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HO<br />

PPh 2<br />

MeO<br />

b(R)-MOP (R)-MOP-phen<br />

[(Z)-But-2-enyl]trichlorosilane [(Z)-59]: [116]<br />

HSiCl 3 (56 g, 0.413 mol) and Pd(PPh 3) 4 (0.93 g, 0.8 mmol) were placed in an argon-purged<br />

autoclave (100 mL). Introduction of buta-1,3-diene (34 mL, 0.40 mol) into the vessel at<br />

±78 8C, stirring for 6 h, and the usual workup gave the product; yield: 63.67 g (84%).<br />

Methyldiphenyl[(S,Z)-1-phenylbut-2-enyl]silane (61): [118,121]<br />

A 20-mL sealed tube containing a magnetic stirring bar was charged with (R)-MOP (17 mg,<br />

0.038 mmol), [Pd 2(ç 3 -allyl) 2Cl 2] (6.4 mg, 0.035 mmol of Pd), 1-phenylbuta-1,3-diene (0.48 g,<br />

3.6 mmol), and HSiPh 2F (0.74 g, 3.7 mmol) under argon, and the mixture was stirred at rt<br />

(ca 208C) for 12 h. Excess MeLi in Et 2O was added to convert the Si-F group into an Si-Me<br />

group. Quenching with sat. aq NH 4Cl, extraction, drying (Na 2SO 4), and concentration, followed<br />

bypreparative TLC (silica gel, hexane) gave the product [66% ee, byHPLC (Daicel<br />

Chiralcel-OD, hexane)]; yield: 0.87 g (74%); [á] D ±6.35 (c 1.51, CHCl 3).<br />

(R)-Trichloro(cyclopent-2-enyl)silane (62, n = 1); Typical Procedure: [120,122]<br />

Under dryN 2, HSiCl 3 (0.3 mL, 3.0 mmol) was added to a mixture of [Pd 2(ç 3 -allyl) 2Cl 2]<br />

(0.52 mg, 0.0028 mmol Pd), (R)-MOP-phen (2.58 mg, 0.00454 mmol), and cyclopenta-1,3-diene<br />

(0.158 g, 2.4 mmol) at 08C. The mixture was stirred at 208C for 5 d. The completion of<br />

the reaction was confirmed byGC analysis. In vacuo bulb-to-bulb distillation of the mixture<br />

gave the product (80% ee); yield: 0.48 g (99%); bp 105 8C/20 Torr.<br /> Method 15:<br />

From 1,3-Dienes by Carbosilylation<br />

Decarbonylative coupling of an acid chloride, organodisilane, and 1,3-diene in the presence<br />

of bis(dibenzylideneacetone)palladium(0) provides E-allylsilanes by 1,4-carbosilylation<br />

(Scheme 28). The presence of a varietyof functional groups in the acid chloride component<br />

is compatible with this procedure, shown in the preparation of 63 (R 1 = Ph,<br />

4-O 2NC 6H 4, 4-AcC 6H 4) (Scheme 28). Tri- and tetrasubstituted allylsilanes are also available<br />

by this method, if 2-methyl or 2,3-dimethylbutadiene is used as the diene component.<br />

[123,124]<br />

PPh 2<br />

Scheme 28 <strong>Allylsilanes</strong> by Decarbonylative Coupling of an Acid Chloride, Disilane,<br />

and 1,3-Diene [123,124]<br />

R 1 COCl +<br />

Me3Si SiMe 3 +<br />


856 Science of Synthesis 4.4 Silicon Compounds<br />

Pd(dba) 2<br />

80 o C, 4 h<br />

R1 = Ph 86%<br />

R1 = 4-O2NC6H4 51%<br />

R1 = 4-AcC6H4 92%<br />

[(E)-4-Phenylbut-2-enyl]trimethylsilane (63,R 1 = Ph): [124]<br />

1.6 M Buta-1,3-diene in toluene (0.94 mL, 1.5 mmol), Pd(dba) 2 (14 mg, 0.025 mmol), BzCl<br />

(70 mg, 0.50 mmol), Me 3SiSiMe 3 (73 mg, 0.50 mmol), and toluene (2 mL), together with a<br />

magnetic stirring bar, were placed under argon in a 30-mL stainless-steel autoclave containing<br />

an inserted glass liner. An air purge was ensured bythree pressurization<br />

Sarkar, T. K., SOS, (2002) 4, 837. 2002 Georg Thieme Verlag KG<br />

R 1<br />

63<br />

SiMe 3

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