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36 Science of Synthesis 1.1 Organometallic Complexes of Nickel Variation2: Triethylborane-Mediated Reactions The intermolecular process between simple dienes and aldehydes is reported by Tamaru. [31] Triethylborane is employed as the reducing agent, and yields are good for a variety of substituted electron-rich and electron-poor dienes. Interestingly, reactions employing triethylborane and bis(acetylacetonato)nickel(II) (1) produce 4,5-unsaturated alcohols (Scheme 9), whereas reactions employing bis(ç 4 -cycloocta-1,5-diene)nickel(0) (2), triphenylphosphine, and triethylsilane produce 3,4-unsaturated silyl ethers. The mechanistic basis for this reversal of regioselectivity has not been established. Scheme 9 Reductive Coupling with Triethylborane [31] O BEt3 (2.4 equiv) OH CO2Me + H Ph 10 mol% Ni(acac) 2 1 91% Ph CO2Me 14 15 Methyl (2R*,4E)-2-[(R*)-Hydroxy(phenyl)methyl]hex-4-enoate (15): [31] Into a N 2-purged flask containing [Ni(acac) 2](1; 12.8mg, 0.05 mmol) were introduced successively freshly dried (Na benzophenone ketyl) THF (3 mL), methyl (2E,4E)-hexa-2,4-dienoate (14; 2.52 g, 20 mmol), PhCHO (530 mg, 5 mmol), and 1 M BEt 3 in hexane (12.0 mL) via a syringe. The homogeneous mixture was stirred at rt for 66 h until the PhCHO disappeared completely. After dilution with EtOAc (50 mL), the mixture was washed successively with 2 M HCl, sat. NaHCO 3, and sat. NaCl, and then dried (MgSO 4), and concentrated in vacuo. The residual oil was subjected to column chromatography (silica gel, hexanes/ EtOAc 16:1) to give an analytically pure sample of 15; yield: 1.07 g (91%). Method 5: 1,4-Dialkylationof Dienes Studies by Chang demonstrate that two molecules of an iodoalkene (e.g., 17) readily add across a 1,3-diene (e.g., 16) to give predominantly symmetrical 1,4-addition products such as (18) (Scheme 10). [32] Nickel(0) is consumed in the reaction; however, the use of zinc powder as a reductant allows the nickel to be used in catalytic amounts. Generally, a cis orientation of the internal double bond is obtained. With cyclic dienes, a cis orientation of the two alkenyl substituents is obtained. Scheme 10 1,4-Dialkylation of a Conjugated Diene [32] 16 + O NiBr2, Zn Ph3P, MeCN O O 82% I 17 18 2,3-Dimethyl-1,4-bis(3-oxocyclohex-1-enyl)but-2-ene (18): [32] To a 50-mL side-arm flask were added NiBr 2 (0.0204 g, 0.100 mmol), Ph 3P (0.0262 g, 0.100 mmol), and Zn powder (0.082 g, 1.25 mmol). The system was purged with N 2 three times. MeCN (0.50 mL), 3-iodocyclohex-2-en-1-one (17; 0.222 g, 1.00 mmol), and 2,3-dimethylbuta-1,3-diene (16; 0.246 g, 3.00 mmol) were added by syringe, and the soln was stirred at 808C for 2 h. During the reaction the soln gradually turned from yellow to red. At the end of the reaction the system was filtered through Celite. The filtrate was concen-

1.1.2 Nickel–Allyl Complexes 37 trated on a rotary evaporator and was separated by column chromatography (silica gel, EtOAc/hexane) to afford 18 as an oil; yield: 0.112 g (82%). Method 6: Hydrocyanation of Dienes The hydrocyanation of butadienes is the basis of DuPont s process for the production of adiponitrile [hexanedinitrile (19), Scheme 11]. [33,34] The first step of the process involves hydrocyanation of buta-1,3-diene to produce an isomeric mixture of pentenenitriles. In a second step, nickel-catalyzed double-bond isomerization occurs to produce pent-4-enenitrile followed by alkene hydrocyanation to produce adiponitrile (19). The details of the alkene hydrocyanation reaction are discussed in further detail in Section Scheme 11 Hydrocyanation of Buta-1,3-diene [33,34] HCN, Ni(0) 1.1.2 Product Subclass 2: Nickel–Allyl Complexes CN + CN Ni(0) CN HCN, Ni(0) CN NC Nickel complexes with ç 3 -allyl ligands are important intermediates in a variety of catalytic processes. The most straightforward methods of preparation involving the addition of allyl electrophiles to nucleophilic nickel complexes and the addition of allyl nucleophiles to electrophilic nickel complexes unambiguously lead to ð-allyl complexes. Aside from these general classes of reactions, many other important catalytic processes potentially involve ð-allyl intermediates although their intermediacy has not, in most cases, been established. A very large variety of synthetic procedures involving nickel–ð-allyl complexes have been developed including the addition of hard and soft nucleophiles, addition of S N2-active and S N2-inactive electrophiles, and migratory insertions of alkenes and alkynes. Synthesis of Product Subclass 2 Method 1: Oxidative Additionof Nickel(0) with Allylic Electrophiles A variety of nickel(0) complexes, when treated with allylic electrophiles, afford ð-allyl complexes (see also Houben–Weyl, Vol. E 18, pp 64 and 76). [6,8] In early studies, tetracarbonylnickel(0) was widely employed. However, owing to its extreme toxicity, it is now rarely used. Direct treatment of bis(ç 4 -cycloocta-1,5-diene)nickel(0) (2) with allyl halides such as 20 is now the method of choice for the stoichiometric preparation of nickel–ð-allyl complexes. In the absence of strong donor ligands such as phosphines, halo-bridged dimers (e.g., 21) are typically obtained (Scheme 12). [35] In the presence of phosphines, monomeric species such as 22 may be obtained. [35] Other less-electrophilic allylic substrates such as allylic ethers and allylic alcohols also serve as precursors to nickel–ð-allyl complexes in catalytic procedures. However, these precursors are less widely used than allyl halides in the stoichiometric preparation of the ð-allyl complexes. 19 for references see p 79

36 Science of Synthesis 1.1 Organometallic Complexes of Nickel<br /> Variation2:<br />

Triethylborane-Mediated Reactions<br />

The intermolecular process between simple dienes and aldehydes is reported by Tamaru.<br />

[31] Triethylborane is employed as the reducing agent, and yields are good for a variety<br />

of substituted electron-rich and electron-poor dienes. Interestingly, reactions employing<br />

triethylborane and bis(acetylacetonato)nickel(II) (1) produce 4,5-unsaturated alcohols<br />

(Scheme 9), whereas reactions employing bis(ç 4 -cycloocta-1,5-diene)nickel(0) (2), triphenylphosphine,<br />

and triethylsilane produce 3,4-unsaturated silyl ethers. The mechanistic basis<br />

for this reversal of regioselectivity has not been established.<br />

Scheme 9 Reductive Coupling with Triethylborane [31]<br />

O<br />

BEt3 (2.4 equiv)<br />

OH<br />

CO2Me +<br />

H Ph<br />

10 mol% Ni(acac) 2 1<br />

91%<br />

Ph<br />

CO2Me 14 15<br />

Methyl (2R*,4E)-2-[(R*)-Hydroxy(phenyl)methyl]hex-4-enoate (15): [31]<br />

Into a N 2-purged flask containing [Ni(acac) 2](1; 12.8mg, 0.05 mmol) were introduced successively<br />

freshly dried (Na benzophenone ketyl) THF (3 mL), methyl (2E,4E)-hexa-2,4-dienoate<br />

(14; 2.52 g, 20 mmol), PhCHO (530 mg, 5 mmol), and 1 M BEt 3 in hexane (12.0 mL)<br />

via a syringe. The homogeneous mixture was stirred at rt for 66 h until the PhCHO disappeared<br />

completely. After dilution with EtOAc (50 mL), the mixture was washed successively<br />

with 2 M HCl, sat. NaHCO 3, and sat. NaCl, and then dried (MgSO 4), and concentrated in<br />

vacuo. The residual oil was subjected to column chromatography (silica gel, hexanes/<br />

EtOAc 16:1) to give an analytically pure sample of 15; yield: 1.07 g (91%).<br /> Method 5:<br />

1,4-Dialkylationof Dienes<br />

Studies by Chang demonstrate that two molecules of an iodoalkene (e.g., 17) readily add<br />

across a 1,3-diene (e.g., 16) to give predominantly symmetrical 1,4-addition products such<br />

as (18) (Scheme 10). [32] Nickel(0) is consumed in the reaction; however, the use of zinc<br />

powder as a reductant allows the nickel to be used in catalytic amounts. Generally, a cis<br />

orientation of the internal double bond is obtained. With cyclic dienes, a cis orientation of<br />

the two alkenyl substituents is obtained.<br />

Scheme 10 1,4-Dialkylation of a Conjugated Diene [32]<br />

16<br />

+<br />

O<br />

NiBr2, Zn<br />

Ph3P, MeCN<br />

O O<br />

82%<br />

I<br />

17 18<br />

2,3-Dimethyl-1,4-bis(3-oxocyclohex-1-enyl)but-2-ene (18): [32]<br />

To a 50-mL side-arm flask were added NiBr 2 (0.0204 g, 0.100 mmol), Ph 3P (0.0262 g,<br />

0.100 mmol), and Zn powder (0.082 g, 1.25 mmol). The system was purged with N 2 three<br />

times. MeCN (0.50 mL), 3-iodocyclohex-2-en-1-one (17; 0.222 g, 1.00 mmol), and 2,3-dimethylbuta-1,3-diene<br />

(16; 0.246 g, 3.00 mmol) were added by syringe, and the soln was<br />

stirred at 808C for 2 h. During the reaction the soln gradually turned from yellow to red.<br />

At the end of the reaction the system was filtered through Celite. The filtrate was concen-

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