15th<br />

Damby Joseph, bds. George .\ngan<br />

Darr Joseph, w.s. Broadway b. 7th and Sth<br />

Damby Thomas, bds. George Angan<br />

Darr Joseph, jr. 84 L. Market<br />

Damby Michael, w.s. Butler b. Symmes & Congress Darr Joseph, jr. teller at Geo. Milne & Co's, h 84 L.<br />

Damer Ernst, lab. w.s. Plum b. 9th and Court<br />

Market<br />

Dammermann Henry, s.s. Eden b. Main (fe Buckeye Darr Phillip, s.s. Congress b. Lawrence and Pike<br />

Dammezer Augustus, n.s. (.'Union b. Linn and Locust Darrow Milton, e.s. Baymiller b. Kembleand Rich-<br />

Dampfla John..n.s. Front e. of llepot<br />

i^.iond<br />

Danna Charles D. b.k. at Babbitt, Good& Co's. h. a. AKST JACOB B. (Dixon, Shoemaker &<br />

s. 6th b. \^'. Row and John<br />

D Co.)collector and general agt. bds. Dr. Wm. C.<br />

Dana Francis D. salesman 12 e. -Ith<br />

Irwin's<br />

Dance Walter C. bds. 10 e. 6th<br />

Dart Harry, Wood near 4th, bds. H. Pughs<br />

Dankelmann H. n.s. Woodward b. Main and Syca­ Dart Dr. J. n.s. 3d b. Wood and Stone<br />

more<br />

Darnsmont Alexander, at David Harris, bds. Syca.<br />

DANDRinRi: ALF-XAI^DEK S« all. more b. 2d and 3d<br />

phys. n.e.c. 3d and Broadway<br />

Dasey John.e.s. Dublin n.of Lock<br />

Dandy Charles, elk. n.s. Congress b. Kilgour and Dasher Geo. 38 Main, h.w.s. W. Row b. Richmond<br />

Canal<br />

and Catharine<br />

Dane Israel, bds. Chas. w. Williams<br />

Dalor Adam, s.s Poplar b. Lynn.and Locust<br />

Danenhower John "V^'. bds. Globe Hotel c. 3d and Datcr Peter, (Nagle & D.) w.s. Raceb. 14th and ISth<br />

Race<br />

Da!f rs Jerry H. w.s. Race b. Liberty and Green<br />

Danenhower Mrs. P. n.s. Orchard b. Main and Syc. Danbenbis Frederick, at Allegheny liouse<br />

amore<br />

DanlieUnk Frederick, e.s. Denman b. Liberty and<br />

ANFOKTH, BAt,D&Co. (Moseley I. and Poplax<br />

D Edward J. D. & Robard L. Bald) bank note en­ Daugherty James, w.s. W Row b. George and 7th<br />

gravers, 38w. 4th<br />

Daugherty Mrs. Catharine, s.s. Allison b. Walnut<br />

Daniel Godfried, lab. Lawrence b. 3d and .Congress . and Viae


rjoHN LiaoETT, JVew Orleans. DUDLEY HALL, Cincinnati.<br />


mm siii I illlaiii iiisi<br />


713= ADVANCES MADE ON C O K sl'oN'MrE N T S TO£!I<br />



Coriir of Magrn-zWic aTid T..nfavctte Sts., IVc-w Orleans*<br />

DAV DAV<br />

III<br />

Daugherty Patrick, bds. at M. Dickman<br />

Davis Erastus H s.s. 2d b. Race and Elm, bds. 166<br />

Daugherty Patrick, w.s. W. Row b. Watle and Me­ w. 3d<br />

lancthon<br />

AVIS ESTES, com. mer. n.s. Front b. Wal­<br />

Daugherty Samuel, s.s. Kemble b. W. Row & John D nut and Vine<br />

Daumb John, c. Ann and W. Row<br />

Davis Evan J. n.s. Sth b. Broadway and Pike<br />

Daus Henry, e.s. Bremen b. 16th and Liberty Davis Frank, elk 86 w. 8t.h<br />

Danwald George, w. s. Freeman b. W. Row and Davis F. P. bds. Mrs. G. C. Davis<br />

Bank<br />

Davis George C. (W. C. D. & Co.) n.s. Sth b. Vine<br />

Davenport Mrs. w.s. Carr. b. 7th and Sth<br />

and Kace<br />

Davenport Bishop, publisher, 187 Walnut, b.h. 127 TvAVIS GEOKGE F. wh. and retail provision<br />

w. Sth<br />

IF dealer, 11 Sycamore, h. 104 w. Sth<br />

Davenport Charles, Wades Telegraph ofBce Davis George H. (N. H. and G. H. D ) 63 w. Sth<br />

Davenport Cyrus, elk. in City clerk's ofiice, h. 23S Davis Mrs. Grace, 29 Symmes.<br />

Longworth<br />

T\AV1S HEKiKY F. ho. pharmacy 133 Main,<br />

Davenport Darius, e.s. Smith b. 4th and Sth<br />

1/ h, n. 8. Barr b. Cutter and Linn<br />

T-vAVENPOKT U. G. A. sec. Spring Grove Davis Hervey H. 132 Pearl<br />

\) Cemetery, bds. R L. Mulfords<br />

Davis Henry M. F. (D. & Stone) n.s. 6th e. of Lock<br />

David Frederick, n.s. Franklinb. Main & Sycamore Davis Mrs. Hester, s.s. Front b. Smith and Mill<br />

TiAVIO HENKY, manuf. and imp. of perfu. Davis Hylan, w.s. Lytle b. Front and High<br />

Il mery and fancy soaps, 203 Main, h. 22 w. 7th Davis Jacob, n.e c. Broadway and Landing<br />

David Jacob, elk. bds. 22 w. 7th<br />

Davis James, 232 Longworth<br />

Davidson James, e.s. Dudley b. Poplar and Liberty Davis James, n.a. Front b. Lytle and Parsons<br />

Davidson James S. n.w.c. 7th and Linn<br />

Davis James, e.s. Race b. Hth and IGth<br />

Davidson Tyler, (T. D. & Co.) bds. Broadway Hotel Davis Rev. James, s.s. Gth b. Locke and Baum<br />

AVIDSON TYI.EK 6c CO. (Henry Pro. Davis James, e.s. Mill b. 3d and 4th<br />

D basco) imps, hardware and cutlery 140 and 142 Pavis James H. n.s. Clinton b. Locust and Freeman<br />

Main „<br />

Davis James J. e.s. Smith b. IjOngworth and 6th<br />

Davidson David W. elk. at Johnston and PoweUs,<br />

Davis John, 13 and 16 Main bds. 143 Sycamore<br />

bds. n.s. Union b. Race and Elm<br />

Davis John, s.s. Chesnut b. W. Row and John<br />

Davidson John, c. W. Row and Betts, h. c. Wade<br />

Davis John, c. Wade and W. Row<br />

and Providence<br />

Davis John, w.s. Vine b. 12th and 13th<br />

Da vies James,at Dodd's, h. 237Longworth<br />

Davis John, e.s. Butler b. 4th and Sth<br />

Davies John, hatter, e.s. Elm b. Cherry and 2d<br />

Davis John, n.s. Water b. Elm and Plum<br />

Davis Mrs. s.s. Mason b. Plum, and W. Row<br />

Davis John, s.s. New b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Davis Mrs. b.h. w.s. Elmb. 12th and Grant<br />

Davis John, bds. Carll & Fagon<br />

Davis Adolphus, b.k. 158 w. 3d<br />

Davis John, w.s. W. Row b. Richmond and Catha­<br />

Davis Anne, e.s. Butler b. 4th and Sth<br />

rine, h. n. s. Catherine b.W. Rowand John<br />

"Davis Mrs. Ann Maria, s.s. Laurel b. Cutter & Lmn<br />

Davis John, 84 w. Sth<br />

Davis Barbary, n.s. Front b. Lytle and Parsons<br />

Davis John, s.s.2d b.Parkand jrill<br />

Davis Benjamin, w.s. Providence b. Everett & Wade<br />

Davis John, 21 George<br />

Davis Benjamin, n.s. Front b. T. P. 37 and 38 F'n<br />

Davis John, e.s. Broadway b. Slh and 9th<br />

Davis John H. (J. R. D. & ."on 22 w. Sth<br />

*VIS Be CHCKCH, (Joseph J. D. & Wm. Davis John H. (J. H. D. & Co.) 284 Race<br />

B F. C) insurance aets. S3 w. 3d. up stairs Davis John H. & Co. beef and pork packers and pro­<br />

Davis Charles, n.s. 3d b. Elm and Plum<br />

duce dealers, s.e. c. Court and Broadway<br />

Davis Charles, (C. D. &. Co.) 330 Vine<br />

•nAVIS .TOHlV,al. phys. w.s. Vineb. 12th and<br />

AVIS CHAKI^FS, &CO. (Charles D. John I ' 13th h. s.s. 12 b Elm and Plum<br />

D Porter and Nathaniel Goldsmith) pork and beef Davis John R. (J. R. D. & Son) 22 w. Sth<br />

packers, e.s. Sycamore b. Sth and Dth<br />

Davis J. R. & Son, (John R. & John H. D.) 22 w.<br />

Davis Charles A. w.s. Home<br />

Davis Cornelius E. R. 20 w. Sth, h. n.s. 6th b. W. Sth<br />

Row and John<br />

Davis John S. salesman 13 Main<br />

Davis Daniel, city police, Walnut b. 9th and Court Davis John V. S. e.s. Stone b. 4th and Sth<br />

Davis Daniel, s.e.c. John and Smith<br />

Dnvis Dr. Joseph, s.s. Richmond b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Davis Bavirl, s.s. Front b. Smith aud Mill<br />

Davis Joseph Mason, n.s. Clinton b. W. Row and<br />

Davis Davi.l, white smith, at J. McDonald's<br />

John<br />

Davis David, porter, 16 w. 2d<br />

Davis Joseph B. n.s. Hopkins b. Cutter and Linn h.<br />

Davis David, n.s. Sth b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

n.s. Hopkins b. John and Cutter<br />

Davis David H. e.s. Elm b. 2d and Pearl, h. n.e.c. Davis Joseph H, w.s.Mil' b. Front and W.W.Canal<br />

3d and Rim<br />

TvAVlS .roSEPH J. insur. agt.03 w.3d,bds.<br />

Davis Mrs. Deborah, s.s. Front b. John and Smith J / Burnet Honse<br />

Davis Edmond, atWm. Simms.<br />

Davis Joshua, at J. H. Davis & Co's 361 w. Cth<br />

Davis Eli & Co. boots and shoes, 63 L. Market Davis Kezia, w.s. Vine b. 2nd and Pearl<br />

Lavis Elijah, s.s Water b. Elm and Plum<br />

Davis Mrs. s.s. 6th b. Broadway and Culvert<br />

Davie Mrs. Elizabeth, n,s. 3d b. Mill and Stone Davis Mrs. M. n.s. Longworth w. of W. Row


CT<br />

1" . i «i i* it<br />

P l^ ' ^^J<br />

fcj;<br />

"1<br />

illl<br />

M<br />

t-<br />

HI<br />

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it*«""^-»'*"'i ill 'I<br />



Wos. 14© and 142 MAI!¥ STREET,


DAVIS, Jr. 8i CO.<br />



^s®^®®ffiiEs im mm^MA i-j.Miii m&m%<br />


A Diploma and Silver Medal was aT\-arddd, them by the State Board of Agriculture, at<br />

the Fair held in Cincinnati, October, ]8.>0, -'•FoTthe best cure of Hams."<br />

Warehouse, South-west Corner of Court and Broadway.<br />

DAW<br />

Davis Mack, e.s. Plum b. Sth and 9th<br />

Dawson James, e.s. Smith b. 4th and 5th<br />

Davis Mrs, Mary, e,s. Stone b. ^th and. 5th<br />

Daw3on Leroy, s.s. George b. Mound and Cutter<br />

Davis Mrs. Mary Ann, dress mkr. n.s. Harrison e. Dawson Nicholas, n.s. Front e. of Corporation line<br />

of Broadway<br />

Dawson Thomas, w.s. Elm b. Sth and Court<br />

Davis Meshach, s.s. 2nd op. Park<br />

Dawson William, atTimes office, bds.JamesHeas-<br />

Davis Mrs. N. w,s. Elm b. Green and Findley<br />

lett<br />

Davis Nathaniel H. (N. H. Ac G. H. D.) bds. U. S. Day Alexander M. (D. & Brothers) bds. 2T9 Wal­<br />

Hotel<br />

nut<br />

Davis Nicholas, at Lowry & Rule's, h.n.s.5th b. Park Day Berry, n.s. Bank b. Linn and Piatt<br />

and Mill<br />

Day and Brothers, (Alexander M., Elias, & Timo­<br />

Davis Nicholas, s.s. Webb b. Smith and Park<br />

thy C. D.) s.w.c. Gano and Walnut<br />



D<br />

D<br />


iri?l<br />




DEG<br />

^"T^^Wnghigoni Pni)t7,''43 Slai<br />

DEL<br />

E BLIECK REV. JOHN, president St. DeGraw Daniel, s.s. Front b. T.P. 13 and 14 F'n, h.<br />

Xavier's College, w.s. Sycamore b. 6th and Tth op. T.P. 12 F'n<br />

Debolt George, porter at John Hazlett's<br />

DeGraw John, s.s. 4th b. Smith and Park<br />

EBOETHEtVRV 9 County Treasurer, office DeGraw Wesley L. n.s. Webb b. Smith and Park<br />

n. s. Court b. Main and Walnut, res. Newtown DeGroff Charles A. elk. at Geo. Stackhouee's<br />

Debuke John, tailor, s. s. Congress b. Lawrence & DeGroff .lames H. (Gould, Maccracken & DG.) s.<br />

Pike<br />

s. 3d b. Elm and Plum<br />

EBUS EOTJIS, stills, tubs, cisterns, soap DeHart Hiram H. s. s. Richmond b. Cntter & Linn<br />

D curbs, &c. s.s. 2d b. Elm and Plum<br />

EHABX JOHN A, surgeon dentist, 20 w.<br />

DeButts A. S. n.s. Sth b. Plum and W. Row D 4th<br />

Decamp Daniel (J. & D. D.) 3]6 Longworth DeHaven David, lab, e.s. Race b. 12th and 13th<br />

DeCamp David, n. s. Elizabeth b. W. Row & John Deho William, e. s. Cutter b Hopkins and Clark<br />

Decamp H. (Person Kilbreth & D.) n.s. Sth b. W. 'HOOTERGME JOHN Ac CO, (John D'H.<br />

Row and John<br />

D John F. Faure & Segour Sterlin) French dis­<br />

Decamp & Hand, (Harvey D. & Sylvester B. H.) n. tillers, and manuf. pure spirits, s. s. Water b.<br />

s. George b. John and Smith<br />

Race and Vine<br />

Decamp Harvey (D. & Hand) n.s. Sth b, W. Ro w & Deibel Frederick, (Brooks & Co.) s. ». Buckeye b.<br />

John<br />

Poplar and Locust<br />

EC 4 MP nrE7% RY, stone yard, w. e. Free­ Deichmann H. L. n.s. Ham. road near W Row<br />

D man b. Front and 6th, h.n.s. Front b. Freeman Deichmann William, al.b. Hunt and Abigail<br />

and Carr<br />

Deie John, e.s. Pleasant b. Green and Findley<br />

Decamp Hiram, 288 w Tth<br />

Deierlein Frederick, n s. Mercer b. Walnut and<br />

Decamp James, n.s. George b. Cutter and Linn Vine<br />

Decamp Job, s.s. Richmond b. Linn and Baymiller Deigenbrook Bernard, ». s. Hunt b. Sycamore and<br />

Decamp John (Bailey & D.) s.s. Front b. Lawrence Broadway<br />

and Pike<br />

Deikrager William, e.s. Hughes b.Liberty & Frank­<br />

Decamp J. & D. (Daniel & Joseph D.) n. s. Kemble lin<br />

b. VV. Row and John<br />

Deinger Leonhart, near junction of Buckeye and<br />

Decamp Joseph (J. & D. D.) n. H. George b. Mound Vine<br />

and Cutter<br />

Deirk John, w.s. Race b. Liberty and Green<br />

Decamp Lambert, «. a. Richmond b. Linn and Bay­ Delrs Henry, e.s. James n. of Fountain<br />

miller<br />

Deisel William, w.s. Vine b. Elder and Green<br />

Decamp Mahlon. at Johnson, Morton & Co's, h.s.s. Deisey Timothy, w.s. Dublin b. Sth and Court<br />

Front b.T.P. 3 and 4 F'n<br />

Deitmar Herman, s. s, Abigail b. Sycamore and<br />

Deck Henry, e.s Linnb. Dayton and York<br />

Broadway<br />

Decker Francis, s.s. Ham. road b. Findley & Race Deitsch Julius, (D. & Lyons)<br />

Decker George, s.e. Harrison road b. Brighton and Deitsch & Lyens, (Julius D. & Leopold L.) 2T Broad­<br />

Avenue h.<br />

way<br />

Decker John, n.s. Liberty b. Race and Bremen Deitz Jacob, w.s. M. Canal b. Ash and Maple<br />

Decker Joseph, n.s. Sd b. Elra and Plum<br />

Deitz John, at Brighton House<br />

ECKEBACH HENRV, coppersmith, 9T Deitz Mathias. n.s. Liberty b. W. Row and John<br />

D Court<br />

Deitzel H. at A. Harkness & Ron's<br />

Dee Ti mothy, bds. Thomas Prouts<br />

Delkos Nicholas, Grandin al. b. Elm and Plum<br />

Deegan Thomas, s.s. 2d b. Rose and Park<br />

Dekins Eliza, u.?. High b. Collard and Lytle<br />

Deeney Bryan, Gas al. b. Front and 2d<br />

Delahunl Mrs. :M1 Race<br />

Deering Rev. Richard, pastor Soule chapel, res. De Lamatter C. P. b.k. 4 Water, bds. Dr. Garretaon<br />

Covington<br />

Deland Henry, penny post, 126 w. 8th<br />

Deeters Reuben, n.s. 9th b. Elm and Plum<br />

EILANEV A: «AL,EEY, (J. B. D. & Johu<br />

Deevel Herman, n.s. Pendleton b. Hunt & Abigail D C. G ) Hotel Dnmas, e.s. .McAllister b. 4th and<br />

Deffeubaugh Anthony, (Abbott »S; Co.) w. s. Stunc Sth<br />

b. Sth and Cth<br />

Delaney J. B, (D. & Galley) e.s. McAllisterb.4th it<br />

DeffenbaughWilliam H. (Abbott & Co.) n.s. George Sth<br />

b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Delaney John, e.s. Butler b. Symnn^s and Congress<br />

Defauch Hiram, e.s. W. Rowb. Maple and Dayton, Delaney Patrick, Park b. W. V\ . Cnnal and2d<br />

bds. n.e.c. W. Row and Liberty<br />

Delang Dr. Frederick W. s.s. I4th b. Race & Pleas­<br />

Deford Mai chant, n.s. Gano b. Main and Walnut ant<br />

DeForeet DeLauzun, Charles b. Canal and 12lh Delanhantry John, n.e.c. Tth and Sycamore<br />

Deglon J. at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Delany Isaac, c. Tth and Culvert<br />

Degmann Frank, n.s.Gth b. Broadway and Culvert Dolany James, bds. Daniel Morris, Western Ave­<br />

De Golycr David L. 36 Walnut, h. 191 w. Tth<br />

nue<br />

DeGolyer Samuel, at Queen City Varnish Co. 42 Delany James, s.s. 9th b. Elm and Plum<br />

Walnut, h. n. a. Kemble b. Linn and Baymiller Delany John, n.s. 6th e. of Lock<br />

DeGolyer Watts, 42 Walnut, bds. S. DeGolyer Delap Joseph H. n.s. 2d b. Elm and and Plum, h.e.<br />

DeGraw Abraham, grocery, w.a. Freeman s. ol 6th s. Sthb. Mill and Stone


JOHN T. KAURE,<br />

of Cincinnati.<br />

JNO. D'HOMERG-UE & CO.<br />

a. STERLING,<br />

of Cincinnati<br />


Pure and Neutralized Aleobols, Pure Spirits, Domestic Liquors, & Rectifiers of Whisky<br />



In NEW lORK, 140 West nth St. la NEW ORLEANS, 94 Magazine St.<br />

DEN<br />

Delaplain Joseph b.h. u.s. Sth b.. Race and Elm<br />

D<br />


CO, of Philadelphia, B. Urner.agent, 16 Front<br />

Delinger John, n.s. Ham. road b. Poplar & Locust<br />

Dell Frederick, s.s. Abigail b. Main.and Sycaraore<br />

Dell Thomas, at John Bailey's<br />

Delorac James R. elk. bds. Gait House<br />

Delorac Michael T. e.s. Linn b. Clark and Hopkins<br />

Delvel Frederick, bds. John Young's<br />

Delzell Alexander, constable, Gano b. Walnut and<br />

Lodge<br />

Demand Leopold, bda. 218 Walnut<br />

Demand Mathias, 218 Walnut<br />

Demeyer John, s.s. Walnut b..l2th and 13th<br />

Demhoff Christian, n.s.. Liberty b. Sycamore and<br />

Hughes<br />

T. WrightBoii, Printer, 43 MainBlreeC<br />

DES<br />

Dennis Morton B. w,a,.Cutterb. Laurel & Hopkins<br />

Dennis Philip, w,s.£lm b. Jfiverett and Wade<br />

Dennison Edward, n.s.Catharine b. W. Kow and<br />

John<br />

Dennison Erasmus B. (D &. Son) Dennison House<br />

D<br />

ES!Sli^Oyi HOUSE, (Dennison & Son) a.<br />

s. Sth b. Main andiSycamore<br />

Dennison James J., land agent, s.s.George b. Linn<br />

and Baymiller<br />

Dennison Joshua, 221 w. Sth, h. n.s. Sth b. Cutter<br />

and Linn<br />

BEIVNBSON & SON, (William and Erasmus<br />

B. D.) Deiiiaon Honse c. Main and Sth<br />

Denniston James J. &.s,3d, b. Walnut and Vine, k.<br />

s.s. George b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

Donohan Denis, al. b..7th and Sth, aud b. Broadway<br />

Demig Philip, s.s, 2d b. Elm and Plum<br />

and Sycamore<br />

EMOCJWAXIC JOURNAt., Henry Reed­ Donovan Mrs. Margaret, al.b. Tth and Sth and h.<br />

D ier & Co. s.e.c. 3d and Sycamore<br />

Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Demoss Leander, 89 Main<br />

Densor Martin, e.s. Carr b. Tlh aud Sth<br />

DempewoU Charles, s.s. 12th b. Race and Elm Dent William N.H. w.s. Freeman a. of W, W.<br />

Dempewolf George, s.s. 12th b.Elm and Plum Canal<br />

Dempsey Edward, bds. Mrs. Jane Dempsey Denvin James s.s. Abigail b. Sycamore and Broad­<br />

Dempsey, Mrs. Jane, s.a. Harrison road, b Kiddle way<br />

and Davison<br />

Depass Jackson, bds. Pioneer House<br />

Dempsey John n.s. Front, cpp.T, P. 10 F'n. Depeu Theodore, e.s. Anderson, b. Front and W.<br />

Dempsey Mrs. S. s.s. Chesnut b. W. Row & John W. Canal<br />

Dempster John w.s. W. Kow b. 2d and Pearl Ik-pke Philip, s.s. Mulberry b. Poplar and Locust<br />

Dempster W. D. elk. bds. W. S. Merreli'a<br />

Deppa Henry, s.s. Woodward b. Broadway and<br />

Dempwolf Mrs. Rosana, e.s. Park b. Longworth Pendleton<br />

and Gth<br />

Deppa Mrs, H. s.s. Woodn'ard b. Broadway and<br />

Denehe Ferdinand, s.s. Buckeye b. Main & Locust Pendleton<br />

Dengler Francis H. s.w.c. Court and Main, h. n.s. Deppa John, w.a. Broadway b. Abigail and Wood­<br />

' Ham. road b. Locust and Poplar<br />

ward<br />

Denham Alfred, bds. Carll & Fagan's<br />

Deppa Mrs. Mary, s.s. Commerce b. Gilmore al.<br />

Denhouser Frederick, n.s. Milton b, Mansfield and and Vine<br />

Sycamore<br />

EPUV EEWIS &CO.,wh. liquor merchs.<br />

Denins Franklin, at Parvin and Johnson's D 22 Broadway<br />

Deniston Rev. Alexander, bds. 131 Sycamore Depuy William V. (Lewis D. &. Co.) bds. Franklin<br />

Denk Valentine, s.s. Jefferson b. Elra and Plum House<br />

Dankfalder John, n.s. R. R. b. T. P. 41 and 42 F'n. Deraugh Andrew, s.s. Liberty b. Race and Elm<br />

Denman Bartholemew, s.s. Bth b. Sycamore and EKBV H, W. Ac Co. (Henry W. D cfe Benj.<br />

Broadway<br />

D Homaus,) publishers and buokRellers, 145 Main<br />

Denman Edmund H. n.a. William, b. Elm and Derby Henry W. (H, W. D. & Co.) 380 w. Gth<br />

Plum, h. Richmond b. Fulton and Cutter Derger John, n.s. 3d b. Mill and Stone<br />

Denmead John, 18i e. 4th, h. w.s. Sycamore h. 4th Derhfur John, e.s. Vine b. Benton and North<br />

and Slii<br />

Derkan Kichard, n.s. Waterb. Plum and W. Kow<br />

EIVH.4_filI>, JOHN, druggist, s.e.c. 6th and Derinarte John, Front e. of Ramsey<br />

D Walnut<br />

Dernham Max, elk, 23 Main<br />

Dennel Alhed, at W. Bates'<br />

Derr Nicholas, e.s. W. Avenue a. of. W. Avenue<br />

Deuney Mis. Saran Jane, b. h. 226 w. 6th<br />

House<br />

Dennicker Jacob, e.a. Maple b. John and Linn, h. Derrkirs John D. Webster b. Main and Sycaraore, h.<br />

e.s. W. Row b. Ash and Maple<br />

s.e.c. Milton and Young<br />

Dennig Bainnig, bds. H. Colb's<br />

Deshener Jacob, n.w.c. Lytle and Front<br />

Denninger Frank, w.s. Vine b. 13th and 14th Desilver Francisco, salesman, 95 Longworth<br />

Denitia Benjamin, (Verdin, Shilletto & Co.) res. ESlEVEK JOUN F, bookseller and ata-.<br />

Reading Pike<br />

D tioner, lii2 Main, h. e.s. W. Row b. 3d and Mc­<br />

Dennis Eliza, n.s. Front, w. of Mill<br />

Farland<br />

Dennis James, n.s. Catharine b. W. Row & John Desmon Michael, n.p. Ham. road near Freeman<br />

Dennis John, e.s. Bremen b. 14th and 15th Desmond Humphrey, n.s, Sth b. Sycamore and<br />

Dennis Josepli, T2 Main<br />

Broadway<br />

Dennis J. J. atty. 3 Lees' bldgs. Court b. Main and Desraond John, w.s. W. Rowb. Tth and Sth<br />

Walnut, h. College Hill<br />

Dessaur Aaron, w.s. College b. 6th and Tth<br />

Deunis Lewir.. b.k. ?.s. Sth b. Smith and Park Dessen William, bds, A. Hospe's


HOTEIi DT7MAS,<br />


DELAWY & GALLEY, Fioprictors.<br />

DIA DIE<br />

Desser Paul, s.e.c Broadway and Abigail<br />

Dice George, bds. Peter Fogle's<br />

Detch Goorge, s.s. Laurel, b. John and Cntter, bds. Dice John, w.s. W. Avenue near White Mills<br />

n.s. 7th b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

Dich Frederick, elk. 14 w. Front<br />

Deter Adam, w.s. Walnut b. Liberty and Ham. Dich J. at A. Harkness & Sons<br />

road<br />

Dick James, s.s. Catharine b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Deter George, s.s. Front e. of Smith<br />

Dick William A. bds. at W. Jenkin's<br />

Deters Barnai-d, at Johnson, Morton & Go's. Dick W. E. at Cist's Advertiser, h. Mount Anborn<br />

Deters Frank H. s.s. lath b. Race and Elm DickbrederJohn H. w.s. Wood b. 3d and Sth<br />

EXBKS JOHN H. boots and shoes, 41 w. Dickeside & Hos. (John D. & Jacob H.) n.s. Barr<br />

D 3d, h. w.s. Racen. of 3d<br />

b. Baymiller and Freeman<br />

Detmire Barney, 15 Arch<br />

Dickerson Mrs. Abbey, n.s. Barr b. Cutter & Linn<br />

Detmeyers Isaac, cutter, at 37 Broadway<br />

Di ckey James B. e.s. Plum b. William and 9th<br />

Dettchenn Henry, 130 Main<br />

Dickinson & Co. (Darius L. & —.) 29 w. Front, h<br />

Dettchenn Henry, w.s. Elm b.Sth and Sth<br />

w.s. Plum b. Front and 2d<br />

Dettmar Joseph, n.s. Ann b. Plum and W. Row Dickinson E. S. elk. 93 Main<br />

Dettmer B at 3 Cassilly's Row<br />

Dettmer Diedrich, e.s. Tanner b. Webster and<br />

Dickinson Isaiah, w.s. John b. Elizabeth and Chesnut<br />

Liberty<br />

Dickinson John A. (J. A. & w. S. D.i 1<strong>52</strong> Lone-<br />

Dettmerring Henry, e.s. Bremen b, 15th & Liberty worth "<br />

Deuer Charles, n.w.c. Everett and Linn<br />

Dickinson J. A. & W. S. (John A. & Wiiliam S<br />

Deusch Benjamin, w.s. Elm b. Cooper and Ham. D.) 43 e. 3d<br />

road<br />

Dickinson Mrs. Ellen L. 159 Longworth<br />

Deusenk Frederick, w.s. Race b. Hth and 15th Dickinson William S. (J. A. & W. S D) 15S<br />

Devenny Mrs. Cynthia, s.s. Betts b. John & Cutter Longworth ' * '^<br />

Devenny James, s.s. New b. Broadway & Culvert Dickman Frank, n.s. 2d b. Race and Elm<br />

Devery John, n.s. Front, b. T. P. 9 and 10 F'n<br />

Devery Keren, n.s. Front b. T. P. 9 and 10 F'n.<br />

Dickman Henry, s s. Poplar b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Devin William D. (Pearson & D.) 34 Walnut<br />

Dickman Henry, bds. H. Dunhalter's<br />

Devine Edward, s.e.c. Smith and 2d<br />

Dickman Joseph, s.s .Woodward b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Devine Frederick, s.s. George b. W, Row & John<br />

Devlin John, n.s. 2d b. Kose and Park<br />

Dickman Martin, s.s. 3db. Walnut and Vine<br />

Devore Mrs. M. w.s. Elm b. North and Findley Dickman William, w.s. Pleasant b Green and<br />

Devon Samuel, 324 w. 7th<br />

Findley<br />

Dickmeier H. P. s.s. Jefferson b. Elm and Plnm<br />

BVOr WHJCIAM P., silk aud millinery Dick-s David, s.s. Front b. Race and Elm, h. s.s.<br />

D goods, 50 Pearl, h. 324 w. Tth<br />

Front b. John and Smith<br />

Devue Francis, e.s. Bremen b. 13th and Hth<br />

Dewald C. at A. Harkness & Sons<br />

Dicks Jacob, s.s. Frontb. Race and Elm<br />

Dewald Jacob, n.s. Mulberry b. Main and ,Locust Dieks Mrs S. C. s.s. Woodward e. ot Sycamore<br />

Dewein Conrad, s.s. Catharine b. W. Row& John Dickson Mrs. C. 144 w. 6th<br />

Dewein Christian, 19e, 3d<br />

Dickson James, lab. s.s. Melancthon b. W.Row<br />

Dewein J. & Brother. (Jacob & John N.D.) s.w.c. and John<br />

Front and Parsons<br />

Dicltson James M. (D., Taylor & Biggs) 1 Taylor's<br />

Dewein Jacob, (J. D. & Brother) s.w.c. Front and Terrace c. 3d and Vine<br />

Parsons<br />

Dickson James, bds. at Samuel Walden's<br />

Dewein John N. (J. D, & Brother) s.w.c. Front Dickson John, 25 George<br />

and Parsons<br />

Dewein James, s.s. Catharine b. John and Fulton Dickson John, elk, at P. Neff& Son's, h. e s Plam<br />

Dewire John, bds. J. Wall work<br />

b. 3d and 4th<br />

Dewitt George H. n.s, Abigail b. Sycamore and Diclcson Joshua O. (D. & LeBetter) res. Walnnt<br />

Broadway<br />

T)'*;H**»N&tE BETTER, (Joshua G.<br />

Dewitt George V. 116 e. 4th<br />

U D. & Daniel Le B.) china, glass and Queens-<br />

Dewran James, s.s. Williamb.Elm and Plum ware, 217 Main<br />

Dewyar Patrick, s.s. Catharine b. John & Smith Dickson Richardson, s.s. George b. John andSmith<br />

EXTEKEDMUPUn, imp. foreign liquors Dickson hamuel, bds. John Dickson's<br />

D and rectifier of whiskey, 49 and 51 Sycamore ICKSON, TAYLOK & BIGGS. Barnes<br />

11.128 Broadway<br />

D M. D., R. l&iles W. T. & Thomj; E 'B ) wh<br />

Dexter Harrison, elk. bds. Mrs. M. M Riggs<br />

grocers and com. mers. 26 Main *<br />

Dexter H. W. bds. Mrs. M. M. Riggs<br />

Dickson Wm. B. elk. 144 w. Gth<br />

De Young Michael, 138 w. .5th<br />

Diclison William B. w.s. Plum b. Perry and Sth,<br />

De Young Moses, elk. 23 Broadway, h. n.s. Com­ h. s.s. Mound b. 6th and George<br />

merce b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Dickson W. M. Commercial building<br />

Diamond John, lab. a.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />

Die Anthony at A. Harkness & Sons-<br />

Diamond Jobn F. w.s. W, Row b. 3d and 4th<br />

Diebold Charles, at Urbau's safe factory, h. a.s 3d 1)<br />

SUmond ThomaB, w.s. W. BOTT b. 3d and 4tli John and Smith<br />

Dieffenbaugh OharleB, e.s.Sycamore s.of Woodward




West side Sycamore, between 7th and Sth.<br />

Keep constantly on hand all hinds of<br />

Spices and Mustard, Fresh Ground and warranted Pure.<br />


DIK<br />

Dieffenhrook George, n.s. Hunt b. Spring and Pendleton<br />

Dieck Henry, s.s. Schiller b. Main and Hughes<br />

Dieck & Fahlbush (Lewis D. & Charles F.) cigars,<br />

180 Walnut<br />

Dieck Le-wls (D. & Fahlbush)<br />

Dieckhous Bernard, e.s. Broadway b. Hunt and<br />

Abigail<br />

•Dieckhaus Clemens H. s.s. Buckeye, b. Vine and<br />

Poplar<br />

Dieckhaus Fritz, n.e.c. Sycamore and Woodward<br />

Dieckhause Henry, n.e.c. Poplar and Buckeye<br />

Dieckhaut Frederick, n.s. Hunt b. Sycamore and<br />

Broadway<br />

Dieckman William, elk. 8 L Market<br />

Dieckman Charles, n.s. Fountain<br />

Dieckman Frank, s.s. Abigail b. Sycamore and<br />

Broadway<br />

Dieckman Francis H. s.w.c. Pendleton and Woodward<br />

Dieckmann Henry, e.s. W. Row b. Ann & Mason<br />

Bieckmann Henry, al. s. of Abigail b. Sycamore<br />

and Broadway<br />

•Dieckmann William, s.s, Abigail b. Sycamore and<br />

and Broadway<br />

Diehl Adara G. salesman, 37 Main<br />

Dielil Charles, salesman, :17 Main<br />

Diehl Jacob, e.s. Walnut b. 12th and 13th, h..w.s.<br />

Walnut b. 13th and Mercer<br />

Diehl Jacob, e.s. Freeman near 6th<br />

Diehl Jacob, s.s. Peet b. Eden and Locust<br />

Diehl Han-ison P. Pyro Garden, Mt. Adams, h. 8th<br />

e, of Lock<br />

DiekmannBernard, s.s. Abigail b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Diekmann & Kckert, (G. D. and Michael E.) 349<br />

Main<br />

Diekmann G. (D. & Eckert) 349 Main<br />

Diekman & Stains, w.a. Walnut b. Green and<br />

North<br />

Die! Adam, s.s. Gteen b. Race and Bremen<br />

Diem Jacob, w.s. Sycamore b. Abigail and Woodward<br />

Dier Thomas, s.s. Commerce b. vine and Race<br />

Dierkers & Kiemeier, (T. D. d. & D. E.) s.w.c.<br />

Webster and Franklin<br />

Dierkers T. D. (D. & Kiemeier) s.w.c. Young and<br />

Milton<br />

Dietmaun Jacob, n.e.c Vine and North<br />

Dietrich Matthias, (Gross & D ) e.s. W. Row b.<br />

Ash and Poplar<br />

Dietrich Robert, e.s. Broadway b. Hunt & Abigail<br />

Dietrick J. W. s.s. Clinton b. Cutter and Lmn<br />

Dietterick Michael, at M. Schwab's<br />

Diettermier Frederick, e.s Spring s. of Woodward<br />

Dietz F. W. w.s. Vine b. 14th and 1.5th<br />

Dietz Henry, e.s. Hupihcs b. Liberty and Schiller<br />

Dietzer Henry, w.s. Ham. road b. Poplar & Locust<br />

Diggins John W. at 130 Sycamore<br />

Dignau Patrick, n.s. Gth b. Harriet and Horn<br />

Dignan Patrick, e.s. M'Allister b. 4th and Sth<br />

Digner Miss Ann, miUiner, 168 w. Sth '<br />

Dikbrader Herman H. n.s. Abigailb, Sycamore and<br />

Broadway<br />

T WrighlsoD, Printer, 43 Main,<br />

DOB<br />

Dill B. M. & Co. (Benjamin M. D. & Edwin A.<br />

Mathews) 40 w. 3d<br />

Dill Benjamin M. (B. M. D. & Co.)<br />

Dillan Peter, s.s. Front b. T.P. 31 and 32 F'n<br />

Ditle Lucinda,e.s. Raceb. 2d and Front<br />

Diller Louis, w.e. Hughes b. Schiller & Burgoyne<br />

Dillon George, at J. Litherbury's<br />

Dillon George W. n.s. Higb h. Lytleand Collard<br />

Dillingham John, discount elk. Lafayette Bank, h.<br />

n.B. 7th b. Mound and Cutter<br />

Dillman Henry, Elmb. Cooper and Ham. road<br />

Dilts Louis, currier, n.s.Tth b. Main and Sycamore<br />

D<br />

imUMOCK CHALRES W. boot & sho6<br />

manut. s.w c. W. Row and 7th, h.s.s. Longwonh<br />

b. Mound and Park<br />

Dingelbiler John, junction Vine and Buckeye<br />

Dinger Joseph, e.s. Bremen b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Dinger August, junction Vine and Buckeye<br />

Dinkfelter John, atC Welch's<br />

Dinkleman Handy, w.s. Kossuth<br />

Dinnegan John, n.s. Kemble b. Linn & BayTOillar<br />

Diiis^y Martin, n.w.c- Kemble and Carr<br />

Dinsraore Mrs. Eleanor, s.s. Barr b. Cut*,er & Linn<br />

Dipka Frederick, s.s. Buckeyeb Locust & Eden<br />

Dirkann Frederick, e.s. Bremen b. 15th & Liberty<br />

Dirr Peter, n.w.c. Dudley and Libexty<br />

Disereins Mrs. Mary, 98 w. Sth<br />

D<br />


Restaurat, s.s. Sth b. Main and Walnut<br />

Diserens Henry, bar keeper, h. 98 w. Sth<br />

Disharoon J. F. bar keeper atEmpire House<br />

Dianey David.T. 19 w.. 9th<br />

Disney Mrs. 170 Sycamore<br />

Disney Truman B. elk, in City Clerk's Ofl[ice,h. 176<br />

Sycamore<br />

Distler Johu, n.s. Ham, road b. Main and Locust<br />

Ditman Charles, s.s. Front b. Plum and W, Row<br />

Ditschler J. D. w.s. Langdon's al. b. 7th and Sth<br />

Dittmer C. w.e. Kim b. t'ooper and Ham. road<br />

Duchscher Jicrre,s.s. Everett b. Locust & Freeman<br />

Duchpcher Nicholas, bds. Jierre Duchscher<br />

Divine Oweu, s.s. Accomodation b. 8fch and State<br />

Diviny Leonard, w.s. Race b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Dixon George, (0. & Shoemaker) e.s. Sycamore b.<br />

Webster and Franklin<br />

Dixon George M. elk. J. D. Doughty's, bda. Dennison<br />

House<br />

Dixon Hamilton, w.s. Cutter b. Laurel and Hopkins<br />

Dixon James, s.s. Clinton b. Locust and Freeman<br />

Dixon James M, 1 Taylor's Terrace, c. 3d & Vine<br />

Dixon Robert W.K. 38 e. 3d, bds. Burnet House<br />

D<br />

IXOIV, Sa^OEffJAKER *: CO, (George<br />

D., Edward S. and Jacob S. Darst) steam coffee<br />

and spice mill, w s. Rycamc>eb. 7th and Sth<br />

DOAKE SAItlUEE, dry goods, 37 L. Market<br />

b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Doan Cojurtland, at B. Hazen's<br />

Doan Daniel B. R. at B. Hazen's<br />

Doan Josiah S. s.s. Sth b. Park and Mill<br />

Doayl Michael, s.s. Front b. Race and Elm<br />

OBBEI^IIVQ JOHN F. stone yard, s.e.<br />

D Court b. Vine and Race, h.e.s. Freeman b. Liberty<br />

and Poplar .




COAL TARD,<br />



This old establislied Yard still continues to keep the ahove kinds of Coal, of the best quality;<br />

which will be sold, as low as at any Yard in the city. ALSO—Constantly on hand, and for sale.<br />

CU Will UC 3U1U.. uo 1I./TT V..J iM. W..J -...•iu^ •«« hk. V wAvj. ^A.Ajv\j \j\jiii:ji^iAHl'XJ XJtl liaiiu, ciuu. lui<br />

^ ^ T . & M . B O D S W O K T H<br />

•V?rightsou7f rintef", 43 MafiT<br />

DOL DON<br />

Dobell Edwin, n.s. L. Market b. Sycamore & Broad­ Dolan J. at Hugh Glasgow's, h.n.s. 3d b. Mill and<br />

way<br />

Stone<br />

Dobell & Hughes, (Edwin D. & John H.) s.w.c. Dolan Jobn, n.s. 4th b. .Smith and Park<br />

Smith a-nd Augusta<br />

Dolan Michael, at T.Bradford & Co's<br />

Dobell W. T. n.s. Sth b. Plum and W. Row Dolan Patiick, blk. smith, s.w.c. Bank and Linn<br />

Doberrer.Michael, e.s. Vine b. Liberty and Allison Dolbow Elizabeth, s.s. Fiont b.T.P. 32 and 33 F'n.<br />

Doble Richard, (Buttars & D.) n.s. Front b..T.P. Dole Joshua, w.s. Elm b. Court and Canal<br />

18 and 13 F'n<br />

Dolen John, w.s. McAllister b. 4th and Sth<br />

Dobmeyer John, e.s. Linn b. Laurel and Betts Dolen Peter, Burnet House<br />

Dockweiler Philip, n,s. FriendSi^ip al. b. Pike and Dolheim Jacob, n.s. Clinton b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Butler<br />

Dolkar George, n.s. Ham. road b. Main &-Locust<br />

Dodd Edward.S. salesman 17 Pearl<br />

Doll Francis, w.s. Vine b. Canal and 12th<br />

Dodd Edwin D. atty. 14 e.2d, bds. 34 Centre Doll George M. 38 L..Market.<br />

Dodd George C.hatier, 77 Main<br />

Doll John, w.s. Vineb. Elder and Ham.road<br />

Dodd George S.(Wm.I». & Co.) e.s. Elm b. 4th Doll Louis, e.s. Walnut b. 13th aud Allison<br />

aad 5th<br />

Doll M. n.e.c. Clay and 13th<br />

Dodd,John M. n.s.R.R.b.T.P. 18 and 19 F'n Doll Samuel, e.s. Walnut b. 13th and Allison<br />

Dodd Mrs. Mary, s.s. 4th b. Stone and Wood Doll Samuel, e.s. Walnut b. 12th and 1.3th<br />

Dodd WilUiam, (W. D. & Co.) e.s. Elm b. 4tb &5th Doll William, at R. Clayton's, bds. .Union Hall<br />

ODD WM. & CO. (Williamand George S.<br />

DoUard Nicholas, bds. M. O'Brien<br />

D D.) hats, caps, furs, &c 144 Main<br />

Dolly J. W. bds. V..W. Rose's<br />

Dodds W. B. 250 Main<br />

DoUmann Frederick, Jefferson b. Elm and Plum<br />

ODGE I!SRAELi S. al. physician, 145Race<br />

DoUman G. n.s. Observatory road Mt. Adams<br />

D b. 3d and 4tb<br />

Dolph Moses, s.w.c. Baker and Waluut, h. Walnut<br />

Dodge, bds. Mrs. D. Sprague 147 Race<br />

Hills<br />

Dodson Edward, 253 Walnut<br />

Dolsen John, at J. V. Brown's<br />

Dodson Wm. B. n.s. 3d b. Mill and Stone<br />

Dolsen Susan, n.s..Richmond b. W.Row & John<br />

Dodson William B. 36 w. Gth<br />

Dolton James P.b.k. Henrie House<br />

Dodsworth Marmaduke, (T. & M D.) bds. 64 Pike Dom John, s.s. Ann b. Plum aud W. Row<br />

Dodsworth Martin, n.s. Laurel b. John & Cutter Domaer Henry, s.s. 2d b. Elm and Plum<br />

Dodsworth Thomas. (T. & M. D.) 64 Pilie<br />

Domhoir William, Sycamore b. Liberty & Schiller<br />

ODSWORTH T. Sc M. (Thomas & Mar­ Domimck George, 25 Water, bds. Burnet House<br />

D maduke D.) Youghiogheoy coal yard, s.e.c. Dominick William H. 25 Water, h.s.s. 7th b Wal­<br />

Lawrence and Fron.t, & c. Liberty & M. Canal nut and Vine<br />

Dodsworth William, elk. bds. H. Lewis<br />

Domyre Frederick, e.s. Linn b. Everett & David<br />

Dodt Bernard H. n.e.c. Spring and Lebanon Pike,. Donahower L. at A. Harkness & Son<br />

h.e.s. Spring b. Hunt and Abigail<br />

Donahue Florence, s.s. 6th b. Harriet and Horn<br />

Dodt Clemens, e.s. Spring b. Hunt and Abigail Donahue Peler. bds. Joseph T. Divitt's<br />

Dodt Heni'y, w.s. Main b. 13th and Allison<br />

Donaldson Andrew, ;l e. Front ^<br />

Dodwell John C. e.s. Walnut b. Pearl and 3d<br />

Donaldson Christian, w.s. Lebanon Pike near Cor­<br />

Doebler Henry, n.s. Kemble b. Linn & Baymiller<br />

poration Line<br />

Docll Andrew, w.s. Vine b. Green and Elder<br />

Donaldson Christian, bds. N. Guilford's<br />

OELLiER AUGUST, calico manuf. and Donaldson Elijah, n.s. Poail b. Elm and Plum<br />

D dyer, e.s. Bremen b. Hth and 15th<br />

Donaldson J. at A. Harkutss & Son's<br />

Doen Alexander, s.s. Front b. VV. Row & John Donaldson William, w.s. Lebanon Pike, near Cor­<br />

Doer A. K. 63 w. 7th<br />

poration Line<br />

Doerer George W. w.s. W. Row s. of 6th<br />

Donally John, s.s. 2d b. Rose aad Park<br />

Doerler John, n.w.c. 7th and Broadway<br />

Donally Michael, w.s. Butler b. Kyuimes iConeresE<br />

Doffner V. n.s. Allison b. Main aud Clay<br />

Donally John, 2.i3 w. Oth<br />

Doberty Barnard, Smith's Court<br />

Doherty Edward, n.s. Morton e. of Kilgour<br />

Donelly Charles, Phoebe b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Dohcrty Pirse, n.s. 9th b. Elm and Plum<br />

Donelson James, n.s. Front b. Lytle and Collard<br />

Doherty Thomas D. s.s. 7th b. Main & Sycamore Doner V. bds. D. W. M'Nulty<br />

Dohlweaver Herman, s.e.c. Hughes andSchiller Uonleam Michael, s.s. 7th b. Baymiller and Freeman<br />

Dohlweick Henry, s.s. Buckeye b. Locust & Poplar Donly Patrick, n.s. water b. Race and Elm<br />

Dohme Louis, s,s. 12th b. Elm and Plum<br />

Donn Kurney, Phoebe b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Dobmess Wm. al. s. of Buckeye b. Main & Locust Donn Charles, w.s. Race b. M. Canal and 12lh<br />

Dokes Jacob, 202 w. 3d<br />

Donnell John, at Powell's Foundry<br />

Dolan Mrs. Catharine, s.s. 2d b. Rose and Park<br />

Donnelly Edward, elk. n.s. 6th b. Sycamore aud<br />

Dolan Edward, at G. A. McCoy's, bds. w.s. Mill b<br />

Broadway<br />

3d aud 4th<br />

Donnelly James, n.s. ?d b. Smith and Park<br />

Dolan James, bds. Mrs. Jane Dempscy's<br />

Donelly Joseph, n.s.Yeatman b.Sycamore& Broad'v<br />

Dolan James, at Filley & Chapin's, hds. 3d b. Mill Donelly Peter, w.s.Ham. road b. Walnut and Liberti<br />

and Stone<br />

Donnelly Edward, s.s. Catharine b. W. How and<br />




And Commissioner for New York, Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky.<br />

J. VVrifjhlaon, i'nnler, Cuiciunali.<br />

DOS DO\Y<br />

Donnerider e.s. Walnut b. 13th and Allison<br />

BonoghO. H. al. phys, 113 w. 6th<br />

Bonohoe John, 87 Court<br />

Donohue tJharles, s.s. Front b. Race and Elm<br />

Donoliue Daniel, w.s. Race b. Cherry and 2d<br />

Donohue John W. 4S w. Sth<br />

Bonohue Terry, e.s. Plum b. Water and Front<br />

Donovan Mrs. Catharine, n.s. Sth b. Sycamore and<br />

Broadway<br />

Donovan Patrick, bds. Patrick Fuller<br />

Doolan Edward, bds. e.s.John b.Clinton & Everett<br />

Doolan John, bds. e.s. Jobn b. Clinton and Everett<br />

Doolan Michael, w.s. W. Row op. Mohawk brdg.,<br />

h.n.s. Catharine b. W. Row and John<br />

Dooley John, w.s. Cutter b..Laurel and Betts<br />

Dooley Matthew, bds. George Bradley<br />

Dooloy Patrick, n.w.c. Spring and Hunt<br />

Doolittle Charles, n.s. Barr b. Mound and Cutter<br />

Doolittle Amos H. b.k. w.s. John b. Chesnut and<br />

Clark<br />

Doolittle and Chamberlain, (Henry D. & Selah C.)<br />

n.e.c. 4th and Vine<br />

Doolittle Henry (D. & Chamberlain) bds. Buinet<br />

House<br />

Bopke Frederick, n.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

Doplar Mrs. Elizabeth, s.s. Mulberry b. Locust &<br />

Eden<br />

Boppler Andrew, w.s. W. Row near Bank<br />

Dorau Charles, w.s. Mill s. of Canal<br />

Doran John, n.s. Front b. Wood and Mill.<br />

Doran John, n.s. Richmond b. John and Fultou<br />

Doraugherly Luke, n.e.c. 3d and W. Row<br />

Dorbheck Herman H. s.s. 2d b. John and Smith<br />

Doregan Patrick, s.w.c. W. W. Canal and Home<br />

Dorgan Stephen, s.s. 2d b. Rose and Park<br />

Dorfeuille Mrs. James, s.s. Longworth b. W. Row<br />

and John<br />

Dorham Thomas, s.e.c. Pearl and Elm<br />

Dorina John H. n.s. Ham. road b. Vine and Race<br />

Dorman Henry, w.s. Bremen b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Dorman Henry, c. Race and Landing<br />

Dorman John C. w.s. Jackson b. 12th and 13th<br />

Dorman William G. s.e.c. ]2th and Jackson, h.e.s.<br />

Jackson b. 12th and 13th<br />

Dome Christian, s.s. Front c. of Depot<br />

'Dorneeiter H. w.s. Main b. Canal and 12th<br />

Dorr & Arnold, (A. Ii. D. & F. E. Arnold) variety<br />

• 8t;ore,S5 vf. 6th<br />

Dorr A. K. (D. & Arnold) 7tb b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Dorr Michael, (D. Thompson & Co.) s. s. Betts b.<br />

Dosch Daniel, n.s. 12th b. Elm and Plum<br />

Doss Martin, n.e. Front b. T.P. 3 and 4 F'n<br />

Dota William, n.s. Cherry b. Race and Elm<br />

Dotch Christian, e. s.. Dunlap b. Cooper and Ham.<br />

Dottman John, al. b. Woodward and Franklin<br />

Doty Albert, b.k. bds. F.A. Bemis '""""n<br />

Doty William, elk., bds. S. Douglass<br />

Doubt Jacob, w.s. Walnut b. Allison and Liberty<br />

Droud James, lab. n.s. 7th b. John and Mound<br />

Dougherty Charles, e.s. Ludlow b. 3d and ConCTeaa<br />

nOUOMERTY .IXaiES, com. mer fw<br />

V Front b. Main and Walnut<br />

Dougherty John, at Louisiana House<br />

Dougherty John, s.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

Dougherty Lansing, 20 e. 4th<br />

Dougherty Michael, n.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

Dougherty Patrick, n.s. Watei b. Race and Elm<br />

Dougherty Peter, n.s. Water b. Race and Elm<br />

Dougherty Robert B. elk. s. e. c. Main and L Market,<br />

res. Covington<br />

Dougherty Samuel, s.s. Clinton b. Linn and Locust<br />

Dougherty Terence, s.s. 3d b Smith and Park<br />

Dougherty William, n. s. Webster b. Sycamore &<br />

Broadway<br />

Dougherty William, e.s. North b. 6th and Tth<br />

Dougherty William, s. s. Hopkins b. Cutter and<br />

Linn<br />

Doughty George, c. 4th and Vine<br />

Doughty George E. b.k. 29 L. Market<br />

D<br />

OCJGHTlf .IOHl\ D. wh. druggist, n<br />

Main and Slh, h.n.e.c. Vine and Commerce<br />

Douglas Alonzo, b.k. Lafayette Bank, h. 67 w 7th<br />

Douglas Mrs. M. n.s. Front b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Douglas Myers, n.s. Mason w. of Auburn<br />

D<br />

OUGLAS PETER, atty and collector, w.<br />

s. Broadway b. L. Market and 3d<br />

Douglas Ralph, n.s. Front b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Douglas Samuel, s. s. Everett b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Douglass H. elk. 19 w. 4th bds. Mrs. Beman<br />

Douglass Howard, bds. n.w.c. 4lh and W Row<br />

D<br />

OtJGI^ANS .lOHBf «. atty. at law. n. e c<br />

4th and Walnut, bds. n.e.c Vine and Baker<br />

Douglass Mrs. 271 Walnut<br />

Douglass Sarah M. 67 w. Tth<br />

Douglass William, s.e.c. Plum and Sth<br />

Dovenick Joseph-, s. s. Greeu b. Race and Breme»<br />

Dovey Richard, s.w.c Ham. road and Freehiail<br />

Dow Mrs. Mary Ann, s.s. Sthb. Smith and Park<br />

Dowd John, n.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />

Cutter and Linn<br />

Dowd Patrick w.s. Elm e. of North<br />

ORR, VHOmFSON & Co. (Michael D., Dowell Mrs. Nancy, al. b. Sycamore & Broadway<br />

D Daniel L. T. & John Magne.-




AND<br />


Brcmesi Street,<br />

East side, between 14th and 15th sta,<br />

DRE<br />



££d .^:^ IS IS;) (Si U.Z^,,<br />


33 Water Street,<br />

Between Main *nd Walnut streets,<br />

(@[IKl(§lllf3KlA'irO=<br />

N. B. Cash paid for Nos. 1 & 2 Lard, Grease<br />

Mutton and Beef Tallow.<br />

DUB<br />

Downey William, Park b. W, W. Canal andScl Dresbach Mrs. Mary, 146 Longworth<br />

Downhjwcr Geurge, bds. Jobn Downhower Dresher Casper, n.s. Melancthon b, John andLian<br />

Downhower John, b. Walnut and Vine Dresher Charles, 21 w. Gth<br />

Downa John. s.s. Water b. Vine and Race Dreshey Mrs. Mary. ^w.s. Race b. 14th and 15th<br />

Downsing J. W. Eagle Hotel<br />

Dressel Frederick, cUy police, w.s. Walnut b." 13th<br />

Downslagle KichohLS, n.w.c. Sassafras and Ash and Allison<br />

Doyle Mrs. B. e. s. W. Row b. Longworth aud 6th Dressel Henry, w.s. Piatt b. Bank and Ham. road<br />

Doyle Mrs. Catharine, w.s. W. Row b. 4th and Sth Dressel John, w.s. Walnut b. 13th and Alliaon<br />

Doyle Christian, at Hinkle &. Guild's, h, s. s. 2d b. Dressel William, w.s. Walnut b. ]3th and Allison<br />

Park and Mill<br />

Drester Peter, w.s. Bremen b. Green and Elder<br />

Doyle Kdward, at K. B. Bowler's<br />

Drew John A. s.s. Hopkins b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Doyle Edward, n.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

Drew. Miss Mary, bds. Mrs. T. Danes,<br />

Doyle Eliza, w.s. Dolsen'd Kow h. Richmond and Drey C. n,s. Frout b. Race and Elm<br />

Catharine<br />

Dreyer Henry, (Fiathman & D ) 59 Court<br />

Doyles Elizabeth, 168 w. Sth<br />

Dieyer John, s.s. Milton b, Wilson and Broadway<br />

Doyle Henry, s.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />

Dryfoos Samuel, (Pappenheimer & D.) 71 Center<br />

Doyle Hugli, Lodge b. Gano and Tth<br />

Driden Giles G. w.s. Dudley b. Liherty and Poplar<br />

Doyle James, w.s. Kilgour b. Congress & Symmes Drileng Joseph, e.s. W. Row b. 9th anrt Court<br />

Doyle James, e.s. Jackson b. Canal and 12th Driscoll, Rev. Charles, St. Xavier's College<br />

Doyle Joseph, at H. F. Gryden & Co's, bds. Fire­ DriscoU Michael, trimmer, at Samuel Barnes, bds.<br />

man's Hall<br />

s,s. Sth b. Walnut aud Viue<br />

Doyle J. P. e.s. John b. Betts and Laurel<br />

DriscoU Mrs. widow of Michael, e.s. W. Kow<br />

Doyle Mary, s.s. Water b. Vine and Race<br />

b. Anu and Mason<br />

Doyle Michael, s.s. 14th b. Bremen and Race Driver J ames S. salesman, bds. R. B. Cowles<br />

Doyle Patrick, at A. Harkncsfi; & Son's<br />

Droan Patrick, s.s. Congress b. Lawrence & Pike<br />

OS'XiE SAinilEi., Miami Canal Packet Droge Ignatius, bds. Charles Rennels<br />

D Line office, s.w.c. Main and Cana], h n.s. 9th b. Droge John F. n.s. Clinton b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Main and Walnut<br />

Drompfe Leonard, s.s. W.W. Canal w.of John<br />

Doyle Samuel, Doyle House, s.s. Canal b. Main & Drollman August, e.s. Bremen b. Liberty & Green<br />

Walnut<br />

Droppelman Richard, s.s. Plum b. Ann and Mason<br />

Drach Louis, Bellevue, n.w.c. Sycamore and Dor­ Droste Herman, n.s. 2d b. Vine and Race<br />

sey<br />

Droste John D. at Droste & Schwegnian's, b.Rrovi-<br />

Draffer Peter, at Filley & Chapin's, bds. Covington dence b. Everett and Wade<br />

Drake Coonrad. w.s. Barr h. Cutter and Linn Droste J. H. lab. s.s. Grant b. 12th and Hth<br />

Drake Mrs. D. n.s. 7Ui b. Baymiller and Freeman Uroste John H. w.s. "Race b. Cherry and Front'<br />

Drake Daniel, al. phys. 150 w. 4th bds. Mrs. Camp­ Droste & Schwegmafi, (John F. D. & Bernard S.^<br />

bell's<br />

-nlCAKS EDWARD G-, family grocer, n.<br />

n.s. Yeatman b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

1/ w.c. 5th and Race<br />

Drum Mrs. Catharine, s.s. Tth b. Broadway & Sy-,<br />

camore<br />

Drake Francis, trimmer, s.w.c. Sycamore and Gth RCJM THOOTAS, W.W. Canal Brewory,n.<br />

Drake Francis K. n.s. K.R. b. T.P. 2d and 39 F'n w.c. Smith and 2d, h.s.s. W. W. Canal w. of<br />

Drake John B. elk. Burnet House<br />

Smith<br />

Drake William, Frontb. T.P. ;i8 aud 119F'n<br />

Dramahan Mrs. Mary, s.s. M.iple b. W. Row and<br />

Drummond Richard S. n.e.c. Woodward&: Broadway<br />

Li tin<br />

Drummond William S. at R. S. Drummond's,n.s.<br />

Dransiield Henry, s.s. George b. Smith and Mound Liberty w. of Price<br />

KAPEAl JOSEPH, jewelry, silver ware, Druker C. n.a. Front near T.P. 1 F'n<br />

D watches, &c. 16 w. 4th<br />

Drush John, e.s. Western Avenue s. of W. Avenuo<br />

Drear Maitin, w.s, Kace b. Liberty and Green<br />

Dreager Louis, Mohawk Exchange, e.s. Hani, road House<br />

b, Poplar aud Vine<br />

Dryden G. G. (Chambers & D.) w.s. Dudley s. of<br />

Drefmier Henry, e.s. Hughes b. Schiller and i3iir- Poplar<br />

goyne<br />

Dryer .lames, s.w.c. Pike and Sy Dimes<br />

Dreher Albert, e.s. Butler b. Front and Congress Dryer Mrs. S. 107 Longworth<br />

Drehgle Diedrich, w.s. Tanner b. Liberty & Web­ .Dryer William, e.s. Race b. 15th aud Liberty<br />

ster<br />

Dryfies Wolf. s.s. 15th b. Race and Elm<br />

Drehver Ludwig, at Schwab's, n.w.c. Schiller and mSOIS JTOHN, flour store, s.e.c. Walnot &<br />

Hughes<br />

D Canal, h. s.s. Sth b. Cutter and Mound<br />

Dreia Henry, 50 McFarland<br />

DUBOIS PETER, billiard tiihlemaniif. e.s.<br />

Dreifus Mrs. C. milliner, 2C2 w. Sth<br />

Culvert b.Gth and7th,musical inst. 174 Broad'y<br />

Dreigaiaa Tliomas, B.S. Buckeye b. Locust & Poplar Dubois Samuel, manager in House of Coirection,<br />

Drehusbein Julius, e.s. Peet b. Locust and Poplar h.c. John and David<br />

Drennon John, n.s Laurel b. John and Cutter Dubois Samuel C. s.s. David h. VP. Row and Joha<br />

DienuoaPearce,e,B.Vine b. Ham. road & Buckeye Dubois William, Indiana and Ohio RpaaOf B.S. 5tta<br />

b. Race and Elm


OUHME & CO,<br />



AHD<br />


" ^<br />

Constantly on hand an extensive assortment of Gold and. Silver Lever and Verge Watches ;«<br />

Ipine Gold and Gilt Je-welry : Gold, Silver, and Common Spectacles; Gold and Silver Pencils ;<br />

Spectacle Glasses, Percussion Caps, Revolving Pistols, Uazors, Knives, Scissors, Dentists' Files,<br />

iToys, &c.,


W. C. DUNCAN,<br />


156 1¥EST 8IXTe STREET<br />

Particniar attention paid to tlic Insertion of Artificial Teetb-.<br />

DUP EAG<br />

Dunlap James, (J. D. & Co.) w.s. Freeman opp. Dupes Christian, n.s. Allison b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Clinton<br />

Dupke Diedrick, e.s. Main b. Burgbyne & SchiUet<br />

U1VI.AP JAMES Sc CO. lumber yarde.s. Dupler Christian, w.s. SaaafVas n. of Ash<br />

D Vine b. ISth and Liberty<br />

Dupretz John A. n a. Earn, road b. Walnut and<br />

Dunlap Patrick, lab. s.s. 2d w. of Rose<br />

Liberty<br />

Dunlap Robert A. elk. at Pullan, Hatfield and Durant Mrs. Martha, widow of John, w.s. CUy b.<br />

Brown's<br />

12th and 13th<br />

Dunlap Tbomas, s.s. George b. John and Smith Durfield Jobn, e.s. Walnut b. Allison and Liberty<br />

Dunlap William, at John Purser's, res. Newport Durkln John, w.s. Race b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Dunlap William, s.s. Congress b. Lawrence & Pike Durr George, e.s. Bremen b. 15th & Liberty<br />

Dunlap William J. b.k. at Pullan, Hatfield and Durrell F. Canal b. Vine and Race<br />

Brown's, h.w.s. John b. 4th and Slh<br />

Durrell John, s.s. Slh b. W. Row and John<br />

Dunlai7 Thomas, e.s. W. Row b. Dayton & Maple Durrell Joseph, w.s. John b. Belts & Clinton<br />

Dunlevy Anna, n.w.c. Water and Race<br />

Durst John, s.s W. Row b. Linn and Piatt, h.a.a.<br />

UWI.EVY, DELANO & CO. (Francis Bank b. Piatt and Freeman<br />

D Dunlevy, Columbus Delano, Elias, Fassett and Durstocfc Henry, s.s. Front e. of Smith<br />

Mathias Corwin) banking and exchange office. Dury Charles W. 129 Main,bds. Franklin House<br />

34 w. ad<br />

Dury Francis W. w.s. W. Kow n. of Gth, res. Wal­<br />

Dunlevy William D. elk. 251 w. Gth<br />

nut hills<br />

Dunlop Robert, s.s. Chesnut b. W. Row and John Dury James, e.s. Freeman b. Van Horn & Sth<br />

DunmierMrs. Catharine, n.e.c. Buckeye & Locust Uusang Joseph, elk. Burnet, Shoup & Co. bda 159<br />

Dunn Alexander, s.s. Front b. Vine and Race w. Sth<br />

Dunn Andrew, at Commercial office,bds. e.s. Plum Duszmar Henry, e.s. Broadway b. Hurft & Abigail<br />

b. Sth and Longworth<br />

Dutch Mary, widow of George, n.s. Sth b. Main &<br />

Dunn Barney, s.e.c. Plum and Pearl<br />

Sycamore<br />

Dunn Bernard, n.s. Friendship al.b. Pike & Butler Dutman Casper, e.s. Broadway b. Hunt & Abigail<br />

Dunn Edward, s.s. 3d b. John and W. Row Dutmann William, (Gellenbeck & D.) n.s. Court<br />

Dunn Frederick, at John Bailey's<br />

e. of Broadway<br />

Dunn James, s.s. Clinton b. John and Cutter Duttgenhorst Jerry, e.s. Peet b. Locust & Poplar<br />

Dunn James, n.w.c. W. Row and Hopkins<br />

Dunn Joseph, waiter Burnet House, h.s.s. Sth b.<br />

UTTON AARON R. atty. at law, 13 law<br />

B bldgs. op. Henrie House<br />

Mill and Stone<br />

Duval Florence, w.s. Jackson b. 12th and 13th<br />

Dunn Joseph, 10 w. Sth<br />

Duval Joseph M. elk. IGOMain<br />

Dunn & Liddy, (Michael D. & Thomaa L.) 69 Syc­ Duval Otho, n.s. Water b. Plum & W. Row<br />

amore<br />

Duval William, w.s. Jackson b. 12th and 13th<br />

Dunn Magdalena, s.s. Fronts, of Depot<br />

Dover Henry, e.s. Bremen b. 14th aud ISth<br />

Dunn Mrs. Mary, e.s. Buchanan b. 4th and Sth Duworth John, al Powell's foundry<br />

Dunn Michael, s.s. Slh b. Smilh and Park Dwyar John, bds, David Martin's<br />

Dunn Micliael, (D. & Liddy) w.s. Sycamore b. 3d Dwyar William, at T. Bradford & Co's<br />

and 4lh<br />

TE JOHN S. ex. broker, 45 w. 3d, h.a.a<br />

Dunn Owen, s.s. Barrb. Baymillerand Freeman D Longworth b. W, Row and John<br />

Dunn Patrick, s.s. Court b. Plum and W. Row Dyer Charles S. n.s. Laurel b. John and Cutter<br />

Dunn Peter, lab. s.s Water b. Plum and W. Row Dyer David, n.s. 14tb b. Elm and Plum<br />

Dunn Philip, s.s. 2d b. Smilh and Rose<br />

Dyer Elisha, n.s. Front b. Johu and Smith<br />

Dunn Sarah, e.s. Buchanan b. 'Ith and Sth Dyer John, s.s, Clinton b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Dunn Thomas, s.s. Abigail b. Sycamore and llroad- Dyer Oiville, bds. n.e.c. Gth and College<br />

way<br />

Dj er William, s.s. Congress b. Butler & M. Canal<br />

Dunn William, s.s. 33th b. Walnut and Vine Dyclt J. A. elk. bds. George Williams'<br />

Dunn William, n.s. 3d b. Walnut and Viue, h.s.s. Dyke Mrs. Rebecca, 22 Arch<br />

Longworth b. Elm and Plum<br />

Dyke Samuel, at Samuel Barnes', h. 22 Arch<br />

Dunnavan John, n.s. 7th b. Sycamore & Broadway<br />

Dunne John, carp. e.s. Plum b. William & Court<br />

Dunning John C. at A. Harvil's<br />

Dunning Robert S. elk. w.s. Park b. 3d and 4th<br />

Dunphy Mrs. Mary, b.h. B.S. Gth b. Raco and Elm<br />

Ounselman Diedrich, n.s. Fountain<br />

Fabnn Wm. b.k. 9 Syc. bds. at N. M. Florer's<br />

DnnaesB Mrs. 69 w. 7lh<br />

Eadea John, lab. s.a. Front b. T. P, 17 and 18 F'n<br />

Dunseith Hugh, al Powell's foundry<br />

bagan Patrick, chair mkr. 125 Longworth<br />

Dunsmore R. W. e.s. Baymiller b. Richmond and Eagan Terry, 142 Walnut<br />

Eagen Albeit, drj goods, 71 Gth<br />

Catharine<br />

Dusterberg Henry, (Hackmann & D.) s.e.c. Walnut Eagen John, stone cutter, w.s. John b. Richmond and<br />

and ISth<br />

Catharine<br />

Dunworth John, n.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />

Eagle Puildings, ns. Court b. Mainand Walnut<br />

Dupell William, bds. Central Hotel<br />

TjiAOI>E<br />

J b. Mail} and<br />

INS.<br />

SycamoriB^<br />

CO. Isaac Copelen Pres. 9 Front


mi LilTARY<br />

wmm&<br />

CLAIMS, ^<br />




This office is fully prepared to aid<br />

the Officers, Soldiers. Widows and<br />

Heirs, of those that have Pension,<br />

Bounty Land, back Pay .Three Months'<br />

Extra Pay, or any other Claims for<br />

Military Services in all of the past<br />

Wars.<br />


i Agent for the Settlement of Military<br />

Claims.<br />

Qk^^^ ^ii^^^^^s ii^(Dt£r(0i£^ ^wm ^(S)2t^



B. 8c D. EGGLESTON,<br />




Connecting at Toledo with Griffith's Western Line to New York and Boston.<br />


Miami Canal, between Main and Walnut streets, Cincinnati,<br />

Cash advances made on property for sale In this market, Toledo, Buffalo, and Detroit<br />

EFF EIC<br />

Edmonds Richard, Carp. Lawrence b. Arch and<br />

Symmes<br />

p^fn'TiS*""' f,^''?.l' ""="•"• "^-



Insures property ot all descriptions against loss or damage by FIRE ; also aeainat th^<br />

Eerils of the SEA, or Inland Navigation. against tne<br />

JB^AffiJD) •03F a&ffiJSJSCWC^aSiS.<br />


SAMUE.H.TArT, WiLMAMWopn, tiZ.\7^:i^,<br />

GEORQE W. TowNLEir. ==i.«.«,<br />


J. B. LAWDER. Surveyor..<br />

Office^ No. 9 East Front Street, between. Main and Sycamore.<br />

ELL ELL<br />

Eicher Ftancis, n.s. Clinton b. Locust and Freeman<br />

Eichler Lewis, w.s. Broadway 1 door n. of Liberty<br />

Elchner Conrad, tailor, n.s. Ham. Koad b. P'oplar<br />

and LociTst<br />

Eidelmann Michael, coffee h. n.s. Ham. Road b.<br />

Locust and Poplar<br />

Eigleman Frederick, elk. Gano b. Vine and Lodge<br />

Eihler Joseph, cab. mkr. s.s. Gth b. Wood & Canal<br />

Eisen Augustus F. architect, Johu Sawyer, bds. City<br />

Hotel<br />

Eisenhart Arthur, comb mkr. s.s. Clinton b. Linn &<br />

Locust<br />

Eker Mrs. Catharine, w.s. Piatt b. York and Maple<br />

Ekermeier William, baker, n.s. Wade b. W. Row<br />

and John<br />

Ekert Daniel, cofTee h. n.s. Liberty b. Bremen and<br />

Race<br />

Ekle Milford, finisher, Powell's foundry<br />

Elbert Henry, bar keeper, Franklin House<br />

Elbreg Henry,(Conkling lead factory) h. n.s. Abigail<br />

b Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Elbreg John, shoe mkr. s.s. Everett b. Linn & Locust<br />

Elbrick Mrs. Mary, tailoress, w.s. Raceb. Hth and<br />

16th<br />

Elder James, w.s. Sycamore b. Orchard & Liberty<br />

Elder Lewis, lab. n.s. Fl'out b. T. P. 6 and 7 F'n<br />

Eldrick John C. brick layer, n.s.4th b. Mill & Stone<br />

Elk Anthony, n.s. Ham. Road b. Mainand Locust<br />

Elkins John, porter, 23 Pearl<br />

Elkman Rev. Bernard, e.s. Clay b. 12th and ISth<br />

Elendorph Henry, lab. e.3. Providence b. Everett<br />

and Mason<br />

Bll Peter, lab. s.s. Grant b. 12th and 14th<br />

EUemund William, cooper, s.s. Buckeye near Main<br />

EUerding Henry, blk. smith, w.s. Bremen b. 15th and<br />

Liberty<br />

Ellermann Henry, drayman, n.s. 6th b. Harriet and<br />

Horn<br />

EUerman John, CE. J. & Co.) res. w.s. Oregon b.<br />

Catharine and Clark<br />

EUerman John & Co. (E. & Henry Bosse) furniture<br />

ware room, s.s. Sth b. Walnut and Vine<br />

EUerman John, stone mason, n.s. Webster b. Sycamore<br />

and Tanner<br />

EUet Mrs. Margaret, Gass al. b. Front and 2d<br />

EUick Andrew, n.s. I4th b. Race and Bremen<br />

EUlck John, carp. w.s. Sycamore b. Liberty and<br />

SchiUer<br />

EUick Joseph, carp, w-s. Sycamore b. Schiller and<br />

Btlrgoyne<br />

ElHas Solomon, pedlar, bds. n.s. Union b. Race and<br />

Elra •<br />

ElHnger Jacob, lab. n.s. Morton e. of Kilgour<br />

Ellinger J. finisher, Powell's Foundry<br />

EUenwoodF. F. teacher bds. at Mrs. Ewing's<br />

Elliott Ezra, 96 w. Sth st.<br />

Elliott John, (L. Murphy & Co.) bds. Pearl st. House-<br />

Blliott John H. grocer, n.e.c. John and Chesnut<br />

Elliott Robert, e.s. Pearl b. W. W. Canal and 2d<br />

Elliott SB, bds. Mrs. Eustice, w.s. Walnut b. 6th<br />

a nu. fth<br />

S!,"".'.' "^ll""^' '="'• •'•^- •''"' 1>. John and'Mound<br />

Elliott William, machinist, s.s. Barr b. Uaymiller<br />

and Freeman<br />

Ellison James P. moulder, s. of Front b. T. P. 4 and<br />

6 F'n<br />

Ellis , cutter, 146 w. Sth<br />

Ellis Charles, lab. n.s. Front b. Mill and Smith<br />

EUis Daniel, huckster, e.s. W. Row b. Court aud<br />

Catharine<br />

Ellis George, upholsterer, 126 Sycamore<br />

Ellis Harmond, shoe mkr. e.s. Race b. Liberty and<br />

Ellis Henry, (T. & H. E.J bds. Mrs. Jane Ellis<br />

Ellis Henry, tin and coppersmith, bds. Mrs R H<br />

Looker<br />

Ellis Henry, boatman, n.s. Catharine b. W Row­<br />

E<br />

and John<br />

^T*',?'*,"'• '*^' * *• CJ""" W. E., William<br />

a. Barkalow & George W. McAlpin) wh drv<br />

goods, 23 Pearl '<br />

Ellis John W. (J. w. E. & Co.) n.e.c. Race aud"7th<br />

Jillis John C. harness mkr. 59 Main<br />

Ellis John, elk. bds. 60 McFarland<br />

ji 1/118 JOMIV, constable; 36 Sycamore b. 4th<br />

IJ and Sth<br />

Ellis Jonathan, n.s. 3d b. Race and Elm<br />

Ellis Mary, n.s. Sthe. of Lock<br />

riI/l.IS Sc MORTON, (Rowland & Wm.<br />

U R.) bankers n.e.c. 3d and Walnut<br />

Ellis Mrs. Margaret, laundress,s.s. Newb. Sycamore<br />

and Broadway<br />

Ellis Richard, n.s. al. b. Raceand Elm<br />

Ellis Robert, (R. E. & Co.) upholsterer, 136 Sycamore<br />

ElitJa K. & CO. (Robert E. & James Smith)<br />

general upholstery and bedding warehouse: 136<br />

Sycamoie<br />

Ellis Rowland Jr. (E. & Morton,) 218w. 4th<br />

Ellis & Smith, (Wm. R. E. & Wm. P. Smith) Sycamore<br />

op. Theatre<br />

Ellis T. & H. (Thomas & Henry) 37 Water<br />

Ellis Thomas, foreman at Patrick Connelly<br />

Ellis Thomas, (T. & H. E.) bds. Mrs. Jane EUis,<br />

McFarland b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Ellis William R. (E. & Smith) 101 Kroadway<br />

Ellis William, grocer, bds. Mr. Heffner w.s. Elm b.<br />

4Hiand Sth<br />

Ellis William, white washer, s.s. Mercer b. Walnut<br />

and Vine<br />

Ellis Widbw of John, seamstress, al. b. Ann and<br />

Mason<br />

EUmaker J. bds. 333 Race<br />

Ellmann John, cab. mkr. s.s. Sth b. Walnut & Vine<br />

Elmandron John, lab. n.s. Liberty b. Raceand Elm<br />

Ellrot Daniel, barber, n.s.5thb,Broadway &Gulvert


i®x.-><br />

EMT<br />


A<br />

^rHTioRTON &C0. I<br />

Manufacturers of all kinds of X<br />


HOLLOW WARE, &c.<br />

Nos, 13 and 13 "West Columbia.'st. 0<br />





PuWiskr, Stationer, and Blank Book Manufacturer,<br />


[13=? Account Books for Railroads, Banking, Insurance, and Manufacturing Companiee,<br />

Merchants and Traders, constantly for sale at very low prices, or will be made to any pattern<br />

j desired, and warranted satisfactory. STATIO-MiRY of every description., Also, Copying<br />

JPJesses'j.Boolis, and Brushes ; -and a general assortment of School Books, kept constantly on<br />

hand. *;,,* Commercial and Law Blanks, Drawing, Profile, and Section Papers, &c., for sale<br />

at low prKes.<br />


ERW- EVA<br />

'-fensign Morion, s.s.Chesnut.b. W. Row & John<br />

Enstead Adam, n.s, ]3th b.. "Walnut and Vine<br />

Entwistle Andrew, Pearl b Park and Smith<br />

Enyard Salem, s. s. Sd near Wood<br />

Enyalt Carlan, n.s. 3d b. Mill and Stone<br />

Envart C.L. elk. at J. L. Enyart's<br />

Enyart J. L. n.s. Ham. road b. Clarkson and Piatt<br />

Eny^rt R. F. elk. n.s flam, road b. Claj-kson and<br />

Piatt<br />

Eppel Ferdinand, e.s. Main b. Hunt and Abigail<br />

Eppelin G. e.s. W. Row, b. Everett and Wade<br />

Bppick Philip, e.s. Bremen b. 13tliand 14th, h. w<br />

s. Vineb. 13th and 14th<br />

Eppinger Henry, shoe mkr. 35 Broadway<br />

Epply Adam, n.s. Clintoa b, John and Cutter<br />

Epply Jacob, livery stable 339 s.s. 6th b. Smith<br />

and Mound, h. n.s. Sth b. Mound and Cutter<br />

Epply- P. b.k. at Paul Rust's, h. w.s. Plum b.<br />

' George and Tth<br />

Ep'ps Jesse, lab. e.s. Elm b. 15th and Liherty<br />

Eps Martha,e.s. Raceb. Liberty and 15th<br />

iSpsten Joseph, bds. Oregon House<br />

Erch Henry, lab. e.s. Hughes b. .Schiller and Burgoyne<br />

Erd,Francis J. coffee h. 72Court<br />

Erdman Wiihelm, n.w.c. Main and Buckeye<br />

Erfman Henry, s.w.c 2d and Kace<br />

Ericfkson David, b. h. n.s. .5th. h. W. Row & John<br />

Erickson Martin, u,s. 2d b. Broadway and Ludlow<br />

Erickson Wm.C. n.s. 5thh. W. Row a,nd John<br />

Erk Martin, e.s Race. b. Libertv and Green<br />

Erkel Henry, w.s. Linn b. York and Maple<br />

Erkenbrecher Andrew. Lock Ko. 4, b. Sth and<br />

ath, h.s.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />

Erl(fck«r Dr. John 140 w..7th<br />

Erlongher iohn M. n.s. Tth b. Race and Elm<br />

Ernest Jacob, butcher, n w.c. VineandSd .<br />

Ernst Charles, Independence Hall, a.s. 4th b. Walmit<br />

and Vijie<br />

Ernst Christopher, s.s. Allison b. Mam & Walnut<br />

Ernst Franklin, (Sallagher, E. & Bristol) s.s. Sth<br />

b. Main.and Walnut<br />

Eniat George, lab. n. s. 14th b. Race and Elm<br />

Ernst Henry M. (CargiU & CO.) W. Row o. of<br />

E<br />

t<br />

SCHKICBl CHKISXAIi, Miami Exchange,<br />

21 w. Court<br />

ESJ1EI..BV JAMES, boot and shoe manuf.<br />

10 w. Oth<br />

Eske Henry, E.s. Woodward b. .Spring and Broadway<br />

Esmond Mrs. Magdaline, s.s. 13th b. Walnut and<br />

Vine<br />

Espe Adam, lab. at E. Tanner's, b. Webster and<br />

Liberty<br />

Espe^Henry, coffeeh. s.w.c.Sth and Sycamore<br />

Espenschite Henry, s s. W. Kow b. Linn and Piatt<br />

Espenshield John, s.s. Liberty b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Esper Helen Mrs. e.s. Bremen b. 14th and 1.5th<br />

Esper John, w.s. Dunlap, b. Cooper and Ham. road<br />

Eapet Richard, n.s. Webbb. Stone and Wood<br />

Essery A. J. painter, bds. at Shires'<br />

Essex Miss Eliza, Thorpe^s al, b. Longworth and<br />

Oth<br />

Esshroeclt Heniy, lab. e.s. Spring b. Abigail and<br />

Hunt<br />

Essley John, blk.sinitb, at Anshutz & Co.<br />

EssmannsMrs. Ann, w.a. Walnwt b.l3th & Allison<br />

Estap Thomas, s.s. Catharine b, Fulton and Cutter<br />

Este David K. (Blachly & E.) n.s. 3d b. Lawrence<br />

and Pike<br />

Estell Daniel, n.s. Front b. Elm and Plum<br />

Estell Nathan, n.s. Front b. Elm and Plum<br />

Estell Samuel, n.s. Frontb. Elm and Plum<br />

'Estep Benjamin, e.s. W. Row b. Perry and Sth<br />

Estep Joshua, n.s. 3d b. Wood and Stone<br />

Estep R. P. n.s. Webb b. Stone and Wood<br />

Estes Holmes G. painter, bda. 351 Kace<br />

Estes Philip, bds. W. Boggs<br />

Estro Frank, n.s. Liberty b. Linn and Cutter<br />

Esty David, mer. 122 Symmes<br />

Etna Ins. Co. ol Hartford,6 Main<br />

Ettraan Adolph (Rugarman & E.)bds. Oregon House<br />

Etter Louis, s.s. 6th, b. Harriet and Horn /<br />

Etter William, w.s. Hani, road b. Walnut and<br />

Liberty<br />

Euen Sarah, s.s. Front b. T.P. 9 and 10 F'n.<br />

Euery William, elk. bds. |]7 w. Tth<br />

Eure Henry, shoe mkr. bds. H. Rel,e<br />

Dayton<br />

Ebreng Henry, a.s. Front^b. Vine and Race<br />

BNSX JACOB, bookseller and publisher, Eustia Abbey S. Gano b. Lodge and Walnut<br />

E 183 Main, h. 34 Harrison<br />

Eustis George, elk. at EUis & Morton's, h. w.s.<br />

ismst Lewis, safe mahr. (E. Hall & Co.)<br />

Walnut b. Oth and Tlh<br />

Ernst Oesten 19 e. 3d<br />

Eustis Henry, (J. S. & H. B. & Co.) bds.269Walnnt<br />

Ernst Rudolph, e.s. Walnut b. Liberty and Ham. Eustia Mrs. S. B. b.h. 269 Walnut<br />

road I :.^ '<br />

USTIS S.ScW.Sc Co. (Samuel W. & Henry<br />

Erskin Alfred, s.s. New b. Broadway and Culvert E ^. & John A. Stacy) plumbers and hydrant<br />

Ertel Bernerd,n.8. Allison b. Main and Walnut manuf. 244 Main and w.s. W. Row b. 6th and<br />

Erven Mrs. Mary, e.s. Culvert b. Sth and Gth<br />

George<br />

Erwin Andrew, at Bates, Whitcher &Oo. s.s. Sth Eustis Samuel W. (E. S. & H. & Co.) bda. Mrs. S.<br />

2d e. W. W. Canal<br />

B. Eustis<br />

Erwin Chairlea H. dague'r. Melodian Buildings Enter Conrad, s.s. Jefferson b. Elm and Plum<br />

Erwin James, tiatter, 2,18 Main '<br />

Evans Bartlett B. s.s. Barr b. Baymiller and Free­<br />

Erwin RamuelC elk. 144 Main<br />

man<br />

Erwin Thomas, lab. s.s. Front b. Race aud Elm Evans C. M.. s.s. Everett b. W. Row and Joho


PLATT EVENS, Jr.<br />


187 l¥alnut street,<br />


Models for Patents, Light Machinery, and fine Jobbing of all kinds promptly attended to.<br />

Covered Copper and Iron wire by the pound,<br />

EVE<br />

Evans Daniel D. Sth e. of Lock<br />

Evans David R. w.a. Lawrence b. Arch and<br />

Symmes<br />

Evans Edward, s.w.c. 4th and W. Row<br />

Evans Edward, n.s. Georgeb. Linn aud Baymiller<br />

Evans Francis, (Thiesing & E.) w.s. Vine b. 13th<br />

• and 14th<br />

Evans George L. elk. 23 w.Sth<br />

Evans G. W. H. (Evan's Hotel,) s. w.c. L. Market<br />

and Broadway<br />

Evans Jamea, elk. n.s. Barr b. Mound and Cutter<br />

Evans Jason (E. & Swift) h. e.s. Walnut b. 12th<br />

and 13ih<br />

Evans John at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Evans John. al. b. Race and Elm, and b Sth & 9th<br />

Evans John n.s. Webb b. Smith and Palrk<br />

Evans John, 12T w. 9th<br />

Hvans John, w.s. W. Row b. George and Tth<br />

Evans John, s.s. Laurel b. Johu and Cutter<br />

Evans John P. locksmith, n.s. 6th b Main and<br />

Walnut, h. s.s. Clinton b. Jobn and Cutter<br />

Evans John T. s.s. Laurel b. John and Cutter<br />

Evans Louis, bds. at Mrs. Towne's<br />

Evans Louis A. piano forte mkr. 107 w. Sth<br />

Evans L. E. n.s. Commerce b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Evans Mrs. Elizabeth, s.s. Sth b. Broadway and<br />

McAllister<br />

Evans Mrs. Mary, e.a. Elm b. 4th and Sth<br />

Evans Mrs. S. shirt mkr. 21S Walnut<br />

Evana Noah, n.a. Observatory road Mt Adams<br />

Evans R. E. e.s. Walnut b. Alliaon & Liberty<br />

Evana Samuel R. s.s. 3d b. Smith aud Park<br />

Evans Seth, b.k. 9S w. Sth<br />

Evans Seth B. n.s. Congress b. Broadway & Ludlow<br />

Evans Simeon, s.e.c. 2d and Ludlow<br />

Evana Stephen, n.a. Frontb. Smith and Jobn<br />

E<br />

VANS Sc SWIFT, (Jason E. and Briggs<br />

Swift) com. mers. and pork packers, n.e.c 9th<br />

and Sycamore<br />

Evans Thomas W. lab. College b. Oth and Tth<br />

Evana William L. b.k. bda. 299 Kace<br />

Evana William, lab. n.s. Oth e. of Lock<br />

Evans William F. Lower Market b. Main.& Sycamore,<br />

h.w.s. W. Row b. 3d and 4th<br />

Evans William M. s.e.c. George and John<br />

Evarts H. H. machinist, 154 w. Sth<br />

Eveis Harman, w.a. Clay b. 13th and Allison<br />

Eveleth Isaac,n.s. Longworth near W.Row<br />

Even8Cornelius S. clk. 13 L.Market.bds.W.F.Evens<br />

Evens Daniel, s.e.c. 2d and Plum<br />

Evens Francis L. (Thiesing & Evens) w.s. Vine b<br />

13th and Hth<br />

Evens Mary, s.s. Benbam al.b. Race and Elm<br />

E<br />

VENS PLiATT, woolen draper, tailor and<br />

gents' furnishing store, 127 Main, res. Cumminsville<br />

EVENS VL.WT .TK. philosophical inst.<br />

mkr. w.s. Walnut 3 doorss. of Sth, bds. n.w.c<br />

Walnut and Oth<br />

Evens Stephen, plasterer, n.s. Harrison<br />

Everding Charles, bda. R. H, Stuclienberg<br />

E<br />






(BasT'sasjST^'fflaa ©»<br />

ji@" GASH TO^ WH:SAT. ^mi<br />

FAN FAR<br />

Eyiuann C. hardware, w.s. Main b. 12th & 13th Fanning Thomas, n.s. Cedar b. Baymiller & Free­<br />

Eymann Louis, elk. bds. Mrs. Shratz's<br />

man<br />

Eyre George, elk. bds. Shirca'<br />

Fanning William, Columbia Foundry, h.s.s. 2d b..<br />

Ezekiel Moses. Canalb. Main and Sycamore, h. II Elm and Plum<br />

Court<br />

Fant R. C_clk. Pearl St. House<br />

Fantborp Jamea, w.a. North b. Oth and 7th<br />

Fanshaw William, printer. Commercial ofiice, h..<br />

262 Race<br />

Faber Gregor, coffee house, c. Vino and Mercer Fany Henry, porter, 228 Main, bds. c. 12th & Wal­<br />

Faber Morant, s.s. Buckeye b. Locust and Poplar nut<br />

Fabian Kobert L. b.k. 61 Main<br />

Fany Patrick, a.s. Adamsb. Elm and Plum<br />

Face Bartholemew, w.a. W. Row b. 7th and Sth Paper William, elk. bds. J. T. & A. Helm's<br />

Fackler Juhn, w.s. Main b. Canal and 12tli Faral Barney, a.a. Barr b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Faddls John, w.s. Fulton b.Catharine and Clark Fard Charles W. s.s. Bank b. Linn and Piatt<br />

AHER HENKY, tabacconist, e.s. Main b. Faren Tbomas, elk. n.s. Sth b. Liun and Baymiller<br />

F Canal and Hunt<br />

Fares, Sebastian, salesman, S w. Sth<br />

Facy Mrs. Ann, widow of Chriatian, e.s. Plumb. Farquhar McGregor, elk. 8 Commercial Row<br />

ISth and 16th<br />

AKIS THOMAS, daguerrean artist, Melo­<br />

Fagan Lewis, w.s. Lock b. Symmes and Sth,h.s.s. F deon buildings, n.w.c. Walnut and 4th, res. 131<br />

Symmes b. Kilgour and M. Canal<br />

Longworth<br />

Pagely Culbertson, Commercial Kow<br />

Farl Patrick, h.s a. Water b. Elm and Plum<br />

Fagan Lewis(F. & Morgan,) s.s. Symmes b. M.Ca­ Farley Jamea, bds. Michael Ber'"Ol<br />

nal and Kilgour<br />

Farley John 1"). s.a. George b. Smith and Mound<br />

Fagan & Morgan (Lewis F. & Bela M.) n.w.c. 4th Farley John, n.s. Oth e.of Lock<br />

and Lock<br />

Farley ^lisa Maria M. teacher, e.a. Baum north of<br />

Fahlbush Charles (Dieck & F.) h.n.s. 12th b. Vine High<br />

and Jackson<br />

Farley Mrs. Mary, n.s. Sthb. W. Kow and John<br />

Fahrback M. e.s. W, Row b. Mason aud Everett AM,to'W BKIUHAin, Central Hotel, a.o..<br />

Faha Michael, w.s. W. Avenues, of Harrison road F c. Elm and Plum<br />

Fabuc Patrick, bds. n.e.c. Lock and 4tli<br />

FAKiWiER Sc BROTHER, Buckeye to­<br />

Faih Paultine, city police, w.s. Waluut b. Allison bacco box manuf. a.a. Front op. T.P. 31, F'n<br />

aud Liberty<br />

Farmer David (at Charles C. Finch's, w.s. Smith b.<br />

AIRCIliCn "WIIjIilAOT, dry goods, s.w. Sth and Longworth<br />

F c.Sth and Park<br />

Farmer Felix, gas works, s.s. Front b. Smith and<br />

Fairclough Thomaa, n. s. Richmond b. Linn and Mill<br />

Cutter<br />

Farmer George (F. & BrotKr) h. n.s. R. R. op. T.<br />

Fairfax CUalTes, n.s. New b. Broadway & Culvert P. 31 F'n -•<br />

Fairley Alexander, s.s. Grant b. 12th and 14th Farmer Henry C. (F. &rrother)h. n.s. R.R. op.T.<br />

Fais George, Buckeye and Vinejunclion n.a<br />

P. 31 F'n<br />

Faldman John, w.s. Elm b. 15th and Liherty ARMER'S HOTEIy, Hesing & Prstorius<br />

Falek Edward, elk. at K. Fletcher's F n.e.c. Kace and Court<br />

AECES SrEPMEN, atty at law, 115 Main, Farmer John, n.s. Kemble b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

F -bds. Dennison House<br />

Farnhagen Henry, n.w.c. 2d and Plum<br />

AIiES AV, H. Boston Eating House, 130 Sy­ ARNAM l>UII>t,EY IL. fire engine builder.<br />

F camore<br />

F Pleasant Court e.s. Elm b. 4th and Sth.h. 22<br />

Falke B. H. s.w.c. Elm and Liberty<br />

George<br />

Falke Edward, elk. at D. A. Parvin's<br />

Farnen Michael, w.s. Smith b. 3d aud 4th<br />

Fall Michael, steward, Belvideve, n. s. Mercer b. Earner P-dtrick, e. a. John b. Wade and Melanc­<br />

Walnut and Vine<br />

thon<br />

Fallen Patrick, s.s. Front b. T.P. 11 and 12 F'n Farnham John elk. bds. Mrs. A. Hamilton's, 170<br />

Fallis Elihu, elk. bds. Waverly House<br />

w. 3d<br />

Falls Frederick, lab. s.w.c. Spring .-ind Abigail Farnsworth Thomas S. teller Mec. & Traders' Br.<br />

Falls Henry, elk'. 19 e. 4th h.n.s. George e. of Cutter Bank, bds. Walnut St. House<br />

Fallon John, bds. Mrs. Brown, w.s. W. Row b. Farnum John M. 10 Gazette bldgs.<br />

Kexnble and Richmond<br />

Farrall & Kelloy, (Thomas & John K.) 138 Walnut<br />

Fallon Mic>iael, n.s. Kerable b. John and Fulton Farrann Henry, at Filley & Chapin's<br />

Falmann Herman, e.s. Clay b. Canal and 12lh Farranl J. W. printer, bds. Mrs. Thomas<br />

Fatabergeu Joseph, w.s. Mill b. Canal and Front Farrell James J. printer, n.e.c. Congress and:Law­<br />

Ifamhutt Joseph, e.s. B.roadway b. Hunt audAbi- rence<br />

Far-rell James, n.s. Kemble b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

Fajj^aJohn, elk. 01.Lower Market<br />

Farrer Mrs. Sarah, s.s. Clinton b. Court and Free­<br />

MfifffiTiTh J. F. Landing b. Lawrence and Ludlow man<br />

Paiiiel Barn ard, e.s. Linn b. Wade and Liberty Farren James J. (J. F. & Robinson) h.n.e.c. Con­<br />

Fanning John, nJtFrunt b. John and Smith<br />

gress and Lawrence


F<br />



Between Fonrth and Fifth Streets.<br />

D. L. FARNAM,<br />


ill<br />


Of all sizes & prices, from $500 to $2,500.<br />

Hose Reels, Fire Caps, Trumpets, Torches, Copper Riveted Leather Hose, &c. &c.<br />

Lift and Force Pumps for Wells and Distilleries, Factories, Railways, Stations, &c.<br />

Of all sizes. Cast Iron Ornamental Fountains, aud Hydraulic works in general.<br />

FAY FEI<br />

ARREN Sc ROBINSOIV, (James J. F. &<br />

Hiram H. R.) publishers Enquirer, n.e.c. 3d &<br />

Main<br />

Farrell Barnet O. s.a. Webb b. Smith and Park<br />

Farrell Bernard, s.e.c. Kim and 2d<br />

Farrell Edward, s.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />

Farrell James, bda. Charles McKune's Bettsb.Liun<br />

and Cutter<br />

Farrell Michael, w.s. W. Row b. Sth and Kemble<br />

Farrell Michael, s.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />

Farrell Mrs. Catharine, s.s. Hopkins b. Cutter and<br />

Linn<br />

Farrell Mrs. Ann, s.s. 6th b. Culvert & Broadway<br />

Farrell Martiu, bds. John Gorman's, 5 3d w. of<br />

Park<br />

Farrell Thomaa, n.s. Pearl b. Smith and Park<br />

Farrell Thomas (F. & Kelley) 138 Walnut<br />

Parrill W. B. elk. for R. Bates<br />

Parrington Patrick, policeman, Burnet House<br />

Farria John, lab. n.s. Front b. Lytle and corpor.<br />

line<br />

Parris Alexander, engineer, n.s. Everett b. Cutter<br />

and Liun<br />

Farris Bavid, river, s.a. Barr b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Farris Francis, s.a. Water w. of Walnut<br />

Paris John (Hart cfe Co.) .128 Vine<br />

Farrow Thornton S. 96 Longworth<br />

Farrow William, 344 Main<br />

Farthing Richard, elk. 12 e. 2d, bds. D. Harper<br />

Fasig Philip, U.S. George b. Mound and Cutter<br />

Faska Joaeph, s.s. Hopkins b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Fasaet Mra, J. A. n.s. 7th b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Fay James, elk. Gazette ofiice<br />

Fay John, s.s. 12th b. Race and Elm<br />

Fay Peter, s.s. Hopkins b. W. Row and John<br />

F<br />

AZZI JTAiaeS, moulder of plaster busts &<br />

figures. 16 Art Union bldg. res. Newport<br />

Fazy Luke, n.s. Front, h.n.s. Front b. T.P. 16 and<br />

17 F'n<br />

Feahan John. bds. J. Conner's<br />

Feakins Thomas, 24 e. 4th<br />

Fearink Barney, n.s. Poplar b. Linn and Maple<br />

Fearn Frederick, bds. 237 w. 6th<br />

Fearn Frederick J. (F. & Whitaker) 39 w. 3d, bds.<br />

Hamilton House<br />

Fearn & Whitaker (Frederick J. F & W. W.) 39 w<br />

3d<br />

Feassler L. cook, Burnet House<br />

Featherly Truman, e.s. Elm b. Pearl and 3d<br />

Febiger George L. (Chas. Fisher & Co.) bds. 106 w.<br />

4th<br />

Feby George, Clay b. 13tli and 14th<br />

Feby H. H. Clay b. 13th and 14tU<br />

Fechheimer Abraham (F. Goldsmith & Co.) w.s.<br />

Vine b. 2d and Pearl<br />


F (Abraham F., Lewis G. & Marcus F.) wh.clothiers,<br />

72 Main<br />

Fechheimer Marcus, (F. Goldsmith & Co.) s.e.c.<br />

Race and Centre<br />

Fechheimer Wolf, w.s. Vine b. Elder and Green<br />

Fechsmeit August, al. a.s. Buckeye b. Main and<br />

Locust<br />

Fassett S. M. bds. A H. Stowell'a<br />

Fedder Henry, a.e.c. Liberty and Price<br />

Fedders Bernard H. s.s. Lebanon pike e. of Broad­<br />

AXOTAIM A. Sc Co. (Aaron F. & Lewis F.) way<br />

F tobacco mers. and imptrs. cigars. 13 Main Feck Jacob, s.e.c. Congress and Pike<br />

Fatman Aaron (A. F. & Co.) 333 Vine<br />

Peeklin Francis, at Colville & Stryker's<br />

Fatman Lewis. (A. F. & Co.) 161 Broadway Feelighey Mrs. Mary, s.s. 6th b. Culvert & Broad­<br />

Faucet Joseph, w.s. Stone b. 3d and 4th<br />

way<br />

Faughey Francis, e.s. Sycamore b. 7th and Sth Foely Ellen, s e.c. Elm and 3d.<br />

Fauker Andy, n.e.c. 4th aud Lock<br />

Feely John, s.e.c. 3d and Elm<br />

Faulkner Charles, s.s. 4th b. Stone and Wood Feeman John, s.s. Sth b. Carr and Harriet<br />

Faulkner Cornelius, s.a. Front b. T.P. 9 aud 10 F'n Fegan Mrs. Nancy, s.s. Sth b. Mound and Cutter<br />

Faulkner Jeremiah, bds. J. Decamp's<br />

Fehely Ellen, s.e.c. 3d and Elm<br />

Faulkner John, n.s. 9th b. Elm and Plum Feideilig Chriatian, bds 48 L. Market<br />

Faulkner Stephen, boatman, h.n.s. Kemble b Ful­ Feien George, w.s. Woodward 3dd. e. Sycamore<br />

ton and Cutter<br />

Feig Henry, bds. 17 Centre<br />

Faulkner William, w.s. Sycamore b.Woodward & Feight John, e.s. Pleasant b. 14th and 15th<br />

rrankhn<br />

Feiber Christopher, n.w.c. Hushes and Schiller<br />

Faust Herman H. s.s. Mulberry b. Locust & Eden Feinberg & Behr, (Siegmund F. & Peter B.) fancy<br />

S.wr^hA"'."''?' ""••=• '''P""S •=• ^^'SM & Hunt soap and perfumery manuf. 31 w. 7lh<br />

*auzuacht Frederick, n. s. Augusta, e. of Smith Feinberg Robert, elk. 187 Walnut, bds. n.e,c. Elm<br />

Favret Nicholas, bds. Mrs. Green, n. s. oth opp. and,5 th<br />

Feinberg Siegmund (S. F..& BeUr) w.s. Elmb. Sth<br />

l^Z"<br />

Fawn John,<br />

•{°l°' °"lc.<br />

Smith<br />

"•?• ^°'"'<br />

and<br />

^-<br />

George<br />

'^- W- Canal and 6th and Gth<br />

Feinopp Heinrich, e.s. James n. of Fountain ,<br />

•pAir ANTHO.W, lumber yard, s.e.c. Bro.id-<br />

X way and Lebanon pike, ami e. of M. Canal b<br />

Feinthel John,s.e.c. Hunt and Main<br />

Feinther Philip, n.s. Hamilton road b. Piatt and<br />

Congress and High, h. e.a. Sycamore b. Frank • Freeman<br />

an aud Webster<br />

Feistner Miss Catharine, e.s. Vine b. Liberty and<br />

Fay Calvin, s.s. Richmond b. Cutter and Linn Allison a





kinds of Repairing done on reasonable terms.<br />

FER FEY<br />

Peith Nicholas, n.s. Slow e. of Harriet<br />

Peitzer John, e.s. Vine in al. b. Ham. road and<br />

Buckeye<br />

Felcomb Martin, e.a. Pierson b. Sth and Oth<br />

Feldhaus Frederick, bds. 291 Main<br />

Feldmana Bernferd, w.s. Main b. 13th and Allison<br />

Peldman Henry H. w.s. Pendleton b. Broadway &<br />

Liberty<br />

Feldmen Harmon, s.s. Green b. Race and Bremen<br />

Feldwick John H..s.e.c. Hughes & Schiller<br />

Feldschneider Mrs. M. A. w.s. Sycamore b.Schiller<br />

and Burgoyne<br />

Pelis Michael, s.a. Hamilton road b. Clarkson and<br />

Piatt<br />

Felix Peter, n.s. Ham. road b. Clarkson and Piatt<br />

Fell Jacob F. bds. 413 Main<br />

Fell John, bda. 413 Main<br />

Fellerman John, e.s. Walnut b. 13th and Allison<br />

Felsher Charles, s.s. Everett b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Fellhatter Frederick, e.s. Broadway b. Hunt and<br />

Abigail<br />

Feltman Benjamin, w.s. Linn b. Everett and Hickory<br />

Feltman Henry (H. F. & Co.)<br />

Feltman Henry & Co. (H. F. & John Templeman)<br />

163 n. Sth<br />

Feltman Hammond, e.s. Race b. Green & Liberty<br />

Feltman Henry, s.s. 12th b. Main and Clay<br />

Feltman John, e.s. Race b. Green and Elder<br />

Penelin Thomas, porter, 25 Pearl, h. Broadway<br />

near Liberty<br />

Fenger John, w.s. Broadway b. Sth and 9tb<br />

Fening Michael, n.s. Front b. T.P. 1 and 2 F'n<br />

Fenker Bernard H. a.s. Abigail b. Sycamore and<br />

Broadway<br />

Fenn Alonzo, c. Pearl and Elm<br />

Fennedunke Joseph, e.a. Spring b. Abigail & Hunt<br />

Fenneman George, porter 13, Main<br />

Feuneman Henry, w.s. Broadway b. Hunt and<br />

Abigail<br />

Fenneman John, porter, 13 Main<br />

Pennen Henry, barber, Burnet House<br />

Fenner Thomas, s.s, Barr b. Mound and Cutter<br />

Penton James S. s.s. Webb. b. Park and Mill<br />

Fenton Roswell H. 212 w. 6th<br />

Pera Adolph, carriage mkr. s.s. 12th b. Vine and<br />

Race<br />

Fera Henry, (F. Heaing & Co.) s.a. 12th b. Vine<br />

ERGUSON JAJHES 271 Viue, a.w.c. 7th<br />

F and Vine<br />

nEKGUSOIV JAiHES jr. n.w.c. 6th and Vine<br />

Fergnaon Jamea W. s.s. E. Road b. T. P. 25 and 26<br />

F'n..<br />

Ferguson Mrs. Jane, e.s. Sycamore b. Woodward<br />

and Abigail<br />

Ferguson John, grocer, n.e.c. Ludlow and Front<br />

Ferguson Josepb, William b. Elra and Plum<br />

Ferguson Matthew, (Bruce & F.) n.e.c. Sth &Plum<br />

Ferguson Mrs. Mary, w,s. Fulton b. Sfh & Kemble<br />

Ferguson Nathaniel lab. n.a. Union b. Race & Elm<br />

Ferguaou Robert, n.s. 3db. Wood and Stone<br />

Ferguson Robert, n.s. Sth b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

Ferguson William, meaaenger. Com. Bank, h. s.s^<br />

Kemble w. of John<br />

Ferguson William jr. n.w.c. 7th and Main,bds. at<br />

214 w. 4th<br />

Ferguaou William, moulder, n.s- 13th b. Vine and<br />

Race<br />

Ferguson Wm.G. n.s. Chesnutb. W. Row and Johnh.<br />

n.s. BetLs b. VV. Row aud John<br />

Fernbeig Lewis, e.s. W. Row b. Everett and Wade<br />

Ferneding Rev. Joseph, w.s Pendleton b. Hunt<br />

and Abigail<br />

Ferree William, bds. at S. Wescott's<br />

Feirell John, bds. al Mrs. Thomas's<br />

Ferrie Johu P. n.s. 4thb. Main and Walnut<br />

Ferris Charles, e.s. Home<br />

Ferris Ur. EzraH. n.s. Front, b. T. P. 18 and 19 F'n.<br />

Ferris George C. aaleaman, 50 Pearl<br />

F<br />

F<br />

ERKIN I.C.&CO., (Isaac C.) aeedsman<br />

and floriat n.s. Stub. Main and Sycamore<br />

Ferris John, millwiigbt, e.s. Home<br />

ERKBSilM, P., office 38 e. 4th b Sycamore<br />

and Broadway<br />

Ferris William J. (Wright, F. & Co.)<br />

FesKentrick John, n.s. Findley, b. Race and Elm<br />

Fesaenden Stephen G. n.s. David b. W. Row and<br />

John<br />

Fest John, n.a. Mill b. Canal and Front<br />

Pester Frederick, at Parvin and Johnaon's<br />

Fester George, n.a. I4th b. Race and Bremen<br />

Pitcher John. bds. at 21 George<br />

Fetherlen, Mrs. Elizabeth, n.s. Longworth b. Elm<br />

and Plum<br />

Fetherman William, w.s. Plum b.l2th and Ann<br />

and Race<br />

Fette Heniy, at Martin Anchutz & Co.<br />

ERA, HESIWG Sc CO., (Adolph P., Henry Pette Henry, e.s. Walnut b. Allison and Liberty<br />

F & Casper H.) carriage mauuls. n.a. 12th b. Vine Fettelmau Henry, n.s. Fountain<br />

and Race<br />

Fettnan John, s.a. Woodwardb. Main & Sycamore<br />

Ferdinand Henry, 207 and 209 w.Oth<br />

FettweisC. Leopold, sculpt, at Lowry and Rule's,<br />

Fergaso Peter D. w.s. Linn b. George and Ban- bds. Spring b. Abigail and Hunt<br />

Ferguson Alexander,n.s. Betts, b. Johu & W. Row Feuchtermier William, s.s. Mulberry b. Locust and<br />

FargusonrCharles, Canal, h Vine and Race<br />

Edeu<br />

Ferguson Daniel, 4 bgrmmercial Row, h. w.s. Front Feucker Bernard, w.s. Broadway b. Hunt and<br />

b. Elm and Plum<br />

Abigail<br />

Ferguson Edward A. (Hodge & Ferguson) bds. Feuss, F. H. w.a. Main b. Allison and Liherty<br />

Waverly House<br />

Fevertnn Isaac, n. s. Richmondb. John & W.Row<br />

Feirguson Mrs Hugh, s.s. 2d b. Broadway and Lud­ Fey G. Peter, w.s. Vine b. Green and Liberty<br />

low<br />

Fey Jacob, junction Vine and Ham. road<br />

.Fej^fuaon James, salesmuU, bds. n. s. 6th b. Walnut Fey Mrs. Emily, s.s. Ham. roadb. Freeman and<br />

'. uBil Vine<br />

Brightou House


ory .p^ ,^n, f-fr..<br />

I. C. FERRIS & CO.<br />


North Side ot Fifth street, betnreen Main and Sycamore.<br />


Frum their own Nursery aud Gardens at Pleasant Ridge.<br />

Also, Farming Implements and Garden Utensils always on-hand for sale.<br />

FIL FIN<br />

Fey-Sebastian, n.w.c. Greeu and Vine<br />

FillhartB. at Harkness and Son'8<br />

Fey William, e.a. Sycamore n. of Liberty Pinnagin George C. e^s. Bremen b. ISth and Liberty<br />

Fibbe Joseph, s.a. Mulberry '<br />

Fibhetts Henry, n.s. Georgu b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

Finagan John s.w.c. Sd and Elm<br />

Fibbetts, Samuel, s.a. Laurel b. Cutter and Linn Finch Henry H. s.s. 15th b. Race and Elm<br />

Fibi^lh Stanislaus, e.s. Linn b. Laurel and Betts Finch Joel, s.s. Everett b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Fick'Frederick, w.s. Vine b. Front and 2d Finch Pardon M. at Johnson, Morton & Co. « a<br />

Ficke Herman, (Nuilson & F.) e.s. Walnut b. 12th Front e. of depot<br />

and 13th<br />

Finch Thomas J. (Bates, Whitcher & Co.) n s 4th<br />

Ficke John, w.a. Plum b. 9th and Court<br />

b. Smith and Park<br />

Ficken John, (F. & Meyer) 28 Lower Market Pinch Benoni, s.s. George b.Baymiller & Freeman<br />

ICKEN Sc BIEYEK, (John F. & Wm. C. Finch Charles C. w.s..Sniith.b. Sth and Longworth<br />

F M.) groceriea and liquors, 28 L. Market Finch Gold, elk 19 e. 4th<br />

Picker Bernard, e.s. W. Kow b. George aud 7th, h: Finch Thomas J. 81 Main, Ii. n.s..4th.b. Smith and<br />

c. Sth aud Johu<br />

Park<br />

Fidel Heizmann, w.s. Bremen b. Elder & Findley Kndley Mrs. Alice,, sjelc. Symmes: and Ludlow<br />

Fie Nicholas, w. s. Elm b. Cooper and Ham. road . Findley Mrs. Jane, 108 Broadway,<br />

Fie William at Oonstine & Mack's<br />

Findley Daniel, e.s. Bremen b. 13th and 14th<br />

Fieberger Theophilus, w.s. Main b. Court and Findley Robert, Court b. Race and Elm<br />

Canal, h. w.s. Fulton b. Catharine and Clark Findley Samuel B. Court b. Vine and Race<br />

Fieber John, n.a. Ham. roadb. W. Row&Clarkson Fine Thomas B. (French, Strong,* F.) bds.Burijet<br />

Fieda Christian, at Muskingum Hotel<br />

Fiedh Anthony, a.s. Woodward b. Abigail and<br />

House .<br />

Broadway<br />

Finegan Mrs. Mary, n.s. Waterb. Walnut di Vine<br />

Fiedleday Mrs. Mariana, Friendship Hall, n.s.<br />

*inegan Michael, n.s Catharine b. W. Row & John<br />

tinnegan Richard, n.s. Augusta b. Smith & John • •<br />

Frontb. Broadway and Ludlow<br />

^inehart Henry,, bds. Henry Starkum<br />

Fiedor John, e.a. W. Row b. Wade and Liberty tlnmg Bernard, n.s. Maple b. Linn and Piatt<br />

Fiegenbauni A. s.s. Evercttb. Linn and Locust *ink B. s.s. Congress b. Butler and Pike<br />

Field Denis, Lodge b. Oth and Gano<br />

link Frederick, n.s. Everett b. Linn and Locust<br />

IBtD HAOTP TON E.,(Bush &F.) leather, Fink Frederick, w.s. Vineb. 2d aud Walnut<br />

F boot and shoe dealers, 328 Main<br />

Fink George, at Wm. Bishops<br />

Field Henry S. (Godfrey F. & Co.) 192 Main Fink Jocob, s.e.c. Franklinand Main<br />

Field Joel D..(Colburn & F.J s.s. 4th b. Plum and Fink Jacob, e.s. Bremen b. 15th aud Liberty<br />

W. Row<br />

Fink William, e.s. Peet b. Locust and Poplar<br />

Field Michael, hostler Indiana aud Ohio stable, bds. Finkbine & Kirman (Tobias F. & Edward K.> 239<br />

at Mr. Dubois<br />

Mam<br />

IEI.D RICHARD B., New England Finkbine Tobias (F. & Kirman) bds. e.s. Elmb.9th<br />

F bakery, 118 w.Sth, h. 29 Centie<br />

and Court<br />

Field William R. s.s. 3d,b. Smith and Park Finke Ferdinand H. w.s. Pleasant b. 14th & 16th<br />

Field George, s.a. 2d b. Raco and Elm<br />

Fleischer Michael, bds. at John Kerdoeff, s.s. Clin­<br />

Finke Henry, e.s. Vine, junction Ham. Road<br />

ton b. Locust and Freemen<br />

Finke Joseph, s.s. 2d b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Fiesslin Lewis, h. Elm b. George and 7th<br />

Finlaw Thomas, e.s. Broadway, s. of Liberty<br />

Fife Alfred, a s. Mercer b. Vine and Waluut Finlay Mrs. M. s.s. 6th n. of W. Row<br />

Fife William H. n.s. Oth b. John and Smith Finley Alexander, s.w.c. Barr and Mound, h. u.w c.<br />

Fifield David E. s.e.c. 12th and Elm<br />

George and Mound<br />

Finley Daniel, e.s. Race b. 2d aud Front<br />

IFtKl^n OSGOOD, builder and measurer<br />

F Finley John, e.s. John b. Catharine & Elizaheth<br />

carp, work, w.s. W. Row b. Sth and Kemble h Finley Mrs. e.s. Linn b. Everett and David<br />

s.s. Slh b. W. Row and John<br />

Pike John, w.s. Race b. Liberty and Green<br />

Finley Thomas, e.s. Race b. 2d and Front<br />

Pilcbaur William, s.s. Allison b. Vine and Walnut<br />

Finlin Andrew, bds. 27th7th<br />

Filer Albert, 79 L. Market, h. c. Apple and Spring<br />

Finn Anora, b.h. e.s. Ludlow b. Symmes and Arch<br />

Files James, elk. 29 Sycamore<br />

Finn Edward, Harrison e. of Broadway<br />

Filey E. Walnut b. Bth and Gano<br />

Finn James, s.e.c. Symmes and Locke<br />

Filler Charles, n.e.c. Ludlow and 2d<br />

Finn James, n.s. George b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Filler Cornelius, n. s. Front b. Pike & Butler Finn Mary, b.h. s.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />

^llr.tElf Sc CHAPIN, (Lucius L. P. & Ru.<br />

Finn Patrick, lab. n.e.c. 6th and Elm<br />

I.' fus C.,) wh. boot and shoe manuf. No. 7 Pearl and<br />

Finn William, n.s. Frontb. Raceand Blm<br />

76 Main<br />

Finn William, w.s. North b. 6th and 7th<br />

Filley George, at Shaddington and Stombs<br />

Finnagan John, elk. bds. Jamea Wellen<br />

Filley Lucius L. (F. & Chapin) 1B4 w. Oth<br />

Finnagan Thomas, a.s. Congress b, Butler and M.<br />

Filmaker Francis, n,s. Canal b. Vine and Walnut Canal<br />

Filmore Ebenezer W. e.s. Parson b. Front & Hieh Finnagan Thomaa, s.aHopldna b. Culter and Linn<br />

Filsiug John, e,s. Linn b. Maple & York<br />

Fiuneman Henry, s.a. Everett b. Linn and Locust<br />

Finneman William, s.s. Laurel b. Linn and LoClUt<br />

Flunaran John, e,a. Plum b. 8tta and 9th


miCOUS. DEL.<br />

FIS FIS<br />

Finner James, s.s. Liberty b. Elm and Plum<br />

Finnea Edmund, n.s Bank b. Piatt & Linn<br />

Finske Harry, s.s. 2d w. of Rose<br />

Finton William, s.s. Sth b. Main and Sycamore<br />

ilNTON 'WIL.IilAM, grocer, s.s. Front b.<br />

I- T. P. 26 and 27 F'n<br />

Firauf George, e.s. Dunlapb.CooperandHam.Road<br />

Firelan Phillip F. 176 w. 3d<br />

Fireman's Hall, s.a. Sth b. Walnut and Vine<br />

IREMEN' INS. CO. Josiah Lawrence Pres.<br />

F n.e.c. Front and Main<br />

IREOTBN'8 INS. CO. of Madison, agency<br />

21 Main, M. NevillSec.<br />

E<br />

First Elizabeth, s.s Front b T. P. 22 and 23 F'n<br />

Firth Thomas, at Hanks-cfe Co.a, h. e.s. Main n. of<br />

Liberty<br />

Fiahback Adolph, n.s. Lebanon Road 1st T. Gate<br />

Fisfher Christian, s.s. JefTeraon b. Elm and Plum<br />

Fischer B. H. w.a. Main b. 12th and 13th<br />

Fischer Frederick, e.s. Dunlap b. Cooper and Ham.<br />

Road<br />

Fischer Hrederick B. e.a. Race b. 13 and 14th<br />

fischeT Jacob, e.8. Bremen b. )4th and 15th<br />

Fischer John, e.s. Bremen b. Liberty and Green<br />

Fieher J. H.' e.a. Race b. Green and Liberty<br />

Fischer Nicholas, e.s. Walnut b.' Liberty and Ham.<br />

Road<br />

FiSchfoot & OehlSchlager, (Reuben F. & Henry ,0.)<br />

e.s. Vine b. Haau,


FLAGG & HOMAN,<br />

IffliliJIlifflliliffllim;<br />



FIT FLE<br />

Fiaher John, w.s. Pendleton b. Liberty & Woodward<br />

Fisher Joseph, e.s. Linn b. Dayton and York<br />

Fiaher Lewis, e.s. W. Row h. Maple and Dayton, h.<br />

e.a, W. Row b. Liberty and .\3h<br />

Fisher Lewis, n.s. Liberty b. W. Row and John<br />

Fisher Ludwick, n.a. Front b. T. P. 17 and 18 F'n<br />

Fisher Peter, lab. e.s. Walnut b. Allison & Liberty<br />

Fiaher Rev. Samuel W. 137 Race<br />

Fisher s. n.s. 2d b. Race aud Elm, bds. n.s. 2d b.<br />

Walnut and Vine<br />

Fisher Wm. e.a. W. Row b. Wade and Liberty<br />

Fisher Wm. e.a. Main b. Burgoyne and Schiller<br />

Fisher Wm. n.s. Catharine b. W. Row and John<br />

Fisher Wm. e.a. Linn b. Dayton and York<br />

Fiaher Wm. 1. 268 Main<br />

Fiaherwood John, at R. B. Bowlers<br />

Fisk Amos, c. 4th and Park<br />

Piak Augustus, 162 w. Sth<br />

Fisk J. M. elk. bds. Gibson House<br />

Fisk Misa Mary B. c. 4th and Park<br />

Fisk Susanna, c. 4th and Park<br />

Fisk Wm. e.s. Carr b. Front and 6th<br />

Fisk Robert W. s.s. George b. Baymiller & Freeman<br />

Fieber S. e.s. Main b. Hunt and Abigail<br />

Fitch John, n.s. Clark b. Linn and Cutter<br />

Fitch Samuel C. salesman, 38 Walnut<br />

Fithian Adoniram, n.s. Sth b. Main nnd Walnut, h.<br />

w.a. Plum b. Longworth and 6th<br />

Fithian Amos, e.a. Findley b. Elm and Canal<br />

FithianDaniel,b.k.43Broadway, bda. Walnutb.7th<br />

and Sth<br />

Fithian Joel, bds. Hiram Sloop<br />

Fithian William R. bds. Mrs. E. Smith<br />

Fitzgibbon Patrick, n.s. Richmondb. John&Mound<br />

Fitterbash Fidelia, 33 Jackson<br />

Fitton Samuel, n.s. Kemble b. Fulton and Cutter<br />

Fitzgerald & Co. (Peter F. & Wm. Coulter) s.a. 6th<br />

b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Fitzgerald James, c. Longworth and W. Row<br />

Fitzgerald James, s.e.c. Plum and Pearl<br />

Fitzgerald John, bds. Wm. Dorrington<br />

Fitzgerald Patrick, w.s. W. Row b. Elizabeth and<br />

Chesnut<br />

Fitzgerald Peter, (F. &. Co.) n.s. Grant b. Elm and<br />

Plum<br />

Fitzgerald P. J. w.a. Pancoast al. b. Sth and 9th<br />

Fitzgerald Richard, n.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />

Fitzgerald Thomaa, n.s. Front e. of depot<br />

Fitzgerald Wm n.s. McAllister<br />

Fitzmaurice David, s.s. Woodward b. Sycamore<br />

and Broadway<br />

Fitzpalrick Dennis, n.s. 7th b. Baymiller and Freeman<br />

Fitzpatrick Dennis, s.e.c. Plum and Pearl<br />

Pitzpatrick Edward, w.a. Race b. M. Canal & 12th<br />

Fitzpatrick John, n.s. Barr b. Mound & Cutter<br />

Fitzpatrick John, s.s. 2d b. Viue and Race<br />

Fitzpatrick John, s.s. 7th b. Baymiller & Freeman<br />

Fitzpatrick Mathew, n.a. Barr b. Culter & Linn<br />

Fitzpatrick Patrick, s.e.c. John and Front, bds.<br />

Fireman's Hall<br />

Pitzsimuions Bernard, w.s. Peet b. Poplar aud<br />

Locust<br />

FitiBimmona James, bds. 20 o. Sth<br />

Fitzsimmous John, b.k. 226 Main<br />

Fitzsimmons Peter, cutter, ] 13 Main<br />

Flack Johu, s.s. Congress b. Butler aud M. Canal<br />

Flack John, (Shaffer & Flack) Arcade Restaurat.<br />

Court b. Main and Waluut<br />

Flack William, elk. h.e.s. Butler b. 4th & Symmes<br />

Flagg Anthony, 351 Main<br />

ril^AGU Sc HOOTAN, (Asa F. F. & Henry H.)<br />

r britanuia ware and candle mould manuf. c. Sth<br />

and Home<br />

Flaherty Michael, w.s. Vineb. 2d and Pearl<br />

Flam Conrad, s.s. Front b.T J. 34 and 33 F'n<br />

Flamm Gottlried, bda. Mrs. E. Hersch .<br />

Flanagan James, n.s. Sth b. Fulton and Cutter<br />

Flanagan Michael, bds. s.e.c. Ludlow & Symmes<br />

Flanagan Mias Bridget, e.s.Culvert b,5th and6th<br />

Flanery Michael, s.s. Barr b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Flanery M. bar keeper Burnet House<br />

Flanery Patrick, city police, e.s. Ludlow b. 3d and<br />

Congress<br />

Flaunan Bartlcy. e.s. Sycamore b. 7th and Sth<br />

Flanagan William, (Sands & Flanagan) h. Plum<br />

b. Mason and Everett<br />

Flauagau Joseph, n.s. Cherry b. Race and Elm<br />

Flanagan Matthew, s.e.c. Plum and Pearl<br />

Flanagan Michael, s.e.c. Elm and 3d<br />

Flashman S. bds. Revere Hou.se<br />

Flaspehler Henry, e.s. Broadway b. Hunt & Abigail<br />

Flathery Martin, n.a. 7th b. Baymillerand Freeman<br />

Fiathman & Dryer, 59 Court<br />

Fiathman F. (F. & Dryer) S9 Court<br />

Flaugh Frederick, bds. Peter Nimsgern<br />

Flavel Rev. Thomas, n.s. Elizabeth b. John and<br />

Fulton<br />

Fleak Alfred, bds. 68 Pike<br />

Flear Charles, w.s. Ham. road b. Main & Walnut<br />

Fiech Henry, u.s. Locust b. Peet & Buckeye<br />

Fleck Casper, drayman, 63 Walnut, h.e.s. Linn b<br />

Eveiett and Libeity<br />

Fledermann Josepli, n.s. Abigail b. Sycamore and<br />

Broadway<br />

Fleckenstin„ Lawrence, n.s. Liberty b. Race & Elm<br />

I'leetwood Anthony, (F. & Son) 72 Centre<br />

Fleetwood Charles, (F. & .-.on) "2 Centre<br />

Fleetwood & Son, (Anthony and Charles) 9 e. 4th<br />

Plemin Adam. bds. E. Flemiu's<br />

Flemin E. s.s. Frout e. of Depot<br />

Flenjing Jane, n.s. V\ aterb. Race and Elm<br />

Fleming John, e.s. Elm b. Front &-id<br />

Fleming, engineer, al T. Steed's<br />

Fleming Joseph, bds. Geo. Ledlie<br />

Fleming Robert, n.s. Water b. Race and Elm<br />

Fleming Thomas, b.k. al. b. 7th and Sth<br />

Fleming Miss Hester, e.s. Race b. 12th & Canal<br />

Fleming James, s.s. 6(h e. of Baum<br />

Fleming John, 242 Main<br />

Fleming Miss Charlotte, bda. Lucinda Fleming's<br />

t lenimon Andrew, n .s. 3d h. Park & Smith<br />

Flenstein Alexander, e.s. Bremen b. 14th & ISth<br />

Fisrmont Conrad, Powell's foundry •<br />

Fletcher Calvin, 20 & 22 w. Front, h. 66 w. 4th<br />

t letcher Catharine, e.s. Elm b. 2d and Cherry<br />

!• letcher Heury, e.s. W. Row b. Everett iSi Wade<br />

Fletcher James, w.s. W.Kow b.Wade&MBUnttboB



nmEsnEmiY.iBiHWN BREWERY,<br />


Pike and Congress Streets.<br />

©QijatgQifaifa^Tra.<br />

FLO<br />

Fletcher James. K. R. Hotel<br />

F<br />

L.E'1'CHElit LOWEI/L. & CO. (Lowell<br />

P., T. P. Harrison & Lucian H. Fletcher) com.<br />

mers. & manufs. alcohol, pure spirits, &c. s.e.<br />

c. Vine and Front<br />

Fletcher Lowell, (L. F. & Co.) 2<strong>52</strong> w. 41h<br />

Fletcher Lucian H. (L. F. & Co.) h. 66 w. 4th<br />

F<br />

EEXCHEIS RUBER 1', druggiat, n.e.c.<br />

Sycamore and L. Market, h.a.a. Arch h. Broadway<br />

and Ludlow<br />

Fletcher Simon, n.s. Sth b. Plum and VV. Row<br />

Fletcher Miss Tabltba elk. n.s. Slh b. Race & Elm<br />

Fletcher Wm. n.s. Water b. Elm and Plnm<br />

Fleurlager George, n.a. Abigail b. Sycamore and<br />

Broadway<br />

Flewellen L. C. n.s. Tth b. Broadway & Culvert<br />

Flick Jacob, a.w.c. Sycamore and Abigail<br />

Flick Joseph, w.s. Vine b. Liberty & Green<br />

Flick Martin, n.a. Front b. T.P. 29 and 30 F'n<br />

Flickinger Samuel, (H. S. & J. Applegate & Co.)<br />

Pliokner O. Jacob, 2.<strong>52</strong> w.Oth, h. Kichmondb. Baymiller<br />

and Freeman<br />

Flinn Mrs. Bridget, w.s. Pendleton b. Woodward<br />

and Liberty<br />

Flinn & Brown, (Jacob F. and Oliver B.) s.w.c<br />

Main and Court, entrance on Cuurt<br />

Flinn Jacob, (F. & Brown) e.s. Vine b. 13th &14th<br />

Flinn James, s.s. Congress b. Butler and Pike<br />

Fliuu John, n.s. Front b. Elm and Plum<br />

Flinn Michael, n.s. Hani, road b. Race and Kim<br />

Flinn Patrick, s.w.c. Water and Vine<br />

Flinn Patrick, w.s. Dublin b. Sth and Court<br />

Flinn Thomas, e.s. Broadway b. Abigail & Woodward<br />

Flinn Wm. e.s. Vine b. 2d and Pearl<br />

Flint Martin D. n.a. Richmond b. John & Mound<br />

Flohn Simon, elk. bds. u. s. 6lh b. Plum and W.<br />

Row<br />

Flohr C. finisher at Powell's foundry<br />

Flohr Henry, w.s. W. Kuw b. Oth and George, h.n.<br />

s. Oth b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Flood Barney, s.s. Acconimudallon b. Sth & State<br />

F<br />

I.iOUl> CJlKISrOPliEit. druggist aud<br />

apothecarv, s.e c. Kace & 3d, bds. Globe Hotel<br />

Flood Catharine, w.s, Raieb. Cherry and Frout<br />

Flood Creed, n.a. Canal b. Vine and Race<br />

Flood Edward, bds. w.a. Race b. Cherry & Front<br />

Flood Edward, at J. C. Geisendurfs<br />

Flood James, n.a. Everett b. Jones and Linn<br />

Flood Joel D. n.s. Water 2d d. from Smith<br />

Flood Mis. Ann, e.s. Butler b. Congress and Front<br />

Flood Philip, bd.s. w.s. Raceb. Cherry and Front<br />

Flood Wm. elk. 60 llroadway<br />

I..ORER N ATM AN iH. prod, dealer 9 Sy­<br />

F camore, h.a.a. 7th b. Kace and Elm<br />

Flotmesser Joaeph, at G. Shield'."<br />

Floto Cbarlea, elk. 7. Front, bds. Madison House<br />

Floyd George H. (T. W. Moise & Co.) bds. Burnet<br />

House<br />

Floyd Henry B. a.s. 4th b. Mill and Stone •<br />

Floyd Miss Julia, s.s. 4th b. Mill and Stone<br />

Floyd Mrs. b.h. 77 Lower Market<br />

Floyd Thomas, jail keeper, w.s. Sycamore b. Hunt<br />

and Abigail<br />

6<br />

II Corner of Twelfth and Main streets,<br />

Keeps constantly a large supply of superior<br />

FOL<br />

Fluchmaii Christopher, atE. Hall




IVos. 70 and 357 Main street, Cincinnati.<br />


FOR FOS<br />

Folz Comos, n.s. Ham. Roadb. Main and Locust Fornick John, s.s. Poplar b. Buckeye & Ham Hoad<br />

Fondieck John, s.s. Buckeye h. Poiilar and Locust Forrest Mrs. Belle, w.s. W. Row b. 41h and 6th<br />

Fonger Gerhard, n.s. Abigail b. Broadway & Spring Forrest Elisha, at Shreve Steele (feCo's.h ss Hiffh<br />

Fonneida Phillip, e.s. Vine b. Libeity and tpiing<br />

b. Collard and Lytle ' ' ' ^<br />

Fonswit Paul M. bds. W. Guilford's n.s. George b. Fori est W. T. Eagle bldgs, h. 92 Pike<br />

"W. Row and John<br />

Forrest Daniel S. s.s. 6th e. of Lock<br />

ONTAttKE & POKTEK, (Charles F. & Forrester Mrs. Elizabeth, e.s. Broadway b Abieail<br />

F William S. P.) daguerrean artists, 30 w. 4th<br />

and Woodward ' *^<br />

Fontayne Charles, (F. & Porter) res. Newport Ky. Forrester Walter, s.s. 6th b. Elm and Plum<br />

Foot Henry, cab. mkr. at Clawson and Mudge's, h. Forristall Mra. Jane, s.s. Barrb. Mound and Cutter<br />

n.s. 2d b. Vine and Race<br />

Forman William H. 127 Main<br />

Foot Mrs. J. W. n.w.c. McFarland and Plum Forsha Mary J. n.s. 2d b. W. Row and Plum<br />

Foote Andrews R. Lonsworth b. Smith & Mound Forsha S. W. n.s. Sth near Smitb<br />

Foote George, elk. 254 Longworth<br />

Forsyth Elijah J. s.w.c. Race ar.d Union<br />

OOTE JOHN X. Sc CO. imp. wines and Fortiie Chailes, bds. n.e.c. 4lh and Sycamore<br />

F liquors, 34 e. 2d<br />

Fortin C. bds. at Shires<br />

Foote John T. (J. T. F. & Co.) 238 w. 4th<br />

|,iOR'J-lMAN FRANCIS, Bavarian Brewery<br />

Foote Robert B. elk. 25 Pearl<br />

V s.w.c. 12th and Main, and Congress Brewery c<br />

Foppe Clen.ens, s.s. Cherry b. Race and Elm<br />

Pike aiid Congress.<br />

Forbes Alexander, w.s. 3d b Wood and Canal Fortman Herbert, w.s. M. Canal b. Sth and 6th<br />

Forbes James, s.w.c. Sycamore and 6th<br />

FortmeyerG.E.clk. at H.B.Habenback, bds F Drose<br />

Forbes Miles, s.w.c. 6th and Sycamore<br />

Fortmeyer H. G. elk. bds. F. Uroge ' '<br />

Forbes Wm. e.s. Rittenhouse b. Clark & Catharine<br />

Fortner James, at Litherbury's<br />

Forbine Joseph, s.s. 6th b. Culvert and Broadway<br />

Fortner Menda, n.s. Front b. T. P. 9 and 10 F'n<br />

ORBtJS JOHN E. tanner and leather dealer Forward Henry, e.s. Elm b. Green and Liberty<br />

F •w.s. Kim b. Findley and Cooper<br />

Fos Bernard, s.e.c. Buckeye and Eden<br />

Forbush John H. b.k. 7'J Main, res. Cumminsville Fos Fritz, e s. Hughs b. Liberty and Schiller<br />

Force — , w.s. Piatt b. Ham. Road and Bank Fos Joseph, e.s. Peet b. Eden and Locust<br />

Force Manning F. atty. at Law, 3, 4 and o Lawbldgs. Fosdick Charles R. (S. F. cic Co.) 256 Race<br />

res. n.w.c. 4th and Race<br />

Fosdick Ezekiel, s.s. sth b. Mill and Stone<br />

Force Munson, s.s. Catharine b. W. Row and John Fosdick S & CO. (Samuel & Charles R. F) 56 e 2d<br />

ORCIlHElmER A: «,: IITIWAIMV, (May­ Fosdick Samuel, (S. F. & Co.) 266 Race<br />

F er F. & Siemon G.) mauuf. hats, caps carpet Fosdick William W. n.e.c 4ih and Walnut, h nw<br />

bags, 70 and 357 Main<br />

c. 6th and Smith<br />

Forchbeimer Mayer, (F. and Gutmann) 357 Main<br />

Ford Alexander, n.s. Front b. John and .Siuirh<br />

Fosgrein William, s.s. Buckeye b. Poplar & Locust<br />

Ford Charles, at Filley and Chapin, bds. Race b.<br />

Fossett Joseph, s.s. 2d b. Walnut & Vine h w q<br />

Stone b. 3d and 4lh<br />

Pearl and 2d<br />

Foster Alexander M. (Frost & F) bds. Walnut Hills<br />

Ford Eliza, w.s. W. Row b. Richmond and Catha­<br />

Foster Mrs. C. A. w.s. Plumb. Madeaud Liberty<br />

rine<br />

POSTER C H A K I . E S SC BRO. (Charles<br />

Ford George, b'lf e.s. Race b. Pearl and 2d<br />

Ford James, ck. Oak Hall, bds. Gibson House<br />

1 & James 0.) western printing press mauuf s w<br />

Ford J. W. s.w.c. Plum and Liberty<br />

c. 7th and Smilh<br />

Ford Smith, (Carpenter & F.) 237 w, 4th<br />

pOSTFR, CORWINE it CO. (Fisher A.,<br />

Ford Sri ilh R. 14 Front b. Main and Walnut, h.237 1 Foster & Samuel L. Corwine) pub. Chronicle and<br />

Atlas, c. 3d aud H.iiiimcuid<br />

\v. 4th<br />

Foster Charlotte, n.s. .Mh li. Elm and Plum<br />

Ford Win. jr. (W. F. & Son) op. T. P. 8 F'n<br />

Foster Charlotte, Arch b. Ludlow and Broadway<br />

Ford M'illiam, w.s. Jackson b. 12lh and Canal<br />

Foster Charles J. bds, Samuel Fosters, 153 w Sth<br />

ORI* WII.1J1IA;TI SC SON, caiKlle and<br />

F lard oil manuf. a.s. Front op. T. P. 12 F'n<br />

Foster Clurles, (C. F. & Bro.) Kemble b. John and<br />

Fore Ur. Prior G. 72 w. 7th<br />

Mound<br />

Foreman Christian, n.s. Sth b. Jobn and iviound Foster 1). U.S. Laurel b. John and Cutter, bds 237<br />

Foienbrock Bernard, w.s. Pendleton b. .Vbigailand w. 6th<br />

Foster Edward, e.s. Cutter b. Clark and Hopkins<br />

Hunt<br />

Foresaddle Solomon, w.s. Race b. Findley and Ham.<br />

Foster Elij.ih, e.s. W. Row b. Sth and 9th<br />

Foster Fiiher .V. (F., Corwine iV Co.) bds. Broadway<br />

Road<br />

Forgey Jacob P. (F. Warren, & Co.) s.s. George h.<br />

Hotel<br />

Liun and Baymiller<br />

Foster Francis, s.s. Sth b. John and Mound<br />

OROEF, -W^ABtREN Sc TO. (Jacol .. Foster George, elk. bds. 158 w. 8th.<br />

F F. & Chailes F. \\ .) glue, curled hair and Am'u. Foster Heury, bds. 168 w. Sth<br />

Bristles, 25 w. 2d<br />

piistcr.Hcnry H. salesman, 16 Pearl,<br />

Forke Henry, elk. n.s. Sth op. Pike<br />

Foster James jr. 121 Walnut, h. e.s. Sycamoreb. Gth<br />

Fornhagan John, 13public landing, h. e.s. Broadway and 7'h<br />

b. Hunt and Abigail<br />

Foster James I). (C. F. & Co.) n.s. Catharine b. Fulton<br />

and Cutter


^AIDeiLE, ]HIAlMEe§3 MID MUMK<br />

M A NU P A C T 0 R T,<br />


SS=>®)raaa> IE)c2)[ip© lijoacsisssjc ^assODa ^0!pcs«©0a<br />

FOX FRA<br />

Foster James, s.s. Front b. T. P. 40 aud 41 F'n<br />

Foster Job, machinist, bds. 11 Perry<br />

Foster John, n.s. Gth b. Broadwayand Sycamore<br />

Foster Dr. John B.n.s. Barr b. Baymiller & Freeman<br />

Foster Joseph C. elk. 117 Main<br />

Foster Joseph, w.s. Elm b. 9th and Court<br />

Foster Dr. Nathaniel, al. phys. n.e.c. 3d & Broadway<br />

Foster Neville, elk. bds. 168 w. Sth<br />

Foster Samuel, 158 w. Sth<br />

Foster Seth C. (Stearns & F.) bds. D. K. Leavitt's<br />

Foster Stephen, s.s. Elizabeth b. W. Row and John<br />

Foster Stei'hen H. elk. 11 Main<br />

Foster William, e.s. W. Row b. Arch and Maple<br />

Foster William, b.k. (C. Foster & Bro.) h. e.s. Linn<br />

b. Catharine & Clark<br />

Foster W illiam C. 6th w. M. Canal, h. n.s. Gth e. of<br />

M. Canal<br />

Foster W. L. e.s. W. Rowb. Everett and Wade<br />

Fostman George Am. Restaurat<br />

Fouche Alexander, hatter, n.s. Abigail<br />

Foucherell L. at Harkness & Son's<br />

Poudefelder GreinhofT, al. s.s. Buckeye e. of Locust<br />

Foulds Thomas H. elk. P. O.<br />

Foulhopper Michael, n.s. Barr b. Baymiller and<br />

Freeman<br />

tox Jacob, n.s. Hamilton road b. J<br />

>ox John, at J. E. Geisendoif's<br />

Fox John, s.s. Front b.Elm and Plum<br />

Fox John, n.s. 2d b. Park and Rose<br />

Fux John A. w.a. Plum b. 6th and Longworth<br />

Fox Lewis, n.s. Harrison roadc. Bank<br />

Fox Maria J. bda, 351 Race!<br />

Fox Peter, 184 Walnut<br />

Fox Philip, e.s. Vine b. Benton and North<br />

Fox Porter, w.s. Culvert b. 6lh and 7th<br />

Fox Richard, c. Findley and Hamilton road<br />

Hain and Locust<br />

Fox 'ihomas & George, n.a. Hamilton road b Race<br />

and Hamburg<br />

Fox Thomas (T. & G. F.) n.s. Ham. road b. Elm and<br />

Hamburgh<br />

Fox Thomas, n.a. Front b. Elm and Plum<br />

Fox Thomas, n.s. Front b. T. P. 10 & 11 F'n<br />

Fox widow of W. J. e.s. Providence b. Mason and<br />

Everett<br />

Foxall Rose, Canal, b Race and Elm.<br />

Foxcrolt John, e.s. Lock b. 6th and.symmes<br />

Foy Mrs. Bridget, e.s. Parsons b. 6th and 6th<br />

Fraas Walter, bds. Mrs. R. H. Looker<br />

Frailer George, Abigail b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Fraiii Roderick, n.s. William b. 9th and Court<br />

Foulke Shipley L. n.e.c, John & Clinton<br />

Frainer Owen, n.s. Kemble b. Fulton and Cutter<br />

OUNTAIN JACOB S. saddles harness, France John, w.s. Hace b. Liberty and Greeu<br />

F and trunks, 242 Main<br />

Francen Bernard, Green b. Vine and Race<br />

Fourny Joseph, s.s. Gth b. Culvert and Broadway Francis A. W. e.s. Baum w. of High<br />

Fowl Henry n.s. Gano b. Main and Walnut<br />

Francis E. W. s.s. Sth b. Culvert and Broadway<br />

Fowler M, H. elk. bds. B. H. Slocum<br />

Francis James, e.s. Mound b.7th and George<br />

OWtEK J. F. & CO. edge tool manuf. Lock Francis l,ewis, w.s. Rose b. Front and 2d<br />

F b. Sth and 6th<br />

Francis Peter, w.s. Gth b. Harriet and Horn<br />

Fowler John F. (J. F. F. & Co.) s.s. Sth b. Lock and Francis Robert, bds. s.s. 3d b. Race and Elm<br />

Baum „ ,<br />

Francisco Andrew W. local editor, n.s. New b. Sy­<br />

Fowler Joseph, n.a. 6th b. Broadway and Culvert<br />

camore aud Broadway<br />

Fowler Minard H. b.k. (Jenkins, Hamlin & Co's.)<br />

Frardotr Anton, 146 Walrut<br />

bds. E. M. Slocum's<br />

T-RANK A. W.Sc CO. (A.W. F. & J, B. F.)<br />

Fowler Mrs. T. T. s.s. Liberty b. Pendleton & Spring P n.w.c. 6th and Race<br />

Fowler William W. at Jacob Wertzell's<br />

Frank Bavid, 57 Main<br />

Fox Alexander, n.e.c. George and Baymiller<br />

TTBANK FRANCIS, Queen city lard oil<br />

Fox Alfred, elk. s.s. Everett h. Plumand W. Row r manul. 10 e. Front h. 46 e. 4th<br />

Fox Arthur, n.s. Congress b. Butler and M. Canal Frank Godfrey A. n.w.c/W. Row and Catharine<br />

Fox Ann E. n.s. 6th b. John and W. Kow<br />

Frank Gasper, s.a. 16tif b. Race andElui<br />

Fox Bernard, n.s. Front b. T. P. 10 and II F'n Frank Henry, a.a. Kemble b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

Fox Benjamin L. n.a. Front b. Elm and Pluna Frank John, e.s. Jackson b. 12th and Canal<br />

Fox Charles, (F., French & Pendleton) 174 Race Frank John, Frontb. Harriet and Horn<br />

Pox Charles, e.s. Plumb. 4lh and 5th<br />

Frank J. B. (A.W. F. & Co) h. n.w.c. 6th and Race<br />

Fox David, w.s. Pleasant b. 16th and Liberty Frank, Lamm & Co. (Leon F. & Samuel & Leon<br />

Fox Edward, s.s. Water b. Elm and Plum<br />

Lamm) Front w. ol Broadway<br />

Pox Mrs. Elizabeth, n.s. Findley b. Race and Vine Frank Lazarus, bds. w.s. Bremen b. 15th & Libertv<br />

Fox Francis, n.s. Providence b. Mason and Everett Frank Leopold, elk. 306 Race<br />

FOX Francis S. n.a. 6th b. Jobn and W. Row Frank Leon, (F., Lamm & Co.) 86Bioadway<br />

OX,FRENCH Sc PEN l>I.ETON,(Chaa. Prank Peter, s.s. Logan b. Liherty and Green<br />

F F., Ira D. F. & Edmund P.) attys. at Law 70 Frank Samuel H. n.w.c. Vine aud Canal<br />

Main<br />

Frank Samuel, elk, at 6i Sycamore, bds. at Evans'<br />

Pox George w.s. Pleasant b. 14th and 16th<br />

Hotel<br />

Fox George, iO McFarland<br />

Frank William, at CoiRn's bell foundery •<br />

Fox George, (T. & G. F.) n.s. Findley b. Race and Franke Joseph, n.s. Ham. road b. Locust & Poplar<br />

Vine<br />

Frankel Benjamin, 247 w. 6th<br />

Fox Henry, n.s. Betts b. Cutter and Lmn<br />

Frankland Thomas, b.k. J2th e. 4tb, b. 133 w.Sth.<br />

Fox Hezekiah, s.e.c. Home and Sth<br />

RANKL.IN BRANCH BANK, n.s. 3d<br />

Fox James, bds. Thomas Morton's, w.a. w. Kow F b. Main &. Walnut<br />

b. Betts and Clinto n<br />

Franklin Benedict, n.s.Commerce b.Waluut &Viae


S. !E. Corner Broadway and Third sts.<br />


FRA FRE<br />

Franklin Kev. lienjamin, s.s. Everett b. Linu and , nKAZEit, ISAA^EU Ac MORTOJV, (J. ohn<br />

Locust<br />

X^ F., Timothy L. B. and Heni7 M.) hardw arc.<br />

KAIVKff.BN FIKE IWS. CO., of Phila­ cuil







COPPER PLATE, fe<br />



Ml --^^CTl .SUCH AS o^iSL^<br />

TYPE, CHASES, CASES, BRASS RULE. &c. &c. ^ . K<br />

: ^sS^^^^^ ^-^^^ "'S"-^,'*''' ^^^K^ ~«S*i'^'^^"^'B^^<br />

FRE<br />

Frederick Baik, w.s. Vine b. Front and 2d French Jacob, bds. c. Elm and 2d<br />

Frederickson Oliver, 178 Broadway<br />

French J. Henry, b.k. 32 Front, re?. Covington<br />

Fredorwest Herrett, e.s. W. Row b. 2d and Pearl French Maynard, (French, Strong


J. F. POV7LBR & CO.<br />





warranted of the best material, and at shortest notice.<br />

' T. Wrightson, Printer, 43 Main .tret;!-<br />

FRU FUR<br />

Frieckhaus Harmon, s.s. Abigail b. Sycamore and Frutlander Herman, elk. 30 Front, bds. at Jacob<br />

Broadway<br />

Mayer's<br />

Frieilborn Augustus. 28 w. 5tb<br />

Froze John.bds. at Shires'<br />

Friedeborn Frederick, 84 w. Court<br />

Fry Benj. bds. at Ursus Fry's<br />

Friedlen John, w.s. Main, b. Allison and Liberty Fry Catharine, w.s. Vine b. )5th and Liberty<br />

Friedman Levi, n.s. Sth b, Sycamore& Broadway Fry George D. b.k. n.s. Mulberry b. Locust and<br />

Friel Patrick, s.s. New b. Broadway and Culvert PopUr<br />

Fries Dr. George. 345 Vine<br />

Fry George, Miller, b. 6th and 7tli<br />

Fries Jobn, (Hasper, Winall& Co.) res. Lebanon Fry H. at Harkness & Sons'<br />

Pike<br />

Fry Isaac, n.s. Canal b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Fries Sylvester, 10 Walnut, bds. 333 w. 6th Fry Rev. Jacob e.s. Race b. 13th and Uth<br />

Frilling Frederick, s.s. 12th b. .Main and Clay Fry James, at Harkness & Son's<br />

Frink Andreas, s.e.c. Locust and Peet<br />

Fry John, n.s. Allison b. Main and Clay<br />

Friuk Frank, w.s. Freeman b. Kemble and Rich­ Fry Joseph n.s. sthb. Pike and Butler<br />

mond<br />

Fry Ursus, n.s. 3th opp. Pike<br />

Prints Michael, 30 w. 4th h. Longworth, b. John & Pry William, n..'!. George b. Mount} and Cutter<br />

Smith<br />

Fry William F. b.k. at (iueen City Saw Mill w.s.<br />

Frintz George, s.w.c. Buckeye and Locust<br />

Sycamore b. Reeder and Auburn<br />

Frisby Mrs. Mary w.s. W. Row b. 4th and Sth Fry William T. cik. at Ben]. Bicknell's, s.s. Front<br />

Frish Cathanoe,e.s. Butler b. Symmes and Congress e.of depot<br />

Fritch George, s.s. 8Lh b. Baymiller and Freeman Flyberger JuliaA.n.s Frontb. T.P. 22 and 23 F'n.<br />

FritchSimon, e.s. Sycamore 2d s. Woodward FryerJohn, elk. 122 Main<br />

Fritman Jacob, w.s. Sycamore b. Schiller and Burgoyne<br />

Fuber Mrs. Mary, e.s. McAllister b. 4th and Sth<br />

Frilsch Anthony, n.s. Abigail 2 a. e. Sycamore<br />

Fucka Franz, s.s. Woodward, 1 d. w. Spring<br />

Fritsch Dr. L. s.s. Everett b. W. Row and Jobn<br />

Fudel George, e.s. Broadway b. Hunt and Abigail<br />

Fritz A. at A. Harkaess & Sons'<br />

Puehler Henry, e.s. Broadway b. Hunt and Abigail<br />

P'ritz Charles, w.s. Bremen, b. 15th and Liberty Fugale Thomas, w.s. Plum b. Ann and Mason<br />

Fritz Christian, at Mai tin, Anshutz & Co. Fuhnhauner John, e.s. Broadway b. Hunt and Abi­<br />

Fritz John G.n.s. George b. Linn and Baymiller gail<br />

Probbon Michael, e.s. New b. Elder and Green Puldner Philip, (Sieve & F.) n.s. Clinton b. Linn<br />

FroendhofT Frederick, n.s. VV oodward b. Main and and Locust<br />

Fuliwaster John H e.s. Pleasant b. 14tll and 15th<br />

Sycamore<br />

Fullenkamp H. bds. at John Stien's<br />

FroendhofT J. H. n.s Mulberry w. of Main<br />

Froelke Henry, e.a. Hughen b. Liberty & Schiller<br />

Fuller E.W. elk. at R. R. depot<br />

Frog Henry, w.s. Freeman b. Kemble & Riclimond<br />

Fuller John, bds. 290 Langworth<br />

Frohliger Stephen, Louisville Exchange, n.w.c. 2d<br />

Puller M. R. elk. bd-. at Shires'<br />

Fuller Patrick n.s. Sth b. Sycamore and Broadwav<br />

and Lawrence<br />

Frohmeier Edward n.e.c. Walnut and ISth<br />

Fuller Wm. F. 290 Longworth<br />

Froley William, s.s. Front b. Plum and Western<br />

Fuller W. H. 138 w.Sth<br />

Kow<br />

Fullerton James, s.s. 2d opp. Park<br />

Frome Samuel, s.s. Sth b. Stone and Wood<br />

Fulierton Lawrence, s.s. 5th b. Broadway and Mc­<br />

Frommeir John F. c. Stone and Sd<br />

Allister<br />

Prommeir William, n.s. sth e. of Freeman<br />

Fullmer Frederidk, Lodge b. Oth and Gano<br />

Fromyer Herman, w.s. Pendleton, 1 d. n. of Abigail<br />

Fultner John, s.s. Everett b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Fronz Henry, e.s. Broadway b. Hunt aud Abigail<br />

Fulton Elizabeth, b.h. 83 w. 4th<br />

Frooley George, s.s. Frontb. Plum andW. Row<br />

Fulton Robert elk, bds. at Nathaniel Smith's<br />

Froome Samuel, cutter, s.e.c. Main and 3d. h s s<br />

Fullweiler Miss Elizabeth w. s. Pleasant b. 14tc<br />

Sth b. Stone & Wood<br />

and 15th<br />

Froome Samuel n.w.c. W. Row and George<br />

Ful weiler John H. s.e.c. Smith and 3d<br />

Frost John, w.s. Ham. road b. Vine and Poplar<br />

Funk Benjamin, bds. 72 w.7th<br />

Frost Aaron, s.w.c. Bremen and Race<br />

Funk Chas G. elk. 14 Pub. Landing, bds. at H.E.<br />

Frost & Foster, (Mahlon S. F. & Alex. M. F 1 12 Funk's<br />

Main *' FunkH. B.266 Vine<br />

Funk Henry, elk. w.s. Race b. 14th and 15th<br />

RUST GEO. W., atty. and agent of Wash­<br />

F Funk H. H. w.s. Race b. ]41h and 15th<br />

ington Union Ins. Co. s.w.c, Mainand Court, Funk Isaac B. n.s. Front b. T.P. 10 and )7F't.<br />

hds. at Waverly House<br />

Funke William, w.s. Race b. 14th and 15th<br />

Frost Jane, nurse, w.s. Kossuth<br />

Funke Simon, w.s. Vine b. ISth and Liberty<br />

Frost Mahlon S. (Frost & Foster) res. Walnut Hills Furlong John, 166 w. 3d<br />

Frost N. L. elk. Burnet House<br />

Furlong Joseph, turner, n.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />

Fruke Charles, bds. Joseph H. Varwig's<br />

Furlong Martin, 16 w. 8th<br />

Frush wald Frederick, w.s. Dunlap b. Cooper and Furnor George, at Powell's<br />

Ham. road<br />

Furner John bds. at Peter Fogle's<br />

Frumel John. s.s.Frontb. Pike and Butler Furst Jacob, n.s. George b. Plum and W. Row




AND<br />

Commissioner for Indiana and Kentucky.<br />

Office, North-east corner Walnut and Fifth streets,<br />

•V^^fightsbu^Printer,43 MainT<br />

FuTBt Solomon, 104 w. Sth<br />

Fury Bernard, s.e.c. Water and Vine<br />

Fury Peter, n.s. 7th b. Plum and W. Kow.<br />

Fuaeler John, w.s. Bremen b. 15th and Liherty<br />

FuBChkort Joseph, n.s. Abigail b. Broadway and<br />

Spring<br />

Fuechs Nicholas, e.s. Bremen b. Green and Elder<br />

Fuaner Michael, n.s. Buckeyeb. Eden and Locust<br />

Futer Martin, bds. at H. Hitzfeller<br />

Fye John, cLk. e.s Jackson, b. 12th and 13th<br />

FyffeWm. H. (Kaper & Bros.) 314 w. 6th<br />

a<br />

Gab Charles, at Shreve, Steele & Co's, n.s. Front<br />

b. Lytle and Collard<br />

Gabel George, e.s. Peet b. Locust and Poplar<br />

Gable Maigaret, n.s. Observatory road, Mt. Adams<br />

Gable Matthias, Yeatman b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Gabriel James, lU w. 3d<br />

Gabriel John, elk, s.s. Tth b. Baymiller and Freeman<br />

Gabriel John, waiter, Burnet House<br />

Gabriel Joseph, e.s. Pike b. Front and Congress<br />

Gabriel, widow ol E. T. Charles, b. Canal and I2th<br />

Gachter J. F. elk. n.e.c. Frontand W. Kow<br />

Gaddume Leo, 27 e. 4th<br />

Gaddume Mrs. Ada, milliner, 27 e. 4th<br />

Gaen John, w.s. Walnut b. 13th and Allison<br />

Gaena George, w.s. Broadway b. Hunt and Abigail<br />

Gaesler Francis, Findley b. Elm aud Canal<br />

Gaetz John, 79 w. Court<br />

Gaff George, 12 L. Market, bds. Midgly's on Broadway<br />

Gaff John, elk. 30 Walnut<br />

Gafeny Mrs. Catharine, n.e.c. 3d and W. Kow<br />

Gafeny John, s.s. 3d b. Mill ao* Park<br />

AFENY OWEN O'B. cupper, leecber, &c.<br />

G s.e.c. Cth & Walnut, res. e,s. Waluut b. Gano<br />

and 7th<br />

Gafeny Patrick, e.s. Sycamore b. 7th and Sth<br />

Gaffeny Edward, at S.S. Boyle's<br />

Gaffney Ralph, n.s. George h. Mound and Cutter<br />

Gaffney Thomas, Canal b. Elm and Plum<br />

Gage Thomas, w.s. Vine n. Ham. road<br />

Gage Edmund, n.s. George b. Jobn and Smith<br />

Gahlend Casper, n.e.c. Locust and Buckeye<br />

Gainer Casper Wm. w.s. Pleasant b. Liberty and<br />

Green<br />

Gaines Austin, s.s. Woodward b. Sycamore and<br />

Broadway<br />

AINES HENRT, atty at law, n.e.c. Wal­<br />

G nut and 5th, h.n.s. Sth b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Gaines Richard, n.w.c. Freeman and Gest<br />

( 1AINES THEOPHILUS? atty at law, 20<br />

Gale Mies Eliza, hds. Elm b. Oth and Court<br />

Galessy Wm. bds, Alexander Richie's<br />

Gall Mrs. Baibara, n.s. Clinton b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Gall John A. s.s. Ham. road h. Clarkson and Piatt<br />

Gall Wm. B. n.s. Bank b. Freeman and Piatt<br />

Gallagan Patrick, s.s Liberty b. Elm and W. Row<br />

Gallagher Charles, s.s. Wade b. W. Row and John<br />

Gallagher Geo. W. elk. bds. n.e.c. 7th and Elm<br />


U (Philip tr., Franklin E. & Thomas W. Bristol)<br />

wh. dry goods, I2S Main<br />

Gallagher James, n.s. 2d b. Ludlow and Lawrence,<br />

h. s.s. 3d h. Elm and Pium<br />

Gallagher John. Lieut, city police, s. s. 2d w. of<br />

Smilh<br />

Gallaglier John, w.s. Smith n. of Augusta<br />

Gallagher Matthew, s.s. George b. W. Row Main<br />

Gallagher Patrick J. at R. B. Bowler's<br />

Gallagher Philip {G., Ernst & Bristol)<br />

Gallagher Thomas, at Martin, Anshutz & Co'8<br />

Gallagher Thomas J. law bldgs. h. 30 w. Sth<br />

Gallagher Wm. D. ass. ed. Gazette, bds. Franklin<br />

House<br />

Galley John C. (Delaney & G.) Dumas House, e.e.<br />

M'Allister<br />

Gallier Thomas, bds. 59 Broadway<br />

Galligam Mrs. Mary, n.s. Congress b. Butler and<br />

M. Canal<br />

Galpel Dorothy, e.s. M'.\llister<br />

Galtogh Peter, w.s. Walnut b. Ham. road and Liberty<br />

Galloway John M. at B. Hazen's<br />

Gait Mrs. Elizabeth, e.s. Smith b. 4th and Sth<br />

nALT HOUSE, (Henry Ackey) s.w.c. Main<br />

U and Gth<br />

Gait Mrs. Matilda, s.s. Betts b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Gait Matthew, n.e.c. M. Canal and Congress<br />

Galvin Martin, n.s. 6th h. Harriet and Horn<br />

Gamble James, (Procter & G.) York w. of John<br />

Gamble Jamea H. elk. in Bank, b. 35 McFarland<br />

Gamble Thomas J. bds. 35 McFarland<br />

Garael John, w.s. Race b. Liberty and Green<br />

Ga:nmick Peter, n.s. Ham. road b, Piatt and Freeman<br />

Gandolfo Augustus, elk. 76 w. 41h, h.w.s. Elm b.<br />

Charles and 12th<br />

Gandolfo P. w.s. Elm b. Canal and 12th<br />

Gandolfo Peter, n.e.c. -Ith and Elm<br />

Gandolfo Stephen, n.w.c. Elra and Centre<br />

Ganer Wra. e.s. H ughes h. Liherty and Schiller<br />

Gano Aaron G. salesman 25 Main<br />



S. GARRETT & CO.<br />

' ri'o. ]\'o. 977 in AI]>^- Aiiv,<br />

^<br />

la-ffl-jjttM JSJffi •©!? •®&$S"© AS?!I> Sffiaa^ffiSfji<br />

1 hand a large arge assortment assortment of Historical, Historical, Plji Philosophical, Medical and Miscellaneous<br />

Books Books ; ; also a a large assortment ass( ol<br />

GAR GAT<br />

Ganon Mrs. Mary, w.s. M. Canal b. 6th and 7tb Garretson Dr. J. 175 Vine<br />

Ganyan James, J. McDonald's n.a. Frout e. of De­ Garretson John, w.s. Stone b. .5th and 6th<br />

pot<br />

Garretson 0. C. w.s. Sycaraore b. Orchard and Li­<br />

Ganzer John, n.a. Kerable b. Jobn and Fulton berty<br />

Gansevoort Peter D. salesman, J5 Pearl<br />

Garrett C. (Garrett & Cottman) e. ». Walnut b.<br />

ANTER JOHN B. Am. Reatwurat, n.s. 3d Gano and 7th<br />

G b. Walnut and Vine, and Ganter's Hall, Colum­ Garret John, at L. G. Hanks' bell foundry<br />

bia tp. next Keek's carr factory<br />

Garrett & Cottman, (C. G. & Thomaa Cottman) s.<br />

Garager Philip, n.s. Bedinger b. M.Canal & Broad­ s. 7th b. Main and Walnut<br />

way<br />

ARRETT SAMDEJL Ac TO. books and<br />

Garber M. at Powell's factory<br />

G fancy goods, n.w.c. Gano and Main<br />

Garbcock Charles, at Harkness & Son's<br />

Garrison Henry, at Martin, Anshutz & Co's<br />

Garbcock Casper L, n.s. .A-bigail b. Main and Syca­ Garrison Jaraess. bds. s.s. Hopkins b.John & Cutter<br />

raore<br />

Garrison James, Madison House, ID Main<br />

Gardner Adam, b. Cooper and Ham. road nARRlSON JOHN W. Madison House, 19<br />

Gardner Albert, (A. G. & Cu.) n.s. Liberty b. Main \J Main<br />

and Sycamoje<br />

Garrison Larco, e.a. Pleasant b. 15th and Liberty<br />

ARDNER A. Ac CO. manufac. hardware Garrison Mra. Hannah, n.s. Cla^k b. John & Cutter<br />

G and oil cloths, n. e. c. Liberty and Broadway. Garrison Mra. Mary Jane, s.s. Hopkins b. John &<br />

E. H. Ogden agent, store3I9 Main<br />

Cutter<br />

Gardner Lawrence, at G. Shield's<br />

Garrill Benjamin, n.s. George b. Mound & Cutter<br />

Gardner Mrs. Mary, n.w.c. Smith and 4th Garrits Nathan, elk. 149 Main<br />

Gardner Peter, n.s. Cedar b. Baymiller and Free­ Gara Mrs. .Mary, e.s. Bremen b. 14th and 15th<br />

man<br />

Gaiaide Joshua, n.s. 3d b. Main and "Walnut, h.s.s.<br />

Gardner Robert, 192 Sycamore<br />

Clinton b.John and Cutter<br />

Gardner Robert, n.s. 6th b. Sycamore and Broad­ Gartner Franklin J. w.s. Vine b. Llth and Liberty<br />

way<br />

Gartner Henry C. 10 w Sth, bds. Dennison House<br />

Gardner R. n.s. 7th b. Sycaraore and Broadway Gartner Jobn, e.s. Walnut b. J2th and 13th<br />

Gardner Susan, n.s. Front b. Linn aud Race Gartrell Sarah, s.s. Catharine b. Futton and Cutter<br />

Gareach I. Frederick, Prof. math. & natural phyl. Garver Mrs. Barbara, n.a. Clinton b.Linn and Lo­<br />

St. Xavier's College<br />

cust<br />

Garrish Darius, s.s. George b. Cutter and Linn Garvcy Daniel, n.a. New b. Sycamore and Broad­<br />

Garka Henry, w.s. Main b. Allison and Liberty way<br />

Gardner Anthony, Langdon's al. w.s. b. Gth & 7th Garvey Robert, printer, bds. Virginia House<br />

Gardner Charles, s.e.c. W. Row and Everett Garvey John, 78 Main<br />

Gardner Charles B. s. of Front h. T.P. 32 & 33 F'n Garway John M, s.e.c. Main & 2d<br />

Gardner Edmund B. (Babbitt, Good & Co.) bds. 61 Garwe George, w.s. Riddle b. Harrison road and<br />

Centre<br />

Bank<br />

Gardner Frederick, n.s. R.R. b. T.P. 30 & 31 F'n Garwe Joseph, w.s. Riddle b. Harrison road and<br />

Gardner Jamea, b.li. Geo. Milne & Co's 160 Broad­ Bank<br />

way<br />

Garwood Samuel, e.s. Parsons h. Front and High<br />

Gardner John, bds. John Dunn<br />

Gary W. c. Court and W. Row<br />

Gardner John H. (Richardson, G. & Stone) bds. AS LIGHT Ac COKE CO, office n.s. M<br />

Mra. Steer<br />

G b. Walnut and Vine, works n.s. Frontb.Smith<br />

Garland James D. express driver at Adams & Co's and Park<br />

Garlin Francis, w.s. Race b. Liberty and Green Gasaway Kenoni, bds. Mrs. Elizabeth F. Sanders<br />

Garman Christina, nt Terry Cowen's<br />

Gaskill Samuel, n.s. Congress b. M. Canal & Kil­<br />

Garmer Lawrence, w.s. Sycamore b. 3d and 4th gour<br />

Garmhausen B. n.w.c. Main and 13th<br />

Gaakill William, n.a. 3d b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Garmon Edward, e.s. John b. 4th and Sth Gaskiller John, res. Covington<br />

Garner Henry, w.s. Pleasant h. 5th and Oth Gasper James, s.s. 13th b. Walnut nnd Vine<br />

Garnea George W. s.s. Dorsey w. of Sycamore Gasser Benjamin, s.a. Front near Sth<br />

Garoulte Archibald M. elk. at D. H. Mears res. e. Gassner Rev. Wm. s.s. Clinton b. Cutter and Linn<br />

s. Broadway b.Woodward and Liberty ' Gastaup Hiram, w.s. Kace b. Liherty and Green<br />

ARRARU ISRAEL, atty at law, and ag't Gastuer Michael, c. Green a«"d Elm<br />

G for Judge McLean,office Reeder's bldg.8.8.3d b. Gasz John. e.s. Vine b. Benton and North<br />

Walnut and Vine<br />

Gatchell Alfred b.U. 93 Main<br />

Garret Charles, at M. Greenwood, h.s.s. Front b Gatchell Dr. Horatio P. s.s. Elizabeth b. John and<br />

T.P. 4 and 5 F'n<br />

Fulton<br />

Garret Charles, at B. Hazen*


-».>v««>s;^-s-cs<br />

r ^r^^PjQ)m®3) ^Q)m, ^ ©Q)<br />


ill®!! &.mm it&ia.8J<br />




GEI!<br />

'^•-n '.'•fJ—'<br />

GER<br />

Gates D. V. bds. IT)'] Sycamore<br />

Gehofer Cornelius, n.w.c. Main & Allison<br />

Gates D. tV. w.s. Vine b. 2d and Front<br />

Gehring Nicholas, e.s. Broadvvay b. Hunt and<br />

Gates Edward, n.s. '^th b. BiOiidway ai.d Culvert Abigail<br />

Gates G. w.s. Vine b. 2d and Front<br />

Gehrlicli Thomas, w.s. Bremen b. Liberty & Green<br />

Gales Georj;e,n.s. A^'ude b. \V. Kow and Julin Gehrun Peter, at H. Glasgow's<br />

G;ites John,.") L. Market, b. 2r)9 Lnngwoith<br />

Geiger Gerbiivd, s.c.c. Race and Liberty<br />

Gates Jobn, s s. George D. VV.KOU' and John, h.s.s. Geiler Jacob, w.s. Clay b. 12th and l?th<br />

Richmond "-2 U. from Harrifit<br />

Geiler John, w.s. Clay b. 12lh and 13th<br />

Gates Justph, b.k. bds. Mr.'^. Susan Movers, 4th b. Geilfus Wm. n.s. .")Lh b. Vine and Race<br />

Race fAid Elm, n.s.<br />

Geisler Otto, s s. Front b. Butler and Pike<br />

GatPs Nel.--r!n, (M. Greenwood i'k Co.) e.s. Broad­ Gei^R A. Henry, s.r>. .5th b Race and Elm<br />

way b. Woodward and Frunklin<br />

Geise Barney H. s .•=. Hunt b. Sycamore and Broad­<br />

Galewc'Od Kichard, bo. I'liys. n.s. Allison 4 d. from way, h.n.s. Ahii,'ajl b. Broadway and Spring<br />

Vine<br />

Geiso P. at A. Harknesa & Ron's<br />

Tyntti Joseph, FO Broidway<br />

/lF,a;^S]G[VB)OU^ .lACOB €. Union Cotton<br />

Gattier Gcorjic, Couit h. Vine and Race<br />

V.T Factory, c. Congress and Miami t.'.inal, res.<br />

Gault Lemuel, M. Greenwood's, h.n.s. High near Walnut Hills<br />

corpojatjon line<br />

Geissi Alfred, s.s. Frontb. Elm and Plum<br />

rrault SHmucl K. P.S. Harrison e, cf Brofdwny Cell Kdwiud R. 123 w. 3d<br />

Gauntenliack Barney, s.s. George b. Muund and Gell Mrs;. Magrdalen.w.s. Bremen b.lSth and Liberty<br />

CuttRr<br />

n"EL.a.T:iVKECK A: OliTfflAiVW, (George<br />

Oaus Fredrvick, n.s. Canal b. Vine and Walnut U G. and Wra. D.) flour dealer^^, 428 Main<br />

Gausapohl John, n.s. 15th h. Race and Kim<br />

Gellenbeck George, (G. & Dutmann) s.s. Upper<br />

Gauscpohl J. B. packer, 87 Main, h.w.s. I'M. Canal Franklin 4d. from Broadway<br />

h. ,5ih dk Cih<br />

Gellenbeck G. AV.S. Main b. 12ih and ]31h<br />

Gaushfil Mrs Louisa,2.)0 Longworth<br />

GL-llert Frederick, e.s. W. Row b. ]2th and Mason<br />

Gavel Geor!,'c, at Maitin, Anshutz &. Co.<br />

Gcllick Michael, n.a. Hunt b. Spring & Pendleton<br />

Gavel John', e.s. John b. Wade and Melancthon Gelson James, at G. Shield's<br />

Gavering Henry, e.s. Bremen b. 13tb and Hth Gelz George, n.s, Liherty h. W. Row and John<br />

Gavin David R. Front b. Harriet and Horn<br />

Genrer Peter, w.s. Bremen b. Liberty and Green<br />

Gawne Thomas. Court b. John nnd Cutter<br />

Gemundt Dr. Lewis, bds. Greper Tabcr<br />

Gay George, b.k. Hursley & Klilor's<br />

Gcnderman Jobn, s.s. Libeitv b. Elm and Plum<br />

Gaylnrd Benj. B. fGaylord, Ron & Co.)<br />

pE'Nmfttr SrAGlR A: OM. OFi'lCE.<br />

/lAYI^OIfiU, SON A: CO. (Thon^.s G. G. sen., "T 10 w. 4th h. Main and Walnut<br />

IT Thomas G.G. jr., Benjamin B G. & William Gengcmhre Henry. 96 w. 3d<br />

K. Bond) Bloom, forge iron and nails, b8 & OJ Gengemhre Phil, UU. 272 Vine<br />

Broadway<br />

Gengenibrc Sophia, 9G w. 3d<br />

Gaylord Thomas G. (G., Son 6i CoO ^4 c. 4th Genperger Martin, e.s. Plnm b. Liberty and Adams<br />

Gaylord Thomas G. jr. (G. Ron ^lns, n.s. Bank b. PiutL and Linn<br />

mond<br />

Gazmnn Henrv. n.s. Clintnn h. Cutler and Linn Center ('. s.s 8th b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Geager Albert, n.s. Front b. Pike and Butler Geritrup C.PVw.s.Rittenhouse b. Catherine & Clark<br />

Gealach Peter, w.s. Walnut h. Liberty and Mam Genlh Jobn jr. e.s. Clay b. Allison and Liherty<br />

Geariarh Georj^c, n.e.c. 14 and Elm<br />

Genth John sen. hds. J. Gentb jr.<br />

Gebbe Henry, s..^. Libertv b. Elm and Plum Genther John. n.s. .Mercer b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Gebbe, e.s. W. Kow b A.sh and Maple<br />

Gentle Ebenezer. bds. Mrs. Brown vv.s. W. Row b.<br />

GebharUtJ^ndrew. s.s. Buckeye h. Vine and Poplar Kemble and Richmond<br />

Gebhardt Christian, w.s. Ham. load b. Poplar and Gentry James, n.s. 6th h. Lock and M. Canal<br />

Locust<br />

Geohegah V\^m. 20 Pearl<br />

Gebhardt Conrad, s.s. Mulberry b. Poplar and Geohlaub John, a.s. Buckeye b. Locuat & Poplar<br />

Lfitiist<br />

Geobmann Henry, w.s. Raceb. 13th and 14tb<br />

GebhanH John, e.s. Peet b. Poplar aud Locust George George, s.e.c. Gest and Can. h.n.s. Kemble<br />

Gebner John, n.s. Poplar b. Buckeye & Hani, road b. Freeman and Carr<br />

Geddep .fobn, n s. junction Buckeye and Vine George Henrv, at Boatman's Hall<br />

Gee?K'' John. (G & Meier) s.w.c. Water & Vine George Michael, s.s. W. Kow near Clark, bds.<br />

Gc'.ske & Meier, a.w.c. Water and Vine<br />

Adam Metx's s.s. W. Row near Linn<br />

Gcgan .lohn, n.s. Sth b. W. Row and John<br />

Gephart Anthony, w.s. Dunlap b. Cooper & Ham.<br />

f;egner Conrad, w.s. Sycamore b. Abigail and road<br />

'^Woodward<br />

Geppon Isaac, s.s. Cth b. Broadway & Culvert<br />

Gebin Jerry, n.a. Rth b. Main and Sycamore Gerard Clinton, hds. Court b. Race and Elm<br />

Gehin, •^.^^. ^th b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Gerard Dewitt C. (L. Coffin & Co.) h. Court b. Race<br />

(vehnavicho Henry, w.s. Wood b. 3d and Canal and Elm<br />

ii-ehner Frederick, b.h. w.s. Main b. l?lh & Allison Gerard John H. (Hieait & G.) h.a.s. Court b. Race<br />

()i.'hner George, w.s. Broadway b. Hunt & Abigail and Elm




Chemical Apparatus, Lead Pipes of various dimensions, Water Closets, Baths, &c.<br />

fitted up in the neatest manner.<br />

GET GIE<br />

Gerdink John F. s.s. Abigail b. Sycamore and<br />

Broadway<br />

Gerdink John G. s.s. Abigail b. Sycamore and<br />

Broadway<br />

Gerdsen Hcrmon W. w.s. Jackson b. 12th and 13th<br />

GerdssnH. H. (G. &Koch) w.s. Vino b. Hth & ]5th<br />

Gerdson & Koch, (H. H. G. and y/Vm. K.) w.s. Vine<br />

b. 14th and 15th<br />

Gerhard George, bds. c. Miller and Gano<br />

Gerhard John C. elk. bds. F. Kinzback, w.s. Vine<br />

b. nth and 15th<br />

Gerhard John K. printer, s.s. Harrison<br />

Gerhart E. V. s.s. Hopkins b John and Cutter<br />

Gerhardt Wni. at C. Urban's factory<br />

Gering George, e.s. Walnut b. .\llison & Liberty<br />

Gerke Richard, n.w.c. W. Row and Elizabeth<br />

Gerkraer Henry, c. Logan and Findley<br />

Gerland Fredeiick, bds. H. Dieckman's<br />

Gerland Henry, c. 3d and Stone<br />

Gerland William, bds. H. Dieckman's<br />

Gerlooch Philip, c. Gano and Miller<br />

German B. at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

G<br />

EK-OTAIV-V .TUI-IIV B. vinegar manuf. and<br />

grocer, n.w.c. 12th and Main<br />

German Wm. elk. 76 w. 4th, bds. 170 w. 3d<br />

Geiman William, n.s. Kverett b. John and Linn<br />

Germs W. D. s s. Clinton b. Cutter aud Linn<br />

Gers Heury H. n.w.c. Green & Pleasant<br />

Gers John F. elk. il e. 4th, res. Covington<br />

Gerson & Lavenson, (Wolf G. andTiador L.) 183<br />

Waluut<br />

Gerson-Wolf, (G. & Lavenson) Hotel 183 Vt^alnut<br />

Gersteider Stephen, w.s. Ham. road b. Walnut and<br />

Liberty<br />

Gerten Christian, bds. John Deremo<br />

Gerten John, s.e.c. 15th and Bremen<br />

Gertler Phillip, elk. bds. David Bath's<br />

Gervers Franz, n.s. Hopkins b. Liun and Locust<br />

Gorwe Bernard, c Park and Longworth<br />

Gerwe Dr. Fred. A. J. n.e.c. Park and Longworth<br />

Gessart Adam, e.s. Vine b. Liberty and Allison<br />

Gessert Henry, w.s. Elm b. Cooper & Ham. road<br />

Gessner Paul, e.s. Linn b. Kverett and David<br />

Gest Amanda H. bds. s.s. 4th b. Elm and Plum<br />

Gest Erasmus, chief engineer O. and Miss. K. R.<br />

Co. n.e.c. 4th and Vine, h. n.e.c. Lytle and<br />

Symmes<br />

Gest Jones C. 59 Broadway<br />

Gest J. J. elk. bds n.w.c. Lytle and Lawrence<br />

Gest Joseph, b.k. s.w.c. 2d and Sycamore<br />

Gest Joseph, n.w.c. Lytle and Lawrence<br />

Gestle Wm. n.w.c. Main and Buckeye<br />

Gettier Geurge, s.s. William b. Elm and Plum<br />

Gettier James, s.w.c. 2d and Elm<br />

Gettier Thomas J. elk. bds. George Gettier<br />

Gettier G. W. e.s. W. Ro«- b. Everett and Wade<br />

Gcttle Henry, w.s. Bremen h. Lith and Liberty<br />

Gettier Sebastiau, n.s. Front b. Broadway and<br />

Ludlow<br />

Getty Francis, elk. 15 w. Front, h. 24 Centre<br />

Getty Robert, (Irwin & G.) 24 Centre<br />

Getz George, w.s. Elm c. Ham. road<br />

Gelz George W. bds. John Getz's<br />

Getz John, 48 Pearl, h.n.s. 4th b. Park and Smith<br />

Getz Peter, s.e.c. ]5th and Bremen<br />

Getzendanner Jacob, off. Commercial buildings, fa.<br />

G<br />

w.s. Smith b.4th and 5th<br />

EITEK JOHIV, chair and furniture mauuf.<br />

8 e. 4th, h.s.s. 6th b. Race and Elm<br />

Geyer John, n.s. 12th b. Vine and Walnut<br />

Geyer Lawrence, w.s. Walnutb. Allison & Liberty<br />

Geyst Casper, w.s. Tanner b. Webster & Liberty<br />

Gfal Lawrence, bds, 32 Longworth<br />

Gfrorer John, n.s. Ham. road b. Race and Elm<br />

Gheneiser Joseph, s.s. 2d b. John and Smith<br />

Gheickinke John, e.s. Anderson al. b. Canal and<br />

G<br />

Front<br />

HOCSOIV 4; OTINER, (Wm. Y. G. & John<br />

L. M.) att'ys at law, Law Buildings opp. Henrie<br />

house<br />

Gholson Wm. Y. (G. and Miner) 99 w, 8th<br />

Ghrich John H. n.s. 13th b. Bremen and Race<br />

Gibbons Ale.vander,barber, United States Hotel<br />

Gibbons John, Landing, b. Main and Walnut<br />

Gibbons John E. bds. D. Parkison's (Soule Chapel)<br />

Gibbons John F. 147 w. 4th<br />

n [BBOIV8 JOSEPH G. att'y at law 10 law<br />

U" buildings opp.,Henrie House bds. A.M. Carpenter's<br />

Gibbs George, e.s. Linn b. Hopkins and Clark<br />

Glbbs H. n.e.c. Longworth and W. Row<br />

Gibbs Joel, s.s. Court e. of Broadway<br />

Gibbs John, bds, at W. H. Hunster's<br />

Gibbs Mary, w.s. MiU b. Canal and Front<br />

Gibbons Thomas, n.s. Everett b. Jones and Linn<br />

Gibbons William, bds. n.e.c. Pearl and Linn<br />

Gibner Jame.s, n.s. Water b. W. Row and John<br />

Gibner Joseph, w.s. Parsons b. 6th and Gth<br />

Gibson Alexander, Court b. Main and Walnut<br />

Gibson Daniel, 63 Pearl h. 161 Pearl<br />

Gibson George (G. G & Co) res. .Sycamore Hill<br />

IKSOIN CtEOICGF. A: CO. engravers, cop.<br />

G per plate printers, lithographers and stencil cutters,<br />

&c. n.w.c. Gano and Main<br />

Gibson Henry (J. at Samuel Evens<br />

Gibson Henry H. salesman 61 Main<br />

Mllt!^)>.\ HOUSE, D. V. Bennett prop. 173<br />

(T t-o, 177 and 179 Walnut b. 4thand Sth<br />

Gibson James E. s.w.c. Sycamore and Hutler<br />

Gibson John, n.w.c. Baker and Walnut, res. Kentucky<br />

Gibson J ohn, plumber n.w.c.Baker and Walnut, bds.<br />

Covington<br />

Gibson Joseph, Hn Main<br />

Gibson Joshua R. 35 w. 3d res Mt. Adams<br />

Gibson l>r. Mathew, No 4 Clinton b. John & Cuttei<br />

Gibson Peter, (Gibson P. & T.) res. Ky<br />

IBSOiX r. *: T. (Peter Gibson & Thoma«<br />

G Gibson) plumbers pump and hydrant mkrs n w'<br />

c. Baker and Walnut<br />

Gibson Stephen, s.w.c. Butler and .Symmes<br />

Gibson Thomas, (Gibson P. & T.) res. in Covington<br />

Gibson Wm, C. s.s. Orchardb. Main and SycarSore<br />

Gibson William, elk. (P. & T. Gibson) ""'''•'"""<br />

Giddehaus Harmon, e.s. Clay b. 13th and Allison<br />

Giese F. & Co., (Ferdinand & Josei h) levee b<br />

Broadvvay and Ludlow<br />

Giese Ferdinand, (F. G. & Co.) Levee h. BroadwaT<br />

and Ludlow


A. RYAN,<br />


FRUITS, CIGARS, &c,<br />



T WDgUlSOu, PI inc., 43 M.ijii.<br />

GIL<br />

Geise Joseph (T. G. & Co.) Landing b. Broadway<br />

and Ludlow.<br />

Giese Wm. n.s. Everett b. Linn and Locust<br />

Gieiser Levvis, s.w.c. W. Row and David<br />

Gieseke William, w.s. Vine b. Front and 2d, h. s.s.<br />

•• 2d b. Plum and Elm<br />

Giesting Gerhard, (J. D. & G. G.)<br />

Giesting J. D. & G. (John D. & Gerhard) w.s. Sycamore<br />

n. of 5th.<br />

Giesting John D. (J. D. & G. G.)<br />

Gifiin Andrew D. sheriff, w.s. Vine b. I4th and 15th<br />

GifSn J. C. bds. Andiew G. w.s. Vine b.l-lth&16th<br />

Giflin William, at J. Rosebrough, w.s. Broadway b.<br />

Court and Hunt<br />

p HUBERT AliFRED W. surveyor and<br />

U civil Engineer 171 Walnut, h. n.s. Richmond b.<br />

Cutter and Linn<br />

Gilbert Charles, e.s. Sassafras n. of Ash<br />

Gilbert Charles, jr. e.s. Sassafras n. of Ash<br />

Gilbert John, w.s. Sycamore b. Woodward and<br />

Franklin<br />

Gilbert John, e.s. Sassalras n. of Ash<br />

Gilbert J. E. n.s. Laurel b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Gilbert, Jones & Ogborn (J. W. Gilbert, J. Jones &<br />

S. .i Ogborn) 35 Walnut<br />

Gilbert J. W. surveyor s.w.c. Main and Court<br />

Gilbert John, n.s. 6th b. W. Row and John, h. n.s.<br />

Sth b. Canal and Freeman<br />

Gilbert Richard, s.s. Betts b. W. Row and John<br />

Gilbert Miss Mary, n.s. Pearl b. Smith and Park<br />

Gilchrist James, n.s. High b. CoUard and Lytle<br />

Gilda Mrs. Ann, n.s. Sth b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Gilder Thomas, al. b. Symmes and Congress<br />

GilderslieveRhoda, 241 w. 4th<br />

Gile George, n.s. Clinton b. Locust nnd Freeman<br />

Gilloyle John, w.s. Mansfieldb. Liberty & Milton<br />

Gilf Simon, n.s. Front b. Lytle and Parsons<br />

Giffs Theodore, s.s. Morton b. Kilgour and Parsons<br />

Gill Charles, s.s. Waterb. Race and Vine<br />

Gin George, n.s. Elizabeth b. W. Row and John<br />

Gill James, 8 e. Ith, h. e.s. Linn b. Catharine and<br />

Clark<br />

Gill John, bds. Mrs. Thomas<br />

Gill Michael, s.s. Front b. Race and Elm<br />

Gill Michael, assessor and coll. h. s.s. Sth b. Stone<br />

and Wood<br />

Gill Thomas, w.s. Butler b. Symmes and Congress<br />

Gill William H. w.s. Mill b. 3d and 4th<br />

Gill William, (Griffin & G.) s.w.c. Walnut & Water<br />

Gillan John, n.s. Front b. Smith and Mill<br />

Gillard William, s.s. Gano b. Vineand Walnut<br />

Gillday Patrick, s.s. Front b. Race and Elm<br />

Giller Jacob S. e.s. Elm b. Sd and Cherry<br />

Gillespie Rev. George D. 153 w. 4th<br />

Gillespie James, w.s. Sycamore b. Schiller and Burgoyne<br />

Gillespie Jas. E. 6a w. Sth<br />

Gillespie Mrs. Sarah, e.s. Johnb. Gth and Longworth<br />

Gilliard J. B. 29 w. 7th<br />

Gilliard Wm. elk 19 w. 4th<br />

Gilliard Wm. e.s. W. Row b. Mason and Everett<br />

Gilltgah Dominick, w.s. Elm h. Front and Water<br />

(jjlligan James, s.s. Cherry b. Elm and Plum<br />

Gilliga" ^^''y- w.s. Elm b. Front and Water<br />



No. 341 Main Street,<br />




W0RTHlNGT0¥i CO.<br />


^^-gents for tl)c St. £mtis teah |)lpc anis Slject teab ttJorks, fl<br />

^^[|| Keep constantly on hand, a large assortment of the above articles of their own manua'l<br />

faclure, which they will sell on favorable terms.<br />


'ffilS5?%^ -<br />

GLE GOC<br />

ITCHEIili JAMES M. atty. at Law, 28<br />

G w. 6th<br />

Gitterman Samuel H. e.s. Bremen b. 1.5th & Liberty<br />

Given James, moulder, at W. & R. P. Resor's<br />

Given John, bds. Joseph Kirk's, w.s. Johnb. Chesnut<br />

and Clark<br />

Given Robert, elk. Broadway b. 7th and Sth<br />

Given Robert, bds. Wm l.'ell's<br />

Gladdin Rebecca, nurse, n.s 3d b. Smith & Mound<br />

Gladin A. B. elk. 69 L. Market<br />

Glaibel Earl, n.s. Buckeye b. Eden and Main<br />

Glancy Patrick, junction of Ellen<br />

nliAIVCY Wat. A. atty. at Law, 28 w. 6th<br />

"T op. Mayor's otfice, bds. at Mrs. Swan's<br />

Glar.lon Mrs. Martha E. e.s. Broadway 1 d. » of<br />

Woodward<br />

Glarn John, city police, bds. Louisville Exchange<br />

Glap George, n.s. George b. Culter and Linn<br />

Glascoe James S. 88 e. 4th<br />

Glaser & Bro. (Samuel & I^ewis) 3 Front bds. at P.<br />

O. Restaurat<br />

Glaser Jacob, coffee house, 82 Court<br />

Glasgow Dawson, w.s. Plum b. 2d and Front<br />

Glasgow Hugh, w.s. Vine b. 4th and sth, h. w.s.<br />

Elm b. Canal and 12th<br />

Glass Claiborn, (G. & Coombs) c. 4th and Sycamore<br />

Glass & Coombs, (Claiborn A. G. & Martin B. C.)<br />

23 Art Union bldg.<br />

Glass C-Jeorge C. b.k. s.s. Kemble b.W. Row & John<br />

Glass f-Ienry, e.s. Tanner b. Webster and Liberty<br />

Glass James, s.s. Front b. W. Row and John, bds.<br />

Mrs. J. Glass<br />

Glass Mrs. Jane, s.s. Front b. W. Row and John<br />

Glass Lawrence, s.e.c. Front and Plum<br />

Glass William, b.h. s.s. Front b. W. Rowand John<br />

GlasnerA Brother, e.s. Vine b. 12th and 13th<br />

Glatz Henrv A. 221 Walnut<br />

Glaubrech Phillip F. elk. s.w.c. 15th and Vine<br />

Gleason iVlrs. Eliza, n.s. Srd h. smith and Park<br />

Glcason Tohn, w.s. Webb b. 3d and 4th<br />

Gleeson Wm. Canal b. Race and Elm<br />

G<br />

liEICH JOHIV E. musical instr. manuf. n.<br />

e.c. 9th and Walnut<br />

Glenden Catharine, s.s. Front w. of W. Row<br />

Glenn A Co. (John G. G. & H. S. Clark) n.s. Water<br />

b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Glenn John G. (G. & Co.) 128 e. 4lh<br />

Glenn .Tames, blk. smith, at Samuel Barnes<br />

Glenn .Tames M. (Wm. G. & .Sons) bds. .30 Perry<br />

Glenn James K. banker, s.s. 3d b. Walnut and Vine<br />

h. .38-) w. 6th<br />

Glenn John, 123 e. 4th<br />

Glenn John, at Bicknell & Co's.<br />

Glenn Josenh, (Wm. G. & Sons) bds. 30 Perry<br />

Glenn Lewis, n.s. Front op. T. P. 23 F'n<br />

Glenn Milton, (J. M. Dudley & Co.) s.s. Barr b. Cutter<br />

and Linu<br />

Glenn Peler, lab. w.s. Elm b. North and Findley<br />

Glenn Sarah, n.s. Kemble b. Fulton & Cutter<br />

Glenn S. F. (Hoy& G.) s.s. 6th 2d. e.of Main<br />

G<br />

VUmi wra. & SOWS, (Wm., Joseph, &<br />

James M.) wh. grocer and com. mer. n.w.c. L.<br />

Market and Sycamore<br />

Glenn Wm. (W. G. & Son's) 30 Perry<br />

Glenn William, messenger, Franklin Bank, h. n.s.<br />

Kemble b. John and Fulton<br />

Glennan Patrick, watchman, Burnet House<br />

Glenns Joseph, s.s. North b. Elmand Logan<br />

Glenny Samuel, elk. W. Glenny's w.s. W. Row b.<br />

Richmond and Catharine<br />

Glenny Wm. W. Row op. Court<br />

Glich Baldhaser, e.s. Walnut b. 9th and Court<br />

pl^IDDElV, CIRAWFORD & CO. (Jef-<br />

U fersun W. G. Charles M. G., Obediah & Daniel<br />

A G.) pigiron, 32 Main, Clinton O. Furnace<br />

l.I»DEiy DAIVIEIi A. (G., Murfin & Co.)<br />

G bds. James Thompkins, w.s.Sycamoreb. Sth and<br />

6th<br />

lilDDEIV, iniTRFIIV Sc CO. (Jefferson<br />

G W. G., Obediah H. G. Daniel A. G., James M.,<br />

Jesse Young & James Forsyth,) Junior and Empire<br />

furnaces, 32 Main<br />

Glegian Barthol, s.s. Sth b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Glinesmith Barney, n.s.Sthb. Baymiller & Freeman<br />

Glisent Francis, e.s. Peet b. Locust and Poplar<br />

Glismier Frederick, al. S.S.Abigail b. Sycamore and<br />

Broadway<br />

Glissen William G. s.s. Penham al. b. Race & Elm<br />

Glitston Thomas, e.s. Pike b. Front and Congress<br />

I'OBE ROIiI.IIVO ran. Ii, Worthington<br />

G & Co. iron, wire and rivet manuf. s.s. Front b<br />

Mill and Smith<br />

n L.OBE ,T A VERIV, Simon Bohl proprietor, s.<br />

IT e.c. Vine and 12th<br />

Globe John, w.s. Kossuth<br />

Glokenkamper Henry, s.s. Hopkins b. Cutter & John<br />

Glopf Martin, n.s. Catharine b. Linn & Rittenhouse<br />

Glousing Henry, e.s. Baumw. of High<br />

Glover Jacob, bds. George Ledlie<br />

Glover Jacob, bds. s.s. George b. Elm and Plum<br />

Glover John B. salesman, bds. Mrs. Cirodes<br />

Glover Joseph, s.s. Commerce b. Gilmore and Vine<br />

Glover Normandy A. elk. 60 w. 4th, bds. Gibson<br />

House<br />

Glynn Wm. messenger, Franklin Bank, w.s. Kemble<br />

b. John and Fulton<br />

Goache M. bds. Mrs. Bemis'<br />

Goas J. H. e.s. Dunlap b. Elmand Canal<br />

Goble Jeremiah, w.s. Fulton b. Catharine and Clark<br />

Goblo Peter, e.s. Vine b. Benton and North<br />

Goble Samuel, n.a. Liberty b. Spencer and Young<br />

Goble William, at J Gobies,' w.s. Fulton b. Catharine<br />

and Clark<br />

Gochring Casper, s.w.c. Spring and Abigail


§m Tmmm§ Mm mikmiMm% 1<br />

431 Mum Street, O Doors above Court, I<br />

JAS. GOODLN, JR.<br />

u Q If J (y a ii-i] Wi a V a D<br />



4t-5- J^BL, !fes Ja^^ M- rsa^ rac "mur Jt«a_ ^apr: ^g<br />

Put up in Stores, Dwellings, Hotels, CLurches, and all Public Buildings, in the neatest style.<br />

GOL GOO<br />

Gockel William, s.s. Riciimond b. W. Kow & John Goldstein John, w.s. Sycamore b. 3d and 4th<br />

Godeke William, w.s. Vine b. Liberty aud Green Goldstone Sarah, e.s. Race b.2d and Front<br />

Gudliey, Field & Co. 19-i Main<br />

Goldsworthy Tliunias, (Cotteral & G.i JL'HW 9th<br />

Godlrey Robert, n.s. 6th b. dmith and Mound Golisher I'rancis, s.s. Catharine b. Jul.n & Fulton<br />

Godson George, s.s. Congress b. Pike aud tiutler Gutter John, w.s. Poplar b. Buckeye and Main<br />

Goebel Leonard, n.s. Catharine b. Linn & Baymiller Goilar Mrs. Chrisuaua. w.s. Poplar b. Buckeye &<br />

Goebel Kev. F. C. w.s. Bremen b. Hth and loth<br />

Main /^ "^<br />

Goedger Henry, w.s. Race b. Findley & liam. Road Gollisher James, L'Hommedieu's al. b. Georire an<br />

Goedken Mrs. Catharine, w.s. Plum b. 9th & Court 7th and b. VV. Kow and John ^<br />

Gocngs Jacob, e.s. Vine op. junction Ham. Koad Gollinger Frederick, at Jacob Kingles<br />

Goessing Herman, s.w.c. Spring and Abigail Gonial! Theodore, e.s. W. Kow b. Ash and Manle<br />

Guettle Joseph, Jefferson Hotel, n.e.c. Vine & Court Gomrael P. agt. 54 Lower Maiket '<br />

Goetz & Co. (Adam & Weuiner) w.s. Freeman b.<br />

(iongorth Michael, e.s. Livision a. of Harrison road<br />

Clinton and Everett<br />

GonsiuanLoniad, 111 Symmes<br />

Goetz .Vdam, (Goetz



E. O. G-OODMAN,<br />

Offers for sale a large stock of PAPER of every description, both Eastern and Western<br />

Manufacture ; also. Printers' Ciird.^ anci tjurd. Hoards.<br />

As all of my Paper and Cards are received directly from the manufacturers, it enables me to sell<br />


Wrightson, Printer, 43 Main.<br />

Cash for Bags, Balcing Bopc, and ncmp Waste.<br />

GOE GOU<br />

iPOODLOE JAMES & C«». (James G. & Gordon W. J. M. (Gordon & Co.) n.e.c. W. Kow &<br />

HJ M. S. Harberson) foundry n.s. Congress b. Ludlow<br />

and Broadway<br />

Gorman Hugh, n.e.c. Plum and Water<br />

G-oodlne Joseph, blacksmith, bds. John Parkison Gorman James, s.s. 3d b. W. Row and Plum<br />

Goodloe Vivian, s.s. Front b. T P. 22 and 23 F'n Gorman John, e.s. Dublin n. of Lock<br />

Goodman Charles (T. S, G. & Co.) e.s. Walnut b. Gorman Kate, milliner, bds. s.w.c. fith and John<br />

Bth and 9th<br />

Gorman Lawrence, Lodge b. Gano aud Tth<br />

/plOODM.^IV E. O. com. paper ware house, Gorman Lawrence, w.s. W. Kow b. Kichmond &<br />

Ibr 77 and 79 Walnut, h. s.s. 7th b. Cutter & Linn - Catharine<br />

Goodman Francis, 101 Main, bds. W.A.Goodman's Gorman Margaret, s.w.c. 6th and John<br />

(roodinaii George, n.s. Woodward b. Main & Syca­ Gorman Martha, bds. s.w.c. John and Smith<br />

more<br />

Gorman Pierce, elk. uf Supreme Court, n.s. Rich­<br />

Goodman Henry H. pres. Jefferson Life Ins. Co. n. mond b. John and Fulton<br />

e.c. 4lh and Vine, h.n.s. 6lh b. Cutter




PITT§BIIiei km IND POHTi<br />


West Side Hammond Street, in Henrie House Buildings,<br />

The superiority of the above ALE and PORTEK over any other, is universally admitted.<br />

Orders left as above will be promptly attended to.<br />

103<br />

Gould John P. (G., McCracken & DeGroff) res.Mt. Grandemann Frederick, i.s. Webster b. Sycamore<br />

Auburn<br />

aud Broadway<br />

OCL.I>, McCRACKEIV Sc DeGROFF, Grandin William, elk.bds.30 Pike<br />

G Buckeye foundry & stove store, 21 w. Sth Grandin W. S. elk. bds. John Boylan<br />

GOITLD. PIERCE Sc CO. (Charles H. Grandoof Peter, s.s. 2d b. Kim and Plum<br />

Gould,J times P. & Henry P.) colton manuf. & Graner Anthony, e.s. Walnut b. Liberty & Ham.<br />

machini!-ts, n.w.c. Sth and Lock<br />

road<br />

Gould William S. elk. bds. George W. Gould's Granger Mrs. Mary Ann, e.s. Sth h. Stone & Wood<br />

OCIJD WILLIAM, wb. porter and ale Granger William, n.s. 2d b. Broadway* Ludlow<br />

G dealer, Hammond b. Main and Sycamore, h. e. Grannin James, Western Exchange e.s W Kow<br />

8. Stone b. 4th and Sth<br />

b. Grandin & Elizabeth<br />

Goulding J. tlk. bds. Walnut St. House<br />

Granning Barney, s.s. Everett b. Cutter & Linn<br />

Goule Frederick, b. k. 122 Main, b.n.s. George b. Gram Dr. Charles, 179 w. 4th<br />

Cutter and Linn<br />

Grant Elizabeth P. n.w.c. Union & Race<br />

Gounk Frederick, e.s. Baum w.of High<br />

Grant 'W illiam, n.s. W. W. Canal op. Stone<br />

Gourson E. A. at Wm. Tell<br />

Grant William, at Harkness & Son's<br />

Gouse Chailes, n.s. Frontb. Elmand Plum<br />

Grantham William, elk. s.s. Sth b. Smith & Park<br />

Gove Amos, 23 Sycamore, res. n.s. 4th b. W. Row Granttam Wm. H. elk. 14 Pearl<br />

and Joliu<br />

Grantman Christian, e.s. Butler b. Frontand Con­<br />

Gowdy & 1 eriy, 6 Pearl<br />

gress<br />

Gowers V^";•-llington. e.s. Race b. 2d ard Pearl Grantman Henry, e.s. Butler b. Front & Congress<br />

Gowey John, s.s. Clark b. Cutter & Linn<br />

Grapevine Daniel, n.s. Front b. Lytle & Parsons<br />

Goyer John J. w.s. John b. Richmond & Catharine Grapevine John, (Bennet & G.) n.s. Front b. Lytle<br />

Grabenstein Michael, s.s. W. Row b. Linn & Piatt and Parsons<br />

Grabham J.tnies, n.w.c. Laurel & Cutter<br />

Grapevine Nehemiah, at Shreve,Steele & Co.h s a<br />

Grace John W. n.s. 6th b.W. Row and John<br />

High b. Lytle and Collard<br />

Grady James, bds. James Flinn<br />

Gras E. L. elk. at R. R. Depot<br />

Graeder Maiiin, n.s. Ham. road h. Main & Locust Grasa Henry, at C, Drucker's<br />

Gralf August, w.s. Vineb. 15th and Liberty Grasaer Barney, s.s. Friendship al. b. Pike & Butler<br />

Graff Charles E. hds. Matthew Trowbridge<br />

Graseman Peter, n.s.Sth b. Sycamore & Broadway<br />

Graff Ehv, nd w.s. Vine b. 12th and Ifth<br />

Grasou W illiam M. n.s. Melancthon b.W. Row<br />

Graff Georg' ,e.s. Plum b. Monroe and Liberty<br />

and John<br />

RAFF 3ACOR, auction aud com. mer. and Grass Henry, s.s. Hopkinsb. John & Cutter<br />

G real estate agt. e.s. Vine b. 4th and Sth, h.n.s. Grassel George, s.s. cth b.Hariiet and Horn<br />

Aich b. : d and 4th<br />

RASSLLLl ECGEINE, Cincinnati Che­<br />

Graff Jamc^:M6 w.6th<br />

G mical Laboratory, junction Congress and Front<br />

Graff John- elk. at Jacob Graff's<br />

Grassheim telniun H. 60 Main<br />

Graff Joseph, 124 Main<br />

Grates John, w.s. Sycamore b. Abigail and Wood­<br />

Graff Joseiih, w.s. Vine b. 15th and Liberty<br />

ward<br />

Grafnin Steul.en D. 12 e. 3d, res. Covinpton Graven John, n.s. Front b.T.P. 9 and 10 F'n<br />

Grafford, Hr/.ekiah, e.s. Culvert b. M. Canal & 7th Graves Bernard, n.s. 2d b. hace & Elm, h. Abigail<br />

Graham Alvin, n.s.R.R.b.T.P.20 and 27 F'n<br />

b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Graham Chat les W. bds. Mrs. D. Sprague's Graves Francis J. n.s. Front b.T.P. ]2 and 13 F'n<br />

Graham Clii>rles,at I\I. Greenwood & Co. h.s.s. fith Graves H. at A. Harkness & Sen's<br />

b. Freeman & Pierson<br />

Graves Louis, n.s. Canal b. Vine and Race<br />

Graham Geca-se, s.s. 4th b. Smith and Park<br />

Graves Thomas H. w.s. W. Row b. Sth and Long-<br />

Graham Dr. James, s.w.c. W. Kow and fith<br />

worth<br />

Graham John, n.s. Richmond b. Baymiller and Graveson Isaac, bds. 6T w. Oth<br />

Freeman<br />

Grawe Barney, elk. s.s. Front b. Vine & Race<br />

Graham Sarah A. s.s. Frontb. Vine and Kace Graw Charles, Samuel Cook & Co.<br />

Graham V. m. (Smith & G.) n.s. 3d b. Race & Elm Gray Anthony, n.s. Kew e. of Broadway<br />

Graham ^> illiam, at Sherwood & Chase's, bds. 63 Gray D. b.h 65 Court<br />

w. 3d<br />

ilRAY E A «.H,E, Spears & McClellan, n.s. Sth<br />

Graham V, m. H. s.s. Front b. Wood and Mill U b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Grahn Charles, w.s. Walnut b. Allison & Liberty Gray Frederick, elk. No. 22 Pearl, h.s.e.c. Water<br />

Graigs Janies, n.s. Tlh b. Broadway and Culvert and Elm<br />

trraman Caruline, e.s. Bremen b. 14th and 15th Gray Geoige A. s.e.c. Water and Elm<br />

Grames Charles W. (G. & Morse) s.e.c. Walnut pRAlf & H E M I N G R A Y , flint glaM<br />

and 3d<br />

U manuf. e.s. Hammond b. 3d and 4th<br />

Grames & Morse, (Charles W. G. & Edward M.) Gray James, n.s. Frontb. Elm and Plum<br />

s.e.c. V\ alnut and 3d<br />

Gray Jobn M. n.s. Barr b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Grampp Michael, n.s. Liberty b. Bremen & Race Gray Matthias, 10 Sycamore<br />

Grandbeck Daniel, 43 Sycamore, h.w.s. Clay b. Gray Mrs. G. s.s. Sth b. Cutter and Linn<br />

ISth aud 13th<br />

Gray Oliver M. 34 Walnut<br />



S(g^»=<br />

f HIT 6U88<br />





Also, a great variety o( Perfumer's Ware, Telcgragh Glasses, and<br />



M.GREENWOOD &, CO. 1<br />



AND y<br />

< N. E. corner of Canal and Walnut streets. |<br />

Entrance on Walnut. 9<br />

GRI<br />

UEIGOBY E. M. & CO. (Edgar M. G.,<br />

G James Dunlap & Charles Tanner) lumber mers.<br />

n.^v.c. Sth and Plum<br />

Gregory Edgar M. pres. (City Bank) 86 e. 4th<br />

Gregory Jonathan, n.s. Front b. T.P. 33 and 34 F'n<br />

Gregory Nehemiah, sec. City Ins. Co. res.Green tp,<br />

Gregory Walter, 58 w. 4th<br />

Gregory W. H. bds. Mrs. Olivers<br />

Gregson John, bds. Geo. Slaters<br />

Greim Uavid, s.s. Betts b. Linn and Cutter<br />

Greiner Conrad, e.s. Hughes b. Schiller and Burgoyne<br />

Greinst John H. n.s. Front b. Wood and Mill<br />

Greiser Louis, n.w.c. W. Row and David<br />

Greiter Henry, at Joseph Koop's<br />

Greive George, s.s. Green b. Kace and Bremen<br />

Greiving G. H. s.s. Abigail b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Griffls Tnomas, w s. John b. Everett and David<br />

Griffith & Brothers, (William, David and James )<br />

e.s. Broadway b. 9th and Court<br />

GrifHth David, (Griffith & Brothers) s.s. Barr b<br />

Mound and Cutter<br />

Griffith John, 279 Main<br />

Griffith Joseph, at Martin, Anshutz & Co's<br />

Griffith Kichard R. s.s. Catherine b. Fulton and<br />

Cutter<br />

Griffith Samuel, n.s. Front b. Smith and Mill<br />

Griffith Samuel P. s.s Catharine b. Fulton and<br />

Cutter<br />

Griffith Thomas, s.s. Water 2d d. e. of Smith<br />

Griffith Thomas, w.s. Piatt b. Ham. road & Bank<br />

Griffith Thomas, at G. Shield's<br />

Griffith Thomas, n.s. Harrison<br />

Greiwe Edward, (Enneking


G<br />






Orders amd itepairingr promptly executed.<br />

Wrighlson, Printer, 43 Main<br />

GUE GUN<br />

ROSS Sc DIETRICH, (Andrew Gross, Guelich Martin, at Coffin's bell foundry<br />

Clement Dietrich, Charles T. Jones, James F. Gugin John, w.s. Catharine b. W. Row and John<br />

Racine and Matthias Dietrich) soap, candle Guice A. at Harkness & Son's<br />

and oil manuf. 5 w. Front<br />

Guier Mrs. 20 Perry<br />

Gross Dr. Maolius, e.s. Vine b. 12th and Canal /"ti:JIL.DC. ScCO. (Charles G. & Thomas Clin-<br />

Gross Francis, w s. W. Row b. Oliver & Poplar U ton) glass knob manufs. s.s. 2d b. Race & Elm<br />

Gross Frederick, boot mkr. 232 Main<br />

Guild Charles, (C. G. & Co.) s.s. 2d b. Elm & Plum<br />

Gross Josephine L. bds. Mrs. Lyons w.s. Home Guild Joseph, (Hinkle & G.) n.s. George b. Linn<br />

Gross Magdalena, n.s. Ham. road b. Locust aud and Baymiller<br />

Poplar<br />

Guild Nathan, w.s. Elm b. Sth and Court<br />

Gross Mrs. Ann, s.s. 71h b. Cutter &Linn Guild Kobert, Canal b. Race and Elm<br />

Gross Mrs. Frances C. w.s. W. Row b. Jjiberty and Guilder John, at Kobinson & Co's, bds. Francisco<br />

Poplar<br />

Bay<br />

Gross M. S. e.s. W. Row b. 2d and Front<br />

Guilford Charles, s.s. George b. W. Row and John<br />

Grosser Sebastian, s.s. 2d b. Kim and Plum Guilford George J. 146 w. 7th hds. Sth b. Smith and<br />

Grosskopf Andrus, n.s. Congress b. Broadway and Mound<br />

Ludlow<br />

Guilford James, s.s. Sth b. Smith and Park<br />

Grossman Jacob, n.s. Front b T.P. 27 & 28 F'n /:iC;iL,JI'-ORD Sc JONES, (Nathan G.,Benja-<br />

Grossmann Simon, n.s. 2d b. Elm and Plum U min V. J. & Wm. Guilfordl Ohio type loundry<br />

Grossmilh Joseph, n.s. 3d b. Smith & Park<br />

Grosvenor Augustine, bds. Mrs. Kerr's<br />

41 e. 2d \<br />

ROSVENOR HORACE C. engraver, n. Guilford Nathan, (G. & Jones) n.e.c. Baker and<br />

G e.c. 4th and Walnut<br />

Vine<br />

Grotelusche Henry, bar keeper at Bank Exchange Guilford William, (G. & Jones) res. Covington<br />

Grotenremper Henry, b.k. w.s. Walnut b. Front Gum, widow of John, e.s. W. Row b. Ann&PIum<br />

and 2d<br />

Guin Jobn, bds. Mrs. Davis<br />

Groter Henry, w.s. Broadway b. Hunt and Anigail Guin Washington, bds. Joel Perkins<br />

Grothaus David, w.s. Sycamore b. Liberty and Guin William, s.s. Slh b. Mound and Cutter<br />

Schiller<br />

Guiou & Bonnet, (David B. G. & William Bennet)<br />

Grothaus Herman H. w.s. Pcndlelonb. Woodward n.s Court b. Plumand W. Row<br />

and Liberty<br />

Guiou David B. (G. & Bennet) 174 w 3d<br />

Grothaus Mrs. Lena, w.s. Sycamore b. Liberty and Guiou Peter, n.s. Pearl b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Schiller<br />

Guiraud A. & Sarran, (A. Guiraud & Felix Sar-<br />

Grotlushen Miss Anna, s.w.c. Liberty & Vine ran) importers liquors, wines, fruit & ciears<br />

Grottindeicb Wm. e.s. Pleasant b. ]4tb and 15th 306 Main ** '<br />

ROVES WOT. J. scale manuf. n.s. 2d b. Guire Christopher G. s.s. High b. Collard & Lytle<br />

G Main and Walnut, h.s.s. Chesnut b. John and Guise Jacob, at David Hams' bds. Sycamore b. 3d<br />

Fultnn<br />

and 4th<br />

Grow William S. n.s. 7tb b. Linn and Baymiller Guisi J. R. 112 Main<br />

Grozer Charles, n.s. Liberty b. Bremen and Race Guislin Frederick, n.s. Front b. Butler and Pike<br />

Grubb Charles, s.s. W. Row b. Linn and Piatt Guistcr Frederick, n.s. Front b. Butler & Pike<br />

Grubb John, b.k. s.e.c. Pearl and Walnut |JU«XE4D.jr. OT. atty. at law, 154 Walnut,<br />

Grueler Christopher, bar keeper. Arcade Restaurat, '' bds. Burnet House<br />

Court<br />

Guide Lewis,.151 Main<br />

Gruffy James, n.s. Sth b. Broadway and Pike Gulden Charles, w.s. Elm h. Cooper* Ham.road<br />

Gruhler Jacob, w.s. Viue b. Hth and 15lh Guliok George, hds. at T. C. Turner's, n.s. Clark b<br />

Grumamans George, s.s. Morton b. Parsons and Linn and Cutter<br />

Kilgour<br />

Gulick Jacob, s.w.c. Arch and Ludlow<br />

Grumbine J. e.s. W. Rowb. Mason and Everett Gullion G. P. bds. at Shires'<br />

Grublay James, w.s. Elm b. North and Findley Gulon J. H. e.s. Walnut b. Allison and Libertv<br />

Grundner Andreas, w.s. Ham. road b. Walnut and (:jUlVDRTf JOHN, Cin. Mercantile College<br />

Liberty<br />

IT Apollo buildings ""«6


HAG<br />

C. GUILD & CO<br />



Second wlreet, »car £lni.<br />

EXTRACT PROM PATENT OFFICE PepoRT.—"Aa the Glass or<br />

Miiicial Knobs, as ihey are termed, are usually cast upon solid<br />

spindles, they are liable to crnck from the unequal expansion of<br />

the metal and the ^,'lass. This difficulty has been remedied by<br />

making the metallic spit/dle a thin tube, thus preseniing great<br />

surface with but little weight; and Knobs cast on such spindles<br />

may be seen in this office, with which, used as a hammer a large<br />

cut nail has been driven to its head iu a plank *' *<br />

HAG<br />

Gunniss Dennis U. 375 w. Gth<br />

Hacket Allen, s.w.c. John and Augusta, bds Mrs<br />

UKLl^V JOHIV A. editor and pub. Star in Olive Hacket<br />

G the West, res. Maple Grove<br />

Hacket Edward, s.s. Accomodation b, Sth and State<br />

Gusherd Edward, at Filley & Chapin's, bds. John Hacket James V. n.s. 6th e. of Lock<br />

Buttemiller's<br />

Hacket Olive, w.s. Plum b. Snd and Front<br />

GuBsetter Fred-erick, n.s. Tlh b. CuLter & Linn HachingMrs. Ann, w.s. Sycamore b. Schiller and<br />

Gussetter Jacob, junction Ellea<br />

Burgoyne<br />

Gustion Thomas, 348 w. 6th<br />

Hackmann Bernard, w.s. Raceb. Liberty and Green<br />

Gustier Henry, s.s. ]2th b. Kim and Plum<br />

Hackmann & Dusterberg, (Henry H. & Henry DO<br />

Guthrie Alexander H. 185 Main, bdy. Henrie House s.e.c. Walnut and 13th<br />

Guthrie Mrs. Anna, n.s. Laurel b. Linn and Culter Hackmann Henry, (H. & Dusterberg) s.e.c. Walnut<br />

Guthrie Mrs. Janet, s.s. Woodward b. Sycamore & l3th<br />

and Broadway<br />

Hackmann Henry,, s.s. W. W. Canal b. Mill & Park<br />

IUXHUIIO J. V. Az CO, (J. V. (t Wm. W. h. n.s. 3d b, y.i'.i and Stone<br />

Cr G.) linseed oil manul. c. Sth and M. Canal Hackmann Henry, Washington Exchange 287 Main<br />

Guthrie William W. (Guthrie & Co.) iJ27 Broadway Hackmann John F. elk. 162 Main, h. n.e.c. 12th and<br />

Gutlech George, bds. Henry Menninger's<br />

Jackson<br />

Gutman Simeon, (Fechheimer t& G.) 357 Main Hackmann & Veercamp, (John H. & George V.) 81<br />

Guttker Dieck, n.s. Peet b. Poplar and Vine<br />

Court<br />

Gulzler John, s.w.c. L'aet and Locust<br />

Hackmann John, (H. & Veercamp,) 81 Court<br />

Guy A lexander. 'J4 w. eth<br />

Hackmann Henry, (H. H. & Co) n.s. 3d b. Mill and<br />

Guy a C. 356 Main<br />

Stone<br />

Guy James H. n. of Front b.T.P. 3 and 4 F'n Hackmann H. & Co. (Henry H.,Gerhard Vermeman<br />

Guy Mrs. C. widow of Samuel, e.s. Plum b. Grant & John T- WashlordJ n.s. 2d. b. Mill and Park<br />

and 14th<br />

Hackman William, n.s. Congress opp. Depot<br />

Guy Joseph W. n.s. Dayton b. Linn and Freeman Hackney Richard W. e.s. Mill b. 3d and 4th<br />

Guyer Lewis, e.s. Piatt b. Poplar and Maple Hackstadt Henry s.s. Sth b. Freeman and Carr<br />

Guyo Mrs. Kliza, n.s. Clark b. Linn and Cutter Hackstadt George H. s.s. 2d b. Plum and Elm<br />

Guysi Charles F. n.s. Oth b. Elm and Plum<br />

Hackwelder George, n.s. Richmond b. Fulton and<br />

Guysi Charles F. elk, bds. John R. Guysi<br />

Cutter<br />

Guysi John R. William b. Elm and Plum<br />

A1»1»KX IVIMKOI>, mer. tailor, 272 Main,<br />

Gwynne Abraham E. (Storer & G.J w.s. Pike b. 3d H h. n.e.c 6th and Broadway<br />

and 4th<br />

Haddix Mrs. Sarah, n.e.c. Gth and Broadway<br />

Gwynne J. G. elk. g.e.c. 3d and Race<br />

Hader John, s.w.c. Sth and John<br />

Gwynne John, bds, Stephen Gibson's<br />

Hadley James A- at Gas Works n.s. 3db. Woodand<br />

Gwynne Lie wellin M. w.s. Walnut b. Pearl and 3d, Stone<br />

bds. Waluut St. House<br />

Hadley Joseph, bds, Mrs. Sarah Croley<br />

Gwynne Thomas P. salesman 19 Pearl<br />

Hadley Mrs. M. E. s.s, Woodward e. of Sycamore<br />

Gwynne W. b.k. s.e.c. Race and 3d<br />

Haddox James, s.s. 6th b. Race and Elm<br />

Gyser Jacob, 311 Symmes<br />

Haehing J. G. Vine b. Sth and. Gth<br />

Gyl John, s. of Front b.T.P. 12 and 13 F'n<br />

Haehl Jacob, s.s. Ham. road b. Piatt and Freeman<br />

Haenel E, at Klauprech & Menzel's<br />

Haessmeflut D. n.s. Franklinb. Mainand Sycamore<br />

Jta,<br />

Haezler Ernest, n.s. Burgoyne b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Haa Jacob, n.s. Ham. road b. Main and Locust Hafet Hermann, Ann b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Haab Adam, n.s. Ham. road near W. Row<br />

Halfer Frank, e.s. Freeman b. Cedar and Clark<br />

Haag Gotleib, e.s. Bremen h. Liberty aud Green Hafflin Joseph, w.s. Vineb. Elder and Ham. road<br />

Haan Joseph, s.s Hth b. Race and Elm<br />

Haffman George, n.s. Findley b. Elm and Race<br />

HaasC. n.e.c. Allison and Clay<br />

Haffman Joseph, s.s. oth b. Mill and Stone<br />

Haas Nicholas, e.s. Sycamore n. of Boal<br />

HalTner John, n.s. Findley b. Kim and Race'<br />

Habercorn Benedict, s.e c Abigail and Kroadway Hafner Conrad, 50 Sycamore, res. Newport<br />

Haberdock Peter, w-n- Pleasant b. ISth and Liberty Hafner J. A. n.s. Abigail b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Haberning Elizabeth, n.s. Green b. Bremen & Race fiagadorn Henry, n.s. Abigail b. Broadway and<br />

Habold Jacob w.s. Vine b. loth and Liberty<br />

Spring<br />

Hach John. e.s. Vine b. Allison and Liberty<br />

Hagadorn John & Co., s.e.c. Walnut and Liberty<br />

HachneL William, bds. August.'Lieberts<br />

Hagan James, e.s. Race b. 11th and 15th<br />

Hack George, n.s. Maple b. Piatt and Linn<br />

Hagan James, n.s. Richmond b. John and W. Rowj<br />

Hack Michael, n.s. Maple b. Piatt and Linn<br />

Hagan John, s.s. 7th b. Broadway and Sycamore<br />

Hack Adam, s.s. Sth b. Broadway and Sycamore Hagan Peter, w.s. Sycamore b. Schiller and Bur­<br />

Hackenburgh Isaac E. b. k. at Childs & Brothers, goyne<br />

res. National Exchange, Sycamore near 4th Hagan Thomas, n.s. Front b. Smith and Mill<br />

Hackes Simon, (Wald, H. & Bergman) bds. Cleve­ HagedO'"n Conrad, s.s. Kuckeye'b. Lomst & Poplar<br />

land House<br />

Haget Nicolas, e.s. Buckeye b. Lock and Popltr,



No. M Walmit street, above 3d, Cincinnati,<br />

DEALS IK<br />


AXD MAKES C O 1.1. E C T I O ]V S .<br />

Wrightson, Printer, 43 Main st.<br />

HAL HAL<br />

Hagan George, s.s. Ham. road b. Elm and Race<br />

Hagenbugh Henry, e.s. Vine b. Allison and 14th<br />

Hager Adam, n.s. Liberty b. Linn and Cutter<br />

Hager Cinimon, n.s. Liberty b. Linn and Cutter<br />

Hager Felix, e.s. Butler b. 4th and Sth<br />

Hager Frederick, e.s. Anderson b. Canal and Front<br />

Hager John. n.s. Ham. road b. Main and Locust<br />

Hager Michael,Jn.s. Liberty b. Linn and Cutter<br />

Hagerman Barnuni, Broadwuy b. 7th and Sth<br />

Haggerty A. s.s. Water b. Plum and Elm<br />

Haggerty Catharine, 130 w 9th<br />

Haggerty David, n.w.c. Front and Ramsey<br />

Haggerty James. 150 w. 3d<br />

Haggerty John, bds. at Alanson Chappel's<br />

Haggerty John, 32 Broadway<br />

Haggerty Patrick, w.s. Park b. 3d and 4th<br />

Haggerty Wm. bds. 237 w. 6th<br />

Hagener Harmon, n.s. Abigail b. Sycamore and<br />

Broadway<br />

Hague Wm. w.s. M. Canal b. Maple and Uayton<br />

Hahlen Aaron, bds. at Benjamin Bolinger's<br />

Hahn Andrew, s.s. Mulberry h. Locust and Eden<br />

Hahii Barbary, n.si Buckeye b. Kden and Locust<br />

Hahu John, n.s Ham. road b. Locust and Poplar<br />

Hah'u Henry, n.s. Poplar b. Ham. road and Buckeye<br />

Hahn Jacob, e.s. Everett, b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Hahnemann Charles, w.s. Vineb. 15th and Liberty<br />

Hahnhauser Jacob, w.s. Main b. Allison & Liberty<br />

Haigh John, e.s. Spring b. Woodward and Liberty<br />

Haigh Wm. w.s. Pendleton b. Woodward and<br />

Liberty<br />

Haigh Win. w.s. Race b. 2d and Front<br />

Hailstaff Robert, b. 7th and Sth and b. Sycamore &<br />

Broadway<br />

Haily Charles, n.s. 7th b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Haimeger Harmon, at A. Harkness and Son's<br />

Hain John A. salesman, bds at Sycamore House<br />

Hain Tompkins, e.s. Culvert b. Gth and 7th<br />

Hainer Hartzell, (Seaman & H.) n.s. Frontb. John<br />

and Smith<br />

Haldy & Iback, (Frederick H. & Gilbert I.) w.s.<br />

Elm b.Sth and 9th<br />

Haldy Frederick, (H. & Iback) bds. c. Vine cfe 12th<br />

Hale Charles, s.s. 6th b. Main and Sycamore, h. s.a.<br />

Sth b. Race and Elm<br />

Hale Nicholas, w.s. W. How b. Clinton & Everett<br />

H<br />

AEE WM. B., real estate, stock and money<br />

broker, 122 Walnut<br />

HALEN BECK HEKIWAJV G., apothecary<br />

and druggist, n.w.c. Clinton and Cutter<br />

Halenkemp Wm. w.s. Plum b. McFarland and 4th<br />

Hales Margaretta. 178 w. Sth<br />

Haley John 347 Main<br />

Haley John n.s. 7th. b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Haley John at B. Hazen's<br />

Haley Thomas, e.s. Culter b. Clark and Hopkins<br />

Halfpenny Michael, 14 e. 2d<br />

HatkerDiedrick, e.s. Springb. Abigail and Hunt<br />

Halker Joseph, s.s. Buckeye b. Poplar and Locust<br />

Hall Aaron, s.s. High b. Parsons and Lytle<br />

Hall A. Mitchell, (Hanwell & H.) .102 Vine<br />

Hall Charles, n.s. High b Lytle and Collard<br />

ALl, CHAKEES F., seal engraver and<br />

stamp cutter, n.e.c. Sth and Walnut, bds. at<br />

Mrs. Zumer's, w.s. Race b. Sth and 6th<br />

Hall & Co. s.s. 2d b. Broadway and Ludlow<br />

Hall Dudley, (.Liggett & H.) 49 e. 4th<br />

Hall David D. n.s. 3d b. Smith and Park<br />

Hall Elizabeth, n.s. Kemble b. Cutterand Linn<br />

IIAEE E. Sc CO., (Edward) fire proof safe<br />

U manufs. 49 e. 2d, h. s.s. Arch b. Broadway and<br />

Ludlow<br />

Hall Edi^'in R. elk. n.e.c. 4th and Vine<br />

Hall Frederick. Magnolia Hall<br />

Hall George, s.s. Water b Smith and John<br />

Hall James, cashier Com. Bank, 123 Symmes<br />

Hall James C Dep. Post .Waster, 120 e. 4th<br />

Hall James, s.s. 2d b. Race and Elm, h. e.s. Walnut<br />

b. Front and Water<br />

Hall James, u.s. Liberty b. Spencer and Young<br />

Hall John, bds 351 Race<br />

Haines Charles, bds. at Mrs. Thomas'<br />

Hall John, bds. 137 iv. 3d<br />

AIWES EieHiKlEL S., atty. at law, s.s. 3d Hall John, e.s. Sycamore n. of Liberty<br />

H b.Main and Walnut, b. n.e.c. 4th & L;t\vi .-iicr-, Hall John C. s.s. Poplar b. W. How and John<br />

Haines John L. elk at American K.\. and Heiine Hall John C. (H. & Prather) 349 w. 7th<br />

House<br />

Hall J. H. & Co. 38 e. ?d<br />

Haines Peter, nt Litherbury's<br />

Hall John Z. at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Haines Seth S. (Wynne, H. &Co.) bds. at Dennison Hall Joseph, s.s. Clinton b. Linn and Locust<br />

House<br />

Hall Joseph B. n.s. 4tb b. Elm and Plum<br />

Haines Wm. H. W. cik. at Ohio L. and T. Co. e.s. Hall Joseph L. safe mkr. e.s. Butler b. 4th and<br />

John b. 4th and 5th<br />

Symmes<br />

Hainesfurton Samuel, e.s. W. Row b. Mason and Hall J. W. e.s Vine b. Water and Front<br />

Everett<br />

Hall Lewis, 134 Walnnt<br />

Haire John, (H. & Nugent) w.s. W. Row b. George Hall Levi, elk. bds. at 101 Race<br />

and 7tli<br />

Hall Matlhew, e s. Carr b. Front and 6th<br />

Hairshaw John, s.s. Frontb. Pike and Butler Hall Moses, bds. at James Young's<br />

Haixlar Anthony, w.s. Race b. Liberty and Green Hall Mrs. Margaret, n.s. 3d b. Smith and Park<br />

Haken John, n.s. Barr b. Baymiller and Freemun Hall Nancy W. 166 w. Sth<br />

Hakies John, s.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />

Hall Perley, s.s. Chesnutb. W. Row and John<br />

Halawasack John, e.s. Vine b. Allison and 13th AEE PHIEANDEK wh. confec. <strong>52</strong>Main<br />

Halbesty Frank, s.w.c. of 9th and Walnut H h. s.w.c. Front and Vine<br />

Halcher Mrs. L. 32 George<br />

Hall & Prather, (John C. H. & Charles B. P.) s a<br />

Halderman Thomas J 57 e. 4th<br />

Halderman Wm. s.s. Everett b. Cutter and Linn<br />

3d b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Hall, Richard bds. at Hansom Burn's<br />




iffiiifs liisSii<br />

PATENTED 1849.<br />

Constructed on a plan entirely NEW, and WARRANTED superior to<br />

thing of the kind in the United States, being strictly FIRE POWDER<br />

THIEF PROOF, and entirely free from dampness. ' -ruv.ujia<br />


49 East Second, betn^ccii Sycamore and Bioadvray Cin'ti<br />

HAM HAM<br />

Hall Robert, w.s. Linn b. Clark and Catharine Haman John, W.3. Pleasant b. Liberty and Green<br />

Hall Robert, e.s. W. Row b. Everett and Wade<br />

Hall Samuel, b.k. at Allen & Co's. h. c. Plum & 3d<br />

^^Tc'e\''.t"'nf ^^a^-/'-"'*'"'* PP"° w..<br />

Hall Samuel P. 129 w. 7th<br />

Hamar John, s.s. Morton e. of Kilgour<br />

Hall Thomas, bda. at Joseph Hall's<br />

Hamberg Abraham, n.s. Court b. Race and Elm<br />

Hall Timothy, elk. bds. at C. Moulton's<br />

Hambo Stephen, fringe manuf. e.s. Vine b. 6th and<br />

Hall Wm. b.h. c. 7.h and M. Canal<br />

H<br />

H<br />

AIJL WILLIAM^ Belfast Exchange, 143<br />

Walnut<br />

Hall Wm. b.K. 19 Pearl<br />

Allilv WM, W., al. physician, s.s. 4thb.Walnut<br />

and Vine<br />

Hallam Daniel, s.s. Water b. Race and Vine, h. n.<br />

s. Front b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Hallam John H. s.s. High b. Collard and Lytle<br />

Hallara John s.s. 7th b. Mound and Cutter<br />

Hallan Mary Jane, bds. at Mrs. Runnlon's<br />

Hallao Stephen, e.s. Elm b. Liberty and 15th<br />

Hallas Joseph, s.e.c. Park and 2d<br />

Halle John. s.s. 2d b. Waluut aud Vine<br />

Hallenan David, b.k. w.s. Spring n. of Woodward<br />

Haller Charles, w.s. Main b. Canal and 12th<br />

Haller Jacob, n.e.c. Front and W. Row<br />

Haller Jacob, s.s. Buckeye b. Locust and Eden<br />

Haller Peter, n.s. Deer Creek road<br />

Haller Wm. n.s. Gth e. of Lock<br />

Hallerman Elizabeth, s.s. Buckeye b. Locust and<br />

Poplar<br />

Halley F, w.s. Providence b. Everett and Wade<br />

Halley W. G. n.s. Sthb. Elmand Plum<br />

Halley Wm. F. (Wesicott & Co.) 42 w. Sth<br />

Ham^burg Dr. Frederick W. w.s. Walnut b. 12th and<br />

Hamburg Frank, w.s. Plum b. Ann and Mason<br />

Hamburg George, 89 Main °"<br />

Hame Mrs. Catharine, e.s. Bremen b. 14th and 16th<br />

Hamel M. s.e.c. Everett and Cutter<br />

Hamer George, s.s. Front h. T. P. 20 and 21 F'n<br />

Hamer Gustaff, n.s. lath h. Race and Elm<br />

HamerNichoIas, at Harkness and Son's<br />

Hamer Wm. s.s. Poplar b. Linn and Cutter<br />

Hamer Joseph, n.s. 13th b. Vine and Walnut<br />

Hamfbauer John L. e.s. M.in h. Burgoyne & SchiUer<br />

S''1'M%".^U •''"»" J'",?^- Main b. Burgoyne & Schiller<br />

HamiU John, n.e.c. Race and 3d<br />

Hamilton Alexander, at John Bailey's<br />

Hamilton Elizabeth, n.s. Front b.T P 17 & 18 F'n<br />

Hamilton Eliza, 100 Broadway<br />

Hamilton Harvey, elk. 273 Walnut<br />

AMIL,TOW HENRY, produce and com.<br />

H mer. s.w.c. Front and Walnut, res. Cvoington<br />

Hamilton Henry, n.s. 7th b. Sycamore & Broadway<br />

Hamilton James, 22 w. 6th<br />

Hamilton James, n.s. Baker b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Hamilton John, n.s. 71h b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Hallgartner Goerge, n.s. Frontb. T. P.4I &42 F'n. Hamilton Mary, s.w.c. 2d and Elm<br />

ALLGA'TM JOHN, feed store, 202 tJi'oad- Hamilton Mrs. , Elm b. George and 7th<br />

H way<br />

Hamilton Robert S. 144 Walnut.<br />

Hallibert George W. cab. mkr. f.t Burley and Ly­ Hamilton Samuel, n.s. Front b. T. P. 20 and 21 F'n<br />

ford's bds. c. Sth and W. Kow<br />

Hamilton g. R. n.s. 2d b. Sycamore and Broadway,<br />

Halligan James, Landing b. Broadway and Ludlow h. n.s. 6th b. Race and Elm<br />

Halligan Patrick, bds. Kichard Halligan's<br />

Hamilton Thomas, n.s. Water b. Plumand W Row<br />

Halligan Richard, s.s Borden's al.<br />

Hamilton Kev. Wm. s.s. George b. Linn and Bay­<br />

Halliman Wm. n.s. 6th b. Plumand W. Row<br />

miller<br />

Hallmack Isaac, 30 George<br />

Hamingbarger Henry, at Martin, Anshutz & Co 's<br />

Hallow ell James, s.s. Barr b. Mound and Cutter,' Hamlin Edward, s.s. Everett b. W. Row and John<br />

Halmer K. w.s. Ham. Koad b. Walnut and Liberty Hamlin H. G. li. 91 Pike<br />

Haloran Mary, n.s. K. R. b. T. P. 21 and 23 F'n Hamlin Henry H. elk. Dennison House<br />

Halpin Jeremiah, e.s. John b. Betts and Laurel Hamlin John, s.e.c. Poplar and Dudley<br />

Halpin Patrick, s.s. 3d b. Mill and Stone<br />

Hamlin Peter, s.s. 2d b. Mill and Park<br />

Halpin Michael, n.s. Front e. of Lock<br />

Hamlin Robert, n.s Kemble b. Fultonaod Cutter<br />

Halpin Wm. J. city surveyor, College Hall, h. s.e.c. AMIillV SHEPAKO E. dentist, s.s. 4th<br />

Linn and Richmond<br />

H 1 d. w. of Main, h. n.s. 7th w. of John<br />

Halsbcrg A. s.e.c. Clinton and Linn<br />

Hamlin & White, Robert H. and Anthony W.) Land,<br />

Halaman H. s.s. Cherry b. Race and Elm<br />

ing b. Ludlow and Lawrence<br />

Halstead Elsha O. e.s. Linn b. Clark and Catharine Hammann Christopher, 74 Court<br />

Halsted Marcus J. (Vallette & Co.) 104 Main Hamraan Michael, e.s Ham. Koad b. Poplar & Vine<br />

HaltenoffHalto, w.s. Vine b. 12th and 13th<br />

Hamman Mrs. Christina, 40 12th<br />

Halter Frank, 430 Main b. Court and Canal<br />

Hamman Francis, (McBride'tfe H.) bds. 172 w. 3d<br />

Haltmeyer Joseph, s.s. Buckeye b. Lock and Eden Haramel J. & Co. (J. Hammcl and K. Eckhardt. e.s.<br />

Ham Charles T.s.s. Front b. T. P. 39 and 40 F'u Main b. Orchard and Liberty<br />

Ham Frederick, al, b. Jefferson and Adams Hammel J. (H. & Co.) e.s Main b. Orchard aud<br />

Ham G. C. n.s. Betts b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Liberty<br />

Ham John, w.s. W, Row b. Betts and Clinton<br />

Hammel Conrad, w.s. Vine b. Liberty and Green<br />

Haman Mrs. Catharine, e.s. Elm b. Liberty & Green<br />

Hammel James, n.s. Cherry b. Race and Elm<br />

Hamann Frederick, n.e.c. canal and Vine<br />

Haman Heinrich, w.s. Sycamore b. Liberty and<br />

Hammelgarn Henry, e.s. Sycamore b. Hunt and Ab­<br />

Schiller<br />

igail<br />

Hammel) Henry, n.s. Front b. Pike and Butler


T. S. GOODMAN & CO.<br />

BANKEHS,<br />

AND<br />

DiiaiiiS<br />

lOl MAII^ STK.EET.<br />

HAN HAE<br />

Hammer Rev. Clements, e.s. Clay b. 12th and I3th<br />

Hammes Peter, n.s. Poilarb. Ham. Road& Buckeye<br />

Hamnion James, at Johnson, Morton & Co.'s<br />

Hammon John, e.s. Dudley b. Poplar and Liberty<br />

Hammond Andrew C. n.s. Front op. T. P. 1 F'n<br />

Hammond George, bds. John Hughes<br />

Hammond H. at Powell's foundry<br />

Hammond Henry, n.s. loth b. Elm and Race<br />

Hammond James, bds. Pioneer House<br />

Hammond John, s.s. Front b. T. P. 12 and 13 F'n<br />

Hammond John, carp. n.s. 2d b. Plumand Elm, h.<br />

n.s. 6th h. John and Smith<br />

Hammond Joseph, at Hanks aud Thompson's<br />

Hammond Joseph W. s.s. Plum b. I4th & JelTerson<br />

Hammond Robert, s.w.c. W. Kow and John<br />

Hammond Wm. n.s. Front b. T. P. 4 and 0 F'n<br />

Hammeit James, elk. f L. Market bds. Madison<br />

House<br />

Hampden John, s.s. Leb. Pike w. of T. Gate<br />

Hampden Wm. s.s. Leb. Pike w. of T. Gate<br />

Hampe Henry, Plum b. Uth and luth<br />

Hampton Mary A. n.S. Front b. Lytle and Collard<br />

Hampton Daniel, w.s. Lytle b. Frout and High<br />

Hamatevter John. w.s. Bremen b. Liberty & Green<br />

Hanagan Arnold, e.s. Bremen b. 14Lh and 15th<br />

Hanan Patrick, n.s. Water b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Hanaftold George, w.s. Vine b. luth and Liberty<br />

Hanabold Wm. s.s. Melancthon b. W. Row & John<br />

Hanbolt Frederick, e.s. Sycamore b. L. Market and<br />

9d, h. s.s. Everett b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Handbuck Peter, w.s. Ham. Road, h. Locust and<br />

Poplar<br />

Hancock Jacob n.s. Sth b. Main and Sycamore, h.<br />

•w.s Sycamore b. fith and 6th<br />

Hancock E. S. bds. Thomas Morton's<br />

Hand Caleb C. w.s. Linn b. Clark and Catharine<br />

Hand David, n.s. George b. Mound and Culter<br />

Hand Ellis, Plasterer, n.s. dth 1 d. e. of Lock<br />

Hand E. n.s. 5th e. of Lock<br />

Hand Firman, b. Sth and Mound<br />

Hand Firman, ir. e.s. Elm b. 9th and Court<br />

Hand Joseph, s.s. 7ih b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Hand Sylvester, s.g. 7th b. Cutter and Linu<br />

Hand "Wm. G. s.s. Barr b. Baymiller and Freeman<br />

Hand Wm. e.s. Linn b. Catharine and Clark<br />

Handly Michael, s.s. 3d b. Vine and Race<br />

HancUy Roger, n.s. Front on the old Corporation<br />

Handmann Lewis, at Johnson, Morton & Co.'s<br />

HandofT Bernard, e.s. Clay b. Canal and 12th<br />

Haney James, n.s. 6th e. of Lock<br />

Haney James, n.s. Water b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Haney John A. at D. Griffey's<br />

Haney Nicholas, n.s. 7th b. John and Mound'<br />

Hanferd John, n.s Front b. Lytle and'Parson<br />

Hanieke Lewis, at Otto Gusler<br />

Haning B. at A. Harkness and Son's<br />

Hanis Jacob at A-Harkness and Son's<br />

Hank Barney n.s. Front b. T. P. 38 and 39 F'n<br />

Hanks Artliur, (H. & Thompson) n.s. Catharine b.<br />

W, Kow anil John<br />

AIN'KS 4^B^.0R4^E: Ii, bell and brass foundry<br />

H n.s. 2d b. Ludlow and Lawrence h- 33 McFarland<br />



^^oi^^^^eo<br />




C O A AM .<br />

, 1, corner of Front and Ludlon'^ streets ; No. 2, corner ot Third and<br />

JoUu streets; No, 3, corner oK Frontand JTlill streets.<br />

Central Office, Masonie Building, Third street, east of Walnut.<br />

HAR H.AR<br />

Harbaugh Leonard, e.s. Race b. Water and Front<br />

Harbes Henry, 30 Walnut, h.n.s. Commerce b.Race<br />

and Elm<br />

Harbeson Matthew L. (Jamea Goodloe & Co.) 26<br />

w. Tth<br />

Harbison Peter, n.s. Tth b. Broadway and Culvert<br />

Harbinson Samuel, hat finisher, at Pye & Swop^'s<br />

Harcecharl George, s.s. 8th b. Baymiller and Freeman<br />

Harcourt Enoch L. n.s. Front w. of Harriet<br />

Harcourt Joseph, Landing b. Ludlow t& Lawrence<br />

Harcourt Joseph jr. at Joseph Harcourt'a<br />

Harcourt Stephen, n.s. Front w, of Harriet<br />

Harcourt William, bds. at Francis Steed's<br />

Hard Chester H. at Clawson & Mudge's, h.w.s.<br />

Mill b. Vine and Race<br />

Hard Dr. H. M. ITS Race<br />

Harden John, s.s. Barr b. Baymiller and Freeman<br />

Harden Joshua, (H.


If<br />



101 "Walnut Street, opposite Pearl St. Mouse.<br />

Have constautly on hand fresli grround mustnrd, Pepper, Allspice, Ging^er,<br />

Cinnamon, Cloves, and Gcuuine African Cayenne, pnt up expressly for<br />

family use, and warranted strictly pure. Also, Roasted and Ground Coffee, Ground Rice, Roasted<br />

Pea Nuts, and African Pepper Sauce.<br />

^^* Super or Marble Dust put up in good shipping order.<br />

10= Cash paid *or Mustard Seed. JJi<br />

HAR<br />

Wrightson, Printer Iter, .13 Main st _^.^2F^<br />

HAR<br />

Harrenberg Conrad, c. Elm and Green<br />

Harrison Daniel, e.a. Mound b. 7th and Sth<br />

Harrett Jobn, e.s. 13remen b. l:nli and 14th Harrison Daniel, w.a. Smith n. of Augusta<br />

AIC.I^i£S Sc CO. brewery, e.s. Sycamore b. Harrison Daniel Y. (H. & Eaton) e.s. Mound b. 7th<br />

H 3d aud 4th<br />

and Sth<br />

Harrigan Michael, n.s. High b. Collard and Lytle AKRISOIV Sc EATON, (Daniel Y. H. &<br />

Harrigan Patrick, s.s 3d b. Elm and Plum H Andrew B. E,) steam spice and coffee mills.w.<br />

Harrigan Peter, at Siireve, Steele & Co's<br />

s. Walnut b. Pearl and 3d<br />

Harrington Catharine, s.s. 8tli e. of Lock<br />

Harrison E. w.s. Vine b. 2d and Front<br />

Harrington Dennis, li Pearl, res, Newport Harrison Edwin, e.s. Carr b. 7th and Sth<br />

Harrington James S. Cik. b. John and Cutter Harrison Ebenezer, w.s. Walnut b. 3d and 4th, h.<br />

Harrington Timothy, w.s. Freeman b. Clinton & 182 w. 4th<br />

Everett<br />

Harrison Edmund, 140 w. Sth<br />

Harris Abner, n.s. 3d b. Wood and Canal<br />

Harrison Francis, n.s. 7th b. Mound and Cutter<br />

Harris Abram, 86 Main, h.n.s. 3d b. Plum and W. Harrison & Hooper, (Lamed B. H. & Wm. H.) 61<br />

Row<br />

Main<br />

Harris Caleb, w.s. Cutterb. Betts and Laurel Hanison Isaac, e.s. Broadway b. 6th and 7th<br />

Harris Charles P. 1)7 w. Sth<br />

Harrison Jane, s.s. Frontb. T.P. 34 aud 35 F'n<br />

Harris Charles W. n.s. 6th e. of Lock<br />

Harrison Mrs. J. P. 176 Race<br />

Harris Conrad. (H. & Zoiner) s.s. 8th b, John and Harrison John, n.s. Front b. Pike and Butler<br />

Mound<br />

Harrison John, n.s. Barrb. Cutterand Linu<br />

Harris David, s.s. David b. Sniith and Park Harrison Joseph H. s.s. Centre b.Race and Elm<br />

Harris David, e.s. Sycamore b. 3d and 4th, bds.City Harrison John P. (W. H, H. & Co.) 47 w 8th<br />

Hotel<br />

Harrison J. P. (Rice & H.)<br />

Han-is Edward B. bds. 129 w. 9th<br />

Harrison Lamed B. (H. & Hooper)<br />

Harris Frederick, bds. <strong>52</strong> L. Market<br />

Harrison Mrs. Margaret, w.s. John b. Kemble and<br />

Harris Francis A, 87 w. 8th<br />

Richmond<br />

Harris G. D. at Johnson, Morton & Co's<br />

Harrison Mrs. Margaret, s.s. 3d. b. Smith and Park<br />

Harris George, n.s. Liberty b Linn and Locust Harnson Milton D. s.s. 3d b Smith and Park<br />

Harris George, n.s. Liberty b. Luin and Piatt Harrison .Milton D s.s. Moses b. Mill and Park<br />

Harris Isaac, bds. Abram Harris<br />

Harrison O. w.s. Vine b. Front and 2d<br />

Harris James) at R. B. Bowler's<br />

Harrison Thomas P. (Lowell Fletcher & Co.) n s<br />

Harris James, e.s. Butler b. ('uiigress and Front Catharine b. John and Fulton<br />

Harris James, s.s.Sthb. Plum and W. Row Harrison Thomas, n.s. 6th opp. Baum<br />

Harris James F. s.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

AKRISOIV W. H. A; CO., (Wm. H. i<br />

ARRIS J. N. & CO. (Jonathan N. if. &<br />

H<br />

H John P. H.) wh. druggists. xl:i w. 4th<br />

Thos. H C. Allen) patent medicines,? College Harrison Wm. at Powell's foiiiulry<br />

bldg.<br />

Harrison Wm. n.s. Hih b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Harris John, 91 w.Sth<br />

Harrison Wm. H. (Wm. H. H & Co.) 49 w. Sth<br />

Harris John, s.s. Symmes b. Butler and M. Canal Harrison Wm. H. barber. 47 Sycamore<br />

Harris John P. bds. 129 w. gth<br />

Harrison Rev. Wm. H. n.s. Chesnut b. W. Row &<br />

Harris Leonard, constable, e.s. Smith b.Longworth John<br />

and 6th<br />

Harrod Leonard, porter, 53 Main<br />

Harris Levi W. 164 w.3d<br />

Harrup George, s.s,.Spring b. Woodward & Liberty<br />

Harris Nathan, 96 w. 7th<br />

Marsch Elizabeth, n..s. Liberty b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Harris Thomas, at K. B. Bowler's<br />

Harsch John, n.s. Liberty b Walnut and Vine<br />

Harris Thomas, 129 w. 9th<br />

Hursha Thomas F. w.s. Park b. 4th and 'VLh<br />

Harris T. B. s.e.c. Broadway and Congress, h. 58 Hartsman Henry, s.s. Everett b. Locust & Freeman<br />

e. 4th<br />

Hart Bridget, e.s. Dublin n. of Lock<br />

Harris Thomas C. s.a. Front e. of Depot<br />

Hart Edward K. at W. E. Ogborn & Co's. h. s.s.<br />

Harris Thomas F. e.s. John b. Clinton and Betts Laurel b. Linn and Locust<br />

Harris Wm. H. marble worker, 129 w. 9th Hart Frederick C. (» m. H. & Co.) 31S w. Tth<br />

ARRIS & KOINER, (Conrad H. & P. W, Hart Henry, b.k. s.o.c. 3d and Main, b. s.s. Front<br />

H Z.) stove pattern mkrs. s.s. Pearl b. Hace and b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Elm<br />

Hart Isaac, (I. H. & Co.) s.s. .-)ih b. Stone & Wood<br />

Harrison Amos A. at H. Eaton's, n.s. 7th b. John Hajt John, b.k. bds. at Mrs. C. Edward's<br />

and Mound<br />

.AKX I. SL CO., (Isaac H. & Oliver Lovell)<br />

Harrison C. s.s. George b. Baymiller and Freeman printing and stereotyping, 41 e. 2d<br />



Lexington Fire, Life, and Marine Insurance Company,<br />

OF LEXINGTON, KY,—CAPITAL, .«300,000. t: J<br />



Surplus, January 1, <strong>1851</strong>, $1,192,441.66.<br />


OF LONDON, ENG.—CAPITAL, $3,009,000.<br />

i':-j5rTT„."rirr.ri HARTWELL & HALL, Agents<br />

No. 19 Front street, near Sycamore, Cincinnati,<br />

T. Wri-litson, i'rinrer.<br />

HAR HAT<br />

Hurt Alathcw,139 Symmes<br />

Hart Peter, at A. Harkness and Sons'<br />

Hart Phillipp, n.s. 13th b. Vine and Walnut<br />

ART SAIUUEL, atty. at law, 19 e. 4th» res.<br />

MiU Creek tp.<br />

H<br />

Hart Silae, n.s. 14tli b. Elm and Race<br />

Hurl Thomas, e.s. Broadway b. Abigail and Woodward<br />

Hart Thomas R. 148 Waluut<br />

ARTrWEL.L & HAI.JL, (Joha W. H. &<br />

H A. Mitchell Hall) Ins. Agents 19 Front<br />

Hartwell John W. (H. & Hall) s.s. 4ih b. Smith and<br />

Park<br />

Hartwell Jonathan VV. 29 Walnut, h. 06 M"'Farland<br />

Hartwell P. s.s. 7th b. Culvert and Broadway<br />

H<br />

ARTWEi:.!. SHAXXUCK.,atty. at law<br />

and notary public. 3d opp. O. Life and Trust<br />

Co. res. Mt. Auburn<br />

Hart Tbomas, e.s. Plum b. Sth and Oth<br />

Hartwell Wm. D. n.s. Sth b. Elm and Plum<br />

AKT "WM, Ac CO., (Wm. H., Fredericlt H. Harteye John H. s.s. Front b. Race and Vine<br />

H & Jobn Phares) wh. boots and shoes, 18 w. Sth Harvey Daniel, elk. 192 Main<br />

Rart Wm. (Wm. H. & Co.) 320 w.7th<br />

Harvey David, e.s. Springb. Woodward & Liberty<br />

ARTKllKIV WM. X., carp, and builder, Harvey H. Elm b. 9th and Court<br />

H s.s. Congress b. Broadway and Ludlow, h.n, Harvey H. K. e.s. Race b. Water and Front<br />

w.c. Liherty and Wilson<br />

Harvey James, n.s. Richmond b. W. Row & John<br />

AJEtTER JL.F.,teas. 173 Walnut opp. Col. Harvey John, n.s. Sth b. Cutter and Linn<br />

H lege Hall, h. s.s. Laurel w. of Linn<br />

Harvey Joshua, (Gregg & H.) s.s. 3d b. Smith and<br />

Barter Joseplr, s.s. reservoir<br />

Park<br />

Harterig Christopher, w.s film b. Liberty & Monroe Harvie Arthur, n.s. Liberty b. Young and Wilson<br />

Hartfield Julius, elk. 87 Broadway, bds. at Broad­ Harvie Charles, e.s. Mansfield, b. Liberty & Milton<br />

way Exchange<br />

Harvie Henry, at R. R. depot, h. w.s. Ellen n. of<br />

Hartford Fire Ins. Co. 6 Main<br />

High<br />

Hartig Adam, e.s. Clay b. Allison and Liberty Harwood Edward, c. Ham. road and Dunlap<br />

Hartlaub Philip, n.s. Front b. Elm aud Plum Harwood Sarah, s.s. Sth b. Smith and Park<br />

Hartley Abraham,b.k. 188 Main<br />

Harwood Wm. C. C. s.s. Mosesb. Park and Mill, b.<br />

Hartley Abner, w.s. Providenceb. Mason & Everett s.s. Sth b. Smith and Park<br />

Hartley Charlotte, 178 Broadway<br />

Harwood Wm. S.s.s. Sth b. Smith and Park<br />

Hartley George, e.s. Fulton b. Kemble and Rich­ HiiTZOg Frederick, e.s. Hughes b. Liberty & Schiller<br />

mond<br />

Hasbrink Mrs. Catharine, s.s. Schiller b.Main and<br />

Hartley Robert, n.s. Kemble b. Linn and Cutter Hughes<br />

Hartley K. W. s.s. Betts b. W. Row and John AZELXUNE SAiWfXJELW,, wh. straw<br />

Hartley Wm. n.s. Catharine b. Cutter and Lino H and millinery goods, 62 Pearl, and 1S7 Main,<br />

Hartly Wm. S. s.s. Catharine b. Cutter and Linn h. n.w.c. 4th aud John<br />

Hartliege H. at A. Harkness & Sons'<br />

Haseltine J. C. n.s. Clinton b. W. Row and John<br />

Hartman Adolph. e.s. W. Row h. Mason & Everett Hash Andrew, n.w.c. John and Catharine<br />

HarUnan Chailes, e.s. Vine b. 12th and 13th Hashford Zebulon, n.s. Carr b. 7lh and8th<br />

Harfmann Henry, n.s. Abigail b. Broadway and Haskell Joseph, elk. P. O.h. w.s.Lodge b. 5th & 6th<br />

/ Spring<br />

Haskins Joseph J. 192 w. 3d<br />

Hdrtman Henry, e.s. Culvert b.Sth and Bth Haskins Millcy, n.s. M'Faiiandb. Elm and Plum<br />

Hartman John, u.s. BaUerb. Walnut and Vine Haslam James R. priuter,al. b. Walnut aud Vine<br />

Hartman John, e.s. Linn b. Dayton and York and b. 4th and Sth<br />

Hartman Michael, e.s. Race b. Green and Liberty Hasler Frederick, w.s. Baumb. Sth and High<br />

L.artman Michael, n.s. 8th b. Lock and M. Canal Haslet Henry, e.s. Piatt b Poplar and Maple<br />

Hartman Peter, s.s. Buckeye h. Locust and Eden Haslett John, Front b. Broadway and Pike, h. 204<br />

Hartman Peter A. n.s. Front opp. T.P. 7 F'n. Court<br />

Hartnett Daniel, s.s. Catharine h. W. Row & John Hasse Wm, s.s. Hopkins b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Harton George, Richmond b. Baymiller & Freeman Hasselbrook Henry, n.s. Abigail b. Sycamore and<br />

Harton John, s.s. Catharine b. Fulton and Cutter Bioadway<br />

Harton Mrs. Margaret, n.s. Laurel b. Linn and Hasselbusch Jacob, n.s. Buckeye b. Eden and Main<br />

Cutter<br />

Hassell P. at A. Harkness & Sons'<br />

ARffSHORN CHAKJLES, Worthing, Hassler Frederick, al A. Harkness & Sons'<br />

H ton's buildings, h. 38 Pike<br />

Hassiiiger Margaret, s.e.c. 2d and Race<br />

Hartshorn J ames, b.h. U.S. Baker b. Walnut & Vine Hassman Henry, s.s. Madison b. Elm and Plum<br />

Hartsliorn James H. hatter, 144 Main<br />

Hastings John L. printer, s.s. Kemble b. Linn and<br />

Hartshorn John, bds. James Hartshorn's<br />

Baymiller<br />

H^artshorn Saunders W. 158 Sycamore<br />

Hastings Joseph, s.s. Front, b. Harriet and Horn<br />

Hartshorn Warren, 53 w. Sth<br />

AXCH GEOR^jiE, 256 Main, residence<br />

Hartupee John W. (McCuUough & H.) Landing b. H Delhi tp.<br />

Ludlow and Lawrence<br />

Hatch Horatio N. elk. 140 Main<br />

Hartwell Chnrles M. (H. & Baker) res. W. P. AXCH & EANGDOIV, (Solomon L. &<br />

Ketchum's<br />

H Stanley H.) Central Bank, c. Court and Main<br />

Hartwell & Baker. (Charles M. H. & David B.) s.e. Hatch Stanley, (H. & Langdon) c. Walnut and 4th<br />

c. 7th and John<br />

Hatch John, Coffin's bell foundry





if XT B B r B I GUILFORD & JONES, |<br />

j la U X X Jb JCi ^ IJ4I Seeond st.bet. Sycamore and Broadway,!<br />

S.E. corner of Sixtli and Walnut sts.<br />

HAV<br />

Hatcher Archibald, 32 George<br />

Hatfield Uavid, e.s. John b. Everett and Clinton<br />

Hatfield George, (Pullan H. & Brown) s.s. Everett<br />

b. John and Cutter<br />

Hatfield John, s.s. Kemble b. John and Fulton<br />

Hatfield John, s.a. Sthb. Park and MiU<br />

Hathaway Henry, n,s. Sth b. Stone and Wood<br />

Hathaway John, w.s Walnnt n. of Uth, bds. 27 w.<br />

7th<br />

Hathorn Fergus A. (Woodruff & Co.) n.s. Barr b.<br />

Mound & Cutter<br />

Hatmaker Benjamin, n.s. Front e. of depot<br />

Hatmaker Lewis, at A Harkness & Sons'<br />

Hatmaker P. at A. Harkness & Sons'<br />

Hatso Joy, w.s. vine n. of Ham. road<br />

Hatso Wm. w.s. Vine n. of Ham. road<br />

Hettenbach George, 2JS Main, h.n.s. Gth b. Mainand<br />

Sycamore<br />

Hattersley Samuel, w.s. Mill b. Front and W. W.<br />

Canal<br />

Hattersley Jonathan, e.s. Rittenhouse b. Catharine<br />

and Clark<br />

Hattsum Isaac, e.s. Race b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Hauay Thomas, elk. s.s. Ham. road b. Findley and<br />

Race<br />

Haubold Frederick, 50 Sycamore<br />

Hauck Jacob, e.s Vine b. 8tband9th<br />

Hauck John,tp. trustee, (J. H. & Co.) s.w.c. Sycamore<br />

and Abigail<br />

Hauck Joho & Co. (Jobn H. & Benjamin Bernard)<br />

M, Canal b. Main and Walnut<br />

Haucke Bernard, w.s. MiU b. Frout & W. W. Caual<br />

Hauensheldt Frederick, e.s. Hughes b. SchiUer and<br />

Burgoyne<br />

Haugh Hugh, s.s. Sth b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Haugh Thomas, e.s. W. Row b. Sth and Gth, h. w.s.<br />

Cutterb. Laurel and Hopkins<br />

Haughton Benjamiu, elk. bds at Dr. Walker's<br />

Haughton Malcolm, 49 Walnut,bds 160 w.Sth<br />

H<br />

AUCVHXO.X SAMCEJLM. com. mer.49<br />

Walnut, h. 160 w.Sth<br />

Hauk Charles, GG Sycamore<br />

Hauk Lawrence, e.s. elm b. Green aud Findley<br />

Huking Henry, bds. at Henry Dalpel's<br />

Haungs L. e.g. 12th b. Elm and Plum<br />

Haus John. F. watch mkr. at R. Clayton's, bds. at<br />

Canal Hotel<br />

HftHseman Joseph, e.s. New b. Elder and Green<br />

Hauser Ferdinand, s.s. 13th b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Hauser Ludwick, bds. George F. Cekel's<br />

Hauser Philip, at Pye and Swope's, bds. s.s. Sth b.<br />

Walnut and Vine<br />

Havecutor Henry, e.s. Pleaaantb. Hth and 15th<br />

Haveler Henry, 144 Walnut<br />

Haveley Charles, at Johnson, Morton & Co's.<br />

Haven AUen. elk.21 Center<br />

Haven Augustus, (Jas. P. Jack & Co.) 21 Center<br />

Haven Henry, n.s. Clinton b. Locust and Freeman<br />

Haven James, w.s. Mansfield b.^Liberty & Milton<br />

Haven Mrs. F. B. bds. 34 Centre<br />

Haven Nathaniel A. clk.SG w. Front<br />

Haven Wm, s.e.c. Maple and Piatt<br />

Bavens Jesse M. elk. n.w c. Clark and Cutter<br />

Haverkamp Clements, porter 31 Pearl<br />

Sole Agents and Manufacturers of<br />


Printers are requested to call and examine<br />

our Press before purchasing<br />

HAY<br />

Haverkanip John H. n.s. Betts b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Haverkamp Joseph, w.s. Spring s. of Woodward<br />

Haverkamp Martin, porter 31 Peail<br />

Haviland Samuel, w.a. John near Longworth<br />

Havlin Henry S. bds. Ludlow Patterson's<br />

Haweils Richard D. n.s. Sth b. Broadway & Pike<br />

Hawerhurst Henry, s.s. Friendship aU b. Pike and<br />

Butler<br />

Hawes Frederick J elk. P.O. bds. 162 Broadway<br />

Hawey Daniel elk. 192 Main<br />

Hawlerdicks Henry, n.e.c. Sth and Butler<br />

Hawickorst Hermau, e.s. Elm b. Liberty «fe Green<br />

Hawk Columbus, s.s. George b. Juhn and Smith<br />

Hawkins Ann, w.s. Race b. Frontand Cherry<br />

H<br />

A WKI!>S EXEKBELt C. daguerreotypist,<br />

Apollo bldgs. n.w.c. Sth and Walnut, h.s.s. 4th<br />

b. Park and Mill<br />

Hawkins Mrs. Ellen, n.s. Friendship al. b. Pike &<br />

Butler<br />

Hawkins Frederick, w.s. Broadway b. Abigail and<br />

Woodward<br />

Hawkins Henry M. n.w.c. Cherry and Plum<br />

Hawkins Mrs. Jane, e.s. Smith n. of Sth<br />

Hawkins Joho, e.s. Mill b, 4th and Sth<br />

Hawkins Julius, n.s. Gth b. Broadway & Sycamore<br />

Hawkins Miss Mary A. elk. IGS w. 5th. res. n.s.<br />

Catharine e. of Fultou<br />

Hawkins Margaret, G9 w. 7th<br />

Hawkins Philip, 159 Pearl<br />

Hawkins Mrs. Susan, u.s. Gth b. Syeamore and<br />

Broadway<br />

Hawkins Wm. s.s. 2d b. Race and Elm<br />

Hawkins Wm. E. at water works, n.s. Congress b,<br />

Butler and Canal<br />

Hawley David, s.w.c. John and Augusta, h.e.s. John<br />

b. 3d and 4th<br />

Hawley John, b.h. w.s. Syeamore b. Sth and 9th<br />

Hawley John W. elk. bds. at C. Moulton's<br />

Hawley Dr. Jos. Lee's bldgs. Court b. Main and<br />

Walnut, h. Sycamore n. of Liberty<br />

Hawley, s.s. Water b. Elm and Plum<br />

Hawn Andrew J. bds. s.s. Union b. Race & Elm<br />

Hawn Nancy, s.s. Union b. Race and Elm<br />

Hawn Washington, bds. s.s. Union b. Race & Elm<br />

Haws & Lockwook, 159 Main<br />

Hawthorn Charles, n.s. Gth b. Harriet and Horn<br />

Hawthorn Jacob, (Southgate, H. & Co.) res. Newport,<br />

Ky<br />

Hay Wm. H. salesman, 3 w. 4th, bds. s w.c. Longworth<br />

and Park<br />

Haycock George, bds. Mary Newlin's<br />

Haydee Mi^:hael, c. W. Row and Hopkins<br />

Hayden Abijah W. (H. & Utley) s.w.c. Sth & Park<br />

Hayden & Cosgrove, (Thos. H. & George C.) e.s.<br />

W. Kow b. George and Tth<br />

Hayden Mrs. Esther, b.h, 7a e. 4th<br />

Hayden Ellen, bds. Mrs. Handy<br />

Hayden Maiy, Cherry b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Hayden Mrs. Mary, milliner, n.e.c. George and W.<br />

Row, h.s.s. George b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Hayden Samuel F. (Van Sickle & H,) h. Walnut<br />

Hills<br />

Hayden Sarah, s.s. 7th b. Mound and Cutter<br />

Hayden Sy Ivanus B. n. s. Kemble b.W. Kow & John

gosc7TZi6a^=<br />










South-east corner of Main and Third streets,<br />

T WrighUoD, PriDter, 43 Main.<br />

HEI HEL<br />

Heet Bernard, e.s. Sycamore n. of Liberty<br />

Heini Philip, w.s. Peet b. Poplar and Locust<br />

Hefelman Mrs. Catharine, s.a. Betts b. John and Heim Thomas A. w.s. Smith b. Geoige and 7th<br />

Cutter<br />

Heimberger John, s.s. W. Row b. Linn and Piatt<br />

Heffermann Henry, s.s. Buckeye b. Poplar and Lo­ Heimhussman Henry, s.w.c. Spring and Abigail<br />

cust<br />

Hein Michael, e.s. Bremen b. Liberty and Green<br />

Hefferman Stephen, n.s. Sthb. W. Row and John Heinbach Casper, s.s. Mulberry b. Locust and Eden<br />

Hefferman Thomas, e.s. Race b. ISth and Liberty Heinbach Peter, s.e.e. Bremen and 15th<br />

EFFIVEK& CIIAPI»ELIj,(SamuelT. H. Heines Henry, n.s. Front b. Deer Creek Bridge and<br />

H & Wra. P. C.) wh. grocers and com. mers. 17 R.R. Depot<br />

Main<br />

Heinkeuner Wm. w.s. Race b. Court and Canal<br />

Heffner George, n.s. 12th b. Walnut and Vine Heins Gustavus, bds. G3 w. 4th<br />

Heffner James, drayman, 17 Sycamore, bda. Jane Heinsheimer J. H. & Co. (Joseph H. H. & Simon<br />

Cook's<br />

Lyons) s.w.c. 7th and iMain<br />

Heffner Samuel T. (H. & Chappell) 101 Broadway Heinsheimer Joseph H. (J. H. & Co.) n.s. 7th b.<br />

Heffy Mrs. Eiten. s.s. M. Canal b. Elm and Race Main and Sycaraore<br />

Hefley Isaac, s.s. 7th b. John and Smith<br />

Heintz Frederick, s.s. Harrison road b. Brighton<br />

Hegel Daniel, w-s. Walnut b. Ham. road and Liberty House and W. Avenue<br />

Hegelin Wm. s.s. Front near Junction of 6th Heirieh Christopher, w.s. Bremen b. Liberty and<br />

Hegeman James, s.s. Ham. road b- Piatt and Free­ Green<br />

man<br />

Heirieh Michael, w.s. Spring n. of Abigail<br />

Hebe Fred, s.e.c. Front and W. Row<br />

Heiser Henry, n.s. Ham. road b. Locust and Poplar<br />

Heheberger Frank, w.s. Bremen b. Green & Liberty Heisei S. e.s. Vineb. Alnson and Liberty<br />

Hehemonn Mrs. Elizibeth, w.s. Linn b. Everett and Heirspel Jacob, n.s. Mercer<br />

Hickory<br />

Heit Frederick, s.s. Liberty b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Hehemann Wm. Fremont House<br />

Heit J. machinist at H H. Miller's<br />

Hehir Edward, s.s. Gth b. Broadway and Culvert Heitnieyer J. F. s.w.e. Main and From<br />

Hehir James, s.s. 6th b. Culvert and Broadway Heits George, ^afe mkr. at E. Hall & Co's<br />

Hehir Michael, s.s. Gth b. Culvert and Broadway Heits Michael, at E. Hall & Co's<br />

Heibcrts Hausen, at C. Urban's<br />

Helamann Francis, w.s. Raceb. Libertv & Green<br />

Heidaker Frederick, e.s. Hughes b. Syeamore and Helber John J. elk. 232 Main<br />

Broadway<br />

Helberman Heinrich, w.s. Rroadway b. Hunt and<br />

Heid Leonard, 118 w. Sth<br />

Abigail<br />

Heidb rink Adam H.e.s. Hughes b. Liberty andSchil­ Helde Jacob, n.e.e. Freeman and Van-Horn<br />

ler<br />

Helenburg Adam, s.s. 7th b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Heide Murcon, w.s. M. Canal b. Ash and Maple Helenk Henry, bds.e.s. Hughes b.Liberty aud Schil­<br />

Heideke Heinrich, n.a. Hunt b. Sycamore and Broadlerway Helferich Francis, n.s. 13th b. Vine and Walnut<br />

HeidelJoseph. n.e.e. Race and Liberty<br />

Helinig Henry, s.s. Front op. T.P. 21 F'n<br />

Heidelbach Moses, (E. & Wertheimer} 3db. Broad Helina; Juhanu. s.s. Jefferson b. Elm and Plum<br />

way and Locust<br />

Hellenbeck Bernard,s.s, Milton b. Wilson


acr: as: 3^aj- ac: at j»r i»r /m. --JT" at •<br />


Wrightson, Printer, 43 Main.<br />

HEN HEN<br />

Helman Orlando A. elk. E. D. Merrill's, bds. s.e.c.<br />

Walnut and lath<br />

Helmaklng Herman, n.e.c. Sycamore and Woodward<br />

Helmbacber A. at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

HelmbacherP. at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Helmekemp e.s. Spring b. Liberty & Woodward<br />

Helmeiich Charles, n.e.c. 14th and Pleasant<br />

Helmerich Frederick, n.s. Burgoyne b. Main & Sycamore<br />

^<br />

Helmich H. s.s. Liberty b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Helmig Joseph, 93 Main<br />

Helmkamp, Christopher, s.e.c. Barr and Baymiller<br />

Helmkamp Christian H. s.s. Barr b. Cutter and<br />

Linn<br />

Helmreich Conrad, c. Jefferson and M. Canal<br />

Helms Henry, e.s. Walnut b. Tth and Uano<br />

Helms Thomas M. n s. 4th b. Main and Sycamore,<br />

bds. Benjamin Fox<br />

Helmsink John, s.s. Woodward b. Spring & Broadway<br />

Helpert John, w.s. Elm b. Cooper and Ham. road<br />

Helschoot Jacob, s.s. Everett b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Helsinger H. n.s. Baker b. Waluut and Vine<br />

Helsman Adam, s.s. Milton b. Wilson and Broadway<br />

Helstrip Thomas, s.s. Madison b. Elm and Plum<br />

Helvich John, n.s. 8d w. of Smith<br />

Helwick Frederick, 73 Sycamore, h.w.s. Race b.<br />

Canal and 12th<br />

Helwig Herman, s.w.c. Abigail and Broadway<br />

Hemann Francis, n.s. Front b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Heman Joseph, salesman, 18 Pearl<br />

H<br />

EMAIN JOSEPH A. pub. Wahrheitsfreund,<br />

ed, and pub. Volksfreund, Gazette bldgs. h.s.s.<br />

Gano b. Main and Walnut<br />

HemingT. & Co. n.s. Com-t e. of Broadvvay<br />

Homing Thomas (T. H. & Co.) res. Walnut Hills<br />

Hemingray Robert, (Gray & H.) n.s. Sth b. Broadway<br />

and Pike<br />

Hemingray Samuel, elk. at Gray & Hemmgray's,<br />

h. 114 Symmes<br />

Hemmer Jacob, e.s. Dunlap b. Cooper and Ham.<br />

road<br />

Hemming George T. at Colville & Stryker's<br />

Herapel Frederick, 'J.S. Ham. road b. Main and Locust<br />

.<br />

Hempel Nicholas, n.s. Buckeye b. Eden and Main<br />

Hempen Charles, e.s. Tanner b. Webster and Li<br />

berty „,<br />

Hempermaii Barny, n.s. Front b.T.P. 30 and 31 F'n<br />

Hemphill Edward, at Johnson, Morton & Co's, h.<br />

n.s. High near Front<br />

Hemphill Gritiith, n.s. Front b. T.P. 22 & 23 F'n<br />

Hemseth Henry, n.s. Milton e. of Sycamore<br />

Henderson Joseph, n.s. Water b. Race and Vine, h.<br />

e.s. Plum b. WixLCr and Front<br />

Henderson J. W. n.s. Hopkins b. John and Cutter<br />

Henderson .Mrs. Mary, e.s. Butler b. Congress and<br />

Front .<br />

Henderson Mrs. Rebecca, s.s. Oliver b. Linn aad<br />

Locust<br />

Henderson Thomas, ad op. O. Lite & Trust Co,<br />

Hendley George W. 144 Main<br />

Hendrick John, n.s. Sth b. Pike and Butler<br />

Hendrick's Robert, at David Griffey<br />

Hendricks .Samuel R. bds. Wm. Hoon's<br />

H<br />


verly House, Main b. Court and Canal<br />

Hendsch Charles, s.s. Liberty b. Elm and Plum<br />

Hendy Francis, b.h. n.s. Catharine b. Fulton and<br />

Cutter<br />

Henely John, s.w.c. 2d and Elm<br />

Hener Wm. n.s. gth e. of Lock<br />

Henge Paul, n.s. Black b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Hengehold Rev. Bernard, pastor St. Philomela's<br />

Church<br />

Hengehold Julia, s.s. Frontb.Plum and W. Row<br />

Henkabaen Harad, s.s, Sth e. of Lock<br />

Henlon Timothy, n.s. Tth b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Henne Frederick, n.s. Locust b. Peet and Buckeye<br />

Henne Mrs. Slight, w.s. Race b. Liberty and Green<br />

Hennefeldt Franz, w.s. Walnut b. Ham. road and<br />

Liberty<br />

Hennel Jacob, b.h. n.s. Ham. road op. Freeman<br />

Hennessy Mrs. Amy, widow Michael, bds. at Mrs<br />

T. Danes<br />

Hennessy Catharine, n.s. 3d b. Mill and Stone<br />

Hennessy John, n.e.c. W. Row and Ash<br />

Hennessy Miss Mary, n.s. 3d b. Mill and Stone<br />

Hennessy .Mis, N, n.e.c. W. Kow and William<br />

Hennessy Ovven, bds. CH. Wehrmann's<br />

Hennessy Patrick, bds. at A. McCabe's<br />

Hennessy Richard, n.s. Poplar b. John & W.Row<br />

Hennessy Wm. bds, at C. H. Wehrmann's<br />

Henney James, s.s. Commerce b. Vine & Gilmore<br />

Henning Antony F. n.s. Allison b. Vine & Walnut<br />

Henning Frederick, bds. John H. Mannig<br />

Henning George F. at Wm. Hart & Go's, h. w s<br />

Race b. 13th and Hth<br />

Hennison Mrs. Rebecca, n.s, Harrison road near<br />

Brighton House<br />

HcnuF ,lohn, bds. at John Shearer's<br />

Henriciis G. s.e.c. W. Row and Front<br />

Henricks John, n.s. Sth op. Pike<br />

H<br />

ENRIE UUtlSE, L, Mount, c. 3d & Hammond<br />

Henrie John W. n.e.c. Walnut and Pearl<br />

Henrie Wm. city police, s.s. W, Row b. Linn and<br />

Moliawk bridge<br />

Henrie Wm, H, n,e.c. Walnut and Pearl<br />

Henry Mrs. Ann, w.s, W, Row b. Everett & David<br />

Henry Andrew, w s. Walnut b. I3th & I4th<br />

Henry Cutter H, n.s. Dublin b. Everett & Liberty<br />

H<br />

ENRTi- EV.41N J. atty at law. 111 Main<br />

bds. Walnut St. House<br />

Henry Gerhaid, s,s. Woodward b. Pendleton and<br />

Broadway ^<br />

Henry Hugh, at B. Hazen's<br />

Henry Harman, at Filley and Chapin's<br />

Henry Rev, Henry A. Lodge b. Sth and 6th<br />

H<br />

BINRY JAMES 'i\ book and job printer<br />

3d op. O, Life & Trust Co. h. s.s. Sth b. W.Row<br />

& John<br />

Henry Jacob, a.s. Ham. road b. Mohawk bridge &<br />



IIHEOr ilHI.<br />




1st. A course of study, embracing the higher English studies, Mathematics, Natural Philosophy,<br />

' Chemistry, Geology, Physiogy and History.<br />

2d. Languages, including Latin, Greek, German and French.<br />

3d. Preparatory and Primary English studies, English Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, Reading, I<br />

Spelling and Defining, Composition, Elocution, and Vocal Music.<br />

HER HES<br />

Henry J. Charles b. Canal aud 12th<br />

Herdis Henry, s.s. Front b. W. Row and Plam<br />

Henry Joel, bds. Carll & Fagan's<br />

Herdman Charles P. s.s. Clinton b. Linn & Locost<br />

EIVRV JOHIN, wh. grocer, com. mer. & Herdy John, w.s. Linn b. Everett and Hickory<br />

H imp. liquors, 33 Sycamore, h,w,s. 3db. Plum Herel John, bds. Thomas Morton's<br />

& W. Row<br />

Heift John, bds. Glasmeir's<br />

Henry John, boot mkr. at Filley & Chapin's, bds, Hergenrother Francis, 6 Walnnt<br />

David Kirkpatrick'a<br />

Herisch Godleap, w.s. Vine b. 13th and Mth<br />

Henry John, Cherry b. W. Row and Plum Herisfilt Abraham, e.s. Elmb. fith and George<br />

Henry John B, s.s, Sth b. Lock and Baum<br />

Herkster Ferdinand, e.s. Peet b. Eden and Locast<br />

Henry Joseph W. n.s. Canal h. Walnut and Vine Herky John, n.s. Clinton b. Locust and Freeman<br />

Henry Josiah, n.s. Front b. T.P. 21 and 22 F'n Hermann Barney, n.s. Cherry b Raceand Elm<br />

Henry L. n.s. Tth b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Hermann Charles, Tv.s. Plum b. 9th and Court<br />

Henry Lucy, 3 Smith's Court<br />

Hermau Gabriel, ST George<br />

Henry Martin, e.s. Providence b. Mason & Everett Herman Samuel, elk. 224 Main, h.n.s. 6th b. .Main<br />

Henry Mrs. Margaret,n.s, Sth b. Plum & W. Row and Sycamore<br />

Henry Mrs. Mary E. s.s. 6th n. of W. Row Herman Willard, s.s. Sth b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Henry Patrick, n.s. Water b. Race and Elm Hermer Gerliard, bds. H. Rehgus'<br />

Henry Philip, s.s. W. Rowb. Linn aud Cutter Hern James B. b.T.P. )8 and 19 F'n<br />

Henry Robert, hatter, s.w.c. Main and 4th Herold A, n.s. 13th h. Main and Clay<br />

Henry Robert, ss. Front b. T.P. 5 & 6 F'n Herold Andrew, e.s. Lion b. Dayton and York<br />

Henry R. B. s.s. Front b. Race & Kim<br />

Herold John, e.s. Dunlap b. Cooper and Ham. road<br />

Henry Sarah, s.s. Oth b. Elm and Plum<br />

Herpst Edward, s.s. ]2th b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Henry Sarah, n.s. Kemble b. Cutter and Linn Herring Thomas, at Burnet House<br />

Henry Thomas, s,s. 6th b. W. Row and John Herrington Nathaniel, n.s. Water b.Race & Elm<br />

Henry Tibbitis, W.W. Caual Basin b. W. Row & Herritt John, s.3. Harrison road b. Brighton & W.<br />

John<br />

Avenue<br />

Henscher Henry, 29 w. Front<br />

Herrlich John A. s.s. Buckeye b. Eden & Main<br />

EKSHA W CHARL.ES H. broker, 2T w. Herrmann Aldophus, bds. Bollmann & Brunning's<br />

H 3d, bds. Gibson House<br />

Henmann Gabriel, e.s. Vine b. 12th and Canal<br />

Henshaw Edward, elk. 8S Sycaraore<br />

Herrmann Lorenz, w.s. Race b. Liberty and Green<br />

Hensliaw George, 85 Sycamore, h.s.s, Sthb. Stone ERROIV ANDREW C. land and general<br />

and Wood<br />

H agency office, s.s. 4th b. Walnut and Vine, h.s.<br />

Henson B, w.s. Main b, 12th and 13th<br />

s. 4tn b. Smith and Park<br />

Hanson Isaac, al. b. Tth and Sth, and b. Sycamore Herron John, w.s. Ludlow b. Congress and 2d<br />

Broadway<br />

Herron John. s.s. New b. Broadway and Culvert<br />

Rentage Enoch, n.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />

Herron John, w.s. Plum h. 2d and Front<br />

Hentz, s.s. 2d b. John and Smith<br />

Herron John W. (King, Anderson & H.) bds Pearl<br />

Hentz, Josepb, finishei at Lane, Smith & Co's St. House<br />

Hentzelman Henry, e.s. Hughes b. Liberty and ERRON JOSEPH, seminary, 64 w. 7th.<br />

Schiller<br />

H h.s.w.c. Sth and Pike '<br />

Henwright Michael, bds. W. Hildreth's<br />

Herron Mrs. Susan Ann, s.s. George b. John and.<br />

Henzler John N. s.s. Jefferson b. Elm and Plum Smith<br />

Hepter Michael, at E. Hall & Co's<br />

Herron Thomas, 232 Main<br />

Hepol Henry, s.s. .Abigail b. Main and Sycamore Hersch Elizabeth, al. s.s. Buckeye b. Locust and<br />

Hcpatonstall John, gilder, bds. Uishoprick's<br />

Poplar<br />

Hepworth Wm. tanner, n.s. Court e. of Broadway Hersch Gotlieb S. s.s. Buckeye b. Locust & Poplar<br />

Hepworth Wm, plasterer, n.s. High b. CoUard and Herschauer, e.s. Dunlap b. Cooper and Ham. road<br />

Lytle<br />

Hersfield Jacob, n.s. Mercer b. Vine and Walnat<br />

Herberding- Frenz. e.s. Walnut s. of 3d, and s.e.c. Hersh Conrad, n.w.c. Dublin aud Sth<br />

9th and Walnut<br />

Hersmeier John, s.s. Everett b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Hei'berg Adolph, w.s. Dunlap b. Cooper and Ham. Herson Bernard, n.s. Catharine b. Baymiller and<br />

road<br />

Freeman<br />

Herbert Dr. Adam, n.e.c. Race and Liberty Herst Thomas, n.e.c. Cutter and Clinton<br />

Herbert Charles, elk, bds. 154 Broadway<br />

Herstman H. n.e.c. Water and Vine<br />

Herbert Chailes, n.s. Providence b. Kverett and Hertman Goorge, s.s. 2d b. Vine and Race<br />

Wade<br />

Hertny Michael, n.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />

Herbert Patrick, w.s. Bremen b. Hth and ISth Herttinger Lawrence, w.s. Bremen b. 15th and<br />

Herbert Thomas, s.s. Everett b. W. Row and John Liberty<br />

Horbstreet Mathias, w.s. Walnut b. 13th & Allison Hertzag Charles, s.s. Fountain<br />

Hercug Frederick, w.s. Sycamore b. Liberty and Hervey James B. elk, 140 Main<br />

Schiller<br />

Herzk Frederick, Hughes s. of Burgoyne<br />

Herd Conrad, bds. H.W. Struve's<br />

Herzog Miss Catharine, s.e.c. 6th and Mound<br />

Herder Gustavus, 338 Main, h. 24 w. 8th<br />

Herzog Miss Fanny, s.e.c. 6th and Mound<br />

Herdiak John, at Juhn Baily'8<br />

Heebacher Cornelius, w.s. Vine b.Liberty & Green



Keeps constantly on hand a large and general assortment of Nuts and Washers.<br />

'?)<br />



HEW HIC<br />

Hesch Daniel, w.s, M. Canal b. Ash and Maple Hewitt Jane C. s.w.c. 3d and Elm<br />

Heschong John M. s.s. Liberty b. Walnut & Vine Hewitt Joseph, e.s. Park b. Canal and 2d<br />

Heshower Philip, y.s. Front b.Pike & Butler Hewitt Thomas, s.w.c. 3d and Elm<br />

Hesing Anthony C. (H. & Praetoriusj Farmer's Hewitt Wm. L. w.s. Park s. of Canal<br />

Hotel<br />

Hewlett Jeremiah S. b.k. 11 Main, h.s.s. Geoi*ge b.<br />

ESII\« &PRAETOI£]r'US, (Anthony C. Linn and Baymiller<br />

H H. & Edward P.) Farmer's Hotel, n.e.c. Court Hewlett John S. b.k. s.s. George b. Linn and Bay­<br />

and Kace<br />

miller<br />

Hesing Casper, (Fera, H. & Co.) s.s. 12th b.Vine Hewlings Thomas, s.s. Webbb. Smith and Park<br />

and Kace<br />

Hew^on Mra. Emily, n.s. Sth b. Broadway & Pike<br />

Hesing Henry, (Fera, H. & Co.) s.s. 12th b. Vine Hcwson James. 20U w. 6lh<br />

and Race<br />

Hewson John, 140 Longworth<br />

Healar Mrs. Sarah, Louisiana Ex. n.s. Frontb. Lud­ Hewson Wm. M. F. (York & H.) s.w.c. 4th and<br />

low aud Lawrence<br />

Broadway<br />

Heslin Cornelius, n.s. Allison b. Vine & Race Hexy .lohn, e.s. Pleasant s. of 14th<br />

Hesping Herman, s.w.c. Liberty and Piatt<br />

EV JAMES JH. agent, (L. Howard & Co.)<br />

Hess A. 385 Main<br />

H 206 Main<br />

Hess Francis, baiter, s.s. Cherry b. Race & Elm Hey Mra. Margaret, n.s. Lebanon road at lat toll<br />

Hess F. at A. HarKnesa & Son's<br />

gate<br />

Hess John, n.e.c. Race and Liberty<br />

Heydacher Louis, elk. bds. J. M. Cohs*<br />

Hess Jasper, n.s. Ham. road b. Main aud Walnut Heyer Jobn, at Coffin's bell foundry<br />

Hess Louis, n.e.c. Race and Liberty<br />

Heyes Martin, n.s High b. Lock and Ellen<br />

Hess Mrs. Mary, e.s. Buckeye b. Locust & Poplar Heyman Henry, -w.s. Broadway b. Hunt & Abigail<br />

Hess Moses, 350 Ma'n, h. 17 w. Oth<br />

Heyne Robert F. 183 Race<br />

Hess Samuel, s.s. Liberty b. Bremen and Race Hebbarb Samuel P. (Athearn & H.) bda. H Lewie'<br />

Hesse C. Henry, c. Wade and W. Row<br />

Hibben Henry, elk. 11 Pearl<br />

Hesse Heart, s,s. 3d b. Vine and Race<br />

Hibler Thomas M. c. 6th and M. Canal<br />

Hesse Josepb, s.s. Jefferson b. Elm and Plum Hick Henry, 266 Longworth<br />

Hesselbach Miss Frances, n.s. 12th b. Vine & Race Hick Sawyer, at Johnson, Morton & Co's, h.s.s.<br />

Hesselbach Fredeiick, 45 12th<br />

Front e. of Lock<br />

Hesselbach Mrs. Josephenc. n.s. 12th b. Vine and IOK-ENILOOVER. A, agent Western Re­<br />

Kace<br />

H serve Farmer's Ins. Co. Painsville O. s.s. 3d b.<br />

Hesselbach Miss Louise, n.s. 12th b. Vine & Race Waluut and Vine, h.n.s. Betts b. Cutter and<br />

Hesselbrook Herman, s.s. al. from Broadway to Linn<br />

Sycamore h. Abigail and Woodward<br />

Hicker Frederick, n.s. Abigail b. Sycamore and<br />

Hessie Gieenwood, elk. 170 w. 5th, res. 22 Burnet Broadway<br />

House<br />

Hickey Mrs. A. 142 Longworth<br />

Hesslear Joseph,s.s.Abigailb.Springand Broadway Hickey James, saddler, 102 Main, h.e.s. W. Row b.<br />

Hessling John, cs. Buckeye b. Lock & Poplar<br />

Everett and Wade<br />

Hester James, s.s. 2d b. Rose and Park<br />

Hickey James B. n.s. Sth op. Mill<br />

Hester Thomas, bds 128 Longworth<br />

Hickey James M. e.s. Providence b. Everett and<br />

Hetlag Henry, w.s. Vine b. 2d and Pearl, bds. n.s. Wade<br />

2d b. Vine and Race<br />

Hickey John, s.s. Sth b. McAllister & Pike<br />

Hetlich Frederick, elk. s.w.c. Walnut and 13th Hickey John, s.s. Catharine b. W. Row and John<br />

Hctlkamp Frederick, w.s. Spring s. of Abigail Hickey Morris, e.s. Dublin n. of Lock<br />

Hetz John, n.s.R.R.b.T.P. 32 and 33 F'n<br />

Hickey Wm. s.s, Catharine b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Heuer John, e.s. Elm b. Liberty and 15th<br />

Hickey Wm. s.e.c. Ludlow dnd Symmes<br />

Heuermann John G. Tremont House, s.e.c. Sth and Hickin Edward, bds. Shires'<br />

Vino<br />

Hickley Jobn, bds. Washington House<br />

Heuhling Henry, e.s. Buckeyeb. Lock & Poplar<br />

Hickman Isaac, s.s. Logan b. Liberty and Green<br />

Heunisch Charles F. (Caldwell, Coenzler & H.) w. Hickman Jes^se, n.s. 13th b. Vine and Bremen<br />

s. Bremen b. 13th and 14th<br />

Hickman John F. elk. n.s. 12th b. Walnut & Vine<br />

HeusckaMrs. Margaret, e.s. Broadway b. Abigail<br />

Hickman Jusiah L. (H. »& Sauders) bds. Waluut<br />

and Woodward<br />

St. House<br />

Heusler Lewis C. bds. 413 Main<br />

Hickman Peter s.e.c. Clinton and Freeman<br />

Heussy Dr. Frederick, bds Fiieman's Hall<br />

l€fi^I?lAW Ac SAWUEKS, (Josiah L. H,<br />

Hettrich Charles, n.s. Li.bcrly b. Sycamore and H & David A. S.) real estate and loan brokers,<br />

Hughes<br />

150 Walnut<br />

Hewer Benjamin, e.s. Elm b. Liberty & 15th Hickox Hiram, s.s. Hopkinsb. John & Cntter<br />

Hewer Misa Elizabeth, e.s. Elra b. Liberty & 15th Hickox Nathan W. n.s. Kemble b. Harriet & Horja<br />

Hewry, bds. Mrs. Sprague's<br />

Hicks Alfred, Landing b. Lawrence & Ludlow<br />

Heweti Jolin H. e.s. Elm h. Centre and Sth<br />

Hlck3 Henry, 21 Sycamore<br />

Hewitt Eliza, b.h.w.s. W. Row b. Kemble and Hicks James, bds. Robert Hicka*<br />

Kichmond<br />

Hicks James, 124 w. 4th<br />



WM. HIEA.TT.<br />



poiK AiB B|i! mam<br />



HIL HIL<br />

HickB John M. s.s. 5th b. Wood and Canal<br />

HicUs John, at Moyes, Solar cfe Jacox's<br />

Hicks Joseph, s.s. Ferguson's al. b. Sth and 9th<br />

Hicks Robert, n.s. 12tli b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Hicks Wright, 4 Clinton<br />

Hicky Mrs. Ellen, n.s. New b. Broadway and Culvert<br />

Hidcer Henry, e.s. Pleasant b. Hth and 15th<br />

Hidden Otis, b.k. 12 Pearl, h. Lawrence b. Symmes<br />

and Congress<br />

Hidger T. at Johnson, Morton & Co's<br />

H<br />

IEATT Sc GERAKU, (Wm. H. & John<br />

H. G.) pork and beef packers, and com. mers.<br />

Broadway and Canal Basin b. Oth & Court<br />

Hieitt Wm. (H. & Gerard)<br />

Hieber Charles, waggon mkr. s.s. 6th b. Harriet &<br />

Horn<br />

Hied Philip, n.s. Front b. Depot and M. Canal<br />

Hiefer Conrad, tailor, s.s. Mulberry b. Poplar and<br />

Locust<br />

Hiem Oliver P. s.s. Jibigail b. Sycamore & Broadway<br />

Hicnlich Henry, w.s. Elm b. Grant and 14th<br />

Hierbrich Felix, s.s. Jefferson b. Elm and Plum<br />

Hiert Jacob, at Shreve, Steele & Co's, h.s.s. High<br />

b. Collard and Lytle<br />

Hietz Charles, s.w.c. 12th and Vine<br />

Higbee George, s.s. Parsons b. Front and High<br />

Higbee Ira, e.s. John b. Betts and Laurel<br />

H<br />

IGBEE AMASA -4. lumber yard, n.e.c.<br />

Elra and Water, h.n.e.c. Cherry and Plum<br />

Higbee Henry, elk. 16 w. 2d, bds. c. 4Lh and Lawrence<br />

Higbee James E. elk. n.e.c. Elm and Water, res. n.<br />

e.c. Cherry and Plum<br />

Higbee Wm. W. wharf master, Landing b. Vine<br />

and Race, h.s.s. Water b. Race and Elm<br />

Higdon Benjamin, n.s. George b. Cutter & Linn<br />

Higdon Henry H. s.s. Sth b.John and Mound<br />

Higdon Josiah, s.s. 6th b. Elm and Plum, h.n.s. Sth<br />

b. W. Kuw and John<br />

Higdon Thomas, s.s. Kemble b. W. Row and John<br />

Higdon Wni. s.s. George b. Cutter and Lmn<br />

Higgina George, n.s. Front b. Joi.n and Smith<br />

Higgins & Co. (Wm. W. H.. Martin L. Jones, &<br />

Shipley L. Foulke) c. Sthand Smith<br />

Higgins Wm. W. (H. & Co.) 22 w. 4th<br />

Higgins Wm. T. s s. 3d b. Johu and W. Row<br />

Higginson .Michael, e.s Sycamore b. 7Lh ;> ad Sth<br />

High G. M. bds. at Black Bear Hotel<br />

High Henry, U.S. Front b. T.P. 39 and 40 F'n.<br />

Highet Robeit, w.s. Cutter, b. Cxcurge and IJarr<br />

Hiland John, n.s. 6th c. of Lock<br />

Hilback Clements, elk 62 Main<br />

Hilbert Fdward. w.s. Bremen b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Hilhert Herman, n.s. Abigail b. Sycamore and<br />

Broadway<br />

Hildreth Albert K. bde. with Jonathan Hildreth<br />

HiUlreth John W. s.s. Front opp. T.P. 16F'n.<br />

Hildreth Jonathan, n.s. Richmond b. \V. Row and<br />

John<br />

Hildrfeth Wm. n.s. George h. W. Row and John<br />

Hilderbrand John, w.s. Plum b. McFarland and 4th<br />

Hildick Wm. e.s. Pleasant b. Hth and 15ih<br />

Hilgefort Henry, e.s. Western Row b. Court and<br />

Catharine<br />

Hilgefort Henry, packer, 3 Main<br />

liilgemann Frederick, n.s. Websterb. Sycamore &<br />

Tanner<br />

Hilger Ferdinand R. 22 w. 4th<br />

Hilger Wm. n.s. Madison b. Elm and Plum<br />

HilkerWm. e.s. Buckeye, b. Lock and Poplar<br />

Hill Alfred, n.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />

Hill Arthur, n.w.c Elm and Court<br />

Hill Augustus, trunk mkr. at Parvin & Johnson's<br />

Hill A. P. att. s.s. Court b. Main and Walnut<br />

Hill Benj. n.s. Deer Creek s. of old Corporation line<br />

Hill Dr. B. L. n.w.c. Oth and Elm<br />

Hill Mrs. Catharine, w.s. Sassafras n. of Lock<br />

Hill Charles, at Filley & Chapin's, bds. at David<br />

Kirkpatrick's<br />

Hill Charles G. s.s. George b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Hill David, U.S. R.R. b. 'P.P. 22 an 1 23 F'n.<br />

Hill David, 2d b. Broadwoy and Ludfow<br />

Hill Mrs. D. M. 210 Longworth<br />

Hill Edmund, bell hanger. Lodge b. 6th and Gano<br />

Hill Edward H. 155 Main, h. n.s. 7th b. Mound and<br />

Cutter<br />

Hill Elizabeth F. bds. n.s. 6th b. W. Row and John<br />

Hill Francis, n.s. Fronte. of Lock<br />

H<br />

II.I,FK\rvC»S O., Physo Medical Laboratory<br />

00 Walnut, bds. Walnut Street House<br />

Hill George, bds. s.w.c. 2d and Elm<br />

Hill George, n.s. Ham. road b. Locust and Poplar<br />

H<br />

lLiij GEORGE H. & CO., (G. H H<br />

Joseph S.H. & Daniel H.Hunnewell) soap and<br />

candle manufs. e.s. .M. Canal n.of Liberty<br />

Hill George H. (Huuncivell H. & Co.) s.s. Sth b<br />

Race and Elra<br />

Hill Henry iM. b.k. 13' Main,bda. at L. Stratton'B<br />

Hill James, n.s. Front b. Race and Elm<br />

Hill John, n.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />

Hill Jonathan, n.s. K.R. b. T.P. 22 and 23 F'n<br />

Hill Joseph, w.s. Pectb. Poplar and Locust<br />

Hill Joseph, e.s. Broadway b. Court and Hunt<br />

Hill Joseph S. (Hunnewell. H. & Co.) 288 Race<br />

Hill Nathaniel, s.s. 2d b. Elm and Kace<br />

Hill Richard, elk. 25 e.


Soutli side Third st. befween Race and Elm, fM<br />

asas3rc£'as:3'Ka'=^i.'?2'a»<br />

If©<br />


Horses bought and sold, and kept by the day, week or month.<br />

, -SSL laftdTi^^gggAt'Jpi^<br />

i]'5i'010} Ol'Ol 0) 0) '"^ '^^ '^^ "^^ •'*' * ^'' '^'''' ''^'''"' '^'' '^ '^^ '^' li ^ -s •s Ai ,fi xi >« fi fi '^'X'' •" • •<br />

HIN HIS<br />

Hillerman George, n.s. Front b. Mill and Wood<br />

Hilleit Louis, w.s. Vine b. Canal and 12th<br />

Hillhousc Sam.-blk.smith, at B Gossin's<br />

Hilling Mary, s.s, Sth b. John and Smith<br />

Hillinman John, baker, at Watson and Stringer's<br />

Hills Edward, liiad of Sycamore<br />

H<br />

ILctcS EO\¥IN, manuf. of nutts and washers,<br />

w.s. Ellen n. of High<br />

Hills Enoch, n.s. Front b. Smith and Park<br />

Rills Franklin, n.s. .'Hason b. Plum and W. Row-<br />

Hills John, n.e.c. Baum and Observatory road<br />

Hills John at Powell's foundry<br />

Hills William F. s.s. William b. Elm and Plum<br />

Hllis Townsend, (L. Carneal cfe Go.) res. Carthage<br />

Hillyard , n.e.c. Barr and Freeman<br />

Hillyard Thomas, w.s. Vine b.2d and Front<br />

Hillyer Charles, s.s. Sth b. Broadway & Sycamore<br />

Hillyer C. I. bds. at Dennison House<br />

HlUyerG. S. (C. K. Warner cfe Co.) at A. H. Sto<br />

well's, s.sL Clinton b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Hillyer Jobn, w.s. M. Canal b. Ash and Maple, h.<br />

e.s. W. Row b. Oliver and Poplar<br />

Hilman Anthony, n.e.'c. Broadway aud Landing<br />

Hilp Jacob, s.w.c. Kerable and John, and n.w.c. of<br />

Kemble and John<br />

Hilt Joseph L. salesman, 113 Main, bds. at Gait<br />

House ^ ^<br />

Hilton George H. b.k. at Ohio L. cfe. Trust Co. bds.<br />

at Mrs. McPherson's<br />

Hilton George C. b.k, n.e.c. 5th and Vine, h. s.s.<br />

Catharine, b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Hilton Thomas, s.s. Hopkinsb. Cutter and Linn<br />

Hilton Thomas, s.s. Mitchell s. of Observatory road<br />

Ilinde Malinda. nurse, n.s. Kichmond b. Cutter &<br />

Li nil<br />

IJindersman Henry, s.e.c. Liberty nnd Race<br />

Hiiidesness Barney, at Powell's foundry<br />

Hine Lucius A. author, s.s. Barr b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

Hine Wm. e.s. Bremen b. Hth and 15th<br />

IlinebacK John, s.s. Mulberry b. Poplar and Locuat<br />

Miner Hartzell, n.s "W'ater b. Main and Walnut, h.<br />

n.3. Front e. of Smith<br />

Hlnes Mrs. Ann, n.s. George h. W. Row and John<br />

Hiney Joseph', n.s. Front b. T.P. 2 and 3 F'n.<br />

Hingson Kichard,87 Sycamore, h. "William b. Elm<br />

and Plum<br />

HinKen George, w.s, Kim b. Sth and 9th<br />

Hitilie Harme, n.s. Hunt b. Sycamore & Broadway<br />

Hinkle Anthoily H. n.s. 7th b. W. Row and John<br />

H<br />

I.^'KLE&^iUflLD, (Philip H. & Joseph G.)<br />

sash, blind and door miinufs.. lumber dealers.<br />

&c. s.y. Front b. Smith aniJ Mill<br />

Hinkle Philip, (H. & Guild) c. Smith and Webb<br />

Hiuman Benjamin P. 124 Main, bds at -l Center<br />

Hinman Ebenezer, Water Works, h. 31 Center<br />

H<br />

ftl^'M.^W E. JB., druggist, n.e.c. Main and L.<br />

Market, bda. at Burnet House<br />

Hinnen Casper, at S. B. Hamilton's, h. Covington<br />

Hiiiners Henry, e.s. Bremen, b. 14th and 15th<br />

Hinsdale John T. b.lt. 14 M'Farland<br />

Hinsey Michael s.s. Friendship al. h. Pike



HirwiiwliTTir"<br />

No. 25 Broadway, and 127 Main Street,<br />



e INI) pieiiNe TRWM,<br />


HOE HOP<br />

ISE Sc WIHilAOTS. (Henry H. & Alfred<br />

H W.) truiih manufs. 18 Broadway ai^d 127 Main<br />

Hislger Henry, n.e. Madison b. Elm and Plum<br />

HisB John. w.s. Race b. Green and Findley<br />

Hiss John, e.s. Linn b. Dayton and YorK<br />

Hitchcock Anson, e,B. Liberty b, Front and Uiver<br />

H<br />

IXHCOCK, DE WITTC, designer &<br />

engraver. Gazette bldg., bds n.w.c. 3d and<br />

Broadway<br />

Hitchcock J. Irwin, b.k. 113 Main<br />

Hitchings Hamilton, n.s. Phoebe w. of Plum<br />

Hith John, 44 12th , ,„ , .<br />

Hitter Henry, s.s. Ganob. Main and Walnut<br />

Hitzabauer Ross,s.e. Buckeye, b. Locust* Poplar<br />

Hitzfeld H. s,B. Everett, b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Hitzman Frederick, e.s. Main b. Burgoyne & Schiller<br />

Hix William, e.s. Oth b. Elm and Plum<br />

Hixson James, n.s. 12th b. Vine and Race<br />

Hoach Robert, at A. Harkness & Sou's<br />

Hough Henry W. (Schooley & Hough) Deer Creek<br />

road<br />

Hoagland James, c. Elm aitd Canal<br />

Hoak A. e.s. Carr b. 7th and 8th<br />

Hoard Elijah W. n.s. Sth b. Stone and W.W.Canal<br />

Hoban Thomas, w.s. Mill b. M and Canal<br />

Hobert James T. (J. T. H. & Co.) 2,.", w. 4th<br />

H<br />

OBEttX .lA.UES'l'. & CO., com. mers.<br />

36 Sycamore<br />

Hobbell F. A. at Harkness & Son s<br />

Hobbs Mrs. Mary. n.s. Milton b. Young & Wilson<br />

Hobbs Mary s s. 2d b. Elm and Race<br />

Hobbs Thomas H. clh. P. O. bds. Walnut StHoose<br />

Hobbs Wm. n.w.c. 3d and Sycamore<br />

Hobelman Charles, s.e.c. Kace and Commerce<br />

Hobeigh John H. w s. PlcHsautb. 1,5th &Liberty<br />

HobicUline Fr. Henry, w.s. Pleassnt b. 15th & Liberty<br />

, „.,<br />

HobBon James, s.e.c. Front am. Pike<br />

Hobson Mrs. Mary Ann, o.s. Pike b. Fiont & Con-<br />

Hoch'aman George, n.w.c. Cutter and Hopkins<br />

Hochmann Henry, bds. William Tell<br />

Hocker Frank, w.s. W. «»Av"-3* ""I, Pf "•,<br />

Hoctor Patrick, lab. w.s. Mill b. 3d and Canal<br />

IT«I»«E ADAM, (H. & Ferguson) res. Green<br />

HodS"Alexander, at Taylor &Odiorne's<br />

H<br />

OnUE Sc FERGUriOiV, (Adam H.& Edward<br />

A. F.) attys at law, s.s. Court b. Main &<br />

Walnut _. , „<br />

Hodges Mrs. Catharine, Sycamore op. Iheatre<br />

Hodgkins Samuel, e.s. 3d b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Hodgkinson George, printer, s.s. Church al. bds<br />

137 Walnut ^ , * „<br />

Hodgson & Co. (Wm. H. & Oeorge Stearns) steam<br />

engine builders and machinists, s.w.e. Olay &<br />

Liberty .,.,. ,T.<br />

Hodgson Wra. (H. & Co.) w.s. Race b. 15th andLi-<br />

Hodgson William Q. n.s. 7th b. Cutter and Linn<br />

HodoPP Sebastian, bus. at Wm. Mi ller's<br />

Hoeckmann Henry, n.w.c. Broadway and Liberty<br />

Hoef George, bds. at Mrs. M. Hoers<br />

123<br />

Hoef Mra. Margaret, o.s. Sycamore s.of Woodward<br />

Hoeffer Nicholas, c. Elder and Kace<br />

Hoehing John G. e.s. Vine b. Sth and 6th<br />

Hoelfost 1. P. s.s. Catharine b. John and Fulton<br />

Hofehouse Henry, e.s. Dudley h. Poplar & Liberty<br />

Hofer Charles, w.s. Walnut b. Sth and Oth<br />

Hufer Frederick, w.s. Walnut b. Sth and 9th<br />

HolT George, s.s. Sth b. Smith and Park<br />

Hoff Jacob, n.e. Front b. Harriet and Home<br />

Hoff Michael, e.s. John b. Betts and Clinton<br />

Hoffert John, elk. s.e. Buckeye b. Eden & Main<br />

Hoffman bds. Mrs. Coleman's<br />

Hoffman Charles, s.s. Richmond b.Fulton and Cutter<br />

Hoffman & Casperi, (Wm. H. & Peter C.) e.a. W.<br />

Kow b. 2d and Front<br />

Hoffman Casper, e.s. Broadway s. of Woodward<br />

Hoffman Edward,bds. 209 Broadway<br />

Hoffman Frederick, bds. Jacob Keiser<br />

Hoffman George, n.s. Front b.T.P. 37 & 38 F'n<br />

Hoffman G. W. w.s. Kim b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Hoffman Herman, elk. Lafayette Bank, bds. R. B<br />

Cowles'<br />

Hoffman Henry, n.e.c. Linn and Clinton<br />

Hoffman Hen ry, n.s. Front b. T.P. 32 & 33 F'n<br />

Hoffman Henry, w.s. Ludlow b Congress & 2d<br />

Hoffman Isaac, w.s. W. Row b. 7th & 8tli<br />

Hoffman Jacob, s s. Morton e. of Kilgour<br />

Hoffman Jacob, s.s. Gth b. Harriet and Horn<br />

Hoffman Jacob F. (J.F.H. & Co.) s.s.7th b.W.Row<br />

H<br />

and John<br />

OFF MA IV J. F. & CO. (Jacob F. H. &<br />

Caleb W. Thomas) wh. grocers, prod. com. 4<br />

for. mers. n.w.c. 2d & Walnut<br />

Hoffman John, e.s. Lock h. !5th and Symmes<br />

Hoffman John, c. 15th & Pleasant<br />

Hoffman John, n.s. Front op. T.P. 37 F'n<br />

Hoffman John S. e.s. Viue b. liaker and 3d, bde.<br />

Pioneer House<br />

Hoffman Lewis, elk. atS. Loeb & Co's<br />

Hoffman Ludwig, s.s. Buckeye near German Metb.<br />

church<br />

Hoffman Philip, bds. s.s. Sth b. Mill and Stone<br />

Hofl"man Philip, B.s. Morton e. of Kilgour<br />

Hoffman Philip J. w.s. Ham. road b. Poplar & Locust<br />

Hoffman Thomas, s.s. 12th b. Elm and Race<br />

Hoffman Valentine, 248 w. Oth<br />

Hoffman Wm. w.s. W. Row b.7th& 8th, h.n.s.Sth<br />

b. Fulton and Cutter<br />

Hoffman Wm. s.s. Front b. W. Row & Plum<br />

Hoffmann Daniel, n.s. Morton e. of Kilgour<br />

Hoffmann George P. H. w.s. Vine b. ].5th and Liberty<br />

Hoffmann Henry, n.s. Sth b. Mound and Park<br />

Hoffmann J. n.s. 8th b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Hoffmann John, e.s. Pleasant b. Liberty & Green<br />

Hoffmann Philip, n.s. Canal b. Main & Sycamore<br />

Hoffmann Sebastian, e.s. Bremen b. Hth & ISth<br />

Hoffmann W. G. 466 Main<br />

Hoffniyer Charles, e.s. Hughes b.Liberty & SchiUer<br />

H<br />

OP FIVER JACOB, tin ware manuf. 38 L.<br />

Market<br />

Hofueiter Johu, grocer, c. 12th and J ackson


J. F. HOFFMAN & CO.<br />

PAUL & mUEDOCK,<br />





N. W. corner M and Walnnt streets, i COMMISSION MERCHANTS,<br />

©aifneDifaBa^TDp<br />

Nos. 5 and 6 Water Street. J<br />

HOL HOL<br />

Hoffstadt Henry, clh. 28 Front, bds. Jacob Ashberg's<br />

Hoffsummer Rev. Nicholas, n.s. 13th b. Vine and<br />

Walnut<br />

Hofachulte Wm. 85 Court<br />

HofBtetter& Furste (Stephen H. & August F.) s.w.<br />

c. 14tb and Race<br />

Hoft John, e.s. Bremen b. ISlh and Liberty<br />

Hogadorn Diedrick, n.s. Mulberry b. Main and Locust<br />

Hogan Daniel, w.s. John b. Chesnut & Elizabeth<br />

Hogan Janies, e.s. Liidlew b. 2d and Congress<br />

Hogan James, n.s. Front b. Corporation line & T.<br />

P. 1 F'n<br />

Hogan Jeremiah, w.s. John b. Kemble and Richmond<br />

Hogan John, n.s. 5th b. Plum & W. Row<br />

Hogan John, bar keeper, 70 Sycamore<br />

Hogan Mrs. n.s. Anderson b. Canal and Front<br />

Hogan Patrick, n.s. Water b. Walnut & Vine<br />

Hogan Terrence, s.s. Webb b. Smith & Park<br />

Hogarth Thomas, n.s. Front b. Wood & Mill<br />

Hogarty Michael, s.s. Richmond b. W. Row and<br />

John<br />

Hbgbin Thomas, n.e.c. Lytle & Front<br />

Hogden James, s.s. sth b. Plum & W. Row<br />

Hogge John, e.s. Carr b. 7th & 8tb<br />

Hogge Philip, e.s. Carr b. 7th & Bth<br />

Hnglan James, w.s. Elm b. Canal & ]2th<br />

Hogue Jacob, n.s. Richmond b. John & Fulton<br />

Hogue John, tinner, at David G. Thomas'<br />

Hogue Hobert, b.k. n.e.c. Broadway &2d<br />

Hohenberger Charles, 12 w.Sth<br />

Hohlenkamp Herman H. n.s. Abigail b. Sycamore<br />

and Broadway<br />

Hohenstein George, elk. at Conrad K.inzer's<br />

Hohnhorsi John D. c. Pike and Front<br />

Holinroth Adolph, e.s. Linn b. Maple & York<br />

Hobnstedt Henry, w.s. Vine b. 14th & 15th<br />

Hoit Oliver, w.s. Race b. Cherry & 2d<br />

Holabird A. B. & Co. (Amos B. H., Amos B. H. jr<br />

& Truxton T. Swift) s.s. Front w. of Smith<br />

Hotahird Amos B. (A. B. H. & Co.)<br />

Holdship George, 232 Main<br />

Holdfaster Wm. n.s. Buckeye b. Eden & Locust<br />

Holdzkom Wm. s.s. Front b. T.P 20 & 21 F'n<br />

Holeman Henry, s.s. Linn b. Maple & Yorfc<br />

Holenberck Martin, n.s, Everett b, Linn & Locust<br />

Holford Frederick, n.s. 7th b. Baymiller and Free.<br />

man<br />

Holf^rJ James, n.s. 7th b. Baymiller & Freeman<br />

Holford Wm. n.s. 7th b. Baymiller & Freeman<br />

Holgan Thomas, at Samuel Barnes'<br />

Hoike Jacob, e.s. Pleasant s. of 14th<br />

Hon Mrs. Helen, n.s. Sth b. W. Row and John<br />

Hollan Anthony, w.s. J'oncoast al. b. Sth & 9th<br />

Holland Augustus, s.s. Melancthon b. W, Row and<br />

John<br />

Holland Henry, w.s. Walnut b. 13th & Allison<br />

Holland Mrs. Hester Ann, s.s. George b. Baymiller<br />

& Freeman<br />

Holland James, e.s. W. Kow b.6th & George<br />

Holland Jesse, n.s. Bank b. Linn & Piatt<br />

Holland John, at Lane, Smith & Co's<br />

Holland John R. s.e.c. Sth & Baymiller<br />

Holland Miss Louisa, s.s. iith b. Plum & W, Kow<br />

Holland M. s.w.c. Lock and 6th<br />

Holland Palrick, s.s. 7th b. Broadway & Culvert<br />

Holland Perry, city police, n.s. Slow b.Harriet &<br />

Carr<br />

Holland Perry M. w.s. Front b. Corp. line & T.P. 1<br />

F'n<br />

Hollander Dr. S. 73 Court<br />

HoUen James B. s.s. George b. John & Smith<br />

HoUenbeck Wm. s.w.c. Linn & Barr<br />

HoUenkamp John, n.s. Abigail b. Broadwav and<br />

Spring<br />

Hollennin Barney, s.w.c. Congress & Pike<br />

Hollensliade James C. C. (H. & Newhall) s.s. Clinton<br />

b.John & Cutter<br />

H<br />

Holabird Amos B. jr. (A. B. H. & Co.)<br />

OILBERT EI^WUOU, box manuf. n.s 2d<br />

H b. Kace and Elm, res. Walnut Hills<br />

Holbrook John H. e.s. Vine b. 121h and 13th<br />

Holbus John, n.s. Liberty b. W. Kow & John<br />

Holcer M. w.s. Bremen b. 14th and 15th<br />

Holcomh Asa, bds. 137 Walnut<br />

Holcomb Alonzo, w.s. John b. Longworth & eth<br />

Holcomh Michael, n.s. Ham. road b. Piatt & Freeman<br />

Holcomb Thomas B. (McGuffey & H.) bds Walnut<br />

St. House<br />

Holcum B. D. printer, w.s.Fulton b. Sth & Kemble<br />

OLiDBIV A. V. Sc R. A, (Amos P. & Rei,.<br />

H ben A.) com. mers. and dealers in feathers, .i'V<br />

Main<br />

Holdcn Amos P. (A. P. & K. A. I-I.) n.s. Clark c. of<br />

Jobn<br />

Holden Keul.en A. (A. P. & R. A. H.) 343 Race<br />

Holder Ernst, ells. n.s. Hain. road b. Main and Lo<br />

cust<br />

Ot.l,E,VSHADEA:lVEWH4I.i:,,(JameB<br />

C. C. H. & Pliny N.) iron stoves & hardware, 2<br />

& 3 Clinton bldgs. W.Row n.of Clinton<br />

Hollenshade Mrs. Jane, bds. with George Cramer<br />

Holler John, e.s. Bremen b. 14th t-^i J5th<br />

Hollcy Robert, n.s. R.R. b. T.P. 26 & 27 F'n<br />

Hnlhbird Geor-^e, bds. Mrs. C. Edwards<br />

Holliday H. C. !l Clinton Court<br />

Holliday Joseph, w.s Kim b. 41h and Sth<br />

Holliday S. B. at Pearl St. House<br />

Holliday Thomas (H. & Stringer) bds. Mrs. Alley's<br />

Holliday W» C. printer, at I. Han & Co's<br />

Holliday W. J. h.k. at Morrell, Jordan & Pbilioa'<br />

bds. c. 4th& Vine<br />

Hollin Mrs. Emma, w.s. Culvert h. Gth & 7th<br />

Hollingshead George, e..j. New b. Elder & Gicen<br />

HoUingshead Marcus,discount elk. at EUis & Mor<br />

ton's, bds. Burnet House<br />

Hollins Henry, elk. at Chas. Hughes, res. Covini:<br />

ton "<br />

Hollister G. B. (Strait & H.) Ml. Auburn<br />

Hnllister Wm. sawyer, at Sprague, Waldon & Co'.<<br />

Hollmeir Philip, n.s. Horn, road b. Main * Locust<br />

Hollowell Ainos C. s.s. George b. Smith & Mound<br />

Kollrah Wm. c. Vine and Canal<br />

Holman Eliphalct, 90 Pike<br />

Holmes Benjamin, n.e.c. 12th and Elm



J. B. HOLMES, "<br />

Nortli side Scvc&lh, between Sytumorc & Broadway<br />

Has constantly on hand a full supply of the CELEBRATED<br />

fliiKX>i'Oved JPrcmiujtn Zinc WasU Sfiourd^?<br />

so constructed by his late invented NAILINO MACHINE as<br />

to piecUde the possibility of rivalry. All orders will be<br />

promptly filled', if satisfactory references are given, and<br />

as J. Ii. HOLMES' Boards HAVE a character, and need no<br />

puffing, he would only just say, be not mistaken in the<br />

name of the place, for all of this brand are warranted.<br />

HOL HOO<br />

Holmes Benjamin, steward at Burnet House, h.n.s Holzbach Wiihelm, s.e.c. Smith and 2d<br />

5th b. Broadwav and Pike<br />

Holzhanp^n John, s.s. Schiller b. Hughes and Syca­<br />



J. R. HORROCKS,<br />





No. 6 Main Street, bet^l'^ccm Front and Water Streets, Cincinaiati<br />

Steam Boat Work, Copper G-uttering, and Metallic Roofing, done to order with neat'<br />

ness and dispatch.<br />

HOR HOS<br />

Hoopherd Henry, n.s. George b. W. Row and John<br />

Hoover John W. hds. at Olive Branch Hotel<br />

Hoover Ventline, n,s. 6th e, of Lock<br />

H<br />

OPE MU'X. l.iVE BNS. CO. J. Vanval-<br />

kenburgh agt. Office Burnet's House Furnishing<br />

store 14 e. 4th<br />

Hopes Parker, s.s fith b. Broadway and Culvert<br />

Hopf Peter, w.s. Sycamore b. Abigail & Woodward<br />

Hoping Clemens, e.s. Spring b. Court and Hunt<br />

Hopkins Benjamin K. hatter, 144 Main<br />

Hopkins Mrs.Catherine, ns,Liberty b.JJnn &Locust<br />

Hopkins Charles F. printer, Ben. Franklin office,<br />

bds. Jaraes Heaslett's<br />

Hopkins Edward, s.s. 7th b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Hopkins E. H. night watch, w.s. Sycamore b. Hunt<br />

and Abigail<br />

Hopkins George, 89 Main<br />

Hopkins James, n.s. Liberty b. Linn and Piatt<br />

Hopkins John W. n.e.c. John and uth<br />

Hopkins Lewis C. dry goods c. Dth and Vine, bds.<br />

John Whetstone's<br />

Hopkins Samuel A. n.s. Liberty 2d. w. of Price<br />

Hopkins Samuel M. n.s. Laurel b. W. Row & John<br />

Hopkins William, bds. at Martha Woodington's<br />

Hopkins Wm s.s. Sth e. of Accommodation<br />

Hopkins Wm. H. (Woodruff & H.) 259 w. Gth<br />

Hopman H. w.s. Vine b. Front and 2d<br />

Hoppe F. W. bds. F. Roltgen's<br />

Hopper A. n.s. High b. Kilgour and Baum<br />

Hopper Hiram, n.w.c,Gth and John<br />

Hopper John, n.w.c. W. Kow and Tth<br />

Hopper Jonathan, n.s. Clark b. Linn and Cuttter<br />

H<br />

H<br />

H<br />

OPPER MORnt.S S. wh. dry goods, 27 L.<br />

Market, h.n.e.c, High and Baum<br />

Hopper Wm. n.s. Clark y. .John and Cutter<br />

OPPEKTON JOaaiV, ^54 w. eth. h.s.s.<br />

Georgeb. W. Kowand Plum<br />

Hopple Dr. James, n.s. Ham. road nej^r W. Row<br />

OPPI^E MATIS.E^V, atty. at hiw 18 Law<br />

bldg's<br />

Hoppmann Wm. ss. lo b. Race and Elm<br />

Hopster H. n.s. Front b. Hace and Elm<br />

Horger Phillipp, w.s. Bremen h. l;5th and Liberty<br />

Horley John, ss. Accommodatinn b. Sth and State<br />

Hormison Robt. w,s. Vine b. 2d and Front<br />

Horn Abraham, s.s. 7th b. North .-md Broadway<br />

HornC. bds, s.e.c. W. .Avenue and Harrison road<br />

Horn Caroline, n.s. Richmond b. Baymiller and<br />

H<br />

H<br />

Freeman<br />

ORIVE & CO. wh, dealers in fancy dry goods<br />

26 Pearl<br />

Horn George 29f) w. Gfh<br />

ORN THOMAS STOK V, gen. musical<br />

instrumentmanut. n.w.c. Gano and Mnin<br />

Hornaker Andrew, safe mkr. at E. Mall & Co's<br />

Hornbagh John, bds, Afjiin near Hunt<br />

Hornblow W. n.s. fith b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Home Daniel H. e.s. Sycamore b. 6tli and fith<br />

Home Daniel jr. elk. Western Bank, h.n.s. George<br />

b. Smith and Mound<br />

Horneker Henry, w.:s.Sycamoreb.LibertyA Schiller<br />

Horner John, n s. 4th b. Stone and Wood<br />

Horney Thornton F. n.s. Front b, Lytlnand Parson<br />

Horneybook John, Gano b, Lodge and Vine<br />

!%li<br />

Horniman Henry, s.e.c. 9tb and Vine<br />

Hornish B. B. hatter, 342 Main<br />

Hornish John, s.s. Buckeye b. Vineand Poplar<br />

Horr Lett, e.s. Providence b. Mason and Everett<br />

Horr Miss Susan, elk. 14S w. Gth<br />

Horrick Lewis, w.s. Dunlap b. ".ooper & Ham. road<br />

Horrocks Henry R. elk. 6 Commercial Row, bds. J.<br />

R. Horrocks<br />

Horrock.'3 John, s.s. Front 3d d. e. of Broadway, h.<br />

98 Kace<br />

Horrocks John, 7e. Front, h. e.s. Race h. 3d and 4th<br />

H<br />

OKROCKS .B". R. copper & tin ware wh.<br />

and retail 6 Commercial Row. h. w.s. Kace b.<br />

Front & Water<br />

Horrocks Wm. bds. J. R. Horrocks<br />

Horsfail George, bds. Jonas Horsfall<br />

Horsfall Jonas, w.s. Race b. 15th and Libcty<br />

Horsley Burton, s.s. Front b. W. Row and Plum<br />

H<br />

ORSCEY Ac EHIL.ER.fWm. H. & Elias<br />

E.) Planing MiU and Steamboat Joiners, n. s.<br />

Front b. W. Row and Jobn<br />

Horsley Wm. (H. & ElUer) w.s. Plum b. Vv'aterand<br />

Front<br />

Hovsman Joseph, n.s. AVater b. Race and Vine, bds,<br />

George Lolimer's<br />

Horst L. w.s. Elm b. Cooper and Ham. ruad<br />

Horstman August, w.s. Sycamoie b. Woodward A:<br />

Fi-anklin<br />

Horstman Mrs. Catharine, e.a. Broadway b. Abigail<br />

and Woodward<br />

Horstman Mm. D. -w.s. Clav b. I3th and Allison<br />

Horstman Francis, collar and whip mkr. 212 Main<br />

Horton Benjamin, bds. Mrs. Swan's<br />

Horton Henry, n.s. Richmond b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Horton Henry H. n.s. Richmond b. Cutter and Ltnn<br />

Horton John, w.s. Elm b. Cooper and Tl.-im. road<br />

Horton, Leonard & Walton. (Nicholas T. H., Geo.<br />

H<br />

L. & John W.) e.s- Elm b. 2d and Pearl<br />

OK'B'OIV A: ITIACY, fNicholas T. H. & John<br />

C. M.) fancy enameled grates and railings, n.s.<br />

Sth b. Elm and Plum<br />

Horton Nicholas T. (H. and Macy) res. Ohio Avenue<br />

Vine St. Hill<br />

Horton Samuel, .Tt POWA11'.«5 foundvv<br />

H<br />

OUTOIV SMflTH AV. mahogany sawmill n.<br />

s. 2d b. Race and Him. res. Newport<br />

Horton Timothy, po- lor, 17 Pearl<br />

Hortzraier Georgp, w.s. Ham. road b. Lorust and<br />

Poplar<br />

Horzog Francis, n w.c. Bremen ai;d Libenv<br />

H<br />

OSEA & FRAZER, (Robeit ir.& James A<br />

F.) wh. grocers and Com mer. s.w.c. Main and<br />

Front<br />

Hosea Robert, (H. i*i: Frazerl 273 w. 4th<br />

Hoskin Wm. O. b.k. 23 w. 4th res. Covington<br />

Hoskins Henry, n.s. 5th 2 d, fioni Smith<br />

Hoskinson Elizabeth, n.s. Elizabeth b. W. Rowand<br />

John<br />

Hosmere George, porter, 13 w, 2d<br />

T-Iospe Anton, Court b. Main and Walnut<br />

Hosse Wm. s.s. Everett b. Linn and Cutter, h, s.s<br />

Hopkin.s b. Linn and Cutter<br />

Hosselbrook Bernard H. n.s. 7th b. Sycamore arnii<br />





fill IfIIL Blllil Mill ii«<br />

Mos. 3 AI\» 3 CIil]\TO]V 11UILDII\C}S,<br />

Western Row, three doors above Clinton Street, Cincinnati, 0.<br />


T. Wrightson, Prinler, CiociDDali.<br />

HOW HOY<br />

Hoate Ferdinand, e.s Broadway b. Hunt and Atiigail Howard Gustavus, s.s. 9th b. Elm and Plum<br />

OTCIIKIN OUKDOIV B. agt. Dr. Fitch, Howard Henry, elk. at 68 Sycamore, h. Sth b. Butler<br />

H fancy soaps &c. 21 e, 4th<br />

and M. Canal<br />

Hotchkiss Osmus, agent, bds. Mrs. M. M. Riggs' Howard ?Ienry, F. elk. n.s. 6th op. Pike<br />

OTEC DlTMiVS, Delany & Galley props, e. Howard Hugh 0. w.s. Smith b. 4th and 6th<br />

H 3. McAllister h. 4th and 6th<br />

Howard James, s.s. George b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

HOTJBC FOKIIVVAJLIDS,s.w.c. Franklin Howard Jaraes, e.s. John b. 4th and oth<br />

and Broadway<br />

Howard John, w.s. Linn b. Clark and Catharine<br />

Houck Mrs. Julia, w.s. Ham. road b. Main and Howard John, n.s. High b. Collard and Front<br />

Walnut<br />

Howard John, b.h. 5th b. Elm and Plum<br />

Hougmann Henry, n.w.c. Spring and Hunt<br />

Howard .lUiia, e.s. .Mcillister b. 4th and 5th<br />

Hough Henry W.(Schooley AH.)res. Mount Auburn OWAKO Ii. &CO.(Levi & James Howard)<br />

Hounkomm Henry, e.s. Broadway b. Abigail and H manuf. and imp. paper hangings and borders,<br />

Woodward<br />

206 Main<br />

Kousch Andrew, s.s W. Row b. Linn and Mohawk Howard Michael, w.s. W. Avenue s. of Harrison<br />

Bridge<br />

Road<br />

House , Methodist Book Goncern, s.s. Milton b. Howard Michael, n.s. 6th e. of Lock<br />

Wilson and 13 road way<br />

Howard Mrs. Jane, w.s. Broadway b. 7th and Sth<br />

OUSE OP EMPI.OYMEIVT,(Daughters Howard Phelin, Lodge b. Gth and Gano<br />

H ol Temperance), w.s.W. Row n. of Mh<br />

Howard Timothy, s.w.c. Plum and 3d<br />

"UOUSE OF BEPUGE, ofRce College bldg. Howard Wm. porter at J. T. Foote & Co's<br />

"• Wra. Leuthstrom agent<br />

Howden Wm. n.s. Front near W. Row<br />

Housenhour John, e.s. Dudley b. Everett & Liberty<br />

Howdon Robert, e.s. Elm b. Pearl and 2d, h. w.s.<br />

Houser Ferdinand, elk. 124 Main<br />

W. Row b. Front snd 2d<br />

Houser Jacob, at Samuel Cook & Co's<br />

Howdon Wm. w.s W. Row b. Front and 2d<br />

Houser John, e.s Elm b. Pearl and 2d, h. n.e.c. Wa­ OWE'S cough candy and Shaker's Sarsaparilla<br />

ter and Smith;<br />

H depot, I. Baker proprietor, 1 College Hall<br />

Houser John, n.s. Water e. of Smith<br />

Howe Charles, n s. Court b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Housccamp John, w.s. Bremen b. 15th and Liberty OWE HEIVKV, publisher, at E. Morgan*<br />

Houseman Henry, s.s. 6th b. Smith and Park H Co's, 111 Main<br />

Houseman Henry, s.w.c. New and North<br />

Howe .Montraville W. b.k. 34 Walnut<br />

Housemann Annetta, s.s. l.'ith b. Walnut and Vine O "WE SAMlTEIi, grocer, 67 L. Market, bds<br />

Houser Mathias, b.h. w.s. Vine b. 13th and 14th H Broad way Exchange<br />

Housey Levi, e.s. Elm b. Pearl and Union<br />

OWE STEWAKX ». patent medicines,<br />

Housefeldt Joseph, n.w.c. Pendleton and .Abigail H 1 College bldg. h. s.e.c. George and Plum<br />

Housier Henry, e.s. Vine b. lath and 14(h<br />

Howell George W. n.s.7th b. Johnand ^^ound<br />

Housman Anthon, s.w.c. Spring and Abigail Howell Joshua, 336 Vine<br />

nousman Frederick, n.e.c. Sycamore and Hunt, h. Howell Lewis, n.s. Mulberry b. Locust and Poplar<br />

e s. Broadwav b. Hunt and Abigail<br />

Howell Samuel, n.s. Kemble b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

Housman Louis, city police, n. s. Hunt b. Sycamore Howell S. J. n.s. Grant b. Elm and Plum<br />

Howell Scott, bds. Mrs. E. Bell's<br />

andBroadway<br />

Housman Martin, w.s. Pendleton b. Hunt and Ab-<br />

Howell Thomas, elk. 16 w. 2d<br />

Howell Wm. w.s. Plum b. Ann and Mason<br />

igail , ., ..,, Howen Louis, n.e.c. Plum and Front<br />

Housman Wm. e.s Main b. Burgoyne and Schiller Howett Wm. 6G Pike<br />

Houston Alexander, bds. Mrs. Eliza Bell's<br />

Howkens Mrs. Ann, Smith's Court<br />

Houston David D. bds. Mrs. E. Bell's<br />

Howl James, s.s. Catharine b. W. Row and John<br />

Houston James, elk. 4 Commercial Row<br />

Howland George W. elk. E. O. Goodman's, h. w,s.<br />

Houston L. W. n.s. Front b. T. P. 29 and 30 F'n<br />

Houston Samuel, n.s. 2d. b. Race and Elm<br />

W. Row n. of Front<br />

Houts Joseph, n.s. Kossuth<br />

Howlett Parker, s.s. 5th e. of W. W. Canal<br />

Houts Joseph, al J. Vearny<br />

Howlette James P. 232 Main<br />

Hover .Tacob, n.s. Webb b. Mill and Stone<br />

Hoy George, Lodge b. 5th and 6th<br />

Hovestuett John, elk. at F. Kline's<br />

Hoy & Glenn, CJ. F. H. & S. F. G.) 28 w. 6th<br />

How George W. n.s. Sth b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Hoy James, Lodge b.Sth and 6lh<br />

Floward E/.ekiel A. w.s. Linn b. Everett & Hickory Hoy J. F. (H. & Glenn) Richmond w. of Mound<br />

Howard Fielding, s.s, Kichmond b. Fulton & Cutter Hoy Michael, Lodge b. 5th and Gth<br />

Howard George, at R. K. Bowler's<br />

Ho? Nathan, at .\.. Harkness and Son's<br />

Howard George W. junction Vine and Ham. Koad, Hoyne Thomas, w.s. Sycamore b. Court and .A.bi<br />

res. CumnlinsviUe<br />





•WAREHOtJSJE, Nos. 1 & 4 HOPPiE'S. At.I"


5^-J'^ JOHN D. JONEy, M. .'ONES,<br />

O. W. JONES,<br />


, JONES, Phitadetp/da.<br />

.JOflN D. & C, JONES & CO,<br />


Kf®. 19 PEAIIL,. STSSEET,<br />


DR J. G. HUHT,<br />

immm m^ mmmm.<br />

Office and Residence, North-west corner of Nintli and Elm streets, Cin.<br />



HUE HUT<br />

Hunster Wm. H. s.s. Kemble b. John and Fultou<br />

Hunster William H. n.s. 3d b. Plum and W, Row<br />

Hunt Alfred, n.s. Front b. Race and Elm<br />

Hunt Asa, w.s. .Sycamore b. Schiller & Burgoyne<br />

Hunt Davis S. 45 Sycamore, h. 187 Longworth<br />

Hunt Elisha W. n.s. 3d opp. Ohio Life & Trust Co.<br />

Hunt Frederick, e.s. James n. of Fountain<br />

Hunt Frederick, e.s. John b. Catliarine and Elizabeth<br />

Hunt Horace (James Wilson


LOVVKLN 1'l.liTi lltni. L. H. PL. Ti;ilElt. T, c. HAK.tI.SON<br />




70, 80, Sr,, 93, 95 anil 98 per cent.,<br />




•V s a? « ffi sif a & a s«<br />

Orders from a distance promptly attended to<br />


ILL IVE<br />

Huver iVlicli;iel, w.s. Vine b. i:uii and 14lh<br />

Hnvve FieLlenck, n.s. Pendletun b. Liberty and<br />

Woodward<br />

Hewitt John, Morgan al. b. 3d and 4tli<br />

Huxley Henry, n.s. t,'ath.aiine b. W. Ko^v & John<br />

Hyams Abraham, salesman, 72 Maui, h.n.s. Commerce<br />

ll. Walnut ;nid Vine<br />

Hyams Isaac, ii.s. Front b. Plum and W Row<br />

H<br />

VA'J'T JOlliV 'r. collector and agt. office<br />

41 w. M at J. H. iletcrs, h.a.s. Hopkins b. Cutter<br />

;iiid I.inn<br />

[lyatt Tliomas J. printer, 167 V/alnut, bds. s.c.c.<br />

Elm and 12tli<br />

Hyatt William, n.s. Front b. Lytle and Corp. line<br />

Hyde Carlos, s.s. (.Uinton b. LocLL-it and Frc-mun<br />

r-Iyde Mrs. Elizabeth, w..s. W. hlow b. Sth and<br />

Kemble<br />

Hyde O. J,, car1.ia.2e mkr. at Hamiicl HarueM' bds.<br />

Wasliinaton House<br />

riyland Mathe^v., s.e.c. W. How and Gtli<br />

i^yiand IMichael, n.s. Ludlow b. Synimcs & .\rch<br />

Hyler A. V. w.s. John U. Clinton and Cetlti<br />

Hyman Augustus, n.s. Abigail b. Alain andSycamore<br />

flyne A. W.P. Vine b.2d and Front<br />

lUbrook Biediick, w.s. Pleasant h. Liberty and<br />

Green<br />

Im Charles, n.s. Liberty b. Elm and Plum<br />

IniholT Benjamin, w.s. W. Row b. George and Tth<br />

Iniliold'Henry, e.s. Pleasant b. 14th and 15th<br />

InilioldsL Mrs. Anna, e.s. Sycamore b. Liberty anS<br />

Schiller<br />

Inrmel Jacob, b.k. for James Reed, Front b. Sycamore<br />

and Broadway, h.s.w.c. Geoige & Kim<br />

Iiiimel Mrs. Mary, nurse, s.s. VV. Kow b. Linn and<br />

MohiiMvk bridge<br />

Imming Hermann, e.s. Providence b. Mason and<br />

livLi-elt<br />

Iniraldie Herman, w.s. Pendleton b. Hunt ik Abigail<br />

Imwall Henry. Morton e. of Depot, h.s.s. op. Depot<br />

Inderrieden A. n.s. i:nh b. Main and CUy<br />

Indestroth John F. W. e.s. Pleasant b. Hth & ISth<br />

Ingalls Henry B. e.s. Baymiller b. Catharine and<br />

Clark<br />

Ingalls Theodore, w.s. Broadway n. of Liberty<br />

(<br />

I<br />

Iceuman Frederick, TV.S. Bremen b. Hth ISth<br />

Ichler Da rid, n.s. Court b. Main and Walnut, h.n.s.<br />

Hunt b. Spring and PcnOleton<br />

IchtormiM Bernard, n s. Abigail b. Sycamore and<br />

Broadway ., .<br />

Ickalmaiin .Mrs. M. A. n.s. Franklin h. Maui and<br />

Sycamore<br />

Idoox John, n s. Moses<br />

logenlanh George, n.s. 6tli e. nf Lock<br />

Ifred Ansustns, n.s. Front b.T.P. 41 an* 43 F n<br />

Igins Jolin l.l.andins li. Broadway and Luillow. h.<br />

s.s. 6th b. Broadway nnd Culvert<br />

Wlehart Juhn S. Csn»l b. Hace rind Elm, h.w.s. « .<br />

° Row ti. Ri'-limonil and (;,ith,iiine<br />

G!LEfS-VK'l' N. !*. cashier Mers. Bank. w.<br />

1 8 W:ilnut 1). Pearl .ind :ld<br />

Ignace John, .at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Ihle Michael, n.e.c. Main and Franklin, h.s.e.c.<br />

Hughes .ind Schiller<br />

Ihmsen'Clivistian, 11 Front<br />

Uiff Artinius, s.s. Clinton h. Cntter nnd Jnlin<br />

llilT A. M. cUi. s.s. Clinton b. John & Cutter<br />

llilT James, 310 \I.nin. h.s.s.Laurel b. John & Cutter<br />

Tliff Joshua, s.s. Clinton b. I.inn am) Locust<br />

Iliir Robert, hds. Joshua IlilT, s.s. Clinton b. Linn<br />

and Locust<br />

lliff Thomas, n.s. Frontb. Lytle and Coipor.ition<br />

Line<br />

111 Charles, n.s. ]5th b. Race and tlm<br />

NdALiLS WM. agent Kew England Bank,<br />

:id near Burnet House<br />

Irigalsbc Levi D. (Underwood & I.) bds. 160 Broadway<br />

Ingersoll Joseph M. w.s. McAllister<br />

Ingersoll Nathan, e.s. Woodward b. Sycamore &<br />

Broadway<br />

Ingersoll Mrs. Phebc, w.s. Baymiller b. Catharine<br />

and CeJar<br />

Ingle Henry, at Martin. Anshutz & Co's<br />

liiglebart Conrad, n.s. Baymiller b. Cedar and<br />

Clark<br />

Inglehart Frederick, n.s. Front b T.P. ) and 2 F'n<br />

I nglehart Joseph, n.s. Front b. Plum and W.Row<br />

Inglehart .Michael, s.s. Mercer b. Walnnt & Vine<br />

Inglehorn Lawrence, e.s. Linn b. Kverett & David<br />

IngleUee Frederick, s.s. Front at M. Canal<br />

Indies John, engineer at Johnsor, Morton & Co's,<br />

lr.s.^. Front b.T.P. 2 and 3 F'n<br />

tingles Tliomas jr. printer, bds. Washington Houso<br />

Inpram Huratio, 2*2 w. 6th<br />

hikhonse •William, e.s. Rittenhouse b. Catharinand<br />

Clark<br />

Inkr-ntt Barney, n.a, Findlay b. Race and Elm<br />

Inloes Ch-nrles, n.s. 4th h. Stone and Wood<br />

Inloes Edward, s s. Betts^h. J-olin and Cutter<br />

Innes Robert, n.s. 3d b. Wood and Stone<br />

Iniips David R. n.s. Tth b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Inselni Joseph, w.s. Dunlap b. Cooper and Ham.<br />

road<br />

Inskip Edward, w.s. Sycamore b. Webster and<br />

Orchard<br />

Inskip John. elk. bds. Jefferson b.Elm and Plum<br />

Internaish Bernard, w.s. Broadway b. Hunt and<br />

Abieail<br />

Intlekofer Marcus, s.w.c Elm and Grant<br />

Iversman Henry H. w.s. Cutter b. Richmond and<br />



mm mimm MMM mjAwmmm^.<br />


W. R. JACKSON,<br />

! Ha8 opened a new store at the end of ('iMitcr street, east side of Vine, between Fiflh aud Sixth,<br />

' where he makes to order, and keeps con.-itantly on hand and for sale, all kinds of bedding, viz.:—<br />

Hair, Cotton, Muss. Husk, and Straw Mattresses ; Feather Beds, Bolsters and Pillows, Sheets<br />

and Slips, Cumforts, Mosquito Bars, &c. J^y Spring Mattresses made to order, I<br />

N. B. He alsi) wishes to inform the public that he has a large lot of new, fine, well made Husk<br />

Mattresses, very pleasant to sleep on in warm weather, for sale low, I<br />

IXIf'Up stairs, second story, over Kellogg's auction store, next door west of his old<br />

burnt shop, south side Third street, between Main and Sycamore.<br />


s%P<br />

»•'(« &§§•,<br />




laiii 111^,<br />


No. 222 Walnut street, East side,<br />

(Between Fifth and Sixth,)<br />

•i's ja •^ 5S a s* A a-a a •©•iaa'®'.<br />

JAM JEN<br />

Jacob Christian, n.s. Milton e. of Sycamore James Mrs S. T. b.h. 183 Race<br />

Jacob Daniel, n w.c. Vine and 12th<br />

James Thomas, n.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />

ACOU LOfTis, curer of all kinds of meat, James Uriah P. (J.A. & U. PJames) 12 Arch<br />

J 210 and -JtiO Walnut b. 5th and 6th<br />

James William hds. J. Griffith's<br />

Jacob Peter, chandler, n.s. Ham. road b. Locust James William H, elk. bds. Charles P. James<br />

and Poplar<br />

James William H. c. Prospect & Piatt<br />

Jacobs Charles C. n.s. Sth op. Mill, h.n.s. Sth b. Jamison Alexander, clk.bds,Mo3es Carr's,n.s.Betts<br />

Park and MiU<br />

b. Cutter & Linn<br />

Jacobs Emanuel, n.s. Hopkins b. Linn & Locust Jamison James, bds. Mrs. Mary Jamison's<br />

Jacobs Mrs. Klizabeth, s.s. New b. Sycamore and Jamison John, 121 w. Sth<br />

Broadway<br />

Jamison Mrs. Mary, silk & straw bonnet manuf<br />

Jacobs Gerhard, s.s. 7^d op. Stone<br />

121 w. Sth<br />

Jacobs J.ibub, street corn. s.s. New b. Sycamore & Janney Jacob, elk. 11 Front, h.e.s. W. Row n. of<br />

Broadway<br />

Perry<br />

Jacobs Jnnn. bds. Martha Woodington''s<br />

Janney Lot, math, inst, mkr. at H. Wares<br />

Jacobs Nathaniel B. n.s. Front w. of Mill Jannings H. s.s. Laurel b. Cutter & Linn<br />

Jacobs Peter, s.w.c. Green & Vine<br />

Jansen Arnold, s,s. 6th e. of Harriet<br />

Jacobs Richard, n.s. 4th b. Stone & Wood Jansen Martin, s.s. Mulberry b. Locust & Eden<br />

Jacobs "William, city police, e.s. Lock b. Symmes Janson William, n.s. Everett b. Linn & Locust<br />

& Sth<br />

Jaquess John, n.s. Court b. Main & Sycamore<br />

Jacobs William, n.s. 4th b. Stone and Mill Jardine Thomas, e.s. Butler b. Congress & Front<br />

Jacobs IVilliam C. n.s. Barrb. Mound & Cutter Jarges Henry, s.s. J4th b. Kace & Elm<br />

Jacobs Mrs. b.h. 34 Centre<br />

JaiTeDs J. 344 Main, h.s.a. Bth b. Elm & PJum<br />

Jacox Hiram (Noyes, Solar & J.) s.s. Front b.Law­ Jayne Joseph, b.k. n.s. 3d b. Mill & Stone<br />

rence and Pike<br />

Jefferies Coiistantine, e.s. Lock b. Symmes antf<br />

Jaecer C. ?\I. w.s. Elm b. 15th and Liberty<br />

5Lh<br />

^aegerConrad, h.n.«. Jefferson b. Elm & Canal Jefferies Edmund E. w.s. Wilson b. Liberty & Mil­<br />

Jaeger Ft-rdinand, elk. w.s. Bremen b. 1/lth tfe 14th ton<br />

Jahine Jobn fi. at Martin, Anshutz & Co''s Jbfferies George H. elk, bds. C. Jefferies, e.s. Lock<br />

TAITIKS iBXKR C. stereotype foundry, 1G7 b. Symmes & .5th<br />

J Walnnt, {\. 173 Broadway<br />

Jefferies J. C. w.s. Plum at elbow Canal, h. n. a.<br />

fAITIES Ac BKOTHER, Cin. gluo manuf. Kichmond b. Jufan & Fulton<br />

•J e.s. M. Canal n. of Liberty<br />

Jeffers John, city police, n.w.c. Park & Sth<br />

James Charks J. elk. bds. J. P. James<br />

Jefferson Mrs. Amelia, s.s. 6th b. Race & Elm<br />

James Charles P. atty. Ill Main, res. 196 Conrt Jefferson Hotel. 102 Court<br />

TAMKS CIIARliES W". collector and gen. TEFrEUSON EBFE IIVS, CO. office n.e.<br />

J agent, office n.s. Harrison, res. Walnut Hills J c. 4th & Vine. TlfP See card next page<br />

James David A. (J. & Brother) 196 Court<br />

Jeflerson Thomas, al. b. 7th & Sth<br />

James Mrs. D. H. artist 175 Longworth<br />

Leffrey John, e.s. Vine b. Sth & Gth<br />

James Edwnrd. at J. Litherbury's. F'n<br />

Jeffrey John, gas works, h.e.s. Viueb. Sth & Bth<br />

James Edwin, bds. 125 Longworth<br />

Jeffries James, 178 Broadway<br />

James Elizabeth, fancy store, n.s. Sth b. Elra and Jeffries K. brick layer, n.s. Everett b. John and<br />

Plum, h.s.s. Elizabeth b. VV. Row and John Cutter<br />

James Henry,s.s. Front b. T P.3 & 4 F'a<br />

Jehling Francis, n. s. Ham. road, near junction<br />

,Iames Hugh, Gano h. Walnut and Lodge'<br />

Vine<br />

TAWItlS J. A, Ac BJ. I'. (Joseph A. & Uriah Jelich John, e.s. Peet b. Locust & Poplar<br />

J P.) publishers & printing ink manuf. 167 Wal Jelleff Benjamin, M. Canal, h.e.s. Rare b. J2th and<br />

nut<br />

Canal<br />

James J. A. glue factory, e,s. Plum b. Liberty and TEJLrEFF CBflAKI.ES S. draper & tailor<br />

Greeu<br />

f} w.s. W. Row b.Sth & 9Lh,h.n.s.Kemble b.Linn<br />

James John, n.s. Moses, b. Mill and Store<br />

and Baymiller<br />

Jamea John, s.s. Everett b. W. Row & John Jemison Jordan, n.s. Clark w. of Freeman<br />

James John, c. Prospect & Piatt<br />

Jenifer Benjamin, 19 Jackson<br />

fames Jonathan, bds.Mr^. Ann Black's<br />

Jenkins Albert, w.s. Ferguson's al. b. 7th & Sth<br />

James Joseph J. elk. Mech. and Tra. Br. Bank, h.n. Jenkins Amelia, n.w.c. Kemble & Linn<br />

Court b. Elm and Plum<br />

Jenkins Mrs. Azubah, n.w.c. 4th & Wood<br />

James Joseph A. (J. A. & U. P. James) h. n. e. c. Jenkins & Cox (John J. & Oliver C.) s.s.George b.<br />

Baymiller and 8tb<br />

John & Smith<br />

James Dr. Lucian A. s.w c. Sth & Mound<br />

Jenkins Edward, w.s Plumb.2d & Front<br />

James Nathaniel T. n.s. Barrb. Mound Cutter Jenkins Edward, s.s. Sth b. Broadway and McAl<br />

James Kobert, 172 w.Sth<br />

lister<br />

James Samuel, barber, 5 College bldg.<br />

Jenkins Finley, bds. 256 Longworth<br />

jaroes Seth C. w.s. W. Row b. Catharine & Eliza­ Jenkins George S. (Watts & J.) n.s. Tth w.of Walbethnut

n S<br />

'3 3<br />

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E O<br />

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J<br />



No, 138 Sycamore street, East side, between Fourth and Fifth,<br />

All Kusincss entrusted to liisi care punctually attended to<br />

JOH JOH<br />

ENKINS. HAMLilN Sc CO. (Henry J., J John Lemuel, n.e.c. Raceand Pearl<br />

K. H. & T.' G. Gaylord) mant.f. of patent wire lOUIV MttUtRE J. cab. manuf. 22d e. 3d, h,<br />

railing, mantle grates, &c. 88 & 92 Broadway J n.s. 3d b. Smith and Park.<br />

Jenkina Henry, w.s. Race b. Front & 2d<br />

John William, teacher gcrraan language, 202 Court<br />

Jenkins Joukin S. s.s. Sth b. Linn & Baymiller Johns D. at Martin, Anshutz & Co.<br />

ENKINS JOHN, undertaker, 138 .Sycamore Johns James, at Powell's Foundry<br />

J e.s. b. 4tb&5th<br />

Johns James C. elk. w.s. Broadway b. Abigail and<br />

Jenkins Jobn, n.s. Kemble b. W. How & John Woodward<br />

Jenkins John (J. & Cox) .<br />

Johns J. C. elk. w.s. Broadway b. Hunt & Abigail<br />

Jenkins John, bds. 333 Kace<br />

Johns James H. n.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

Jenkins Martha H. e.s. Kace b. 2d and Front Johns James W. 83 Main, h. w.s. Milt b. 4th & 5th<br />

Jenkins Oreily, n.s. Kittenhouse b. Catharine and Johns John S. e.s.Fulton b. Catharine and Richmond<br />

Clark<br />

Johns Samuel W. b.k. n.s. Sth b. Baymiller and'<br />

Jenkins Thomas, w.s.Lawrence b.Arch & Symmes Freeman<br />

Jenkins Thomas, bds. John Jenkins, n.s.Kemble b. Johnsbach G. s.s. 5th h. Vine and Race<br />

W.Row & John<br />

Johnson Albert, bds. Samuel Waldon, s.s. Frontb.<br />

Jenkins William, police man at Shillito's,h.n.s.Sth T. P. 3jand 36 F'n<br />

e. of Lock<br />

Johnson Alexander, n.s. Accommodation b. State<br />

Jenkins Robert, printer, bds. 136 Sycamore<br />

and Lock<br />

Jeoner Peter, (J. & Kheinberger) 98 Court \ Johnson Alexander, elk bds. Mrs. E. Bell's<br />

Jeuner & Kheinberger, 98 Court<br />

Johnson Andrew, elk. c. Court and JJaui, h. 169 w.<br />

Jennifer Benjamin, w.s. Walnut h. 12th & Canal Sth<br />

Jennings Bernard, n.e.c. Broadway & 2d Johnson Ann, n.w.c. Front and Elm<br />

Jenninps John, s.e.c. 2d & Plum<br />

Johnson Benjamin, e.s. Elm b, l&th and Liberty<br />

Jennings John, at Powell's foundry<br />

Johnson Caleb, e.s. John b. George and 7th<br />

Jennings Martin, s.s. 5th b. John & Smith Johnson Charles, n.s. 7th b. Main and Sycamore<br />

ENNING.S itlAKXlN €. mer. tailor, 7 w. Johnson Charles H. Comt b. Main and Walnut, h.<br />

J 4th, h. 295 Court<br />

e.s. Broadway b, 6th and 71.h<br />

Jennings Thomas, s.s. Woodward b. Main & Syca­ Johnson Calvin R. Times Office, h. Frontb. Free<br />

more<br />

man and Carr<br />

Jenks J. e.s. Elm s. of Water<br />

Johnson Daniel, n.s. Sth b. Freeman and Carr<br />

Jenks Jesse L. n.s. R.R. b. T P. 21 & 22Fn. Johnson David, s.s. Front b. T. P. 27 and 28 F'n<br />

Jenks Liberty D. w.s. Parsons b. Front & High Johnson David, w.s. Jobn n. of Longworth<br />

Jenks Llewellyn B. s.s.Elizabeth b.W.Row & John Johjison Mrs. Emetine, n.s. Harrison e. of Broadway<br />

Jenvey George, c. Barr & Freeman<br />

Johnson Edward P. St. Charles Exchange<br />

Jerwit James, Kossuth st.<br />

Johnson Fiederick A. (J. & Powers.) n.s. 3d b.<br />

Jessup Firman, s. s. Court e. of Broadway, bds. Plum and W. Row<br />

American h.<br />

Johnson Geoige W. s.s. Chesnut b. W. Row and<br />

Jewell John, n.s. Richmond b. Cutter & Linn John<br />

Jewell Robert C. at E. Hall & Co's<br />

Johnson George W. s.s. Georgeb. P um & W. Row<br />

EWETX CIHlAUljE.«i A. engraver, c. 3d Johnson George, Machinist, e.s. Linn b. Everett and<br />

J and Walnut, h.n.s. 3d b. W. Row & John<br />

David<br />

Jewett Lewis E. bds. Mrs. R. Manser<br />

Johnson H. at .^.. Harkness and Son's<br />

Jcwett Thaddeus, bds. 64 Centei<br />

Johnson Henry, foreman, at .Miles Gieenwood & Co's<br />

Jinberg August, brewer, e.s. Providence b. Mason h.e.s. Deer Creek near old Corporation line<br />

and Everett , , ,. Johnson FJ. w.c. Vine and Landing, h. n.w.c. Vine<br />

Jinkins George, n.s. George b. W. Row and John and Water<br />

JinkinsMrs. M.w.3. Pleasants, of Hth<br />

Johnson Henry, w.s. Freeman b. Bank and Yo"k<br />

Jiring Frederick, at F. Coors , ,., Johnson Henry A. b.k. 87 Main, h. n.s. 7th h. Cutter<br />

Joachim Conrad, w.s. Bremen b. loth and Liberty and Linn<br />

Joans Lewis, elk. 12 Broadway<br />

TOHNSON ISAAC ». livery stable, e.s.<br />

Jobe Daniel, silk dyer 13o Walnut<br />

J Walnut b. Sth and Oth<br />

Jobe Hannah, silk dyer, 135 Walnut<br />

Johnson J. e.s. Pierson b. Sth and Sth<br />

Jocelyn Allen T. e.s. Elm b. Gutter and Lmn Johnson Jacob, 23S Main<br />

JocelynMrs. Elizabeth, e.a. Elm b. lath & Liberty Johnson Jacob, n.s. 5th b. Smith and Mound<br />

Joesinger Henry, w.s. Ham. Road b. Vine and Johnson James, s.s. Kichmond b. Linn & Baymiller<br />

Johnson James, n.s. 7th b. Broadway and Culvert<br />

Johannemann Joseph, e.s Walnut b. 13th and Al- Johnson James, bds. at Samuel Waldron, s.s. Front<br />

b. T. P. 35 and 36 F'n<br />

Johanning Henrv, n.w.c. Broadway and Hunt Johnson James, A. s.s. George b. Cutter and L'nn<br />

John Catharine, e.s. M. Canal b. Sth and Court Johnson James R. elk. s.a. Sth b. Mound and Cutter<br />

Tnhn Henry, al. s.s. Buckeye b. Main and Locust Johnson J. D. w.s. Vine b. 2d and F ont<br />

John John, 3.3. 6th b. Wood aud Stone, h. s.s. Sth Johnson James J. elk. n.w.c. Cherry and Elra, h.<br />

b. John and Mound<br />

w.s. Plum b. 2d and Front



& J. M. JOHlfl-STON,<br />


1 liiiii Mil til I ifMii iii<br />



Depot, ISontli side Second, "West of 'Walnut Street.<br />

Orders will be punctually attended, to, and delivered on board Steamers, or At the<br />

several D^ots, free of charge. A liberal discount made to those who purchase to<br />

re-aell, '''"''^^'vvfIgimon"'F(iiii., 3MAIU<br />

JOH JON<br />

Johnson James W. (Moses & J.) n.s. 3d b. Plum and<br />

W. Row<br />

Johnson Jefferson, Friendship al. b. Pike & Butler<br />

Johnson John, w.s. Plum b. 2a and Front<br />

Johnson John, (J., Morton & Co.) s.e.c. Parsons and<br />

Morton<br />

Johnson John, e.s. Pleasant b. Green and Findley<br />

Johnson John, cook. e.s. Sycamore b. Boal & Milton<br />

Johnson John, s.s. 14th b. Race and Elm<br />

Johnson John, s.w.c. Plum and Front<br />

Johnson John, cartman, e s. Carr b. Front and 6th<br />

Johnson John A. at Samuel Barnes', bds. Washington<br />

House<br />

Johnson J. C. e.s. Findley b. Elm and Canal<br />

Johnson John H. (Parvin & J.) n.s. Catharine b.<br />

John and Fulton<br />

Jolinson John R. e.s. Plum b. 2d and Cherry<br />

Johnson John T. w.s. Elm b. 9th and Court, bds.<br />

Mrs. Mary M. Rigg's<br />

Johnson Johnson, bds. D. H. Mortoirs, s.w.c. High<br />

and Parsons<br />

Johnson Joseph, bds. Levi Tingley<br />

Johnson JosepJi, e.s. Pierson b. Sth and Gth<br />

Johason Joseph G.*. Poplar and Piatt<br />

Johnson Mrs. Julia A. n.s. 6th w. of Park<br />

Johnson Mrs. Lydia Jane, e.s. John b. Catharine and<br />

Richmond<br />

Johnson Martha, e.s. Harriet b. Front and 6th<br />

TOIINSON, MORTON &• CO. saw mill and<br />

«l boat builders, e. Front b. Parsons & Whitaker<br />

Johnson Mr. tailor, w.s. Stone s. of 6th.<br />

Johnson Mrs. s.s.oth b. Stone & Wood<br />

Johnston Mrs. Emily, al. b. W. Row and Smith<br />

Johnston Mrs. Eliza%eth, s.s. Abigail b. Sycamore<br />

and Broadway<br />

Johnston George, s.s. Sth b. W. Row and John<br />

Johnston G. W. C. n.w.c. Plum and Water<br />

Johnston Henry M. b.k. 21 w. 2d<br />

Johnston Henry, city police, n.s. Scott<br />

Johnston James, e.s. Elm b. 4th and Sth, up stairs<br />

Johnston James, (J. &J. M. Johnston) bda. Madison<br />

House'<br />

Johnston James, city treasurer, bds. Rev S. Ram-<br />

say Wilson, w.s. Elm b. M'Farland and 4th<br />

OHNSTON JA.mEfiA.. plumber, pumpand<br />

J hydrant mkr. basement of Magnolia Hall, h. s.a.<br />

George b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Johnston James A. b.k. 19 Pearl<br />

Johnston J, C. e.s. Race b. 2d and Front<br />

Johnston J, D. prof, rhetorick. Ft Xaviers College<br />

Johnston James W. jr. b.k. 63 Walnut, bds. Madison<br />

House<br />

Johnston John B. (Burdge & Johnston) n.s. George<br />

b. John and Smith<br />

Johnston John, bda. George W, Jones, e.s. Elm b.<br />

4th and Sth<br />

Johnston J. R. portrait and landscape painter, 10<br />

Art Union bldgs. h. e.s. Plum b. Frontand 2d<br />

TOHNSTOIV J. Sc J. M. (John J. & Jamea<br />

J M.J.) ice chest and box manuf as. 3d b.Plum ani<br />

W.Row, Depot s.s. 2d w. ol Walnut<br />

Johnston John V. 63 Walnut, bda at R. Sheldon's<br />

Johnston J. Wilson, 66 e. 2d, h. 230 w. 7th<br />

Johnston Joseph, n.s. George b. Cutterand Linn<br />

Johnson Orson, w.s. Sth b. Smith an ' Mound Johnston Joseph M. n.s. Water b. Plum and W. Row<br />

OHNSON Sc I»OWEK!!t, (Frederick A. J. Johnston Mrs. widow of Adam, s.s. Grant b. 12th<br />

J & Samuel P.) wh. and retail Clothiers, Front b. and 14th<br />

Sycamore and Broadway<br />

TOHNSXOIV & MITCHEDI,,(Charles D.<br />

Johnson Robert, e.s. Bremen b. 12th and 13th J J. & John Mitchell) wh. chair factory, s.s. 2d b.<br />

Johnson Dr. R. H. s.s. 4thb. Sycamore & Broadway John and Smith<br />

Johnson Samuel, s.s. Harr b. Cutter an4 Linn Johnston Pheaton, engineer, Shreve, Steele & Co's,<br />

Johnson Samuel L. printer, bds. at C. R. Johnson's h. n.s. High b. Lytle and CoUard<br />

Johnson Thonrtas, n.s. Front op. T. P. 2. F'n Johnston Mra. Samuel. 84 w. 7th.<br />

.Johnson Thomas, s.s 3th b. Mound and Cutler Johnston s. F. bds. Brighton House<br />

Johnson Thomas, s.s. 2d b. Plum and W. Row lOUNSTOIV THOMAS, auction*com. mer.<br />

Johnson William, w.s. Canalb. Sth and 6th J 168 Main. res. Walnut Hills<br />

Johnson William, s.s. 7th b. Sycamore & Broadway Johnston Wm. elk. 84 w. 7th<br />

Johnson William, w.s. Langdon al. b. 6th and 7th<br />

Johnson William, bds. Mrs. R. Manser's<br />

Johnston William, (J. Bingham & Todd) 15 w. 3d.<br />

Johnson William, n.s. Clark b. Linn and Cutter Johnston William B. (J. D., iSiC. Jones & Co.)bds.<br />

Johnson William, n.e.c. 2d and Plum<br />

Burnet House<br />

Johnson William, bds. e.s. Main b. 6th and 7th Johnston Wm. O. s.s. Commerce b. Gilmore & Vine<br />

Johnson W. F. 130 w. Sth<br />

TOI^LiIFFfi! JOHN, atty. at law, 115 Main.<br />

Johnscn W. M. at Noyes, Solar and Jaycox .1 he.s Race b. 6ih and 7th<br />

Johnson Wm. S. n.e.c. Walnut and 4th, h. s.s. 4th b. Jolly John, n.s. 3d b. Park^nd Smith<br />

Jones Alexander, e.s. Spring b. Woodward and<br />

Kim and Plum<br />

Liberty<br />

Johnston Alexander, 194 Main, h. n.w.c. Broadway Jones A. & ."on, ( Aquilla & Albert S.) 107 w. Sth<br />

and Franklin<br />

Jones Dr. Adolphus E. n.s Front b. T. P. 4& 5 F'n<br />

TOiaNSJTON A¥,EXAIV»EB M.al. phys. Jonea Albert S. (Jones A. & Son) 107 w. 6th<br />

J w.s. W. Row b. Richmond and Catharine Jones -Iquilla (A. J. & Son) 107 w. 6th<br />

Johnston A. P. e.s. Plnm b. 3d and Pearl<br />

Jonea Mrs. Barbara, e.s. W. Row b. McFarland and<br />


J (Wm. J., John A. B., and Alexander T.)attys. at Jones Baterman, elk. n.a. 7th b. John and Mound<br />

law, 16 w. 3d<br />

Jones Benjamin V. (Guilford & Jones) a.s. 2d b<br />

Johnston Charles O. (J. & Mitchell) n.s. 4th e. of Sycamore and Broadway, h. 266 Longworth<br />

Jobn I ] ones Calvin F. elk. IS e, 2d




East Fifth Street, opposite 'Wesley €hapel.<br />


Wrightson, Printer, 43 Main st.<br />

JON JON<br />

Jones Charles, n.s. Catharine b. Fulton and CUitter Jones Mrs. Jane, b.h. s.s. Sth b. Broadway and Mc­<br />

Jones Charles T. (Gross & Dietrich) n.w.c. Walnut Allister<br />

and Sth<br />

Jones J. & Sons, s.a. 9th b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Jones Charles K, 0'ReilIy'.






TAILOnS' TE,lMlv£lNGS, &C.<br />

No. 72 Main Street.<br />

JOU KAH<br />

Jones Stephen, market master, n.s. Longworth b.<br />

Elm and Plum<br />

Jones Samuel, w.s. State b. Deer Creek & Accomm.odation<br />

Jones Samuel, w.s. Cutterb.Everett and David<br />

Jonea Samnel A. elk. Adams & Co's, bds. Franklin<br />

House<br />

Jones Talbot, (J. & Ware) bds. Burnet House<br />

JonesThoraas, bds. John Rae, u.s, R. Road, b. T.. P<br />

30 and 40 F'n.<br />

Jones Thomas, n.s. 3d b. Walnut and Vine, h. s.s.<br />

4thb. Milland Stone<br />

Jones Truman B. bds. with Joseph Jones<br />

Jones Thomas C. s.s. High b. Parsons and Lytle<br />

Jone;5 Thomas C. s.s. 5th b. Plum and Elm, h. n.s.<br />

Tth b. John and Mound<br />

Jones Thomas G. s.s. Chesnutb. W. Row and John<br />

TONf;S& WARE(TalbotJ.& ThomasC.W.)<br />

J atts. at law, 101 Main b.3d and4th<br />

Jones William, s.s. Chesnut b. W. Row and John<br />

JonesWilliamii n.s. 6th e. of Lock<br />

Jones Wm. (Jones & Co.) 262 w. 4th<br />

Jones William, (J. J. & Sons) bds. J. Jones'<br />

Jones William, w.s. Auburn<br />

Jones William, e.s. Race b. 12th and Canal<br />

Jones William A. elk. e.s. Race b. 14th and l.'ith<br />

Jones William A. packer, n.s. Water b. Main and<br />

Walnut, res. 225 Broadway<br />

Jones William A. foreman at 181 Walnut<br />

Jones Wm. B. elk.(12 Main, bds. Gibson House<br />

Jones Wm. D. notary public, 8e. 3d, res. 51 George<br />

Jonea Wm. H. Landing b. Main and Walnut<br />

Jones Wm.H. carp.s.s.Everettb.Locusts Freeman<br />

Jones William H. cook, s.s. Gth b, Broadway and<br />

Culvert<br />

Jones William W. n.s. Hopkins b. Cutter t&r Linn,<br />

h. n.s. Hopkins b. John and Cutter<br />

Jones Zachariah, s.s. Frontb. T.P. 31 and 32 F'n.<br />

Jontc Peter, s.e.c. Sycamore and Abigail<br />

Jonte Peter N. e.s. Raceb. 13th and Hth<br />

Jorduii Caleb D. bds. at Mrs. Hewett's, w.s. W.<br />

Kow b. Kemble and Kichmond<br />

Jordan Charles, w.s. Celestial n. jf High<br />

TOKUA!^ OANIEL B., paper box manuf.<br />

•J Dennison House bldgs. h. Celestial strr.tMt.<br />

Adams<br />

Jordon Henry, e.s. Dublin n.of Lock<br />

Jordan Nicholas, w.s. Baymiller b. Cathariuo and<br />

Cedar<br />

Jordan.William,porter, Ohio L. & T.Co. Bank h.<br />

B.e.c. Pierson and Oth '<br />

Jordan Richard M.e.s. Ludlow b. Congress and 3d<br />

Jordan Robert C. b.k. bds. at Mrs. Wright's, n.s. 4th<br />

b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Jordan Robert K. s.s. Webster b. Sycamore and<br />

J<br />

Broadway<br />

OBG1CNSEN GEORGE, dry goods df^iUr, ,<br />

70 L. Market near Broadway<br />

Joseph Joseph, s.s. Union b. Race aud Elm<br />

Joseph Levi, e.e. W. Row b. Ann and Plum<br />

Josephaon Joseph, elk. at Moriets Josephson's<br />

Josephson Moriets, n.s. 2d b. Broadway & Ludlow<br />


0 L. Batchelder, ed. and prop. 34 w. 4th<br />

Joyce Jacob, bde. at James Joyce's<br />

Joyce Jamesjr. bde, at James Joyce's<br />

Joyce James, n.s. Clinton b. Locust and Freeman<br />

Joyce John, n.s. Water b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Joyce Lawrence W. n.e.c. Parsons and Front<br />

Joyce Timothy,s.s. &th b. W.ltow and John<br />

Judah Rev. Hars, res. 49 George<br />

Judah Judah, 256 Main<br />

JuddDaniel S. u.s. Liberty b.Linn and Cutter<br />

Judge Patrick, e.s. Culvert b. 4th and Sth<br />

Judkins Dr. David, s.s. Richmond b. W. Row and-<br />

John<br />

Judkins Dr. Jesse P. (Langdon & Judkins) a.a. 6thb.<br />

Race and Elm, h. n.e.c. Center and Kace<br />

Judkins Dr. William, 38 Center<br />

Jukes Lydia A. n.s. 6th e. of Lock<br />

Julian William, w.s. Langdon's aL h. 6th and Tth<br />

n.of 6th<br />

Jung John, w.s. Jackson b. 12th and 33th<br />

Jungclasa John, s.s. Miami b. Locust and Sycamore<br />

Junkermaun Gustavus, dk. 183 Race<br />

Jurgans Frederick, n.s. Milton b. Wilson & Broadway<br />

Jnstice Enoch P. e.s. 3d b. Walnut and Vine, h. 354<br />

w. Tth<br />

Justice VViUiam, s.s. K emble, b. Harriet and Brooks<br />

Justis John, (T. N. Bonsai & Co.) bds. n.e.c. Mound<br />

and Tth<br />

K<br />

Kach George, e.s. Bremen b. Elder and Findley<br />

Kackenheimer Jacob, e.s. Huckeye b. Poplar& Vine<br />

liacay Kdward, s.w.c. Plumand 3d<br />

Kacay William, s.w.c. Plum and .'d<br />

Kaen Thomas, n.s. Front b.T.P. 1 and 2 F'n<br />

KaciiZ. Andreas, elk. n.s Ham. Road b. Locuat and<br />

Poplar<br />

Kaesar William, e.s. Walnut b. 13th and Allison<br />

Kaesser Christian, w.s. Plum b. Everett and Wade<br />

liaff Hugh, s.s. Gemse b. Plumand W. Row<br />

Kagen Morris, n.s. Clinton b. Locust and Freeman<br />

liagen Mrs. Susan, n.s. Clinton b. Locust and Free<br />

man<br />

Kager Peter, s.s. Puckeye b. Locust and Poplar<br />

Kahl Frank, w.s. Walnut b. 13th and Allison<br />

Kahl Frederick, s.w.c. Clark and Rittenhouse<br />

Kahlman George, e.s. .Sycamore b.3d and 4th<br />

Kahlmeyer Louis, bds. 11. \V. Struve's<br />

Kahlsollcldt , n.s. Buckeye b. Eden and Main<br />

Kahn Aaron, clji. n.w.c. Johnand Kemble<br />

Kahn Charles, e.s. W. Row b. Wade and Liberty<br />

Kahn David, e.s. W. Row b. Mason and Everett<br />

Kahn Francis, n.s. Front b. Lytle aud CoiToration<br />

Knhn (Veorge. n.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

Kahn Henry, s.s. Wade b. Plum andW. Row<br />

Kahn Lazarus, s.s. 16th b. Race and Bremen<br />

Kahn Lyon, at bath house, 3d op. Hurnet House<br />

Kahn Samuel barkeeter, bath house 3d op Burnet<br />

House<br />

Kahn Dr. Samuel, w.s. Vine b. Liberty and Green<br />

KahnS. a.s. Mason b. Plum and W. Row




AND<br />


KAN KAT<br />

Kaidel H. at T. Bradford & Co-'s<br />

Kaller Frederick, al. s.s. Buckeye b. Locust and<br />

Poplar<br />

Kailer John, w.s. Vine n. of Hamilton Road<br />

Kailer Nicholas, n.s. Hamilton Road b. Locust and<br />

Poplar<br />

Kailin Tobias, elk. w.s. Pleasant b. 14th and 15th<br />

Kain John, i08 Main<br />

Kain Michael, at A. Harkness and Son's<br />

Kair John, s.s. Ann b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Kaiser Jpcobj Philadelphia House, 31 w. Front<br />

Kake John, s.s. Ham. Road b. Clarkson and Piatt<br />

Kaleman Richard, e.s. Pleasant b. Liberty & Green<br />

K&ler Ferdinand, n.s. Front b. Lytle and Parsons<br />

Kalin Marian, s.s. 3d b. W. Row and John<br />

Kallam James, s.s. Waterb. Plumand W. Row<br />

Kallam Samuel H. bds. James Kallam<br />

Kallam Wm. J. bds. James Kallam<br />

Kallenberger Christopher, s.e. Everett b. Cutterand<br />

Linn<br />

Kallendorf Frederick, e.s. Main b. Burgoyne and<br />

Schiller<br />

Kallmier Carl, s.s. Buckeyeb. Locust and Poplar<br />

Kallmier Fritz, harness mkr. 89 Main<br />

Kalbfell William, printer, 21 e. 3d<br />

Kalmbach Daniel, c. loth and Race<br />

Kalmier George, (G. &H. K,)s.3.Courtb. Mainand<br />

Walnut<br />

Kalmier Henry, (G. & H. K.) s.s. Court b. Mainand<br />

Walnut<br />

Kalmier G. & H. (George & Henry) w.s. Plum b.<br />

Ann and Mason<br />

Kalmier Henry, w.s. Plum b. Ann and Mason<br />

Kaly Ellen, e s. l>ublin<br />

KAmmerer Vrederick, s.s. 2d b. Elmand Plum<br />

Kammon H.W. w.s. Vine b. Hth and 15th<br />

Kamp Frederick, w.s. Vine b. loth and Liberty<br />

Kamp Joseph, n. s. Abigail b. Sycamore and Broad-<br />

Kamp ..awrence, elk. w.s. Race b. 15th &. Liberty<br />

Kamp Peter, s.wx. John and Kemble<br />

Kamper Fhilt!'. e.s. Pleasant s. of 14th<br />

Karophouse John, a.s. Clintonb. Linn and Locust<br />

Kampmaer John, s.w.c. Court and Vine<br />

Kampman l .u :ey, w.s. North b. Elm and Logan<br />

KampenK William, at T. Bradford & Co. res. New-<br />

Kan^Samupl, w.s. Bremen b. Liberty and Green<br />

Kanabe Albert, n.e.c. Race and Liberty<br />

Kanah Malchi, n.s. Front b. T. P. 10 and II F'n<br />

Kanaly Patrick, e.s. Elmb. 2d and Pearl, h. s.w.c.<br />

3d and W.Row ,. i. rr, T> ic<br />

Kane James at B. Hazen's, s.a. Front b. T. P. lb<br />

and 17 F'n<br />

Kane John J. 3d b. Race and Elm<br />

Kane John, s.s. 2d b. Mill and Park<br />

Kane John, Park b. W. Water Canal and 2d<br />

Kane John, n.s. Gth e. of Lock<br />

Kane Michael, e.s. Park b. 2d and W. W. Canal<br />

Kane Miciiael, s.s. Laurel h. Linn and Locust<br />

Kane Peter, baker, Burnet House, h. w.s. Vine b.<br />

2d and Pearl<br />

Kane "> Momas, at B. Hazen's<br />

Kane ThJuitis, e.s. Sycamore b. 7th and Sth<br />

Kankal Mrs. Catharine, s.s. Abigail b. Main and<br />

Sycamore<br />

Kanzelmeyer Frederick, shoe mkr. at 35 Broadway<br />

Kanker Frederick, s.s. 12th b. Mainand Clay<br />

Kanther Phillip J. s.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

Kantz Phillip, e.s. Hroadway b. Abigail and Hunt<br />

K<br />

ANKAR (!OIVRAJ>, Sixth street house, aw.c.<br />

6th and Plum<br />

Kapauer Frederick, elk. bds. 74 w. fith<br />

Kapff Frederick, n.s. Everett b. Jolin and Cutter<br />

Kappauf Michael, bds. H. Hubberts<br />

Kappel Frank, s.s. Eden b. Main and Buckeye<br />

Kappler John, n.e.c. Race and Liberty<br />

Karbran John, n.s. Elder b. Vine and Race<br />

Karcher Henry, n.s. Abigail b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Karling Jacob, s.s. Buckeye b. Poplar and Locust<br />

Karmann Ferdinand, e.s. Vineb. 13th and Mercer<br />

Karrmann William, druggist, n.w.c. Sth and Smith<br />

Karney Martin, bds. David Martin<br />

Karney Michael, s.s. New b. Broadwayand Culvert<br />

Karney Patrick, s.s. New b. Broadwayand Culvert<br />

Karr Alexander, s.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

Karr David, safe mkr. at E. Hall & Co.<br />

Karr John, at Powell's<br />

Karragan Peter, w.s. Observatory Road e. of Celestial<br />

Kartest John, s.s. Adams<br />

Kary Edward, e.s. Linn b. Everett and David<br />

Kashan William, e.s. Vine b. Baker and 4th<br />

Kasker Henry, s.s. Morton e. of Depots<br />

KassarJohn, n.s. Grant b. Elmand Plum<br />

Kasselrnan Francis, w.s. Peet b. Locust and Eden<br />

Kassenback Gotleib, s.s. Liberty b. Main & Walnut<br />

Kassiday Hiram, s.a. Clinton b. Linn and Locust<br />

Kast Christian, s.s. Green b. Pleasant aud Elm<br />

Kasteng Joseph, s.e.c. Clinton and Linn<br />

Kastens Francis H. n.s. Fountain<br />

Kastar Hornich, e.s. Sycamoie b. Hunt and Abigail<br />

KasTing Frederick.e.s, Hughes b. Liberty* Schiller<br />

Kasting Herman, n.s. Spring b. Al igail and Hunt<br />

Kates Krede^irk, n.w.c. I4th and Bremen<br />

K<br />

ATKi^ JACOIB al. phys. (hernia and chronic<br />

diseases) 123 Sycamore<br />

Kates J. B. Dennison House<br />

Katiiig Mrs. Mary, s.s Wade b. Cutterand Linn<br />

Katker Rudolph, n.s. Madison b. Elmand Plum<br />

Katon Mra. Joanna, s.s. Sth b. AV. Row and John<br />

Katsenstein Theodore, e.s. Broadway b. Hunt and<br />

K<br />

Abigail<br />

ATTEIVMORIV ABND, grocer, 331 Main,<br />

h. 10 w. 9th<br />

Kattenhorn Frederick, elk. bds. n.e.c. Lock and<br />

Symmes<br />

Kattenhorn Henry, elk. 28 L. Market<br />

Kattenhorn J. H. n.e.c. Lock and Symmes<br />

Kattenkamp Henry L. at M. Greenwood and Co. h,<br />

n.s. Allison b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Kattenkamp Mrs. M. s.a. Woodward b. Mainand<br />

Sycamore<br />

Katzenberger Lazarus, (K., Straus & Co.) n.s. 6tli<br />

K<br />

b. Sycamore and Kroadway<br />


(Solomon K.. La/.arus li., ai'd Solomon Straus)<br />

wh, dry goods and clothing, 94 Main


i<br />

m^ Mmmmim<br />


WOULD respectlully call the attention of Railroad Companies in the West and South to<br />

his establishment at Cincinnati. His facilities foi manufacturing are extensive, and the<br />

means of transportation to different points speedy and economical. He is prepared to<br />

execute to order, on short notice,<br />


I of the most superior description.<br />

Open and coveted Freig^ht Cars, Four or eight wheel Crank and<br />

Lever Hand Cars, Trucks, Wheels and Axles, and railroad work generally.<br />

Katzenberger Solomon, (K., Striius & Co.) e.s. Elm<br />

b. Centre and Gth<br />

Kauffman C. S. b.k. Cin type foundry, bds. n.w.c,<br />

4th and McAllister<br />

KauITman Edward H, e.s. W. Row b. -Ith and 6th<br />

Kauffman Emil, w.s. Sycamore b. 3d and 4th<br />

Kauffman John, s.s. Lebanon Pike<br />

Kauffman Jacob, bds. 265 Main<br />

Kauffmann Lewis, w.s. Providence b. Wade and<br />

Liberty<br />

KaufmanMrs. Barbara, n.w.c.Burgoyne A Sycamoie<br />

Kaufman C. S. w.s. Vine b. 9lhand Court<br />

Kaufaan George, w.s. Vineb. Elder and Ham. Road<br />

Kaufman Leopold, 415 Main<br />

Kaufman Mis. M. s.e.c. 6(h and John<br />

Kaufman Samuel, w.s. Vine b. 2d and Front<br />

Kaufman Solomon, 415 Main<br />

Kaupel J.H. s.s. Franklin h, Main and Sycamore<br />

Kautz Mrs. Mary, (wi-iow of Daniel) City Temperance<br />

Hotel, &3aitd 55 Sycamore<br />

Kautz F. A. e.s. Clay b. I2ih and l3ih<br />

Kautz Henry, e.s. Vine b. Jientoii and North<br />

Kautzman George, n.s. Ham. Road b. Locust and<br />

Poplar<br />

Kavanah Danie., 241 w.7th<br />

Kaveany Charles, s.s. Water b. Elm and Plum<br />

Kay James, hds. wilh Mr.''. Attee<br />

Kay John W. s.s. Water b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Kay Ricbaid, s.s. Lebanon PiUen. of Tollgate<br />

Kayo Eldretiiali, w.s. Plcii-sont h. Liberty


O. B. KELLHM,<br />


ri<br />

JOHN KEHHEDir,<br />


miOI llECHAIT.<br />

No. 15 £ast Front Street, Cincinnati.<br />


KEN KEN<br />

Kelly Patrick, drayman, s.s. Front b. Race & Elm<br />

Kelly Palricli, carp, bds, "Washington House<br />

Kelly Patrick, s.s. Front b. Kace and Kim<br />

Kelly Patrick, coachman, n.s. Water b. Race and<br />

Kim<br />

Kelly Patrick, lab. n.s. Catharine b. W. Row and<br />

John<br />

Kelly Patrick, lab. n.s. Front b.T.P. 38 & ?9 P'n<br />

Kelly &. Tapin, s.s. Richmond b. Fulton & Cutter<br />

Kelly Thomas, s.s. 5tb b. IMill aud Stone<br />

Kelly Thomas, n.s. Kemble b. Baymiller & Linn<br />

Kelly Thomas, s.s. 3d b. Smith and Park<br />

Kelly Tbomas, grocer, s.s. '2d b. Smith aud Rose<br />

Kelly Thomas O. s.a. Pront b. Vine and Kace<br />

Kelly William, s.s. Webb b. Smith & Park<br />

Kelly & Yost, (Hugh K. & Conrad Y.) s.w.c.<br />

Elm aud Pearl<br />

Kelpan James,(K. & Wentworth) Webster b. Sycamore<br />

and Hroadway<br />

Kelpan Johu, bds. T. Kelpan's<br />

Kelpan Thomas jr. n.s. Hunt w. of Broadway<br />

Kelpan & Wentwurth. (James K. & Denning W.)<br />

n.s.Sth b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Kelrow Thomas, boot & shoe mkr. s.s. Mercer b.<br />

Walnut and Vine<br />

Kels Mrs. Mary, e.s. Sycamoie b. Millon A: Liberty<br />

Kelsall Thomas, n.w.c. 7th and Uiiv miller<br />

Kelsh George, 33 Front<br />

Kelsey Alfred C. elk. bds. 204 w. Sth<br />

Kelsey Eli, n.s 8tb b. Sycaraore and Broadway<br />

Kelsey Miss Ellen, elk. H6 w. Sth<br />

Kelsey John B. b.k. s.c.c. VV.ilnut and 2d<br />

Kelsey Russel, w.s. Plum b. Ann and Mason<br />

Kelsey William H. agent Cincinnati Coal Mining<br />

Co. bde. Mrs. Swan's s.s. 5Lh b. Viue & Race<br />

Kelso James, at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Kelty Peter, s.s. 2d b. Viue aud Race<br />

Kettelmar John if. w.s. Spring b. Abigail and<br />

"Woodward<br />

Kerameter George, bar keeper. Bunk E.ychange<br />

Kemp Peter, blk. smith, w.s. John b. Kemble and<br />

Richmond<br />

Kempel Frederick, e.s. Broadv,'ay b. Hunt and<br />

Abigail<br />

Kemper Charles H. (H. J). Chipman & Co.) h.<br />

Sniith 0. 6th and Longworth<br />

Kemper Frederick, Uh. n.s. 6Lh e. of Lock<br />

Kemper Henry, u.s. Buckeye b. Eden and .Main<br />

Kemper Henry K. s.s. Slh b. John and Smith<br />

Kemper James, 146 Broadway<br />

Kemper J. K. w.s. Elm b. Liberty and North<br />

Kemper J. H. & Co. n.w.c. ('ourt and Broiidway<br />

Kemper Joseph, s.s. Cherry b. Kace and Elia<br />

Kempf Francis, 46 Pearl, res WahuiL Hills<br />

Kempfer Anthony, s.s. 8ih b. Cntter i Linn<br />

Kempker Henry, e.s. Clay b. 13th ami .\llison<br />

Kerapton James S. w.s. lludley b. Liberty & Poplar<br />

Kemptner Johu, s.s. Liberty b. Hreiuen & Race<br />

Kendall Alonzo P. w.a. Hleaaaui b. l.->lh & Liberty<br />

Kendall Charles, w.s. Liberty b. Fronts Kiver F'n<br />

Kendall George W. dentist, e.s. Vi ne b. 8tli and Oth<br />

ENDALL. UUSEA, boarding house, 20<br />

K Centre street<br />

Kendall Homer H. w.s. Pleasant b. 15th & Liberty<br />

Kendall Moses W. e.s. Elm b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Kendall J6hn, s.s. Ham. road b. Race aud Elm<br />

Kendall Nelson, Burnet House<br />

Kendall Peter F. s.s. Catharine b. W Row tt John<br />

Kendall Uzziab, Sen. w.s. Pleasant b. 1.3th and Liberty<br />

Kendrick Br. Elijah, (E. & O. C. K.) c. Elm and<br />

Court<br />

Kendrick E. & O.C. (Elijah & Oscar C.) s.w.c.Elra<br />

and Court<br />

Kendrick J. G. .55 3d<br />

Kendrick Oscar C. c. Elm & Court<br />

Kennard Miss Nancy, bds. Mrs. Jackson, n.s. Ever<br />

ett b. W. Row and John<br />

Kenneally Mrs. Mary, 262 Race<br />

Kennedy Daniel,at Filley & Ctapin's, bds.c.Front<br />

and Ludlow<br />

Kennedy Hugh, 115 w. 3d<br />

Kennedy H. P. elk. 85 w.Sth<br />

Kennedy James, n s. Water b. Race and Elm<br />

Kennedy James, w.s. State b. Deer creek and Accommodation<br />

Kennedy James, Gritndin b. Court & 12th<br />

Kennedy James, s.s. New b. Broadway .t Culvert<br />

Kennedy James, 76 w. 4th, h.e.s. W. Row b.Catba<br />

rine and Elizabeth<br />

Kennedy James M. s.s. Front b.T.P. 4 & 5 F'n<br />

Kennedy John, s.s. Sth b. W. Row & John<br />

Kennedy John, engineer, bds. Thomas Prouts'<br />

Kennedy John, elk. s.e.c. Sth & Broadway<br />



BEi\J. KKELOR,<br />

gw mill<br />

AND<br />


JI. E. Corner Broadway and Eighth street,<br />

WrighlsOD, Frinler, 43 Main<br />

KES<br />

Kent Alonzo, H. n.e. 3d b. Sycamore & Broadway,<br />

h.e.s, W. Kow b. 2d a^d Front<br />

Kent James B. s.e.c. Cutter & Hopkin-s<br />

Kent J. D. elk. bds. n.s. Court b. Viae and Race<br />

Kent J ohn, old clolhes depot, 245 w. Sth<br />

Kent John, drayman, al Morrell, Jordan & Phillip's<br />

Kent Luke, 238 Main, h.s.s Court b.Vine &Race<br />

Kent Patrick, w.s. Broadway b. Hunt and Abigail<br />

Kent Witliam, n.s. 3d b.Sycamore& Broadway, h.<br />

S.S. Baker b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Kentrap Henry, 6 Sycamore<br />

Kenworthy Thgmas, s.s. 6thb. Harriet & Horn<br />

Kenyon John, s.s. Front b. T P. IG & 17 F'a<br />

Keuzlei Christian, bds. Francis Kelfferich<br />

Keoch Patrick, s.w.c. Pendleton & Woodward<br />

Keogh Edward, n.s. Gth e. of Lock<br />

Keornlein Charles, w.s. W. Kow b. Tth & Sth<br />

Keown John, n.s. Water b. Main and Walnut<br />

Kephart Charles, B.S. Front e. of Depot, h.s.s. 6lh<br />

b. Canal & Broadway<br />

Kepherd Letitia, s.a. Gth b. Broadway & Culvert<br />

Kepner George, s e.c. John & Wade<br />

Kerdolff John A. s.s. Clinton b. Locust and Freeman<br />

Kerdluxer Joseph, n.s. Liberty b. Linn and Cutter<br />

Kere Benjamin, s.s. Front b. T.P. II & 12 F'n<br />

Kerigan Terrence, s.e. Elizabeth b. John & Fulton<br />

Kering James, n.s. Everett b. Jones and Linn<br />

Kern John, cab't e. s. Rittenhouse b. Catharine &<br />

Clark<br />

Kern Peter, n.s. Water b. WaJnut & Vin«<br />

Kernan Mrs. Mary, s.s. Gth b. Culvert and M. Canal<br />

Kernee John, w.s. Walnut b. ]3th & Allison<br />

Kerrerrer Valentine w.s. Elm b.Grant & 14th<br />

Kernlon Gustavus, St. Xavie,r's College<br />

Kerns Thomas, e.s. Parsons b. High & Front<br />

Kerr David, bds. A. D. Robinson's<br />

Kerr Mrs. Jane b-h. 157 w. Sth<br />

Kerr John, n.s. Rank b. W. Kow & Lian,bds. s,e-c.<br />

W. Row & Piatt<br />

Kerwick Patrick, w.s. Vine b. 2d & Pearl<br />

Kerzerla Rev. Samuel, bds. Wm. Jones., e.s. Race<br />

b. Canal & 12th<br />

Reschner Theodore, w-s. Pendletonb.Hunt & Abi<br />

gail<br />

Kesen Henry, n.s. Liberty b. Linn & Locust<br />

Kesler John, w.s. Dunlap b. Cooper & Ham. road<br />

Kesler Joseph, e.s. Bremen b. Elder & Green<br />

Kessel John, e.s. Dunlap b- Cooper & Ham. road<br />

Kesselring Michael, n.s. Liberty b. Sycamore and<br />

Hughes<br />

Kesselring Martin, lab, n.s. Bank op. Linn<br />

Kessing H. H. & Co. (Herman H. K. & Wm.Knofitmann)<br />

260 Alain<br />

Kessing Herman H. (H. H. K. & Co.) 260 Main<br />

Kessing J. B. s.s. I2lh b. Main & Clay<br />

Kessler Chnrles, (K. & Hall) c. MiU & 4th<br />

K<br />

ilSSiLElfi. & lflA£iij, grocers, n. e. c. Mill<br />

and 4th<br />

KESSfjEK HENKY, buckskin, morocco,<br />

leather, &c. 278 Main<br />

Kester Franz, n.s. Ham. road b Locast & Poplar<br />

'" •"^- ^-l^-; f" "^<br />


CAEPEITll<br />

ANB<br />


5S50'^aS?aS'A?S3E.<br />

»"«*^<br />

KIL<br />

Kestner G. F. 4G4 Main<br />

Ketchum George H. (K. & Headington) bds. R. B.<br />

Cowles'<br />

Ketchum George, bds. Stephen Gibfloii<br />

K<br />

E'rCI-trM &:I1E:ADINGTON, (George<br />

H. K. & Nicholas H.) aitys at law, 57 Main<br />

Ketchum Wm. P. 136 Walnut, h.n.s. Sth b. Elm &<br />

Plum<br />

Ketler Henry, at Frederick Coor's<br />

Kettle James, e.s. W. Row b. Liberty & Ash<br />

Kettle Joseph, lab. Samuel Cummings'<br />

Kettle Peter, s-s. Longworth b. Elm and Plum<br />

Kettler Bernard, e.s. Race b. Green & Liberty<br />

Kettler Wm. elk. ,54 Walnut<br />

Keltman rliram, w.s. Pleasant b. Liberty & Green<br />

Keys Mrs. Elieabeth, n.s. 4th b. Mill & Stone<br />

Keys John F, s.s, 3d b. Main and Walnut, h. 292 w.<br />

K<br />

fith<br />

E'K'S, MALTBY &CO,, (Richard W. K.<br />

& Lafayette M.) wb. grocers and com. mere.<br />

21 and 23 w. 2d<br />

Keys Mrs. Mary Ann, %v.s. MiU s. of 3d<br />

Keys Richard W. (Keys, Maltby & Co.) n.s. 6thb.<br />

W. Row and John<br />

Keys Samuel B. (Matthews, Keys & Collins) n.s.<br />

Gth b. W. Row ar.d Jobn<br />

Keys William, n.s. 4th b. Mill and Stone<br />

Kiane Martin, w.s. Western Row n. of Ash, h. head<br />

of Main<br />

Kibby Milton S. printer, n.s. Gth b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Kichler iohn, e.s. Bremen, b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Kidd Henry M. O'Riely's tel. on. bds. Mrs Swan's<br />

Kiedei Henry, s.s, 2d b. Mill and Park<br />

Kiefer Daniel, Canal b. Vine and Race<br />

Kieler Frederick X. e.s. Vine b, 12th and Canal<br />

Kiefer Jacob, s.s, Sth b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Kiefer Jacob, w.s. Watson aL b. 8th and 9th<br />

Kiefhaber Johu, s.s. Laurel b. Linn and Locust<br />

Kiefner Johu, s.s. W. Row b, Linu and Mohawk<br />

bridge<br />

Kiel Francis, n.s. Ham. road. b. Main and Locust<br />

Kiel Jolm, s.s. Mulberry b. Vine and Poplar<br />

Kiehl Joseph, s.s. Sth b. John and Mound<br />

Kienewenth Charles, s.s. 15th b. Race and Elra<br />

Keeran John, at A. Harkness & Son'a<br />

KiersLed & Hoflrnann. (Hezekiah K. & Lewis H.)<br />

s.s. Front b. Ludlow and Lawrence<br />

Kiersted Hezekiah, (H. &. Huffman) 127 Sycamore<br />

Kies J, H. finisher, at Root's fouudry<br />

Kiggan Johu, porter, n.e.c. Main and 2d<br />

Kihlera Kuhter, w.s. Plum b. Everett and Wade<br />

Kilb Martin, Findley b. Elm and Ca-nal<br />

Kilbreth Rev. James P. n.s. Franklin b. Sycamore<br />

and Braadway<br />

Kildey James, w.s. Race b. Cherry and 2d<br />

KildufT Peter, n.s. 7th b. Sycaraore and Broadway<br />

Kile George W. elk. 10 w. 3d, h. n.s. Kemble w. of<br />

John<br />

Kiler Godfrey, s.s. Liberty, b. Bremen and Race<br />

Kilfoile Patrick, Freeman b. Catharine and Geat<br />

Kilger Henry, n.s. Morton e. of Kilgour<br />

Kilgour John, s,3. Symmes b-Kilgour and Springhill


A. FATMAN & CO.<br />


a fli.rj .(J<br />

/l\\V//i\!iT ''* ""'"' '' ^^<br />

1<br />


Havana, Cuba, Florida, St. Domingo, and Rpani&h Si?ed Xeaf Tobacco, also Fine<br />

Virginia and Missouri<br />


iM iV ©. 1 S M A 1 r¥ S T IS E E T,<br />


" cs a ssr cs a IL:3' ssf =c^ a <<br />

KIN KIN<br />

Kilian Peter, n.s. Locust b. BucUeye and Vine King Mrs. Anna, b.h. Tt51 Race<br />

Kill Hugh, s.a. 4th b. Stone and Wood<br />

King V. C. n.e.c. Gutter and CU'nton<br />

Killcary Patrick, n.s. Cth b Culvert and M. Canal King Charles E. local editor Chronicle and Atlas,<br />

Killoran John, n.s. Water b. Elm and Plum<br />

c. ;^d and Hammond<br />

Killough Dr. James, c s. Race b. 4Lh and 5th King Chailes C. e.s. Baymillcrb. Clark and Catha­<br />

Killroy John, s.s. Friendship al. b. Pike & Butler rine<br />

Kiloh John. b.k. (Citizens' Bank) 385 w. Gth Kl^ii, CORAVIIV & CJ».. (Jonathan W. K..<br />

Kilpatrick James, s.a. Richmond b.John & Fulton DiinielW.C, Wm. M. Cones & Tliomas C.<br />

Kimball Augustus, (J. H. Burrows & Co.) Mb. El.n Sliiplcy.) wh.dry gooJs, 8and]0 Pearl<br />

and Plum<br />

King Daniel, Canal h. Vine nnd Race<br />

Kimball Charles H. bds. M h. Elm and Plum King Daniel, s.s. Hopkinsb.Cutter and Linn<br />

Kimball Cyrus, (K.. Jenks & Co.> s.s. 5tli b. Wood King & Fairbank, (Orice K. Ot Horatio F.) lOS<br />

and VV. W. Canal<br />

w. 5th.<br />

Kimball Isaac, Race neai Canal<br />

King Foladin, e.s. Fulton b. Clark and Chesnut<br />

IiraB.%.liL., JEMKS&: CO., (Cyrus K., King Gates, e.s. Cutterb. Betts and Laurel<br />

K Liberty T, J-& Calvin Cowing) )umber yard. King George, bds. n.s. Webb b. Mill and Park<br />

junction 3d and Front<br />

King George, n.s. Front b. Lytle aud Parsons<br />

Kimball Myron H. salesman 50 Main (il. A. Little King Henrv. w.s. Raceb. Hth and 15th<br />

& Co's.)<br />

King Henry W. salesman, 10 Pearl.<br />

Kimball M. S. 8.a. Court b. Vine and Race King James R. s.s. Catharint; b. Fulton and Cutter<br />

KimbeHand W.8 and 9 Law Buildings, h. s.s. Front King Dr. John, 142 w.Tth<br />

b. T.P. 4 and 5 F'n.<br />

King John, e.s. Cutter b. Betts and Laurel<br />

Kimmigh Thomas, w.s. Allen b. Bank nod Ham. King John, n.a. Frontb. T.P. .> and 6 F'u.<br />

road *<br />

King John, carp. bds. 2:^7 w. Gth<br />

Kimpton John, n.s. Geooge b. Cutter and Linn King John. bds. 68 w ?.!<br />

Kmch Charles, n.s. Everett b. Linn and Locusl King John W. (K. & Van) n.s. George, e. of Moumi<br />

Kindle George, 228 Broadway<br />

King Jonathan, n a. Heer Creek amfnld Corp line<br />

Kindle Joaeph, w.s. Cutter b. George and Tth King Joseph,s.s. Front b. T.P. .5 nnd G F'n. J '<br />

Kineon Mrs. Margaret, s.s. Botts b. Linn & Cutter King Louis.S.8. Union b. Kace and Elm ""<br />

Kiner Theodore, B.S. 5ib b. Smith and Park King Mary,s.s.Sth e, of .Accommodation<br />

King Abraham, s.s. Barr b. Mound and Cutter King Mrs. Mary, s.s. Kemble b. Fulton and Cutter<br />

IIV4S, AIti DERSO.\ & HEKllON, (Ru King Martin, elk. 2-»5 w. G.h<br />

K ia» K., Charles A. & John W. H.) attys. at law, King MJchiiel n.s. Mercer b. Vine and Walnut<br />

Worthington's building<br />

King Michael J. b.k. at Corr & Poland's, res. JSew-<br />

King Andrew K. salesman, 10 Pearl, h. 30 McFarportland King Michael, s.e.c. Flum and Pearl




UtHce S.i:, curlier Ca,ni|> nud IVatclicK st.s, Tiew Orleans,<br />

Cincinnati Agency at LIGGETT & UAIJL'S, 23 Front st. between Main and Walnnt.<br />


/ 3f> Comhill; JLoudon,<br />


JOHN JO. CALDWELL. Secrctarii.<br />

KIN KIT<br />

King & Noble, (Samuel J. K. & J. M. rJ.) 5ih w. ol<br />

W.W. Canal<br />

King Patrick, L'Hommedieu al. b. Western Row<br />

and John and h. George and 7ih<br />

King Rufus, (K., Anderson & Herron) bds- at Dr.<br />

K<br />

Hives' ,<br />

fNG .SAMUEL, Hamilton House, 235 and<br />

and-237 WiGth<br />

King iSarepta, e.s. Raceb.2d and Front<br />

KingSamuel J. (King is. Noble) w.s. Parkb. -Ith<br />

and 5th<br />

King Thomas, n.w.c. Pth and Sycamore<br />

King Thomas L. 68 Lower Market, h. 14 w. Sth<br />

King & Van, (John V/. King & John Van) 9 aud 11<br />

K<br />

e.2d<br />

IIVG- Wi^I. M. wli. manur. hoots and shoes,<br />

232 Main, h. n.a Barv b. Linti and Biiyniiller<br />

King W. A. b k. bds. at W, P. Ketchum'3<br />

King Wm. Ambrose, teacher book keepui^,', Hcrron's<br />

c'eminary, bds. with Mrs. King, u.y. ^itb b. Kim<br />

and Plum<br />

Kingden Samuel, e.s. Linn b. Hopkins and Clark<br />

Kings John W. ns. George b. Smith and Mound<br />

Kingsbury Charles, boot niks". 2;>i Mdin<br />

Kingsbury Chauncy S. chief operator, Wade's Tel.<br />

Office<br />

Kingsworth Henjamin, w.s. Cu'ter b. Geo'ge tSr Barr<br />

Kingsworth John, w.s. Cutter b. Gcorge& Barr<br />

Ivingsworth Miss N. milliner, 1Q3 w. Olh<br />

Kink Mrs. Barbara, n.s. Libe ly b. Kace A Bremen<br />

Kinkaid Wm. frame mkr. iGe. 4th<br />

Itinkead Geo'-ge, furnitu'e Wdre house, 30 12th<br />

Kinkead Josci-n D. (Longley & M.mser) res. Covington<br />

Kinkeid Alexander, elk. e.s. Home<br />

Kinkel Daniel, n s. Front e. of" Depot<br />

Kinmont Mrs. Mary. 50 w. 9th<br />

Kinnan John, bds. at shires I'kCo.<br />

Kinna Samuel.at A. Harknesisand Son's<br />

Kinnan Williunn, (Shires & Co ) bds. Shires<br />

Kinnard , bds. Hosea Kendall's<br />

Kinney Alexander, s.s. Congress b. Butler and M.<br />

Canal<br />

Kinney George, e.sf. Stone b. -Ith and oth<br />

Kinney John, salesman, 21 Pearl, bds. Gibson House<br />

Kinney John, bds. Mrs. S. Henry's<br />

Kinney John, e.s. Vine b. 2d and Pearl<br />

Kinney J. W. elk. R. K. Depot<br />

Kinney Nicholas.s.s, Abigail b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Kinney Patrick, n.s. 7th b. Sycamore & Broadway<br />

Kinney William, n s. Sth e. ofLock<br />

Kingsbury A, N. stewaid, Bu-net House<br />

Kinsella James P. b.k. n.a. Front b. Plumand W.<br />

Row<br />

K.nsella Patrick, s.w.c. Sycamo'-eand 6th<br />

Kinsey & Co. (Isaac Kinsey & Thomas W. Kinsey)<br />

I5i5 w. Oth<br />

Kinsey David, (E. & D. K.) "2 w. r^fh<br />

Kinsey Edward, (E. iSr D. li.)32 w.nth<br />

K<br />

Kinsey Nathaniel, e.e. Linn b. Catharine and Clavki<br />

Kinsey Pearson, e.s. Liiiii b. Catharine and Clark<br />

Kinsman John, n.s. Front b. T. P. 23 and 24 F'n<br />

Kintrup Mrs. Catharine, n.s. 2d w. of Smith<br />

Kinzback Ferdinand, w.s. Vine b. 14th and 15th'<br />

Kii;p Fiederick, w.s. Kim b. Green andNorth<br />

Ki^pp Frederick.W. n.s. Mapleb. Freeman and-Piatt<br />

ipp J. Henry, n.s. Hunt b. Spring and Pendleton<br />

tipp Jacob, elk. w.s. Pluni b. Wade and'Liberty<br />

Kiiby Cloudsbury, w.s. Fullo:i op. Kiixu-beth<br />

Kirby Daniel, e.s. Ludlow b. 3d and Congress<br />

Kirby James, e.s. Fulton b, Elizabeth & Catharine<br />

Kirby Jarnes F, s.s. Iniurel b. Linn and-Locust<br />

Kirby John, (M. Werk &. Co.) s.w.c. W. Row &ndi<br />

Clinton<br />

Kirby John S.s.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

Kirby Josiah, bds. 201 Longworth<br />

Kirby Mrs. Maigaret, u.s. Eveiett b. Cutter and^<br />

Linn<br />

Kirby Dr. Patrick, bda. Francisco Bay<br />

Kirby Thomas, w.s. Vine b. l^th and l4th<br />

Kircher Francis, s.s. Front b. Kim and Plum<br />

Kircher Nicholas, s.s. i^uckeye b. Vine and Poplar<br />

Kirchner John, 83 Court<br />

Kirchner Lewis, Hanover Hou^e, 216 Walnut<br />

Kirahner Adolphus. Froni b. Freemin and Carr<br />

Kirk Charles F. Lnwrpnce b. Symmes and Gongresa-<br />

Ki-k David, 200 Walnut<br />

Kirk Jiinies, w s. Dublin b. Sth and Court<br />

KitkJoscph. w.s. John b. Cia-kand Chestnut<br />

Kirk Nathaniel, w.s. W. Kow b. 6Ui and George, h.<br />

s.s. Jolin b. Chesnut and Clark<br />

Kirkpatrick D. b.h. s.s. Symmes b. Pike & Pwtler<br />

Kirkup Joseph, (K... Pjtts & Co.) s.s. Frunt b. Walnut<br />

anti Vine<br />

r^ia^KUP, POTTS A; CO. (.Toseph K.,<br />

|\ George & William Potis) belland b'ass foundeiB<br />

n.s. Front 3 doors e. of Deer Creek Jiridge<br />

Kirkup William, bds. Mrs. Rowan Harrison<br />

Kirman John, collector 239 Main<br />

Kirmxn William, e.s. John b. Kichmond & Kemble<br />

Kirman Edward, (Finkbine & K ) 239 Main<br />

Kirman Thomas, s.s. David h. W. Kow and John<br />

Kirran James, n.s. Front b. M. Canal Ac Kilgour<br />

Kirtz Wm. c. W. Row antt Clinton<br />

Kirman Michael, s.s. 3d b. W. Row and John<br />

Kirvey James, elk. at Haire & Nugent<br />

Kt?cr Barney, e.s. Klra b. Liberty and 15th<br />

Kishon John, n.s. Elizabeth b. W. Kow and John<br />

Kissan William, s.s Clark b. W. Row and Joh.i<br />

Kisseck .lames, bds. 49 Center<br />

\issinger Wm. e.s. Main b. Vlu-goyne and Schiller<br />

Kis'sler John, w.s. Kim b. North and Findley<br />

flSTIVKR ti&WA.StO^ china, glass and<br />

K Queensware, 34l Main, res. w.s. Hrcmen b. I3th<br />

and Hth<br />

Kistner John, n.s. Mercer b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Kistner John, at Missouri House<br />

Kistner Thomas J. elk. bds. s.w c. Union and Rose,<br />

at K. J. Forsyth's<br />

liVSEV E. Ac H>. silver wjre manur. 32 w. Kitchen Cyrus, a.s. Kroot w. of Corporation line<br />

5th b. Main and Walnut<br />

Kitclipn John, w.s. 8th e. of Lock<br />

Kinsey John M. n.s. Sth b. W. Row and John Kitchen Miss Maria, elk. 141 w. 5th<br />

Kinsey Joseph, salosman, 140 Main<br />

Kitchen Miss Sarah, elk. 164 w. Sth



&Wmkl C01MI§iI0N MMeilNT,<br />




Advances made on Produce in store, on Consignments to New York, Pbiladelpbia, Boston, and<br />

New Orleans, and on shipments to London, Liverpool and Belfast.<br />

IQ= Agent for Philadelphia and lilverpool Steam Ships.<br />

Wrightson, Printer, 43 Main.<br />

KLI KNA<br />

Kitchen Richard, Columbian Bakery, 140 w. Sth<br />

Kite Edmund, n.s. Sth b. Fulton and Cutter<br />

Kite Thomas, (Reynolds, K.. & TatumJ s.s. 4th b.<br />

Stone and Wood<br />

Kith Nelson, s.s. 3d b. Smith and Park<br />

Kitner Daniel, s.s. 2db. Walnut and Vine<br />

Kitt Baulser, w.s. Sassafras n. ot Ash<br />

Kitte John, e.s. Clay b. 13th and 14th<br />

Kitter Charles, at John Bailey's<br />

Kitter George, s.s. Broadway b. Hunt and Abigail<br />

Kittredge Benjamin, (Katon & K.)<br />

Kitzinger John, at C. Urban's safe factory<br />

Kivel Dormick, s.s. 2d b. Vine and Race<br />

Kizer Jacob, Front w. of Freeman<br />

Kizner Frederick, bds. w.s. Vine b. 14th and 15th<br />

Kizzle Peter, e.s. Cutter b. Laurel and Hopkins<br />

Klane Mrs. Elizabeth, c. Maple and Linn<br />

Klakelar Martin, w.s. Bremen b. I4th and 15th<br />

Klagpnbreck Wm. e.s. Hughes n. of Liberty<br />

Klank Henry, w.s. Logan b. Elm and Canal<br />

Klara Frederick, w.s. Sycamore b. Liberty and<br />

Schiller<br />

Klarmann John G. s.s. 5th b. Smith and Park<br />

Klauprech Emil, (editor Ger. Rep.) s.w.c. Elm and<br />

K<br />

Madison<br />

£iA^JPKECII^kMB:NZKI., (Emil K. &<br />

Adolphus M.) lithographers s.w.c. Vine and Sth<br />

Klaus A. n.w.c. William and Plum<br />

Klausheider John F. n.s. Ham. Roadb. Locust and<br />

Poplar<br />

Klausing Clemens, w.s. Main b. Canal and 12th<br />

Klausmann Francis, e.s. Walnut b 12tli and 13th<br />

Klausmann Gerhard, e.s. Tanner b. Webster and<br />

Liberty<br />

Klausmann Gottlieb, e.s. Sycamore b. Liberty and<br />

Schiller<br />

Klausraier Wm. w.s. Race b. 14th and 15th<br />

Klaw & Goldberg,(Michael K. & Joseph G.)397 Main<br />

Klaw Michael, (K. & Goldberg) res. 197 Broadway<br />

Klawerkamp Henry, porter, 16 Front<br />

KIcab Winces, n.s. 13th b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Kleber Leonard, -n.e.c. Schiller and Hughes<br />

Kleek John, carriage smith, at Samuel Barnes'<br />

Kleomann Henry, s.s. Woodward b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Kleets A. n.s. Abigail b. Broadway and Spring<br />

Kleimann J. w.s. Clay b. 13th and Allison<br />

Kleine Adara, w.s. Sassafras n of Ash<br />

Kleine Hermann, n e.c. Main and Abigail<br />

K<br />

LEINE JOSEPH, clothing store, n.s. 5th<br />

b. Main and Sycamore, res. Walnut Hills<br />

Kleine Peter, e.s. Rate b. Green and Liberty<br />

Kleiner John, s.w.c. Pendleton and Woodward<br />

Kleinschraidt E. F. clothing, 3 Landing e. of Broad.<br />

way<br />

Klemm Ernst, e.s. Broadway b. Abigail and Woodward<br />

Klene Harman H. n.w.c. Walnut and ISth<br />

Kleuf John, w.s. Broadway b. Hunt and Abiiail<br />

Kleusman Henry, elk. e.s. Hughes b. Liberty and<br />

Schiller<br />

Klimann Jacob, s.s. Mulberry b. Locustand Poplar<br />

Kline Abram, w.s. Walnut b. 13tli & Allison<br />

Kliue Anthony H. bis. s.w.c. Walnut & 13th<br />

Kline & Co. clothiers, 8 Landing e. of Broadway<br />

Kline Christian G. porter 16 Pearl<br />

Kline Casper, s.s. Buckeye b. Locust & Poplar<br />

Kline David, w.s. Vine b. Elder & Ham. road<br />

Kline Daniel, n.s. 4th b. Smith & Park<br />

Kline Frederick, clothing. Landing b. Broadway<br />

and Ludlow<br />

Kline H iH. w.s. Main b. J2th & 13th<br />

Kline Henry, n.s. Front b. T.P. 36 & 37 F'n<br />

Kline Jacob,s .e.c. Locust and Peet<br />

Kline John H. city police, bds. Louisville Exchange<br />

Kline John s.s. Sth b. Stone & "Wood<br />

Kline John, s.s. Kemble b. Cutter & Linn<br />

Kline Philip, s.s. Front b. T.P. 3 & 4 F'n<br />

Kline Valentine, n s. Liberty b. Elm and Pleasant<br />

Kline William, w.s. W. Row b. Catharine & Richmond<br />

Kling Francis, 262>^ Main<br />

Kling George, s.s. 2d b. Broadway & Ludlow<br />

Kling Johu H. n.s. Front b. Pike and Butler<br />

Klingbar Henry, s.s. Abigail b. Sycamore & Broadway<br />

Klinge, — umbrella rakr. n.e.c Walnut & 13th<br />

Klinge Justus L. w.s. Main b. Liberty & Webster,<br />

h.w.s Sycamore b. Auburn & Harrison<br />

Klinbere Joseph, n.s.Clark b. Lion & Cutter<br />

Klingler Joseph, s.e.c. Bremen &15th<br />

Klineman Abram, s.s. 12th b. Race & Elm<br />

Klinker John H. w.s. Elm b.Sth & gth<br />

Klinkseak Henry, at John Purser's, c. Front and<br />

Pike<br />

Klisner Mrs. Mary, s.s. Everett b.Ciitter & Linn<br />

Klocken Lewis, (Brocksmith & K.) 38 Court<br />

Klod John, e.s. P


'^ CHAS. DAVIS &^a<br />

mt m% D<br />

HOKHE^'^IO<br />


East side Sycamore street, Between ^Eigtitli and Ninth.<br />

KNO KOE<br />

Knaly Patricli, c. 3d & W.Roiv<br />

Knapp Ainoa, n.s. Congress b. Butler and M. Caual<br />

Knapp B. at B. Hazen's<br />

Knapp C. S. w.e. W. Row b. Betts and Clinton<br />

Knapp Casper, n.s. Clinton b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Knapp Henry, n.s. Clinton b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Knapp John, s.«. Allison b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Knapp Mrs. Martha, w. s. Sycamore n. of Baltimore<br />

Knapp Mrs. Mary. n.s. Locust b. Buckeye & Vine<br />

Knapp Mrs. Fiiilipiana, s.s. Allison b. Walnnt and<br />

Vine<br />

Knapp William, bds. J. Conoly's<br />

Knapta Fredericlt, s.s. 5tli b. John & Smith<br />

Kneckmann Henry, e.s. Main b. Webster and Orchard<br />

Knepper Miss Mary, w.s. Raceb. Front & Water<br />

Kneppor Ulrich, c. Bank and Freeman<br />

Knepper Wm. J. bds, Mrs. M. bl. Kuepper<br />

Kniebaugh Jos. e.s. Buckeye b. Locust und Poplar<br />

Knies Henry, s.w.c. Gano and Miller<br />

Knies John, e.s. Eveittt b. Linn & Locust<br />

Knies Thomas, s.s. Everett li. Linn & Locust<br />

Knight Benjamin, 2;j e.Frunt<br />

Knight Kdward H. (G.H. Knight & Bro.) e.s.Mansfield<br />

11. of Liberty<br />

Knight George, n.s. Milton b. Wilson and Sycamore<br />

Knight George, gardner, e,s. Pike b. Front & Congress<br />

Knight George H. (G. H.Knight & Bro.) e.s.Mane-<br />

K<br />

field n. of Liberty<br />

W10M1' «EO, H. Ac UltO. (Edward H.)<br />

solicitors rorpatent8,*& mechanical engineers,<br />

6 Public Landing<br />

Knight Henry W. n.s. Barr b. Cuttpr & Linn<br />

Knight Jacob, n.s. Ham. road !». Walnut and Liberty<br />

Knight James VV. n.w.c. Betts &. Locust<br />

Knight James, w.s. Smith b. \\d & 4ih<br />

Knight Michael, s.s. iid b. Plum and W. Kos\-<br />

Knight Thomas, n.s. "ith b.Plum & W.Kow<br />

Kuippenberg Wm. s.s. Miami b. Locust and Sycamore<br />

Knobber Henry, watch ml^r. 8t R. Clayton s<br />

Knoblaugh Frederick H. 145 w. 3d<br />

Knobiaugh William, bds. Juhn Kelley's<br />

Knobe Bernard, w.s. Vine b.4th and uth<br />

Knoles William, n.s. Front b. Lytle & Parsons<br />

Knopf Peter, e.s. Lock b. Symmes &5ih<br />

Knopfler Michael, vv.s. Bremen b. Gi cen & Elder<br />

Knost Frederick, elk. at Henry Knost's, n.s. Laurel<br />

b. Linn &L Cutter<br />

Knost Frederick, s.s. Mulberry b. Locust & Eden<br />

Knost Henry, s.s. 5th h.Walnut & Vine, h.n.s.Laurel<br />

b. Linn & Cutter<br />

Knostmon «fe Brother (John F. & George F.) n. s.<br />

Sth b. Sycamore & Broadway<br />

Knostman George, s.s. Sth b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Knostman John F. (K. & Bro.) s.s.Sth b.Sycamore<br />

& Broadway<br />

Knostman Wra. (H. H. Kessing & Co.) 260 Main<br />

147<br />

Knote Daniel n.s. Laurel b. Linn& Cutter<br />

Knouber Jacob, e.s.'Dunlap b. Cooper and Ham,<br />

road<br />

Kno wles Levi H. s.s. Front b. T.P. 18 & 19 F'n<br />

KnowUoii Cyrus, 34 Perry<br />

Knowltun Perrin, 64 w. 4th<br />

Knox Edward C. bds. c. 5th & Broadway<br />

Knox Mrs James, &.s. Williamb. Oth & Court<br />

Knox Juhn, bds. at Shires'<br />

Knox John, 7 Broadway<br />

Koarha Henry, s.s. Woodward b. Pendleton and<br />

Broadway<br />

Kobb Jacob, n.s. Ham. road b.Locust & Poplar<br />

Kobbes George, n.s. Cl'eny b. Race & Elm<br />

Kobelman Edward, n.s. Buckeye b. Eden and Locust<br />

Koch Adam, 47 12th<br />

Koch Adam H. n.s. Locust b. Peet & Buckeye<br />

Koch Bernard, 11th Ward House, n.s. Ham.roadb-<br />

Poplar & Locust<br />

Koch Charles, bds. 1. J. Utz<br />

Koch Conrad, porter, Gibson House<br />

Koch Ernst, e.s. Bremen b. 15lh & Liberty<br />

Koch Frederick, bds. Sebastian Fey's<br />

Koch Henry (H. & J. K.) IffJ Court<br />

Koch H. H. s.e.c. 7th and Walnut, bds. Vine b. 2d<br />

K<br />

& Pearl<br />

OCta M. Ac S, (Henry & John) mer. tailore,<br />

e.y. Waluut b.4lh & 5Lh<br />

Koch John, (H. & J. Koch) bds. Mrs. Koch<br />

Koch Jolin, s.w.c. John & Betls<br />

Koch John, moulder, e.s. Clay b. 13th and Allisoo<br />

Koch John, cooper, n.e.c. Peet & Eden<br />

Koch John, e.s. Buckeye b. Locust & Poplai<br />

Kuch Leonard M. n.s. Ham. rood b. Main


5>CX>'<br />



a-r^^»l<br />

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I ggifu pafsacii-ija Aifd© 13<br />

ill J) OJ a B I Ni a I.<br />

I The Proprietor respectfully informs his friends • v r\f ^M i-t i .1 .. , t... .n.... 1 i^<br />

* aiidthepUlic in general, Ihat he is prepared f ll °' f" '-inds 'r t cuteJ. Stores fitcdj<br />

J all with who comfortable may favor roun.s, him with &c., a to call. accormnoaate ![l]| "P '"'•'""""'"fi,o"tL"l S e e<br />


Shop iin BauiuKind 8t. bet. 2d aud 1th.<br />


ik<br />

ppy to&r: •^-C^Jto r^!: >o^iC^±<br />

KRO KUH<br />

Kramer Xavier. city police, w.s. Ham. road near<br />

junction Viue<br />

Kramershourg J. L. e.s. Plumb. Adams & Monroe<br />

Kramig Francis,'iy Court .<br />

Krammrin John, s.s. Clark b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

Krank Isaac, e.s. Providence b. Mason and Everett<br />

Kranning VVilUdni,e.s. Pleasant b. Hth and I5ih<br />

Krauth John, at Powel'ri fuundery<br />

Kraunts J.tcob, at H. Hazen's<br />

Krause Christupher. e.s. Mound b. Tth and 8th<br />

Krauser John. :••.•;. Frunt b. Broadway and Ludtnw<br />

Kraver Mrs. Mary, e.s. Sycamore b. Woodward &;<br />

Broadwav<br />

Krebs S. at Klauprech (fe Menzel's<br />

Krebs Casper, n.s. Congress, b. Ludlow and Lawrence<br />

Krebs John. n.s. Bank,b, Piatt and Linn<br />

Krebs Peter, w.s. Walnut b.Liberty and Ham. road<br />

KreheDr. Geoige, n.s. H;ini. road, b. Locust and<br />

Poplar<br />

Krcifa John, al. s.s. Abigail b. Sycamore & Broadway<br />

Kreifer John, e.s. Broadway b. Abigail and Woodward<br />

Kreiger Bernard, w.s. W. Row near Poplar<br />

Kreiger Francis, s.^;. Mulberry b. Locustand Eden<br />

Kreiger Henry, w.s. Spring b.Huntand Abigail<br />

Kreig/^r John, w.s. Sycamore b. Liherty & Schiller<br />

Kraiqker Bernard, e.s. Broadway h. HuntOe Abigail<br />

Kreiiihagen A. w.s. Ham. road b. Walnut and Liberty<br />

Kreiin Nicholas, s.s. Buckeye near Main<br />

Kreira Bernaid, n.e.c. Hunt and Broadvvay<br />

Kreis Heinrich, w.s, junction Buckeye and Vine<br />

Kreke Henry, n.s. 2d, b. Vine and Race<br />

Krekelar Bernard, w.s. Main b. 13th and Allison<br />

Kremme Herman H, aL s.s. Abigail b. Sycamore<br />

and Broadway<br />

Krcse Henry, n.s. Ham. road opp. Freeman<br />

Kreuler John,s.e.c. North and Vine<br />

Kreuser Adam, s.s. Buckeyeb. Vine and Poplar<br />

Kreusc Henry, elk. Withers & Cu. n.s. Orchard b.<br />

Main nnd Svcamore<br />

Kreutzer Frederick, e.s. Clay. b. Canal and 12th<br />

Kreutzer Frank, e.s. Jackson b. 12th and 13ih<br />

Kreutzman Josf^ph, n.s. Abigail b. Sycamore and<br />

Broadway<br />

Kreusburg Ignatz, elk. s.s W. Row near Mokawk<br />

Kreuzhnrg& JNurri?, book store, w.s. Main b. V2ih<br />

and 13th<br />

Kreuzburg Peter M-bookseller s.s. Green b. Race<br />

and Bremen<br />

Kreuzi:r Henry, s.w.c. Spring and Woodward<br />

Kregenhagen William, 51 vv.3d<br />

Krieger John, w,s. Sycumore b. Liberty & Schiller<br />

Krietc Frederick, w.s. Kiemen b.l4th and loth<br />

Krimm Thomas, e.s. Walnutb. Liberty and Ham.<br />

road<br />

Krist Philip, s.s. Mulberry b. Locust and Poplar<br />

Kristeman Count, w.s. Walnutb. 13th and Allison<br />

Kroah William, bds. e.s. W. Row b. Perry and 5th<br />

Kroeda Frederick, s.s. Abigail b. Sycamore aud<br />

Broadway<br />

Kroeda Henry, a.a. Abigail b. Broadway & Spring<br />

Kroeger Kev. Peter, Editor Warhiets Freund, St.<br />

Paul's Church<br />

Krnelijif; Henry, s.s. Sycaraore b. Hunt and Abigail<br />

Kroera EliZiii, nuisii, e.a. Sycamore b. Liberty and<br />

Schiller<br />

Kroger Benjamin, n.s. 5tb b. Pike and Butler<br />

Kroger Bernard, (Kramer & K.) n.s. 5th b. Pilte and<br />

Butler<br />

Kroger Frederick, s.s. 10th b. Race aud Elm<br />

Ki oger J. H. bds. John Stien's<br />

Kni'^er John, U.S. 5Lh h. Plum and W. Row<br />

Krograan Herman H. s.e.c. Main and Schiller<br />

Jvioh Rev. Henry, n.s. Bettsb. John and Cutter<br />

Kruh Peter, s.ri. Clinton b, Linn and Locust<br />

J-Lroh William, bds. opp. Morris (,'liapel<br />

Kroher Adam, s s. W. Rowb. Linn and Mohawk<br />

bri Ige<br />

Krolage Frank, bds. H. Nurre<br />

KroU Ki^v. August, e.s. Lodgeb 6th and Gano<br />

Krorae Heury, w.s. Sycamore b. Liberty and Schiller<br />

KromerS.M s.s.,W. Row near Moliawk bridge<br />

Kronthdl Henry, elk. at Goodheart & Ackerland'e<br />

Kroosa Joseph, s.s. Abigail b. Sycamore & Broadway<br />

Kroosel Mrs. Catharine, s.s, Abigail b. Sycaraore<br />

and tirotidwuy<br />

Krop Michael, w.s. Dunlap b. Cooper


n. LATHAM, lata of Cleveland, O, JA.MB3 E. MOODY, late of Pittsburgh^ Pa.<br />

^^'^m^w. ^ 55®®©'S5<br />



Prompt attention paid to the purchase, sale, and shipment of Produce and Merchandise.<br />

LAC LAM<br />

K-uhlman & Spanhorst, (Henry K. & Frederick S.)<br />

tinners, w.s. Main h. Canal and 12th<br />

Kuhn Abraham, (K., Kindsliopf & Go.) 109 w. 3d<br />

Kuhn Augustus, druggist, n.w.c. W. How & Ham.<br />

road<br />

Kubn George, e.s. Linn b. Bank and W. Row<br />

Kuhn Kev. Henry, St. Philomela's Church<br />

Kuhn John S. bds. Globe Hotel<br />

K<br />

IJHni,RlN»SKOPF Sc CO., (Abraham<br />

K., Adolph R., Louis Rosenthaler and Jacob<br />

Ketter,) wh.dry goods and clothing, 37 Pearl<br />

Kuhn Valentine, Mt. Pleasant House, w.s. Peet b.<br />

l^plar and Locust<br />

Kuhn William, s.s. 6 th b. Elm and Plum<br />

Kuhorn John, bds. L. Geyer's<br />

Kuling John^ s.s. Cherry b. Race and Elnt<br />

Kulencamp Charles, w.s. W. Row b. Clinton and<br />

Everett<br />

Kulp Peter, e.s. Pleasant s. of Hth<br />

Kuncemann Lawrence, n.s. Kvererett b.Linn and<br />

Locust<br />

Kunckel Deborah, n.s. Front b. T.P. 30 and 31 F'n.<br />

Kunk Mrs. Gazena, e.s. Linn b. Hopkins & Clark<br />

Kuuke George, n.e.c. Spring and Hunt<br />

Kunkler E. P. bds. G. Eppelin's<br />

Kunnen Albert, s.s. Franklin b. Main & .Sycamore<br />

Kiinnen Bernard, n.s. Tth b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Kuutman William, e.s. Clay b. I3th and Allison<br />

Kuntz Adam, n.s. Bank b. W. Row and Linn<br />

Kuntz Christian, e.s, Dunlap b. Cooper and Ham.<br />

road<br />

Kunts lognots, e.s. Vine b. Allison and 13th<br />

Kurfiss John, at A. Harkness and Son's<br />

Kurre Henry, s.w.c. Broadway and Hunt<br />

Kurtz Adam, n.s. 8th h. John and Fulton<br />

Kurte Frank H. s.s. Burgoyne b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Kurts John A. Court b. Vine and Walnut<br />

Kurtz Hammer, w.s. Walnut b. 13th and Allison<br />

Kurwood John, n.s. Observatory Road<br />

Kufller William, s.s Buckeye b. Locust and Poplar<br />

Kustner Joseph, s.s. Liberty b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Kusz Bernard, W.s. fendleton b. Woodward and<br />

Liberty<br />

Kutting John, s.s. Buckeye opp. Eden<br />

Kuttke Kudoph, ii.s. Mulberry w. of .Main<br />

Kurtzenbaum Frederick, s w.c. Linn and W. Row<br />

Kylius Ferdinand, n.s. 8tb e. of Lock<br />

Kyrte Garred, s.w.c. Race and Green<br />

Kyte Joseph, u.s. (ith b. Broadway and Culvert<br />

Laage Josepb, n.s. Liberty b. Cutter & Linn<br />

Laake G. H. n.s. Buckeye b. Eden and Locust<br />

Laoold John, e.s. Vine b, Allison and 13th<br />

LaBoyteaux Isacc N. (Huntingdon & LaB.)<br />

La Boyteaux Lafayette, b.k. 31 Pearl, bds. Burnet<br />

House<br />

Loby John, porter, 26 Main<br />

. ace Jolm, bda. 104 w. 3d<br />

i ace J. T. s.s. 3d b. Kace and Elm, bds. Mrs. E.<br />

Wright's<br />

Lace Wm. n.s. Clinton Coart<br />

Lacer Peter, blk. smith, s.s. Hopkins b, Linn and..<br />

Locust, bds. John Fisher's<br />

Lacey Edward, s.s. Liberty b. Cutter and Jones<br />

Lacey Edward, flnisher, bds. Ellen Winton's<br />

Lack Jacob, s.s. 12th b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Lackey Bridget, b.h. w.s. Plum b. 2d and Front<br />

Lackey Catharine, w.s. Plum b. 2d and Front<br />

Lackey Mary, bds. Miss Bridget Lackey's<br />

Ladd Michael, w.s. Worth b. 6th and Tth<br />

Ladd Stephen, s.s. Webb b. Smith and Park<br />

Ladeukotter John, n.e.c. Spring and Abigail<br />

L<br />

ADIES' OOmLtll'l'TEE of Keliet. and<br />

House of Industry, w.s. Kace b. 4th and Sth,<br />

Miss Sarah Booth ^Supeiintendent<br />

Ladley John, n.s. Tth b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

Ladley William S. n.s. Sth b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Laesenbach Michael, s.s. W. Row b Linn & Piatt..<br />

h.e.s. M. Canal n. of Maple<br />

Lafawn S. w.s. Vine b. 2d and Front<br />

Lafayette Bank, n.s. 3d b Main and Walnat<br />

r AFAlfEXTE INS. CO. of Indiana, J. J.<br />

Lt Davis, agt. S3 w. 3d up stairs<br />

LafTerty Archibald, s.s. ISth b..Kace & Elm<br />

Lafferty Isaac, at J. LilherbuiT's<br />

Lafferty James, elk. n.w.c. Liberty & Sycamore<br />

Lafferty Janies, bds. J Tosso's<br />

Laf kin Joseph, e.s. Clay b. Allison and Liberty<br />

Lafkin William, e.s. Clay b. Allison and Liberty<br />

Latland Charles, painter, bds. 13T w. 3d<br />

Lafontain Solomon, chair mkr.h. 48 Vine<br />

Laforce Alfred, s.s. Piatt b. Harrison road & Bank.<br />

Lafort John B. n.s. Front b.T P. 39 and 40 F'ta<br />

Lahany Alice, e.s. Dublin n. of Lock<br />

Lahman Henry, w.s. Plum b. Everett and Wade<br />

Lah,arty Kobert. n.s. 6th e. of Lock<br />

Lahman John, s.e.c. Abigail and Broadway<br />

Lahmering Henry, porter at Pullen, Hatfield &<br />

Brown's, h.n.s. 2d b. Vine and Race<br />

Lahner Wolf^'aiig, n.s. flth b. Harriet and Horn<br />

Lahy Joseph, w.s. State b. Millcreek and Accommodation<br />

Laid Morris, w.s. \^". Avenue s. of Harrison road<br />

Laiegt Michael, w.s. l-:im b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Laile Henry, at Harkness & Son's<br />

Laine Michael, dry goods, 178 w. Sth<br />

Laird James, carp. bds. at A. H. Stowell'a<br />

Lake Bernard, w.s. Race b. Liberty and Green<br />

Lake Joseph, blk. smith, e.s. baum w of High<br />

L<br />

AKEM.lWl DAi^iEL., dcjler in Kn-liah<br />

French and German fancy goods, 160 w. Sth<br />

Lakeman Miss Jane, 160 w. Slh, bds. s.e.c 3d and<br />

Park<br />

Lakke Gerh'd,s.s. Abigailb. Sycamore andBroadway<br />

Lalie Wm. patern mkr. at Powell's foundry<br />

Lally Jane, e.s. Park b. 3d and Canal<br />

Lally Martin, e.s. Park b. 3d and Canal<br />

Labrot August A. (C. F. Adae & L.) bds. Broad nav<br />

Hotel '<br />

Lamarche Charles, junction Main & Ham. road<br />

Lamarche K. coffee h. w.s. Main b. ISlh & Allison<br />

j AlMM AIMUltEW, agt. for N. Longworth,<br />

Jj e.s. Butler b. 4lh and Sth




NEW STORE,<br />

No. 74 Main Street, near Pearl,<br />

Lamb Christian, billiard rooms, c. 7th and Main, h.<br />

25 w. Tth<br />

Lamb Constance, e.s. W. Row b. 2d and Front<br />

Lamb George W. n.s. Catharine b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

LAIHB .TOSEPH O, stove pattern mkr. n.<br />

w.c. Canal and Walnut, h.s.s. Sth b, John and<br />

Mound<br />

lAmb J. W. 222 w. 6th<br />

Lamb Hansel, e.s. "W. Row h. 2d and Front<br />

Lamb Semira, n.s. Harrison e. of Broadway<br />

Lamb Thomas, n.s. Wade b. W. Row and John<br />

Lamber Hubert, n.w.c. Catharine and Linn<br />

Lamberson Emma, Canal b. Elm and Race<br />

Lambert Adam,.stone cutter, bds. Ill Sycamore<br />

Lambert Anthony, s.e.c. 2d and Smith<br />

Lambert James, w. s. Sycamore b. Abigail and<br />

Woodward<br />

Lambert Wm. e.s. Hughes b. Liberty and Schiller<br />

Lame George W. n.s. Catharine b. Baymiller and<br />

Linn<br />

Lamirault Leon, n.e.c. Culvert and 6th<br />

Lamm Leon, (Frank, L. & Co.) 86 Broadway<br />

Lammas Henry, w.s. Race b. Cherry and 2d<br />

Lammers Bernard, e.s. Anderson b. Canal & Front<br />

Lammers Joseph, n.a. Court b. Main and Walnut<br />

Lammers Joseph, feed store, n.e.c. Elm & Findley<br />

Lampcol Deiddler, a.s. Jail al. b. Mainand Sycamore<br />

Lampe Frederick, w.s. Main b. i:ith and Allison<br />

Lampe Frank, n.s. Clinton b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Lamps John B. c. 5ih and John<br />

Lamphear John, w.s. Elm b. Court and Canal<br />

Lamping Henry, s.s. 6th b. Elm and Plum<br />

Lamping Joseph A. c. Franklin and Hanover<br />

Lamping Barney, s.s. 6lh b. Elm and Plum<br />

Lamping f^etiry, bds. Barney Lamping's<br />

Lampman John, bds. n.s. Front b. Butler & Piko<br />

Lamprich August, e.s. Biemen b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Lampwier Wm. e.s. Tanner b. Webster & Liberty<br />

Lanagan Thomas, bds. Thomas Prout's<br />

Landenevetsch A. b.h. e.s. Lock b. Symmes & Sth<br />

Lander Adam, e.s. Bremen b. ]5th and Liberty<br />

Landerer Marks, n.w.c. Harriet and Front<br />

Landers John. bds. 27 w. Tth<br />

Landes Felix, elk. n.s. Centre b. Race and Elm<br />

Landes Jacob, (J. & S. L.) s.s. 5th b. Smith & Park<br />

Landea J. & S. (Jacob and Samuel) n.e.c. Sth and<br />

Park<br />

Landes Samuel, (J. & S. L.) bds. Mr^. Hubbell's<br />

Landfreal .^dam, w.s. Main b. Canal and l^th<br />

Landmeier Henry, e.s. Pleasant b. Hth and 15th<br />

Landmeier Wm. e.s. Pleasant b. Uth and 15th<br />

Landower A, n.s. Vine b. 13th and Hth<br />

Landowski Michael, n.e.c. Hth and Elm<br />

ANORUM G E O R O E : W. druggist, S.W.C.<br />

L Qongress and Pilie,bds. s.w.c. 5th and Kace<br />

Landrus Daniel, tinner, bds. McGrew's<br />

Landwehr Anthony, s.s. Leb. Pike b. toll gate and<br />

Price<br />

Landwfihr Bernard, s.s. Woodward h. Pendleton<br />

and Broadway<br />

Landwehr Frederick, e.s. Race b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Laudnebr Henry, n.w.c. John and Laurel<br />

) l\<br />

Lane Charles A. dentist 101 w 3d<br />

Lane Findley, s.s. Longworth b. John and W Rnw<br />

Lane George, h.k. at D. W Oliver's h w « c • "<br />

b. Woodward and Liberty ' ^"^•'' ^^^^^<br />

Lane Henry M. bda. Wm. T. Moore's<br />

Lane John, s.s. Bedinger b. M Cami A- Rr«n^<br />

Lane John, s.a. R.R. bS\P "6*and27 ^n ^^*^<br />

Lane John. bde. Robert Leckey's<br />

Lane Melvina, s.s. Front b. Plum and Elm<br />

Lane ? P'^' "'^'- wlf^^-^'^*^*^ ^"^ A.liZ<br />

and ?th^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^°-^ '•'• ^- K**^ b. 4th<br />

Lane Robert K.,n.s. al. from W. Row to Smith<br />

Laue Hubert, n.e.c. 7th and Linn<br />

and'Hace*^*""' "'^• I"'^' =">«<br />

Langley Lewis W. (L. & Manser) bds. Dr. W C<br />

Duncan<br />

Ti'*n7'*iV^'^ K*„„*'*''*=«' CI-^""^ L, Miles<br />


1<strong>52</strong> CINCINNATI DIRECTORY.<br />

A. B. 8c E. LATTfA,<br />


liithe Tools and Machintry of every Med, and Steam Engines of every dcseription,<br />

Also, Steam, Vacuum, and Water Gaugfcs alivays on band.<br />

lJj=All manner of MECHANICAL COUNSEL can be obtained concerning Machinery<br />

and mechanical operation.<br />

LAU LAW<br />

Langstatf John W. carp. n.s. Kemble b.John and<br />

Fulton<br />

Langtry Charlotte, teacher, e.s. Race b. 2d & Front<br />

Langtry James, elk. 22 Water<br />

Langtry Wm. (Marshall & L.) n.s. Kemble b, John<br />

and Fulton<br />

Lauing A. J. carriage rakr. at Samuel Barnes, bds.<br />

at Washington House<br />

Laning Benjamin, at Queen City Bath House<br />

Laning J. H. 53 w. 3d bds. Mrs. Oliver's<br />

Lanninger George, at A. Harkness & Ron's<br />

Lanon James, Cherry b. Plum and Elm<br />

Lanphcar A. at A. Harkness


LEA<br />



TIIT, COPPER, ^<br />

AND<br />




A full assortment of TIN WARE constantly for<br />

sale, AVliolesale and Hctail.<br />

N. B. AII Jobbing done with neatness<br />

I and dlspatcli.<br />

LEG<br />

Lawrence W. G. b.k. s.s. Clinton b. Linn & Locust Lea Edward T. salesman 51 Main, bds. John Lea's<br />

Lawa Daniel, clK. 146 Main, bds. Woodruff House Lea James M. 160 Vine 2d story, bds. Burnet House<br />

Laws Janies H. b.k. 57 Main<br />

E.'V JOHN, notary public. 3 Taylor's terrace,<br />

Laws Joseph Q.. 105Main, bds. Walnut St. House L n.s. 3d b. Walnut and Vine<br />

AWSON BENJ. S., al.phy. and druggist, Leach Charles G. e s. Race b. Canal and ]2th<br />

L s.p. W. Row b. Linn and Mohawk bridge, h. n. Leach James, barber Walnut st. House,h. e.s. M'Al­<br />

s. 6th b.W. Row and John<br />

lister b. 4th and Sth<br />

Lawson Edwin, s.e.c. W. Row and 2d, b. n.s. 3d b. Leach John, s.s. Madison b. Elm and Plum<br />

Stone and Wood<br />

Leach Lewis, s.s. Mulbery b, Vineand Poplar<br />

AWSON FENTON, dealer i[i Metals, 178 Leach M. n.s. 3d b. Race and Elm, bds. Mrs. John's<br />

L Main, h. 278 Race<br />

Leach Sanford, bds. at Mrs. S. Moore's S.K. Long-<br />

Lawson George, salesman, 178 Main, rep, 278 Race •\vnrih b. Race and Elm<br />

Lawson Grover, n.s. 3d h. Wood and Stone Leach Samuel, w.s, Mansfield b. Liberty & Milton<br />

Lawson Joseph, s.w.c. Vino and 2J, h. s.e.c. Vine Leadbeatter William, elk. n.s, 7th b. W. Row and<br />

and 2d<br />

John<br />

T AW^SON BR. HiKONIISAS M. Dean Me- Leadloi'd John S. w.s. Cutter b. Everett and David<br />

Jj (lical


f SAW MILL, mmim umm & LITH FACTORY.<br />



jc^ -9tj ivjic JOS :ME: AK. 9<br />

East Front street, between Parsons and Wliitalier, CiucinnatL<br />

•WfTghtsbnTPrinter, 43 Maim<br />

LEF<br />

Lech Bernard, s.s. Sth near Front and Sth<br />

Leflink Harry, May ex. coff. h. Landing, res. New'<br />

Lechleitner Edward, bar-Ueeper at Wapoleon Tav­ port<br />

ern<br />

Leger John, s.s, 3d b. John and W. Row<br />

Lechraer Frederick, at E. Hall & Co.'s<br />

Legg bds. Carll & Fagan's<br />

Lechsnich Mathias, n.s. Liberty b. Sycamore and Legg CJiarlea, e.s, John b. Everett and David<br />

Hughes<br />

Legg J. H. s.a. Laurel b. John and Cutter, bds. ii,s.<br />

Leckey Eatz. n.s. R.R. b. T.P. 24 & 25 F'n<br />

Betts b. Linn and Cutter<br />

Leckey Kobert, w.s. Vine b. 2d and Front<br />

Legg Thomas J. n,s. Hopkins b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Leckuer Samuel, porter, 8 e. 2d<br />

Legras Edmund, elk. L.M.R.R. res, e.s, Baum w.<br />

Lecount David, n.s. Betts b. Cutter and Linn<br />

High<br />

Ledbetter Viletti, W-S, State b. Deer creek and Ac­ Lehing Henry, s.s. Abigail b. Main and Walnut<br />

commodation<br />

Lehkamp Adam, s.s. Buckeye b. Poplar and Locu&t<br />

Ledger Benjamin, n.s. Johnb. Catharine and Eliza Lehman & Bloch, (Charles L, & Aaron B.) 267 Main<br />

beth<br />

Lehman Charles H. w.s. Wood b. 3d and Canal<br />

Ledia Mary, s.s. 6th e. of Baum<br />

Lehman Miss Eliza,b.h. e.s. Broadway b. 7th&8th<br />

Ledil Michael, e.s. W. Row b. Ash and Maple Lehman Herman, 36S w, 6th<br />

Ledlie George, b.h. 63 George<br />

T I'JHirrCR JAMES D. com. mer, s.w,c.<br />

LedmuUi Heury, e.s. Buckeyeb. Lock and Poplar JU Walnut and 2d, h. s.s. 3d b. Plum and Elm<br />

Ledwich Wra. s.s. Catharine b. John and Fulton Lehmee John, n.s, 6th b. Carr and Freeman<br />

Ledysird Geo. at A. Harkness & Sou's<br />

Lehrakuplc Anthony, e.s. Clay b. 13th and Allison<br />

Lee Adaline, n.s. Richmond b. W. Kow and John Lehmkuhler E. H. grocer, w.s. Main b, l2th & 13th<br />

Lee A. H. e.s. Race b. 2d and Pearl<br />

Lehner Valentine, bds. at Joseph Hoover's<br />

Lee Bryan, at B. Hazen's<br />

Leib Wm. n,s. Cherry b. Race and Elm<br />

Lee ^^rp. Cordelia, s.e.c. Centre and Elm<br />

Leicher John, s.w.c. Spring and Woodward<br />

Lee Edward S. (E. S. & P. H. L.) s.s. 3d b. Park and Leicht Conrad, bds. at Jacob Haehl's<br />

Mill<br />

Leichtweisz Emanuel, n.s. Maple b. Freeman and<br />

Lee Miss Elizabeth, 7 e. 4th<br />

Piatt<br />

Lee Francis, bds. J. D. CalUvvell's<br />

Leidy, Baird & Cassilly, (Tobias W. L., Wm. B. &<br />

Lee Hiram, n.s. Richmond b. VV. Row and John Charles P. C.) 44 Front b. Sycamore & Broad­<br />

Lee James, bds. at Mathew Lee's<br />

way<br />

Lee Jefferson, bds. 164 w. 3d<br />

Leidy Henry, e.s. Broadwav b. Hiint and Abigail<br />

Lee Mathev/ s.s. Bedinger<br />

Leigh Wm. J. K. elk, s.s. Oth b. Elm and Plum<br />

Lee Priorpili, n.s. Alliaon b. Vine and Walnut Leighton Elliott, (Heming


IHiEMmYiriYiCKCillFiY;<br />



And do all kinds of repairs at short notice, and on reasonable terms.<br />

JOHN JOHWSOM, Supcrintcradcnt.<br />

ROGERS & SHERLOCK, Agents, 16 Broadway.<br />

Lenard Owen, s.s. Deer creek road & old corporation<br />

line<br />

Lender T. hardware w.s. Main b. Canal and ]2th<br />

Lennard James, carp, e.s, Linn b. Everett & David<br />

Lennard Juhn B. bds. H. A. Bowman's<br />

Lennon Washington, w.s. Vine b, ISth & Liberty<br />

Lenon James, engineer, a.e.c. Plum & Pearl<br />

Lenon Jolm, engineer, s.e.c. Plum & Pearl<br />

Lenon Henry, shoe mkr. at Juhn Murphy's<br />

Lentz John, s.s, 14lh b, Kace and Pleasant<br />

Leonard Alexander, n.s. Congress b. Butler and M,<br />

Canal<br />

Leonard Andrew, n.s. Augvsta b. Smith & John<br />

Leonard Charles, Landing b. Walnut «Sc Vine<br />

Leonard Eliza, n.s, H.K. b. T.P. 39 & 40 F'n<br />

Leonard George, bar keeper, at Moore & Beers'<br />

Leoitard George L. (Horton L.& Walton) n.s. 3d<br />

b. Park and Mill<br />

Leonard Henry, e.s. Walnut b. Uth and Allison<br />

Leonard Jacob, e.s. Mansfield b. Liberty and Milton<br />

Leonard John, s.e.c. Boal and Sycamore<br />

Leonard John. w.s. Plum b. Sth & Longworth<br />

Leonard Juhn D foreman MerrelTs drug mill<br />

Leonard Lewis, trunk mkr, Parvin & Johnson's<br />

Leonard Richard, s.s. 2d b. Vine & Race<br />

Leonard Thomas, w, s. Elm b. Cooper and Ham.<br />

road<br />

Leonard Wm. e.s. W. Row b. Arch and Maple<br />

Leonard Wm.H elk 86 Broadway<br />

Leone Patrick, n,B. Congreas e. of Morton<br />

Leohn Henry, s.s. Maple b. Piatt and Linn<br />

Leonhart George,s.w.c. Congress & Ludlow<br />

Leopold J. salesman, 55 Broadway<br />

Leopold John, e.s. Broadway b. Abigail* Woodwaid<br />

Lepart Charles, n.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

Leppart Nicholas, e.e. Pike b. Congress & Front<br />

Lepply Ji)hu, w.s. Bremen b. Green & Liberty<br />

Leige Samuel, elk. at Conkling & Co's, s.s. Court<br />

e, of Broadway<br />

Leroy James, 22 Arch<br />

Lesel Peter, s.e.c. Lebanon road and Spring<br />

L<br />

E^EK .-ANDREW, wine & liquor dealer,<br />

and vinegar manuf. s.s. Canal b. Main & Walnut<br />

Leslie Andrew M. n.w.c. Walnut and 7th<br />

Leslie George, ?.s Front b. Elm and Plum<br />

Leslie James, w.s. Walnut h. 4th di Sth, bda.n.w.c<br />

LET LEW<br />

Lettcrby Alex. s.s. Eveiett b. Locuat & Freeman<br />

Leuchtenburg Frederick F, s.a. Jefferson b. Elm 6z<br />

Plum<br />

Leucbtweise August, w.s. Vine b. 15th & Liberty<br />

Leuenberger Kodolph, s.s. 2d b. Park & Mill<br />

Leuhan Kotley, carp. s.s. Gano b. Lodge & Vine<br />

Leukring G. H, C. w.s Main b. 13th & Allison<br />

Leunig Henry, w.s. Main b. 13th & Allison<br />

Leunen Gerar, wig mkr. n.s. Orchard<br />

Leuthstrom Wm. elk. of School Board, 356 w, 7th<br />

Levann John, n. s. Riddle b. Harrison road and<br />

Bank<br />

Leveque Israel M. n.s George b. Mound & Cutter<br />









Plained Flooring, Ceiling and Shelving; White Pine seasoned Lath, Shingles and Clapboards.<br />

•We are also prepared to fill orders of any magnitude, Ibr Oak, Poplar, & White Pine Joists.<br />

03" Communications from the City and Country promptly attended to.<br />

W. F. S>miTH & CO.<br />

Lie LIN<br />

Lewis Henry, b.h. 61 e. 4th<br />

Lewis Henry, w.s. Sycamoreb. Gth & 7th, h.n.e.c.<br />

Main &. Webster<br />

Lewis Henry, b.k. 25 w. 2d<br />

Lewis Jacob, 207 Walnut<br />

Lewis John, e.s. Pleasantb. 15th & Liberty<br />

Lewis Jobn, n.s. Harrison<br />

Lewis John, at A, Harkness & Son's<br />

Lewis Jrhn, 24 Broadway<br />

Lewis John, conf. n.s. 2d b. Ludlow & Lawrence<br />

Lewis John C. baker, n.s. Court b. Main and Walnut<br />

Lewis J. C. n.w.c. John & Clinton<br />

Lewis Joaeph A. n.s. Water b.Walnut & Vine, h.s.<br />

s. 4th b. Sycamore & Broadway<br />

Lewis Joseph, e,s. Cutter b. Catharine and Clark<br />

Lewis Joseph, plasterer, w.s. W. Kow b. George &<br />

7th<br />

Lewis Joseph M. bds. Paxon Coats<br />

Lewis Lloyd S. white washer, w.s. Ferguson's al.<br />

Lewis Margaret W. College, b. 6th & 7th<br />

Lewis Matthew H, (L. Depuy & Co.) res. Newport<br />

Lewis Patrick, n.s. Richmond b. John «fe Fulton<br />

Lewis Peter, s.s. Buckeye b. Locust & Eden<br />

Lewis Philip, n.s. Accommodation e. of State<br />

Lewis Richard, w.s. Rittenhouse<br />

Lewis Robert, n.s. Linnen b. W. Row & John<br />

Lewis Kobert, city police, e.s. Butler b. Congress<br />

and Symmes<br />

Lewis Rev. Samuel, e.s. Broadway b. Liberty and<br />

Wuodward<br />

Lewis Thatcher, .•? a. ath b. W.Row and John<br />

Lewis Walker, w.s, Broadway b. 7th & Sth<br />

Lewis Wm. B. n.s. Gano b. Main and Walnut<br />

Lewis Wm. s.s. 14th b. Bremen and Kace<br />

Lewis Wm. H. machinist, bds. D. Kirkpatrick's<br />

Lewis Wm. W. engineer, n.s. 8th e. of Lock<br />

Lewis Wm. s.s. Front b. T.P. 29 & 30 F'n<br />

Liddell Andrew, n.s, Sth b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Liddy Thomas (Dunn & L.) res. Covington, Ky.<br />

Lideufauden John, w.s. Elm b. Cooper and Ham.<br />

road<br />

Liebenstein Isaac, s.e.c. Sycamore and L. Market,<br />

h.s.a. 6th b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Liebert August, e.s. Plum b. Sth and 9th<br />

Liebert George, w.s. Breman b. Hth and 15th<br />

Liecher Sebastian, w.s. Elm b. Cooper and Ham.<br />

road<br />

Liedel Joseph, w.s. Ham. road b. Poplar & Locust<br />

Liedel P. 221 w. 6th<br />

Lienberger Rudolph, s.s. 2db. Mill and Park<br />

Lienhart G. bds. P. Knopf, e.s. Lock b. Symmes &<br />

Sth<br />

Lierup Gerhard, e.s. Sycamore b. Abigail & Hunt<br />

Liftinbaugh August, w.s. Race b. Liberty & Green<br />

Liggett Miss E. dress mkr, 138 w. 6th<br />

L<br />

IGOETT Ac HAEL., (John L, & Dudley H.)<br />

com. and ford. mers. and ins. agts. 20 w. Front<br />

Liggins John, s.s.2d b. Elm and Race<br />

Light George S, n.w.c. 2d and Sycamore<br />

Lightbody James M. F. cik. 30 Main, bds. W. M. F.<br />

Hewson's<br />

IOHTFOOT JAMES S. lumberyard, n.<br />

L s. Oth b. Baymiller and W, W, Canal, b, n, a.<br />

George b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Lightle Isaac, s.s. 7th b. Culvert and Broadway, h.<br />

n.s. Front b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Litea John (Barrett & L.) Dudley st.<br />

Lilia F,H. & Co. (Frederick H.L. & John K.Green)<br />

w.s, W. Kow b. Laurel and Betts<br />

Lilia Fredeiick H. (F. H. L. & Co.) n.s.Betts b.Cutter<br />

and Linn<br />

lEiLEV JOHIV, grocer, n.w.c. Smith and<br />

L 2d ?treet<br />

Lilley Matilda, w.s. Vine b. Hth and ISth<br />

Lilley Patrick, e.s. Mound U 7th and 8th<br />

Lewy Adam, w.s. W. Avenue, s. of Harrison road<br />

ILLEY WILLIAM, imp, china, glass, &<br />

EXINGTON riR£, JLiiFE ANI> MA­<br />

L L queensware, 92 w, 5th<br />

RINE IWS. CO. Hartwell Ai Hall, agents, Lillis Henry, w.s. Watson al. b. 7th aud Slh<br />

19 Front<br />

Lilly Mary, n.e.c. Juhn and Oth<br />

Lbean John, s.s. Van Horn, b. Cutter and Linn Lilly Terrence, e.s. Sycamore b. 7th and Sth<br />

Lheinbring Henry, at Pullan Hatfield &. Brown's, Linibert Diedrich, w.s. Broadway n. of Liberty<br />

h.n.s. 2d b. Kace and Elm<br />

Limbert George, w.s, Broadway n. of Liberty<br />

^HOMEOBEU S. S. prest. of Cin. Ham. & Limerich ]\hs. Margaret H. s.s. Congress near M.<br />

L Dayton R.K. Co. n.w.c. 4th and Vine<br />

Canal<br />

Lhorton Peter, bds. C. J. W. Smith's<br />

Linch Christopher, n. =. Melancthon b. Johnand<br />

ltlOVD MISS,music academy,s.s.3d b.Broad- Linn<br />

L way and Ludlow<br />

Linch Myer, u.s. 14th b. Elm andPlum<br />

LP^OYU Mat,, MRS., and MISSES, Linch Patrick, e.s. Dublin n.of Lock<br />

ladies' seminary, s.s. 3d b. Broadway and Lud­ Linch Peter, porter, at Burnet House<br />

low<br />

Linck Francis, Dept. Treasurer Ham. road head of<br />

Libert Philip, a.s. Everett b. Linu and Cutter<br />

Vv'alnut<br />

IBERTY TREE HOUSE. Henry A. Lincoln Frederick D. 59 Main. bds. Burnet House<br />

L Gott, 70 Sycamore<br />

Lincoln Hart, n.w.c. Bth and Main, h.s.e.c Eliza*<br />

Licht Henry, w.s. Alain b. Canal and 12th<br />

beth and John<br />

Lichtendahl Bernard, carriage Bmith,e.s.Broadway<br />

b. Abigail and Woodward<br />

Lincoln John R. 57 Sycamore, bds. City Temner<br />

Lichtendahl Mathias, e'.s. Race b. 15th and Liberty ancc Hotel ^<br />

Lickenner Bernard, w.s. Race b. 13th and Hth T INCOEIV TIMOTHY D. atty.at law. 8 e.<br />

Lickermier Frederick, n.s. Ham. road b. Locust & U 2d h.s.e.c. Plum and McFarland<br />

Poplar<br />

Lind John, s.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

Licking Bernard, s.s, 2d b. Mill and Park<br />

Lindeinan, widow of Henry, s.s.Jefferson b.Elm &<br />







IIIPMM IWMlg3)ML<br />

Messengers dispatched Daily to all Eastern Cities.<br />


LOG<br />

Little John, n.s. W. Row. b. Mason and Everett, h.<br />

Mason b. Plum and "W.Kow<br />

Little Joseph, at G. Shield's<br />

IXTI^D iniAmi llAIIi ROAD OF­<br />

L FICE, 8 Broadway<br />

Little Otis, carp. bds. 2:)7 w. Sth<br />

Little Robert, s.s. Geoi'ge b'..Smith and Mound<br />

L<br />

lXriiE K. A. Sc CO., (Robert A. L. &<br />

John Stockman,) imp..and wh. dealers in biandies,<br />

wines and cigars, 5U Main<br />

Little Robert A. (R. A. L. & Co.) s .s Sth b. Main &<br />

Walnut<br />

Little St. George, salesman, 2<strong>52</strong> Main<br />

Little Thomas, n.s. atlie. of Lock<br />

Little Wm. M. porter, 19 Pearl,<br />

Littlebury George, bds. Mrs. Thomas<br />

Littlebury Thomas, 264 w. Gth<br />

Littleford John, w.c. Kace and Landing, h. n.s.<br />

W^ater b. Race and Viae<br />

Littleton Thomas, n.s. 7th b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Litzt'lberger Jacob, e.s. Walnut b. 1:1th and Allison<br />

Litzler Nicholas, n.w.c. Wood and Front<br />

Livellari John B.'O w. 3d<br />

Livermore Kev. Abel A. w.s. Smith b.4th and Sth<br />

Liverpool Francis, e.s. Race b. 2d and Commerce<br />

Liverpool John, w.s. Walnnt b. Front and Water,<br />

h. e.s. Race b. 2d and Commerce<br />

Liverpool Wm. n.s. 2d b. Vine and Race<br />

Liverweser Henry, e.s. Elm b. Liberty and Green<br />

Liveiey Isaac W. (L. & Salter)) c.Jth aud Ellen<br />

"I 1VE5KEY Sc SAI/rEK, (Isaac W. L. &<br />

IJ Samuel L. S.) carpenters and builders, e.s. Hammond<br />

Livingston Mis. Catharine, n.s. 5tli opp. Mill<br />

T IViniGS'JTOlV FAICUO Sc CO., American<br />

Ij Express, office Fleurie House<br />

Livingston James, w.s. Observatory road<br />

Livingston Mrs. Lavina, 134 Elm<br />

Livy David, elk. at United .Slates clothing store<br />

Livy Rudolph, blk.smith, n.s. 3th opp. Mill<br />

Lloyd David, s.s. Gth e. of Lock<br />

Lloyd Johu, b.k. Peoples' Bank<br />

Lloyd John, e.s. Race b. Water and Front<br />

Lloyd Mrs. Louisa, s.s. Barr b. Mound and Cutt..r<br />

Lloyd Richard, b.k. e.s. Baum w. ol High<br />

Loanhardt Henry, s.s. Ilam. Koad b. Elm & Dunlap<br />

T OCKE4:NOlIItSE,profs. of music, (Elisha<br />

U L. & Solon N.) Central Hall, c. 5tb and w. How<br />

Locke Hartwell, Araerican Express. Henrie House<br />

Locke Jacob E. at R. & H. H. Young's Academy<br />

Locke Josiah, elk. 4 w.Gth, bds. 181 Race<br />

Lockman Henry, carp. bds. Carll & Fagan's<br />

Lockman Jefferson, bds. Mrs. Laura A. Lockman's<br />

Lockman .Mrs. Laura A.William b.Elm and Plum<br />

Lockman W. S. bds. Mrs. Laura A. Lockman's<br />

Locksterman David, e.s. Pine b. Oeder and Park<br />

Lockwood Daniel D. (Haws, L. &. Co.) 33 w. 7th<br />

LockwoodDaniel H. (Henry Marks & Co.) n.s. Sth<br />

b. Broadway and Pike<br />

Lock wood Daniel, 338 w. 7th<br />

Lockwood Ezekiel S. (Haws L. & Co.) e.s. Elm b<br />

mh and M.Canal<br />

Locliwood George, carp. e.s. Division o. of Harrison<br />

road<br />

(sssr^a^^^^^Ss ®



LOWRY & RULE,<br />






f Wrightson, Printer, 43 Main. *" °'"^"-<br />

LON<br />

Lombard Christian, w.s. Hamer b. North and Benton<br />

Lombard Mrs. w.s. Hamer b. North and Benton<br />

Lommera Charles, n.e.c. Race and Liberty<br />

Londermanz FredcTick, s.s. High b. Lytle and Parsons<br />

Long Andrew, e.e. Front op. T.P. 31 F'n<br />

Long Augustus, n.s. Front b. Lytle and Corp. line<br />

Long David, s.s. Everett b. Locupt and Freeman<br />

Long David W. s.s. Congress b. Pike & Lawrence<br />

Long Kdwin, s.s. Liberty b. Linn and Dudley<br />

Long Eli C. e.s. Linn b. Clark and Catharine<br />

Long Henry, auctioneer aL b. 5tn and Gth and b.<br />

Main and Sycamore<br />

Long Henry, bds. Joshua Tuclter'a<br />

Long Jane, at Mrsi Adkins26 Longworth<br />

Long John T. w.s.. Pleasant s. of 141h<br />

Long Lamson, n.s. Fron't h. Lytle and Corp. line<br />

Long Martin, e.s. Broadway b. Abigail and "Wood<br />

ward<br />

Long Martin, n.s. McAllister b. 4th and Sth<br />

Long Moses, W, Kow b. George and Tth<br />

Long Robert, s.s. Harrison<br />

Long William B. bd.s. D. W. Long's<br />

Longacre Isaac N. at Cyrus Welch's s.s. Front b.<br />

T.P. 21 and 22 F'n<br />

Lougburgh Wm. s.s. 14th b. Race and Pleasant<br />

Loiige Francis, e.s. Clay b. 12th and !3tb<br />

Longinotte J. e.s. Plum b. Uth and 15th<br />

Longhenry Ernst, lab. at George Hills<br />

Longhrin Thomas, s.s. Catharine b. John & Fulton<br />

Longley Alexander, w.s. Walnut b. 4th and 5tb,<br />

bds. 313 w. Gth<br />

T OPVtiJLEV & BlROTHfER, (Elias & Ser-<br />

U vetus) Fonetic Advocate, 169 walnut<br />

Longley Cyrenius, printer, 109 Walnut, h. 313 w.<br />

(jth<br />

Longley Elias, Ed. Fonetic Advocate, e.s. Mound<br />

b. Longworth and 6th<br />

Longley Mrs. E. V. e.s. Mound b. Longworth & 6th<br />

Longley Servetus, (Longley & Brother) i69 Walnut<br />

Longley Septimus, printer, 169 Walnut, h. n.s.<br />

George b. W. Row and John<br />

Longnccker A. & Co.(Abraham L., Stephen Maxon,<br />

David Reddington & Peter Mclntyre) Home<br />

City proprietors w.s. W. Row n. of 5lb<br />

Longnecker Abraham, (A. L. & Co) n.s. Longworth<br />

b. W. Row and John<br />

Loiigfl)iore Abner, n.w.c. Walnut and Water<br />

Longshore Charles, bda. James Longshore's<br />

AND<br />


J]^The trade supplied with Marble in blocks or sawed<br />

m<br />

LOT<br />

I Longshore George, at Hise and Williams<br />

Longshore James, e.s. W. Row b. 12th and Ann<br />

Longshore John 13 Front, bds. Washington Hall<br />

Longshore Washington, bds. James Longshore<br />

Longstreet Henry, elk.n.s Cutterb.Everett & David<br />

L<br />

L<br />

OJ^tiWOIlXtl NICHOLAS, Pike from<br />

3d to Sth<br />

Longworth Thomas, e.s. Sycamore n. of Liberty<br />

OWOWORXW WM, X. lumber yard, n.e.c<br />

W. Row and 2d, h. s.e.c. College and 6th<br />

Lonhart Rest, w.s. Bremen b. Green and New<br />

Lonz Peter, s.,s. W.W. Canal b. Carr and Harriet<br />

Loohn Wm. w.s. Observatory e. of Celestial<br />

Looker Allison C, at Enquirer office, bds. R. H.<br />

Looker<br />

Looker Henry, 223 w.Sth, h. n.s. Sth w. of Park<br />

Looker Henry, s.s. Court b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Looker John M. n.s. 2db. Plum and Elm, res, Covington<br />

Ky.<br />

Looker Louis V. (Morris & Looker) b. s.s. 4th b.<br />

Elra and Plum<br />

Looker Kachel H. b.h. 105 w. 3d<br />

Looker Thomas H. midshipman U. S. Navy, bds.<br />

Mrs. R. H. Looker<br />

Lookman John, s.s. Betts b. Linn and Cutter<br />

T OOMBS JWOSES J>. W. gun powder dealer<br />

JJ and Life Ins agent s.e.c. Main and 2d, h. n.s. 3d<br />

b. Smith and Park<br />

Loos George clothing store w.s. Vine b. Liberty and<br />

L<br />

Green<br />

OOVIS MARTfllV, wh. dry goods 28 Pearl,<br />

h. 28 Centre<br />

Lord Ammi, n.s. Morton e. of Kilgour<br />

Lord Thomas W. e.s. W. Row b. Perry and Sth<br />

Lord Rev. Willis, s.e.c. 6th and Park<br />

Lorenz Basilins, n.s. Kilgour b. Parsons and Lytle<br />

Lorenz Michael, s.s. Front e, of depot<br />

Loring Allen T. n.s. .3d b. Kace and Elm, h. s.e.c.<br />

Oeorge and Smith<br />

Loring David, n.w.c. McFarland and Plum<br />

Loring John, bds, Carll & Pagan's<br />

Loring Joseph, 244 Main<br />

Loring L. Palet. salesman, 17 Pearl<br />

Loring Mrs. Maria, bds. n.w.c. McFarland & Plum<br />

Lorman John, w.s. Hughes b. Schiller & Burgoyne<br />

Lortie Edward, 238 Main<br />

Lorz George, w.s. Walnut b. Allison and Liberty<br />

Losekamp Henry, bds. H. Schorf's<br />

Losha Wm. w.s. Vine b. 12th and 13th<br />

Loth Henry, s.e.c. Ham. road and Locust


LUHN & BROTHEi, '<br />


AND<br />

No. 8 EAST FIFTH STREET, g<br />

^c^'Mii^m'^^^'Viiixinxir.^s^rsr:^<br />

Lother Henry, n.s. David b. W. Row and John Lowbeck Henry, 50 McFarland<br />

Lottman Barney, bds. Main b. 12th and 13th Lowden George, bds. 134 Elm<br />

Lotton Ira, bds. James Warren's<br />

Lcwden John, n.s. Observatory road e. of Celestial<br />

Lotts Phillip, w.s. Race b. Gi een and Findley Lowden William, n.s. High b. Collard and Lytle<br />

Lottus Conrad, s.s. Buckeye b. Locust and Poplar Lowder George W. 134 Elm<br />

Lotz Ernst, s.s. Everett b. Linn and Locust Lowe D. P. atty. 40 w. 4th<br />

Lotz George, w.s. Sassafras n. of Ash<br />

Lowe Elizabeth, w.s. Fulton b. Kemble and Rich­<br />

Lotz Henry, n.e.c. Race and Liberty<br />

mond<br />

Lotz John, w.s. W. Avenue s.of Harrison road Lowe George, w.s. Sycamore b. Franklin & Web-<br />

Lotz John, n.s. Ham. road b. Locus^i and Poplar stef<br />

Lotze Adolph,265 Main,h. Jackson b. 12th & Canal Lowe James, 102 w. Sth<br />

Lotze Peter, n.s. Findley b. Elm and Race Lowe Mrs. Julia, 102 w. Sth<br />

Louber Henry, n.s. Water b. Race and Vine, bds. Lowen James A. elk. bds. e.s. Plum b. Cherry and<br />

Front St. House<br />

Front<br />

Loud Christopher, n.s. 13th b. Race and Bremen Lowen Mrs. Teresia, 32 12th<br />

Louderback Frederick, s.s. Liberty b. Elm & Plum Lowenberg Dr. M. n.w.c. Broadway and 3d<br />

Louderback Michael J. 59 e. 4th<br />

Lowman .-ibraham, (J L. & Bro.'s) 108 Main<br />

Lough Arthur, n.s. Clinton b. Lino and Locust Lowman Mrs. Ann M. w.s. Spring b. Abigail and<br />

Loughlin Cornelius, at Robert Walker's<br />

Woodward<br />

Loughtry George, n.s. Catharine b. Baymiller and Lowman J. & Bro.'s (James, Abraham & Isaac)<br />

Freeman<br />

furnishing goods 108 Main<br />

Louis 53 George<br />

Lowman James, (J. L. & Bro.'s) 108 Main<br />

OUIS AHOI^Pn, importer of liquors and Lowrie James, at Williams & Adams' Novelty Iron<br />

L cigars 22 e. 2d. h. n.s. 4th b. Smith and Park Works, h. s.w.c. Mill and 4th<br />

Louis Christopher, e.s. Hughes 2 doors from Schil­ Lowrie John, elk. city weigher w.s. Auburn n, of<br />

ler<br />

Mason<br />

Louis Henry, e.s. Dunlap b. Cooper and Ham. road Lowring William n.s. Van Horn b. Cutter & Linn<br />

Louis Simon, n.w.c. Sth and Plum<br />

Lowry Henry, market master, 270 w. tith<br />

Louis Peter, s.s. 12th b. Elm and Race<br />

OWRY JAItfES, Columbus House, n.w.c.<br />

Lounsburg James C. n.s. Hopkinsb. John & Cutter L 2d and Broadway<br />

Louth Jacob, elk. Buttemiller's Hotel<br />

Lowry John, elk. Channing Richard's, b. w.s. Au­<br />

Loux Harvey, bds. at John Robb's<br />

burn n. of Mason<br />

Love David, n.s. 7th b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Lowry John C. (L. & Rule) c. Sth and Broadway<br />

Love George, n.a. 4th b. MiU and Stone<br />

Lowry Monroe, w.s. Spring s. of Liberty<br />

Love John, s.s. Front b. John and W. Row<br />

OWKY Ac K?Ti,E, (John C. L. & C. R.)<br />

OVE ROBEKT A. architect, 4 Neaves'<br />

L L Steam Marble Works s.w.c. Sth and Broadway<br />

bldgs. n.w.c. 4th and Race<br />

Lowry Samuel, elk. bda. 10 George<br />

Love Mrs. R. n.s. George b. Cutter and Linn Lozekamp John II. al. a.s. Buckeye b. Main & Lo­<br />

Love Rufus K. com. mer. fi Front<br />

cust<br />

Love Wm. bds. I. Dclaplaine's<br />

Lozier David, s.s. 2d b. Elm and Plum.<br />

Lovejoy Mrs. Mary, t-6 Pike<br />

Lozier (.ieorge, s.s. 2d b. Plum and Elm<br />

Loveland Edward, express mess. Adams & Co.'s Lubberman Bernard, e.s. Pleasant b. Green & Li­<br />

Lovell John D.s.s. George b. Cutter and Linn berty<br />

Lovell Oliver, n.s 6th b. John and Smith Lubbermann George, e.s. Walnut b. ]2th and 13th<br />

Lovell Oliver S. b.k. n.e.c. 4th and Home Lubis Engelbardst, s.s. Front junction Sth and<br />

Lovett Kleazar, bds. at W. Stewart's n.s. 7th b. Front<br />

John and Mound<br />

Lubker Henry, w.s. Race b. Hth and ISth<br />

Loving William, steward at Walnut St. Houso, b. Luby Mary, s.w.c. W. Row and George<br />

n.s. Webb b. Mill and Stone<br />

UCAS E. Ac CO, (Edward) banking and ex-<br />

Low George W. 150 Main<br />

1j change office, 23 w. 3d<br />

Lowbeck Bernard, 50 McFarland<br />

Lucas Edward (E. L. & Co.) 282 Longworth<br />

LoTVbeck George, 50 McFarland<br />

Lucas Miss J. s.s. Front b Walnut and Vine


JOHiy LUTHER,<br />



SHEA SHEARS, ^<br />


And almost every other article of Cutlory.<br />

No. 16 Fif tu sti'cet. If ortli side, bclAvecM ITIain and SycamoTC.<br />

N.B. Jobbing neatly and promptly done at moderate charges; also, Shears, Scissors<br />

Razors and Knives ground in the best manner, and at short notice.<br />

LUK LYL<br />

Luce William, bds. A. D. Robinson<br />

Luchzenberg Peter, ns. Oth b. ?larriet and Home<br />

Luck Anthony, s.s. Front b. Smith and John<br />

Luck Miss Mary, bds. Mrs. R. Coleman's<br />

Luck W. 264 Vine<br />

Luck Wm.J. elk. n.e.c. 4th and Walnut.bds.Washington<br />

House<br />

Lucke Henry, s.s. 2d b. Plum and Elm<br />

Lucking Joseph, w.s.Sy camore b.Liberty & SchiUer<br />

Luckman Heinrich. n.e.c. Mound and Sth<br />

Luckman John, n.w.c. W. Row and Hopkins<br />

Luckman Philip, n.e.c. Front and W. Row-<br />

Lucky Nathaniel F. n.s. Kemble b. Baymiller and<br />

Freeman<br />

Ludeke Christian, n.e.c. Hunt and Broadway<br />

Ludehian Henry M. s.s. Court b. Race and Elra<br />

Luders Frederick, n.s. Liberty b.Bremen & Race<br />

Ludewig Chiule^: F. w.s. Elm b. 12th and Grant<br />

Ludlow Benjamiu, bds. at B. Crawford's<br />

Ludlow Francis, elk. bds. Mrs. Carr's<br />

Ludlow James D. w.s. Ham. road near junction of<br />

Vine and Ham. road<br />

Ludlow Nicholas T. at H. P. Gryden & Co's, bds.s.<br />

8. Sth b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Ludlow Stephen C. n.w.c. George and Elm<br />

Ludlow William B. n. w. c. George and Elm, bds.<br />

Stephen G. Ludlow's<br />

Ludlow Wm. D. salesman, 12 e. 4th<br />

Ludlow W. H. St. Clair's al. b. Sth and Oth, and b.<br />

Main and Walnut<br />

Ludlum George O. at Samuel Barnes*, bds. Washington<br />

House<br />

Ludlum Joseph, at Samuel Barnes', bds. s.s. Longworth<br />

b. Vine and Race<br />

Ludwell John, n.s. 15th h. Klra and Plum<br />

Ludwick Charles, e.s. Race b. Canal and 12th<br />

Ludwick Mrs. Johanna, s.s. 12ih b. Elm and Race<br />

Ludwick S w. s. Bremen b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Ludwick S. s.s. Hopkins b. Cutter and John<br />

Ludwigfeid Hem-y, e.s. Pleasant b. 14th and ISth<br />

Lueck Anthon, s.s. Front b. W. Row and John<br />

Luehrman H.H. e.s. Race b. ISth and Liberty<br />

Lukens Edmund, n.s. Clinton b. W. Row & John<br />

Lukmann Adolphus. s.s. 2d b. Plum and Elm<br />

Lull John B. n.w.c. Auburn and Mason<br />

Lumley Robert, 287 Longworth<br />

Lumley Kobert, w.s, W.Row h. Sth and Kerable,h.<br />

s.s. Richmond b. John and Fulton<br />

Luraley William, s.s. Everett b. Plum and W.Row<br />

Luramis John, e.s. Pleasant b. l-Uh and 15th<br />

Lumsden Alexander, elk. 216 Main, res. Covington<br />

Lumsden Alexander jr. 216 Main, res, Covington<br />

L<br />

UITISBEX S, Ac "W. (Samuel & William)<br />

leather and findings, 216 Main<br />

Lumsden William (S. & W. L.) s.s. 7th b. Cutter &<br />

Linn<br />

Lundy Charles S. bds. Wm. Lundy<br />

Lundy William, w.s. William b. Elm and Plum<br />

Lunenbring Henry, w.s. Sycamore b. Liberly and<br />

Schiller<br />

Lung Lewis, w.s. Walnut b. 9th and Court<br />

Luning Frederick, w.s. Main b. 12th and 13th<br />

Luning Henry (J. & H. L.)<br />

Luning J. & H. (Joseph & Henrj') mer.tailors. w.s.<br />

Mainb. 121-h and 13th<br />

Luning Joseph (J. & H. L.).<br />

Lunnemann Henry, Canal b. Vine and Race<br />

Lupher Joseph, n.s. 6th b. Harriet and Home<br />

Lupton David B. elk. 56 w, Tth<br />

Lupton Jaraes (Latimer, Cox, Colburn & L.) bds.D.<br />

B. Lupton's<br />

Lupton Tliomas, n.s. Richmondb. Cutter and Lin-n<br />

Lupton William C. jr. s.s. Barr b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

Lusk Jaraes, s.s. Front w. of old Corp. line<br />

Lusk John, s.s. Frontb. T.P. 1 & 2 F'n<br />

Lusk Robert, s.s. Front b. T.P. 11 and 12 F'n<br />

Lusler Frederick, e.s. Vine b, Allison and Liberty<br />

Lusty Mary, e.s. Smilh b. 4tli and Sth<br />

Luten Henry, s.s. 13th b. Walnut and Vine<br />

L<br />

UTHER JOHN, cutler, n.s. Sth b. Main &<br />

Sycnmore<br />

Lutke Mra. Mary, n.s. Mulberry w.of Main<br />

Luthwick Philip, w.s. Vine b. Elder and Ham.<br />

Luening Joseph, w.s. Main op. Webster<br />

road<br />

UEKS JOSfllV «• city steam bakery, n.w.c. Lutken Bernard, s.e.c. Clark and Rittenbouse<br />

L Sth and Sycamore<br />

LutkenhofT John, s.s, .5th b. Smith and Park<br />

Lugbenleg Peter, n.s. Bank b. W. Row and Linn Lutmerdeng Ferdinand, n.s. Sth w. from Park,bds.<br />

Luhmann Geo. H. n.s. Mercer b. Vine and Walnut Frank Miller<br />

CHTV Ac MKOTHER-(John H.&John W.) Luthman Fronk. n.s. Burgoyne b. Main and Syca­<br />

L merch. tailors. No. 8 e. Stfi, op. Dennison house more<br />

Luhn John H. (L. it Bro.) n.s. Sth b. Pike & Butler Lutz Henry, b.k. at Broadway Hotel<br />

Luhn John W. (L. & Bro.) n.s. Sth h. Pike and Lutz L. e.s. Clay b. Canal and 12th<br />

Butler<br />

Lutz Louis, n.s. Hnra. road b. Locust and Poplar<br />

Luhring C. n.s. Franklin b. Main and Sycamore Lutz Jobn, s.s. Liberty b. Elm and Plum<br />

Luhring Henry, n.s. 3d b.Plum and W. Row Lutz John jr. s.s. Liberty b. Elm and Plum<br />

Luhring WiHiam, n.s. 3d b. Plum and W. Row Lyens Isaac, w.s. Sycamore b. Sth and 6th<br />

Luhrs H. s.s. W. Row b. Liberty and Ash<br />

Lyford John, at Burley & Lyford's, bds. Mrs.C.Ed­<br />

Luka George, at C. Welch's, s s. Front b.T.P. 21 & wards'<br />

22 F'n<br />

Lyford Lewis, (Burley & L.) bds. Mrs. C. Edwards*<br />

Luken Herman H. 266 Main<br />

Lykius Isaac N. elk. n.w.c. Main and 3d<br />

UKEN .BOHN B, merchant tailor,285 Main Lykins «SE Lodwick (Marcus L. & Preston L.) n.e.<br />

L and Landing b. Broadway and Ludlow, h.e.s. c. Sth and Elm<br />

Miller h. Oth and 7th<br />

Lykins Marcus. iL.& Lodwick) s.s. 6th b. Smith dc<br />

Luken John G. 363 Main, h. Walnut Hills<br />

Mound<br />

Lukens Diedrich, n.e.c. Mulberry and Main Lyle Charles, s.a. William b. Elm and Plum



i^mm^<br />

AND<br />


Mercantile Printing Office, 43 Main.<br />

McAL McCA<br />

Lyle James R. general b.k. Ohio Life & Trust Co.<br />

res. Mt. Auburn<br />

Lyle John (Patterson L. & Co.) bda. Sycamore<br />

House<br />

Lyle John. bds. Charles Lyle<br />

Lyman George W. n.s. Longworth b, W.Row and<br />

John<br />

Lyrabarger Christian, s.w.c. W.Row and George<br />

Lymons William, n.s. Van Horn b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

Lymus Frederick, w.s. Elm b. Court and Canal<br />

Lynan John, s.s. Richmond b.John and Fulton<br />

Lynard Timothy, at R. B. Bowler's<br />

Lynch James, elk 28 e. 2d, bds Henrie House<br />

Lynch Jeremiah, w.s. W. Row b. CJirk and Hopkins<br />

Lynch Michael, n.s.Front b.Parsone and Lytle<br />

Lynch Mrs. 150 Longwurth<br />

Lynch Patrick, porter, 226 Main<br />

Lynch Patrick, salesman, Coir & Poland's<br />

Lynch Peter, porter Burnet House, h. 162 w. 3d<br />

Lynch Samuel, n.s. 7th b. Bruadway and Culvert<br />

Lynch T. e.s. W. Row b. Wade and Liberty<br />

Lynch Thomas, printer, bds. i:^7 w. 3d<br />

Lynch Thomas, n.s. Gano b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Lynde William, s.s. Sth b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Lynira Timothy, n.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

Lynn James E. Mechanics' Institute, bds. at C.<br />

Foreman's<br />

McAllister John, w.s. Elm b. Court and Canal<br />

McAllister Patrick, a.s. 2d near Smith<br />

McAllister Samuel, e.s. Linn b. Wade and Liberty<br />

McAlj.in Andrew, w.s. Walnut b. Pearl and 3d, h.<br />

66 w. Sth<br />

McAlpin George W (J. W. Ellis & Co.) bds. Andrew<br />

Mc.^lpin's<br />

McAlpin Henry, elk. 140 Main<br />

McAlpin William, s.s. Front b. Walnut and Vine<br />

McAnally James, n.s. High e. of Resevoir<br />

McAndrew Antony, lab. a.s. 2d b. Race and Vine<br />

McAndrew Mrs. Bridget, w.a. Augusta b.Smith and<br />

John<br />

McAndrew Thomas, n.s. Water b. Walnut & Vine<br />

McAndrew Wm. drayman, 79 Pike<br />

Mc.Ardle Edward, raer. tailor, 163 Vine, h.n.s! Sth<br />

b. John and Fulton.<br />

McArdle Patrick, s.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />

McArthur Andrew, e.s. W. Rowb. 9th and Court<br />

McArthur Patrick, (P. McA. & Co.) bds. Gibson<br />

M<br />

House<br />

cARTIIUR r. Sc CO., (Patrick McA. &<br />

Thomas Mack) wh. silk aud fancy goods 20<br />

Pearl<br />

McArthur Samuel, n.s. Ith b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

M<br />

cAVOlf BANIEl., nursery and seedsman<br />

store Dennison House, nursery Mt. Adams<br />

McAvoy Francis, s.s. Everett b. Locust & Freeman<br />

McAvoy Mirhael, w.s. Vineb. 2d and Pearl<br />

Lyon Aaron, s.s. 4th b. Stone and Wood<br />

cBRAIR AKCUIBAI.]}, lithographer<br />

YON & RELIj, steam engine builders, n.w. and copper plate printer, 3d op. Ohio L. & T.<br />

L c. Lock and High<br />

Co. h. s.s. Madison<br />

Lyon Hamilton. (L. & Bell)<br />

cBRIUE & BROTHER, (Henry R. &<br />

Lyon John, n.s 6th b. Plum and W. Row, h.s.s.Oth Wm. D.) dealers in straw goods and millinery,<br />

b. Elm and Plum<br />

06 w. Sth c. Lodge<br />

Lyon John, 25H w. 6th<br />

McBride & Hammar, (Wm. D.- McBride & Francis<br />

Lyon Joseph W. (L. & Smith) 100 w. 7th<br />

Hammav) 69 Walnut<br />

Lyon Jonathan W w.s. Home<br />

-McBride Henry A. dry goods and millinery, 66 w.<br />

Lyon Mrs. Lucretia P. w s. Home<br />

Sth, bds. near c. 4th and Smith<br />

Lyon Nicholas, bds.Jacob Henry's<br />

McBride Henry, atB. Bicknell and Co's, s.s. Front<br />

Lyon Wm. H. locksmith,bds.Telegraph House<br />

Lyons Benjamin, elk. bds, Levvis Abraham's<br />

e. of Depot<br />

Lyons Dennis, at Lowry & Rule's, h.s.s.8th b.Main<br />

McBride James, carp, n.w.c Hopkins and'Linn<br />

McBride James, wagon mkr. w.s. Race b. Cherry<br />

and Sycamore<br />

and 2d<br />

Lyons Denny, b.k. 20 Front, res. Covington McBride John, elk. 8 e. 2d, h. e.s. Baum b. Congress<br />

Lyons Kdward, s.s. Prcnt e. of Depot<br />

and Gth<br />

Lyons Isaac, s.s. Gano b. Main and Walnut McBride Lyman, lumber dealer, n.s. Front e. of<br />

Lyons James, e.s. Walnut b. Court and Canal<br />

Lyons James, ai Lowry & Rule's, bds. s.s. 8th b.<br />

Water Works<br />

McBride Mrs. P. w.s. Stone b. 3J and 4th<br />

IMain and Sycamore<br />

McBride Wm. D. (McB. & Hammar) bds. Walnut<br />

Lyons Leopold (Ueitsch & L.)<br />

Street House<br />

Lyons Mathew, s.s. 2d w. of Smith<br />

Lyons Simon (J. H. Heinsheimer & Co.) n.s. 7th b.<br />

cCABE AJLBERT, tanner and currier,<br />

M 3.32 Main<br />

Main und Sycamore<br />

McCabe Hugh, n.s. Bedinger b. M. Canal and Broad-<br />

Lyons William, at Lowry & Rule's, h. e.s. Sth b. w.iy<br />

Main and Sycamore<br />

McCabe Jacob C. elk. 7S L. Market,bds. Mrs.Floyd's<br />

Lypz George, g.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

McCabe James, steward, bds. Mrs. E. Manser's<br />

Lytle Joseph, s.s. Front b. T.P. 29 and 30 F'n McCabe John, s.s. Maple b. John and Linn, h.e.s W.<br />

Lytic Joseph, printer, bds. Pioneer House<br />

Row b. Dayton and Maple<br />

McCabe Owen, e.s. John b. Chesnut and Elizabeth<br />

M<br />

McCabe Patrick, w.s. M. Canal b. Davton & Maple<br />

McCabe Ross, w.s. Dublin b. Slh and Court<br />

.McAllister Anthony, s.s. Front b. T. P. 2 & 3 F'n McCabe Thomas, bds. s w.c. Pearl and Vine<br />

McAllister James, w.s. Elm b. Court and Canal McCafferty Matthew, w.s. Race b. 2d and Cherry<br />

M<br />





tWSM i'oisisii mmQ'^^<br />

„JH« Second door above Ijiidlovv street, on the Wliarf, w CinciMinati. Ijjajf<br />

p^A General Jobbing in all its variety executed with neatness at the sliortowt notice, v S^JK<br />

' and on the most reasonable terms. //j ik^f?<br />

McCA McCL<br />

McCaffrey Christopher, 184 Walnut<br />

McCarty P. bds. e.s. John b. Elizabeth and Chesnut<br />

McCall Mrs. .-Vniia, e.s. Sycamore b. 6th and 7th McCarty Thomas, s.s. Sth h. Main and Sycamore<br />

McCall David, n.s. Front b. T. P. 18 and 19 F'n McCarty Timothy, s.s Sth b. Culvert and Broadway<br />

McCall James, b.k. Enquirer office<br />

McCarty William, n.s. Catharine b. Linn and Rit­<br />

McCall James E. e.s. Sycamore b. 6th and 7th<br />

tenhouse<br />

McCallJohn W. e.a. Sycamoreb. 6th and 7th McCary John W. s.s. George b. John and Smith<br />

McCall Oliver C. e.s. Sycamore b. 6th and 7th McCash David, 222 Race<br />

McCall Wm. A. e.s. Sycamore b. 6th and 7th McCastland Robert, c,s. Vine b. 12thand 13th<br />

McCammon James, R. R. Conductor, bds. 143 w. McCatty Alexander, at Merrell's drug mill<br />

3d, at J. A. Benedict's<br />

McCaughay J. Eagle bldf;s.<br />

McCammon John, (McC. & Kolker) s.s. Hopkins b. McCauley Jolm, bds. Wni. McCartney's<br />

Cutter and Linn.<br />

McCauley Mrs. I'liiistiana, s.w.c. 3d and Mill<br />

McCammon & Kolker, (John McC. & John H. R.) McCernan Barney, bds. e.s. Cutter b. Clark and<br />

e.s. Culter b. Laurel and Betts<br />

Hopkins<br />

CCAMMON •WM. jr. saddle, harness and McCew Thomas, s.s. Catharine b. Cutter and Lino<br />

M trunk manuf. 42 w. 3d, h. 46 w. 7th<br />

Met hesney Robert, s.s. 6th b. Smi4h and John<br />

McCammon William, <strong>Direc</strong>tor L, Miami R. R. 46 w. McChesney ,\bner, n.s. Everett b. Cutter and Lino<br />

7th<br />

McChow Clarence, w.s. Harriet b. Sth and Kernble<br />

McCandles Mrs. Margaret, e.s. Pleasant b. 16th and McClagahan Arcliiba.d, a.s. Ham. Rflad b. Findley<br />

Liberty<br />

and Race<br />

McCandles Miss Mary, e.s. Pleasant b. 15th and McClain Mrs. Matilda, s.s. 7th b. Sycamore-and<br />

Liberty<br />

Broadway<br />

McCandles Miss Sarah, n.w.c. 4th and Broadway McClain P. s.s. 7th b. Cutter and Linn<br />

.McCane Robert, s.s. Front b. T. P 2 and 3 F'n McUlain Josiah, n.e.c. 7th and Freeman<br />

JMcCaney Hugh, n.s. Canal b. Vine and Race McClarty Malcolm, n.s. Ham. Road b. W. Row and<br />

MrCann Janies, n.s. 2d b. Broadway and Ludlow. Clarkson<br />

i'VlcCann John, Gen. Jackson Exchange<br />

McClary James, bds. w.s. W. Rowb.George &7th<br />

McCann John, Canal b. Elm and Race<br />

McClary Peler. bds. at John Hughe's<br />

McCann John, s.s. Water b. Walnut and Vine McClean Wm. s.e c. Water and Vine<br />

McCann Joseph H. grocer, c. 7th and Lodge McCleary Andrev/t (A. McC. & Co.) s.s. Court b.<br />

McCann William, n.s. Kemble w. of John<br />

Kim andPlum<br />

McCann William, printer, bds. at Matthew Trow­ cCl^EABV AIVBKE W Sc CO. (A. McC.<br />

bridge<br />

M & D. h. Barkalow) pork packers and com. mer.<br />

McCarley John, tailor, bds. Wm. McCartneys<br />

s.s. Canal b. Main and Sycamore<br />

McCarten James, 27.Sycamore<br />

McCleary-James, n.s. E-vcrett h. Cutter and Linn<br />

McCartee Walter, n.s. Front b. T. P. 20 and 21 F'n McCleary John, n.e.c. 6th and W. Row, h. George<br />

McCarter John, bds. Henrie House<br />

b. Smith and John<br />

McCarthy Josiah, w.s Rittenhouse<br />

McClellan James, (Spears & McC.) n.s. Mercer b.<br />

McCartin Hartty,s.s. Linneus b. W. Row and John Vine and Walnut<br />

McCartin Peter, n.s. Linneus b. W. Row and Juhn McClellarid'George, w.s. Observatory<br />

.McCartney Peter, b.h. w.s. Race b. Cherry and 2d McClelland Samuel, e.s. Horn b.W. W. Canal & 6th<br />

.McCartney William,, b.h. s.s. Commerce b. Walnut McClelley Anderson, n.s. 6lh b. Carr & Freeman<br />

and Vine<br />

.VJcCIennan George, w.s. Observatory e. of Celestial<br />

McCarty Amos, n.s Webb b. Stonaand Mill McClintock John, n.s. 7th b. Cutter and Linn<br />

McCarty Barnet, e.s. John b. Elizabeth & Chcnut McClosk>i Henry, at E. Hall * Co's<br />

McCarty Charles, bds. Carll and Fagan's<br />

McClosky John, n.s. Water b. Walnut and Vine<br />

McCarty Chailes, s.s. Kembis b. W. How & John McCloy Qenry. w.s. Freeman b. 6th and Bth<br />

McCarty Cornelius, s.s. al. b. Sycamore'and Broad­ MeClung & Baldwin, (John W. McC. & John B.) <strong>52</strong><br />

way and Abigail and Woodward,<br />

Walnut<br />

McCarty Mrs. Ellen, s.s. Cutter b. Clark& Hopkins McClung John W.(McC. & Baldwin) res. Covington.<br />

McCarty G. 112 w. 7th<br />

cCI^tJBE ABEli T. aL phys. e.s. Walnut<br />

cCARTV HIKAM, wood cocteoofTce house M s. of Front<br />

M McClure Jaines, n.s. Richmond b. W. Row & John<br />

26 e. 3d , „ , McClure John, e.s. Butler b. Congressand Front<br />

McCarty John, n.s. Abigail b. Sycamore and Broad­ McClu'e Mrs. Mary, n.s. 6th b. Sycamore & Broad.<br />

way<br />

way<br />

McCarty John, bar keeper, Henrie House<br />

McClure Uriah B. e.s Ramsay b. Canal and Front<br />

McCarty John, n.s Nobb b. Pike and Buchanan<br />

McClu.e William, elk. bds. United States Hotel<br />

McCarty Markman, n.s. 8th b. Fulton and Cutter<br />

McClusky John, n.s. Catharine b. W. Row & John<br />

McCrrty Mrs. Mary, s.s. Friendship al. b. Pike aJid<br />

McClusky Mary, e.s. John b. .Klizabelh and Chesnat<br />

Butler<br />

McClusky Mrs. Margaret, s.s. 3d b. W. Row and<br />

McCarty Michael, bds. at Patrick McCarty's<br />

McCarty Patrick, n.w.c. Sth andSycamore<br />

John<br />

McCarty Patrick, s.s. 3d b. W. Row and John McCluskey Patrick, bds. D. Harrison's, w.s. Smith<br />

McCarty Peter, n.s. Catharine b. Baymiller & Linn n. of Augusta



Bank, Jail,<br />

SAFE & HOUSE<br />

LOCKS<br />

M'GILLIGAH 8c CO.<br />

House & Hotel<br />

EELLS HUM;<br />


Also, Speaking Tubes put up.<br />


IVlArslUFAC-ruRERS CF<br />


No. §0 Sixth street, between Main and Walnut, Cincinnati.<br />

Sliding Door Work, Butt Hinges, Screws, Pad, Chest, Till and Drawer Locks, in<br />

every variety.<br />

McCO McCU<br />

McCIyman John B. 8 w. 3d, res. Wal. Hills<br />

McCormick Matthew, e.s. Dublin n. of Lock<br />

McCoaloff Michael, s.e.c. Plum and Pearl<br />

McCormick Matthew, Cherry b.Plum and W Row<br />

McCole Mary, w.s. Parsons b. High and Front McCormick Wm. bds. w.s Plum b. 2d and Front<br />

McColIan •, bds. s.s. 5th b. Elm and Plum McCormick William, (McCormick & Co.) n.s. 3d b.<br />

McCoUough Edward, s.s. New b. Broadway and Race and Elm<br />

Culvert<br />

McCormick William, n.s. Richmondb. W. Rowand<br />

McCollum Duncan, bda. Mrs. Coleman's<br />

John<br />

McCulIum Hugh, w.s. John b. Richmond and Catha­ McCormick William, n.w.c. Cherry and Elm<br />

rine<br />

McCort Henry, w.s. Park b. 4th and oth<br />

McComb James, s.s. Mulberry b. Vine and Poplar McCortney John W. w.s. Butler b. Congress and<br />

McComb, John, s.s. Mulberry b. Vine and Poplar Front<br />

crOMAW HAKBV CJ. com. mer. 8 Front McCoy George A. e.s. Elm b. 9th and Court<br />

M res. n.s. 4th b. Kace and Elm<br />

McCoy Dennis, s.s. Water b. Elm and Plum<br />

McComas Mrs. J. F. milliner, s.s. 5th b. Vine and McCoy James, n.g. Hopkins b. Cutter and John<br />

Race<br />

McCoy Theodore, w.s. Elm b. 9th and Court<br />

McConias John, n.s. 7th b. Mainand Sycamore McCoy Wm. H. s.s. Clinton b. Linn and Locust<br />

McComas R. P. elk. for L. Wellman, h. n.s. Clinton McCracken A. J. bds. Washington House<br />

b. Cutter and Linn<br />

McCracken Frank, printer, at Commercial office,<br />

McConey John, s.s. 7th b. Broadway and Culvert bds. e.s. Walnut b. 3d and 4th<br />

McConnel Thomas, n.s. Sth b. Linn and Baymiller McCracken Mrs. gent's furishing, 241 Walnut<br />

McConville John, n.s. Frontb. Broadway & Ludlow McCracken Henry J n.?. Cherry b. Raceand Elm<br />

McCord Uavid A. n.s Kemble b. Baymiller and McCracken Henry, printer 43 e. 2d<br />

Freeman<br />

McCracken James, n.s. New b. Broadway and Cul­<br />

McCord Isaac, bds. w.s. W. Row b. George & 7th vert<br />

McCord Jackson, w. s. Elm b. Canal and I2th McCracken Mrs. s.s. Sth b. John and Mound<br />

cCOItD JAillES, Venetian blind manuf. e. McCracken Ralph C. (Baker & McC.) 128 Walnut<br />

M a. Vine b. 6th and 7th, h. s.s. Catharine b. Cut­ McCracken W. n.w.c. Race and Cherry<br />

ter and Linn<br />

McCready J. W bds. Carll and Fagan's<br />

McCord Janies, jailer, res. e.s. Race b. 13thandl4th McCready Robert, elk n.w.c. Main and Front, bds.<br />

McCord John L. wood type manuf. Sth. op. Denni­ 143 Sycamore<br />

son House, bds. Svcamore House<br />

McCready Thomas, 70 w. 4th<br />

McCord Miss M. e.s. Race b I3th and Uth<br />

McCreary John M. printer, bds. Gait House<br />

McCord Wm. s.e.c. 6th and Smith<br />

McCrisken Edward, n.e.c. M. Canal and Congress<br />

McCormick Eleanor, e.s. John b. Catharine and McCrista Francis, n.s. Water b. Vine and Race,<br />

Elizabeth<br />

bds. Henry Wessel<br />

McCormick & Lynn, {Lynn James E.) 349 Vine McCristel Wm. H. Landing b. Ludlow and Broad­<br />

McCormick & Co. (James & Wm. McC.) n.s. 3d b. way<br />

Race and Elm, blk. smiths<br />

McCrowl Owen, e.s. Race b. 15th and Liberty<br />

McCormick Dennis, clothier, 6 Main, bds. Evens McCue Barney, w.s. Butler b. Front and Congress<br />

Hotel<br />

McCue Benjamin, at A. Harkness tfe Son's<br />

McCormick Mrs. E.,W. Row b. George and 7th McCue James, bds. e.s. W. Row b. Perry and Cth<br />

cCORiniCK- JAMES, bonk store, bind­ at Mrs. Hook's<br />

M ery, and publisher, w.s. W. Row b. Sth and McCue John, bds. at Mrs. Hooks<br />

Kemble<br />

McCue Patrick, n.s. Front b. Pike and Butler<br />

McCormick Jamea, (McCormick & Co.) n.s. 3d b. McCue Timothy, a.s. Water b. Elm and Plum<br />

Raceand Elm<br />

McCuIlan Wm. w.s. Dublin b. Sth and Court<br />

McCormick John, (McDill & McCormick) s.s". 3d b. cCair,B.EIV OWEW, grocer, n.s. 6th b. Cul­<br />

Elm and Plum<br />

M vert and Miami Canal<br />

McCormick John, w.s. Elm b. Front and Cherry McCulley James A. s.s. Longworth b. Vine & Race<br />

McCormick John, e.s. Auburn b. Corporation line AlcCullin James, n.s. Sth e. ol Lock<br />

and Carmalt<br />





AND<br />


OATHS, for the States of Vermont, Hhode Island, Connecticut, New York, Delaware, Pennsylvania,<br />

Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Louisiana, Texas, Missouri, Indiana, Michigan and Iowa.<br />



With Messrs. Ketchum & Headington, attorneys.<br />

McDO McDO<br />

McCuUough Hugh. n.s. Harrison<br />

McDonald Henry, n e.c. 6th and him<br />

cCirjLLOUGH Ac HARTUPEE, (John McDonald Isaac, n.s. Slow b. Freeman and Carr<br />

M McC. & John W. H.) steamboat blacksmiths & McDonald James, s.s. Richmond w. of Harriett<br />

jobbing shop, Landing e. of Ludlow<br />

McDonald James, s.s. 3d b. John and Smith<br />

cCULJLOUH J"A1M[ES M., agt. for Bloom McDonald James, n.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

M Furnace and dealer in pig iron 61 Walnut, res. McDonald John, (McD. &. Neill) bds. D. Brown's<br />

Pleasant Ridge<br />

McDonald John, bde. 66 L. Market<br />

McCullough, Morris & Co. (George McC. & Calvary McDonald John, bds. Brighton House<br />

M.) 35 Main<br />

McDonald John, n.s. Front b. M. Canal and Depot<br />

McCullough Michael, c. Gano and Miller's al. McDonald John, s.s. Sth b. John andSmith<br />

McCullough Robert, elk, s.s. Clinton b. Cutter and McDonald Jobn R. at S. S. Boyle's<br />

Linn<br />

McDonald Joseph, w.s. Ludlow b. Congress and 2d<br />

McCullough Samuel, s.e.c. Smith and Water McDonald & JNeil (John McD. & James N.) 53<br />

McCuUough Wm. n.e.c. Elm and Pearl<br />

Broadway<br />

McCune w.s. Anneb. Plum and Western Row McDonald Patrick, n.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />

McCune Aaron, e.s. Liberty b. Front and River McDonald Patrick, n.s. Betts b. John and Culter<br />

McCune Catharine, s.s. 2d b. Race and Elm McDonald Richard, u.s. 6th e. of Lock<br />

McCune John, at Lowry & Rule's<br />

McDonald Mrs. Sarah, s.e.c. Plum and Longworth<br />

McCune Joseph S.(Messick &Co.) res. Mill Creek McDonald Sarah J. w.s. Parsons b. High & Front<br />

tp.<br />

McDonald Susan, e.s. Rittenhouse<br />

McCurdy John, e.s. Plum b. Cherry and Front McDonald Thomas L. elk. 83 L. Market, bds. Mrs.<br />

McCurdy Samuel, b.h. 136 Main<br />

Floyd's<br />

McCurdy Wm. elk. 19 w. 4th<br />

McDonald Thomas, bds. Mrs. M. M. Riggs'<br />

McCuaker John, n.s. 6th b. Broadway and Culvert McDonald Wm. n.s. Water b. Plum and W. Row<br />

McCutcheon Peter, 8 e. 4th<br />

McDonald Wm. s.s. Madison b. Elm and Plum<br />

McDade James, salesman, bds. 107 w. Sth<br />

McDonnah Michael, bds. N.-Orleans House<br />

McDermott & Co. 314 Walnut<br />

McDonnell Mrs. James. b.h^64 w. 3d<br />

McDermott J.b.li. 128 Longworth<br />

McDonnell Thomas, s.a. Liberty b. Elm andPlum<br />

McDermott James, 149 Elm<br />

McDonnell Thomas, at Anchor Oil Works<br />

McDermott James, n.s. Water b. Race and Elm McDonnell William, s.s. Sthb. John and Mound<br />

McDermott John, e.s. Dunlap b. Elm and Canal McDonough Burnet, s.s. High b. CoUard and Lytle<br />

McDermott Jobn, e.s. Kace b. 15th and Liberty McDonough Farrell, bds. n.s. Union b. Race and<br />

McDermott Lawrence, s.g. Water b. Elm and Plum Elm<br />

McDermott Michael, n.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />

MeDonough Hugh, bds, s.wx. Water and Vine<br />

McDermott Michael, n.e.c. Court and Walnut McDonough Hugh, bds. Michaef Mulligan's<br />

McDermott Patrick, n.s. Water b. Race and Elm McDonough Hugh, n.s. Bedinger b^ M. Canal &<br />

McDermott WiUiam W. (Williams & McD.) s.s. Broadway<br />

George b. Smith and Mound<br />

McDonough Jame.'?, s.s. 6th b. Broadway and Lock.<br />

McDiarmid John, n.s. al. b. Abigail & Woodward McDonough James, n.s. Union b. Race and Elm<br />

and b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

McDonough John, s.s. 3d b.Vine and Kace<br />

McDiarmid Wm. printer, s.s. Front b. Plum and McDonough John, n.s. Water b. Elm and Plum<br />

W. Row<br />

McDonough Johr, n.s. Water b.Vine and Race<br />

McDill & McCormick (Jaraes McD. & John Mc­<br />

McDonough John, porter, 23 w. Front<br />

Cormick) n.s. Frontb. Broadway and Ludlow<br />

McDonough John, porter, 25 Main<br />

McDivitt Joseph T. s.s. 9th b. Elm and Plum<br />

MeDonough Joseph, bds. 6th b. Lock & Broadway<br />

McDoment John, n.e.c. Everett and Linn<br />

MeDonough Miles, n.s. Sth b. Sycamore & Broad­<br />

McDonald Alexander, elk. at AUison Owen's, bds.<br />

way<br />

McDonough Thomas, grocer, 176 w. 6th<br />

H.Lewis'<br />

MeDonough William,s.s. 6th e. of Baum<br />

McDonald Alexander, s.s, Catharine opp. Baptist<br />

McDougal A. B. elk. n.s. 12th b. Elm and Plum<br />

church<br />

McDougal Addison, elk. at Auditor's office<br />

McDonald Alexander, b.k. s.w.e.Main and 2d, rea. McDougal Dewitt C. elk. 40 w. Sth '<br />

Reeder's building<br />

McDougal Elias, salesman, bds Joseph McDougal's<br />

McDonald Alfred, s.s. Kemble b. Linn & Baymiller<br />

McDonald Arthur. Gen. Scott, 8 Water<br />

cBOirGAB:^ MUGH, Com. of Insolvency,<br />

McDonaldCharles, bds. n.a. 6th w.s W. W. Canal M w.s. Broadway b. Woodward and Franklin<br />

McDonald Charles, elk. Geo. White's, h. e.8. Vine McI^OUGAXi jroSEFI-ff, Atty. at Law, w.s.<br />

b. 4th and Sth<br />

Main b. Pearl and 2d, bds. 49 Vine b. 2d and<br />

McDonald C. n.s. Sth b. Fulton and Cutter<br />

Front<br />

McDonald Dennts. e.s. Elm b. Pearl and 2d, h.s.s. McDowell John, (McMicken & Co.) bds. Burnet<br />

2d b. Plum and W. Row<br />

House<br />

McDonald Dominick. s.s. 2d b. Walnut and Vine McDowell John M. w.s. W. Row b. Sth & Kemble<br />

McDonald Edward, n.s. 6th e. of Lock<br />

McDowell Joseph, s.s. Front b. T.P. 25 & 26 F'n.<br />

McDonald George, e.s. Vine b. 4lh and Sth<br />

McDowell Joseph, elk. at McMicken'sBank, bda.<br />

McDonald Harrison, n.e. Front b. John and Smith s.w.c. 4th and Vine







Ceiling and Wall Painting, in Oil, Turfientin*, .Size and Composition Colors, in every style of<br />

interior decoration. Specimens may be seen by calling at the store. 03° Work done on<br />

the most liberal terms.<br />

Sole Ai;cut lor Wilson's Metallic Fire and Weather Proof Faints.<br />

McGI McGR<br />

cDOWEL.1^ Ac TEl^FAia, (Wm. C.<br />

M McD. & Wm. B. T.) Attys. at Law, 43 w. 3d<br />

McDowell Wm. C. (McD. & Telfair) 43 w. 3d.<br />

McDowell Wm. S. n.s. b-rontb. T.P. 24 & 25 F'n.<br />

McKlderry Marcus, 68 w. Sth<br />

MtyElfcvey E. mer. tailor, 12 Broadway, res. 163 Race<br />

McKifiesh John W. e.s. Lock b. Symmes and Sth<br />

McElhaney John, n.s. Kemble b.Baymiller & Linn<br />

McElhaney Wra. H. n.s. Kemble b. Baymiller and<br />

Linn<br />

McEnelly Peter, e.s. Broadway b. Hunt & Abigail<br />

McKlroy George, b.k. 326 w. 7ih<br />

McKlruy George W. atty. 1 Lee's Building, bds. at<br />

Waverly House<br />

McElroy, M. bds. John Kissen's<br />

McElvin WiUiam, s.s. Chesnut b. W. Row & John<br />

McElvain Mrs. Mary, 147 Elra<br />

Mch-lwee Wm. s.s. Harrison<br />

McKwen Aaron, n.s. Everett b. Cutter and Linn<br />

McKwen Mary, Phoebe b. W. Row and Plum<br />

M&Fadden Mrs. Catharine, WiS. Linn b. Sth and<br />

Kemble<br />

McFall John, n.s Water b. Walnut and Vine<br />

M< Fall Thomas, 68 w. Sth<br />

McFarlan Thomas, bds. at F. A. Bemis'<br />

McFarlan James, 194 w. 6ih<br />

McFarlan Janies, s.s. Melancthon b. W. Row and<br />

Juhn<br />

McFdiian John F. s.s. Front near Sth and Front<br />

McFarlan Robert, elk. bds. 2?6 w. 4th<br />

McFarland Andrew, bds. John Kissen's<br />

McFarland M. s.s. Liberly b. Plum and W. Row<br />

McFarland Kobert Z. elk. 76 w. 4th, bds. 234 w. 4th<br />

McFarland Wm. elk. bds. John Wood's<br />

McFaiiin Granville, s.s. Fruut b. T.P. 7 & 8 F'n.<br />

McFarlin Hugh, s.s. New h, Broadway & Culvert<br />

McFaul Charles, 271 w. 7lh<br />

IWeFdW John, s.s. Hopkins b. Cutter and Linn<br />

McFeely Dr. James, n.s. Front b. Vine and Race<br />

McGarl James, atty. lU Main<br />

McGaiTihan John, n.s. Waier b. Elm and Plurn<br />

McG.iry Ann, grocer, n.s. Front b\ T.P. 8 & 9 F'n.<br />

McGuuhin Terence, n.s. Abigail b. Sycamore &<br />

M<br />

Wrujadway<br />

cUECHin) THOM4S, wh. grocer, s.e.c.<br />

.lain & 6th, res. Leb. Pike<br />

McGce John elk. Prot. Ins. Co. res. Covington<br />

MLGCO John, bds. Levi Tingley "s<br />

McGue Thomas J. 320 Longworth<br />

Mcijeorge James, n.^. Race b. 3d and 4th<br />

McGeorge J. H. s.e.c. Plum and Gth<br />

McGibbins David, n.s. High b. Collard and Lytic<br />

McGibbons Samuel S. elk. in city elks, otliec, bds.<br />

(I.e.c. 6th and College<br />

McO.ll Bernard, e.s. Sycamore b.Woodward &<br />

Abigail<br />

McGiU Charles W. n.s. 8th b. John and Fulton<br />

McGiU Jacob, s.s. Laurel b. John and Cutler<br />

McGill Margaret, s.s. 5th b. Race and Elm<br />

McGill Patrick, s.s. Kemble b. W. Row and John<br />

McGlll Wm. n.s. Fronte. of Depot<br />

McGill W. W. s.B. Laurel b. John and Cutter<br />

M<br />

CG9L.LAGAN Ac CO., (Thomas McG., J. P.<br />

Kvans& M. Potter,) lock, rr.anuf. 30 w.6th<br />

McGilligan Thomas, (.VIcG. & Co.) n.s. 7th b. Syca<br />

more and Broadway<br />

McGinly P. n.s. Anne b. Plum and W. Row<br />

McGinnis Dennis, s.s 3d b. Stone and Mill<br />

MeGinnis James, 63 George<br />

McGinnis Michael, n.s. Sth e. of Depot<br />

MeGinnis Michael, n.s Liberty, b. Front & River<br />

F'n.<br />

McGinn Johu. s.s. 3d b. Smith and Park<br />

McGinn Mary, nurse, e.s. John b. Elizabeth and<br />

Chesnut<br />

MeGinnis James, s.e.c. Plum and Pearl<br />

McGiven John, n.s. Waterb Race antJ Elm<br />

McGlade Michael, s.s. George b. W. Row & John<br />

McGlinchy John, w.s. Parsons b. Front and High<br />

McGliJin John, hds. 59 McFarland<br />

McGlinn Wm 59 McFarland<br />

MeGreal John, s.s.:)db. John and Smith<br />

Mcilinty John, Landing b. Walnut and Vine<br />

McGlone Patrick, bds. N. Orleans House<br />

McGoldrieh Edward, s.e.e. 6lh aud Mound<br />

McGoldrieh Patrick, 20 e. .ith<br />

McGondal Jaraes, n.s. Congress b. Morton & Front<br />

McGonagle James, 139 Walnut<br />

McGoogin Michael, e.s. IVorth b. 6th and 7th<br />

McGoutben James, s.s. 6the. of Baum<br />

McGovern David, n.s. Water b. Raceand Elm<br />

McGovern John, bds.-Washington Honse<br />

McGovern Matthew, n.s. Abigail b. Smith & John<br />

McGowan Miss Catharine, bds Mrs. Lucy Oswald's<br />

McGowan Dominick, w.s. Joho b, Kemble and<br />

Kichmond<br />

McGowan I. H. n.s. Plum b. Ann and Mason<br />

McGowan J. H.jr. bds. L H. MeGowan's<br />

McGowen John, e.s. Cutterb. Clark and Catharine<br />

McGrah Dennis, s.s. Barr b. Cutter and Linn<br />

McGrain Christopher, 15 Sycamore<br />

McGrain Lawrence, s.s. Sth b. Baum and Lock<br />

McGrain Thomas, n.s Catharine b. John & Fulton<br />

MeGraLh John, 63 w. 4Lh<br />

McGrath Juhn, 41 Syeamore<br />

MeGrath John, s.s. Gth n. of John<br />

McGrath Mrs Mary. s.s. 6lh b. Broadway & Culvert<br />

McGrath Patrick, bds. Wm. Dorrington's<br />

McGraw David (T. Bradford &. Co.) bds. John<br />

Bradford's<br />

McGraw James, bds. c. Sth and Broadway<br />

McGraw Jamea, g.s. Kemble b. John and FultOD<br />

McGraw John S. n.s. Uth e. of Lock<br />

McGraw Leander, s.s. Front opp. T. P. Ifi F'n<br />

McGraw Patrick, s.s. Harrisun roadb. Brighton &<br />

Avenue House<br />

M<br />

cl^KEl^OU Ac LEE, (Geo. MeG. & Robert<br />

Lee) lock manufs. bell hangers, &c. 112 w Sth<br />

McGregor George, (McG. & Lee) res. CuvingLon<br />

McGregor Kobert, e.s. Auburn b. Carmalt & Corp<br />

line<br />

McGrew Charles R. 326 w.Gth<br />

McGrew Enoch G. e.s. Muund b.7th and George<br />

McGrew Granville, bda Henry McGrew's<br />

McGrew Henry, s.s. Sthb. Plum and W. Row<br />

McGrew Dr. John, n.s. 7th b. Cutter and Lino<br />

McGrew John, W.B. Lytle b. Front and High




p W' m MW3YS. M<br />

%mm Ml mm<br />



WrightioD, Prinler, 43 Main<br />

McKE McKl<br />

McGrew Joseph, bds. Samuel McGrew's<br />

MeGiew Nancy, W.B. Fulton b. Kemble & Kichmond<br />

McG.ew Robert, city collector, 27-v?. 7th<br />

McGrew Robert, n.s. Richmond, b. John & Fulton<br />

McGrew Samuel P. (Taylor & McG.) e-.s. Kemble<br />

b.W. Row and John<br />

McGrew Thomas O. salesman, 30 Pearl<br />

McGrew Wilson, 137 Main<br />

McGrew Wm. C. s.s. Laurel b. Jobn and Cutter<br />

McGroarty Dennis, n.s. Abigail b. Broadway and<br />

McKee George, bds. 49 Centre<br />

McKee James, salesman, 12 e 4th, h. w.s. Plum b.<br />

4th and Sth<br />

McKee James M. (McK. & Ridgely) n.s. 4th b. Race<br />

and Elm<br />

McKee James, w.s. Plumb. 4th and Perry<br />

eKEV: Ac KIDOCiV, (James M. McK. &<br />

Frederick W. Ridgely) wh. grocers and com.<br />

mer. 14 Public Landing<br />

McKee Kobert, w.s. Ham. road b. Poplar and Locust<br />

Spring<br />

MeKee Samuel, elk. 67 L. Market, bds. D. H. B.<br />

cOROAAC-XV P., atty at Law, No. 2 Lee's Coffin's<br />

M Buildings, res. s.s. Bth b. John and Mound McKelvcy Patrick, s.e.c. Plum and 2d<br />

McGuff Daniel, n.s. Front b. T.P. 38 and 39 F'n, McKenna Edward, w.a. P'.um b. A«n and Mason<br />

McGuffey Alexander H. (McG. & Holcombe) n.s. McKeuna Henry, (C. B. Shaeifer & Co;) e.s.Aubura<br />

4th b. Race and Elm<br />

b. l^armalt and Corp. line<br />

CGIIB^FCV Ac HOLCOniB, (Alexander McKenna Hugh, s, s. New b. Broadway and Cul­<br />

M H. MeG. & Thomas B. H.) attys at law 12C vert<br />

Main<br />

McKenna J. at H. H. MUler & Son's, bds. Wm.<br />

MeGuflin Mrs. Maria, e.s. Bank al.<br />

Buckley's<br />

McGuiehUl Thomas, w.s. Dublin b. Sth & Court McKenna Robert, wool grader, 25 w. 2d<br />

McGuire Cathaiine, n.s. Gth b. Harriet and Horn McKenna W. H. b.k. at D. A. Powell's<br />

MeGuire Francis, n.s. Dublin b. Sth and Court McRfen-zie Alexander, (McK. & Reed) 120 w. 4th<br />

McGuire Hugh. s.a. 7th h. Baymillerand Freeman VlcKenzie Henry, e.s. W. Kow b. Everett & Wade<br />

McGuire John M. n.s. Front b. Lytle & Corp. Hue McKenzic-'James, e.s. Pleasant b. ISth and Liberty<br />

McGuireMarlin, s.s. Adams b. Elm and Plum McKen«ie James, s.s. Clinton b. Cutter and Linn<br />

McGuire Owtn, a-s. Water b. Elm and Plum McKenzie.iJohn.n.s. Mulberry b. Locust and Pop-<br />

McGuire Rosa. n.s. 6th e. of Lock<br />

lar<br />

McG«ire Thomas, s.3. New b. Broadway and Cul­ McKenzie Joseph, n.s. Front b. T.P. 16 & 17 F'n<br />

vert<br />

MiKenzie Joseph'D. at V. K. Allen's<br />

McGuire William, bds. s.s. George b. Smith and McKenzie Mrs.'w.s. Plura b. 7th and 8th<br />

Mound<br />

cBfcE.VZSE Ac JREEO, (Alexander McK. &<br />

McGwinn Patrick, n e.c. Everett and Linn M Herbert B, R.) wh. grocers & com. mers. 20 &<br />

McHale Martin, 208 Walnut<br />

22 Main<br />

McHary Robert, porter Gibson House<br />

McKenzie Tandy, w.s.'Futton b. Catharine and<br />

MoHugh Edward, elk. bds. John Dunne<br />

Clark<br />

McHugh Wm. n.w.c. tCira and Water<br />

McKenzie Wm.B. elk. 20 Main, h. Cherry b. Plum<br />

McHenry Dennis, jeweler, s.s. 4Hib. Elm & Pxum and W. Row<br />

McHenry John, elk. bds. 143 Sycamore<br />

McKenner George, Cherry b. Plum and W. Row<br />

McHenry John. elk. 160 Main<br />

McKeHiier Mary. n.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />

McHeiiry Wm. bds. 179 w. 4th<br />

McKernan Joseph, n.s. Gth b.Sycamore and Broad­<br />

McHinney John, at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

way<br />

McHugh Patrick, s.s. Front b. Smith and Mill McKernan Mrs. Mary, n.s. Gth b. Sycamore and<br />

Mcllvain Andrew J. s.s. Hopkins b- John and Cut­ Broadway<br />

ter<br />

McKibb Francis, e.s. Elm b. 4th & Sth<br />

Mcllvain Robert, (Sawyer & McI.) s.s. Hopkinsb. iVlclCiffen Charles, s.s. George b. W. Row and John<br />

John and Cutler<br />

McKinlpy Andrew, elk. bds. 27 w. 7th<br />

Mclnelly Michael,bds. N. Orleans House<br />

McKinley James, drayman, s.s. Kemble b. Cutter<br />

Mclntire Hannah, 33 Vine<br />

and Linn<br />

Mclntire John, harness mkr. 89 Main<br />

McKinlay James, pattern mkr. e.s. Mound b. 7tb &<br />

Mclnrire Robert, bds. C. Clark's<br />

George<br />

Mcintosh .Albert, n.s. Bank b. Linn and Piatt McKinley Wra. w.s. Elm b. North and Findley<br />

Mcintosh Miss Eliza, dress mkr. 137 w. 7th<br />

McKinuell Henry, (C. B. Schaefer & Co.) res. Mt.<br />

Mcintosh Luke, elk. 10 Main, bds. Martin Myers Aubuin<br />

McKane Patrick, 7th b. Sycamore and Broadway McKinney Miss Belinda, n.s. Richmond b.W.Row<br />

McKay George, type foundry, s.a. Watere. of Smith and John<br />

McKay rii.-^s Mary L. select school, 138 Elm<br />

McKinney D. P. elk, at Powell's foundry<br />

McKay Mrs. Martha, b.h. 68 L. Market<br />

MeKenney James, at Powell's foundry<br />

McKay Patrick, 128 w. 3d<br />

McKt'nncy Joseph, bds. Dan O'Connell House<br />

McKeag Mrs. Hannah, n.s. Everett 13. Linn and Lo­<br />

McKenney Keuben, s.s. Water h. Elm and Plum<br />

cust<br />

McKenney Wm. 13 Front, bds. Daniel Maloney<br />

McKearny Patrick, n.e.c. State and Accommodation<br />

McKenney Isabella, seamstress, n.e.c. Elm & Gth<br />

McKedrick Joseph, n.w.c. 4th and Wood<br />

McKinsey Joseph, w.a. Bremen b. 13th and 14th<br />




mm MM mm mmim ^i<br />

AND<br />



k J]^ LiDERAL CASH ADI<br />

McLE<br />

McKinstrey James, n.s. 13th b. Race & Bremen<br />

McKinstry Wm. H. salesman, 83 Main<br />

MeKitrich John, n.s. 4th b. Stone & Wood<br />

MeKnight John, n.s. Pendleton b. Woodward and<br />

Li 1erty<br />

McKong D. w.s. Vine b. 2d and Front<br />

McKune Charles, s.s. Betts b. Linn & Cutter<br />

McLaar Michael A. Gth e. of Lock<br />

McLain Benjamin, w.s. W. Kow b. Clinton and<br />

Everett<br />

McLain Wm. bds. Mrs. McCormiek's<br />

McLane Elenor, seamstress, w.s. Fulton b. Richmond<br />

and Catharine<br />

McLane Robert L. bds. Elizabeth Lowe's<br />

McLane Sarah, n.s. Richmond b. W. Row& John<br />

McLane William, e.s. Baymiller b. Catharine and<br />

Clark<br />

McLaughlin Andrew, n.s. 2d b. Broadway and Ludlow<br />

McLaughlin Charles A. salesman 57 Main<br />

McLaughlin Charles, s.s. Sthb. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

McLaughUn Daniel, s.s. I3th b. Vine and Race<br />

McLaughlin Dennis, n.s. Maple b. Freeman and Piatt<br />

McLaughlin George, 70 w. 4th<br />

M<br />

CIJAIJOHIJIIV JACOB, exchange broker,<br />

n.w.c. Front and Sycamore, h. 199 Longworth<br />

made on Croods consigned for sale or shipment in this market '"\"^/<br />

McLeary Wm. at Parvin and John-^on's<br />

McLellan Thomas J. n.s. Front b. T. P. 32& 33F'n<br />

McLennan Mra. Mary, s.a. Sth b. Elm and Plum<br />

McLewie John, at A. Harkness and Son's<br />

McLilley Samuel, s. George b. Cutter and Linn<br />

McMackin Hezekiah,n.s. Front b. Lytleand Parsons<br />

McMahan Frank, n.ec. M. Canal and Congress<br />

McMahan John, at A. Harkness and Son's<br />

McMahan John, n.s. Webb b. Smith and Parle<br />

McMahan John J. bds. with James Earnist<br />

McMahen Patrick, ^s.a. Commerce b. Gilmo-re and<br />

Vine<br />

McMahon Barney, s.a. Canal b. Raceand Elm<br />

McMahon Barnard, n.s. 7th b. Baymiller & Freeman<br />

McMahon John, s.s. W. W. Canal b. Harriet and<br />

Horn<br />

McMann William, n.s. Ann b. Plum and W. Row<br />

McMannis B. s.s. Front b. Race and Elm<br />

McMannis Catharine, s.s. Sd b. Vine and Race<br />

McMannis Ellen, n.s. Gth e.of High<br />

McMannis Terry, n.a, R. R. b. T. P.22and23 F'n<br />

McMannis John, s.s. 5th b. Culvert and Broadway<br />

McMannis Patrick, n.s. Northb. Elmand Canal<br />

McMaster James M. elk. bds. Mrs. McMaster's<br />

McMaster William, elk. bds. Mrs. McMaster's<br />

McMeekin Charles V. n.w.c. Pearl and W. Kow<br />

McMeekin Wm. L. n.a. 3d b. Plum and W. Kow<br />

McMicken Andrew, (McM.& Co.) w.s. Ham. Road<br />

McLaughlin James, Lodge b. Gano and 7th<br />

McLaughlin Jaraes, s.s. Richmond b. Fulton and b. Race and Elm<br />

Cutter<br />

c7IBCI£E.\$ JBAIVfi., (McM. & Co.) n.s.<br />

McLaughlin James s.s. 5th b. Vine and Race M 3d b. Walnut and Vine<br />

McLaughlin John, lab. n.s. 3d b. Smith and Park cIVIBCK-EIV Ac CO. (Andrew ATcMicken and<br />

McLaughlin John, w s. Plum b. Gth and Longworth M John H. McDonald) bankers, n.s. 3d b. Walnut<br />

McLaughUn John, n.s. New b. Sycamore andBroad­ and Vine<br />

way<br />

McMicken John, s.s. 7th b. Mainand Syeamore<br />

McLaughlin John, lab. n.s R.R. b. T. P. 31 & 32 F'n McMillan A. at H. H. Miller and Son's<br />

McLaughlin Jobn, n.s. 6th c. of Lock<br />

McMillan Elias, w.s. Scott b. Laurel and Hopkins<br />

McLaughlin Mary, bds. Michael Kennedy's<br />

McMillan M. F. elk. 63 L. Market<br />

McLaughlin Michael, e.s. Pancoast al. b. 7th and Sth McMillan Alexander, Symmes b. Butler and M. Ca­<br />

McLaughlin Misses, milliners, 113 w.Sth<br />

nal<br />

McLaughlin Patrick, n.s. Court e. of Broadway McMillen Kate, elk. 173 w. Sth<br />

McLaughiin Samuel, s.s. Carr b. 7th and Sth McMillen Ronald, e.s. W.Row b. 2dand&Front<br />

McLaughlin Samuel, s.ee. Catharine and Freeman McMillen Wra. T. s.s. Richmond b. John & Fulton<br />

McLaughlin Wm. b.k. 23 Pearl, h.w.s. W. Rowb. McMullen Dennis, s.s. 3d b. Mill and Stone<br />

3d and 4th<br />

McMullen Isaac, n.s. Sycamore b. Orchard and. Lib.<br />

McLaughlin Wm, s.s. Richmond b. Fulton & Cutter erty<br />

McLean James, at Patrick Connelly's<br />

McMullen James, elk, s.s. 4th b. Elm and Plum<br />

McLean Joseph V. bda. Hopkins b. Cutter and Linn McMullen James, s.a. 9th b. Elm and Plum<br />

McLean Mrs. Lana, n.s. Hopluns b. Linn and Cutter Mc-Mullen Matthews, s.s. 2d b. Vine and Race<br />

cTEAIV IVATHANIKL C. oil mill and McMunn Dominick, n.s. al.,b. Broadway & Sycamore<br />

M bucket manuf, e. Symmes and M. Canal, h. 108 and Abigail and Woodward<br />

e. 4th<br />

McMurphey Mrs. Mary, w.s. Cutter b. Barr & Tth<br />

cIiEAN NICHOI.AS, lat Ward House, e. Mc .Murray John, bds. Thomas Morton's<br />

M s Sycamore b. 3d and 4ih<br />

Mc.VIurray John, elk. w.s. Smith b. 3d and 4th<br />

cLEAIV ROBER'fL\ Brighton distillery, h. McMurray Thomas, e.s. Baymiller b. Catharine<br />

M e.s. Freeman b. Hank and Hani, Road<br />

and Clark<br />

MCIJEAIV AC SIIAWIIVCKK, (Wm. McL. .McNair Alexander, (James McNair and Co.)<br />

& Joaeph S.) boiler yard, s.w.c. Congress aud Mc Nair James, (J. McN. & Co.)<br />

Ludlow<br />

McNair James & Co. (Jamea & Alexander McN) n.<br />

McLean Thomas, 112 Symmes<br />

e.c. Main and 7th<br />

cIiEAIV WASHINCITOTV Ac CO. boiler McNally Thomas, n.s. M. Canal b. Race and Elm<br />

M makers, s.s. Congreas b. Ludlow & Lawrence McNamara Thomas, coachman, at Charles Stetaons<br />

McLean AVilliam, n.a. Mill b. 3d and Canal<br />

McNamer Martin, at Powell's foundry<br />

McLeary Wm. a.s. Sth b. Broadway and Culvert McNara Martin, s.a. Congress b. Butler & M.Canal


N. LATHAM, lats of Cleveland. JAMES E. MOODY, late of Pittsburgh.<br />

^A^^m^m ^ ^®Q)g)i?,<br />

^:ff^'^^^\ !'-V^ p m^<br />



No. 3 Kasi Front street, between Broadway and Ludlow,<br />

Prompt attention paid to the purchase, sale and shipment of Produce and Merchandise-<br />

M.4C MAD<br />

McNary Patrick, s.s. 6th e. of Baum<br />

MbNeart Laymon,94 w. 3d<br />

jacNeal James, W.W. Canal b. Park and .'Smith<br />

McNeill James, n.s. Pearl b. Park and .Smith<br />

McNeill John, plumber, P. & T. Gibson's, bds.Mrs.<br />

P. H. Hardy's<br />

McNeill John, b.k. 23 Pearl<br />

McNelley Francis, w. s. Freeman b. 6th and junction<br />

jVIcNichol John, c. Ham. road and Freeman<br />

McNichulas Jainis, s.s. Kichmond b. W, RoTV and<br />

J oh 11<br />

McNicholson A. 2?,9 w. Cth<br />

McNicholsun Patrick, 6th b. Elm and Plum<br />

McNicoU Peter, 151 Sycamore<br />

McNulty Charles, n s. Sth b. W. Row and John<br />

McNulty II. W. n.s. Hupldnsb. Linn and Cutier<br />

McNulty David W. elk e.s. Cutter b. Betts & Lau.<br />

rel<br />

McNulty John, s.s. Front b. Race and Elm<br />

McNulty Mrs. Margaret, n.s. 8tb b. W. Kow and<br />

John<br />

McNulty teacher, bds. s.s. 4th b. Elm and<br />

Pluin<br />

McNulty .Sarah, s.s. 2d b. Rose and Park<br />

McNulty Thomas, porter, 10 c. 4th<br />

Mc Peter , w.s. Butler b. Congress & Front<br />

McPher.-^on Alexander, bds. 20 w. Tth<br />

McPhersoii Misses, b.h. 116 w. 6lh<br />

McPherson Robert, e.s Smith b. 4th and Sth<br />

McQuaid Patrick, elk. 1-II3 Main<br />

McQuay John, elk. n.e.c. W. Row and William<br />

McQueeny Wm. elk. Landing b. Hace and Elra<br />

Mcliueety John, elk. s. s. Water b. Plum and W.<br />

Row<br />

McRee John, s.s. Abigail h. Main and Sycamore<br />

McRoa Ann. w.s. John b. 2d & ?d<br />

McRoberts Mrs. E. w.s. Elra b. 12th and 13th<br />

McRoberts Robert, S. S. Boyle's<br />

McSteain Mis. Catharine, n.w.c. Race and Green<br />

McSorley Daniel, s.s. 7th b. .Sycamore and Broad<br />

way<br />

McSorley Mrs. Eliza, w. s. Sycamore b. -(th & Sth<br />

McShane Johnson, w.s. Fultou b. Sth and Kemble<br />

McSight James, n.s. Gano b. Walnut and Vine<br />

McTague John, w.s. Dublin b. 8tb and Court<br />

McVay James, 268 Main<br />

McVoy John, s.s. Friendship al. b. Piko and Butler<br />

McWickham Andrew, w.s. John b. Kemble and<br />

Richmond .<br />

Maas John, w.s. Linn b. Catharine anl Clark<br />

Maas John W. s.c.c. Hughes and ScbilU-r<br />

Maas Leonard A. Vine b. Court and Canal<br />

Maccracken Jobn, (Gould Maccracken & DcGruff)<br />

res. Mt. Auburn<br />

Macdonald& Neil (John M.& James N.) 53 Broadway<br />

Macdonald John (M. & Neil) bds. D. Brown's<br />

Mace Miss Eliza Ann, n.e.c. Elm and 6ih<br />

Macheir Bernard, e.s. Sycamore b. Hunt and Abigail<br />

Machir Wm. H. salesman, 12 e. 4th<br />

Mack An hew, n.s. 3d b. Hace and Elm<br />

Mack & Bro. (Henry & Herman M.) 307 Main<br />

11<br />

Mack Edward, s.s. New b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Mack Henry, (Mack & Bro.) 19 Centre<br />

Mack Hermiiu (Mack & Bro.) 350 Vine<br />

.Mack John, e.s. Broadway b. Hunt and Abigail<br />

Mack John, at Martin, Anshutz & Co.<br />

.Mack Mary, s.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

.Mack Maitin,201 w. 4th<br />

Mack M. J. b.k. bds. 26 Centre<br />

Mack Moses, s.s. Sth b. Vine and Kace<br />

Mack Mrs. Rose Ann, Landing b. Lawrence and<br />

Pike<br />

Mack Thomas (P. McArthur & Co.) bda. Gibson<br />

House<br />

Mackaboy D. s.s. Laurel b. Jobn and Cutter<br />

Macke Bernard, w.s. Vine b. Commerce & Front<br />

Macke J. H. s.s. Woodward b. Main and Sycamore<br />

.Wacko Mary A. n.s. Abigail w. of Pendleton<br />

Macke T. H. porter 26 Main, h.s.e.c.Sth and Broadway<br />

Macke Wra. n.s. Huntb. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Mackentepe Barney, n.w.c. Vine and 2d<br />

iMackay Mary, n.s. Accommodation b. State and<br />

Lock<br />

Mackey Thomas, n.s. Deer Creek, s.of old Corpor.<br />

line<br />

Macklefresh Charles W. George b. Cutter & Linn<br />

Macknet Lehman, 94 e. 3d<br />

Macksweny Michael, s.w.c. 2d and Vine<br />

Macksweiiy Thomas, s.w.c. 2d and Elm<br />

M<br />

ACatfKE;'* PEXEK JcCO. pork & beef<br />

packers, and com. mers. s.w.c. Sycamore and<br />

Canal<br />

Macqueeii Peter (P. M. & Co.) bds. Waverly House<br />

Macy John C. (Hortuii & Macy)s.s. Longworth w.<br />

of Park<br />

Mad Mrs. Betsny s.s. Clinton b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Madden Andrew, e.s. Bremen b. Hth and 15th<br />

Madden Charles, s.s. Water b. Elra and Plum<br />

Madden Cornelius, s.s. Canal b. Elm and Plura<br />

Madden John, boot mkr. at Filley & Chapin's<br />

Madden John, n.s. 8th b. John and Fulton<br />

Madden .'Michael, s.s.Eden b. Main and Buckeye<br />

Madden Thomas, boot mkr. at Filley & Chapin's,<br />

bds. Olive Branch Hotel<br />

Madden Samuel, s.e.c. High and Parsons<br />

Madden Thomas, at Filley & Chtpin's<br />

Madden Thomas W.6C Court<br />

Maddock Peter, s.w.c. Elm and Pearl<br />

Maddock Thomas, w.s. Fulton h. Elizabeth & Catharine<br />

Maddox James, n.s. Front b. T.P. 7 & 8 F'n<br />

Made Catharine, e.s. John b. Catharine and Elizabeth<br />

Made Margaret, n.s. 8th e. of Lock<br />

Mader Aderwite, s.s. High b. Lytle and Parsons<br />

Madert Christian, n.e.c. Mulberry and Main<br />

M<br />

ADISliON UUU.SE, (J. W. Garrison) 19<br />

Main b. Front and Sd<br />

Madison Jacob, n. s. 7th b. Sycaraore andBroadway<br />

ADKOIV INS. CO. S. F. Covington, ag't,<br />

M n.w.c. Walnut and 2d<br />

Madison Mrs. Mary, n.s. Oth b. Sycamore & Brid'y*


f. li. WBAVBR.<br />





Congress Street, one door East of Ludlow, Cincinnati.<br />

Constantly on hand an assortment of new and second-hand Boilers, wbicli they -will<br />

sell low, or exchange for old ones.<br />

MAH MAL<br />

Madison Dr. R. n.s. 3d b. Park and iWill<br />

Madison K. D. w.s. Vine b. Wth and 14lh<br />

Maeninger Henry, s.s. Front h. Vine and Race<br />

Maerosa Frederick, s.s. Orchard b. Mam and Sycamore<br />

Maes Stephen, n.B. Ham. road b. .Main & Locust<br />

Maesh Andrews, n.s. Barr b. iylound and Cutter<br />

Maffey Luton, s.e.c. Abigail and Broadway<br />

Magee James, bds. tjeorge Lockwood's<br />

Mageer John, bds. B. Hazelton's<br />

Maggini Joseph F. s.s. 6th b. Elm and Plum<br />

Magher William, elk. s.e.c. Symmes and Ludlow<br />

Magill Charles W. (C. W. & VV. W. M.) n.s. Sth b.<br />

M<br />

John and Fulton<br />

AGII^L. C. W. Ac "W. W. carps. & build<br />

ers, s.s. Richmond b. John and Fulton<br />

Magill James, w.s. Bremen b. 13tli & 14ih<br />

Magill Wesly W. (C. W. & VV. W. M.) s.s. Laurel<br />

b. John and Cutter<br />

"Meagle Peter, w.s. Sassafras n. of Ash<br />

Magley George, bds. P. H. ]3urger's<br />

Magneas Benjamin B.jr. bds. s.s. Everett b. Locust<br />

and Freeman<br />

Magris Charles, w.s. Cutter b. Everett and David<br />

Magniss John, w.s. W. Row b.George and 7th<br />

Magniss Theodore, bds. K. Kincade's<br />

Magnolia Hall, w.s. 5th b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Magnus Benjamin, s.s. Clinton b. Locust and Freeman<br />

Magnuson L. J. (Paoli & Co.) 308 Main<br />

Magough Thomas, e.s. McAllister b. 4th and Sth<br />

Maguire John, at Filley & Chapin's<br />

Maguire Mrs. Sarah, b.h. s.e.c. Walnut and Front<br />

Magurk Michael J. (L. tl. Baker & Co.) s.s. 4tb w.<br />

of Elm<br />

Mahal Nancy, e.s. Dublin n. of Lock<br />

Mahan James, w.s. Mill h. :'d and Canal<br />

Mahanan Mrs. Julia, e.s. Sycotnore b. 7th and 8th<br />

Mahaney John, w.s. Sycamoie b. Schiller & Burgoyne<br />

Mnhany Jolm, e.s. Dublin n. of Lock<br />

Mabany Jeremiah, e.s. Hughes n. of Liberty<br />

Malier Anthony, elk. s.e.c. Symmes and Ludlow<br />

Maher Anihoiiy, at R. s, Boyle's<br />

Maher Catharine, n.s.Sth e. of Lock<br />

Maher Elizabeth. 14U w. Tth<br />

Maher Nicholas, n.s. Fiontb. Elm and Plum<br />

Maher Thomas, s.s. 2d b. Mill and Park<br />

Maher Thomas, n.s. Congress e. of Depot<br />

Mahl George, carp. w.s. Elm b. 12th and Grant<br />

Mahl Michael, n.s. KUb b. Race and Bremen<br />

Mahlau Heury, bds. s.w.c. Sd and Race<br />

Mahn John, bds. PtterMahn's<br />

Mabn Peter, a.s. Vineb. 12th and Canal<br />

Maholm James B. sale.-^man, ]7 Pearl<br />

Maholm Juhn H. n.s. Hani, road b. Main & Locust-<br />

Mahon John, s.s. Sth b. McAllister and Pike<br />

Mahon John,e.s. Ludlow b. Congress and 3d<br />

Mahon Stephen .; Goodin & Co.) n.B. Sth b. Broadway<br />

and Pike<br />

Mahone Richard T. c. W. Row and Laurel<br />

AH03l£ WAKntEU B. wood and ivorv<br />

M turner, n.w.c. W. Row and Laurel, ree. e.B.W.<br />

Row b. Mason aud Ann<br />

Mahony John, s.e.c. 3d and Flm<br />

Maboney Mrs. Hilan,s.s. Barr b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Mahoney Thomas, bds. W. Mahoney<br />

Mahoney WiUiam, e.s. W. Row b. McFarland and<br />

4th<br />

Mahony Miss Ann, e.a. Sycamore b, 7th and Sth<br />

Mahony Jeremiah, u.s. Canal b.Broadway



''' mmimm u.'<br />




Wm. L,. PEJC.KINS, Sec. P. P. SAJNfUKU, Pres.<br />

References—Hon. R. B. WARDEN, ('[i.\e, ANDERSON. Eeq., D. A. POWKLL & Co., liuii. JAMES LAFLIN,<br />

MARTIN, ANSHUTZ & Co., Hon. H. E. SPENCER.<br />

A. IIICKENLOOPEB. Ag^ent,<br />

OfBoe, Eeeders' Buildings, 6. Bide Third st. bet. Walnut and Vine, Cia,<br />

MAN MAR<br />

Maloy Daniel, at PowellV foundry<br />

Maloy James, bds. Wm. Hugh's<br />

Maloy John, s.s. 2d b. Smith and Rose<br />

Maloy Lawrence, n.s. 5th b. Smith and John<br />

Maloy Pa'rick, e.s. RaCR b. Pearl and 9d<br />

Maloy Peter, e.s. 2d b. W.Kow and Plum<br />

Maltas Solomon, n.s. 3d b. Smith and Park<br />

MaUby Erasmus, s.s. Front b. Lawrence and Ludlow<br />

Maltoner Joseph, e.s. Walnut b. lath and Allison<br />

Mammal Jacob, s s. High b. Lytic and Parsuns<br />

Managin Ellen, w.s. Lodge b. .Sth & 6th<br />

Manay Hugh, s s. Jefferson b. Elm and Plum<br />

M inceir Jonn, s.s. Liberty b. Bremen and Kace<br />

Manchester Milton S. teller. People's Bank<br />

TllAXCMESTER PETEK. B. People's<br />

JU Bank. s.s. 3d w. ofMain, h. lOl e. 3d<br />

Mancum Henry, w.s. Kace b. Liberty and Green<br />

Manday Andrew, w.s. W. Kow b. Clinton &. Everett<br />

Mandonay Jerry, n.s. 3d b. Race and Kim<br />

Maner Conrad, e.s. Race b. Green and Elder<br />

Manery Enoch, w.s. Plum b. Ann and Mason<br />

MdUg De vault, s.s. Poplar b. Linn and John<br />

Mangan Timothy, n.e.c. Pearl and Race<br />

Mangess Lewis, w.s. Walnut b. Canal and 12th<br />

Mangold Simon, s.s. 15th b. Vine and Bremen<br />

Manhause Frederick, n.w.c. Green and Pleasant<br />

Manifold Kobert, at Mart'n, Anshutz & Co's<br />

Manitm Miss Mary, bds. Mrs. M. Manion's<br />

Manion Mrs. Margaret, n.s. Observatory road<br />

Manion Michael, s.s. Laurel b. Linn and Locust<br />

Manire P. H. bds Eagle Hotel<br />

AIV«SO:V wm. S. "Eldorado" 198 & 200 w.<br />

M 6th b. Elmand Plum<br />

Mank Q. bds. S. Reynolds<br />

Mankhonse David, s. s. Abigail b. Sycamore and<br />

Broadway<br />

Manley Kobert, e.s. ICemble b. Fulton and Cutter<br />

Manly G. W. s.s. Commerce b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Manly MichaeL s.s. 2(1 b. Vine and Race<br />

Manly Patrick. Phoebe b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Manly Sniith, 207 Vine<br />

Mann Alson, 11 George<br />

Mann & Co. 115 Main<br />

Mann Isaac, n.s. Georpe b Cutter and Linn<br />

Mann Gottlieb, s.s. Allison b.Clay and Walnut<br />

Mann Lowell A. elk. 144 Main, h. ?5 Centre<br />

Mann Mary, w.s. Plum b. 2d and Front<br />

Mann Morris B, b.k. s.e.c. Main and 3d<br />

Mann Richard, w.a. Langdon al b.6th & 7th<br />

Mann Richard, e.s. Plum b. Sth and 9th<br />

Mann Samuel, n.s. Hopkins b. Baymiller and Free<br />

man<br />

Mann Washington, s.s. 2d b. Rose and Park<br />

Mann Wm. C. capt. steamer Memphis, 249 w. 7th<br />

Manning Charles G. tailor, at Wm. Addis'<br />

Manning Charles, s.s. Fronte. of Depot<br />

Manning Carlos, n.s. Front b. T.P. 2 and 3 F*n<br />

Manning John, n.s, Waterb Walnut and Vine<br />

Manning Samuel, hds. United States Hotel<br />

Manning William H. n.s. Front b. T.P. 2 & 3 F'n<br />

Manning William, s.s.Sth b. Baymiller and Freeman<br />

Manoge Timothy, Landing b.Pike and Lawrence<br />

Mausell Henry, b.h. 154 Sycamore<br />

Manser Mrs. Rebecca, b.h. e.p. Plum b.2d & Cherry<br />

Mauser Wm. jr. elk. IP.Q Main, hds. W. Manser's<br />

Manser Wm. n.s. 4Lb b. Race and Elm<br />

Mansfield Edward J.bds. E. D. Mansfield's<br />

Mansfield Kdward D. attv. 93 e. Dd<br />

Mai.tier Philip, s.s. Bank b. Linn and Piatt<br />

Manuel Joseph (Manuel & Scott) n.s. 4tb b. Stone<br />

and Wood<br />

Manuel Kobert, s.s. 5th b. Mill and Stone<br />

Manuel & Scott, (Joseph M. & Alexander ScottJ<br />

n.e.c, Linn and Kemble<br />

Manss Ludwig. s.s. Abigail h. Main and Sycamore<br />

Mapes Abner, w.s. W. Row b. George and 7th<br />

Mapes Mrs. Eliza, w.s. W. Kow b. George and 7th<br />

Maphis Wm. Steward, 10 Arch<br />

Mara Michael, e.s. Dublin n. of Lock<br />

Marble Sidney D. bds. J. Young's<br />

MavccII Frank, n.s. Front e. uf depot<br />

Marcello Elizabeth, hds. J. F. Maggini's<br />

March Isaac j'. n.s. George b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

Marchant Isaac, Ciucinnati Hotel, n.w.c. From<br />

and Broadway<br />

Marconier A. e.s. Main n. of Canal<br />

Marcus A. n s. Commerce b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Marcus Paul, e.s. Kace b. Htb and 15th<br />

.Vlarcy Charles D. elk. n.e.c. Kemble «fe Baymiller<br />

Mareheafer William, n.s. Mercer b. Walnut & Viue<br />

Marquis William, e.s. Pleasant b. Green and Find<br />

ley<br />

Marhoffer Joseph, e.s. W. Row b. Mason & Everett<br />

Marienthal & Co. (Israel M. & Leopold Block) 269<br />

Main<br />

Marienthal Israel, (M. & Co.) 269 Main<br />

Vlarigan John. s.s. Bth b. John and Mound<br />

Marinew K. E. 2^,9 w. 7th<br />




'in<br />

Corner of Main<br />

and Sixth street.<br />


keeps constantly on hand a full supply of<br />

Office and entrance to Ware Rooma, South side Sixih Street, one door West of Main.<br />


Marling Casper, w.s. Ludlow b. Congre.ss and 2d Marshall Wm. S. bds. 198 w. 3d<br />

Marmet Charles, elk. bds. John Shaffer's<br />

Marsnian Abram, e.s. Pleasant b. Green & Liberty<br />

Marmet Dr. William, s.s. lath b. Walnut and Vine Marsman James, s.s. 4th w. of Smith<br />

Marpe Charles A. C. b.k. 127 Main, h. B.S. Kich­ Martby Erasmus, s.s. Front b. Ludlow and Lawmond<br />

b. Fulton and Culter<br />

rence<br />

Marqua Phillip, s.w.c. Plum and Sth<br />

Marter George, n.s. Liberty b. Kace and Elm<br />

Marqua Valentine, n.s. 2d b. Broadway & Ludlow Marterson John, n.s. Harrison road near Brighton<br />

Marquait Fred. elk. 70 Broadway<br />

House<br />

Marquay John, e.s. Carr b. 6Lh and Canal Marthens Albert W. (M. & Ordemann) n.s. Tth b.<br />

Marrian James B. w.s. Dudley b. Liberty & Poplar Plum and W. Row<br />

Marrvere John, at Johnson, Morton & Co.'s Marthens & Ordemann, (Albert W. M. & Godfrey<br />

Marsh A. 20 George<br />

H. O.) 178 w. 6th<br />

Marsh A. P. bds. E. Harwood's<br />

Martin A. C. at Martin, Anshutz & Co.'s<br />

Marsh Allred A. elk. Dds. with George A. Marsh Martin Albert L. at Martin, Anshutz & Co.'s<br />

ARSH Sc CO. (George A. & Edward L. Martin Ann, bds. e.s. Home<br />

M Marsh) grocers and dealers in lime and cemen t, Martin Ann e.s. Linn b. Catharine and Clark<br />

s.w.c. 4th and Sycamore<br />

Martin, Anshutz & Co. (J. B. M., Jacob & Wm. J.<br />

Marsh C. P. salesman, 140 Main, boards Gibson Anshutz) s.s. Front b. Ludlow and Lawrence<br />

House<br />

Martin Bernard, w.s. Vine b Liberty and Green<br />

Marsh Edward L. (M. & Co.) s.s. Lohgworth w. of Martin Charles, n.s. Cassett al.b. Main and Syca­<br />

Mound<br />

more<br />

Marsh George A. (M. & Co.) w.s. Pike b. 4th & Sth Martin Collard, Commercial off. h. n.s. Sthb. Jobn<br />

Marsh George S. elk. S35 Main<br />

and Kmith<br />

Marsh James, bds. John Hughs<br />

Martin Conner, e.s. North b. 6th and Tth<br />

Marsh John, s.:?. 3d b. W. Row and John<br />

Martin David, b.h. s.s. 2d b. Broad way and Ludlow<br />

Marsh John L. bds. 20 George<br />

Martin Edward T. (Harding & Co.) 117 w. Sth<br />

Marsh Di. Nathan B. 64 George<br />

Martin Emeline, e.s. Kace h. 2d and Front<br />

Marsh Theodore, s.s. George b Cutter and Linn Martin Fernando K. b.k. 22 e. 2d, bds. Mrs. Whit-<br />

Marsh Theodore 265 w. 6th<br />

ridge's n.s. Tth w. of Walnut<br />

ARSH Wn. JB. carriage depot, Gait House Martin Mrs. Frances B. e.s. Elm b. ]4tb and ISth<br />

M building c. Gth and Main<br />

Martin George, n.s. Front h. Plum and W. Row<br />

Marshall Casper, w.s. Kossuth<br />

AKXI.\ G. J. shirt depot and gent's fancy<br />

Marshall Elizabeth, n.s. Front b. Vine and Race M furnishing emporium, 3 w. 4th, bds. at Pende­<br />

Marshall Ephraim, 206 w. 6th<br />

ns' n.s. Sth b. Race and Elm<br />

Marshall Elijah, e.s. W. Row b. 2d and Front Martin Hamilton, 12 Front, h. IHl w. 3d<br />

Marshall George, salesman, bds. Waverly House Martin H. w.s. Vine b. 2d and Front<br />

Marshall G. B. elk. n.s. Tth b. Plt,m and W. Row Martin Henry, bds. TU4 w 3d<br />

Marshall George W. n.s. Water e. of Smith Martin Henry, Elm near Ham. road<br />

Marshall Hetty, e.s. Sycamore b. Cth and Tth Martin J. s.s. 2d b. Race and Elm<br />

Marshall James, elk. hds. H. Mansal's<br />

Martin Janies. elk. hds. Mrs. McCormiek's<br />

Marshall James, n.s. Oth e. of Lock<br />

Marshall John, n.s. Richmondb. John and Fulton<br />

AR'ril\ J.^IHE.S H. gold and silver ware<br />

Marshall John, bds. Mrs. C. Edwards' M manuf. n.s. 6th b. Walnut and Vine, res. SOT w<br />

Marshall & Langtry, (R. M. W. & Wm. L.) prin­<br />

6th<br />

ters, 43 e. 2d<br />

Martiu Jane, bds. Kinkeid's s.s. Home<br />

Martin Jeremiah, n.s. Front b. T.P. ?9 and 40 F'n<br />

A«SH.lt,Ij IV. BUKWEI'-L,, al phys. Martin John, s.s Claik b. Baymiller and Freeman<br />

M n.s. 3d b. Broadway and Ludlow<br />

Martin John, 20 e. Sth<br />

MARSHALL, NICHOLAS T. al. phys. Martin John, w.s. Park b. 4th and Sth<br />

112 west 6[h street<br />

Martin John, n.s. 3d b. Smith and Park<br />

Marshall Patsy, e.s. Raceb. 2il and Peail<br />

Martin John, w.s. Walnut b. Sth and 6th<br />

Marshall R. M. (M. & Langtry)<br />

Martin John, w.s. M. Canal b. ath and Court<br />

Marshall Robert, b.k. bds. 240 Lnnsiworth Martin .louah, n.s. Congress b.Lawrence and Pike<br />

ARSHALL KOBER'H'&CO. ham and Martin John R. (M. & Koehler) 231 w. 4th<br />

M spiced beef store, e.s. John b. Everett and Martin John H. c. Liberty and Freeman<br />

Clinton<br />

Marshall Thomas, s.s. Symmes b. Butler and M.<br />

AR-riN JOHN T. pork packer and com.<br />

M mer. n..s. Canal b. Main and Sycamore h 117<br />

Canal<br />

w. 8th<br />

Marshall Thomas, elk. bds. 154 Sycamore Martin John T. jr. elk. bds. J. T. Martin's<br />

Marshall Thomas H. salesman, u.w.c. Sth & Main Martin Joseph A. w.s. Vine b. Hth and 15th<br />

Marshall William, elk. bds. at Wm. Dubois' Martin & Koehler, (John R. M. & Christian K 1<br />

Marshall Wm. s.s. Richmond s. of Harriet<br />

175 Main '<br />

Marshall William, city police, w.s. Plum b. 2d &<br />

Martin Margaret, n.s. Front b.T.P. 25 and 26 P'n<br />

Front<br />

Martin Robeit H. (M. & Stutzman)<br />

UaTBiiall WilUara, elk. 35 Maim<br />

Martin Samuel, 34 Pearl, h. s.s. 3db. Smith & Park



Kesidence, No. 20 Fourth Street, between Main and Walnut,<br />

Particular attention paid to Plate "Work, from one tooth to an entire set, on<br />

the latest improved style. All kinds of Dental operations performed on reasonable<br />

terms.<br />

MAS MAT<br />

Martin Sandy, w.a. W, Kow b. 4th and 5th<br />

Martin and Smith, (Geo. M. & S. P. S.) n.s. 5th b.<br />

W. Row and John<br />

Martin & Stutzman. (Robert H. M.& Robert S.)<br />

Martin Terrence, n.e.c. M. Canal and Cungress<br />

Martin Thomaa. s.s. Catharine b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Martin Thomas P. e.s. Kace b. 2d and Pearl<br />

Martin Tbomas, b.h. w.a. W. Row b. Betts and<br />

Clinton<br />

Martin Terrey, e.s. John b. Betts and Laurel<br />

Martin Valentine, bds, Congress Street House<br />

Martin Wilaon , bds. George Martin's<br />

Martinger Henry, e.s. Buckeye b. Locust & Poplar<br />

Marlstiff Stephen, w.s. Walnuib. 13th and Allison<br />

Marty Joseph, n.w.c. Ludlow and 3d<br />

Marty Lewis, 44 Sycamore<br />

Marvin H. n.s. 5th b> Kim and Plum<br />

Marvin Joseph, n.s. Sth b. John and Smith<br />

Marvin Richard, s.s. Gth b. John and Smith<br />

Martz John, bds. c. Main and 12th<br />

Martz John, al. b. JelTerson and Adams<br />

Marum James, elk. s.e.c. Sth and Linn<br />

Marxer Jacob, at E. Hall & Co.'s<br />

Marsher John V. elk. bds. L. H. Franks'<br />

Mascev Mrs. E. 34 Centre<br />

Masman Louis, s.e.c. Spring and Woodward<br />

Masmann Theodore, s.s. 12tb h. Clay and Walnut<br />

Mason Alexander O. s.s. Front b. T.P. 31 & :i'i F'n<br />

Mason Aurelius, s.s. Ann b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Mason Benj. s.s. Cherry b. Race and Elm<br />

M<br />

ASON DAVBO B. house and sign painter,<br />

n.w.c. Race and ItJ, h. w.s. Kace b. 3d and 4th<br />

Mason Mrs. Deborah A. 191 Sycamore<br />

Mason Kdward, (G. & E. M.) bds. John Tower's<br />

Mason Edwin, salesman, 12 e. 4th<br />

Mason Mrs. Eliza, bds. w.s. Race b. 4th and 5th<br />

Mason Mrs. Emily, s s. J5th b. Kace and Elm<br />

Mason George, b.k. '•2.i2 Main, h.46 w. 5th<br />

Mason George, (G. & E. M.) bds. Mrs D. A. Mason's<br />

Mason G. & E. (George & Edward) n,s. 5th w. of<br />

Walnut<br />

Mason James, w.s. Pendleton b. Liberty and Woodward<br />

Mason John, e.s. Mound b. George and Gth<br />

Mason John, bds. H. C. Jackson's<br />

Mason L. N. n.s. Ann b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Mason Mrs. Matilda, n.s. 3d b. Smith and Park<br />

Mason Robert, w.s. Vineb.2d and Pearl<br />

Mason Rush, watch mkr. 62 Main<br />

Mason Timothy B. n.s.Oth b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Mason Thomas H. s.w.c. Gth and Sycamore<br />

Mason Thomas J. printer at Commercial Office,<br />

bda. n.w.c. Broadway and Sth<br />

Mason Washington, Canal b. Race and Elm<br />

Masonic Hall, n.e.c. 3d and Walnut<br />

Maaritz, salesman, 255 Ma in<br />

Mass Henderson, aU b. 7th & 6th and b. Sycamore<br />

and Broadway<br />

Massa Angelo, elk. n.e.c. Front and Kace<br />

Maaaa John, elk. 24 Broadway<br />

Maaset Jobn, n.w.c. Cherry and Elm<br />

Massang Francis J. w.s. Mill b. 4th and Sth<br />

Maasard & Brother, (John S. & Charles) s.w.c.<br />

Vine and Oouvt<br />

Massard Charles. (M. & Bro.) 23 Jackson<br />

Massard John. S. (M. & Bro.) 25 Jackson<br />

Masselis Benedict, prof. French, St. Xavier's College<br />

Massey Daniel, w.s. Plum b. Ann and Mason<br />

Massey Jaraes, s.s. Sth b. John and Mound<br />

Masson Isaac M. n.s. 7tb b. Tutler and Linn<br />

Masson Mansfield B. carp, tfe builder, c. 5th & Butler,<br />

h. n.e.c. Wilson and Liberty<br />

Massoii WiUiam. s.e.c. 5th and Butler<br />

M;issy Nicholas, 108 Kace<br />

Masters John, 11 Art Union bldg.<br />

Mastrop Frank, s.s. Miami b. Locust & Sycamore<br />

Mateer Mrs. Margaret, n.s. 8th b. Fulton and Cutter<br />

Martha Charles, e.s. Jackson b. 12th and 13th<br />

Marthany. Abner, s.s. Morton e. of Kilgour<br />

Mather John, elk. at C. Welch's<br />

Mather Orville. s.s. 7th b. W. Row and John<br />

Mather Samuel, bds. John Parkison's<br />

Mathers Christian, n.s. Laurel b. Linn andCutter<br />

Mathers Cornelius, e.s. Smith b. 4th and S^th<br />

Mathers James, n.s. Everett b. Jones and Linn<br />

Mathes Christian, porter, 34 Main<br />

Mathewp & Asher, (Wm. K. M. & John W. A.) w.<br />

s. Fulton opp. Elizabeth<br />

Mathews Christopher, w.s. John b. Kemble and<br />

Kichmond<br />

Mathew.-i Chas. select school for boys. 180 Walnut<br />

Mathews Edwin A. (B. M. Dill & Co.) n.s. Laurel<br />

b. John and Cutter<br />

Mathews Hannibal, n.e.c. Grant and Plum<br />

Mathews Howard, teller L. & Trust Co. Bank, res.<br />

s.s. Richmond b. John and Fulton<br />

Mathews Jaraes, n.s. Front b. T.P. 36 and 37F'n.<br />

Mathews John, e.s. Bremen, b. I3th and 14th<br />

Mathews John, bds. John Weist's<br />

Mathews Juhn, s.s. 5th b. Smith and Park<br />

Mathews Margaret, n.s. Richmond b. Fulton & Cutter<br />

Mathews Robert, w.s. Broadway b. 7th and Sth<br />

Mathews Robert c. Johnand Heits<br />

Mathews Kobert n.s. Maple h. Freeman and Piatt<br />

Mathews, Mrs. S. al. b. W. Row and Smith and b.<br />

4th and 6th<br />

Mathews Thomas, n.s. Maple b. Freeman and Piatt<br />

Mathews William, s.s. Mercer b. Walnut «fc Vine<br />

Matthews William, elk. s.s. Clinton b. Linn & Locust<br />

Mathews Wm. E. n.e.c. Jones and Everett<br />

Mathewson Brown e.s. Race b. 12th and l?th<br />

Mafhiot Henry B. 320 Main<br />

Maths George, e.s. Broadway b. 6th and Harrison<br />

Matlack Foiven, (Day & M.) n.s. 7th b. Elm & Plum<br />

!Vialson Hezekiah A, n.s. Elizabeth b. W. Row and<br />

John<br />

Matson John A. atty. 15w.3d, h. s.s. George b. John<br />

and Smith<br />

Mattax Pierson R. elk. To Pearl<br />

Mattenheimer Adam, bds. Geo'-ge Oldenburger's<br />

Matthews Henry C. elk. Ohio LKe and Trust Co, h.<br />

n.s. Richmond b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Matthews Howard, rec. Teller Ohio Life & Trust<br />

Co. h. s.s. Kichmond b. John and Fulton


J. A. MOOHE<br />

342 MAIN ^^P STREET,<br />

lias constantly on hand a general assortment of<br />


MAY MED<br />

Matthews James, (James M. »fe Co.j 66 McFarland, Mayer Martin, n.s. Frontb Walnut and Vine<br />

AX'J'HEtVfe JAltlE.S & CO., (James M. Mayer William, s.w c. Frontand Lawence<br />

M & Wra. Powell) prod, and com. mers. o3 Wal­ Mayer William, w.s. Race b. Hlh and 35th<br />

nut<br />

Mayerich Frede.ick. s.s. Congress b. Butler and M.<br />

ATXBfEWS, KIEYS Ac COJLt-lNS, Canal /<br />

M (Stanley M., Samuel B. K. & Isaac C. C) Mayers J. B, elk at. J. B. Luken's<br />

attys. at law, Worthington's buildings, s.s. 3iLb. Mayers Peter, s.s. Mercer b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Main and Walnut<br />

Mayes Margaret H. e.s. Elm b. Cherry and Front<br />

Matthews Stanley, (M., Key3& Collins) n.s. Rich­ Wayhew George W. w.s. Smith b. Longworth & Sth<br />

mond b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Mayhew Maik, e.s. Mound b. Longworth and Gth<br />

Matthews William, n.e.c. Everett and Jones Mayle Ebenezer, e.s. V\'estern Row n. of Court<br />

Matthews William, s s. Rarr b. Cutter and Linn Mayle G. F. s.s. Court b. Plumand W. Row<br />

Matthias Boich, n.s. George b. Linn and Baymiller (Vlayie Su.^ian, s.s. Cathi'ine b. W. Row and John<br />

Mattler John, w.s. Pike b. Congress and Front Maynard George C. (Stedman, M. & Co.) bds. Bur­<br />

Maue Frederick, 333 Main<br />

net House<br />

Mauk Jacob, s.s. 5th b. Western Row and John Maynor Jone. 70 McFarland<br />

Maunder John F. 176 Main, res Newport<br />

AYWK'S, ©FJPiCE, s.s. eth b. Main and<br />

Maurer Augustus, Barr b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Maarer George, at Harris &Zoiner's, res. Covington M Walnut<br />

Maysors Michael s.s. Kemble b. Harriet 6c BrooKs<br />

Maus Jo


WM. D. PIKRcn. SAMUSL R[CH.4.RDS0N.<br />


WM. B. PIERCE & CO.<br />

IVo. 130 Main ssitreet, Cinciiiiiati.<br />

TAPPAN & DOUGLASS, M. Y. "Wsi. B. PIKRCE & Co.. Louisville.<br />

WM. GOODRICH & Co., Philaaclphia. CHAS. BARTOW & Co., St. Louis.<br />

ED. RUSSELL & Co.. Boston. BENJ. DOUGLASS & Co., K. Orleans.<br />

J. D. PRATT & Co., Baltimore. BENJ. DOUGLASS, Charleston, S.C.<br />

MEI MEN<br />

Jledary John M. b.k. w.s. Vine b. 2d and Front, h.<br />

161 Longworth<br />

Medary J. A. cik. bds. Mrs. M. Medary's<br />

Medary Joseph, s.s. Sth b. W. Row and John<br />

Medary Mrs. Mary, n.s. 7tli b John and Mound<br />

Medcalf Joseph, S.S.George b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Medeke Philip, w.a. Sycamore b. Abigail & Woodward<br />


UECALi C;Ol.l.EtJje:, A. H. BaUer, M.<br />

D. Pres. of the Faculty<br />


CAl. HVSrirUl'K, of Cmcinnats, n.w.<br />

c. Court and Plum, Joseph R. buchanan, M.<br />

D. Dean.<br />

MEOIVAL t!Ot.ir,EiKE OF OSIIO,<br />

s.s .Cth b. Vineand Kace. L. M. Lawson. M.<br />

U. Dean of Ihe Faculty<br />



o<br />

o<br />

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^<br />

H^<br />

O<br />

CJ)<br />

^<br />

-<<br />

c_:><br />

1—1<br />

{=^<br />

P^<br />

FACULTY.<br />

H. W. BAXI.ET, >1 D,, Proressor of Anatomy.<br />

JOHN LOCKE, M. D., Prolessor of Chemistry and Pharmacy.<br />

L. M. LAWSON, IM D,, Professor of Physiology and PatholoKy.<br />

T. 0. EijWAniis, M D,, I'rof of.VIateriaMedica anil Tlieiapeiuirs,and MedicalJurisprudence<br />

R. D. MussKT, M. ]"),, Prolessor of Surtiery.<br />

LANDON C. RiTKs, 51, D.. Prolessor of Obstetrics and the Diseases of \^ omen and Children<br />

JOHN BiiiL, ?,I D,. Prciii's.'Jnr of Theory and Practice of jredicirie.<br />

JOHN DAVIS. M. U, Demonstrator of Anatomy.<br />

ID" CLINICAL Lr.crunii.9 on Medicine and Surgery are delivered at the Commorcia<br />

Hospital twice a vieek.<br />

Lectures commence on the ISth of October, and continue to the last of February.<br />

FEES,—For a full coiirso of Lectures, $10.'); M.iirirulation and Library Ticket, $5; Dis.<br />

secting Ticket, $10; Graduation Fee, S-T); Hospital Ticket. $;'),<br />

L. M. LAWSON, M, D , Deaa of the Faculty,<br />

South side of Clh St., between Walnul and Vine.<br />

•T^!<br />

c5<br />

f^<br />

-=?<br />

'-/;<br />

side Sixt<br />

Z3<br />





Nos. 94 aud 06 Pcurl street, Cinciunati.<br />

r-,,I amno\v"ppcpared to grind.anct powder all kinds of Drugs, Medicines, &c , with dispatch in the<br />

'Ir^st maiider^ndon the most reasonable terms, and have on hand the largest stock of ciutle and prepared<br />

Hotanic Medicines in the west, which, from advantages I possess ol doing my own manufacturing<br />

enables me to sell VBRY LOW. Also, many select Powders for pjescripiion use, such as Alves,<br />

Canlhavides, Rheubarb, Gambuge, Gum Arabic, Cubehs, Calisaya Bark, &c.<br />

1 have also," in connection with my mills, an exiensive Laboratory, under the supervision of an<br />

pxperienced Pharmaceutist, lor the ^nanufacture of Concentrated Kxtractslrom all ihe,most important<br />

indigenous medicines of the country, such as Podophyllin. Leptandrin, Macrotin, Ptelein, Iridin,<br />

Saugninaiin, Xanthoxslin, Leonorin, Ext. Lobelia, Ext. Capsicum, and many others, which, wilh all<br />

the articles 1 sell,, are warranted genuine, and just what they aie represented to be.<br />

DAF" Marble Bust foi" soda water constantly on hand at the lowest price.<br />

MER MET<br />

Mera Thomas, s.s 6th b. £lm and Plum<br />

Merrie Hugh, e.s. Baum w- of High<br />

Meran John, w.s. Plum b. 2d & 3d<br />

Merriellees John D. paying teller Mech. and Trad.<br />

EH.CAM'riL.10 AGENCV, (W. B. Pierce Br. Bk. bds. Mis. Keating<br />

M and Co.) ISO Main.<br />

Merrill Elizabeth, s.w.c. 3d and John, res. e.s.John<br />

EttCAi^m'tfLE I^BBRARY ASSrtCI- b. 3d & 4th<br />

M A'XJION, College Hall, Waluut b. 4th & 5th Merrill John F. 154 w. 4th<br />

-Mercer Robert, c. VV. Kow anc' Laurel, h.s.s. Long- Merrill Ur. Joaeph, n.a.dLhb. Cutter and Linn<br />

worth b. Kim and Plum<br />

Merrill Robert jr. n.e.c. Front and Walnut<br />

Mercer William, w.s. Plum b. 5Lh and Longworth Merrimati John, at Parvin &. Johnson's<br />

Merchant .Iohn, Grandin b. Elm and Plum Merriman J. P. Grandin<br />

Merohant Nathan, city police, e.s. Kace b. Canal& Merriman Lucinda, n.s. Frontb. Lytle and Corp.<br />

]2th<br />

line<br />

-Merchant William, Grandin b. Elm and Plum Merriman Willis, salesman, 12 Pearl<br />

EKOHAIN'IVS' a »WSi of Cincinnati, N.P. Mernng Kliza, s.s. Kichmond b. Baymiller & Free­<br />

M Iglehart, cashier, w.s. Walnut b. Pearl and :id man<br />

MEKCHAi^XSS? EXCHAJMfttE, college Mernth Conrad, ai E. Hall & Co's<br />

bldg. Walnut b. 4th aud 5th<br />

Merntt Mrs. Eliza, s e.c. Clinton and preeman<br />

MERCHANTS? Ac WI VlVUFACTUK- Merritt William, n.w.c. Juhn & Laurel, h.e.s. Cut­<br />

EB£S9 JIJ\S, CO, A. M. Searies, president, 13 ter b. Clark and Hopkins<br />

Front<br />

Merriweather W. elk. P. A. White & Co's, bds.<br />

ERCHfiAWTS' MfJTUAffi IWS. CO. Pearl St. House<br />

M (of Buffalo, N. Y.) Davis &• Church, agts. 53 w. Merry Nathaniel, n.s. Gth e. of Lock<br />

rtd up stairs<br />

Merry Nathan, at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

STERClflANTS' & PJL INTERS? INS. Merry weather FredericU, e.s. Viiie b. 4th and Sth<br />

ill CO. of New Orleans, Dudley Hall ag't, 20 w. Merry weather Mr.-^. )Sarali, 53 w. 3d<br />

Front<br />

MerryfitildMrs. b.h. 132 Walnut<br />

Mercvaff Lewis, w.s. Carr h. Slh and Kemble Mersch Henry, s.s, jibigail b. Sycamore & Broad<br />

Meredith David, salesman, 10 Pearl<br />

way<br />

Meredith David, lab. e. s. Kittenhouse<br />

Merse John B. packer, 87 Main, h, S.,B. Cherry b.<br />

Meredith Kdward, n.s. Harrison , Race and Kim<br />

Meredith Joseph, n.s. Laurel b. John and Cutler Mersmauu Henry (Nulsen & M.) n.w.c. Gth and<br />

Meredi-th Philip, G w. 6th, res. Walnut Hills Race<br />

EREie^D Ac SSRIOE. (Thomas M. & Meilz George, e.s. Kim b. Pearl and Union<br />

M Waliace B.) book and job printers, 147 Main, MeseUe Peter W, s.s.Abigail b.Sycamore & Broad­<br />

over C. B. Bradley & Go's<br />

vvay<br />

Merfield James W. 121 Walnut, h.s.s. 5tb b. Parh Mcshaw John J. n.a. 5Lh b. Sycamore and Broad­<br />

and Mill<br />

way<br />

Merfield Thomaa (M. *fe Brice) bds. William Mer- Mcsker Joseph, porter, 26 L, Market<br />

iield's ^'<br />

Mess Henry, e.s. Lock b. Symmes and Sth<br />

Meffield WiUiam, s.s. Sth b. Park and Mill Mess Simon, e.s. Lock b. Symmes and Sth<br />

Merkeiithaler Mis. Doratha, e.s. Peet b. Locust & Messeck John elk. n.w.c. Bth and Fulton<br />

Poplar<br />

Messenger Catharine, bds. Jenny Lind House, Ml.<br />

Merkenthalei* Jacob F. e.s. Peetb. Locustand Pop­ Adams<br />

lar<br />

Messenger Cyrus, s.s. Liberty b. Jones and Cuttei<br />

Mermah Mrs. Mary, s.e.c. Pai^ and 2d<br />

Messenger George, e.s. Buckeye b. Locusi & Pop­<br />

Mernan John. s.s. 9lh b, Elm and Plum<br />

lar<br />

Merrandah John, bds s.s. oth b. Plum and FAm, at Messenger George, Jenny Lind House, n.s. Obser­<br />

Mra. McCormiek's<br />

vatory road<br />

ERRELC ASHBEli S. druggist, s.w.c. Messenger Jason, bds. Nathaniel Guild's<br />

M ethand W.ROW<br />

Messer David, at John Davis's<br />

•Aa^aUtit^V E, I>TP"BG1HT, druggist, s.e. Messensmilh George, elk. n.w.c. 7th and Main<br />

iVi Ci- Franklin and Sycamore, h.s.s. Franklin e.of Messick Elias, s.s. Kemble b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Svcamore<br />

E.SSIC1£ Ac C«. (John W. M. & Joseph S.<br />

Merre'U HarloW M. at Merrell's drug mill M McCune) wh. grocers and com. mer. s w.c. 2d<br />

ERRELri JTACOR «. steam di-ug mill & andSycamore<br />

M wh. drug warehouse, 94 & 06 Pearl, h.s.s.Rich- Messick John W. (M. & Co.) 89 w. 9th<br />

mond b. Fultou and Cutter<br />

Messick John, elk. s.s. 8th b. Mound and Cutter<br />

Merreil Stanley, elk. bds. W. R. Merrell's ^ Messman Frederick, w.s. Pendleton n.of Abigail<br />

ERREL.L WIL.JHAM S. druggist, n.w. Messman Henry, w.s. Pendleton n. of Abigail<br />

M c. Court; and Plum, h, w. s. Plum b. Ann and Messman John, e.s. Race b. Green and Liberty<br />

Mason<br />

Metcalf James, n.s. Newb. Broadway and Culvert<br />

Meri'iam Andrew B. elk. ii.e.c. 4th and Main Metcalf Wm. brewer, 189 w. 7th<br />

MBVriok' Prank, at G. Shields'<br />


Merrie Henry, at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

c. Sth and Main<br />




No. 137 Sycamore Street,<br />


©nsjcssKSJiiHiio<br />

Warm, Cold and Shower Batlis can be had at all hours.<br />

llMlfflffl<br />

I<br />

Mercantile Printing House, 43 Main.<br />

MEY MID<br />


Meyer John F. e.s. Race b. Green and Liberty<br />

M (Henry Jackson & John Uphoff) 137 Sycamore<br />

Meyer J. H. n s. Clark b. Linn and Cntter<br />

Metz Adam. lab. e,s. Kace h. G-reeu and KlUer<br />

Meyer Leon, salesman, 70 Main<br />

Metz Adam, butcher, s.s. Ham. road b. W. Kow &<br />

Meyer Leopold, e.s. Main b. Abigail & V^oodwaTd<br />

Clarkson<br />

Meyer Kicholas H. w.s. Vine b. loth and Liberty<br />

Metz Augustus, w.a. W. Row b. Liberty & Poplar Meyer Mrs. Pauline, w.s. Sassafras n. of Ash<br />

Metz G-Korge, u.s. Liberty b. Race and Bremen Meyer Peter, n.w.c. Bremen and 14th<br />

Metz George, bar keeper. Inroad way Hotel Meyer &Schurraan, s.s.Front b. Vine and Race<br />

Metz ti. tk K. (Barney & Edward} 340 Main Meyer Veroer, n.s. 13th b. Clay and Walnut<br />

Metz Barney (8. & E. M.) 340 Main<br />

Meyer VVfilliam, e.s. Hughes b. Schiller and Bur­<br />

Metz Ed ward (B. & E. M.) 340 Main<br />

goyne<br />

Metzei George, b.h. w.s. Vine b. Canal and 12th Meyer Wra. C. (Ficken & M.) 28 L. Market<br />

Metzers A. at PowelTa foundry<br />

Meyer W. F. s.s. Laurel b. John and Cutter<br />

Metzger Lewis, elk. 78 Main<br />

Meyers Frederick, 102 Main<br />

Metzuer Frederick, e. s. Main b. Burgoyne and Meyers Henry, res. Providence b. Canal and W<br />

SchiUer<br />

Kow<br />

Metzler Jacob, w.s. Bremen b. 15th and Liberty Meyers James, n.s. Sth b. John and Pulton<br />

Metzler Paul, n.s. Laurel b. Linn and Cutter Meyers John H. (Kciring & M.) lag Walnut<br />

Meyberg Bernard, ^69 Main, h. Ludlow b. 3d & 4th Meymaii Henry, e.s. Broadway b. Hunt & Abigail<br />

Mcyenn Anthony (M. 4E Wulkop) w.s. Vine b.l3th Meyne Anthony, w.s. Walnut b. 12th and 13th<br />

and Hth<br />

M1.4.M1 CA.^,41. JPAWItjET OFFICE.<br />

Meyenn & Wulkop (Anthony M. &Leopold W.) ii. lu c. Main and Canal -• —.^-J,<br />

s. C'ourt b. Mdin and Walnut<br />

Jf'p^jJI;* EXCMARiGE, C. Escrich, 21 w.<br />

Meyer Adam, e.s. Hughes b. Schiller and Burgoyne<br />

M<br />

EVEll AOAIM F. pine and cedar cooper,<br />

s.s. Laurel b. John and,Cutter<br />

Meyer Anthony, w.s. Vine b. Liberty and ISth<br />

Meyer Anthony, e.s. W. How b.Dayion and Maple<br />

Meyer Barney, n.s. ISth b. Vine and Kace<br />

Meyer B. H. n.s. 12th b. Vine and Race<br />

Meyer Conrad, bds. at A. P. Meyer's<br />

Meyer Christian, n.s. O.ciard b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Meyer Charles F. 68 Court<br />

Meyer F. bds. n.s. Ham. road op. Freeman<br />

Meyer Ferdinand, at C. Urbau's<br />

Meyer Frederick (Somracr & M.) s.w.c. L. Market<br />

and Sycamoie<br />

Meyer Frederick, w.s. Vine b. 13th alid Hth<br />

Meyer George, w.s. Bremen b. Green and Liberty<br />

Meyer George, city polici, n.s. Ham.road op. Piatt<br />

Meyer George, n.s. :id b Mill and .stoue<br />

Meyer Gerhart, e.s. Clay b. 13th and Allison<br />

Mcj-er Gultfried,clk. 4 Main<br />

Meyer H. U. A. porter, 12 Main, bds. Flatman &<br />

Dryer's<br />

Meyer Henry, n.s. Harrison road op. Brighton<br />

Meyer Henr.v, s.s. Everett b. Cutter and Linu<br />

Meyer Jacob, elk. bds. Henry Faehr<br />

Meyer Joseph, 3..s. Hopkins b. Cutter nnd Linn<br />

Meyer John, w.s. Bremen b. 15th and L berty<br />

Meyer J. H. u.s. 13ih b. Clay and Wa.uut<br />

Miber Fredericlt, s.s. Grant h. 12th and 14th<br />

Michael Barney, e.s. Butler b. 4th and Slh<br />

-Michael Uernard, e.s. Bremen h. 13th aud Liberty<br />

Michael Daniel, elk. bds. Andrew Johnson s<br />

.•Michael Daniel C. wh. grocery and com. raer 12 w<br />

1-ront, h..«-.s. Broadway b. Sth andOth<br />

Michael In-ancis, s.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

Michael Jacob, s.s. Van Horn b. Culler and Linn<br />

Michael Jacob w. s. Bremen b. 13th and Liberty<br />

MichaclJohn, bda. Francis Helfcrich'a<br />

Michael John H. elk. n.s. Hunt b. Sycamore and<br />

Hroadway<br />

Michael Lewis, c. Gano and Miller<br />

Michaoldiunk John, e.s. Bremen b. Elder & Green<br />

Michaekauber George, w.s. Walnut b. 13 and 14th<br />

Michaelfelder Heiiiy, n.e.c. ISth and Vine<br />

Michie William, Smith b. 4th and Sth<br />

M<br />

l(;illIR.4IV LtllHBKK VAKD, (W F<br />

Smith & Co.) n.s. Canal b Sycamore & Broadway<br />

opp. Stagg & .Shay's Pork House<br />

Michka Henry, aL n.a. Huut b. Sycamoie & Broadway<br />

Mick William, n.s. 6ih e. of Lock<br />

Middle Mrs. Mary, s s. Wadeb. W. Ro-w & John<br />

Middelberg Frederick, s.w.c. .Sprins and Abisail<br />

Middend.of Barnard, s.s. 6th h Hafriet and l„<br />

Middlekauff Daniel, (ThirklliXm'ps"*rCa)<br />

n.s. 7th b. Mouud and Cutter >» "u-j




Medical and Literary Diplomat, Vi.silins and Btisiuess Cards, Maps, labels.<br />




Nortli-Avest co3-i&er o&' TSiiid and Walnut streets.<br />

MIL MIL<br />

Middleston, Thomas, bds. 144 Pearl at J. Brown's<br />

M<br />

AJOOLili^XON EI-B.IAia 4J., steel und cop.<br />

per plate printer and'dealer in books, stationei^y.<br />

»3tc. 115 Walnut, Odd Fellows' Building,<br />

b. 16 McFarland-<br />

MidleLoii Robert, s s. M.)rton opp. Hii^h<br />

Middleton R. S. elk. iit K. Clayton'^, bds. Ross<br />

House<br />

Middleton Wm. n.s, George b. Baymiller and Freeman<br />

Middleton Wm. C. elk. 31 Pearl<br />

M<br />

IDMLK WOO 8>&;B8tO'rM^SE,(George<br />

& Matthew) brewers, s.s. 4th b. W. Kuw nnd<br />

Jobn<br />

Middlewood George, (M. & Bro.) s.s. 4tUb. "W.<br />

Row and John<br />

Middlewood Matthew, (M. & Bro.) s.s. 4th b. W.<br />

How and. Juhn<br />

Midgley Richard V. b.h, 59 Broadway<br />

Midkniglit James, w.s. Smith b. :'.d and 4th<br />

Miedka Augustus, b.k. e.s. Walnut b. I3th & Allison<br />

Miehle Adolph, e.s. Freeman n. ofSLh<br />

Miedlaugh Juhn, e.s. Pleasant b. 14th and 15th<br />

Miemiars Harmnnn.n^s. Madison h. Elm t& Plum<br />

MieriHuher Miss Mary, w.s. Walnnt b. i:Uh & Hth<br />

Mier Barney, e.s. Bremen b.l4Lh and 15th<br />

Mier (Jasper, c.si. Pierson b. 5th and Oth<br />

Mier Henry, e.s. Vine w ofNorth<br />

Mier Henrv, s.s. WoodwarJb. Hroadway &vSpring<br />

MJer Heinrich, n.s. Abigail b. Syoamore & Broadway<br />

.<br />

Mier John, e.s. Spring b. ?Iunt and Court<br />

Mier Joseph, s.s. Woudward w. ot" Spring<br />

Mier M. printer, n.e.c. Vine and North<br />

Mier William, n.s. Mulberry near Main<br />

Mierenfeld John A. n.s. Front b.T.P. 4 &5 F'n.<br />

M<br />

IOHBLN .5ESNE W. al. phyi^ician, n.w.<br />

c. -Jth and Vine, h. s.e.c. 4ih and Vine<br />

MiKer Dietrich, e.s. Hace b. Front aud Cherry<br />

Milabin George, e.s. Walnut s. of Front<br />

Milay Patrick, s B. 4th h. W. Row and Jobn<br />

Mile Ann. w.s. Fulton b. Richmond and Catharine<br />

Mile Henry, e.s. John b. Uavid and Wade<br />

Mileham Mrs. Catharine, vv.s. W. Row b. Richmond<br />

and Catharine<br />

Miles Mr*'. Ann, n.s. (reorge b. Smilh and Mound<br />

Miles Mrs. Cath-rine. s.s. ?d b. Sniith and Park<br />

Miles Charles, at A, HarKness & Son's<br />

Miles Hamilton S. n.a. Richmond b John & Fulton<br />

Miles Joho, e.s. Fulton b. Clark and Chesnut<br />

Miles Mrs. Martha J. 343 w. 7th<br />

Miles Milton, 127 Main<br />

Miles Owen, n.s. Water b. Walnut tind Vine<br />

M<br />

II.,ES WIL/LKAinr H. brush manufacturer<br />

and variety store, V25 Main<br />

Miley Rev. John, 2?8 Longworth<br />

Miley William, n.s. B


O, u. MILLER. J. M. MILLER. J. G, MILLER.<br />


€}. C. 1?81LLEI£ & Co.<br />

Manufacturers of the most approved<br />

rrj Steel Mould Board Plows,!<br />


S. Side, bet. Main and TSValmut. jh^ Seventh st.ftet. OTn in & Walnnt<br />

MIL MIL<br />

IL.L.ER G. C. Sc SONS, fGeorge C, John<br />

M M, & JepthaG.) carriage manufs. c. Tth & Mil.<br />

ler<br />

Miller G. at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Miller George, 20e. Sth<br />

Miller George, s.s. Poplar b. W. Row and John<br />

Miller George, e s. Buckeyeb. Locust and Poplar<br />

Miller George, w.s. Ham. road b. Walnut & Liberty<br />

Miller George 0. (G. C. M. & Sons) s.w.c. Miller<br />

and Tth<br />

Miller George H. n.s. Richmondb. Baymillerand<br />

Freeman<br />

Miller George M., n.s. George b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

Miller Godfried, n.s. 3d b. P.-irk and Smith<br />

Miller Henry, (Purcell & M.) 13th near Walnut<br />

Miller Henry, w.s. Bremen h. 1.3Lh and Liberly<br />

.Miller Henry, e.s. Walnut b. Allison and Liberty<br />

Miller Henry, w.s. Sycamore, b. Liberty and Schiller<br />

Miller Henry, n.s. Clark b. Linn and Cutter<br />

Miller Heury, e.s. Spring b. Liberty & Woodward<br />

Miller Henry, w.s. Auburn St. n. of Mason<br />

Miller Henry H. (H. H. M . & Sons) s.s. 12th b.<br />

Vine and Race<br />

Miller Henry J. Secretary Ciu. Gas Light & Coke<br />

Co. n.s. 3d b. Walnut and Vine, bds. at Burnet<br />

House<br />

Miller Hermun H. w.s. Wood s. of 5th<br />

Miller H. H. & Sons (Henry H., Wm. H.& Samuel<br />

B. .Miller) n.s. Frontb. Butler and Canal<br />

Miller Hiram, n.w.c. John and Cutter, h. w.s- Rittenhouse<br />

Miller Hugh B. salesman, 226 Main<br />

Miller Increase C. agt. Wm. H. Perry, 110 Main, h.<br />

s.s. Longworth e. of Mound<br />

Miller Isaac H. (M. & Towle) 143 Race<br />

Miller Jacob, e.s. Race h. Water and Front<br />

Miller Jacob, bds. s.s. Harrison road b. Brighton &;<br />

Avenue House<br />

Miller Jacob, e.s. Bremen b. 14th and 15th<br />

Miller Jacob M. e.s. Dublin n. of Lock<br />

Miller James A. w.s. Pleasant s. of 14th<br />

Miller James R. b.k. 8 Commercial Row<br />

Miller James, w.s. John b. Richmond & Citharine<br />

Miller James F. w.s. Vine b. 12th and 13th<br />

Miller J. G. (G C. M. & S oas) bds. e.s. Walnut b.<br />

4th and 8th<br />

Miller Jane B. H.s.e.c. Elm and Front<br />

Miller J. W.J. bds. 156 w.Sth<br />

Miller John. e.s. Vine b. Benton and North<br />

Miller John, w.s. M. Canal h. Ash and Maple, h. e.<br />

s. Elm b. Liberty andClny<br />

Miller John, e.-. Walunt b. 13th and Allison<br />

Miller John, e.s. Peel h. Locust and Poplar<br />

Miller John, s.s. Liberty b. Him and Plum<br />

Miller John, e.s. Butler b. Congress and Front<br />

Miller John, Peet h. Buckeye and Mulberry<br />

Miller John, s.s. Kemble b. John and Fulton<br />

Miller John, s.s Betts h. Cutter and Linn<br />

Miller John, s.e.c. Stone and Longworth<br />

Miller John, elk. 130 Main<br />

Miller John, w.s. W. Row b. Laurel and Betts, h.<br />

s.s. Betts b. Cutter and Linu<br />

Miller John A. Symmes b. Ludlow and Lawrence<br />

Miller John F. (Koebel & M.) n.s. Brightou b. Harrison<br />

road and Bank<br />

Miller John F. e.s. Bremen b. 14th and 15th<br />

Miller John G. n.e.c. Benton and Vine<br />

M<br />

IIiLGK JOHN Ii., Agent General Stage<br />

OfRce, 19 w. 4th, h.s.s. Hopkins b. Linn&<br />

Cutter<br />

Miller JohnM. (G. C. Miller & Co.) a.s. Sth b. Main<br />

and Walnut<br />

Miller John P. e.s. Vineb. 12th and Canal<br />

Miller John T. salesman, 12 e. 4th<br />

Miller Joseph, T8 L. Market, h. Culvert n. of Tth<br />

Miller Joseph, s.s. Richmond b. Cutter & Linn<br />

Miller Louis, n.e.c. Vine and 13th<br />

Miller Louis P. b.k. e.s. Broadway b. 6th and Tth<br />

Miller Louisa, s.s. Highb. Lytle and Parsons<br />

Miller & Machett. (P. W. Miller & R. M. Machett)<br />

Eagle Hotel, 233 w.6th<br />

Miller Mary, e.s. Dublin n ofLock<br />

Miller Mrs. Mary, n.w.c. Cutter and Clark<br />

Miller Mrs. Mary, s.s. Buckeyeb. Locust & Eden<br />

Miller Matthews, carp. bds. n.w.c. Broadway and<br />

Spring<br />

Miller Matthias, e.s. Peet b. Locust and Poplar<br />

Miller Michael, w.s. Peet b. Poplar and Locust<br />

MiUer Micbael, e.s. Peet b. Locusi and Poplar<br />

Miller Milton H. n.s. Findley b. Vine and Race<br />

Miller Mrs. e.s. Spring b. Liberty and Woodward<br />

Miller Mrs. e.s. Pleasant b. l.Hh and Liberty<br />

M<br />

II.I^ER M. IV.,-blacksmith, n.w.c. Walnut<br />

and Pearl, res. C.-vington<br />

Miller Nicholas, porter, 22 w. 2d<br />

Miller Nicholas, e.s. Race b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Miller Peter, n s. Findley b. Race and blm<br />

Miller Peter, s.s. Buckeye b. Locust and Poplar<br />

Miller Philip, w.s. Vine h. 12ti. and Canal<br />

Miller Philip, constable, n.s. Everett b. Linn arid<br />

Lucust<br />

Miller Rachel A. 222 Race<br />

Miller Kichard, n.s. 4tli b. Race and Elm<br />

Miller Richard. vv,s,-numh. 2d and Front<br />

Miller Richard, b.k. 26 e. 2d. h. n.e.c. 4th and Elm<br />

Miller Robert, n.s. Front b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Miller Russell, s.w.c. Canal and Jobn<br />

Miller Russell, w.s. Rittenhouse b. Catharine and<br />

Clark<br />

Miller Mrs. Rutb, n.s. Bettsb. John aad Cutter<br />

Miller Samuel, bds. n.e c. Pearl and Elm<br />

iMiller Samuel, s.s. 12th b Vine and Race<br />

Miller Sebastian, at E.Hall & Co's.<br />

Miller Sidney, bds. Brighton House<br />

Miller Simon, s.s. High b. Lytle and Parsons<br />

Miller Simon, w.s Jackson b. 12th andl3lh<br />

Miller Thomas, n.w.c. John and Everett<br />

Miller Theohold, bds. s.s. Ham. road b. Piatt and<br />

M<br />

Freeman<br />

ILL.ER Sc TOWLE. (Isaae H. M. & A.<br />

B. r.) Real Estate and Money Brokers 43 w 3d<br />

Miller W. engineer, s.s. Symmes b. Kilgour & M<br />

Canal<br />

yiiller Wm.river man, s.s.Tth b. Mound & Cutter<br />

Ml er Wm. chemist, s.e.c. Stone and Longworth<br />

Miller Wm. box mkr. s.e.c. Laurel and Locust






Ko. §1 Sycamore slreet, between FronLand Second,<br />

K. B. I will also attend to the purchasing of second-hand Engines and Hose Reels, repairing Engines<br />

for corporations, if consigned to my care, anh see that they are done in a workmanlike<br />

manner»and on reasonable terms.<br />

MIL MIT<br />

Miller Wm, cab. mkr. s.s. Barr b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Miller Wm. pattern mkr. n.s, 7th b.. John and<br />

Mound<br />

Miller Wm, min. painter, 3 and 4 Art Uuion bldg.<br />

MiUer Wm. shoe mkr. n.s. Ham. road near, Freeman<br />

Miller Wm. tobacconist, n.s. Court b. Main and.<br />

"Walnut<br />

Miller Wm. carp. w.s. Pleasant b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Miliar Wm. drayman, s.s. Liberly b. Main and<br />

Sycamore<br />

Miller Wm. machinist, s.s. 12th b. Vine and Race<br />

Miller Wm. painter, s.s. Yeatman b. Broadway<br />

and Sycaraore<br />

Miller Wm. sawyer, bds. Mrs. Ann-Cornish*s<br />

Miller Wm. G. 215 w. 4th<br />

Miller Zach. w.s. .Sassafras n. of Ash<br />

Millett John, n.s. Water e. of Smith<br />

Millheuser Mrs. C. s.s. Ham. road b. Elm and Dunlap<br />

Milligan & Clements, (Samuel M. & Fisrguson C,><br />

s.s. Congress b. M. Canal and Kilgour<br />

Milligan John, n^. High e. of Reservoir<br />

Milligan Michael, n.s. Hopkins b. Linn & Cutter<br />

Milligan Robert, n.s. High e. of Reservour<br />

Milligan Samuel, (M. & Clements) n.s. Front opp.<br />

Jamestown Ferry Landing<br />

Millikin Mrs. M n.e.c. Longworth and W. Row<br />

Milliucamp Frederick, w.s Walnut b. 13th and<br />

Allison<br />

Millington John, s.s. Mercer b.Walnut and Vine<br />

Mills Ba-vid, jr. s.s. 9th b. Main and Sycamore, h.<br />

M<br />

132 w. Dth<br />

1LI.lh and Liherty<br />

Milts Mrs. Sarah, s.s. 8th b. Sycamore and Broadl^'l.S<br />

REV. THORN TOW A. Editor<br />

M Central Christian Herald, bds. n.w.c. 4th and<br />

W. Row<br />

Mills & Wright (John M. «fe Robert W.) ws. W.<br />

Kow op. Court<br />

Millson John, Elm b. 9th ard Court<br />

Mi'lson Joseph, w.s. Elm b. 5th and Longworth<br />

Miilward Henry (M. & Oldershaw) Mt. Auburn<br />

M JliLWARI»&OCI»ERSHAW,(Henry<br />

1RR1EL.EES, BROTHERS, Chemical<br />

M'<br />

works s.s. Deer Creek road c. 8th<br />

Mirrielees John D. (M., Brothers) Walnut Hills<br />

Mirx Caroline, w.s. W. Kow b. 6th and George<br />

Mirx Jeannetle, w.s. W. Row b. 6th and George<br />

Mirx Sarah, w.s. W. Kow b. 6th and George<br />

Misener James G. (Trener & M.) n.s.Webb b.Smith<br />

and Park<br />

Mishauiau Conrad, e s. Pleasantb. Hth and 15th<br />

Miakell Thomas, e.s. Ludlow b. 3d and Congress<br />

Mister Martin, w.s. Vine b. Elder and Green<br />

Mitchel Prof. O. M. superintendent Cincinnati Observatory,<br />

res. at Observatory<br />

Mitchell Benjamin, bds. Mrs. Sarah Cainahan<br />

Mitchell Mrs. Bridget, e.s. Plum b. Longworth &<br />

6th<br />

ITCHELL. Ac BRO. (John & Wm. F.)<br />

M dealers in iron, stoves, &c. 395 Main<br />

Mitchell Charles, b.k. 99 Broadway<br />

Mitchell Daniel, n.s. Front b. T.P. 8 and 9 F'n<br />

Mitchell James, s.s. Tth b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Mitchell James, at Doolittle & Bates', h.w.s. Hannibal<br />

b. 5th and 6th<br />

M., & Percival P. O.) pork pkrs. & com. mers. Mitchell James, e.s. Ramsey b. Canal and Front<br />

w.s. Walnut b. Pearl and 3d<br />

ITCHELL JETHRO, lumber yard, e.s.<br />

Milne George, (G. M. & Co.) 106 Broadway M Vine n. of AUison, res. Mt. Auburn<br />

IJLNB G£:OR«E Ac CO. banliers, s.s. Sd MITCHELL J. Ac CO. (Jethro M. & Isaac<br />

M b. Mnin and Walnut<br />

N. Davis) flooring mill, and lumber dealers, e.<br />

Milvy Michael, a.s. Sth e. ofLock<br />

s. Broadway b. 9th and Court


'^^ MITCHELL &. B'ltOTHLR,<br />



They also keep on hand a large variety of<br />


No. 395 JTEaitt slreet, IVest side,<br />

(Threedoors belo v Court,)<br />

cs Q <strong>52</strong>r cs a Sis' s^r »£^ °s^ a »<br />

MOR MOM<br />

Mitchell J. F. n.s. Clinton I).John and Cutter<br />

Mitchell John (AI. & Brn.) 5Pn w.6th<br />

MitchellJohn, at H. P.Gryden.A Co's<br />

Mitchell John, s.s. 2d b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Mitchell John, bda. BofRni^er's<br />

Mitchell John S. e s. McAllister b 4th and 'ith<br />

Mitchell Rev. John T. n.s. Sth b. Sycamore and<br />

Bro.Td way<br />

Mitchell Joseph W. w.s. Vineb. Canal ant' 19th<br />

Mitchell M. B. elk. 7 College Hall. h. 134 Pearl<br />

Milcbell Mrs. Mercy, 121 w. Sth<br />

Mitchell Michael, e.s. Mill h. 3d and 4th<br />

MitrheU Newton, lard oil manuf. w.s. Plum b.Mason<br />

and Everett, h. 9-2 e. :'d<br />

Mitchell O. R. elk. al. b. 7th & Sth, & Sycamore &<br />

Broadway<br />

Mi'.chell Patrick, 144 w. ?d<br />

Mitchell Presley, n.e.c. Plum and Grant<br />

M<br />

fTCHEI^L & KAitt.lf EL«SB13RO,(Ko.<br />

hert M. & Frederick R ) cabinet ware rooms.<br />

2> and 27 e. 2d, manuf. s.w.c. John and 2d<br />

Mitchell Robert, n.s. Sth e. ofLock<br />

Mitchell Robert (M. & Hammelsberg) n.s. 3d b. W.<br />

Row and John<br />

Mitchell Samuel 11. b.k. 20 e. 2d, bds.John Mitchell<br />

Gth b. W. Row and John<br />

Mitchell Sebastian, s.s. 12th b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Mitchell Thomas G. (Coffin & M.) res. w.s. Leba-<br />

M<br />

Bon Pike<br />

rrCHELXj •WSI^I.Iini, publisher Wes<br />

tern Fountain. Eagle building, n.w.c. Court &<br />

Main<br />

Mitchell William F. (M. & Rro.) bds. 280 w. (ilh<br />

Mitchelson William, s.w.c. Gth and Broadway<br />

Mitchener J. L. (J. L. M. & Co.) res. 331 Vine<br />

M<br />

ITCHEINEK .r. I.. Sc CO. Anchor lard<br />

oil works. w.s.Plum at Elbow M. Canal<br />

Mitchener Mrs. Josephine, w.s. Ham. road b. Poplar<br />

and Locust<br />

Mitchener William, h.h. LSI Race<br />

Milland John, n.s. Friendship al. b. Pike & Butler<br />

Mitten William, hds. James Heaslitt<br />

Mittendorf Joseph, n.s. Van Horn b. Cutter and<br />

Linn<br />

Mittendorf Heinrich, w.s. Hughes b. Schiller and<br />

Burffoyne<br />

Mittcr William, w s. Vine b. 13th and 14th<br />

Mittler Joho, n.s. Liberly b.Race and Pleasant<br />

Mitts Peter, w.s. Piatt b. Bank and Freeman<br />

Mix William F. res. 'JO.'i Court<br />

Mix Zebadiuh, s.w.c. Tlh and Cutter<br />

Moarlin Christian, w.s. Elm b. Cooper and Ham.<br />

road<br />

Moarlin Conrad, bds. Ch. Moarliu's<br />

Mohis Henry, w.s. Vine b. Liberty and Green<br />

Moch Heinrich, e.s. Anderson b. Canal and F'-ont<br />

Mockiich George, w.s. Fulton b. Clark and Catharine<br />

Moddeff Henry, at C. B, Owen's, h. Buckeye b.Butler<br />

and Locast<br />

Modekar Heinrich, e.s. Tanner b. Webster and Liberty<br />

Mochrin? Fred, gardener, a.s. Vine b. Liberty and<br />

AlliBOD<br />

Moehring M. E. n.s. Front b. Kace and Elm<br />

Moelmyer Frederick, Hughes b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Moeuinghofi' H. e.s. Clay b. ]3th and Allison<br />

Moerschel George, w.s. Clay b. 13th and Allison<br />

VIoesbe Miss Mary, n.s. Baker b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Moffett Michael, e.s. W. Row b. Longworth tfc Gth,<br />

h. L'Hommedeau's al. b. George and 7th<br />

Moffett James S. (Canfleld & M.) 116 w 7th<br />

Moffett John, w.s. Webb b. Stone and Wood<br />

Moffett William, s.s. Mason b. Plum and W. Row<br />

VIolTett Mra. Margaret, n.s. 7th b. John and Mound<br />

.Mohlenfols Lewis, at E. Hall & Co's<br />

Mohn George, n.s. Walaut b. 1,3th and Allison<br />

Mohrhaus B. w.s. Plum b. Jefferson and Adams<br />

Mohrmau Louis, n.s. Front b. Race and Elm<br />

Moke Levi, n.w.c. Melancthon and W. Row<br />

.Mokher Ann, e. s. Providence b. Wade and Liherty<br />

Holder Henry, bds. Francis Vice's<br />

VToleah Frederick, at A Harkness & Son's<br />

Moliter Joseph, n.a. Ham. road b. Main & Locust<br />

Molitor Stephen, pub. Volks Blatt, head cf Sycamore<br />

Moll Charles, bds. at F. Roltgen's<br />

MoUeran Joseph, n.s. Abigail b. Main andSycamore<br />

MoUoy Hugh, n.s. Water b. Main and Walnut<br />

.Molloy Martiu, e.s. Smith b. 4tb and .'ith<br />

vfoUoy Peter, n. e.c.Richmond and Johu<br />

.Moloney Daniel, e.s. Spring b. Woodward and Liberty<br />

Moloney Patrick, s.s. Webb b. Park and Smith<br />

Moloy Thomas, s.s. Front b. T.P. 2d and 3d F'n<br />

Moltnian Bernard, foot of Division St.<br />

Monaghan Mrs. Joanna, n.s. 7th h. Sycamore and<br />

Broadway<br />

Monaghan P,itrick, w.s. Vine b. 2d and Pearl<br />

Monaghan Terrence, s.w.c. Catharine and W RQ-W<br />

Mimahan Lack, w.s.W. Row b. Liberty and Poplar<br />

-Vlondowney James, n.s. I'd b. Kace and Elm<br />

Mondowney Jeremiah, n.s. 3d b. Race and Elm<br />

Monfort Wm. s.s. Laurel b. John and Cutter<br />

Monheiincr Aaron, n.w.c. 7th and Mound<br />

Monheiiner Isaac, clothier,78 Main, h a.s. Pearib<br />

Race and Elm<br />

Monig Franz, s.s. 151b b. Kace and Elm<br />

VTonig Hem y. s.s. Commerce b. Race and Vine<br />

Monig John H. e.s. Pleasant b. ISth and Libertv<br />

Moninjer Christian, bds. s.w.c. Harrison road and<br />

Monke Rudolph, s.e.c. Sth and Cutter<br />

Monkhaus P. w.s. Vine b 2d and Front<br />

VrO^KaO*.' CHRINTl AN F. china.glass<br />

M and queen's ware, 321 .Main, h.e.s. Hughea h<br />

William and Burgoyne "ugnes b.<br />

Monniea Rernard, e.s. Elm b. 2d and Pearl h n c<br />

Longworth b. Mound and Cutter '<br />

Monnig George H. s.s. Mound b. 7th and Georpe<br />

.\Ionning Frederick, at A. Harkness* Son's<br />

.Monniiig Frank, bds. Peter Fogle's<br />

Vtonning George, bds. Peter Fu'lc's<br />

'"""/ieV use'"' °"^ *' ^^^' '''"' ^^^- "P- *'-


P. J. MCORE,<br />


223 Fifth street, between Elm and Plum, Cincinnati,<br />

Has on hand aud will furnieh<br />



Will be executed wiih neatness and dispatch.<br />

MOO MOO<br />

Monroe James, hds. James Lester, e.s. John b.Kichmond<br />

and Kemble<br />

Monroe John H, u.s, George b Linn and Baymiller<br />

iVIonroe Joseph, s.s. Front b. T.P.2 and 3 F'n<br />

Monroe Thomas, e.s. Ludlow b. ;^d & Conjrress<br />

Monseh Anthony, e.s. Hace h. Green and Elder<br />

Montagnier Mrs. w s. Kace b. Union and "d<br />

Montague Mrs. S. e.s. W. Row b. Mason and Everett<br />

-<br />

Miontague Thomas, w.s. Providence b. Mason and<br />

Everett<br />

Montague Thomas, w.s. Plum b. Mason and Everett<br />

Montague Wm. E. (James Wheelwright & Co.) 27<br />

w. Front<br />

Monter Henry G. at Commeicial office, bds. w.s.<br />

Spring b Hunt & Abigail<br />

Montlort William P. w. s. W. Row b. Sth and<br />

Kemhle<br />

Montfort William P. bds. Charles Conahan<br />

IVTontgomery Henry J. clU. 168 Main<br />

Montgomery James M. e.s. John b. 7th and 8th<br />

Montgomery John C. 292 Main, bds. Wm. Montgomery's<br />

Montgumery Miss Miranda, bds. w.s. Elm b. 12th<br />

and l.^lh<br />

Montgomery Nathaniel, n.s. Sth e. of Stone<br />

Montgomery Robert, elk. s.e.c. Elm and 14th<br />

Montgomery Witliam, b.h. 137 Walnut<br />

Montgomery William, w.s. Vine b. 13th and Hth<br />

Montgomery William H. at Alexander Price's<br />

Montgomery William R. elk. 154 w. 5th, bds.5th b.<br />

Race and Elm<br />

Mony William, n.s. R.R. b. T.P.31 and 32 F'n<br />

Moody Miss Caroline, e.8. Cutter b. Everett and<br />

David<br />

?TToody J..hn B. 288 Main<br />

Moody John K. elk. 2U Broadway<br />

Moody William, market master, s.s. 4th b. Smith<br />

and Park<br />

Moonart Augustus, s.s. 5th h. McAllister and Pike ,<br />

Mooney Benjamin, b.k. 40 Main<br />

Mooney Mrs. Mary, n.s. Pearl b.Smith and Park<br />

Mooney Michael w.s. Race b. Canal and 12th<br />

Moouey Patrick, s.e.c. Congress and Butler<br />

Mooney Thomas, s.s. Gth b. Elm and Plum, h.n.s.<br />

George b. Race and Kim<br />

Mooney & Welch (Patrick M. & Luke W.) w. s.<br />

M<br />

Butler b. Congress and Front<br />

OOEtlB Ac vtNDERSOIV, (William H. M.<br />

& Uavid A.) publishers and booksellers, 118<br />

Main, and 34 w. 4th<br />

Moore A. w.a. M.Canal b.Ash and Maple, h.n.s.<br />

\4ih b, Elm and Plum<br />

Moore Aaron B. n.a. Richmond h. Fulton & Cutter<br />

Moore Amos, b^ditor Western Magazine, bds. John<br />

Young's, n.s. Sth b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Moore Miss Ann, Arch b.Ludtow and Broadway<br />

Moore Arthur, at A. Harknesa & Son*s<br />

OOStE AUGrSTl/S, pleasure garden, bath<br />

M house billiard saloon. & coffee h. n.w.c. Main<br />

and Liberty<br />

Moore Augustus 0. bds. 127 w 7lh<br />

Moore Barney, at Litherbury's ship yard, F'n<br />

Moore & Beers (John M. & Charles H. B.) 6 Landing<br />

e.of Broadway ^<br />

Moore C, C. 150 Walnut<br />

M*^.^*ftt^ & CHESTER, family grocers, n.<br />

iU e.c. ath and Walnut<br />

Moore Chailes, e.s. Bremen b.lSth and Liberty<br />

Moore Chaj-Jes, bk. binder, bd«. B. B. Hazelton's<br />

Moore Charlea L. b.k. s.w.c. Main and Front, bds<br />

n. Hosea's '<br />

Moore Dr. C. J. S. n.w.c. Broadway and 3d<br />

"''looV,"'*"^''"^' ^^^- ^'•at. Mut. Life Ins. Co.h.<br />

J88 Cuurt<br />

Moore riaoiei C. bds. J Moore's, n.s. Liberty<br />

Moore Elijah, n.s. Water b. Vine and Race<br />

Moore Elizabeth, Arch b. Ludlow and Broadway<br />

Moore Eliza, e.s. .^orth b. Gth and 7th<br />

Moore ElUs, n.s. Liberty b. Young and Wilson<br />

Moore F. at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Moore F^M. at S. B. Neil's, bds. n.s, 3d b. Walnut<br />

and Vine<br />

Moore George, w.s. Langdon al. b. Cth and 7tU<br />

Mor.re George, n.s. Front b. T.P. ]7 and 18 F'n<br />

Moore George A. co|.per plate printer, I48Main<br />

Moore Henry, bds. 126 Longworth<br />

Moore Hugh, pauern mkr. e.s. Cutter b. Richmond<br />

and ('aihyrine<br />

Moore Hugh, 142 Broadway<br />

VIOOKE MtI«H, hats, caps, &c. 38 w. 3d,<br />

iri Ma.=!onic bldg, h.Mt. Adams<br />

Moore James, at J. Brischo's<br />

Moore James, e.s. Rittenhouse b. Clark and Catha<br />

M<br />

rine<br />

****"?.*? :^^^?F •*• ''='' ^•'•1 «aP manufactu<br />

rer, 342 Main, hds. K. B, Hornish<br />

Moore J. H. s.s. 3d b. -Walnut and Vine, bds. Jno<br />

Koglano's<br />

Moore J. C. s.s. Clinton b. John and Cutter<br />

Moore Ur. J. C. S. bds. Hugh Moore's<br />

Moore James M. s.s. Richmond b. John and Fulton<br />

Moore J. R. n.s. Laurel b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Moore M-s, Jane, e.s. Bremen b. 13th and Hth<br />

Moore Joel, n.s. Milton op. Mansfield<br />

Moore John, n.a. Front b. T. P. S and 9 F'n<br />

Moo e John, at B, Hazen's, h. s.s. Front b T P<br />

17 and 18 F'n<br />

Moore John. w.s. Vine b. Elder and Ham. Road<br />

Moore John, bds. at Mrs. Handy's, n.s. Catharine b<br />

Fulton and Cutter<br />

Moore John, w.s. Liberty b. Youngand Wilson<br />

Moore John, bds. c. Vine and Pearl<br />

Moore John F. n.s. 7tli b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Moore John M. (M. & Chester) bds. 127 w. 7th<br />

Moore John T. n.s. Rail Koad b. T. P. ISand 20 F'n<br />

Moore Joseph, s.s. Jjarr b. Linu and iJaymiUer





B'!<br />

Warehouse, Nos. 58 and 60 Coluuibia slreet, Wcit of Broadway, Cintiiiuati,<br />

MOR MOR<br />

Moore Josiah B. bds. Francis Moore's<br />

Moore Kenney, n.s. Catharine b. Linnand Baymiller<br />

Moore Lemuel, 234 Walnut<br />

Moore Leslie, b.k.. res. William b. 9tb and Court<br />

Moore Mra. Lucretia, e.s. Elm b. Green & Liberty<br />

IWoore-Mary, n.s. Catharine b. Johnand Fulton<br />

Moore Mark, e.s. Broadway b. Sth and Sth<br />

Moore Martha, s.e.c. 2d and Plum<br />

Moore Michael, at A. Harkness and Son's<br />

Moore Michael, carriage mkr. Franklin b. Mainand<br />

Sycamore<br />

Moore-.Michael, drayman, s.s. 2d w. of Smith<br />

Moore Michael, lab. s.s. Front b. Plum and Elra<br />

Moore Mrs. n.s. 6th b Plura and W. Kow<br />

Moore Patrick, w.s. Dublin b. Sth and Court<br />

M<br />

OORE PEKRV J. plumber, pump and<br />

hvdrant mkr. 223 w. 5tli, h. s.a. Longworth w. of<br />

Parlt<br />

Moore Peter, bds. c. Pearl and Vine<br />

Moore Raphael M. b.k. s.w.c. Main and Front, bds.<br />

R. Hosea's<br />

Moore Kichard, porter, 10 Main<br />

M<br />

OOIiG KIDHARU B. measurer of stone<br />

and brick work, n.w.c. 7th and Plum, h.e.s.<br />

Stone b. Webb and 4th<br />

Moore Robert, elk. bds. Mrs. Williamson's<br />

Moore Robert, e.s. Pleasant b. loth and Liberty,<br />

bds. Mrs. C.Edward's<br />

Moore Robert C. at A. Harkness & Son's, h. 274<br />

Longworth<br />

Moore Mrs. Sarah, 254 w. 7th<br />

Moore Mrs. Susanna, b.h. 376 w. 7tii<br />

Moore Thomas, bds. at J. Haskell's, Lodge b, 6th<br />

and Sth-<br />

Mioore Thomas H. elk. n.s. Catharine b. John and<br />

Fullon<br />

Moore William, at Johnson, Morton & Co's, h. n.s.<br />

Front op. T. P. 21 F'n<br />

Moore William, e.s. Vine b. Pearl and 2d, h. e.s.<br />

Race b. Pearl and 3d<br />

Moore William, s.s. Catharine b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Moore William, n.a. Clark b. John and Culter<br />

Moore Wm. .1. bds. Sackett's, s.s. 6th w. of Walnut<br />

Moore William F. A. n.a. 4th b. Mill and Park<br />

Moore William H. (M. & Andersonjn.s. 3d b.Smith<br />

M<br />

and Park<br />

OORE ^VM. H. * CO. booksellers and<br />

publishers, 118 Main<br />

Moore WiUiam H. elk. bds. Ludlow Patterson's<br />

Moore Mrs. W. widow of Thomas, w.s. Sycaraore<br />

M<br />

b. Orchard and Liberty<br />


M.& Algernon S.B.) saddles, harness and trunks,<br />

89 Main<br />

Moores Miss Eliza A. 234 Walnut<br />

Moores Henry F. w.s. John b. 7th and 8th<br />

Moores John. s.s. Sth b. John and Mound<br />

Moores Wm. H. CM. & Butterfield, & W.B. M. &<br />

Col res. Clifton<br />

Moores Wm. B. & Co. (William B. M. & Robert<br />

Boal) lime plaster and cement, w.s. Plum b.<br />

7th and Sth<br />

Moorhaus H. A. res. 612 Main<br />

MOJrtaaus WiUiam, bds. with H. A. Moorhaus<br />

Morehead James H. frame mkr. and.gilder, 18 college<br />

bldg. h. e.s. Elm b.4tli and jth<br />

Moorehead Peter, n.s. Slh b. Lock and Baum<br />

Moorehead Robert H. (Kobson & M.) e.s. Vine b.<br />

Front and 2d<br />

Moorehead Samuel, s.s. Van Horn b. BaymiUer and<br />

Freeman<br />

Moorehead William J. IS College bldg. bds J. H.<br />

Moo head<br />

Mooring W. H. bds. Eagle Hotel<br />

Moorman A. G. n.s. 7th b. .-iycamore and Broadway<br />

Moorman Bernard, s.s. Front b. Smith and John<br />

Muorman Bernard J. Landing b. Maiu and Waluut<br />

-Moorman F. H. s.s. Abigail b. Maiu andSycamore<br />

Moorman George, e.s.Jiuckeye b.Poplar & Vine<br />

Moorman Hugh, e.s. Sycamore b. Liberty and Milton<br />

Moorman Jacob M. e.s. Smith n. of Water<br />

Ol»ltMA(\IV jr. Si. atty at law, 18 w. 9th<br />

M, b. Main and Walnut<br />

Moormauji John, w.s. Linn b. Laurel and Hopkins<br />




INCORPOltATEW 1820.<br />

Would Cflll the attention of Printers generally to their assortment of<br />

TIPI8, BOitBlES IKI) OKNilHf §,<br />

Which is as complete aa that of any establishment in America, and to which constant<br />

additions arc being made.<br />

ATJSO—Presses of various kinds, Cliases, Composing; Stiiclcsf Galleys, ASrass<br />

Rules, Fiai'uitiire, Cases, Printing' Ink, ami every article ajiportainiiig to a print<br />

ing otiice, furnished on as reasonable terms aa at any other I'stablishracnt.<br />

bi ^>r7^::a d^^iSSe<br />


MOR MOR<br />

Morgan Mrs. Catharine, e.s. Johnb. Kichmond &<br />

Catharine<br />

Morgan E. at Powell's foundry<br />

Morgan Elisiha (Richardson & M.) s.e.c. Clinton t&<br />

Cutter, h.n.s. Clinton b. W. Row and John<br />

Morgan Kdward, elk. n.s. 4th b. Park and Mill<br />

Morfian Kdward, s. s. Catharine b. W. Row and<br />

M<br />

John<br />

OBftGAN E. Ac CO. (Ephraim, James T., tfe<br />

Christopher A.) publishers and bookbinders,<br />

111 Maia<br />

Morgan Kphraim (E. M. &L CO.) 137 w. 4th<br />

Morgan Kvans, c. 5th and Butler<br />

Morgan George, n.s. Jth h. Mill and Park<br />

M<br />

OJKOAN JtlUGW, lumber ya.rd,s.w.c.Smith<br />

and W.W. Canal, h.n.a. 4th b. Park and MiU<br />

Morgan Jacob, n.s. Front b. Parsons and Lytle<br />

Morgan J. A. bk. hinder, 210 Court<br />

Morgan James, salesman, n.s. Gano h. Walnut &<br />

Lodge<br />

Morgan James, at E. Hall &Co's<br />

Morgan James T. (K. M. & Co.) res. Storrs tp.<br />

Morgan J. F. 88 w. Tth<br />

Morgan John, 329 Race<br />

Morgan John, ai B. Hazen's, s. s. Front op. T.P.<br />

IG F'n<br />

Morgan John, s.s. Hopkins b. John and Cutter<br />

Morgan John S. n.w.c. Court and Deer Creek<br />

Morgan Mrs. n.s. 5th b. Plum andVV. Row<br />

31organ ?JaLhaniel, n.s. Moses b. Stone & Mill, h.n.<br />

s. 4tli h. Stone and Mill<br />

Morgan &;Overend (Epliraim M. & William O.) c.<br />

Beddinger and M. Ciuial<br />

[Morgan Hamuel, 137 w. 4th<br />

Morgan Samuel J. (C. A. xM. & CD.) s.s. 4th b. Race<br />

aud Elm<br />

Morgan Spicer, s.s. 2d b. Smith and Rose<br />

Morgan Thomas, c. Kim and Adams, h.w.s. Elm b.<br />

Canal and liitli<br />

Morgan T.P. n.s. Sth b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Morgan Willoughby C. s.s. Front b. T.P. 24 and 25<br />

F'n<br />

Morgan William, Milton near Price<br />

Morgan William G. s.s. High b. CoUard and Lytle<br />

Morganroedt Heinrich, e.s. Sycamore n. of Milton<br />

Morhoffer Joseph, e.s. W. Row b. Mason and Everett<br />

Morin Ann, n.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />

Morin John, bds. A. D. Robinson's<br />

Morin Patiick, n.s. Front b. Elm and Plum<br />

Morin William, at Filley & Chapin's<br />

Morite Mayer, s.s. Gth b. Elm and Plum<br />

Mork Jacob, salesman, s.e.c. Main and 3d<br />

Morlein C. s.s. Ham. road b. Elm and Dunlap<br />

Morman B. n.s. Orchard b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Morman Franklin, shoe mkr. at 28 Front<br />

Morrans Henry, s.w.c. MUl and 3d<br />

Morrell Abraham (M., Jordan & Phillips) res. 19<br />

w. 8th „ , ,.<br />

Morrell John A. L. b.k. Gowdy & Terry s, Pearl.h.<br />

M<br />

221 Longworth<br />

ORREX^L? JORDAN Ac PHffi:.CII»S,<br />

(Abram M. jr., Richard J. & Thomas P.) Lick­<br />

ing Iron works, 58 & 60 e, 2d<br />

12<br />

Money Joseph, w. s. Providence b. Everett and<br />

Wado<br />

Morris Benoni, bds. s. s. Catharine b. Cutter and<br />

Linn<br />

Morris Calvary (McCullough M. & Co.) Mt. Auburn<br />

Morris C. N. at Commercial office, bda. n.w.c. 3d<br />

and Broadway<br />

Morris Daniel, w.s. W. Avenue s. of Harnson road<br />

-Morris George, bds. Martha Woodington's<br />

Morris George, b.k. bds. at Mrs. McCormiek's. s.p.<br />

Gth b. Elm and Plum<br />

Morris Harvey, s.s. Front b. T.P. 13 and 14 F'n<br />

Morris Isaac H s.s. Laurel b. Linn and Cutter<br />

Morris James, n.s. Front b. T.P. 7 and 8 F'n<br />

Morris James M, s.s. High b. Collard and Lytle<br />

Morris John jr. at Martin, Anshutz & Co's<br />

Morns John,blacksmith, w.s. John b. Kemble and<br />

Richmond<br />

Morris John, w.s. Vine b. 2d and Comnierce<br />

Morris John C. brk. rakr. Mill b. 4th and Sth<br />

Morris Joseph, s.s. 2d b. Vine and Race<br />

Morris Joseph,e.s. Linn b. Catharine and Clark<br />

Morris Joseph L. (Ross. Story


3z^^(^^3!SS^^3Si^ln^<br />





I AND<br />


Nos. S and .37 Canal Market, South side,<br />

MOS<br />

Morse Charles E.b.k. com. Bk. h.s.s.7th b.W.Row<br />

and John<br />

Morse Edward, (Grames & M.) bds. Mrs. W.<br />

Wright's<br />

Morse George W. elk. G,w.Front, h.s.s 4th b. Stone<br />

and Wood<br />

Morse Henry, s.w.c. John and Bth<br />

Morse Increase, n.e.c. Smith and Water, res. s.s<br />

Water e. of Smith<br />

Morse James, bds. at Francisco Bay<br />

Morse John O. s.s. Front b. T. P. 7 and 8 F'n<br />

Morse Joseph, e.s. Baymiller b. Catharine and<br />

Clark<br />

MUH<br />

Moses Simon, b.k. for Johnson & Powers, n.s. 3d<br />

b. Plurn and W. Row<br />

Moses Solomon, n.s. Frontb. Plumand W. Row<br />

Mosey Mra. Emily, n.s. 7th b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Mosher Charles, elk 29 Sycamore<br />

OSUER EAVFA^-EXTE, atty. at law.<br />

M Be. 3d, bds. 64Centre<br />

Mosley Wesley B. elk. 15L.Market<br />

Moss , 2d hand store, s.w.c. Vine and 13th<br />

Moss John, bds. John Humble's<br />

Moss L. at A. Harkness and Son's<br />

Moss Lemuel, printer, s.s. 7th b. Linn and Baymil­<br />

Morse Royal, Porter, 150 Main<br />

ler<br />

ORSE SXEFHEW, Sec. of NaUonal Ins. Mosser John, e.s. Buckeye b. Locust and Poplar<br />

M Co. 6 Front h. n.s. Bth b. W. Row and John Mosser John, barkeeper, St Charles Exchange<br />

MOaSE 'r. VV. & Co. (Thomas W. M. & Mossman James, elk. s.s. 4th"b. Smith and Park<br />

George H. FloyJ) boy's clothing and gent's fur­ Mothersel Wm. e.s. Spring b. Liberty and Woodnishing<br />

goods, BU w. 4th<br />

ward<br />

Morse Thomas, at Johnson, Morton & Co's res.s.s, Mott Samuel, n.S. Sth b. Sycamore & Broadway<br />

Front b.T. P.3. and 4 b-n.<br />

Motte Malhias, s.s. Buckeye b. Locust and Eden<br />

OUSE'S TEJLEGa:tAl»M, ^ofiice 5 e. 3rd Mouguy Desire, n.s. Frontb. Elm aud Plura<br />

M south side<br />

Moulder Jacob, n.s Liberty b. W. Rowand John<br />

Morson George, Canal b.Race & Kim<br />

Moulders Union Foundry Association, s.w.c. Front<br />

Morton Mrs Adaline, widow of Benjamin w.s. and \\'alnut<br />

Langdon al.b.6th&71h<br />

Moulinier Charies, bds. 143 Sycamore<br />

Morton Daniel H. (Jonnson, Morton and Co.) s.e. MojUnier Charles P. elk. 49 Sycamore<br />

c. Morton and Parsons<br />

Moulton Porter, n.s. 4tli b. Stone and Wood<br />

Morton Henry, (Frazor, Baker iV M.) res. 335 w. Gth Monlster Cornelius, n.s. Front b. Lytle and Parsons<br />

Morton Jamea, b. 7th and Sth and b. Sycamore and res. w.s. Lytle<br />

Bro a

a^'J^a<br />



I N/1 PO RTE R © OF<br />




MUL MUR<br />

Muhle J. F. w.s. Clay b. 13tli and Allison<br />

Muhlenburg Henry, bds. at Mr. Macke's, Hunt street<br />

Muhlhausen Ulrich, w.s. Vine n. of Hamilton Road<br />

Muier Samuel, n.s. Front b. Lytle and Corroration<br />

line<br />

Muir Thomas, s.e.c. Catharine and John<br />

Mulour Frederick, n.s. 5th b. Pike and iiutler<br />

Muldony Peter, w.s. McAllister<br />

Mulfeather John, s.w.c. Plum and Wade<br />

Mulfeather William, n.s. 6th c. of Lock<br />

M<br />

U I J F O K M , I>AVII>, lumber dealer, n.s.<br />

George b. Mound and Cutter<br />

Mulford Francis, salesman, bds. s.s. Oth b. Race &<br />

Elm<br />

Mullord John, w.s. John b. 6th and Longworth<br />

Mulford Richard, salt inspector, h. 206 Longworth<br />

Mulholland George, e.s. Race b. 2d and Pearl<br />

MullioUand Henry, n.s. Ann b. Plum and W. Kow<br />

Mulholland Robert, s.w.c. Sycamore and Sth<br />

.llulhorn Mrs. Margaret, e.s. Jackson b. 12th and<br />

Canal<br />

Mullally Elizabetl), w.s. W. Row b. Catharine and<br />

Richmond , „. .,<br />

Mullally John, w.s. Elm b. North and Fmuley<br />

Mullally John H. elk. n.s. Sth b. Harriet & Brooks'<br />

Mullally Richard, n.s. Sth b. Harriett and Brooks<br />

Mullally Richard G. n.s. Laurel b. W. Row & John<br />

MuUan Elizabeth, n.s. Sth n. of Baum<br />

Mulland James, e.s. Lock b. 4th and oth<br />

Mullane William, s.w.c. 4th and Parle<br />

Mullen Dennis, n.s. Mh e. ot Lock<br />

Mullen Henrv A. at Johnson, Morton & Co. res. s.<br />

s. Frontb. T.P. 12 and 13 F'n<br />

Mullen Hugh, ws. Broadway b. Liberty & Milton<br />

Mullen James, n.s. Water b. Vineand Kace<br />

TlTULIiEIV JOlVATHAPr, chair manuf. and<br />

111 cabinet ware rooms, 132 Sycamore, h. s.s. Sth b.<br />

Broadway and Pike<br />

Mullen Mary A. Cherry b. Plum and ^. Row<br />

Mullen Michael, w.s. Rose b. Front and -d<br />

Mullen Patrick,at Shreve, Steele & Co.h. n.s. Front<br />

b. Lytle and Collard<br />

Mullen Thomas, s.s. Waterb. Elm aud ^um<br />

Mullen William, n.s. Kemble b. Lmn & Baymiller<br />

Muller B. w.s. Mill b. Canal and Front<br />

Mul e • Charles, n.s. Franklin b. Main and Sycamore<br />

'jirlTiEB C H A K 1 . E S SC CO. imp look-<br />

M Ing glass plates and fancy toys, 83 Walnut<br />

Sltller Charles, (C. M. & Co.) res. s.s. 6th b. Snuth<br />

Mulfe" ChrLtian, s.s .lefferson b. Elm and Plum<br />

Muller Gabriel, e.s. Peetb. Eden and Locust<br />

Muller George, w.s. Race b. 14th andisth<br />

Muller George, s.w.c. Spring and Abigai,, n, s.s<br />

Webster b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Muller Henry, w.s. Race b. 14th and loth<br />

Muller Dr. John, 343 Vine<br />

Muller Joseph, e.s. clay b. 13th and Allison<br />

Muller Lewis P. b.k. 130 Main, h. s.e.c. Broadway<br />

and New<br />

Muller T. H. Court b. Vine and Race<br />

Mullhall Michael, elk. 146 Main<br />

Mmiigan David, n.s. Bank b. W. Kow and Linn, h,<br />

a.s. Bank b. Linu and Piatt<br />

Mulligan Edward, s.e.c. 2d and Sycaraore, h. s.s'<br />

Waterb. Elm and Plura<br />

Mulligan Elizabeth, n.s. 7th b. W. Row and John<br />

Mulligan John, e.s. Vine b. 2d and Pearl<br />

Mulligan Michael, n.s. Water b. Vine and Race<br />

Mulligan Robert, e.s. Race b. 13th and Liberty<br />

Mulligan William, s.e.c. Plum and Pearl<br />

Mullin Jaraes, n.s. 6th b. Main & Sycamore, res. e.s.<br />

Race b. I2th and 13th<br />

Mullin Peter, s.s. New b. Broadway and Culvert<br />

Mullin Thomas, n.s Webb b. Smith and Park<br />

M<br />

UI>ljir¥EB MiSS ADEliAIUE, milli<br />

nery, 106 w. 6th<br />

Mullins Charles L. b.k. 4 Commercial Eow, rea. Covington<br />

Mullins Patrick, n.s Longworth w. of Smith<br />

MuUmeyer Frederick, e.s. Hughes b. Liberty and<br />

Schiller<br />

Mulvahert Michael, n.s. Sth e. ofLock<br />

Mulvaney Dr. 90 w. 7th<br />

Mulvay Bridget, n.s. Sth e. OfLock<br />

Mulvey James, s.s. Cedar b. Baymiller & Freeman<br />

Mulvey John, s.s. 6th b. Culvert and Broadway<br />

Mulvey Patrick, n.s. Cth b. Broadway and Culvert<br />

Mulvihall Dominick, n.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />

Muman Abner, n.e.c. Gth andSmith<br />

Munch Christopher, w.s. Tanner b. Liberty & Webster<br />

Munday Jacob, s s. 2d b. Rose and Park<br />

Mundorf John, s.s. Liberty b. Elm and Plum<br />

Mundowney Jeremiah, n.s. Webb b. Stone & Wood<br />

Munkal Henry, s.s. Woodward b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Munroe Charles, collector water rents, off. Days'<br />

bldg. Walnut b. 6th and 7th, h.n.s. Longworth<br />

M<br />

e. of John<br />

VIVSOIN SAMUEJL B. engraver, 38 w. 4th<br />

h. 68 w. 9th<br />

Munsterkoden Henry, Vine b. Court and Canal<br />

Muntel Gerliard J. n.s. Abigail b. Sycamore & Broad<br />

way<br />

Munter Francis, w.s. Elm b. Findley and Cooper<br />

Murch Chauncy M. (M. & White) s.s. 3d b. Vine &<br />

M<br />

Race<br />

IFKCH Sc IVIUTE, (Chauncy M. M. &<br />

James M. W.) Melodeon and piano ware room,<br />

74 w. 4th<br />

Murdock Charles C. atty. at law, 4 Lees' bldgs.<br />

Court b. Main and Walnut, h. w.s. Vine b. 13th<br />

and 14th<br />

Murdock James, bds. Benj. Crawford's<br />

Murdock Miss J. w.s. Plum b. Ann and Mason<br />

Murdock M. G. at A Harkness & Son's<br />

Murdock Thomas, CPaul & M.) res. Covington, e.s.<br />

Main b. 7th and Sth<br />

Murdock Thomas, bds. 107 w. Sth<br />

Murdock T. J. 11 e. Front<br />

Murnahan Mary, b.h. n.s. Court e. of Broadway<br />

Muman J. J. s.e.c. Front and Race<br />

Murnchen Thomas, e.s. Springb. Woodward and<br />

Liberty<br />

Murphy Andrew, s s. Front b. Race and Elm<br />

Murphy Archibald, s.s. Clarkb. Cutter jind Linn<br />

lurphy Mrs. Ann, 228Broadw a J



l£I0TilN6M¥E<br />

No. 38 West Fourtli street, a few doors east of Walnut,<br />

BM^mm mmwmm^ mm^wwm^ mmmmmm^<br />

Executed in superior style.<br />

381<br />

MUR MDS<br />

Murphy Cornelius, w.s. Dublin b. Sth and Court<br />

Murphy Daniel C. elk. n.e.c. Sth and Walnut<br />

Murphy Dennis, at Daniel O'Connell Coffee House<br />

Murphy Edward, n.s. Laurel b. John and Cutter<br />

Murphy Edward, n.s. Front b. T. P. 27 and 28 F'n<br />

Murphy Edward, W. W. Canal b. MiU and Park<br />

Murphy Mrs. Elizabeth, e.s. Elm b. Liberty & Green<br />

Murphy Eugene, n.s. Catharine b. W. Row & John<br />

Murphy Hugh, 49 Sycaraore<br />

-Mnrphy James, bds. 164 w. 3d<br />

Murphy Jaraes, bar keeper, Madison House<br />

Murphy James, s.e.c. Commerce and Gilmore al.<br />

Murphy John, e.s. Elm b. Liberty and Green<br />

Murphy John at Filley and Chapin s, h. Sth b. Main<br />

and Sycamore<br />

Murphy John, w.s. Pendleton b. Liberty and Woodward<br />

Murphy John, New Orleans House, Frontb. Broadway<br />

and Ludlow<br />

Murphy Jobn, n^s. Front b. Ludlow and Lawrence,<br />

bds. M. Woodington's<br />

.Murphy John, bds. W. Dickraan's<br />

Murphy John, s.s. Sth b. Mainand Sycamore<br />

M<br />

UKPHV JOHN A. al.phys. W. Row op.<br />

12th, res. n.s. Sth b. W. Row and John<br />

MTRPHY JOHN C. Sc SON, (John O. &<br />

Samuel B.) black bear tavern a.w.c. Sycamore<br />

and 9th<br />

Murphy and Johnston, (Roger M. & Wra. J.) 67 w. 3d<br />

Murphy Julia, 73 w. 7th<br />

Murphy L. &Co. (Lewis M. and John Elliott) 15 w.<br />

3d<br />

Murphy Lawis, (L. M. & Co.) bds. Pearl St. House<br />

Murphy Miss Mary, 168 w. 5th<br />

Murphy Mrs. Mary, w.s. Broadway b. Cth and 7(h<br />

Murphy Mrs. Margaret, s.s. High b. Lytle &Paisons<br />

Murphy Michael, carp, n.e.c. 14th and Elm<br />

Murphy Michael, drayman, bds. Thomas Prouts's<br />

Murphy Michael, at G. Shield's<br />

Murphy Michael, n.e.c. W. Row and Perry, res. s.e.<br />

c. W. Row and 6th<br />

Murphy Michael, cartman, e.s. Culvert b. 6th & 6th<br />

Murphy Michael, boatman, s.s. Fiiendship al. b.<br />

Pike and Butler<br />

Murphy Michael, fruit dealer, e.s. Fieeman, 2 d.<br />

from 6th<br />

Murphy Michael, paver, n.s. Kichmond b. John &<br />

Fulton<br />

Murphy Michael, blacksmith, e.s. Sycamore b. 7th<br />

and Sth<br />

Murphy Richard C. at Filley & Chapin's, h. s.e.c.<br />

Bth and Sycamore<br />

Murphy Patrick, w.s. Vine b. 2d and Front<br />

Murphy Samuel, n.s Milton b. Wilson & Broadway<br />

Murphy Samuel B. (J. C. M. & Son) Black Bear<br />

tavern<br />

Murphy Stephen, n.s. Kembleb. Fulton & Cutter<br />

Murphy Susan J. e.s. John b.4th and 5th<br />

Murphy S. M. h.k. at J. S. Chenoweth & Co's.<br />

Murphy Teddy, s.s. 2d b. Vine and Race<br />

Murphy Theophilus, w.s. W. Kow b. Laurel and<br />

Betts, h. n.B. Mason b. Plura and W. Kow<br />

Murphy Thomas, wagon mXr. 3d b. Broadway &<br />

Ludlow<br />

Murphy Thoraas, elk. 125 Main<br />

Murphy Thomas, lab. s.s. 2d b. Race and Elm<br />

Murphy Thomas, tailor, w.s. Clay b. 13th and Alii<br />

son<br />

Murphy WilUara, n.s. Front b. T.P. 18 and 19 F'n.<br />

Murray n.g. Augusta w. of Smith<br />

Murray Andrew, Lawrence, b. Symmes & Congress<br />

Murray Bartholemew, n.s. W.itet b. Pleasant and<br />

Vine<br />

Murray Ellis, s.w.c. 2d and Elm<br />

Murray James, s.e.c. Freeman and5th<br />

Murray James, slater, s.w.c. 2d and Elra<br />

Murray Jaraes D. n.s. Longworth b. Elm and Plura<br />

Murray John, butcher, n.s. Front b. Race and Elm<br />

Murray John, shoe mkr. s.e.c. Walnnt and 12th<br />

Murray John, painter, e.s- John b. Richmond and<br />

Kemble<br />

Murray John- huckster, n.s. al. b. Sycamore and<br />

Broadway and b. Abigail and Woodwaid<br />

Murray John D. w.s. W. Row b. Betts and Clinton<br />

Murray Miss M. A. s.s. 7thb. Main and Sycamore<br />

Murray Matthew, watchman, at H. C. McLean's<br />

bucket factory<br />

Murray Michael, at Powell's foundry<br />

Munay Patiick, lab. Phoebe b. Plum aud W. Row<br />

Murray Patrick, shoe makr. 41 Sycamore<br />

Murray Patrick, cooper, w.s. W. Row b. Tth & Sth<br />

Mun-ay Samuel H. at P. Lawson's<br />

Murray William, n.s. Longworth b. Elm and Plam<br />

Murray Wm. H. n.w.c. John and Laurel, h. n.s. 3d<br />

b. Wood and Stone<br />

Murrow Henry, carder, at R. B. Bowler's<br />

Murry Dennis, w.s. Lytle b. Front and High<br />

Murry Elisha, s s. Front b. T.P. 12 and 13 F'n.<br />

Murry George, n.s. John b. 2d and 3d<br />

Murry John,6th Ward Coffee House, n.w.c. Smith<br />

and Longworth<br />

Murry John, moulder, s.s. Elizabeth b. VV. Row &<br />

John<br />

Murry John, chair mkr. n.s. Catharine b. Linn and<br />

15aymiller<br />

Murry Mrs. Mary, e.s. North b. Oth and 7th<br />

Murry Michael, e.s. Bedinger h. Broadway and M<br />

Canal<br />

Murry Patrick, s.s Accommodation b. Sth & State<br />

Murry Patrick, w.s. Elm near North<br />

Murry Patrick, w.s. M. Canal b. 6th and 7lh<br />

Murtland J. H. elk. Peter A. White & Co's<br />

Murtlin John. elk. bds. Mrs. Kinkeid's e.s. Home<br />

.Vuscroft Dr. Charles, e.s. W. Row opp. i"th<br />

Muae Henry, w.s. Plura b. 5th and Longworth<br />

Musgrave Wra. n.w.c. W. Kow and Ham. road<br />

Muagrove Ann, e.s. W. Kow b. McFarland & 4th<br />

lausgrove Charles M. printer, bds. L. Seem's o s<br />

W. Row b. McForIandand4th<br />

Mushold Henry, Vino h. Court and Canal<br />

Musselman Daniel, e.s. Elm b. 2d and Pearl h u<br />

M<br />

• s. 3d b. Mill and Park<br />

^w'*^¥^*^• ,»• * W. H. (Reuben 1). &<br />

Wra. H.) al. phys. 70. w. 7th<br />

Mussey Keuben D. (R. D ct W. H. M.) Mt. Auburn<br />

Mussey W. H. (R. D. & W. H. M.) 70 (y. Tth<br />

Mustard Alexander, n.a. George b. Mound & Cutter



PICTURES of every<br />

size, from those worn<br />

ill breastpins, bracelets,<br />

rings, locKet.s, &c., to<br />

half the size of life, taken<br />

in the most elegunt<br />

manner.<br />

L^ ui ^ IS '^^ '^ a s a le © ui ^>»<br />

E, C. HAWKINS,<br />

No. lG8 Viue, (James' UuildiHg.)<br />


Perfect Likenesses of<br />

children can be secured<br />

in absolutely one or two<br />

seconds, on a fine, clear<br />

day. Tins is adapted,<br />

also, for aged persons.<br />

Recent improvements enable us to produce Pictures UOAV OBI tlae darkest day, |,<br />

equal in tone, and superior in other retpects,to those formerly made in the brightest light.<br />

?;^5e^<br />

MYE<br />

Mustin Kbcnezer C. L. elk. 6 c. 4th<br />

Myers Jacpb, carp. n.s. 6th e. of Carr<br />

UXUAt, BlE!\EFflX JLSFE INS. CO. Myers Jacob R. n.s. Water b. Vine andRace<br />

M ofNewarlc,N. J. Hartwell & Hall Agents, 19 Myers James, at Globe foundry, bds. Central Hotel<br />

Front<br />

!\Tveri5 John, bds. 47 Centre<br />

XITUAL, I^IFIE SI^S. CO. of New YorK, Myers John, n.s. Front b. T.P 21 aud 22 F'n.<br />

M John Reevas A^ent, 3 Front<br />

Myers John, tinner, w.s. Vineb. 4th and Sth<br />

Myer Adam, al. b. Jefferson and Adams<br />

Myers John, confect. 221 Main, res. New e. ol<br />

Myer Barney, e.s. Baum n. of High<br />

iJroad way<br />

Myer Charles, n.s. Ham. road b. Main and Locust Myers Johnston, e.s. M. Canal b. 8th and Court<br />

Myer Charles, n.s. Canal b. Vine aud Kace<br />

Myers Josepli, n.s. Hunt b. Sycamore and Broad<br />

Myer Elcin. elk. 40 Front<br />

way<br />

Myer Francis, s.s. Jefferson b. Elm and Plum Myers Lewis, s.s. MatUson b. Elm and Plum<br />

Myer Francis W. n.w.c. Water and Race<br />

Myers iM. P. 102 w. 3d<br />

Myer Frank n.w c. Abigail aud Hycamure<br />

Myers atty. at law, s.s. Kemble b. Baymliler<br />

Myer Frank, e.s. Providence b. Mason and Everett and Freeman<br />

Myer G-eorge, w.s. Broad'^vay h. Hunt and Abigail Myers elk. e.s. Elm b. 6th and Ceuter<br />

Myer Henrv, u.s. Madison b.Elmand Plnm Myers IM. W. 36 e. Front, bds. Broadway Hotel<br />

Myer Henry, s.s. Buckeye opp. Eden<br />

Myers Feii-i-' s.s. Betts b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Myer Henry, n.e.c. Poplarand Feet<br />

Myers Peter, bds John Durell's<br />

Myer Henry, e.s. Clay b. Allison and Liberty Myers. Mrs. Phoebe, n.a. Clark b. Linn and Cutter<br />

Myer Henry, n.s. Cherry b. Elm and Plum iMyers William n.s. Canal b. Vine and Race<br />

iMyer Henry w.s. Pendtckin b. Woodward and Li­ Myers William, bds. William Vance's n.s. Betts b.<br />

berty<br />

Cutter and Linn<br />

Myer Hermann, n.s. Milton b. Mansfield 6i Sy­ Myers VViUiam S. bar keeper, Columbus House<br />

camore<br />

IMyers Warner, w.s. Spring n. of Woodward<br />

Myer Leonard, s.?*. George b. Plum and W. Row Myle Charles, s.a. 15th b. Race and Elm<br />

Myer Peter, s.s. Cherry b. Race and Elm<br />

jMyningheartThomas, s.:?. Friendship al.b. Pike &:<br />

Myer Rudolph, n.s. Gth e. of junction with Front Butler,<br />

Myer Valentine, e.s. al. b. Hunt and Abigail Myre Frederick, n.s. Sth b. Carr and Harriet<br />

Myer William, n.s. Webbb. Smith and Park Myre William, w.s. Pleasant b. 14th and 15th<br />

Myer William, stone mason, s.s. Madison b. Elm Myrick Jane, n.s. Chesnutb. W. Row and John<br />

and Plum<br />

Myser John, n.s. Water b. Walnnt and Vine<br />

Mycrhoff n.s. Milton c. of Sycamore<br />

Myers Album, porter ,^:: Walnut, h. w.s. Rittenhouse<br />

b. Catharine and Clark<br />

N<br />

Myers B. at Martin, Anshutz tfe Co.<br />

Myers Benjamin, e.s. W. Row b. Front and 2d NabarlHerman, S.S.Abigail b. Sycamore andBroad­<br />

Myer.s Barney atHanks& Thompson's<br />

way<br />

Myers Charles, s.s. Mulberry b. Poplar & Locust Nace Augustus, city express, bds. Mrs. E. Naee<br />

Myers Charles, elk. 56 Main bds. Madison House Nace Mrs. Elizabeth, n.s. Sth w. of Park<br />

Myers Charles, elk. n.w.c. Plum and 2d<br />

Nadand Mrs. L. s.s. George b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Myers Elkanah, n.s. Catharine b. Liun and Ritten­ Nadin Henry, Brown's al. b. Cutter and Linn<br />

house<br />

Naeer George, e.s. Bremen b. lith and loth<br />

Mvers Dietrich, n.s. Clark b. Linn aud Cutter Nagel & Hater, (George N. & Peter J3.) e.s. Walnut<br />

Myers Emeline, Lodse b. 5th and Gth<br />

b. Court and Canal<br />

Myers FranJv, n,s. Water b. Plum and W. Row Nagel Charles, s,s. Catharine b. Fulton and Cutter<br />

Myers Frederick, s.s. Catharine b Fulton & Cutter Nagel George, (N. & Hater) e.s. Walnut b. Court and<br />

Myers Frederick, n.=. Melancthon b. John & Linn Canal<br />

YESUS G, Ac CO. (George Myers & Joseph Nagel J. H.bds. 366Main<br />

M P. Mayer) vvh. confectioners, 4U Main<br />

Nagel John, s.s. Mercer b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Myers George, (G. M. tV Co.) s.s. Laurel c. of Cutter Nagel Robert, w.s. M. Canal b. Maple and Dayton<br />

Myers Henry, porter, 51 IMain<br />

Nageleisen Fidel, e.s. Vine IJ. Liberty and Allison<br />

Myers Heury, porter, ]1 Pearl<br />

Nagin Albert, n.w.c. Mth and Pleisant<br />

Myers Henry, at Filley & Chapin's<br />

Nagle Patrick, s.s. CaUiarine h. Fulton and Cutter<br />

Myers Henry, elk. n.s. Slh b. Jobn and Mound Nahus Detrick, n.s. lietts b. Cutterand Linn<br />

Myers Henry, b.k. 40 Main, bds. J. P. Mayer's Nairciese Lucy, n.s. fith e. of Lcck<br />

Myers Henry, porter, 31 Sycamore, h. n.s. Abigail Nalph John F. n.s. Ham. Road b. Locust & Poplai<br />

e. of Broadway<br />

Nantrop Henry, w.s. Pleasant b. I4th and loth<br />

Myers Henry.at A. HarUness and Son's<br />

Napp Charles, at B. Hazen's<br />

Myers Henry, wood sawyer, w.s. Rittenhouse<br />

Narkhouse Joseph, n.s. W. W. Canal b. Milland<br />

Myers Inkel, e.s. Main b. Burgoyne and SchiUer Park<br />

Myers Isaac. IfiO w. 3d<br />

Nartard Michael, e.s. Bremen b. Mth and 15th<br />

Myers Jacob, drayman, n.s. Cathatine b. Baymiller Nartman Charles, w.s. Race b. Green apd Findley<br />

and Linn<br />

Nash Boanerges, (N. & Neblett) 150 Pearl





Reynolds Street, 6<br />

In the rear of No. 16 Front slreet, between Main and Walnut. X<br />

y '^lercantilel'niiting Ofiice, 43'MainT'^^ )(<br />


J. D. WALBRIDGE,<br />

D. F. GOODHUE<br />




lIHiNCi eOMPi<br />

E)aBE©T®[S8.,<br />



JOHN K. CHILD, JR.<br />


$100,000.<br />


S. W. SMITH,<br />


F. X. WIEDEMEK.<br />


This Company is notV prepared to take Risks upon Steamboats and ttieir Cargoes, Flatboats,<br />

Marine and Inland Insurance, Buildings, Merchandise, and property generally, upon the most<br />

favorable terms. We therefore most respectfully solicit a share of your business, confidently<br />

hoping that we shall be able to give general satisfaction.<br />

Office, No. 6 East Front street, Darr's Bailding, second story.<br />

NEV<br />

Xeitheart Valentine, s.w.c. Ludlow and 2d<br />

Neitman William, porter, 20 Main<br />

Neiton Henry, n.s. Gano b. Vine and Lodge<br />

Nelkner Mrs. Louisa, s.s. .-VUison b. Walnut and<br />

Vine<br />

Nelson .Anthony, e.s. Main b. 6th and bth, h. w.a.<br />

Sycamore c. of Franklin<br />

Nelson Charles M, w.s. Smith n. of Longworth<br />

Nelson Mrs, Nancy, e.s. Ludlow b. 3d and Congress<br />

Nelson N. e.s. Sycamore b. Hunt and Abigail<br />

Nelson Sacker, OS Pike<br />

Nelson Wm. n.s. 6th op. Pike<br />

Nemen Wm. s.s. Front b. Vine and Race<br />

Nentrup Mrs. Sophia, e.s. Linn b. Maple and York<br />

Nepper Gustavus, s.e.c. Ham. Road and Poplar<br />

Nermann George, w.s. Plum b. Everett and Wade<br />

Nerny John, s.e.c. John and 6th, h.s.s 4th b. Plum<br />

and W. Row ^^^^ ,,., ,<br />

Nesbit Mrs. Eliza, e.s. Pleasant b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Neskill Patrick, n.s. Canal b. Elmand Race<br />

Neskill Thomaa, n.s. Cinnl b. Elm and Race<br />

Neslie John, n.e.c. 5th and W. Row, h. n.s. Clarkb.<br />

John and Cutter<br />

Nestler Adolph, w.s. Dunlap b. Cooper and Ham.<br />

Neatle^r^Joseph, e.s. Walnut b. Allison and Liberty<br />

Netter Jacob, (Kuhn, Rindskopl & Co.)32 w. 9th<br />

Newberger Mrs. Henrietta, e.s. Walnut b. 2d and<br />

Pearl<br />

Newberger Moses, elk. 138 Main<br />

Neuhs Henry, w.s. Peefb. Poplar and Locust<br />

Neumann Augustus, n.s. Betts b. Linn and Locust<br />

Neumann Jnhn, n.s. Baker b. Walnut and Vine<br />

NeumannWni. ate. Urban's safe factory<br />

Neumeister John w.s. Hughes b. Schiller and Bur-<br />

Neusblum, w.s Walnut b. Ham. Road and Liberty<br />

Neuss Louis, n.s. Hunt b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Neut/,cl -' ' •, n.s. Locust b. Peet andBuckeye<br />

Nevan Patrick, bds. B. Kelley's<br />

Neves Tilghman, bds. W. Neves's<br />

Neves William, n. s. Front b. Lytle and corp. Ime<br />

Neves William, at N. Willey's, h. n.s. Front near<br />

Collard . „ , ... T,.<br />

Neves & Willey, n.s. Front b. T. P. 6 and 7 F n<br />

Nevill J seph & Son, (Joseph N. ck James N.) J<br />

college bldg. 3d story<br />

Nevill James, (Joseph N. & Son) Walnut Hills<br />

Nevill Joseph, iJos. N. & Son) Walnut Hills<br />

Nevill Ira E. w.s. Race b. Front and Water<br />

Nevill Morgan L. b.k. 21 Main, bds. Dennison House<br />

Nevill Wm. 21 Main<br />

N^<br />

NEW<br />

Nevins Richard, elk. 26 e. 2d, bds. Broadway Hotel<br />

New John, elk. G. Main, bde Jane New'3<br />

New John, 50 Centre<br />

New Miss Theresa, 50 Centre<br />

New William, elk. bds. 50 Centre<br />

New William, elk. 24 e. 2d<br />

New W. H. elk. 24e. 2d, bds 50 Centre<br />

Newberg Moses, w.s. Elm b. 16th and Liberty<br />

Newbold James W. 241 Main<br />

Newbrand Taft, w.s. W. Row b. Liberty & Poplar<br />

Newbrand Yorick, w.s. W. Row b. Liberty and<br />

Poplar<br />

Newel Wm. e.s. Baum w. of 5th<br />

Newel W^m. e.s. John b. 4th and Sth<br />

Newell Harvey, s.a. Congress b. Lawrence andPike,<br />

bds. 16 Arch<br />

Newell John, n.s. Front op. T. P. 22 F'n<br />

Newell Reason, n.s. Front op. T. P. 22 F'n<br />

EW ElVG-IiAIVDBAKElSV, R.B. Field,<br />

118 w. Sth<br />

EW EIVOEANO ISANK, William In.<br />

N galls, agt, n.s. 3d near Burnet House<br />


CO. of Boston, B. Urner agt. 16 Front<br />

NEW EIVCiJLAlVD SOCIEXS', 148 Main,<br />

c. 4th<br />

Newhall Mrs. A. C. n.s. Georce b. Plum & W. Row<br />

Newhall Charles H. (E. N. & Son) bds. Edward<br />

Newhall<br />

Newhall Edward (E. N. & Son) n.s. 4th b. Smith and<br />

Park<br />

EWHAr.,L E»WARI> *: SON, (Chas.<br />

N H.) wh. boots and shoes, 172 Main<br />

NEWHAI>L, EDWABO II. atty. at law, 5<br />

Worthington's bldgs. bds. Edward Newhall's<br />

Newhall Joshua, n.s. Fronte. of Depot<br />

Newhall Pliny (Hollenshade & N.) s.s. Clinton b.<br />

John and Cutter<br />

Newhouse Bernard, s.s. Buckeye b. Locust & Eden<br />

Newhouse Henry, n.s. 3d b. Mill and Stone<br />

Newhouse Charles, bds. T. Rollgen's<br />

Newhouse George, 5 Front<br />

Newhouse Henry, n.s. 3d b. Mill and Stone<br />

Newhouse Henry, tailor, n.w.c. Hunt and Spring<br />

Newhouse Henry, s.s. Sth b. Mound and Cutter<br />

Newhouse John, elk. n.s. 2d b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Newhouse Joseph, s.s. 12th b. Elm and Race<br />

Newhouse Mosea, n.a. Barr b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Newkirk Henry, n.s Clarkb. Fulton and Cutter<br />

Newkirk Thomas, n.s. Clark b. John and Cutter<br />

Newlin Mary A. n.s. Elizabeth b.W. Row & John<br />

Newlia Patrick, e.s. John b Catharine & Elizabeth




57 Pearl St. between Walnut and Vine.<br />

NIE' NIX<br />

Newlove Edward W. n-s. Front junct. of 3d<br />

Nieder Frederick, <strong>52</strong> Sycamore<br />

Newman Alex, tinner, n.s. water b. John and Smith Niederman Henry, w.s. Broadv/ay b. Hunt and Ab-<br />

Newnxan Miss Catharine, e.s. Vine b. Liberty and iguil<br />

Green<br />

Nief John, at <strong>52</strong> L. Market<br />

Newman elk. Madison Ins. Co. n.w.c. Walnut &2d Niehauf Chiistian, s.s. Buckeye b. Locust & Eden<br />

Newman Bavid, bds. at .Alexander Newman's Niehaus Joseph, n.s. liberty b. Elm and Logan<br />

Newman Edward, n.s. Oth b. Klni and Plum Niehaut Jacob, w.s. Ham. Road b. Vine and Poplar<br />

Newman Henry, n.s. 15tli b. Elmand Kace<br />

Niehous Henry, s.s. V/oodward b. Spring & Broad-<br />

Newman John, bds. at Alexander Newman's<br />

• way<br />

Newman John H.clk. n.s. Gano b. Vine and Lodge Niel John, s s. Mercer b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Newman Nelson, agt. forD, L. Farnum, bds. s.w.c. Nieman Fiederick, cooper, e.s. Broadvvay b. Hunt<br />

George and Elm<br />

and Abigail<br />

Newman Xavier, carriage trimmer, at Gryden & Niemann Frederick, grocer, n.e.c. 15th and Elm<br />

Co's<br />

Niemann Henry, w.s. Pendleton n. of Abigail<br />

Newsom Edward, n.s. 4lh b. Stone and Mill Niemann Henry, n.s. Hunt b. Sycamore and Broad­<br />

Newsom John, s.s, 6ih b. Lock and M. Canal, h.n.s. way<br />

8th e. of Lock<br />

Niemann H. H. e.s. Main b. Franklin and Webster<br />

Newton Mrs. Henrietta A. W.E. Hughes b, Schiller Niemann Jolm, s.s. Abigail b. Sycamore and Broad­<br />

and Burgoyne<br />

way<br />

Newton John, s.s. 2d b. Elm and Plura<br />

Niemann Phillip, n.s. Liberty b. Sycamore & Hughes<br />

Newton M. A. s.w.c. 12th and Elm<br />

Niemeyer C. H. s.e.c. Main andOahard<br />

Newton Oliver, bds. Matthew Lyon's<br />

Niemeycr Henry, n.e.c. Spring and Abigail<br />

Newton Orrin E. (R. S. iSi O. E. N.) 89 w. 7th c. Niemeyer John, s.s. Hunt b. Main and Sycamore<br />

College<br />

Niemeyer Joseph, e.s. Clay b. iHth and Allison<br />

Newton Robert S. (R.S.& O.E. N.3S9w.7th c. Col­ Niemeyer Joseph, bds. at American PJouse<br />

lege<br />

Niemeyer Joseph F. Virginia Exxhange, c. Lawrence<br />

NEWTON K. S.&O. E. C Roberts, (fe Orrin and Landing<br />

E.) ec. phys. 89 w. 7th c. College<br />

Niemeyer Mrs. Mary, widow of Kerrtian, w.s. Clav<br />

Newton William A. s.e.c. George and Freeman<br />

b. Allison and Liberty<br />

E"W -VOifiK. IvIFE lN!$.CO. A. S.Chew Niemeyr Henry, w.s. Broadway b. Hunt & .iligail<br />

N agt. 16 Front<br />

Niemyre Henry, s.s. George b. Mound and Cutter<br />

New York Protection Ins. Co. Frost & Foster, agts. Nienaher George, n.e.c. Spring and .Abigail<br />

12 Main<br />

< Nienaber J. H. w.s. Plum b. 2d and Front<br />

Ney Conrad, w.s. Bremen b. L')th and Liberty I Nienaber John, s.s. Grant<br />

Neyerlin Joseph, e.'^. Kace b. Green and Elder i Nienhuser J. A. w.s. Sycamore b. Abigail and Wood-<br />

Neylan Anthony, s.s. loth b. Raceand Bremen I ward<br />

Nicholas George, s.s. M. Canal b. Court and Sth I Nies William, at Hise c^ Williams's<br />

Nicholas James, s.s. Everett b. Cutter and Linn I Nieters George, 13 w. 6th<br />

Nicholson John, s.s. Mulberry b. Poplar and Locust ; Nieters Herman, n,s5th e. of Park<br />

Nicholas Louis, at ii. Hicknell & Co's<br />

I Niether John, s.s. Abigail b. Sycamore & Broidway<br />

Nicholas Wm. e s. Elm b. loth and Liberty I Nietfelt John, s.s. Abigailb. Main and Svcamore<br />

Nichols E. W. printer, at Commercial office, bds. ! Night Alfred, b.k. -1. Kugler's Row<br />

Shires'<br />

j Night James, n.w.c. Gest and Freeman<br />

Nichols Frederick, w.s. Mainb. I3l,h and Allison ! Nightner Mary, n.s. Richmondb. John and,'Fulton<br />

Nichols Vesper, St. Boat elk. w.s. Fulton b. Kemble j "VTiCES Ac CO, (Jonathan S. N.. Janies M. N.,<br />

and Sth<br />

lA Leander H.Corey, Stephen Allen, S. H. Gilman<br />

Nichols William, 109 Symmes<br />

& Chirles "W.Smltb) sleam enizine builders, n.<br />

Nichols William, at Martin, Anshutz & Co.<br />

s. Fiont b. Butler and i\T. C:ina"^L<br />

Nicholson Patrick, s.s. 6th b. Elm and Plum Niles James M. (N. & Cj.) 4-1 Pike<br />

Nicholson Thomas, n.s. Maple b. Freeman & Piatt Niles Jonathan S. (NUes & Co.) i]2 w. Sth<br />

Nicholson Rev. Wm. 139 Race<br />

Nighting Frederick, e.s. Sycamore b. Hunt & Abigail<br />

irmS SiraroiV O. O. ag't V/. U. Carnes, CO<br />

N Nick Martin, s.s. Slh b. W. Row and John<br />

e. ?d. res. Covington<br />

Nickens Lott, Arch b. Ludlow and Broadway<br />

Niles Stephen, n.s. K.R. b. T.P. ?9 and 40 F'n<br />

Nickens Owen T. s.s. 6th b. Broadwayand Culvert<br />

Nilling Joseph, s.s. iNTercer b. AValnut and Vine<br />

Nickers Gerard, 13 w. Gth<br />

Nimsgern Peter, Landing b. Ludlow and Lawrence<br />

Nicuaber John B. e.s. Walnut b 6th and 6fh<br />

Nittlebrok Josepb, n.s. fith b. l^iKe and Butler<br />

Nicol Donald, ws. Dudley b Liberly and Poplar<br />

Niyon John S. 101 Main, bdf=. Gibson House<br />

Nicolae Lewis, n e.c. Buckeye aud Eden<br />

Nixon Joseph, n.s. 3d b. Sniith and Park<br />

Nicolans Henry, at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

IXON & C, (Martin & Thomas N.) paxier<br />

Niebaum Henry, w.s. Freeman b. Clinton & Everett N manut.77 and79 Walnut<br />

Nieber Ann, e.s. Plum b. Front and Water<br />

Nixon Martin (N. & Co.) bds. R.B. Cowles'<br />

Nieber Frederick, bds. e.s. Elm b. Front and Water Nixon Samuel, elk. n.s. Clinton'b.W. Row and<br />

Niebut George, e.s. Buckeye b. Poplarand Vine John<br />

Nixon W. B. (Smith & N.) bda 300 Vine


OBS.fi.S,&O.LNEWTONj W'<br />


89 "West Seventh St.,<br />


biv,^^ ~WrfgiiTson.'pi~"4irMiiinT ,-<br />

NOR<br />

Nobe Frederick, s.s. Woodward b. Main and Syca<br />

more<br />

Nobe J. H. B.w.c. Main and Liberty<br />

Nober Henry, w.s. Hanovor b.Woodward &, Frank<br />

Iin<br />

Noble Alfrxander, 2.>1 w. Gth<br />

Noble Alonzo, bds. w.s. Home<br />

Noble r*ir.^. Elizabeth, 65 Centre<br />

Noble Frank, n.e.c. Peet and Locust<br />

"VTOOLE tiEOilfi-OE R» cabinet manuf. W.B.<br />

iN Homeb.Sth &6th<br />

Noble Henry, n.w.c. "d and Mill<br />

Noble Jackson (King it N.) w.:?. Mills, of W.W.<br />

Canal<br />

Noble James F. elk. P O.hds 05 Centre<br />

Nohle Nathan, elk. I'Mec, Inst. bds. 05 Centre<br />

Nodler Cecilia, s.s. 8d w. of MiU<br />

Noe John, w.s. Pendleton b. Hunt and Abigail<br />

Noe Thomas, s.t'.c. Linn and Belts<br />

Noeker Casper, ;'» w. 4th<br />

Noel Henry, n.s. Tth b. Jolm and Mound<br />

Nobl John, s.s. Barr h. BuymiliuL- and l^'reeman<br />

Nolan Franci-:, w.s. Mill b. X\ and -iVh<br />

Nolan ]Mr=. Jane, s.s. 5tli b. .McAllister and Pike<br />

Nolan Margaret, R.-S. 5tli b. ?.lcAI!istPr and Pike<br />

Nolan Patrick, n.s. Front b. T.P. Ml and 11 F'n<br />

Nolan Patrick, e.s. Mill h. ?,d and 4Lh<br />

Noliuul Henry, n.e.c. Nth and Race<br />

Kold Charles D. n.e.c, (ith & Mound, bds. 25G Longworth<br />

Nold Edward, elk. s.e.c. Main and L. Market<br />

Nold Jacob C. (Tolbert t& N.) 2:13 R^ice<br />

Nolen Edward, s.?. Front b. Kace and Elm<br />

Nolen Lawrence, n.s Pearl b. Sinilh ynd Park<br />

Nolen Thomai5. n a. Sth b. .Mnin and Sycamore<br />

Nolk J. Frederick, at Ruil Koad Hotel<br />

Noll John, n.s. Liberty b. Race and Bremen<br />

N<br />

OELi ipfiii'I'EK, Cincinnati Brewery, w. s.<br />

Vine> b. I3th and Hth<br />

Nollough B-irney, -s.s. Cherry b. Race and Elni<br />

Nulta Henry, w.s. Race b. Nth and 15th<br />

Nolte Jolm, 70 w. 4th<br />

Nomyer Wm. porter, p.e.c. 2d and Race<br />

Nonabour Henry, n.s. Geur,i;e b. Cutter and Linn<br />

N<br />

OJN PAKE 111-. Ol'a'JOE (Abbut&Co.) 0 w.<br />

5th<br />

Noon Daniel, u.s. 7th b Plnm and W. Row<br />

Noon John. al.b. 7th and 8Lh<br />

Noonan Michael, w.s'. W. Kow b. Crct)r-e and 7tb<br />

Noora Bernard, s.s. Abigail b. Sycamore ^^ Bro;iaway<br />

Nordeck Philip, e.s. Raceb. 15tb and Liberty<br />

Nordmanu George F. n J-. Buckeye b.Eden and Locust<br />

Nordmann Heinrich, s.s. Ham. road b. Main and<br />

Walnnt<br />

Nordyke John, s s. High bXytle and Parson.s<br />

Norman Thomas, s.s. Kemble b. W.Row and John<br />

Norris Benjamin, 280 Main<br />

Norris E. !». & Co. (Ethelbert D. N. & Anthony L.<br />

Cook) e.s. Vine b. 12th and 13th<br />

Norris B'd\vard.-e,s. Broadway b. Hunt and .Abigail<br />

Norris Ethelbert D. (E. D. N. & Co.) w.s. College<br />

JSorria John C. e.s. Sycamore b. 6th and 7th<br />

WESTERN "^1<br />



fi SJES. K. S. (& ©. E. K3E^"ff©N, _<br />

ll No, 89 West SeventJi Street, I<br />


-llafe,,^,,^<br />

NU[<br />

\y«RitlS&:WMff'8"JirEMORE,(John W.N.<br />

li c^ James K. W.) botanic drug store, BG Broadway<br />

North Alfred A. n.w.c. Clark and John, n.w.s.John<br />

b. Clark and Chestnut<br />

Nnrtli Ann, c. Mill and :'d<br />

North Jane M. n.s. Kemble b. Cutter and Fulton<br />

North Peter, n.s. R.K. b. T.P. 20 and 21 F'n<br />

Northrop Wm. W. 42 w. 4th, bds. Mrs. H. Steer<br />

Nnrtman George, w.s. Vine n. of Ham. ruad<br />

Norton (.'harles, e.s. Linn b. Maple and Poplar<br />

Norton Elijah, eanj.nOH w.Gth<br />

Norton Elijah F. elk. 0 .Myiii, h. w.s. Sycamore b.<br />

Oth ik rth '<br />

TyiSIlTOX Eif..! F. atty at law, .J Worthing-<br />

'L\ ton'ri bldgs.<br />

Norton Jasper M. n.s. Gann b. Moin and Walnut<br />

Norton rifary Ann, i.^U. CK W. Robson's<br />

rsorinn Michael, at Abiriin, .Anshutz & Co'.<<br />

ATOSSTOiV OSjIVC^Gft £i. al. physician, w.s.<br />

iN AV. Row h. 4th ;'na .'jth, bds. Mrs. Sampson's, s.<br />

s. 4th b. W. Kow ;ind Jntm<br />

KorvcU Samuel G. b.k. 24 w. Front, res. Coving:ton<br />

Nnrwallt MrF. , w.s. Vine h. ]2th and Canal<br />

Notloh HL'rman, a.s. Front h. Plum and W. Row<br />

Nottermann John, n.s. Hughes f. of Schiller<br />

bollmann Cbarle.-^, P.S. Woodward b. Pendleton Sc<br />

Broadway<br />

Nougbton Dominick, n.s. New b. Broadway and<br />

Calvert<br />

Nouise Ci'.leb E, teller Com Bonk, h.n.s. 4th w. of<br />

Park<br />

Nourse Solon (LOCK


NetD ^ork Cife Insuranrc (Eumpang.<br />

ACCUMULiAXEB CAJP1TAI>, 334,755.34.<br />


K. W. THOMAS,<br />

J. S. DODGE, M. D.<br />


M. B. ROSS.<br />


Examining Physicians.<br />

B. L. HILL, M. D.<br />


HENRY W. DERBY. ,<br />

JAMES G. HUNT, M. D.<br />

A. 8. CHi:iV, Ag-ent.<br />

Office, No, 1§ Front street, over Messrs. Shoenbergers' Iron Store, Cin.<br />

339<br />

OBE<br />

O'CO<br />

Nuilsen Joseph, w.s. Hughes b. SchiUer and Bur­ Obernlan B. at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

goyne<br />

Obermeier Augustus (A. O. & Bros.) n.w.c. Sth &<br />

Null Mrs. , s.s. William b. Elm and Plnm Sycamore<br />

Nully Wm. n.s. Gth b. Broadway and Culvert ABERfflEIEW A, &BROS. livery stable,<br />

NuUmeyer Frederick, drayman, Hughes b.Wllliam \j w.s. Linn b.Hopkins and Laurel<br />

and Burgoyne<br />

Obermeyer Mrs. Harriet, n.s. Sth b. Elm and Plum<br />

Nulsen Anthony (N., & Mersmann) s.w.c. Frank­ Obermier Wm. (A. 0. & Bros.) e.s. Linn b. Clark<br />

lin and Sycamore<br />

and Hopkins<br />

Nulsen & Mersmanu (Anthony N. & Henry M.) O'Brian James, bds. at B. Crawford's, w.s. W.Rotv<br />

210 Main<br />

b. George and Tth<br />

Nulty Henry, n.s. Hopkins b. Linn and Cutter O'Brian James, s.s. Kemble b.- W.Row and John<br />

Nunckee Frederick, n.s. 12th b. Vine and Walnut O'Brian John, n.s. Everett b. W. Kow and John<br />

Nunn Nathaniel, e.s. Broadway b. Sth and Oth O'Briant Mrs. Catharine, s.s; Barr b. Cutter and<br />

Nunneker William, n.s. l:!th b. Bremen and Race Linn<br />

Nurre Henry, carpet weaver, 149 w. Sth, h.e.s. Pro­ O'Briay Patrick, carp. bds. at B. Crawfords'<br />

vidence b. Everett and Wade<br />

O'Brien Bridget, s.s. 2db. Vine and Race<br />

Nurrenbrock Joaeph, porter, 28 e. 2d<br />

O'Brien Charles, s.s. 7th b. Sycamore and Broad­<br />

Nurteider Mrs. Catharine, n.s. Clinton b. Cutter &. way<br />

Linn<br />

O'Brien George, 72 w. 3d<br />

Nurzberger Gebhardt, e.s. Peet b. Eden and Locust O'Brien James, elk. n.s. Cherry b. Elm and Plum<br />

Nusk Wm. w.s. Main b. Mulberry and Eden O'Brien James, moulder, e.s. Butler b. Congress &<br />

Nutter J. N. at Filley & Chapin's, h.n.e.c. 4th and Front<br />

Smith<br />

O'Brien John, tailor, n.s. Everett b. W. Row and<br />

Nutts Jacob (N. & Blair) a.w.c. John and Clinton Johu<br />

Nutts & Blair (Jacob N. & Joseph B.) s.w.c. John O'Brien John, lab. n.s. Front b. T.P. 10 and 11 F'n<br />

and Clinton<br />

O'Biieu Joseph, bds. D. K. Bostwick's<br />

Nutz Philemon, n.s. Betts b. Linn and Cutter O'Brien Margaret, s.e.c. 2d and Plum<br />

yE, BKUTHEK Sc €«. (Ebenezer & Al­ O'Brien Mathe*, s.s. High b.Lytle and Parsons<br />

N bert Nye; com. meres, s.e.c. Walnut & 2d Cinr O'Brien Michael, s.e. Water b. Elm and Plum<br />

and 48 Tchoupitoulas, New Orleans<br />

O'Brien Morris, s. s. Accommodation b. Sth and<br />

Nye Ebenezer (N. Bro. & Co.) bds. Burnet House State<br />

Nye George W. bds. at A. Conklin's<br />

O'Brien Patrick, n.s. Clark b. dntter and Linn<br />

KE HENR¥, pork and beef packer, and O'Brien PMlip, confec. w.s. Vine b 4th and Sth<br />

N com. mer. s.s. Canal b. Main and Sycamore, h. O'Brien Thomas, s.s. Bth b. Maia and Sycamore<br />

w.s. Broadway b. Franklin and Webster O'Brien Thomas, drayman, e.s. Plum b. Sth & 9th<br />

Nye J. C. s.s. Canal b.Main and Sycamore, h.s.w.c. O'Brien William, elk. e.s. Vine b. Oth and Tth<br />

Broadway and Webster<br />

ABSERVATORY CIIV. O. M. Mitchell,<br />

NyeStepheH,bds. e.s,Cutterb. Laurel anl Hopkins \J director. Mount Adams<br />

Ochelbeck John H, W.s. Peetb. Poplar and Vine<br />

Ocheltree Dr. John, 74 w. Sth<br />

Ockle Philipp, w.s. Vine b. ].5th and Liberty<br />

'CONNEUl, .*.IVrHOi\Y, aL phys. e.s.<br />

Oakes David, elk. bds. s.s. Sth b. Race and Elm O Broadway b. 6th and 7lh<br />

Oakes Henry, tailor, 158 w. Sd<br />

O'Connell Daniel A. S. elk. n.e.c. Main and 5th) h.<br />

Oakford John D. elk. at H Ogden's, s.w.c. Front e.s. Broadway b. Gth and Tth<br />

and Kilgour<br />

O'Connell Dennis, n.s. Front b. Smith and John<br />

Oakford John, elk. bds. s.s. 3d b. Elm and Plum O'Connell John, bds. Thomas Prout's<br />

AK ilAIiL, CLOTMUVW »131'0'1',Wes­ O'Connell Michael, Cherry b. Plum and W. Row<br />

O ley Taylor, 159 Main<br />

O'Connell Patrick, s.s. Lawrence b. Symmes and<br />

Oakly J. pattern mkr. bds. 240 Walnut<br />

Congress<br />

Oalkers C. n.s. Orchard b. Main and Sycamore O'Conuell Timothy, w.s, Pendleton b.Liberty &<br />

Oates Adam, w.s. Bremen b. 14th and 15th<br />

Woodward<br />

Oates Wm. s.s. M»ses b. MUl and Stone<br />

O'Oonner Arthur, n.s. 4th b. Stone and Wood<br />

Obenheimer Getz, e.s. Kace b. Green and Elder O'Conner Edward, e.s. Baymiller b. Vanhorn and<br />

Oberdorf Dr. P. J. C. 147 Longworth<br />

Freeman<br />

Oberdorff Gottlieb, s.s. 3d e. of Wood<br />

O'Conner Eugene M. hds. Mrs. Mason's<br />

Oberheu Ernst (E. &F. O.)<br />

O'Uonnei James, shoe mkr. at Filley & Chapin's<br />

UERKIEU E. & B.''. (Ernst & ft-ederick) h. n.s. 8th b. Lock and Accommodation<br />

O grocers, 93 Court<br />

O'ConnerJohn, shoe mkr. at Filley and Chapin's<br />

Oberheu Frederick (E & F. O.)<br />

h. U.S. Sth b. Lock and Accommodation<br />

Oberkleine George H. w.s. W. Row b. David and O'Conner Margaret, n.s. R. R. b.T.P. 24 & 25 F'n.<br />

Wade<br />

O'Conner Thoraas, bds. J. B. Burnur's<br />

Oberland Wiihelm, s.s. Clinton b. Linn and Locust O'Oonner Arthur, e.s. Elm b .Pearl and Union<br />

Oberlo Jacob, s.s. Friendship al. b. Pike and Butler O'Conner Charles, bds. Mrs. E. O'Conner's


E. H. OG-DEN,<br />




'J<br />



No. 319 Main street, Cisicinnati.<br />

«J<br />

^'W^TightsonTPrintef, 43 Main.<br />

OFI<br />

O'Conner Mrs. Elizabeth, e.s. Elm b. Pearl aud<br />

Union<br />

O'Conner James. u.s.Ganob. Walnut and Lodge<br />

O'Conner James W. 30 w.Sth<br />

O'Connor John, n.s. Congress vr. of KUgour<br />

O'ConnerJohn, n.s. Kemble b. Cutter and Fulton<br />

'CONNER XIIttOXHlY A. atty. at law,<br />

2 Lees' bldgs. Court b. Main and Walnut<br />

OLB<br />

Ogard Thomas, at Brown & Brother's<br />

Ogdrrah Patrick, w.s. McAllister b. 4th and Sth<br />

Ogborn Edwin, porter, 20 e. 2d, bds. Mrs R. M,<br />

M'Donell's<br />

OUORN \V. E, & CO. wh. trimming &<br />

O fancy goods.55 Pearl<br />

Ogborn W. Elwood, (W. B. O. & Co.) 131 w. 8th<br />

O Ogden Benjamin, n.e.c. Park & Sth<br />

O'Conner Thomas C. w.s. Sycamore opp. National Ogden Eliza, n.s. Catharine b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

Theatre up stairs<br />

GOE.'X E. M. agent for Gardner & Co. Sigi<br />

O'Conoly Michael, n.s. Front b.T.P. 38 & 39 F'n. O Main<br />

Odiorne Thomas G. ^Tayior and O.) bds, at K. U. OOIOEN HENKY A. com. mer. s.w.c. Kil­<br />

Cowles'<br />

gour and Front, h. s.w.c. 4lh and Broadway<br />

O'Donald John, bds. D. W. Long's<br />

Ogden Henry P. 129 Longworth<br />

O'Donald Michael, n.s. Orchard b. Main & Syca­ Ogden James K. n.s. 3d b. Smith and Park<br />

more<br />

Ogden John, s.s. Websterb. .Sycamore and Broad­<br />

O'Donald Miles, s.s. Clinton b. John and Cutter way<br />

O'Donald Patrick, at Alley's bds. Robert Garde­ Ogden Jonathan, (0. & See) 195 w. 4th<br />

ners<br />

Ogden Joseph, bds. Mrs. C. Edward's<br />

O'Donald Patrick, moulder, e.s. Culter b. Clark & Ogden & .Sec (Jonathan O. & William S.) 32 w. 4th'<br />

Hopkins<br />

Ogden Marquis, n.s. Webb b. Mill and Stone<br />

O'Donnell Barth, n.s. Commerce b. Walnut & Vine Ogden Samuel, bds. A. D. Robinson's<br />

O'Donnell Edmund, n.s. Bedinger b. M. Caual and Ogden Samuel, n.s. 4lh b. Mill and Stone<br />

Broadway<br />

Ogden Sjimuel at J. C. Guisendorf<br />

O'Donnell Hugh, n.s. Hopkins b. Baymiller and Ogden Thomas, n .s. Front b. Park and Rose<br />

Freeman<br />

O'Gees .Anthony,al. from W. Row to John, b. George'<br />

O'Donnell James, w.s. Smith b. 4th and Sth<br />

and 7th<br />

O'Donnell James, s.s. CliutoD b. Locust and Free. Ogle Charles, s.s. Richmond n. of Harrison<br />

man<br />

Ogleby W. H. Ms, at Friendship Hall<br />

O'Donnell Jerry, n.s. Bedinger b. M. Canal and Ogne Thomas, e,s. Dublin n. of Lock<br />

Broadway<br />

O'Grady Timothy, confec. 18 e. Sth<br />

O'Donnell John, n.s. Commerce b. vv alnut & Vine O'Ha'ra Daniel, trunk mkr. at Hise & Williams<br />

O'DonneU John, n.s, Abigail e. of Sycamore O'Hara Patrick, porter, IS Pearl, h. 23 George<br />

O'Donnell Michael, n.s. Water h. Racoaiul Kim O'Hara Timothy, porter 24 George<br />

O'Donnell Patrick, cooper, s.s. Front b, Kace and O'Hara Wm, A, emigration office, 0 and 8 w, 3d, ft,<br />

n,s, Kemble h, V^^ Row and John<br />

O'DonneU Patrick, lab. s.s. 3db. Park and Mill OTIare Edward, Cherry b. Plum and W. Row<br />

O'DonneU Patrick, hatter,bds. 192 Sycamore O'Hare Bzra, n.s. Court b. Race and Elm<br />

O'Donnell Patrick, sh. carp. s.s. R.K. b. T. P. 18 & O'Hare Michael, n.s. Kembleb. Cutterand Linn<br />

19 F'n<br />

O'Hare Patiick, porter, 12 e. 4th, h.c. Ludlow and<br />

O'Donohue Hugh. n.s. Phoebe b. W. Row Sc Plum Front<br />

O'Duugherty Mrs. Frances, e.s. Bruadway b. 7th & O'Haren Owen, n.s. Sth b. Cutter and Linn<br />

8th „ , „ O'He Henry L. n,s, Abigail b. Main and Sycamorff<br />

Oeftieger Frederick, s.s. Green.b. Race and Bremen O'Hca John, elk, at James McCormiek's<br />

Oeh Conrad, s.s. Ham. road b. Kim and Dunlap O'llerion Domiutck, n,s. Front h, T, P. 16 & ITF'n<br />

Oehlhoff Louis, n.s. Buckeyeb. Kden and Locust HIO IJIFE INS. CO. s.s. 3d b. Walnnt<br />

Oehling Peter, w.s. Hughes s. ol SchiUer O and Vine, (Reeder's blflgs)<br />

Oehlman Baruard, s.s. Burgoyne b. Main and Sy­ JIIIO LIVE XNS.Sc XKirST CO. s.w.c.<br />

camore ._,,., , Oi<br />

Mainand 3d'<br />

Oehlmann Frederick H elk. n.s. Raceb. 14th and HIO ANB MISSISSaPPIK. R- CO.<br />

U office n.e.c 4'tli and Vine<br />

Oelschlager Frederick H. elk. n.s. Raceb. 14th & HBO MCTsrAlt, INS, CO, Geo. W. Cope-<br />

O Ian, sec 9 Front (2d story) b. Main & Sycamore<br />

Oelschlager Frederick, oil cloth mkr. n.s. Boal b. OlttHO TYPE EOUNBBY, Guilford and<br />

Wilson and Broadway<br />

Jones, 41 e 2d<br />

Oesling William, s.s. Gaol al.<br />

Ohlschlager Henry, cooper, s.s. Laurel b. John and<br />

Oesper George, stone mason, n.s. Hani, road b. Cutter<br />

Main and Locust<br />

O'Keefe Bartholomew, s.s. Betts b. W. Row and<br />

Oesper Peter, n.s. Ham, road b. Main and Locust John<br />

Oesting Bernard, n.s. Abigail b. Sycamore and O'Keefe Dennis, s.s. Betts b. W. Row and John<br />

Broadway ^ ~, „ O'Keeffe James, porter, s.s. 2d b. Walnut and Vine'<br />

O'KeefTe James, tailor, s s. Betts b. W. Row ana<br />

Ofern Dominick, at C. Welch's, s.s. Frontb. T. P.<br />

21 and 22 F'n.<br />

John<br />

Oflcer Robert W. elk. at Ellis & Morton's<br />

Olberding Heary, 18 L. Market



CAPITAL STOCK. $300,000.<br />

This old and well known Company continues to Insure property, of all descriptions, against loss<br />

or damage by FIJKJB,<br />



JOHN M, WOOD, Surveyor. G;E0. W. COPELEN, Sec'y.<br />

Office—Second Story, No. 9 Front Street, between Main and Sycamore.<br />


Rt. Rev. J. B. PURCELL, N. C. MCLEAN, Esq., SAMUEL CLOON, Esq., F. FORTMANN Esq.<br />

G. M. HERANCOORT, Esq.<br />

O'NE ORR<br />

Oldenhousen Christian, bds. ati^'hires'a<br />

O'Keill Margaret, e.s. John b. Richmond and Catha­<br />

Oldershaw PeicivalP. (Milward & O.) Mt. Auburn rine<br />

Oldham CD. printer, n.w.c. Plum and 2d<br />

O'Neill Michael, bda. 10 w. Gth<br />

Oldmann Carrol, w.s. Pleasant b. 15th and Liberty O'Neill Patrick, n.s. Kemble b. John and Fulton<br />

Oldrieve Mrs. Louisa, e.s. Cutter b. Darr and7th O'Neill Peter, (Carnahan & O'N.) bds. Tremont<br />

Olds John, w.s. Riddle b. Harrison Road & Bank House<br />

O'Leary James, elk. at Haire & Nugent's<br />

O'Neill Peter, (Whitley & O'N.) bda. Tremont<br />

O'Leary Henry, printer at Longley's, bds. 313w. 6th House<br />

O'Leary John, s.w.c. 2d and Elm<br />

O'Neill Thomas, bds. Mrs. James's<br />

O'Leary Johu J. agt. (C. Impsen) 3 Main, bds. O'Ncto Joseph, confec. n.e.c. Vine and Sth<br />

Franklin House<br />

Ong David M. sw.c. Smith and 3d<br />

O'Leese Joseph, s.w.c. 7th and Plum<br />

Oiigley WiUiam H. s.s. Catharine b. Cutter & Linn<br />

O'Lerink Frederick, 135 Symmes<br />

Onken Otto, 214 Walnut<br />

Olffen Bernard, e.s. Main b. Webster and Orchard Onkes Hermann, e.a. Broadway b. Hunt and Abigail<br />

Oliver Alexander L. (O. & O.) bds. U. States Hotel Onkrout Barney, e.s. Race b. Front and Cherry<br />

Oliver Alex. P. e.s. Springs of Liberty<br />

Onkrout Herman, s.s. Cherry b. Elm and Race<br />

I.i(VER BAVID W. manuf. of alcohol and Ooler John, s.s. loth b. Bremen and Vine<br />

O puresi)irits 6& 7 Kugler's Row<br />

Opits John, ws.Elm b. Cooper and Ham. Road<br />

Oliver Ur. James H. bds. at D. .Anderson's Oppenheimer H. e.s. Butler b. Symmes & Congress<br />

Oliver John G.fi.s. Webster b. Sycamore & Broad­ Oppenheimer Jacob, elk 40 Front<br />

way<br />

Oppenheimer S. S. (J. Lawton & Co.)l)ds. 125 w. Dth<br />

Oliver Melancthon W. (0. & 0.) bds.Mrs. J. P. Oppenlander Christian s. at Johnaon, Morton &Co.<br />

Harrison's<br />

Orange Benjamin, 87 Sycamore, h. Mt Adams<br />

1,IVEU & OL.1VEK, )Alexander L. & Me­ Orbly William, s.c.c. Symmes and Pike<br />

0 lancthon W.) attys. at law, 130 Walnut Orchard Catharine, bda. s.w.c. 6th and John<br />

Oliver Phoebe S. s.w.c. Commerce and Gilmore al. Orchard Mary, hds. s.w.c. 6th and John<br />

Oliver Mrs. Rebecca, 62 w. 3d.<br />

Ordemann & Bussmann, (Bernard O. & Bernard<br />

lilVER WM. post master, art union bldg. B.) s.e.c. Front and .Smith<br />

O res. 120 0, 4th<br />

RECiON HOUSJB, S. Bernheim, e.s. Walnut<br />

Oliver Wm, teamster, s,s. Betts b. Cutter and Linn O b. Sth and 6th<br />

Oliver William G. c. 7th and Baymiller<br />

Orell Thomas, n.w.c. Sycamore and Burgovne<br />

OlverMrs. Agnes P. w.s. Pleasant b. 14th aiiUlSth Oren John, shoe mkr. at Z. Leisure's<br />

Olver Kdward W bds, Mrs. Agnes Olver's Orf John, w.s. Langdon al.b. 6th and 7th<br />

Olver Samuel L. elk. bds. Mrs. Agnes Olver's Ortrilenry, bds. 12 w. 5th<br />

Olver Thomas T. n.e.c. Race and l3th, h,w,s. Pleas. O'Riely Robert, porter, bds. McCabe's<br />

ant b. Hth and 15th<br />


Olway Cosgrove. 22 w. 2d<br />

O 7 e. 3d op. Henrie House<br />

Oineara Margaret, n.s. Canal b. Vineand Race Orington Robert, barber, as. 5th b. Broadway and<br />

Omier Joseph, w. s. Broadway b. Sycamore and Mc.illister, h. n.s. 5th b. Broadway and Lock<br />

Woodward<br />

Orleans County Ins. Co. of .ilbion N. York. 12 Main<br />

O'Moore John, carriage painter, at H. P Gryden & OrlofTBernard, s.s. Buckeye b. Locust and Poplar<br />

Co's<br />

Orlopp Max A. 123 Main, h.n.s. Oth b. Elm & Plum<br />

O'Neil Emanuel, n.s. Sth b. Cutter and Linn Orlupp Richard A. elk. at M. A. Orlopp<br />

O'Neal Hugh,at Powells foundry<br />

O'Neal Michael, s.s. Woodward b. Sycamore and<br />

RlUSBEE'RIj:N.rAiniN A. regalia man­<br />

O ufacturer, n.e.c. 6th and Walnut, h.s.s. Kemble<br />

Bro.udway<br />

b. W. Row and John<br />

O'Neal Wm. U. H.s.s. David b. W. Row and John O'Rouvke Luke, 272 v/.6th<br />

O'Neil .-Andrew, copper smith, at Fenton Lawson's<br />

O'Neil Miss.!i.nn. elk. 14Sw.5th,bds. e.s. Elmb. 3d &<br />

Orphan .Isylum (city) w.s. Elm b. Grant and Hth<br />

Orphan Asylum (colored) s.s. Oth b. Elm and Plum<br />

4lh<br />

Orphan Asylum (St. Aloysius') a.s. 4th b. W. Row<br />

O'Neil Ann, s.s. Kymmesb, M. Canal and Kilgour and John<br />

O'Neil Catharine, s.s. 3d b. Sinilh and Park Orphan Aaylum, (St. Peter'a) n.wc. Plum and 3d<br />

O'Neil Daniel, cooper, at J. Rosebrough's<br />

Orr Arthur, n.s. CImtonb. Cutler and Linn<br />

O'neil Michael, a.s. Woodward w. of Broadway Orr Jamea, bds. Mrs. C. Edwards<br />

O'neil Patrick, w.s. Kroadway b. Abigail and Wood­ Orr James, carriage painter, a.w.c. 6th& Sycamore<br />

ward<br />

Orr Robert, w.s. Dublin b. Sth and Court<br />

O'Neil Timothy, s.s. Abigail b. Sycamore & Broad­ Orr Miss Sarah, bds. Sarah Singleton's<br />

way<br />

OrrThom,as, (W.& T. 0.)bds. Brighton House<br />

O'Neill James, w.s. Pendleton b. Liberty & Wood­ Orr Wm. W.S.Dublin b.Sth and Court<br />

ward<br />

Orr Wnr. w,s. W. Row op. Mohawk bridge, h. n.s<br />

O'Neill John, painter, s.a. Sthb. Cutter and Linn Bank b. W. Row and Linn <<br />

O'Neill John, civil engineer, s.a. Newb. Hroadway<br />

and Culvert<br />

Orr William, (W, & T. 0.)bds. Brighton House<br />

O'Neill Joseph, bds. Frederick Theising's<br />

Orr W. & T. (William & Thomas) n.s. Ham. Road<br />

near Freeman

m<br />




^' ii f :jj 1^ %•' ll^ %J^ 4^. 1^ |£4 ^ H. ^ I* I<br />

m:^ ^ET' jm^ ML^ JHi^ 'm&. 'Mi i^j ia:» ^@ •<br />

Fine Teas, Spices, Fruits, Nuts, Englisli Sauces anil Picldes, Syrups, French aHd I<br />

American Sweutmeats, &c. &c.<br />


O'TO OWE<br />

Orr Wm. J. 1 -Commercial Row<br />

Orren Sanders, at C. Welch's<br />

Orrick George, w.s. W. Row h. Everett and David<br />

Orth Adam, bds. GeorgeOrth's<br />

Orth George, baker, s.s. Laurel b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Ortman Christian, w.s. Vine b. 2d and Front<br />

Ortman Charles W. carp. n.s. Woodward b.Main<br />

and Sycamore<br />

Ortman Christ, chair mkr. s.s. Cherry b. Elm & Race<br />

Ortman Carl, w.s. Ham. Road b. Walnut & Liberty<br />

Orum Morris, com. mer. 28 e. 2d<br />

Oaborn Alex, city police, e.s. Lockb. Symmes &5th<br />

Osborn Benj. e.s. W. Row b. Everett and Wade<br />

Osborn Charles J. O'Rielly's Telegraph office, bds,<br />

Mra. Stager's<br />

Osborn John, n.w.c. 4th and Race<br />

Osborn John, e.s. Brighton b. Harrison Road and<br />

Bank<br />

OsbornJohn, s.w.c. Smith and Longworth<br />

Osborn William, n.e.c.Cutter and Van Horn<br />

Osborn William, w.s. Linn b. George and Barr<br />

Osendaubb Frank, carp. e.s. Elm b. Liberty and<br />

Green<br />

Ott Frederick, trunk mkr. at Parvin & Johnson's'<br />

Otte Charles, porter, 16 w. 2d<br />

Otte Henry, s.s. Ann b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Otte Henry, s.s. Sth b. Elm and Plum, h. n.s. Madison<br />

b. Elm and Plum<br />

Otte H. F. (O. & Schroer) n.e.c. Tanner and Sycamore<br />

Otte J. F. e.s. Main b. Webster and Orchard<br />

Otte Mathias, w.s. Hughes b. Schiller and Liberty<br />

O<br />

'r'JTB Sc SCHItOER, (H. F. O. & H.W..';,)<br />

hat and cap manuf. 304 Main<br />

Otteii Henry, bda. H. Dieckman's<br />

Otting Christian, w.s. Hughes 1 d. s. of Rurgoync<br />

Otting William, w.s. Linn b. York and iVIaiile<br />

Ottman T. w.s. Findley b. Elm and Canal<br />

Otts Conrad, <strong>52</strong> McFarland<br />

Oughtenreich Ferdinand F. e. s. Bioadway s. of<br />

Woodward<br />

Oulthouse Barney, e.a. Race b.lSth and Liberty<br />

Oulton Mrs. Mary, s.s. Clinton b. Linu and Locust<br />

Ourry James, e.s. Elm b. George and Gth<br />

Outsvviler John, e.a. W.Avenue s. of Harrison road<br />

Out Nicholas, e.s. Linn b. Laurel and Betts<br />

Osgood David, s.s. Congress b. Butler and Pike CXCAEX P. Sc CO. (Peter 0. & Isaac P.<br />

JSHAUGHHESS'E T. & CO. wholes, dry<br />

O<br />

O Williams) banking and exch. office, 6 and 8<br />

goods, 57 Pearl<br />

w. 3d<br />

Oshaughuessy Thomas (T. O. & Co.) 08 Broadway Outcalt Peter (P. 0. cfe Co.) res. Clifton<br />

Oskamp Augustus, 10 Sycamore<br />

Oulteu William C. n.s. (ith e. ofLock<br />

Oskamp Clemons,n.s.5th b. Pike and Butler AVEKAKER Sc MONE, (George O. & Jas.<br />

Oskamp Lewis, IG Sycamore<br />

U B.) feed store, n.s. Water w. of Main<br />

Oscamp Theodore. 62 Main<br />

Overaker George 7 Commercial Row, h. 45 w. Sth<br />

OslBge E. F. s.w.c. Elm and 15th<br />

Overbeck Mrs. Agnes, s.w.c. Longworth & Mound<br />

Osier Eli, n.s. Bettsb. John and W. Row<br />

Overbeck B. w.s. Main b. 12th and 13th<br />

Osmond John, pattern mkr. at Water Works Overbeck Frederick, n.s. Hopkins b.Linn andCut­<br />

Osmus Catharine, e.s. Peetb. Eden and Locust ter<br />

Oasenbeck Elizabeth, n.s. Abigail w. of Pendleton Overbeck Mrs. Louisa, w. s. Pleasant b. 14th and<br />

Ossenbcck John B. at J. Rosebrough's<br />

15th<br />

Ostendorf Frederick, a.s. Libeity b. Race and Elm Overbeckcr Francis, w. a. Spring b. Hunt and Abi­<br />

Oatendorf Henry, tailor, n.s. Abigail b. Broadway gail<br />

and .Spring<br />

Overberg Bernard, n.s. Liberty b. Race & Bremen<br />

Ostendorf Heury, drayman, e.s. Mill b. Canal and Overbrick Bennet, e.a. Bremen b, 14th and 35th<br />

Overclause Henry, s.s. Green b. Pleasant and Elm<br />

Ostendorf Henry, shoe mkr. bds. H. H. Berling'a Overdonn John, w.s. Waluut b. Liberty and Ham.<br />

Ostendorf Henry, moulder, w.s. Pendleton b.Wood road<br />

and Liberty „ j . Overen Elizabeth, w.s. Fulton b. Richmond and<br />

Catharine<br />

Osterbring Rudolph, n.s. Abigail b. Broadway and Overend Wm. (Morgan & Overend)<br />

Osterholfe Bernard, n.s. Laurel b. John and Cutter Overly John, s.a. Sth b. John and Mound<br />

Ostermann Jacob, n.s. Liberty b. Linn and Locust Overaing Mrs. Mary, e.s. Race b. Green & Liberty<br />

Ostiler Wm. elk. 270 Main , . Overton & Johnaon, w.s. Raceb. M. Canal & 12th<br />

Osting J. D. e.s. Main b. Hunt aud Abigail<br />

VIAXT & CO. (Wm. C. O. & Irvin Sperry)<br />

Ostrander Catharine M. rear of 128 Walnut O carriage depot, B. R. Stephens, agt. 25 e. Sth<br />

Ostrom Lemuel A. b.k. 27Main . , „ ,_ OWEN AlEISON, wli. grocer, 17 e. 3d, near­<br />

Oswald Jacob, porter, bds. with Frederick Huber ly op. Henrie House, h. 62 e. 4th<br />

Oswald Lucy, widow of Mathew H. s.s.2db.Broad- Owen Charles, watch mkr. 135 Main<br />

wayandLudlow „ ,. •, .,,. Owen Chauncy B. s.s. ?d b. Sycamore and Broad­<br />

Oswaldt August, e.s. Broadway b. Hunt and Abiway, bds. Henrie House<br />

gail<br />

Owen Edward, elk. at Allison Owen's<br />

Otenvill James, n.w.c. Front and Sycamore Owen George, bds. 48 L. Market<br />

Oter William, e.s. Elm b. Front aud Cherry Owen Henry B. 68 w. Sth<br />

Otke Herman H. n.s. Front b. W. Row aud Plum Owen Jesse, n.s. 3d b. Main and Walnut, h. n.e.c.<br />

Otke Peter, n.s. Front b. W. Kow and Plum<br />

Gth and Race<br />

O'Toole John, collector, 106 Race<br />

Oweu &Co. (John O., John Kelly & James Flynn)<br />

O'Toule, n.s. 6th b.John and W. Row<br />

s.a. Front b. Ludlow and Lawrence


D. W. OLIVER,<br />


76, 80,85,90,95,98 & 100 pr. ct, Strength.<br />



^ ^ AU orders from a distance promptly attended to<br />


Nos. 6 & y KUGtER'S RO^(«^,<br />


PAI PAP<br />

Owen John, n.s. 3d b. Main and Walnut, h.s.s. Sth Paine Harrison, aLb. Symmes aud Congress<br />

b. Stone and Wood<br />

Paine Luther, s.s. Barrb. Cutter and Linn<br />

Owen Mrs. Lucinda, e.s. Pleasant b. 15th and Li­ Paine Rufus K. elk. 0 and 11 w. 2d<br />

berty<br />

Paine William, 110 Symmes<br />

Owen Matthew, n.s. Augusta<br />

Painter Constant, w.s. Freeman opp. Bank<br />

Owen Wm. (Palmer & O.) s.s. 4th b. Smith and Painter J. (J. P. & Co), w.s. Race b. 2d and Front<br />

Park<br />

Painter J. & Co. (J. P. & A. S. Eckman) w.s. Race<br />

Owen Wm. Miller, b.k. Allison Owen's<br />

b. 2d and Front<br />

Owens Conrad, n.s. Betts b. Locust and Freeman Painter Jacob, w.s. Race b. Cherry and 2d<br />

Owens John, B.S. Front b.Broadway and Ludlow Painter John, u.w.c. Ludlow and 3d<br />

Owens John W. 30 Centre<br />

Pair John, n.s. Slh b. Broadway and Pike<br />

Owens Joseph A. bds. e.s. Elm b. George and 7th Paland George, w.s. Piatt b. Bank and Fi'eeman<br />

Owens Mrs. Mary, w.s. Piatt b. Maple and York Palka Henry, n.e.c. Congress and Ludlow<br />

Owens Owen, e.s. Elm b. George and Tth Palkner John, s.s. Mercer b. Vine and Walnut<br />

Owens Peter, n.s. Water b. Plum and W. Row Palm Henry, e.s. W. Row b. Wade and Liberty<br />

Owens Tbomas, n.e.c. Carr and Oth<br />

Palmer Abraham,jr. (P. & Owen) 133 Longworth<br />

Owens Thomas, n.s. Harrison e. of Broadway Palmer B. B. elk. bds. Mrs. Mather's<br />

Owens Thurston C. elk. 23 L. Market<br />

Palmer Edward, n.s. Georgeb. Cutterand Linn<br />

ITENS WII^IJIAM, ec. phys. n.w.c. Oth & Palmer Francis, confec. 172 Broadway<br />

O Elm, bds. Dr. H. Gatchel's<br />

Palmer Henry, s.s. Barr b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Owens WiUiam J. n.s. Catharine b. Linn and Bay­ Palmer Hiram C. elk. s.a. Harriaon e. of Broadway<br />

miller<br />

Owl Henry, n.s. Bank b. Piatt and Linn<br />

AEilfIEK JfAOTESK. omnibus builder, n s.<br />

P Owld Adam, s.s. Linn b. Everett and David<br />

Bank b. W. Row and Linn<br />

Own Gerard, a.s. Sth b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

Palmer John J. e.s. Mound b. 6th and George<br />

Own James, n.s. Everett b. Jones and Liun<br />

Palmer John, b.k. bds. John Wood's<br />

Owr Zachariah. e.s. Walnut b.Allison & Liberty<br />

Palmer Joseph, n.s. Kemble b. W. Row & John<br />

Ox John, w.s. Elm b. Green and North<br />

Palmer Joseph, e.s. W. Kow b. McFarland and 6th<br />

Pa mer Mark, e.a. Spring b. Liberty and Woodward<br />

Palmer Micab, e.s. Elm b. Canal and 12th<br />

AtMEK & OWEN, (Abraham P. jr. &<br />

P Pace Henry, n.s 6th b. Mound and Cutter<br />

Wm. Owen) jewelry, silverware, watches, &c.<br />

Pachold Peter, n s. Findley b. Elm and Canal<br />

135 Main<br />

Pack Mrs. Delia, n.s. Laurel b. John and Cutter<br />

Palmer Peter, e.s. Race b. !2th aud 13th<br />

Packer James, s.s. Water b. Kace and Elm<br />

Palmer Richard S. s.w.c. Catharine and Freeman<br />

Paddack Alexander, lawyer, c. Main and Court,<br />

Palmer Mrs. Rosa, e.s. Broadway s. of Woodward<br />

bds. 20 McFarland<br />

AliMER SENECA, Architect, Commercial<br />

P Paddack John, 20 McFarland<br />

bldg. c.3d and Sycamore, h, s.s. Harrison<br />

Paddack Mary C. e.s. Raceb. 2d and Front Palmer Silas D. b.k. n.s. Sth b. 8tone and Mill<br />

P8dilackTiumanB.b.k.l98Main,bds. 20 M'Farland pAI^MEK SOEOIV, perfumery, fancy soap,<br />

Padddack William, s.s.Sth b. Mound & Cutter ^ &c. 169Main, bds. 162 Broadway<br />

Paddack Wm. R. c. Bth & Vine, h. n.s. 7th b. Cut­ Palmer Thomas, Auctioneer, 533 Main, res. Mill<br />

ter and Linn<br />

creek tp.<br />

Padden Richard, n.s. Pearib. Smith and Park Palmer Wm. bds. Jacob Little's<br />

Padgett David, n.s. Clinton b. Locuet and Freeman Palmer William, s.s. Abigail b. Main & Sycamore<br />

Padgett Edward, o.s. Plum b. Oth and William Palschrof John, s.e.c. Liberty and Clay<br />

Padgett E. S. 167 Main, res. Mt. Auburn<br />

Palster John, n.s. Jail aL<br />

Pair Henry, n.s. Liberty b.Race and Elm Paniflther Jobn, Canal b. Elm and Race<br />

Page Charlotte bds. 140 w 7th<br />

Pancoast Johu, 347 Race<br />

Page Horatio, (Sales & Co.) a.s. 3d b. Main and Pancoast Joseph, 149 Elm<br />

Walnut<br />

Pangamann Benjamin, s.s. Canalb. Main & Wal­<br />

Page James A. moulder, bds. w.a. Plum b 2d and nut, h. B.s. Abigail b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Front<br />

Pangburn Solomon, n.s. Laurel b. John & Cutter<br />

Page John carp, at Noyes, Solar & Jacox Pannifer Max. elk. Dem. Journal, h. 3a b. Syca­<br />

Page Samuel, n.s. Sthb. Linn and Baymiller<br />

more and Broadway<br />

Pageufticher Lewis, s.e.c. Bremen and 15th Panseger Con. e.s. Bremen b. 14th and 15th<br />

Pahls John, 33 Broadway<br />

AOL,! Sc CO, chemists, druggists and pharma-<br />

PaidadamsJohn, c. Green and Elm P ceutists, 308 Main<br />

FaiueAitbui, W.B. Freeman b. fith and junction Paoli C. (P. & Co.) al.phys.308 Main<br />

Papa Frederick, e.s. Sycamoreb. Liberty &ScbilleT

m>'>'<br />






^lEiLS- _ -2;;:^—--—22:~2;;2 _^ _ n^fl!^' |J<br />

@^S^®® ^ Q)Q)^<br />

OACH MD<br />

Keep constantly on hand a large assortment of Carriapres, of their own manufacture,<br />

which they will WARRANT, and sell low for CASH.<br />

J]^^ Orders received for any kind of Carriages, and promptly executed, by<br />

OVIATX & CO., Cincinnati, O. OVIAXX Sc CO., Xalmadge, O.<br />

PAT PEA<br />

Paschen William, w,s. Liberty b.Elm and Plum Patton George, s.s. 4th b. Smith aud Park<br />

Pasquay Frederick C. elk. n.w.c. Hth and Vine Patton J. E. elk. s.a. 4th b. Smith and Park<br />

Passbroke Manuel, at G. .Shield's<br />

Patton John, 73 Pike<br />

Passmore Wm. stereotyper, 107 Walnut, bds. Uni­ Patton John, w.a. Pike b. Congress and Symmes<br />

ted States Hotel<br />

Patton John, elk. bds. 146 w. Sth<br />

Patbcrry Harman, n.s. Maple b. Freeman & Piatt Patzold Augustus, s.s. Madison b. Elm and Plum<br />

Patch Carrol, 60 Mai"<br />

Pauck F. A. s.e.c. W. Row and Everett<br />

Paul Mrs. Barbara, w.s. Vine b. ISth and Liberty<br />

Patch John S. salesman, 18 Pearl, h.n.s. StU w. of Paul George D. s.s. Sth b Park and Mill<br />

Mill<br />

Paul James (P. & Murdock) res. e.s. Main b. 7th &<br />

AXHFIIVDEK, J. W. Tyson editor, office Sth. Covington<br />

P 173 Walnut<br />

Paul Jaraes, carp. e.a. Watson al. b.Sth and 9th<br />

PAXHFINDEKPKIN'XING OFFICE, Paul John T. cutter, bds. n.e.c. 3d and Broadway<br />

43 Main<br />

AUE .TOSIAH, oil and leather, 1664^ Main,<br />

Patker Robert, bds. at Robert R. Wood's P bds. Gibson House<br />

Patrick Holmes C. printer, at Gazette office Paul Margaret, w.s. Butler b. Symmes & Congress<br />

Patrick John (Clisby & P.) bds. n.w.c. 3d and Elm<br />

Patrick John H. cutter at J. Kleines<br />

AIJE Sc raURBUCK , (Jaraes P. & Thomas<br />

P Patten Charles, e.s. John b. Elizabeth and Catha­<br />

M.) St. boat ag'ts. for. and com. mer. and ag'ts<br />

rine<br />

for Bingham's transportation line by Pa.Canal<br />

Patten George H. (Ben Franklin coffee h.) 1 Com­<br />

and R.R. 7 Water<br />

mercial Row<br />

Paul Ralter, n.s. Everett b. John and Cutter<br />

Patten Richard, n.s. Accommodation e. of State<br />

Pauley Wm. H. n.s. Richmond b. Baymiller and<br />

Patterson Alex. e.s. Vine b. Sth and 6th<br />

Freeman<br />

Patterson Andrew J. (P. & Bro.) e,s. Mansfield b.<br />

Pauly John, s.e.c. Barr and Cutter<br />

Liberty and up. Franklin<br />

Pauly John, n.s. 2d b. W. Row aud Plum<br />

Patterson Andrew W. coroner, n.s. Sth b. Broad­<br />

Paver George W. elk. n.s. George b. Linn & Bayway<br />

and Pike<br />

miUer<br />

PAXXEKSON & BROXHEU, (Andrew<br />

Payne A. w.s. Vine b. 2d cfe Front<br />

J. & James M.) wh. grocers and com. mer. 59<br />

Payne Abraham, s.s. R.R. b. T.P, 17 & 18 F'n<br />

Main<br />

Payne Benjamin D. w.s. Elmb. 3d and 4th<br />

Patterson Catharine, 137 w. 3d<br />

Payne Bragget, e.s. Pierson b. Sth and 6th<br />

Patterson David, w.s. W. Row b. 7th and 8tlt<br />

Payne Mrs. Hannah E. c. 4th and Park<br />

Patterson Emanuel, s.a. 9th b. Elm and Plum<br />

Payne Harriet, w.e. Elm b. McFarland and4th<br />

Patterson George, s.s. Newb. Broadway & Culvert<br />

Payne Martha, e.s. Race b. Pearl and 2d<br />

Patterson James,246 w.7th<br />

Payne Malinda, n.s. Water b. Race and Vine<br />

Patterson James, upholaterer, n.s. 7th b.Plum and<br />

Payue Wm. bds. at B. Payne's<br />

W.Row<br />

Payne Wm. n.e.c. 6th and Elm<br />

Patterson James G. s.s. 3d b, John and W. Row<br />

Pay lor Daniel, n.s. 8th e. of Lock<br />

Patterson Jamea M. (P. & Bro.) bds. 22 w.7th<br />

Payton J. at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Patterson John P. D. bda. at H. Price's<br />

Payton John, carp. s.s. Bstts b. Linn and Cutter<br />

Patterson Joseph, s.s. 7th b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Peach William, s.s. Front b. T.P. 24 and 25 F'n<br />

AXXEKSON EUDEOW, wood and coal<br />

Peachley Mrs. F. 0.18 McFarland b. Elm & Plum<br />

P mer. s.e.c. Water and Plum, h.n.e.c. Cherry &<br />

Peachy Henry, paying teller Lafayette Bank, bds.<br />

Elm<br />

135 w. Sth '<br />

Patterson Lyon. n.a. 6th b. Walnut and Lodge Peacock A. a.e.c. Webster and Main<br />

Patterson Mra. Mary, s.a. 4th b. Mill and Stone Peacock Samuel H. s.s. High b. Collard and Lytle<br />

Patterson Mrs. M. s.s. Longworth near John Peacock Simeon, bds. A. Peacock's<br />

ATTERSON NICHOE.4iS, wh. dealer in Peak Isaiah, n.s. Front b. T.P. 11 and 12 F'n<br />

P iron and stoves, 13 Public Landing, h.n.s. 7tli Peak Richard, s.a. Water b. Race and Vine<br />

b. Vine and Hace<br />

Patterson R. carp, at Johnaon, Morton & Co's<br />

Pearce G. e. s. Stone b. 3d and 4th<br />

Patterson & Richards, (Thomas R. P. & Randolph<br />

Pearce Henry, e.s. John b. Betts and Laurel<br />

E.) 25 Walnut<br />

Pearce Henry B. 242 Main<br />

Patterson Kobert, e.s. Spring b.Liberty and Wood­<br />

Pearce John, bds. at George Clark's<br />

ward<br />

Peal Samuel, n.e.c. Kittenhouse and Oathanne<br />

Patterson Sarah, 329 Kace<br />

Pearl St. House, c. Walnut and Pearl<br />

Patterson ThomasR . (P. & Richards) bds. Revere Pearman Charles M. carp. bds. 137 w. 3d<br />

House<br />

Pearman Elizabeth P. bds. 137 w. 3d<br />

Patterson Wm. e.s. Lock b. Sth and Symmes Pearson Abraham, Lawson aL h.n.s. Liberty w of<br />

Patterson Wm. G. w.s. Kace b. Cherry and Front Linn '<br />

Patton Mrs. Bridget, a.s. i:ithb.Vine and Race Pearson Alonzo B. scale mkr. 126 w. Sth<br />

A'FXON CHAKEES, coal yard, s.s. Front Pearson Charies F. (P. & Devin) bds. Nathan Guil­<br />

P b. Ludlow and Lawrence, h.w.a. Celestial n. of ford's<br />

High •<br />

Pearson & Devin (Charles P. P. & Wra. D. D ) '34<br />

Walnut ' •



(Formerly Pollard & Peebks,)<br />

LARD OIL<br />



1^ JBetvreen Elm and, Flum streets.<br />

All orders left at the store of<br />

TT. S. & J, K. JPEEBEES,<br />


V\(ill be promptly attended to.<br />

S8& • ao<br />

13<br />

PBI<br />

& J. R. PEEBLES^<br />

! DEALERS IN<br />



I And a variety of S<br />




PEE.<br />

Pearson M. B. b.h. 71 Court<br />

EIRCE Wm. Ll. E. boots and shoes, w.s<br />

Pease David A. n.w.c. W. Row and Richmond P Vine op. Court St. Market<br />

Pease Henry, cooper, bds. Ethan Stone's<br />

Peken Roman, n.s. Front b. T.P. 20 and 21 F'n<br />

Pease Henry, at J. Rosebrough's<br />

Pelcer Barney, s.s. Hunt b. Sycamore and Broad­<br />

Pease Sidney W. 29 e. 4th, and 28 e. 6th, h. 29 w. way<br />

Sth<br />

Pelk Barney, s.o.c. Elm and Front<br />

Peatty Henry, elk. John Williams'<br />

Pellance G. W. elk. e.s. Piatt b. Ham. road and<br />

Peck John M. s.e.c. 7th & Mound<br />

Bank<br />

Peck Solomon R. elk. 25 L. Market, bds. Mra. Sa­ Pellenwessel Henry, s.s. 3d b. John and Smith<br />

rah Hesler<br />

Pelser Theodore, n.w.c. Freeman & W. W. Canal<br />

PECIt -WIEEIAOT, ho. physician, 128 w.Sth Pelyer Christopher, e.s. Pleasantb 14th and 15th<br />

b. Race aud Elm<br />

Pener Gotleib, carp. w.s. W.Kow n. of Ash, h. w.<br />

Peckham Wm. L. painter, bds. 137 Walnut<br />

s. Sassafras n. of Ash<br />

Peckenpaugh Jacob. 148 Longworth<br />

Pendergast James, a.s. Hopkins b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Peckenpaugh Smith M. w.s W. Row b. George & Pandergast Magraret. n.s. 6th e. of Lock<br />

7th<br />

Pendery Alexander, city police, w.s. Lodge b. Sth<br />

Pedle Joseph, at T. J. Murdock's<br />

and 6lh<br />

Pedrick James (Scott & P.) bds. J. Talbot Pendery Mra. Clara. 159 w. Sth<br />

EEBLES Sc BStO'rWLEit, (late Pollard Pendery Goodloe, elk. n.s.c. 9th and Main, h. 159<br />

P & P.) lard oil manuf, s.s. Caual b.Elm & Plum wSth<br />

Peebles Daniel M. (P. & Bro.) w.s. Elm b. Sth and ENDERY JOHN - atty. at law, 40 w.<br />

9th<br />

P 4th, h. 46 Centre<br />

Peebles James S. n.s. 3d b. Smith and Park Pendleton Edward, (Fox, French & P.) e.s. Race b.<br />

Peebles J. R. (W: S. & J, E. P.) 15 George<br />

4th aud Sth<br />

EEBEES W. S. & J. R. grocers, 134 w. Pendleton George H. (Pugh & P.) 102 Broadway<br />

P Sth c. Race<br />

Pendleton Joy H. elk. n.e.c. 4th and Vine bds. City<br />

Peebles W, s. (W. S. & J. R. P.) n.s. 4th b. Plum Hotel<br />

and W. Row<br />

Pendleton K. G. 114 e. 4th<br />

Peebles Wm. W. carp. w.a. Stone b. Sth & 6th Penfield Daniel, elk. 56 Main, bda. Mra Hildreths.<br />

Feebler Mathew, w. a. Elm b. Cooper and Ham. Pengar Christian, a.a. Findley b. Elm and Canal<br />

road<br />

Pengoman Bernard, (J. Hauck & Co.) s.w.c. Syca­<br />

Peel John H. 320 Walnut<br />

more and Abigail<br />

Peel Samuel, c. of Court & Elm, h.s.a. Clark b. W. Pening Frederick, e.s. Buckeye b. Poplar & Vine<br />

Row and John<br />

ENJV OTCX. 1,1FE INS. CO. of Philadel­<br />

Peeler George, n.s. Accommodation w.of old corp. P phia, B, Urner, agt. 16 Front<br />

line<br />

Penneman Benjamin F. b.k. 25 Water<br />

Peepaugh H. F. s.s. Sth b. Main and Sycamore Pennington George, driver American Express,<br />

Peeper Henry, s.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

Henrie House,<br />

Peers Charles, s.s. Water b. Race and Elm Penny William, s.e.c. Main aud 3d<br />

Peers Henry, a.s. Frout b. Race and Elm<br />

Penrose Charles, 19 w. Oth<br />

Peers Heury, s.a. Water b.Race & Elm, h.s.s.Front ENXON JOHN, carp, and builder,Pancoast<br />

b. Race and Elm<br />

P al. n.s. Gano near Walnut<br />

Peers James, s.s. Water b. Race and Elm People Frank, n.s. Franklin b. Main & Sycamore<br />

Peers S. bds. S. W.Rose's<br />

People John, w.s. Providence b. Mason & Everett<br />

Pehm Frederick, e.s. Ham. road b.Vine and Poplar EOPEES' BANK, P. B. Manchester, a.s. 3d<br />

Pehoer Adam, e.s. Vine near junction Vine and P b. Main and Walnut<br />

Buckeye<br />

Peopleman Henry, teacher, bda. Dr. Joseph Haw­<br />

Pehner Andrew, e.s. Peet b. Locust and Poplar ley's<br />

Pehner Heinrich, e.a. Main b. Burgoyne & Schiller Pepper Charles, s.a. Liberty b. Main and Sycaraore<br />

Peioder John, n.s. R.R. b. T.P. 32 and 33 F'n Peppei & Blair, 32 Broadway<br />

Peippercorn Henry, s.w.c. Spring and Woodward Pepper Henry, at Shreve, Steele & Co's. h. s.a.<br />

Peipenbring Charles, city police, n.a. Ham. roadb. High h. Collard and Lytle<br />

Locuat and Poplar<br />

Pepper Heinrich, s.a. Buckeye b. Locuat & Poplar<br />

Peirce A. N. bda. at S. N. Peirce's<br />

Peypinger Abraham, 18 George<br />

Peirce Abraham R. n.e.c. Sth and Mound<br />

Percella Price, n.s. 3d b. Race and Elm<br />

Peirce Charles O. (Birney & P.) s.s. Laurel b. John Peicinna Ernst, w.s. Bremen b. 15th and Liberly<br />

and Cutter<br />

Percivall Wm. elk. 61 L. Market<br />

Peirce C. G. e.s. Broadway b. 3d and 4th<br />

Perregog_ Alexander, at Martin' Anahut'z & Co'a,<br />

Peirce D. J. bds. C. G. Peirce's<br />

Perin Oliver, (Cohoon & P.) s w.c. 3d & Broadway<br />

EIRCE D. Z. geurl. stage and omnibus off. Perkey David, carp. n.s. William b. 9th & Court<br />

P 19 w. 4th<br />

Perkins Conatantine, w.s. Bremen b. ISth & Liberty<br />

Peirce Henry L. bds. Pioneer House<br />

Perkins & Dana, (Joshua P. & James T. D.) manufs.<br />

Peirce S. N. s.s. Laurel b. John andCutter<br />

Briggs' chemical soap and washing fluid, 41<br />

Peirce Wm. H. bds. C. G. Peirce's<br />



^^?ALMBR,<br />


smsm Mmmm<br />

Bank street, near IVestern Row<br />

Wrightson, Printer, 43 Main at.<br />

PET PHE<br />

Perkins Daniel C. express messenger,;Adams & Co's<br />

Perkins George, e.s. Plum b. Center and Gth<br />

Perkins Hardin, w.s Bremen b. loth and Liberty<br />

Perkins Isaac N. 283 Longworth<br />

Perkins Joel, e.s. Plum b. 6th and Longworth<br />

Perkins John, bds. Levia Perkins<br />

Perkins John S. n.s. Sth b. John and Fulton<br />

Perkins Joshua, (P. & Dana) bds. Mrs. V. A.<br />

Swan's<br />

Perkins Joshua, n.s. Hth b. Elm and Canal<br />

Perkins Mrs. Levia, s.s. Sth b. McAllister & Pike<br />

Perkins Stith, n.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

Perkins Thomas w.s. Langdon al. b, 6th and 7th<br />

Perley Albert, painter, n.w.c. 8th and Main<br />

Perpa Frederick, w.s. Sycaraore h. Liberty and<br />

Schiller<br />

Perrine A. V. w.s. M.Canal b. Ash and Maple, h.<br />

s.s. Betts b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Perrine John W. n.s. Front b. T.P. 33 & 34 F'n:<br />

Perry George F. (Yocom & Co.) w.s. W. Row b.<br />

Catharine and Elizabeth<br />

Perry & Hargrave (Benjamin P. P. & Joseph H.) 54<br />

w.-Sth<br />

Perry John, e.s. Bremen b, I5th and Liberty<br />

Perry Joseph, s.s. George b. Mound and Cutter<br />

Perry Mrs. Lydia P. n.s. 5th b. W. Row and John<br />

Perry Major, w.s. Fulton b. Sth and Kemble<br />

Perry Mary, n.s. Bth e. ofLock<br />

Perry Mrs. Martha, e.s. Pleasant s. of 14th<br />

Perry Mrs. , 347 Kace<br />

Pen*y Richard, s.s. 3d b.Plum and Elm<br />

Perry Samuel, inspector of steamboats and boat.<br />

work, 142 Elm<br />

Perry Thomas, n.s. Canalb. Sycaraore & Broadway<br />

Perry Thomas, s.s. Sth e. ofLock<br />

Perry Wra. 24 Perry<br />

Peters Minheart elk. e.s. Sycamore b. 3d and 4th<br />

Peters Robert, w.s. Providence b. Everett & VPade<br />

Peters William, e.s. Linn b. Maple and York<br />

P<br />

EXERS "Win. C, & SONS, (Wm. C, Wm.<br />

M. & Alfred C^ Music, Pianos and Musical<br />

Merchandize, Melodian bldg. c. 4th & Walnut<br />

Peters Wm. C. (W. C. P. & Sons)<br />

Peters Wra. M. (W. C. P. & Sons))<br />

Peters W, S. n.s. Ham. road b. Clarkson and Piatt<br />

bds. s.e.c. Ham, road and Piatt<br />

Peterson Baltimore, w.s. Culvert b. Tth and Sth<br />

Peterson George, e.s. North b. 6th and 7th<br />

Peterson Jacob, e.s. Elm b. Findley and Greeu<br />

Petinger Peter, s.s. George b.. BaymiUer and Freeman<br />

Pettibone Amos, n.ex. Walnut and 4th,. bds. Theodore<br />

McCoy's<br />

Petitt Cornelius B. n.s. Betts b. John and W. Eow<br />

Pettit Elnathan. w.s. Walnut b. Sth and 6th<br />

Pettit John, printer, bds. at David Sadler's<br />

Pettit John P. n.s. Harrison<br />

Pettit Levi n.s. Frontb. W. Row and Plura<br />

Pettit Mrs. Sarah,s.s. Frontb. Wood and MiU<br />

Pettit Theophilus, printer at Gazette ofiB.ce<br />

Pettit Theodore K. printer, n.s. Harrison<br />

Pettit Thomas, atS. Pettit's<br />

Petty George, w.s. Sycamore opp. National Theatre<br />

Pfaff John, (Price & PfaflOn.s. Cutter b. Richmond<br />

P<br />

and Catharine<br />


Exchange. 54 Broadway<br />

Pfalzgraf Philip n.w c. Bremen and Liberty<br />

Pfau Philip, 83 Sycamore<br />

P<br />

FAU JTOKin M, Peacock Hotel, No. 346<br />

Mam<br />

Pfaudche John, s.s, 6th e. of Harriet<br />

Perry Wm. C. W. elk. n.w.c. Plum and "Water Pfeifer Henry, w.s. Dunlap b. Cooper and Ham.<br />

EfCRI* "WM. H, gilder, frame maker and road<br />

P glass stainer, s.s. 2d b. Sycamore & Broadway Pfeiffcr Henry,Eagle Building, Court b. Main and<br />


lura'her. mers. s.c.c. latli and Caual<br />

Walnut<br />

Person Wm. (P., Kilbreth &. Decamp) n.s. 7th b.<br />

Pfiiifer I. S. w.s. Dunlap b. Cooper and Ham. road<br />

Pfeister Frederick, 351 Main<br />

Walnut and Vine<br />

Pfeistcr J. H. (P. & Metzger,) 322 Maiu<br />

Peechner Micbael, n.s. Ham. road b. Main & Locust Pfeister Joseph, s.s. Woodward b. Main and Syca­<br />

Peta'Mrs. Eliza, n.w.c. Main and Buckeye<br />

more<br />

Peter George A. grocer, n.w.c. Front and Race Pfiester & Metzger, 322 Main<br />

Peter Henry, e.s. Hughes b. Liberty and Schiller Pfistner Adam. bds. Jacob Hennel's<br />

Peter Henry at B. Hazen's<br />

Pflum Gottfried, s.s. Sth b. Wood and Canal<br />

Peter Michael, n.s. Bank opp. Linn<br />

Pflum Mrs. Hannah, n.s. 12th b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Peter &Sharpless, (Geo. A. P. & Nicholas F, S.) Phalen Jobn, n.s. 7thb. Plura and W. Row<br />

24 w. 7th<br />

Phalen Michael ,s s. Adams b. Elra and Plum<br />

Petermann George, trunk mkr. w.s. Race b. 13th Pharos Abrahan ,n.e,c. 9th and Vine<br />

and Uth<br />

fhares John, (Wm. Hart & Co.) n.e.c. 9th & Vine<br />

Peterman Wm. n.s. Ham. roadb. Main and Locust Phares Joseph, s.s. Union w. of Race<br />

Peters Augustus, s.s. Allison b. Walnut and Vine Pharos Walter, c. Maple and Piatt<br />

Peters Alfred C. (Wra. C. P. & Sons)<br />

Phelan Mary, n.s.Richmondb. John and Fulton<br />

Peters Mrs. Ellen. AUison b. Walnut and Vine Phelan Philip, produce dealer, s.s. 2d b. Kose and<br />

Peters H. C. Allison b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Park<br />

Peters James S. liquor dealer, s.e.c' Symmes and Phelar Mrs Catharine, s.s. 2d w. of Rose<br />

Lock<br />

Phelps Allen E. w.s. Elm b. Sth and 9th<br />

CTKItS JEREJXIX', loan broker, 140 Wal­ Phelps Benjamin R. b.k. 15 Sycamore, res. Mt.<br />

P nut, h. 214 w. 4th<br />

Auburn<br />

Peters Mrs. Mary, e. s. Broadway b. Abigail and Phelps Charles, e.s. Vine b. 4th and Sth<br />

Woodward<br />

Phelps Samuel W. salesman; 18 Main, rea.Mt. Auburn



WM. PHILLIPS & CO.<br />



Comer of Main and Fourth streets, Cincinnati.<br />

Blank Books made to order. Dealers in Binders' Stock,<br />

PHO PIG<br />

P<br />

Plienbrin Andrew, s.a. Adams b. Elm and Plum JUOENIX IIVS. CO. of St. Louia, A. S. Chew<br />

Philadelphia House, 31 w. Front<br />

agt. 15 Front<br />

Philip John, n.s. Ham. Road, w. of Locust<br />

Piatt Donn, (P. & P.) bds. Franklin House<br />

Philips Miles, w.s. Jackson b. 12th and Canal Piatt Jacob,W. (P. & P.) 221 Broadway<br />

Philips Philip A. elk. Johnson and Powell, bds. Piatt Michael, s.s. Harriaon road near Brighton<br />

Kvans' Hotel<br />

House<br />

Philips "Wm. n.s. Linneus b. W. Kowand John Piatt & Piatt, (Donn & Jacob W.) 6w. 6th<br />

Philips "William, city police, s.s. Kemble b. John and Piatt William, n.s. 13th b. Bremen and Race<br />

Pickard John, n.w.c. Brighton and Bank<br />

Fulton . ,„ ..<br />

Pickens L. S. 127 Main, h. 204 Longworth<br />

Philips Wm. H. n.s. Harnson e. of Broadway Pickering Mrs. E. 126 w. 6th, h. s.s. Longworth w.<br />

Philley Henry, w.s. Walnut b. 6th and 6th<br />

Phillips Augustus, n.s. Liberty b. Hughes and Syca­<br />

of Plum<br />

more , „ ^ a /-^<br />

Pickering G. M, n.s. 7th b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Phillips Benjamin, w.s. Elm b. Court and Oanal<br />

Pickering Joseph M. 6 e. 4th, h. s.s. Longworth e. of<br />

Phillips Bernard, s.s. 3d b. Wood and Stone<br />

John<br />

Phillips Flavins J. (Goshorn & P.) bds. Pearl St. Pickering Tilshman, elk. 196 Main<br />

House<br />

Picket John, e.s. Broadway b. 6th and 7th<br />

Phillips George, n.e.c. 14th and Race<br />

Picquet Harriet, s.s. 3d b. Park and Mill<br />

Phillips George, Engineer, bds. Thomas Prouts Pickijuet Henry, s.s. ;)d b. Mill and Park<br />

Phillips Geo. W. BO w. 6th, bds. Carll and Fagan's Piepenbender Adam, w.s. Bremen b. Green and<br />

Phillips Henry, s.s. Sth b. JMain and Sycamore<br />

Liberty<br />

Phillips H. C. s.a. Hopkins b. John and Cutter Piedermont Henry, w.s. Sycaraore b. Liberty and<br />

Phillips Jamea, e.s. Providence b. ]y[a3on& Javerett Schiller<br />

Phillips John M. elk. at Methodist Book Concern, Pielcher Henry, s.s. Abigail b. Sycamore & Broad­<br />

h.n.s. Richmond b. Fulton and Cutter<br />

way<br />

Phillips Joseph, n.s. Race b. 4th and 6th<br />

Pieper William, n.s. Front b. Wood and Mill<br />

Phillips Michael, at H. V. Gryden & Co's Pier Francis, s.e.c. Ham. road aud Locust<br />

Phillips Moses, n.a. 6th b. Sycamore and Broadway Pierce Albert, b.k. bds. Shire's<br />

Pierce Alfred, s.s. George b. Mound and Cutter<br />

r Alphonso C. P.) lightning rod manuf. 31 w. 6th Pierce Charles, n.s. Kemble near Harriet<br />

1)JH.«liJL.lPS B. C. civil engineer, 22d w. 6th Pierce Mrs. Francis, s.s. Barr^b. Baymiller and<br />

X h. s.s. George b. Plum and W. Kow<br />

Freeman<br />

Phillips Richard, s.s. New b. B roadway & Sycamore Pierce Gralton, e.s. Stone b. 3d and 4th<br />

Phillips Jlrs. S. 18 Centre „ ^, ^ Pierce Henry, (Gould P. & Co.) e.s. Elm b. 6th & 7th<br />

Phillips Silas, New York coiTee house, Frontb. Syc­ Pierce James, (Gould P. & Co.) e.s. Lockb. Symmea<br />

amore and Broadway, h. 16 Arch<br />

and uth<br />

Phillips Stephen, 127 Main , o;„.„h„„o, IJSBCJE JOSEPH Sc SOW, (Wm.) 16<br />

Phillips S n.s. Catharine b. Lmn and Rittenhouse P Front<br />

Pierce Joseph, (J. P. & Son) bds. Evan's Hotel<br />

Pierce Joseph, bds. D. Kiikpatrick'a<br />

?l;ill!?ills:s^!^l'«4thb.Kacc^v^ Pierce Wm. Li. (W. B. P. & Co.) res. Mt. Auburn<br />

lJKKtE XVM. St. Sc CO, (Wm. B. P. &<br />

Phillips Valentine, shoe mkr. at Ulley &. Chapin's<br />

Phillips Wra. (Wm. P. & Co.) 168 Race . P Samuel Richardson) mercantile agency, 120 Main<br />

Piercy John, s.s. 5th b. John and Smith<br />

TIHIJLMPS WM. jr. atty.n.s. 6th b. Main Piercy William, at A. Harkness & Sun's<br />

r and Walnut, bds. R. C. Phillip's , Pierman Kosene, e.s. Dublin n. of Lock "<br />

Phillips Wm. J. grocer, n.s. 2d b. Sycamore and Pierson Amzi, 407 w. Cth<br />

Broadway, h.s.s. 3d b. Smith and Park Pierson Charles E. s.e.c. 3d and Smith<br />

Phillips William, 144 Broadway x it,x, Pierson Daniel, O'Reilly's Telegraph office<br />

Phillies Wm. 0. printer, e.s. Vineb. Alhson & 13th Pierson Daniel, 237w. 6th, h. 291 Longworth<br />

T)XIIlil,IPS WII^l^IAim A: CO. (Wm.<br />

X P & Charles F. Wilstach) stationers and blank IEBSOIV BAIVIX:fi B. lumber yard, w.s.<br />

book manuf. n.w.c. Maiu and 4th PPlum b. Court and 12th, h. s.s. 7th b. Smith and<br />

Phillips Wm. B. engineer, s.e.c. Race and 14tn Mound<br />

Philpot John, 16 e. 4th _ . „« v.,„ Pierson Frederick, w.s. Vine b. 12th and Canal<br />

-nlllPPS, eABBNEB & CO. Packers, Pierson John, 126 Sycamore<br />

r produce dealers, and com. raer. n.w.c. 9th and Pierson John, n.s. Moses b. Park and Smith<br />

Broadway „ „ „<br />

IERSUIV Win. K. al. phys. e.s. Elm b. 6th<br />

Phipps Gardner, (G.P. &Co.) 330 Race P and George, bds. 86 w. 9th<br />

Phipps George, n.s. Linens b. W. Row and John Pierson William, n.s. 6th e. of Freeman<br />

Phippa Wm. K. salesman, 126 Main . „„ , „ Piester Peter, e.s. Clay b. Allison and Liberty<br />

HOBNIX BAKK., (M. A. Bradley &Co.)s.<br />

Pigman Americus, n.s. Milton e. of Sycamore<br />

P Pigman Joshua R. elk 9. L. Market bds. 66 Pike<br />

a. 3d b.Main and Walnut , „ „ x> Pigman Wm. P. salesman, 20 Front, bds. Broadway<br />

DHOENIX POUNBBY, (W. & H. P. Ee; Hotel<br />

X aor, u.w.c. Smith and Water, store, 13 and lo<br />






N. E. corner Third and Sycamore streets, |<br />

Entrance on Third st. f<br />


Between Main and Sycamore, and Eeighlh and U<br />

Ninth streets. 3<br />

All kinds of Work promptly executed.<br />

stores fitted up at short"<br />

est notice.<br />

PLA POM<br />

Pike Henry, (S. N. & H. P.) 362 w. 6th<br />

Plaukenheim John, n.w.c. Main and Buckeye<br />

Pike Isaac, bds. Wm. Lumley's<br />

Pleager Henry, at Samuel Cook & Co.<br />

IKC: S. N, Ac H. (Samuel N. & Henry) alco­ Pieck Harmon, e.s. Elm b. Cherry and Front<br />

P hol and pure spirits, ISand 20 Sycamore<br />

Pledge Rufus, n.s. Harrison Pike w. of Brighton<br />

Pike Samuel N. (S. N. & H. P.) n.s. 4th e. of Plura House<br />

Pike Wesley W. n.s.Frontb. Lytleand Corporation Plese Benedict, w.s. Pleasant h. 15th and Liberty<br />

Line<br />

Plumb Abraham, e.s. Bremen b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Pilkey John P. Mulberry House, 230 Walnut Plummer Hiram, 212 Main, h.e.s. Race b. Canal and<br />

Pilkington John. s.s. Canal b. Elm and Pium<br />

12th<br />

Pille Frederick, s.s. 2d b. Smith and John<br />

Plummer Jason, lard oil manuf. at Cheever & Co's<br />

PiUe J. H. n.s. Grant b. Eim and Plum<br />

Plummer J. G. n.w.c. John and Laurel, h.s.s. Ches­<br />

Pilson William. 263 w. 6th<br />

nut b. Johnand W Row<br />

Pittman Anthony, w.s. MiU near Front, h. w. s. Plummer William, n.s. R. R. b. T. P. 18 and 19 F'n<br />

Anderson b. Canai and Front<br />

Plummer Wm. H. H. elk. s.s. Clinton b. John and<br />

Pincus Morris L. 76 Main, h. n.a. Centre b. Vine & Cutter<br />

Race<br />

Plumridge Thomas, n.s. 15th b. Race and Elm<br />

Pinckham Wm. C. b.k. w.s. W. Row b. Sth and Plunket Henry, 101 Longworth<br />

Kemble<br />

Plunket Richard, blacksmith, bds. J. H. Week's<br />

Pine Mrs. Elizabeth, s.s. Slow b. Freeman & Carr Podesta James, w.s. W. Row b. 7th and Sth<br />

Pine WiUiam, 154Sycamore, h. e.s. Sycamore b. 6th Podesta John, n.s. Front b. Race and Elm<br />

and 7th /<br />

Poelke Peter, n.s. Ham. Road b. Mainand Locust<br />

Pingemann Benjamin, s.s. Canalb. Main and Wal­ Pogue Mrs. Isabel, n.s. 5th b. W. Row and John<br />

nut, h. s.s. Abigail b. Main and Sycamore Pogue Thomas, ells. 226 Main<br />

Pingemann John, s.s. Abigail b. Main and Sycamore Pohl Bernard, bds. F. Lampe's<br />

PingerAdam, s.e.c. Main and Liberty<br />

Pohler Henry, sw.c. Race and 2d<br />

Finger and Ruber (Philip P. & Wm. H.) w.s. Elm Pohlkenk John, w.s. Spring b. Abigail and Hunt<br />

b. Findtey and Cooper<br />

Pohlmaear Joseph, at G. Shield's<br />

Pinger Philip, (P. & Huber) Findley b. Elm & Plum Pohlman John, n.s. Abigail w. of Pendleton<br />

Pinker Frederick, s.s. Logan b Liberty and Green Pohlmann Henry, bds. H. Hubbert's<br />

Pinkham William C. b.kw.s. W. Row b. Sth and Pohlmeyer Charles, W.s. Main b. 13th and Allison<br />

Kemble<br />

Pohlmeycr Theodore, s.s. 6th b. Elm and Plum<br />

Pinkster house .Henry, w.s. Baum b. Gth and Lock<br />

Poinier Isaac, s.s. Clinton b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Pinney Samuel, bds. Carll & Fagan's<br />

f oinier Jacob 1 Water, s s. 3d b. W. Row & John<br />

Pinney S. A. 61 L. Market, h. e.s. John b. 4th & 5th<br />

Poinier John R. (James Todd & Co.) s.w.c. Longworth<br />

and Park.<br />

IOiMEEK HOUSE, Casper Voil, s.s. cth b.<br />

Poinsett John, w.s. Butler b. Front and Congress<br />

P Walnut and Vine<br />

Pois V/m. s,s. Buckeye b. Poplar and Locust<br />

Piper Bernard, bds. at Mrs. Brockman's<br />

Poland James, s.-. Milton w. of Mansf.eld<br />

Piper George, at A Haikneas & Son's<br />

Poleket John, s.s. loth b. Race and Bremen<br />

Pipher George, (J. & G. P.) bds. J. Pipher<br />

Pollard Kdward, e.s. Elmb. 2d and Cherry<br />

Pipher J. &.O. (John & George) 10 L. Market<br />

Pollien Tlieodore, at Bernard Knobe's<br />

Pipher Thomas, bds. J. Phiiitier<br />

Pollnian Henry, n.s. Clinton b. Cutter and Linn<br />

PeipinbringHenry, buckskin dresser, bds. H. Kesler<br />

Pollock Colin, s.s. Woodward b. Sycamore and<br />

PiquettDavid C. n.s. Kemble b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

Pirner Hein, s.w.c. Springand Abigail<br />

Broadway<br />

Pirsel Barth. w.s. Plum b. Wade and Liberty<br />

Pollock Frank, w.s. M. Canal b. Ash and Maple<br />

Pistner Charles, w.s. Vine b. Eider and Green<br />

Pollock James, at A, Harkness & Son's<br />

Pittinger Abram, shoe mkr. n.s. 6th b. W. Row and<br />

Pollock James, w.s. Home<br />

John<br />

Pollock James, janitor. College Hall, Ko.23-rLh story<br />

Pitts Joseph J. s.s. Green b. Race and Bremen Pollock James S. w.s. Elmb. 4tli and 6th<br />

Place Waiter J. n.w.c. Kichmond and Cutter Pollock Jose])h, elk, 17 w. 2d, h. s.s. 4th w. of Smith<br />

Placke H. w.s. Plum b. Front and £d<br />

Pollock John, (Butler ife Brother) bds. J. J, Butler's<br />

Plagmann Frederick, w.s. Walnut b. 13th and 14th Pollock John, s.s. 3d b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Plake Frederick, n.s. 2d b. Vine and Race<br />

Pollock Joseph, elk. c. 2d and Main, h. s.s. 4th b.<br />

Plappcrt Andrew, e.s. Park b. Canal and 2d<br />

Plaspohl J. H.w.s. Main b. 121 h and 13th<br />

Smith and Park<br />

Platenberg A. W. e.s. John b. Everett and Clinton<br />

Pollock Wm. bds. s.s. 4th b. Elm and Plum<br />

Platfoot Gerrard, s.s. Front b. Race and Vine, bds.<br />

Pollock Wm. 242 Main<br />

Pollock Wm. 167 Walnut, bds. s.s. -Ith w. of Elm<br />

s.s. 2d b. Race and Vine<br />

Polman H. sec Everett and Cutter<br />

Platfoot John, s.s. Front b. Race and Vine, bds. w. Pollmafrjolin, n.s. Liberty b. W. Raw and John<br />

s. Vine b. Front and 2d<br />

Pulsdorfer John H. b.k. 14 w. Front<br />

Plaths Fathnisa, n.s. Elder b. Race and Vine pOlTAEKOV CHARILKS S. atty., and com.<br />

Plato Hannah, e.s. Race b. Pearl and 2d<br />

1 for La. 1 law bldgs. bds. Henrie House<br />

Piatt Mrs. Phebe A, bds. c. Court andPlum Pomeroy Charles W. elk. n.s. 7th b. BaymiUer and<br />

Piatt Mrs. P. s.s. 7th b. Mound and Cutter<br />







31 West Sistli street.<br />

These superior Rods areof Carbonized Annealed Iron, with Zinc Protectors and electro positive<br />

elements combined in their Manufacture, thus rendering them equal to Copper, as Conductors.<br />

They are in ten feet lengths, with accurately litted brass screw Connecting Joints, an entire<br />

new style of metallic (patented) attachments, for brick or frame buildings, Also, glass Isolators,<br />

of a novel and ingenious construction (patented), forming a lock. The whole mounted with a solid<br />

platinum silver point (patented), twelve inches long, surrounded at the base with the angular;<br />

gold plated Negative Magnets, which poRsessthe power, to anextraordinary extent, of discharging<br />

the opposite elements of the most fearful thunder storm, and embrace the entire perfection of<br />

science up tc the prcseut time. In addition, they are furnished with au angular goid-plated negative<br />

Magnet, thus guarding laterally and obliqnely; the whole constituting the most<br />

mrgnificent and perfect silent conductor ever presented to the public.<br />

Any active man, with small capital, may have an agency without charge lor patent right.<br />

POS POW<br />

Pomeroy Ralph M. (Robbins & P.) bds. Walnut St, Postlewait John B. w.s. BaymiUer b. Kem.ble and<br />

House<br />

Richmond<br />

OMEROY SAMUEIi W. coal office n.s. Poth Jacob, w.s. Logan b. Elm and Canal<br />

P 3d b. Sycaraore and Broadway, h. 103 Broadway Poth Micbael, s.s. Kemble b. Linn and BaymiUer<br />

Pond Augustus, bds. 236 w. 4th<br />

Pott Wm. n.s. Burgoyne b. Mam and Sycamore<br />

Pond Elizabeth, n.s. Webb b. Smith and John Fottan Bernard, n.w.c. Harrison road and W.Ave-<br />

Pond Thomas M. 145 Main<br />

nue<br />

Ponourst Diedrich, s.s. Liberty b. Elm and Plura Potter Henry H. 131 Main<br />

Pontiens Peter, e.s. Bremen b. 15th and Liberty Potter J. F. (P. & Stuart) G3 e. 4th<br />

Pool Thomas, w.s. John b. 4th and Sth<br />

Potter Peter, s.s. Wade b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Pooler A. e.s. Race b. Green and Elder<br />

Potter M. D. (Curtis & P.) res. Covington<br />

Poor M'-s. Elizabeth, s.s. 6th e. of Park<br />

OTTER Ac STUJAltT, (J. F. P. & Geo.<br />

OOft Ac CO, (Henry W. & Wm. C.) grocers,<br />

P P S.) al. phys. 26 w. Gth<br />

222 & 237 Walnut<br />

Potts George (Kirkup & P.) res. Walnut Hills<br />

Poor Henry W, (P. & Co.) bds. at Mrs. E. Poor's Potts Joseph H. n.w.c. Walnut & Front bds. Pearl<br />

Poor Wm. n.s. Webb b. Smith and Park<br />

St. House<br />

Poor Wm. C. (P. & Co.) bds. at Mrs. E. Poor's Potts T. B. at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Popb Wm. e.s. Elm b. North and Green<br />

Pottock William K. n.s. Tth b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Pope Thomas, e.s. Pendletou b. Liberty and Wood­ Pouers John, n.e.c. Everett and Linn<br />

ward<br />

Pound W. L. elk. bds. Mr. Merrifield's<br />

Popp Michael, n.w.c. Elm and Greeu<br />

Pounsford Arthur H. salesman, at H. S. & J. Ap­<br />

Popp Jacob, at Jacob Schurer's<br />

plegate & Co's<br />

Poppc J. I), n.s. Frontb. Walnut and Vine Pournet Heury, s.s. Clark b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Poppino Daniel, elk. bds. at James P. Turner's Powell Gth e. of junction with Front<br />

Portage County Mut. Ins. Co. 288 Main<br />

Powell David, e.s. Butler b. Front and Congress,<br />

Porter .^.Iphonzo C. (Phillips & P.) boards at Mrs. h.w.s. Kilgour b. Congress and High<br />

Wright's<br />

Powell D. A. at Powell's foundry, e. s. Butler b.<br />

Porter David, w.s. Dolsin's Row b.Catharine and Congress and Front<br />

Richmond<br />

Powell Ellis, at Martin, Anshutz & Co's<br />

Porter George, s.s. 13tbb. Walnut and Vine Powell James, n.s. 4th b. Smith and Park<br />

Porter Jaraes (Allen & P.) Chestnut b. W. Row &. Powell John, finisher at Powell's<br />

John<br />

Powell John, bds. A. D. Robinson's<br />

Porter James, B.S. Chestnut b. W. Row and John Powell Joseph, n.s. Clark b. Linn and Cutter<br />

Porter James J. elk. at AUison Owens'<br />

Powell J. L. 25 Walnut, h.s.s. 7th b. John & Smith<br />

Porter John K. salesman, 150 Main<br />

Powell Mary, bds. Manuel Leese's<br />

Porter John, s.s. M. Canal b. Court and Sth<br />

OWELL PAJLEMOl^, guns, rifles, and<br />

Porter John, elk. e.s. Vine b. Sth and Gth P sporting apparatus, w.s. Walnut b. Pearl & 3d,<br />

Porter John, at Swasey, Wise & Co's. h. Mount h.e.s. Race b. Front and 2d<br />

Adam's<br />

Powell Mrs. Sarah, 36 w. 4th, res. Mt. Auburn<br />

Porter Mrs. L. 201 w. 7th<br />

Powell Thomas, atty. G Lee's bldg. Court b.Main &<br />

Porter Mrs. M. J. e.s. Broadway op. Webster Walnut<br />

Porter Osmond, n.w.c. Baker and Walnut, bds. OWELL WILLIAm[,brass& bell founder,<br />

James Hartshorn's<br />

P s.s. Sth b. Home and Plum, h.n.s. 4th b. Smith<br />

Porter Thomas, e.s. Vine b. 3d and Baker<br />

and Park<br />

Porter Wm. P. n.s. Front b. T.P. 40 & 41 F"n Powell Wm. collector, n.s. 9th b. Elm and Plum<br />

Porter William S. (Fontayne & P.) res. Pleasant Power John H. (Swormstedt & P.) e, s. Mansfield<br />

Ridge<br />

b. Liberty ^nd Milton<br />

Posey Mrs. Matilda, s.s. Oth b.Elm andPlum Power Michael, s.s. W.W. Canal e. of Park<br />

Posey Oliver, salesman, bds. 17. S. Hotel<br />

Power Patrick, s.s. Commerce b. Race and Vine<br />

Post Edwin R. elk. 10 w. 3d, h.w.s. Elm n. of 4th Power Patrick S. n.w.c. Baker and Walnut, bds.<br />

Post Henry, w.s. Pendleton s. of Liberty<br />

W. B. Warrington's<br />

OST Ac CO. books and periodicals, 10 w. 3d, Powers Charles, n.e.c. W. Row and Ash<br />

P and 94 w. 4th<br />

Powers Cyrus, n.s. Court b. Race and Elra<br />

Post Russell (P. & Co.) 94 w. 4th<br />

Powers Henry, s.s. Richmond b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Post Russell E. elk. w.s. Elm b. 4th and Sth Powers Joseph, n.s. Gth e. of Lock<br />

Post Reuben L. b.k. bds. Dennison House Powers Patrick, s.s. Cherry b. Vine and Race<br />

Postel G. J. of Aleghany House, e.s. Sycaraore b. Powers Samuel (Johnson & P.) s.s. 3db. W. Row<br />

3d and Front<br />

and John


PRICE & PFAFF,<br />


MM<br />


Having been engaged in tlie Manufacture of Vamlsli for FIFTEEN YEARS<br />

•we are prepared to warrant all our articles.<br />

PRI PRO<br />

Powers Wm. bds. Araerican Hotel<br />

Pracey Isaiah, n s. 3d b. Mill and Park<br />

Praduck Mrs. Elizabeth, e.s. Elm b. 14th and 15th<br />

Praetorius Edward (Hesing & P.) Farmers' Hotel,<br />

n.e.c. Court and Race<br />

Prakett Wm. F. e.s. Baymiller b. Catharine and<br />

Clark<br />

Frail C. F. e.s. Race b. 13th and 14th, h.e.s. Race b.<br />

Mth and ]5th<br />

Prante Frederick, n.s. 24 h. Vine and Race<br />

Prantz Henry, w.s. KacQ b. Liberty and Green<br />

Prasho Wm. n.s. Water b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Prater John, bds. at Jane Young's<br />

Prater John, s.s. 2d h. Elm and Race<br />

Prather Charles-B. (Hall & P.) bds. Mr.s. Scott's<br />

Prather John O. e.s. Plum b Cherry and Front<br />

Pratt Albert C. elk. 117 Main<br />

Pratt Asa H. n.e.c. Longworth and Sniith<br />

Pratt J. L. w.s. Sycamore n. of Hunt<br />

Pratt Wm. P.b.k. 10 Pearl<br />

Praun Nicholas, s.s. W.W. Canal w. of John<br />

Prehm George, s.s. Ham. road b. Elm and Dunlap<br />

Prell Bernard, elk. 4 Main<br />

Prendergast & Cotter, 145 Sycamore<br />

Prendergast Jeffrey, n.s. Front b.Smith and John<br />

Prendergast Morris (P. & Cotter)<br />

Prendergast Morris, e.s. John b. Everett and Clinton<br />

Prendergast Wm. 272 w. 6th<br />

Price George, s.s. 6th b. W. Row and John<br />

Price Henry (P. & Pfaff) 85 w. 9th<br />

Price Rev. Hugh R. n.s. Richmond b. Linn and<br />

Cutter<br />

Price Israel, w.s. Race b. 15th and Liherty<br />

Price Jabers, bds. 1.17 w. 3d<br />

Price Jaraes, s.s. Bank b. Linn and Piatt<br />

Price James A. notary public, n.e.c. 3d and Hammond,<br />

b.n.s. 7th b. John and Smith<br />

Price John. elk. 40 Front<br />

Price John, bds. Carll & Fagan's<br />

Price John (P. & Bro.) h. Pleasant Hill<br />

Price John F. s.s. Kemble b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Price Joseph R. bds. at 137 w. 3d<br />

Price Michael, 49 Svcamore<br />

P<br />

RICE & PFAFl;', (Henry P. & John P.)<br />

varnish manuf. w.s. Walnut h. Pearl and 3d<br />

Price Thomas, s.s. Harrison e. of Broadway<br />

Price Thomas, at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Price Thomas, grocer, n.w.c. Oth and Smith<br />

Price Watkins, salesman, 18Main.h.s.s.Longworth<br />

b. W. Row and John<br />

Price widow of John, al. b., Ann aid Mason<br />

Price William, n.s. Kichmond b. Linn and Cutter<br />

P<br />

RICE WILLIAM, physician, 179 Broadway<br />

Price Wm. A. e.s. Race b. Uth and 15th<br />

Price Wm. M. (P. & Brother) n.s. Richmondb.Cutter<br />

and Linn<br />

Prentice K. P. n.s. Clinton b. W. Row and John Prichard George A. (Johnson P. & Co.) 2a Centre<br />

RESBYTEKIAN BOOK. DEPOSI­ Prichard John, boiler mkr. Symmes b. Butler and<br />

P TORY. 74 w. 4th, J. D. Thorpe, depositor M. Canal<br />

PRESBYXEKIAIV OF THE WEST, Prichard Kichard, carp. n.s. Mulberry b. Locust &<br />

J. D. Thorpe, publisher, office 74 w. 4th<br />

Poplar<br />

PJttESXIjEY K.EV. .rAUIES, pastor As­ Prichmann John, s.s. 15th b. Race and Elm<br />

sociate Pres. ch. editor Un. Presbyterian and Pridham Henry, n.s. 3d b. Sycamore i.'c Broadway,<br />

Pulpit of the Assoc. Kef. Pres. ch. res. s.s.Gthb. h.s.e.c. George and Plum<br />

Race and Elm<br />

Prill Jonas, engineer. Novelty steam brush factory,<br />

Prestley N. Taylor, s.w.c. Plum and William, h.n. n.s. Bakerb. Walnut and Vine<br />

s. Elizabeth h. W. Row and John<br />

Prigelius Valentine, s.s. Buckeye b. Vine and Pop­<br />

Prestley Nathaniel T. al. phys. bds. Rev. James lar<br />

Prestley<br />

Prim Abraham, b.k. at Lyon & Bell's, h.e.s. M.Ca-<br />

Prestley William. H bds. Rev. James Prestley nal b. Sth and Court<br />

Preston Fanny, w.s. Buchanan<br />

RIIVCE GEORiKE A. 4; CO. (George A.P.<br />

Preston Francis, w.s. Baymiller b. Catharine and P & Thomas Stephenson) Melodian manuf. 74 w.<br />

Cedar<br />

4th<br />

Preston John,n.e.c. Sth and Park<br />

Prince James C. builder, 165 w. Sth<br />

Prettymiller Joseph, e.s. Kace b. Green and Elder Prince J. C. carp. w.s. Vine b. Pearl & 3d<br />

Preus J ohn H. n.s. Abigail b. Sycamore and Broad­ Prindergast & Cotter (Morris P. & Edmond C.) 145<br />

way<br />

Sycamore<br />

Price Alexander, n.s. Front b. Ludlow and Broadway<br />

RINBI.E GAVLORD t,. Arbour, 20 e.<br />

PRICE Sc BROTHER, (William M. P. & P 4th, and Prindle's saloon, s.s. 4th e. of Syca­<br />

John P.) painters, w.s. Broadway b. 4th & 5th<br />

more<br />

Price Charles, w.s. W. Row b. Kemble and Rich­<br />

Prining H. at Powell's foundry<br />

mond, res. s.w.c. Broadway and Woodward<br />

Prining Lawrence, n.s. Everett b. Linn & Locust<br />

Price David, at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Prinz Anthon, n.s. Buckeyeb. Eden and Locust<br />

Price David, n.s. Hanison e. of Rroadway<br />

Prior Christopher W. w.s. Sycamoreb. Liberty and<br />

Price Mrs. E. s.s. Cth b. John and VV. Row<br />

Schiller<br />

Price lldwardjS.s. Barr b. Cutter and Linn Prior Partrick, confec. 6 Walnut<br />

Price Edward, at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Pritner Hugh, n.s. 4Ih b. Vine and Walnut, bds.<br />

Price Edwin, s.s. Harrison<br />

James Hartshorn's<br />

Probasco Henry, (Tyler Davidson & Co.)22i w. 4th<br />

Price Elizabeth, w. s. Observatory road c of Ce­ Probasco Wm. B. (Bryant & P.) bds. Waverly<br />

lestial<br />



ML<br />


A complete assori:ment constantly on hand at No. 87 Fulton st. New York; 2G0 Main st. Buffalo, and<br />

74: IVcst Fowi'tlfi. street, Cii]LCiiiiia.ti.<br />

Wholesale and retail. Prices varying from $45 to ffilOO and ffel.50.<br />

PUG PUR<br />

Probert Charles, at Powell's foundry<br />

Pugh Geo. E. (P. & Pendleton) res. Mill creek, tp.<br />

Probst Henrv, n.s. Buckeve b. Eden and Locust Pugh James W. wh grocer, n.w.c. Water & Plum<br />

K©C'A'Ett&€tAMiBJLE,(Win. P. ik James Pugh Job, atty. 6 Eagle bdgs. bds. s.s. Sth b. Wood<br />

P G-.) soap and candle manuf. aud starch factory and W. W. Canal<br />

2<strong>52</strong> Main<br />

Pugh John G. w.s. Ham. road b. Walnut and Main<br />

Procter Wm. (P. & Gamble) s.s. Sthb. Vine & Race ^JGiaff Ac PENKILETOW, (Geo. E. P. &<br />

Procter Newton T. s.w.c. Linn and Clark P Geo. H. P.) attys. at law. 8 e. 3d<br />

Propheta Jobn, n.s. 6th b. Harriet and Horn Pulaski Joseph S. w.s. Freeman b. Catharine and<br />

Propping Charles, elk. J. F. Meline's<br />

Gest<br />

Prosper Charles, s.w.c. Linn and Clark<br />

Ur.l.AN, infATFIEIiU <br />

U<br />

o<br />

0<br />




The above Company manufactures and k^eps constantly on hand<br />

Walnut street, be;ween Front and Columbia, Cincinnati.<br />

JAME§ €? AIiII«Ul¥, Agent Ibr the Company<br />

QUI<br />

Purcell Mrs. Ellen, e.s. Nortli b. Gtli aiiil7tli<br />

Purcell Kev. Edward, Editor Catliolii; Telegraph,<br />

s.s.Sth b. Plura and W. Row, rear of Cathedral<br />

Puicell John, (Purcell & Miller) c. Gano & Lodge<br />

Purcell Kight Kev. John B. Bishop, rear of Catle.<br />

dral c. gth and Plum<br />

Purcell & Miller, c. Gano and Lodge<br />

Purcell Samuel, w.s. Elm b. Frout and. Chen-y<br />

Purdon James, n.w.c. Burgoyne and Sycamore<br />

Purden Joseph, s.s. Leb. Pike n. ct Toll.gate<br />

Purdy Chester N. s.s. 3d b. W. Kow and John<br />

Purlier Mrs. Ann. s.s. 5th h. Stone and Wood<br />

Purlier Edwin.salesman, 184 Mam, h. s.s. William<br />

b. Elm and Plum<br />

Purnell Mr.s. Angeline, bds. P. \ Wayne's<br />

Purse Harriet, n.s. Canal b. KJm and Kace<br />

Pursel S.B. w.s. Sycamore h. 7lh and 8tb<br />

Purser John, n.s. 2d b. Broadvvay andSycamore, h.<br />

INewport<br />

Purvis Adam, ill w. Sth<br />

Puthof 13. s.s. 2d D. Vine and Race<br />

Puthof Bernard, s.s. 2d b. John andSmith<br />

Puthoff Francis H. e.s. Broadway b. Hunt and<br />

Abigail<br />

Puthoff Henry, n.s. .Abigail b. Spring & Pendleton<br />

Puthoir Henry, bils. 48 L. Market<br />

Puthof John H. w.s. Ann b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Pjitt John, w.s. M. Canal b. Ash and Maple<br />

Putterso Jobn B. 431 Main<br />

PutLinann-John H.n.e.c. Sycamore and Gth<br />

Pye city police, w.s. .Sycamore b. 3d & 4th<br />

Pye J. R. (Pye & Swope) bds. Mrs. W. Wright's<br />

P<br />

lfJB & SVVOPK, (J. R. P. & R. D. S.) Hat<br />

store 127 w. Sth<br />

Pylc Alexander 81) Main, h. s.s. Sth b. Mill & Stone<br />

Pyne Alexander J. e.s. Sycamore b. Oth and 7tli<br />

Pyro Garden, H. P. Deihle, pro. Mt. Adams n. of<br />

Observatory road<br />

Q<br />

Quaclicnbush John H. elk. 7G w.4th<br />

(iuagly Peter, n.s. Slh e. ol Lock<br />

Quaill John, n.s. George b. W. Row aud Johu<br />

aualters John, e.s. Kittenhouse<br />

Quante Frederick, w.s. 3d b. Race aud Elm<br />

ftuante Henry, s.s. Hopkins b. Johu and Culter<br />

Cluehe Frederick, w.s. Blm b.lSth and Libertv<br />

Q<br />

UEEN CITK COAI. YAKM, Charles Patton<br />

s.s. Front b. Ludlow and Lawrence<br />

nUEElV CITY VAJINISH CO. James Cal-<br />

\^ houu agt. 42 Walnut<br />

Quanzer Philip, o.s. Hughes b. Liberty and Scliiller<br />

Queste John & Co. 28 e. 4th<br />

Quigiay John, w.a. Lytle b. Front and High<br />

Quigley John M. w.s. Wood b. 3d and Canal<br />

Quigley Michael cllt. 33 Sycamore<br />

Quigler Thomas, collector, 143 Sycamore<br />

QuiiKllevan Patrick, s.s. Morton op. High<br />

Quigner Henry, n.s. Catharine b. W. Row and John<br />

Quinlin Daniel, Canal b. Elm and Plum I<br />

Quiglin Edmund, bd3 E. Burke's<br />

Quinn Aaron, s.s. George b. Smith and Momid '<br />

T. Wrightson, Printer, 43 Main street.<br />

EAE<br />

Quinn David, 359 Main res. 203 w. Court<br />

Quinn Edward. bds.Mrs. Sarah Henry's<br />

Quinn Ellen, s.s'. George b. W. Row and John<br />

Quinn Hugh, n.s. Water b Vineand Race<br />

Quinn John, n.s. Sth e. ofLock<br />

Quinn Dr. John J. li w. Sth<br />

Quinn Michael, Morgan al. b. 3d and 4th<br />

•Quinn Patrick, e.s. Plum b.4thand5tb h, w.s. Plum<br />

b. 4th and oth<br />

iQuinn Patrick, s.s. al. b. Hunt anb Abigail<br />

iQuinn Richard M. elk. at Athearn & Hibbard's<br />

Quinn Robert E. n.w.c. 4th and Mill<br />

Quinn Rodger, w.s. iMill b. 3d ahd 4th<br />

.Quinn Thomas, porter, s.e.c. Main and 2d<br />

Quinn Thomas, e.s. Baymiller b. Catharine & Clark<br />

iQuinn Thomas, n.e.c. 2d and Vine<br />

|Quinn William, s.s. George h. Linn and Baymiller<br />

Quinon Eugene, e.8. Baum w. of High<br />

Quinser John, s.s. Gth e. ofi^aum<br />

Qumson E. n-s. 2d b. Broadway and Ludlow<br />

Quint Henry, u.s. Hunt h. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Quintou Edward J. receiving teller Franklin Bauli,<br />

res. 213 w Court<br />

Quintou Littleton, res. R. M. Corwine's 379 w.6th<br />

Quinton Philip W. elk. bds. 162 w. 6th<br />

Quirk Richard, s.s. Water b. Elm and Plum<br />

Quirner Meale, n.s. Catharine b. W.Kow and John<br />

R<br />

Raab John, s.s. Slow b. Freeman and Carr<br />

Kaap Valentine, n.s. Lebanon Pike<br />

Kabb George, at K Hall & Co.'s<br />

Rabbe John H. e.s Vineb. 12th and 13th<br />

Rabe Henry Ainu, w.s. Sycamore b. Abigail and<br />

Woodward<br />

Eabens F. bds. with H. Ilanuings<br />

Rabsten John, s.s. Clinton b. Liun and Locust<br />

Rachen Johu H. n.s. Abigail b. Sycamore i: Broadway<br />

Rachters Bernard, s.w.c. Spring and Abigail<br />

Kacine James F. (Gross & Dietrich) n.s 2db Vine<br />

and Race<br />

Racine Peter, foreman for Gross & Dietrich, h. n<br />

w.c. VV. Rowand Liberty<br />

Rack Anthony, n.w.c. Frauklin and Sycamore<br />

Kadcliff Mary Ann, s.s. Van Horn b. Cutter & Linn<br />

RadcUITe Wm. salesman, J5 Pearl<br />

Raddingtoa Michael, at E. Hall




IMMMTin, TlLLflf, Mi mi CANBLES,<br />


2<strong>52</strong> Main street, between Sixth and Seventli, Cincinnati.<br />

WrighlBfin. Prinler, Main sN<br />

RAN RAT<br />

Raemars Augustus, n.s. Allison h. Main and Clay Rands Robert, (K. R. & Son) notary public, s.w.c<br />

Raeter Anthony, e.s. Vine b. AUison and mii Sycamore and Tth<br />

Ragan , bds. Thomas Ryan's, e. of W. Row Kaner Bennet, s.s. Poplar b. Linn and Locust<br />

on Perry<br />

Raney Jane, n.e. High near Front<br />

Ragan xMiss Ann, 168 w. Slh<br />

Kaney Martin, n.s. Everett b. Jones and Linn<br />

Ragan Deunis,26 George<br />

Rankin Mrs. n.s. Tth b. Mound and Cutter<br />

Ragan John, n.s. Pancoast al.<br />

Rankin Andrew F. salesman, 78 Main hds. Denni­<br />

Ragan Patrick, s.s.Sth b. Broadway & McAllister son House<br />

Rahe Bernard, w.s. Main b. lUth and Allison Ran kuff Frederick, s.s. Green b. Race and Elra<br />

Rahe Henry, n.s. Sth b. Sycamore & Broadway Rankin Heury, n.s. 12th b. Vine and Race<br />

Kahn Samuel, e.y. Sassafras b. Ash and Maple Rankin Julia, e.s. DubUn b. Gth and W.W. Canal<br />

Raible Frederick, (serg't at arms Court House) h. Rankin Leroy C. s.w.c. Main and 2d, res. Covington<br />

s.s. WiUiam b. l£lm and Plum<br />

Rankin Wm. n.s. Kemble b. BaymiUer & Freeman<br />

Railing Wm. s.s. Barr b. Bavmillerand Freeman Rankin W. F. elk. Tth b. Mound and Cutter<br />

ABJL ROAfiJ CO. Cin. Hamilton .fe Dayton, Rankruff Oliver, e.s. Elm b. North and Green<br />

R office n.w.c. 4th and Vine<br />

Renin Laughlin^ n.s. Sth e.of liock<br />

AIJL I£OA]l>CO. Little Miami, office c. Kil­ Kanler Mrs. Eliza, 205 Vine<br />

R gour and Congress, Depot Front b. Butler and Rannacamp .'Vnthony, s.s. Liberty b. Elm and Plum<br />

Canal<br />

Rannar Michael, w.s. Jackson b. 12th and 13th<br />

AIIL K.OAIB laOTEJL, Robert P. Levering Kaninger George, at novelty iron vvorks, n. s.<br />

R proprietor, n.e.c. Frontand Broadway<br />

Green b. Elm and Canal<br />

RASlifttOAMCO. Ohio and Mississippi Co. Ransenkopar Henry, u,s. Front b.T. P. 36 & 37 F'n<br />

office n.e.c. 4th and Vine<br />

Ransom George, at Martin, Anshutz & Co's<br />

AILKOAD XiClfcET OFJFffCE, (Little Ransom Thomas, porter, n.s Front b. Race & Elm<br />

R Miami and Madriver, and Cin., Columbus and Kankemp George, n,s. Webb b. Mill & Stone<br />

Cleveland) e.s. Broadway n. of Front Rape Charles, s.s. Sth b. Stone and Wood<br />

Rainear Elisha, bds. Thomas C. Turner's<br />

Rape John J. n.s Water b. Elm & Plum<br />

Rainey Wm. s.s. Sth e. of Front<br />

Rape Mrs. Mary, a.s, Sth b. Stone and Wood<br />

Rairden Nelson B. (Morris, Tilden & R.) s.s. Web pAPEK. Ac BiaoXMER, (Joseph H. R. &<br />

ster b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

li Wm. H. Fyffe) wh. grocers and com.'nier. 25<br />

Rakerraan Herman, n.s. Sth b. Carr and Harriet Main<br />

Raleigh John, s.s. Front op. T. P. 9 F'n<br />

Raper Joseph H. (K. & Bros.)n.s. Georgeb. John<br />

Kail (reorge, n.w.c. BaymiUer and Richmond and Sniith<br />

Kail Wm. s.s. Richmond b. Fieeman and Baymiller Raper Rev. Wni. 314 w.Gth<br />

Ralphy John, n.s, 5Lh near W. W. Canal<br />

Raple George, w.s. Piatt b. Everett and Liberty<br />

Kalston Peter, w.s. Butler b. Symmes & Congress Kaplee Nathaniel, s.s. Front b. T. P. 25 & 2t> F'n<br />

Rambo Francis, s.w.c. Cherry and Race<br />

Kapp Mrs. Ann E. 178 Broadway<br />

Rambo Wm. A. 284 Longworth<br />

Rapp Mrs. Durathy. n.s. i;jth b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Kamloch Joseph, n.ex Vine and AUison<br />

Uapp Mrs. Elizabeth, w.s. Raceb. 12th and M.Canal<br />

Rammelsberg Frederick, (Mitchell & K.) e.s. Syca­ Rapp Dr. Francis J. n,w.c Vine aud ]31h<br />

more b. Franklin and Webster<br />

Rapp L. w.s. Main b. Allison and Liberty<br />

Rammers Anthony, e.s. Mainb. Orchard & Liberty Rapp Peter, n.s. Allison b. Main and Clay<br />

Ramp Samuel, s.s. Richmond b. Cutter and Linn Kapp Miss Silena, n.s, 13th b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Ramsey Benjamin, w.a. John b, Richmond and Happen ager Peter, e.s. Bremen b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Catharine<br />

Rardan Cornelius, e.s. Sycaraore b. 7th and Sth<br />

Ramsay James B. (Brown & R.) bds. Henrie tlouse Rarcilon Daniel, at B, Bicknell & Co. s.s. Front e.<br />

Ramsdale Joseph, bds. Wm. Hildreth's<br />

ui Depot<br />

Kamsden Mrs. Lydia. s.s. Woodward b. Sycamore Raredon Thoraas, s.s. Everett b. Locust and Free­<br />

and Broadway<br />

man<br />

Kanchard Philip, s.s. Sth b. Baymiller & Freeman Rarn Adam, s.s. Morton b. Kilgour and Parson's<br />

Rand Charles, s.s. Front b. Plum and W. Row Rasche Mrs. C. w.s. Main b. 13lhand Allison<br />

Randall Mrs. Elizabeth, n.s. Sth e. of Stone Kaschc John D. e.s. Raceb. Green and Elder<br />

Randall Isaac A. e.s. Pleasant b. 15th and Liberty Raschig Rev. F. M. e.s. Elm b. liith aud Hth<br />

KandaUWm H. n.s. Chesnut b.W. Row & John jiA'l'dLIEF CMA1£B:.ES, blacksmith, w.s.<br />

Randall Wm. S. n.s. Kemble b. Cutter and Linn it Butler b. Congress and Front, Butler St. House,<br />

Randle David, n.s. Tth b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

e.s. Butter b. Front and Cungress<br />

Randle & Leslie, (Wm. R. & John L.) s.s. Sth b. Rathan John, s.s. Barrb. Cutterand Linn<br />

Plum and W. Row<br />

Ratheizer Frederick, e.s. Cutter h. Laurel and Hop -<br />

Randolph John, 281 w. 7th<br />

kins<br />

Randolph Peter, w.s. Plum b. 2d and Front Ratbs Mathias, e.s. Peete b. Locust and Poplar<br />

Randolph Theodore, bds. H. Ware's<br />

Ratte Francis, n.s. Frontb. Pike and BuLler<br />

ArVl>S KUBERT & SOi\, (Robert R. & Kattermann Bernard, s.w.c. Race and Liberty<br />

R Wra. Delafield R.) wool cardersj and woolen Rattermanu & Co. (F. H. & Stephen Hollins) w.s.<br />

manuf, n.s. Sth at M. Canal<br />

Elm b. Liberty and Green


AC-3NTS FOR BELGHSn & SnO.<br />


No. 54 "Walnut Street,<br />

RAY RED<br />

Katterman F. (R. & Co.)<br />

Raucli John, e.s. Vine b. Benton and North<br />

Kauggen Martin, bar i^eeper, Wm. Tell<br />

RauhS. b.lt. 55 Broadway • .<br />

Rausch Frederick, n.s. Clinton b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Rauscb Philip, n.s. Clinton b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Rauscher Jacob, c. Sth and Butler<br />

Rauscher John IVI. varnisher, at Murch & White's,<br />

h. 3d b. Mill and Stone<br />

KausohoffN. w.s. Vine b. Liberty ana Green<br />

Rautepohler C. s.s. Abigail b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Rauth Francis, 80 L. Market<br />

Kavensberg F. bar keeper, at Francisco Bay<br />

Ravy Alexander, n.a. Congress b. Pike and Lawrente<br />


JBMSON, Freeman R., Nesiah W., George W.<br />

H., and Tracy R. li.) bank note engravers, and<br />

copper plate printers, 148 Main, c. 4th<br />

Rawlings James, s.s. Barr b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

Rawiins Edward, w.s. Canalb. Freeman and Carr<br />

Rawlins Williams, n.s. 6th e. of Lock<br />

Rawsou George, n.w.c. Cherry aud Elm, h. s.w.c.<br />

Elm and Front<br />

Rawson Joseph, (John R. Child & Co.) 318 Race<br />

•pAWSOIV, WriilBY Sc Co. (Alonzo R.,<br />

Xt Jo.=eph H. W.,& Samuel L. Nock) com. mer.<br />

and tobacco agents, 8 w. Front<br />

Ray Hejiry, e.s. Vine near junc. Buckeye and Vine<br />

Ray James, s.s. Court b. PJum and W. Row<br />

Ray James, c. Lodge and Gano<br />

pAY JO.SEPH, M. D. pro. math. Woodward<br />

Xt college, h. e.s. Broadway near Franklin<br />

Ray John, s.s. 4th b. Stone & Park •<br />

•pAr, KEITH Sc CO. (Frederick R., Quin-<br />

SX cy A. K. & Wm. T. Ray) agents for St. Louis<br />

sugar refinery, 54 Walnut<br />

Razing Frederick, s.e.c. Clinton and Linn<br />

Razor Gilbert B. e.s. Linn b. Clark and Catharine<br />

Rea Thomas, Front b. Harriet and Horn<br />

Read Chalmers, elk. n.s. 3d b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Read Miss Ellen, e.s. Pleasant b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Read Frank H. elk. bds 49 Centre<br />

Read Francis J. n.s. Barrb. Linn and Baymiller<br />

Read George, at A. Harkneas & Son's<br />

Read Henry R. b.k 26 w. 3d<br />

R<br />

EAD HENRY, Venetian blind manuf. 147<br />

Sycamore, h. s.w.c. Cutter and Betts<br />

Read Henry P. b.k. bds. 49 Centre<br />

Read James, at A Harkness & Son's<br />

Read John, w.s. Walnutb. 13th and Hth<br />

R<br />

EAD N.e. atty. at Law, 11 law bldgs. 3d op<br />

Heurie House.<br />

Read Mra. Rebecca, e.s. Pleasant b. ISth & Libertv<br />

Read Rufus, b.h. 49 Centre<br />

Ready Catharine, elk. .s.a. 3d b. Vine and Race<br />

Reagan Michael, n.e.c. 14th and Elm<br />

Reagin Reason, n.a. Betts b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Reakirt Charlea, (J. & C. R.) bds. Pearl St. House<br />

Reakirt John C. elk. 21 Pearl<br />

R<br />

E.4KIKT J, Sc Co. (Joseph & Charlesl<br />

wh. druggists, 21 Pearl<br />

Reakirt Joseph, (J. & C R.) bds. N. Guilford's<br />

Reakirt Samuel, b.k. 21 Pearl<br />

Reameyer John D. e.s. Main b. Burgoyne & Schiller<br />

Rean Jaraes, n.s Sth e. of Lock<br />

Reany John, s.s. Front b. T. P. S and 6 F'n<br />

Reany William, s.s. Front b. T. P. 8 and 9 F'n<br />

Rearden William, e.s. Mound b. Tth and Sth<br />

Reas Jacob, e.s. Bremen b. Hth and loth<br />

Reasel Mrs. Margaret, n.w.c. Race and Green<br />

Reash .Idam, s.s. 12th b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Reast Joseph, at Coffin's Bell Foundry<br />

Rebmnn George, s.s. Friendship al. b. Pike and<br />

Kay Lemuel B. elk. for Miller & Bro wn.bds. 114 w Butler<br />

Tth<br />

T;KBOI:.D jrOHN A. tinner 33 Conrt, h. e.s<br />

Ray Nesbit, Tth b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

^^ Bremen b. 14th and 15th<br />

AY WItl. OT. general com. mer. s.e.c. Syca­ Rebstock Charles, n.w.c. Vine and 15th<br />

R more and Court, h. 114 w. Tth<br />

Rech Christian, e.s. Linn b. Dayton and York<br />

Ray Wm. s.e.c. Sth and Sycamore<br />

Rechtar Bernard, e.s. Clay b. 13th and Allison<br />

Raygan Morton, s.s. Everett b. Cutter and Linn Kechtin G. H. TO Lower Market<br />

Raymond A. F. F. (J. A. Skiff & Co.) bds. Madison Rechzr Franklin, porter, 20 Broadway<br />

House<br />

KeckelholT Henry, w.s. Pendleton b. Hunt and<br />

Raymond Buir, b.k. res. n.s. sth b. Sycamore and Abigail<br />

Broadway<br />

Reckly John, 164 Main<br />

Raymond Daniel,finisher, bds. Mrs. Oliver's Spring nECOUDER'S OFFICE, Court House<br />

b. Woodward and Liberty<br />

11. Square<br />

Raymond Daniel, (R. Roberts* Co.) n.a. Mulberry Redmaker Mrs. Benedicta, w.s. Race b. Hth and<br />

b. Locust and Poplar<br />

Raymond Hubert V. elk. n.s. 3d b. Smith & Park Reddick Elisha, s.e.c. Front and Wood<br />

Raymond Orlando, at A. Harkness & Son's Redding Peter, Canal b. Race and Elm<br />

Raymond Phillip, saddler, 208 Main<br />

Raymond, Roberta & Co. e.s. Main b. Orchard aud 'l2ufal^l3lh''°''" °'"""^'^- '•^- ^'""'" "•<br />

Liberty<br />

Reddington David, (A. Lognecker & Co ) w s W<br />

Raynes C. bds. Shire's<br />

Row b. 4th and Sth ".; w.s. »v.<br />

Raynes Mrs. Maria, res. n.s. Longworth b Elm & Redhead John, s.s. Sth b. Stone and Wood<br />

Plum<br />

Redhead INicholas 13. elk. at J. Swasey & Co.<br />

Redinger PhiUp, n.s. Clinton b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Raynolds Mrs. Maria, n.s. Barr b. Mound & Cutter Redman B. T. s.s. 3d b. Walnut and Vine, h. n s<br />

RaynorNicoll, s.s. Front b.John and Smith h n Kichmond b. Cutter and Linn<br />

e.c. Stone and Webb



CAPITAIi $300,000.<br />


ASSETTS 8t,5OO,00O.<br />


Accniuulated Fnin(l« Sl,OOO,0OO.<br />


ATJSTm S. EEEVES, Secretary. JOHN REEVES, Agent.<br />

REE REI<br />

Redman Charles, a.s. 3d b. John and Smith Rees William at Powell's foundery<br />

Redman John, w.s. Butler b. Front and Congress EES 'WM. T. surg. instr. manuf. 30 w. 6th<br />

Redman Pierce, h. u.s. Front h. Walnut and Vine R op. Mayor's office<br />

Redmond Rosanna, w.a. Vineb. 2d and Pearl Reese George W. n.s. 6th b. Plum and W. Kow<br />

Redmond Thomas, s.s. 2db. Race and Elm Reese R. D. at Colville * Stryker's<br />

Kedter Henry, Abigail b. Sycamore and Broadway Beese Solomon, sexton Protcatant Meth. Church<br />

Reebe Mrs. Mary, s.s. Sth b. Smith and Park<br />

6th w. of Vine<br />

Reece Rev. H. E. s.s. Hopkins b. John and Cutter Reese William, n.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />

R«6ce M. E. elk. bds. H. E. Recce's<br />

Reese William, s.s. Clinton b. John and Cutter<br />

Reed Amelia, s.s. Catharine b. Cutter and Linn Keestor Garphus, e.a. Bremen b. Liberty and Green<br />

Reed David.n.s. Congress b. Butler and M. Canal Reeve Elwood, s s. George b. Cutter and Linn<br />

EED EDWIN O., map and general engra­ Reeve Henry, a.s. Sth b. Baymiller and Freeman<br />

R ver, n.e.c. Main and Sth, bds. Samuel Reed's Reeve Mahlon B. elk. at American House<br />

Reed Enos B. e.s. Fulton b. Catharine and Rich­ Reeve Peter, n.s. Front b. T. P. 32 and 33 F'n<br />

mond<br />

Reeves Austin S. b. k. 3 Front, res. Walnut Hills<br />

Reed Erastus R. bds. Samuel Reed's<br />

Reeves B. op. T. P. 34 F'n<br />

Reed George, at Middleton's, Odd Fellows' Hall Reeves James E. (R. & .'Stephens), n.s. Tth e. of<br />

Keed George, lis Walnut h.a.a. Canal b. Elm and John<br />

Plum, bds. S. Reed's<br />

Reeves James R. 126 Main h. 266 w. 6th<br />

Keed George H. cashier (G. Milne & Co.)<br />

EEVES JOHN, ins. agt, 3 Front, h. 345<br />

Reed Herbert B. (McKenzie & Reed) R Race<br />

Reed James, bds. Gilmore House<br />

Reeves Mark E. (R. & Stephens,) w.s. Plum n. of<br />

Reed John, n.s. Elizabeth b. W. Row and John 4tli<br />

Reed John, n.s. Friendship al. b. Pike and Butler EEVES & STEPHENS, (Mark E..& Jas.<br />

Reed Kezia, s.s. Congress b. M. Canal and Kilgour R E. R., and Isaac S. jr.) wh. boots and shoes,<br />

Keed Robert S. 4 L. Market, and n.s. 6th b. Elm and hats, caps and bonnets, 126 Main<br />

and Plum<br />

Reeves Spencer C. n.s. Front b.T. P. 8 and 9F'n<br />

Reed Samuel, s.a. Canal b. Elm and Plum Reeves William, s.s. Sth b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Reed Mrs. Sarah B. n.s. Water e. of Smith Regan Joshua, n.s. Ganob. Main and Walnut<br />

Reed Sophia, s.s. Catharine b. Cutter and Linn Regan Michael, elk. 92 w. .5th, bds. Geo. Ledlie'e<br />

Heed Stark K. n.s. Tth b. Linn and Baymiller Reger George, w.s. Vine b. Green and Elder<br />

Reed Violet, s.a. Symmes b. Butler aud Pike Reghback Henry, n.s. Boal b. Wilson and Broad­<br />

Reeder Abijah S. s.s. 3d b. Walnut and Vine<br />

way<br />

Reeder Alaric, at Johnson, Morton & Co, res. a.s. Reglein Peter, e.s. Walnut b. Front and W.ater<br />

Front b. T. P. 3 and 4 F'n<br />

Regulns George, n.s. William b. Elm and Plum<br />

Reeder Charlea A. elk. 8 e. 4th h. n.s. George b. Rehe H. n.s. Front b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Mound and Cutter<br />

Rehe Josepb, e.s. Hughes b. Schiller and Burgoyne<br />

Reeder Davis, s.s. Barr b. Mound and Cutter EHFWSS iL. Sc KOI.B, (Louia R. and<br />

EEDER EDEN B. pres. Cin. Ins. Co, res.<br />

R<br />

R Charles Kolb), druggiata, a.w.c. Sth and Vine<br />

Mt. Auburn<br />

Rehfuaa Louis, (R. & Kolb), 132 w. 6th<br />

Reeder Felix, n.s. Tth b. Main and Sycamore Rehguss Bernard, bds. H. Kehguss<br />

Reeder Mrs H. 332 Race<br />

Rehgusa George, w.s. Spring b. Abigail and Hunt<br />

Reeder Jacob, at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Rehguss Henry, w.s. Springb. Abigail and Hunt<br />

Reeder Joseph, w.s. Bremen b. Liberty and Green Rehkuss Henry, w.s. Broadway b. Hunt and Abi­<br />

Reeder Joseph A., P. M. office n.s. Frontb. T. P. gail<br />

16 and IT F'n<br />

Rehmuss George L. w.s. Hughea b. Schiller and<br />

Reeder Mrs. R. s.s. Barr b. Mound and Cutter Liberty<br />

Reeder Robert, e.s. Race n. Green and Liberty Reiba George, al. a. of Buckeye b. Locust and Pop­<br />

Reeder Stephen W. sec. Ohio Life Ins. Co, s.s. 3d b. lar<br />

Walnut aud Vine, h.n.a. Mulberry b. Walnut Reice Frank, n.s. 13th b. Bremen and Race<br />

and Vine<br />

ReiceJohn. 26 George<br />

Reeder Simon, w.a. Bremen b. Liberty and Green Reicer Casper, w.s. Sycamoreb. Liberty and Schil­<br />

Keeder's Building, s.s. 3d b. Walnut and Vine ler<br />

Keeds Robert, bds. 21 George<br />

Keichardt Frederick, e.a. Bremen b. 15th and Li­<br />

Reedy P. b. k. at Paul & Murdock's, h.s.w.c. Lock berty<br />

and 6th<br />

Reicheimer M. 295 Main<br />

Keedy Patrick, n.w.c. 6th and Lock<br />

Reichers Charles, s.s. Buckeye b. Locust and Eden<br />

Reeder Wra. E. n.s. Hopkins b. Cutter and John Reichlich Chryaostom, e.a. Buckeye b. Poplar and<br />

Kees Edward, n.s. Union b. Kace and Elm<br />

Vine<br />

Kees Elias, w.s. Race b. Front and Water Reichter Frederick, w.s. Miami Canal b. Ash and<br />

Rees Howell, s.a. Front b. Smith and Mill<br />

Maple<br />

Reefi John, bda. n.s. Union b. Kace and Elm Reichter Henry, w.s. M. canal b. Ash and Maple<br />

Kees John, n.s. Sth b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Reichter William, w.s. M. canal b. Ash and Maple<br />

Rees Lewis, e.s. Freeman b. George and 6th Reicing Jacob, s.a. Poplar b. W. Kow and John


J. & C. REAKIRT,<br />



And Dealers in Satinet Warps, Steel Reeds, Shuttles, Pickers, Harness Twine, Roller,<br />

Cloth, Press Papers, Tenter Hooks, Card Cleaners, Comb Plates, &c. |<br />


Smitb, Woodcock Sc Knight's Macbine Cai-ds.<br />

S83<br />

REI REN<br />

Reicing John, s.s. Poplar b. "W. Row and J ohn Reirkaster Frederick, e.s. Buckeye b. Poplar and<br />

ES» CHRISTOPHEa, mahogany chair Vine<br />

R mkr. e.s. Lawson al. h. 4th and Sth, h. 24 e. 4th Reise David, s.s. 8th b. John and Mound<br />

Reicl Henry, bds. 47 Center<br />

Reisel Andrew, e.s. Race b. Green and Elder<br />

Reid John, 318 Main<br />

Reiser Jacob, n.s. Ham. road near junction Wal­<br />

Reid Peter, c. 9th and Elm<br />

nut '<br />

Reid Peter, Catharine b. W. Row and John Reisinger John,e.s, Vineb. Benton and North<br />

Keid Robert, n.s. Sth b. John and Fulton<br />

Reisman Adolphus, elk. 69 Main<br />

Reid Wilson, s.w.c. Smith and George<br />

Reisz Anthony, s.s. Ham. road b. Linn and Piatt<br />

Reif Adam, n.s. HunLb. Pendleton and Spring Reiter Deitrich. porter, 56 Main<br />

Reif Charles, e.s. Vine b. Allison and 13th<br />


Reif Franz, n.s. Ham. road b. Locust and Poplar R House," 72 Broadway<br />

Reif Jacob, e.s. New b. Eider and Green<br />

Reiver Frederick, n.s. Hunt b. Sycaraore and<br />

Reif Jacob, h. n.s. CheiTy b. Race and Elm<br />

Broadway<br />

Reif Joseph, e.s New b. Elder and Green Rekars Bernard J. e.s, Broadway b. Hunt and<br />

Reif Joseph, c. Congress and K-ilgour<br />

Abigail #<br />

Keif Peter, e.s. New b. Elder and Green<br />

Rekers Clemens A. elk. B. H. Fedders'<br />

Reigenan Anthony, e.s. Buckeye b. Locust and Rekers Herman L. n.s. Abigail b. Main and Syca­<br />

Poplar<br />

more<br />

Reigle Adam, s.s. Hopjiins b. Cutter and Linn Relyea C. B. elk. at C. B. Owens'<br />

Reiger John, w.s. M. canalb. Ash and Maple, h. Rcmar Herman H. n.s. Hunt b. Sycamore and<br />

n.s. Clay b. Walnut and Main<br />

Broadway<br />

Reigle John. s.s. Ham. road b. Linn and Piatt Remelin Francis, at Central House. 6th e. of junc<br />

Reihberker John, w.s. Hughes b. Schiller and Li­ tion with Front<br />

berty<br />

Remert Henry, e.s. Bremen b. 13th and 14th<br />

Reikle Martin, e.s. Pleasant b. Green and Findley Remley Henry, s.s. Bigh b. Parsons and Lytle<br />

Reiley Cater H. elk. bds. at Wm Mitcheuer's Remley, widow of J. H. bds. James Watkins<br />

Reiley Edward, inspector. Cin. G.TS and Coke Co, Kemliog Nicholas, w.s. Race b. Hth and 15th<br />

n.a. 3d b. Walnut and Vine, bds. at Kenton Rcmmc H. W. 372 Main<br />

House<br />

Remmler Edward, u.w.c. 13th and Bremen<br />

Reiley Francis, bllen n. of High<br />

Renan Wm. 22f> Waluut<br />

Reiley Harrison, w.s. Baymiller b. Cedar and Clark Reuchler Anthony, s.e.c. Sth and Wood<br />

ESIJEV JOHIV ^V. justice of the peace, Rener William, at Powell's foundry<br />

R n.e.c. W. Row and George, h.n.s. Longworth Rengen Mrs. Mary E. s.s. Everett b. Cutter & Linn<br />

w. of Park<br />

Renhenfus Joseph, w.s. Bremen b. Green and Li­<br />

Reiley John W. wharf master, h. n.s. Laurel b. berty<br />

John and Cutter<br />

Renigan Joseph, elk. for W. W. Ward<br />

Reiley Michael, s.s. Front b. Race and Elm Renken Albert, n.s. Findley h. Race and Elm<br />

Reiley Robert, s.s. Congress b. Broadway and Lud­ Rennegar Henry, n.s. Betts b. Cutter and Linn<br />

low<br />

Rennekamp Bernard, e.s. Anderson b. Canal and<br />

Reimer Henry, e.s. Baum w. of High<br />

Front<br />

Reinbold Ferdinand, w.s. Jackson b. 12th and rJth Renneker Henry, s.s. Front h. Vine and Race, bds,<br />

Reindige Henry, w.s. Vine b. 12tb and Canal<br />

Frederick Kramer's<br />

Reineking William, w.a. Dunlap b. Cooper and Renneker Jacob, 6 w. 9th, h.n.w c. Oth and Main<br />

Ham. road<br />

Rennels Charles, n.s. Court b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Reinerman Herman, 89 Main, h. n.e.c. Spring and Rennemier Frederick, n.s. Buckeye b. Eden and<br />

Abigail<br />

Locust<br />

Reing Fiederick. s.s. Everett b. Linn and Cutter Renncr Adam, w.s. Main b. Canal and 12fh<br />

Reinehardt D. s.w.c. Harrison road and Brighton Kenner Christian, s.w.c. Harrison road and Riddle<br />

Reiuehardt Frederick, e.s. Tanner b. Webster and Kenner Jacob, e.s. Walnut b. Allison and Liberty<br />

Jjiberty<br />

Rennick George N. elk. 167 Walnut' b.n.s. Front<br />

Reinhardt Gobert, elk. 234 Main<br />

b. Lytle and Corp. line<br />

Reinhardt Joseph, s.e.c. Bremen and Liberty Rensford Thomas C. n.s. 3d b. Wood and Stone<br />

Reinke C. A. (R. & Eveslage)<br />

Renshan Henry, s,s. Sth b. John and Smith<br />

Reinke & Eveslage (G. A. R. & John E.) 502 Main Renshaw Joseph, s.s. Mulberry b. Vine and Poplar<br />

Reinshagen P. W. e.s. Walnut b. Allison & Liberty Rentz Mrs. Catharine, g.s. Symmes b. Butler & Mfi<br />

Keinng Henry, (R. t& Meyers) s s. 7th b. Linn and Canal<br />

Baymiller<br />

Rentz Frederick & Joseph, Olive Branch Hotel, s.<br />

Eoiring & Meyers (Honry R. & John H. M.) 13C w.c. Front and Ludlow<br />

Walnut and s.s. Tth b. Linn and BaymiUer Rentz Joseph, s.s. Abigail b. Main and Sycamore




IHOI ill) BMi88 ei§f INe§,<br />

i^#@^^ mMW^ M,mm mum mEm&m^<br />




REY RIB<br />

Rentzel Augustus, w.s. Vme b. 12th ana 13th<br />

Kenvre Clemens, w.s. Eltn b. 14th aud Jefferson<br />

Renz Theodore, 219 w. 6th<br />

Eeparaz Juan, 8 e. 3d, bds. Henrie House<br />

Keplogle Jobn, Plum b. Everett and Wade, h.s.s.<br />

Betts w. of W.Row<br />

Keps John, e.s. Peete b. Locust and Poplar<br />

Resch Charles, Walnut b. 9th and Court<br />

Resor Mrs. Ann, b.h. s.s. 2d op. Park<br />

Resor Jacob (W. & R. P. R.) bds. 116 w. 6th<br />

Reynolds John, n.s. Ham. road b. Clarkson and<br />

Piatt<br />

Reynolds John W. conductor R.R. s.s.High b.Front<br />

and Collard<br />

E¥NOL,DS, KITE & TATTJOT, (Jabez<br />

R R. Thomas K. & Samuel C. T.) brass and iron<br />

founders, steam engine builders, &c. s.s. Water<br />

h W. Row and John<br />

Reynolds Michael, s.s. Cedar b. Baymiller & Free­<br />

Resor Reuben P. (W. & R. P. R.) res. Clifton man<br />

ESOR. W. & K. P. (Wm., Reuben P. & Ja­ Reynolds Richard, e.s. Elm b. Liberty and ISth<br />

R cob Resor) stoves, hollow ware, &c. 13 and 15 Reynolds Robert, city police, w.s. Piattb. £ank




9AiSI<br />




Ricasou Thomas, n.s. George b. Smith and Mound Richaids Sarah W. c. Hopkins and W, Row<br />

Rice Augustus, bds. w.s. W. Row b. Kemble and ICHARDS «rARREN, edge tool maker<br />

Richmond<br />

R and engine finisher, e.s. Home b. 4th and 5til<br />

Rice Anthony, bds. Michael Eckerel's, n.s. Bank b. Richardson James, phys. w.s. Ham. road near W,<br />

Linn and Piatt<br />

Kow<br />

Rice Edward, w.s. Cutter b. Laurel and Hopkins Richards, William, at Powell's foundry<br />

Rice E. H. n.s. Betts b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Richards Dr Wolcott,104 w.4th<br />

Rice Eliphalet L. (R. & Harrison) 176 Race ICHARDSOIV A. G. Sc CO. (Albert G. K.<br />

Rice Frederick, w.s. Bremen b.lSth and Liberty R. & Rnfus A. Jones, com. mers. wh. grocers and<br />

Rice George, w.s. Raceb. M. Canal and 12th<br />

dealers in produce, 56 Walnut, c. 2d<br />

Rice Geerge, s.s. Jefferson 6. Elm and Plum Richaidson Albert G. (A. G. R. & Co.) 171 Vine<br />

Rice George VV. h.k. Ohio L..cfe Trust Co. h. w.s. Richardson B. F. (R. & Morgan) n.s. Clinton b. W.<br />

Klra b. 9th and Court<br />

Row and John<br />

Rice & Haag, (Nicholas R. & George H.) w.s. Richardson C. H. elk. bds. T. P. Richardson's<br />

Main b. Canal and 12th<br />

Richardson David, e.s. W. Row b. Everett & Wade,<br />

Rice Hamilton, bds. Kdward Rice's w.s. Cutter b. h. n.s. Richmond b. Cutter and Linn ,<br />

Laurel & Hopkins<br />


ICE Sc HAKKISON, (Eliphalet L.R. &<br />

R R STONE, (James F. R., John'H. G. & John E.<br />

John P. H.) attys. at law, 176 Race<br />

S.) com. andforwd. mers and hemp and to­<br />

Rice Henry, n.e.c. Betts and Freeman<br />

bacco factors, 30 w. Front<br />

Rice Jacob, 46 Main<br />

Richardson J. at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Rice James M. bds. Central Hotel<br />

Richardson William H. 74 w. 4th, bds. 100 Braad­<br />

Kice John, e.s. Ybung n. of Ringold<br />

way<br />

Rice John B. n.s. Front b. T.P. 34 and 35 F'n. Richardson Dr. James, n.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

Rice John G. 148 w. Sth<br />

ICHARDSON JAinBS, shirt and stock<br />

Rice Joseph, 208 w. 6th<br />

R manuf. & gents, furnishing, 119 Main, and s.e.c,<br />

Rice Joseph, s.s. 3d b. Mill and Park<br />

4th and Vine<br />

Rice Julia, 148 w. Sth<br />

Richardson James F. (R., Gardner & Stone) s.s<br />

Rice Mrs. Mary, hds. Jenny Lind House Mt .Adams Front b. Viue and Race<br />

ICE OKB.I1V, wash.board manuf. n.s. 3d b. Richardson John, Canal b. Race and Elm<br />

R Race and Elm, h. s.s. 4th b. Smith and Park Richardson Jobn, elk. 119 Main<br />

Kice Paul, n.s. Front h. T,P. 26 and27 F'n. Richardson J. V. w.s. Plum b. Court and Canal<br />

Rice Peter, n.s. R.R. b. T.P. 32 and 33 F'n Richardson Mrs. Martha, s.s. 14th b. Race & Elm<br />

Rice Peter, n.s. Sth b. Sycamore and Broadway Richardson Mrs. Margaret, chair caning, s.s. Wood­<br />

Rice Mrs. Rosanna, n.s. 8th b. W. Row and John ward w. of Broadway<br />

Kice Sidney, elk. 374 w. 6th<br />


ICE SOIiOmoIV G.ice chest and box manuf. Elisha M.) al.phys. s.e.c. Clinton andCutter<br />

R n.s. Webb b. Smith and Park, h. s.s. 4th b. Richardson Rev. Robert, 183Broadway<br />

Sniith and Park<br />

Richardson Samuel (W. B. Pierce & Co.) 116 w. 6th<br />

Rice Thomas, c. Park & Webb<br />

Richardson Sarah M. al. b. Court and Caual and<br />

Rice William R. w.s. Cutter b. Barr and 7th<br />

Race and Elm<br />

Riceman elk. bds. at E. Stevenson's 179 w. 4th Richardson Thomas P. salesman, n.s. George b.<br />

Rich Adam, e.s. Freeman b. Vanhorn and Sth Smith andMonnd<br />

Rich Mrs. E. M. 200 w. Sth<br />

Riche James, n.s. Kichmond b. Linn & Baymiller<br />

Rich Francis, u.s. Barr b. Cutter and Liun Richel Martin, w.s. Hughes, b. Schiller and Liberty<br />

Rich John, at Olive Branch Hotel<br />

Richer Jacobine, w.s. Vine b. Mth and ISth<br />

Rich Peter, Baymiller h. Clark and Catharine Richey David,e.s. W. Row b. Everett and Wade,<br />

Richards Ann, n.s. Congress b. Butler & M. Canal h. s.s. Clinton b. John and Cutter<br />

Richards Allen C. n.s. 6th e. of Lock<br />

Richey Joseph, b.k. 154 w. 6th<br />

Richards Charles, al. phys. 104 w. 4th<br />

Richey Robert W. elk. 59 w. 3d<br />

ICHARDS CHANNING, com. and ford, Richie Mary, s.s. Front b. T.P. 7 and 8 F'n.<br />

R mer. 3 Water s.s. res. Mt. Auburn<br />

Richter Herman, n.s. Webster b. Sycamore & Tan­<br />

Richards Dennis, e.s. Freemen h. Canal and 6th ner<br />

Richards David W. bds. John Jones'<br />

Richter Joseph, n.s. Hunt b. Sycamore & Broadway<br />

Riehards George, s.s. Court b. Plum and W. Row Richter Joseph, w.s. Ludlow b. Congress and 2d<br />

Richards H.J. 30 w. 6th<br />

Richter Richard, w.s. Broadway b. Hunt & Abigail<br />

Richards John, w.s. Sycamore h. Sth arid Dth, h. u, Ricterpeller Christian, al. s.s. Abigail b. Sycamore<br />

w.c. Broadway and New<br />

and Bi'oadway<br />

Richards John H. n.e.c. Hth and Pleasant Richters Barney,e.s. Freeman b. 7th and Van Horit<br />

Richards Joseph, elk. 214 Main<br />

Richards, Lakin & Willett, (W. H. R., John S. L.<br />

ICHXIN G. H. groceries and produce VOLT<br />

R Market<br />

& James F. W.) 73 and 73 L. Market<br />

K icing John, e.s. Plum b. Monroe and Liberty<br />

Richards Randolph, (Patterson &R.) bds. 6tb St. Rickard Thomas, n.s. Wade b. W. Row and John<br />

House<br />

Rickel Wm. 139 w. 7th


Corner of Walnut and Columbia sts., Cincinnati.<br />

RID RIL<br />

Rickelman Henry H. s.w. c. W. Row aud Kemble Ridgeway John N. w.s. Vine b. 14th and 15th<br />

Ricker Darius, (Cunning & R.) 162J w. 6th Ridler Aaron' elk 5 Front<br />

Ricker Gustavus (Ross & R) Burnet House Ricketts John, William b. Elm and Plnm<br />

Ricker Jacob, at A. Harkness and Son's<br />

Riecklemann H. bds. w.s. Miller b. 6th and 7th<br />

Ricker Theodore, n.s. 6th e. of Lock<br />

Ried Hugh, s.s. Front b. Elm and Plum<br />

Ricker William, s.s. Maple b. W. Row aud Linn Riehl Charles W. elk. 278 Main<br />

Rickerly Thomas, w.s. Cutter b. Barr and 7th Riehman Ely, 89 Pike<br />

Rickerman Henry, e.s. Kace b Liberty and Green Rieke Frederick, s.s. Madison b. Elm and Plum<br />

Rickerman Joseph, n.s. Front b. W. Row & Plum Rieke Henry, s.s. Madison b. Elra and Plum<br />

Rickers Heinrich, s.s. Buckeye b. Poplar & Locust Rielag F & J. (Ferdinand and John) 238 .Main<br />

Kickers Herman, s.w.c. 5th and Sycamore<br />

Riclag Ferdinand, (F. & J. R.)e.s. Main b,7lh&8th.<br />

Ricket Thomas, n.w.c. Fulton & Richmond, h. n.s. Kielag Frederick, s.s. 12th b. Kace and Elm<br />

Kemble b. Front and Cutter<br />

Kielag Herman, e.s. Walnut b- 12th and 13th<br />

RickettThomas, city poKce,n.s.Kembleb. Fulton Rielag John, (F. & J. R.) e.s. Walnut b. 12th & 13th.<br />

and Cutter<br />

Rieler Amand, w.s. Pleasant b. Green and Findley<br />

ICKEY RAND.4I.I. H. surveyor, w.s. Riemann Frederick, al. s.s. Buckeye b. Mainand Lo­<br />

R Walnnt b. Pearl and 3d, h. s.s. 3dh. Smith & cust<br />

Park<br />

Riemeke Charles e.s. W. Row b. Mason and Everett<br />

Rickhoff Albert, e.s. Race b. Green and Liberty Riemeier D. (Dierkers St R.) Main n. of Liberty<br />

Rickhoff Garret, e.s. Miller b. 6th and 7th<br />

Riemir Heury, n.s. Bth b. Harriet and Home<br />

Ricking J. H. elk. 39 Broadway<br />

Kiepir John H. elk. 26 L. Market<br />

Rickofl'Andrew J. n.s. Betts 3 d. from Linn Riese John, e.s. Race b. Green and Liberty<br />

ICOR O THOMAS .T. Phoenix Blind Fac­ Riesterer Joseph, brush mkr. w.s. Main b. Canal and<br />

R tory, n.s. 6th opp Olympic Theatre, h. n.s. 12th<br />

Wade b. W. Kow and John<br />

Riethle Mrs. N. n.e.c. Hunt and Broadway<br />

Rics Philip, w.s. Walnutb. 1.3th and Allison Riffer Emanuel M. s.w.c. Maple and Pine<br />

IDDL.E ADAM N. atty. at law. 236 Main, Riga Adam, w.s. Vine b. Elder and Ham. road<br />

R b. n.s. Sth b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Rigdon Isaac C. scale mkr. 172 Longworth<br />

Riddle George, s.s.i2d b. Plum and Elm<br />

Rigelman Charles, salesman, 41.5 Main<br />

Ridemann John, w.s. Vine b. 13th and 14th<br />

Rigg John, elk. 146 Main bds. Dennison House<br />

Ridemann Samuel, s.s Betts b. Linn and Cutter Rigg Thomas, w.s. Langdon al. b. 6th and 7th<br />

Rider Alexander, 158 w. 3d<br />

Riggs Joseph, Court b. Vine and Race<br />

Rider Charles E. elk 117 w. 6th<br />

Riggs Lewis, bds. Mrs. Davis'<br />

Rider E. A. elk. e.s. Freeman h. Bank & Ham. road Riggs Mrs. Mary M. b. h. w. s. Elm b. Court and<br />

Rider F. n.s. 13th b. Bremen and Race<br />

Canal<br />

Rider Frank A. al. s.s. Buckeye b. Locust & Poplar Rigley John, at Filley & Chapins'<br />

Rider George C. s.s- Gth e. of Main, h. w.s. Walunt Kihl Charles H. n. s. Laurel b. Linn and Cutter<br />

b. 6th and 7th<br />

Rihne Mrs. M. w.s. Plum b. 9th and Court<br />

Rider William, n.s. Front b. T. P. 17 and 18 F'n. Riley Ann, Phebe b. W. Row and Plum<br />

res. b. 16 and 17<br />

Riley Barney, n.s Cassett's al. b. Main & Sycamore<br />

Ridgely Frederick W. (McKee & R.) res. n.s. 4th b. Riley Daniel, n.w.c. 6th and Sycamore<br />

Race and Elm<br />

Riley Daniel, (D. &P. R.) e.s. Sycamoreb. Oth and 6th<br />

TJIDGEIiY WM. 8. al. physician, office & res. EUey Dennis, s.w.c Smith and Water h. s.s. 3d b.<br />

It 142 w. 4th<br />

W. Row ahd Plum


C. H. RECHTIgy,<br />


Ail num iiEC<br />

IVo. 7© liower Market street,<br />


"Wrightsan, Printer, 43 Main.<br />

RIO EOB<br />

Riley D. & P. s.s. 6th b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Riley Edward, s.w.c. Smith and Water, bds. s.s. 3d<br />

b. Plum & W. Row<br />

Riley Ephraim, s.s. 7th b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Riley Francis, e.s. Walnut b. 12th and 13th<br />

Riley Hugh, w.s, Fulton b. Kichmond and Catharine<br />

Riley Hugh, hds. s.s. 3d b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Riley James, n.s. 6tb c. of Lock<br />

Riley James, atty. 59 Main<br />

Riley James W. e.s. Kace b. Water and Front<br />

Riley John, s.w.c. 3d and Elm<br />

Riley John,bds. B. B. Hazelton's<br />

Riley John, s.s. 2d b. Rose and Park<br />

Riley John C. n.s. 7th b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Riley J. P. s.s. 6th b. Main and Sycamore, bds. at<br />

Daniel Riley's<br />

Riley Michael, Phebe b Plum and W. Kow<br />

Riley Patrick, s.s. Waterb. Elm and Plum<br />

Riley Patrick, s.s. 3d b. Broadway and Ludlow<br />

Riley Peter, (D. & P. R.) bds. D. Riley's<br />

Riley Thoraas, w.s. Smith n. of Augusta<br />

Itiley William, bds. John Shearer's<br />

Riley William, s.s. Sth b. Baum and Lock<br />

Riling Frederick, s.s. Woodward b. Main & Sycmore<br />

Riling John, n.s. Sth b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Rinar George, w.s. Ham. road near Corpor'an line<br />

Rindhammer Mrs. Mary, w.s. Viue b. 13th and 14th<br />

Rindskopf Adolph (Kuhn R. & Co.) w.s.W alnut b<br />

Sth and 9th<br />

Rindskopf & Wellman (A.A. R. & Henry W.) s.w.<br />

c. Race and 15th<br />

Rinear Thomas J. s.e.c. Sth and Stone<br />

Kinebergh Adam, e.s. Vine b. 12th and 13th<br />

Rinh Michael, at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Kinehart Charles, w.s. Bremen b. 13th and Liberty<br />

Rinehart Christian, w.s. Bremen b.lSth and Liberty<br />

Kinehart Jacob, 353 Race<br />

Rinehart John (Mays & Co.) s.s. Barr b. Mound &<br />

Cutter<br />

Rinehart M. at Powell's<br />

Rinehart Mrs. .Susan, e.s. Sycamore b.7th and Sth<br />

Kinehart William, b.k. e.s. Mound b. 6th & George<br />

King Henry, w.s, Ramsay<br />

Ringean Alexander, elk. bds. D4 e. 3d<br />

Ringel Jacob, s.s. Ham. road b. Piatt and Freeman<br />

Ringen Joseph, w.s. Broadway n. of Liberty<br />

Ringen Lewis, w.s. Bremen b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Ringgold E. elk. res. 121 w. 3d<br />

Kinggold Mrs. A. 121 w. 3d<br />

Ringgold Wm. T. 22 Art Uuion bldg.<br />

Ringgold William P. n.w.c McFarland and Elm<br />

Ringier Casper, 176 Broadway<br />

Ringsing Linghart, w.s. Race b. Green and Findlev<br />

R<br />

lNGWAtT Sc BARE, (Joseph C. R. &<br />

Martin Bare) carpet ware house, 174 Main<br />

Ringwalt Joseph C. (R. & Bare)<br />

Kink Michael, e.s. Vine b. Allison and 13th<br />

Rinlie F. Wm. s.e.c. Hughes and Schiller<br />

Kiorden John, n.s. Pearl b. Smith and Park<br />

Riorden Mrs. M. widow ot Thomas, e.s. Pancoast<br />

al. b. 7th and Sth<br />

Eiouffe Henry, n.a. Dudley b. Everett and Liberty I<br />

R<br />

II'I.Eir GEORGE, feed store, e.s. Vine b.<br />

Ham. road and Buckeye, h.e.s. John s of 5th<br />

RIPLEy Sc 'I-OMEIN, (George K. & Robert<br />

T.) grocers, s.e.c. John and Sth<br />

Ripley Susan, e.s. John b.Richmond and Catharine<br />

Kippey Wesley C. at J. Litherbury's, s.s. Front b<br />

T.P. 4 and 5 F'n<br />

Risineer Joseph, n.s. Findley b. Race and Elm<br />

Risk Kobert, bds. at Benj. Crawford's<br />

Risley John, n.s. Wade b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Ritchie Alexander, s.s. Pearl b. Kace and Elm<br />

Ritchie Casper, w.s. Walnut b. 13th and Allison<br />

Ritchie John. e.s. Vine b. 12th and 13th<br />

Ritt Nicholas, n.s. Commerce b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Kitter George, s.s. Pearl h. Kace and Elm<br />

Ritter George, bds. J. Quigley's<br />

Ritter Henry, e.s. Rittenhouse<br />

Ritter Henry M. (McGilligan & Co.) h.s.s. Clinton<br />

b. John and Cutter<br />

Ritter James, s.s. George b. Baymiller and Free<br />

man<br />

Hitter John, bds. J. Quigley's<br />

Rittenhouse John, w.s. Johu b. Wade and Melanr<br />

then<br />

Rittenhouse Mrs. M. u.s. Findley b. Race and Elm<br />

Ritterhoir Wm. n.e.c. Hunt and Broadway<br />

Hittweger Philip, e.s. W. Row b. George and 7th'<br />

Ritzier Joseph, elk. P. O. bds. <strong>52</strong> L. Market<br />

Rivers John H. e.s. John b. Betts and Laurel<br />

Rivers Joseph, s.s. Betts b. John and Cutter<br />

Kives Dr. Landon C. res. 121 Symmes<br />

Rix Albert, s.s. Sth b. Baymiller and Freeman<br />

Rix Henry, 194 Broadway 'reeman<br />

Rix John, w.s. Mill b. 4th and Sth<br />

Rix Jobn H. e.s. Pleasant b. 13th and 14th<br />

Rixsa Frank, n.s. Franklin b. Main aud Sycamore<br />

Rizly Hazadiah, carp, at B. Hazen's "y"""<br />

Roach John, u.s. Front b. Butler and Pike<br />

Koach Michael, n.s. Butler b. Frout and Congress<br />

Roach Patrick, n.s. Sth e. of Lock congress<br />

Roach Thomas, 287 w. 6th<br />

Roach William, w.s. McAllister b. 4th and Sth<br />

Roan Adam, n.e.c. M. Canal and Congress<br />

ButleJ"'"""' ' '• P"'"=1^''*P ='!• b. Pike and<br />

Roark Peter, bds. Mathew Trowbridge<br />

Roark William, e.s. Kace b. 13th & lith<br />

Roaspr_ Andrew, n.s. Frontb. Corporation line and<br />

Roats Mrs Bridget, e.s. Race b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Kobb John, s.3. High b. Parsons and Lytle<br />

nOBBE^x' HF'^N R'V"- "-'"" '""' BaymiUer<br />

R a^d^Tbi'ga"''^"''' ''°'''' ^•"'•- ^^^"'"o^e<br />

Robbins Francis, n.s. Sth b. John and Fulton<br />

Clark '"'^' ° ^" •'^^>''"'"'''' •>• Catharine and<br />

Robbins John V. (E. & Pomeroy) 99 w. 4th *<br />

Robbins Martin, n.s. Pearl b. Elra andPlum<br />


It Ralph M. P. & Samuel L. Robbins) wh. boot.<br />

^j»d shoes, 63 Pearl °"


No. 12) East side Main street,<br />


Fill III illlJii PlUilll<br />



CAPITAL, $250,000.<br />


CAPITAL., $125,000.<br />

The Capital of the above Companies is secured in the<br />

best possible manner, having been, invested under the sanction<br />

of their respective Boards of <strong>Direc</strong>tors, and annually<br />

examined, approved and certified to, by the Comptroller of<br />

Public Accounts in the State of New York.<br />

Also Agents for the<br />


um iisBiiici<br />



NORRIS WILCOX, Vice President,<br />

BESJAMIN NOTES, Secretary.<br />

JOHN W. FITCH, Treasurer.<br />


of this Company are a sufficient guaranty for its character, while the<br />

high standard of health, and low rates of premium, taken entirely in<br />

cash, insure its success, not only for the present, but makes it fully<br />

reliable for the future.<br />



WM. Z. REES,<br />

M@s S@ WEST SDJIITHI ST^ilTe<br />


lilSM III Iffffl 1<br />

F vOS'SSQiSwilBiiv BS£Si9 its' u»mamammmm) mmu^<br />



Of every description to suit the case, made, applied and warranted. Orders solicited<br />

and promptly attended to.<br />

ROB EOB<br />

Robbins Richard, n.s. Liberty b. W. Row and John Robinson Mrs. Catharine^Lodgeb.6th and Gano<br />

Robbins Samuel L. (Robbins & Pomeroy) 99 w. Robinson David (D. R. & Co.) 175 w. 4th<br />

4th<br />

OJSIIVSOJV ». & CO. (David R.,. Michael<br />

Robbins Silas, w.s. Bremen b. Liberty and Green R Finnigan& Peter Reid) stone yard, s.w.c. 3d<br />

OKBINS WULililAM JB. gen. agent for and Vine<br />

R the Protection Ins. Co. of Hartford, 6 Front, Robinson Daniel A. bda. A. D. Kobinsoii*s<br />

res. Covington<br />

ORINSON']>ANI£Xi,butcher, s.e.c. Liberty<br />

Roberts Britton, s.w.c. Water and John R and Linn<br />

Roberts Catharine, s.s. Clinton b. John and Cutter Robinson Don Carlos, at Hazen's, res. n.s. Front b^<br />

Roberts Charles J. bds. J. LeBoutilear<br />

T. P. 16 and 17 F'n<br />

Roberts David, n.s. Harrison<br />

Robinson Mrs. Elizabeth A. s.s. Kemble b^ John &<br />

Roberts Evan, bds. H. Braunen's<br />

Fulton<br />

Roberta George, n.s. 7th b. Linn and Baymiller Robinson Mrs. Elizabeth, S3. 3d b. Smith and Park<br />

Roberts H. city police, s.s. Abigail b. Main 6z. Sy Robinson Elvira, s.s. 3d b. Smith and Park<br />

camore<br />

Robinson Mrs. E. n.s. Harrison<br />

Roberts Hamilton, e.s. Plum b. Front and Water Robinson Rev. Ezekiel G. w.s. Sniith b. 4tlLand 6th<br />

Roberts Mrs. Hannah, e.s. Elm b. 12th and 14th Robinson Francis, 186 Walnut<br />

Roberts Hugh, n.s. Congress b. Butler and M. Ca­ Robinson G. bds. Shire's<br />

nal<br />

Robinson Gabriel, at Welch andi Fittan'8, res. s.s.<br />

Roberts James, 149 Elm<br />

Front b. T. P. 7 and 8 F'n<br />

Roberts James T. (J. T. & H. R.) 64 w. 9th Robinson George, at Samuel Cook & Co.'s<br />

Roberts Jane, n.s. 2d b. Elm and Plum<br />

Robinson Greenwood, s.s.7th b..Culvert&Broad*y<br />

Roberts John (Raymond R. & Co.) n.s. ISthb.Main Robinson Hiram H. (Farren & R.)<br />

and Walnut<br />

Robinson James, drayman, 7 Front, h. w.s. Mans­<br />

Roberts John, butcher, n.s. 12th b. Elra and Plum field n. of Liberty<br />

Roberts John, n.s. 12th b. Main and Clay<br />

Robinson James D. elk. bds. n.-w.c. Jobn & Clinton<br />

Roberts John, 6th w, of Vine, res. 163 w. 3d Robinson John,. 59 George<br />

Roberts John G. s.s. George b. Smith and Mound Robinson John, 173 e. 4th<br />

Roberts J. T. & H. (James T. & Henry) 22 Water Robinson Joseph, s.s. Moses b. Mill and Stone<br />

Roberts Joseph, bds. Kim b. Oth and Court Robinson Joseph B. 354 w. 6tk<br />

Roberts Mrs. Mary, b.h. Arch b. Broadway & Lud­ OSIIVSOIV JOSIAH C. daguerrean artist^<br />

low<br />

R s.e.c. Walnut and Sth, h.59 George<br />

Roberts R. H. at Powell's foundry<br />

Robinson Mrs. Julia, Miller b. 6th and 7th<br />

Roberts Richard, s.s. Water b. Vine and Race Robinson Lorenzo D. b.k. 40 L. Market, h.s.s.6th. b-<br />

Roberts Sanderson, off. City Bank, res. Mt. Auburn Mill and Stone<br />

Roberts Thomaa, city police, s.s. Hth b. Kace and Robinson Mrs. & Miss M. A. 147 vr. 4th<br />

Elm<br />

Robinson Milton, 30 George<br />

Roberts Thomas, n.s. Frontb. T.P. 20 and 21 F'n Robinson Mary, n.s. 6th e. of Lock<br />

Roberts Thomas, at Powell's foundry<br />

Robinson Mrs. Maria, w.s. Carr b. 7th and Sth<br />

Roberts Thomas, plasterer, n.s. Bank b. W.Row & Robinson Nicholas, e.s. Pike b. Front and Congreaa<br />

Linn<br />

Robinson Oliver, n.s. Everett b. Rowand John<br />

Roberts Wm. e.s. Elm b. Sd & Cherry<br />

Robinson Peter, at A. Harlmesa and Son's<br />

Robertson Andrew, n.s. Pearl b. Walnut & Vine Robinson Robert, (Lane, Smith & Co.) n.e.c. Pearl<br />

Robertson Mrs. n.s. Clinton b. Linn and Cutter<br />

Robertson Robert, bds. n.e.c. Kim and Pearl, Mrs.<br />

and Elm<br />

T)0IBiIV80IV SAMUEC, map mounting esta-<br />

Win lord's<br />

•i*' bjishment, 14 College Hall 4th story<br />

Robertson Robert, Symmoab. Butler aud M. Canal Robinson Silas, w.s. Sycamore b. Woodward and<br />

Robertson Wm. B.b.k. bds. 154 Sycamore<br />

Robertson Wm. n.s. Catharine b. John and Fulton<br />

Franklin<br />

Robins Harmon, e.s. Bremen b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Robinson Thomas, w.s. Observatory road e, of Ce­<br />

Robins Harmon, n.s. Liberty b. W. Kow and John<br />

lestial<br />

Robins Henry, n.s. Liberty b. W. Row and John<br />

Robinson Thomas G. elk. 11 Pearl<br />

Robinson Truman, 15 Sycamore<br />

Kobinson , n.a. Catharine b. Rittenhouse and Robinson Wm. collector, n.w.c. Perry and Plum<br />

Linn<br />

Robinson Wm. s.a Moses b. Mill and Stone<br />

Robinson A. at Powell's foundry<br />

Robinson Wm.w.s. Park b. 3d and 4th.<br />

Robinson Anthony, w.s. Freeman b. Kemble and Robison David, s.s. Front b. T. P. 3 & 4 F'n<br />

Ricbmond<br />

Robison Don, at B. Hazen's<br />

Robinson Mrs. Ann, 147 w.4th<br />

Robinson A. 1). n.s. Congress b. Butler and M. Ca­ Robison Mrs. Eliza, s.s. 6th b. Culvert & Broadway<br />

nal<br />

Robison George W. n.s. Congress b. Pike and Law<br />

Robinson Ansel L. bds. A. D. Robinson's<br />

rence<br />

Robinson Benjamin, n.s. 5th b.Sycamoro & Broad­ Robison John, bda, D. Kirkpatrick's<br />

way, h.n.s. Longworth b. W. Row and John Robison John C. n.s. Kemble b. Freeman and Carr<br />

Robinson Buckner, 203 Longworth I Robison Joshua, at Nile's Foundry, h. n.s. High b.<br />

College and Lytle


ROE EOH<br />

Robison Matthew, e.s. Baymiller b. Kichraond and RolT Alexander, e.s. Buckeye b. Locust and Poplar<br />

Catharine<br />

Roff Frederick, city police, s.s. Buckeyeb. Locust<br />

Robison Mrs. Nancy, s.s. Clinton b. John & Cutter and Poplar<br />

Robson George W. (W. & G. W. R.)<br />

Roff John B. superintendant Bank Exchange, h. 135<br />

Robson & JMoorhead, (William R.&R. H. JVI.)2d w. w. 3d<br />

of Walnut<br />

Rogan Patrick, n.s. Observatory road<br />

Robson Thomas, at W. & G. W. Robson, h. Mt. Roger Mrs. R. 9 George<br />

Adams<br />

Rogers Andrew P. 181 w. 4th<br />

Robsou William, at Powell's foundry<br />

Rogers & Brother, (Joseph H.& John) n.e.c. Wal­<br />

Robson William. (W. & G. W. R.)<br />

nut and Water<br />

OBSOIV W. Sc «. W. (William & George Rogers Charles, barber, 5 College bldg.<br />

R W.) copper smiths, n.s. Frontb. Pike & Butler Rogers George, bds. Thos. Morion's, w.s. W. Row<br />

Roburt Bruce, s.w.c. 6th and Stone<br />

b. Betts and Clinton<br />

Roche Thomas, at Hise & William's<br />

Rogers Isaiah, s.e.c. Baker and Vine, h. s.s. 4th b.<br />

Rockenfield Isaac A. n.s. George b. Cutter & Linn Smith and Park<br />

Rockenfusz Huldreich, n.s. Ham. Road b. Main and Rogers James, bds. Shire's<br />

Locust<br />

Rogers James, Lawrence b. Symmes and Congress<br />



(lireiiKi ®[}i?^ Qaai^is®^ §ir®{Ei<br />

M. B. ROSS & CO.<br />


iiiii III iiiifi<br />



1. Wrightson, Printer, Cincinnati,<br />

ROO ROS<br />

OBRHLAS8E H. Sc CO. (Henry R. & C. Root Thomas S. elk. 36 Main, bds. s.e.c. 3d & Flum<br />

R F. Bultmann) hardware and cutlery, 362 Main Roots &Coe, (Guernsey Y. R. & Erastus P. Coe) s.<br />

Eohtert Heddo, e.s. Carr b. 7th and Sth<br />

s. W. W. Canal Basin<br />

Roland Charles, bds. 71 w. 6th<br />

Roots Guernsey Y. (E. &Coe) bds. 61 e. 4tli<br />

Eoland George, s.s. Richmond b. W. Eow and John Ropes Nathaniel, (R. & A. G. Cheever) h. n.s. 4th b.<br />

Eolen Hiram, w.s. Race near Liberty<br />

John and Smith<br />

Eoff Frank, n.s. Abigail b. Spring and Pendleton Ropp J. H. R. atHugh Glassgow's, w.s. Raceb. 12th<br />

Holfas Fiederick, e.s. Spring b. Abigail and Hunt and Canal<br />

Holfe Walter, n.s. Ham. road b. W. Row and Clark­ Rordon John, n.s. 6th b. Culvert and M. Canal<br />

son<br />

Rorick John, n.e.c. Fulton and Richmond<br />

Rolfenk Christian, w.s. Sycamore b. Liberty and Eork James, at Filley & Chapin's bds. Ludlow b.<br />

Schiller<br />

2a and 3d<br />

Rolfing Christian, e.s. Sycamore b. Liberty and Eork Wesley, Oswego House, Front b. Freeman &<br />

Schiller<br />

Carr<br />

Solfsen Kennet, e.s. Providence b. Mason & Everett Eorty John, s.e.c. Water and Race, h.sw.c. Catha­<br />

Rolker Dr. c. Gano and Walnut<br />

rine and Linn<br />

OlJiL El^lVAR]) C. clerk coart common Eosar Joseph, e.s. Parsons b. Front and High<br />

R pleas, c. Main and Court<br />

Eosch Frederick, s.s. Bnckeye b. Locust and Eden<br />

KoUWick, justice of the peace, junction Vineand Eose Adelmern C. elk. bds. Henrie House<br />

Ham. road<br />

Eose Andrew, bds. e.s. Jobn b. 3d and 4th<br />

EoUan Richard, w.s. Elm b. Grant and 14th Rose Charles D. e.s. Walnut b. 6th and 7th<br />

Roller George, w.s. M. Canal b. Ash and Maple Rose Davidson, n.s. 2d b. Vine and Race<br />

Rollins J imes, s.s. 7th. b. Culvert and Broadway Eose Henry, n.s. Sth b. Fultonand Cutter<br />

Rolls W]:liam, n.s. Pearib. Walnut and Vine, h.n.s. Rose Henry, n.e.c. Buckeye and Locust<br />

Everett b. Wood and W. W. Canal<br />

Rose James, w.s. W. Eow b. Elizabeth & Catharine<br />

EoUvealje Christian, e.s. Main b. Burgoyne and Rose John, 166 w. Sth<br />

Schiller<br />

Rose John, n.s. 6th e. of Lock<br />

EoUwes Frederick, at Commercial Hotel<br />

Rose Joseph, at Johnson, Morton & Co's<br />

Rotston M'm. s.e.c. Milton and Broadway<br />

Rose L. 246 Walnut<br />

Roltgen Ferdinand, s.s. 12th b. Clayand Walnut Rose Leopold, w.s. W. Row b. Wade & Melancthon<br />

Rolvus Lreorge, w.s. Riddle b. Harrison road and Rose Lewis, s.s. 5th b. Park and Mill<br />

Bank<br />

Rose Nicholas, w.s. Bremen b, loth and Liberty<br />

Roman /.lexander,bds. at Mrs. Town's<br />

Rose S. e.s. W. Row b. Wade and Liberty<br />

Eomax Daniel, n.s. Liherty b. Linn and Locust Rose Samuel, s.s. Front b. T. P. Sand 9 F'n<br />

Eombel George, bds. Robert Leckey's<br />

Rose Samuel D. s.s. 14th b. Race and Pleasant<br />

Eomler Henry, n.s. 12th b. Vine and Race<br />

Rose Thomas, w.s. Vine b. 2d and Front<br />

Rome Geoige, e.s. Hughes b. Schiller and Burgoyne Rose Thomas, n.w.c. 8th and Fulton, h. s.s. 8th b.<br />

Romeill'- Tames, w.s. Vine b. 2d and Front<br />

Fulton and Cutter<br />

Romeriil Charles E. s.s. Clark b. W. Eow & John Rose V. W. Union Hotel, 324 Main<br />

Romerill James H. bds. C. E. Komcrill's<br />

Rose Wm. elk. bds. 179 w. 4th<br />

Rommirli -Michael, w.s. Main b. Allison & Liberty Rose Washington, city police, 246 Walnut<br />

•pON At NE J »JS1CliV,druggist,s.w.c. W. Row Eoseboom , back of 121 Walnut<br />

It and Chestnut<br />

Roseboom Garret, 334 Mainand W. Rowb. Chesnut<br />

Ronan Martin, e.s. Ludlow b. Congressand 3d<br />

and Elizabeth, h.w.s. John b. Chesnut & Clark<br />

EoneyFamuel J. (W & S. J. R.) 87 w. 9th Roseboom W. H. 334 Main<br />

Roney Milliam, (W. &. S. J. R.)133 w. 9lh Kosebringer Hammond, elk. c. Sth and Butler<br />

ONEV W. Sc 8. J. (WilUam & Samuel J.) OSEBROrOIl J08EPU H. cooper, w.<br />

R leather and findings, 8 w. Gth b Main & Walnut R s. Broadway b. Court and Hunt, h. 193 w. Tth<br />

EonneliMim Henry, w.s. Spring s. of Abigail Rosemier Frederick, bds. s.w.c. 2d and Race<br />

ONNEBAUM JOHIV H. groceries and Rosemeyer Clements, w.s. Sycamore b. Abigail and<br />

R produce) ?6 L. Market, h. 137 Symmes.<br />

Woodward<br />

Ronnekainp Henry, w.s. Mill b. Canal and Front Rosemeyer Frederick, bds. s.w.c. 2d and Race<br />

Eoofeki nip George, elk. n.s. Hunt b. Sycamore and Rosenbaugh John, e.s. Sycamoreb. Miltonli Liberty<br />

Broadway<br />

Hosenbaugh Mrs. Sarah, 33 George<br />

Root Ali;\:inder, bila. 313 w. 6th<br />

Rosenberg Alexander, 226 w. 6th<br />

OOE.' OAVID, stoves, hollow ware &c. 36 Rosenberg Gustavus, w.s. Bremen b. lath & Liberty<br />

R Main, foundry s.s. Pearl b. Vine and Race, bds. Rosenberg Mrs. Mary, w.s. Bremen b. 16th and<br />

s.e c. od and Plum<br />

Liberty<br />

Root Horace,"b.k. 36Main, bds. s.e.c. 3d and Plum Rosenbush Philip, w.s. Bremen b. 14th aud loth<br />

Root James, s.e.c. 3d and Plum<br />

Kosendale , 61 Centre<br />

Root lullicr, e.s. Johnb. David and Wade Roseiidale Henry, w.s. A'ine b. 12th and 13th<br />

Root Stephen, n.s. Richmond b. Linnand Cutter Eosendale Lemuel, s.s. Hopkins b. W. Row & John<br />

Root T K s.s. 3db. Walnut and Vine, h. e.s. Mc.lil- Rosenlclder Lewis, w.s. Ham. Roadb. W. Row and<br />

lister b. 4th and Eth<br />



T. ROYBR 8c CO.<br />


"West Second St., bet^veen Vine and "Walnut,<br />

ROS ROW<br />

T Wrightson, Printer, 43 Main.<br />

Rosengarden E. G. e.s. Hughes b. Liberty & Schiller Ross M. H. n.s. Tth b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

Rosenquest J. at Methodist Book Concern. Ross Oliver, w.s. Elm b. Front and Cherry<br />

Rosenstetl Lewis S. 108 w. 5th<br />

Ross Rebecca, s.e.c. Pearl and Elm<br />

Rosenthaler Louis,(Kuhn,Ridnskopf& Co.) 51 Centre OSS Ac itlCKEfC, (Emery C. Ross and<br />

Roaanthel Sampson, e.s. Bremen b. Green & Liberty R Gustavus Ricker) wh. grocers and com. mer.<br />

Kosenwalt Jacob, s.s. Kemble b. W. Rowand John 16 and 17 Front<br />

Rosh George, s.s. Everett b. Cutter and Linn<br />

OSS, STORY Ac CO, saw mill. Mill Creek,<br />

Rosing A. C. A. (R. & Kracht) bds. Charles Kracht R w. end of Richmond<br />

Rosing &Iiracht, (A. C. A. R., & Charles K.) e.s. Ross Mrs. Susan, 123 Longworth<br />

Main b. Abigail and "Woodward<br />

Koss William, n.s. Kemble b. Baymiller and Free­<br />

Rosienkiewicz Martin, w. s. Park b. 4th and 5th man<br />

Rosmann Kerban, w.s. Race b. Green and Findley Rosscop William, w.s. Bremen b. 15th & Liberty<br />

Ross Andrew, s.s. Betts b. Linn and Cutter Rossiter John, e.s. Elm b. 4Lh and Sth<br />

Boss A. J. e^Pro\'idence b. Wade and Liberty Rossiter Thomas, bds. John Rossiter's<br />

OSS AKfVJElR Ii. Ross House 47 w. Court, Roet Adam, s.s. David b. W, Row and John<br />

R c. Walnut<br />

Rost Conrad, s.e.c. Poplar and Peet<br />

Ross Abram, s.s. Laurel b. John and Cutter, h. n.e. Rosz George, s.s. Abigail b.Sycamore & Broadway<br />

c, Scott & Hopkins<br />

Rota Samuel, s.s. Morton e. of Kilgour<br />

Ross A. M. elk. at Martin, Anshutz & Co.'s, res. n. Rote Mrs Mary, e.s. Bremen b. 15th and Liberty<br />

s. Clark b. John andXutter<br />

Roth George, n.a. Liberty b. Linu and Locust<br />

Ross Bernard, at Swasey, Wise, & Co. bds. w.s. Koth Henry, n.e.c. 12th and Vine<br />

Butler b. Congress and Front<br />

Roth John, superintendent Bank Exchange, h. 135<br />

Ross Britton, e.s. MiU b. 4th and 5th<br />

w. 3d<br />

Ross Brooks, s.s. Georgeb. W. Row and John Roth Joseph, at E. McElevey's. res. 23 McFarland<br />

Ross Charles, s.s. Kemble b. W. Row and John Roth W. at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Ross Conrad, e.s. Tanner b. Webster and Liberty Rothenberg Albert, e.s. Sycamore b. 3d and 4th<br />

Ross C. H. n.s. Water b. Vine and Race<br />

Rothert F. H. s.w.c. Vine and Pearl<br />

OSS Ac GOVil^flVS, (Ezekiel R. & James C.) Rothert J. H. e.s. W. Row b. Everett and Wade<br />

R lumber yard, c. Canal andPlum (elbow Canal) Rothert John, n.e.c. W. Row and Wade<br />

Koss D. e.s. W. Rowb. 6th and George<br />

Rotburt Lewis, bds. Vine b. 2d and Pearl<br />

Ross Daniel, e.s. Plum b. Sth and 9th<br />

Rothkopf John Henry, s.s. Laurel b. Linn & Cut­<br />

OSS I>ATII> A. daguerrean gallery, 244 w. ter<br />

R 6th, h. n.s. Sth b. Cutter and I..inn<br />

Rott Peter, w.s. Observatory road e. of Celestial<br />

Ross David G. elk., Morse & Lloyd's, bds. Mrs. Kottger William, w.s. Elm b. Green and Findley<br />

W. Wright's<br />

Kottinghous Heinrich, n s. Hunt b. Pendleton and<br />

Rosa Mrs. Elizabeth, e.s. Elm b. 4th and 6th<br />

Spnng<br />

Ross Emery C. (R. & Ricker) 200 w. 3d<br />

Rou Max, b. k.bds. 19 Center<br />

Roes Ezekiel, (R. & Collins) 216 Court<br />

Kouber Jacob, at Powell's foundry • • J ,.,,<br />

Ross George, b.k. at S. S. Boyle's bds. Charles Ross's Roudy Henry, s.s. 6th e. of Baum i^,<br />

Ross George, w. of Freeman s. of W. W. Canal Rourke T. 0. elk. s.s. Catharine b. John fe-M^tlnd<br />

Ross George, at Powell's Foundry<br />

RourkeMichael, n.s. Richmondb. John & Fulton<br />

Rosa Henry, 166 Sycamore<br />

Kouscher Martin, s.s. 3d e. of Stone<br />

Ross Henry S. s.s. 7th b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Rouse Crawford, e.s. Broadway b. 6th and 7th<br />

OSS HOUSE, Abner L. Ross, 47 Court c. Rouse Simeon, city police, s.s. 3d b. Stone & Mill<br />

R Walnut<br />

Koven Henry, w.s. W. Row b. Kemble and Rich­<br />

Ross Hugh, e.s. Elm b. Front and 2d<br />

mond<br />

Ross Hugh, e.s. John b. 4th and 6th<br />

Rowan Matthew, e.s. Cutter b. Richmond & Cath­<br />

Ross James, n.s. Front b. T. P. 25 and 26 P'n arine<br />

Ross James J. s.s. Wade b. W. Row and John Row Francis H. elk. 248 w. Tth<br />

Ross Jesse, s.s. 5th b. Wood and Canal<br />

Rowe Ebenezer, n.w.c. Smith and Augusta, h. s.s.<br />

nOSS JOHW JL. com. mer. and paper ware Longworth n. of John<br />

rt house, s.e.c. Main and Court, bds. B.F.Barrett's Rowe James, s.a. Everett b. Joha and Cutter<br />

Ross Joseph S. inspector Ohio Live Stock Ins. Co. Rowe Joseph, n.a. Front b. Lytle and Parsons<br />

211 w. 7th<br />

Rowe Stanhope S. cashier Mech. &. Trad. Br.<br />

Ross Joseph, at J. Bradford & Co*s<br />

Bank, e.s. John b. 4th and Sth<br />

Ross Joseph, at E. Hall & Co's<br />

Rowe Wm. D. c. W. Row and Laurel, at W. B.<br />

Ross Joseph, w.s. Plumb. Sth and Longworth Mahon e's<br />

Ross Mrs. Malinda, b. h., n.s. Richmond b. John & Rowekamp Benjamin, s.e.c. Van Horn & Freeman<br />

Fulton<br />

Rowekamp Fi*ederick H. justice of the peace, w.s.<br />

Ross Martin, w.s. Vine b Green and Liberty<br />

Main b. Canal & 12th, h. e.s. Broadway b Li­<br />

Ross Marion, porter, 91 Main<br />

berty and Webster<br />

OSS M. B. & CO, successors to H. Brach­ Rowekamp Heinrich, n.e.c. Sycamore & Abigail<br />

R man, wh liquor dealers, 19 Sycamore Rowell Mrs. Mary Ann, n.s. Harrison<br />

Boss Matthias B. (M. B. R. & Co) 97 e. 4th Rowell Wilson, at I. Hart & Co's



iRraeii, &IMP8, eoED§, ti§§ii.§,<br />


63 West Fourth Street,<br />


Embroidery tor Odd Fellows, Free inscsons, and other Orders,<br />

EUH RUS<br />

Eowens Michael, e.s. Baymiller b. Kichmond and Ruhl Conrad, n s.Abigail b. Sycamore & ISroadway<br />

Catharine<br />

Kuhl John, 335 Vine<br />

Rowland Mrs. Abigail S. 360 w. 7th<br />

UHli PETER, fringe manuf. and military<br />

Eowland Charles W. elk. 26 Main, bds. at M. G. R trimmings, 63 w. 4th, h. e.s, John b. 3d and 4th<br />

Sackett's<br />

Ruhlman Bernard, s.s. Woodward b. Sycamore &<br />

Rowland Henry, at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Bioadway<br />

Rowland Thomas C. 360 w. Tth<br />

Ruhrwien Frederick, n.s. Hth b. Elm and Race<br />

Rowley Mary, e.s. Race b. 2d and Pearl<br />

Ruhrwien William, w.s. Pleasant b. Liberty and<br />

Rowsey C. A. c. Plnm and Klbow Cajial<br />

Gieen<br />

Roy Philemon, w.s. Lock b. 6th and Sth<br />

Rule Charles, (Lowry & R.) c. 5th and Broadway<br />

Of EB T. & CO. spoke manufs. and dealers Rump Henry, s.s. 9th b. Elm and Plum<br />

R in hubs, fellows, &c., n.s 2d b. Walnut & Vine Rump John G. w.s. Butler b. Symmes & Congress<br />

Royer Theodore, (T. R. & Co) s.s. Kemble b. Wood Rumpel George, bds. F. K Eckel's<br />

and John<br />

Rumple Phillip, e.s. Pleasant b. Liberty and Green<br />

Royse Southwell, b. k. e.s. Sycamore b. Liberty & Eunck F. w.s. Clay b. 13th and Allison<br />

Webster<br />

Eunck Henry, w.s. Clay b. 13th and Allison<br />

Royse Vere, e.s. Mound b. 6th and George Rundle Jonathan, n.s. Front e. of depot<br />

Ruark Charles, e.s. Division s. of Harrison road Bundle John, printer, 167 Walnut, h. n.s. Front s,<br />

Ruber Herrod, s.s. Front b. VV. Row and Plum of Parsons<br />

Ruber Herrod, jr, s.s. Front b. W. Eow and Plum Runge Mrs, Elizabeth, n.s. Ham. road b. Main and<br />

Ruber Phelix, s.s. 12th b. Kace and Vine<br />

Locust<br />

Ruble Jacob, at Parvin & Johnson's<br />

Hunger William, e,s, Bremen b, 14th and 15th<br />

Rubney Jacob, s.s. Sthb. Baymiller and Freeman Runinger George, e,s, Findley b. Elm and Canal<br />

Rubrecht Richard, w.s. Kace b. Liberty and Green Runnels William, at Powell's foundry<br />

Ruce John, at 41 e. 2d, h. c. George and Elm Runtz George, n.s. Commerce b. Walnut & Vine<br />

Euck Jacob,w.s. Sycamoreb. Liberty and Schiller Runyan Mrs. Ann, w.s. Broadway b, 6th and 7th<br />

EucUer George, n.s. Front b. T P. 28 & 29 F'n Runyan George, harness inkr. 89 Maitr<br />

UCKIiE jrOHN «. Fhcenix House, 162 w. Eunyan Geo. W. printer, Gaz offtce. bds. 172 w, 3d<br />

R 5th b. Race and Elm<br />

Runyan George W, (R, & Stickney) 237 w. Tth<br />

Euckman Shipman P. e.s. Carr b. Tth and Sth<br />

Rud J. H. Front b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

inVYAN Sc SXICKNEV, (George W. R,<br />

R Rudd Richard, n.s. 4th b. Stone and Wood<br />

& Daniel S,) carpenters and builders, e,s. W.<br />

Eudd WiUiam, confectioner, <strong>52</strong> Main<br />

Row op. Laurel<br />

Eudman Gerard, e.s. Race b.C-reen and Elder<br />

Ruper William, w.s. Pleasant b. )5th and Liberty<br />

Rudolph Edward, n.s. Richmond b. John &. Fulton<br />

Rupminkle Harmon, n.o.c. Broadway and landing<br />

Rudolph Leander, n.s. 2d b. Kace and Elm, bds, n.s.<br />

Rupp Mrs. Mary, n.s. 15th b. Elm and Race<br />

Rupp Valentine, (Young & R,) bds. Dan'l Young's<br />

2d b. Walnut ahd Vine<br />

Rurdon Richard, b. k. at R. R. Hotel<br />

Rudy Henry, s.s. Fulton b. Cutter and Linn Kusche Francis, w.s. Bremen b. Liberty and Green<br />

Rue Samuel, printer. Commercial Ofiice, bds. Pio Rusche John Henry, w.s. Bremen b. Liberty and<br />

neer House<br />

Green<br />

BFFIN CHARLES B. book store n.s. 5th Ruscoup Barney, s.s. Jefferson b. Elm and Plum<br />

R b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Rusdie Frank, porter, s.e.c. Walnut and 2d<br />

RufSn James, city marshal, h. s.s. Longworth b. Ruse Jacob, w.s. Vineb. Liberty and Green<br />

Elm and Plum<br />

Rush James, painter, ijS w. 7th<br />

Ruffln John B. elk. P. 0., h. n.s.Sthb. Elra & Plum Rush Oliver E. s.s. Kichmond b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Euffin Theobald, e.s. M. Canal b. Court and Sth Rusner Henry, n.s. Abigail b. Sycamore & Broad­<br />

Euffln William, elk. P. O.. h. 172 w. 3d<br />

way<br />

Eufan William H. elk. P. O., h. n.s. 3d b. Blm and Russell Alfred, 146 Main<br />

Plum<br />

Russell Charles, elk. i>.w.c, Raco and Sth, bds, e,s.<br />

EufTner David, u.s. George b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Race b. Canal and 12th<br />

CFFNEir, I>ONNAL,L,Y Sc CO. Kana- Russell Charles,w.S.Fulton b, Richmond & Catha­<br />

R wha Salt Agency, 4S Walnut<br />

rine<br />

Ruffner Henry, n.e.c. Pearl and W. Row<br />

Russell Edward, carpenter, n.e.c, Hth and Elm<br />

Ruffner Margaret, 192 w. 3d<br />

Russell Frederick, e.s, Pleasantb, 15th & Liberty<br />

UFFNER MARINE, decorative painter Russell George, e,a, Kace h, 12th and Canal<br />

R 90 Main, h. s s. 3d b. Plum and W. Row Russell Isaac, n,s, Hopkins b, John and Cutter<br />

EufTner Morgan, n.e.c. Pearl and W. Eow. h. s s Russell James, s,s. 3d b. John and W. Row<br />

3db. Plumand W.Row<br />

Russell James, at R, Bryce's, e,s. Broadway b<br />

Ruffner Sylvester, n w.c. W. Row and Race<br />

Rufus John G. n.s. Abigail b. Sycamore & Broad­<br />

Court and Hunt<br />

way<br />

Russell Jesse & Co, (Jesse R, & Edwin Johnson,) *<br />

Ruga Henry, w.s. Franklin b. Main & Sycamore 8,s. \y. Eow b, Sth and Longworth<br />

Rugg John B. at A. Sherbert, n.s. Front b. T. P 22 Russell Jesse, (R, J, & Co,) w,s. Mound b, 7th&8th<br />

and 23 F'n<br />

Russell John B. printer, Gazette office, h, 4th b<br />

John and W, Row





Soda Fountains sent for and delivered gratis.<br />

RYA SAG<br />

Russell John R. n.s. 6th b. Canal and Freeman<br />

Russell Mrs, Mary, e.s. Plum b. Slh and 9th<br />

Russell Thomas, e.s. Race b. Pearl and 2d<br />

Russell William & Co., (Wm. R. & Uzziah Kendall,<br />

jr.) w.s, W. Row b. Liberty and Oliver<br />

Russell William F. drayman, 146 Main<br />

Russell William F. printer, at Longley & Bro's,<br />

bds. e.s. John 2 doors from Clinton<br />

Rust Augustus, e.s. ParK b. Longworth and Gth<br />

Rust George, n.s. Elder b. Race and Vine<br />

R<br />

UST i*AUJL, Undertaker, n.e.c. Longworth<br />

and Plum, h. e.s. Plura b. Longworth and 6th<br />

Rust Thomas, 6th b. Flum and Elm. h. 93 Long-<br />

worth<br />

Rutger Charles, n.s, Mulben-y w. of Main<br />

Ruthrauf Charles, elk. 139 w. 4th<br />

Rutherford Daniel, porter, s.e.c. Main and 3d<br />

Rutherford D, at A. Harkness & Son's foundry,<br />

R<br />

bds. Lydia Atkinson's<br />

UXHERFOKJD .J". & CO. (John R. &<br />

George Walton,) Mineral Water Factory, s.s,<br />

Sth b. McAllister and Pike<br />

Rutherford Thomas M. bristle factory, s.s. Sthb.<br />

McAllister and Pike<br />

Ruthop John H. s.s. Sth b. Mound and Cutter<br />

Ruthven John, hrass finisher, bds. 179 w. 4th<br />

Ruthveu John, s.s. 2d b. Race and Elra<br />

Ruthven J. s.s. 2d b. Elm and Race, bds. s.s. 4th b.<br />

Elmand Plum<br />

Rutledge Henry, n.s. 6thb. Harriet and Horn<br />

Ruttmier Gerhard, jr,, n.s. Hunt h. Pendleton and<br />

Spring<br />

Rutt Flank, at G. Shields', c. Congress & Kilgour<br />

Rutt Isaac, at G. Shields', c. Congress & Kilgour<br />

Rutter Herman, s.w.c. Spring and Woodward<br />

Ruttmier Gerhard, jr., n.s. Huntb. Pendleton and<br />

Spring<br />

Ruve Frederick, s.s. Madison b. Elm and Plura<br />

Riiwe Joseph, bar keeper,Tiemont House<br />

Ryall Robert, n.s. 12th b. Vine and Race<br />

Ryall Thoraas, 243 Longworth<br />

R<br />

YAN ANDKEW, wh. confectioner, dealer<br />

in fruits, &c., 27 Sycamore<br />

Ryan Mrs. Bridget, s.s. Webb b. Smith and Park<br />

Ryan Mrs. Catharine, s.s. 6th b. Culvert and Broadway<br />

Ryan Mrs. Clarissa Ann, n.s. Harrison<br />

Ryan Dennis, w.s. Race b. M. Canal and 12th<br />

Ryan Edward, porter, 140 Main, h. s.s. Canal b.<br />

Elm and Plum<br />

Ryan Edward, elk. Canal b. Elm and Plum<br />

Ryan Francis, n^s. Water b. Race and Vine<br />

Ryan James, s.s. Betts b. Linn and Cutter<br />

Ryan James, w.s. W. Row b. Elizabeth and Catharine<br />

Ryan Jackson, type founder, at 41 e. 2d, h. Covington<br />

Ryan J. G. n.s. Observatory road<br />

Ryan John, s.s. Symmes e. of Lock<br />

Ryan John, confec. 27 Sycaraore<br />

Ryan John, n.s. 6th b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Ryan John, elk. 215 Main, bds. s.s. AccommodatiDn<br />

b. Sth and State<br />

Ryan Matthew, s.s. Leb. pike w. of tollgate<br />

Ryan Michael, e.s. Wood b. 4th and Sth<br />

Ryan Patrick, n.e.c. 7th and Broadway<br />

Ryan Patriclt, n.s. Sth c. ol M. canal<br />

Ryan Patrick, 23 w. 2d, h. e.s. Vine b. Front & 2d<br />

Ryan Patrick, s.s. 2d b. Rose and Park<br />

Ryan Peter, n.s. Hopkinsb. Linn and Locust<br />

Ryan Thomas, at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Ryan Thomas, s s, 7th b. Broadway and Culvert<br />

Ryan Thomas, s,s. 3d b. Plum and W. Row, h. s.e.<br />

c. W, Row and Perry<br />

Ryan William, city police, h. s.e. 3d b. Stone and<br />

Mill<br />

Ryan William, at David Griffey's<br />

Ryder Mrs. Ann, 81 w. 4th<br />

Ryder Charles, dept. sheriff, u.s. Front b. Elm and<br />

Plum<br />

Ryder William E. s.s, Kembleb. Linn and Bay mil'<br />

ler<br />

Ryerson Mrs, C. 136 w. Gth<br />

Ryerson Martin, 136 w. Gth<br />

Ryirn Con, s.s. Rth e. of Baum<br />

Rykhoff John G. cutter, 2S5 Main<br />

Ryland Edward, scale mkr. at Colville & Stryker's<br />

bds. David Martin's<br />

Ryland James, n.s. 4th b. Smith and Park<br />

Ryland Jaraes W. (Coombs, R. & Blackwell,) n.s,<br />

4th b. Smith and Park<br />

Ryland William T. bar keeper, Grey Eagle<br />

Ryn John, s.s. Sth b. Smith and Park<br />

Ryne Mrs. Catharine, s.s. Kerable b. W. Row and<br />

John<br />

S<br />

Saary Andrew, w.s, Johnb. 7th and Sth. h, s.s. 7ih<br />

b. Cutter and Mound<br />

Saban Wm. at Henry Eberly's4th and 15th<br />

Sabers Henry, e.s. Plsasant b. 1199 w. 4th<br />

Sachs Alexander. (S. & Bros.)<br />

SACMS&: BROTIIERS, (Alexander, Solomon<br />

& Benedict) wh. dry goods, 41 L. Market<br />

e. Sycamore<br />

Sachs Solomon, (S. & Bros.) 199 w. 4th<br />

Sackett'J. B. at Powell's foundry<br />

Sackett M. G. b.h. 71 w. 6th<br />

Sackett Wm. A. elk, 91 Main, h. 71 w. 6th<br />

Sackett W. E. elk. bds. C. G. Pearce's<br />

SackhOff Henry, cutler, 94 Main<br />

Saddler Joseph, s.s. Commeree b. Vine and Race<br />

Saddisahutter Thedeore, e.s. Sycaraore b. Liberty &<br />

Schiller<br />

Sadlefield Fritz, s.s. 12th b. Race and Elm<br />

Sadler David, n.s. Sth b. Mound and Park<br />

Saebeely Charles, w.s. Walnut b. Allison and Liberty<br />

Saebert Peter, c. 14th and Elm<br />

Safford John, s.s. Woodward b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Sage Henry W. b.k. bds. n.e.c. 6th and Race<br />

Sage Orrin N. jr. salesman 12 e. 4th<br />

Sage Samuel, e.s. Plum s. of Water<br />

Sager Augustus, s.e.e. Van Horn and Freeman<br />

Sager George, e.s. Butler b. Congress and Front



No. 13 Public JLa.iaaing', Cinciunati,<br />




N. P. manufactures and iseeps constantly on hand WESTERN IMPROVED PREMIUM,<br />


CS> Csi



225<br />

' ^<br />


AND ^ li<br />

319 MAIIV STMEET,<br />

SAV SCH<br />

Sargeant Wm. n.s. 6th b. Harriet and Horn Savis Jobn, bar keeper, at H.H. Wesjohan's<br />

Sargent Daniel 13. (W. B. Smith & Co.) bds.Burnet Savory Thomas, bds. Gen.Scott House<br />

House<br />

Saweller Hiram, n.s. Liberty b. W. Row and John<br />

Sargent Edward (W. B. Smith & Co.) 28 w. Sth Sawn Mrs. Oceana, s.e.c. Bremen and 15th<br />

Sargent G. C. William b. 9th and Court<br />

Sawyer Almon (Sawyer & Co.) s.s. Everetb. John<br />

Sargent Lemuel H. agent<br />

and Cuttei<br />

AlttE WM. K. mer. tailor, 219 Main, h.n. Sawyer A. J. s.e.c. Cutter and Everett<br />

S s. Sth b.Mill andStone<br />

QA WY"KR A: CO. (Almon S. & Wm. A. Ash-<br />

Sarver James, B.S. Waterb; Smith and Jobn fj ton) oilcloth and window shades, factoi"y c.<br />

Sarver John, n.s. Kemble b. Fulton aad Cutter Cutter and Everett, store 8 College bldg.<br />

Sas Dr. John C. s.w.c. Sycamore and SchiUer Sawyer J. B. b.k. bds. at Nelson Newman's, s.w.c.<br />

Sasanze August, e.s. Sycamore b. Liberty and Mil­ George and Elm<br />

ton<br />

A^VYEIE- JOSEIPH O. architect, 8 Brom-<br />

Sasser L. J. 203 Longworth<br />

S well's bldg. c. 4th and Vine, h. 357 w. 7th<br />

Sasson Julia, s.s. Frontb. Race and Elm<br />

Sawyer Joseph, n.s. Hopkins w. of John<br />

Satcliel Charles. V2\ Walnut<br />

Sawyer Joseph A. n.s. Hopkins b. John and Cutter<br />

Satchel Wm. 124 Walnut<br />

Sawyer & Mcllvaine (Joseph O. S.& Robert Mcl.j<br />

Sattcrlee Robert C. printer, Gazette office<br />

n.s. Lflurel b, John and Cutter<br />

AXTjEltJLy CHABia.]ES, assistant sec. Sawyer Milo (Sawyer & Co.) s.s. Oth b. Elm and<br />

S Ham. and Dayton R.R. Co. n.w.c. 4th & Vine, Plum<br />

h. 325 w.7th<br />

Sawyer Nathaniel, atty, 12 and 13 Worthington's<br />

Sattler Ernst, e.s. JMaiii b.Franklin and Webster bldgs. h.2T4 w. 4th<br />

Sattler Dr. George, e.s, .Main b. Abigail and Wood­ Sax Casper, w.s. Race b. Findley and Ham. road<br />

ward<br />

Saxton John, s.s. Logan b. Liberty and North<br />

Saucklu Samuel, linisher at Powell's foundry Saxton John, bds. e.s. W. Row b. Perrj' and Sth<br />

Kauer A. n.s. Commerce b. Walnut and Vine Saxton Joseph C. 07 Centre<br />

Sauer F. s.s. Clinton b. Locuit and Freeman nAYJLES & CO, (S.S. & Horatio Pagej loan<br />

Sauer John, s.s. Buckeye b. Poplar and Locust O brokers, s.s. 3d b. .Main and Walnut<br />

Sauer John, flour dea^lcr, n.s. Ham. road b. Main & Saylor Sebastian^ n.s. Poplar b. Linn and Locust<br />

Locust<br />

Sayre Henry, bds. at Joseph Sayre's<br />

Sauer Ulartin, w.s. Vine b. Green and Eldcn Sayre James H. n.s. Bth b. Race and Elm<br />

Sauers Frederick, e.s. VV. Row b. 12l.h and Ann Sayre James, bds. 130 w. Sth<br />



(BDCCESSORS or WM. M'KINNELL & co.)<br />

MANUFACTTTItEilS 01"<br />



Importers and Dealers in<br />



3O0<br />

SCH SCH<br />

Schaeffer George, e.s. Buckeye b. Lock and Poplar<br />

Schafier J. Henry, e.s. Bremen b. Mth and 16th<br />

Schaffer Jacob, (S. & Flacki n.a. Court b. Main and<br />

Walnut<br />

Schaeffer John, w.s. Syeamore b. Schiller and Burgoyne<br />

Schaeffer Joseph, w.s. Smith n. of Augusta<br />

Schaeffer Michael, s.e.c. North and Vine<br />

Schaetner Andrew, carp. al. near junctioa Vine and<br />

Buckeye<br />

Schaettle Charlea, elk. 254 Main<br />

Schafer Ferdinand, (Uphof & S.) Miller b. 6th & 7th<br />

Scbaffer Andrew, n.e.c. Sank and Riddle, h. e.s.<br />

Division b. Harrison road and Bank<br />

Schaffer Conrad, w.s. Sycamore b. 9th and Court<br />

Schaffer George, n.s. Clinton b. W. Row and John<br />

Schaffer Herman, w.s. Weasant b. 35th & Liberty<br />

Schaffer Jacob, s.s. 3d e. of Stone<br />

Schaffer John H. s.s. Hopkins b. Linn and Cutter<br />

Schahan David, n.s. Pearib. Smith and Park<br />

Schalk Adam, n.e.c. Bank and Riddle, bds. Joseph<br />

K-oebel's<br />

Schaller Mack, bds. John H. Monnag's<br />

Schaller Michael, shoemaKer, at John Murphy's<br />

Scharl James, w.s. Plum b. 2d and 3d<br />

Scharpsluff Philip, s.s. 15th b. Kim and Race<br />

Schatte Arnold, s.s. 14th b. Race and Elm<br />

Schatte John, n.e.c. Mound and Longworth<br />

Schattelkotte John, 4 Landing e. of Broadway, h.<br />

n.s. 5tb b. Pike and Butkr<br />

Schatyman Felins, n.s. 6th e. of Lock<br />

Schaub Conrad, w.s. Bremen b. Green and Elm<br />

Schaub John, w.s. Bremen b. Green and Elder<br />

Schauder Jaiob, w.s. Vine b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Schaurer Jacbb, w.s. Vine b. Green and Elder<br />

Scheaffer George, w.s. Riddle b. Harrison road and<br />

Bank<br />

Scheaffer John, e.s. Observa'ry road c. of Celestial<br />

Scheal Joseph", n.s. Junction Buckeye and Vine<br />

Scheaz B. s.s. W. Row b. Linn and Piatt<br />

Scfaefer Frank, w.s. Broadway b. Court and Hunt<br />

Schefstiel Henry, n.s. Abigail w. of Pendleton<br />

Scheibert Ammel, n.s. Front b. T.P. 22 and 23 F'n<br />

bds. W. Valantine's '<br />

Scheid Phillip J. s.s. Liberty b. Elm and Plum<br />

'o !!°!?V'P? •*'l''. s.s. Buckeye b. Locust & Poplar<br />

Schell L. J. n.s. Hopkins b. John and Cutter<br />

Scheller Joseph, n.s. Webb b. John snd Smith<br />

Scheller & Schiff,B.s.4thb. John andSmith<br />

SchCUmiller Henry, at G. Shield's<br />

Schelly Peter, al. b. Symmes aud Congress<br />

Schenck Ferdinand, s.s. W. Ruw b. Linn & Piatt<br />

••Schenck John, druggist, at Commercial Hospital<br />

h. n.s. Clark b. John and "W, Row<br />

CCHENCK NOAH HUNT, atty. at law,<br />

kJ 14 Law Buildings, s.s. 3d b. Main & Sycamore<br />

h. 162 Broadway '<br />

:Schendonmenn Frederick, w.s. Bremen b. 15th and<br />

Liberty<br />

Schengel Philip, n.s. Ham. road b Locust and PODlar<br />

"<br />

Schephaclaus Frederick, n.s. Burgoyne b. Main &<br />

Sycamore<br />

Schepp John, n.s. Catharine b. Linn & BaymiUer<br />

Scherder Frederick, Vine near Mokawk Engine<br />

House<br />

Scherf Charles, at J. H. Brandts'<br />

Scherman Henry, Back b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Scheu George, w.s. Bremen b. 15th & Liberty<br />

Scheulthei Philip, s.w.c. Bth andSycamore<br />

Scheuring Gerhard H. w.s. Peet b. Poplar and Vine<br />

Schewtker William, s.s. Jefferson b. Elm & Plum<br />

Schidelmann Andrew, bds. n.e.c. Linn and York<br />

Schidler John, w.s. W. Row, b. Linn Mohawk<br />

bridge<br />

Schiedt Rev. Frederick, w.s. Bremen b. 15th and<br />

Liberty<br />

Schier Mrs. Catharine, w.s. Ham.road b.PopIar&<br />

Locust<br />

Schierberg Frederick, 15 Arch<br />

Schiesz Charles, n.s. Grant b. Elm and Plum<br />

Schiff Isaac, w.s- Vine b. 4th and Sth<br />

Schiff John, n.s. AUison b. Main and Clay<br />

Schift Joseph, w.s. Dunlap b. Cooper & Ham.road<br />

Schill Aaron, at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Schille Vandalia, n.s. Ham. road b. Locust & Poplar •<br />

Schiller A. e.s. W. Rowb. Wade and Liberty<br />

Schiller William, e.s. Race b. loth and Liberty<br />

CHILI^INeER T)riI.I.IAM, Jr. coo­<br />

S per, n s. 2db. Sycamore and Broadway, h. n s<br />

George b. Baymiller & Freeman<br />

Schimmel Lenhart, n.s. junc. Buckeye and Vine<br />

Schimmer Frank, e.s. Vine b. North & Ham. roid<br />

Schimmer Wm. n.s. 2d b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Schirmeister W. e.s. W.Row b. Everett and Wade<br />

Scluvier Henry, e.s. Plum b. Jefferson and Adams<br />

Schlaa Henry, w.a. Vine b. Elder and Green<br />

Schlatt John. s.s. Buckeye b. Main and Locust<br />

Schleffel John, n.s. Mulberry b. Locuati and Poplar<br />

Schleicht Conrad, e.s. Vine near junction Buckeye<br />

Schlemer Frederick, n.s. Cherry b. Race and Elm<br />

Schlemer Henry, w.s. Pendleton b. Liberty and<br />

Woodward<br />

Schlelein George L. n.s. Ham. road b. Mainand Locust<br />

Schleper Herman, n.e.c. Park and Longworth<br />

Sclileter Wm. s.s. Buckeye b. Locust and Eden<br />

Schlich George, s.s. Jefferson b. Elm and Plum<br />

Schloendorn C. s.s. 16th b. Elm and Plum<br />

UCHtOSS PHII.IIP J. gardner, n-a. R.<br />

IJ Roadop. T. P. a7F'n' . "*•- xi.<br />

Schloterbeck Christian, bds. Jacob Haehl's, ss<br />

Ham. road b. fiatt and Freeman<br />

Schloterbeck John, s.e.c. Race and Green<br />

Sell ottman Geo. s s. Jefferson b. Elm andTlum<br />

Sch uher Henry, n.s. Liberty b. Elm and Race<br />

Schluter Joseph, bds,43w.Court<br />

Schmann Moses, e.s. Viue b. Liberty and Allison<br />

Schmerge Joseph, s.s. 2d b. Vine and Race<br />

Schmidder Antony, e.a. Bremen b. 14th and 15th<br />

Schmidgall F. elk. 76 Broadway<br />

Schmidinghoff Joseph, n.w.c. Cherry and Elm<br />

Schmidt Adam, s a. Gth b. Culvert and M. Canal<br />

hchmidt Bernard, w.s. Sycamore b. Liberty & Schi' •<br />

Schmidt Charles (S. & Co.) a.e.c. Clinton and Lin<br />

Schmidt Charles, druggistandapoth. e.a. Main rof<br />



SELLE'W 8c CO.<br />




I Tin Plate, Sheathing, and Braziers' Copper,<br />


Main street, between Fifih and Sixth, Cincinnati.<br />

SCH SCH<br />

Schmidt Charles, pocket book rakr. c. 12th and Schneider Nicholas, w.s. AValnut b. Allison and Li­<br />

Jackson<br />

berty<br />

Schmidt Charles F. (Storch & Co.) rea. Co-vington Schneider Wm. e.9. Sycamore b. Liberty & Milton<br />

Schmidt Conrad, w.s. Bremen b. Liberty and Green Schnielie C. H. cabt. mkr. w.s. Pendleton<br />

Schmidt E. foreman Democratic Journal, office s.ex. Schnitger John H, a.e.c. Buckeye and Poplar<br />

Sd and jSycamore<br />

Sohnitker Wm. n.a. Webster b. Sycamore t& Tan-<br />

Schmidt G. g.s. Harrison road, b. Riddle and Di- ner<br />

•vision<br />

Schnyder Mrs. Eve, e.s. Linn b. Hopkins & Clark<br />

Schmidt GerhardH. w.s. Sycamoreb. Liberty and Schock Henry, at C. Urban's safe factory<br />

Schiller<br />

Schoder Mrs. M. widow of Peter, Huntb. Main<br />

Schmidt Henry, at C. Urban's safe factory<br />

and Sycamore<br />

Schmidt Henry, cooper n. s. Ham. road b. Locust & Schoenbein Dr. John, w.s. Elm b. 14th & Madison<br />

Poplar<br />

Schoenenberger Joseph, e.s.Sycamore b.Woodward<br />

Schmidt Henry, (Wellmann & S,) 174 w. 5th<br />

and Franklin<br />

Schmidt Henry, at St. Xavier's College<br />

Schofield F. at A. Harknesa & Son's<br />

Schmidt H. R. e.s. Walnut b. :2th and I3th Scholer Andreas, n.s. Ham, road b. Main & Locust<br />

Schmidt Jacob, s.s. Laurel b. John and Cutter, bds. Scholton Bernard, e.s. Race b. Green and Liberty<br />

s.e.c. Cutter and Hopkins<br />

Schomherg Wm. e.s. Plum b. Hth & ]5th<br />

Schmidt Jolm H. n.e.c. Poplar and Peet<br />

Schon Michael, n.s. Ham. road h. Poplar and Vine<br />

Schmidt John, n.s. Mulberry b. Locust and Poplar Schonat Rev. Wm. s.s. oth b. Smith and Mound<br />

Schmidt Joseph, e.s. Mill b. Canal and Front Schonebaum B. H. L. c. John and Laurel<br />

vSchmidt L. w.s. Bremen b. 14th and 15th<br />

Schonner Powell, "w.s. Dunlap b. Cooper and Ham<br />

Schmidt Phillip, n.s. Clinton b. Cutter and Linn road<br />

CIlITIia>T, 8XOKCB8: Ac CO. (Charles F. Schooley Barney J. e.s. McAllister b, 4th & Sth<br />

S Schmidt, Wm. G. Storch and David Griffin, jr.) Schooley John C. 83 w, ^ith<br />

pub. German Rep. and book and job printing, Schooley & Hough, s, s. Mill Creek road e. of Court<br />

21 e. 3d<br />

Schooley Samuel D. (R. & Son) 328 Race<br />

Schmidt Wm. (S. & Co.) s.e.c. Clinton and Linn riCHOO¥.,EY Ac SON, (Samuel D. & Stephen<br />

Schmidt Wm. porter, 21 w. 4th<br />

O S.) curers of hams. & general produce dealers,<br />

Schraidtz Bernard, w.s. Bremen b.^Green and Elder n.s. Court b. Vine and Race<br />

Schmidtz Henry, e.s. Bremen b. 15th and Liberty Schooley Stephen (S, »& Son) 328 Race<br />

Schmidtz Henry, (Schroder & S.) coffee house 95 Schoolfteld John Q. A. 117 Main, h.w.s. Elm b. Ca­<br />

Court<br />

nal and 12th<br />

Schmidlz Mathias, e.s. Race h. Green and Liherty Schoolfield Jopeph, elk. at J. H. Secrist's<br />

Schmiedler John, n.s. Ham. road b. Main & Locust Schoonmaker Hiram, bds. with J. S. Merreil<br />

Schmitt Adam, n.w.c. W. Rowand Liberty Schoonmaker L, elk. bds. Jonathan Pancoast's<br />

Schmitt Mrs. Appollonia, w.s. Vine b, 15th and Li­ Schopp Conrad,n.e.c. Hughes and Liberty<br />

berty<br />

Schoppmanu Bernard, w.s, Pendleton a. of Abi­<br />

Schmitt Fritz, w.s. W. Row n. of Ash, bds. s.e.c gail<br />

Pleasant and Liberty<br />

Schorr John, n.w.c. Sycamore and SchiUer<br />

Schmitt G. s.e.c. Walnut and Allison<br />

Schott Anthon, s.s. Buckeye b. Vine and Poplar<br />

Schmitt Henry, w.s. Main b. AUison and Liberty Schott B. S.1V.C. Harrison road and Division<br />

Schmitt John, w.s. Walnutb. Allison and Liberty Schottelkotte John H. n.s. 7th b. Broadway and<br />

Schmitt John, 4 Kugler's Row<br />

Pike<br />

Schmitt Joshua, bds. J. M. Beyer's<br />

SchottmuUer K, n.e.c. Hth and Pleasant<br />

Schmitt Kalian, s.s. Maple b. Linn and W. Row SchottmLiller Frederick, s.s. AUison b. Clay and<br />

Schmitt Michael, trunk mkr. at Parvin & Johnson's Walnut, h. w.s. W. Row b. Everett and Canal<br />

Schmitt Michael, e.s. Providence b. Everett and Schoulty B. w.s. Vine b. 2d and Fi'ont<br />

Wade<br />

Schoup John, e.s. Lock b. Symmes and Sth<br />

Schmitt Simeon, bds. with A, Doppler<br />

Schrab Mrs. R. n.s, 2d;b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Schmitt William, e.s. Vine b. Allison and 13th Schrader Charies, e.s. JRaceb. Green and Elder<br />

Schmitt Wm.n.s. Liberty b.W. Rowand John Schrader Henry, e.s. Bremen b. 14th and 15th<br />

Schmitting Sophia, bds. A Doppler's<br />

Schrader Herman, s.s. Court b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Schneider Christopher, e.s. Main b. Hunt & Abigail Schrader Joseph, 2D*v. Front<br />

Schneider Mrs. KUzabeth, s.s. Harrison road b. Di­ Schrader Peter, w.s.' Bremen b. 15tb and Liberty<br />

vision and Brighton<br />

Schrader Wm. n.w.c. Breman and Hth<br />

Schneider Gustave, w,s. Springb. Abigail & Hunt Schradzke Isodore, (M, & J. S.) 121 Main<br />

Schneider Henry at C. Urban's safe factory Schradzke Michael, (M. & 1. S.) 121 Main<br />

Schneider Herman, 227 w. 6th<br />

Schram Alvin D. 36 Walnut<br />

Schneider John P. 9 w. Court<br />

Schraraier Joseph, e.s. Bremen b. ISth and Liberty<br />

Schneider Joseph, e. s. Main b. Burgoyne & Schil­ Schrank Vv^illiam, s.s. 14th b. Race and Elm<br />

ler<br />

Schratz Anthon, n.s. Abigail b. Broadway & Spring<br />

Schneider Louis, w.s. Spring b. Abigail and Hunt Schraudenback Wm. e.s. Walnut b. Allison and<br />

Schneider Louis, n.s, Augusta b. John and Smith Liberty


E. P. SBYBOLD,<br />


•iis&siri tttsi<br />



No. 207 Main, near Fifth Street,<br />

'WrightsonTPrinter, 43 Main.<br />

SCH SCH<br />

Schrenher Adam, s.s. Poplar b. W. Row & John<br />

Schrer Henry, w.s. Main b. 13th and Allison<br />

Schriber Martin, n.w,c. Plura and 2d<br />

Schrider Frank, elk. at P. Hoffmann's<br />

Schriefer H. B.S. Liberty b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Schrigton Gerhard, 16 e. Sth<br />

Schroder Ferdinand, n.a. Moses b. Mill and Stone<br />

Schroder Henry, fS.& Schmitz) 95 Court<br />

Schroder J. B. & Co. (John B. & John H. S.) 28 w.<br />

3d<br />

Schroeder B. 311 Main<br />

Schroeder Charles, e.s. Hughes b. Schiller & Burgoyne<br />

Schroeder Frederick, e.s. Buckeye b. Lock t& Poplar<br />

Schroeder Frederick, e.s. Main b. Burgoyne and<br />

Schiller<br />

Schroeder F. C. w.s. Clay b. 13th and Allison<br />

Schroeder Gerhard, n.w.c. Spnng and Hunt<br />

Schroeder Henry, w.s. Spring b. Abigail & Hunt<br />

Schroeder John A. n.s. Abigail b. Sycamore and<br />

Broadway<br />

Schroer Bernard, n.s. Woodward e. of Broadway<br />

Schroer Herman, n.s. Hunt b. Sycamore & Broadway<br />

Schroer Henry, lab. at D. W. Oliver's<br />

Schroer W. W. (Otte & S.) 304 Main<br />

ScbroerJohn, s.s. Buckeye b. Vineand Poplar<br />

Schroer Mrs. Margaret, n.s. 13th b. Race and Bremen<br />

Schroerluke Herman W. w.s. Linn b. Everett and<br />

Hickory<br />

Schrol Matthias, s.s. Woodward b. Pendleton and<br />

Broadway<br />

Schroluke Henry, w.s. Pleasant b. Hth und 15th<br />

Schrotb Andrew, baker, n.e.c. W. Row and Ash<br />

Schroth Andrew, butcher, e.s. Linnb. W. Row &<br />

Bank,h. e.s. Ham. road b. Linn and Piatt<br />

Schroth Matthias, e.s. W. Rowb. Ash and Maple<br />

Schuchardt Frederick, w.s. Vine b. Liberty and<br />

Green<br />

Schuck Jacob, w.s. Vine b. Elder and Green<br />

Schudda Frederick, s.s. Buckeye opp. Eden<br />

Schudder Frentz, w.a. Sycamore b. Liberty and<br />

Schiller<br />

Schueller E. store keeper, Burnet Houso<br />

Schuering Herman G. s.s. Maple b. Piatt and Linn<br />

Schuessler John J. cutter at P. Evens', h. 208 Longworth<br />

Schuhter Clement, s.o.c. W. Row and Front<br />

Schular Elizabeth, w.s. Bremen b. 14th and 15th<br />

Schuloy John, w.s. M. Canal b.Ash and Maple<br />

Rchulhof Henry, S.B. 4th b. VV. How and John<br />

Schulta Barney, at G. Shield's.<br />

Schulta Herman, at G. Shield's<br />

Schulta Joseph, n.s. ]4th b. Blm and Raco<br />

Schulte Barney, n.e.c. Congress and Ludlow<br />

Schulte B. H. s.s. Cherry b. Race and Elm<br />

Schulte Bernard, n. s. Abigail b. Broadway and<br />

Spring<br />

Schulte Ernst H. W. 26 L. Market<br />

Schulte Gerhard, e.s. Broadway b. Hunt & Abigail<br />

Schulte Henry F. elk. s.w.c. Vino aud 2d, bds. Jos.<br />

Lawson<br />

Schulte H. at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Schulte John, e.s. Buckeye b. Lock and Poplar<br />

Schulte John H. Congress, h.n.s. Hunt w. of Pendleton<br />

Schulte Joseph, n.s. Woodward b. Main and Sycamore<br />

*<br />

Schulte Joseph, w.s. Plumb.9th and Court<br />

Schulten Geo. s.s.Woodwardb.Sycamore& Broadway<br />

Schulten Henry, n.e.c. Sycamore and Woodward<br />

SchultcrWm. e.s. Broadway b. Hunt and Abigail<br />

Schulty Henry, n.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

Schultz Conrad (W. J. &C. S.) s.s. Symmes b. Kil<br />

gour and Lock<br />

Schultz Charles, n.e.c. 14th and Elm<br />

Schultz Charles, s.s. Canal b. Main and Walnut<br />

Schultz Daniel, n.s. Mercer<br />

Schultz Henry, at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Schultz William, s.s. Front e. of depot<br />

Schultz Wm. J. (W. J. & C. S.) s.s. Symmes b. Kilgour<br />

and Lock<br />

Schultze F. & Co. 64 Main, (Frederick) bds. Cowles<br />

Schultze Wm. e.s. Race b. 13th ahd 14th<br />

Schulvy Wm. e.s. Pleasant b. Green and Findley<br />

Schulz Adam, e.s. Clay b. AUisoniand Liberty<br />

Schum George, n.s, Ham. Road b. Main .and Locust<br />

Schumacher Bernard H. w.s. Main b. Canal and 12th<br />

- h. e.s. Sycamore n. of Liberty<br />

Schumacher Caspar, n.s. Hunt b. Sycamore and<br />

Broadway<br />

Schumacher George, s.s. 13th b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Schumacher Henry, s.s. 13th b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Schumacher J. e.s. W. Row b. Court and Catharine<br />

Schumball Joseph, e.s. Broadway b. Hunt & Abigail<br />

Schupper Paul, s.s. Ham. road b. Freeman & Brighton<br />

House<br />

Schuremann Henry, w.s. Sycamore b. Liberty and -<br />

Schiller<br />

Schurer Jacob, n.s. Front b. Broadway ondLodlow<br />

Schuser John, n.s. Lineas b. W. Row and John<br />

Schuster Frederick, e.s. al. b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Scluister Paul, 17 e. 4th<br />

Schute Anthony, at Friendship Hall<br />

Schuter Frederick, e.s. Sycamore b. Liberty and<br />

Schiller<br />

Schutter Edward, w.s. Sycamore b. Oth and Court<br />

Schutter Mathias, e.s. Race b. 14th and 15th<br />

Schuttinger Michael, n.e.c. Melancthon and Linn<br />

Schwab Frederick, s.s. Fronte. of Depot<br />

Schwab Frederick, w.s. Clay b. 13th and Allison<br />

C;CH\yAB MAXTHfAS, organ manu? n.<br />

kj w.c. Sycamore and SchiUer<br />

Schwab Paul( n.s Canton b. Linn and Cutter<br />

Schwaback Henry, n.s. Liberty b. W. Row & John<br />

Schwalb & Thomas, n.s. Front b. Pike and Butler<br />

Schwan Christian, s.s. 2d b. Mill and Park<br />

Schwang Lucus, al. s.s. Buckeye b. Main and Locust<br />

Schwannlein John, s.s. 12th b, Clay and Walnut<br />

Schwappagh Henry, n.w.c. Liberty and John<br />

Schwartz & Agm, (Henry O. S. & Albert G. A 1 S<br />

w. 6th '<br />

Schwartz Henry O. (S. & Agin)bds. Mrs. Wrightx!<br />

Schwartz Micbael, porter, 11 Main<br />

Schwerz George, n.s. Liberty b. Main and Walnut


^ JOHN A. SHAW, -^<br />

mm km mm iPiiiiM<br />

AND<br />


No. 4 Canal Street, Cincinnati.<br />

Ttlr* Ijilicral Cash a.d.vaiices made on consignments of Produce, either for<br />

shipment or sale in this market.<br />

SCO SEA<br />

Schwebel Miss Elleas, 49 12th<br />

Schwebel Louis, 49 12th<br />

Schwegman Bernard, (Droste & S.) n.s. Front b.<br />

Race and Elm<br />

Schwegman Benjamin, n.s. Yeatman b. Broadway &<br />

Sycamore<br />

Schwegman Clement, (S. & Vonderheide) 385 Main<br />

Schwegman F. 369 Main<br />

Schwegman Henry, G Sycamore h. e.s. Sycamore b.<br />

2d and L. Market<br />

Schwegman Joseph, 4 Sycamore h. 132 Elm<br />

Schweikert Geo. bds. Gano b. Main and Walnut<br />

Schweikhard Henry, at Water Works<br />

Schweikhard Lewis 212 Main<br />

SchweinConrad, n.s. Ham. road b.Poplar & Locust<br />

Schweitzer Jacob, elk. n.s. Sth b. Main & Sycamore<br />

Schweitzer J. J. n.s. 8th b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Schwemmlein Conrad, w.s. Sycamore b. Abigail and<br />

Woodward<br />

Schwenda George, e.s. Peet b. Locust and Poplar<br />

Schwendenman Otmar, porter, n.e.c. Main and oth<br />

Schwenck Christian, n.s. Liberty b. Main & Walnut<br />

Schwencker Frederick, head of Broadway<br />

Schwener John, n.s L. Market b. Main & Sycamore<br />

Schweninger Julius, n.s. Ham road b. Locust and<br />

Poplar<br />

Schwenker C. F. e.s. Walnut b. Allison and Liberty<br />

Schwenker Wm. elk 20 Pearl<br />

Schwermann Frederick, n.a. 2d b. Broadway and<br />

Ludlow<br />

Schwers Henry, n.s. 13th b. Main and Clay<br />

Schwetmann Henry, n.e.c. Main and Woodward<br />

Schwetzer Ikan, at Kirkup, Potts & Co.'s<br />

Schwieger John, n.s. Ham. roadb. Poplar & Locust<br />

Schwinehart Peter, n.s. Richmond b. Cutter&Linn<br />

Schwinzen Rhoda, e.s. 2d b. Plum and Elm<br />

Rcildor Wm. n.s. 15th b. Race and Elm<br />

Scinkiff Joseph, n.s. 14th b. Elmand Race<br />

Scintti Michael, n.s. 4th b. Race and Elm<br />

Scleick Joseph, s.s. Front b. W. Row and Plum<br />

Senaessar George, w.s. Bremen b. 14th and 16th<br />

Scoble Wm. e.s. W. Avenue near White Mills<br />

Scofield Mrs. William b. Elm and Plum<br />

Scofield Robert, w.s.Fulton b. Clark and Catharine<br />

Scoles Shadrack, s.s. 1th b. Culvert and Broadway<br />

Sconce George, s.s. Front b. T. P. 2 and 3 F'n<br />

Sconce John, s.s. Frontb. T. P. 12 and 13 F'n<br />

Scoo John, s.s. Jefferson b. Elm and Plum<br />

Scoonmaker Nicholas, elk. n.s. 6lh b. Kmith & Mound<br />

Scopmier Henry, e.s. Tanner b. Webster & Liberty<br />

8cott Alex. e.s. Linn b. Sth and Ksmble<br />

Scott Alex, paver, e.s. Lock b. Symmes and 6th<br />

Scott Mrs. Ann, s.s. Sth b. Plum and-W. Row<br />

Scott Barzillai, n.s. 12th b. Elm and Plum<br />

Scott B. F. bds. J. C. Lounsbury'a<br />

Scott Chandler W. pork and beef packer, n.5. Betts<br />

b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Scott Edward, at Starr & Co's, bds. 256 Longworth<br />

Scott Enos, w.s. Linn b. Clark and Catharine<br />

Scott George, n.s. Frontb. Freeman and Carr<br />

Scott Geoige, n.s. Longworth b. Elm and Plum<br />

Scott James, n.s. 3d b. Race and Elm<br />

Qrntf Tames w.s. Freeman b. 6lh and junction<br />

leott Jaraes, basement Am. Restaurat<br />

Scott James, n.s. 3d b. Race and Elm<br />

Scott Jane, s.s. 5th b. Plum and Elm<br />

Scott John, 2 Water, res. Mt. Adams<br />

Scott John (J. S. & Co.) n.w.e. Tth and Broadway<br />

Scott John, at Pavilion, n.s. 5th b.Main and Sycamore<br />

Scott J. & Co. (John S. & Albert L. Cook) n.w.e.<br />

Broadway and 7th<br />

Scott John L. (S. & Sullivan) w.s. Race b. 4th and<br />

5th<br />

Scott John W. 203 w. 4th<br />

.Scott Joseph, n.e.c. Clark and Linn<br />

Scott Joseph, n.B. Front b. T.P. 7 & 8 F'n<br />

Scott Joseph, w.s. Vineb. 12th and Canal<br />

Scott Mrs. Matilda, 360 Sycamore<br />

COTT Sc mcKElVZli:, Western Bank, c.<br />

S W. Rowand Sth<br />

Scott & Pedrick (Wm. S.& JamesP.) bakers c.Elm<br />

and Longworth<br />

Scott Robert b.k. at Ellis & Morton's, bds. 137 w<br />

3d<br />

Scott Robert R. elk. bds. Mrs. Patterson's<br />

Scott Thomas, Phoebe b. W. Row and Plum<br />

Scott Samuel, n.s. 4th b. Stone and Park<br />

COTT Sc SUt,tlVAi\, (John L. Scott &<br />

S Algernon Sullivan) att'ys at law, 115 Main<br />

Scott Wm. salesman, bds. 28 w. 4th<br />

SeottWra.372 w. Oth<br />

Scott Wm. (Scott & Pedrick) e. Plum and Longworth<br />

Sooville Amon L. 117 Walnut, bds. s.e.e. 4th and<br />

Home<br />

Scowden Theodore, at water works, h.n.s. Morton<br />

e. of Reservoir<br />

Scraver Francis, at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Scribner Henry, 28 Front<br />

Seribner Orison, s.s. Front b. Plum and W, Row<br />

Scroder Christopher, n.e.e. George and Baymiller<br />

Scroggs Joseph R. b.k. 56 Main, bds. Tompkins'Sycamore<br />

n. of Sth<br />

Scuddart Patrick, w.s Pendleton b. Woodward &<br />

Liberty<br />

Scudder Mrs. Aletta, e.s. Mound b. 7th and Sth<br />

Scudder B. S. clU. bds. at 72 e. 4th<br />

Scudder J. W. n.s. Betts b. Locust and Freeman<br />

Scudder Mrs. Mary, e.s. Mound b. Longworth and<br />

Oth<br />

Scudder Oscar F. e.s. Mound b. 7th and 8th<br />

Scudder Oliver, n.s. Grant b. Elm and Plum<br />

Scudmiller Ardoail, elk. w.s. Pleasant b. 14th and<br />

15th<br />

Scull Abel C. n.s. Augusta e. of Smith<br />

Seulley Petor, w.s. Coiisreas b. Pike and Butler<br />

Scully Thomas, s.s. Front b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Scymoore S. C. s.s. Sth b: Plum and W. Row<br />

Seakeltazet Francis, e.s. Bremen b.lSth and Liberty<br />

Seals Alexander, e.s. Horn b. W.W. Canal & 6th<br />

Seaman Henry, n.s. Burgoyne e. ofMain<br />

Seaman Lewis F. Elm b, Sth and Oth<br />

Seamans & Hainer (James S. & Hartzell H ) ""<br />

Water '<br />

Seamans Henry, w. s. Syeamore b. Liberty and<br />

Schiller<br />

Seaman , jeweller, 144 w. 3d<br />



JOHI9' SHAYS & CX>.<br />

^' # Wk M M^'PS"^<br />

East side "Walnut st„ between JVintli and Court,<br />



Beef and Buffalo Tongues, Dried Beef, and Spiced Beef Eounds.<br />

SEI SER<br />

Seaman Andress, w.s. Hanover b. Woodward and<br />

Franklin<br />

Seaman George, n.s. 2d b. Plum and Eden, bds. s.s.<br />

Mill b. 2d and Canal<br />

Seargent Isaac, res. s.s. Catharine b. Fulton and<br />

Cutter<br />

Searle William, n.w.e. 4th and Vine<br />

Searies Asbury M. pres. Mer. & Man. Ins. Co. res.<br />

Mt. Auburn<br />

Sears Cephas, n j . Catharine b. John and Fulton<br />

Sears Mrs. Julia A. s.e.c. John and Front<br />

Seasongood Jacob (Heidelback S. & Co.) s.s. Arch<br />

Seater Augustus, at John H. Carver's<br />

Seawolf Charles, s.s. Ham. road b. Freeman and<br />

Brighton House<br />

Sebar Charles, bds. 32 Mth<br />

Sebber Albert, s.s. Front b. W. Row and Plum<br />

Sebille Alexander, n.s. Abigail e. of Sycamore<br />

Seehstrau Theodore, s.s. Abigail b. Sycamore and<br />

Broadway<br />

Seeker Henry, s.s. George b. Mound and Cutter<br />

Seckfort Ernst H. n.s. Hunt n. of Pendleton<br />

Seifert Francis, 79 VF. Sth, h. 84 w. 9th<br />

Seifert Frank, e.s. Buckeye b. Poplar and Vine<br />

Seifert Hermann, sj5. Jefferson b. Elm and Plum<br />

Seig George B. e.s. Mill b. 4th and Sth<br />

Seihr Xavier, n.w.c. George and Cutter<br />

Seller J. n.s. Court b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Seimar John H. J. w.s. Spring s. of Woodward<br />

Seinecke Adolph, bjc. 16 w. Front<br />

Seingsan John M. al. s.s. Abigail b. Sycamore and<br />

Broadway<br />

Seip George, n.s. Liberty b. Elm and Plum<br />

Seis Ernest, s.s. 12th b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Seiter George, 14-1 w.Sth<br />

Seller Jacob, at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Seiter Joseph, n.s. Front b. Ludlow and Lawrence<br />

Seiter William A. n.s. 2d b. Elm and Plum<br />

aSITZER GEORGE, Telegraph Honse, 21<br />

Seivert Catharine, w.s. Vine b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Siewerdink Henry, n.s. Webster b. Sycamore and<br />

Tanner<br />

Seker Anthony, Front b. Harriet and Horn<br />

Seerist James W. grocer, s.e.c. Sth and Linn Selathium Margaret, n.s. Harrison<br />

ECKIST JOSEPH H. grocery, n. w. c. Selden Alanson D. n.s. Richmond b. Fulton & Cut­<br />

S Richmond and Fulton<br />

ter<br />

Seerist John M. n.e.c. Fulton and Richmond Selden Charles, s.s. Richmond b. W. Row & John<br />

Sedam Percival, elk. 31 Pearl<br />

Selden Samuel, s.s. Richmond b. W. Row & Jobn<br />

Sedan P. e.s. W. Row b. Perry and Sth<br />

Seleh Samuel, s.s. Abigail b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Seddens William, s.s. Front b. Lawrence and Lud­ Se ger George, w.s. M. Canal b.Maple and Dayton<br />

low<br />

Sehgman Abraham, elk. 30 Front<br />

Pec James, s.s. Ham. road w. of Brighton House Seligstein Joseph, 35 Broadway<br />

See William (Ogden & See) n.s. 3d b. Smith and Sejker William, e s. Broadway b. Hunt & Abigail<br />

Park<br />

Se Joseph, w.s. Ham.road b. Poplarand Locust<br />

See William H. s.s. Water b. Elm and Plum Se ens Mrs. Sarah, e.s. Linn b. Hopkins & Clark<br />

Seeds James, n.s. Kemble b. Johu and Fulton Sellers Coleman, 418 w. 6th v«. -.^mn<br />

Seeds Moses, s.s. Catharine b. W. Row and John .'tellers George E. (S. & Whetstone) 418 w 6th<br />

Seeger Gerrard (Seeger A: Mellenkamp) w.s. Vine Sellers John, w.s. Peet b. Poplar and Locust<br />

b. Commerce and Front<br />

Sellers & Whetstone, civil eugineers 418 w 6th<br />

Seeger Jabez, al. phys. e.s. Vine b.Allison and 13th Sellesman Sims, bds. 371 Main<br />

Seeger & Mellenkamp, w.s. Vine b. Front & Com­ QELI^E\V &CO. (William, Enos & Osman S.)<br />

merce<br />

kJ brittannia ware manuf. and dealers in till<br />

Seeley Edmund B. 85 w. Sth<br />

plate, copper, &c. 214 JIain<br />

Seelcy Justus, n.e.e. Main and Liberty<br />

Sellew E.ui.s (S. 6: Co.) bds. Osman Sellew's<br />

Seeliger David, bds. Globe Hotel<br />

Se lew 0.sman (S.& Co.) 24t> Broadway b. 7th&8th<br />

Seoman P. at Powell's foundry<br />

Scllcw Wm. (S.& Co.) 00 w. 9th 'i-uiKoiu<br />

Seems Levies o.s. W. Row b. McFarland and 4th<br />

Seemuler George, e.s. Bremen b.Green and Liberty CJECVES GEOKGE, Bank E.xehange, s.s. 3d<br />

Keep Henry, at Filley & Chapin's, bds. Abigail b. kJ b. Mam and Walnut, and St. Charles Ex n s 3d<br />

Main and Sycamore<br />

b. IMain andSycamore * ' -^^<br />

Semberend George, s.s. Friendship al. b. Pike and<br />

Seep widow of Henry, s.s. Ann b. Plum and W.<br />

Row<br />

Semple A. C. 285 Vine<br />

Seford Constantine, s.s. Front b. T.P. 3 & 4 F'n Semple James A. engineer, bds. H G Wrav'i<br />

Soford John, e.s. Parsons b. Frout and High Semple James, n.s. Barrb. Mound and Cutter<br />

Segelke Henry (Cohrs & S.) w.s. Aino b. 14th and Sena FredericU, s.s. Richmond b. Linn & Rnv,y„-ii„<br />

15th . , „<br />

Seeer Henry, bds. Augustus Renz<br />

'"'"schiulr""""' ""• «y^''»0'eb°ti?e7ty'rnd<br />

Segur Christian, street commissioner, w.s. Peet b.<br />

Locust aud Eden<br />

Schible Frederick, e.s. Lock b. Sth and Symmes Sendo Christopher, e.s. Pr"vWenr/h v"*"'."'*<br />

Schurberg Joseph, n.e.c. Front and Broadway Wade • ""^'deneeb. Everett and<br />

Seichrist Christian, elk. w.s. John b. 7th and Sth Sensner Henry, n.s. 7th b Cn+to,- «„j T -<br />

Seidle Joseph, s.s. 12th b. Clay and Walnut<br />

Seidelmann Frederick, al. s.s. Buckeye b. Main &<br />

Sepmiterlow Mrs. L. s s 12th hR?/ ^^",\,<br />

Locust<br />

SeJges Henry, b.k. 12 Pearl ^°° *""* ^'"^<br />

Seriker Christian, n.e. Front b. T.P. 17 and 18 F'n



AND<br />

iMlSi MAKIie lif ABMSHMllf,<br />


No. 4 East Fourth street.<br />

SHA SHA<br />

Serodino Hermann, 8 e.9th<br />

Shaffer Mrs. PUizabeth, e.s. Plum b. 8th and 9tU<br />

Servis Henry, w.s. DubUn b,8th and Court Shaffer Emauuel, n.s. Clinton b. Locust and Free­<br />

Setright Matthew, w.s. W. Row b. Catharine and man<br />

Elizabeth<br />

Shaffer Frederick, s.s. Commerce b. Vine & Race<br />

Sett John, at A. Harkneas & Son's<br />

Shaffer Henry, n.s. Clinton b. Locust & Freeman<br />

Settle VViUiam B. w.s. Sycamore b. Schiller & Bur­ Shaffer Henry, n.s. Ham. road b. Vine and Race<br />

goyne<br />

Shaffer John, c. 7th and VV. Row<br />

Sentoff John, s.w.c. Front and Eamsay<br />

Shaffer John G. w.s. Walnutb. Allison & Liberty<br />

Severinghaila Henry, porter, 162 Main<br />

Shaffer Wm. b.k. s.s. 7th b. W. Row and John<br />

Setus Joseph, s.s. 2d b. Ludlow and Lawrence Shaffner Valentine, w.s. Vine b. 2d aud Pearl<br />

Severns Johu, 19 w. Court, bds. Buttemiller's Shafford G. W. atty, bds at Shire's<br />

Hotel<br />

Shahan James, n.w.c. Baymiller and Cedar<br />

Severs Henry, e.e. Bremen,b. 15th and Liberty Shaler Henry, e.s.. Linn b.. Poplar and Maple<br />

Severs William, w.s. Stone b. 3d and 4th<br />

Shaler Joseph, e.s. Peet b. Locust and Poplar<br />

Seward George "W. s.s. George b. Linaand Baymil­ Shalley Patrick, s.s. Frontb. T.P. 32and33 F'n.<br />

ler<br />

Shallwitz Charles, n.s. 7th b. W.Row and John<br />

Seward Matthew, w.s. Mansfield b. Liberty & Mil­ HANEFKANKJLIN ». ship carpenter, e.<br />

ton<br />

S 8. Race b. 2d and Front<br />

Seward William, s.s. Kemble b. Fulton and Cuttei Shane Frederick P. bds. 147 w. 4th<br />

Sexton C. s.e.c. Walnut and 7th<br />

Shane Henry, carp. n.s. Front w. of W. Row<br />

Sexton F..bds. Mrs. R. Sexton's<br />

Shane Henry J. s.s. Moses, b. Park andSmith<br />

Sexton Mrs. R. n.s. Van Horn b. Linn & Baymiller Shane James, bds. 147 w. 4th<br />

Seybers Engelberl, n.s. Frontb. T.P. 38 and 39 F'n. Shane Jjafayette, at H. Shane's<br />

EVBO£j]> EMAIVUKX. 1\ imp. hardware Shane Samuel W. n.s. Sd b. Wood and Stone<br />

S and manuf. of edge tools, 207 Main, h. Sth opp. Shangling Yorick J. e.s. Bremen b. 14th and 15th<br />

Pihe<br />

Shanihan Michael, w.s. Race b. Cherry and 2d<br />

Seyler Wendel, w.s. Peet b. Poplar and Locust Shank Frederick, e.s. Bremen b. 13th and 14th<br />

Seymour Chailes H. Plum b. Longworth and Sth, Shank Mrs. Mary,.w.s. Hughes b. Schiller & Bur­<br />

bds. Jeffrey Seymour's<br />

goyne<br />

Seymour Mrs. Hannah, b.h.. s.s. Symmes b. Butler Shannon bds. at Mrs. McCormiek's<br />

and M. Canal<br />

Shannon Charles L. s.s. Symmes b. Kilgour and M..<br />

Seymour Henry, at £. Hall & Co's..<br />

Canal<br />

Seymour Jeffrey, 41 Walnut, h.. s.s..Longworth b. Shannon John, e.s. John b. 3d and 4th<br />

Kim and Plum<br />

Shanpler John, bds. Jacob Zensz's<br />

Seyple Ferdinand, e.s. Vineb. Ganal and 12th Shapenkan Frederick, n.e.c 4th and Lock<br />

HA€K.iiE:FOK.l> J, C. Ac CO. (John C. Shappell Harvey,.w.s. Bremen b. 14th and 15th.<br />

S S. 6c Stephen B, Davenport.) saddles, harness & Sbarrer John, w.s. Vine b. Green and Rider<br />

trunks, 208 Main<br />

Sharkey John, n.s. Waterb. Race and Elm<br />

Shackleford John C. (J.C. S. & Co.) s.s. Sth b. Cut­ Sharkey Patrick, 71 Sycamore<br />

ter and Linn<br />

Sharp Alva, n.s. Front b. T.P. 20 and 21 F'u..<br />

Shackleford Mrs. Polly, s.s. 3d b. Stone and Wood Sharp Ann, n.s. R.R. b. T.P. 30 and 31 F'n,<br />

Shade Mrs. Emily e.s. Carrb. Canal and Cth Sharp Casper, 80 Pike<br />

Shaddinger Anderson, bds. ICO w. Gth<br />

Sharp Henry, e.s. W. Row b. Ann and Plum<br />

Shaddinger George A. (S. & Stombs) n.s. 6thb. Kaee Sharp Henry, w.s;. W. Row b. David and Wade<br />

and Elm<br />

HAK-P J, Ac CO. (Isaac) W.W. Canal floor­<br />

Shaddinger Mrs. Mary, 160 w. Sth S ing mill, and sash, blind and door faciory, s.s.<br />

Shaddinger Joseph, (M'Lean &. S,)<br />

3d b. John and Smith, res. Storrs tp.<br />

HAI>J>I«GEK.& STOMBS, (George A. Sharp James, n.s. Front b. T.P. 7 and 8 F'n.<br />

S Shaddinger »fe Daniel S. Stombs) coppersmiths, Sharp John, 110 e. 4th<br />

s.e. Congress b. Broadway and Ludlow Sharp Patrick, e.s. Elm h.2d and Cherry<br />

Shaddock Joshua, elk. at A. G. Richardson & Sharp Thomas, n.s. High e. of Kilgour<br />

Co's. bds. 170 w. 3d<br />

Sharp Thomas, (T. S. & Co.) n.e.c. Kilgour & High<br />

Shaeifer Frederick, bds. Lewis Horrock's<br />

HARP TMOMAS Ac CO, (Charles H. Wolf)<br />

Shaeifer George,e.s. Buckeyeb. Poplarand Vine S wh. dry goods. 29 L. Market<br />

Shaeffer John, s.s. Sth b. Plum and W. Row Sharp William, n.s. 7th b. John and Mound<br />

Shaetfer Thomas G. elk. at James Goodloe & Co's. Sharpe George,bds. James Sharpe's<br />

Shafer Anlhony, w.s. Broadway b. Hunt & Abigail Sharpe James, w.s. George b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Shafer John at Martin, Anshutz & Co's.<br />

Sharpe Robert bds. J ames Sharpe'a<br />

Shafer Joseph, s.s. Yeatman b. Sycamore & Broad Sharon Dennis, w.s. Fulton b. Elizabeth & Catha­<br />

way<br />

rine<br />

Shafer Sebastian, w.s. M. Canalb. Maple & Dayton Sharpless Nicholas F. (Peter & S.) s.s. 4th b. Stone<br />

Shaffer Christopher, w.s. Walnut b. 13th and Alli­ and Wood<br />

son<br />

Shatiger Henry, 246 Main<br />

Shaffer David H. s.s, Clinton b. Cutter and Linn Shatling Martin, e.s. Peet b. Locust and Poplar




1 AND<br />


S T E E L .<br />


TFarehouse, corner of Broa.d^vay and. Columbia, streets.<br />

.^ Tg ^if



) £jj '•^' ^<br />

I. 1^ H. PIKE,<br />


mm:<br />

Imitation FKENCII ISKANDIES.<br />


'' JAMAICA KCM,<br />

Imitation ST. CKOIX RITItl<br />

" SCOXCH WHISKY, ?<br />

" lltlSII "<br />


Always on hand a large supply qi<br />

©©(DBlUOIKla !i!JI®C!3®KI©aKl[S[LAa &mm BIKSTQIFGEls) WKia§KY©a<br />

H. B. The above Liquors are manufactured hy us, and arc warranted to be equal to any manufactured<br />

in the United .States.<br />

Orders received will be executed at the shortest notice at the<br />

Store, Nos. IS and 20 Sycamore street.<br />

SHI SHO<br />

Sheppard Leonard, n.s. Front b. T. P. 38 & 39 F'n HAIililTO JOHIV & CO. (John S.& Wm.<br />

Sheppard Wm. B. (S. & Armstrong) e.s. Pike b. S Woods) imps, and dealers in dry goods and car.<br />

Congress and Symmes<br />

pets. 12 e. 4th<br />

Sheppard Mr.s. 277 Walnut<br />

Shilly Mary, n.s. Laurel b. John and Cutter<br />

Shepperd C. G. 132 w. 6th<br />

Shiner Wm. n.w.c. Front and Carr<br />

Sher Thomas, s.s. Sth e. ot Lock<br />

Shingel Wm. w.s. Vine b. 16th and Liberty<br />

Sheren Thomas, elk. 14 Jackson<br />

Shingledecker Isaac, n.s. Sth b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Sheriff's Office, Court House b. Main& Waluut Shingledecker Jacobine, n.s. Morton e. of Kilgour<br />

.Sheer John, 67 Pike<br />

Shingledecker Nicholas, n.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

Sherer Morton, at G. Shield's<br />

Shinhouse B. n.s. 2d b. Broanway and Sycamore<br />

Sherick Jacob, w.s. W. Row b. 6th and Longworth Shinick Michael, e.a. Dublin n. of Lock<br />

Sherick John, w.s. W. Row b. 6th and Longworth Shinn John, bds. E. Hurd's<br />

Sherin Thomas, elk. w.s. Jackson b. Canal and 12tb Shinyberger John, e.s. Piatt b. Ham. road & Bank<br />

Sherlock James IJ. elk. w.s. Walnut b. 12th and 13th Ship Thomas, w.s. W. Row op. 12th, h. w.s. Lodge<br />

Sherlock Jefferson, b.k. at Rodgers & Sherlock's b. Bth and Gano<br />

Sherlock John, w.s. Walnut b. 12th and 13th Shipley David B. s.s. Hopkins b. Cutter and John<br />

Sherlock Patrick, at Burnet House<br />

Shipley Henry, atty. bds. at .Shires'a<br />

Sherlock Peter, w.s. State b. Beer Creek and Ac­ mVLiEV HEIVKY H. engraver 105 w.<br />

commodation<br />

S 4th, h. n.s. 6th b. Vine and Race<br />

Sherlock T. J. b.k. n.s. 12th b. Vine and Race Shipley John, b.k. (Ray, Keith & Co's, h.n.s. Long-<br />

Sherlock Thomas, (Rogers and S.) w.s. Walnut b. worth b. Mound and Park<br />

12th and 13th<br />

Shipley John, n.s. Webb b. Smith and Park<br />

Sherlock Wm. J. bk. 145 Main<br />

Shipley Mrs. Mary, 337 w. 6th<br />

Sherman Mrs. E. s.s. Barr b. Linn and Baymiller Shipley Murray, salesman, n.s. Sth b. Race and Elm<br />

Sherrike George, w.s. Pendleton b. Liherty & Wood­ Shipley Murray, elk. at J. D. & C. Jones & Co. bds.<br />

ward<br />

173 w 4th<br />

Sherry Jacob, e.a. John b. Clinton and Betts Shipley Thomas C. (King, & Co.) 129 w. Sth<br />

Sherwood & Chace, (Robert R. S. & Ira H. C.) 67 Shipner Henry, w.s. John b. Kemble and Richmond<br />

Pearl<br />

Shipner John, w.s Vine b. 16th and Liberty<br />

HERWOOD HKWBTT B. dental and surg. Shire Franklin, n.s. Front b.T. P. 35 and 36 F'n<br />

S instrument manuf. s.e.c. Walnut and 4th Shire Jacob at Louisville House<br />

Sherwood Robert R. (S. & Chace) e.s. Plum b. HIRES Sc CO. furnishing establishment, 128<br />

George and 7th<br />

S Sycamore, and 36 e. 4th<br />

Sherwood Samuel, elk. 200 w. 4th<br />

Shires John, s.s. 3d b. W. Row and Plum<br />

.Shetterly John, s.s. High b. Lytle and Parsons Shirl Bartholomew, e.s. Linu b. Everett and David<br />

Sbewell Edward, s.w.c. Sth and Walnut<br />

Shirley Wm. n.s. 2d b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Shield George, s.w.c. Congress and Kilgour, h. 90 Shirtley Susan, bds. e.s. Walnut b. Sth and 6th<br />

e. 3d , „ ;. Rhlesinger B.n.s. Sth b. Plum audW, Row<br />

Shield Mrs. Maria, n.s. Harnson e. of Broadway<br />

Shlesinger Mra. Fanny, n.a. Sth b. Plum & W. Row<br />

Shielding Henry, e.s. Raceb. 15th and Liberty<br />

Shlasa Phillip J. n.s. R. R. op. T. P. 27 F'n<br />

ShieldsWm. n.e.c. Frontand Carr<br />

Shmerwitz John, n.e.c. Poplarand Peet<br />

Shields William N. at H. P. Grydon's, h.s.s. Kem­<br />

Shmielau John, grocer, L. Market b. Sycamore and<br />

ble b. Harriet and Brooks<br />

Broadway, h. 94 w.7th<br />

Shieng John, w.s. Jackson b. 12th and 13th Shober Charles W. n.s. Longworth b. Elm & Plum<br />

Shieldmier Mrs. n.s. Woodward b. Main and Syca- Shock Henry, e.s. Vine b. Allison and Liberty<br />

Shodit Theodore, e.s. Providence b. Mason and Eve­<br />

Shillen Joseph A. P. n.s. Everett b. John and Cut- rett<br />

Shiff John, n.s. Allison b. Main and Clay „„„; Shoe Nathaniel, w.s. Broadway b. Front and 2d<br />

ter<br />

Shoemaker Anthony, w.s. Broadway b. Sth and Sth<br />

Shillito George, vr.s. M. Canal b. Sth and 6th, h.s.s. Shoemaker Adam, shoe mkr. at Filley cfe Chapin's<br />

Dth b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Shoemaker Edward, (Dixon S. & Co.) e.a. Syca­<br />

ShiUito John, (J. S. & Co.) s.w.c. 4th and Pike<br />

more b, Webster and Liberty<br />




WMmm MBwm<br />

148 Main street,<br />

CORIiJER OF 4tb,<br />

SHR<br />

Shoemaker Frank, n.s. Webb b. Mill and Stone<br />

Shoemaker Frederick, s.s. Cherry b. Race and Elm<br />

Shoemaker John, s.s. Frontb. Butler and Pike<br />

Shoemaker John, tailor, w.s. 12th b. Walnut and<br />

Vine<br />

Shoemaker John A. e.a. Vine n.of Liberty<br />

WM. POWELL,<br />


South side Fifth street,<br />

All ]£inds of Stop, Gas and. Steam<br />

Cocks, Faucets, Globes, Coupling's,<br />

etc.<br />

All the various articles used in the FLDUBINQ *<br />

business kept constantly on >n hand band ^<br />

at Eastern prices.<br />

SHU<br />

Shrau Mrs. Mary, e.s. Broadway b. Hunt and Abigail<br />

' •<br />

Shreiner Jacob, w.s. Ham. road b. Poplar & Locuat<br />

Shreiner Jacob, s.s. Clarkb. Linn and Cutter<br />

Shreiner Joseph, s.a. Buckeye b. Locuat and Eden<br />

Shrem John, w.a. Main b. Allison and Liberty<br />

Shoemaker Lloyd, elk. Recorder's office, bds. 347 Shreve Henry, salesman, 18 Main, bds. 125 w. Sth<br />

Race<br />

HREVE, STEELE Sc CO, (Levin L.<br />

Shoemaker Martin, n.s. Canal b. Race and Elm S Shreve, Thomas P. Shreve, Thomaa Steele and<br />

Shoemaker Michael, e.s. Race b. Green & Liberty Wm. Boyer,) iron dealers and nail manufs. n.e.<br />

Shoemaker R. M. chief engineer Cin. Ham. and Day­ c. Broadwayand 2d<br />

ton R.R. Co. n.w.c 4th and Vine, h. n. s. 6th e. Shriver Louia, n.e.c. Mulberry and Main<br />

of Mound<br />

Shrom F. W. elk. at Peter A. White & Co.'s, res.<br />

HOEIVBEBGER G. K.. & J. H. (George Covington<br />

S K. & John H.) manuf. and dealers in iron, nails, Shrourlaker Wm. e.s. Hannibal b. Sth and Bth<br />

&c. 15 Front b. Main and Sycamore<br />

CJHKOX-EB JAMES C. (Longnecker and<br />

Shoenberger George K. (G. K.& J. H. S.) Ill Broad­ kJ Shroyer) drug mill, planeing machine and box<br />

way<br />

manufs. s.e.c. Catharine and Linn h.w.a Johnb.<br />

Shoenberger Henry, 176 w. 5th<br />

Clark and Hopkins<br />

Shoffhauser Charles, w.s. Elm b. Adams Monroe Shubert Volfing, w.s. Dunlap b. Cooper and Ham.<br />

Show & Bettman, (Wm. S. & Bernard B.) 100 w. road .<br />

Sth<br />

Shuen George, s.a. Pearl b. Race aud Elm<br />

nOI.1. & BBOTHEK, (G. W. & David) Shuessler Jacob J. cutter, 127 Main<br />

S trunk manuf. Plum b. Mason and Everett Shulder Adam, s.s. Barr b. Baymiller and Freeman<br />

ShoU David, (S. & Bro.) W. Row b. Everett and .Shuler Jacob, n.s. Webb b. Mill and Stone<br />

Mason<br />

Shuler Martin, cook. Verandah<br />

ShoU Mrs. Eliza, s.s. Liberty b. Linn and Dudley Shuil Daniel,.w.s. Walnut b. 13th and AlUson<br />

ShoU a. W. (ShoU & Brother) W. Row b. Everett ShuUan Mrs. Margaret, n.e.c. Race and Canal<br />

and Mason<br />

.Shulte Anthony, n.e.c. Bremen and Green<br />

ShoU, widow of J. D. e.s. W. Row b. Poplar and S lu e Bernard, n.s. Water h. Plum and W. Row<br />

Maple<br />

b lu te George, n,s. Water b. Plum and W. Row '<br />

ShoUey George, s.s. Laurel b. John and Cutter<br />

Shotter Charle-', bds. J. Brinkerhoffa<br />

it"*" S^'iP'' "•=• "^="'^'^ ^- Hum and W. How<br />

Shomberg Henry, n.s. Court b. Vine and Race Shu te PhiUip. e.s. Vine b. Liberty and Allison<br />

Shone Goodlof, e.s.Pike b. Congress and Front ihu ter Larney, n.s. Abigail b. Mainand Sycamore<br />

Shone Henry, n.e.c. 12th and Race<br />

._hulter Bernard, w.s. Race b. Liberty and Green<br />

Shone John, bds. Mrs. Davis's<br />

Shu ter Joseph, w.s. Hace h. Liberty and Green<br />

Shoppner Joseph, n.w.c. 12th and Bremen «h,1 w i^"""'."5'' s-s. Buckeye b. Locust and Poplar<br />

Shoreman George, n.s. 3d b. Mill and Stone<br />

°hultz& Amis, s.w.c. Bremen and ISth '<br />

Short Christain, n.s. R.R. b. T.P.32 & 33 F'n<br />

Shu tz benjamin, drayman, s.w.c. Linn and Laurel<br />

Short Jonathan M. e.s. BaymUler b. Catharine aud th^ni ?^^''"'' V;^*-^ ^- S'h and Mound<br />

Clark<br />

hhuju t rancis, lul Sycamore, bds. e.s. Mulberry b.<br />

Syc.imore and Broadway luuiucii, u.<br />

Short Levi E. s.a. Laurel b. Linn and Locust<br />

Short Levi, o.s. Jackson b. 12th and 13th<br />

Shultz Henry, n.e.c. Hth and Race<br />

Shorten John & Co. (J. S. & Richard S.) w.s. Elm<br />

Shu tz Herman, bds. at A. H. Stowell's<br />

Shultz J. at Lowry & Rule's<br />

b. North and Liliei-ty<br />

Shultz John O. 44 12th<br />

Shorten Richard, (S. & Co.) Findley b. Elm & Canal i,''"fj^ ^P*"'! ''^ s. Vine b. 15th and Liberty<br />

ShortenWm. n.s -Accommodation e. ot State Shultz Martin, n.e.c. Broadway and Abigail, h.n.s.<br />

Shorter Wm. Gasal. b. Front and 2d<br />

Shortzman Frederick, at Johnson, Morton & Co's Abigail e. of Broadway<br />

Shotsman Jacob, n.s. Front b. T. P. 39 and 40 F'n Shultz Mrs. Margaret, w.s. Springs, of Abigail<br />

Shotsman John, w.s. W. Row b. Linn and Mohawk Shultz Michael, at Samuel Cummings's<br />

Bridge<br />

«l!nlS^ Michael, e.s. Butler b.4th and Symmea<br />

Shotwell George H. n.s. Goorge b. Johnand Smith<br />

f;hu tz Nico as, n.s. Mulberry b. Main and Locust<br />

Shotwell Isaac, e.s. Elm b. Pearl and 3d<br />

Shulz August W..S. Elmh. 15th and liberty<br />

Shotwell Samuel W. elk. 77 Main<br />

Shumard John, ]r. elk. n.a. 4th b Tnhn =n5 s;.>,<br />

Shotwell Theodore, aalesman, bds. Walnut street<br />

Shumard Joseph, 305 w. 6th ^"* ®""*''<br />

House<br />

il"'?? S- "•'• •*sli b. Sassafras and M Canal<br />

Sbout Valentine, n.s. Elder b. Raceand Vine Shur Matthew, w.s. Broadway b. 6th and'7th<br />

Shower Jacob, e.s. Linn b. Dayton and York S^iurmeyer F e^,s W. Row b. Wrett and Wade<br />

Shrader Henry, elk. 21 L. Market, bds. Frederick CtUUKRAGAK GEO W. tailor, and -ents<br />

Shrader's<br />

O furnishing store, 9 e. 4th, h. 141 Symmes ° "<br />

Shrader Henry, n.s. 12th b. Vine and Race ISSr^s^r.T''^-^'<br />

Shuater Sebastian, porter,<br />

^""^ "•<br />

Belvldere<br />

16th aid Liberty





-—OALSOG—~<br />

Front Street, four doors from the Cincinnati Hotel.<br />

SIG SIM<br />

WrightsOD, Printer, 43 Main.<br />

Shuster Thomas, n.s. Barr b. BaymiUer & Freeman Sigir George, a.s. Sth b. Baymiller and Freeman<br />

Shute Henry, e.s. Bremen b. 13th and I4th<br />

Sigler Michael, w.s. Elmb. Cooper and Ham. road<br />

HUXE MIIJTOIV, northern ice. n.e.c. 12th cSi Sigsworth John, William street<br />

S Plum, bds. B. Scott's<br />

Sihz George,,w.s. Hughes b. Schiller and Liberty<br />

Shute Naomi B. n.s. 4th b. Vine and Race<br />

Silence John A. bds. at H. Hardway's<br />

Shute Samuel, bds. Isaac Leverton's<br />

Sites Francis, bds. J. A. Gall's<br />

Shute Samuel, n.s. Franklin h. Sycamore and Broad­ Sill Wra. H. n.s. Front w. of Carr<br />

way<br />

Sluing Samuel, elk. at Amberg & Weiler's<br />

Shuter Conrad, atS. Cook & Co's<br />

Sills WiUiam, bds. at Shires'<br />

Shutsline Mrs. Margaret, s.s. Friendship al. b. Pike Silsbee John W. w.s. Elm b. 4th and Sth<br />

and Butler<br />

Silvanagel Isaac, s. s. Lebanon pike b. Toll-gate &<br />

Shutz Daniel, n.s. Mercer b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Price<br />

Shwaneka George, s.s. Woodward b. Main and Sy­ Silver James, n.s. Sth b. Smith and Mound<br />

camore<br />

Silver Thomas J. 242 Longworth<br />

Shwer Joseph, a.a. Liberty b. Bremen and Vine Silverstoed Jacob, CS w. 6th<br />

Shwerin Morris, 190 w. 6th<br />

Silvester Emery, n.s. Liberty b. Linn and W. Row<br />

shy Henry, e.s. Providence b. Mason and Everett Simmonda Richard, s.s. Front b. Pike and Butler<br />

Shyres Peter, n.s. CUnton b. Cutter and Linn Simmons Mrs. Ann, s. s. Richmond b. John and<br />

Sibley Derrick, b.k w.s. Race b. Sth and 6th<br />

Fulton<br />

Sibley James W. (Tweed J. & Wright) s.a. 7th w. Simmons Augustus, n.s. Water b.Elm and Plum<br />

ot Linn '''<br />

Simmons Benjamin, atCyius Welch's, h.n.s.Front<br />

Sicking Henry, n.a. Green b. Bremen and Race b.T.P. 20 & 21 F'n<br />

Siddall James, bds. Anthony Fraziei'a<br />

Simmons Jane, bds. Eliza J. Tomlinson's<br />

Sides Henry, at E. Hall & Co's<br />

Simmons Lewis C. s.s. 3d b. W. Row and John<br />

Siebel Hermann, bds. at Araerican House<br />

Simmons Margaret, n.s. Waterb. Elm and Plum<br />

Siebeneck Bani, porter, 17 Sycamore, h.n.s. 2d b. Simmons Nelson L. w.s. Cutter b. Clark aud Hop­<br />

. Broadway and Ludlow<br />

kins<br />

IEBERN JOHN IV. Sc RRO. (John N. Simmons Robert, bds. with Ann Simmons<br />

S & Stephen W.) wh. grocers, 8 L. Market Simmons S. A. bds. at W. P. Ketchum's<br />

QIEBERN PETER HEIVRY, grocery 88 Simmons Rev. William, w.s. Mansfield b. Liberty<br />

O w. Sth, h.n.s. 7th b. Vine and Race<br />

alhd Milton<br />

Siebern John N. (J. N. S. & Brother) 175 e. 3d Simmons Wm. w.s. Reynold's, res. Walnut Hills<br />

Siebern Stephen W. (N. S. &Bro.) 8 L. Market Simms Robert, n.s. Congress b. Broadway & Lud­<br />

Siebert George, e.s. Race b. Green and Elder<br />

low, h.n.s. Water b. Elm and Plura<br />

Siebert Henry L. 24 e. 3d, bds. Wm. E. Hudson's Simms William, n.s. 2d b. Broadway and Ludlow<br />

Siebert John, n.w.c. Vine and North<br />

Simoelson Isadore, s.s. George b. W. Row & John<br />

Siebrecht C. Main b. Hunt and Abigail<br />

Simon A. e.s. Race b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Siebrecht "William, elk bda. C. Siebrecht'a<br />

IOTOnr R, *: Ifl. & C«. (Benjamin, Marcus,<br />

Sieferhelt Andrew, e.s. Broadway a. of Woodward S & Ezekiel Simon & Max Thurnaner) dry goods<br />

Siefert Adam, e.a. Peet b. Locust and Poplar<br />

and cloths, 69 & 71 L. Market<br />

Siefert Andrew, e.s. Buckeye b. Lock and Poplar Simon Felix, n e.c. 4th and Vine. h. 96 e. 3d<br />

iSiefert Joseph, s.s. 12th b. Vine and Race<br />

Simon Gabriel, 23 Main h.s.s. Front b. Vine and<br />

Siefke Henry, porter, 178 Main, h.e.s. Linn b. 7th Race<br />

aud Sth<br />

Simon George, Everett b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Sicg George B. e.s. Mill b. 4th and 5th<br />

Simon Jacob, w.s. Vine b. Liberty and Green<br />

Siegel Mrs. Sarah A. n.a. Everett b. Cutter and Linn Simon J. n. s.s. 13th b. Clay and Walnat<br />

Siegenbine Christopher, s.s. Buckeye b. Poplar and Simon John. e.s. Linn b. Maple and York<br />

Simon Joseph, clothing store, 37 Broadway, h.s.a.<br />

Locust ^ J T3J<br />

Siegenbine Henry, a.s. Buckeye b. Locust and Bden Harrison e. of Broadway<br />

Siegle John, at E. Hall & Co'a<br />

Simon Lewis, s.s. Congress b. Broadway an6 Lud­<br />

Siekert Charles, at 44 Sycamore<br />

low<br />

Sielunon'Margaret at St. Philomena Church Simon Marcus (B. & M. S. & Co.) 99 w. 3d<br />

Sielschott Barney, e.a. Sycamore b. 6th and 7th Simon Wm. 33 Main, bds. s. s. Front b. Vine and<br />

Siemer J. D. e.s. Main b. Orchard and Liberty Race<br />

Sieve & Fuldncr, n.s. Clinton b. Linn and Locust Simons Isaac, 54 George<br />

Sievers Mra. E. widow of August, w.s. Sycamore b. Simons P. 104 w. 3d<br />

Abigail and Woodward<br />

Simons S. e.s. W. Row h. Sth and 9th<br />

Sievers Henry L. w.a. Logan b. Elra and Canal Simons Thomas, n.s. 2d b. Plum & Blm, h.n.s. Sth<br />

IEWER8 CHARIiES G. saw and tool b. Linn and Cutter<br />

S manuf. s.s. Sthe. of Broadway, h.n.s. New b. Simons Thomas, s.s. Poplar h. W. Eow and John<br />

Broadway and Culvert<br />

Simpkins Fisher A. B. printer, at Longley & Bro.<br />

Siferly Christian, s.s. Mapleb. Piatt and Linn<br />

bda. Elias Longley's<br />

Sifka Henry, elk. e.s. Linn b. Van Horn and Sth Simpkins J. 47 e. 4th<br />

Sigerson Waller, pork mer. h. 121 w. 9tli Simpkinsou Alfred, elk, 23 L. Maiket, b, 142 Pearl



No. 167 Main street,<br />

PMMOK m UMBBimS,<br />

Made of the best Materials, and with the utmost Care.<br />


The attention of DEALERS and CONSUMERS is respectfully requested.<br />

SIT SLE<br />

Simpkinson Henry, elk. bds. Mra. John Talbot's | Sitteile Robert, at C. Urban's<br />

Simpkinson John, 7 and 25 L. Market, h. Colum- • Siver Louis, bds. Peter Bollinger's<br />

bia tp. ' Skaats George W. e.s. Carr b. Front and 9th<br />

Simpson Alexander, carp. e.s. W. Eow b. Court & Skaats James, w.s, Carr b. 7th and Sth<br />

12th, h.w.s. Plum b. Ann and Mason<br />

Skeip Adara, w.s. Ham. road b. Poplar and Locust<br />

Simpson Alexander, plumber, n.w.c.Baker & Wal­ Skerrett David P. s.s. Longworth b.Elm and Plnm<br />

nut, bds. Kenton House<br />

Skidraore Mrs. Phoebe, n.s. 12th b. Vine and Hace<br />

Simpson Alexander, 279 w. 7th<br />

KIFF J. A. & CO. (John A. S. & A. F.<br />

Simpson Mrs. Ellen, n.s. Sth e. of Stone S Rayraond) com. mers. and dealers in butter,<br />

Simpson Emily P. 156 w. Sth<br />

cheese, saleratus, sugar, &c. 30 Walnut<br />

Simpson George, b.k. 50 Main, res. Covington Skiff John A. (J. A. & Co.) res. Covington<br />

Simpson George W. n.w.c. Park and Sth<br />

Skilmiller Henry, s.s. Abigail b. Sycamore and<br />

Simpson James, n.s. Sth b. Plura and W. Row Broadway<br />

Simpson James, n.s. Webb b. Stone and Wood Skilton Josiah H. 348 w. 7th<br />

Simpson Jeremiah, bds. 94 Longworth<br />

Skinner Edwin A. salesman, S9 Main, res. Coving­<br />

Simpson John A. jr. elk. s.s. 7tli b. John & Smith ton<br />

Simpson John A. (Blachly & S.) bds, Mrs. Nancy Skinner Edward, bds. John Hawley's<br />

Simpson<br />

Skinner Enoch, n.s. Ham. road w. of Freeman<br />

Simpson Joseph H. 156 w. Sth<br />

KIIVIVER FRANKtlN, com. mer. 11 vr.<br />

Simpson Mrs. Margaret, w.s. North b. Gth and 7th S Front, h. 26 Perry<br />

Simpson Kev. Matthew Ed. Chris. Advocate, Me­ Skinner Joho, s.w.c. Ham. road and Freeman, bda.<br />

thodist Book Concern, h.s.s. Gth near John Enoch Skinner's<br />

Simpson N. Plum b. George aud 7th, h.c. Chestnut KINNER RAI..STON, atty at law, office<br />

and W. Row<br />

S n.w.c. Sycaraore and 3d<br />

Simpson Mrs. Nancy, n.s. Sth b. Plum & W. Row Skinner Robert S. 17 College Hall<br />

Simpson Samuel, at J. Litherbury's<br />

Skinner Samuel, n.s. 8th b. Fulton and Cutter<br />

Simpson Samuel, s.s. Front b. T.P. o & 6 F'n Skinner Wm. B. (Bugg & Skinner) n.e.c. Race &<br />

Simpson Thomas S. n.s. Tth b, Linn and Baymiller Canal<br />

Simpson WilUam T. watchman, n.w.c. Webb and Skiser Trous, at Goodloe & Co's<br />

Stone<br />

Skopniyer Wm. H. s.e.c. Main and ad<br />

Sims Mrs. Rebecca, e.s. Walnut b, Oth and Court Skranker John, e.s. Plum b. Jefferson and Liberty<br />

Sims Robert, w.s. Elm b. Canal and 12th<br />

Slack Benjamin, s.s. David b. W. Row aud John<br />

Sindelbaugh Joseph, n.s. Hughes b. Schiller & Bur­ Slack Dr. Elijah, n.s. Milton e. uf Young<br />

goyne<br />

Slack Henry, at Powell's foundry<br />

Sinderbruh Lewis, w.s. Bremen b. 15th and Liberty Slack James, s.s. Chestnut b. W. Row and John<br />

Sindlinger Ludwig, shoe mkr. s.s. Buckeyeb. Lo­ Slack Mrs. Rebecca, n.s. Hopkins b. Baymiller &<br />

cust and Poplar<br />

Freeman<br />

Sine Lorenzo D. cigar dealer, bds. D. Martin's, s.s. Slack Wm. s.s. Chestnut h. W, Row and John<br />

2d b. Broadway and Ludlow<br />

Stager Christopher, s.s. High b. Parsons & Lytlo<br />

Singer Francis, n.s. Sth b. Carr and Harriet Slake Henry, <strong>52</strong> McFarland<br />

Singer George s. s. Friendship al. b. Pike and But­ Slane Alexander, s.s. 2d b. Walnut and Vine<br />

ler<br />

Slane Barney, s.w.c. Sycamore and Court<br />

Singer Joseph, n.s. Frontb. T-P. 1 &2 F'n Slarraan Frederick, elk. at Henry Schwegman'a<br />

Singhose Christian, n.s. Moses b. Park and Mill Slater George, n.s. Ham. road b. Piatt and Free­<br />

Singleton Henry, s.e.c. Fulton and Richmond man<br />

Singleton Richard, bar keeper, American Restaurat Slatter Wm. n.s. Sth e. of Stoue<br />

Singleton Mrs. Sarah, n.e.c. Broadway and Con­ Slaugh Anthony, s.s. Liberty b. Race and Elm<br />

gress<br />

Slaughtman Dietrich, e.s. Elm b. Liberly & Green<br />

Singleton William, shoe mkr. at Filley & Chapin's Slauker Wm. bds. F. A. Bemis'<br />

bds. Hose b. Front and 2d<br />

CJtAS-OTAKER HENRY Y. com. mer. &<br />

Sinmetz Philip, watchman, at R. B. Bowler's kJ ag't for sale of Pomeroy iron, 20 e 2d h e a<br />

Sinning Nicholas, w.s. W.Row b. Melancthon & Elmb. 4th and Sth . . «. -.<br />

Liberty<br />

Sinton David (S. & Meads) 240 w. 4th<br />

SlaymlUer Barney, e. s. Pleasant b. Greeu and Li­<br />

Sinton Mrs. Elizabeth, n.s. 7th b. John and Mound<br />

berty<br />

Sinton & Means (David S. & Thomas W. M.) ma­<br />

Sleac'mire Henry, s.s. Green b. Pleasant and Elm<br />

nuf. Hanging Hock pig iron, 21 w. 9d<br />

Sleath John, book binder, 12U Main<br />

Sitderiug G. elk. w.a. Walnut b. 12th and 13th<br />

Sledge George C. 8 e. 2d, h.e.s. Hace b. 4th and Sth<br />

Sites Ellen, n.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

SLEEPER & RRO. (Israel & Edwin" um-<br />

Sites Joseph, e.s. Ramsay b. Canal and Front<br />

D brella manuf. IGTMain<br />

Sites William, n.s. Betta b. Locust and Freeman<br />

Sleeper Edwin (S. & Bro.) bds. Wm. Tell<br />

Sits John, bds, Wm. Borrmann's<br />

QLEEPER ISRAEIi, dealer in brushes, 365<br />

Sittel George, saddler, 89 Main, h.e.s.Race b.Canal<br />

O Main, h. 124 w.Sth ' ' ""<br />

and 12tb<br />

Sleeseman Mrs. Elizabeth, s.s. Sth b. McAllister

e^ssaos^soo<br />






Bet-ween Tliird and FonrtK Streets, Elast side,<br />

SMA SMI<br />

Sleeth John S. binder, at 120 Main, bds. ma Main Smallwood SamuelN. (S. & Co.) w.s. Dudley n. of<br />

Slegner Andrew, e.s. Buckeye b. Lock and Poplar Liberty<br />

Sleight Henry, e.s. Race b. 14th and 15th<br />

Smallwood William, n.s. Liberty b. Linn & Cutter<br />

Sleight Lewis, n.s. Kemble b. W. Row and John Smead Wesley (W. S. & Co.l 100 e.4th<br />

Slenn John, s.s. Betts b. Cutter and Linn<br />

RIEAD W. Sc CO. (Wesley, S. & Wm. A.<br />

Slevin John F. elk. 14G Main, h. 123 w. 7th S Collard) Citizen's Bank, 143 Main<br />

LiEVIN J. Sc J. (James, John & Richard D. Smedling Ambrose, bds. w.s. Race b. 2d and Pearl<br />

S S.) wh. dry goods, 146 Main<br />

Smeltzer John, n.s. Betts b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Slevin John (J. & J. S.) 117 w. 4th<br />

Smeseg Ellen, widow of Henry, s.s. Abigail b.Main<br />

Slevin John, s.e.c. Pearl and Race<br />

and Sycamore<br />

Slevin Richard D. (J. & J. S.) 123 w. 7th<br />

Smeseg Henry, s.s. Abigail b. Main and Sycaraore<br />

Slick Michael, n.s. Gth h. Harriet and Horn Smetlin Jacob, n.s Grant b. Elm and Plura<br />

Slickman Henry, porter, at J. F. Dair & Co's Sraidt Barney, n.s. Catharine b. Linn & Bayrailler<br />

Slieck Francis, w.s. Peet b. Poplar and Locust h.s.w.c. Race and Green<br />

Slight John, c. Liberty and "Race<br />

Smidt Christian, n.s. Congress b. Front & Morton<br />

Sliker Valentine, 83 L. Market, h. 61 L. Market Smidt Christian, n.s. Mulberry w. of Main<br />

Slimmer George, n. s. Mill Creek s. of old Corp. Smidt Gottlieb, w.s. Ham. road b.Poplar & Locust<br />

line<br />

Smidt Henry, e.s. Buckeye h. Poplar and Vine<br />

Slinger Jobn, bds. Martin Mayer's<br />

Sraidt Herman H. e.s. Broadway b Hunt & Abigail<br />

Slinkum Henry, e.s. Pleasant b. 14th & 15th Smidt John, e.s. Vine b. Buckeye and Ham. road<br />

Sloan , n.s. Catharine b John and Fulton Sraidt John, at W. J. & C. Shultz, s.s. Front e. of<br />

Sloan Charlotte, n.s. Front b. Lytle and Parsons Depot<br />

Sloan George, al Water Works, h. Parsons b.Front Smidt Martin, at Shreve Steele & Co's.<br />

and High<br />

Smiecker Peter, s.s. Webster b.Sycamore &BroBd-<br />

Sloan James, n.s. Milton b. Wilson and Sycamore way<br />

Sloan John, bds. 134 Elm<br />

Smiellan John, 62 L. Market, h. n.s. 7th b. Vine<br />

Sloan John, s.s. 4th b. Race and Elm<br />

and Race<br />

Sloan Jobn S. n.e.c. 6th and Vine, h. 149 w. 4th Smiley James M. e.s. John b. Everett and David<br />

Sloan John S. elk. 12 w. Sthbds.Mrs.E.McSorley's Smiley J oseph, w.s. Pleasant b. Liberty & Green<br />

•Slsan Samuel, n.s. Front b. T.P. 36 & 37 F'n Smiley Samuel, n.s. Newb. Broadway & Culvert<br />

liOCUm. ASA R. straw bonnet manuf. s.s. Smith A. at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

S 7tb b. Walnut and Lodge<br />

Smith Aaron, saddler, bds. at Michael Leroy's<br />

Slocum Dr. A. M. s.e.c. Elm and 7th<br />

Smith Adam, grocer, w.s. Walnut b. Oth & Court<br />

liOCJJM EDWARU N. saddles, harness, Smith Adam, w.s. Hara. road b. Locust & Poplax<br />

S and trunks, 102 Main, h.n.s. 4th b. Plum & W. Smith Adam, salesman, bds. Waverly House<br />

Row<br />

Smith Adolphe, lab. s.s. Woodward b. Sycamore<br />

Slocum J. Jermain, note elk. Franklin Bank; hds. and Broadway<br />

H. Groesbeck's<br />

Smith Alice, e.s. Rittenhouse<br />

Slodderman John, s.s. Frontb. Race and Vine Smith Alpheus, n.e c. Hopkins and John<br />

Sloop Hiram, e.s. Main b. Hunt and Abigail, h.e.s. Smith Amos, s.s Webster h. Main and Sycamore<br />

Walnut b. 12th and 13th<br />

Smith Amos, e.s. Elm b. Cherry and Front<br />

Sloop Jacob, s.s. Canal b. Vine and Race Smith Andrew, mill stone dresser, n.s. 2d b. EVat<br />

Sloop Jacob H.landscape painter,8 Art Union bldg. and Plum, bds. Jacob Kelser's<br />

h.s.s. Canal b. Vine and Race<br />

Smith Andrew, s.w.c. Bank and Linn<br />

Slottmann Joseph, n.s. Cherry b. Race and Elm Smith Alexander C. pilot, bds. Joseph C. Smith's<br />

Slough John P. 256 Main, bds. M. Slough's Smith A. H. s.s. Harrison road b. Division and<br />

Slough Martin, Landing b. Vine and Kace, h.n.s. Brighton<br />

Front h. Race and Vine<br />

Smith Arthur F. w.s. W. Row h. Elizabeth and<br />

Slowe Azel, n.s. Front b. T.P. 34 and 35 F'n Chesnut<br />

Sluek Jacob, n.s. Canal b. Vine and Race Smith Asa C. n.s. Court b. Plumand W. Row, h.<br />

Sluser John, n.s. Mercer b. Vine and Walnut<br />

187 w. 7th<br />

Slusher Jacob, at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Smith August T. coffee h. e.s. Main b. Orchard and<br />

Small Ephraim L. cutter, 70 Maln,h.n.s. 4th b.Main Liberty<br />

and Sycamore<br />

Smith Augustus, n.s. Observatory road<br />

Small William, w s. W. Eow b. Elizabeth & Ches­ Smith Austin R. bds. Robert Smith's<br />

nut<br />

Smith Bailey, elk. n.e.c. Main and 2d, h. 179 Vine<br />

Smalhaus Christian, n.s. Court b. Race and Elm Smith Bartlet lab. n.s. Lineas b. W. Row & John<br />

Smallstick Carl, e.s. Race b. 2d and Front Smith Benjamin, city police, w.s. Walnut b. 7th &<br />

Small wood Columbus, n.s. Laurel b.Linn & Cutter Gano<br />

ra'ALLWOOD & CO. (Samuel N. & Ki­ Smith Bernard, w.s. Sycamoreb. Liberty & Schil­<br />

S chard C. S.) iron and grate manufs. w.s. John ler ^<br />

b. Laurel and Betts<br />

Smith Bernard, w.s. Pendleton b. Woodward and<br />

Smallwood Richard C. (S. & Co.) w.s. Dudley n. Liberty<br />

of Liberty<br />

Smith Bartholemew, s.s. Kembleb. Freeman &Carr


SMITH 8c GKAHAM,<br />




Nos. 4 and 5 CoanmerciaJ Mo^r, Cin.<br />

Wrighlson, Prinler, 43 Maru st.<br />

SMI SMI<br />

Smith Benjamin C. grocer, e.s. Linn b. Catharine Smith Fritz, lab. w.s. Pleasant b. 14th aud 15th<br />

and Clark<br />

Smith F. A. bds. with A. Smith<br />

Smith Benjamin R. n.s. 6th b. John and Smith Smith George, elk. s.e.c. 9th and W. Row<br />

Smith Briggs, (Poor & Co.l n. s. 3d b. Smith & Park Sraith George, engineer, s.s. Hunt h. Sycamore &<br />

MITH C. AUOUS'TDS, druggist & apothe. Broadway<br />

S cary, n.w.c. 4th and Vine, h. 90 w. Oth Smith George, lab. w.s. Breraen b. 13th and lith<br />

Smith Conrad, jeweller. Bank al. bds. Mrs Floyd's Smith George, elk. bds. at D. Anderson's<br />

s.B. L. Market b. Broadway and Sycamore Smith George, harness mkr. 89 Main<br />

Smith Charles, pocket book maker, 30 J2th Smith George, candy rakr. 57 w. Court<br />

Smith C. cap maUr. 60 Main<br />

Smith George, carp.-n.s. Sth b. Jobn and Fulton<br />

Smith Charles, fniit store, 200 Vine<br />

Smitb George, drayraan, w.s. Bremen b. loth and<br />

Smith Clinton,painter, s.s.Melanothonb. W. Row Liberty<br />

and John<br />

Smith George, tailor, e.s. Race b. 2d and Pearl<br />

Smith Christopher, 68 w. 7th<br />

Smith George C. salesman, n.s8thb. Race & Elm<br />

Smith Mrs. Caroline, s.s. 3d b. Park and Mill Smith George G. n.s, Richmond b. W. Row & John<br />

Smith Mrs. Catharine, s.s. 3d b. Smith and Park Smith George K. elk. W. Row b. Sth and 9th<br />

Smith Clayton, barber, at Shelton Morris' Smith George W. s.s. George b. Baymiller & Free­<br />

Smith Charles J. (J. & C. J. Smith.) 218 Main<br />

man<br />

Smith Charles J. VV. sherilT's office, h. 190 Court Smith George W. jr. salesman, bds. 34 w. 4th<br />

Smith Charles R.bookbinker, n s. 7th w. of John Smitb Gilbert, s.s. Webster b. Sycamore & Broad­<br />

Smith Charles J. (S.& Hawley,) s.s. Sth b. John & way<br />

Mound<br />

SMITH & GRAHA M. (Nathaniel S. & Wil­<br />

MITH CHESTEK, Boston Bakery, n.e.c. liam G.; wh. grocers and com. mers. 4 & 5 Com­<br />

S Sth and Park<br />

mercial Row<br />

SMITH CHAKIJES C. ec. physician, n.s. Smith Harry, s.s. Front b. T.P. 18 and ]9 F'n.<br />

Sth opp. Dennison House<br />

Smith Harry B. (Beggs & S.) bds. Burnet House<br />

Smith Daniel, e.s. .McAllister b. 4th and Sth Smith Mrs. Harriet. 53 George<br />

Smith David, e.s. W. Row b. Court and 12th, h. w. Smith & Hasselman, (H. S. & L. \V. H-) 28 Syca­<br />

of Freeman b. 6th and W. W. Canal<br />

raore<br />

Smith David, b.k. 50 Main<br />

QMllTH & HA-WLET, (Charles J. S. &<br />

Smith David.drayman, n.s. Gth e.of Lock O David H.) cnbinet warerooms G4 Sycamore<br />

Smith Dennis M. s.s. Front b. T.P. 4 and 5 F'n. Smith Henry, e.s. Sycamore b. 3d and 4th<br />

Smith Daniel S. engine finisher, n.s. Front w. of Smith Henry, lab. e.s. Plum b. Front and 2d<br />

W.Row<br />

Smith Henry, at Martin, Anshutz & Co's.<br />

Smith D. W. C. w.s. W. Row b. George and 7th<br />

Sraith Heury, drayman, n.a. Moses b. Park & Smith<br />

Smith Ebenezer, s.s. Front b. T.P. 12 and 13 F'n.<br />

Smith Henry, carp. w.s. Pendleton b. Liberty and<br />

Smith Edward, n.e.c. Broadway and Congress Woodward<br />

Smith, Edmonson & Co. (Pleasant S. & James E.) Smith Henry,shoe mkr. s.s.Sth b. Linn and Bay­<br />

barbers, s.e.c. Sth and Elm<br />

miller<br />

Smith Mrs. Edmond. s.s. Sthb. Sycamore & Broad. Smith Henry, e.s. Baum w. of High<br />

way<br />

Smith Henry, carp, n.e.c. 14th and Race<br />

Smith Mrs. E. widow of Isaac, dress rakr. n.s. Gth Smith Henry, drayman, c. Wade and W. Row<br />

b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Smith Henry, baker, bds. A. Bruce's<br />

Sriith Mrs. Elizabeth, n.s. 4th b. Wood and Stono Smith Henry, lab. e.s. Elm b. Front and Cherry<br />

Sralth Ebenezer, plasterer, bds. 47 Center Smitb Henry H. salesman, 63 Pearl<br />

Smith Mrs. Eliza, w.s. Vine n. of Ham. road Smith Henry J. prof, music, 120 w. Sth<br />

Smith Eunice, s.s. Water b. Plum and W. Row Smith Henry R. carp. 23 w. 7th<br />

Smith Elizabeth, w.s. W. How b. Catharine and Smith Hezekiah C. n.s. New b. Broadway and Cul­<br />

Kichmond<br />

vert<br />

Smith Elijah, w.s. Plumb. Front and 2d<br />

Smith Holland (S. & Hasselman) bds. 61 w. 4th<br />

Smith Kzra H. n.s. Georgeb. Linn and Bayrailler Smith Howell, b.k s.s. Webster b.Sycamore and<br />

Smith Emily A. s.s. 3d b. Park and Mill<br />

Broadway<br />

Smith E. G. n.B. Water w. of Front<br />

Smith H. & Co. n.s. Front b. M. Canal and Depot<br />

Smith Emma J. teacher, e.s. Elm b. Sth and Oth Smith H. Hinds, salesman,63Pearl, bds. 179 w 4th<br />

Smith E. M. (Swasey, Wise & Co.) bds. S. C. Ste­ Smith Hiram W. elk. Lafayette Bank, res. Covinsvenston-<br />

°<br />

Smith Frank, n.s. Ham. road b. Locust & Poplar<br />

Sraith Frank, moulder, e.s. Walnut b. Allison and Sraith H. P, builder, n.w.c. Sth and W. Row<br />

Smith Hugh, w.s. Lawrence b. Front & Landina<br />

Liberty<br />

Smith & Hultz, w.s. W. Row b. Everett & David<br />

Sm^th Frank, shoe mkr. w.s. Walnut b. 13th & 14th «!mith Isaac, drayman, n.s. Gth b. Broadway & CuI- (<br />

Smith Frederick, e.s. Freeman b. Van Horn & 8th vert<br />

Sralth Mrs. Frederick, dress mkr. n.s. Ham. road Smith Isaac, porter, w.s. Plnm b. 2d and Front<br />

b. Locust and Poplar<br />

MITH ISAAC F. geiitlemens' furnishinE<br />

Smith Frederick, w.s. Race b. Green and Findley store, 10 e. Sth, opp. Dennison House<br />




ISAAC r. SMITH,<br />


IIET IID mmii llIBf letBBIE,<br />

No. 10 East Fifth street, opposite Dennison House, Cincinnati.<br />

A splendid assortraenti of Sbirts, Stacks, Cravats, Collars, Rosoms, Suspenders,<br />

Gloves, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Money Belts,<br />

and Under Onrnients.<br />

• Also, a general variety of COMBS, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY and FANCY GOODS, including<br />

every article that composes a gentleman's toilet. Umbrellas and Walking Canes alwarys on hand.<br />

Shirts aud Stocks made to order, in the most approved style, and warranted<br />

to fit. Altering and repairing^ dispatched with neatness<br />

and durability.<br />

SMI SMI<br />

Smlfhsjacob, bar keeper Verandah, h. Mulberry<br />

Smith Jacob, cooper, e.s. Back b. Walnut & Vine<br />

Smith Jacob, lock mkr, e.s. Pike b.Front & Congress<br />

Sraith Jacob, lab. n.s. Front b. T.P. 37 and 38 F'n.<br />

Sraith Jocob, plasterer, e.s. Breraen b. 13th & 14th<br />

Smith Jacob, shoe mkr. s.s. Everett b. Cutter and<br />

Linn<br />

Smith James, lab. s.s 2d b. Race and Elra<br />

Sraith James, stable, n.s. Front b. Race and Elm<br />

Sraith James, lab. n.s. Webb b. Smith and Park<br />

Sraith James, tailor, 6 Pearl, res. Newport<br />

Smith James, lab. n.s Front w. of W. Row.<br />

Smith James, elk. w.s. W. Row b. Everett & David<br />

Sraith James, shoe mkr. s.s. Catharine b. John and<br />

Fulton<br />

Smith James, carpet weaver, n.s. Front b. corp.<br />

line and T.P. 1 F'n.<br />

Smith James, baker, n.s. Front b. T.P. 1 and corp.<br />

line F'n.<br />

Smith Jaraes, at A. Harkness A Son's<br />

Smith Janies, salesman, 12 e. 4th. h. e.s. Sycamore<br />

b. 4th aad Sth<br />

Smith James, paver, n.s. Kemble b. Linn & Cutter<br />

Smith James, pilot, s.s. Consress b. Kilgour & M.<br />

Canal<br />

Smith James, (R. Ellis & Co.) 136 Sycamore<br />

Smith Mrs. Jane, e.s. Race b. 13th and Liberty<br />

Smith James D. sawyer at Sprague & Walden's, h.<br />

s.s. Frontb. T.P.3 & 4. F'n.<br />

Smith James D. (James Beale & Co.) n.s. Sth b.<br />

Smith John T. bds. at T.T. Smith's<br />

Smith John V. w.s. Linn b. Catharine and Clark<br />

Sraith John W. s.s. Hopkinsb. W. Row & Johli<br />

Smith John W. H. w.s, W. Row n. of Richmond<br />

Smith Joseph, e.s. Vine b. 12th and 13th<br />

Smith Joseph, blacksmith, bds. at A. D. Robinson's<br />

Smith Joseph, finisher, n.s. Congress b. Butler and<br />

M. Canal<br />

Smith Joseph, lab. n.e.c. Main and Burgoyne<br />

Smith Joseph, blacksmith, at B. Gossin's<br />

Smith Joseph, jr. elk. H. Smith & Co's.<br />

Smith Joseph, chair mkr. n.s. Richmond b. Linn &<br />

Baymiller<br />

Smith Josepb, (H. S. & Co.) bds. Evans' Hotel<br />

Smith Joseph C. pilot, s.s. Water b. Plum and W.<br />

S<br />

S<br />

Row<br />

MITH JOSEPII B. al. phys. s.s. Sth b.<br />

W. Row and John, bds. Mrs. R. H. Looker's<br />

Smith Joseph C. jr., hatter, s.w.c. 4th and Main<br />

MITH J. & C, wh. hardware and edge<br />

tool dealers, 213 Main<br />

Smith Joseph K. Cin. Equt. Ins. Co., h. s.s. 4th b.<br />

Broadway and Ludlow<br />

Sraith J. K. com. mer. Canal b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Smith J. W. elk. bds. at W. Avenue House<br />

Smith J. W. (J. W. S. & Son) 81 w. Sth<br />

Smith Julius H. salesman, 19 Sycamore,h.s.s.Front<br />

b. Elm andPlum<br />

Smith Justin, bds. A. Smith's<br />

Smith & Kissane, n.e.c. Maple and Jobn<br />

Smith. Samuel W. carp. n.s. George h. W. Kow and<br />

Race and Elm<br />

John<br />

MITH JAMES E. engraver, 38 w. 4th, bds. Sraith Mrs. L. B, 38 L. Market<br />

S n.s. Sth w. of Mound<br />

Smith Leo, carp. n.s. Greeu b. Race and Pleasant<br />

Smith Jaraes E. painter, w.s. Race b. Water and Smith Lewis, trunk mkr. at Hise & Williams<br />

Front<br />

Smith Mrs. Lucy, w.s. Sraith b. 4th and Sth<br />

Smith James R. (S. & Nixon) 300 Vine<br />

Sraith Mrs. M. widow of J. B., e.s. Plura b. Grant<br />

Smith James R. painter, e.s. Vine b. Baker and 3d and 14th<br />

Smith Jesse, elk. 37 w. 3d „ ^ Smith Mary, s.w.c. Water and Vine<br />

smith John. lab. s.s. Gtli b. Broadway & Culvert Smith Mrs. Mary, e.s. John b. Longworth & Gth .<br />

Smith John, lab. s.e.c. 3d and Elm<br />

Smith Mrs. Mary Eliza,b. h. 16 e. 6th<br />

Smith John, coffee h. Landing w. of -Wain Sralth Martin, lab. at Sarauel Cook & Co's<br />

Smith John, salesman, h. Sth e. ofLock<br />

Sraith Marcus, e.s. Plum b. Sth and Oth<br />

.Smith John, tailor, s.s. 13th b. Walnut and Vine Smith Martin, w.s. Linn b. Catharine and Clark<br />

Smith John, lab. s.e.c. 3d and Elm<br />

Smith Martin, at Harkness & Son's<br />

Smith John, porter, 56 Main. bds. Canal Hotel Smith Matthias B. elk. s.e.c. George and Plum<br />

Smith John, brick layer, s.s.Sth b. W. Row and Smith Mrs. Matilda, s.s. Webb b. Mill and Stone<br />

John<br />

MITH MATTHEW, Bazaar Stable, s.e.c.<br />

Smith John. lab. e.s. Vine b. 13th and Hth S 3d and Vine, h. s.s. Pearl b. Kace and Elm<br />

Smith John, shoe mkr. w.s. W. Eow b. Kemhle and Smith Michael, lab. s.s. Buckeye b. Locust and<br />

'Richmond<br />

Poplar<br />

Smith John, bds. with Wm. OiT<br />

Sraith Nathaniel (S. & Graham), s.s. Front b. Elm<br />

.Smith John, e.s. Bremen b. 13th and Mth<br />

and Plum<br />

Smith John, at A. Harkness and Son's<br />

MITH Sc NIXON, (James R. S. & W. K.<br />

Smith John A. rotunda at Burnet House S N.) piano forte dealers, 78 w. 4th<br />

Smith John C. b.k. bds. 134 Elm<br />

Sraith Oliver, (S. & Winston), s.e.c. Gth and Raco<br />

Smith John F shoe mkr. at Filley & Chapin's, bda. Smith Oliver, cooper, bds. at Wm. Elston's<br />

at H. Hansen's<br />

Sraith Oliver P. w.s. John b. Laurel and Hopkins<br />

Smith John M. s.s, 3d b. Park and Mill<br />

Smith Omai, 153 Longworth<br />

Smith John R. n.s.'H.R. b. T.P. 19 and 20 F'n. Smith Palrick, lab, Phcebe


SMI SMI<br />

Smith Patrick, lock smith, bds. Thos. Smith's | Smith Thomas, agt. s.s. Lebanon pike e. of Hunt<br />

Smith Patrick, w.s. W. Rowb. Lineas and Bank Smith Thomas, lab. n.s. Harrison e. of Broadway<br />

Smith Perry, w.s. Elm b. 12th and 13th<br />

MITH 'I'HOMAS B. speculator, B,S.Court<br />

Smith Perry, w.s. Elmb. Grant and 14th j S b. Elm and Plum ^<br />

Smith Peter, shoe mkr. s.e.c. Hara. road & Locust j Smith Thoraas E. s.s. Richmond b. Cutter & Linn<br />

Smith Peter, shoe mkr. e.s. Vine b. Canal & 12th i Smith Thomas F^ ship carp. s.s. Front b. T.P. 7 &<br />

Smith Peter, river trader, u.s. Water h. Elra and I . 8 F'n<br />

Plum I Smith Thomas G. elk. 56 Main, bds. at Madison<br />

Sraith Peter, blk. smith, at H. P. Gryden & Co's House<br />

MITH PETEK, Daguerreotype stock, mil­ MITH W. B. Sc CO. (Winthrop B. S.,<br />

S itary trimmings and variety store, 36 w. Sth S Edward Sargent & Daniel B. Sargent,) book­<br />

Sralth Peter, lab. at Brown & Brother's<br />

sellers and publishers, 56 and 58 Main<br />

Sralth Pleasant, barber, n.w.c. Sth and Elm, h. 153 Smith William, elk. bds. e.s. Walnut b. Gano&7th<br />

Longworth<br />

Sraith William, elk. for City Council, h. w.s. Mill<br />

Smith P. R. moulder, n.s. 2d b, Elra & Plum, bds. b. 4th and 5th<br />

w.s. Smith b. 4th and Sth<br />

Smith, widow of William, s.s Wadeb. Providence<br />

MITH R.ATMONH, Gents' furnishing and W. Kow<br />

S stole, 58 Broadway<br />

Smith William, lab. e.s. Sycamore b. Hunt & Abi­<br />

SMITH RICHABD, pub. price current, gail<br />

Mer. Exchange, h. s.s. George b. Smith and Smith William, raoulder, n.s. Pearl b. Smith and<br />

Mound<br />

Park<br />

Sralth Hobert, carp. e.s. Spring b. Liberty & Wood­ Smith William, shoe mkr. n.s. Kemble b. W. Row<br />

ward<br />

and Jobn<br />

Sraith Robert, cooper, s.s. Gth e. ofBaura Smith William, n.s. Sth w. of Center Hall<br />

Smith Robert A. n.e.c. Hopkins and John Smith William, japaner, n.s. Richmond b. Fulton<br />

Sraith Robert B. s.s. George b. Mound and Cutter and Cutter<br />

Sraith Robert E. s.s. Elizabeth b. John & W. Kow Smith VVilliam, lab. s.s. Pearl b. Vine and Race<br />

Smith Richard L. grocer, w.s. Sycamore b. 3d


R SMITH'S<br />



ill^HIie AMI FAICY Mi m<br />

No, 58 Broadvray, 1>ct'«T'cen Second and Congress streets, Cin,<br />


N. B. Shirts, Stocks and under wear of all qualities, made neatly to order, and in all cases a fit<br />

warranted, or the money refunded. Walking Canes and Umbrellas always on hand.<br />

H^'Please call and see our stock. Bemcmlber the number, 5S.<br />

SNO SOL<br />

Smith William P. porter at Cincinnati Hotel Snoke Richard, bds. John Young's<br />

Smith Willig^ P. actor, bds. at Shires'<br />

Snook Firman, bds. S. Morris'<br />

Smith William P. (EUis & S.) n.e.c. 4th and Syca­ Snook Johnson, w.s. Baymiller b. Kemble & Richmoremond<br />

Smith W. T. gun smith, bds. P. Powell's<br />

SNO"W HENKY, atty at law, 232 Main, h.s.<br />

Sralth William P. (W. P. S. & Co.) n.s. Oth h. Elm s. Oth b. Race and Elm<br />

and Plum<br />

Snowfield Benjamin, n.e.c. Front and Plura<br />

MITH WM. P. Sc CO. (Wra. P. S., Wra. Snyder Adam, n.s. Court b. Vine and Raco<br />

S J. Ferris & Crafts J. Wright,) bk. binders, 120 Snyder Barney, e.s. Race b. Front and 2d<br />

Main<br />

Snyder Christopher, w. s. Linn b. Catharine and<br />

Smith William a. s.s. 4th b. MiU and Stone<br />

Clark<br />

MITH 4: "WltMAMSON, (Theodoric S. Snyder Dr. Charles, 325 Vine<br />

S &. Alexander W.W.) carp, and builders, and Snyder Charles, s.e.c. Ham. road and Locust<br />

sash, blind and door raanufs. s.s. 3d b. Jobn & Snyder Daniel, near junction of Vine and Ham,<br />

Smith<br />

road<br />

MITH & WINSTON, (.Oliver S. & John Snyder Frank^cs. Linn b. Catharine and Clark<br />

S P. W.) wh. foreign & domestic liquors, 12 w. NYaEK FREDEKICK, grocers & pro­<br />

Front<br />

S duce,00 Court e. of Vine<br />

Smith Wright, salesman, 12 w. Front, res. Coving­ Snyder Frederick, s.s. 4th e. of Butler<br />

ton<br />

Snyder George, u.s. Clark b. Linn and Cutter<br />

Smoker Lewis, carp. n.s. Liberty b. Linn and Lo Snyder Henry, w.s. Providence b. Mason and Evecastrett<br />

Smothers Mrs. Philomela, n. s. New b. Sycamore Snyder Henry, at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

and Broadway<br />

Snyder Henry, s.s. 4th e. of Butler<br />

Smutherman Jesse, s.s. Laurel b. John and Cutter Snyder flenry, n.s. Mercer b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Smyser Josiah F. s.s. Front b.T.P. 31 and 32 F'n Snyder Henry, w.s. Lock b. Gth and 7th<br />

Snacher Joseph, n.s. Betls b. Cutter and Linn Snyder Herman, 67 Court<br />

Snarre Casper, porter, 11 Svcamore<br />

Snyder John, s.e.c. 7th and Barr<br />

Snedewend & Bunce (Herman S. & James W. B.) Snyder John, s.s. Miami b. Sycamore and Locust<br />

w.s. M. Canal b. Ash and Maple<br />

Snyder John, city sealer, n.s. Gth w.of Waluut<br />

Snedewend Hermann, (S. & Bunce) n.s. Liberty b. Snyder John, s.w.c. Vine and 2d<br />

Elm & Plura<br />

Snyder John, at J. Fosdick & Co's<br />

Snee Robert R. at J. & G. Morton's<br />

Snyder Joseph, w.s. Vine b. Front and 2d<br />

Sneickraus Friepond, s.s. Buckeye b. Locust and Snyder Mrs. Magdalene, n.s. Mercer b. Walnut &;<br />

Poplar<br />

Vine<br />

Sneiman Wm. e.s. Bremen b. 13th & Hth<br />

Snyder Martin, s.s. 3d w. of Stone<br />

NEIiBAKEB I»AVI» T. magistrate, 20 Snyner S. D. s.w.c. Vine and 2d<br />

S w. 6th, h.e.s. Liun b. Catharine and Clark Snyder Wm. w.s. Lock b. Gth and Sth<br />

Snell Abraham B. s.s. Betts b. Jobn and Cutter Boards John (S. & Son) 88 w. Oth<br />

Snell, George W. at John Davis' w.s. W. Row b. Soards & Son (Wm. H. & John) s.8. Gth b. Race &<br />

Richmond and Catharine<br />

Elm<br />

Snell Jacob, w.s. Jackson b. I2th & 13th<br />

Sochenfelder H. s.s. 12th b. Main and Clay<br />

Snell John, n.s. Richmond b. John and W. Row Soden James, n.S. R.R. b. T.P. 30 & 40 F'n<br />

SneU Joseph, w.s. Vine b. Elder and Hara. road Sodeu Theodore, atty at King, Anderson & Her-<br />

SneU William, bds. Shires'<br />

ron's, h.e.s. Elra b. 4th and Sth<br />

Sneller Andrew, e.s. Dunlap b. Cooper and Ham. Sofer Baringer, s.s. Friendship al. b. Pike & Butler<br />

road<br />

Sofge Harry D. n.s. Longworth near Smith<br />

Snider Charles, Spring b. 12th and 13th<br />

Sogle Henry, s.s. Kerable b. Harriet and Brooks<br />

Snider Ferdinand, e.s. Broadway b. Hunt and Abi­ Sogle Henry, w.s. Freeman b. Kemble and Richgailmond<br />

Snider George, w.s. Ham. road b. Walnut and Li- Solar Philip, s.s. Lineas h. W. Kow and John<br />

Solar Stephen (Noyes S. & Jacox) n.s. Sth op. Pike<br />

Snider Jacob, n. s. Hunt b. Sycamore and Broad­ Sollnger John, s.w.c. Clay and 13th<br />

way<br />

Seller , n.s. Ann b. Plura and W. Row<br />

Snider Jacob, bds. at W. Hildreth's<br />

SoUet George, e.s. W. Kow e. of Anu<br />

Snider Jacob, e.s. Peet b. Locust and Poplar Solomon Adolph, at United States clothing store<br />

Snider John, w.s. Pendleton b. Hunt and Abigail Solomon Christian, s.e.c. Kace and 15th<br />

Snider John, w.s. W. Row b. Melancthon and Li- Solomon Edward, ISO Walnut, res. Newport<br />

bi'rty ..... . Solomon John, s.s. High b. Lytle and Parsons<br />

Snider Philip, w.s. Bremen b. Green and Liberty Solomon Neasock. n.s. Liberty b. Kace aud Elm<br />

Snodgrass Hiram, n.s. Ham. road b. Clarkson and OIiOMONS S. Sc BRO. (Seixas & Moses)<br />

Piatt<br />

S Imps, watches, watch materials, cutlery, and<br />

Snodgrass Silas, s.s. Bank b. Linn and Piatt<br />

jewelry, 9 e. 4th<br />

Snodgrass S. L. n.s. Hara. road b. Clarkson & Piatt Solomon Samuel, n.e.c. Hughes and Liberty


H. H. SOUTHGATE,<br />

(Late Southgate, Hawthorn & Co.)<br />

Manufacturer and Dealer in Tobacco,<br />


No. 24 Columbia St., East of Main.<br />

SPA SPE<br />

Solomon Thomas. 13 w. 6th<br />

Somervelt A. at Martin, Anshutz & Co's<br />

SomerviUe Alexander, w.s. W. Row b. Kemble &<br />

Richmond.<br />

Homers Daniel R. s.s. Clinton b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Somers Henry, w.s. Hara road b. Main & Locu8t,h.<br />

n.s Ham. road b. Main and Locust<br />

Somers Jaraes C. (S. V. Enos & Co.)<br />

Somers James, bds. s.s. Sth b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Somhorst John, e.s. Anderson b. Canal aud Front<br />

Sorama Frederick, lab. w.s. Spring<br />

Sommer Adam, w.s. Main b.Alliaon and Liberty<br />

Sommer Anthony, 417 Main<br />

Sommer Frank, n.s. Liberty b. Bremen andRace<br />

Sommer Heinrich, n.s. Abigail b. Sycamore and<br />

Broadway<br />

Sommer Joseph (S. & Meyer) n.s. Water b. Plum<br />

Spaeth Philip, n.s. Hunt b. Pendleton and Spring<br />

Spaets John, e s. Broadway b. Court and Hunt<br />

SpSifford Mrs. Mary, s.s. 6th b. Smith and Mound<br />

Rpagh David C. s.s, Betta b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Spahr Benj. Fulton b. Catharine and Richmond<br />

Spahr Benjamin, s.s. Hopkins b. W.Row and John<br />

Spaider Richard P. 83 w. Sth<br />

Spainer Sebastian, 75 Court<br />

PAIiI>ING Ac GIRAEiDIIV, (John W.S.<br />

S & Charles G.) wh. grocers and com. mers. 8 &<br />

10 e. 2d<br />

Spangenberg Henry, 16 e. Sth<br />

Spanhorst Frederick (Keehlman & S.) e.s. Walnut<br />

b. 12th & 13th<br />

Spanier S. e.s. Main b. Hunt and Abigail<br />

Sparke Frederick, n.s. Morton e. of Kilgour<br />

Sparks Ephraim, silver plater, at M.Greenwood &<br />

and W. Row<br />

Co's, h.e.s. Wilson b. Liberty and Milton<br />

OMMER & MEYEK, (Joseph S.& Frede­ Sparks 6c Gogreve (W. B. S. & C. H. G.) 62 and 64<br />

S rick M.) grocers, 6L. Market<br />

Broadway<br />

Sommerkamp C. H. e.s. Race b. 15th and. Liberty Sparks James M. at George Keck's.a.s. Front b. T.P.<br />

Sommers David, w.s. BaymiUer b. Cedar & Clark 31 and 32 F'n<br />

Sommers Henry, s.s. Woodward b. Braadway and Sparks Jesse, n.s. Gth h. Harriet and Horn<br />

Pendleton<br />

Sparks W. B. cigar store, Burnet House<br />

Sonder Harmon, n.e.c. Race and Liberty<br />

Spatsworth Peter, s.s. Sth b. Culvert and Broad­<br />

Sonnanbov Abram, elk. at Amberg & Weiler's way<br />

OWNXAG CMAfltJLES, com. mer. 10 w. Spaulding E. P. bds. 354 Sycamore<br />

S Front, h.s.w.c. W. Row and Richmond Spaulding George, e.s. Elm b loth and Liberty<br />

Sonntag Cnarles jr. elk. bds, C. Sonntag<br />

Speacker Mary A. s.s. Cherry b. Race and Elm<br />

Sonntag "Wm. L. 3 Boylan's bldg. w. 4th, bds. w.s. Spead Mathias, n.s. Liberty b. Race and Elm<br />

Ricbmond b. W. Row and John<br />

Speaker Henry J. H. n.s. "Webb b. Smith and Park<br />

Soome Henry, e.s. Buckeje op. Kden<br />

Spear Morgan, elk. 165 Walnut, h. s.s. Van Horn<br />

Sorgel George, at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Sorin John W. 202 w. Sth<br />

Spear Nelson, n.s. Sthe. of Freeman<br />

Sortore Martin, at C. "Welch's, s.s. Front b. T.P. 21 Spear Samuel, elk. w.s. Freeman h. Catharine and<br />

and 22 F'n<br />

Clark<br />

Sotokes Edward, n.s. Barrb. Cutter and Linn Spear S. B, elk. at D. B. Pierson's, b. Fulton b.<br />

Souborn Casper, n.e.c. Hunt and Broadway<br />

Elizabeth and Chestnut<br />

Souder John. n.s. Mulberry b. Locust andPoplar Spears Hnderson, n.s. 7th b. Broadway and Culvert<br />

Soule Charles, n.e.c. Vine and 4th<br />

Spears Henry P. s.s. Unionb. Race and Elm<br />

Sour Miss Francis, elk. bds. Mra. Mary Goodap- P£ARS Ac McCIiEfiliAlV, (Wm. S. &<br />

ple's<br />

S James McC.) Gray Eagle, n.s. Sth b.Main and<br />

Sour John, drayraan, c. Main and Ham. road<br />

Sycamore<br />

Sour Jobn, bds. J. N. Beyer's<br />

Spears Morgan, elk. s.s. Van Horn b. Cutter & Linn<br />

Sour John, e.s, Walnutb. 13th and Allison Spears William, n.s. 7th b. Broadway and Sycamore<br />

OtlTM POINT COAJT. CO. H. Van Ber­ Spears William, bds. 237 w. Gth<br />

S gen, ageot, s.w.c. 5th and W.W. Caual Spears Wm. (S. & MeClellan) n.s 6th b. Carr and<br />

Southard Hu^h G. n.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

Harriet<br />

Southernwood Jaraes, s.e.c. State and Sth, h.n.s. Spease Jacob, porter, Se.2d<br />

Calharioe b. Fulton and Cutter<br />

Speath Joseph, c,s. Pleasant b. Green and Liberty<br />

QOUTaiOATE HENK.Y H. wh. grocer. SpnceCharles, e.s. Johnb. Wade and Melancthon<br />

0 manuf. and dealer in tobacco, and imp. wines SpechtCharles, s.s. Jefferson b. Elm andPlum<br />

and liquors, 24 e. 2d<br />

Specht John, e.s. Hughes b. Schiller and Burgoyne<br />

Southgate Richard H. 74 Broadway<br />

Speck George, s.s. Cherry b. Race and Elm<br />

Southman John, w.s. Race b. Findley and Ham. Speck Jacob, at Nathaniel Shoe's<br />

road<br />

Speck Albert, w.s. Clay b. 12th and 13th<br />

Sowerbeer Elizabeth, a.s. High b. Lytle & CoUard Speer Henry, (S. & Stephens) s.w.c. John and 7th<br />

Sowers Thomas M. e.s. Fulton bXatharine & Rich­ Speer John, printer, n.s. Harrison<br />

mond<br />

OPEER & STEPHENS, (Henry S. and Ja-<br />

Sowers Dr. , res. phys. Com. Hoa.<br />

O cob S.) paper manufs. ware hou se, 168 Main<br />

Space James B, salesman, at Wm. Morehouse's, Speer «SE Sypher, c. W. Row and Laurel<br />

bds. Sycamore House<br />

Speer Thomas, s s. Betts b. John and Cutter<br />

Spade Mrs. Rachel, w.s.Bremcn b.Elder & Findley SpeersNoah W. (S. & Wright,) n.wc. Sycamore<br />

Spaeth Alois, w.s. Broadway b. Court and Huut and Webster<br />



N. W. SPEERS, J. R. WRIGHT,<br />


(O(D)MMII©SE(0)K" MI1IE(0HA}?^^S,<br />




19 Main street, West siiie, Jjelow^SeconMlmciim^<br />

T. Wrightson, Printer, 43 Main street.<br />

SPI SPR<br />

PEJBBS iSc 'WRieilT, (Noah W. S, &<br />

S John R. W.)cora.mer.


STAGG 8c SHAirS<br />

W 4[k Wl W W^' 4[^ WW ^^ W<br />

#^ U^' #a^ 1^ 4^, W^ W W' &^^^<br />

Nortli-east corner Sycamore and Court streets.<br />



STA STA<br />

Sprins John, 33 Front<br />

TACKIIOUSE GEOKGE, China, Glass<br />

Springer Barth, c. Bank and Freeman S and Qucensw.ire, 44 w. 5Lh, h. 272 Longworth<br />

Springer Charles G. (S. & Whiteman) s.s. 4th b. Stacy Charles L. w.s. "VV. Row b. George and 6th<br />

Race and Vine<br />

Stacy George, n.s. Catharine h. W. Row & John<br />

Springer Charles, n.s. R.R. b. T.P. 32 and 33 F'n. Stacy George W. s.s. Catharine b. W. Row & John<br />

Springer Ernf^t, n.s. Front b. Elmand Plum, h. s.s. Sticy Johu A.(S. & H. Eustes & Co.) w.s. W.Row<br />

Frontb. ^'ine and Race<br />

b. George and Gth<br />

Springer Frederick, cutter, 16 e. 5th<br />

Stadler & Brother, (Mark & Martin) 231 Main<br />

Springer Max, Walnut b. Sth and 9th<br />

Stadler Martin( (S. & Bro.) 56 Centre<br />

PRINGER & WMITEIUAIV, (Charles Stadler Mark, (S. & Bro.) 334 Vine<br />

S G. S., & Levvis W. & Wm. W. Scarborough,) StadtmiUer George, e.s. Buckayeb. Lock and Pop­<br />

wh. grocers 10 and 18 w. 2d<br />

lar<br />

Sprinkel Christian, s.e.c. Locust and Peet Stadtmiller Xicholas, s.s. Eden b. Main & Buckeye<br />

Springman Igna'z, e.s. Plum b. 15th and Ifith Stacbler Frederick, w.s. Linn b. York and Maple<br />

Springmeir Henry W. e.s. Tanner b. Webslcr and Stael Peter, n.s. Fronte. of Depot<br />

Liherty<br />

Staeman Henry, s.s. Hth b. Race and Elra<br />

Springmeier John H. e.s. Tanner b. Webster and Staenkl George, w.s. Race b. Green and Findley<br />

Liberty<br />

Staff William, at Martin,.Anshutz & Co.<br />

Sprogh George, w.s. W. Avenues, of Harrison road Stafford James, e.s. Race b. 15th and Liherty<br />

Sprong Wm. G. 5'3 Main<br />

Stafford Thomas, s.s. 3d b. Elm and Plnm<br />

Spruel Charles, s.s. 12th b. Walnut and Viue Stagaman F. & Co. 354 Main<br />

Spuin Wm. n.s. Canal b. Vino and Race<br />

Stagan Cliristopher, n.s. 12th b. Main and Clay<br />

Sperlock T. W. w.s. Elm b. Findley and Cooper Stager Anson, O'Reilly's tel. off. h. w.s. Elm b.<br />

Spurlot Thomas, s.s. Waterb. Plura and W. Row<br />

.Spuyledel George, w.s. Elm b. Grant and Mth<br />

14lh and 15th<br />

Squire Edwin S. 100 w. Sth, bds. Walnut St. House<br />

St.iirg Daniel, n.s. 5th b. Smith and Mound<br />

Squire Wm. J3. b.k. I" Pearl, h.263 Longworth<br />

Stagg Lewis, (S. & Sh.iys) luls. 5th b. Smith and<br />

Squires Mrs. Nancy, at S. Gibuer's, w.s. Pierson b.<br />

Mound, opp. Catholic Church<br />

TAGG & SHAYS, (Lewis S. & John W. S.)<br />

5th and Oth<br />

S ham curers and produce dealers, n.e.c. Syca­<br />

Staap Adam, s.s. Mulberry b. Poplar and Locust more and Court<br />

Stab Morton, bds. John A. Fox's<br />

Stagg Richard B. o.s. Linn b. George and Carr<br />

Stabbenman Dedrick, s.s. Maple b. Pi;itt & Linn Staggleman Jacob, w.s. Baum, b. Sth and High<br />

Stachel Wm. (Amberg & S.) 209 Main<br />

Stack Thomas, w.s. Race b. 3d and 4th<br />

TAHIi MRS.SCSAW, publisher of Protestant<br />

Zeitblaetter, w.s. Vine b. 12th and Canal<br />

S<br />







! M. Solomons remains in New York during the entire business seasons, which enables this Estab.<br />

lishment to have on hand at all times, the newest and most desirable styles of Jewelry and<br />

J\ Cutlery, which are bought for CASH only; and are therefore enabled to offer as great ^<br />

'^^ inducements to our friends, as any other House west of the Mountains. "^<br />

STA STE<br />

Stahl Wm. n.s. Betts b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Stahlman Christopher, e.s. Buckeyeb. Poplar and<br />

Vine<br />

Staines Miss Kate, actress, bds. Sycamore House<br />

Stairs, Wm. lab. c. 4th and Stone<br />

Stairt Andrew P. n.s. Richmondb. John & Fulton<br />

Stalkamp Henry, n.e.c. Bremen and Green<br />

Stall Christian, 6th w. of W. Row<br />

Stall Franz, w.s. Main b. 12th and 13th<br />

Stall George, n.w.c. Bremen and 13th<br />

Stall George, elk. bds. Th. Krumherg's<br />

Stall John, e.s. Plum b. Adams and Liberty<br />

Stall John, n.e.c. Clay and Canal, h. w.s. Clay b.<br />

12th and 13th<br />

Star Barney, s.s. Front b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Star Emanuel, (Brown, S. & Hellman) s.s. 3d b,<br />

Lawrence and Pike<br />

Star E. 143 Symmes<br />

QTARINXHE WEST, John A. Gurle y,<br />

f3 Editor and Publisher, <strong>52</strong> w. 4th<br />

Star Jacob, city police, s.e.c. 2d and Race<br />

Staran Jacob, s.s. Highb. Lytle and Collard<br />

Stark Josepb, w.s. Ham road b. Poplar and Loeust<br />

Starbuck Alex, at Cook & Co's.<br />

XARBCCK. CAEVIN XF. prop. Daily<br />

S Times, h. e.s. Fulton b. Sth and 9th<br />

Stark Bauzeal, n.s. Longworth w. of Smith<br />

Stark Levi, messenger American Express, Henrie<br />

Stallo Bernard, 50 McFarland<br />

House<br />

TAEL.O JOHN R. atty. at law, 359 Main Stark Windel, e.s. Vine b. Liberty and Allison<br />

S b.Sth and9th<br />

Starkey Thoraas, w.s. Kossuth<br />

Staly Joseph, n.e.c. Pearl and Elm<br />

Starkum Henry, e.s. Elm b. 14th and ISth<br />

Staly Vincent, b.k. Gibson House<br />

TARR CHARIIES JR. & CO. (Edgar S.)<br />

Stambeigeh Henry, s.s. 14th b. Race and Elm S phosgen gas and lamps, 165 Waluut, Melodeon<br />

Stambusch Barney, w.s. Elm b. Libeity & Green Building<br />

Stampe Frederick, e.s. Linn b. Dayton and York Starr Dr. David L. 301 Longworth<br />

Slander Charles, s.s. Green b. Race and Bremen Starr Edgar P. (Charles Starr, jr. & Co.) s.s. 4th b,<br />

Stanford Mrs. J. 220 w. 6tli<br />

John and Smith<br />

Stanford Otis, bds. 3.53 w. 6th<br />

Starr George, ven.blindpainter at Henry Read's<br />

Stanford & Son, (Richard S. & George R. S.) n.e.c. Starr Henry, (S. & Lewis) 261 Vine<br />

6th aud Plum<br />

Starr Jaraes. n.s. Augusta b. John and Smith<br />

Stanford & Weber, (Richard S. & Lewis W.) n.e.c. Starr Joseph J. Superintendent Morse's tel off. h.<br />

6th and Plnm<br />

n s. 7th b. Mound and Cutter<br />

Stang George, al. s.s. Buckeye 6. Locust & Poplar QTARR Sc L,E\VIS, attys. at law, 146 Main,<br />

Slangier Elias, n.w.c. Sycamore and Baltimore O c. 4th<br />

Stanhope J. R. jr, b.k. bds. B. F. Brannan's Starr N. B. n.s. Clark b. Linn andCutter<br />

Stanhope P. W. elk. w.s. Race h. Green and 3d Starr W. C. elk. at H. D Chipman & Co's.<br />

TAIVISIiAUS EOCIS, real estate and Startzman Samuel, at Johnson, Morton & Co's. h,<br />

S money broker, 23 w. 3d, res. Covington<br />

n.s. R.R. b.T.P. 30 and 31 F'n.<br />

Stanley C. O. bds. R. T. Thorburn's<br />

Stathem Isaac, s.w.c. Oth and Sycamore<br />

Stanley Daniel, n.e.c. Peet and Locust<br />

Staton J. J. e.s. Providence b. Everett and Wade<br />

Stanley John, at 0. Townsend & Co's.<br />

Staub Joseph, s.s, 12th b. Elm and Race<br />

Stanley L. bds. J. T. & A. Helm's<br />

Stausz Milchior, w.s.Ham. road near the junction<br />

Stanley Thomas, s.s. Richmond b. John & Fulton of Vine<br />

XANivUS AARON E. stoves, tinware,cSic, Stayman Theodore B. printer, at Longley & Bro­<br />

S Front b. Sycamoie and Broadway, bds. 170 Syther's, bds. Elias Longley's<br />

camore<br />

Stazier A. L. penny post, w.s. Elm b . Sth and 9th<br />

Stannus Ephraim D.b.k. at Patrick Connelly's Steadman Geoige, s.s Bank b. Linn and Piatt<br />

Stannus James, n.s. Longworth b. Race and Elra Steaiman Jacob, at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Stannus John, elk. Shepardson's, h. w.s. Race b. Steamar Charles, w.s. Langdon al. h. 6th and 7th<br />

Sth and Centre<br />

Steaniu Joseph, n.s. 14th b. Elm and Plum<br />

Stannus Thomas J. at G- Shields'<br />

TE ARN S Sc FOSTER, (George S. S. & Seth<br />

Stansbury John,s.s.Front b. T. P. 3 and 4 F'n. S C. F.) glazed wadding manufs. c. Clay and Li­<br />

Stansbury Oswald, at Johnson, Morton & Co's. berty, office 172 Main<br />

bds. at John Stansbury's<br />

STEARN.S GEORGE S. printingink manuf.<br />

Stanser Maria, 137 w. 7th<br />

c. Clay and Liberty, h. e.s. Main n. of Liberty<br />

Stantberg Henry, e.s. Bremen b. 15th and Liberty Stearns H. A. bds. George Bradley's<br />

Stanton John, s.s. Hopkins b. John and Cutter Steavens & Cole, (Wm. H. S. & Henry Cole) s.s.<br />

Stanton Michael, e.s. Hace b. Pearl and 2d<br />

Sth e. of Main<br />

Sapleton James, e.s. Race b. 15th and Liberty; Steavens Wm. H. (S. & Cole) n.e.c. Sycamore and<br />

Stapleton James, s.w.c. W. Eow and George, bds. New<br />

s.w.c. John and 3d<br />

Stebbins Charles M. Morse's telegraph office<br />

Stapleton James, s.s. 3d b. John and Smith Stecher Mrs. Mary A. sw.c. Peet and Poplar<br />

Stapleton James, bds. Mrs. Sal ah Byington's Stechler J. at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Stapleton John, w.s. Vine ii. of Ham. road Steckel A. s.s. 6th b. Harriet and Horn<br />

Stapleton Wm. w.s. Wood s. of Sth<br />

Stedman A. B. city police, s.s. Clinton b. Linn and<br />

Stapp Edward, w.s. Fulton b. Richmond & Cath­ Locust<br />

arine<br />

Stedman George T. (S., Maynard & Co.) 23 w.Sth

S<br />


J. L. MITCHENER & CO.<br />

STE<br />

TEBMAN, MAYNARB 4; €0. (George<br />


Corner Canal and Plum st.s., 5


::xx>ct:xxx.x>c->.--<br />



247<br />




CAIiliED<br />




Called "UUEEN OF THE SOUTH,"<br />


Corner of John and Front sts.<br />

STI STO<br />

Stewart Joseph, elk. at J.S. Chenoweth's Stillman Wm. 32 George<br />



M^'-<br />



No. *2 Mechanics' Institute, '<br />


Parlicular attention paid to tlic Purcliasc, Sale, or Exchange of City Property, Farms,<br />

and Wcstero lands.<br />

Residence, Liocust Grove, Koadiu:^ Pike,<br />

Wrightson, l'nn ter, 43 Main st.<br />

STO STE<br />

Stockton Orpheus, salesman, J. Y. Leslie's, bds. .stool F. at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

337}^ Main<br />

Stockum John, butcher, n.s. Findley b. Elm and<br />

Stoops Thomas, elk 10 e. 4th<br />

Canal<br />

CJTOKCH VHARLUS, imp. French, Ger.<br />

Stockwell Dr. E. H. 203 Vine<br />

tJ man and lingliali fancy goods and toys, 66 Main<br />

Stodard Martin, s.s. Maple b. W. Row and Linn<br />

h.w.s. John b. 3d and 4th<br />

Stodard Mrs. Mary Ann, w.s. North b. Oth & 7th<br />

Storch Wm. G. (Schmidt, Storch & Co.) 21 e 3d<br />

Stoecker Wra. e.s. Elm b. 14th and 15th<br />

Storck Andrew, e.s. Buckeye b. Locust and Poplar<br />

StoITelman Barney, s.s. Clinton b.Linn &. Locust<br />

Stoick August, n.s. Ham. road b. Kace and Eim<br />

StofTer C. w.s. Ham. road b. Walnut and Liberty<br />

Storck Peter, .?.e.c. Poplar and Buckeye<br />

.StotTer Henry, s.s. 4tn b. Stone and Wood<br />

Storer Bellamy (S. & Gwynne) Sth b. Main and<br />

Stohl Christian, w.s. W. Row b. Liberty & Poplar<br />

Walnut<br />

Stohr J. L. e.s. Providence b. Wade and Liberty<br />

CJ TOREK &GWVNIVE, (Bellamy S. & Abra.<br />

Stokenberg H. elk. e.s. Lock b. High and 5th<br />

kj ham E. t;.) attys. at law, 65 Main<br />

Stokes Henry, (Bradstreet & S.) h. Prospect st.<br />

Storm George, printer, at 43 e. 2d, bds. Boston eat.<br />

Stokes John, w.s. W. Avenue, s. of Harrison road<br />

ing house<br />

Stokes Sarauel (Bradstreet & S.) Prospect Hill, h'd<br />

Storm Philip, s.s. Mulberry b. Locust and Poplar<br />

Storts Christian, at S. Cook & Co's<br />

of Broadway<br />

Storts George, safe mkr. at E. Hall & Co's<br />

Stokes Samuel n.s. George b. W. Kow & John Storts Jacob, safe mkr. at E. Hall & Co's<br />

Stokes Theodore, n.a. George b. W. Row «fe John Stortz Joseph, s.w.c. Buckeye and Locust<br />

Stokes William,n.s. Kemble b. W. Kow & John Story Mrs. Catharine, n.s. Ham. road b. Main and<br />

StoU Henry, w.s. John b.Kerable aud Richmond Locust<br />

StoU William, 84 Court<br />

Story Jeremiah H. (Ross S. & Co.) s.w.c. Richmond<br />

StoUe Francis, w.s. Peet b. Poplar and Locust and Harriett<br />

Stolley John H. s.s. Front b. T.P. 29 & 30 F'n Story John, porter, 49 Main<br />

Stolz John, e.s. Walnut b. Allison and Liberty Stossmeister Charles, e.s. Vine b. Liberty and Al­<br />

Stombs Daniel S. (Shaddinger & S.)<br />

lison<br />

Stoms William (John F. Dair & Co.) Baum st. Stout James, n.w.c. Orchard and Sycamore<br />

Stone Andrew, e.s. Linn b. Ham. road and Bank Stout Hiram H. (J. C. Butler & Co.) n.s. 7th w. of<br />

XOIVB B. X. (Benjamin T.) wh. frrocer, for. John<br />

S and com. mer. 18 e. Hii, h.n.s. Front b. T.P. 29 Stout Ira, n.s. 14th b. Elra and Plum<br />

and 30 F'n<br />

Stout James, bds. Mrs. Lydia McCormiek's<br />

Stone Dan. atty. c. Court and Mam. h. 105 Long- Stout James, s.s. 9th b. Elra and Plum<br />

worth<br />

Stout Josiah, w.s. Vine b. Frontand 2d<br />

XOINE EXHAN, 178 Vine street b. 4th and Stout Tracy, n.s. Richmondb. Cutter and Linn<br />

S Sth<br />

Stout, widow of Samuel, e.s. W. Row b. Ann and<br />

Stone H. S. elk. s.s. Longworth b. Elm and Plnm Mason<br />

Stoue Julia, a.s. Front b. T.P. 22 & 23 F'n Stoutberg Anthony, s.s. Cherry b. Race and Elm<br />

Stone John E. (Richardson,Gardner & S.) s.s. Long Stowell Aaron H. n.e.c. Cutter and Clinton, h.s.s.<br />

worth b. Smith and .Mound<br />

Clinton b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Stone Lewis, n.s. George b. Gutter and Linn Stowdar Joseph, watchman at R. R. Depot, h.s.s<br />

Stone L. & M. (LevcrettG. & E. Mcdad) s.e.c.Vine High b. Lytle and CoUard<br />

and Commerce<br />

Stowell Myron A. agt. for George A. Prince & Co.<br />

Stone Leverett G. (L. & M. S.) s.e.c. Kace & Front 74 w. 4th, bds. Mrs. M. Wright's<br />

Stone Mary, e.a. Hughes b. SchiUer and Burgoyne Strabeil Ignatz, s.e.c. W. Row and Front<br />

Stono Richard H. (S. & Woodbury) bds. Waverly .Strader Dr. Daniel, bds. 104 e. 4th<br />

House<br />

Strader & Gorman (Jacob S. & James G.) e.s. Broad­<br />

Stone Richard L. s.a. Front b. T.P. 7 and 8 F'n way b. Front and 2d<br />

Stone Mrs. Susan, widow of Elisha, e.s. Vine b. Strader Jacob, Pres. com. bank, 104 e. 4th<br />

Front and 2d<br />

Strader Peter, e.s. Buckeye.b. Lock and Poplar<br />

Stone & Smith (Edward Stone & Lewis E. Smith) Strader Wilson, agt. L. M. R. R. Co. h.e.s. Plum b.<br />

w.a. W. Row b.George and 7th<br />

Cherry and Front<br />

Stone Wm. w.a. Smith b. Longworth and 6th Stradman Henry, n.e.c. Smith and Augusta<br />

Stone Wm. printer, at Commer. office, w.s. Smith Straeffer Jacob M. w.s. Bremen b. 13tb and 14th<br />

n. of Longworth<br />

Straeffer Michael H. e.s. Sycamore b. Hunt and Ab­<br />

Stone Wm. R. e.s. Elm b. Canal and 12th<br />

igail, h.s.s. )2th b. Walnut and Jackson<br />

Stone & Woodbury (Richard H. S. & George W. Strager Bartholomew, w.s. Ham. road b. Walnut<br />

W.) s.s. Court b.Main and Walnut<br />

and Liberty<br />

Stonefelts Nicholas, w.a. Pleasant b. 15th and Li­ Strait Hiram, carp. n.s. 2d b. Race and Elm<br />

berty<br />

Strait cfe Hollister, (Thos. J. S. & G. B.,H.) attys. 4<br />

Stonhayer Albert, n. s. Abigail b. Sycamore and Eagle bldgs.<br />

Broadway<br />

Strait Seymour, b.k. 30 Walnut, h 4 Smith's Court<br />

Stonemets Mrs. Kuth, n.s. Webb b. Mill and Stone Strait Thomas J. (S. & Hollister) Mt. Auburn<br />

Stonemets Samuel, n.s. Webb b. Mill and Stone Straker Peter, w.s. Elm b. Cooper and Ham. road<br />


S<br />


""* '""'• "^' •-•- -^•- " " ""- ""• •""• in'^ '"'"' •"<br />



'iSS^ WSi


L. F. HAR TER.<br />


BASBl IS tlAi<br />




Wishi^ng quanties of (rom five pounds to a half chest, will find:it to their advantage to<br />

SUH SUM<br />

Stubleman Henry, s.v.^.c. Spring and Abigail<br />

Stuber Clement, s.s. Front e. of Smith<br />

Stubert John, elk. s.s. 7th b. Linn and Bayrailler<br />

Stubs Wm. w.s Broadway b. 7th and Sth<br />

Stubz John G. n.s. Liberty b. Race and Pleasant<br />

Stuckenberg Herman H. elk. e.s. Lock s. of Gth<br />

Stucker C. at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Stucker Henry, w^.s. Walnut b. 13th and Allison<br />

Studsmann Andrew, e.s. Vine b. AUison and 13th<br />

Stutfin Wm. e.s. Vine b. Liberty and AUison<br />

Stukenberg Frederick, n.s. Sth b. Butler and Pike<br />

Stukke PhiUp, n.s. Hara. road b. Locust & Poplar<br />

Stulb Alfred.O. b.k. 6 w. Front, bds. Madison House<br />

StuU Abrara, s.s. Richmond w. of Harriet<br />

Stump William, s.w.c. Sycaraore and 6th<br />

Stumjiel Bernard, e.s. Broadway b.Huntand Abigail<br />

Stumpf Adam, e.s. Providence b. Wade and Liberty<br />

Stumpf Conrad, 3.3. Friendship al. b. Pike and Butler<br />

Stumpf Frank, w.s. Providence b. Everett and<br />

Wade<br />

Stumpf John, e.s. Providence b. Wade and Liberty<br />

Stumpor Frederick, e.s. Tanner b. Webster and<br />

Liberty<br />

Stumpps Joseph, n.s. Abigail b. Spring and Pendleton<br />

Stumrang Joseph, w.s. Bremen b. 15th & Liberty<br />

Stunkel Frederick, shoe mkr. at Filley

2<strong>52</strong> CINCINNATI DIRECTORY.<br />

SWBTT, BAKER 8c CO.<br />


ii 111 liii siliSJ<br />

CORNER<br />

STREET, m ^^^^^IM FIFTH<br />

U^ S. B. & Co. are the ONLY manufacturers of Reed Organs in the West,<br />

SWA SWB<br />

Summerton Thomas, bds. James Carter's Swailes John, bds. 59 Broadway<br />

Summons David, e.s. Baymiller b. Catharine and Swain Alonzo, s.s. Mason b. Plum & W. Row<br />

Clark<br />

Swain Anthony, s.s. George b. Cutter & Linn<br />

Summons James, porter. 16 w. 2d<br />

Swain John, n.s. Sth b. John and Fulton<br />

Summons John B. steamboat captain, s.s. Gth b. Swain Ralph, w.s. Broadway b. Abigail & Wood­<br />

Main andSycamore<br />

ward<br />

Sumney Jacob, carp. n.s. Grant<br />

Swain Stephen, s.s. Barr b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Sumwalt Wm. elk. n.s. R. K. b. T.P. 41 & 42 F'n Swain Wm. P. s.s. Barr b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Sunbush Andrew, vv.s. Pleasant b. 15th & Liberty ' Swakeman John G. w.s. Observatory road e.of<br />

Sunderhus Franz, bar keeper, c. Vine and Canal Celestial<br />

Sunderland John, at Martin, Anshutz


a. w. tBt«»ita,<br />

D<br />

mt^::<br />

fe .^. e^^.^ ^^,' #„^ §'<br />

84 Broadway, East side, between Third and Congress sts.<br />





T Wriglitson, Printer, 43 Main.<br />

SYL TAI<br />

Sweeny Thomas, w.s. Vineb. Front and 2d<br />

Sweepmann Barney,e.s. Bremen b. 14th aud 15th<br />

Sweet Benoni, n.s. Sth e. of Pierson<br />

Sweet Margaret, s.s. Symmes b. Kilgour and M.<br />

Ganal<br />

Sweet Paul, s.s. 9thb. Elm and Plum<br />

Sweetman Nicholas, s.s. Accommodation b. Sth &<br />

State<br />

Sweetman Thomas, s.s. Catharine b. Mound and<br />

Cutter<br />

Sweiner Henry, n.s. Slh b. Butler and Pike<br />

Swelters Theodore, n.s,Locustb. Peet and BucUeye<br />

Swelier VVilliam, s.s. Madison b. Elm and Plum<br />

S<br />

WEI^EV JACOB W. Walnut St. House,<br />

u.e.c. Walnut and Gano<br />

Sweney Thomas, bds. at Robert Leckey's<br />

Sweney WiUiam,bds. Wm. McCortney's<br />

S<br />

WETT, B.\KEia Sc CO. manufs. aeoUans,<br />

organs, melophines and melodeons, n.e.c. Sth<br />

and Main<br />

Swett Greenleaf L. (S., Baker & Co.) res. Covington<br />

Rwett Jonn, n.s. Elizabeth b. John and Fulton<br />

Swhile Michael, n.s. R. R. b. T. P. 32 & 33 F'n<br />

Swidzer John, e.s. W. Row b. Ann and Mason<br />

Swiener Mra. Mary, e.s. Culvert b. Sth aud 6th<br />

Swifft Albert, e.s. Race b. 12th and 13th<br />

S<br />

WIFT AliEXANDEK, tanner and cur­<br />

rier, w.s. M. Canal b. Symmes and Sth, h. e.s.<br />

Kilgour b. Sth and High<br />

Swift Briggs, (Evans & S.) n.s. 4th b. Plum & W.<br />

Row<br />

Swift Lot P. (J. B. & C. Jonea & Co,) n.s. Longworth<br />

b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Swift & Myers, (Wm. S. & James C. M.) e.s, John<br />

b. Richmond and Catharine<br />

Swift Truxton T. (A. B. Holabird & Co.)<br />

Swift WiUiam, bds. Kinkeid's e.s. Home<br />

Swift WiUiam C. e.s. Baum n. of High<br />

Swiggett James L. printer. Commercial Omce,bds.<br />

n.s. Sth b. b.lm and Plum .<br />

Swiggett Seth W. printer, n.w.c. Race and Union<br />

Swim George M. s.s. High b. Lytle aud Parsons<br />

Swine Jacob, w.s. Bremen b. 13th and Uth<br />

Swing Alfred J. 70 w. Sth, bds. 67 w. 6th<br />

Swinney Jane, al.b. 7th and Sth . , , „<br />

Swisher Miss Elizabeth, n.s. 7th b. John & Mound<br />

Swandell Robert, s.s. Union b. Race and Elm<br />

Swope R. D. (Pye & Swope,) bds. Mrs. W Wright<br />

Swormstedt Leroy (S. & Power,) 171 Broadway<br />

nWORMSTEDT Sc POWER, Methodist<br />

O Book Concern, s.w.c. Sth and Main<br />

Swovers Mrs. Margaret, e.s. W. Row b. Ash and<br />

irCAMOBE HO«JSE, Eliphalet S. Cono­<br />

S ver, n.e.c. Sycamore and Sth<br />

Sylvester Francis, n.s. Water b. Race and Elm<br />

S<br />


STABEE, Wilson & Brothers, w.s. Sycamore<br />

b. 9th and Court<br />

Rylvis Nicholas, at E. HaU & Co's<br />

Symmes Samuel, e.s. Pleasant b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Syraonds Henry, s.s. Sth b. Park and Mill<br />

Symonda James H. at Dennison House<br />

Sypher David, n.w.c. Laurel and W. Row, h. n.s.<br />

Bettffb. John and CuLter<br />

Syselm Samuel, n.s. R. R. b. T. P. 18 and 19 F'n<br />

Taba John B. a.s. Hopkins b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Taban John, e.s.-Pleasant b. Liherty and Green<br />

Tabbe Henry, (T. & Stemkamp,) bds. with Joseph<br />

Stemkamp<br />

Tabbe & Stemkamp, (Henry T. & Joseph S.) s.s.<br />

Sth e. Junction .5th and Front<br />

Taber Thomas, 287 Vine<br />

Tabor Bennet, n.s. 12th b. Main and Clay, bds. at<br />

Mrs. Barr's<br />

Tacke Henry, e.s. Rittenhouse<br />

Taeger Conrad, al. b. Jefferson and Adams and Elm<br />

and Plum<br />

Tafel Albert, elk. bds. A. Wagner's<br />

Tafel Gustavus, printer, at T. Wrightson's, 43 Main<br />

Taffee John H. b. k. 15 Pearl, bds. Walnut Street<br />

House<br />

Taft Alphonso, (T. & Mallon,) 75 w. 4tl)<br />

Taft George VV. (Leverton & T.) Betts b. Locust &<br />

Linn<br />

Taft Mrs. Mery, w.s. Walnutb. AUison & Liberty<br />

AFT & MAIiliOlV, (Alphonso T. & Patrick<br />

T M.) attys. at law, 12 and 13 Worthington's<br />

building, s.s. 3d b- Main and Walnut<br />

Taft Peter R. res. 78 w. 4th<br />

Taft Samuel H. (Bateman & Co)<br />

Tagart Mrs. EUzabeth, widow of Morton, w.s.<br />

Sycamore b. Franklin and Webster<br />

AGART GEORGE W. book and job<br />

T printer, u.e.c. Main and Sth. h. w.s. Pendleton<br />

b. Woodward and Liberty<br />

Tagatt Henry, printer, w.s. Sycamore b. Franklin<br />

and Webster<br />

Tageal John, n.e.c. Linn and York<br />

Taghe Dennis, s.e.c. Plum and Pearl<br />

Tagiie John B. messenger Amer. Express, Henrie<br />

House<br />

Table Henry, n s.. Hunt b. Sycamore & Broadway<br />

Tahraus A ndrew, w.s Sycamore b. Liberty & Schiller<br />

Tait George, (G. cSi J. T.) IDS w. Cth<br />

Tail G. & J. (George& John.) 196 w. 6th<br />

Tait John, (G. & J. T.,) res. 7 George<br />

Tait Miss Mary, bds. Jenny Lind House, Obs. road<br />

Mt. Adams





Wholesale Dealers in Missouri, Kentucky, and Manilla Hemp, Soaa Ash, Galena Lead, Shot,<br />

Nails, Spikes, Window Glass, Cottou, Cotton Yarn, Batting, Candle Wicking, Brown Sheetings,<br />

Jeans, Linseed and Lard Oils, &c. &c.<br />

Also, Agents for "ENFIELD POWDER COMPANY." Always on hand. Blasting, Cannon,<br />

and Sporting Po^wder^ of a very superior quality. Also, Agents for theTransjiortation<br />

of Goods hence to the Eastern Cities, via Miami Canal & Little Miami Railroad to<br />

the Lakes, and via Pennsylvania Canals and Kailroads.<br />

TAT TAY<br />

Talbert Jc*n L. b. k. 31 Main<br />

Talbott George W. H. c. Richmond and Freeman<br />

Talbott John, b. k. 25 Lower Market, h. 47 Center<br />

Talbott J. L. b. k. McGregor & Lee's, h. M George<br />

Talbott Joseph, 368 w. 7th<br />

Talbott Mrs. Mary,b. h. 47 Center<br />

Talbott Nicholas, at Powell's foundry<br />


J, liam T. & Phillip J. B.) al. phys. ofiice corner<br />

Gano and Walnut<br />

Talliaferro William, (T. & Buckner) res. <strong>52</strong> w. 7th<br />

Taller John, w.s. Elmb. Cooper and Ham. road<br />

Talley Elihu, elk. 24 L. Market<br />

Tallman Theodore, n.s. 4Lh b. Stone and Wood<br />

Tallman William C. elk. at Horton & Macy's, bds.<br />

131 w. Sth<br />

Tandrop Ulrick^ u.s. 13th b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Tandy Dr. David C. n.s. Catharine b. Linn & Rittenhouse<br />

Tandy Louisa, w.s. Smith b. 4th and Sth<br />

Tangeraann B. s.s. 6th b. Harriet and Horn<br />

Tangemann Charles H. c. AlUson and Viii« and e.s.<br />

W. Row b. Ann and Mason<br />

Tangemann Frederick, Landingb. Walnut & Vine<br />

Tanger Benjamin, boot mkr. 232 Main<br />

Tanner Adaline, n s.6th b. Carr and Freeman<br />

Tanner Charles, elk. n.w.c. 2d and Sycamore, bds.<br />

Evans' Hotel<br />

Tanner Charles O. (E. M. Gregory & Co.) res. n.s.<br />

Frontb. T.P. 2 and 3 F'n.<br />

Tatem Mrs. Mary, s.s. 3db. Smith aod Park<br />

Tatem Willis S. s.s. 3d b. Smith andJPark<br />

Tales George, s.s. Clinton b. W. Row and Jobn<br />

Tathara George W. c. W. Row and Betts, h. s.s.<br />

Everett b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Tatman Noah, n.s. 4th b. Stone and Wood<br />

T<br />

ATMAIV WIEEI.VM E. wholesale and<br />

retail druggist, n.w.c. Kace and 9th<br />

Tatum Samuel C. (Reynolds, Kyte & T.) n.s. 4th<br />

b. Stone and Wood<br />

Taulman Peter J. printer at T. Wrightson's, h. n.s.<br />

Richmond b. Cutter and Lirm<br />

Tauwald Henry, bds. F. H. Feuss'<br />

Tawley B. n.s. Longworth b. Elm and Plura<br />

Taylor Abrabara M. (A. IM. T. &Co.) res. 421 w. 6th<br />

Taylor Ambrose, R.R. Depot, h. n.s. Spring n. of<br />

W^oodward<br />

AICEOR. A.M.*: CO. (Abraham M., James<br />

T & Joseph W. T.) leather, oil and hides. 20, 22<br />

and 24 w. 2d<br />

Taylor Benjamin H. 155 w, 8th<br />

Taylor & Cassilly (Thomas B. T. & Wm. B. C.)<br />

32 Broadway<br />

Taylor Charles, Court b. Vine and Race<br />

Taylor Charles W. salesman, 16 Pearl, bds. Dennison<br />

House<br />

Taylor Charlotte, w.s. John b. Richmond & Catharine<br />

Taylor Cornelius, W. VV. Canal b. Mill and Park<br />

Taylor Courtland, w.s. Wood b. 3d and Sth<br />

Tanner Nathan, s.s. Bakerb. Walnut ^nd Vine Taylor C. W. 100 w. Sth<br />

ANTAN MATHEW Sc CO. (M.T., & Taylor David, bds. 71 w. 6th<br />

T Frederick & George Theuerkauf) groceries, pro­ Taylor David H. elk. A. M. Taylor & Co's. bds.<br />

duce, lime, &c.n.w.c. 9th andEIm<br />

James Tavlor's<br />

Tantan Mathew, (M. T. & Co.) s.w.c. Sycaraore Taylor D. M. elk. bds. G. M. Sackett's<br />

and Franklin<br />

Taylor Edward, (Wm. H. Moore & Co.) bds. Wal­<br />

Tanzy Michael, 99 Sycamore<br />

nut St. House<br />

Tapke Gerhard, n.e.c. Abigail & Broadway Taylor Edward, b.k. 48 Walnut, h. s.s. Bth b.<br />

Tapking Henrv, s.s. Cth near John<br />

Mound and Cutter<br />

Tappan Benjamin, bds. w.s. W. Row b. 6th and Taylor Edward, jr. salesman, 184 Main, bds. Gib­<br />

George<br />

son House<br />

Tappan Elizabeth, w.s. W. Row n, of 6th Taylor Elisha R. n.s Sth b. Elm and Plum<br />

Tappan John, w.s. Vine b. Front and 2d<br />

TiAYEOK EZRA B. wig maker and orna-<br />

Tappan Samuel, elk. bds. W. Kow b. 6th & George L mental hair manuf. 13 e. 4th<br />

Tappe Frederick, s.e. Sth b. Smith and Park<br />

Tapscott Jacob, atty. Eagle Buildings, bds. Mrs.<br />

Taylor Fernando G. (T. & McGrew) s.s. Sth b.<br />

Mound and Cutter<br />

Eliza Bell's<br />

Taylor Frank P. 16 e. 3d. h. 16S Broadway<br />

Tapy George, n.s. Richmond w. of Harriet Taylor Francis B, b.k. 10 e. 4th, bds. IS", w 8th<br />

Tarbell Harry, 63 Pike<br />

AYEOR, FREl^iCH Sc WYNI\E, (Ga­<br />

Tarbet Robert, Congress b. Butler and M. Canal T briel A.T., Wm. B. F. & Jabez E. W.) wh. no­<br />

Tardstefer Conrad, w.s. Elm b. Cooper and Ham. tions and fancy dry goods, 1 and 3 Pearl, and<br />

road<br />

79 Maiu<br />

Tarrant Fenn. E. e.s. Mansfield b. Liberty & Milton Taylor Gabriel A. (T., French & Wynne) res. Mt.<br />

Tarrant Tunia C. printer. Gazette office<br />

Auburn<br />

Tarvin Samuel W. elk. P. 0. h. s.s. Waterb. Elm Taylor Garret, n.s. 7th b Sycamore & Broadway<br />

and Plum<br />

Taylor George, s.s. Front b. T.P. 17 & 18 F'n<br />

Tarxel John, w.s. Clayb. 13th and Allison Taylor George, s.s. Sth b. Mound and Cutter '<br />

Tasker William, n.e. 2d b. Elm and Plum Taylor George H. (,T & Odiorne) bds. at Cowles'<br />

Tate Jaines S. bds. Eagle Hotel<br />

Taylor George W. at Shreve, Steele & Co's. h. n.s.<br />

Tate D. M. bds. Eagle Hotel<br />

High near Front<br />

Tatem Henry L. (H. L. T. & Co.) n.s. Sth b.Mill & Taylor, Gano cfe Co. n.w.c. Race and Canal<br />

Stone<br />

Taylor Grant, n.s. Front b. Race and Elm<br />

Tatem H. L. & Co. (Henry L. T. & C. T. Conwell) Taylor Griffln, 2 Taylor's Terrace, u.e.c. 3d & Vine<br />

157 w. Sth<br />

Taylor Henry, n.s. Liberty b. Cutter and John







Cloths, Satinetts, Prints, Irish Linens, Silks,<br />

S. E. corner of Pearl and Walnut streets, opposite Pearl St. House.<br />


TAY TEL<br />

'Taylor Henry B. salesman, 16 Pearl<br />

Taylor Henry W. salesman, Livingston St. b. Linn<br />

and Locust<br />

Taylor Hiram, s.s. Accommodation b. Sth & State<br />

Taylor Isaac J, n.s. Liberty b. Linn and Locust<br />

Taylor James, (J. & J. T.) s.s. Symmes b. Spring<br />

Hill and Kilgour<br />

Taylor James, w.s. Vine b. 2d and Front<br />

Taylor James (A. M. T. & Co.) 423 w. 6th<br />

T<br />

AYLOR J". Sc jr. (James & Joseph T.) Surgeon<br />

Dentists, 62 w. 4th<br />

Taylor Presley N. n.s. Elizabeth b. W. Row & John<br />

Taylor Ralph, b.k.'14 Main,bds. Henrie House<br />

Taylor R. Miles W. (Dickson, T. cSi Biggs) res. Vine<br />

St. Hill<br />

Taylor Richard, n.s. Piatt b. Maple and York<br />

Taylor Mrs. Serena, widow of Stephen, s.s. 7th b.<br />

Main aud Sycamore<br />

Taylor Sylvester, elk. 145 Main, bds. 30S Race<br />

Taylor's TeiTace. n.e.c. 3d. and Vine<br />

T<br />

AYLOR WESEEY, Oak Hall clothing<br />

store, 1S6 Main, h. n.s. 4th b. Smitb and Park<br />

TAYEOR .TAMES D. editor Daily Times, Taylor Wm. lab. n.s. Richmond b Fulton & Cutter<br />

h. s.s. Court b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Taylor William, blacksmith, w.s. State b. Accom­<br />

Taylor Mrs, Jane, e.s. Pleasant b. 15th and Liberty modation and Deer Creek<br />

Taylor Jobn, n.e.c. John and Oth<br />

Taylor William, shoe mkr. bds. Benj. Waxler's<br />

Taylor John, e.s. Smith b. 4th and Sth<br />

Taylor William, grocery, s.wc. Linn and Bank<br />

Taylor John, s.w.c. Bth and Culvert, h. 7thb. Main Taylor Wm. H. salesman, bds. Mrs. Wright's<br />

and Sycamoie<br />

Taylor WiUiam J. s.s. Richmond b. John & Fulton<br />

Taylor John, lab. n.s. Liberty b. Plum and W. Row Taylor WilUam W. w.s. Pleasant b. 15th and Li­<br />

Taylor John, grocer, s.s. Ham. road b. Piatt and berty<br />

Freeman<br />

Teal Jacob, w.s. Linn b. York and Maple<br />

Taylor John, res. 242 w. 4th<br />

Teal John, w.s. Linn b. York and Maple<br />

Taylor John,lab. w.s. Vine b. I4th and 15th Tealer George, n.s. Abigail e. of Sycamore<br />

Taylor John, glass frame mkr. s.w.c. George and Teaman Heury, moulder, bds. c. Frout and Elm<br />

Baymiller<br />

Teaman John, moulder, s.s. Cherry b. Race & Elm<br />

Taylor John, drayraan, s.s. 3d e. of Stone Teaman John, carp. s.s. Kemble b. Linn & Cutter<br />

Taylor John, baker, n.s. Webb b. Smith and Park Teamon H. H. n.s. Cherry b. Race and Elm<br />

Taylor John C. George opp. Baymiller<br />

Teasdale William, 265 Walnut<br />

Taylor John F. e.s. Vine b. 3d and 4th, h. 250 Long- Tebbetts Joel, bds. Gibson House<br />

worth<br />

Tecombes Louis, 21 e. 4th<br />

Taylor John N. (T., Gano & Co.) res. Mount Hope Tedrew John T. e.s. Butler b. Symmes & Congress<br />

Taylor John W. s.s. Georse b. Linn and Baymiller Tedrow Reuben, e.s. Butler b. Symmes & Congi'ess<br />

Taylor Josepb, (J. & J. T.) 62 w. 4th<br />

Teehenbrook H. at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Taylor Joseph, carp. n.s. Kembleb. John & Fulton Tefe Isaac, e.s. Race b. 2d and Commerce<br />

Taylor Joseph L. b.k. 30 Pearl, h. s.s. Sth b. Mound Tefft Rev, Benjamin F. pastorUnion Chapel, h.n.s.<br />

and Cutter<br />

Liberty b. Spencer and Young<br />

Taylor Joseph R. s.e.c. W. Row & William, h.n.s. Tefts Joseph, R.R. conductor, s.s. Sthb. McAllis­<br />

Kembleb. John and Fulton<br />

ter and Pike<br />

Taylor Joseph S. s.s.Sth b. Mound and Cutter Tegge John H. s.s. Liberty b. Race and Elm<br />

Taylor Joseph W. (A. M. T. * Co.) res. Storrs tp. Tein BernardH. e.s. Spring s. of Woodward<br />

Taylor Luke. n.s. Front b. Elm and Plum Teis Jacob, w.s. Vine b.lSth and Liberty<br />

mAYLOR & McGRE\y, (Fernando G. T. Teke Henry, bds. A. Wohler's<br />

X & Samuel V. McGrew) wh. notions and trim Telan Robert, n.s. R.R. b. T.P. 19 and20 F'n.<br />

mings, 30 Pearl<br />

EtiEGKAPH HOUSE, George Seitzer,<br />

AYLOR M.4RK P. Mayor, off. s.s. 6th b. T s.s. 6th b. Main and Walnut<br />

rrEEFAIK VVM. B. (.McDowell & T.) atty.<br />

T Main and Walnut, h. n.s. George b. Mound and<br />

Cutter<br />

i 43 w. 3d street<br />

Taylor Miss Martha, 156 w. Sth, bds. Mrs. Simpson's Telfer John, hatter, 144 Main<br />

Taylor M. R. city ganger, office s.e.c. Main and 2d EEFER JOHIV R. designer and engraver<br />

h. 47 George<br />

T on wood, 111 Main<br />

Taylor Michael P. s.s. Richmond b. Cutter & Linn Telfer William, e.s. Mound b. Sth and Longworth<br />

Taylor Noah, s.s. Pearl b. Race and Elra<br />

Telkar Harry, w.s. Pendleton, n. of Abigail<br />

Taylor Nicholas, bds. c. Sth and Broadway Tell H. C. constable, s.s. Woodward b. Main and<br />

mAYEOR & OBIORNEf (George H.T. & Sycamore , „. ., , ,„ ,<br />

X Thoraas G. O.) com. and.forwarding mers. 14 & Teller Andrew, w.s. Sycamore b. Abigail & Wood­<br />

16 e. 2d<br />



N. W. THOMAS. N. L. BERNARD.<br />

THOMAS & CO.<br />

^ ^[^mim<br />

Produce, Commission & Forwarding Merchants,<br />


in}=' Particular attention given to sales and purchase of Flour, Salt, Lard^ Bacon, &6,<br />

^"^ Liberal advances made on Conslgrnmerats.<br />

»i 'Tea aeC-l^Tas!<br />

THE THO<br />

Tellyon Henry, n.s. Maple b. Piatt and Linn<br />

Teltow E. E. w.s. Sycamore b Franklin and Webster<br />

Teman George, bds. Mrs. L. Poiter's<br />

Temier Henry, n.s. Observatory road<br />

Tempest Michael, n.s. Harrison road b. Brighton<br />

House and W. Avenue<br />

Temple Wm. H. C. foreman at M. Greenwood's, h.<br />

s.s. Franklin e. of Sycamore<br />

Templeman John, (H. Feltman & Co.) s.s. 2d b.<br />

Raceand Kim<br />

Templeton Mrs Catharine, n.s. 6th b. Sycamore &<br />

Broadway<br />

Templeton N. J. e.s. Sycamoreb. Abigail and Hunt<br />

Templeton Pompeii, e.s. McAllister b. 4th and Sth<br />

Tenney Daniel, n.s Front b. Lytle and Parsons<br />

Tennison Moses, n.s. Buckeye b. Eden and Locust<br />

Tenting George.s.s. Melancthon b. VV. Kuw & John<br />

Tenz George, s.w.c. Plum and Everett<br />

Tenzick Albert, w.s. Observatory road e. of Celestial<br />

Teohalt Tarts, s.s. Liberty b. Elm and Plum<br />

Teper Henry, n.s.6th b.Sycamore and North<br />

Tepol Ennis J. porter 23 Pearl<br />

Tepper Julius, b. h .e.s. Main b. Hunt and Liberty<br />

Terney Tbomas, w.s. John b. 2d and 2d<br />

Terrell Charles A. awning mkr. e.s. Sycamore b.<br />

3d and 4th, bds. T. Prout's<br />

Terrell Wesley, n.s. Ham. road w. of Freeman<br />

Terrell William H. s.s. Buckeye b. Locust & Kden<br />

Terry Abram, e.s. Culvert b. 6th and 7th<br />

Terry George, b.k. bds. Mrs. Towne s<br />

rpERRV J. MONROE, al. physician, .335<br />

L w. 6th<br />

Terry Jackson, bds. Carll & Fagan's<br />

Terry James, s.s. Front b. Kace and Elm<br />

Terry Mrs. Julia, e.s. W. Row b. Court & Catharine<br />

Tesh Henry, c. Race and Ham. road<br />

Tesskamper Frank, s.s. Catharine b. Fulton & Cutter<br />

Telrof Barney, lab. s.s. Huntb, Main & Sycamore<br />

Teuchenbrock Henry e.s. Tanner o. Webster and<br />

Liberty<br />

Teufel Joseph A. Walnut b. Oth and Court "<br />

Teulon Samuel, e.s. .W Row b. McFarland & 4th<br />

Tevilin Patrick, e.s. M. Canal b. Sth and Court<br />

Thale Henry, porter, 30 Main, h. Hunte. of Broadway<br />

Thatcher David,bds. W. A. Conway's<br />

Thatcher Mrs. E. K.'lOO Longworth<br />

T<br />

HAYEK, ALDRICH Sc CO.. (Seth T<br />

Edwin R. A. & Wm. H. Thayer) wh. straw<br />

goods and millinery, 24 Pearl<br />

Thayer George A. machinist, at H. Miller &<br />

Son's<br />

Thayer George W. city police, s.s. cth e. of Har<br />

riet<br />

Thayer Seth, (T. Aldrich & Co.) bds. S H Thaver'a<br />

ThayerStephenH. 257 Walnut '<br />

Thayer Wm. H. (T., Aldrich & Co.) bds. S. H Thayer's<br />

'<br />

Thayer at A. Pittinger's Sth b. W. Row aud<br />

Jobn<br />

Theile H. s.s. 13th b. Vine and Race<br />

Theissen Herman A. n.e.c. Linn and Lauiel<br />

Themann Henry, n.w.c. Front'andElm<br />

Theobald Henry, w.s. Walnut b. Allison & Liberty<br />

Theobald Michael, e.s. Logan<br />

Theobald Philip, (T. & Theurkauf) h. 41 w. Court<br />

T<br />

HEOBALD & THEURKAEF, (Philip<br />

T. & Albert Theurkauf) German & French book<br />

store 41 w. Court<br />

Therber E. B. salesman, e.s. Main b. Front cfe Water,<br />

bds. Gilmore House<br />

Sherlengerdes B. n.s. Abigail b. Main & Sycamore<br />

Theurkauf Albert, (Theobald & T.) 41 w. Court<br />

Theuerkauf Frederick, (Theurkauf & Co.) s.e.c.<br />

John and Everett<br />

Theuerkauf George, (Theuerkauf* Co.) s.w.c. Sycaraore<br />

and Franklin<br />

THEVERKAEV & CO. (Frederick &<br />

George T, & Mathew Tantan) groceries, produce<br />

&o. s.e.c. John and Everett<br />

Thierg Michael, s.s. Hara. road b. Walnut & Vine<br />

Thiesing Ernst, (T. & Evens) res, Harrison road<br />

Thiesing & Evens. (Ernst T. &. Francis L. E.) 367<br />

Main<br />

Thiesing F. W. s.s. 12th b. Main and Clay<br />

Thiesing Frederick, n.s. Court b Plum & W. Bow,<br />

and w.s. W. Kow b. Kemble and Richmond<br />

Thiinmler Philip E. bar keeper. Revere House-<br />

T<br />


(Thornton F. Thirkield, Robert E. Thompson,<br />

& Daniel Middlekauff) wh. grocers and com.<br />

mers. 49 Main<br />

Thirkield Thornton T. (T., Thompson & Co.) 178<br />

Longworth<br />

Thistlewaite Isaac, elk. w.s. Butler b. Symmes &<br />

Congress<br />

Thole Henry, Front w. of JIain, h. s.s. Liberty b.<br />

Main & Sycaraore<br />

Thole Joseph, n .s. Congress opp. Depot, h: s.s. Front<br />

e. of Depot.<br />

Thole Theodore, at Powell's Foundry<br />

Tholking Mrs Mary, w.s. Spring s. of .\bigail<br />

Thoma Henry, s.s. Commerce b. Vine and Kace<br />

Thomann Joseph, Washington House, s.s.Sth b.<br />

Walnut and Vine<br />

Thomas Aaron G. n.s. Van Horn b. Cutter i&Linn<br />

Thoraas Alexander, bds. Wm. Ball's<br />

Thomas Osborne, 13 Jackson<br />

Thomas Bernard, s.s. 6th e. of Harriet<br />

Thomas Benjamin G. elk.at David G. Thomas'<br />

Thomas Calvin W. elk. e.s. Johnb. 4th ana Sth<br />

Thomas Caleb W. (J. F. Hoffman & Co.) bds.<br />

Jacob Hoffman's<br />

Thomas Charles. 320 Main, b. n.e.c. 12th & Walnut<br />

T<br />

T<br />

HOM VS CHRtSTOfUER H. al. phys<br />

s.s. Oth b. Main and Sycamore (No. 16)<br />

Thomas Daniel, w.s. Parsons b. Front and High<br />

HOMAS DAVIDU. steamboat stove store<br />

17 e. Front, h. 167 Race<br />

Thomas Edward, n.s, 5tb b. Elm and Plum<br />

Thomas Evan O. n w.c 3d and Front<br />

Thomas Frederick, w.s. Walnut b. 12th and 13th<br />

Thomas George F. s.s. Geoige b. Linn and Saymiller<br />

Thomas G. W. elk. bds. J. II. Evan's





THO THO<br />

ThoniQS Henry, S.S. Commerce b Vine and Race j Thomlinson Robert, e.s. Pike b. Front and ^Con­<br />

Thomas Henry, clU. 76 w. 4th; bds. 181 Broad-\v


ixx-xi=:x><br />

X<br />

•.'ooocyooooooo-c<br />




Bells and Brass Faucets of every description on hand. Also, Brass Bannister and Bar<br />

for Steamboats and Hulels.—Fountain Cocks, am) Generator Work, made and repaired<br />

and Salt Well Joints.—Oil Globes.—Cylinder and Gauge Cocks.—Steamboat Castors.—<br />

Rivets.—Spelter Solder and Brass Castings of every kind.<br />

Casli paid for old. Copper and Rrass.<br />

Wrightson, Printer, 43 Main.<br />

TIL<br />

TOB<br />

259<br />

ThroederS. 387 Main<br />

Timanus Jesse. 207 Longworth<br />

Thumann John G. n.s. Findley b. Race and Elm IMES OFFICE, C. Starbuck, Walnut, op.<br />

Thumel John, at Geo. Hunter's, bds. s.s. Sth b.Vine T Pearl St. House<br />

and Race<br />

Timmer Bernard H. e.s. Broadway b. Hunt & Abi­<br />

Thurbcr Samuel N. s.s Madison b. Elm and Plum gail<br />

Thurston John, 2<strong>52</strong> Walnut<br />

Timmer Henry, porter, 36 Main, h. Observatory<br />

Thurston Joshua, n.w.c. John & Laurel, h.n.s. Sth road<br />

b. Freeman and Carr<br />

Timmer Mrs. Mary, s.s. Abigail b. Sycamore and<br />

Thusy Christian, at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Broadway<br />

Tias Mrs. Jacobine, e.s. Vine b. I2th and I3th Timmerman Anthony, watchman, at Goodloe's<br />

Tibberman Richard, bds. Geo.Roth's, n.s.Liberty b. foundry, w.s. Broadway b.Hunt and Abigail<br />

Linn and Locust<br />

Timmerman D. H. s.s. Front b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Tibbit Ephraim, N. e.s. Dudley b.Everett 6c Liberty Timmerman Frederick, s.s. Front b. Plum and W.<br />

Tibbits Henry, e.s. Elra b. Front and 2d<br />

Row<br />

Tice John, s.w.c. 6th and John<br />

Timmerman Frederick, w.s. Ham. road b. Main &<br />

Tice John, n.s. R.R. b. T.P. 26 and 27 F'n<br />

Walnut<br />

Tice Matthias, w.s. Bremen b.lSth and Liberty Timmerman Frederick, e.s. Spring b.Lebanon piUe<br />

Tice Solomon, n.s. 3d b. W. Row and John<br />

and Court<br />

Tickamire Ernst,w.s. Pleasantb.Green & Findley Timmerman Herman, 286 Longworth<br />

Tidball V. C. printer, at T. Wrightson's, 43 Main, Timmerman Herman,n.s. AbigaU b. Sycamore and<br />

bds. Gibson House<br />

Broadway<br />

ridd David, Sar^ant b. Front and Carr<br />

Timmerman Mrs. Mary, e.s. Hughes b. Schiller &<br />

Tieke Frederick, s.e.c. Hughes and Schiller<br />

Burgoyne<br />

Tiekor Andrew, n.s. Liberty b, John and Cutter Timmermeister Wm. a.s. Woodwardb. Pendleton<br />

Tiemin Augustus, Oth b. Kace and Elm<br />

and Broadvvay<br />

Tieman JMrs. Dinah, s.s. Green b.Race and Bremen Timmeiri John G. porter, s.s. Abigail b. Main and<br />

Tieman Henry, e.s. James n. of Fountain<br />

Sycamore<br />

Tieman Hermann, n.s. Grant h. Elm and Plum Timmers WiUiam s.s. Woodward b. Broadway &<br />

Tiemann Henry, e.s. Buckeye n. of Poplar<br />

Pendleton<br />

Tiemann Joseph, w.s. Main b.l3th and AUison Timperley Henry, 7th b. W. Row and John, b.n.s.<br />

Tiemann Louis, bds. Joseph Tiemann's<br />

Ann b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Tierney Miss Ann, Eagle bldgs. Court b. Main and Tinch Frederick, cUi. w.s. Pleasantb. 15th and Li­<br />

Walnut<br />

berty<br />

Tierney Mrs. Jane, b.h. e.s. Vine b. Sth and 6th Tindall George, e.s. Smith n. of Sth<br />

Tierney IMary, n.s. Catharine b. John and Fulton Tindall Jackson H. s.w.c. Linn and Kemble<br />

Tierney Michael, n.s. Lineas b. W. Row and John Tine Christiana, s.s. Hopkins b, W. Row andJohn<br />

Tierney Peter, n.s. Tth b. Sycamore and Broadway Tine George L. s.s. Hopkins b. W. Row and John<br />

Tierney Thoraas G. s.s. Richmond b. W. Row and Tine Samnel W. s.s. Hopkins b. W. Row and John<br />

John<br />

Tinger Joseph, bds. 48 L. Market<br />

Tiese Gottlieb, e.s. Tanner b. Webster and Liberty rpINGLEY Ac BURTOW, (Clem. T. & Gi-<br />

Tiffany Collins B. elk. 31 L. Market<br />

X deon B.) wh. dry goods, s.e.c. Pearl and Wal­<br />

Tigh Edward, 144 w. Sd<br />

nut<br />

Tigho Edward. 208 Main<br />

Tingley Levi J. b.h. s.s. Beddinger b. M. Canal and<br />

Tike Francis, s.s. Congress b. M. Canal & Butler Broadway<br />

Tilden Dr. D. jr. s.s. 'id b. Walnut and Vine Tinker Frederick, at Lowry & Rule's, res. New­<br />

Tilden Miron H. atty. c. Court »& Main.h. 309 Race port<br />

Tiley Francis, 90 w. :M<br />

Tinker William, 32 McFarland<br />

IJLGHMAN THO WAS E. Pathfinder off. Tinsely Patrick, elk. bds. Thomas Prouts'<br />

T h.n.s Court b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Tippenhauer J. s.w.c. Liberty and Plum<br />

Tilley John, n.s. Front op.T.P. G F'n<br />

Tippenhauer widow of Wra. e. s. Providence b.<br />

Tilley WiUiam, cllt. n.e.c. Front and Plum<br />

Mason and Everett<br />

TiUinghast Joseph H. h.k. 9 Pearl, h.n.e.c.Cutter & Tipperraann Edmond, bds. White Hall Tavern<br />

Ricbmnnd<br />

Tirck John, e.s. Main b Webster and Orchard<br />

Tillotson Edward, elk. w.s. John b. 4th and Stha Tistadt Philip, n.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

TiUotson Klanson, Charles b. Canal and 12th Tistler John, e.s. Dunlap b. Cooper and Ham. road<br />

Tillotson George, bds. F. A. Bemis'<br />

Titcomb R. 158 w. Sth<br />

Tilly Joseph, phvs. e.s. Vine b. 13th and Mercer Tittle Isaac, e.s. M. Canal b, Sth and Court<br />

Tilly Theodore, bds. Dr. Joseph Tilly's<br />

Titus Samuel H. at Isaiah Roger's, bds. 2S0 Long-<br />

Tilney Joseph, b.k. res. 7 George<br />

worth<br />

Tilney Robert, salesman, 12 e. 4th<br />

Tobe John, at H. Grantman's<br />

Tilson Joseph, s.s. Yeatman b. Sycamore 6r Broad­ Toben John B. e. s. Pleasant b. Liberty and Green<br />

way<br />

Tobens Joseph, w.s. Ham. road h. Vine and Poplar<br />

Tilton J. S. at Burley & Lyford's, bds. Symmes b. Tobin John, e.s. Broadway b.6th and 7th<br />

Pike and Butler<br />

Tobin Julia, e.s. DubUn n. of Lock


T<br />

J. M. TOOKER & CO.<br />


IMUIMTMllS,<br />



TON<br />

OBEY Sc EPPIJT, (Cornelius T. & P. Ep­<br />

ply) real estate agents, e.s. W. Row b. Longworth<br />

and 6th<br />

Tobey Cornelius (T. & Epply) res. 137 Longworth<br />

Tokey Christopher, n.e.c. 14th and Race<br />

Todd Alexander, (Johnson, Brigham & T.) bda Mrs.<br />

Fulton's<br />

Todd Mrs. Ann, 70 w. 6th<br />

Todd Mrs. Elizabeth, b. h. w.s, W. Row b. George<br />

and Tth<br />

Todd Francis, D. b. k. 145 Main<br />

Todd James, (J. T., & Co.) res. near Farmers college<br />

TOOO .FAOTES, 4: CO. (James T., & John<br />

R. Poinier) Foundry and steam engine builders,<br />

s.w.c. Smith and 7th<br />

Todd Lydia, s.s. Sth e. OfLock.<br />

Todd M. M. R. n.w.c Court and Vine<br />

Todd Sarauel, s.s. Clinton b. W. Row and John<br />

Todd Solomon, s.s. George b- W. Row and John<br />

Todhunter Even, n.e.c. Vine and Elder<br />

Togan Michael, bds. D. Kirkpatrick's<br />

Tohlheimer John A. w.s. Hamilton road b. Locust<br />

and Poplar<br />

Tohlking Bernard, s.s. Front near junc. Sth (fePront<br />

Tolan A. at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Tolan John, elk, n.e.c. 4th and Walnut<br />

Tolan Michael, n.s. 2d b. Elm and Plum<br />

Tolbert David L. phys. n.w.c. Freemen and Rich,<br />

niond<br />

TOW<br />

Toney William, Sth b. Main and Sycamore h. n.s.<br />

Woodward b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Tonnies C. F. s.s. Front b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Tonning R. w.s. Vine b. Commercial and Front<br />

Tooker John M. (J. M. T. & Co.) a.s.George b.Plum<br />

T<br />

and W. Row<br />

OOKER J. jyi. Sc CO. premium carriage<br />

manufs n.s. 7th b. Main and Walnut<br />

Tool James, c. Maple and Linn<br />

Tool Patrick, s.s. Front b.|Raceand Elm<br />

Toole Dick, e.s. Elm b. 2d and Pearl<br />

Toole Patrick, bds. S. Griffiths s.s. Front<br />

Toole hatter, bds. 147 Race<br />

Toole Theodore, s.s. Cherry b. Race and Elm<br />

Topfer Henry, bds. Francis Helferich<br />

Tophy John, at A. Harknesa & Son's<br />

Tophorn H. w.s. Vine b. Front and 2d<br />

Topking Margaret, e.s. Bremen b. 14th and ISth<br />

Topmiller Frederick, w.s. Carr b. Kichmond and<br />

Gest<br />

Topmiller F. s.e.c. Everett and Cutter<br />

Topmiller Henry, s.s. Clark b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Topanto Peter, w.s. Elm b. Cooper and Ham. road<br />

Topon George, w.s. Observatory e. of Celestial<br />

Topp Prank, e.s. Bremen b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Topp K. R. al. phys. e.s. Walnut b. 8tb and 9th<br />

T<br />

Tolbert Martin, (T., & Nold)<br />

OCBERT Sc IVOLO, (Martin T. & Jacob C,<br />

T N.) dry goods 31 Lower market<br />

Toley Samuel, s.s. Grant b. Elm & Plum<br />

Tolin Anthony, al. b. Kilgour and M, Canal<br />

Tolivor Phillip, s.s. New b. Broadway and Culvert<br />

Toll William, e,s, Dudley b. Liberty and Poplar<br />

Tolldorman Frederick, s.s. Jefferson b. Elm and<br />

Plum<br />

Tomb Henry, b, k. Oanal V. Elm and Plum<br />

Tombragel A. n.s. 2d b. Elm and> Plum, h. n.s. Water<br />

b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Tomlinson Henjamin, 120 Main res. Covington<br />

Tomlinson Eliza Jane, w.s. Butler b. Front and Congress<br />

Tomlinson Joseph, e.s. Broadway b.Courtand Hunt<br />

^'.'^Ei'ii.^.i^S'.S.' *•• (I'- * Vi"" VleclO 31 McFarland<br />

WMPKIWS, »AYT01V * CO, (James T.,<br />

T J. G. Dayton & Dayton) upholsterers and<br />

mattress manufs 23 e. Hd<br />

Tompkins James, (T., Dayton & Co.) w.s. Sycamore<br />

b. sth and Oth<br />

Tompkins James, at Price & Brother's, bds. ws<br />

Vine b. 4th and Sth<br />

Tompkins Lett. e.s. Anderson b. Canal and Front<br />

Tompkins Thomas, Longworth b Eim and Plum<br />

Tompkins & Van Vleck, (Amos F. T. & A. Van V )<br />

Sl Pearl '<br />

Tompson A. s.s. 7th b. Plum and W. Row bds. 138<br />

Longworth<br />

Tompson Ge(y;ge L. n.s. Franklin b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Tomsett Thomas, 202 Longworth<br />

Toner Michael, n.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />


Sc CO. (Charles T., Samuel H. Carpenter,<br />

John W. C, Henry E. Saulnier & William C.<br />

Smillie) bank note engravers and printers. 119<br />

Walnut, Odd fellows bldg. Charles A. Jewett,<br />

agent<br />

Torlina George, w.s. Baum b. Sth and High<br />

Torlina John G. w.s. Baum b. Sth and Lock<br />

UKREiVCE OEORUE P. (T. & Wilson)<br />

T 94 w. 9th b. Vine and Kace<br />

niORREIVCB JAOTES F. com. and fordg.<br />

X mer. s.s. Canal b. Walnut and Vine, h. 9th b.<br />

Vine and Race<br />

Torrence Samuel, elk Greenwald & Bonsall, bds.<br />

n.s. 9th b. Vine and Kace<br />

Torrence & Wilson, lumber yard, s.s. Front op. T.<br />

P. 34 F'n<br />

Tosso J. s.s. Court b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Tosso Joseph, s.e.c. Walnut and 4th, bds. R.Straus'<br />

Tosso Julius, at Colville & Stryker's<br />

Tosspot George, <strong>52</strong> w. 3d, h.s.s. Front b Walnut &<br />

Vine<br />

Tosspott John, at Queen City Bath House<br />

Tosspot Jonathan, w.s. Vine b. 2d and Pearl<br />

Toumaker Mrs. Margaret, e.s. Bremen b. 15th and<br />

Liberty<br />

Tounley John, n.s. Van Hornb. Cutter and Linn<br />

Toursoe John, e.s. Broadway b. Hunt and Abigail<br />

Tout James H. at Johnson, Morton & Co's. h a.s<br />

Front b. T. P. 11 and 12 F'n • • •<br />

Tougg John, w.s. Fulton b. Richmond & Catharine<br />

Tower Edward C. 14 Walnut<br />

Tower John, 171 w. 5th<br />

Towers John, elk. w.s. W. Row n. of 4th<br />

Towey Thomas, n.s. Barr b. Cutler and Linn<br />

Towle A. B. (.Miller &T.) 43 Race<br />

OWtilE JOHN A. house lurnishing depot,<br />

17 e. 4th, bds. 141 Symmes<br />



TRABKR & AUBEKliY,<br />


fiEOeiM&COlMMION MMGlMTgl<br />


No. 7 Front street, Cincinnati.<br />

THE TRO<br />

Towndrow John S. n.s. Webb b. Stone and Wood<br />

Towne Mrs. Joanna E. b.h. w.s. Broadway b. 7th<br />

and Sth<br />

Townley Edward, Springb. Libertyand Woodward<br />

h.s.s. Milton near Wilson<br />

Townley George W. (G. W. T. & Co.) Broadway op.<br />

Franklin<br />

Townley G. W. & Co. (Geo. W. T. & M. J. T.) w.<br />

s. Spring b. Woodward and Liberty<br />

Townley M. J. (G. W. T. & Co.) e.s. Broadway b.<br />

Franklin and Webster<br />

Townsend Elizabeth, n.s. Frontb. T. P. 2 & 3 F'n<br />

Townsend E. B. elk. bds. Mrs. Disney's<br />

Townsend Rev. James B. n.s. 3d b. Smith and Park<br />

Townsend John, s.s. Woodward b. Main and Sycaraore<br />

Townsend Joseph. Longworth b. Mound and Park<br />

Townsend .Lewis, bds. 295 Longworth<br />

Townsend Oliver, (G. T. & Co.) res. s-s. Symmesb.<br />

Lawrence and Pike<br />

Townsend O. & Co. (G. T. & Wm. Phillips jr.) 46<br />

e. 2d<br />

Townsend Oliver, s.s. 3d b. Smith and Park<br />

Townsend William, carp. bds. Mrs. Coleman's, s.s.<br />

Sth b. Elm aud Plum<br />


T s. Bth b. Vine and Race<br />

To.xon William, w.s. John b. Everett and David •<br />

Toy Benjamin R. n s. Elizabeth b. W. Row & John<br />

Toy N. n.s. George b. Smith and Mound<br />

Toy Mrs. S. A. s.s. Hopkins b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Toy Timothy, s.s. Wade b. W. Row and John<br />

Tozier Alonzo L. L. penny post, e.s. Mansfield b.<br />

Liberty and Milton .<br />

KABER Sc ACBEBST, Jacob T. jr. &<br />

T Wm. A.) wh. grocers and com. mers. and dealers<br />

in pig iron, 7 Front<br />

Traber Jacob, jr. (T. & Auberry) 61 McFarland<br />

/nRAC'I SOCIETV, (American) depot and<br />

ll agency, Seely Wood, agt Melodeon bldg. Walnut<br />


Tfice Franklin rooms, c. Vine and Centre<br />

Tracy Mary, s.s. Waterb. Elm andPlum<br />

Tracy Michael, s.s. Front b. Race and Elm<br />

Tracy Patrick, elk. n.w.c. Ludlow and 3d<br />

Trahlmann Anna, e.s. Bremen b. ISth and Liberty<br />

Trainer Jane, e.s. Butler b. Symmes and Congress<br />

Trainer J. H. 63 L. Market<br />

Trainer Louis, n.s. Wood b. 3d and Sth op. 4th<br />

Trame F. W. Front b. Broadway and Ludlow<br />

Trame & Harman, (Henry T. & John H.) 18 L. Market<br />

Trame Henry, (T. & Harman)<br />

Traner Patrick, 20 e. Sth . ..,.,.<br />

Tranter James, at Globe rolling mill, n.s. Front b.<br />

Mill and Smith<br />

Travers John, bds. c. Oth and Plum<br />

Travsrs John,bds. Mrs. Sarah Henry's<br />

Treasure James, s.s. Kemble b. John and Fulton<br />

T RBASi;BKR'S'©FFJCE,(city)collegebldg.<br />

Trerabore Nicholas, w.s. Freeman b. Ham. road &<br />

Bank<br />

Tremont House, s.e.e. Sth and Vine<br />

Trenchard E. P. s.e.c. Everett and John<br />

Trenencamp Barney, w.s. Vine b. Frontand Commeree<br />

rpKEIVEB Sc MISEINEB, (Worthington T.<br />

X. & Jaraes G. M.) house and sign painters, 145 Walnut<br />

Trener Worthington, (T. & -Misener) res. w.s. John<br />

b. Catharine and Elizabeth<br />

Trentman Mrs. Louisa, e.s. Broadway b. Hunt and<br />

Abigail<br />

Trenkamp C. bds. F. Sanderman's<br />

Trentmann Frank, n.s. Franklin b. Mainand Sycamore<br />

Trescott Enos T. (Boswell & T.) bds. Eagle Hotel<br />

Tresise Thomas, s.s. Everett b. W. How& John<br />

Trevis Martin, e.s. Race b. loth and Liberty<br />

Trevoin Christian, s.s. Harrison road b. Division<br />

and Brighton<br />

Trevor C. s.s. George b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

Trevor Jacob, Front b. Main andSycamore, bds. 61<br />

McFarland<br />

Trevor Sanjuel, 44 w. 4th<br />

Trezafker Mrs. Theresa, s.s. Everett b. Cutter and<br />

Linn<br />

Trickier Henry, e.s. Ann b. Plum aud W. Row<br />

Triema Henry, s.e.c. Race and Liberty<br />

Trier Valentine, b.k. 94 Main, h. 71 Centre<br />

Trimble Kev. Joseph M. w.s. Broadway b. Franklin<br />

and Webster<br />

Trimble Patrick, c. Bth and Plum<br />

Trimbur George, w.s. Vine b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Trimp Henry A. elk. n.s. Front b. Lytle and Corporation<br />

line<br />

Trimp John A. n.s. Front b. Lytle and Corporation<br />

line, res. Fulton<br />

Trirape Gerhard.e.s. Hughes b.'Lebanon Pike and<br />

Schiller<br />

Trimpe Henry H. e.s. Hughes b. Liberty & Schiller<br />

Trimpe Mary, e.s. Kace b. Green and Liberty .^^ " '<br />

Tringer Harman, bds. 48 L. Market "^<br />

Trindle Alexander, at John Purser's, res. Newport<br />

Tripple Alfred, s.s. Mercer b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Tristsch George, n.s. Sth b. Baymiller and Freeman<br />

Trom Henry, n.s. Hopkins b. Baymiller & Freeman<br />

Tron Frederick, n.s. Symmes e. of M. Canal, h. 98<br />

e. 3d<br />

Tron Henry, n.s. Hopkins b. Linn and Freeman<br />

Tron Peter, n.e.c. Syrames and Ludlow<br />

Troop Catharine, n.s. 6th e. of Lock<br />

Trost Isaac, (1. T. & Brother.)<br />

Trost Isaac & Brother, (Isaac & Wolf T.) 14 Sycamore<br />

and 46 Front<br />

Trost Joaeph, elk. 14 Sycamore<br />

Trost Wolf, (Isaac T. & Brother)<br />

Trott Janies, n.s. Water b. Elm and Plnm<br />

Trott Wm. porter, 22 Water<br />

Trotter Jeremiah, 131 Walnut<br />

Trounstcin Abraham, (A. & J. T. & Co.) c. Broad­<br />

e.s. Walnut b. 4th and Sth, James Johnson, way and New<br />

Treasurer . „ .i TRODIVSTEBIV A. & jr. T. & CO. (Abra­<br />

Treasy William, n.s. Catharine b. Fulton & Cutter ham & John) wh. and retail clothiers, 391 Main<br />

Tremain Wm. C. b.k. 118 Main


m.<br />

S. P. TURPIN & CO.<br />


<strong>52</strong> PEAP.L STE,EET,<br />

TUD TUR<br />

Trounstein John, (A. &. J. T. & Co.) c. Broadway Tudor John M. 273 w. 7th<br />

and New<br />

Tudor Mrs. M. M. 12 George<br />

Troup Nelson, bds. J. N, Wayne, n.3. Laurel b. Cut­ Tudor Richard', (Dumont & Tudor) h.s.s. 3d b. Smith<br />

ter and Linn<br />

and Park.<br />

Troutman Godfrey, e.s. Bremen b. 13th and 14th Tudor William, at A. Harkness & Son's, h.n.a. Sth<br />

Troutraan Joseph, 409 w. 6th<br />

b. Broadway and Pike<br />

Troutman Peter, s.e.c. Lebanon Pike and Montgom­ TufBi Christian, n.e.c. 2d and Wahiut<br />

ery road<br />

Tuffner Mrs. Mary, n.s. 6th b. Canal and- Freeman<br />

Trow William, n.w.c. Sth and Dublin<br />

Tugman John, bds. Thomas Ryan's<br />

Trowbridge Archibald, (T.,& Beatty) s.e.c. Canal Tuite Aaron G. (A. G. & E. T.)<br />

and Race<br />

Tuite A. G. cfeE. (AaronG.&Edward T.) 160w.Sth<br />

BOWBB.SDGE &BEATTir, (Archibald Tullis David, n.s. Sth e. of Pierson<br />

T T. & James B.) com. mer. and pork and beef TuUy John, s.s. George b. Plum and W. Row<br />

packers, s.w.c. Raceand Canal<br />

Tally Michael, n.s. Front b. Lytle and Corporation<br />

Trowbridge Matthew, e.s. Elra b. 15th and Liberty line<br />

Trowbridge Wm. A. a.e.c. Race and Canal TuUy William, William b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Troxell JohnJ. elk. n.e.c. Spring and Woodward Tumbridge;john,wigmkr. 27e. 4th,h.s.s. Oth b.Plum<br />

Troxell Wm. w.s. Bremen b. 14th and 15th<br />

and W. Row<br />

Troy James, s.w.c. 2d and Elm<br />

Tumy Hiram L (J. C. & H. L. T.) e.s. Plum b. Sth<br />

Troy Samuel, n.s. 3d b. Race and Elm<br />

Truax DaTrtd, A. elk. 154 Main<br />

and Longworth<br />

Truax Edward A. elk. n.e.c. 4th and Main, h. 20<br />

Tumy J. C. & H.L. (Jesse C. & Hiram L.) 43 Main<br />

Tumy Jesse C. (J.C. & H. L. T.) s.s. Harrison<br />

Perry<br />

UIVWICIilFF Sc CO. (John T. & David A.<br />

Truck Frank, a.s. Highb. Parsons and Lytle. T Powell) stove and hollow ware manuf. n.s. Front<br />

Trum Benjamin, (T. & Myer) c. Vine and Court b. Butler Pike<br />

Truman Mrs. Elizabeth D. (Truman & Spofford) n.a. Tunnicliff John, (T. & Co.) res. e.a. Obaervatory<br />

Clark b. W. Row and John<br />

road n. of Celestial<br />

Truman Gerrard, w.s. Carr b. Richmond Guest Tunnicliff Joseph, res. n.s. Observatory road<br />

RITMAN Sc SPOFFORW, (Elizabeth D. Tunis Joseph, n.s. Abigail w. of Pendleton<br />

T T. & Ainsworth R. S.) booksellers and publishers,<br />

&C.1I1 Main<br />

Tunney Michael, s.s. Everettjb. Cutter and Linn<br />

Trumbower John P. e.a. Vine b. Front and 2d<br />

Tuny Rhoda e.s. Dublin n. of Lock<br />

Trunk John, s.s. Logan b. Liberty and Green<br />

Tupie Frederick, n.s. Buckeye b. Eden and Locust<br />

Tupke Joseph, e.s. Broadway b. Hunt and Abigail<br />

KIJ1VNEI.THOOTAS, Ludlow St. House, n.<br />

T w.c. 2d and Ludlow<br />

Tupman John, w.s. Linn b. Maple andPoplar<br />

Truss John, porter, 17 Main<br />

Tupmier George, e.s. Bremen b. 14th and 15th<br />

Truss John, a.s. Catharine b. Fultonand Cutter<br />

Turmeu Mra. Francis, s.a. Webb b. MiU and Park<br />

Truss Thomas, n.s. Catharine b. Linn and Baymiller Turnbull George w. elk. bda. Mrs. M. Wright's<br />

Trussell Moses, a.s. Wade b. John and Linn Turner Andrew, Gano st.<br />

Tschudy J. H. (Gordon* Co.) n.e.e. Sth & W. Row Turner David, n.s. Front b. Race and Elm<br />

Tsember John, w.s. Carr b. Richmond and Clark Turner Everard, 215 Main, h.w.s. Plum b. Front<br />

Tsole F. H. n.s. Grant b. Elm and Plum<br />

and 2d<br />

Tubesink Henry, s.s. Buckeye b. Locust and Poplar Turner Frederick, w.s. Pendleton b. Woodward &<br />

Tuchter E. n.s. Frontb. Plumand W. Row<br />

Liberty<br />

Tuckenberg Henry, n.s. Burgoyne b. Main and Sy­ Turner Henry, 161 Walnut, h.s.s. George b. Smith<br />

camore<br />

and Mound<br />

Tucker Amos, n.s. Hannibal n. of Sth<br />

Turner Henry, elk. bds. Union Hotel<br />

Tucker Andrew, c. 12th and Elm<br />

Turner H. e.s. 2d b. Race and Elm<br />

Tucker Diana, n.s. Pearl b. Elm and Plum Turner Jaraes B. elk. 200 Main, bds. Gibson House<br />

Tucker Ebridge, elk. at Ashcraft's, h.s.a. High b. Turner James P. 186 w. 6th<br />

Lytle and Collard<br />

Turner Joel, res. n.a. Observatory road.<br />

Turner John, a.a. Green b.Race and Elm<br />

UCKER EIiX F. elk at R. B. Bowler'a, a. Turner John F. w.s. Pendleton b. Liberty Wood­<br />

T s. Front e. of depot, h.n.w.c. 4th and Pike<br />

ward<br />

Tucker George H. s.s. 6th b. Main and Walnut, h.e. Turner Levi 0. ed. Gazette, bds. Burnet Hou=e<br />

s. Walnut b. Canal and 12th<br />

Turner Mrs. Mary, s.s. New b. Broadway & Culvert<br />

Tucker Howard, elk. 65 Main<br />

Turner Myram G. s.s. Front b. T. P. 39 and 40 F'n<br />

Tucker James H. e.s. John b. Chestnut & Elizabeth Turner Patrick, elk. n.e.c. Plum and 9th<br />

Tucker John B. s.s. 3d b. John & Smith<br />

Turner Samuel, 356 w. Bth<br />

•Tucker Joshua, n.s.Waterb. Plumand W. Row 'pUKIVER SAMUEL, book bindery,<br />

Tucker Wm. e.s. Broadway b. Woodward and Abi. JL Main, h. w.s. Plum b. Front and 2d<br />

116<br />

gail<br />

Turner Samuel C. n.e.e. Main and Orchard<br />

Tudor Edward, s.a. Kemble b. Linn and Baymiller Turner & Sons, n.s. 7th b. W. Row and John<br />

Tudor F. F. (F. F. T. & Co.) rea. Covington Turner Thomas, s.e.e. Ludlow and Symmes<br />

Tudor F. F. & Co. 27 Walnut<br />

Turner Thomas C. n.s. Clark b. Linn and Cutter


A. O. TTLOR,<br />



Brooms, Mats, Srnslies, Washboards, Watches, Clocks, Blacking, &c.<br />

Also, a variety of House Furnishiue and. Fancy articles; usually<br />

kept in this line oi business.<br />

No. 10 Main street, between Pront and Second.<br />

x«r-r-'nww ww<br />

UHL UPH<br />

Tijrner Thompson M. at Gazette officey res. n.s. Sth Uhlmann Edward, e.s. Front n. of Sth<br />

b. W. Row and John<br />

Uhlman Frederick, bds. J. Heamoner 3<br />

URPIN 8. P. & CO. (Sarauel S.P. T., cfe Uhlrich Conrad, w.s. Spring s. of Abigail<br />

T Francis Armstrong & Edward Martin) imps, and Uhlry Israel, w.s. Race b. 12th and Canal<br />

dealers in laces, embroideries and millinery Uhrback Chriatian, a.s. Logan b. Liberty & Greengoods,<br />

<strong>52</strong> Pearl<br />

Ulam Joaeph, n.e.c. Hopkins and Cutter<br />

Turpin Samuel T. (S. T. T. & Co.) bdS. Denniaon Ulhorn Fredeiick. e.s. Pleasant b. 14th and 15th<br />

House<br />

UIKerman Henry, e.s. Race b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Turvin^Jamea, id. b. 7tli and Sth and Sycamore and UUman Daniel, s.s. Sth b. Sycamore and Broad­<br />

Broadway<br />

way<br />

Turvin Laura, s.s^Sth b. Sycamore & Broadway Ulmer Andrew, 54 Sycamore<br />

Tutin Samuel, n.s. Sthb. W. Row and John Ulmer Frederick, e.s, Mainn. of Hunt<br />

Tuttle Mra. Ann, a.s. George b. Plumand W. Eow Ulrich Augustus C. elk. 206 Main, h. e.s.. Main b.<br />

Tuttle A. at A Harkness & Son's<br />

Tth andSth<br />

UTTI.E ElilAS W. atty. at law and real Ulrich Henry, n.s. Clinton b-Linn and Locust<br />

T estate agt. 64 w. 3d, bds. Mrs. W. W^right's Umberger John, agt. ins. office, n.a. 3d b. Walnut<br />

Tuttle Elizabeth, s. of Front b. T. P. 11 & 12 F'n and Vine, h. s.s. Catharine b. W. Row & John<br />

Tuttle George H. transportation agt. s.s. M. Canal b. Umferfeir Fi-ank, e.s. Broadway b. Abigail and<br />

Main and Sycamore<br />

Woodward<br />

TuttlelG.P. (P. E. & G. P. T.) Woodruff House Umford Timothy, 232 Main<br />

Tuttle John, a.s. Sth b. W. Row and John Unaware Rodolpb, s.e.c. Main and 6th,. h. u.s.<br />

Tuttle Oliver S. s.a. Sth b. W. Row andi John<br />

Buckeye b. Main and'Walnut<br />

UTTHiE P. E. & fi. P. Woodruff House, Unbrhagon L. C. s.s. al. b. Hunt and Abigail<br />

T w.s. Sycamore b. 33 and 4th<br />

Underbill J.. H. at Johnson, Morton & Co'&, s.s,.<br />

Tuttle Rebecca, s.s. Sth b. W. Row and John<br />

Front e. of Depot<br />

Tuttle Mrs. Sarah A. 146 w. 3d<br />

Underbill Richard, s.s. Front w. of Walnut<br />

Tuttle Thomas C. n.s. R. R. b. T. P. 19 and 20 F'n Underwood Erastus (U. & Ingalabe) res. 160 Broad­<br />

Tutton Henry, e.a. Baum w. of High<br />

way<br />

Tuxworth Mrs. E. w.s. W. Row b. 4th and Sth TTNBEKWOOII Ac I1VG-AI.SBE, (Erastus-<br />

Twahaus Frank, n.e.e. Bremen and Green<br />

U U. & Levi D. I.) planing mill and lumber deal­<br />

Twank Henry, n.s. Liberty b. Linn and Cutter<br />

ers, s.s.Sthb. Broadway and Pike<br />

Tweed A. D. E. (T. Sibley & Wright) e.s. Elm n. Underwood J. B. att'y at law, n.s. Court b. Main.<br />

and Walnut, bds. Black Bear<br />

WEED •& ANDREWS, (John P. T. & Underwood Marshall, TL S. Grant b. Elm and Plum.<br />

T James A..)wh. grocers, 31 and 33 Pearl<br />

Ungle William, n.s. 13tli b. Walnut'and Vine<br />

Tweed John P. (T. & Andrews) 426 w. 6th Uniam Charles, w.s. Bremen b. 15th and Liberty<br />

mWEED, SIBlrEY Sc WRIOII'I', (A. NIOI^ BANK, Brown & Ramsey, 39 w. 4th<br />

i D. E. T., James W. S., & Henry D. W.) flour U e. of Walnut<br />

prod, and com. mers. 40 Walnut<br />


Tweedy Hamilton, e.a. Baymiller b. Richmond and sendorf, e.s. M. Canal b. Front and Congress<br />


Twelbick" ohn H. w.a. Walnut b. 13th and Alliaon Claybaugh & James Prestley, editors, office<br />

Twiford Mrs. Catharine, e.a. Jackson b. 12th and s.s. Gth b. Race and Elra<br />


Canal „ _, .<br />

U bee, s.w.c. 6th and Walnut ''<br />

Twiling Henry, at A. Harknesa & Son's<br />

United States Tavern, s.s. Sth b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Tyee Patrick, bds. 20 e. Sth , . -, Unkrout Harmen, s.s. Frontb, Pike and ]3utier<br />

YLER AliBBRT O. wh. wooden and wil­ Unterdiener Rev. Wm. res. w. s. Bremen b. Green<br />

T low ware, 10 Main, h. 350 w. 7th<br />

Tvman Martin, n.a. Water b. Walnut and Vine<br />

and Elder<br />

'XTSA.TS BERNARD, furniture and cabinet<br />

Untersinger Jacob,e.s. Raceb. Green and Elder<br />

T ware rooms, s.s. Sth w. of Walnut, h. e.s. Lmn b.<br />

Unterwaver Henry, e.s. Elm b. Liberty and Green<br />

Hickory and Liberty<br />

Unthank Wm. S. n.s. Hopkins b. John & Cutter<br />

Tyninger Henry, at Joseph Belding's<br />

Unvan Sear, w.s. Race b. Liberty and Green<br />

Tyrack Jamea N. s.a. Kemble b. Linn and Baymiller NZICKER J. S. al. phys. office w.s. Wal­<br />

Tyson Jane, laundreaa, 99 Sycamore „„,.„„ U nut b. 13th and 13th<br />

rnYSON JOHN W^. editor Western Pathfln- UpdegroffS. J, (Hill & U.) bds. Mrs. Wright's<br />

1 finder, 173 Walnut, bds. Walnut Hills Upetzeller Frederick, w.s, Walnutb. Ham. road &<br />

Liberty<br />

Uphaus Frederick, porter, J. Swasey & Co's<br />

u<br />

Upbaus Frederick, packer, 3 Main<br />

Uphaus Henry, s.s, 14th b. Race and Elm<br />

Uetz Andrew, e.s. Walnut b. 13th and Allison Uphaus John, e.s. Pleasant s. of 14th<br />

Uhland Henry, n.s. Burgoyne b. Main & Sycamore<br />

Uphof & Schafer, (George E. U. & Ferdinand S.)<br />

UbUelter h. n.a. Sth b. Plum and W. Kow<br />

n.s. Tth b. Main and Walnut


F. A. VALLETTE,<br />

i ^ i ^<br />

*^lliS^ili<br />

No. 104 Main street.<br />

4th door above Third,<br />

Has constantly on hand a general assortment of<br />



I Wrightson, Printei-, 43 Main,<br />

VAL VAN<br />

Uphof George E, (U. & Scbafer) res. St, Clair al, b, Valentine William, n.s. Front b. T.P. 22 & 23 F'n<br />

Gth & Tth and Main & Walnut<br />

Valinx Herman, w.s. Linn b. Kverett aud Hickory<br />

PHOFF J, Metropolitan bath house, 137 Sy­ Vallandingham Anderson W. n.s.Catharine b.Linn<br />

U camore<br />

and Rittenhouse<br />

Uphoff Michael, s,s. Yeatman b,Sycamore & Broad Vallandingham Richard, e. Betts & John, h. n.s.<br />

way<br />

Betts b. \\^ Row and John<br />

Upperman John, n.s. Morton e. of Kilgour Vallis .Stephen, 10 w. 2d, h.s.s. 4th b. Mill & Stone<br />

Upperman WilUam, s.e.c. Catharine and Linn Vallis William, s.s. 4th b. Mill aud Stone<br />

Upson A. Augustus, b.k. n.w.c. Walnut and Pearl, •17-AL.I,EXXJE FREOEKICK A. hat and<br />

h.w.s. Mound b. Longworth and Gth<br />

V cap manufacturer 104 Main h.3d & 4th, res. 419<br />

Upson Gad. E. c. Pearl and Walnut, hds. Augustus Main<br />

Upson's<br />

Vallette Henry, 161 w. 4th<br />

RBAN CHARLES, iire proof safe manuf. Vallette Wm. C. elk. 104 Main, bds. 161 w. 4th<br />

U s 8. Pearl b. Vine and Race<br />

Vallure Sarah A. s.s. George b.Smith and Mound<br />

UB]\CR BENJAMIN, Ins. agent, 16 Front Van John (King & Vanj n.s. George b. W. Row &<br />

h n.s, 3d w. of-Smith<br />

John<br />

Urner David, elk. h. 47 w. 9tb<br />

Van Amringe John, 9 Sycamore, h.w.s. Park b.4th<br />

Ursell John, s.s. Poplar b. W. Row o.nd John and Sth<br />

Urwiler John, n. s. Richmond b. Linu and Cutter Van Ansdol Isaac, e.s. Sycamore s. of Liberty<br />

Usher , Greenwuod & Co. h. n.a. Mulberry b. tTANBERGEIV HEIVKV, agts. Point coal<br />

Locust and Poplar<br />

V Co. c. Sth and W. W. Canal, h.n.s. 3d b. Smith<br />

Ute Frederick, s.w.c.Harrison road and Brighton and Park<br />

Ute Louisa, widow of Edward, w.s. Langdon al. b. Van Bergen Joseph B. elk. bds. Robert Boat's<br />

6th and Tth and Main and Sycamore<br />

Van Benthuton J. W. bds. Carll & Pagan's<br />

TTTICA INS, CO. James S. Chew, agt. 53 w. Vanbibber Andrew J. w.s. Sycamore b. Hunt and<br />

U 3d<br />

Abigail<br />

Utink Henry, s.s. 15th b. Race and Elra<br />

Vance Mrs. Ann Eliza, e.s. Race b. 12th and 13th<br />

Utley Hastings, a.e.c. Walnut 6c FronL, h.s.s.4thb. Vance Alexandei, s.s. Frout b. T.P. 20 & 21 F'n<br />

Park and Mill<br />

Vance Charles A. (Sprague, Walden & Co.ls.s.Frcnt<br />

Utten Bernard, n.a. Hunt b. Sycamore and Broad­ op. T.P.-.'a F'n<br />

way<br />

TTAIVCE Sc CO. (Elisha Vance & Justus B.<br />

Uttman Henry, w.s. Hughes b, SchiUer and Bur­ V Wolcott) iron, stoves, and tin ware. 16 Lower<br />

goyne<br />

Market<br />

Utz I. J. 313 Longworth<br />

Vance Edward, s.s. Laurel b. John & Cutter, bds.<br />

Utz John. e. s. VV, Row b. Court and 12th, h. 213 n.s. Betts b. Cutter aud Linn<br />

Longworth<br />

Vance Elisha (V. & Co.) s.s. 6th b. Main and Sycaraore<br />

Vance John, bds. Cornelia Vioom's<br />

V<br />

Vance Sarah, s.s. Front b. T.P. 20 and 21 F'n<br />

Vance William, city police, n.s. Betts b. Cutter it<br />

Vaber John F. s.s. Friendship al. b. Pilie & Butler Linn<br />

Vaechter Adam, bds. L. Hamout's, w.s. Race b. 2d Vanclevj E. bds. Mrs. Lewis'<br />

and Pearl<br />

Vancuren Paul, e.s. Walnul b. 3d and 4th<br />

Vafar Fritz, bds. B. H.Scbuemaker's<br />

Vandergrift Benjamin B. lumber mer. s.s. Waterb.<br />

Vahhaga H. h.w.s. Clay b.l3th and Alliaon<br />

Kace and Eim<br />

Vail Asa, Boylan's bldgs. 74 w. 4th, bds. Mrs. M. \'andewater Henry, bds. Brighton House<br />

Says'<br />

Vandewater Joshua, c. Sth and Main, res es Au­<br />

Vagen J. H. elk. res. w.s. Walnut b. 12th and 13th burn<br />

Valenhole Lewis, w.s. Pleasant b.lSth and Liberty Van De Water Wm. elk. n.w.c. Main and Front<br />

Valentine Ann, w.s. Pleasant b. )5th and Liberty bds. J, S. Burdsal's '<br />

Valentine Ann, n.s. Water b. Etm and Plum Vandiver E. bda. 269 Walnut<br />

Valentine Charles, n.s. 7th b. John and Mound Vandokum John, h.c. Franklin and Main<br />

Valentine Frank, at Johnson, Morton & Co's V

^ • 5 ^<br />


VAN VEF<br />

Vandusen Erastus, e.-s. Butler b. ^4th and Symmes<br />

Vandusen E. K. Front b. Ludlow and Lawrence<br />

Van Duscn J. elk. at R. R. Depot, res. Newport<br />

Vandvier & Alcorn, (Wm. V. & Wm. E. A.)<br />

awning nllirs. 100 Sycamore<br />

Vandvier Peter, n.a. 7th b. Jobn and Mound<br />

Vandvier William, (V. & .Vlcorn,) s s. Longworth<br />

b. Elm and Plum<br />

Van Dyke Dominicus, 161 Walnut, res. Springdale<br />

Van DykeStti-ah N. at D. H. Home's, jr<br />

Vaneger Mrs. Amelia, e.s. Vine b. l^lli and 13th<br />

Van Emon George L. u.s. 4th b. Vine and Race<br />

Van Emon Samuel, n.w.e. EUIMI andHi^h<br />

Van Every M. atty at law, Keede'rs building, res.<br />

Covington<br />

Van Fleet Mrs. Charity, w.s. Walnut b. 13th and<br />

AUison . . .<br />

Vangorden Andrew, e.s. Richmondb. BaymiUer*.-<br />

Freeman<br />

Van Hamm Alexander, (W. & A. Van H.Jbds. at<br />

Woodruff House<br />

Van Hamm Washington. (W. & A. Van H.) w.s.<br />

V<br />

John b. 4th and 5th<br />

ATi HAOTM W. & A. (Washington and<br />

Alexander,) attys at law, 7 Law Buildings op.<br />

Henrie House<br />

Van Hart Samuel, w.s. Providence b. Mason and<br />

Van Hart Thomas, n.s. Hopkins b. John & Cutter<br />

Van Hart Jacob, s.s. Laurel b. John and Cutter<br />

Van Haufman WilUara.e.s. Vine b. AlUson & 13th<br />

Van Healy , s.s. Moses b. Mill and Stone<br />

Vanhofoer John, at Swasey, Wise & Co's, h. n.s.<br />

Sth e. of M. Canal ,. „ . ,<br />

Vanhorn CorneUus. w.s. Broadway b. Court and<br />

Hunt „ . „<br />

Vanhorn Henry, e.s. Butler b. Symmes & Congress<br />

Van Jager Herman, elk. w.s. Pleasant b. 14th and<br />

Vanklin Frederick, e.s. Pleasantb. 14th and 15th<br />

VanUew Dennis, n.w.c. John and Clinton<br />

AN ITI.4XKB IDANtEL, atty atlaw,8 w.<br />

V 9th.h. n.w.c. George and Plum<br />

Van Name George, n.w.e. W. Row and Sth<br />

Vannetter John, w.s. Providence b. Everett and<br />

Van^KraSpboff Joseph, w.s. Race b 14th and 15th<br />

Van Hostrand William H. w.s. ^v. Rowb. Kemble<br />

and Richmond, bds. Mrs. Anna Swarthout's,<br />

Van PeU Charles, elk. Front b. Hace and Em<br />

Van Pelt Mi.tthias C. s.s. Sth b. Hill and Stone<br />

Van Benstroten Benjamin, at Litherbury's shipyard<br />

Vansant Catharine, n.w.c. Front and Elm<br />

Vansant Jaraes, s.s. Richmond w.of Harriet<br />

Vansant K. A. n.w.c Front and Elm<br />

Vans»nt'^-"""•l. n.s. 7thb. Cutter andLinn<br />

TT-ANSCIVEK Sc FOX, (Charles H. V. &<br />

V r.edx.KK F.) Franklin House,s.e.c. Broadway<br />

Van^Sooyoc Stephen H. e.s. Sycamore b. 7th & 8th<br />

Vansioklen & Hayden, (Norton B. V. & Samuel J.<br />

H.) 23S Main „, , ,<br />

Vansicklen Norton B. (V. & Hayden,) res. Walnut<br />

HUls<br />

17<br />

Vansjnk Barney, s.e.c. Cruigress and Butler<br />

Vanstreet Henry, s.s. Jefferson h. Elra & Plum<br />

Vansycle John M. B.S, Front h. Wood & Stone<br />

Vantine George, bds. Mrw. C Edwards'<br />

Vantresse .Solomon, e.a Bremen b. 13th and 14th<br />

Vantromp J. n.w.c. Cherry and Elm, h. n.s. 3d b.<br />

Race and Elm<br />

Vantrunk John J. bds. '64 w. 3d<br />

Van Vallienburgh Henry, b. k. EUis & Morton's,<br />

bds. Wm. Burnbt's, Elm b. 4th and Sth<br />



wm\i ^ mm<br />

lELEljRAPH<br />

No. 5 East Third street,<br />

Dispatches transmitted to ail parts of the United States and Canada by direct lines<<br />

VIC VON<br />

Vehn George, s.s. Green b. Race and Elm<br />

Vehrum Jacob, e s. Bnckeye b. Locust and Poplar<br />

Veibrek Henry, s.s. Woodward b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Veick Mrs. Margaret, s.e.c. Locust and Buckeye<br />

Veith Anthony at George Hunter's, h. Woodward<br />

b. Broadwuy and Spring<br />

Veith Siegmund, 135 w. 3d<br />

Veldman Henry, w.s. Walnutb 13th and AUison<br />

Velerdiog Francis, w.s. Baum b. .Sth and High<br />

Vellinan Henry H. elk. bds. W. Row b. Kemble<br />

aud Richmond<br />

Velmer Lucas, s.s. Sth e. ofLock<br />

Vemple Rudolph, s.s. Front e. of Smith<br />

Veneman Christian, Front b. Harriet and Horn<br />

Veneman George, e.s. Main b. Burgoyne & Schiller<br />

Venn Thomas, s.s. 7th b. Baymiller and Freeman<br />

Venneman .Anthony, elk. n.s. 3db. Mill andStone<br />

Venneman H. u.s. Woodward b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Venick Hillman, n.s. Clark b. Linn and Cutter<br />

Venkelman Frederick, w.s. Walnut b. 13th and<br />

Allison<br />

Venker Henry, w.s. Elmb. Liberiy and Green<br />

Venn r; er John, yv.s. Vine b. 15th and Liberty<br />

XJE ISANOAH, George Selves, s.a. 3d h. Main<br />

V a' it Walnut<br />

V"-- ehage Henry, porter, American restaurat<br />

Vsr -n & Brother, (Francis & Michael,) e.s. Vine<br />

".Canal and 12th<br />

\'erd>n Francis, (V. & Bro.) e.s. Vine b. Canal and<br />

12th<br />

Verden Joel n.s. Hunt b. Spring and Pendleton<br />

Verdin Michael, (V. & Bro.) e.s. Vine b. Canal & 12th<br />

Verdin, Shillito & Co. (Florence V., George S., &<br />

Benjamin Dennis) w.s. M. Canal b. 6th and 6th<br />

Veregge John F. e.s. Main b. Burgoyne & Schiller<br />

Verhage John, elk. 142 Walnut<br />

Verhoeff Augustus, salesman 27 L. Market, bds. M.<br />

A. Hopper's<br />

Verkamp Henry at Ethan Store's<br />

Verling George, n.s. Gth e. of Loclt<br />

Verinon Henry, n s. 7th b Kavmiller nnd I'Vccman<br />

Vermachtogen William, s.e.c. Raceand Gieeii<br />

Verstiver Christopher, w.s. Sycamore near ;,iborty<br />

Vertz Josei'h, n.s. Liberty b. Elm and Lngun<br />

Veaselman Henry, e.s. Pleasant b. Green^& Liberty<br />

Vesselman Lewis, n.e.c. George and Haymiller<br />

Vessels Henry W. bds. Henry Nobber's, n. w.c.<br />

Main aud Liberty<br />

Vest Henry, n.s. Abigail b. Main and Syeamore<br />

Vether George, n.s. Catharine b. Linn & Rittenhouse<br />

Vethoon Hcrmon, s.s. Abigail b. Main & Svcnmore<br />

•VrETTEBI.EIlV JS. Sc CO. wh. dealcr.s In<br />

y cigars and tobacco, 43 Broadway<br />

Vevirea Francis, s.s. 2d b. Lawrence and Ludlow<br />

Vews Henry, s.s. 8th b. Mound and Cutter<br />

Vexler Solomon, res. 322 Main<br />

Veysey Wm. U. actl. 28 e. Sd, bds. Harriet Steel's<br />

Vibbln Carl, n.s. Cassett al. b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Vice Franklin, s.s. Commerce b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Vice James, porter, bds. Francis Vice's<br />

Vickhus Diedrich, e.s. Hughes b. Schiller & Burgoyne<br />

Victor H. C. at Powell's foundry<br />

Vidal Francis, n.s Front b. Walnut and Vine, h.e.<br />

s. Vine b. Front and 2d<br />

Videl Francis, e.s. Baum w. of High<br />

Vieek Joseph, bda. Mrs. M. Vieck's, n.e.c. Locuat<br />

and Buckeye<br />

Viermel Conrad, w.s. Vine b. Liberty and Grenn<br />

Vierschilling A. s.s. Green b. Kace and Bremen<br />

Vigges Louis, 50 McFarland<br />

Vihermann Jonathan, e.s. Pleasant b. Green and<br />

Findley<br />

Villars Heinrich, s.s. Front near 5tli and Front<br />

Villingbaugh Clemona, e.s. Pleasantb. 14th and 16th<br />

Vina Floyd, e.s. Vine b. 2d and Pearl<br />

TflNCKlVF E. J. Empire House, a.w.c. 6th<br />

V and Elm<br />

Vincent Louisa, n.s. George b. Mound and Cutter<br />

Vincent Thomas N. elk. Jefferson Life Ins. Co. c.<br />

4th and Vine<br />

Vinegar Joseph, n.a. Cherry b. Race and Elm<br />

Vinehamer Anthony, s.s. 12th b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Vioom Mrs. Cornelia, b.h. w.s. Walnut b. 13th and<br />

14ih<br />

Virginia House, c. 4th and Broadway<br />

Visler Joseph, n.s. Cherry b. Race and Elm<br />

Visselman John, w.s. Freeman b. Kemble and Richraond<br />

V.thoflF Frederick, s.s. Buckeye op. Eden<br />

Vltruch .-Vbraro, n e.c. Sycamore and and .\bigait<br />

Vittick S. W-S. M. Canal b. .Ash and Maple<br />

Vocht Heinrich, s.s. Buckeye b. Locust and Eden<br />

Voesta John, n.s. Hunt b. Syeamore and Broadway<br />

Voet Franz H. e.s. Ham. road near junction Vine<br />

Voglit C. at A. Harkness & Son's foundry<br />

Vogel Adaline, n.w.c. 14th and Vine<br />

Vogle Frederick, e.s. Cutter b. Laurel and Hopkins,<br />

h.s.s. Clinton b. Locust and Linn<br />

Voght Henry, elk. bds B. Benson's<br />

Voght Valentine, bds. n.w.c. W. Row and Liberty<br />

Vohleas Augustus, n.s. Poplar b. Ham. road and<br />

Buckeye<br />

TfOfLKS B1.ATT, office Eagle bldgs. c. Main<br />

V and Court<br />

•ITOI.K.S FRKiriVU, Gazette bldg. Main. b. 3d<br />

V and 4th<br />

TTOl'*' CAiaPAK, Pioneer House, a.s. Sth b.<br />

» Walnut and Vine<br />

Voller Christian, s.s. Clinton b. W. Row and John<br />

Vollman George, 161 Main, res. Mt. Auburn<br />

VollmerGeorge, n.s. 5th b. Plumand W. Kow<br />

Vole Phillip, s.s. Liberty b. Vine and Bremen<br />

Voleman Warring, w.s. W. Row b. Liberty & Poplar<br />

Voke Henry, n.w.c. Ann and W. Row<br />

Vols Chailes, w.s. Vine b. 16th and Liberty<br />

Vonderheide & Co. e.s. W. Row b. 18th and Ann<br />

Vonderheide Frank, (V. & Co.) e.s. W. Row b. 12th<br />

and Ann<br />

Vonderheide Kenry, 32 Walnut, h.c. Clay & Allison<br />

Vonderheide Herman, (Schwegman & V.) Sycamore<br />

b. Front and 2d<br />

Vonderheick Herman, 12 Sycamore<br />

Von Haidech Henry, Front b. Harriet and Horn<br />

Von Pliul Henry (Baker* Von P.) 225 w.ltli<br />

Vonsager H. C. dept. sheriff, n.s. Abigail b. Mainand<br />



J. D. WALBRIDGE,<br />

AND<br />


i^g^emt for Eastern Tarnsportation liines<br />

K. B. A general supply of Produce constantly on hand.<br />

JQ= Liberal Advances made on Property for Sale or Shipment.JTt<br />

isoe<br />

WAG WAL<br />

Von Seggem John H. n.w.c. Hunt and Sycamore<br />

Von Seggem Mrs. Mary, n.e.c. Sycamore & Abigail<br />

Vontor Victoria, n.s George b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Vonwilde Barnard, elk. at F. Gosiger'a, s.e.c.<br />

George and Cutter<br />

Voogt Frederick, s.e.e. Sycamore and Webster<br />

Voorhees J. T. elk. at Cin. Hotel<br />

Voorhees Lorenzo, a.s. Richmond b. Baymiller and<br />

Freeman<br />

Voorhees Peter, n.s. Milton b. Wilson & Broadway<br />

Voorhees Benjamin, n.s. Catharine b. BaymiUer and<br />

Linn<br />

Vorhalt Henry, w.s. Main b. 12th and ISth<br />

Waggoner G-eorge M. w.s. Piatt b. Everett and<br />

l office, n.8.<br />

Wade J. M, elk. at xNiles 6c Co's.<br />

W Ganob. Main & Miller<br />

AIJK Ac MTiPKSE'S TEI^EGlffiAPO Wabrne Stephen, bds. 2.17 w. 6th<br />

W Of'FUCE, 5 6. 3d<br />

Waight Thomas, s.s. 5th b. Paik and Mill<br />

Wade Ovven, s.s. 6tb b. liroadway and Culvert Walk Thomas, 87 Sycamore<br />

Wade S. J. 5'i e. 4th<br />

Walnat George, e.s. Walnut b. 13th and Allison<br />

Wade, widow of Melancthon, s.s. Mason b. Plum Wainright Elizabeth, n.s. High near Front<br />

aiitl W. Bow _ ..<br />

Wainrieht Thomas, n.s. Front b. T.P. 17 & IS F'n.<br />

Waddle Stephen, s.s. Kembleb. Fulton & Cutter Waite John, s.s. Catharine b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Wadham Mrs. Harriet, e.s. Race b. 15th & Liberty Waite Richard, s.s. Front near Corpo.iation line<br />

Wadswurth Dr. C. S, bds. with Mrs. AdKins,2Gl Waitliman Charles, w;s, Broadway b. Hunt aud<br />

Loiiiworth ,., „ , r» -J Abigail<br />

Wadswurth-Dr. Joshua, n.w.c. W. Row and David<br />

Waits Josepb, n.s. Front h. Lytle and Parsons<br />

Wake Mrs. L. widow of Wm. n.s. Grant b. lilm &<br />

Wafer & Co. (Frederick W. & Aaron Vorelmaun)<br />

41 Main<br />

Plum<br />

Wafer Frederick, (W. & Co.) 41 Main<br />

Wakelan Frederick, n.s. Sth b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Wageiiiclser George, e.s. Walnut b. Liberty and Wakeman Jacob, n.w.c, Carr and Sth<br />

h^^n. road . * . j<br />

Wakeman Simon, junc. Front and Sth<br />

AILBiiLIDGE.B. D.com. and fordg. mer.<br />

Waggi^unurn Anthony, e.s. Buckeye b. Locust and W s.s. Oanal b. Main and Sycamore, h. w.s. Race<br />

Waggu'-or Charles. 62 Main<br />

b. 12th and 13tb<br />

Waggoner Ernest A. s.s. ad b, W. Row and John Walburg Francis, u.s. Everett b. Linn and Locust<br />

Waggoner E. at Powell's foundry<br />

Walch Frederick, at P. Friars, n.s.Front e. of Depot






Cloths, Cassimeres, Yestings, & Tailors' Trimmings;<br />

No. 53 Pearl street, Cin.<br />

WAL WAL<br />

Walcut D. B. Sth b. Main and Walnut<br />

Wald A. at A. Harkness iSc Son's<br />

Wald Andrew, e.s. Parsons b. Front and High<br />

Wald Edward U. clK. 2 Main, h. n.e.c. 6th & Lodge<br />

Wald Henry, (W., Hackes & Bergman) bds. s.w.c.<br />

W<br />

Race aud 3d<br />


W.. .Simon H. & Aaron B.) wh. clothing<br />

and dry goody, 53 Pearl<br />

Wald Lewis, b.k. bds. G. W. .Sackett's<br />

Walden Baluer, (Temjile & W.) s.s. Front opp.<br />

T.P. 22 F'n<br />

Waldcmoth Carl, s.s. Buckeye b. Locust & Poplar<br />

Walden Mis. JaneM. n.s. Hopkinsb. John & Cutter<br />

Waldmann George, bds, Francis Helferich's<br />

Waldmann Jacob, salesman, 351 Main<br />

Waldmann Peter, 351 Main<br />

W<br />

ALDO I>R. FKEB. AUG. Eye Infir<br />

mary, 4th street, opp. Post Otiice<br />

Waldo Frederick J. bds. Elias Longley's<br />

Waldon S.amuel, s.s. Front b T.P. 35 and S6 F'n.<br />

Waldron C. S. elk. bds. J. E. Waldron.s<br />

Waldron David, s.s. George b. Cutterand Linn<br />

Waldron Mrs. Dorcas, b.h. n.s. Sth b.Elm & Plum<br />

Waldron J. E. 260 w. Cth<br />

Walds Asa P. bds. E. A. Barney's, Hopltins b. Cutter<br />

and Linn<br />

Walfert John, c. 14th and Elm<br />

Walken B. H. at Filley & Cliapin's<br />

Walker Alexander,w.s. Vine b. Canal and 12th, li.<br />

e.s. Broadway b. Tth and New<br />

Walker Archibald, e.s. .4.bigail b. Main and .Syca­<br />

W<br />

more<br />

ALKER &BRUTHERS, produce and<br />

com. rners. VV. W. Canal liasin<br />

Walker Charles, w.s. W. Row b. Richmond and<br />

Catharine<br />

Walker Christopher, n.s. George b. .Smith and<br />

Mound<br />

Walker Christian,66 Sycamore<br />

Walker David, s.s. Frontb. T.P. 24 and 25 F'n.<br />

Walker Dan, s.s. Abigail b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Walker Edgar D.s.s. George b. Smith and Mound<br />

Walker Edward, b.k. 168 Main, bds. Wra. M.<br />

Walker's<br />

Walker Rev. George, n.s. Richmondb. Fulton and<br />

Cutler<br />

Walker Henry, 66 Sycamore, bds, Sycamore b. 3d<br />

and 4th<br />

Walker Henry, e.s. Kiddle b. Harrison road & Bank<br />

Walker Mrs. Hester, 224 Broadway<br />

Walker Hirain, res. 272 w. 6th .<br />

Walker Mis. Isabella, n.e.c. Joho and George<br />

Walker James H. (J. H.W. & Co.) res. w.s. Raceb.<br />

Oth and Court<br />

Walker J. H. & Co. (James H. & John) CO w. Slh<br />

Walker John, res. w.s. Home<br />

Walker John, n.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />

W<br />

AliItEK .IOHN, brewery, w.s. .Sycamore<br />

b. Hunt and Abigail, h. n.e.c. Sycamore and<br />

Liberty<br />

Wa ker John, n.s. Elijabetb b. W. Row & John<br />

Wa ker John. (James H. W. & Co.) )i. 12th b. Elm<br />

and Flum<br />

Walker John S. h. s.s, 4th b. Smitji and Park<br />

Walker Dr. Joseph P. e.s. Broadway b. 6th and 7th<br />

AJLKER& KEBLER. (Timothy W. &<br />

W John Kebler) attys. at law, 3. 4 and 5, Law<br />

Buildings^ opp. Henrie House<br />

Walker Phillip, res. e-s. Bremen b. Hth and 15th<br />

ALKER ROBERT, dyer and clothing<br />

W renovator, n.s. Congress b, Broadway and<br />

Ludlow<br />

Walker Samuel, salesman, bds. 3d b. Sycamoie &<br />

Broadway<br />

Walker Timothy, (W. & Kebler) res. WalnutHilla<br />

Walker William, at Powell's foundry<br />

Walker William, .0. Court andRace<br />

Walker William, n.s. Front b.. T.P, 1 and 2 F'n.<br />

ALKER WOT. F. Walker's Excban^e. 7<br />

W Syeamore<br />

Walker Wm. M. lis Broadway<br />

Wall John, b.k.. 327 Main<br />

Wall Mary, e.s. Broadway b. Hunt and Abigail<br />

Wall Tbomas, bds. Thomas Brickley's<br />

Wallace Alexander, bds. John Slater's<br />

Wallace Charles, w.s. Culvert b. 7th and StU<br />

Wallace David M. at Mrs. A. Baum's<br />

Wallace Mrs- Elizabeth, n.s. 3d b. Mill and Stone<br />

Wallace Henrietta, s.s. Everett b. W. How & John<br />

Wallace James, s.s. Ever tt b. Locust & Freeman<br />

Wallace James, n.s. George b. Smith and Mound<br />

Wallace Josiah W. n.s. Sth b. Sycamore & Broadway<br />

W.illace Robert, at A. Harkness and Son's<br />

Wallace Robert B. salesman, 12 e. 4tb<br />

Wallace Wm. res. e.s. Race b. ISth and Liberty<br />

Wallace William, s.s. Sth b. Mound and Cutter<br />

Wallace Mrs. Winncy. w.s. Kace b. 15th & Liberty<br />

Wallbridge Wra. G. elk. 76 w.4th<br />

WallJeck John, elk. n.s. Barr b. Cutter and Lion<br />

Wallin William L. 80 Main<br />

Wallis William, elk. P. O. bds. Walnut St. House<br />

Wallman Barney J. s.s.Sth b.John & Smith<br />

Wall Mrs. M. R. Female Seminary, Center Hall, n.<br />

w.c. Sth and W. Row<br />

Walls John R. salesman, bds. City Hotel<br />

Wallwer Jacob, e.s. Bremen b. ISth andLiberty<br />

Wallwork Jeremiah, 214 w. 6th<br />

Walman Herman, bds F. Rhurmeyer's<br />

Walmer George, n.w.c. Cherry and Kim<br />

U,'ALNIIX STKEE-i- HOUSE, Jacob W.<br />

U Svveney, c. Gano and Walnut<br />

Walpert Frederick, s.s. Ham. rood b. Race & Elm<br />

Walsh Patrick, s.s. Hopkins h. Cutter and Linn<br />

Walsh James, n.e.c. Catharine and John<br />

Walsh John P. foreman (Jhron. and Atlas offh n e<br />

Kemble b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Walsh Mrs. M. n.s. Abigail b. Sycamore & Broadway<br />

W^^fV ";»•?"•* KL, hides, oil, nnd leather,<br />

Vr 9 Walnut b. Front and Water<br />

A¥f''.**^* li.BCHAKn, Daniel O'ConneUof-<br />

\y fee h. Landing b. Broadway and Ludlow<br />

Walsh Thomas, w.s Langdon's al. b. Cth and 7th<br />

Walsh William, at Columbia foundry, h.s.s eth h<br />

Culvert and Lock •»•». oin o,<br />

Walson Joseph, William b. Plum and W. Row


R. TVALKER,<br />

BliB &, ClOTIKS EliO¥iTOB.l<br />

Gents' Clothing taken in every disfigured condition and made to appear as good as new. f^m<br />

At the Old Stand, North side Oongress st., six doors East of Bioadway. | §<br />



WAR<br />

Walter Anthony, e.s. Bremen b. 14th and 15th Ward Christopher, n.s. 4th b. MiU and Park<br />

Walter B. e.s. BEemen b. 33th and 14th<br />

Ward Edward (W. 6c E. Ward) res. Covington<br />

Walter Frederick, w.s. Sycamore b. Liberty and Ward Ellen, n.s. Sth-b. Elm and Plum<br />

SchiUer<br />

Ward Ethan, bds. s. s. 8th e. of Lock at Lydia<br />

Walter George, w.s. Dunlap b. Cooper and Ham. Todd's<br />

road<br />

Ward George, n.s. 4th b. Mill and Park<br />

Walter Jacob, n.s. 14th b. Race and Bremen Ward Isabella, 228-Broadway<br />

Walter John, e.a. Hughes near Schiller<br />

Ward James, n.s. New b. Broadway and Culvert<br />

Walter John C. s.s. 5th b. Walnut and Vine Ward James, w.s. Observatory e. of Celestial<br />

Walter Mrs. Margaret, w.s. Bremen b. G-reen and Ward James W. at J. Lee's, 3 Taylor's Terrace li.e.<br />

Liberty<br />

c. Vine and 3d<br />

Walter Theodore, c. s. Sycamore b. Liberty and Ward John, s.s. Everett b. W. Row and John<br />

SchiUer<br />

Ward John, s.s. Poplar b. W. Row and' Jobn<br />

Walter Valentine, w.s. Dunlap b. Cooper & Ham. Ward Louisa, n.s. 4th b. Mill and Park<br />

road<br />

Ward Luke, n.e.c. Plum and Oth<br />

Walter Wesley, n.s. 7th b. Main and Sycaraore Ward Mary, bds. Owen Ward's<br />

Walter WiUiam (W. & Wilson) n.s, 3d b. John & Ward Michael, s.e.c. Plum and Pearl<br />

Smith<br />

Ward Owen, w.s. Ludlow b. Congress and 2d<br />

Walter &" WUson (William Walter & James Keys Ward Patrick, n.s. Abigail b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Wilson) Mechanics' Institute, c. 6th and Vine Ward Peter, e.s, W. Row b. Ash and Maple<br />

Walters Mrs. Catharine, w.s. Bremen b. 14th and Ward Phebe, n.s. 4th b. Mill and Park<br />

15th<br />

Ward Robert, elk. 272 w.4th<br />

Walters David, bds. J.Tippanhauar's<br />

Ward Robert D. Cik. 17 w. 2d, b. 272 w. 4th<br />

Walters Deitrick, s.s. Orchard b.Main and Syca­ Ward Samuel, safe mkr. s.s. Cherry b. Race and<br />

more<br />

Elm<br />

Walters Francis, s.s. Sth b. Stone and Wood Ward Samuel, carp. n.s. Front b. Elim and Plum<br />

Walters Henry, w.s. Poplar b. Bucheye and Main Ward Mrs. S. M. n.s. Sth b. Elm and Plum<br />

Walters Henry, n.s. Grant b. Elm and Plum Ward Miss Susan, elk. 88 L. Market, bds. 35 L.<br />

Walters John, u.s. Poplar b. Ham. road and Buck­ Market<br />

eye<br />

Ward Thomas, bds. GO w. 6th<br />

Walters Marcus L. bds. Samuel Crowell's Ward WiUiam, (W. & E. Ward) n.s. Harrison<br />

Walters Samuel, n.s. Hopkins bJohn and Cntter Ward William, e.s. Plumb. Front and Water<br />

Walters Sarauel L. s.s. Catharine b. Cutter & Linn Ward William M. 223 Main, h. 272 w. 4th<br />

Waltire Peter, e s. Vineb. AlUson and Liberty Ward W. & E. (WiUiam and Edward) Burr mill<br />

Waltman Cassmer, w.s. Bremen b. 14th and 15th stone factory, 2d b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Waltman George, porter, 8 e. 2d<br />

ARBTrraCWMumber yards, Harrison pike<br />

ALTON Ac CARTER, James W. & Re­<br />

W<br />

W c. W. Avenue, and s s. Front b. Smith & MiU,<br />

store COwh. fancy goods and variety store, 4 h.s.s. 4th b. Park and MiU<br />

w. 6th<br />

Warden Peter, w.s. Elm b. Sth and Longworth<br />

Walton Charles, b.k. at A. Fay's<br />

Warder John A. al. phys. s.e.c. Harrison «fe Broad-<br />

Walton George (Rutherford & Co.) s.s.Sth b.Broad­ Way<br />

way and Pike<br />

Ware David, bds. Jaraes Ware<br />

Walton Joshua, (Horton, Leonard & Walton) s.s. Ware George, n.s. 6th e. of Lock<br />

George b. Mound and Cutter<br />

ARBi: HENRV, mat. and phil. inst. manuf.<br />

Waltz Charles, w.s. Vine b. Green and Elder W 4th op. post office, h.n.s. Longworth b. Smith<br />

Waltzman Henry, e.s. Race b. Hth and 15th<br />

and Mound<br />

Wal wick WiUiam, ii.s. Laurel b. Linn and Cutter Ware Isaiah, s.s. Laurel b.Linn and Cutter<br />

Warner Christian, w.s. Clay b. 13th and AUison Ware James, n s. Betts b. Linn and Locust<br />

Wamser Jacob, e.s, Dunlap b. Cooper and Hara. Ware Kimble, e.s, Kace b. 14th and 15th<br />

road<br />

Ware Robert, s.s. Catharine b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Wanee Alonzo, (Thompson & W.) n.w.c. Elm and Ware Samuel, e.s. John b,Catharine and Elizabeth<br />

Sth<br />

Ware Thomas C. (Jones & W.) 101 Main, bds.Den-<br />

Wankelmann Frederick, s.s. 15th b. Race and Elm nisou House<br />

ANM Ac iVlcBIKNlEr, (Samuel W. & Ware WiUiam G. w.s. Mill b. 4th and Sth<br />

W Hugh McB.) com. meis. s.s. 3d b. Walnut and Warfield Mrs. Sarah, n.s. Sth b. John and Smith<br />

Vine<br />

Waring Robert, n.w.c. Laurel and W. Row<br />

Wann Samuel (W. & McBirney) 35 McFarland Warking Henry, al. b. Elm and Plum<br />

Wanstrop Jobn. n.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />

Warmack Rachel, s.s. 3d b. John and Park<br />

Wanyemann Henry, e.s. Jackson<br />

Warnafeldt J. H. elk: bds. William Thompson's<br />

Ward Athen E. n.s. 6th e. of Lock<br />

Warnafeldt Mrs. Ann, n.s. Hunt b. Sycaraore and<br />

Ward Charles, SS Walnut, bds. Walnut St. House Broadway<br />

Ward Charlotte, n.s, 4th b. Park and Mill Warneford EUzabeth, n.e.c. Pearl and Elm<br />

Ward Christopher. Lawrence b. Symmes and Con­ Warner Calvin K. (C. K. W. & Co.) bds. Dennison<br />

gress<br />



W<br />



HENRY V^ARE,<br />

S, ^V. corner off Fourtli amd Sycamore sts.,<br />

Opposite-Post Office (up stairs), entrance on Fourth,<br />


Surveyors* Compasses, Levels, Theodolites, Transits,<br />

Telegraph Instrumeots, &c.<br />

Instrnments made to draft per order. Repairing done with<br />

neatness and dispatch. Orders from abroad punctually<br />

attended to.<br />

W\S<br />

WAT<br />

ARNEIt C. K. & CO. (Calvin K. W. & Washburn E. W. bds. George A. Peter's<br />

George S. Hillyer) com. mers. & prod, dealers. Washburn Kphraim, s.s. Sth b. Stone and Wood<br />

36 Walnut<br />

Washburn Jerome B, salesman, s.s. Kemble b. W.<br />

Warner David, s.s. Court b. Plum and \V. Row Row and John<br />

Warner, Frederick, e.s. John b. Catharine and Eli Washington Exchange, 287 Main<br />

zabeth<br />


Warner George, at Shreve, Steele & Co. h.s.s.High W Co. n.w.c. Vine and Centre<br />

b. Collard and Lytle<br />

Washington House, s.s. oth b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Warner George, n.w.c. Front and Butler<br />

ASHINGTON INS. CO. 41 Main, Wm.<br />

Warner Henry, bds. Mrs. Ereckson's, n.s.Sth b.W. W Goodman pres.<br />

Row and John<br />


Warner Horatio, n.s. Sth e. of Lock W W. Frost, agent, s.w.c. Main and Court<br />

Warner Mrs. n..s. Tth b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Washmis Sebastian, e.s. Fulton b. Chestnut & Eli­<br />

ARNER SA WLVELi, western awning mazabeth W nuf. w.s. film b, Slh and 6lh<br />

Wass Henry, n.s. Baker b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Warner Mrs. Sarah, widow of E.E. n.s. Tth b.Main Wassenich Joseph, s.s. Allison b.Walnut and Vine<br />

and Sycamoie<br />

Wasteney John, s.s. Court b. Plum and W. Row'<br />

Warner Mrs. Sarali, n.s. Barr b. Baymiller & Free­ Waston Bartholomew, s.w.c. John and Elizabeth<br />

man<br />

Watch House, s.s. 6th b. Main and Walnut<br />

Warner Warren, n.s. 12th b. Main and Clay<br />

ATER WORKS OFFICE, 259 Waluut<br />

Warner William A. bds. Fraivljl n House W street<br />

Warnke John, e.s. Lock b. Symmes and oth Waterhouse Thomas, s.w.c. Mulberry and Locust<br />

Warnlten George (W. & Kohlman) u.e.c. Linn and Waterman Ann, e.s. Plum b. Water and Front<br />

Cutter<br />

Waterman Elizabeth, e.s. Plum b. U'aler & Front<br />

Warnken & Kohlman, n.e.c. Linn and Clinton Waterman Rev. Joseph A. n s. Barr b.Baymiller &<br />

Warnock James, 8 e. Sd, bds. 1:16 IMain<br />

Freeman<br />

Warren Charles, n.s. Sth b. Mill and Stone Waterman Mrs. Mary A. e.s. Elm b. ?i and 4th<br />

Warren Charles F. (Forgey, W. & Co.) e.s. Broad­ Waterman Robert, at Samuel Cummings', h. e. s.<br />

way b. Webster and Liberty<br />

Plum near Water<br />

¥ARREN ttEOKGE, measurer of stone & Waterman William Thomas, n.s. Webb b.Mill and<br />

brick work, ami plastering, 1311 w. Bth<br />

Warren G. H. elk. bds. S. C. Stevens'<br />

Park ,<br />

Warren John B. elk. Auditor's ofiice, les. s.s. Web­<br />

Waters A. B. u.s.2d w. of Smilh<br />

ster b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Waters Enoch, n.s. eth e. of Lock<br />

¥ARREN J. THOMAS, wh. dealer in Waters Henry, n.s. Ham. road b. Main and Locust<br />

foreign fruits and sundries, 53 Main, h. 235 w. Waters Jacob, s.s. 3d b. Wood and Stone<br />

4th<br />

Waters James, bds. Mrs. McDonald's<br />

Warren Peter, at Martin, Anshutz & Co's Waters John, n.s. George b. W. Row and John<br />

Waters Marcellus Biggs F. salesman, bds 137«<br />

ABREIV S. nt. Sc C. SS. (Samuel M. &<br />

W Cyrus M.) dealers in composition roofing ma<br />

Main<br />

terial. n.s. Pearl b. Vine and Race<br />

Watkins Daniel B. at Sprague Walden & Co.'s,<br />

Warrender Mrs. Maria, e.s. Vine b. Buckeye and res. n.s. Front b. T.P. 17 and 18 F'n<br />

Ham. road<br />

Watkins Jacob R. n.s. Front b. T.P. 12 and 13 F'n<br />

ARRIISGTION Sc AlFRmrs'jrRONG, Watkins James, s.s. Tth b. Broadway and Culvert<br />

W (George W. & George W. A.) carps.& builders', Watkins James, e.s. W. Row b. Everett and Wade<br />

n.s. 3d b. Smith and Park<br />

Watkins Joseph, bds, Mr. Duboise's<br />

Warrington George {VV. & Armstrong) s.s.Webb b. Watkins iVfargaret, 130 w. 9th<br />

Smith and ParJt<br />

Watkins Mathew, s.s. Sth b. John and Mound<br />

Warrington Oswald, bds. George Warrington's Watress Martin, n.s. Cathaiine b.W. Row & John<br />

Warrington Warburtou B. s.w.c. Balier and W^al- Watson & Barnett (Peter W. & James B.) u.s. 3d<br />

nut<br />

b.Main and Walnut<br />

Wartls Charles, w.s. Vine b. Green and Elder<br />

Watson F. at A. Harliness & Son's<br />

Wartman Christian, s.c.c. Spring and Liberty<br />

Watson James, e.s. Broadway h.Court and Hunt<br />

Wartman James W. elk. 69Main<br />

Watson James, elk. T. S. Goodman's, 101 Main<br />

Wartman Jesse, elk. bds, John Winall's<br />

Watson James W. bds. Robert Watson's<br />

Wartman S. e.s. Elm b. Liberty and Green<br />

Watson Joseph, s.s. Front b. T.P. 22 and 23 F'n<br />

Wartman William, s.w.c. Sycamore and Liberty<br />

Watson Peter, (V\', & Barnett) Elm b. 2d and Pearl<br />

Wartz Mrs. F. widow of Adam, s. s. Adams b. Elm<br />

Watson Robert, s.s. Catharine b. W. Row & John<br />

Watson & Stringer, n.s. 2d b.Sycamore and Broad­<br />

andPlum<br />

way<br />

Wartz Joseph, s.s. Adams b. Elm and Plum Watson William, s.s. Cathaiine b. Linn aud Baj"<br />

Warword Benjamin, bds.Francis Steed's, s.s.Front miller<br />

b. T.P. 29 and 30 F'n<br />

Watson William, e.s. Plum b. 3d and 4th<br />

Washburn Alexander, operator Morse's tel. off. Watson Wm. E. (Cramer & W.) bds. Mrs. Nancy<br />

, Washburn Augustus, s.w.c. Baymiller aud Clark Holt's


S. M. & C. M. WARREN,<br />



North side Pearl st., lbetwee« Vine and Mace, Cin.<br />

Tarred Paper and Fel' (saturated cither with Carolina or Coal Tar), Composition in barrels, and<br />

all other articles used in manufactuiing these roofs constantly on hand, and for sale at<br />

the lowest prices. All articles of best quality. jj<br />

]tl?° Printed <strong>Direc</strong>tions for putting on roofs furnished .vilh materials. ^<br />

WEA WEB<br />

Watson WilUam W. n.s. Pearl b. Race aud Elm<br />

Watt Francis, n.s. David b. W. Row and John<br />

Watt William, ii,s. Clinton b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Watter Samuel, n.s. Hopluns b, John and Scoit<br />

Walters & Myers, s.e.c. 4th and W. Row<br />

Watters Mrs. Catharine, n.s. 2d b. Rose and Park<br />

Wattle Henjamin, atS. R. Evan's<br />

Watts Isaac, n,s. Barr b, Culter and Linu<br />

¥ ATXS A: JElVIIfcllVS*, (Wm. W., & George<br />

S. J.) wh. dealers in foreign and domestic dry<br />

goods, 16 Pearl<br />

Watts Mrs. Jeniiett, n.s. Bait b- Cutter and Linn<br />

Watts Reuben, s.s. Front b. T. P. 29 and 30 F'n<br />

Watts Robert M. Gazette Office<br />

Watts Thomas, n.s. Everett b. W. Rowand John<br />

Watts William, n.e.c. W. Row and Longworth<br />

Watts Wm. CW. & Jenkins) Vine St. Hili<br />

Waugh Ranldn, b.k. 174 Main<br />

Wauldman C. e.s. Pleasantb. t4th and loth<br />

Wurster Frederick, n.s. Grant b Elm and Plum<br />

W<br />

AVEULV BBOUSE, Richard H. Hendrickson<br />

pro. c. Main and Court<br />

Waxier Benjamin, e.s. Cutter b. Clark and Hopkins<br />

Way E. elk. s.w.c. Front and Race, bds. Gilmore<br />

House<br />

Way P. R. conductor L. M. Rail Road, bds. T. P.<br />

Morgan's<br />

Weaver Charles, w.s. Broadway b. Abigail and<br />

Woodward<br />

Weaver Frederick, n.s. Canal b. Vine and Race<br />

Weaver George, e.s. Plum b. Hth and ir.th<br />

Weaver Henry, s.s. Hth b. Race and Bremen<br />

Weaver Henry, Front b. Mainand Walnut<br />

Weaver Jacob, at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Weaver John, tailor, w.s. Baymiller b. Cedar and<br />

Clark<br />

Weaver John, lab. w.s. Rittenhouse b. Catharine and<br />

Clark<br />

Weaver John, at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Weaver John, brk. layer, w.s. of Wood s. of oth<br />

Weaver John, blk. smith, bds. C. Moarlin's<br />

Weaver John, lab. w.s. Elm b. Grant and Hth<br />

Weiivcr John, ship carp, s.e.c. Gth and Mound<br />

Weaver John G. auctioneer, .Main b. Sth and eth, h.<br />

e.s. John b. 4th and oth<br />

Weaver Joseph, s.s. Friendship al. b. Pike & Butler<br />

Weaver Lewis, n.s. Clinton b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Weaver Louis, s.s. Morton w. of Laboratory<br />

M'eaver Louis, n.s. Congress b. Morton and Front<br />

Weaver Mrs. Mary A. s.s. Mulberry b. Poplar and<br />

W<br />

Locust<br />

EAVER MICHAEI^, Fulton House, n.s.<br />

Front b. T. P. 19 and 20 F'n<br />

Wayne .Anlhony, 88 Main<br />

AYNE, BAI^EV&CO. (Joseph W. W.,<br />

W & Bailey, Langstaffti; Co.) premium zink washboard<br />

manuf. c. Sfh and Home<br />

TT7AYNE CCIFEOiffiO O. (Dean & W.) 83<br />

W w. Sth b. Vine and Race<br />

Wayne Edward S. elk. n.e.c. Main and 2d, bds.<br />

Dennison House<br />

¥ AYIVE JAl'OB L. hardware and Cutlery,<br />

Weaver Nathaniel, at A. Harknesst'i- Son's<br />

Weaver Oelis, n.s. Canal b. Vine and Race<br />

Weaver P. L. 121 w. 7th<br />

Weaver Thomas, n.s. Water b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Weaver Thomas J. 205 Longworth<br />

Weaver William, e.s. Sycamore b. Liberty & Scliiller<br />

Weaver, widow of Henry, w.s. Providence b. Everett<br />

and Wade<br />

Webb Alexander, n.s. 4th b. Smith and Park<br />

Webb Gilbert, bds. Mrs. McDonald's<br />

124 Main, h.n.s. 4th b. Race and Elm<br />

Webb Harriet, n.s. Richmond b. John and Fulton<br />

Wayne John N. n.s. Laurel b. Cutter and Linn Webb Henry, bds. Joseph Webb's<br />

Wayne J. Stark, b.k. s.e.c. Walnut and 2d, bds. Webb John, n.s. oth b. Elm and Plum<br />

Dennison House<br />

Webb John, Jr. 168 w. 6th<br />

AYNE JOSEPHI W. hardware and cut­ Webb Dr. J. T. HI w. Cth<br />

W lery, 19G Main, bds. Dennison House<br />

Webb Joseph, w.s. Eim b. Canal and 12th<br />

Weacker Charles, s.s. Harrison road b. Brighton Webb Thomas, elk. w.s. Elmb. Canal and 12th<br />

and Avenue House<br />

Webber George, s.s. Front b. John and Smith, h.n.<br />

Weakheart William, s.s. Yeatman b. Sycamoreand s. Longworth b. W. Row and John<br />

Broadwav<br />

Webber James L. n.s. Ham. road b. Clarkson and<br />

Wealshear William, s.s Georgeb. Johnand Smith Piatt, h.s.s. loth b. Race and Elm<br />

Weaman Christian, s.s. Sth b. Mound and Cutter Webber Sarah, s.s. Front b. T. P. 2 and 3 F'n<br />

Wear Enos, s.s. Melancthon b. W. Row and John Weber Anthony, n s. Front w. of Mill<br />

Wear Joseph, s.s. Melancthon b. W. Row and John Weber Augustus, s.s. Morton e ol Kilgour<br />

Weasner Thomas H. e.s. Cutter b. laurel and Hop- Weber Bloomiield, Linn b. 7th and Sth<br />

< kins, h.s.s. Laurel b. John and Cutter<br />

Weber Daniel,porter,s.w.c. Pendleton & Woodward<br />

Weast E. n.s. Georgeb. Linnand Haymiller<br />

Weber D. n.s. Clinton b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Weatberby Charles S. salesman 12 e. 4ih, h.n.s. Gth Weber Mrs. Elizabeth, n.e.c. Sth and John<br />

b. Western Row and John<br />

Weber Frank, al. s.s. Abigail b. Sycamore & Broad­<br />

Weatberby James S. jr. 168 Main, h.n.s. 6th b. W.<br />

way<br />

Weber Godfred, salesman. 15Front<br />

Row and John<br />

Weber Henry, s.w.c. Pendleton and Woodward<br />

Weatberby Phillip G. 12 e. 4th, h.w.s. Walnut s. of<br />

Weber H. J. (J. B. WcinL-rt & Co.) s.s, 12th b. Race<br />

7th<br />

Weaver Anthony G. L. bar keeper, Gibson House and Elm<br />

Weavill Hammond, c. Sth and Butler<br />

Weber Jacob, s.w.c. Pendleton and Woodward<br />

Weaver Augustus, at Johnson, Morton & Co's, s.s. Weber Lewis, w.s. Clay b. ISth and Allison<br />

Front e. of Depot<br />

Weber Mrs. Mary, s.e.c.Northand Vine<br />

Weaver Bernard, n.a. Mulberry near Main "Weber Martin, n.s. Ham. road b. Poplar & Locus'^


C. K. ER $c CO.<br />



No. 36 Walnut street, Cin.<br />

strict attention given to purchasing and forwarding the various articles to be found inthis<br />

market. Comnaissiou moderate.<br />

WEI WEI<br />

Weber Peter, e.s. John b. Clinton and Hetts<br />

Webier George, elk. bJa. Martin Mayer's<br />

¥ JEBS1'JER E. «*. Sc CO. (Edmund G. W. &<br />

Weidingor G«orge, n.s. Front h. Pike and Butler<br />

Weidnian Joseph, s.w.c. Horn and W. W. Canal<br />

Weidncr Charles W. n.s. 6th b. Broadway & Pike<br />

John H. Deters,) ladles shoe manuf. 6-iw. 6th Weigand Charles, w.s. Vine h. 2d and Pearl<br />

Webster E. G. (E. G. W. & Co.)<br />

Weigand' Charles, c. Race and Front<br />

Webster Joe , w.s. Pleasant b. 14th and Ijth Weigle F'eter, n.s. Liberty b. John and Cutter<br />

Webster Joseph, elk. at Torrejice & Wilson's, h.n. Weighell John, n.e.c. Centre and Elm<br />

s. R. R. op.T. P.34Fn<br />

Weightman John, (Marshall & W.) bds. Rebert<br />

Webster Mrs. Julia, 102 w. 6th<br />

Marshall's<br />

Webster Robert, s.w.c. 7th and Main, h. lil Walnut Weightman Tlioma.s, n.s. Bank b. Freeman& Piatt<br />

Wech Cyrus, s.s. Front b. T. P. 21 and 22 F'n Wcislor Miss W. 604 Main<br />

Wechner Mrs. junction 6th and Front<br />

Weights Castine, a.s. Mercer b. Vine and Walnut<br />

Wecht .Vdam, w.s. Sycamore b. 3d and 'Ith Wcigler Arnold, s.a. 7th b. Smith and Park<br />

Wedder Joseph, n.s. Spring near Abigail<br />

Weigler Charles, al. s.a. Buckeye b. Locust & Poplar<br />

Weddel Harman K. s.s. -Mh b. Smith and Park Weih John, w.s. Bremen b. loth and Liberty<br />

Wedekind Julius, 2<strong>52</strong> w. Gth<br />

Weikstcr Emanuel, s.s. George b. Plum & W. Row<br />

Wedley Geov;e K. barber. Broadway Plolel Weil Rev. Solomon, e.s. Race b. loth and Liberty<br />

Weeber Michael, n.s. Bank op. Linn<br />

Weil Thomas P. elk for Charlea Muller & Co.<br />

Weed George L. 28 w. 4th<br />

Weilenbergh Heiiiricli, n.w.c. Spring and Hunt<br />

Weed Porter h. elk. s.s. 2d b. Vine and Race, bds. Weiler George F. s.s. Green b. Race and Bremen<br />

E. Mudge's<br />

Weiler M. res. 116 w. fith<br />

Weed R. L. res. 3d. b. Sycamore and Broadwav WeiUaf Celia, b.h. 82 Broadway<br />

Weeks Edward, w.s. Vine b. 2d and Front Weiman Bernard, e-s. Race b. Green and Liherty<br />

Weeks Henry, n.s. Front near Corjioration line Weiraier flenry, s.c.c. Horn and W. W. Canal<br />

Weeks James H. n.s. Gth h. Harriet and Horn Weimer Nicholas, e.a. Linn b. David and Liberty<br />

Weeks John, s.s. Front b. T. P. 3 & 4 F'n<br />

Weindel Joseph, n.s. Ham. road b. Poplar & Locust<br />

Weeks Oliver, bds. Aug. Upson's w.s. Mound Weindel Leonard, s.w.c. Sycamoreand Schiller<br />

Weeks Stephen, at J. Litherbury's ship yard Weinder Nicholas, e.a. Vine b. Allisonand 13th<br />

Weeks Sylvester, at J. Litlieibury's ship yard WeinegarMr . Mary, e.s. Bremen b. Hth and ISth<br />

EEKS TII09IAS J. flour and feed store, Weiner Mrs. n.s. Hamilton road b. Locust &Pop-lar<br />

W n.w.c. Court and Broadway, h.w.s. Pendleton Weincr Mathias, e.a. Vine h. Canal and 12th<br />

h. Liberty and Woodward<br />

Weingartner Francia W.junction 6th and Front<br />

Weeks Walter, s.s. Front b. T. P. 6 and 6 F'n Weingartner Lawrence, junction 6th and Front<br />

WeerEnos H. phys. e.s. Vine b. Baker and 3d Weingartner M. n.s. Oth b. Elmand Plum<br />

Weetemeir Andrew, s.s. Jefferson b. Elm and Plum Weir J9hn, I .k. e.s. Linn b. Clai-k and Cathaiine<br />

Weeter Peter, bds. Barney Stamiller's<br />

Weir John, n.s. K. R. b. T. P. 20and 21 F'n<br />

Weevver Boston, n.s. Richmond b. Baymiller and Weir Joseph, s s. 6th b. Race and Elm, res. w.s.<br />

Freeman<br />

Elmb. Longworth and Sth<br />

Wegger John, jailer, bils. J. D. Poppe's<br />

Weir Mrs. Mary, widow of John, n.s. 12th b. Main<br />

Weighiau Anthony, n.s. Abigail b. Sycamore and and Walnut<br />

JBroadway<br />

Weis David, (L. Weia & Co.) 333 Walnut<br />

Weghorn Mrs. Barbara, n.s. Clinton b. Linn and Weis Joseph, s.s. Franklin h. Main and Sycamore<br />

Locust<br />

Weis Lebolt (L. Weis & Co ) 233 Walnut<br />

Weghorn Goorge, n.s. Clinton b. Linn and Locust Weis Peter, s.s. Clinton b. Locust and Freeman<br />

Weggmann John W. n.s. Front b. T. P. 30 and 31 F'n Weisbeck George, n.s. Black b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Wehausen Augustus, w.s. Plum b. 2d and Front Weisbeck Michael, w.s. liam. roadb Vine & Poplar<br />

Wehlage Bernard, s.s. ]21h b. Race and Elm Weiselniann Joseph, w.s. Broadway b. Hunt and<br />

Wehmer Mrs. 0. widow of Christian, w.s Clav b Abigail<br />

I3th and Allison<br />

Weiaenberger Augustus, n.s. Front b. Ludlow and<br />

Wehmer Louis, (Goetz & V/.) w.s Freemen b. Clinton<br />

and Everett<br />

Lawrence<br />

Wehmer Louis, w.s. Clay b. 13th and Alliaon<br />

VVeishaupt Henry, bds. Olive Branch Hotel<br />

Wehrkamp B. n.s. Clinton b. Linn and Locust<br />

Weislocel Jacob, 217 w. Gth<br />

Wehrman Augustus, elk. bds. Le%vis Wehrmann's Weisman Theodore, e.s. Sycamore b. Toal & Milton<br />

Wehrmann C. H. s.w.c. Everett and Locust Weistner Jacob, e.s. Broadway b. Hunt and Abigail<br />

Wehrmann Lewis F. s.s. Sd b. Walnut and Vine, h. Weitder Henry, w s. Sycamore b. Liberty*Schiller<br />

Weitheimer J. H.289 Main<br />

a.s. Everett b. Locuat and Freeman<br />

Weitholt Henry A. s.s.F6th b. Walnut and Vine, h.<br />

Wehrmann WiUiam, bds. s.s. Everett b. Locustand Gano b. Main and Walnut<br />

Freeman<br />

VVeitser Barney, at Powell's foundry<br />

Wiebeult Henry, n.s. Hth b. Race and Elm Wcitzel Conrad, n.s. Ham. road h. Locust & Poplai<br />

Weibler Bernard, w.s. Spring near Abigail Weitzel Lewis, n w.c. Grant and Elm<br />

Weibler Henry, n.s. Abigail w. of Pendleton Weitzel Peter, bds. Fdwaril I'ailey's<br />

Weichlar Heinrich, n.s. Hunt b. Sycamore & Broad<br />


way • •• •<br />

thier, 74 Broadway<br />



H. K WENNiNG,<br />




East side ITIain street, Ibetwecm Fifth and 8ixth.<br />

Wheie will be found a full assortment of the best quality of Iron, Nails Steel Springs, Axles<br />

Wagon Boxes, Mould Boards, Anvils, Vices, Bellows, and Wroug;]!! anA<br />

Cast Iron Plows, which I will sell'at lowest market pntes.<br />

]|j= Warranted first rjite, or they can be raturncd at my ejpense.<br />

WEL WEN<br />

Weil John, n.s.lSth b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Weizenecker Frederick, elk. bds. c. Gth and Lock<br />

Welch Anthony, s.s. Friendship al. b. Pike & Butler<br />

Welch Christian, w.s. Linn b. Catharine and Clark<br />

Welch Edward, e.s. Plum b. Gth and Longworth<br />

Welch James, n.s. Richmond b. John and Fulton<br />

Welch James, n.s. Highe. of Reservoir<br />

Welch James, n.e.c. John and Cathaiine<br />

WelchJohn, e.s. Plum b.Sth andOth<br />

Welch John, elk. 76 w. 4th<br />

Welch John, s.s. Friendship al. b. Pike and Butler<br />

Welch John P. foreman Chron. 6c Atlas ofl'. h.n.s.<br />

Kemble h. Cutter and Linn<br />

Welch Luke, n.TV.c. Water and Race<br />

Welch Michael, e.s. W. Row b. Everett and Wade<br />

Welch Michael, n.s. Front b. T.P. 10 & 11 F'n<br />

Welch Peter, w.s. Dolsen's Row, b. Catharine aad<br />

Richmond<br />

Welch Thomas, n.s. Richmond b. John and Fulton<br />

Welch Thomas, e.s. Plum b. fith and Longworth<br />

Welch Watt, W.s. McAllister b 4th and 5th<br />

Weldhem Alfred, elk. Pro. Ins. Co. bds. IG2 Broadway<br />

Welding Jane, Morgan aL'b. 41li and Webb<br />

Welding John, s.s. Mnsea b. MiU and Stone<br />

Welding Oliver, e.s. Elm near Pearl<br />

Weldt Thomas, w.s. Hughes s. of ^'chiller<br />

Welker Henry, al. s s. Abigail b. Sycamore and<br />

Broadway<br />

Weiler Chiistian, s.«. Stb b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Weiler James W. w.s. W. Row b. Kemble & Richmond<br />

Weiler John, bar keeper, Washington Flouse<br />

Wei.er Joseph, B.s. Woodward b. Main and Sycaraore<br />

Weller Thomas, w-s. Peetb. Locust and Eden<br />

Weliirdrink F. at A. Harkness & Soil's<br />

Welling Bernard, e.s. Buckeye b. Locust & Poplar<br />

Welling Henry, s.w.c. Spring and Abigail<br />

Welling Herin*n H. n.a. Abigail b. Sycamore and<br />

Broadway<br />

Welling John, e. s. Hughes b. Schiller and Bur<br />

goyne<br />

Wellinger Loring. s'. s. Jefferson b. Elm and Plum<br />

Wellinghof Joseph, s.s. 5ih b'. Smith and Park<br />

Wellington James F. c. John and Elizabeth<br />

Wellman Anthony, elk. e.s. Broadway b. Hunt &<br />

Abigail<br />

Wellmann Henry, e.s. Buckeve b.Locust & Poplar<br />

Wellmann H. H. e.s. Clay b. 12tli and 13th<br />

Wellman Herman H. jr. elk. 194 Mmn<br />

¥ EI.l-m[AlV HEWKY B, dry goods, 132<br />

Wells Alsop, b.k. 214 Main<br />

WeUs Charles, s.w.c. Centre & Vine, h. 145 Longworth<br />

Wells Harris, 134 w. 9th<br />

KLLS Sjf^TmVESj T. tvpe foundry, s.w.c.<br />

W Vin e & Centre, h. 212 Longworth<br />

Wells Wm- 15 Centre<br />

Wells William W. (Bishop, W. & Co.) w.s.Jobn b.<br />

4th and Sth, bds. G. W. Bishop's<br />

Welle Wm. 1G5 Race<br />

Welmeak Barney, n.s. Water b. Vine & Race, bds,<br />

G. Lohmer's<br />

Welsch John, 216 w. Gth<br />

Welsh George, n.s. Hopkins b. Baymiller & B'reeman<br />

Welsh James, w. s. Spring b. Lebanon Pike and<br />

Court<br />

WeLsh James, s.s. Gth b. Broadway and Culvert<br />

Welsh James, Cherrv al. b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Welsh John, elk. 7G w.4tb, h.n.s. 5th b. W. Row &<br />

John<br />

Welsh John, bds. e.s. John b. Evcrcit and Clinton<br />

Welsh Matthew, s.s. M. Canal b. Race and Elm<br />

Welsh P'ltriek. e.s. Anderson b.Front and Canal<br />

Welsh Thomas, s.s. Water b. Vine and Rnco<br />

Welsh Thomas, s.s. Gth b. Broadway and Culvert<br />

WeUell Anton, at Snmuel Cook & Co's<br />

Wenccl Louis, e.s. Lock b. Symmes and 5th<br />

Wend Henry, Vine b. Sth and 9th<br />

Wendel Wm elk. s.s. 12th b. Clay and Walnut<br />

Wendelen Frederick, 02 Main, res. Mt. Adams<br />

Wendisli George, w.s. Front b, Lytle and'Parsons<br />

Wendland C. L n.e.c. Front and vine<br />

Wendt Frederiek. e.s. Rittenhouse b. Clark & Ca-<br />

Ihnrinc<br />

Wendt Henry, at Martin, Anshutz & Co's<br />

Wenkin John, w".s. Bremen b. l?-th and 14th<br />

Wenge John. n.s. Front e. of Ramsay<br />

Wenner Michael, s.s. Clinton b. W. Row & John<br />

Wenner Nicholas, s.S} Clinton b. W. Row & John<br />

¥<br />

W.Sth<br />

Wellman John, n.g. Liberty b. Elm and Plum<br />

Wellmann L, n.s. Clinton b. Cutter & Lino, h. 130<br />

w. Sth<br />

Wellmann Louis (W. & Schmidt) n.s. Sth b. Race<br />

and Elm<br />

Wellmann & Schmidt (Louis W. & Henry S.) h.l7-i<br />

w. Sth<br />

Wellmar Charles, b.k.at Mitchell (fcRammelsberg's<br />

h.e.s. Sycamoreb. Franklin and Webster<br />

Wells A. H. (Hunter & W.) n.s. bih b. Mound and<br />

Cutter<br />

F.WNKI£19rOlJ» CHUISTBAN, druggist,<br />

.''.w.e. Court and Walnut<br />

WiKrVNIWG HEr«R"K" N, iron, nails, steel,-<br />

&c. 234 Main, h. 244 Main<br />

Wenning Wm. 291 Main<br />

Wenrke John F. porter, 20 Broadway<br />

Wensel Henry, res. e.s. Race b. Green and Elder<br />

Wensley Charles, s.s. 8th b. Baymiller and Freeman<br />

Wenstrup John H. at Ahlering &Bvummer*s,h.8tb<br />

on Hill<br />

Wenta Herman, porter, 200 Main, bds. Gibson<br />

House<br />

Wentworth Alfred S. (W. & Bro's) bds. Burnet<br />

House<br />

Wentworth Benning ;Kelpan «fe W.) n.s.-'ithb.Main<br />

and Sycamore<br />

Wentworth & Bros. (Mark H., George J. & Alfred<br />

S.) ISO Main c. 4th<br />

Wentworth George J. (W. & Bros.) bds. Burnet<br />

House<br />

Wentworth John, at Johnson, Morton & Co's<br />

Wentworth Mark H. (W. & Bros,) bds. Burnet<br />



WEST & DUMONT,<br />

Ittllll SASiSt<br />



East side Pike street, between Congress and Front, Cincinnati.<br />

Constantly on hand an assortment of new aud second-hand Boilers, which they will sell<br />

low or exchange for old ones.<br />

see<br />

WES<br />

WES<br />

Wentworth William, city police, h. e.s. Parsons b.<br />

Front and High<br />

Wenzler Matthias, e.s. Vine b. Ham. road & Buckeye<br />

Werber Viuzenz, w.s. Rittenhouse b. Catharine &<br />

Clark<br />

Wergbell John S. elk. n.c.c. Centre and Elm<br />

Werigge Frederick, e.s. Hughes b. Schiller & Burgoyne<br />

Wering Mrs. Elizabeth, e.a. Race b. Green and Liberty<br />

Wering Harmon, n.s. Liberty b. Bremen 6c Race<br />

Wering Miss Mary E. e.s. Kace b. Green & Liberty<br />

¥ EBK mc. & CO. (Michael W., Nicholas<br />

Wessel Henry, n.s. Water b. Vine and Race, bds,<br />

George Wessel's<br />

Wessel Hermann, bds. John Blankenmeyer's<br />

Wessel John, n.s. Front b. Wood and Mill<br />

We^selmann Anthony, r, s. Water b. Vine and<br />

Race, h.w.s, Maiu b. 13th and Hth<br />

Wesselmann Jobn P. s.s. Ann b. Plum & W. Row<br />

Wesselmann Lewis, n.e.c.Georgc and Baymiller<br />

Wessen Charles J. n.s. 4th b. Smith and Park<br />

Wessendorf Philip, n.s. Abigail b. Spring and Pendleton<br />

Wesser Bernard, w.a. Linn b. Everett and Hickory<br />

Wessling Arnold, s.s. Cth b. Elm and Plum, bda.<br />

Barney Lamping's<br />

Verdin, Thomas & John Kirby) soap, candles, Wessling J. G. s.w.c. New and North<br />

and oil manuf. 11 Main<br />

Wessling widow of Henry, e.s. Providence b. Ma­<br />

Werk Michael (M. W. & Co.) res. Harrison pike son and Everett<br />

Werlsing FerOinand, e.s. Pleasant op. Hth West Alfred, bds. Pearl St. House<br />

Werman John B. n.e.c. Sycamore and Abigail West Alfred, cook, w.s. Cutter b.h,verett& CUnton<br />

Wermuth Wm. w.s. Vine b. 12th and 13th<br />

EST C. W. & CO. (Charles W.W. & Jos.<br />

Wer^eke J. A. 9th b. Race and Elm W Torrence) city mill, w.s.Lock s. of Sth and W.<br />

Werner Augustus, n.s. Sth w. of Park<br />

W. Canal mill, junction 3d and Front<br />

Werner Christian, n.s. Buckeye b. Eden 6c Locust West Cyrus, bds. 250 Longworth<br />

Werner Christopher, n.s. 14th b. Vine and Bremen EST Ac DUMONT, (Isaac W. & Charles<br />

Werner Frederick, tailor, n.s. Buckeye b. Eden 6c W T. D,) boiler yard, e.s. Pike b. Congress and<br />

Locust<br />

Front<br />

Werner Frederick, lab. e.s. Dudley b. Everett and West Elizabeth, n.s. Kemble b. Fulton and Cutter<br />

Liberty<br />

West H. F. jr. elk. bds. K. B. Cowle'a<br />

Werner Frederick, teacher, e.s. Sycamore b. 4th & West Isaac E. elk. 29 w. Front<br />

Sth<br />

West Isaac, s.s. Front op. High<br />

Werner Jacob, s.s. W. W. Canal w. of John West John M. salesman, bds. Walnut St. House<br />

Werner John, s.s. Mulben-y b. Locust and Eden West Joseph, n.s. Kemble near Harriet<br />

Wernert J. B. (J. B. W.& Co.) e.s. Main b.Orchard West William. 277 Main<br />

and Libertv<br />

West William, bds. Carll & Fagan's<br />

Wernert J. B. & Co. (J. B. W, & F. & J. Weber) e. West William, elk. u.s. Georgeb. Sraith & Mound<br />

s. Main b. Orchard and Liberty<br />

West Wm. H. aalesman, 131 Main<br />

Werning Jacob, e.s. Bremen b. 1.5th and Liberty West WiUiam P. e.s. Broadway b. 6th and 7th<br />

Werr Lawrence, atty. w.s. Vine b. ]5th & Liberty Westcott Charles, w.s. Pendleton b. Woodward &<br />

Werry Bonnie, e.s. Lock b. Symmes and Sth<br />

Liberty<br />

Wortheim David, 407 Main<br />

Westoott David, e.s. W. Row b. Front and 2d<br />

Wertheimer Arnold (Heidelbach & W.) ]97 Broad­ Westcott Eliphalet, Lodge b, Gano and 7th<br />

way<br />

Westcott John & Son (John & Marcus A.)21 L.Mar­<br />

Wertheimer Isaac J. 240 Main<br />

ket<br />

WertmoUr Andres, w.s. Race b. Liberty and Green Westcott John (J, W. & Son) Sth op. Pike<br />

Wertz Jacob, n.s. Harrison road b. Brighton and Westcott Leonard W. s.s. Sloe b. Freeman & Carr<br />

Avenue Hou.«e<br />

Westcott Marcus A. bds. John Westcott's<br />

Wertzell Jacob, Frontb. Broadway and Ludlow Westcott Richard, u.s. Canal b.Sycamore & Broad­<br />

Weahey Ephraim, w.s. Pleasant b. Hth and ISth way<br />

Wosemann & Co. (Richard W. & Lewis Wellman) Westcott Thomas, CJiarles b. Elm andPlum, h.n.s.<br />

w.s, Main b. Allison and Liberty<br />

12th b. Elm and Plum<br />

ESEXXKY JOSEPM JT. mer. tailor, b. VVestenberger Moses, e.s. Race b. ISth and Liberty<br />

W w.c. W. Kow and George<br />

VVesterman Aaron, bds. n.w.c. Main and 9th<br />

Weshart Marian, s.s. Sth b. McAllister and Pike Westermann Frederick, u.s. Mulberry near Main<br />

Wesjohan H. H. Front b. Broadway and Ludlow Westermann Henry, w.s. Tanner b. Liberty and<br />

Weskey John, s.w.e. George and Linn<br />

Webster<br />

ESIiEYAIV JFEMAI.E COtl^EGE, Western Avenue House, s.w.c. W. Avenue and<br />

W Rev. P. B. Wilber, pres. w.-. Vine b. Gth & 7th Harrison road<br />

Wesley Ephraim, w.s. Pleasant b. Hth and 15th Western Mrs. Charlotte, n.s. 5th w. of Center HaU<br />

Wesley John, at A. Harknesa (fe Son's<br />


Wesnier Henry, e.s. Linn b. Dayton and York W M4WUEACTORY, John Guyer, 8 e. 4th<br />

Wesa Bernard, e.s. Race b. Green and Liberty WESTERN EOUNTABN, Wm. IVIitchell,<br />

WcBsel C. F. n.s. Madison b. Elm and Plum<br />

Eagle nUlgs, Court b. Main and Walnut<br />

Wessel George, s.s. Cherry b. Race and Elm WESTERN IttUSEUMj F. Franks, pro. e.s.<br />

Wessel Henry, s.s. ]4th b. Kace and Elm<br />

Sycamore n. of 3d




Nos. 90 .ind 92 Fearl street,<br />


ira:a.iiut'acturcr of Cnt-and-lOry Smokisig^ Tobacco,



S. WILSHIRE & CO.<br />

10Dliei&eOMMI8§IOI MiBeilIT§<br />



No. 17 Sycamore street, between Front and Columbia, Cincinnati.<br />

WHI WHI<br />

Whitaker W. (Fearn & W.)<br />

Wliittalier John S. elk. n.s. ftli b. Cutter & Linn<br />

Whittaker William, (W. W. & Son) bds. Fireman's<br />

Hall<br />

Whittaker W. & Son. (Wm. & Wm. jr.) 39 w. 3d<br />

Whittaker Wm. jr. (William W. & Son.) bds.<br />

Hamilton House fSamuel Kings)<br />

Whittaker William, n.s. Front b. T.P. 29 & 30 F'n.<br />

Whitcher Wm. C. (Bates, W. & Co.) n.s. 4th b.<br />

Smith and Park<br />

Whitcomb Charles, at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Whitcomh Joseph S.messenger American E.vpress.<br />

Henrie House<br />

Whitcomb Rasselas. 121 Walnut, bds. 103 w. Sth<br />

White Mrs. A. A. widow of Frederick, w.s. Sycamore<br />

b. Abigail and Woodward<br />

White Anthony, w.s. Bl'tler b. Symmes & Congress<br />

While Archibald, s.s. Accommodation b.Sth and<br />

W<br />

State<br />

HITE BAKTON, furniture wareroom,<br />

120 Sycamore, h, Kilgour below jlh<br />

White, widow of William, w.s. Elm b. 12th dc Mth<br />

White J. P. elk. bds. Hamilton House<br />

White iWrs. Julia, Congress b. Lawrence and Pike<br />

White Julian, salesman, 35 Pearl<br />

White Marshall,.Elm b. 7th and George, h. Clinton<br />

w. of John<br />

White Mary. al. b. Court and Canal and Race and­<br />

EIm<br />

White Michael, n.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />

White Moses, 124 Mnin, h. 313 Race<br />

White O. D. bds. Asa Blinn's<br />

White Peter A. (Peter A. W. & Co.) bds. Burnet<br />

House<br />

White Pet-er A. & Co. 61 Pearl<br />

White Patrick, n.s. Betts b. Cutter and Linn<br />

White Richard, s.s. Water b. Elm and Plum<br />

White Kobeit, barber, 24 w. Oth<br />

White Dr.-Rufus P. n.s. R.R. b. T.P. 19 and 20 F'n.<br />

White Thomas, cooper, n.s. 2d b. Plum & W. Row<br />

White Thomas, blksmith, n.s. 2d b. Elm and Plum<br />

h. w.s. Carr b. Oth and 7th<br />

White Thomas, boiler mkr. bds. John Hughes''<br />

White D A. c. Broadway and New, bds. John HITE TIBOMAS J. Emporium Printing<br />

Kelly's<br />

W : OfBce, 221 Walnut, h. 70 McFarland<br />

While David, s.s. Accommodation,<br />

White William, shoe mkr. s.s. Front b. Lawrence<br />

While Elizabeth, e.s. John b. Richmond & Catha­ and- Lujlow<br />

rine<br />

White William, plumber, n.s. Hopkins b. Cutter •>•"'•<br />

White James, bds. IVIartha Woodington's<br />

White William McLin, (Minor, Andrews & Wi<br />

White James, bds. B. Crawford's<br />

298 Vine *•'<br />

..White James, stQiTg.£iiitPi,bds. J. Lyon's<br />

Whitehead George, s.s. Front b, T.P. 31 & 32 F'n<br />

White James, elk, atSte'm, Baker'


C. WOLFF 8c CO.<br />


T O V E<br />

mum IND INIMILBD WiEi.<br />

No. 375 Main street, Cin.<br />

Whiteman John J. s.w.c. John and Wade Wiecher Henry, n.w.c. 7th and Mound<br />

Whiteman Lewis, (Springer & Whiteman) s.s. 4th Wiedmer David, n.s, Sth b. John and Smith<br />

b. Broadway and Ludlow<br />

Wiedemer Francis X. (F. X. W, & Co.) e.s. Vine b.<br />

Whiteman 0,b.k. 17 Sycamore,bds,Madison House Front and 2d:<br />

Whilenweaver Mrs. Elizabeth, e.s. Race b. Green IEDEMER F. X. Sc CO. (Francis X.<br />

and Liberty<br />

W W., Philip F. Lange & Charles Wolf) soap,<br />

Whiterose Nathaniel, n.a. 7th h. Baymiller & Free­ candle, and lard oil manufs 17 w. Front<br />

man<br />

Wiedemer Henry, elk. 17 w. Front<br />

Whiterose Nathaniel, jr, n.s. 7th b. Baymiller and Wieder Mrs. Margaret, s.s. 2d w. of Rose<br />

Freeman<br />

Wiedricht George, n.s. Ham. road b. Locust and<br />

Whiteside James R. h.h. 68 w. 3d<br />

Poplar<br />

ITTH ITE WATER S T E A OT S A 'W Wiehe Henry, Jefferson House, ti.e.c. Front and<br />

W OTIliL., Bailey, Langataff& Co. s.s. Frontb. Ludlow<br />

Mill anil Wood<br />

Wickline T. C. bds. Commercial Hotel<br />

Whitinan Nicholas, s,s, Kemble b. Cutter & Linn Wiel David, s.s. Buckeye b. Locust and Poplar<br />

Whiting Edward, engineer on E.H. h. s.s. Sth b. Wiel Jacob, e s. W. Eow b. Mason and Everett<br />

Baum and Lock<br />

Wielar Leonard, w. s. Sycamore b, Liberty and<br />

Whitinger John, s.s. Sassafras n, of Ash<br />

Schiller<br />

Whilington Nathan, w.s. Buchanan b. 4th and Sth Wieman Ernst, s.w.c. Spring and Abigail<br />

WJiitker Fiank, bds.Mrs. Sarah Carnahan's Wieman Henry, w.s. Walnut b. Allison & Liberty<br />

Whitley James, (W. & O'Kiell) 140 w. Sth Wiepels William, s.s. Woodward w; of Spring<br />

Whitley & O'Niell, (James W. & Peter O'N.)-140 Wier Jerome, w.s. Broadway b. Hunt and Abigail<br />

w.Sth<br />

Wieser Isaac, n.s. Allison b. Vine and Walnut<br />

Whitlock James, 10 e. Sth<br />

Wiesman Joseph, s.s.Abigail b.Sycamore & Broad­<br />

Whitney Alfred M. (J. P. Clark & Co,) 79 w. 3d way<br />

Whitney Mrs. Elizabeth, w.s. Mound b. 7th & Sth Wiest G. F. 63 Court<br />

- Whitney Richard C. n.s. Kemble b. John & Fulton Wieta Mrs. Elizabeth, n.s. Ham. road b. -Vine and<br />

Whitsitt Richard, salesman, bds. Mrs. Wright's Poplar<br />

Whitten Francis, IfO w. Oth<br />

Wietholter Henry, s.s. Sth b. Vine & Race, h.n.w.<br />

Whitton John, s.s. Sth b. John and Mound<br />

c. Gano and Milter<br />

Whitworth William, s.s. George b. Linn and Bay- Wiette Harmon, n.e.c. Race and Green<br />

Wigbels J. H. n.B. Abigail b.Main and Sycamore<br />

Wibber Bernard H. n.s. Sth b. Broadway & Butler Wigert Henry, n.s. Franklin b.Main and Sycamore<br />

Wibber Frank, at Anthony Rohling's, w.s. Mill Wiggers F, w.s. Main b. 13th and.^Ilison<br />

Wibber James L. s.s. ISth b. Race aud Elm Wigging Benjamin, 43 w. 4th, bds. s.e.c. Race and<br />

IBEIi FKAW CIS, Revere House, 78 Broad­ 6th<br />

W way op. L. Market , .^ _. Wiggins Elizabeth, s.w.c. Elm and 3d<br />

Wiber J. Adam. e.s. Vine b. ISth and Liberty Wiggins Samuel. 75 w. 4th<br />

Wibka William, e.s. Main b. Burgoyne & SchiUer Weggley Mrs. Amelia, s.s. Laurel b. Cutter and<br />

Wicgore Mrs. n.s. Canal b. Vine and Race<br />

Linn<br />

Wicke Ferdinand, s.e.c. 14th and Raco<br />

Wight Charles P. elk. atS, D. Howe's<br />

Wicker Eliza M. n.s. Oth e.of Lock<br />

IGHT MAN AliEXANDER F. gen'l<br />

Wicker Julius, e.s. Rittenhouse b. Catharine and W agency and loan ofHce, 16 e, 3d, h. n. s. 5th b.<br />

Broadwav and Pike<br />

Wichermeir WiUiam, s.s. Miami b. Locust and Sy­ IL.BER REV. P. B. pres't Western Fecamore<br />

._ J c -.K W male College, vv.s. Vine n. of 6Ui<br />

Wilberbing Bernard S. c.p. Elm b. I2th and 14tli<br />

Wickersham Charles, n.e.c. 4th and Sinith Wilbers Harman, s.s. Maple b. Piatt and Linn<br />

Wiokersham Elijah, s-s. 3th b Mill and Stone Wilby Joseph H. (Rawson, W. & Co.) 276 Kace<br />

ICKEESMAItt 1,EVI, surgeon dentist, Wilch (Sl Fitton (Charles W. & Samuel F.)s.s.Front<br />

W No.S Clinton bldgs. c. W. Row and CUnton b. Pike and Butler<br />


W n s, 5th b. Jobn & Smith, at Mrs. S. Williams'<br />

Wilcox Daniel, e.s. Elm b. Front and 2d<br />

Wickersham Thomas, bds. Levi Coffin 8<br />

Wilcox Jesse W. (Comstock, W. & Co.) 88 e. 4th<br />

Wickwire Elizabeth, s.s. Elizabeth b. John and<br />

Wilcox Joanna, w.s. W. Row b. Catharine & Eli­<br />

Fulton<br />

zabeth<br />

Widman W. F.bds.c 14th andEIm ^ . ., ILCOX SAMtJEIy T. fine groceries and<br />

•ITTJDMEB CHAK1.ES A .wh. and retail W provisions, u.e.c. Sth


P. WILSON, Cinciivaati. p. HAYDEN, CokiVlhuS<br />



tmwLim km @MII iiiiwiiE f)<br />

OAnP.IAGS TniMMlNGS,<br />



17 and 19 Columbia St., West of Main, Cin.<br />

N. B. Skirting, Harness, Bridle and Band Leather purchased, finished or in rough.<br />

Wrijfhlson, Printer, 43 Maio at-<br />

WIL WIL<br />

Wiler S. 20 Arch<br />

Williams Benajah, s.e.c. 3d and W. Row, h e s W<br />

Wiles James, bds. Burnet House<br />

Row b. 3d and Pearl<br />

Wiley O; at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Williams Bartle, n.s. Canal op. Stone<br />

Wiley Jaraes, s.s. Front b. T.P. 4 and 5 F'n Williams Bishop, e.s. Broadway b. Franklin and<br />

Wiley James W. near Catholic Church, F'n<br />

Woodward<br />

Wiihelm Eliza, nurse, n.s. Catharine b. W.Row & Williams Bryant (J. B. W.& Co.)<br />

John-<br />

Williams Caleb, c. Clarkson and Jobn<br />

Wilhelm George, n.s. Milton e. of Sycamore Williams Caleb H. n.s. Kemble b.Fulton & Cutter<br />

Wiihelm Mrs. Priscilla, e.s. Race b. 13th and Hth ll^I/IAms CAI.V1N S. pub. Cincinnati<br />

Wilke Francis, elk. w. s, Linn b. Everett & Hic­ W <strong>Direc</strong>tory, and Williams' Western Pathfinder<br />

kory<br />

173 Walnut, h.s.s. Laurel w.of Lina<br />

Wilke Theodore, e.. s. Broadway b. Hunt aud Abi Williams Charles, w.s. Dudley b. Liberty and POD-<br />

gail<br />

lar "^<br />

Wilkemeky Henry, n.s. Abigail b. Main and Syca­ Williams Charles, n.w.c. 9th and Race<br />

more<br />

Williams Charles, at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Wilker Adam, w.s. Hughes b. Schiller & Burgoyne Williams Charles H.s.s. Elizabeth b. W. Eow and<br />

Wilker Henry, e.s. Bremen b. 13th and Hth<br />

John<br />

Wilker Henry, w.s. Plum b. McFarland and 4th Williams Clark, res. 132 Broadway<br />

Wilkie H.irmon, bds. 48 L. Market<br />

Williams Claudius C. n.w.c. Park and 3d<br />

Wilkie John, w.s. Race b. Liberty and Green Williams C. M. 34 w. Sth, and w.s. Vine n. of 5th,<br />

Wilkins Asa C. 185 Longworth<br />

bds. e.s. Broadway n. of 4th<br />

Wilkins Heinrich, e.s. Tanner b. Webster and Li­ Williams David, b.k. s.s. 7th b. Cutter and Linn<br />

berty<br />

Wilkins Henry, s.s. Liberty b. Elm and Plum<br />

WilMams David, at Temple ship yard, h.n.s. E.R.b.<br />

Wilkins Samuel C. barkeeper at G. L. Prindle's<br />

T.P. 21 and 22 F'n<br />

•VVilkinson B. B. n.s. 3d b. Race and Elm<br />

Williams David G. b.k. s.s. 7th b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Wilkinson E. at Powell's foundry<br />

Wiiiams David J. drayman, 33 Jackson<br />

Wilkinson Mrs. S.A. widow of Thomas, e.s.Plum Williams David J. painter, res. n.s. Fronte. of Depot<br />

b. Grant and Hth<br />

Wilkinson S. D. elk. bds. Mrs. Crowell's<br />

Williams Mrs. E. w.s. Providence b. Wade and<br />

Wilkinson Thomas, s.s. Sth e. of W. W. Canal<br />

Everett<br />

Will Samuel, e.s. Bremen b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Williams Edward, bds. Stephen Gibson's<br />

Will Simon, e s. Fulton b. Chestnut and Elizabeth Wil lams Elmer W, bds. David G. Willliams'<br />

Will Valentine, s.s. Ham. road b. Piatt and Free­ Wil lams E'ijah H, s.s. 3d b. Smith and Park<br />

man<br />

Wi lams Freeman, n.w.c. John and Elizabeth<br />

Willcome Lawrence, n.s, Sthb. Baymiller &. Free­ Wi haras Francis, .s.s. Hib b. Cutter and Lion<br />

man<br />

Williams George, h.k. 176 Main<br />

Willett James,bds. at 1 Harrison<br />

Williams George, city police, w.s. Plumb. Wade<br />

Willard Augustus G. elk. bds. c. Sth & Broadway and Liherty<br />

Willard Ann, n.s. 3d b. Plum and W. Row Williams George, elk. s.w,c,2d and Sycamore.bds.<br />

Willard Edward (C. H. Babcock & Co.) bds. L. A.<br />

Mrs. Williams, widow of Micajah T. n.s. 6th b.<br />

Hildreth's<br />

Smith and John<br />

Willard Franklin, n.s. Chestnut b. W. Row and Williams George, sect. Cin. Ins. Co. Front b Main<br />

John<br />

and Sycamore, h. 5 Harrison<br />

Willard WiUiam, e.s. Lock b. Sth and Symmes<br />

Wilier Henry, s.s. Mulberry b. Locust and Eden<br />

Wl hams Granville S. elk. 16 w. 2d, h. 312 w. 6th<br />

Willman Bernard, n.e.c. Spring and Abigail<br />

Williams George W.city police, n.s.Webb b.Smith<br />

William James P. 146 Pearl<br />

and Park<br />

ILLIAHl TEI.I. EXCHANGE, F. Di Williams Henry, bricklayer, n.s. Kemble b Bav-<br />

W serens, s.s. Sth b. Main and Walnut<br />

miller and Freeman '<br />

Williams Abram, at Hise & Williams'<br />

Williams Henry, blksmith, bds. Robert Leckey's<br />

Williams & Adams, Novelty iron works,n.s,Pearl Williams Henry drayman, 15 Front, h.n.s. VVater<br />

b. Vine andRace<br />

D. Smith and John<br />

Williams Ann, Arch b. Broadway and Ludlow Williams Hughes, s.s. Buckeye b. Locust cfe Ponlar<br />

Williams Alfred B, (Hise & W,) 287 w, Gth Williams & Hunter (T. M. W.& G R H ) is K^irl<br />

Williams .'imos, s,s, Everett b. W. Row and Jobn<br />

Williams Dr. Amos, bds, Milton Miller's<br />

b. 13th and Hth « w. rt. a.) e.s. Kacj<br />

Williams A. T. w.s. W. How op. Mohawk bridge Williams Isaac, s.s. Accommodation e. of State<br />

Williams Isaac, elk. bds. T. P. Morgan's<br />

Williams Isaac P (P. Outcalt & Co.) n.s. 6th b<br />

Mound and Cntter


W^"<br />




«F EVER!' PATTERN,<br />


[L@@KQli!a© ©tkaSS PiA'u'Iia ©I? E^EBV §02E POSli" DliST© ©IL© PtmilfflES<br />

No. 129 Main slreet, between Third and Fourtli, Cin.<br />

WIL WIL<br />

Williams James, shoe mkr. w.s Sycamore op. Theatre,<br />

up stairs<br />

Williams James, carriage mkr. n.e.c.Race & Pearl<br />

Williams James, cook, n.s. 6th b. Broadway and<br />

Culvert<br />

WiUiams James, A. s.s. 2d b. Vine andRace, h.s.s.<br />

Richmond b. Fulton and Cutter<br />

Williams J. B. & Co. (Jerome B. & Bryant W.) 35<br />

L. Market<br />

Williams James B. (W. & Adams) n.s.Pearl b.Race<br />

and Elm<br />

Williams James, s.e.c. Front and Wood<br />

Williams Jerome B. (J. B. W. & Co.)<br />

Williams J. D. bds. Mrs. C. Edwards'<br />

Williams J. S. e.s. Linn b. Laurel and Belts<br />

Williams John (W. & McDermot) bds. IW e. 4tli<br />

WiUiams John, lab. e.s, Findley b. Elm and Plum<br />

Williams John, cigars, w,3, W. Row b. Jiichmond<br />

and Catharine<br />

Williams John, moulder, n,w,c. Cherry and Elm<br />

Williams John, moulder, n.s. Wade b. John and<br />

Linn<br />

Williams John, brklayer, w.s. Freeman b. 6th and<br />

junction<br />

Williams John, engineer, e.s. Elm b. Pearl and<br />

Union<br />

Williams John E. elk. bds. Waverly House<br />

Williams John A. s.s. Sth b. Vine & Race, bds. s.s.<br />

Longworth b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Williams John M. s.s, Sth b. Mill and Stone<br />

Williams John S. n.s. Front b, T, P, 29 and 30 F'n<br />

Williams John P. n,». Webb b. Smith and Park<br />

Williams Johnson, L. elk. 35 L. Market<br />

Williams Joseph s.s. Sth b. Wood & W. W Canal<br />

*^.<br />

SriLIAMS SimEOIV B. tobacco ware­<br />

W house, 90 and 92 Pearl, h. Vine and Race, h.<br />

i:iO w. (ith<br />

Williams Samuel Wesley, at S. Williams' e.s. Auburn<br />

William.'^ Samuel S, elk. bds. L. M. R. R Hall<br />

WilliauiH iVIrs. Susan, al. b. Tth aud Sth and Sycamore<br />

and Broadway<br />

Williams Thomas P. s.s. Front b. Elm and Plum<br />

Williams Thomas .I. s.s Newb. Broadway & Culvert<br />

Williams Thomas K. b.k. 38 Main, h. s.s. 7th b.<br />

Linn and Bayrailler<br />

Williams Theodore S. s.s. George h. John & Smith,<br />

h. n.s. Gth b. V/, Row and John<br />

Williams Tliomas T. messenger Amer. Express,<br />

Henrie House<br />

Williams Vacliel, n,B. Taylor b. Freeman &Carr,<br />

bds. John Quigley's<br />

Williams Victor NefTs bldgs. Oth b. Race and Elm<br />

Williams William, lab. n.s. eth b. Broadway and<br />

Culvert<br />

WiUiama William, plasterer, n.s. Van Horn b.<br />

Linn and Baymiller<br />

Williams William, conTec. 74 w. 6th<br />

Williams William at A. Harliness & Son's<br />

Williams William, n.s. Richmond b. Fulton and<br />

Cutter<br />

Williams William, carp, a.e.c. W. Rowand 3d'<br />

Williams William, lab. n.s. Sth b, Broadway and<br />

Williams Joseph B. n.s. 3d b, VVuod and Stone<br />

¥ II^I/IAMS Sc L,OI>HlS, (James B. W. &<br />

Pike<br />

¥<br />

James L.) boiler yard. Landing, b. Ludlow and<br />

Lawrence<br />

Williams Mary, n.s. Front h. T.P. 11 and 12 F'n<br />

Williams Mrs. Mary D. e.s. Elm b. 4tb and Sth<br />

Williams Mrs. Mary, w.s. Vine b. 12th and 13th<br />

Williams Mrs. Mary, s.s. Webb b. Mill and Stone<br />

Williams Mrs. M. bds. E. Price's<br />

Williams Mrs. M. T. :il2 w. Gth<br />

Williams & McDermut (John W. & Wm. McDermut)85<br />

Main ^ , .^ . . r,<br />

Williams Michael, e.s, Bremen b. Liberty & Green<br />

Williams Michael, e.s. Dunlap b. Cooper and Ham.<br />

Williams Miles, elk. e.s, Elmb, 4th andSth<br />

Williams Moses M, n.s. 6th b. Cwr and Freeman<br />

Williams Mrs Nancy, b.h. w.s. Ludlow b. Front<br />

and ''d<br />

Williams Nathaniel, S.F. Centre b. Race and Elra<br />

Williams Noah, n.s. Ann b. Plum and AA. Kow<br />

Williams Owen, n.s. Front c. of llepot ^<br />

Williams Owen, n.s. Mulberry near Main<br />

Williams Kobert, n.s. Gth e. ol Loclt<br />

Williams R. R. res. 61 w. 7tli<br />

Williams Rudolph, porter, ?8 Walnut<br />

Wiams Samuel, ((.nark &W^) res. 224 Walnut<br />

WiUiams .Samuel, c.:^. Auburn near Oorporation<br />

Williams Mrs. S. n.s. 5th b. John and Sraith<br />

Bfljf^IAMS W, CJ-. city elk. office, College<br />

Hall, h. n.s. Sth b. W. Row and John<br />

Williams W. K. w.s. Plum b. Wade and Liberty<br />

Williams Wm. P. n.s. Webb b. Smith and Park<br />

Williams Wm. P. elk. w.s. W. Row n. of Gth, bds.<br />

s.w.c. Hannibal and 6th<br />

Williamson Alexander W. (Sniith & W.)n.s. Sth b.<br />

John & Fulton<br />

Williamson Charles, barber, Broadway Hotel, bds.<br />

Ransom Rurns<br />

Williamson Charles, bds. Mrs. E. Williamson's<br />

Williamson David, bds. Wm, Dorrington's<br />

Williamson Daniel, bds. Mrs. E. Williamson's<br />

Williamson Mrs. K. widow of John, n.s. Water b.<br />

Walnut and Vine<br />

Williamson George B. at Broadway Hotel<br />

Wilhamson George T. n.e.c. 4fh and Walnut, h.n.s.<br />

3d b. Elm and Plum<br />

Williamson James, s.s. 3d b. W. Row and John<br />

Williamson James, res. 13 Perry<br />

Williamson John, lab. s.s. Front e. of depot<br />

Williamson John, dry goods, 261 Main<br />

Williamson John, finisher, n.e.c. McFarland and W.<br />

Row<br />

Williamson John A. Court b. Race and Elm<br />

Williamson John J. n.s. Moses b. Mill and Stone<br />

Williamson J. T. elk. C. Burdsel's, bds. S. C. Turner's<br />

Williamson M.T.{Zinn& W.) U Eagle bldgs. Court<br />

b. Main and Walnut<br />

Williamson Robert, salesman, for Sam'l Williamson<br />

Willian son ,Samuel, w.s. Vine b. 4th and 6th, h.s.a.<br />

3d b. Vine and Race



feil L^t<br />




WIL<br />

Williamson Samuel, e.s. Elmb. 2d and Pearl Wilshire John, (S. W. & Co.) bds. Broadway Hotel<br />

Williamson Sheridan, bds. Geo. Buzzell's<br />

ICSHIRJE; S. & CO, (Samuel& John W.;<br />

Williamson Thomas, elk. 228 Main W wh. grocers prod, and com mers. and Liquor<br />

Williamson William, n.s. Sth b. Linn and Baymiller dealers, 17 Sycamore<br />

Williamson William M. s.s. Front e. of depot Wilshire Samuel, (S. W. & Co.) h. 33 w. 9th<br />

Williamson William R. s.s. Barr b. Linn & Baymiller Wilshire William, (W. & Co.) bds. Burnet House<br />

Willies William, w.s. Clay b. 13th and Allison Wilaman Hermann, s.s. Abigail b. Maio and Syca­<br />

Willis Alexander F. (W. & Burt) res. 160 w. 4th more<br />

f KiEiIS & K (J RT, (Alexander F. W. & John Wilson A. at A Harkness & Son's foundry<br />

W S. G. B.) real estate agents and loan brokers, Wilson Alexander, s.e.c. Linn and Catharine<br />

38 w. 4th<br />

Wilson Mrs. .4.nn, s.s. .Milton b. Wilson and Droad.<br />

IKiCiIS JOKIV, boot and shoe manuf. s.w.c. way<br />

W Baymiller and Catharine<br />

Wilson Ann, n.s. Water b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Willis Lewis, e.s. Elm b. 15th and Liberty Wilson Andrew, e.s. Baum w. of High .<br />

Willis William, collection elk. Layfayette Bank, bds. Wilson Andrew, n.w.c. Burgoyne and Sycamore<br />

A. Willis's<br />

Wilson Benjamin R. elk. 11 Sycamore, h.s.s. G«ois<<br />

Willis WiUiam, res. 160 w. 4th<br />

b. Cutterand Linn<br />

Willison George, n.s. Webb b. Mill and Stone Wilson Bartlett, elk. s.e.c. Plum and Sd<br />

Willits & Crawford, (William W. & WiUiam C; s. Wilson & Brothers, (Robert. SamuelandDavid, W.)<br />

w.c. Barr and Baymiller<br />

w.s. Sycamore b. 9th and Court<br />

Willits Henry, s.s. George b. Baymiller and Freemah Wilson Casey, w.s. Culvert b. 6tb and 7th<br />

Willits William, (Willits & Crawford) s.s. George Wilson David, bds. Samuel Wilson's<br />

b. Baymiller and Freeman<br />

Wilson D. n.s. Front b. Vine and Race<br />

Willmajin Adam, w.s. Walnut b. 13th and Allison Wilson Edward J. s.s. 3d b. Walnut and Vine, h.s.<br />

Willmann C. w.s. Race b. Hth and luth<br />

s. George b. Cutterand Linn<br />

Willniann, widow of Henry, s.s. Madison b. Elm Wilson Edward, n.s. 6th e. ofLock<br />

and Flum<br />

Wilson Edward F. (E. F. & C. W.)s.s. 12th b. Eln\<br />

Willmer Frank, drayman. Fay's lumber yard, h. al. and Plum<br />

s.s. b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Wilson E. F. & C. (Edward F. & Charles Wilson<br />

Willoughby Amos, at Colville cfe Stryker's<br />

Deer Creek<br />

Wills Andrew, at H. Hazen's<br />

Wilson E. , 9. w. 9th<br />

Wills Willis, n.s. Front b. T. P. 36 and 37 F'n Wilson Mrs. Elizabeth, s.s. Wood ward w. of Broad<br />

Wilmer Lewis, at B. Bicknell & Co.'s, s.s. Front e. way<br />

of depot<br />

Wilson Mrs. Elizabeth, b.h. 144 w. 3d<br />

ltiMERTOlV X. Belvidere, s.w.c. 3d and Wilson Mrs. E. A. n.s. oth b. Broadwry and Pikp'<br />

W Vine<br />

Wilson George, (J. & G. W.) 226 w 6th<br />

Wilmoth Warren, w.s. Cutterb. Clark and Hopkins Wilson George, e.s. Mitchell Mt. Adams" *<br />

Wilns Charles, 103 Main<br />

Wilson Harmon, s.s. Barr b. Bayrailler and Freeman<br />

II48HIRX! Sc CO. (WiUiam & George W.) II.80N & HAVDEN, (Pollock W. ,"•<br />

W com. merchants, 17 Sycamore<br />

W Peter H.) saddlery and c«ach hardware, 17 m<br />

Washire George W. (W. & Co.)<br />





ARL ST<br />



mmim ^i^lL<br />

Will be promptly attended to<br />

see<br />

WIL<br />

WIL<br />

Wilson Henry, s.s. Front b. T. P. 17 and IS F'n Wilson John, shoe mkr, s,a. Barr b. Baymiller and<br />

Wilson Henry B. n.s. Milton b. Wilson and Broad­ Freeman<br />

way<br />

Wilson John, engineer, n.s. Van Horn b. Linn and<br />

Wilson Hiram, s s. George b. Linn and BaymiUer Baymiller<br />

Wilson Isaac, ii .s. Moses b. Park and Mill Wilson John M. n.e.c. Sth and Walnut, bds. John<br />

Wilson Isaac, s.e.c. Freeman and W. W. Canal Horrock's<br />

Wilson Isaac B. Front, h. 229 Longworth<br />

Wilson John P. n.e. George b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

IL.80IV ISKAEIi, ec. phys. and druggist, Wilson J. 6c G. (Joseph & George) 224 w. 6th<br />

W 225 Main, h. 96 e. 4th . .. ,. Wilson Joseph, (J. & G. V/.) 226 yv. 6th<br />

Wilson Jacob S. at Temple's ship yard, h. n.s. Wilson Joseph H. elk. 21 w. 2d<br />

Frontb. T.P. 18 and 19 F'n<br />

Wilson Joseph, (Torrence & V\^) a.s. Front op. T<br />

Wilson James, elk. bds. John Hawley's<br />

P. 34 F'n<br />

Wilson James, (James Wilson & Co.) s.s. Sth b. Wilson Levin, at Johnson, Morton & Co.'s<br />

Walnut and Vine<br />

ILSON JUEVriS J. carp, and builder, n 3<br />

vVilson J.res. 201 Vine „„„,„.„„,. W Milton b. Broadway and Wilson<br />

Wilson James, surg. inst. mkr. bds. B. Hazleton's Wilson Melancthon, n.s. 7th b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Wilson James, carp. bds. John Hughes<br />

Wilson Mrs. Mary L. e,3. Walnut b. 9lh and Court<br />

Wilson James, carp. s.s. Richmond b. Cutter and Wilson MattheW; s.s. Grant b. 12th and I3th<br />

Wilson Mrs. Mary, n.s. Sth b. Broadway and Pike-<br />

Wilso'nJamcs, n.s. 7th b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Wilson——, elk. bds. 167 Race<br />

Wilson Mrs. n.s. Milton b. Mound and Wilson<br />

Wilson JaSes, at S. B. Niel's, h. c. Congress and Wilson Mrs. Nancy, widow of Wm. n.s. Franklin b<br />

ICSOIV JAMES Sc CO. (James W., Hor. Main and Sycamore<br />

W aM Hunt & Wm. Woods) com. and forwarding Wilson Oliver, 28McFarland<br />

mers ss Canal b. Main and Walnut<br />

Wilson Peter, s.a. 7th b. Broadway and Culvert<br />

Wilson Pollock, (W. & Hayden) 384 w. 6th<br />

Wils"ames K. (Walter & W.) s.w.c. 6th & Vine Wilson Richard, s.s. Ehzabeth b. John and Fulton<br />

Wilson James F. w.s. Home R.vmillpr Wilson Robert, bds. Samuel Wilson's<br />

Wilson James S. s.s. Barr b. Linn and Bayrailler Wilson Samuel, 3 Court Square, e. of Court Houae<br />

Wilson James T. elk. 31 Pearl<br />

Wilson Samuel, s.s. 7th b, Broadway and Culvert<br />

Wilson James W. Gazette ofii..h. 201 w. Court Wilson S. B. bds. E. Thomas's<br />

Wilson Jesse A. b.k. n.e.c. Main and 2d, bds. Mrs. Wilson Miss Sarah, n.a. Sth b. Broadway and Pike<br />

Wilson Rev. Samuel R. pastor 1st Pres. Church,<br />

Wils^nTs'se, s.s. Newb. Broadway and Culvert<br />

res. 145 Elm<br />

Wi on jfrfmiah, ss. George b Smith and Mound Wilson Br. Singleton C. 372 w. 7th<br />

Wilson John, tanner, e.s. Dublin n. ot Lock Wilson Thomas, n.w c. Kemble & W. Row h.n.s.<br />

Kemble b. W. Kow and John<br />

VVulonJorn;'drayman, s.s. Liberty b. Main and Wilson Thomas, e.s. Race b. 15th and Liberty<br />

SViSj^w! brk. layer, n.s. Richmond b. Linnand Wilson William, carp. n.s. Plum b. 12th and Ann<br />

Wilson Rev. Wra. n.s. Kemble b. W.Row and John.<br />

Cutter<br />



Walnut St., between Fourth and Fifth, Gin.<br />


WIN WIN<br />

Wilson William, bds. John WoodrufPs<br />

Winchester C. Clifton, b.k. Nonpariel office, bds.<br />

Wilson William, lab. s.s. 7th b. Broadway & Culvert Wm. Tell<br />

IL.80N tVIt,L,IAM. B. com. and ford- Windeler Jacob, n.e.c. Main and Woodward<br />

W mer. 3 Water, h. 185 w. 3d<br />

WindelerWm. H. elk. ItfO Main<br />

Wilson William P. elk. 25 Pearl, h. 281 Vine Windier John H. w.s. Vine b. ]4th and 15th<br />

Wilson Wm. R. (Spining, Wilson & Brown) e.s. Windell Mrs. .Ilice, Canal b. Race and Elm<br />

Smith b. 4th and Oth<br />

Winder Joho, e.s. Peet b. Locust and Poplar<br />

Wilson Wi^lliam .S. w.s. Vine b. Sth and 9th Winder Robert, hds. Jacob Hennel's, n.s. Ham.<br />

Wilson Wright, e.s. Bremen b. 15th and 13th<br />

road opp. Freemim<br />

Wilstach ChXrles F. (Wm. Phillips * Co.) II Perry Windsor James, n.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

Wilsy John, ri.s. Richmond b. Baymiller & Freeman Winegar Frederick, at Parvin & Johnson*s<br />

Wilt Peter, e.s New b. Elder and Green<br />

Wiltsee John H. elk. s.s. George b. Linn and Bay­<br />

Winegardner city police. Front b. Harriet and<br />

miller<br />

Horn<br />

Wiltaee Simon S. s s. Hopkins b. John and Cutter<br />

Winegnrd John, e.s. newb. Elder and Green<br />

Wines Charles, n.w.c. 7th and John<br />

ILiTS JOHN, carriage manuf. Sycamore b. Wing Thomas B. n.s. George b. Cutter and Linn<br />

W 7th and Sth, h. Charles b. Canal and 12th Winger Michael, Congress St. House, n.w.c. Pike<br />

yVillz Francis, s.s. Green b. Elm and Pleasant and Congress<br />

Wimpe Barney, n.s. 2d b. Elmand Plum, h. Cherry Wingler Charles, n.s. Liberty b. Race and Bremen<br />

b. Race and Elm<br />

Winke Francis H. s.s. Sth b. John and Mound<br />

Wimpe William, w.s. M. Canal b. 5th and 6th Winkelmann Henry, e.s. Walnut b. -Allison & Li­<br />

Wimpamire John, e.s. Jackson b. M. Canal & 12th berty<br />

Wimsey Thomas, w.s. Race b. 15th and Liberty Winker Henry, w.s. Race b. 13tb andI4th<br />

Winall Alexander, elk. 12 e. 2d, h. n.s. 13th b. Vine Winkerman Henry, w.s. Pleasant b. Liberty and<br />

and Race<br />

Green<br />

Winall Georgo, e.s. Raceb. 14th and 16th<br />

Winkler Frederick, e.s. Pleasant b. 15th & Liberty<br />

Winall John, elk h. e.s. Vine b. Canal and 12th Winkmire Henry, e.s. Pleasant h. Liberty dc Gieea<br />

Winall S. A. w.s. W. Row. b. Laurel and Betts, h.s. Winman Joseph, e.s. Providence b. Wade & Liberty!<br />

s. Court b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Winn John, s.s. Sth e.of Lock ,<br />

Winall Samuel J. (Harper, W. & Co.) s.s. Court b.<br />

Plum and W. Row ¥ Winana Isaac C. w.s. Sycamore b. Schiller and Burgoyne<br />

Wirians Mrs. Mary, e.s. Raum w. of High<br />

Winans Wm. O. bds. Isaac 0. Winan's<br />

Winchell Diedrich,e.s. Broadway b. Hunt & Abigail<br />

INCHELIi GIBURGE ». japanned tin<br />

W iware manuf. n.w.c. Walnut and Pearl, h. e.s<br />

ViiieT). Front and 2d<br />

lKSL,OW AUGUSTUS S. metels. sheet<br />

iron, rail road materials, &c. 9 and II w 2d '<br />

h. SOS Vine<br />

Winslow IWrs. E. T. w.s Elm b. Grant and Uth<br />

Winslow Martin C. s.s. Frimi, h. T.P. 32 & 33 F'n<br />

Winslow W. S. bd.«. 2U Centre<br />

Winsted Thomas, (Lane, Sinith & Co.) bds. Prank<br />

Skinner's ^<br />

Winston Alexander V. salesman, 184 Main, bda<br />

Dennison Honse<br />

Winston Isaac N. 224 w. 4th





9]LMm ixsa© [fij\[a(§Y ^©s g>[E[iB!i'ir[]5!i®,<br />

In a neat and workman-like manner, at prices at least 20 per cent. chea.per than any<br />

other establishment.<br />


JAS. F. HENRY.<br />

WIS WIT<br />

Winston John P. (Smith & W.)re3. Covington<br />

Winston Orville, elk. 93 Main<br />

Winter Charles, n.e.c. Symmes and Butler<br />

Winter Conrad, al. b. Jefferson and Adams<br />

Winter Edward, elk, s.s. Court b. Main & Walnut<br />

Winter Edwin, b.k. 6 Commercial Row<br />

Winter Edwin, s.w.c. Vine and 2d<br />

Winter Fredeiick, elk. s.s. Btb e. of Lock<br />

Winter George.s.s. Madisonb. Elm snd Plum<br />

Winter Henry, shoe mkr. e.s. Pleasant b. 15th and<br />

Liberty<br />

Winter Henry, stone mason, s.s. Madisou b. Elm<br />

and Plum<br />

Winter Henry, soap mkr. s.s. Hth b. Elm & Plum<br />

Winter Henry, stone mason, w.s. Clay b. 13th and<br />

Allison<br />

.Vinter H. s.e.c. Everett and Cutter<br />

Winter John, ink mkr. s.s. Jefferson b. Elm and<br />

Plum<br />

Winter John, bds. John Winter's<br />

Winter John, n.s. 3d b. Walnut and Vine, h. s.s.<br />

3db. Smith and Park<br />

IVinter John, gunsmith, SOS Walnut<br />

Winter Nicholas, e.s Pleasant opp. Hth<br />

Winter Peter, e.s. Dunlap b. Cooper & Ham. road<br />

Winter Peler, at West & Dumont's<br />

Winter Thomas, n.e.c. Catharine and Linn<br />

Winter Thomas, elk. 103 Main<br />

Winter Thomas, n.s. 5th b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Winterbottom John s.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />

Wintercast Catharine, n.s. Symmes e. of Butler<br />

Winters F. at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Winters George, at A. Harkness & Son s<br />

Winters James, R.R. conductor, res. Fulton b.<br />

Catharine and Richmond<br />

Winters John, at FlUey & Chapin's, h. s.e.c. Pike<br />

and Congress<br />

Winters William,. 100 w. 4th<br />

Winton Ellen b.h n.s. 2db. Vine and Race<br />

Winton Mrs. Elizabeth, e.s. Linn b. Maple & Poplar<br />

Winton Harrison, n.s. Harrison road near Avenue<br />

House , „ . ,..<br />

Winton Nathan, s.s. Hamilton road opp. Brighton<br />

House • ...... TT<br />

Winton Perry D.s.s. Ham road. op. Brighton House<br />

Wire Nicholas, bds. Brighton House<br />

Wirt Henry, w.s. Bremen b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Wirthlin Nicholas, n.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

Wirthwine Charles, n.s. Ham. road b. Vine and<br />

Race , ,, ,<br />

Wirthwine Frederick, w.s. Dunlap b. Cooper and<br />

Wirtzberger Anthony, s.s. Clinton b. W. Kow and<br />

John<br />

Wisby Miss E. bds. Francis Moore's<br />

Wisbey Return, n.w.c. Jones and Everett<br />

Wiachmeier Henry, w.s. Race b. Hth and 15th<br />

Vise Adam, n.s. Findley b. Race and Elm<br />

Wise Bernard, Front w. of Harriet<br />

Wise Taeob e s. Vine b. Allison and 13tn<br />

Wise James, (Bateman & Co.) h. s.s. Clinton w.<br />

Wise James", conductor Western Stage Co. w.s.<br />

Walnut b. 4th and Sth<br />

Wise Jerry, n.s. Hopkins b. Baymiller & Freeman<br />

Wise John, e.s. Linn b. Dayion and York<br />

Wise Mrs. Mary, s.e.c. Sth and McAllister<br />

Wise Leopold, 8J Sycamore<br />

Wise Valentine, w.s. Raceb.4th and Sth<br />

Wise Wm. H. i.s- Betts b. John and Cutter<br />

Wisebast L. H. res. 143 Pearl<br />

Wiseman Catharine, n.s. Liberty b, Hace& Bremen<br />

Wiseman Fredeiick, elk. bds. n.w.c. O.h and Raco<br />

Wiseman Jacob, bds. Frederick Heintz<br />

Wisenbaugh S. s.s. Sthb. Main andSycamnro<br />

Wisher Henry F. n.e.c. Barr and Freeman<br />

Wisker Catharine, a.s. Cherry b. Race and Elm<br />

Wisker Henry, s.s. Cherry b. Kace and Elm<br />

WisKyman Jacob, s.e.c. Clinton and John<br />

Wisman Joseph, b.h. <strong>52</strong> Lower Market<br />

Wianer John, at Noyes, Solar & Jacox<br />

Wisner John L. w.s. W. Row b. 3d and 4th<br />

Wisser Jacob, w.s. Bremen b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Wissman Frederick, u.w.c. W. Kow and Liberty<br />

Wist Andrew, w.s. Hamburg<br />

Wistenfell Philip, s.s. Everett b. Linn and Cutter<br />

Wistery Charles, n.s. Elder b.Vine and Race<br />

W<br />

W<br />

LSWECL. EBENEZER, looking glass<br />

and picture frame manuf. s.s. Front h. Mill<br />

and Wood, h. s.s. George b. Cutter and Linn<br />

ISWEI^Li Win. looking glasses, picture<br />

frames &c. 129 Main<br />

Witchell Kev. William C. n.s. 4th b. Smith and<br />

Park<br />

Witehare Herman, s.s. Spring b. Court and Lebanon<br />

Pike<br />

Withecer Edward, n.s. W. W. Canal b. Smith and<br />

Park<br />

Witbemberg Wellington, s.s. Georgeb. W. Kow<br />

and John<br />

Withemer Enoch, w.s. Canalb. Sth and 6th<br />

Witherby W. W. w.s. Sycamore b. Hunt and Abigail<br />

Withers Charles A. (C. A. W. & Co.) res. Covington<br />

W<br />

IXHER.s C. A. dc Co. (Charles A. &<br />

James E. Withers) tobacco factors and gen.<br />

com. mers. 24 w. Front<br />

Withers James E. (C. A. W & Co.) res. Covington<br />

Witherup Joseph, 194 w.Oth<br />

Witt George, n.s. Catharine b. John and Fulton<br />

Witt Kev. a.s. Richmond b. Fulton and Cutter<br />

Witt William & Robert, Ji.w.c. W. Kow andSth<br />

Witte Heinrich,s.w.c. Sycamore andSchiller<br />

Witte John, n.s. Everett b. Linn and Locust<br />

Witte Joseph. n.s.2d b. Elm and Plum, h. s.e.c.<br />

Cutter andSth<br />

Witte Phillip, 50 McFarland<br />

Wittebrock Gradus, s.e.c. Green and Race<br />

Wittekamp Theodore, n.w.c. Peet and Locust<br />

Wittehamper Henry, w.s. Hughes b. Schiller and<br />

Burgoyne<br />

Wittekamper Wm. F. s.e.c.Hughes and Schiller<br />

Wittekind John, w.s. Ham. roadb. Poplar & Locuat<br />

Witten Roliett, w.s. KImb. Pearl and Union<br />

Wittenbrock H. H. e.s. Race b. Lith and Liberty<br />

Witter Wm. n.s. Webster b. Sycamore & Tanner<br />

Wittebaugh William, n.s. Liberty b. Race and Flea


iftt- -|o^~-- *jp,^ spcs^i.. jQCs •.•tnftj— ijog^ "'<br />

J. S. BOYD'S<br />


Pictures taken at the above Gallery, in all kinds of weather, not surpassed by any in the Union<br />

bright days preferable for Groups and Children. JtJ" Dark dresses, either plain or<br />

figured, for Ladles, and also any dark figured or plaid dresses for Children.<br />

WOL WOO<br />

Wittich Albert, s.e.c. Clay and Allison<br />

Wittman Chailes, e.s. Sycamore b. Abigail & Hunt<br />

Wittman Nicholas A. e.s. Vine b. 12th and Canal<br />

Wittman Nicholas, 23 Water<br />

Witzel Anthony, s.s. Grant b. 12th and 14th<br />

Wobrink Wm. e.s. Pleasantb. Liberty and Green<br />

OCHER ITIAX, surgical and dental instru­<br />

W ment manuf. w.s. College b. 6th and 7th<br />

Woegler J. at A. Harkness & Son's<br />

Woehrle Lewis, n.s. Frout opp. T.P. 5 F'n.<br />

Woehrle William, n.s. Front opp. T.P. 5 F'u.<br />

Woelmer Rudolph, s.s. Front b. Vine and Race<br />

Woemster Clemens, e.s. Elm b. 2d and Pearl<br />

Woerndle Francis, elk. at L. Rehfuss and Kolb's<br />

Woerner Lawrence, 8 Walnut<br />

Wohalan John, n.s. Sth e. of Lock<br />

Wohler Henry, e.s. Kittenhouse b. Catharine and<br />

Clark<br />

Woblers Richard, e.s. Breman b. ISth and Liberty<br />

Wohnker B. e.s. Baum w. of High<br />

Wohrmier Augustus, n.s. Hunt b. Pendleton and<br />

Spring<br />

¥ OIiCOTX AliBERV G. groceries and<br />

w'KJl!^''!-1*^'"*' n-s- 8th b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

Wolf Michael, s.w.c. Front and Race, bds.iVfis.Mc<br />

Cracken's<br />

Wolf Matthias, w.s. Hamilton road b. Walnut and<br />

Liberty<br />

Wolf Nicholas, elk. 74 Broadway<br />

J)J°!J ?-''"'?! "•'• Buckeye b. Locust and Poplar<br />

Wolf Mrs. Rachel, s.s. Ham. road b. Piatt & Free<br />

man<br />

Wolf Shoel, n.s. 13th b.Walnut and Vine<br />

Woll Simon, e.s. Sycamore b. 4th and Sth<br />

Wolf Wm. 272 w. 6th<br />

Wolfeck Victor, s.s. Milton b. Wilson and Broadway<br />

Wolfer Micbael, n.s. Deer Creek road<br />

JX^'ifi^i,^*'!^''' '•^- Clinton b. Linn and Locust<br />

TTOLFF C. Sc CO. (Charles & Lewis WolB)<br />

a^s'Slaf' ^*°"'®^' ''°"• M». Walnut St.


C. S. JELLEFF,<br />

BEAPll MB TAEOI,<br />

West side Western Row, between Eight and Ninth, Cincinnati. j<br />


Constantly on hand.<br />

WOO WOO<br />

OOD GEORGE, Star Livery Stable, e. s. Woodruff Jobn S. s.s.Sth op. K.K. Depot<br />

WRace b.Sth and Centre, h. 269 w. 7th<br />

Woodruff Jonathan, n.s. 3db. Park and Smith<br />

WOOD GEOKGE M. (G. M. W., Jacob F. Woodruff Joseph H. auctioneer, s.e.c. Walnut and<br />

Cole & Lewis C. Hopkins) dry goods, 104 w. Sth. res. e.s. Plum b. Sth and Longworth<br />

Sth n.w.c. Vine<br />

Woodruff Nathaniel, s. s. Hopkins b. Cutter and<br />

Wood Henry, res. 131 Sycamore<br />

Linn<br />

Wood Isaac M. s.s. Sth b. W. Row and John Woodruff Samuel, s.s. Sth b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Wood James, at Hanks & Thompson's<br />

Woodruff T. H. Elm b.Hth and 15th, h.s.s.Madison<br />

Wood John, 131 Sycamore<br />

b. Elm and Plum<br />

Wood John, at B. Hazen's, h.n.s. R.R. b.T.P. 22 OODRUFF TRUM*, atty at law, Sth<br />

and 23 F'n<br />

W op. Dennison House, h. 2S0 w. 7th<br />

Wood J. C. res. w.s. Plum b. Ann and Mason Woodruff Wm. w.s. Race b. Hth and ISth<br />

Wood John H. n.s- Barr b. Baymiller and Freeman Woodruff Wm. H. Canal b. Vine ahd Race<br />

Wood John M. .Surveyor Ohio Mut. Ins. Co. res. Woodrow David T. (Campbell, Ellison & Co.) 99<br />

Walnut Hills<br />

e. 4th<br />

Wood Nancy, s.s. Front b. T.P. 34 and 35 F'n Woodrow Edward, bds. Mrs. Thomas'<br />

Wood Richard, w.s. Vine b. 2d and Pearl Woods , bds. Eagle Hotel<br />

OOD SEEET, ag't Am. Tract Society, 163 Woods A. & A. (Adam W. & Abraham W.) s.e.c.<br />

W Walunt, Melodeon bldg. res. Mt. Auburn<br />

Broadway and 3d<br />

¥OOU THOMAS, al. phys. ofHce aud res. Woods Boyd, bds. Pioneer House<br />

24 w. 7th<br />

Woods Mrs. Eunice, n.s Sth b. Fulton and Cutter<br />

Wood Thomas, n.s. 12th b. Vine snd Race Woods Philander, n.s. Kerable b. Freeman and<br />

Wood Thompson, b.h. s.s. Congress b. Pike and Carr<br />

Butler<br />

Woods George, elk. s.s Richmond b. Fulton and<br />

Wood William, n.w.c. Race and Centre, h.s.s.Cen- Cutter<br />

ter w. ol John<br />

Woods Henry, n.s. Sth b. W. Row and John<br />

Wood William (Conkling W. & Co.) n.s. High b. Woods J. H 250 w. Oth<br />

Ellen and Kilgour<br />

Woods Dr. J. H. bds Shires'<br />

Wood Wm. B. b.k. 31 Main res. Covington : ' Woods LOUIS P. bds. C Foreman's<br />

Wood Wm. al. phys. res. 166 Race<br />

Woods Lake, at B. Hazen's<br />

Wood & Wright, s.w.c. Laurel and Cutter Woods Luther, William b. Elm and Plum<br />

Woodbury George W. (Stone & Woodbury) bds. Woods Mrs. n.s. Oth b. W. Row and John<br />

Waverly House<br />

Woods Kobert K. n.w.c. W. VV. Canal and Jolm<br />

Woodford James, s.s. Barr b. Cutter and Linn Woods S. B. bds. C. Foreman's<br />

Woodford Miles, n.w.c; Front and Vine<br />

Woods Wm. n.s. Longworth near John, bds. Geo.<br />

Woodhead Thomas, at .Martin, Anshutz & Co's Woods, s.s. 7th w. of John<br />

Woodington Mrs. Martha, b.h. s.s. 2d b. Broadway Woods Wm. (J. Shillito & Co.) SO w. 7th<br />

and Ludlow<br />

Woods Wm. H. (J. Wilson & Co ) bds. J. Jones',<br />

Woodist Wm. bds. Mrs. McCormiek's<br />

Woods Wra. W. n.w.c. 3d and Walnut, bds. 350 w.<br />

Woodmansee John, at A. H.arkness & Son's<br />

Oth<br />

Woodnut Thomas (Acton & W., bds. Walnut St. Woodside John, w.s. Kace b. 2d and Cherry<br />

House<br />

Woodside Johu M. w.s. Race b. 13th and Hth<br />

Woodruff Aaron T. n.s. Sth b. Fulton and Cutter Woodward Amos, Enq. off. h.e.s. Butler b.Symmes<br />

Woodruff Albert H. (A. H. W. & Co.) s.s. 3d e. of and Congress<br />

Park<br />

OODWARD CHJIREES, al. phys. IH<br />

OODRUFF A. H. Sc CO. (Albeit H. W. W w.Oth '<br />

W & Horatio F. Peters) manuf. and dealers in<br />

OOOWAKD COI.EEGE, s.s. Franklin<br />

carpet bags, trunks, &c. 19 e. 4th and .50 Pearl Wb. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Woodruff Alfred G. elk. bds. Walnut St. House Woodward , carp. bds. 237 w. Gth<br />

Woodluff Archibald, bds. James Hutchen's Woodward Gustavus, bds. Hamilton House<br />

OODRUFF C. S. auc. and com mer.s^e.c Woodward Henry, salesman,09 Sycamore<br />

W Walnut and Sth, res. n.s.Baum b. Oth and High Woodward J. K. bds. 244 Longworth<br />

Woodruff Edward (W. & Hopkins) 53 w. 9th Wood ward James, n.s. Barr b.Mound andCutter<br />

Woodruff Elizabeth, s.s. Catharine b. Cutter and Woodworth Dr. Abner, 204 w. 3d, bds. c. Sth and<br />

Broadway<br />

OODRUFF HOUSE, P. E. & G. P. Tut­ Woodworth H. C. s.s. Court b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Wtle prop's, e.s. Sycamore b. 3d & 4th<br />

Woodworth James, n.s. Betts b. Cutter and Linn<br />

•nrOODKUFF Sc HOPKINS, (Edward W. Wool John, n.s. Liberty b. Pleasant and Kace<br />

W & Wra. H. H ) attys at law, n.s. StU b. Main cfe Wool Jobn, U.S. M. Canal b. Maple and Dayton<br />

Sycamore, op. Dennison House<br />

Wool Nicholas, w.s. M.Canal b.Maple and Dayton<br />

Woodruff Jane. s.s. Court e. of Broadway<br />

Woolley Asher, 13 Jackson<br />

Woodruff John, s.s. M. Canal b. Kace and Elm Wdolley David, w.s. Cutter b. Everett and David<br />

Woodruff John, b.h. w.s. W. Row b. Catharine and Woolley John. elk. n.w.C.Mai J and 3d, bds. Mrs.N.<br />

Elizabeth<br />






itftsits sifotmt<br />

Corner of Race and Second streets,<br />

3S3<br />

WRl WRI<br />

Woolley John C. e.s. Linn b. Everett and Liberty<br />

Woolley Newton, e.s. Jackson, res. 180 w. Oth<br />

Woolley Reuben H. n.s. Sth near Smith<br />

Woolley Stites, n.s. Betts b. W. Row and John<br />

Woolley W. H. res. 209 w. 7th<br />

Worcester David F. Reeder's bldg. bds Burnet H.<br />

Worford Andrew, bds. C. H. Wehrmann, s. w. c.<br />

Everett and Locust<br />

Workum Dolphina, teacher Dist. No, 5 e, of Race<br />

b. Front and 2d<br />

Workum Jacob, 90 Main, h.n.s. Front b. Plura and<br />

W. Kow<br />

Workum Levi J. 90 Main, h.n.s. Front b. Plum &<br />

W. Kow<br />

Workum L. J. & Co. n.s. Front b. Broadway and<br />

Ludlow<br />

Worlds John, s.s. 7th b. Broadway and Culvert<br />

Worley B. n.s. 7tb b. Baymiller and Freeman<br />

Worley Jerry, n.s. 4th b. Stone and Wood<br />

Wormley Samuel, e.s. McAllister b. 4th and Sth<br />

Wormser Daniel, w.s. Plum b. Sth and Longworth<br />

Worn Henry, s.s. David b. W. Kow and John<br />

Worrall Henry, n.w.c. Vine and 4th<br />

Worshara Wm. elk. e.s. Jobn b. 3d and 4th<br />

Worstell Samuel, n.s. Sth b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

Worth David, elk. 27 L. Market<br />

Worth David, w.s. Broadway s. of Abigail<br />

Worth Joseph, c. Dayton and Piatt<br />

Worth S. n.s. Clinton b. Cutterand Linn<br />

tTTOKTHINGTOIV Sc CO. (Lewis Wor-<br />

W thington & Levi S. Crawford) globe iron works,<br />

store 14 Main<br />

Worthington Henry, agt. Suena Vista Freestone Co.<br />

office c. Water and Vine, bds Madison House<br />

Worthington James T. (V. & J. T. W.) s.w.c. 7th<br />

Wright Alexander, bds. Carll & Fagan's<br />

Wright Dr. Augustus S. (Bigler cfe W.) 1 Neave's<br />

bldg. c. 4lh and Race, bds. 7th b. Walnut * Vine<br />

Wright Mrs. A. w.s. Cutter b. Laurel and Hopkins<br />

W<br />

RIGHT BROTHERS, (Wm., George<br />

W. & Frederick) imps, foreign liquors, n.w.c.<br />

Race and 2d<br />

Wright Charles, w.s. Clark b. Linn and Cutter<br />

Wright Charles, packer 91 Main, h. 212 Main<br />

WrightOharles S. s.e.c. Sycamore and Liberty<br />

Wright Charles W. elk. Cin. gas Co. n.s. 3d b. Wal.<br />

nut and Vine, h. 164 w. 3d<br />

Wright Dr. Charles W. n.e.c. Race and 3d, res. w.a.<br />

Race b. 3d and 4th<br />

Wright Mrs. Charlotte, 294 Vine<br />

Wright & Co. (Wm. W. & Geoige S. W.) 26 w 3d<br />

Wright & Co. (Robert W. & John Mills) n.w.c. L.<br />

Market and Broadway<br />

Wright Cornelia, w.s. t'ulvert b. 6th and 7th<br />

Wright Crafts J. (W., Ferris & Co.) 229 w. 4th<br />

Wright Cyrus, (Goke & W.) n.s. Sth b. Fuiton and<br />

Cutter<br />

Wright Curtis, 41 e. 2d, bds. Boston eating House<br />

W<br />

RIGHT D. THEW, atty. at llw, 3d 1<br />

door e. of Franklin bank, rea. 140 Elm<br />

Wright David W. Druggist, n.w.c. 6th and Freeman<br />

h.n.s. Barrb. Cutterand Linn<br />

RIGHT ITIKS. FEIZ A, select school, 136<br />

Walnut, bds. Mrs. Sarah Armstrong's<br />

W<br />

W<br />

Wright .Mrs. E. bh. 164 w. 3d<br />

RIGHT, FERRIS Sc CO, (John C. W.,<br />

Wm. J. F. & Crafts J. Wright) pub. Gazette and<br />

book and job printers, 120 Main<br />

Wright Frederick A. elk. W. H. Wright's<br />

Wright George, teacher House of Refuge<br />

Elm<br />

Wright George S. (W. * Co.) Milton e. of Rroadway<br />

OR.THI1VGTOIV JAMES «. atty. at Wright George W. (Wright & Brothers) bds. Mad-<br />

W law, 1 law bldgs. op. Henrie House, h. 104e. 4th i.^on House<br />

WORTHINGTON JOHN M. crystal sa­ Wright D. (Tweed, Sibley & W.) res. Covington<br />

loon, 20 e. 4th h. 23 e. 4th<br />

Wright Isaac K. salesman, 113 Main, res. Walnnt<br />

Worthington Joseph, s.s. Front b. Elm and Plum<br />

'Worthington Joseph C. n.w.c. Sth and Elm<br />

Hills<br />

Worthington Lewis, (W. & Co.) 239 w. 4th<br />

Wright Jared S. (R. E. Edwards & Co.)<br />

Worthington Vachel, (V. & J.T. W.) s.w.c. 7th and<br />

Wright John, collector, n.w.c. Betts and John<br />

Elm<br />

Wright John, lab. w.s. Vine b. Canal and 12th<br />

Wright John, bar kee|ier, 19 e. 3d<br />

ORTHIWeTON V. Sc J. T. (Vachel & Wright John, 246 Vine<br />

W Janies T.) attys. at law, 7 Worthington's bldg.<br />


Wright John C. (W. Ferris & Co.) h. 100 w. 4th<br />

Worthington) s.s. 3d b. Main and Walnut<br />

Wright Rev. John F. s.w.c. Auburn and Corpora<br />

Worthlin John, s.s. Front b. T. P. 2 and 3 F'n<br />

tion line<br />

Worthlin L. s.s. Front e. of Depot<br />

Wright J. F. w.s. Walnnt b. Pearl and 3d<br />

Wortmann Gerhard, a.w.c. Clay and I.Sth<br />

Wright John J. auc. 16S and 170 Main, h. o. Syca<br />

Wost John, e.s, Elm b. Green and Liberty<br />

more and Liberty<br />

Wray Henry G. (S. T. Carley & Co.) n.s. Barr b. Wright John J. grocery, e s. Sycamore s. of Liberty<br />

Mound and Cutter<br />

Wright J. H. res. 14S w. 6th '<br />

Wrede Henry, e.s. W. Row b. Ann and Mason Wright John R. (Spcers & W.) Mt. Auburn<br />

Wren John, e.s. Broadway b. Abigail and Wood­ Wright John T. s.w.c. Vine and 14th<br />

ward<br />

Wright John V. n.a. Elizabeth b. W. How and John<br />

Wrench Wm. w.s. Ramsey n. of Front<br />

Wright Justus, I2 Hammond, res. Storrs tp<br />

Wright Mrs. A. 306 Race<br />

3l'l!;li?St'!i'J-^''''""'' Front and Congress -.<br />

Wright Abram, pattern mkr. bds. w.s. Race b. Sth TT-RIGHT LHEiHOND, collector n.s. Betts<br />

TT W. of John<br />

and 9th<br />

Wright Abraham, s.a. Elizabeth b. John and Fulton<br />

Wright Dr. M. R. al. phys. s.e.e. 7th and Race<br />

Wright Abraham, at Samuel Cook & Co. 's<br />

Wright Michael, n.s. Liberty b. Race and Elm<br />

Wright Moses D. salesman, a.e.c. Pearl & Walnut


m Mtxcanixk |Jrinting ^omt a<br />

tsit)<br />

a<br />


PRINTER,<br />

43 MAIN STREET,<br />

Over H. S. & JT. Applegate Sc Co's Book Store.<br />

WUR YAN<br />

Wright Nathaniel, res. 140 Elm<br />

Wright Richard, elk. 12S Main, bds. Thomas Floyd's<br />

Wright Ruth, s.s. Commerce b. Vine and Race<br />

Wright Samuel, butcher, 201 Broadway<br />

Wright Samuel, coach trimmer, e.s. Spring b. Liberty<br />

and Woodward<br />

Wright Samuel, bds D. B. Hazleton's<br />

Wright Samuel, moulder, n.w.c. Betts and John<br />

Wright Samuel, drayman, n.s. Richmond b. Fulton<br />

and Cutter<br />

Wright S. A. teacher, bds. 81 w. 4th<br />

Wright Thomas, s.s. Everett b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Wright Thomas, at F. Lawson's<br />

Wright Thomas H. salesman, 184 Main, h.e.s. Vine<br />

b. Sth and 9th<br />

Wright Thoraas P. (Wood & Wright) s.w.c. Laurel<br />

and Cutter<br />

RIGHT THURIiOTT J. ec. phys. e.s.<br />

W Race b. 4th and Sth<br />

RIGHT TIEMAN, pattern mkr. s.s. Sth<br />

W b. Elm and Plum, res. w.s. Race b. Sth and 9th<br />

Wright Wallace, bds. 49 Centre<br />

Wright Wm. (Wright Brothers) bds. Walnut St.<br />

House<br />

Wright Mrs. W. b.h. 74 w. 4th<br />

Wright Wm. at B. Hazen's<br />

Wright Wm. s.s. Clinton b- Cutter and Linn<br />

Wright Wm. H. elk. 20 Front,bd3. Mrs. W. Wright's<br />

Wright Wm. H. dry goods, s.e.c. Sycamore and<br />

Liberty<br />

Wright W. H. b. Walnut Hills<br />

Wpght Wra S. (W. S. W, & Co.) B.s. 6th b. Mound<br />

RIGHT WM. 8. &


JOB PBIITIN8 OFFiei,<br />


•O o *^5ia<br />

., TTT Cards. Circulsr.s Bill Heads, Labels, Hand Bills, Bills of Lading, and every variety 0<br />

\Job Prontlni^, executed with neatness, and on very LOW TERMS,<br />

T. J. WHITE, Proprietor,<br />

YOU YOU<br />

Yancy Nancy, widow of Wm. e.s. Providence b.<br />

Everett and Wade<br />

Yansen TImrkcr, e.s. Sycamore b. Abigail & Hunt<br />

Yardley Kirkbride, (Neff, Bro. & Co.) s.e.c. Sth and<br />

Elra<br />

Yardley Wm. elk. bds. 141 w. Sth<br />

Yarke Knox, e.s Linn b. York and Dayton<br />

Yarriiigton Wm. 182 Walnut<br />

Yateman Frank, 53 w. 4th<br />

Yater Christian, junction 6th and Front<br />

Yates Mary A. s.s. Front b. T. P. 25and 26 F'n<br />

Yayaher North, e.s. Bremen b. Hth and 15th<br />

Yeatman Walker M. elk. City Hotel<br />

Yelicher Christopher, n.s. Hunt b. Sycamore and<br />

Kroadway<br />

Yelliot John, bds. William Darne's<br />

Yerger John, at Nathaniel Shoe's<br />

Yerten Catharine, w.s. Sycamore b. Liberty and<br />

SchiUer •<br />

Yist Mrs. Catharine, e.s. John b. Melancthon and<br />

Wade<br />

Yoast Mrs. Hannah S. e.s. Pike b. Congress and<br />

Front<br />

Vocom & Co. (.1. M. Y., & George F. Perry) n.a.Sth<br />

b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Yockey H. at H. H. Miller & Son's<br />

Yocum J. ?.I. (Yocom & Co-) res. Catharine b. Cutter<br />

and Linn<br />

Yocom Wm. D. salesman, 176 Main, bds. Dennison<br />

House<br />

Yocom Joseiih, s.s, Catharine b. Cutter and Linn<br />

York Fl anci


OUITI<br />


Ha\ing charge of C. S. Williams' Map Establishment, is prepared to do<br />

ILL urnis m MAiP iKounrm©,<br />

In the best Style, and on short notice.<br />

ZER zus<br />

Zackritz Frederick W. <strong>52</strong> Sycamore<br />

Zackritz Henry, 62 Sycamore<br />

Zahn Elias, s.s. 7th b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Zahn George, bds. Francis Helferich's<br />

Zaiser Wiihelm, s.s. Congress b. Lawrence & Pike<br />

Zammert F. s.s. Sth b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Zane Herman H. n.s. Everett b. Linn and Locust<br />

Zanone John B. n.w.c. Broadway and 5th<br />

Zanone Mrs. 228 w. 6th<br />

Zapf John, e.s- Walnut b. 13th and Allison<br />

Zebold Peter, 221 w. Sth, h. n.s. George e. of W.<br />

Row<br />

Zeh Michael, b.k. 64 Main, bds. n.w.c. 6th & Plum<br />

Zehrer John, n.s. Ham. road, b. Poplar and Locust<br />

Zeigler , st. commissioner, n.s. Buckeye w. of<br />

Main<br />

Zeigler Adam, n.w.c. Elmand 14th<br />

Ziegle John, e.s. Peet b. Locust and Poplar<br />

Ziegler Joseph c. Congress and Kilgour<br />

Zicle & Klotz, (J. G. Z. & R. Klotz) e.s. W. Row<br />

b. Sth and 9th<br />

Ziegler Ludwig, n.s. Ham. road b. Walnut and Li-<br />

•berty<br />

Ziegler Martin, n.s. Ham. road b. Main and Walnut<br />

Ziegler Philip, n.s. Betts b. Cutter and Linn<br />

Ziegler S. at Powell's foundry<br />

Ziegler Valentine, e.s. Vine b. Henton and North<br />

Zeipfel Lorentz, junction Buckeye and Vine<br />

Zeuburn Casper, at R. Clayton's, .bds. Union Hall<br />

Zeuner Ch,arlea, w.s. Elm b. Grant and 12th<br />

Zeypher Joseph, s.s. Catharine b. W. Kow & John<br />

Ziler R.-R. al. b. Ann and Mason<br />

Z<br />

IEbOTiSOIV E. R. steam boat agent, office<br />

20 Broadway<br />

Zimmer Francis A. n.s. 5th b. John and Smith<br />

Zimmerman Alexander G. salesman. 9 Pearl, b. 346<br />

w. 7th<br />

Zimmermann Andrew, bds. with John Zimroer-<br />

mann<br />

IM»IERTWANNJOHN,imp.German wines<br />

Z Swiss cheese &c. 19 w. Front, h. w.s- Walnut b.<br />

12th and 13th<br />

Zimmerman Martin, porter, 14 Main<br />

Zimmerman Rudolph, n.s. Morton e. of Kilgour<br />

Zinderman Henry, n.s. Mulberry near Main<br />

Zink Thomas F. s.s. 6th b. Mill and Stone<br />

Zinn Peter, (Z. & Williamson) s.s. Sth b. Race and<br />

Elm<br />

7INN Sc WIEEIAMSON, (Peter Z. & M. T.<br />

ti W.) att'ys at law, 11 eagle building<br />

Zinner John P. e.s. Peet b. Locust and Poplar<br />

Zinsz Jacob, e.s Elm b. Green and Findley<br />

Zintlinger Gottlieb, Front b. Carr and Harriet<br />

Zugg Frederick, w.s. Vine b. Green and Rider<br />

Zoiner P. W. (Harris & Zoiner) w.s. Providence b.<br />

Everett and Wade<br />

Zoiner William, e.s. Providence b. Everett& Wade<br />

Zook Henry, bds. Mrs. Thomas's<br />

Zuemer Augustus, 40 Main<br />

Zeitz Charles, w.s. Bremen b. Liberty and Green<br />

Zulius Frederick T. w.s. Pleasant b. 15th & Liberty<br />

EEEER ARIA, wh. druggist, n.e.c. Main<br />

Zumar Mrs. Elizabeth, 201 Raco<br />

Z and 2d, h. 136 Longvvorth<br />

Zumbusch Ferdinand M. w.s. Vineb. Harailton road<br />

Zelmen Leander, elk. for B. S. Lawson<br />

.and Elder<br />

Zeis Peter, porter, 196 Main<br />

Zumstein John, (Z. & Weyland) h. s.w.c. Walnut<br />

Zeltner John E. 80 Court<br />

and 5th<br />

Zen George, w.s. Elm b. Green and North<br />

Zumstein* Weyland, (JohnZ. & Hermann W.) s.w.<br />

Zentgraff Julius, 121 Walnut, bds. Union Hall<br />

c. 5tli and Walnut<br />

Zerhusen Cleraons, 372 Main<br />

Zurliene H. w.s. Main b. 13th and Allison<br />

Zerhusen Henry, n.e.c. Everett and Linn<br />

Zurmuhlen John & Heuiy, s.s. Wade b. W. Row &<br />

Zerman Z. n.s. 6th b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

John<br />

Zeiwick Philip, e.s. Sycamore s. of Woodward Zust John J. e.s. Main b. Burgoyne and SchiUer

J<br />

<<br />

I—I<br />

PQ<br />

PH<br />



O H,<br />





Alcobol and Pure Spirits. Gibbons Joseph G. 10 Law bldgs. op. Henrie House<br />

Boyle Stephen S. 59 e. 2d<br />

Gitchell James M.28 w. Oth<br />

D'Homergue John & Co. a. s. Water b. Vine and Groesbeck & Thompson, 11 Worthington's bldg<br />

Race Card page 69 Guiteau J. M. 154 Walnut<br />

Fletcher Lowell & Co. s.e.c. Vine and Front Haines Ezekiel S. s,s. 3d b. Main and Walnut<br />

Card page 131 Handy Robert D. 15 Law bldgs. op.Henrie House<br />

Oliver David W. 6 and 7 Kugler's Row<br />

Handy Samuel J. K. 38 e. 3d<br />

Card page 19S Hart Samuel, 19 e. 4th<br />

Pike S. N, & H 18 and 20 Sycamore Card page233 Hartwell Shattuck, 3d opp. Ohio Life and Trust<br />

Co.<br />

Arcliitccts.<br />

Henry Evan J. Ill Main<br />

Hilts Charles, 232,Main<br />

Husband J. J. Bromwell's bldg. c. 4th and Vine<br />

Love Robert A. 4 Nea^'es' bldg. n.w.c. 4th & Race<br />

Hodge & Ferguson, s.s. Court b. Main and Walnut<br />

Palmer Seneca, Commercial bldg. c. 3d and Syca­<br />

Hopple Mathew, 8 Law bldgs. op. Henrie House<br />

more Card page 204<br />

Johnston, Bingham A Todd. 15 w. 3d<br />

Sawyer Joseph O. 8 Bromwell's bldg.c.4th & Vine<br />

JoUilTe John, 113 Main<br />

Jones Jeremiah H. 10 Law bldgs. op. Henrie House<br />

Attorneys at EaTV.<br />

Jones & Ware, 101 Main<br />

Ketchum & Headington, 57 Main<br />

Anderson Larz. e.s. Pike c. Syrames<br />

King, Anderson & Herron, Worthington's bldgs,<br />

Bates & Scarborough, 8 and 9 Law bldgs. op. Hen­ Lincoln Timothy D. S e. 2d<br />

rie House<br />

McDougal Joaeph, jr. w.s. Main b. Pearl and 2d<br />

Birney & Pierce, 114 Main<br />

„ „ Card page 165<br />

Blair Charles W. n.s. 3d op. Ohio Life & Trust Co. McDowell & Telfair, 43 w. 3d<br />

Boyle James, 22 W.Sth<br />

McGroarty P. 2 Law bldgs. op. Henrie House<br />

Brown Augustus J. Reeder's bldgs.<br />

McGuffey ife Holcomb, 120 Main<br />

Bryant & Probasco, s. w.c. Main and Court Matthews, Keys & Collins,Worthington's bldgs. s.<br />

Burnet Jacob jr. 148 Main s.e.c. 4th<br />

s. 3d b. Main and Walnut Card page 167<br />


292 BUSINESS KEY.<br />

Spencer, Smith & Corwine, n.w.c. 3d and Main<br />

Stallo John B. 339 Main<br />

Starr & Lewis, 14S Main c. 4th<br />

Sterling A. N. Chron. and Atlas bldgs. 20 e. 3d<br />

Storer & Gwynne, 55 Main<br />

Sullivan Peter J. n.e.c. Sycamore and 3d<br />

Taft& Mallon, 12 and 13 Worthington's bldgs.<br />

Telfair William B. 43 w. 3d<br />

Thompson E. A. s.s. 3d over Phoenix Bank b.Main<br />

and Walnut<br />

Thompson McCalla, 130 Walnut<br />

Thorpe W. Coleman, 130 Walnut<br />

Tuttle Elias W. 54 w. 3d<br />

Van Hamm W. & A. 7 Law bldgs. op. Henrie House<br />

Van Matre Daniel, 8 w. 9th<br />

Walker & Kebler, 3, 4 and 5 law bldgs, 3d op. Henrie<br />

House<br />

White Jamea S. 232 Main<br />

Woodrufr& Hopkins, n.s. Sth b. Main & Sycamore<br />

Woodruff Truman, n.s. Sth op. Dennison House<br />

Worthington James G. 1 law bldgs. op. Henrie<br />

House<br />

Worthington V. & J. T. s.s. 3d b. Main and Walnut<br />

Wright D. Thew, 3d,! doore. of Franklin Bank<br />

Zinn & Williamson, Eagle bldgs. n.w.c. Court aud<br />

Main<br />

Auction Sc Commission Xlercbants.<br />

Brashears. Gassaway, 57 Main<br />

Graff Jacob, e.s. Vine b. 4th and Sth<br />

Johnston Thomas, 168 Main<br />

Kellogg Albert, 25 e. 3d<br />

Rogers Samuel C. 13 e. 3d<br />

Woodrnff C. S. s.e.c. Walnut and Sth<br />

Yorke & Hewson. 30 Main Sard page 24<br />

Aii^ning^ Maker.<br />

Warner Samuel, w.s. Elm b. Sth and Oth<br />

Rakeries.<br />

Belser & Co. n.e.c. Sth and W. Row<br />

Boston Bakery, Chester Smith, n.e.c. 5th and Park<br />

Brickley Thomas E. W. Row. op. Court<br />

Burnet Thoraas N. n.s. Sth b. Elm ^and Plum<br />

City Steam Bakery, John B. Luers, n.w.c. Sth and<br />

Sycaraore<br />

Golden Isaac, w.s. Elm b. 4th and Sth<br />

Neidhanmer Charles L. n.w.c. George and Linn<br />

New England Bakery, R. B. Field, US w. Sth<br />

Banks Incorporated.<br />

City Bank, s.s. 3d b. Walnut and Vine Reeder's bldg<br />

Commercial Bank, 130 Main b. 3d and 4th<br />

Franklin Branch Bank, n.s. 3d b. Main and Walnut<br />

Mechanics and Trader's Branch Bank, No. 100Main<br />

Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Co. s.w.c Main & 3d<br />

Ranks Private and Bankers.<br />

Almy S. O. s.s. 3d b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Burnet, Shoup & Co. n.w.c. 3d and Walnut<br />

Central Bank, Hatch & Langdon, n.w.c. Court and<br />

Main<br />

Citizen's Bank, W. Smead & Co. 143 Main<br />

Dunlevy, Delano & Co. 34 w. 3d<br />

Ellis & Morton, Masonic Hall, n.e.c. 3d and Walnut<br />

Gilmore & Brotherton, 31 Mam<br />

Goodman T. S. & Co. 101 Main Card page 110<br />

Lucas E. & Co. Wort hington's bldg's. 23 w. 3d<br />

McMicken & Co. n.s. 3d b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Millie George &Co. s.s. 3d b. Main and Walnut<br />

New England Bank, Wm. Ingalls, agt. n.s. 3d near<br />

Burnet House<br />

Ohio Saving's Institution, B. F. Sandford & Co. n.<br />

e.c. 4th and Walnut<br />

Outcalt P. & Co. 6 and 8 w. 3d<br />

Peoples' Bank, P. B. Manchester.a.s. 3d b.Main and<br />

Walnut<br />

Phoenix Bank, M. A. Bradley & Co. s.s. 3d b. Main<br />

and Walnut<br />

Union Bank. Brown & Ramsey, 39 w. 4th<br />

Western Bank, Scott & McKenzie, n.w.c. Sth and<br />

W. Row<br />

Wheeler A. J. n.w.c. Main and 3d<br />

Bath Mouse.<br />

Metropolitan Bath House, Henry Jackson & J. Wphoff,<br />

137 Sycamore Card page nS<br />

Bedstead (Patent) Manufacturers.<br />

Boyd Henry, n.w.c. Sth and Broadway<br />

Clawson & Mudge, s.s. 2d b. Vine and Race<br />

BelJL and Brass Founders.<br />

Coffin G. W. & Co. n.s. 2d b. Broadway & Ludlow<br />

Hanks George L. n.s.2d b. Ludlowand Lawrence<br />

Kirkup, Potts & Co. n.s. Front 3 doors east of Deer<br />

Creek Bridge<br />

Powell William, s.s. Sth b. Home andPlura<br />

Card page 234<br />

Thorburn Robert T. s.s. Front b. Vine & Walnut<br />

Card page 259<br />

Bello-ws Manufacturers.<br />

English S. & Son, n.s. 2d b. Broadway and Ludlow<br />

Miller Edward R. n.s. Sth b. W. Row and John<br />

<strong>Billiard</strong> Table Manufacturers.<br />

Brunswick & Holzhalb, n.w.c.Walnut and Canal, op.<br />

M. Greenwood's. Card cover lining end of book<br />

Dubois Peter, e.s. Culvert b. 6th and 7th<br />

Bird Cag^e Manufacturer.<br />

Chidsey WiUiam, s.s. 3d b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Card page 46<br />

Blacksniitlis •<br />

Hargrave George, w.s. Dennison alley<br />

Freier Phillip, n.s. Frontb. Pearsons and Lytle<br />

Miller M. W. n.w.c. Walnut and Pearl<br />

RatclifT Charles, w.s. Butler b. Congress and Front<br />

Boardings Houses.<br />

Fisher David, s.s. 6th 1 door e. of Main<br />

Kendall Hosea, 20 Centre<br />

Ruckle John G. Phoenix House, 162 w. Sth<br />

Boiler Makers.<br />

Dumont & Tudor_, n.e.c. 2d and Plum<br />

McLean (V Shaddinger, s.e c. Ludlow and Congress<br />

McLean Washington & Co. s s. Clongress 1 door e.<br />

of Ludlow Card jiage 170<br />

West & Dumont, e.s. Pike b. Congress and Front<br />

Card page 274<br />

Williams & Loder, Landing b. Ludlow & Lawrence<br />

Bologna Sausag^e Manufacturer.<br />

Jacob Louis, 22 Walnut. Card page 133<br />

Book Binders.<br />

Cropper C. & .son, 70 and 131 Main<br />

Ernst Jacob, 183 Main Card page Sl<br />

McCormick James, w.s. W. Rowb. Sth and Kemble<br />

Morgan E. & Co. lli Main<br />

Phillips Wm. & Co. n.w.c. 4th and Main<br />

Card page 203<br />

Smith Wm. P. & Co. 120 Main<br />

Turner Sarauel B. lis Main<br />

Booksellers and Publishers.<br />

Anderson David, 34 w. 4th<br />

Applegate H. S. & J. &. Co. 43 Main Card page 17<br />

Bailey Frederick, w s. W. Row b. Longworth &6th<br />

Buhler Edward, 129 w. Sth<br />

Derby H. W. & Co. 143 Main<br />

Desilver John F. 122 Maiu<br />

Edwards & Co. 115 Main<br />

Edwards R. E. & Co. 19 w. 4th<br />

Eggers & Co. 21 w. 4th<br />

Eggers J. & Wilde, 317Main<br />

Ernst Jacob, 183 Main (krd page 81<br />

Freeman John, 113 Main under Sprague & Co's<br />

Garrett Samuel & Co. 277 Main, n.w.c. Gano and<br />

Main • Card page 96<br />

Howe Henry, 111 I\Iain, at E. Morgan & Co's<br />

James J. A. .& U. P. 167 Walnut<br />

Longley & Brother, 169 Walnut<br />

McCormick James, w.s. W. Rowb. Sth and Kemble<br />

MendenhallE. 21 e. 4th<br />

Meth. Book Concern, s.w.c. Main and Sth<br />

Moore & Anderson. 118 Main and 34 w. 4th<br />

Post & Co. 10 w. 3d, and 91 w. 4th<br />

Presbyterian Book depository, John D. Thorpe, 74<br />

w. 4th Card page 258

Phillips Wm. & Co. n.w.c. 4th and Main<br />

Card page 203<br />

Ruffln Charles B. n.s. Sth b. Plum and W. Row<br />

Smith Wm. B. & Co. 56 and 68 Main<br />

Stratton Lorenzo, 131 Main<br />

Theobold & Theurkauf, 41 w. Court<br />

Thorpe John D. 74 w. 4th Card page 2S8<br />

Truman & Spofford, 111 Main<br />

Boot and SUoe Manufacturers and<br />

Dealers Wliolesale.<br />

Comstock, Willcox & Co. 14 Pearl<br />

Field Hampton E. 328 Main<br />

Filley & Chapin, 7 Pearl, and 75 Main<br />

Hart Wm. & Co. IS w. Sth<br />

King Wm. H. 232 Main<br />

Neff Ambrose W. & Co. 65 Pearl<br />

Neff Bro'her & Co. 45 Main c. 2d<br />

Newhall Edward & Son, 172 Main<br />

Reeves & Stephens, 126 Main<br />

Rabbins & Pomeroy, 9 Pearl and 71 Main<br />

Boot and Shoe Manufacturer and<br />

Scaler.<br />

(Ladies and Misses.'')<br />

Webster E. G. & Co. 64 w. 6th c. Lodge<br />

Boot and Shoe Manufacturers and<br />

Sealers.<br />

Brandt John H. s.s. 3d b. Mainand Walnut op. Masonic<br />

Hall<br />

Brodfuehrer Charles H. 58 w. 6th<br />

Deters Jobn H. 41 w. 3d<br />

Diramock Charles VV. s.w.c. W. Row and 7th<br />

Eshelby James, 10 w. Sth Card page 87<br />

Hudson James, 223 Walnut b. 4th and Sth<br />

Peirce Wra. L. L. w.s. Vine op. Court St. Market<br />

Straus Moses 46S Main<br />

Sullivan Thoraas, 120 Walnut<br />

Willis John, s.w.c. Baymiller and Catharine<br />

Box Manufacturers.<br />

(Dry Goods and Pai:kitis.)<br />

Buckeye Box Manufactory, Farmer & Brother, s.s.<br />

Front, opp. T.P. 31 F'n.<br />

Holbert Elwood, n.s. 2a. b. Race & Elm<br />

Johnston J. & J. M. s.s. 3d w. of Walnut<br />

Card page 130<br />

Lnngenecker & Shroyer, s.e.c. Catharine and Linn<br />

Rice Solomon G. n.s. Webb b. Smith and Park<br />

Card page 214<br />

Box Manufacturer, (Payer.)<br />

Jordan Daniel B. Dennison House bldg, s.s. Sth b.<br />

Main and Sycamore<br />

Breweries.<br />

Bavarian Brewery, F. Fortman, s.w.c. Main & 12th<br />

Card page 89<br />

Cincinnati Brewery, Peter Noll. w.s. Vine b. 13tb<br />

and Hth<br />

Congress Brewery, F. Fortman, s.w.c. Congress<br />

Ind Pike Card page 89<br />

Harries & Co. e.s. Sycamore b. 3d and 4th<br />

Lafayette Brewery, Frederick BiUiod, at junction<br />

Vine and Ham. road . ,„ „ .<br />

Middlewood & Brother, s.s. 4th b. W.Row and<br />

John , r, i J »,-• -1<br />

Walker John, w.s. Sycamore b. Hunt and Abigail<br />

White Water Canal Brewery, Thomas Drum, n.w.<br />

c. Smith and 2d<br />

BricKlayers and Plasterers.<br />

Allaire James P. s.s. 12th b. Vine and Kace<br />

Eakle Jacob G. s.s. Vine b. Baymiller and Freenian<br />

Green George, VV. P. w.s. Observatory road, Mt.<br />

Adams<br />

Brick Makers.<br />

Collins James A. s.s. Sth b. Mill and Park<br />

rvoue 1 Henry C. s.s. John b. Everett and Wade<br />

p ."e Jn Thomas, e.s. 2d b. Plum and W. Row<br />

BUSINESS KEY. 293<br />

K. unnia Ware and Candle Mould<br />

Manufacturers.<br />

F iSt Homan, s.w.c. Sth and Home Card page 88<br />

•ell w & Co. 214 Main b. Sth and Oth<br />

Card page 227<br />

Brokers, (Exeliange.)<br />

Dye John S. 45 w. 3d<br />

Henshaw Charles H, 27 w. 3d<br />

McLauglin Jacob, n.w.c. Front and Sycamore<br />

Say les & Co. s.B. 3d b. Main dc Walnut<br />

Wightman A. F. 16 e. 3d<br />

Brokers, (Loan or Money.)<br />

Ackley Wm. E. 140 Walnut<br />

Hooper & Co. e.s. Vine b. Baker and 4th<br />

Peters Jeremy, 140 Walnut<br />

Brush Manufactitrers and Dealers,<br />

Wiles William H. 125 Main<br />

Sleeper Israel, 165 Main #<br />

Mintzer Edwin L. n.s. Baker b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Card page 247<br />

Bucket Manufacturer.<br />

McLean Nathaniel C. c. Symmes & M. Canal<br />

Butcher.<br />

Robinson Daniel, s.e.c. ^Liberty and Linn<br />

Cabinet Manufacturers and 'Ware<br />

il£ooms.<br />

Armour Archibald, n.s. Front b. Pike and Butler<br />

Baumeister & Goldscbmidt, 60 Sycamore<br />

Card page 30<br />

Cooledge John K. n.e.c. Smith and Front<br />

Crane Lemuel M. 81 Sycamore Card page 57<br />

Duncan M. L. & Co. n.s. 2d b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Geyer John, S c 4th Card page 33<br />

John S. J.22e. 3d<br />

Layton & Bro. c. Sth and Home<br />

Mitchell & Rammelsberg, 23 and 27 e. 2d<br />

Card page 26<br />

Moorehouse Wm. 134 Sycamore<br />

Mullen Jonathan, 132 Sycamore<br />

Noble George R. w.s. Home<br />

Smith & Hawley, 64 Sycamore<br />

White Barton, 126 Sycamore<br />

Calico Manufacturer and Dyer.<br />

Doeller August, e.s. Breraen b. Hth and 15th<br />

Card page 74<br />

Carpenters and Builders.<br />

Baldwin Joseph, e.s. Elm b. Sth and 9th<br />

Chambers & Di7den, s.s. Sth b. Plura and W. Kow<br />

Clyde Andrew, s.s. Everett b. Locust and Freeman<br />

Cunningham & Appleget, s.a. George b. Cutter &<br />

Linn<br />

Fifield Osgood, w.s. W. Row b. Sth and Kerable<br />

Gridley Chester P. n. s. Catharine b. Fulton and<br />

Cutter<br />

Handy T. B. e. a. Sycamore b. Woodward and<br />

Franklin<br />

Hartburn William T. s.s. Congress b. Broadway &<br />

Ludlow<br />

Helra Adam, e.s Young near Liberty<br />

Keelor Benjamin, n.s. Court e. of Broadway<br />

Card page 143<br />

Livezey & Ralter. e.s. Hammond Card page 149<br />

Magill C. W. & W. W. s.s. Kichmond b. John and<br />

Fulton<br />

Penton John, Pancost al. b. Main and Sycamore &<br />

eth and Oth Card page 204<br />

Kunyan & Stickney, e.s. W. Row op. Laurel<br />

Shane F. D. e.s. Race b. 2d and Front.<br />

Smith & Williamson, s.s. 3d b. John and Smith<br />

Stewart Wm. H. e.s. Elm b. 9th and Court<br />

Van WieW.H. e.s.Hammond. Card facing last page<br />

Warrington & Armstrong, n.s.3d b. Smith and Park<br />

Carpet 'Ware Houses,<br />

Ringwalt & Bare, 174 Main<br />

Woodruff A H. & Co. 19 e. 4th and SO Pearl<br />

Card facing last page

294 BUSINESS KEY.<br />

Carriage Bolt Manufacturer.<br />

doleman & Withered, s.s. 13th b. Race and Elm.<br />

Carriag^e Manufacturers,<br />

Baraes Samuel, s.s. Sth b.Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Card page 137<br />

Fera Hesing & Co. n.s. 12th b. Vine and Race<br />

Card page 85<br />

Gosling John W. s.w.c. Sycamore and 6th<br />

Card page 34<br />

Gryden H. P. & Co. n.s. 3d b. Sycamore & Broadway<br />

Card page 106<br />

Marsh Wm. E. Gait House bldg. c. 6th and Main<br />

Card page 172<br />

.Miller G. C. & Sons, c. 7th and Miller<br />

Card page 180<br />

Oviatt & Co. (B. R. Stephens, ag't,) 25 e. Sth<br />

Card page 200<br />

Palmer J. R. Bank near W. Row Card page2U2<br />

Tooker J. M. & Co. n.s. ?th b. Main and Walnut<br />

Card page 260<br />

Wiltz John, Card facing last page<br />

Carver.<br />

Anderson Alonzo W. n.s. 2d b. Race and Elm<br />

Card page 12<br />

Bolton Everard, 107 w. Sth<br />

Cemetery.<br />

Spring Grove, office 20 Art Union bldg. E.J.Handy,<br />

Sec'y<br />

Chair Manufacturers and Dealers.<br />

Coddington George W. w.s. Vine b. Front and 2d<br />

Geyer John, S e. 4th Card page 33<br />

Johnston & Mitchell, s.s. 2d b John and Smith<br />

MuUeu Jonathan, 132 Sycaraore<br />

Reid Christopher, (mahogony) e.s. Lawson al. b.<br />

4th and Sth<br />

Chemical Laboratories.<br />

Baum John C. b. Canal and Dunlap s. of Ham.road<br />

Graselli Eugene, n.s. Frunt e. of Water works,Allen<br />

Champlin & French, 32 Sycaraore<br />

Chenoweth J.S. & Co. 25 e. Front<br />

Chipman H. D. & Co. n.s. w. W. Canal Basin<br />

Cody Patrick, 9 and 10 Water<br />

Cohoon & Perin, 33 and 35 Walnut<br />

Davis Estes, n.s. Front b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Davis Charles & Co. e s. Sycamore b. Sth and 9th<br />

T. • u - . ^ Card page 147<br />

Davis S. jr. & Co. s.w.c. Court and Broadway<br />

n J T.r „, „ Card page 67<br />

Dean & Wayne, 21 Sycamore<br />

Dougherty James, 7 w. Front<br />

Dudley & Compton, IS w. Front<br />

Eggleston B. & D. s.s. Canal b. Main and Walnut<br />

« .. Card page 78<br />

Emerson Henry, 47 Walnut<br />

Evans & Swift, n.e.c. Oth and Sycaraore and s.s.<br />

Front near R. R. depot Card page 148<br />

Fletcher Lowell & Co. s.e.c. Vine and Front<br />

Groff, Holmes i>i Co. <strong>52</strong> Walnut<br />

Harding L. L. 28 and 30 e. 2d<br />

Haughton Samuel M. 49 Walnut Card page 146<br />

Hieatt & Gerard, Broadway and Canal basin b. 9th<br />

and Court Card page 120<br />

Hobert James T. & Co. 36 Sycamore<br />

Holden A. P. & R. A. 303 Main<br />

Hosea & Frazer, s.w.c. Main and Front<br />

Irwin Archibald, jr. & Co. 22 Broadway<br />

Keck & Shaffer, s.s. Canal b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Kennedy John, 15 e. Front Card page 142<br />

Keys, Maltby & Oo.21 and 23 w. 2d<br />

Langley and Manser, 25 w. Front<br />

Latham & Moody, 3 e. Front Card page 169<br />

Lehmer Jaraes D. s.w.c. Walnut and 2d<br />

Liggett & Hall, 26 w. Front Card page 65<br />

McCleary Andrew & Co. s.s. Canal b. Main and<br />

Sycaraore Card page 162<br />

McCoraas Henry G. 8 Front<br />

McQueen Peter & Co. s.w.c. Sycamore and Canal<br />

Card page 168<br />

Malcomson Abraham B. 49 Walnut b. Front & 2d<br />

Martin John T. n.s. Oanal b. Maih and Sycaraore<br />

Matthews James & Co. .53 Walnut<br />

Mears Daniel H. 27 e. Front<br />

Nye, Brother & Co. s.e.c. Walnut and;2d, and 48<br />

Tchoupetoulas street N. Orleans<br />

Ogden Henry A. s.w.c. Kilgour and Front<br />

Parkhurst Sylvester C. 40 Walnut<br />

Phipps, Gardner cfe Co. n.w.c. 9th and Broadway<br />

Rawson, Wilby & Co. S w. Front<br />

Ray, Keitb & Co. 54 Walnut Card page 210<br />

Ray WiUiam M. s.e.c. Sycaraore and Court<br />

Richards Channing, 3 Water<br />

Richardson A. G. & Co. 56 Walnut c. 2d<br />

Card page 215<br />

Richardson. Gardner & Stone, 30 w. Front<br />

Hockey Henry, 21 e. Front<br />

Rogers & Sherlock, 16 Broadway<br />

Ross John L. s.e.c. Main and Court<br />

Shaw John A. 4 Canal st, n.s. b. Main & Sycamore<br />

Card page 229<br />

Skiff J. A. & Co. 30 Walnut<br />

Skinner Franklin, U w. Front<br />

Slaymaker Henry Y. 20 e. 2d<br />

Sontag Charles, TO w. Front<br />

Speers & Wright,39 Main Card page 243<br />

Sprigman & Camp, 23 w. Front<br />

Sprigman Peter A. 13 w. Front<br />

Stone B.T. lSe.2d<br />

Taylor* Odiorne. 16e.2d Card page 254<br />

Thomas N W. & Co. s.w.c. Walnut and Canal<br />

Card page 256<br />

Torrence James F. s.s. Canal b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Traber & Auberry. 7 Front Card page 261<br />

Trowbridge & Beatty, s.w.c. Race and Canal<br />

Card page 64<br />

Tweed, Sibley & Wright. 40 Walnut<br />

Walbridge J. 1). s.s. Canal b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Card page 267<br />

Walker cfe Brothers, n.s. W. W. Canal Basin<br />

Warner C. K. cfe Co. 38 Walnut Card page 272<br />

Wann cfe McBirney, s.s. 3d b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Wheelwright James cfe Co. 27 w. Front<br />

Wilshire cfe Co. 17 Svcamore<br />

Wilshire S.

296 BUSINESS KEY.<br />

Dentists.<br />

Allen John, 39 w. 4th b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Bonsall Charles, 118 w. 6th b. College and Race<br />

Darling E. G. 12U w. 6th c. of Race<br />

De Hart John A. 2U w.4th Card page 173<br />

Duncan W. C. 156 w. 6th b. Race and Elm<br />

Card page 76<br />

Gray Samuel C. 79 w. 4tb<br />

Hamlin Shepard L. s.s. 4th 1 d. w. of Main<br />

Taylor J. cfe J. 62 w. 4th<br />

Wheeler Benjamin D. 1<strong>52</strong> w. 6th<br />

Wickersham Levi, 5 Clinton bldgs. c. Clinton and<br />

W.Kow<br />

Wickersham Oswald J. n.s. Sth b. John and Smith<br />

Distillery.<br />

McLean Robert,(Brighton Distillery) near Brighton<br />

House<br />

Drug-arists. (W7iolesale.)<br />

Burdsal & Brother, n.w.c. Main and Front<br />

Casd page 45<br />

Burdsal C. S.

Engravers. (Seal, Door Plate, ^c.)<br />

Hail Charles F. n.e.c. .?th and Walnut<br />

Engravers, (n'ood.)<br />

Frazer cfe Denis, 8 Gazette bld^;.<br />

Grosvenor Horace C. n.e.c. 4th and Walnut<br />

Card page 9<br />


298 BUSINESS KEY.<br />


Henrie House. L. Mount, c. 3d and Hammond<br />

Hotel Dumas, e.s. McAllister b. 4th and Sth<br />

V, ' Card page 70<br />

Huinraell House, A. HummoU, n.w.c. Court and<br />

Sycaraore<br />

King Samuel, 235 and 237 w. Gth<br />

Ludlow St. House, Thomas Trunnell, n.w.c. 2d cfe<br />

Ludlow<br />

Madison House, J, W. Garrison. 19 Main b. Front<br />

and 2d<br />

•Oregon House,S. Bernheim, e.s. Walnutb. Sth and<br />

Oth<br />

Pennsylvania House, J, H. liuUman, s.wc. Front<br />

and Pike<br />

Pfau John M. 346 Main<br />

Point Isabel House, H. Kocks, junction Congress<br />

-; and Front<br />

^^all Koad Hotel, Kobert Levering, n.e.c. Front ife<br />

;•; Broadway<br />

Revere Houso, F. Wibel. 78 Broadway, *opp. L.<br />

Market<br />

Richmond House, Huston & Pearson, s.s. Court<br />

h. Walnut and Vine<br />

Ross House. Abner L. Ross, 47 w. Court c. Walnut<br />

Sixth i^t. [louse, C.Kanzer, s.w.c. 6tb and Plura<br />

United States Hotel. A. Wetherbee, s.w.c. 6th and<br />

Walnut<br />

Walnut St. House, Jacob Sweney, n.e.c. Walnut<br />

and Gano<br />

Waverly House, Richard H. Hei^drickson, c. Main<br />

and Court Card page 117<br />

Woodruff House. P. E. ife G. P. Tuttle w.s Sycamore<br />

b. 3d aud 4th Card page 280<br />

* House Furnishing Stores.<br />

Burnet William, 14e.4th Cardpage41<br />

Shires cfe Co. 3G c.4tb and 138 Sycamore.<br />

Towle John A. 17 e. 4th.<br />

Ice Chest Manufacturers,<br />

Rice Solomon G. n.s. Webb b. Smith and Park<br />

Card page 214<br />

Johnston J. & J. M. s.s. 'Jd b. Plum and W. Kow,<br />

Depot s.s. 2a w. of Walnut, office 41 Vvfalnut<br />

Card page 136<br />

Ice Dealer,<br />

Northern Ice, Miitou Shute, n.c.c. 12th and Plum<br />

Card page 23S<br />

I:ik Manufacturers.<br />

Butler & Brother, 215 Main Card page 47<br />

Insurance Companies and Agencies.<br />

American Mut. Ins.Co. of New York, A.S. Chew<br />

agt. 15 Front Card page 51<br />

American Mut. Life Ins. Co. of New Haven, Ct.<br />

Frost cfe Foster, agts. 12 Main Card page 217<br />

British Com. Life Ins. Co. Hartwell cfe Hall, agts.<br />

19 Front Card page J13<br />

Charter Oak Life Ins. Co. of Hartford, Ct. Henry<br />

E. Spencer, agt. 36 w. 4th , D . r<br />

eiacinnati Ins. Co. John Young, Pres. 4 Frout e. of<br />

Main «... n n<br />

City Ins. Co. of Cincinnati, £. B. Keeder, Pres. 8<br />

::: Fronte. ot Main „ „ . „ .<br />

Columbian Fire and Marine Ins. Co. Boston, tiirtwell<br />

& Hall,19 Front Cdrdpa^ell3<br />

Columbus Ins. Co. Johu Reeves, agt. 3 f rout o. of<br />

Main , J^'-if'^^'".^K^<br />

Connecticnt Mut. Life Ins. Co. of Hartlurd, J. J.<br />

DdVis, agt. 5;i w. 3d, up stairs<br />

Dayton Ins. Co.James S. Chew.agt.jJ w. .id<br />

Dblaware Mut. Safety Ins. Co. of PuiUdelphia, B.<br />

. Urner. agt 10 Front .,..,.<br />

jiagle ins. Co. Isaac Copelao, Pres. 9 Front b. Main<br />

aciaSycamure Card p^se ,9<br />

Fireiueii's Ins. Co. Josiah Lawrence, Pres. u.e.c.<br />

FLOU'L and Main .<br />

Firemeu's lus. Co. of Madison,21 Main, M. NevlU,<br />

!: iicretary • , „<br />

Fran.ilin I'ire Ins. Co. of Philadelphia, Jobn Reeves,<br />

a L 3 Frout Card pago 211<br />

Ilarti .rd i^u'e and Health Ins, Co. M. J. >*'. L,.ju,ais<br />

a ' [. s. 0- . Main and 2d<br />

Hope°'iut. L'fe Ins Co. J. VanvalkenbuiiT agt. 14<br />

e. -ll."<br />

BUSINESS KEY. 299<br />

Jefferson Life Ins. Co. of Cin. office iu Bromwell's<br />

Building n.e.c. 4th and Vine, L. Benton, Sec.<br />

Card page 134<br />

Lafayette Ins. Co. of Indiana, J. J. Davis, agt. S3<br />

w. 3d, up stairs<br />

Lexington Fire, Life and Marine Ins, Co. Harlwell<br />

& Hall agts. 19 Front Card page 113<br />

Madison Ins. Co. of Madison, Indiana, n.w.c. Walnut<br />

and 2d. S. F. Covington, agt. Card page Sf<br />

Merchants & Manufs'. Ins. Co. 13 Front, A. M.<br />

Searies, Pres.<br />

Merchants Mut. Ins. Co. of Buffalo, New York,<br />

J. J. Davis agt. S3 w. 3d up stairs<br />

Merchants & Planters Ins. Co. of New Orleans,<br />

Dudley Hall, agt. 26 w. Front Card page 143<br />

Mut. Benefit Lite Ins. Co. of Newark, N. J. Hart-<br />

Well ife Hall, agts. 19 Front Card page 113<br />

Mutual Lite Ins. Co. of New York, John Reeves,<br />

agt. 3 Front Card page 211<br />

National Ins. Co. John Burgoyne, pres. 6 e. Front<br />

Card page 191<br />

National Loan Fund Lite Assurance Society, D.<br />

Hall, agt. 26 w. Front Card page 145<br />

New England Mut .Life Ins.Co. of Boston. B. Urner<br />

agt. 16 Front<br />

New York Life Ins.Co. A. S. Chew, agt. 15 Front<br />

Card page 194<br />

New York Protection Ins. Co. Frost ife Foster,<br />

agts. 12 Main Card page 217<br />

Ohio Life lus. Co. s.s. 3d b. Walnut and Vino<br />

Keeder's bldgs. E. S. Haines, Pres.<br />

Card page 199<br />

Ohio Life Ins. and Trust Co. s.w.c. Main and 3d<br />

Ohio Mut. Ins. Co. Geo. W. Copelan, Sec. 9 Front<br />

b. Main and Sycamore Card page 196<br />

Orleans Ins. Co. Frost & Foster, agts. 12 Main<br />

Card page 217<br />

Penn Mut, Life Ins. Co. of Philadelphia, B. Urner,<br />

agt. 16 Frout<br />

Phcenix Iiis. Co. of St. Louis, A. S. Chew, agt. 15<br />

Front Card page Sl<br />

Protection Ins. Co. of Hartford Ct. S. E. Mack &<br />

W. B. Robbius, agts. 6 Front<br />

Union Ins. Co. Frost ife Foster, agts. 12 Main<br />

Card page 21T"<br />

Union Mut. Life Ins. Co. of Boston, Baker& GXOOT.<br />

cock. agts. 3d b. Walnutand Vine<br />

Utica Ins. Co. James .S. Chew agt. S3 w. 3d<br />

Washington Ins. Co. 41 Main. William Goodman,<br />

Pres.<br />

Wasbingtan Union Ins. Co. Geo. W. Frost, agt. s.<br />

w.c. Court and Main '<br />

Western Reserve Farmers Ins. Co. of Painsville,<br />

Ohio, A. Hickenlooper, a^-t. s.s. 3d b. Walnut<br />

and Vine, Keeder's buildings Card page 17l!<br />

Iron (Dealers in Bar Iron, J^aiU.,. Steel, ^c- )<br />

Baxter Wm. D. 38 Main<br />

Cramer cfe Watson, n e.c. W. ROTK and. Court<br />

Hollenshade ife Newhall, 2

300 BUSINESS KEY.<br />

Iron Fonnderies.<br />

Ashcraft Samuel S. n.s. Wade b. Plum and Provi-<br />

• dence<br />

Seven J. & Co. c. Vine and Centre<br />

Columbia foundry, J. H. Burrows & Co n.s. 2d b.<br />

Elm and Plum, office 23 w. Front Card page49<br />

Davis W. C. & Co. n.e.c. Main and 9th Card page 61<br />

Eagle iron works. Miles Greenwood, n.e.c. Walnut<br />

and Canal Card page 25<br />

Goodloe James & Co. n.s. Congress b. Broadway<br />

and Ludlow<br />

Greenwald & Bonsall, c. Sth and Lock<br />

Card lining to back cover<br />

Jiarkness A. & Son, n.s. Front b. Lawrence and<br />

Pike<br />

Phffinix Foundry, n.w c. Smith and Water<br />

Reynolds, Kite ife Tatum, s.s. Water b. W. Row<br />

and John Card page 213<br />

Root David, s.s. Pearl b. Viue and Race<br />

Card page 219<br />

Todd James & Co. s.w.c. ^Ith and 7th<br />

Iron Railings,<br />

Baker, Morton ife Frazer, s.s. Sth b. Plum & W. Kow<br />

Darr, Thompson & Co. s.w.c. W. Row and Betts<br />

Jenkins, Hamlin & Co. 88 and 92 Broadway,<br />

Smallwood & Co. w.s. John b. Laurel and Betls<br />

Iron Safe Manufacturers.<br />

Hall E.

Lumber Yards and Dealers.<br />

Alexander A. J. & Co. n.w.c. Walnut and Liberty<br />

Cin. and c. 2d and Scott and on Lexington Pike<br />

b. Washington and Russell sts. Covington<br />

Card page 13<br />

Bailey, Laugstaff & Co. s.s. Front b. Mill and Wood<br />

Baker Nathan, at elbow of Miami Canal<br />

Bateman ife Co. c. W. Row and Laurel<br />

Bonsall S. N. ife Co. w.s. Freeman op. George<br />

Crowley A. ife Co. s.s. FronL near Gas Works<br />

Dunlap James cfe Co. e.s. Vine b. 15th and Liberty<br />

Fay Anthony, s.e.c Broadway and Hunt, and Congress<br />

e. of M. Canal Card page 139<br />

Goke & Wright, 3d and W. W. Canal<br />

Gregory E. M. ife Co. n.w.c. Sth and Plum<br />

Higbee Amasa A. n.e.c. Etm and Water<br />

Hinkle & Guild, s.s. Front b.Smith and Mill<br />

Johnson, Morton ife Co. e. Front b. Parsons and<br />

Whittaker Card page 154<br />

Kilbreth and Decamp, s.c.c 12th and M. Canal<br />

Kimball, Jenks ife Co. junction 3d and Front<br />

Lightfoot James S n.s. 6th b. Baymiller and W. W.<br />

Canal<br />

Longworth Wm. T. n.e.c. W. Rowand 2d<br />

Michigan Lumber Yard, W. F. Smith cfe Co. n.s. Canal<br />

b. Sycamore and Broadway Card page 166<br />

Mitchell J. & Co. e.s. Broadway b. Court and Hunt<br />

Mitchell Jethro, e.s. Vine n. of Allison<br />

Morgan Hugh, s.w.c. Smith and W. W. Canal<br />

Mulford David, n.s. George b. Mound and Cutter<br />

Pierson Daniel B. w.s. Plumb. Court and 12tli<br />

Ross & Collins, c. Canal and Plum, (elbow Canal)<br />

Stewart, Deming cfe Co. n.s. 3d b. Smithiand Park<br />

Underwood ife Ingalsbe, s.s. 6th b. Broadway and<br />

Pike<br />

Ward William W. Harrison Pike c. W. Avenue<br />

Wolf George & Co. n.w.c. W. How and Hopkins<br />

Machinists.<br />

Alden Johu T. e.s. Mound 2 d. n. ot7th<br />

Buckeye works, A. B. cfe E. Latta, n.s.Sthb. Broad<br />

way and Pike Card page 1<strong>52</strong><br />

Gould, Pierce OfeCo. n.w.c. Sth and Lock<br />

Greenwald & Bonsai, s.w.c. Sth and Lock<br />

Card lining to back cover<br />

Magistrates.<br />

Burgoyne Joseph, e.s. Main n. ot Liberty<br />

Pugh E. H. 50 e. 2d<br />

Kelley John W. n.e.c. W. Row and George<br />

Snellbaker David T. 20 w. 6th<br />

Mahogany, Veneers, Sec.<br />

Albro Henry,'6a Sycamore<br />

Niles Simon 0. O. agent W. K. Carnes, 20 e, 3d<br />

Map Mounting Establishment.<br />

Robinson Samuel, 14 College Hall, 4th story<br />

BUSINESS KEY. 301<br />

Melodeon Manufacturers Sc Dealers<br />

Murch Ife White, 74 w. 4th<br />

Prince Goorge A. & Co. 74 w. 4th, up stairs<br />

Card page 207<br />

Swett, Baker cfe Co. n.e.c. Sth aud Main<br />

Card page 232<br />

Mercantile Agency.<br />

Pierce Wm. B. ife Co. 120 Main, Gazette bldg.<br />

Card page 175<br />

Metals, (Dealers.)<br />

Lawson Fenton, 178 Main<br />

Winslow A. S. 9 and 11 w. 2d.<br />

Military Trimmings.<br />

Ruhl Peter, 63 w. 4ih Card page 222<br />

Smith Peter, 36 w. Sth<br />

Milliners.<br />

Alcorn Miss -Martha, 14 w. 4th<br />

Baird Misses, 38 e. 4th b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Hudson Mrs W. L. 64 w. Sth<br />

Mulliner Miss Adelaide, 106 w. Sth<br />

Kodefer Mrs, Elizabeth J. 132 w. Sth b. Race and<br />

Elm<br />

Mill Stoue (Burr) Manufacturers.<br />

Bradford J. ife Co. 03 Walnut<br />

Burrows J. H. ife Co. 23 w. Front Card page 49<br />

Cochran Kobert, 41 Walnut Card page <strong>52</strong><br />

Mills Portable.<br />

Straub Isaac ife Co. n.w.c. Front and John<br />

Card page 248<br />

Burrows J. H. cfe Co. 25 w. Front Card page 49<br />

Mill W^rights.<br />

Greenwald ife Bonsai. s.w.c. Lock and Sth<br />

Caid lining to back cover<br />

Mineral W^ater Manufacturers.<br />

Alwes Henry, s.s. Pearl b. Vine and Kace<br />

Rutherford J. ife Co. s.s. Sth b. Broadway and Pike<br />

Card page 223<br />

Morocco and Buckskin.<br />

Kessler Henry, 278 .Main<br />

<strong>Museum</strong>.<br />

Western <strong>Museum</strong>, F. Franks, proprietor, e.s.Sycamore<br />

b. 3d and 4th<br />

Music Academy,<br />

Lhoyd Miss, s.s. 3d b. Broadway and Ludlow<br />

Music Stores.<br />

Map Seller.<br />

Colburn & Field. 131 Main<br />

Lemaire Louis, 41 w. 4th<br />

Mendenhall E. E 21 e. 4tli<br />

Murch cfe White, 74 w. 4lh<br />

Math, and Phil. Instrument Manu. Peters Wm. C. i& Sons, Melodeon bldg. c. Walnut<br />

facturers.<br />

and 4th<br />

Evens Piatt Jr. w.s. Walnut, 3 doors s. of 5th<br />

Card page 82<br />

Music Teachers.<br />

Ware Henry, s.s. 4th b. Main and Sycamore, opp. Lock & Nourse, Center Hall, c. Sth and W. Row<br />

post office Card page 270<br />

Musical Instrument Manufactu><br />

Mattress Manufacturers.<br />

rers and Dealers.<br />

Jackson Wm. R. s.s. 3d b. Main and .Sycamore Bailey Thomas, (Brass reed) w.s. Walnut b. 4th and<br />

Card page 132 and front cover. Sth<br />

Dubois Peter, e.s. Culvert b. 6th and "th, store 174<br />

Moorehouse Wra. 134 Sycamore<br />

Broadway<br />

Marble Dealers Sc Manufacturers. Gleich John F. n.e.c. 9th and Walnut<br />

Horn Thos. Story, n.w.c. Gano and Main, over S.<br />

Bolles David, 72 w. 4th „ , v r.i _ i Garrett ife Co's bookstore<br />

Brookfield Wm. cfe Son, w.s. Broadway b. Sth and Keckeler & Bros, (importers) 38 w. 4tli<br />

Cole*m''an Sylvauus B. n.e.c. Elm ^"il Canal<br />

Lowry & Rule, s.w.c. Sth and Broadway^ ^^^^ ^^^<br />

Notaries Pnblic.<br />

Avery John L. 139 Sycamore<br />

Measurers. (Carpenters Work.) Birney & Pierce, 114 Main<br />

Fifield Osgood, w.s. W. Row b. Sth and Kemble<br />

Boffinger Benjamin, s.s. Oth b. Elm and Plum<br />

Bradstreet cfe Stokes, 4 College Hall<br />

Measurers. (Brick and Stene Vfork.) Bryant cfe Probasco, s.w.c. Main and Court<br />

Moore Richard B. n.w.c. 7th and Plum<br />

Douglass John D. n.e c. 4th and Walnut<br />

Warren George, 139 w. Sth<br />

Card page 73

302 BUSINESS KEY.<br />

Freon Jozef, n.w.c. Sth and Main<br />

Gaines Henry, n.e.c. Walnut andSth Card page 95<br />

Gitchell James M.28 w. 6th<br />

Glancy W. A. 28 w. Sth<br />

Hartwell Shattuck, 3d opp.Ohio Life and Trust Co.<br />

Bank<br />

Hilts Charles, 232 Main<br />

Jones & Ware, 101 Main<br />

Lea John, 3 Taylor's Terrace, n.s. 3d b.Waluut and<br />

- Vine<br />

McDougal Joseph, jr. 59 Main Card page 165<br />

Moorman J. B. 18 w. 9th<br />

Pierce Joseph, 16 Front<br />

Rands Robert, s.w.c. Sycamore andSth '<br />

Nuts and IVashers.<br />

Hills Edwin, s.s. Sth b. Broadway and Ciilvei-t<br />

Card page 119<br />

Oil Cloth Manufacturers.<br />

Gardner A. ife Co. n.e.c. Liberty and Broadway, E.<br />

H. Ogden agent, 319 Main<br />

Sawyer cfe Co. c. Cutter and Everett, store 8 College<br />

Hall<br />

Oil Mills.<br />

Guthrie J. V. ife Co. c. Sth and M. Canal<br />

McLean Nathaniel C. c. Syrames and M. Canal<br />

Whetstone Richard A. n.s. Sth e. Broadway<br />

Omnibus Builder.<br />

Palmer James R. n.s. Bank b. W. Row and Linn<br />

Card page 202<br />

Organ Manufacturers.<br />

Schwab Matthias, (church) n.w.c. Sycamore and<br />

Schiller<br />

Swett, Baker & Co. (Reed) n.e.c. Sth aud Main<br />

Packet Office. (Canal)<br />

Ooyle Samuel, c. Main and Canal<br />

Painters, House, Sign, and Ornamental.<br />

Balcum Constant L. n.w.c. Sth and Vine<br />

Brown Thomas, 16 e. 4th<br />

Christfleld Wm. ife Co. 222 Main<br />

Huston Joseph .^^. s.s. 3d b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Mason David B. n.w.c. Race and 3d Card page 166<br />

Price ife Brother, w.s. Broadway b. 4th and Sth<br />

Ruffner Marine, 90 Main<br />

Trener & Misener, 145 Walnot<br />

Painters Depot.<br />

Chrisfield Wm. ifeCo. 222 Main<br />

Paper Hanging.<br />

-Indress F. & C. 179 Main<br />

Hey James H. 206 Main<br />

Holmes Southworth, 189 Main<br />

Howard L. cfe Co. 206 Main<br />

Paper Manufacturers and Dealers.<br />

Butler cfe Bro. 21S Main Card page 43<br />

Colville William. Bedinger near M. Canal<br />

Card page 54<br />

Goodman E. 0. IT and 79 Walnut Card page 102<br />

Nixon & Co. 77 and 79 Walnut<br />

Ross John L. s.e.c. Main and Court<br />

S{iecr and Stephens, 158 Main<br />

Patent Agents.<br />

Easton Eliphalet, 25 e. 4th op. P. O.<br />

Knight George H. & Bro, 6 Public Landing<br />

Patent Medicines.<br />

Harris J. N. &Co. 7 College bldg<br />

Howes' Sarsapa'illa and Cough Candy Depot I. Baker,<br />

pro. I College Hall<br />

Meeking Benjamin, 189 Walnnt near stb<br />

Pattern Maker.<br />

Wright Tilman, s.s. Sthb. Elm and Plum<br />

Pension Agent.<br />

Easton E. 26 e. 4th op. P. O. Card page 77<br />

Perfumeries and Fancy Soaps.<br />

David Henry, 203 Main<br />

Hotchkin Gurdon B. 21 e. 4th<br />

Palmer Solon, 169 Main Card lining to front cover'<br />

Wetherill Augustus E. w.s. Hammond b. 3d and 4th<br />

Periodicals.<br />

Buchanan's Journal of Man, c. Sth and Walnut<br />

Central Christian Herald,Thorton A. Jlills ed. and_<br />

pro. 5 Gazette bldgs.<br />

Catholic Telegraph, w.s. W. Row b.Sth and Kenible'<br />

Cincionati Daily Atlas, Foster, Corwine ife Co. pnb<br />

li&hers,'n.e.c. Hammond and 3d<br />

Cincinnati Daily Commercial, Curtis & Potter pub.<br />

n.e.c. Sycamore and 3d<br />

Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Faren & Robinson pub.<br />

n.e.c. Main and 3d<br />

Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Wright, Ferris & Co. 120<br />

Maih<br />

Cincinnati Daily Nonpareil, Abbott & Co. 6 w. Sth<br />

Cincinnati Daily Times, C. W. Starbuck, prop. n.w.<br />

c. Walnut and Pearl<br />

Cincinnati Price Current, Richard Smith, pub. Mer<br />

chants Exchange<br />

Cist's Advertiser, Eagle bldgs. c. Court and Main;<br />

Entrance on t)ourt<br />

Columbian and Great West. Wm. E. Shattuck ed and<br />

proprietor, 10 Gazette bldg. E. Penrose Jones,<br />

pub. /<br />

Democratic Journal, Henry Roedter & Co. s.e.c. 3d<br />

and Sycamore<br />

German Republican, .Schmidt, Storch & Co. pub. 21<br />

e. 3d<br />

Goodman's Counterfeit Detector, 101 Main<br />

Journal cfe Messenger, James L. Batchelder ed.-and<br />

pro. 34 w. 4th<br />

Ladies Repository, Rev. B. F. Teft editor<br />

Plionetic Advocate, (weekly) Longley & Brother,<br />

prop. w.s. Walnut b. 4th andSth<br />

Presbyterian of the West, Jobn D. Thorpe pub. 74<br />

w. 4th<br />

Presbyterian United, Revs. J. Claybaugh and Janies<br />

Prestly editors, s.s. 6th b. Race and Elm<br />

Protestant Zeitblatter, Stahl Mrs. Susan, w.s. Vine<br />

b. 12th and Canal<br />

Pulpit of the Associated Reform Church, James<br />

Prestly ed. s,s. 6th b. Race and Elm<br />

Sunday School Advocate, pub. by Methodist Book<br />

Concern<br />

Star in the West, Jobn A. Gurley ed. and pub. <strong>52</strong><br />

w. 4th<br />

Volks Blatt office. Eagle bldgs. c. Main and Court<br />

Volks Freund, Gazette bldg. 122 Main<br />

Wahrheits Freund, n.s. Gano b. Main and Miller<br />

Western Christian Advocate, pub. Methodist Book<br />

Concern<br />

Western Fountain, Wm. Mitchell pub. Eagle bldg,<br />

n.w.c. Main and Court<br />

Western Medical News, I>i-s. R.S. & O. E. Newton,<br />

eds. and pubs. 89 w 7th Card page 193<br />

Western Lancet, T. Wrightson, pub. 43 Main<br />

Western Pathfinder, J. W. Tyson ed. office 173<br />

Walnut<br />

Periodical Depots.<br />

Freeman John, 113 Main, under Sprague & Co.'s<br />

Post ife Co. 10 w. 3d<br />

Physicians, (allopathic.)<br />

Alexander John, M. D., F. K. C. S. S. 60 w. 6th b-<br />

Walnut and Vine<br />

Allen Nirum, .;9 w. 4th b. Walnutand Vine<br />

Avery Charles L. 99 w. 7th<br />

Baker Abraham H. 142 w 6th<br />

Brown WilUam, n.s. 2d b. Ludlew and Laurence<br />

Caroland Charles A. 85 Broadway<br />

Chamberlin E. Kirby, n.s. 6th op. United State*<br />

Hotel<br />

Clarke Hirain 0. 20 w.Sth<br />

Dandridge Alexander S. n.e.c. 3d and Broadway<br />

Davis John, w.s. Vine b. 12th and ISth<br />

Dodge Israel S. 145 I^ace b. 3d and 4tH'<br />

(Jreen Solomon L. s s. Congress b. Pilte and Butler<br />

Hall Samuel W. s.s. 4th e. of Vine<br />

Johnston Alexand'i !a. w.s. W. Row b. Richmond<br />

and Catharine

Kates Jacob, 123 Sycamore<br />

Langdon ife Judkins, s.s. Oth b. Race and Elm<br />

Lawson Benjamin S. s.s. W. Row b. Linn and Mohawk<br />

Bridge<br />

Lawson lieonitjas M. 69 w. 6th<br />

McClure Abel T. e.s. Walnut s. of Front<br />

McCulloch George, s.e.c. Longworth and John<br />

Marshall N B. n.s. 3d b. Broadway and Ludlow<br />

Marshall N. T. 112 w. 6th<br />

Mendenhall George, 197 w. 4th<br />

Mighels Jesse W. n.w.c. 4lhand Vine<br />

Mudd Jerome, s.w.c. 7th and Broadway<br />

Murphy John A. W. Row op. 12th<br />

Mussey R. D. cfe W. H. 70 w. 7th<br />

Norton Oliver D.'.w.s. W. Row b. 4th and Sth<br />

O'Connell Anthony, e.s. Broadway b. Sth and 7th<br />

Parker Theodore, w.s. Broadway b. L. Market cfe 3d<br />

Pierson William H. e.s. Elm b. ethand George<br />

Potter & Stuart, 26 w. 6th<br />

Price William, 179 Broadway<br />

Richardson ife Morgan, s.e.c. Clinton cfe Cutter<br />

Ridgely William S. 142 w. 4tli<br />

Smith Jo.seph H. s.s. Sth b. W. Kow and John<br />

Steen Ferdinand, s.e.c. Race and Green.<br />

Taliaferro ife Buckner, s.e.c. Gano and Walnut<br />

Terry J. Monroe, 335 w. 6th<br />

Thomas Christopher H 16 e. 6th b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Unzicker J S. w.s. Walnut b. 12th and 13th<br />

Vattier John L. off. and res. 341 Vine<br />

Wade David E. n.s. Everett b. flohn and Cutter<br />

Wood Thomas, 24 w. 7th<br />

Woodward Charles, 114 w. 6th<br />

Physicians Botanic,<br />

Curtis Alva, s.s.3d b. Broadway and Ludlow<br />

Card page 48<br />

Physicians Eclectic.<br />

Borton Jacob, n.s. Sth b. John an I "i I'on<br />

Buchanan Joseph R. Dean Ec. Med. Institute<br />

Cox Hiram, s.e.c. 12th and Kace<br />

Freeman Zoheth, n.s. 6th b. Vine and Race<br />

Hunt James G. n.w.c. 9thand Elm Card page 130<br />

Newton R. S. & O. E. 89 w. 7th c. College st.<br />

Owens William, n.w.c. 9th aud Elra<br />

Smith Charles C. n.s. Sth op. Dennison House<br />

Stites John J. 139 w. 6th<br />

White John, n.s. Sth vv. of Main<br />

Wright T. J. e.s. Rate b. 4th and Sth<br />

Physicians Hama;opathic.<br />

Bauer Adolph, 100 w. 9th<br />

Bauer Joserih. 100 w. 9th<br />

Bigler cfe Wright, 1 Neave's bldg. c. 4th and Race<br />

Hutchinson James B. 43 w. Sth<br />

Peck William, 128 w. Sth b. Race and Elm<br />

Sturm William, 144 w. 7th<br />

Whipple-tbel, s.w.c 7th and College<br />

Piano Forte Dealers,<br />

Colburn & Field, 124 Main Card page 63<br />

Murch cfe White, 74 w. 4l.b<br />

Niles S. O O. agent for Wm E. Carnes, c. 3d and<br />

Hammonci ,„ ,<br />

Peters Wm. C. cfe Son's, .'tfelodeon bldg. c. 4tii and<br />

Walnut<br />

Smith cfe Nixon, 73 w. 4th<br />

Pickles.<br />

Hughes Charles T. 1 and 4 Hopple's alley<br />

Plasterer.<br />

Green George W. P. u.s. Observatory road Mt.<br />

Adfiras<br />

Plaster Busts and Figures.<br />

Fazzi James, 16 Art Union bldg.<br />

Platers, (Silver.)<br />

Davison •& Steele, n.s. 6th b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Pleasure Garden.<br />

Moore Augustus, n.w.c. Main and Liberty<br />

Plow Manufacturers.<br />

n.clePlow Factory. Miller G. C. & Co. s.s 7th b.<br />

Main and Walnut Card page 180<br />

BUSINESS KEY. 303<br />

Plumbers Pump and Hydrant Manufacturers.<br />

Attlesey cfe Borrowraan, s.w.c. Walnut and Tth<br />

Brooks George W. n.s. .3th b. Main and Sycaraore<br />

Eustis S. & H. cfe Co. 244 Main and w.s. W. Kow<br />

b. Oth and George<br />

Gibson P. cfe T. n.w.c. Walnut and Baker<br />

Card page 98<br />

Johnston James A. Magnolia HaU<br />

Moore Perry J. 223 w. Sth Card page 183<br />

Pocket Book Manufacturer.<br />

Strobel Charles, 21 e. 4th Caid page 250<br />

Pork and Beef Packers, Smokers<br />

and Curers.<br />

Davis Charles ife Co. e.s. Sycamore b. Sth and 9th<br />

Card page 147<br />

Davis Geo. F. 11 Sycamore<br />

Davis S. jr. cfe Co. s.w.c. Court and Broadway<br />

Card page 67<br />

Evans & Swift, n.e.c. 9th and Sycamore<br />

Card page 148<br />

Hieatt cfe Gerard, Broadway and Canal basin b. 9th<br />

and Court Card page 120<br />

Johnson cfe Pence, s.e.c. Sycamore and 9th<br />

Keck & Shaffer, s.s. Canal b. Main and Sycaraore<br />

McCleary Andrew cfe Co. s.s. Canal b. Main and<br />

Sycamore Card pa,se 162<br />

Macqueen Peter cfe Co. u.w.c. Sycamore & Canal<br />

Card page 16S<br />

Marshall & Weightman, e.s. John b. Everett and<br />

Clinton<br />

Martin Jobn T. n.s. Canal b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Miller cfe Brown, s.e.c. Sycaraore and Court<br />

Miller and Oldershaw, w.a. Walnut b. Pearl ife 3d<br />

Nye Henry, s.s. Canal b. Main and Sycamore<br />

NeffWilliara cfe Son, s.e.c. Miami Canal and Vine<br />

Phipps, Gardner cfe Co n.w.c. 9tb and Broadway<br />

Schooley cfe Son, n.s. Court b. Vine and Kace<br />

ShaysJohn ife Co. e.s. Walnut b . t ut tl Court<br />

I r.i page 230<br />

Stagg& Shays, n.e.c. Sycamore ano Cuurt<br />

Ctrdpage 244<br />

Shaw Jobn A. s.s. Canal b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Card page 229<br />

Smith Samuel B. ife Co. n.s. Canal b. Main anil<br />

Sycamore<br />

Tbomas N. W. ife Co.s.w.c. Canal and Walnut<br />

Trowbridge ife Beatty, s.w.c. Race and Canal<br />

Card page 04<br />

Poivder Dealers.<br />

Hazard Powder Co. M. D. W. Loomis, s.c.c. Main<br />

and 2d<br />

Taylor cfe Odiorne, 14 and 16 e. 2d. Card page,254<br />

PrIuterB, Book anil Job.<br />

Appleton William, 19 w. 4th<br />

Ben Franklin printing house Clark C. cfe Co. office<br />

w.s. Walnutb. Pearl and 3d<br />

Emporiura Printing office, Thomas J. White, 221<br />

Mai n Card page 288<br />

Hart L cfe Co. 41 e. 2d<br />

Mercantile Printing Office, T. Wrightson, 43 Main<br />

Card page 287<br />


304 BUSINESS KEY.<br />

Produce aud Coniuiiasion Merchants,<br />

Bailey Charles P. s.s. Waterb. Walnut and Vino<br />

Banning D. cfe J. W. 32 Walnnt Card page 20<br />

Beattie ife Frazer, s.s. Front b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Champlin ife French, 32 Sycamore<br />

Clisby cfe Patrick, llj w. Front<br />

Cohoon & Perin, 33 and 35 Wajnut<br />

Eggleston B. cfe D. s.s. M. Canal b. Main & Walnut<br />

Card page 78<br />

Florer Nathan M.9 Sycamore<br />

Gilpin Thomas ife Co. s.e.c. Main and Canal<br />

Hamilton Henry, s.w.c. Front and Walnut<br />

Hobert James T.

Johnson, Morton ife Co. s.s. e. Front b.Parsons and;<br />

Whitaker Caid page 134<br />

ftucen City sawmill, Benj. Bicknell cfe Co. e. Front<br />

near Deer creek bridge<br />

Ross, Story i& Co. Mill Creek, vr. end of Richraond<br />

Sprajjue, Walden ife Co. s.s. Front b. T.P. II and 12<br />

F'n<br />

White Water Steam Saw Mill, Bailey, Langstaffife<br />

Co. s.s. Front b. Mill and Wood<br />

Saw and Tool Manufacturer.<br />

Siewers Charles G. s.s. Sth e. of Broadway<br />

Scale Manufacturers.<br />

Colville Andrew, n.s. 2d b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Groves William J. n.s 2d b. Main and Walnut<br />

Sculptor.<br />

Bullet Charles, 12 Art Union bldg. n.w.c. 4th and<br />

Sycamore<br />

Seedmen and Florists<br />

Dair John F: ife Co. 40 and 42 L. Market<br />

Card page 63<br />

Ferris I. C. cfe Co. n.s. Sth b Main and Sycaraore<br />

Card page 80<br />

McAvoy Daniel,Dennison HouserS.s.Sthe. of Main<br />

Seminaries.<br />

Harding Lyman, Day's bldg. 261 Walnut<br />

Herron Joseph, GI w. Tth Card page lis<br />

Lhoyd Mr. Mrs. and Misses, s.s. 3d b, Broadway &<br />

Ludlow<br />

Ship Cbnndlers and Boat Stores.<br />

Barker, Hart cfe Co. 20 Broadway<br />

Jack James P. cfe Co. n.w.c. Front and Sycaraore<br />

SlMrt and Stock Manufacturers.<br />

Avis S. 146 Walnut<br />

Leslie Jaraes Y. 14 w. Slh Card Front cover<br />

Leslie Kobert, 34 Broadway<br />

Richardson James, 119 Main, and s.e.c. Vine cfe 4th<br />

Card back cover<br />

Shepherd R. A. cfej. 4e. 4th Card page 231<br />

.Smith Isaac F. 10 e. Sth Card page 239<br />

Smith Rayraond, 38 Broadway Card page 241<br />

Sonp and Candle Mnnnfactwrerfii.<br />

Gross & Dietrich, 3 w. Front<br />

Hill Geo. H. ife Co. CS. M. Canal n. of Libeity<br />

Procter cfe Gamble, 2.32 Main Card page 209<br />

Werk M. & Co. 11 Main<br />

Wiedemer F. X. cfe Co. 17 w. Front<br />

Sofa Factory.<br />

Armour Archibald, n.s. Front b. Pike and Boiler<br />

Speculator,<br />

Sraith Thomas B. s.s. Court b. Elm and Plum<br />

Spice and Coffee Mills,<br />

Dixor, Shoemaker & Co. w.s. Syeamore b 7th and<br />

Sth<br />

Card page 71<br />

Cardpage 112<br />

Harrison cfe Eaton, 101 Walnut<br />

Spoke Manufactory.<br />

Rover T cfe Co. n.s. 2d b. Walnut and Vine<br />

' Card page 221<br />

Stage and Mmnibus Offices.<br />

General Stage and Omnibus office 19 e.4lhb. Main<br />

and Walnut<br />

Western Stage Co. office, w.s. Walnutb. 4th and<br />

Sth, Wm. A. Latham, agt.<br />

Stair Builder.<br />

Rohan David, w.s. Jackson b. Canal and 12th<br />

Star Can file Manufactory.<br />

Emery Tbomas, "^ and rs Water<br />

Ford William cfe l~Vn, s.s. Frunt opp. T.P. 12 F'n<br />

Grosp & Dietrich. 5 w. Frcmt<br />

Hill Geo. H. ife Cn e.s. M. Canal n. of Liberty.<br />

(•rocu r ife Gamble, 'J.'.'? Mnin Card page209<br />

BUSINESS KEY. 305<br />

Werk M ifeCo. 11 Main<br />

Wiedemer F. X. & Co. 17 w. Front<br />

Starch Manufacturers.<br />

Procter & Gamble, 2<strong>52</strong> Main<br />

Procter & Gregory Card page 281<br />

Everding cfe Erkenbrecher, s.s. Sth e of Lock<br />

Stationers,<br />

Bradley C.F. cfe Co. 147 Main<br />

Steam Boat Agents.<br />

Athearn tk Hibberd. 3 e. Front<br />

Irwin Archibald, jr. cfe Co. 22 Broadway<br />

Paul ife Murdock, 7 Water Card page 124<br />

Rogers cfe Sherlock, 10 Broadway<br />

Zillotson E. R. office 20 Broadway<br />

Steam Boat Blacksmiths.<br />

McCnlloogh cfe HartupeCy Landing e. of Ludlow<br />

Card page 163<br />

Steam Boat Builders,<br />

Johnson, Morton cfe Co. e. Front b. Parsons and<br />

Whittaker Card pagp 154<br />

Steam Boat Joiners.<br />

Horsley cfe Ehler, n.s. Front b. W. Row and John<br />

Steam Dried Meal Sc Farina Mann-'<br />

facturer,<br />

Bradley Cornelius S,n.e.c. Sth and Broadway<br />

Steam Engine Builders,<br />

GooiTloe Jaraes cfe Co. n.s. Congress b. Broadway<br />

and Ludlow<br />

Gieenwood Miles, c. Walnut and Canal<br />

Card page 2.51<br />

HarkneM A. ife Son, n.s. Front b. Lawrence and<br />

Pike.<br />

Latta A. B. & E. (Bnckeye Works) n.s. .3th b.<br />

Broadway and Pike Card page 153<br />

Lyon & Bell, n.w.c. Lock and High<br />

Niles cfe Co. n.B. Front b. Butler and M. Canal<br />

Reynolds, Kite cfe Tatum, s.s. Waterb. W. Kow c!r<br />

John Card Page 213<br />

Todd James cfe Co. s.w.c. Smith and Tth<br />

Stenciling.<br />

Allen Valentine R. HI Walnut<br />

Gibson George & Co. n.w.c. Gano cfe Main<br />

Stereotyping.<br />

Har«l. cfe Co. 41 e. 2d<br />

James A. C. 167 Walnut<br />

Stills, Tubs, Cisterns dc Soap Curb Mao<br />

nBifncturer.<br />

Debus Louis, s.s. 2d b, F.lm and Plura<br />

Stone Cntlers' Yards^<br />

DeCanip Henry, w.s. Freeman, b. Front and 6th<br />

Dobticliiig Jobn F. s.s. Court b. Vine and Kace<br />

Humble John cfe Son's, c. 9th and Broadway<br />

Robinson U. & Co. S.TC'.C. 3d and Vine<br />

Stores, Ciratcs, Tin, Sheet Iron andi<br />

Copper 1¥are Dealers and Manu..<br />

focturers.<br />

Baxter Wm. D.38Main<br />

Burton S. H. cfe Co. 13 and 15 w. 2d. Card page 80<br />

Buss & French, SS w. 6th<br />

Cimpbell, Ellison ife Co. 12 e.2d See Frontispiece<br />

Christopher & Beat, 2t^2 Main<br />

Davis VV. C. cfe Co. n.e.c. Main & 9tb Card pare 01<br />

Goodhue cfe Co. 27 Main<br />

Gould, McCracken cfe DeGrftff, 21 w. Sth<br />

Mitchell ife Bro. 393 Main. CariJ page 183<br />

Patterson N. 13 public landing Card page 224<br />

Resor W. cfe R. P. 13 and 15 Main<br />

Root David, rs Main. Card page 219<br />

Sticnnup A. K. Frunt b. Sycamore and Broadway<br />

Tliomas D.'viti G. IT e. Front<br />

Tunuioun & l.'o. n.s, Frontb. Butler and Kke<br />

Vance K. 16 L. Market<br />

Wolff e. & Co. 375 Main Card page 277

306<br />

stove Pattern Makers.<br />

Harris ife Zoiner, s.s. Pearl b.Race and Elm<br />

Heller cfe Young, n.w.c. Sth and Main<br />

Larab Joseph G. n.w.c. Walnutand M.Canal<br />

Straw^ Bonnet Manufacturer.<br />

Slocum Asa R. s.s.Tth b. Walnut and Lodge<br />

Strair and Millinery Goods.<br />

Devon Wra. P. 50 Pearl<br />

Hazeltine Sarauel W. 72 Pearl and 18T Main<br />

McBride Henry R. 60 w. Sth<br />

McArthur P. & Co. 20 Pearl<br />

'Thayer, .'lldrich cfe Co. 24 Pearl<br />

Sugar Refinery.<br />

Ray, Keith cfe Co. agents St. Louis Sugar Refiner''<br />

34 Walnut Card page 210<br />

Surgical Jt Dental Instrument Manufacturers.<br />

Sherwood Henry R. s.e.c. Walnut and 4th<br />

Kees Wm. Z. 30 w.Sth Card page 218<br />

Wocher Max, w.s. College b. 6th and Tth<br />

Card page 115<br />

Surveyors.<br />

Gilbert A. W. IT] Walnut<br />

Phillips R. C. 22 w. Oth Card page 180<br />

Rickey Randall H. w.s Walnut b. Pearl and 3d<br />


Tailors, Merchant,<br />

Addis William, e.s Walnut b. 3d and Pearl<br />

Card page 10<br />

Beesley John W. 105 Main Card page 19<br />

Boyd Alexander, 32 e. 3d<br />

Clark George, 6 Pearl<br />

Cunnelley Edward, 20 w. 4th<br />

Evens Piatt, 12T Main<br />

Haddix Nimrod, 2T2 Main<br />

Jelleff Charles S. w.s. W. Row b. Sth and Oth<br />

Cards pag%28S, and facing back cover<br />

Jennings Martin CT w. 4th<br />

Koch H. cfe J. e.s. Walnut b. 4th and Sth<br />

Luhn J.H. cfe Brother, Se. Sth opp. Dennison House<br />

Card page 100<br />

Luken John B.285 Main, and Landingb. Broadway<br />

and Lndlow<br />

Sarle Wm. R. 219 Main Card page 225<br />

Shurrager Geurge W. 0 e. 4th<br />

Sprague T. W. cfe Co. 113 Main Card back cover<br />

Thomas Sarauel P. s.e.c. 4th and Walnut<br />

f hompson Alfred V.S4 Broadway b. 3d & Congress<br />

_ Card piige 253<br />

Wesetzky Joseph J. s.w.c. W. Row and George<br />

Tanners and Curriers.<br />

Forbus John F. w.s. Elm b. Findley and Cooper<br />

McCabe Albert, 3<strong>52</strong> Main<br />

Roney W. ife S. J. 8 w.Oth<br />

Swift Alexander, w.s. M Canal b. Symmes and Sth<br />

Taylor A. M. cfe Co. 20, 22, and 24 w. 2d<br />

Thornton Richard 9 and 310 Main<br />

I TEAS.<br />

Barter L. F. 173 Walnut opp. College HaU<br />

, „ Card page 251<br />

Moore cfe Chester, n.e.c. Walnut and Tth<br />

Veazey ife Co. S3 Walnut<br />

Telegraph Offices.<br />

Morse's Telegraph Office, 5 o, 3d a.s.<br />

©'KeiUy's Telegraph office, T c. 3d opp. flenlio<br />

House<br />

Wade cfe Morse's Telegraph office, 5 c. 3d<br />

Card page 200<br />

Theatre,<br />

National Theatre, Jaraes W. Bites, pro. e.s. Syca<br />

more b. 3d and 4th<br />

Tin, Copper and .Sheet Iron Ware<br />

Manufacture N.<br />

Baldwin Joseph T. n e.c Catharine and Fulton<br />

Weckebuck Henry, 97 Court 3duorse. of Vine.<br />

Card page OS<br />

Hoffner Jacob, 58 L. Market<br />

Horrocks J. R. 6 ComraertialRow<br />

Kebold John A 33W. Court<br />

Stannus Aaron E. Front b. Broadway and sycaraore<br />

Tobacco<br />

Dealers, Manufacturers<br />

and Agents.<br />

Adae C. F. & Labrot, 16 w. Front Card page 15<br />

Bodman Charles 45 Walnut Card page 22<br />

Dudley and Compton, 18 w. Front<br />

Faher Henry, e.s. Main b. Canal and Hunt<br />

Fatman A. ife Co. 12 Main Card "'"' page " 144<br />

Nuilsen cfe Ficke, 233 Main<br />

Rawson, Wilby cfe Ccj. 8 W. Front<br />

Richardson, Gardner cfe Stone, 30 w. .Front Front<br />

Southgate Henry H. 24 e. 2d Card '^""' page ~ 242<br />

Vetterlein B. cfe Co. 43 Broadway<br />

Williams Simeon B. 90 and 92 PearL Card page275<br />

Withers C cfe Co. 24 w. Front<br />

Trunk Manufacturers.<br />

Hise & Williams, 18 Broadway and 12T .Main<br />

Card page 123<br />

Parvin cfe Johnson, 31 Broadway<br />

Shell G. W. ife Brother, e.s. W. Kowb. Everett and<br />

Mason and w.s. Plum b. Mason and Everett<br />

Woodruff A. H. cfe Co. IT e. 4th and 50 Pearl<br />

Card facing front cover<br />

Turner.<br />

Mahone Warren B. n.w.c. W. Eow and Laurel<br />

Card page 15J<br />

Type Foundries.<br />

Cin. Type Foundry Company s.w.c. Center & Vine<br />

Card page 185<br />

Ohio Type Foundry, Guilford cfe Jones, 41 e. 'jJ<br />

Card page 114<br />

Umbrella Manuracturcrs.<br />

Sleeper cfe Brother, 16T Main Card pfge 236<br />

Undertakers.<br />

Cobb Sarauel, 143 Sycaraore<br />

Jenkins John, 138 Sycamore Card page 135<br />

Rust Paul, n.e.c. Longworth and Plum<br />

Upholsterers an.l Mnttrass Manufacturers.<br />

Ellis K. cfe Co. 136 Sycamore<br />

Jackson Wra. K. s.s. 3d b. Main and Sycaraore<br />

Card page 132 and Front Cover<br />

Morehouse William, 134 Sycamore<br />

Tompkins, Dayton cfe Co. 23 e. 3d<br />

Variety Stores.<br />

Cady David K. n.e.c. Sth and Walnut<br />

Smith Peter, 30 W.Sth<br />

Varnish Manufacturers.<br />

Batchelor Solomon C. 42 e. 2d<br />

Price cfe Pfaff, W.s. Walnut b. Pearl and 7d<br />

l-ard pnpf 2C6<br />

Queen City Varnish Co. James Calhoun agein, 42<br />

Walnul Card page 208<br />

Venitian Blind Manufacturoi s.<br />

IVIcCord James, 6.S. Vine b. fith and Tth<br />

Phoenix blind factory, Tliomas J. Ricord

Rice Orrin, n.s. 2db. Kace and Elm Card page 44<br />

Wayne, Bailey cfe Co. c. Sth and Home<br />

Watches and Watchma'cer's Materials.<br />

(Importers.)<br />

Allen C. cfe W. H. 117 Main Cord page 16<br />

Duhme & Co. 130 Main Card page 75<br />

Clayton Kichard, s.e.c. Sycaraore and 2d<br />

Water Works.<br />

Office 259 Walnut<br />

W^hite Lcead Manufacturers.<br />

Carneal L. & Co. 21 Main<br />

Conkling R. & Co. s.s. Court e. of Broadway<br />

Cardpage 56<br />

Conkling R. cfe Sons, e.s. Broadway b. Court and<br />

Hunt Card page 56<br />

Conkling, Wood ife Co. e.s. Spring n. ot Court<br />

Card page 55<br />

Wig Maker, and Ornamental Hair<br />

Manufacturer.<br />

Taylor Ezra B. 13 e. 4th<br />

Windovr Shade Manufacturers.<br />

Cargill E. D. & Co. 2 College Hall, Walnut b, 4th<br />

and Sth<br />

Sawyer cfe Co.S College Hall, Walnut b.4th andSth<br />


IVire Workers.<br />

Bromwell Charles K. s.s. 6t.b b. W. Row cfe John<br />

Brorawell WilUara, 181 Walnut<br />

Chidsey William, s.s. 3d b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Card page 46<br />

W^ire Railing Manufacturers.<br />

Jenkins, Hamlin cfe Co. 88 and 92 Broadway<br />

Wines and Liquors.<br />

(See Liquors, Wines and Cigars.)<br />

Wines, (J^ativc.)<br />

Corneau ife Son, H2 w. 4th Card page 59<br />

Ross M. B. ife Co. 19 Sycamore Cardpage 220<br />

Wines, (Imp. German.)<br />

Zimmerman John, 19 w. Front<br />

"Wood Dealers.<br />

Pa'.terson Ludlow, s.e.c. Water and Pluin<br />

Steelman Hosea, s.s. Water b. Vine and Kace<br />

Wood and W^illow Ware.<br />

Tylor Alberto. 10 Main Card page 263<br />

•Wool.<br />

Bailey Micajah. 61 Walnut. Card page 18<br />

Bullock Anthony D. 24 w. 2d<br />

'Wool Carder.! and W^oolen Manufs.<br />

Rands Kobert & Son, n.a. Sth at Miami Canal


BANKS. (Incorporated.)<br />

City Bank, s.s. 3d b. Walnut and Vine, K. M. Gregory<br />

president; J. P. Resnor cashier; E. M.Oregory,<br />

L. D. Ingalsbe, J. P. Resnor, William Burnet,<br />

Thomas Heaton, J. K. Glenn, Wm. S. Scarborough,<br />

directors<br />

•Commercial Bank, 132 Main, Jacob Strader president;<br />

James Hall cashier; Rufus King solicitor;<br />

Jacob Strader, Jaraes Hall, John McCormic,<br />

Kufus King, and David P. Strader, directors<br />

Franklin Branch Bank n.s. 3d b. Main & Walnut,<br />

J. H. Groesbeck, president; T. M. Jackson cashier;<br />

Wm. S. G roesbeck solicitor; J. H. Groesbeck,<br />

J. C. Culbertson, John B. Groesbeck, T.<br />

M. Jackson, John Kilgour, directors<br />

Lafayette Bank, n.s. 3d b. Main and Walnut, Geo.<br />

Cat lisle, president; W. G. W. Gano, cashier;<br />

Geo. Carlisle, E. S. Haines, S. Wiggins, Moses<br />

Brooks, O. K. Shoenberger, F. Lawson, R, W.<br />

Leo. S. S. L'Hommedieu, P. Wilson, directors<br />

Merchants' and Traders' Branch Bank, 100 Main;<br />

T. W. Bakewell, president; Stanhope S. Rowe,<br />

cashier; T. W. Bakewell, D. A. Jaraes, John H.<br />

James, Samuel L'Hommedieu, and F. Eckstein<br />

Jr. directors<br />

Ohio Lite Insurance and Trust Company, s.w.c.<br />

Main and 3d; Charles Stetson president: Wm.<br />

Green, secretary; G, S. Coe, cashier ; S. P. Bishop,<br />

assistant cashier; Charles Stetson, Jacob<br />

Burnet, John C. Wright, Samuel Fosdick, D.B.<br />

Lawler, Timothy Walker, S. C. Parkhurst, A.<br />

M. Taylor, W.W.Scarborough, George Lukey,<br />

W. G. Breese, Cincinnati; D. Kilgour, Samuel<br />

Forrer, S. P. Vinton, in the State ; Moses Taylor,<br />

Robert Bayard,N. York; J. B.Hosmer, Ct,<br />

trustees<br />

BANKS. (Private.)<br />

Almy S. O. Bank 3d near Walnut<br />

Burnet, Shoup ife Co. n.w.c. 3d and Walnut<br />

Central Bank, Langdon ife Hatch, c. Main cfe Court<br />

Citizens' Bank, W. Smead & Co. w.s. Main b. 3d<br />

and 4th<br />

Dunlevy. Delano ife Co. 34 w. 3d<br />

Ellis & Morton, n.e.c. Walnut and 3d<br />

Gilmore & Brotherton, Main, below 2d<br />

Goodman T. S. eft Co. 101 Main<br />

McMicken's Bank, McMicken & Co. n,s.3d b.Walnut<br />

and Vine<br />

Milne George & Co. 3d b. Main and Walnut<br />

Ohio Savings Institution, B. F. Sanford ife Co. c.4th<br />

and Walnut<br />

Outcalt P. & Co. Banking and Exchange office, 6<br />

and 8 w. 3d<br />

People's Bank, P. B. Manchester, s. s. 3d w. of<br />

Main<br />

Phoenix Bank of Cincinnati, 3d b. Main and Walnut<br />

Union Bank, Brown & Ramsey 39 W- 4th<br />

Western Bank, Scott & McKenzie, n.w.c. W. Row<br />

and Sfh<br />


Baptist.<br />

First Baptist Church, n.s. Catharine b. Fulton and<br />

Cutter, service morning and evening, Kev. D.<br />

Shepardson, pastor<br />

High St. Baptist Church, e. of city water works<br />

Ninth St. Baptist Church, s.s. Oth b. Vine and Race<br />

service morning and evening, Rev.E.G.Robinson.<br />

pastor<br />

Fifth St. Baptist Church, foot of Sth st. service<br />

morning and evening. Rev. D. Bryant, pastor<br />

Welsh Baptist Church, n.s. Harrison street<br />

Baker St. Baptist Church, col'd, s.s. Baker b. Walnut<br />

and Vine, service morning and evening,<br />

Kev. Henry Adams, pastor<br />

Third St. Baptist Church, col'd, s.s, 3d b. Race and<br />

Elm, service morning and evening. Rev. Wallace<br />

Shelton., pastor<br />

Catholic.<br />

St. Peter's Cathedral, a.w.c. Plum and Sth, Revs.<br />

J. B. Purcell D, D., E. T. Collins, Edward Purcell,<br />

Jas. F. Wood, and David Whelan,priests,<br />

service morning and evening<br />

St. Francis Xavier's, w.s. Sycamore b. 6th and Tth<br />

Revs. Charles DriscoU, D. Kenny, and Plurian<br />

Santois, priests, service morning and afternoon<br />

St. Patrick's, n.e.c. 3d and Mill, Revs. R. G. Lawrence,<br />

and Jaraes Cahill, priests,service morning<br />

and afternoon<br />

St. Michael's, w.s. Mill Creek, Rev. Michael Deselaers,<br />

priest, service morning and afternoon<br />

Christ Church, F'n, Rev. Timothy Farrell, priest,<br />

service morning and afternoon<br />

St. Paul's, s.e.c. Spring and Abigail, Revs. Joseph<br />

Ferneding, and Peter Kroeger, priests, service<br />

morning and afternoon<br />

Holy Trinity, s.s. Sth b. Smith and Park, Revs.<br />

Wm. Schonat, and J.H.RLdder, priests, service<br />

morning and afternoon<br />

St. Philomena's, n.s. Congress b. Pike and Butler,<br />

Kevs. B. Hengehold, and F.X.Weiniger,ptieats,<br />

service morning and afternoon<br />

St. Mary's, s.e.c. Jackson and 13th, Revs. Clement<br />

Hammer, and J. B. Bckmann, priests, service<br />

morning and afternoon<br />

St. Joseph's, s.e.c. Linn and Laurel, Revs. J. H. Luers,<br />

and Andrew ^teplian, priests,service mornlag<br />

and afternoon<br />

St. John Baptist, c. New and Green, Revs. Unterthiener,<br />

Edward btschmaun, and Sigismond<br />

Koch, priests, service morning and afternoon<br />

Chapel Soeurs Notre Dame, 6th h. Broadway aud<br />

Sycamore, Kev. J. B. Smedt, chaplain<br />

Chapel Sisters of Charity, 3d b. Plum and W.Row<br />

priests, from the Cathedral and St. Xavier's'<br />

officiate<br />

Christian.<br />

1st Christian Church, c. 4th and Stone, Rev. Ni<br />

cholas Soraerbell, pastor, service morniug and<br />


Cong^re^aUonal.<br />

iBl Orthodox Congiegational Church, n.s.Tth b.W.<br />

Row and John, Willis Lord O. i). pastor, service<br />

morning and afternoon<br />

2d Orthodox Congregational Church, o.s. Vine b.<br />

Sth aud Oth, Rev. Charles Boynton, pastor, service<br />

morning and evening<br />

Welsh Congregational Church, w.s. Lawrence b.<br />

Symmes and 4th, Rev. James Davis, pastor,<br />

service morning and evening<br />

Disciples of Christ.<br />

Christian Church, s.w.c. Walnut andSth, Rev. D.<br />

S. Burnet, pastor, service morning and evening<br />

Christian Church, Gth b. Smitb and Mound<br />

Christian Church, Clinton b. W. Kow and John,<br />

R»v. Benjamin Franklin, pastor, service morning<br />

and evening<br />

Christian Church, col'd, n.s. Harrison, Rev. Aaron<br />

Wallace, pastor<br />

Christian Church b. T.P. 13 and H F'n<br />

Friends,<br />

1st Friends (Orthodox) Sth b.W.Row and John,<br />

services mornings of 1st and Sth days<br />

1st Friends (Hicksite) 5th b. W. Row and John,<br />

services morning& of 1st and Sth days<br />

Germa.n Reformed.<br />

Jst German Reformed Church, n.s. Bettsb. John<br />

and Cutter, Rev. Hermann Rust, pastor, serv.<br />

morning and evening<br />

2d German Reformed Church, n.s. Webster b.Main<br />

aud Sycamore, Kev. Hermann Bokum, pastor,<br />

service morning and evening<br />

Jewish Syna^og^ues.<br />

Holy Congregation, Children of Israel, s.e.c. Blhrfr<br />

Broadway, Rev. Hart Judah<br />

Holy Congregation, Children of Jeshurun, Lodgeb.<br />

Sth and 6th, Rev. H. A. Henry<br />

Holy Congregation in Brotherly Love, Race b.Uth<br />

and ISth. Charles Kahn. Parnas<br />

Holy Congregation, Gate of Heaven, Vine b. 4th<br />

and 5Xh<br />

JLuthera.li.<br />

English Ev. Lutheran Church, e.s. F>lra b. Oth and<br />

Court, Rev. Wm. H. Harrison, pastor, service<br />

morniug and afternoon<br />

German Lutheran Church, e.s. Kace b. ISth and Liberty,<br />

Rev. J. A. Wiechniann, pastor, service<br />

morning and afternoon<br />

German Lutheran Church, w.s. Walnut b. Sth and<br />

yih. Rev. H. W. Suhr, pastor, service 11 A. M.<br />

German Lutheran Church, w.s. Bremen b. 15th and<br />

Liberty, Rev. Frederick Schiedt, pastor<br />

Lutheran United Ev. Church, e.s. Elm b. 12th and<br />

laih. Rev. Maurice Raschig, pastor<br />

Lutheran United Ev. Church, n.s. 6th b. Walnut &<br />

Vine, Kev. Augustus Kroell, pastor, service 11<br />

A M<br />

Lutheran United Ev. Church, c. 13th and Walnut,<br />

Kev. Frederick Hofzimmer, pastor, service 11<br />

\ M<br />

Lutheran United Ev. Church, e.s. Walnut b. Allison<br />

and Liberty. Rev. Frederick Grassow.pastor,<br />

service U A. M. ,.-., o<br />

Lutheran United Ev. Church, c.iiaceandl^th Kev.<br />

Fieaerick Goebel, pastor, service 11 A. M.<br />

mCethodist Kpiscopal.<br />

We9ley Chapel, n.s. Sth b. Sycamoie and Broad-<br />

^^^"47y Kev. John T. Mitchell, service morning<br />

X\Jh%rct%^ n.s. Oth b. Race and Elm Rev.<br />

George C. Crum. pastor; Kev. W. H. Raper,<br />

^nerintendent; service morniuLC and evening<br />

A «bary Chapel, S.S. Webster b Main and Sycamore<br />

Rev. WiUiam Simmons, service, mormiag and<br />

RMheTchalel, s.s. Froftt b. Pike and Butler, Rev.<br />

WilUam Laugral, service morning and evening<br />

M -Kendrie Chapel, Fulton, Rev. Andrew Brooks,<br />

service morning and evening<br />

CHURCHES. 309<br />

Union Chapel, n.s. 7th b. Plum and W. Row, Rev.<br />

C. Moore, service morning and evening<br />

MorrisChapel, w.s. Western Kow b. 4th and Sth,<br />

Kev.John Miley, service morning and evening<br />

Christie Chapel, n.s. Cathavine b. Fulton aud Cutter.<br />

Rev. G. W. Walker, service murnLng and<br />

evening<br />

Park St. Chapel, s.e.c. Park and Longworth, Rev.<br />

Wm. Young, service morning and evening<br />

York St. Chapel,s.w.c. Piatt and York, Kev. J Lsepb<br />

Gassner, service morning aud evening<br />

Salem Chapel, c. Kim and Fmdley, Rev. ^Y^-J-<br />

Ctuarry, service morning and evening<br />

Ist. German M. E. Chapel, e.s. Race b. 13th and<br />

Hth, Rev. Jacob Frey, service morning and<br />

evening<br />

2d German M. E. Chapel, a.s. Everett near Linn,<br />

Rev. George Danker, service morning and<br />

evening<br />

3d German M. E. Chapel, Buckeye head of Main,<br />

Rev. Wm. Ahrens, service morning & evening<br />

New St. Methodist Church, e. of Broadway, Rev.<br />

Samuel D. Clayton, service morning aud evening<br />

Mothodist Episcopal Church Sonth •<br />

Soule Chapel, w.s. Sycamore b. Sth and Gth, Rev.<br />

Kichard Deering, service morning and evening<br />

Methodist Protestant.<br />

1st Methodist Protestant Church, 6th b. Vine and<br />

Race, Rev. Josiah Varden, service morning &<br />

evening<br />

2d Methodist Protestant Church, Elia b. 15th and<br />

Liberty, Rev, Simon P. Kez.erta,s--rvice morning<br />

and eveniag<br />

George Stphurch,Georgeb.Cutter an 1 Linn, Kev.<br />

Joseph A. Waterman, service morning 6c evening<br />

iVEethodist Weeieyan.<br />

1st Wesleyan Church, North St. Kr^v. K. Robinson,<br />

service morning and evening<br />

2d Wesleyan Cbarch, Hall in Fivaklin building, g.<br />

w.c. Vine and Centre, Rev, Miflflia Harker<br />

Methodist Calvinistic.<br />

Welsh Methodist Church, College b. 6th and 7th,<br />

Kev. Edward Jones, service morning and evening<br />

jnethodist {Colored.)<br />

African Church, Sth St. e. of Broadway, Kev. L,<br />

Gross, pastor<br />

NcTV Jerusalem,<br />

Temple Centre b. Race and Elm, Rev. J. P. Stuart,<br />

service, morning and evening *<br />

JPreshyteriany (^Cumberland.)<br />

Cumberland Presbyterian Church, n.e.c. Linnand<br />

Ban, Rev. F, G. Black, ptistor, service morning<br />

and evening<br />

JPresbyterian, (CWrf School)<br />

Ist Presbyterian Church, 4th b. Main and Walnut^<br />

Rev- Samuel U, Wilson, pastor, service morning<br />

and afternoon<br />

4th Presbyterian Church, n.s. High St, near Fulton<br />

line. Rev. James Black, pastor, service morning<br />

and evening<br />

Sth Presbyterian Church, s.e.c. 7th and Elm. Rev.<br />

Wm. Hamilton, pastor, service morning and<br />

afternoon<br />

Tth Pesbyterian Church, w.s Broadway b. 4th & Sth<br />

Rev. Mr. McGill. D.B. pastor, service morning and<br />

afternoon<br />

Central Presbyterien Church, s.s.Sth b. Plum and<br />

W. Row, li. L.Rice, D. D. pastor, service morning<br />

and evening<br />

Welsh Presbyterian Church, 7th b. Viae and Race,<br />

Rev. H. E. Reese, pastor, a&rvice morning and<br />

evening<br />

Presbyterian, (JVczo School.)<br />

2d Presbyterian Church, s.s. 4th b.Vine and Race,<br />

Rev. Samuel Fisher, pastor, service .morning<br />

and afternoon


3d Presbyterian Church, s.w.c. 4th and John, Rev.<br />

J. B.Townsend, pastor, service morning and<br />

evening<br />

6th Presbyterian Church, s.s. 7th b. Linn and Baymiller,<br />

Rev. John M, Boal, pastor, service<br />

morning aud evening<br />

Tabernacle Presbyterian Church, c. John & Clark,<br />

Rev. D, D. Gregory, pastor, service morning &<br />

evening<br />

Iflt German Presbyterian Church, n.e.c. Franklin<br />

and Sycamore, Kev. Martin Schad, pastor, ser-<br />

,vice morning and evening<br />

Presbyterian, (Mssociate Reformed.)<br />

Associate Ref. Pres. Church, 6lh b. Race and Elm,<br />

James Prestley, pastor, service morning and<br />

alternoon<br />

Presbyterian} (.Associate.)<br />

Associate Pres. Church, c. Elra and 9th, Kev. R. H,<br />

Pollock, pastor, servi ce morniug and afternoon<br />

PrsbyteriaU) (Reformed.)<br />

Keformed Pres. Church, s.s. George St. b. Race and<br />

Elm, Rev. Thomas Flavel, pastor, service<br />

morning and afternoon<br />

Church of the Covenanters, s.s. Kemble b. John &<br />

Fulton. Rev. WlUidiu Wilson, pastor, service<br />

morniug and alternoon<br />

Protestant Episcopal.<br />

Christ Church, n.s. 4th b. Sycamore and Broadway,<br />

Kev. AilreU BUKe,, rector pro. xem. ser<br />

vice morning aud evening<br />

St. Paul's Church, s.s. 4iU b. Main and Walnut, Rev.<br />

Juhn W. ClarK, rector, service morning and<br />

evening<br />

Trinity Church, c. Pendleton and Liberty, Rev. Rit^hard<br />

uirey, rector, service morning and afternoon<br />

St. John's Church, s.e.c. Plum and 7th, Kev. Wm.<br />

R. nicholsou, rector, service morning & afternoon<br />

St. Luke's Church, c. Wade and W. Row, Rev.<br />

George TiiOinpsoii, rector, service morning aud<br />

afternoon<br />

Unitarian.<br />

1st. Unitarian Church, s.w.c. 4th and Race, Rev.<br />

Abel A. Livermore, pastor, service morniug and<br />

evening<br />

United Brethren iu Christ.<br />

Church c, Fulton and Kichmond, Rev. Wm. B.<br />

Witt and Rev. Wm. Longstreet, pastors, service<br />

morniug aud afiernuou<br />

Universalist.<br />

lat Universalist Church, w.s. Walnut b. 3d 6c Baker<br />

Kuv. r. D. Cook, pastor, service morning and<br />

evening<br />

2d LniveieidList Church, c. Gth and Mound. Rev.<br />

Hoiiry JuvveU, pdSLor,Bervice morning 6c evening<br />


Law Department of Cincinnati College, College<br />

HaU o.s. Walnut b. 4th & Sth; Faculty. Charles<br />

P. Jumcb, M. ti. Tilden and M. E. Curwen<br />

St. XdVici's College, w.s. Sycamore b. Oth and 7th;<br />

i'Wtttt//, Kev. J. De Blieck, Pres. Professor of<br />

WdLural Law and bpauish Literature, Kev. Xavier<br />

Wippoiu, Vice Pres., Prefect of Studies,<br />

and Pruii^sBui: of MeuLai aud Mural Philosophy;<br />

Kev. J. Ashwaudeu, Professor of Helirew and<br />

Saored touiptures; F. P. Garesche. Professor of<br />

MaUiemdliC'' and JSatural Philosophy ; J. D.<br />

JohnsLun, Prolessor of KheLoiic and Belles<br />

Lettreb; J. E. Keller, Profeasur oi Ancient<br />

•Laiiguagcri; U. AidasuUs, Professor uf French<br />

LiteratLue; 11. riLiimidi, Pruteasor ut Gornian<br />

LiteidLure; F. BoudredU, Piolessur of Chemiatryi<br />

Ktjv. v^'iii. liioaiua, Caaplaiu<br />

Wesltyun Female UoUcge, Vine h. 6th and 7th.<br />

Budrd ol Instructors, Kev. P. B, Wilber, M. A.<br />

Presiu'-uL, and Pjufessor uf Meutal bcicuce;<br />

Mrs. Mary C. Wilber, Governess, and Teacher<br />

of Phyeiology; Rev. John Miley, M. A. Profes-<br />

Borof Ancient Languages and Moral Science;<br />

Edward S. Lippett, A. B. Professor of Mathe-<br />

' matics and Natural Science, and Teacher of<br />

Lmeai and Perspective Drawing aad Painting;<br />

Misses Mary A. De Forest, Emily K. Tompkins,<br />

Charlotte Davis, Electa V. Mitchell, Rachel<br />

L. Bodley, Amanda A. Hodgman, Susan-C.<br />

ConnerTeachere of Classfes; Jaraes W. Bowers<br />

Teacher of Penmanships H. Augustus Pond,<br />

Teacher of Vocal and Instrumental Music,<br />

Edward Thomas. Teacher of the Guitar; Miss<br />

Us\i\>.' Futi;j and. Teacher of Vocal and Instrumental<br />

Music; MissCorneLa E. Doisy, Teacher<br />

of French. Mias Charlotte Cadwell, Teacher<br />

of German<br />

Medical Colleges,<br />

Cincinnati Medical and Surgical College, 9.w.c.<br />

W. Row and Longworth, A. H. Baker, M. D.,<br />

Pres.<br />

Eclectic Medical Institute, n,w.c. Plum and Court.<br />

FacultyyZ. Freemen, M. D. Professor of Anatomy<br />

; Joseph R. Buchanan, M. D. Professor of<br />

Physiology and Institute of Medicine; Lorenz<br />

E. Jones, M. D. Professor of Materia Medica<br />

and Therapeutics; R. S. Newton, M. D Professor<br />

of Surgery; Benjamin L. Hill, M. D. Professor<br />

of Obstetrica; I. Gibson Jones, M. D. Professor<br />

of Theory aud Practice rf Medicine. J.<br />

Milton Sanders, Profeaaor of Chemistry and<br />

Pharmacy<br />

Ohio College of Dental Surgery, College St. b. 6th<br />

and 7th, i^aciirty, James Taylor, M D. Professor<br />

of the Principles and Practice of Dental<br />

Surgery; George Mendenhall, M, D. Professor<br />

of Pathology and Therapeutics; Thomas Wood,<br />

M. D. Professor of Anatomy and Physiology;<br />

John Allen, D. D. S. Professor of Operative<br />

Mechanical Dentistry; G. L. Van Emon, A. M.<br />

D. D. S. Lecturer on Dental Chemistry, and<br />

Demonstrator of Operative and Mechanical<br />

Dentistry<br />

Ohio Medical College, s.s. Gth b. Vine and Race,<br />

Faculty, H. W, Baxley, M. D. Professor of Anatomy;<br />

John Locke, M D. Professor of Chemis.<br />

tx-y and Pharmacy; L. M. Lawson M. D. Professor<br />

of Physiology and Pathology; T. O, Kd-<br />

^ards, M. D. Professor of Materia Medica, Therapeutics<br />

and Medical Jurisprudence; R. D.<br />

Muzzey, M. D. Professor of Surgery; Langdon<br />

C. Rives, M. D. Professor of Obstetrics and the<br />

Diseases of Women and Children; John Bell,<br />

M. D. Professor of Theory and Practice of<br />

IVIedicine; John Davis, M. D. Demonstrator of<br />

Anatomy: L, M.Lawson, M. D. Dean<br />

Phyao-Medical College, Center Hall, c. W.Row, Faeulty,<br />

E. H. Shotwell, M. D. Professor of Ana<br />

tomy; J. A. Powers, M. D. Professor of Surgery;<br />

E- Morgan Parritt, M D. Professor of<br />

Chemistry; Joseph Brown, M. D. Professor of<br />

Materia Medica; K. C. Carter, M.D. Professor<br />

of Obstetrics; H. F. Johnson, M. D. Professor<br />

of Practice of Medicine<br />


mayor.<br />

Mark P. Taylor ofUce 6th b. Maiu and Walnut<br />

Marshal.<br />

James L, RufRn, mayor's office<br />

City Council.<br />

lat Ward, Wm. B. Cassiley, E. Underwood, M. B<br />

Coombs<br />

2d Ward, Wm. Bromwell John Whetstone, Jonathan<br />

Spinning<br />

3d Ward, Wm.J. Shultz, Ferguson Clements, Henry<br />

A. Gott<br />

4th Ward, A. W. Anderson, John R. Johnston, J.<br />

M. BlundeU<br />

Sth Ward, Charles Anderson, Edward Woodruff<br />

Ram'lB. Fmc'ley<br />

Cth Ward, Wm. bl. Malone, George Graham, R. B.<br />



7th Ward, R. C. Hazelwood, J. H. fiothert, J. B<br />

Anderson<br />

Sth Ward, P. C. Bonte, William T. Barkalow, Wm<br />

Hand<br />

Sth Ward, John B. Warren, C. H. Vonseggern, Herman<br />

iilein<br />

10th Ward. Jacob Diehl, And. Giflin, J. A. Stolz<br />

11th Ward, Charles Snyder, Benj. T. Dale, John<br />

Maholm<br />

12th Ward, Michael Goepper, F.J. Eichenlaub, D.<br />

S.Judd<br />

J3th Ward, J. W. Piatt, Benj. Loder Jr. John Hyan<br />

I4th IVard, Joseph Ross, Chas. F. Wilstach, G. W.<br />

Runyan<br />

15th Ward, Wm. P. Stratton, John H. Layman,Ben.<br />

V. Knos<br />

10th Ward, G. W.SKaats, George George, William<br />

Sargent<br />

City Cleric.<br />

William G. Williams<br />

Cyrus Deavenport, Sam'l S. McGibbons, T. B. Dis.<br />

ney. Deputies<br />

City Treasurer.<br />

James Johnston. Reynolds, assistant<br />

City Civil Engineer.<br />

Albert W. Gilbert<br />

City Sarveyor.<br />

Wm. G. Halpin. Draughtsman, Charles W. Thorp<br />

City Collectors.<br />

Eastern District, Charles D. Lawrence<br />

Middle District, Amzc A. Pruden<br />

Western District, W. Saffln<br />

North District, V. Eichenlaub<br />

Fire Engineer.<br />

R. G. Bevy<br />

City Solicitor.<br />

W. G. Gholson. A. E. Ferguson, Assistant<br />

Market Masters.<br />

Stephen Jones, Henry Lowry, Wm. Moody<br />

Port IVardeus.<br />

Joseph Pierce, Charles Ross<br />

'Wbarf Master.<br />

John W. Reily<br />

Street Commissionsrs.<br />

Eastern District, J. Jacobs<br />

Western District, Horace G. Bigelow<br />

North District, Christian Zeigler<br />

Water Works.<br />

Trustees: James C. Hall, N.W. Thomas, Wm. Caramon<br />

Secretary, John F. Key<br />

Superintendent. E. Hinman<br />

Engineer, Theo. R. Scowden<br />

Collectors : Charles BaUance, Charles Monroe<br />

Constables.<br />

1st Ward, John Ellis<br />

2d Ward.<br />

3d Ward,<br />

4th Ward, Thomas H. Curd<br />

Sth Ward, Henry Tober<br />

fith Ward, R. F. Adams<br />

Tth Ward, Wm. H. Hardin<br />

Sth Ward, Philip Miller<br />

9th Ward, H. C. Dannctell<br />

10th Ward, Nathan Marchant<br />

11th Ward, Johu A. Linck<br />

12th Ward. B. .Stamburk<br />

13th Ward, Jacob Keifer<br />

i4th Ward, Leonard A. Harris<br />

15th Ward, Robert B. Black<br />

16th Ward,<br />

Toivnsliip Trustees.<br />

Wm. Grossman, pros.<br />

John Hudson<br />

John Hauck<br />

John Minshall, clerk<br />

T u „, Justices of tbe Peace.<br />

John W. HeiUy<br />

David T. Snellbaker<br />

F. H. Rowekamp<br />

Jacob Getzondanuer<br />

Elias II. Pugh<br />

Joseph Burgoyne<br />

Wick Roll<br />

Assessors.<br />

1st Waid, Montgomery Holland<br />

2d Ward, C. Burckhardt<br />

3d Ward, James Flum<br />

4th Ward, Joseph B.Wilson<br />

Sth Ward<br />

Cth Ward<br />

7tb Ward, E. B. Wood<br />

Sth Ward, Joseph P. Jones<br />

Oth Ward,<br />

lOth Ward, John Geyer<br />

nth Ward.Juhn hobud<br />

]2lh Ward,<br />

13th Ward,<br />

Hth Ward. JcdiM Hillon<br />

15th Ward, Geo. G. Smith<br />

Kith Ward, Joseph Arnold<br />

COUIITS.<br />

Supreme Court*<br />

Judges : Peter Hitchcock, Rufus P. Spalding, Wm.<br />

B. Caldwell, Kulus P. Ranney<br />

Isaac G. Burnet, Clerk<br />

S. G. Burnet, Deputy<br />

Court of Common Pleas.<br />

Judges, Robert B.Martin, Pres.<br />

Associate, Robert Moore, John A.Wiseman, Jas.<br />

Saffin<br />

Edward C. Roll, Clerk<br />

Deputies, J. M. McMaster, W. W. Warden<br />

Superior Court.<br />

George Hoadly Jr. Judge<br />

Daniel Gano, Clerk<br />

John G. Jones. Deputy Clerk<br />

Commercial Conrt.<br />

Thomas M. Key, Judge<br />

Edward P. Cranch, Clerk<br />

Master Commissioners iu Chancery<br />

A. H. McGuffy, A. Paddock, A. H. Lewis, L. Mosher,<br />

S. Matthews, J. H. Jones, A. Todd<br />

Commissioners.<br />

David A. Black, John Patton, Richard K. Cox<br />


CIES,<br />

.^tna Ins. Co. of Hartford Conn. 2 Reeder's building,<br />

s. s. 3d b. Walnut and Vine, £. D. Dickeraan,<br />

agt.<br />

City Ins. Co. of Cincinnati,'Fire and Marine, 8<br />

Frontb. Main and Sycamore, E. B. Reeder.<br />

Pres. N. Gregory, Sec. E. B. Reeder. George<br />

Carlisle, J. M. Blair, J. P. Kilbreth, William<br />

Burnet, J. C. Thorp, H. Raper, E. S. Haines,<br />

andH, tl. Hoffman, <strong>Direc</strong>tors<br />

Charter Oak Life Ins. Co. of Hartford. Conn. 3G w.<br />

4th, H. E. Spencer, agt.<br />

Columbian Fire and Marine Ins. Co. 19 Front, Hartwell<br />

& Fall, agts.<br />

Columbus Ins.Co. 3 Front e. of Main, John Reeves,<br />

agt.<br />

Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Hartford. Ct.<br />

s.s. 3d b. Walnutand Vine, J oseph J. Davis, agt.<br />

Commercial Ins. Co. Fire and Ahirine, of Charles,<br />

ton, S. C. 1.5 Front, A. S. Chew, agt.<br />

Oela\,are Mutual i-'.attiy Ins. Cu. of Philadelphia,<br />

Front b. Main and Sycamoie, B. Urner. agt.

312 PERIODICALS:.<br />

Eagle Ins. Co. of Cincinnati. Fire and Marine. 9 e.<br />

• Front b. Main and Sjicairtore, Isaac C. Copelen,<br />

Pres. James B, Stockton, Sec. Isaac C. Copelen,<br />

S. W. Reeder, William Wood, Richard<br />

Conklin, Samuel H. Taft, Henry Kesler and<br />

George W. Townley, <strong>Direc</strong>tors<br />

Fireman's and Mechanics'Ins. Co. Madison, la. 21<br />

Maiil, Wm. B. Cassilly, agt.<br />

Hartford Life and Health Ins. Co. s.e.c. Main and<br />

2d, M. D. W. Loomis, agt.<br />

Jefferson Life Ins. Co. uf Cincinnati, Ohio, 26<br />

Front, H. H. Goodman, Pros , W. W. Cones,<br />

V. Pres., L.' Benton, Sec, H. H. Goodman,<br />

Geo. Carlisle. Wm. Burnet, Chas. Conahan,<br />

W. W. Cones, A. G. Burt, Samuel B, Keys,<br />

Chas. Goodman, Wm. McCammon, E. Gest.<br />

Ciucinnati, Ohio, D. W. Deshler, Columbus,<br />

Ohio. H. B. Payne, Cleveland, Ohio, <strong>Direc</strong>tors.<br />

Lafayette Ins. Co. 53 w. 3d, Joseph J. Davis, agt.<br />

Lexington Fire Life and Marine Ins. Co. 19 Front,<br />

Hartwell & Hall, agts.<br />

Madison, Ins. Co. of Madison, la. n.wc. 2d and<br />

Walnut, S. T, Covington, agt.<br />

Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Kew York, 3 e. Front, John<br />

Reeves, agt<br />

Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Co. of Newark, N. J. 19<br />

Front, Hartwell & Hall, agts.<br />

New England Mutual Life Ins. Co. 10 Front, Benj.<br />

Urner, Agt.<br />

New York Life Ins. Co. 15 Front, A. S. Chew, agt.<br />

N. W. Thomas. Lewis Whiteman, Calvary<br />

Moriis, M. B. Ross, Charles D. Coffin, A. B.<br />

Coleman, Henry W, Derby, <strong>Direc</strong>tors. I. S.<br />

Dodge, M. D. James G. Hunt. M. D. B. L. Hill,<br />

M. D. R. S. Newton, M. D. Medical Examiners<br />

North Western Ins. Co. Oswego, N. York. 34 w<br />

4th, Samuel Trever, agt.<br />

Ohio Life Ins. Co., Joint Stock and Mutual, Reeder's<br />

Buildings, s. s. 3d b. Walnut and Vine, E.<br />

.S. Haines, Pres.J.W. Donohue, V. Pres. S. W.<br />

Keeder, Sec. VVilliam Burnet, E. S Haines, S.<br />

Rdbeit, J. W. Donohue, Wm. Aug. Goodman,<br />

J. N. Rid^way, J. M. Blair, William Person,<br />

Edeu B. Reeder, <strong>Direc</strong>tors. Walcott Richards,<br />

M. D. Consulting Physician<br />

Ohio Live Stock Ins. Co. E. S. Haines. Pres. S. W.<br />

Reeder, Sec. Wm. Burnet, Wm. Person, E. S.<br />

Haines, Wm. Aug. Goodman, and S. Robert,<br />

<strong>Direc</strong>tors. Capt. Joseph Ross, Surgeou and<br />

Inspector<br />

Ohio Mutual Ins. Co. of Columbus, Ohio, 8 e. Front,<br />

Wm. H. Hubbard, Pros. Tim. GrilTeth, Sec.<br />

Isaac Copelen. H. Brackmann, and H. Kesler.<br />

<strong>Direc</strong>tors, George W. Copelen, Sec.<br />

Penri Mutual Ins. Co. ot Philadelphia, 16 Front. B<br />

Urner, agt.<br />

Phffinix Ins.Co. of St.Louis, 15 Front, A.S.Chew.agt<br />

Protection Ins. Co. of Hartford, Conn. 6 Front, b.<br />

Main and Sycamore, Samuel E. Mack, agt.<br />

Union Mutual Life Ins. Office, of Boston, s.s. 3d b.<br />

Walnut and Vine, Baker & Groocock, agts.<br />

United States Life Ins. Co. of New York, 34 w.<br />

Fourth, Samuel Trever, agt.<br />

Washington Union Ins. Co. of Cleveland, Ohio, n.<br />

s. 3d, b. Main and Sycamore, Oeo.W. Still, agt.<br />


Bradley's Counterfeit Detector and Bank Note List<br />

(monthly) T. W. Lord, editor and proprietor ;<br />

Wright. Ferris & Co. printers<br />

Buchanan's Journal of Man (rnonthly) Dr. Joseph<br />

H. Buchanan, editor and publisher, Cincinnati<br />

and Louisville,<br />

Catholic Teleeraph (weekly) Rev. Edward Purcell<br />

editor<br />

Central Christian Herald (weekly) Rev. Thornton<br />

A. Mills, editor, proprietor, and publisher, off.<br />

Gazette bldgs.<br />

Chain of Sacred Wonders, Rev. S. A. Latta, editor.<br />

Morgan and Overend, printers<br />

Christian Apologist (weekly) Rev. Wm. Nast, editor:<br />

Kevs. L. Swormstedt, and J. H. Powers,<br />

publishers, c. Sth and Main<br />

Cincinnati Atlas (daily, tri-weekly,;and weekly)<br />

Foster & Corwine, publishers and proprietors,<br />

30e.3d<br />

Cincinnati Gazette, (daily, tri-weekiy, &-weekly)<br />

J. C. WrigKt, L, C. Toroer, and C. J. Wright,<br />

editors, Wright, Ferris-& Co. publishers 120<br />

Main<br />

Cincinnati Price Current, Commercial Intelligencer<br />

and Merchants' Transcript (weekly) Richard<br />

Smith editor. Smith & Buchan an, publishers,<br />

office Merchants' Kxcuange, College<br />

HaU<br />

Cincinnati Commercial (dailyand weekly) L. G^<br />

Curtifl, editor, Curtis & Potter, publishers.c. 3d<br />

and Sycamore<br />

Cist's Weekly Advertiser, Charles Cist, editor and<br />

publisher, office Neave's bidg.<br />

Columbian and Great West, (weekly) W.B. Shattuck.,<br />

editor and proprietor, E. P. Jones publisher.<br />

Gazette bldgs.<br />

Crisis, Rev. Wm, H. Brisbane editor,WrigUt, Ferrie<br />

dc Co. publishers<br />

Dental Register, (quarterly^ James Taylor D. D. S.<br />

editor, J. D. Thorpe, publisher 74 w. 4th<br />

Democratisches Tageblalt, (daily & weekly) Henry<br />

Roedter tk Co. publishers, Henry Roedter<br />

editor, office s.e.c. 3d and Sycamore<br />

Dye's Counterfeit Detector, John S. Dye editor &<br />

proprietor, s.e.c. 3d and Walnut<br />

Enquirer (daily and weekly) Farran & Robinson,<br />

editors and publishers, n.e.c. Main and 3d<br />

German Republican (daily & weekly) Emil Klauprecht<br />

editor.Schmidt, Storch (Sic. publishers, s.s.<br />

3d b. .Main and Waluut<br />

General Counterfeit Detector, (monthly) Richard<br />

Smith, editor and publisher, Mercbanta' Exchange<br />

Goodman's Counterfeit Detector (monthly) Chas.<br />

Goodman, editor and publisher, at'T. S. Goodman<br />

& Co's 101 Main<br />

Ladies' Repository, (monthly) Rev. B. F. Teflt editor,<br />

Revs. L. Swormstedt & J. W. Power publishers<br />

c. Sth and Main<br />

Masonic Review (monthly) Rev. C. Moore editor,<br />

J. Ernst publisher, 183 Main<br />

Hochwaecther (weekly) Frederick Hassaurek editor,<br />

William Waohsmuth publisher, office n.w.<br />

c. Court aud Main<br />

Journal of Homeopathy, B. Ehrman M.D., Adara<br />

Miller M. D. & Geo. Bigler M. D. editors; Marshall<br />

& Langtry, printers<br />

Journal and Messenger, Rev. J.L.Batchelder editor<br />

and proprietor, 34 w. 4th<br />

Nonpareil (d.aily and wceklj) C. S. Abbott editor,<br />

Abbott & Co. proprietors, printers and pub<br />

Ushers, 6 w. 6th<br />

Ohio Teacher (semi-monthly) T. Rainey editor and<br />

proprietor; Wright, Ferris & Co. printers. Gazette<br />

hldgs. ......<br />

Onken's Western Scenery, prof. W. Wells editor<br />

O. Onken proprietor, w.s. Walnut b. Sth & 6th<br />

Physo-Medical and Surgical Journal, E. H. Stockwell<br />

M. D. editor and publisher, Marshall &<br />

Langtry, printers<br />

Presbyterian of the West (weekly) Rev. N.L. Rice<br />

D. D. editor, John D. Thorpe publisher, 74 w.<br />

4th<br />

Protostantische Zeitblaetter, Revs. Suhr, ^roell<br />

Gpebel, and Grassow, editors ; Mrs. Stahl publisher,<br />

w.s. Vine b. 12th and Canal<br />

Pulpit of the Associate Ref. Pres. Church, Eev<br />

James Prestley, editor, s-s. 6th b. Race & Elm<br />

Sabbath Visiter (monthly) Mrs. S. W. Jewett edit<br />

ress, D, .Anderson 34 w. 4th publisher<br />

School Friend and Ohio School Journal, Dr. A. D<br />

Lord, H. W. Barney, & C. Knowlton, editors •<br />

W. B. Smith & Co. publishers, 58 Main<br />

Star in the West (weekly) Rev. J. A. Gurley Mitor,<br />

proprietor, and publisher, Melodeon bldE<br />

<strong>52</strong> w. .4th<br />

Sunday School Advocate (semi-weekly) Methodist<br />

Book Concern, c. Sth and Main<br />

Templar's Magazine, J. Wadsworth M. D. editor<br />

Marshall & Langtry printers '<br />

Times (daily and weekly) James D. Taylor, editor<br />

Calvin W. Starbuck proprietor and publisher *<br />

n.w.c. Walnut and Pearl '<br />

Turn SSeitung, (monthly) published by the German<br />

Gymnastrc Club, -w.s. Walnut b. Allison and<br />

Liberty, Henry Roedter & Co. printers.


-United Presbyterian and Kvangelicai Guardian, J.<br />

CUybaugh 1). D. and Kev. James PreHtlcy, editors,<br />

s.s. (jtli b. h. Kace and Elm<br />

VolltsblaU (daily and weekly) S. Molitor editor,<br />

proprietor and publisher, Eagle bldgs.<br />

Volkstieund (dailyj Joseph A. Hemann editor and<br />

pubr. "Wright, Ferris & Co. printers 12U Main<br />

Wahrheits Freund, Rev. Koeger editor, J. A. Herman,<br />

publisher, n.s. Ganob. Main and Miiler<br />

Weekly Phonetic Advocate, Longly & Broilier,edilors<br />

and publishers, ]69 Walnut<br />

Western Fonutain, Gent S. F.Cary editor, William<br />

Mitchell, proprietor and publisher, Kagle bldgs.<br />

c. Court and Main<br />

Weatern Christian Advocate, M.Simpson D.D.editor<br />

, Kevs. Leroy Swormstedt & J. H. Power,<br />

publishers, c. 8th and Main<br />

Western Lancet, Drs. Lawson and Mendenhalledi-<br />

. tors; T. Wrightson printer and publisher, 43<br />

Man<br />

Western Law Journal, T* Walker and M. E. Curwen<br />

editors, Wright, Ferris & Co. printers, H.<br />

W. Derby & Co. publishers, 145 Main<br />

Western Horticultural Review, J. A. Warder M.<br />

D. editor. Morgan 6c Overend, printers, 111<br />

Main<br />

Williams'Western Pathfinder, J.W.Tyson editor,<br />

C. S. Williams publisher, T. Wrightson printer.<br />

173 Walnut<br />

Voung Reaper, H. S. Washburn editor, D. Ander-<br />

Bon publisher} 34 w, 4th<br />

Youth's Friend, Kev. H. Jewell editor, Longly &<br />

Bro. printers, 369 Walnut<br />


Apollo building, n.w.c. Walnut &5th; J. P. Broad-<br />

Well, tJtopi'ietOr<br />

Art Union, n,w.c. 4IU and Sycamore<br />

Bromwell's buildihg. n.e.c. 4th and Vine; William<br />

Bromwell proprietor<br />

Center Hall, n.w.c. 5th and W. Row<br />

College Hall, Walnut b. 4th & 5th, James Pollock,<br />

Janitor, re.s. No. 23 4th story<br />

Council Chamber. College Hall<br />

Court St. Hall, J. Wilson tt Co. proprietors, n.f.<br />

Courtb. Main and Walnut<br />

Clinton buildings,n.w.c. W; Row and Clinton<br />

Eagle building, n.w.c. Court and Main, J. and S.<br />

Goodin, proprietors; otfice 2d floor<br />

Foster Hall (Sons of Temperance) s.e.c. Sth and<br />

Walnut; James Pollock, Janitor, res. No. 23<br />

4th story College Hall<br />

Franklin rooms, s.w.c. Centre and Vine<br />

Gazette buildings, e.s. Main b. 3d and 4th<br />

Independence Hall, s.s. 4th b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Law buildings, s.s. 3d b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Locke's building, Walnut b. 3d and 4lh, John<br />

Locke, proprietor<br />

Losantiville HaU, Front street, near Deer Creek<br />

bridge<br />

Magnolia Hall, (Odd Fellows') n.s.Sthb. Mainand<br />

Sycamore<br />

Masonic Hall, n^cc. 3d and Walnut<br />

Mechanics' Institute, s.w.c. Vine and 6th<br />

Melodeon* n-w,c, 4th and Walnut; Lewis Williams<br />

proprietor; office 2d floor<br />

Merchants' Exchange, in College Hall<br />

Neave's building, n.w.c. Race and 4th ; Charles<br />

Neave, proprietor<br />

Neff'B building, n.t.c. 9th and Elra<br />

Observatory, Mt. Adams, prof. O. M. Mitchell, <strong>Direc</strong>tor.<br />

^ ^ „,<br />

Odd Fellows' Hall, n.w.c* Walnut and ^d<br />

Post office, Art Union bdilding, Wm. Oliver, P. M.<br />

Keeder's bui.ding, s.s. 3d h, Walnut and Vine<br />

Times building, n.w.c. Pearl and Walnut<br />

Turn Ha lie, w.s. Walnut, 2 doors above AUison<br />

Walton Hall, n.s. 6th b. Main and 'Walnut<br />

Worthington's bldgs. s s. 3d b. Main and Walnut<br />


Xrustees Ac Visitors, and Principals.<br />

ist District. G. Lathrop, Jas. Cooper; principals,<br />

Henry H. Edwards, Sarah E. Wilcox<br />

2d District, Jno. A. Warder, Wm. Philips ; princi-1<br />

pals, Abr. S. Reynolds, Margaret Wing<br />

?0<br />

3d District, Kufus King. Thos. Ci. ShaelTer. J.Mudd;<br />

principals, Wilher B. Wheeler, Jane M. Davis,<br />

4th District, Thos. G. ShaelTer, Kufus King, Ed. P,<br />

Langdon; principals, Wm. F. Hurlbut, Seline<br />

E. Ezekiel<br />

Sth district, N. A. Britt, J. H. Brodie ; principals<br />

Sam'l A. Wright, Mary C. Poddack<br />

Gth District, Wm* Flooper. Jos. G. Gibbons, Geo-<br />

Craw lord ; principals, Andr. J. Richoff, Susan<br />

K. Van Amringe<br />

7th District, Cyrus Davenport, ~ Loomis, JohnW.<br />

Oweu ; principals, Cyrus Nason, Frances C.<br />

Bauman<br />

8th District, Chas. Anderson, Amos Moore, Thos,<br />

H. Johnson; principals, Stt^phen L. Massey, Sarah<br />

B. Glendening<br />

9th District, B. Storer, H.Crane; principals, Chas.<br />

C. Guilford, Rebecca Palmer<br />

10th District, Jno, Schiff, Kob'l Cameron,ValentJnfi<br />

Eichenlaub; principals, Andr. J. Richoff, Henry<br />

Poeppelmaui Favella Peachey<br />

Uth District, A. L. Bushnell,C. B. AspinwalUJacob<br />

Hehl ; principals, Geo,K.Hand, Eunice Thompson<br />

12th District, Robert Boal, Nelson Speer, Bathol<br />

Smith ; principals, Obed J. Wilson, Helen M.<br />

Farley<br />

I3th District, Jos. Burgoyne, Chr. Ziegler<br />

i4th District, C. Davenport, Val. Eichenlaub, Jacoh<br />

Hehl; principals, Robert Thomson, Emma J.<br />

Smith<br />

Mt. Adams school, £lam P. Langdon, J. Mudd<br />

Officers of tUe Board of Trustees &<br />

Visitors,<br />

Bellamy Storer president<br />

Charles Anilerson, 1st vice pres't<br />

WiUiam Hooper, 2d vice pres't<br />

Willjam Phillips Jr. corresp'g sec'y<br />

William Leuthstrom, secretary<br />

Board of <strong>Direc</strong>tors of tlsc House ai<br />

Kefugc<br />

Alphonso Taft, president<br />

Wm. Leuthstrom, secretary<br />

Elam P. Langdon, Miles Greenwood. Hudson B.<br />

Curtis, Wm. Burnet, George Crawford^ Wm.<br />

McCammon. Joaeph Ray, Charles Thomaa<br />

Rufus Hubbard, superintendeilt<br />

Ann Carter^ matron<br />

Geo.W.Wiight, teacher<br />

Board of City Hig^h Schools^<br />

Samuel Lewis, president<br />

W'illiam Leuthstrom, secretary<br />

Dan'l Van Matre, Charles Anderson, Wm. Y.GboI'<br />

son, William Hooper, William Greene, Robert<br />

Boal, Elam P. Langdon. Oliver Lovell, N. A.<br />

Britt, John A. Warden M. D., Gardner Lathrop,<br />

Cyrus Davenport<br />

Board of Scliool Examiners.<br />

William Greene, president<br />

Rev. Dan'l Sheppardson, Dr. Joaeph Ray, Dr. Ma'<br />

thew Simpson, E. S. Brooks, Henry Snow<br />


Baptist Theological Seminary at Fairmont.<br />

This eeniihafy. under the Control of the Wes*<br />

tern Baptist Education Society, is in process .<br />

ef erection<br />

Cincinniiti Theological Seminary (O. S, Presbyterian).<br />

Faculty; ReV. JalnGs Hodge D.D. prof, of<br />

Church Polity and Ecclesiastical Histoiy; Rev.<br />

N. L. Kice D D. prol. uf Didactic aud Polemic<br />

Theology; Rev. Willis Lord D. D. professor of<br />

Biblial Literature<br />

This seminary has no buildings erected, or<br />

in contemplation, either for the use of the students<br />

or the professors. Thestudents willboard<br />

and room where they find it most convenient<br />

in the city. The recitations are for the present<br />

in rooms in the Ceniral Church<br />

LaneTheolopical Semi nary. Walnut Hills. Faculty i<br />

Rev. Lyman Beecher D.D. President, and Emer*<br />

itusprof. of Theology; Rev. D* H.AUen D. P,


prof, of Theology; Rev. George E. Day A. M.<br />

prof, of Biblical Literature, and lecturer on<br />

Church History; Kev. J. B. Oondit D. D. prof,<br />

of Sacred Rhetoric and Pastoral Theology, and<br />

lecturer on Church Polity<br />


Baptist Theological Institute, 2000 vols,<br />

Histoiical Library 1800 vols.<br />

Lane Theological Seminary, 13,000 vols.<br />

MechaDics' Institute Library, 5000 vols.<br />

St. Xavier's College,6,000 vols.<br />

Vouug Men's Mercantile Library, 11,500<br />


Cincinnati Orphan Asylum, w.s, Kim b. Grant and<br />

14th<br />

Orphan Asylum ^colored) a.s. Oth b. Elm and Plura<br />

St. Aloysius Orphan Asylum (Grernian Catholic) s.<br />

s. 4tli b. W. Row and John<br />

St. Peter's Orphan Asylum (Catholic) n.wx. Plum<br />

and 3d<br />


XIOWS., &c.<br />

Agents fox Religion N Societies*<br />

A. B. C. F. Missions'agency. 28 w. 4th^Rev. H. A.<br />

Triicy, sec'y. G. L. Weed, receiving agent<br />

American and Foreign Christian (Jniuu, Kev. S.<br />

Bay,district sec'y, 28 w.4th, upstairs<br />

American Sunday School Union Depository, 28 w.<br />

4l)i, up stairs, Geo. L. Weed, depositary<br />

American Christian Tract and Bible Society,depository<br />

s.w.e. Sth and Walnut T. Crane agent<br />

American Tr^ct Society Depository,. Melodeon<br />

bldg. c. 4th and Walnut. Seely Wood, agent<br />

Baptist Book Bepository, 28 w. 4th, Moore & Anderson<br />

Cincinnati Young Men's Bible Society,. 28 w. 4th,<br />

Geo. L. Weed, depositary<br />

Monthly Tract (Visitors) Association, Franklin<br />

rooms ; J. C. Macy, pres. James Holford, gen'l<br />

superintendent<br />

Presbyterian Boards of Foreign andDomestic Mis<br />

sions,agency 74 w. 4th, J. D.Thorpe, agent<br />

Presbyterian Book Depository for the West and<br />

south west; J. D. Thorpe, depositary, 74 w. 4th<br />

I. O. of Red men.<br />

Miami Tribe No. 1. meets on Tuesday evening at<br />

Magnolia flail<br />

ITXasous.-<br />

[Hall n.e.c. 3d and'Walnut.]<br />

Cincinnati Encampment Wo. 3, meets second Monday<br />

in each month<br />

eincinnati Courcil No. 1, meets 3d Monday in<br />

each month<br />

GlDcinnati Chapter No. 2, meetr 1st Monday io<br />

each month<br />

McMillan Chapter No. 18,. meets last Tuesday in<br />

each month<br />

H. 0. Harmony Lodge No. 2, meets 1st Wednesday<br />

in each month<br />

Miami Lodge Ho.. 46, meets lat Tuesday in each<br />

month<br />

Lafayette Lodge No. 81, meets 1st Thursday in each<br />

month<br />

Cincinnati Lodge No. 133, meets last Thursday in<br />

each month<br />

McMillan Lodge No. 141 meets last Wednesday in<br />

each mon4ih<br />

Synthia Lodge No. 155, meets 1st Friday in each<br />

moutii<br />

Odd Fellon-s.<br />

Grand Lodge of Ohio, meets in Columbus on the<br />

1st Wednesday in January and July<br />

S-rand Encampment of Ohio, meets on the Ist Saturday<br />

after 3d Wednesday in July, October<br />

January and April '<br />

Ohio Lodge No. 1, meets Monday evening, at Odd<br />

Fellows' Hall<br />

Washington Lodge No. 2, meets Tuesday evenine<br />

at Odd Fellows'Hall *<br />

Cincinnati Lodge No. 3, meets Wednesday cvenine<br />

at Odd Fellows' Hall ®<br />

Franklin Lodge No. 4. meets on Tuesday eveoing<br />

at Odd Fellows'Hall<br />

Wm. Penn Lodge No. 56, meets Tuesday evening at<br />

their Hall. c. Sth and W. How<br />

Fidelity Lodge No. 71, meets on Monday evening,<br />

n-..w.c. W. Row and Wade<br />

Magnolia Lodge No. 83, meets on Monday evening<br />

at Magnolia Hall<br />

Eagle Lodge No. 100, meets Wednesday evening at<br />

Mechanics' Institute<br />

Germania Lodge, No.-113. meets on Thursday eveniog<br />

on Court st. b. Main and Walnut<br />

Metropolitan No. 142, meets on Tuesday at Mechanics'<br />

Institute<br />

Mohawk 150, meets Tuesday at Kiehardson Hall,<br />

near Mohawk bridge<br />

Woodwaid No. 149; meets Tuesday at the HaU on<br />

Court St.<br />

American Lodge No. 170, meets Wednesday at Wm.<br />

Penn Hall c. W. Row aud Sth<br />

Palmetto Lodge No. 175, meets Monday evening at<br />

Wm. Penn Hall, c. Sth and W. Row<br />

Crystal Fount. No. 176 meets Thursday eveni-Hg at<br />

Magnolia Hall<br />

Teutonia Lodge No. 177 meets Wednesday evening<br />

n.s. Court b. Main and Walnut<br />

Vulcan Lodge No. 178, meets Monday evening,<br />

Front above R.R. Depot op. Rolling Mill<br />


WHdey No. 1, meets at Odd Fellows' Ball Ist and<br />

3d Fridays<br />

Washington No. 9. meets Wm. Penn H*ll, e. Sth *<br />

W, Row, 1st- and 3d Thursdays<br />

Cinciimati No. 22, meet? at Magnolia HaH, Sd aud<br />

4bh Fridays<br />

Mahaketawah No. 32, meets at Mechanics' Institute,<br />

2d and 4th Friday<br />

Hesperian No. — meets c. W. Row and Wade<br />

SchillerNo-42 meets Monday evening n.s Courth.<br />

M^in and Walnut<br />

«. of C.-A. OT,.<br />

State Council, meets quarterly in Cincinnati, on<br />

the 3d Fridaysof January, April, July and October<br />

Washington Council No. 1, meets oa Monday evening<br />

Franklin No,2, meets on Thursday evening<br />

Cincinnati No. 5f meets on Wednesday evening<br />

Xempeirance Societies and 'J7emtple«<br />

of Honor.-<br />


Washington Section No. 1 meet* Monday eveninca<br />

at Foster Hall '<br />

Queen City Sectioi; Ko. 5. meets Friday evenines at<br />

Foster HaH'<br />


Washington Union No. 1. meets every Thursday<br />

afternoon in Foster Hall<br />

Olive Branch Union No. 2, meets every Tuesday<br />

afternoon at Foster Hall<br />

Queen City Union, Ko. 3. meets-every Monday af.<br />

ternotni at Foster Hall<br />

Friendship Union No. 6, meets every Wednesday<br />

afternoon at Fosier Hall<br />


Cincinnati Divisions.<br />

Ohio Div. No. 1 meels evi 17 Monday evening at<br />

Foster H'all, s.e.c. Sth and WalBut<br />

Cincinnati Div. No. 2 meets every Thursday evening<br />

al Foster Hall<br />

Fultou Div. No. 8, meets every Wednesday evening<br />

at thcii Hall in the basement story of McKendrie<br />

chapel, Fulton<br />

Jefferson Div,No. 24, meets nn Friday evening in<br />

the Ball orthe Temple of Honors^, e. Front OD<br />

Rolling Mill "'<br />

Third Ward Div. Nn. 55, meets on'Thursday evening<br />

in Bethel chapel c. of Front<br />


Meetings monthly, time designutd by Executive<br />


TBMPLEtl OP HttMOU.<br />

Grand Temple of Honor of the State of Ohio,meots<br />

Hemi-annually in the mouths of Muy aud November;<br />

annual sesHion in May<br />

Cincinnati Templeof Honor Wo-1 meets every Friday<br />

evening at Foster Hall c. 5th and Walnut<br />

Washington Temple of Honor No. a, meet3 every<br />

Tueeday evening at Fosier Hall<br />

Union Temple of Honor NQ. 9 meets every Friday<br />

evening at HaU c. W. Row and Wado<br />

Losantivilie Temple of Honor Nu. 1€, meets every<br />

Tuesday evening, at Temple HaU e. Front op.<br />

Rolling MiU<br />

Mechanics' Temple of HOUQT NO. 17, meets every<br />

Friday evening in Fulton<br />


DKORBE T£M1'LB8.<br />

Aurora Degree Temple N«. 1, meets the first Tuesday<br />

and third Friday evenings of each mouth,<br />

at Foster HaU<br />

Mt. Sinai Degree Temple No. 12, at Hail c. W.Row<br />

and Wade<br />

Apollo Degree Temple No. fi, meets in Fulton<br />

Social degree, meets first Friday, and third Tuesday<br />

evenings of each mouth, at Foster Hall<br />

Fire Companies*<br />

Washington No, 1, Vine b. Front aad Columbia<br />

Relief No. 2, George b. Plura and W. Row<br />

Independence No. 3,4th b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Franklin No. 4, c. Sycamore and Gth<br />

Invincible No. 5 Vine b> Court and Cajtal<br />

Eastern No. 6 c. Front and Parsons<br />

Northern No. 7, Webster b. Main and Sycaraore<br />

Marion No. 8, Cutter b.. Hopkins and Laurel<br />

Uuion No. 9, Race b, 13th and 14th<br />

Independent No. 1, 4th b. Broadway and Sycamore<br />

Independent No, 2, c. Ludlow and iSymmes<br />

Hook and Ladder No. 1, c. Race and Longxrorth<br />

Mohawk, n.s. Ham. road e. of Vine<br />

Kagle, 6th st. n.s, b. Cair and Harriet<br />

Brighton, Bank st.<br />

Hook and Ladder Division of Northern Fire Co.<br />

No. 7, 8.8. Webster b. Main and Sycamore<br />

Iflificellanuous.<br />

Artist's Union, T. Farls & H. H. Shipley, managere,<br />

P. F. Reed, curator, Melodeon c. ith and Walnut<br />

Cincinnati Cliamber of Commerce, College HaU<br />

N.W, Thomas, pres't<br />

Henry Emerson, W. W. Scarborough, John<br />

Swasey, Geo. Keck, Wra. Hooper, C. W. West<br />

vice pres'ts<br />

HichM Smith, sec'y<br />

Geo. Milne treas.<br />

Commercial Hospital, n.w.c. 12th and Plum, Absolem<br />

Death, steward<br />

Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad Company,<br />

office n.w.c- 4th and Vine ; S. S, L'Hommedieu<br />

pres. Wm> Bebb sec'y<br />

Cincinnati College of Pharmacy ; Thomas Salter,<br />

pres.; W. B. Chapman rec. sec.; E. S. Wayne<br />

cor. sec.; C August Smith treas.<br />

Professors; J. A. Warder, prof. Materia Medica;<br />

J. Lock Jr, prof. Chemistry; E. S. Wayne<br />

prof. Practical Pharmacy<br />

Female House of Industry. Franklin rooms, Mrs.<br />

Mar^iton Allen, pres. ; Mrs. Taylor sec'y; Mrs.<br />

Enoch Mudge, treas.; Mrs. xM. McNoun, Superintendent<br />

. „T , i J Tr-<br />

G&B Company office, n.s. 3d b. Walnut and Vine<br />

Wm. S. CaldweUpres.<br />

H.J. MiUer sec'y<br />

Geo. Wood clerk<br />

John Jeffrey engineer<br />

John Westwood foreman<br />

works n.s. Front b. Smith and MUl<br />

Hotel for Invalids, s.w.c. FrankUn and Broadway<br />

Charles J. Avery M. D., J. U Vattier M. D., E.<br />

K. ChamberUn M. D. and John F. White M. D.<br />

Historical Society, rooma n.e.c. 3d and Race<br />

E. D. Mansfielp, pres't<br />

Thomas McKee, 1st vice pres't<br />

Col. Chaa. Whittlesey, of Cleveland, 2d do<br />

E. K, Campbell cor, sec.<br />

315<br />

G. W. Kendall rec, see,<br />

J. B. Russell treas.<br />

Osgood Mussey librarian<br />

Horticultural Society, meets Saturdays W o'clock<br />

A.M. at Masonic Hall<br />

A. IL Ernst pres't<br />

John A. Warder rec. aec.<br />

Geo. Graham cor. sec.<br />

K. P. Resor treas.<br />

Jail, Hamilton County, w.s. Sycamor* b. Hunt and<br />

Abigail<br />

Kalosthcnium, s.s. 3d b. Broadway and Ludlow;<br />

Mr. and Mrs. S.Barrett, proprietors<br />

Ladies Committee of Relief, e.e. Race b. 4th & Sth<br />

Mrs. J. Ely pres.<br />

Miss S. C, Booth superintendent<br />

Lunatic Asylum, n.w.c. Plum and 12th<br />

Mayor's office, 6th b. Main and Walnut<br />

Mechanics' institute, s.w.c. 6th and Viue<br />

Miles Greenwood pres't<br />

K. C. Phillips vice pres't<br />

W. G. Neilson rec. sec.<br />

W. B. Chapman .cor. sec.<br />

H. W. Stephenson treaa.<br />

J. B. Ladd librarian<br />

directors : B. Bruce, N. T. Horton, J. A. Jamea<br />

A. Pugb, A. B. Latta, R. W. Badgeley, A. W.<br />

Churchill, Sarauel Stokes, John L. Talbot, S.<br />

B. NeiU<br />

Methodist Booh Concern, s.w.c.8th and Main;Rov.<br />

Leroy Swormstedt and Rev. John H. Power,<br />

agents<br />

New Englafld Society, room s.e.c. 4th and Main<br />

Railroad (Little Miami, Mad R. andCin.Columbut<br />

and Cleveland R.R.) Ticket office, Broad wi^iy t.<br />

s, near Front; P. W. Strader clerk<br />

Kail Road Ticket Ofiice, Cin. to Springfield, &c. at<br />

Depot, above Deer Creek bridge<br />

Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton R.R. Ticket Office<br />

n.w.c. Front and Broadway<br />

Rail Road Omnibus Office, e. a. Broadway near<br />

Front<br />

Relief Union, FrankUn rooms c.Vine and Centre<br />

Rev. A. Blake pres.<br />

Griffin Taylor treas.<br />

A. L. Bushnell gen. ag't<br />

office hours from 10 till 12 daily<br />

Spriug Grove Cemetery, E. J. Handy sec'y ; office<br />

in Art Union bldg.<br />

Turn Gemeinde, meets at Turn Halle, W.B. Walnul<br />

b. AUison and Liberty<br />

H. Schmidt pres't<br />

W. Pfaender turnwart<br />

C. Floto sec'y<br />

A. Fischer treas.<br />

Turnrath: G. Wiest. A. Wagner, G. Tafel, A.<br />

Krebs, C. Riesterer, F. Gailer, G. Wernert, E.<br />

Briegelmann<br />

Olympic Theatre, s.e.c. 6th and Vine<br />

German Theatre, s.s. Canal b. Maiu and Sycamore<br />

National Theatre, e.e. Sycamoreb. 3d and 4th; Ja§.<br />

W. Bates proprietor<br />

United States Surveyor and Inspector's office. Port<br />

of Cincinnati; Wm- Key Bond, Surveyor<br />

United States Rendezvous, U. S. A., Capt. MeRae,<br />

rec. officer, Newport Barracksj office on Front<br />

e. of Broadway, n.s.; A, McKenzie, rec. Sergeant<br />

Water Works, s.s. Front above Deer Creek bridge;<br />

office 259 Walnut<br />

Washington Union House of Employment, w.s.W.<br />

Row n. of Sth<br />

Mrs. M Parsell pres't<br />

Mrs, M.Chamberlin superintendent<br />

Western <strong>Museum</strong>, e.s. Sycamore b. 3d and 4th ; Fi<br />

Franhsproprietor<br />

Young Men's Mercantile Library Association<br />

Joseph C. Butler pres't<br />

James Lupton vice pres't<br />

R. L. Fabian cor. sec.<br />

H. D, Huntington rec. sec'y<br />

W. H. NefT treas.<br />

Chas. E. Cist Ubrarian<br />

Geo.W. Frazer ass. lib.<br />

directors; C. R. Fosdick, B. P. Hinman, F.<br />

Ridgley, L. A. Ostram, Sam'l Robbins


FAOE.<br />

PA.GE.<br />

AdaeC. F. & Labrot 15 Covington S. F , 58<br />

Addis Wm )« Cramer & Watson 60<br />

Albro Henry U Crane L. M... , 57<br />

Alexander A.J. & Co 13 Cunningham F. P 62<br />

Allen C. &W. H 10 Curtis Dr. A 46<br />

Alley B. R 12 Uair John F. & Co 63<br />

Am. Mut. Ins.Co 31 Danforth, Bald & Co 186<br />

Am. Mut. Life Ins. Co 217 Davidson Tyler & Co 6G<br />

Anderson A. W 12 Davis Charles & Co 147<br />

Applegate (l. S, & J. &Co .....17 Davis S. Jr. & Co 67<br />

Ashcraft J, & Co 14 DavisW. C. & Co ei<br />

Bailey M 18 lieclteback Henry , 66<br />

Banning D.& J. W 90 De Hart Ur. John A •. ]73<br />

Barnes Samuel 137 D'Homergue John & Co , 60<br />

Baumeister& Goldscbmidt 30 Delaney & Galley 70<br />

Bavarian Brewery 89 Dixnn, Shoemaker & Co., 71<br />

Beesley John W .' 19 Dodsworth T. & M , 73<br />

Benedict Livery &.Sale Stable ;.. 181 Doeller August 74<br />

Bennett D. V 2S2 Douglass John G 73<br />

Bicknell Benj.& Co 28 Duhme & Co 75<br />

Bishop. Wells & Co 29 Duncan W. C , 76<br />

Bodman Charles 22 Eagle Ins. Co 79<br />

Boffinger Benjamin , 31 Eagle Iron Works, ,, , 35<br />

BogenG.&P Sl Uagle Plow Factory... ]go<br />

Booth R. W 32 liaston Eliphajet 77<br />

Boston Kating House facing back cover Eggleston B. & D 78<br />

BoydJ.S 284 Emery Thomas,....,, , , 74<br />

British Commercial Life Ins. Co 113 Emporium Job Printing Office 288<br />

Brunswick J. & J. Holzhalb.. . facing back cover Ernst Jacob 81<br />

Buchanan R 40 Eshelby James,, 87<br />

Buckeye Works 1<strong>52</strong> Evans & Swift , ]48<br />

Burckhart& Co ^e Evens Piatt jr gn<br />

15>irdsal& Bro , 45 Everding ^ Erkenbrecher , 83<br />

Uurdsai C. S. & Co , 23 F.iles W. H, .,., ....facing back cover<br />

Burdsal .Samuel 46 Farnam D. L ,,.. 84<br />

Bureau, Boizelle & Co 37 Fatman A, & Co, ,..144<br />

Burkett Jarnes 149 Fay Anthony ..139<br />

Burnet House 42 Focheimer. Goldsmith & Co., , 138<br />

hurnet Wm , 41 Fera, Hesing & Co gs<br />

Barrows J. H. & Co 49 Ferris I. C, &Co , 66<br />

Burton S. H. & Co 80 Flagg & Homan., ,....,. 88<br />

Butler & Bro , 43 aqS 47 Fletcher Lowell & Co 131<br />

Buttemiller John 35 Forchbeimer & Gutman...., 90<br />

Campbell, Ellison & Co see Irontispiece Fortman Fr 89<br />

Chew A.S , .Hand )«4 Foster C.& Bro 93<br />

Cin. Chemical Laboratory ... 50 Fountain J. iS 93<br />

Cin.Coach and Carciage Warehouse 200 Fowler J. F. & Co...........,, ,..,,,..,". 94<br />

Cin. Distillery 233 Franklin Fire Ins. Co. ofPhila .'.'.'. ..'.".211<br />

Cine. Mercantile College,,, facing front cover Frost tSf Foster,..,,., 317<br />

("in. Paper Mill 54 Franklin House ,.., ] gg<br />

Cin. Type Fopndry Co 185 Gaffeny, Owen O'B , ,., *.'.'.\'ll4<br />

Cin. Wash Board Factory 125 Gaines Henry , "..*.!'.*..95<br />

Cochran Robert <strong>52</strong> Gardner A.A Co ,,,, 105<br />

Colburn iSi Field 53 Garrets. & Co j .'.'.'.'.'.' 96<br />

Coleman A. B ,. 42 Gaylord, Son & Co , *..!.".*.!! 97<br />

Columbia Foundry 4!) Geyer John ....."!.'."'..'!!'. 33<br />

Columbian Fire and Marine Ins. Co ,11.1 Gibson Houae n^<br />

Columbus Ins. Co 211 eibBon P. & T .•.•;•; <br />

Colville Wm 54 Globe Iron and Wire Works inn<br />

Congress Brewery 89 Globe Lird Oil Works ."."!!!!' 31<br />

Conkling R.& Co 56 Goodin & Mahon .n.<br />

CoiiklingR,& Sons.,... ,,, 56 Goodman E. O .'..'.'.".".' ino<br />

Conkling, Wood & Co, ,..,,..,,..,,.. 55 Goodmen T. S, & Co , V.'.no

PAQE<br />

Gosling John W 34<br />

Gould William .103<br />

Grasselli Eugene .50<br />

Gray & Hemingray 104<br />

Great Western Trunk Store 123<br />

Greenwald & Bonsall lining to back cover<br />

Greenwood Miles 25<br />

Greenwood M. & Co 105<br />

Grosvenor H. C 9<br />

Gryden H. P. & Co 106<br />

Guild C. & Co ., 107<br />

Guilforil & Jones -'. 114<br />

Gundry John facing front cover<br />

Hale Wm.B 108<br />

Hall Dudley .•.. ..14.i<br />

Hall E.

318 INDEX.<br />

Steeper & BrBltmif... 236 Union tns. Co '-—^<br />

T,ilOcumE.N.'i.,. 237 Vallette F. A - J<br />

Binltli&&r!iKam...., S38<br />

amlth Isaac P 239 VanSciver.fcFox ••'.:".-----:-vV^.S<br />

anlth J. ifcCo 240 Van Wie..., ,...,Umng tobacR cWg<br />

ffelthR.U,. SMI Wade ifcMorn* .j. w<br />

ftriitfi W.TP. (fc Co 150 Walbridge J.B »S<br />

olomohs S. (fc Bro 245 Wald, Hackes & Bergman •»"<br />

f OuthgKteH. H 242 Waldo Dr. Fred. Aug ftont cover<br />

' Spf)el-8 & Wright , 343 Walker R 26»<br />

•BpfiiguoT. W, & Co. back cover Ware Henrjr... ^ZS<br />

Splinger & Whitemab ...115 Warner C,K.& Co „ ^<br />

Stagg .fe Shays .........B44 Warren S,M. & C. M 271<br />

Starr Charles Jr. , facing last page Waverly House JH<br />

Steam Marble Works 159 Wenning H.N...., 2"<br />

Straub Uaac & Co 848 West* Dumont .*JJ<br />

Strobel Charles 250 Western Medical News , **»<br />

Sutton Edward 249 Western Reserve Fanners' Ins.Co • 1"'<br />

Swett, Baker & Co 2<strong>52</strong> White T.J , 988<br />

Taylor (fc Odiorne 254 Wilcox Samuel T , facing front cover<br />

Third Ward House 149 Williams Simeon B S7S<br />

Thomas N.W (fc Co 256 Wilshire S. (fcCo.„ 2W<br />

Thompson A. V.... .".253 Wilson* Hayden SIB<br />

Thorburn R. T. facing back cover Wilts John. lining to back cover<br />


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