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Downloadable - About University

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234 Revising judgments in the light of new information<br />

This means that the new information has stopped you from taking the<br />

inferior course of action and thereby increased your expected payoff by<br />

$12 600. However, if the test indicates that the virus is absent, you would<br />

make the same decision as you would without the information from the<br />

test, so the expected value of the information in this case is $0. Given<br />

the probabilities of the two test indications, the expected value of the<br />

imperfect information is:<br />

0.41 × $12 600 + 0.59 × $0 = $5166<br />

(The difference between this and the previous result is caused by<br />

rounding errors.)<br />

As usual, the importance of sensitivity analysis cannot be understated,<br />

and in this respect spreadsheet packages are particularly useful. If the<br />

calculations involved in determining the EVII are carried out on a<br />

spreadsheet in the first place then it is relatively easy to examine the<br />

effect of variations in the inputs to the model. It would then be possible<br />

to make statements like the one which follows. ‘I estimate that the<br />

proposed market research will be 90% reliable. Sensitivity analysis tells<br />

me that it would still be worth carrying out, even if its reliability was as<br />

low as 75% so I am fairly confident that we should go ahead and carry<br />

out the research.’<br />

Practical considerations<br />

We will now outline a number of examples of the application of the<br />

methods we have just discussed and consider some of the practical<br />

problems involved. Clearly, it is easier to identify the expected value<br />

of perfect as opposed to imperfect information, and we recommend<br />

that, in general, calculating the EVPI should be the first step in any<br />

information-evaluation exercise. The EVPI can act as a useful screen,<br />

since some sources of information may prove to be too expensive, even<br />

if they were to offer perfectly reliable data, which is unlikely.<br />

Spetzler and Zamora 1 assessed the value of perfect information as<br />

part of the analysis of a problem faced by a large US corporation which<br />

had to decide whether or not to build a new production plant. If the<br />

corporation decided to build the plant it then had to decide whether<br />

to build an expansion to the plant at the same time as the original<br />

plant or whether to delay the expansion decision until the success of<br />

the original plant was known. The total expected value of the perfect

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