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196 Applying simulation to decision problems<br />

to minimize the risk or uncertainty which her company faces. If we<br />

compare products A and B we see that, while they offer the same<br />

expected return, product B is much more risky. Product A is therefore<br />

said to dominate B. B is also dominated by C, which for the same level<br />

of risk offers higher expected profits. For the same reason, D dominates<br />

E. The non-dominated products, A, C and D, are therefore said to lie<br />

on the efficient frontier, and only these products would survive the<br />

screening process and be considered further. The choice between A, C<br />

and D will depend on how risk averse the decision maker is. Product<br />

A offers a low expected return but also a low level of risk, while at the<br />

other extreme, C offers high expected returns but a high level of risk.<br />

The utility approach, which we discussed above, could now be used to<br />

compare these three products.<br />

Note that for the mean–standard deviation screening process to be<br />

valid it can be shown that a number of assumptions need to be made.<br />

First, the probability distributions for profit should be fairly close to<br />

the normal distribution shape shown in Figure 7.9(a) (in many practical<br />

situations this is likely to be the case: see Hertz and Thomas 1 ). Second, the<br />

decision maker should have a utility function which not only indicates<br />

risk aversion but which also has (at least approximately) a quadratic<br />

form. This means that the function can be represented by an equation of<br />

the form:<br />

U(x) = c + bx + ax 2<br />

where x = a given sum of money, U(x) = the utility of this sum of money<br />

and a, b and c are other numbers which determine the exact nature of<br />

the utility function.<br />

For example, Figure 7.9(b) shows the utility functions<br />

and<br />

U(x) = 0 + 0.4x − 0.04x 2<br />

U(x) = 0 + 0.25x − 0.01x 2<br />

(where x = monetary sums in millions of dollars) for monetary values<br />

between $0 and $5 million. Of course, not all utility functions have the<br />

quadratic form, but as Markowitz 4 argues, ‘the quadratic nevertheless<br />

shows a surprising flexibility in approximating smooth, concave curves’.<br />

Having considered the different ways in which the results of simulations<br />

can be compared, how was a decision made in the case of<br />

the Elite Pottery Company? First, it was established that the Managing<br />

Director’s utility function for profit was concave (i.e. he was risk

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