Downloadable - About University

Downloadable - About University

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The representativeness heuristic 257<br />

high sales, assuming there has been no fundamental change in the<br />

market conditions or your marketing strategy, will almost certainly be<br />

followed by a month of poorer sales, while the reverse will also be true.<br />

As Plous 7 points out, athletes and teams who appear on the cover of<br />

the US magazine Sports Illustrated usually experience a deterioration in<br />

performance after the magazine has been published. A cover appearance<br />

usually follows an exceptional performance, so closer to average<br />

performance is likely in the subsequent period. In all of these cases<br />

the unusual event is probably a result of a particularly favorable (or<br />

unfavorable) combination of chance factors which is unlikely to recur in<br />

the following period.<br />

Unfortunately, regression to the mean is widely ignored or misunderstood.<br />

According to Tversky and Kahneman, people assume that, when<br />

an event follows an extreme event, it will be maximally representative of<br />

the extreme event. In other words, people expect extremes to be followed<br />

by similar extremes. They expect extremely tall fathers to have sons as<br />

tall as them and extremely high sales in one month to be followed by the<br />

same level of sales in the following month.<br />

Failure to recognize regression to the mean can have important<br />

consequences. Tversky and Kahneman describe the case of the flight<br />

instructors who praised trainee pilots after exceptionally smooth landings<br />

and admonished them after rough landings. As a result of regression<br />

to the mean, exceptionally smooth landings tended to be followed by<br />

poorer landings on the next flight, while rough landings were followed<br />

by better landings. This led to the mistaken belief, by the flight<br />

instructors, that criticism was more effective than praise.<br />

Test your judgment: answer to question 8<br />

Q8. Because of regression to the mean, lower sales is most likely.<br />

5. The conjunction fallacy<br />

Consider the following question which is taken from a study by Tversky<br />

and Kahneman. 8<br />

Linda is 31 years old, single, outspoken and very bright. She majored in<br />

philosophy. As a student, she was deeply concerned with issues of discrimination<br />

and social justice, and also participated in anti-nuclear demonstrations.<br />

Which is most likely:

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