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Whnt Aro Newspaper- t<br />

Otkhmk Hint riiIIciiicm jilny,<br />

l i( rttiswrr llio twit" of III" lny<br />

VlinlTir II li".<br />

Tlir-- Mi ('" 'I'" "Js<br />

Ami lo In nil wtnrrrl nwny,<br />

Nnwi from Ml flotiiilrlM nml rllmrn,<br />

AiUcrtlacinenU, rimftjH, nml rhyme,<br />

Ml<strong>ui</strong>l iipullh nil K.irtu<br />

OX (f) lylnr"l"fK<br />

Ami imtilluli nt rrmilnr tlnim,<br />

ArtiolMnhhnii wlm,<br />

At lnAt In tlm ctlllor'a cyon,<br />

And IikIo w Krniul<br />

Tlinl fw iiiulnriilnnil<br />

To wlmt In tlio wotillt npiilloK,<br />

Htntlallrn, rrflrrlloim, rcvlnwn,<br />

1. Illlo wrn In limlnint nml ntmiao,<br />

A IniiRtliy ilrl<strong>ui</strong>t,<br />

Uh)H inn(lirn of Hlnto,<br />

J'or wlr.linnilml folks to<br />

'llio (<strong>ui</strong>iiUm thry nrronwl tliflynro,<br />

Thn iiullihltM nml q<strong>ui</strong>rk of tlm Imr,<br />

Amlnvcry week<br />

A clever crltlquo<br />

On nomo rltii tboiUrlcM Htnr.<br />

Thn np.ii of Jnpllur' moon,<br />

Tlio (itcnlliiK of Hoincbtxly'n npoon,<br />

tho ntntoof tlm crop,<br />

Tliontylov' tlio fops,<br />

Ami tlm wit of tlio ptililio buffoons.<br />

List of nil pliyslcnl Ills,<br />

Unnlihcilby somrb(l)'s pills,<br />

Till you (ink with surprises<br />

Why Kny one dies,<br />

Or wlmt tlio disorder that kills.<br />

AVlio linn Rot innrrlcd, to whom,<br />

Who woro cut off In llio lilrmtn,<br />

Who hit had birth<br />

On llio BorrovrSitnliied earth,<br />

And who tottors fnst to tlio tomb.<br />

'1 ho prieo of entile nml Rrntn,<br />

Directions to cll, mid to drnln,<br />

Itut 'twould tnkn mo too long<br />

To tell you In conn<br />

A quarter of nil they eontnln.<br />

Brevities.<br />

There ir a great dcnl of modesty in thin<br />

rorltl which will grtzo nt most nnylhing<br />

irovidcd it enn tio hcon through n crnck.<br />

Cnn lekiel linvo lmd nn cyo to hn bicy- -<br />

do in thnt viBion where ho unw "onn<br />

rhcoi witli ono cherub, nnd nnothnr wheel<br />

rith nuothor chorub." Philadelphia JiuU<br />

;(in<br />

Tho Drironess JJartlctt-Coutt-s, nged GC,<br />

ml cry wealthy, is to mnrry ft former<br />

'liilndelphinn, nged 28. We hoartily con-;- i<br />

ntnlnto tho young mrin's pockotbook.<br />

Phuadophia Unronicie.<br />

Whon two old Ilomnns mot on a streot<br />

ornor and pummelled onch other, they<br />

Utlo thought thoy woro giving to Amori- -<br />

ana of thu nineteenth century a name for<br />

, popular bovemgo. Boston Post.<br />

Whon n Boston girl is prcsonted with a<br />

lonquot, sho snys, 'Oh how dclicioosly<br />

wcot; its frngrnnco impregnates tho en-- t<br />

ito ntmosphero of tho room." A down-- c<br />

asfc girl ojmply snyw, " It smells Bcrump-- t<br />

ious thauks, Houbcn."<br />

Au cschnngo snya : " Thnt Rock and<br />

lyo was a liivorno uppio in mo omon<br />

ays, wo know from tho fact that David<br />

ut a littlo rook in his filing."<br />

" Doctor," said n careful wife to tho<br />

mctitioncr who was cutting open hor hns- -<br />

ind's .. shirt as ho was in a fit of npoploxy,<br />

i i,<br />

out, it you pioase, aionp mo seam.<br />

" Do you boo thnt spring over thero ?"<br />

lid settler in Aikansas to a stranger.<br />

Well, that's an iron Bpring, thnt is ; and<br />

'6 so mighty powerful that tho farmer's<br />

orses about thero that drink tho water<br />

nf nf it nnver havotobofibod. Tho shoes<br />

ji ibt grow on their feet nat'rnlly.<br />

A little girl who had been on a railrond<br />

i, ain where an accidont occurrod was told<br />

b f her mother that sho had ought to thank<br />

6 t(l for hor eBcnpo from injury when sho<br />

trda her evening prayer. Sho did it in<br />

tl lis was : " Thank you, oh God, for not<br />

1( itting me got hurt to-da- y, but the next<br />

ti me 1 go to tho city I'll go in a wagon."<br />

An Abroath man, ovcrfond of a woo drop,<br />

t, viug beaten his wife at night, and forgot- -<br />

tt in about all tho domestic difference by the<br />

n lorniog, looking at her damaged face, and<br />

a jxiously exclaimed, " Gudeness preserve<br />

a ! Lassie, wbaur bae ye been?" En- -<br />

li rhtoned as to his past in the matter, ho<br />

cl'&d, as though he wrro the aggrieved<br />

one, "Oh, dear, oh doarl it's an awfu'<br />

ttong yo wiuua keep oot o' hairm's way."<br />

" What is tho price of this bracelet ?"<br />

ankod a tourist of an old trinket-sell- er in<br />

Brittany. "Is it for your wife or your<br />

sweetheart ?" she responded. "For my<br />

uweetheart." " Itii 10 francs." The tour--<br />

ibt turned on his heel, when the old woman<br />

aaid, " You've no sweetheart, or you'd<br />

have giveu ine tho 10 franca without a<br />

WAi. Von mnv bvo it for three." "I'll<br />

take it I" ho said, banding over the<br />

money.<br />

" Yon ha v nt a wife, either,"<br />

the old woman ; " for if 3 had been<br />

for her, you'd have beaten tridown two<br />

francs. Oh, --on men yonJiea 1"<br />

A Modki. AovEUTisKMrvT. "I kan sell<br />

for 1800 dollars a illas, 'a sweet and pen-siv- e<br />

retiremeiit, lokatci on the vcrgin<br />

bank of the Hudsun, kjutaining 85 acres.<br />

The laud is divided, by mature and art, into<br />

pastur and tillago, ic to plain and clivity,<br />

into stem abruntu ss and the dallianso of<br />

Hreama of Bparkliiig<br />

glndnebs (thick with trout) dnnso through<br />

this wilderuoss ov bmy, tow tho low musio<br />

ov the ciicket and grasshopper.<br />

Tho ever- -<br />

eyes of tho uvv<strong>ui</strong>ug ztpbir flirts<br />

irougli iU shadowy buzium, aud the<br />

tiemblcH like Je luv-smitt- hatt of a<br />

amsell. Fr<strong>ui</strong>ts of the tropica in golden<br />

butj, elt ou the Wows, and the beea go<br />

beavy aaH aweet from the field t tke gar-<br />

nering faiy.ei. The stables aro worthy ov<br />

the steed .'of Nimrod or tbe'etuda of Akil.<br />

1m, and iUi hennery was b<strong>ui</strong>lt exprestly fur<br />

the Wrdscif parridicej while somber in the<br />

distauc lire" otirt glimpses of the dorg<br />

bouse. lere poets have warbled their<br />

Use. here, scalp wre have cut, here pauetere<br />

haverob,Wi the 'scene of dreamy land-<br />

scapes, and here the philosopher discovered<br />

tho stua wtiell Vied him the ulkimlst of<br />

uatur. AiT tlie'yung'ifiune Langs like, a<br />

cutting of silver from the Uu West of the<br />

i; .1. ...J mkv be mi each night dan- -<br />

sing with golden tiptoes on the green.<br />

(N. B.-i-T- hla apl goes with tk pall.)"<br />

ayr.<br />

Foreign News Items.<br />

Ireland nmuli to tlm now Parliament<br />

fiflyovou Onlholio innmber, being tho<br />

inrgcit tiiimhnr aim over nonl ll<strong>ui</strong>ro.<br />

Tho number of exiles In Ijo dnspilched<br />

(i Hiliorin In July this ynnr will exceed<br />

20,000 intlivldiialn nml porhnpi roiuh<br />

'jr,,ooo.<br />

t'J, tOO women of Leeds nigned a peti-<br />

tion iiriiying the house to (mrm tho mcisiirn<br />

for legalising mnrringo with a dccofised<br />

wlfo's fiiflter.<br />

Thn report upon mililnry Forvico in<br />

Franco, drawn up by Jl. Liisinl, recom-<br />

mends: that innlnid of tho conscription<br />

every able-bodie- d adult should ho called<br />

upon lo wirvo.<br />

The oldest inhnbilnnt of Wnrsaw died<br />

in Alny nt llw ngo of 118. His fiitiernl<br />

wns nttomkd by !)5 children, grandchil-<br />

dren, mid<br />

Two thousand Swrdoa loft during tho<br />

npring for the United Slates by tho wny of<br />

JJroiiion ; 1,000 left Ghristiatia for sarno<br />

destination on thu 4th April.<br />

Professor Jlarlnns, nt a conferonco of<br />

the Nnvy Olub, Cronstndt, on tho Central<br />

Asia question, declared the idea of a ilus-rfin- u<br />

invnflion of India to bo absurd.<br />

Iff. Lnbnuchcro calls Attention to tho<br />

curious fnct that Nnpoloon I., Nnpolcou<br />

II., and tho Princo Imperial in Rncccssion<br />

wroto and left tboir wills ou British soil.<br />

Perhaps Princo Uiamnrck is tho host lo<br />

in tho world's history of a wiso mnn<br />

boing born on All Fools' Dny. On April<br />

1st this iron-norv- soldier nnd politician<br />

attained his OGIh year.<br />

A manufactory in Germany is tnrning<br />

out 1,000 pounds of grapo sugar a day,<br />

nindo from old linon. Tho process is said<br />

to bo economical, nnd tho sugar is chem-<br />

ically tho samo as that found in tho grapo.<br />

Colonel Ingorsoll, tho notorious infidel<br />

lecturer, is fond of dwelling on the snlnries<br />

paid to ministers of roligion, nnd discours-<br />

ing in nn irreverent manner on tho Inrgo<br />

total. Ho aShorts thnt tho preachers jii<br />

America cost tho pcoplo 2,400,000 every<br />

yonr.<br />

In answor to Colonol Ingorsoll's tnunt<br />

about the cost to Americi of its clorgy a<br />

religious piper states thnt tho lawyers cost<br />

nbout i.000,000; tho criminnlu 8,000,-00- 0,<br />

nnd whisky 12,000,000.<br />

A Chincso printing ollico hna boon otab-lishc- d<br />

by tho Chincso Embassy at Berlin.<br />

Tho attnehos, with their intorprotors, have<br />

been buying tborasolves all tho materials<br />

req<strong>ui</strong>red.<br />

Tho roal namo of Josh Billing3 is Henry<br />

W. Shaw. Josh is now 02 years of ngo,<br />

and as qunint as ovor ho was. His father<br />

was tho intimato fiioud and political man-<br />

ager for Henry Clay.<br />

Proposals for holding nn CSoumonicnl<br />

Methodist Conference havo boon for some<br />

timo under consideration, nnd such a con-<br />

ference will in all prolnbility bo held in<br />

England in thu month of Soptomber, 1882.<br />

According to tho Bishop of Lichfield,<br />

tho Greek woid translated in tho Anglican<br />

version of tho Biblo " oternnl" or ''over-lasting- ,"<br />

in relation to tho punishment of a<br />

futuro stato, docs not mean " endless," but<br />

very long.<br />

Dr. Nnglo roports thit during tho year<br />

1879, 255 deaths in Now York were direct-<br />

ly nttributablo to intomporanco. Of tho<br />

individuals thus dying, 105 wero natives of<br />

Ireland, 8i of America, J55 of Germany,<br />

10 of England, 4 of France, and 1 of<br />

Scotland.<br />

Tho consumption of cigars in tho United<br />

States Inst year amounted to tho enormous<br />

total of 2,082,056,302, boing an averago of<br />

50 cigars for every head of the population,<br />

or two-fifth- s of the valuo of the entiro con-<br />

sumption of wheat.<br />

Tho extent of tho manufacture in tho<br />

United States of "Oleomargarine," or<br />

suet-butte- r, hns been shown, to tho general<br />

surpriso, by a s<strong>ui</strong>t now pending in Chicago<br />

concerning royalties due nuder a patont in<br />

tho procoss of its manufacture. Tho evi<br />

dence shows that although "Oleomargar-<br />

ine" is ntver quoted in tho market, nnd is<br />

not kept by dealers as such, it bad a sale in<br />

tho United States last year amounting to<br />

98,000,000 pounds.<br />

Tho Mormon Church organ lately con-<br />

tained tho announcement of tho " cutting<br />

oft'" of six of Brigham Young's daughtors<br />

for participating jn n s<strong>ui</strong>t to recoor ono<br />

million dollars stolen from thorn by tho<br />

executors Apostlos Cannon, Carrington,<br />

nnd Young, and also for imperilling tho<br />

liberty of John Taylor. An oflbrt was<br />

made to get the heirs to repent of their<br />

action, ana all tho machinery ot tho Church,<br />

except the blood atoning knife, was bt ought<br />

to bear on them without result.<br />

The poor who intended to<br />

lead a q<strong>ui</strong>et life in his villa near NaplcN,<br />

seems to hnvo got into hot wator. Ono of<br />

the Indies of tho Khedive's harem suc-<br />

ceeded in effecting her escape, boing assisted<br />

thereby by a young Italian painter. The<br />

occurrence becoming known, a petition to<br />

tho publio prosecutor was 6ut in circula-<br />

tion, which was numerously signed, calling<br />

attention to tho fact that Ismail Pasha<br />

keens n harem containing female blavcs, in<br />

open contravention of the Italian code of<br />

laws. AsthoUalinnpross uaHnlRO taken the<br />

mutter up, nothing will probably remain<br />

for tho uuvern<strong>ui</strong>eut but to interfere, nnd<br />

thus spoil thu tlolcejar nitnte the Khtdive<br />

hoped to enjoy at Naples.<br />

At the Dusseldorf Exhibition, a member<br />

of tho Rhenish and Weatpbalian Steno-<br />

graphic Society exhibited a German post,<br />

card, which is somewhat larger than tho<br />

English pct-car- d, containing Voss's trans.<br />

Intion of the first three books of Homer's<br />

" Odyssejr " and part of a yery long de-<br />

bate which took place in the German Im-<br />

perial Parliament. The cumber of words<br />

in the extract of the "Odyssey " is 1 1000,<br />

while iu the Parliamentary debate the<br />

number is 2 J ,000, The whole of the S3,.<br />

0Q0 words havo been written in the Gabels-bur- g<br />

system of shorthaud and with the<br />

naked eye.<br />

A Chicago roan has a woman's tooth<br />

grafted into his jaw, and now every timo<br />

he p&k4 <strong>ui</strong>liuarjr store that tooth fairly<br />

aches to drag hi p te the window.<br />

.1, M. DAVIDSON,<br />

Attnrony nml Counsellor t Law,<br />

I Mtrvhant Ht , Itiinnlnlti, II t It<br />

A. W. HIOHAHDSON 8c CO.,<br />

iMrmiTxni AMI) ul rn iw<br />

Ilrtnl" Shoe I'nrnlelilrt' OovI , f'p, TrnnVt,<br />

vll'. rerrmriery ana rxnin, annum ich,<br />

Klne Jewelry rt( . rorner of 1 oil ml Merchant BU .<br />

Honolulu, II I, ijy<br />

w , wsxmn jiiiii awsient.<br />

WENNEIl A CO.,<br />

I'ort Hlrett, nppnriln O.ld I'nllowa' Hall,<br />

MntitifitnturlMcJawnlnrj, Dliunonil Kotlnrs,<br />

l.nttravjrK snl l)'n.r In Jewelry of all VUuU. HIiMI<br />

simI Kukiil Jewelry Inmle lo iinl'r, Onlern al fe- -<br />

celvtil anl lnllliruUr "Hemic 1') for all klnili f Hair<br />

Work lit Jewelry or Memorial Detlgn", I lv<br />

D. W." OiAllIC,<br />

Witloli Mnlcr unit Jownlnr,<br />

ixrimrrniir<br />

W'aUhnm and nil other American Watchct,<br />

CltKh and Jrwrlrf,<br />

Walch Kriialrlng lle a (lierlalty<br />

JIjT Nil 17 Mnrrliant Hlreei. Honolulu<br />

A. J.. SMITH,<br />

II ruriT urnaar, IMiMittrn suncai n IX<br />

Merld'ii C)iialrnl I'laliil Ware, fllaaaware. Kind's<br />

('(inilillinll'in Npeetarlea ami Kye (lae, llrarki'la,<br />

Ve, I,utrl Wlrn are. Fancy Mnapj, I'lcture<br />

I'ramea, W'Mlonlmlin'i I'ncktt KnUea, Hclor, Tie<br />

lnl. I'nwilir. Hlinl and Ammunition, (JlarWa Hpo'il<br />

Cdlton, Mneliln Oil. all klmla of Maclilnt Ncedlca,<br />

" Domentlc" Paper I'mliloiia, Hole A(ciit for Hie un.<br />

vrtMlly ckniiwliljnl<br />

Llitht Rnnnlnrx Donteiatlo Sewing Mnohlne.<br />

u k wniTrr. i. W. noHintaoM<br />


(Hiireentora to II. M. Whitney)<br />

Stationers, PuMlabor, Nowi Dealer and<br />

Bnnli-Blmlr- n.<br />

1 Merchant Street, Honolulu, II. I. ly<br />



The work execntfr! at lhl cutahllOimcnt l nniler tho<br />

mipiTvUlon of Mil JOHN I. HCI'.H.wlio la we'l known<br />

an an experienced unrkman, and ennnot tit lurjiantU.<br />

uoHii diimk at tiik i.ttwusr iiuki.<br />


Htallonera, Publlnliera, News Dcn'cra anil Hook Ilinderi<br />

LiZ<br />

IVToi-olactxx- t; Tnllora<br />

7IH No. H FnrlM.. lielow Dr. f langenwalil'a ly<br />

.. ii. wioki;.<br />


Alnkcn Itrett,<br />

One door helow Hotel Htreet.<br />

Pnrnltnre nfall deqrrlptfont ntnde and rtpalrad atra-aonnl-<br />

rate .t workmtt lilpirnarnnleed. e7Pa 1)<br />

jPANTnBorj xcotsij,<br />

J,II.S IMUI. I'ltOIMtlKrOH,<br />


OWThe b- -t ef Ale., tnc and I Irpinri, conlanly on hand.<br />

Utery PKhlellHclied lolhe Hold. 773 ly<br />

:. ;. ;oi.i:uai.<br />

blacksmith and machinist<br />

llurxc AliiK-lti- tnrrliiKO Murh,<br />

l'liiiilitll<strong>ui</strong>i .Mncliliirrji itc.<br />

603 Shop on King Street. neitCaatlu & Cooke'a. ly<br />

u. i, r. ciaiaa, r. c. join, ji.<br />

C. BREWER & CO..<br />


"' Honolulu. Hawnllan Iilanda. ly<br />

;. ai'uau,<br />

Importer, Wholesale and Retail Sealer<br />

in General Merchandise<br />

And Cliiam Ooodf In the KlrtProof Store, corner ol<br />

Klnff and Niintnn Stre-t- n. K1S<br />

j. w. :iitri.<br />

Commission find Grnernl Draler<br />

in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Stationery,<br />

Patent Mcdlcluea, Perfumery, and<br />

Uluttdware.<br />

782 WAILUKU. MAUI.<br />

M. N. UKl.MIAIKM Ac CO.,<br />


n rathlonable Clotlilnfr. Hats, Caps, Iloott. Shoes and<br />

rery variety uf Qentlnnien' itipitrlor lurnlildng Goodi.<br />

tore In Jlakee'f Ijiock, (jueou street, llonululu. 11. 1.<br />

180-- ly I<br />

thi:o. ii. i,vvii;.s,<br />

Liti Janioc, Oatex k Co.J<br />


ad Aatxr rn<br />

Lloyd's and the Llverpofd Underwriters,<br />

Hrltlfth and foreign Marina Insurance Company, and<br />

Norlliern Assurance Cotni an. n?60 ly<br />



llollera, Cuolars, Iron, Drais nnd Lead Gaatlnca<br />

Machinery of Every Description,<br />

ATsT Made to Order -- 3<br />

Particular attention paid to Ship's Blacksmlthing<br />

-- JOllttQltH executed on Iba shortest nnllce. Mia ly<br />

a. ii<strong>ui</strong>iii, o. oua<br />

. NKUELKKN k CO..<br />


No. a N<strong>ui</strong>inuu Nlreot,<br />

Keepcons.antlyon hand a full assortment of Tip, Sheet<br />

Iron, and Copperware,<br />

Oalr'd Iron and Lead Pins. India Hubber HM, e<br />


Di uggiatt, Apotliecai irt,<br />

Importers of Tobacco and Cigars,<br />

Manufacturers ol Soda Water,<br />

Acenta for P. Lorlllard Co'a Tin Tas; W. 8. Kimball<br />

& Co'a Vanity and Goodwin JL Co'a Old<br />

Judge, Tobaccoa and Cigarettes.<br />

816 'n 85 .Viiiihiiii Street. Il<strong>ui</strong>mlnln. ly<br />

a. w. nAWAKi.AXu . ;o..<br />


Roblnaoa'a rire roolllulldlnc,<br />

Queso Street,<br />

Honolulu, U.I.<br />

aaus ;a roa<br />

The OIss;ow and Honolulu Line of Tackots.<br />

John Hay A Go's Llserpool asd London facketi.<br />

The Walkapn Planlatlou.<br />

The Sosncer I'lant.tlon, illlo,<br />

lUkaUu I'lanlallon, Illlo.<br />

l Irrlees, Tall<br />

M aisoa, Hnf ar Machinery.<br />

The iMiulna, Sheep Itanrh Coinpnr. TW<br />

a. R. CAITLC. J. iTHUt 0<br />

CiNTLK tc IJOOKR.<br />



Dealers In General Merchandise,<br />

No. 10 Kl<strong>ui</strong> Street, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.<br />

.... AOKNTS rOR-T- he<br />

Union Insurance Compmy of Kan Francisco. The New<br />

CuUnd Mutual Lira insurance iMmpanjr, uosion<br />

Tha nrsfon Packet Line. The Kohala Plantation,<br />

Dr. Jayne A sou's C.lebratad The Haiku I'lanlallon,<br />

MiMllelnas. waiaiua fiaoiaiion,<br />

Woe.ler k Wilson's gswlng! tlauwkua Plantation.<br />

Machines. Ii'oa ly)<br />

BISHOP CO.,<br />


. . DRAW<br />

OX- -.<br />


ao ivaia iainali<br />

Maw York,<br />

oetoai. Pnrli, AtsekUmrl,<br />


and Tina iaic<strong>ui</strong>il<br />

alalia; Kwur,<br />

, aid ' Helaxtame,<br />

AndVraasatt a Oeneral Wanklni Buslosas. IT ly<br />

--.<br />

a", l<br />


Importers if Cwwil Mfrduniisi<br />

rjtoM<br />



No. 39 Merchant Btreet, Honolulu, U. I,<br />

t .- - .<br />

WtDOLEfiilliB aUOOBRB,j<br />

eaB44111rront8lreet,<br />

<strong>ui</strong> r <strong>aihi</strong>,<br />

nr-- Partlcalw aUoaliM 9U W lll-- JI m4 aklppla<br />

C. H. IMIM'OW. AiHtloMeer.<br />

HaUifnanri nn Qtisen Mlrst. nrta door from Ksshttmsna<br />

H flrsal If<br />

<strong>ui</strong>:.i. ii. .<strong>ui</strong>VriN,<br />

w Jtn 1 Kasl.umanti slr"t<br />

"n. iiA:itfi'iTi.isV. ;o.,<br />


Onn atrs.t llanolnlu, II I llal-ly- l<br />

r. a. NOiiAiio'r.u M..<br />

Importorn St Commlnnlon Morchnnts<br />

o7f ll.ll.olrilo, llMli Islands ly<br />

i;.l. AIA.1INs<br />

Anctionror nnd Commission Merchant,<br />

quesriMrest.Konolnln II I. ('" ly<br />

i:i. iioi'i'N;iii,Ai:;i:it a :,,<br />


lliinalnln.naliii II, I. iAII 1)<br />

i:. o. n,ti,is.vMo;v.<br />


Dry Hoods, I'alnts, Oils and (Is nsralVerchandlss,<br />

77a-l- Coriistlnrland Klnallls,<br />

.ioiir ii. i't'i'v,<br />


For the Fester of CsllMnla and New Yerlr.OBlca at the<br />

Hank of lll.liop A Co., , Hnnollild. tilM ly<br />

"j7m. wimt."i:v, .ii. !., i. n.H.<br />

Dental Rooms on Fort Street,<br />

Office In Ilrewer's III a, c<strong>ui</strong>uarol llulslaml I'ort rltrests.<br />

M v '' '"' . ' ! ly<br />

A. W. It (I K II.<br />


ramil) UrbCsry and reed Store,<br />

79S lyl tOfortlllrest.lloroluln.<br />

.Aim; At ..<br />


And Imrorters of and Dealers In Hay, Orsln, and Oeneral<br />

fnelnee. Honolulu, II. I. If<br />

u'is.ii:k Ac co..<br />

Comer of Port and Quern fctreeta Honolulu,<br />

Lumber, Palnti, OUi, Nailt, Salt and B<strong>ui</strong>lding<br />

(800 I) Materials af avery Vlnrl.<br />

<strong>ui</strong>i.i.irM.'iiA.v tt. co.,<br />


Cutlery, Dry floods, Paints and Oils, and General Mer- -<br />

tlmirjl.e, ,No.0V Klnt Blreel. Honolulu. Hi ly<br />

IIOI.I.ICK Ac ;o..<br />

Ship Ghandlera and Comraimon Merchant!.<br />

mportersandlJsalersIn Denernl Mercnandlae.tjaeentreet<br />

llonolnln. Hawaiian Islands.<br />

701y<br />

I. a. ntoKao's noBT. le rn, c. jr. coo ice<br />

I.KWl'.UN Ac IHCKHOiX.<br />


And all kind, of Uulldln Materials, for t street. Honolulu<br />

0tly<br />

.ioiii-- 'v. ivA'i'i:itnoiii:.<br />



77i Queen Street. Honolulu. II. 1. ly<br />

;i:;ii. mtoiv.<br />


.NOTAKY PU11L1C.<br />

And Agent for taking Acknowlclfrinents orinstrnmentsfor<br />

tba Island of Oalu.<br />

o7S7 No. B Kaahumanu Street, Ilonnlnla, II. I. ly<br />

II. B'. KllaLCKM Ac CO.,<br />



rircTronPitnre. Fori St..aboTeQdd Fellows Hall. IIMy<br />

ii. :. .mvi.tvici: Ac iiKorin:it.<br />


Corner of Kinjr and Fort streets,<br />

HONOLULU. 783 ly<br />

A. ti. CI..i:3IIOKA Ac Co..<br />

lMroatcas ayd oiiteas li<br />

Oonoral 2VXyrcxa.xxcllmo,<br />

791 Corner Qneen and Kaahumanu Streets. , ly<br />

O. . ClI.lllllaTm, ,11. !..<br />


Office Corner Fort and Ilereta<strong>ui</strong>a 8ts. llonolnln. 778<br />

DR. E. H. THACHER,<br />

DENTIST,<br />

HE.iIKCI'fl.f.T iXFORH THE<br />

WOULD that ho has located In ITonolulo, and will<br />

fractlcc lila profession in all Ha trenches. Flue<br />

llllii); NM'clnliv, while rjold and platlna,<br />

silver, and enamel fillln" each have their place in the<br />

preservation of those talunblu opente tho tectb.<br />

In Artlllrlnl iirk. the teuli will be selected with<br />

much care. While In addition to tho ntnal materials for<br />

plates ia that of tellnloitl, a new article, and the<br />

most natural Iu color of nny iratcrlil now used. All<br />

Worli 'I ti'ir<strong>ui</strong>icli. and as reasonable as Doniblo to<br />

do first-clas- s work.<br />

Offlco and residence, Beretanla street, between Fort<br />

and Nnuanu its. EOS<br />

I 1IAVK HEniKEn A<br />


LLsSRPftLl i<br />

Anil una prepnm! to carry on tnla Bmncb<br />

ol my Bualnesa lu n manner anlU.<br />

fseiorx (o my Palroaa.<br />


Will do well to give me a Call.<br />

Horses sent to my King St. Shop<br />

Will btaitliully attended to.<br />

80. i. Qm WEST.<br />

THUMAN lsAVCK,<br />

M AO-CZSa- TIfl<br />

Ho. 40 Fori Mreat.<br />

$4<br />

rVS<br />

will attend to all orders In the<br />


II will live aprcUl attention lo cleanlnr. repairing<br />

and regulstlnK rewng Machines, and all other kinda of<br />

Light Machinery aud Meul Work of every description.<br />

Ulaekainllhlnc, etc.<br />

Also, on band and fur sale cheap,<br />

A Variety of Sewing Maohines<br />

ilniia, I'lalKla. ahal, Aiaraaulllon,<br />

Machise OU, Ifataka. ., Ac, Ae.<br />

wln Haohln Tuekera. Binder, and all otlisr extra<br />

and duplicate pari of <strong>ui</strong>schlae auppllrd ou abort notice.<br />

TT- - Ut Machl la TwUt.-K- S<br />

Sol4 Ji li A(l Kinfdtm Jn<br />

The Florence Mewn( Machine, frgm 1 40 to lo.<br />

Ulilte HewineMecUme, from to Ia.<br />

Home Huutilo Mowing Machine, flora to JS<br />

aWr Including ell eitraa tot ly<br />

S1EAM<br />

Va o u u m Pumps,<br />

raHr. v.Nnr.MinHKi have jit be.<br />

S ttKIVKU per .vuty Turner, rrom Boston, a full a<br />

eoflDiaii, of these ce'vbrated I'uwpa. willed areiuaian.<br />

liied to te cheaper and better Iban any other style ol<br />

pump Imported, W call toe attention of planters lusrllc.<br />

ularly to the Vacuum pump, which la lest complicated<br />

and more serviceable ban other putupa.<br />

S IV IlUKWKH a CO<br />


roR<br />

( iveriijj Itilers. &ttm Pipes<br />

mo., ETC.<br />

svas SS psrCsnt. f Pusl-FEIO- E<br />

KEDUOKD TO t7.50 IBIi.<br />

TMtp. M, SAVIKS.<br />

eJI m Aenl.<br />



Bo well and farorably ko a hi MiU coasaiunlty, can<br />

alwa) a bo fo.cd, on Ice, at J xoV Welk'e, So., II Klcr<br />

btraai.- - Call In and cool yJLni,i - v ' T ' T<br />

aavtalaHaaArylT.Wia- -<br />

BoMon floard of Unilf rrllfrs<br />

IIKNTtt for the Hawaiian Islands,<br />

? !; (J Illtr.Wglt A CO.<br />

.'hllartclplila Hoard of Uinlr rwrlterse<br />

AOKHTN fur tlm Hawaiian Islaisrls,<br />

I, iiiiriwritAro.<br />

'. ,. s;iiti:ri:it.<br />

nrilrrmrn llnarrt nf lnrlervrr Hera,<br />

AflH.fT of lirpt.,n llwrd i f Underwriters,<br />

Ajenlol Xsrina Hoard of Under'lllets.<br />

Clalme lr)'t Iniiiraho wllbln Ihe (nrlvlldlon<br />

ef IliaaUira Hoards of Underwriters, will has lolecerll<br />

fd I" by Ihe ali "rent UmaVa then, ,alll 1M ly<br />

ii.t.iiiiiriic.iiriii<strong>ui</strong>.'ni:3<br />


rmMlK UWnrCIlSWJ.'VI'.l) havlna; l.eers<br />

.(ne. Af snls of t lie toie Company, are preps red<br />

lolnstira risks aeelnst firs, ol Nlone and Ilrlek lliillft.<br />

Infe,andfm lllerclianrtlae stored therein, Ihe seoet<br />

f.voralde terms, Kor articular apply at the silpe ol<br />

7i ly r a. 'rHAFrin ro.<br />

;Ai.ii'oit,Kit<br />



JL al7,e Compauv', haea Ueen aulhorlred to Insnrelfike<br />

on CarK, Krelsjlil and Trensilre, fiorn Honolnla<br />

to all i arts ut Hie wurlj, and sice tsrsa.<br />

I9 lr<br />

II. HAL'KPrLlI k CO.<br />

THA<br />


or iiAJiin;no.<br />

CnpUal : : t Six Milllom IMclmnark.<br />


chandlae and furniture, on liberal terms, br<br />

n;: ly II. HACKKKI,!) A If.)., Arenls.<br />



ZteXete.Z'i.XXO.<br />

IWOORrOHATED, 1806<br />


787 For the llaarallan Islnnrls. iy<br />



Capital, Five Millions Reichstaarks<br />

riitr,nH<strong>ui</strong>ir.it havixu iikki<br />

appointed Agents for tho aborc Company, are<br />

now ready to<br />

Iuucl'llcleHiii(cnlnal Itlalia off Ireon nnlld-lut;- a,<br />

JMrrehniiillan and Fiirtillnre)<br />

on terms equal to those of other respectable companies.<br />

Losses paid for and edinstcd here.<br />

Kor particulars, atiply to<br />

TBI II. HAUkVeLI) A Co . Agents.<br />

Rhonlsh Wostphallan Lloyd<br />


OF 31. dl.AIUlACII. Kheiilala 1'rtiaeln.<br />

Aachon and Leipzig Insurance Co.,<br />

Limited,<br />


claimh rou i'autixx'i.aii avi:h.<br />

All e<strong>ui</strong>t lined arrlrlnir here, nnd Insured<br />

tn tue above Co<strong>ui</strong>panlea, ha to be made wltb Ihecos-nlianc- e<br />

of and certified to by the undersigned. In order to<br />

be valid. CM 1) J. C. (JI.ADK. Asent.<br />

WILDER & CO.,<br />

At;eiita for Clio Ilnavnllau lalauda,<br />

OK THE<br />

Mutual Life Insurance Co.<br />

OF !tW TORK,<br />

Largest, Safost and Moat<br />



Assets (iS70)...$8O,OOO,OOO<br />

-t.--ii 0.8C.<br />

Now is a Good Time to Insure<br />

None bat Flnt-Clat- s Risks laken,<br />

TIIK<br />

New England Mutual Life Insurance Co.<br />

OFI103TOV, MASS<br />

IJKIORPORATCD, 18311.<br />

7fie Oldest Purely Mutual Life Insurance Co. in<br />

the United Slates.<br />

Felicias limed on thn mort favorable Terms.<br />

Example) or Xoii. Forfeiture) Plan,<br />


1 Annas! premium continue. Policy 1 years 3 days<br />

2 Annual premium conllnoes Policy i yeara 12 dsys<br />

3 Annual premium c ntiune. Policy ft years 27 days<br />

4 Annual premium cortlnues Policy S yearaiO days<br />

a Annual pre<strong>ui</strong>lnmcontlnoea Policy 10 years 65 days<br />

jM,ota. I s $3.3,800,000 1<br />

LsMaea Paid thrnnBti Honolulu Aseary,<br />

$40,000 t<br />



aNraaxv vonsc<br />



AUITII (Cnahl ........ oaa<br />

An.XUAL I.VCOUE. . a,ouo,roo<br />

CASUHURI'LUK. 7,000,000<br />

H. HAOKFELD & oo.<br />


0. 0. BEHO-ER-. Special Agent<br />

For the Hawaiian lalands,<br />

Tha only l'ujsaur that Iaaaexi<br />

Tontine Investment Polioiei,<br />

nelni; practically an Endowment Policy at the nsnal<br />

Life llatea. tl !<br />

Insurance Notice.<br />


write upon Merchandise, per flrst-clas- a vet sell<br />

between this and the Coast 1'orts, corerlnr ) or<br />

datnate. If amountlns to IU percent. or more, on the<br />

sound value of the whole shipment at port of delivery,<br />

upon favorable terras.<br />

BISHOP A Co.<br />

Aeenta of the Firemen's Fund insurance Company.<br />

Hunolcln. Jan.aJ. lr). 0 im<br />

Insurance Notioe.<br />


THR Marine Insaranc Coeipaay, (Llralledk has ie<br />

celled lestructlors lo reelMce Ilea rlee of Insurance<br />

between floaolulq aed Porte la the and Is now pre-<br />

pared lo lease Poiiclea al the loweet rates, with a special<br />

reduction oa frelttit piretssmsre. THSO. H. DATIEX,<br />

ly TI AaentBrO ror. Mar. Ins. Co-- 1 as Had<br />


Marine Insurancijompanif of lerlln.<br />


Gtneral iRsuraRCiCompaRy of Itirin.<br />


THE established a Oeneral Atency hero, and the<br />

undersigned. Uentral Ay.nti,are suthoiUcd to take<br />

Hatha MtjalaiM Ihej ( lh Beta at !<br />

eat BaaaMaaM Ralaei. aatel lit<br />

aal ravaraM Teiaaa<br />

el m V. A. 80HAKirKK A CO.. Oeneral AeaU.<br />

C. BREWER A CO.<br />



civWtmhiK,"Ceyk,"awo ealu4.<br />

Hob at (aelr Waraionae oa )aea St., la( vieiejaf o<br />

Oovan<br />


Ka4asUib4aa)kraIa,a)la wU U oft<br />

for sale al KUea ItVM wl aaaoejlaa avcioaeee,<br />



' Kstsbllshed WA.<br />

UnllralUitl Liability to Stockholder<br />

Assets .tnvA.M<br />

Iteseree.. ... .,,. t. ... i , .,. .e,,vjir)<br />

Inenm ft Ilr7li<br />

I'rtmlnmi receive after ddB'tloa of r'ln- -<br />

sorance. . , , , .., tnx- -<br />

Losses promptly adjusted and paid ber.<br />

ISm IliailOl' At Co., A Ken Is.<br />


Insurance Compariy.<br />

A Loading Homo Company.<br />

Aet,Jone3fnh. ,.,...,..,,., .,.TC77.1T<br />

Additional Cash Caplul (now being called In) tUlMM<br />

Total Assets,. ,. tifinpnn<br />

Ti"! riiu:.HA's"i'uu i8Uii- -<br />

X A.VCB COMI'AMY basis Ha claims to the best<br />

patronage upon Its ejuud tnanclal condition, reinforced<br />

by Its eecessloti of capital, (rlrlne II over a million<br />

dollar In assets; lie titensire system of Agencies,<br />

It a large prrmlnrn Income, without th nee,.<br />

ally of heavy concentration of iln; lie adherence lo<br />

the beet principles and practice of Ur.derxrltlDg; by<br />

iifa. fair and clearly expressed contracts, nd prompt<br />

and eq<strong>ui</strong>table adjustment and payment of legitimate<br />

losses,<br />

Var seventeen yesra It hss bei favorably known as a<br />

conservative underwriter, and dorlor that time has<br />

paid over<br />

4,000,000 IK LOSSES,<br />

Passing triumphantly through the heaviest confsgra<br />

tlons Known In modern history,<br />

BINIIOP A(o, A axe ti la,<br />

. ) 3m Honolulu, II. I.<br />


LIFE<br />


OF<br />

NEW YORK.<br />

ASSETS, AUGUST 1, 1880,<br />

$90,000,000.<br />

F. S. WINSTON, President.<br />

A. B.FORBES,<br />

GENERAL AGENT 'Jn the Pacific Coait<br />

2I4 8AN80ME STREET,<br />

San Francisco.<br />

This Corporation, organized In 1513, for tbe purpose<br />

of Insuring lives. Is conducted solely tn the Interest of<br />

Its policy-holder- to whom. In tbelr collective capacity<br />

belong Its entire assets. All the profits are divided<br />

among them, and there are no stockholders to control<br />

the Company or to taltd any portion of Its surplus.<br />

The Company Ions since attained and now bclds tbe<br />

foremost place among tbe Life Institutions of tbe<br />

world. Its unprecedented success, since Its organlzt<br />

tlon to tbe present time. Is attrtbntable to lugreal<br />

c re lis Mledlon ofrialta. Itairreat erarei In<br />

iitalmt-n- t ol fn<strong>ui</strong>U. economy In cxiwae<br />

(leas than those of any othtr Company) and Ita tin.<br />

Mervinir flilellty lo Ihe Intcreite of Ita pol<br />

Icy holders. Its nsscta are larger, snrplus greater<br />

premiums lower and dividends higher In proportion<br />

than tboae of any other Company. Tbe magnitude! ol<br />

Its business proves that it enjoys the confidence of thi<br />

peoplo. It deals only In legitimate Life Insurance, and<br />

will nut issue Tontine policies.<br />

Beyond and above all the liabilities computed by tbi<br />

New York legal standard, it baa a surplus fund exceed<br />

Ing Eleven Millions of Dollars.<br />

Tbe Company has paid to its policyholders :<br />

Since ita organization . $lt?.K3,143 V<br />

And durlnc tbe year 167S H.OllM<br />

Of which $80,000 has been paid to Claim<br />

aata for Loawi in the Hawaiian Iilandi.<br />

The Company presents to those needing Insurance a<br />

security unequalled by any similar institution. It has<br />

never dispnted a claim which waa shown to be Just and<br />

right, and hss carefully sought and practiced the ratal<br />

eq<strong>ui</strong>table systems for tbe division of tbe surplus and fen<br />

discriminating between the varied Interests of Ita many<br />

members.<br />

The Rates for Life Insurance ia thia Caatpaa<br />

were reduced 16 per cent in 1878.<br />

Insurance affording the most ample and complete Ti<br />

nanclal Security can be procured at reduced rates. Tot<br />

la formation and terms, apply to<br />

SAM'Ii G. WILDER,<br />

Agent for the lawaiiaa Iadaaia.<br />

cwbxzb er rear asd micxx aTBxen,<br />

Hoxei.ri.i7.<br />

Sis ta<br />

tor<br />

Preserving aid ltaitifyiig<br />

T11E<br />

Complexion and Tooth.<br />

ar.w axii yai.vabu rarraBATiav<br />

A.3 Dtonoan ed b all to ha tha saaat narfarl ia.<br />

metiqua in existence. Unlike other preparations. It u<br />

not only harmless bat favora a natural aad kaa)ta<br />

action Of tha akin, resalllni tn eaaaltls ttarltv av.i<br />

clearness of complexion.<br />

HOLLISTER & CO.,<br />

Drujlit and Apotbetarlss,<br />

,Mly<br />

U Meuaoa otreet .Hoaolala.<br />


Va. 71 Fart It, alma Hatel It,<br />


An aaaortinea I of lb beat Freaeb aad<br />

CaiiAsrata maalaewraal<br />

OonTootlonory t<br />

Whka be eefte IWaal to tha Trade, r at auu,<br />


-- . auo.<br />

TW KfT HUN Of CMKB CKalS<br />

Ta a atai la eat taarte<br />

miUTMCCiM.SM.TUlCamS<br />

lAU ABB TBT TW.W<br />

Latest Departnre<br />


Nioklo Mounted in Seta or Single<br />

Pieces, such at<br />

Tea Poll, CofTcoPoK<br />

Cream Jugs, Water Jug,<br />

Z<br />

Slop Jars, Sugar Eowli,<br />

J,<br />

spoon noiuers,<br />

mm<br />

e tt4<br />

Ten and Coffee Urna,<br />

Seia TctTet.<br />

4<br />

Butter Bowlv'<br />

3<br />

-- ALSO a<br />

Plain Granite<br />

Iron Stone Ware. J<br />

The above ware ii pat together not simply u take tha<br />

eye bat la well made in every respect.<br />

-- ALSO<br />


--as:<br />

China Ware!<br />

Plates, Platters,<br />

Dishes, Chambola, .<br />

Cups and Laucera,<br />

Toilet Sets, plain and fancy, t<br />

Cheese Covers,<br />

Dinner and Tea 8t,<br />

Desert Sets, etc., etc.<br />


Agricultural Implement,<br />

Tlxx<br />

VOTT a Ce,<br />

Practical Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker.<br />

iiy Kaahumaas Street. Hoaolala.<br />

N. NEUFELD,<br />


piavo-iux- el mza.<br />

H. Hielttali A Co, Asjaau far tha aaaaii.. T'llllt<br />

Th4 Byd1 Malt, Saturday, January IT. tssB,<br />

paftt 117, IIA<br />

Pianofortes in the Exhibition.<br />

-I- nrmrprevlonanoUee of the PlanM InUeXxhiM-tloa(- o.<br />

I.)la connection with those of tha Germs<br />

we were unable to do mora than<br />

of L. NKUKELD. of Bertla. aad That eB<strong>ui</strong>eVa.<br />

tlon was erroneous. Since writlnj that uc41c, lha<br />

Sydney arents Messrs. Rabone. Fevx A C-o- hanrslsvu<br />

os aa opportunity of seeiaj the iostrttmenl. of which<br />

four are exhibited lastead.of twp.. M.XoraerlyaUtaA..<br />

ra lrl Is a Grand of full raapas. Tn ocuvea<br />

overstranj. n acoustical metal fraase la aaraffea. tha<br />

action la perfect nafalllar repetition." All tha modem<br />

Improvements are applied; tie Instrument 1 caaed la<br />

walnut, of Sue tone aad Jlchi Vmcb, aad bl8 la addi-<br />

tion by far the most pricevaethy ouht to coaamaad tha<br />

moat ready market. g<br />

ss. a la aa jprliibt cottax traisi, with Iron fram<br />

orerstruo;. wefl ftalshed. aad caa4 la a handsome<br />

Lo<strong>ui</strong>s Quatorta etyla. Be. 3 is aa ub- -j<br />

yht eoture. simpler In the exterior, but with subataa-U- a<br />

meurframe, aad all the evldeaeia of Uoreart tsn<br />

In the Internal constracUou. Be. la aa ovaietraax<br />

sprlxht boudoir cotlan of vcrr apraai.!. tn..<br />

avlB; thorcrertty ezamlsad tha wtetiaata'atat -<br />

" " " "w wea<br />

exhibition at tha .La. nr<br />

10m H. BACaTlU) CO,<br />

CEO. LUCAS,<br />


Honolulu Steam Planing Kills,<br />

EftUaaJaJlMttota, H. I.<br />

aUaamcMrtja all kaad U<br />

Moul.lnf a, raokatt,<br />

W)ndMr rram.<br />

TiraiBii ScfiN Ml laii SMJes I<br />

am Hiaaa 99<br />

FUasiM eaaVi ImBjiBAT.<br />

MrtlaaTaAUaf.<br />


Am Wat Vmmrmmmr<br />

" ""<br />

Ordera from tha athar Tatasda ---1 -<br />

Haoolam. May t. im, m<br />

WMjitumm or irni mi<br />

'i r TiriaK r<br />

VB BjBjWV irVaal Ufl "Trei4ti.s TK BU la<br />

strlae4,aa4lsacJeaaa4 waHa aa saaaar.<br />

tva WWf.'<br />

VOTUS.<br />

v<br />


.T " f'' '" Klialim aay tar.a. lata,<br />

ill act foe ma la all bMtaaaa umiiftaii tafitMl<br />

powei ot attwaey<br />

vtm saa jtsfiafcs<br />

4tgfJBaJ!<br />


TOIiOOf A 0M4BRHC<br />

,<br />

I<br />


SPSRWSrtJKUJUJiJUiwsju.nJ l..<br />

SSK5ShtKWH<br />

&ifc<br />

1<br />

V . f<br />

JL<br />

J<br />


itusau n srir it. two<br />

ltttslnssa propin slma unr lu lu i rrstrt In<br />

say, hnr lit) stgita of lmti)rmiii nm lute tli s ttrt(<br />

fanslan sads (ilrrn any ninriiaiilinatlnn In lin fltlirr<br />

than li a nCf ssary r nnr-nnst- uf Hie raring or cmMa<br />

tCf Itwl II It itsslrss trt alwl nnr rjf li till" fact uf III<br />

!tHMlnn flt In thr iiitslnrsa rnmnnnllj as In lhi<br />

fnttits Of cmttas nil hop for Hie hfsl Ihal MnR<br />

a Uronft polnl In human nstiirr tiulwhrr lhl lursrnt<br />

stala of (Tlr "III lil ns, ami what Ihn ffftfl loin<br />

from atirna.l, fi f,l iinatilr tansrr l rrrrtalnly<br />

ittaimtii ihr stslnnari Mrsa ttf our tnlf mpnmrj long<br />

Ihr blocli In Hut film lint nullum tntrirala ami ar<br />

tnrllln hai not anltrml, nor li rml rstatn tallica<br />

ilrercaaiil TI11 Mitlcnri of mtr anftlnnsna on<br />

last irnf I'm riintraij, when, of Ihr Urge mini<br />

l,,r.f..,tr!. of tolllioflfiTilonrplfTiw<br />

low ruli1, nnr was nlthilrawii, unit the bal<br />

anr tooM nnlrrrnrr hlu ....... ,,<br />

Thr trail 01 nun an coons liy is r. .imnis un<br />

was fairly allsmleil lijr Ihn r.lnrar mirrlianls,<br />

ami rrsllllrtl salts Ihn<br />

rrfrlnla of sneai al this imrl for the week rmllni;<br />

Vrl.tss. Sent 101 li , Mrri,(illM'Hga<br />

. .. .. ....<br />

.'. u - .:....- - I... .1. ri.<br />

inn anna niginimj iiiriiiiniwu'iun'riiiii u,t<br />

of .Saw ink) UklMlklM tl'll.f' l ti r 'iitii nit. The fiif<br />

lowlnc tlrfitlat f Messrs Williams. Dlmoml .t fo.<br />

clrlnc a rraiimr 01 inr ran rranciacn inarKri, annni<br />

(ill 11 ll r...ii1llf...ik<br />

irrr 1 111 01 . imj<br />

Fi<strong>ui</strong>nam, Ani;iiatlMti,I.'l<br />

Hlntoonr laala.hlciaxr ht In rrp<strong>ui</strong>l a qnlrt mar<br />

Vr I In moil kranchra if irailr Our liarvcat cnnllnura,<br />

lull tr lovr prlfra prralllne fur corral f hrck linaliiria<br />

ami farmrra arrillapoanl InlinM Ihrlr craln<br />

air all ti.ianl. ,non rr<br />

malntuc In Arat linn.l. A conalilnrahlr quanllljr of<br />

poornnallij'" aM at SHU&V Iml allot pnxt qnl.<br />

Ir a.ilrt at (IV, Thrtr ha hron matl nntlrt for ml r<br />

lamt IraJ. but prltca arc Iiki low llaal to adinlt nf any<br />

rilrnilril aalra<br />

Tim riilirit! hlali nrlrp of Nil. I China haa Imliirrt!<br />

Ihrlirllrr rlaia Of Chtnamin In ' I'lAml lllrr In<br />

aonir rilrnl<br />

MOIjA.ISIIS -- Olio of Ihn HdlnMli-- a ileclliKil fntthrr<br />

pnrrtiatta, anil Ihr larsr rrcrlpta linik Itm prlcr ilnwn<br />

lovMc. (Snlnir In thr afartltr of ajrup hrrr a frw<br />

nmnlha a;ii. Ilio mutktl haa tioen fliwili'il with Kaalrrn.<br />

Wlirn Ihla la wnrknl oirthfrc lll hf a tirttrr ilrmaml<br />

for S I. Molaiara. Mmlrraln ahlpmrnlanf coihI inalltjr<br />

will br llkrlr In mrrl a irovit Inatkrt.<br />

SUOAH. -- rtirff la a largr rnnantnpllnn, ami Importa-llnn-<br />

iidlul parlnir angar, In a coiwiilrrablr rilcnt,<br />

arr nrcraaarjr Ihla fall In im-f- t our tanla. The larcr<br />

Jobber tthn haa, ulth aomr olhcra, linportnl about ;!<br />

tana rettna.t auttar from Nt'i York, hai arratiiinl for a<br />

tijiplT frws th Ilrllnerlf 1 hr On thr alrmcUi of<br />

Ihla thr tfrtnnlM har ailnanecil thrlr prlcra v cent<br />

all round.<br />

Th Heel Sucar crop of Knropr la turning not tutlrr<br />

than w aw riprcteit anil 11011 bltla fair lo equal that nf<br />

turs. The natural rraiilt la that London ami Nnv York<br />

markela are rerr ireak wtlh armplitmt of a panic.<br />

Manila bail lal'ti IS a Jd.TJ per K'llb".<br />

TALI.OW.-- ln actltriiUemamt at &C.U&H 0. for ren-<br />

dered a lo quality. HeAnrd S C U 'H c<br />

WOOL.-Mar- ket qulal. 1 1 001 northern W c. ft 31 e.<br />

Raton rualiluc nf Mintharn '.M c. a -- I c.<br />

L rlAiim i. u. til. ramiiT ih nran ju<br />

KUKioiirs. ionnacr in n<strong>ui</strong>tti aunn r. 0<br />

U K. la offered tut uoojen ahlpa, but liliiher ralra arr<br />

IMtiiPOSni) DKl'AtlTllItKS -- Srntrmbrr tat. bark<br />

F.lla; 4th, bark Kalakaua; fith liktnr J A 1'all.tnbursi<br />

nth, bark Korea! Qoern. Wr arc Yonra fnllhrully<br />

Vtt.t.tAMM. DIMUND CO.<br />


ArrlvoiU- -<br />

Hepl 4 Am hk I) C Mnrraj. Doirnra, from .1 F.<br />

Hrlt bk I.adj I.ainpaon, Maralnn, from H K.<br />

Muknlll. from Molo'ial ami Maul<br />

JaraiMi Maker, from Kauai<br />

Llhollho, from lli.nualni<br />

U'alail, " l'aauhau<br />

Kate " Molnkal<br />

'MS City of Noiv York, Seabnry, from S V<br />

l.lkellkr. from Maul amUlanall<br />

1I1IMM l'rllcan, Dlrkrna from Hawaii.<br />

C It lllahop, from liana<br />

Lrhua, from llapuu<br />

6 Msnuoksnal. from Nllhau<br />

Kekaillnohl, from llaualel<br />

8 warttlcfc. from Lanal<br />

v Marlon, from Kukulhaolij .<br />

aunaiD, irom uapuu<br />

Malolo, from Klpahulu antl Keokea<br />

Am bk Camden, Cutler, from l'ott Tawnaend<br />

10 llaunanl. from Kau<br />

Jenny, from N'llllll<br />

" Am ch lahlne Wave. McOulloch,- - from Tort<br />

" T'ownaend, la llnua<br />

l.uVa,ifrom Kohnii<br />

Mokolll, from liana<br />

Sailed.<br />

8ept 5 PMS City of New York. Seaburr, for Sydnrr.<br />

6 Mokolll, for liana, Klpahnlu, Molokat nr.d Hu-el- o<br />

Am tchr Claim Spreckrla, Coualna, for S. I.<br />

Kllaura lion, frrKahuInt<br />

JUn<strong>ui</strong>)l.a::al, for.Mllu<strong>ui</strong><br />

T Am Kmma AnguaU, lUrcn, for l'ort<br />

Townerud.<br />

Llkcllkr, for Maul and Hawaii<br />

Janie Maker, for Kauai<br />

Kekanliinhi, for Hanalel<br />

S Mary K Koter, for Koloa anil Walmca<br />

I.'holll<strong>ui</strong>, for llonuapo<br />

Warwick, for Kalaupipa<br />

0 Marion, for Walmraand Kolou<br />

Malolo, for llllo and Hakalau<br />

tO City of Nankin, for an Kranclaco<br />

I.ehua, tor Windward Porta<br />

Wat<strong>ui</strong>alu, for llapuu and Kcoko<br />

IMPORTS.<br />

From San Trniiclsco. pTnU O Mbrra), September<br />

S5 pkR household mde, HM m "lilngle J. --v Dilen hay,<br />

1111 poaU, bhtefer Co; W balca hay. S5) ba; sraln,<br />

Sflcaaei and M boxes bread, 60tlna crackers. Holies A<br />

Co; 4s5 aacka (lour, S aka potatuea, A Slnccr; 1G pkca<br />

lampKpJda, St taaea paint, Dillingham A To; 215 bbla<br />

Urns, .1 bbla cement, 50 in brick, J a Walker; 7pkj<br />

druc Ac ItMcUlbbln; 144 tka potatoes. WO Irirln A<br />

Co;3ca ranitah, Svkra wacjon sundries, M J Koe;<br />

4W tks flour, UU aka frtfn, M ske potatoes. Ml pki; gro-<br />

ceries. II K Mclntrrr lira: 2W ukzs dour. Sl.'ba?s<br />

grocrrles, 764 cases brandy. 19 blle and 7 cases dry<br />

goods, 1 bait blankets, M d Orlnbaum Co; 2S pkca<br />

funiilure. Mrs Rsmser: 4 casesharduarr.bxclass.il<br />

cases seitnE machines. A L Smith, 10 hales hay, dTO<br />

ska craln. 311 SkS feed. jurewer .t Co: M cases beer, 10<br />

case rln. G w Marfarlane Co: 71 nkirs groceries.<br />

Hart lfros; II ska rUcal, Pickering A Co; SOOsks flour,<br />

&J cuaea crackers, 10 pkgs lard, 11 pkgs buttt-r- . 1 pkj<br />

matlnss, 31 cases chairs, M Philips .t Co; 43 pkgs furn-<br />

iture, 3 pkgs mattrass, G F Wells; 2 pkgs nil so and 3<br />

horses to order, 4.! pkgs groceries, M Uh'rrlco; )CV) sks<br />

Sour, 323 pkgs groceries to arlous Chinese firms.<br />

From San Francisco, per Lady Lampson. September<br />

4MM-aks-gra- ln and feed. Lalnc A Co; HrekiK, 1<br />

ce stationery, Whitney A Kobertson; iU presses, 1<br />

case paper, ScasedaUtlonen. 3 cases lnk 1 case books,<br />

S cases,ad 1 bdl tojs, TO Thrum; M,kg nails, S bdls<br />

springs, Srjues and 1 pkg hsrUwaro, 10 eases Turps, 1<br />

case benzine 3 cases Mlnl.b, M Uj lead, E O Hall .t<br />

Son ; 3 cases and cslcblocks, 7 cases and 1 bdl mdse, S3<br />

kgs ship chandltrr sooda. A W l'lercc A Co; &5 pkgs<br />

paints and oils, I1T pkgs cracerles, ISO pkgs ship chand'<br />

Iter goods, Bollea A. Co-.i- sks flour. ISO cases bread, 7<br />

pulleys, 8G pkgs household furniture, S mules, 12'pigs,<br />

12 ducks, Si Fowls, 31 sks grain and feed, MU bbls lime,<br />

M m brick, 1 m posts, 300 m shingles, 15o bales hay. SI<br />

pkgs butter, li pkgs sundries. C Brewer A Co; 13 pkgs<br />

doors and glass. K 11 Thomas; 113 pkgs mdse to order,<br />

3U cases brandy, (trlnbanm A Co; 7 pkgs nines Ac,<br />

Macfarlano JtCox IS pks dry goods, 1 pkg samples, I<br />

case cigars, Hyman Bros; 14 cases boots and shoes, 21<br />

pkgs butter, 33 pkgs mdse, M Philips A Co; 2j0 pkgs<br />

groceries , for various Chinese Arms.<br />

From Port Townsend.per Camden, September 8 531--<br />

ft rough lumber, 57,3711 ft T and ti flooring, 30 m<br />

laths, C8H m shingles, 10 bbla salmon, II Ilackfeld A Co.<br />

EXPORTS.<br />

For Port Toirnsend, per Emma Augusta, September<br />

7 uaiiajt ana .' cons rope, vat rorcign, jwi<br />

For Adslralla, perCttrof New Yora: September 5<br />

1 trunk, V pkgs mdse. yal Foreign, $1K.<br />

Fir San Francisco per Claus Spreckels, September 8<br />

7,397 lbs su.ir, 115.000 lbs rice, 1 pkg coin, $i,S00.<br />

Value, Domestic isi,05.17.<br />

For Hongkong, per Spirit of the Age, September 7<br />

lS.CU) lbs old metal, IPO tons graulle stcne, 5i,307 lbs<br />

scrap'lron. Value, Foreign $!,S81.K3."<br />


6- -E Rlchr. 1 Htolllngs, D McMlllrti and wife, J V Mc;<br />

For Australia. PT City of Sew York, September 5<br />

E X Harks, Mrs Herbert, U A Turner.<br />

From 'an Ffaaclsco, pr Lady Lampson, September<br />

Rcr WfFrrar V J Deerlng. M Ne.ser. J Single, P<br />

Finehan, E C Pttxer, M Uranl, T Farrel. H Qulnnj jnd<br />

19 atorrage." f "' " '<br />

Fuc'HotukoDC per Spirit of the Act. Bep'.embtr 7r-1-0<br />

Chinese. t<br />

For San Frmneu'co. per II W Almy. Augun a W II<br />

Paddock, CkM Uoethe, II a Chase.<br />

From Ssn'Franclsro, per D C Murray, September 4<br />

W L Paris, L II Xarler, I) P llarrtan and wife. Mra A<br />

Barrtan, Mra C ncott, Mn H ltamsey. Hiss I lUmsey,<br />

Mra K. Smith, Miss Uell Fuller. T Sootb, and 4 In<br />

steerage.<br />

From San Francisco, per Clly of New Wk. Kent 5<br />

Mr Austin, wife and S children. WIl Bailey, V C .tones<br />

and daughter, AT Atkinson, J Haysrlden and a chil-<br />

dren, Mrs llanfunl, II V Bollea,-- J A Lewis. C O Miller, J<br />

Lrons. T O Urocklehurit. Miss Barney, Mis fuller. T<br />

May. Miss Ithodes, Master Uhodes, Miss Wlnler, Mrs<br />

Wtttlngton tnd 3 children. Mrs J il Ulske, '.Mr and<br />

Mrs K O llltchoek. Mrs Wrarrr, Mrs Palmer, Mrs<br />

VlUr V v wirji,.' P H Wllsoa. Mra W W Ladd. U Lu<br />

cas ami sen. Mrs C M bhipman, A U Houseman, E 11<br />

Thomas, F Iteidel, Jl A Widfinann, Col O bprrekels. W<br />

li Ulmond, A Cropp, O K Williams, Mrs Clarklsonand<br />

For'Wlndward Ports, per Llkellke. September T Hon<br />

SO Wilder, Mrs J Makee, 3Mla.es Maker. Mrs Noonan,<br />

H Cornwe 1, Mr Low, J O Halter. W Hctamart. Mrs<br />

Wltlington, J P hlsson. E U lltlcbcoek and wife, Mrs<br />

Bjrr.lt, lit Etnrrseu, H R 11 Likeltke. A E Aldricb, Mr<br />

Uonjlast.il WTowle FCate. Mr Jones. Mr Bruce. Mr<br />

BrocItJehurit, W Urqubsrt, iloa X) H N.hluu, Hits<br />


San Frauclsco, August IS, by llv.<br />

T. K. Nobis, Josaru Muttryk Uit.jsj, or Honolulu, lo<br />

Miami V.9c. of fan Frauclsco.<br />

VON allTsi-HI8CL- T-ln Honolulu, at the Catho.<br />

IlC'CUliedral, Sept. Wh, 1W0. by the lies Father Her.<br />

Bias, Mat. sraHi A. ox hxitn, Master or brig<br />

COMiwiV, to Mua tJionousta Hibklt of this clly,<br />

ttaa Francisco yapers please copy.<br />

B4XD.<br />

bllKLBOX-- U this city. Sept, tb. after a linger.<br />

Ing lllaesa, Hblck ake ksrs with Christian patlsncs,<br />

Mas lUsaau Wt<strong>ui</strong>os<br />

daughter of the late John<br />

O.iMnaa, (or II year the beloved sslte of II. L. hbsldoc,<br />

agea sn years sea monins. so a i'uciu Hawaiian<br />

wife and mother. 4telCHstlsiu, kind and sympa-<br />

thizing- friend W the. sick aiidnetjy amoruj both natltes<br />

and rorelssoefe and aheearsToW noteasll) tilled. A<br />

LONO-lklklac- lty. or.ths'Btk loat.. of dropsy, Mr.<br />

CikaatLaa'Lujlss. age4 4i sears. acasJ-a-.Mati- s<br />

nf Italy, and kfd tsld4 in JluuoluU for uunjr years.<br />

He leates u wll ssid ajjecklbir<strong>ui</strong> t tsoufn hlaulitlmely<br />

,<br />

halt<br />

niuVltil i.<br />

Wiiuak VkuMLain sisJlSsVsluskUraWof BU0s)aIli<br />

Kuxland.iu'tse Wlh ytar uf Ids age, Ilu had resided<br />

Ui these Isianda since Wstl, s period of iers.<br />


I'nhllilinl fur Ihn UTi nor t'naaa ..Mmming hjr<br />

iimiKtiT oiiikm;,<br />

Hook, Jr.li and Ocni'ial I'rlntrf,<br />

llnnnlnlu, II I<br />

Thn Sattnnlr I'nitaa cannot nniUrlaka In retntn<br />

rnnmtnnlcallcna, accrptnl nr irjrrlfil, ami we ham tn<br />

frinral rnfrrapiinilrnla In app'nil llirlr line naima ami<br />

actresses, not necessarily for piilillfallon, If so<br />

tint aa a Riiaranleecitlhn gnoil fallh nf Ihr wilier,<br />

-- (Kn. HATtinmr I'nitaa,<br />


ShTTUMtlKll II, lasi).<br />

Wk n'fprrntl Inrit v,tok lo tltn utiiviMulil6<br />

connection tlml tmiat linticcTiirlli ciniilo<br />

thn imino niiil iiuIIoiih nf Mr. Moronn<br />

wllli tho fulr fitnio ninl rrctlit of tlio lUwnllnit<br />

Kitigiloiii. Slnintor niniorn tin lo lliln iiinn'ii<br />

nutrfoilniitn nrn itbro<strong>ui</strong>l, mid nenm llkoly lo<br />

tnko n mnro (Irtlnlto islmpo. Snpioe, itit In<br />

lirotinlilc, tlic llnwntlnti iinmo lio tlrttgotl<br />

tlironpli tho til 1 liy thin mlvciiturur, who will<br />

ho lo hliilnoV<br />

Wit wnlfomo tho " Wotlnomlny nxpronn" itn<br />

mi niltllllmi to Ihn tncnim of vontilittlni; llio<br />

riirriMit qticnltoim of tho tiny, ntnl of nlmu'lnj;<br />

forth Inilli tU?n of tint io!iiIh nt laanc, thniii;h<br />

wo nppil mil nny tlml on ninny innllniH llio<br />

opinion", of. tho " Wctlticittltiy" nro wltlely nt<br />

vnrlnm.ni with thtmu ti( tho "SatUiidav."<br />

In tho first inco wn iniirtt point nut to our<br />

ro.iilfirn tlml tho nttllvo piigcii (if tho " Kxprrn"<br />

nrn 110 nort ol trniintiitimi of thono In KiiKliith,<br />

hut nro nthlreiHctl to nil ontiroly tllll'orcnt not<br />

of tlcfllrcn, hopvA nml fo.trH.<br />

Tho 1101100111110, which nmy bo fntintl In<br />

imrt of thin joitrunl, woulil npponr moro<br />

Miiln<strong>ui</strong>nioor inittlnt'nti If printed In KnliMh.<br />

" Tho Shophonl of Iiitinti" nml his " nhltiltiK<br />

light'' woulil lio tngctlicr cxtiugtllshotl in<br />

l<strong>ui</strong>ightcr wcro ho to put ntich rulililah in Kng-II- h,<br />

An to llio IriiitniiR, plntitmlci, iniHropro-noutntio- ni<br />

nml in tho (nttllvo)<br />

nrticlo on tho Now Hot id of Health, thoy may<br />

ho nnfoly left to confnto llicmsidvcn,<br />

A VKHY intorctting wotk wo linvo fntintl to<br />

ho " Adventures In Pntnganiii, n JlinHlonnry'it<br />

Exploring Trip," by llio Uev. Titus Conn, re-<br />

cently published in Xow York, nml for snlo<br />

hnro by Wlillttay & ltohorlson. Mr. Conn<br />

in coinpnny with Mr. Arms, vnn scut out to<br />

I'litngo<strong>ui</strong>n Ion viiij; Now York August lOlh,<br />

1833, to explore tho country nml innko<br />

for tho pstabllflliiiient of n stnlion<br />

by tho American Board of Missions. Thoy<br />

spent two nml n half months among tho nom-<br />

adic savages, enduring nil soils of privnlions,<br />

but being kindly treated 011 tho wholo and<br />

finally loft on tho nchooner Antarctic nrriving<br />

nt Xow London Mny 7th, 1831. An equally<br />

interesting nppciidix furnished by Mr. Conn,<br />

(now in his 80th year) is " Mr. Dai win's Ex-pl- ot<br />

atious nml experiences in tho Falkland Is-<br />

lands, .North mid Gust Patagonia, &e," mid<br />

tin ncroitut of " Tho Cnptivo in Patttgoniti ; a<br />

pcisonnl nut ratio of tho capture, sulTurings,<br />

nml escnpo of 11. P. Ilouruo, mate of tho<br />

Bchooncr John AUynn of Nowlletifotd."<br />

Tuk borrowing crnzo seems to linvo for tho<br />

time subsided but is by no means dead. Tn<br />

tho event of its wo ought to re-<br />

member tlmt wherever tho Hawaiian borrowor<br />

goes, thoro too go tho Hawaiian statistics,<br />

population, rovenuo, taxation, nppropiintion<br />

Oills mid nil. Imagine n capitalist netted tit<br />

his desk with tho ptoposnl for this pteposter-011- 8<br />

loan beforo him. What I wo fancy hi 111<br />

saying, " n kingdom of sixty-thousa- nd<br />

wanting to boriow a stun eq<strong>ui</strong>valent<br />

to about Si. 00 per bond for ovory innii, woman<br />

or child within its borders I Chinamen, South<br />

Sea immigrants and nil I" What proportion<br />

ho would say, would this loan bear to tho<br />

capitalized wealth of tho wholo country?<br />

Next, what would thoy do with it ? Let mo<br />

seo what thoy do with the rovontto thoy liavo:<br />

Civil List, true, rather heavy it seems ; Mil-<br />

itary, moro tllun amplo; Hands, Hags and<br />

salutes ; good gracious I How cxpensivo theao<br />

necessaries must bo in thut little kingdom I<br />

lint what is this? Coronation expenses, so<br />

mun.v thousands I Ascertaining pedigrees, so<br />

much moro 1 Foreign education for Hawaiian<br />

youths 1 Subsidy for Chinese steamers !<br />

capricious dismissal of Minis-<br />

tries and. Piivy Councillors, blind disregard of<br />

public opinion no wonder thoy wind up with<br />

a supplementary appropriation for protection<br />

from possible breaches of the peace I No 1<br />


H. M. S. Pelican returned on Sunday<br />

tnoniing from her second cr<strong>ui</strong>se amongst tho<br />

Islands. J. H. Wodchouse, Esq., II. II. M.<br />

Commissioner, wont in her, for tho purpose,<br />

nmonj; others, of seeing mid reporting upon<br />

tho condition of tho South Sea laboters 011 tho<br />

various plantations whoro they aro employed.<br />

Soveral estates on Kauai, Mattai, and Hawaii<br />

were visited, and the conclusions drawn by II.<br />

11. M. Commissioner wcro homowlmt as fol-<br />

lows: Tho house accommodation afforded to<br />

these immigrants is almost invariably insuffi-<br />

cient for health, comfort, or cleanliness. Med-<br />

ical attendance too often unuttaitiublc, but in<br />

thut ir.atlcr wo think all residents 011 planta-<br />

tions, masters ami servants, aro ab6ut oil' tt'tt<br />

equality.<br />

Tho laborers appeared to bo well fed, and<br />

with an occasional exception tolerably well<br />

off, deficient house accommodation being al-<br />

ways borne in mind. But he in of opinion, as<br />

wo stated in our lust Issue, that it is impera-<br />

tively .necessary that yatemutio registration<br />

and supervision bo adopted by tho Uuard of<br />

Immigration, so that every individual laborer<br />

may bo always recognizable and producible.<br />

Tho Hoard of Immigration should provide<br />

an efficient, iiidepeudotit officer, who should be<br />

authorised to report on tho woll-bci- or tho,<br />

reverse of all contract luborers.<br />

Periodical inspection should be the rule, and<br />

tho rcco emendations of tho Inspector bo at-<br />

tended to,<br />

Of courso this would be diiScult of iccom-plishme- ut,<br />

as tho Inspector must bo inde-<br />

pendent of planters' interests and havo a<br />

competent, interpreter nt hand ti bqt the attempt<br />

tliould be made. Wo heur that tho Minister of<br />

Interior purposes tnakiug a tour with a view<br />

of personal inspection, This la a it should<br />

be.<br />

AiiONQSTtho topsy-turv- y<br />

recently accomplished heie, 0110 of the must<br />

notable lias been the destruction of the Boani<br />

of Health. It was a favorite argument of<br />

Mem. Bush and Gibson thai no one of the<br />

medical profession should be appointed to a<br />

eat. Id coirying out this idea in Its complete-<br />

ness Their Excellencies Buah, Jones, and<br />

I "JVq? Vi uuu, <strong>ui</strong>uaviimii jstuuun<strong>ui</strong>i mv.uu- -<br />

no at moir urit.sUtliij, om invite, 110 not in-<br />

vite, but uupoiiu without oven the decent for- -<br />

mntlty of comtiltlng tho gt'iilltMiien thclnsolves I<br />

fiiur cmisullliiK physlclnits lo tho holplrsn<br />

honnl of '' liitclllgcnl htynirn," Of Ihcno, two<br />

wnro member of llin former btmrd, into for<br />

soma twouly j onrs post, nml who h is undoubt-<br />

edly iinit tho most oxhniistivo ticipiitlntniicii<br />

with tho klngtlom, nml lis luunliltiiiite, nml<br />

tholr HyKlonlo not,r?ssltlrs of nil tho profes-<br />

sional itiim within It. So then thoao guutln-iiip- ii<br />

hnving benn, without foinutl miller, dh<br />

mlssrd, tifcorilllig lo tho prrsont fitshlou, arc<br />

coolly Inforineil tlmt thoy iirit iiimjkci lo iln<br />

thn work thn lio<strong>ui</strong>il Itsulf ought to tin hut<br />

cannot I No womlor that llneo of tho four<br />

declined tho piiilloiotl honor I Of ciiiirnu If<br />

llio business of tho board is In bo iloitu in thii,<br />

way II will piovo lo bo it rather oxponslvo<br />

tichomo, as it consulting physician wo premium<br />

would havo to ohargo tho hoard for e.toh con-<br />

sultation Just ns ho would olmrgo for iiny tillior ;<br />

htif Ihon ptihllu mouoy Is m<strong>ui</strong>to to lljr now-n-tlny- n,<br />

Wo shall bo glad tti unto tho Impiovctl<br />

htmtlhftilue, teiluced doitlh rale, nml ill lor<br />

nxtiunllou of thn lint of "unnttomled" tloatliH,<br />

which nto promised by tho bnattl of iutolll-go- nt<br />

Itiyuutu fired fiom tho " hmiipniiug"<br />

proaom.0 of geutlumoii of tho moil leal ptnfi'H-hIo- ii.<br />

Wo havo been fortimatu cnongli to havo<br />

been iiblo to glanco over tho Ituport nf I lio<br />

lloaltl of llonlth of tho Statu of Massachu-<br />

setts, llcsidon tho stnllnlictil portion, Hovernl<br />

vory vnlnnhlo papors nro oontilbutetl, by tho<br />

most eminent physiciniiH nf tho Male, on a<br />

variety of tiucstlons relating to health, ptihtio<br />

mid domoalic. Tho board iHconslilutod as fo-<br />

llows; Ihreo ptomiuout phyniciaiiH, ono lawyer,<br />

nml threo laymen. Tho total oxpenMos for tho<br />

your roporled on amount lo $2,813.03,<br />

"DiMmlstals nml itppoiiitmuuts " kmlglit bo<br />

kept sot tup as stamhud heading now. Wo<br />

tlesiro to refer to tho dismission of l)r, Kmur-soi- i,<br />

a gonial nml accomplished gentleman,<br />

pronounced by tho medical fraternity In bo<br />

without suporior in professional iictpiiromt'iilH,<br />

moro especially ns rrgauls tho treatment of<br />

natives. A thorough Hawaiian mi tn early<br />

associations and life long sympathies, familiar<br />

with tho language, and experienced in dealing<br />

socially nod piolessiomtlly with nil classes of<br />

tho community, 0110 woulil have thought that<br />

ho was tho right man in tho right plut'o ; but<br />

tho appropriation for n lesidont medical officer<br />

at tho lepor settlement nt Molokai wns, wo<br />

understood, lofusod, nevertheless a successor<br />

to Dr. Emerson has been named in tho person<br />

of Dr. Neilson,<br />

Siuco writing tho abovo wo learn that tho<br />

wholo faculty in Honolulu hnving been can-<br />

vassed for acceptance to tho now appointments<br />

its Consulting Physicians have almost univer-<br />

sally declined so questionable on honor.<br />

Tho Situation.<br />

Tho political situation remains unchanged,<br />

unless for tho woiso; it really appeals that<br />

wo nto drifting or being driven towards tho<br />

fatal shores of absolutism. On Fliday circu-<br />

lars wcro issued to tho members of tho Privy<br />

Council calling 11 meeting fur noon on tho<br />

tlty (Saturday tho 1th). On tho after-<br />

noon of tho latter named day tho public weio<br />

astounded by tho news, ,thnt two of tho<br />

most truatwoithy members nf tho council<br />

had boon called upon to icsign their Boats.<br />

Thoso two gentlemen aro amongst thoso who<br />

havo novor sought or obtained post or emolu-<br />

ment :tt tho public expense, nml their dismis-<br />

sal, for such it was, went 11 long way towards<br />

increasing tho feeling of distrust mid uneasi-<br />

ness which for some weeks past has undeni-<br />

ably been bindcriug'bttsincss and obstructing<br />

progress.<br />

Tho additions to tho Privy Council List nro<br />

not regarded with any moro favor thun tho<br />

; tho now mouthers cannot bo Bitid to<br />

enjoy tho confidence of the public, and with<br />

tho exception of tho member for Lahttimt aro<br />

scarcely known as public men at all.<br />

All theao rocent changes seem to point in<br />

ono direction, namely pctsonal government,<br />

thinly veiled under tho forms of tho constitu-<br />

tion. Thoso things ought not to bo, and it is<br />

universally lelt that thoy mo becoming intol<br />

erable Amongst other surptiscs on Saturday<br />

we hoard that tho Privy Council had<br />

and obtained from tho Ministor of<br />

Finance tho sum of S1200 avowedly for tho<br />

purpose of resistance to pussiblo riots. Who<br />

are thoy who anticipate rioting ? Wo do not.<br />

Indeed it is with a feeling af ubsoluto shame<br />

that we note tho withdrawal of a considorttblo<br />

sum of public money from tho Treasury for<br />

the purposo of allaying an unwu-Ui- y and<br />

groundless fear. " The wicked floe when no<br />

man pursuoth" is aa truo as ovor. In what<br />

shapo this money will remains to<br />

bo seen. Fear I fear of what or of whom ?<br />

Surely thero nro plenty of officers, nay even<br />

some privates, keeping guard over tho na-<br />

tional b<strong>ui</strong>ldings ; tho vaults of tho national<br />

treasury are us soctiro its over ; fear ami terror<br />

are incompatible with business mid piogtcss<br />

mid for their Bakes the sooner the Keigtt of<br />

Terror comes to an end tho better.<br />

Who Wanto Mora Chinese?<br />

Wo replv by on extract from a letter written<br />

by King Kaluktum tinted Honolulu, November<br />

17th, 1670, ttiitl which found iid way into tho<br />

New York Mithn :<br />

" You wrote that it seemed to yon that we nhcrald<br />

1 uoou be overran with Chinoee' and that ' tho ltcct-procit- y<br />

'Treaty is a money-makin- g business, bat a<br />

Bledgo-hamni- er driving down Iho naiU into the<br />

cofUn of tho Hawaiian race.' To this, my iltar<br />

fritnil, ! tltmur, Tho Chinese will come into the<br />

country ho long as it is a place where he nnda<br />

and bappinetu, nnd as long as there aro<br />

hith Wilson, liko all races who Uy from the perse-<br />

cution of one country to a moro conce<strong>ui</strong>at one.<br />

I look at the matter in itn broad Bense, and uo(..at<br />

one jiartlcular claaa ttnu raco of men. would<br />

thirt tetn firsny t<strong>ui</strong>llioHf mori of than, I itm not;<br />

afraid of tho Chinese. Tlity nre a peacnable raco<br />

nnd easily governed. TJioy aro ntorb controllable<br />

than thu Jrish element In your coontry, wlileh Jta<br />

lio other politioal ambition thi<strong>ui</strong> to ' go nnbtt tho<br />

Government.'<br />

"At present tho influx of tho Chinese lias about<br />

sunk to Us level, I'rices cf labor are now lower<br />

than when the Treaty came iuto otwration. The<br />

richnesb of China under til worst of itdmlniutM-tiou- s<br />

hi enough to convince the most Hkcptcal that<br />

thu Chinese, under our free and liberal initltuttons,<br />

will bo a pronperons iople, n good element to In-<br />

troduce iti a country where no other labor can be,<br />

procured. If treated well, they will be flood citl-zau- a.<br />

In time, with tbU ludustriuaa aUmtnt.tn<br />

our country, vy shall be producer invsuoun<br />

ways where uovf (yieptin sugar and rice) we are<br />

conaumeri.<br />

"Wltk Chinese ingniilty? industry, and cheap<br />

labor, shall be able to'coiapoU ia tMde witti<br />

the r'-- st<br />

u vthe nations in the. struggle, of uatl<strong>ui</strong>al<br />

existence. "'<br />

Whether tpre exist or sink ia oblivion, our lot U<br />

one with all that have lived aud died. Every race<br />

has it goal, aud every specie of man has its<br />

course to run, whether by' amalgamation or actual<br />

estiaoUoB. (astguesi) aUxlAsUUA,'! '<br />

W agres) in greet pari (not tbe twenty<br />

io!lliona)jvitlf the above)! but invite coujaji-o- n<br />

with tlia Pdi Ainu of September 4tb,<br />


It in arrnngetl Ihrit II. H.M.a.'ricmi nulls<br />

for tho South lMolflo on Tuesday. 8I10 will<br />

call nt Fitmilugs, Pcnihyn nml ollior Isles,<br />

llimicn In Tahiti nml fto on to 0iuhnbo. 8I10<br />

will probably lm replaced tn a fowthtys by thu<br />

I'fnifiiin nml wo 111 0 glad to Imtr tlintonr har-<br />

bor will not long bo I nft without a foielgn na-<br />

tional ling. Wo gnvo il nn l<strong>ui</strong>r opinion Inst<br />

w 00k nml repent It y tint tindiii 's<br />

will foreign meii'of wnr interfere<br />

between political parties In (bono Islands, hut<br />

will Couflno thomsolves to witching over nml<br />

prolootiiig thn lives nml Inton'slr of llielr own<br />

countrymen<br />

Thoi 0 nro on thn stntiiln book plenty of<br />

enactments relating tn tho supervisioli or<br />

of vngrniicy, nml yet wo nro told tlmt<br />

w hlln plantsis nro In grievous want of labor-<br />

ers thoro nro nt llio nnmo thno and in (ho namo<br />

districts numbers of Ohlmtincn tramping nlmul<br />

unemployed nml mOmlng1 employment. It<br />

might ho it good Idea If tho Ministor of tho<br />

Intel tor wpm to call tho attention of tho Mttg-Istittlt- 's,<br />

Shnrllfs, Polio.', nto., to tho fact, In<br />

older that any trump " without vislblu moiiiin<br />

of itupport" might bo nnostod and called on<br />

tn give mi nccnunttif himsiuT, mid that till pntl-tllu- is<br />

bo iiutilo to produce tholr licenses nml<br />

submit tholr packs to Iho inspection of tho<br />

police<br />

Tun now wash-hous-<br />

es planned by Iho lato<br />

Ministor of tho Iutotior, at (ho foot of King<br />

street, nto rapidly approaching completion,<br />

iiml will make n.notnblo fealuto of that part<br />

of tho city. Thoy form ono continuous two-sto- ry<br />

block along tho ctlgo of tho slioam,<br />

standing 011 piles sufficiently high to he out of<br />

tho teach of fienhots. A broad verandah runs<br />

along tho rear, nirordiiig room for drying<br />

clothes, Tho ro<strong>ui</strong>ovnl of tho Ohiuuso wnsh<br />

houses fiom tho city, wheio thulr accumula-<br />

tions of h<strong>ui</strong>Ih ami dlriy wntor 1110 piovocatlvo<br />

of miasmatic rover, will bo it grout sanitary<br />

improvement. Tho Chinese httiudrymen havo<br />

goneinlly expressed thomnelvos plonsod with<br />

tho proposod change, nml several havo already<br />

bespoken rooms in Iho now b<strong>ui</strong>lding.<br />

Tun Hon. Mrs. Fanny Young Ivokoht Naoa,<br />

eldest daughter nml sola surviving child of tho<br />

Into John Young, and mother of Hor Majesty<br />

tho Queen Downger KmiiinKiilolommlunl, died<br />

suddenly nt tho residenco of tho latter, Ntiu-1111-<br />

11<br />

strcot, on Satillday afternoon tho till t tint.<br />

Tho deceased was thu eldest of tho children of<br />

Mr. Young, who it will bo romomberod was<br />

the trusted friend mid companion of Kmiiehn-iiieh- n<br />

I., -- nml throughout her long lifo of<br />

sovonty-si- x years wns beloved by hor family<br />

nml rospoctcd by all who know her for her<br />

many good qualities of head nml heart, ho<br />

worthily perpetuated in tho porson of her uni-<br />

versally lespectcd ttud bolovcd daughter Queen<br />

Emma.<br />

Tho decoasod lady was born at K.iwoihao<br />

on July 21, 1300, mid her ago was thercforo<br />

71 years, 1 mouth and 13 ilnys. Sho wns of<br />

high rank, her mother having been a near<br />

blood rclativo of Katiiehr.meha I. This is<br />

shown by tiio names sho boro, which woro<br />

" Knmak<strong>ui</strong>moku, Kokolankahtni, Kulua,<br />

Kmntihoiiiiii, Lolooili, and Ktthili-ktilani- ,"<br />

all of which havo a signification in<br />

tho parlanco of tho old chieftains of Hawaii.<br />

Thoro woro threo other children of John<br />

Young by tho sanio mothor, viz., Graco, John,<br />

and Juno. By n former marriage Mr. Young<br />

had two sous, Robert nod James Kanohoa.<br />

il'lio funeral of tho Into Mrs. Naoa has boon<br />

for tho 3rd of Octnbor, proximo.<br />

A paragraph in Harper's Jiaznar 'of Aug.<br />

23th statos "nn undoubted relic of tho ed<br />

Atuhmta has been recently picked up tit<br />

soa. It is a three-fourt-<br />

hs length figuro of a<br />

goddess, just such an ofiigy as was known to<br />

bo carried by that ship. It boars evidenco of<br />

great violouco, and its appearance tends to<br />

strengthen tho theory thut tho vessel mot ita<br />

destruction by collision." Our thoory has<br />

always been thut sho was destroyed by col-<br />

lision, most probably with boiuo deroliot, per-<br />

haps a water-logg- ed lumber ship. To havo<br />

encountered either, tho ehip must havo been<br />

driven far to tho North of her course, (from<br />

Bermuda to Cork or Plymouth) or olso tho ico<br />

must havo travelled an unusual distanco south-<br />

ward. Tho figuro head found is undoubtedly<br />

similar to that of tho dtYrtWri and of scores of<br />

othor of II. B. M.'s ships for that matter, so<br />

that wo should liko to hoar if it can be identi-<br />

fied by tho Dockyard authorities, boforc feel-<br />

ing sttro as lo its ownership. The Atnlantn, Ihon<br />

H. M. S. Juno, 2d gun frigate, Oapl. Pat Blake,<br />

was on this (Pacific) Bttttiou for several yoars<br />

up to 1810,wheu sho returned to Etigluud loutid<br />

tho Horn. Wo are iudobted to tho courtesy<br />

of A. P. Brickwood, Esq. Postmaster Gen-or- al,<br />

himself an old naval officer, for uttt acting<br />

our attention to tho above quoted purugruph<br />

fiom Marper,<br />

BteUl Notice.<br />

The underalgucd tenders rcspcitful thanks to tbe<br />

public of Honolulu and the other Islands for the liberal<br />

patiouajxo extended to the lato Arm of Mellls & HUhet,<br />

and begs to notify the public in general that he will<br />

shortly open up a new establishment, v th a flue assort-<br />

ment of new and desirable goods especially selected to<br />

ine'tt lite wants of this market, tlmo and place of which<br />

wilt be duly noticed<br />

a It A.M. MKM.lt.<br />

Walthan Watches. ,<br />

Frbm the Sydney Daily TtUgraph, Juris St, 1880.<br />

The Waltham Watch Company have been awarded tho<br />

only gold medal glyen for Matches al the bjduey Inter-<br />

national Exhibition, aud are the only exhibitors lu auy<br />

class from the United States who huvo received this<br />

.distinctive recogulilon.<br />

I bole Agent for tbe Hawaiian Islands.<br />

Spools! Notice,<br />

Mn, Jams Uodd would respectfully Inform tbe public<br />

generally that, havIiii;niauVarraiigemeuU with Iba Haa.<br />

C. II. Judd for the lease of a s<strong>ui</strong>table Jicach lot at Wai-klk- l,<br />

ho Intends with i little delay as posslblo to erect<br />

thereon a number of s<strong>ui</strong>table and thoroughly provided<br />

11ATII IIOUaUB, for the accommodation o( ladles and,<br />

neutlsmeu, as well as fatnllUs, where the luxury of Hid<br />

Uahng may be enjoyed lu al) Is perfection. 1I Om<br />

nlbus ll run reuUrly beiweeu the. Jlat.hi anaVse City<br />

ut stuti.il hours, full particulars will be given h'ertaftfr,<br />

as soon as all tho arrangements ate concluded say<br />

within one month from date.<br />

Aouululn, Kept, i, ISbO, 1 si<br />

ED. C. ROWS.<br />

Houm tuul SIku PtUatsr, pasysir Haagsxr, sfce.<br />

Tttl ly Ku m fort HUeet, liunolulu. a<br />

A. W. FEIRCE sk CO,,<br />


4UKXTS SOB<br />

Uraad'a Qnaa sad feoasb Lancas,<br />

<strong>ui</strong>it 1 3 I'srrypatls' rateKimr.<br />

Tlit tio, 40 qastn Mtrssl, Honolulu. ly<br />

KsSlOXSOIf,,<br />

1W and 101 fort Street.<br />

pictures of all sizes aud kinds mads to ordsr, and<br />

Frames of ill descriptions coostauUjr ou haiL. iso,<br />

om;iis, murals, aim siunos<strong>ui</strong>es 01 me raciac.<br />

-- illy<br />

i '"is.w.iiorr,<br />

tUaM.Makawr, Dykalstssrar, Dlaw to<br />

No, sg King Strsst, Ustwssu Msaau r.iut Port 8trsu.<br />

Msttris.rs conaiaatljr oa hd or node to order.<br />

ly<br />

UtttAttMl futti'<br />


XX. wishes posltloa a Mateesy.Qoireraaaa. 8tsVi<br />

French aud Clermau. '<br />

sVuoreM Mis H. T., Post Osttce, Uosolala. Hf U<br />

(I'nmmn'ilest'it )<br />

KntTon iir tub l'linsi! In ittolssnoof<br />

tho (lA.Rrni of tho 1st Inst., n pnrsgrnph<br />

assorting that "tho carpenters nrn on<br />

n gonnrnl strike Hits week." I shall feci ob-<br />

liged if you will allow 1110 lo deny this sttito-ine- iit<br />

through tho nieilliim of your columns.<br />

Tho cm pouters hitvo not boon on n slrlko.<br />

Homo of them havo demanded mi advance In<br />

wngos, nml tholr ilomnniU tint having boon<br />

conceded In nil cases, smnn of them linvo<br />

hern liiiPi<strong>ui</strong>ln,yit, but not it iilnglo shop<br />

In town has stopped work, nml In most onsrs<br />

tho mlvnnco naked has been grnntod.<br />

Tho ctmcli'jlt<strong>ui</strong> Of Jho pitrngrnph referred<br />

lo Is ns rldltiillntiii rtsfcliiitomptllili) nml shows<br />

that tho writer Ihoroof, im lunttor how much<br />

lin may prltfo hlmsolf 011 his niiporlurtty'fivor<br />

mochiinlcS; U driisoly ignormil of tho subject<br />

ho wrllot about, On tho oecniloii of tho ed<br />

ilnpiitntlou to llio palaco on Wetllit'siliiy,<br />

'J.'ilh tilt., Iho wholo of tho men who wanted<br />

tin tidvmico of wages worn holding a mooting<br />

of tholr own olsowhero, nml not otic of them<br />

was no.tr tho palaco nt tho time. Wlialnver<br />

our fan I Is nn mechanics may be, I think tlmt<br />

Ihuro Is 110 need for us to ho hold up to tho<br />

ildluulo of tho publiu its partl<strong>ui</strong>pitoiii in thu<br />

nhsuril trash that iipponrn to havo been spout-<br />

ed by tho "deputation" nt tho palaco.<br />

I nm nlr, yours, &u,,<br />

AjUAIII'KNriSll.<br />

Coiiiiiiiinleati'il.<br />

A Bit of Ancient History.<br />

Although Solomon had it thousand wives ho<br />

had only otto son, ltohoboiim, mid ho tlu lto<br />

of his father. At llio death of Solomon<br />

tho ton tribes of'Israel sent Jeroboam as a<br />

moHsougor to Itohohoam to consult him In ro-g-<br />

to bin reign, saying that If ho would<br />

lighten tho weight of tnxes thoy would con-<br />

tinue In his service tin thoy had dona to his<br />

.'ulnar. Ho first consulted his miller's old ntnl<br />

ttlrd fiionds, and thoy advised hlmtoglvo a<br />

favorable answer, Tho iidvlco did not pleuso<br />

him. Ho next asked Iho advice of tho young<br />

mini who woro grown up with him, Tho ad-<br />

vice thoy gnvo wns :<br />

"Thus siinlt thou spook unto this pooplo,<br />

Thy fitthor mtido our yoko heavy, hut innko<br />

thou it lighter unto us; thus nhalt thou say<br />

nolo thorn, My littlo finger shall bo thicker<br />

than my father'.! loins.<br />

" And now whoions my father did lado you<br />

with a hoavy yoko, I will add to your yoko.<br />

My father hrith chastised you with whips ; I<br />

will chastise you with scorpions."<br />

Thoy tovoltcd.<br />

Bitter Waters and Sweet<br />

A communication to tho Pruts last wook<br />

quotes a letter writtoti by, Kalakaua to tiio Ail-vcrti- ier<br />

in Decombor, 1873, in which ho urges<br />

that foreigners nro always welcome and that<br />

thoro was no opposition to thorn among tho<br />

natives.<br />

In Decombor, 1872, whilo Kalakaua was<br />

competing for tho tluono against Lunalilo, ho<br />

issued mi appeal, printed in Hawaiian, in<br />

which ho says: "Do not bo led by foreign-<br />

ers; thoy had no part in our hardships in gitin-'.i- g<br />

tho country. Do not bu led by their fulso<br />

teachings as a hog with a string in its noso is<br />

led iguorantly itlong to tho ovon prepared to<br />

cook him ;' ' and further on, after giving tho<br />

platform of his pioposcd Government, a promi<br />

nent plank of winch was to "pay oft" tho<br />

national debt," ho says, ''Bowaro of tho Con-<br />

stitution of 18S2 and the fulso teachings ot tho<br />

f<strong>ui</strong>oiguors who uro now grasping to obtain tho<br />

control of tho Government if W. 0. Lunalilo<br />

ascauds tho throne." iNow tho JJuKaii Pae<br />

Ainu, in an equally shallow manner, striven to<br />

Btir up hostility against foreigners. Circum-<br />

stances doubtless alter cases in theso times as<br />

well us others, and wo aro prepared, after tho<br />

past variability, to find King Kulakutta ttg<strong>ui</strong>it<br />

ombtiicing tho foreigner, in the English lan-<br />

guage, when tho need comes. Queiiy.<br />

, COOK WEBB, M.<br />

Homeopathist,<br />

(Late Chief of Stall llomeuputhlc Hospital, Ward's<br />

Island, K. Y.)<br />

Offlco CO Fort Street, special attention to diseases of<br />

women and children.<br />

Oillco hours Until 10 A. M. 2 to 4 r. at. 2 ly<br />

O, flIUELKEN. o. XKouxa.<br />

G. SEGELKEN & CO.,<br />

No. S Nutianu Street,<br />

Tinsmiths and Plumbers, Dealers In Stoves,<br />

Itanges, Tin, Sheet IroauniLCo!iptr Ware, keep<br />

on hand a full assortment of Tiiiuurc, l.uhant<br />

lied Iron and Lead 1'lpc, India llubber Hose, Ac, Ac<br />

aiy<br />


Candy Manufactory and Bakery<br />

3D. XXOXLXtT,<br />

Praotlcal Confectioner, Pastry Ccok and Baker,<br />

a no. 75 Hotel street, between Nuuanu and Tort, ly<br />



No. SO Merchant St., next to Thos. Q. Thrum.<br />

Boats nml Nliocs 9f mtle lo Order, of llvet Msv<br />

teriul.niul its Hensouble Vrlecs.<br />

Boots and Shoes made far Caeh only<br />

vjy<br />

M. S. ORINBAUM fc CO.,<br />

Importers suad Wholesale Dealers in Oene-er-al<br />

Merchandise,<br />

3 Makee'a Block, tiucen btreet. ly<br />

M. & ORINBAUM sk CO<br />

Forwardlns; and Commission Merchants,<br />

JU California at., bun Francisco.<br />

Special facilities foi and partlcslar attention paid to<br />

a couslgnments of Island produce. ly<br />

T, J. MOBSMAN,<br />

Importer and Dealer In Crockery,<br />

Plain and Uecnrated Porcelain, Cut and Pressed Glass,<br />

Silver Plated Ware, Cutlery, Chaudcllcrs, Lamps,<br />

Chlnmeva Ktc<br />

rire Prooi Store, cor. King and Nuuanu Sis,, (Ionolalu.<br />

NOTICE.<br />

AT . A. Tj. HM1TJI. AT 1118 BTOIIE<br />

ITAoa Fort street, and Mr. J. E. Wiseman, will attsiml<br />

to llm collection of Hills and receipt for tha same, due<br />

the undersigned, from this date. J. II. ULACK,<br />

Late proprietor of the P.O. Advertiser.<br />

Honolulu. Sept 10th. B5.<br />

tee! H. a. 11 xjv ay!<br />

.aitlEO'SENaLIflll) PATENT<br />

Portable, Semi-Portab- le and Permanent<br />

- Steel Hallway.<br />

Steel IUIU and Corr<strong>ui</strong>rated Steel Ttw, ot HUsuer..<br />

For Information, apply to ,<br />

A. W. McOAWSLANI).<br />

,,,., Agent for this Blnedom.<br />

No. Honolulu. a Im<br />

WM. J. SHELDON,<br />



Bove MlXQ&txxtim<br />

Shop ou Kiiic Street, oppoVltc ih $ Follcs 'station, a m<br />


R. LOVE A BROTH IH, PrsiuUtsrs.<br />


Pilot., Medium and Navy ahead always on hand isad<br />

made to order Also, Water, Soda and Butter Crack<br />

ers, Jenny Llad Cakes, sk-<br />

-.<br />

Ship IlrcsJ oa the shortest notice. Family<br />

Bread, mads of lbs Vest Flour, ruked dally and alway a<br />

ou baud. J' '" .<br />

Ms M. Brewss aVesasl eT aaaUljr<br />

my<br />

T<br />

stftiMar PsJ aafSBsnWVafaUl<br />

fnnK COJPAMKKRaUIP'HKB fro--<br />

1 fort xlstlns! Utwtea Alfred M. MsJlU sad Charles<br />

J. Flshel UdlseulvsatbU Mh.tisy etiMlsaaUr, IHM,<br />

ty mutual cousesi, Meilla sstWaf. aad isbsl,contlnu<br />

l<strong>ui</strong>r tbe business st the old iiswis susv assuul<strong>ui</strong>t all lis--<br />

blltllss ol the asm Olasolvsd asm. .11 Booiys owing<br />

to tbe aald asm will be uald U 0. i. fIsbsl, who aloae U<br />

aatftefUea le Mlva aad taaeir JfFf-- i<br />

'<br />

' CHAM.J. sW<br />

Heaoiaia, UfU ,m UU<br />

OTri'IUlSTK COTJlPi'-Ol- -' 'I'JIK JIA- -<br />

O Italian Islsmls. In I'fnbalc Iiljft'l "f 1'";<br />

llanatlnu Islands, as In Inn mtlr tltn Will<br />

Wllllsm llrnmler llarnes, lain nf llonnlplii, In (tin Is.<br />

Inml f)f Oal<strong>ui</strong>, ileensswl Order aiipolnllnir limn for<br />

1'rolialo of Hill anil illtrcllltit pnlillcallnn ofnnlleanf<br />

' A doenmenl, iiarpnllliietii lin lis last Will and Tea.<br />

lament nf Wllllnm llonir jr Ihrtira , liavliitf<br />

mi Ihn mill nay or nririiiliifr, A I. ltW. nen pre.<br />

senled to aald rrolisln Cmut, and nttltfnii for the<br />

rrnbalfi Iherfnf. and fur thn luanrmeo nf Letter Tia.<br />

inetilary In Hainnel M Dninnn II I lasrra-ly-r sjrelt-r-- l<br />

that .Mimilay, the llli day nf tlclriiirr, A II I nNl.nl II<br />

n'rlnrk A Jl nf aald day, nl Ihn t'lintl IIihiiii nf said<br />

('imrl, nt Alllolnnl Hnlo, In llonolnlii.lif, ",', 'l7,!llmt<br />

la, hrreliy appointed llm than fur proving aald III nml<br />

heailnp; said application when nnd where anrpr'in<br />

Itilrreslril may niipenr anil rnnlrat Iho said Will, and<br />

llm itr.H'.llliK nf Lellrra Teslanienlnry. It Is farther<br />

Milere.l, that nntlfn llieienf lifl(leii liy pnhllfalliin fur<br />

Ihn n siireelvn WfU In Urn newapatiera printed sml<br />

pnliltsntd In II111111I11I11, one In the Cnttllah anil thn<br />

iilhrr Id Hie llswallilli latigtiaijr. And It U fnrllier<br />

iitilernl, that rllntlnna ho Issurit In the atihirillilliir<br />

Wllneaai'S In said Will, and ID III" heirs nf the leslslur<br />

In Ihla Klnifdiiiil, tn appear anil contest Hie probate nf<br />

said Will, si inn niinoinirti llinn,<br />

listed Honolulu, II. I., He nienilirr 10. tux),<br />

HIAM -' llAIII 111.<br />

(Jlilpf Justice nf Ihn Humeintj b'nnrt.<br />

AllealrA llnaA Clerk S<br />


0 nullah Islands III I'liiUU, lalaml of Oahn,<br />

lUwnllan Isianda, .a. In lliu mailer nf lhr eslntnof<br />

llhnrli-- a Aplaiil t'iiif. lain Af Honolulu and .Manna, In<br />

thn lalnndiif Oahn, Jl err haul nnd Mlilhiiiviiir, decesaeil<br />

Order Hpiiqlntlns tltild for I'mlialn of It III nnd direct- -<br />

as af pulilfcsllnii nf imllrr nf Ihn tnino<br />

A itiiLiimeiil, pnrporlllpg to lio llio last ll'lll and Tes-<br />

tament of Chnrlen Aplaiil Lonir, nf llonolnlii and<br />

Jlitt<strong>ui</strong>ft, dereased, liavltiK nn tint Huh day nf Hrptemli'ir,<br />

A II, inml, linen preaenn il in aald I'roliale Coliit, inula<br />

petillmi fur Iho rnilinln thernof. nml fur tho Issuance)<br />

nf Letters: Teslatanilnrr In Kmlerlck Aniiiistiis Hthnn.<br />

Irr, liavlnu lieen nicd by llm s.ilit Krcderlek ,iurtistiia<br />

Hchaefer; It la hrrrlir nrderul Hint Jlnnday, tlm 1th<br />

day of Urlnlii-f- , A. I). Iifl, atli n'rlnrk Jl.nl enld ilsy,<br />

al tliri f.'iiart IKmin iifanlill.iiiirt, at Alllolnnl Hale, In<br />

lliiiiii<strong>ui</strong>iii niiirniani, nr, nun inn sainn la, ner<strong>ui</strong>iynii.<br />

miiilntl (lie llinn for proslnc said Will nml hearing anld<br />

aipillcntliirt, when And where any person Intere'tnl way<br />

.ipiieiir<br />

......<br />

nnd conical llio anld<br />

......<br />

will, nod Ilia<br />

: '.<br />

trrstilliii;<br />

.....''.. uf<br />

i.enera rsinincninry. u is riirinrr nrnereii, <strong>ui</strong>ni n<br />

lliereiif boitlyrn liy pnlillrulliiii, for thrre alircna<br />

aim weeks, In two tintfehaprrs pilitlril nnd jinlillshrd<br />

In lliiii'iliilii, unit In Iho Kturllsli mid thn oilier In Hie,<br />

jlnivnllaii laiiniiaifv, And It Is further erdered, Tlint<br />

rllntlnna hn Issued In tltn anliscrlliliiK witnesses ti anld<br />

will, and lo llm heirs of tho l slutor In this Kingdom,<br />

lo iippenriind contest llio pruhate (if raid Will, nl Iho<br />

llinn nppoliil'il,<br />

Ditteil Honolulu, II. I , IhrtlOlli day of Heptetnher.lKHO,<br />

(JI1AM. (J. IIAUI1IM.<br />

(Jlilnr Justlco of llir Uitprcmo Cnurt<br />

Atteiiti O. ItnsA Hnpuyr (;ierk. ?"ni<br />

I X TI 1 U S U IM t KM K CO IT I IT O V 'VI I K<br />

I Hawaiian Islands. In Ilnnkruptcy, In thn matter<br />

or l.nlll il filer, all nllrid iinnkrupt IKidiro Air. .Ins.<br />

Urn .I111I1I. at Chamlivra, Order of lirarliur. on qucatlon<br />

of nlleireil llaiikruplcy.<br />

It herons, All order lias this tiny hern Issnrd to thn<br />

Marshnl tn takn iiostcsalnu of Ihn iiroperlyuf raid Km<br />

Welk'r, lulu nf llonolnlii, Island nf ()ahu,iind lo put his<br />

ro<strong>ui</strong>itltiit'hoiisea, aliiri'liousna, irrcts, hooka mid pnpers<br />

iniiler lock unil seal, on tho petition of Albert .Inrirrr,<br />

ulli');lni; tho said K111II Weller In Im Indebted to 1st sis In<br />

the sum nf Knur Hundred nnd Twolvn Dollars and 1'lfty<br />

(.'cuts mid to dh era other persons, mid praying, that for<br />

certain atntiilnry reasons fit anld petition nicntloiied, lin<br />

bu adjiidyvd a llankrupt.<br />

Now thercforo, It U ordered that 10 o'clock a.M.of<br />

I'rldity, thn !Hth tiny nf Hopteinber, a. Ii. im, at my<br />

tit<strong>ui</strong>inrirr In Alllolnnl Hnlo, In Honolulu, bo lliollmo<br />

and place for hearliic the said petition and deciding the<br />

lllealliiii ,(if snld I.. W'eller's linnkrtiplcy, anil Hint<br />

notlcu hereof biiilron liy publlsliliii this order for three<br />

siirmgslvn wroks In n natmper printed and tilibllslnd<br />

In Honolulu la llm Knitllsli lanit<strong>ui</strong>tc. for nil persons<br />

(ohccrnri! to appear nml slum cause, If any thoy lime,<br />

"why the mild Kmll NVvllcr should not bu declared a<br />

llankrupt,- -<br />

Dated this ninth dny of Heptembor, 161.<br />

. .. 1i.AirirJ ffTin,<br />

.- iwinwm .1 <strong>ui</strong>mi,<br />

Juatlcn Hnprcme Court.<br />

Attoati A. rtosA, Mejiuty Olirlt. 2 at<br />



JL hoen nppolntiu Exccntora or Hie last will anil tes-<br />

tament of Alex. JlcUuft, deceased, hereby j;lre notice to<br />

nil creditors of snld deceased, Hhuthrr secured lis mort-png- n<br />

or otherwise, to present the nnmo nt their place of<br />

business, duly authenticated, within six months from<br />

tho date hi rcof or they will bo forever barred; and nil<br />

persons Indebted to the said Alex. McDiilT are hereby<br />

requested to make Immediate pnymtnt to thn under-<br />

signed. JOHN T. VATKIIIIOIMK, J 11 ,<br />


Executors of Hie last Will mid Testament of<br />

Alex. McD<strong>ui</strong>r, deceased.<br />

Dated Honolulu, Sept. 7, liWO. a 4t<br />



Wc would call the attention of those req<strong>ui</strong>ring Piping,<br />

to our large stock of<br />

154,000 Feet On Hand!<br />

Dlaclc Welded Steam l'lpe W to 7 In. diameter.<br />

Galvanized Water Plpo 4 to 3 lu. diameter.<br />

fjEf" Tho above at Moderate Prices.<br />


81B- -8 am<br />





This little apparatus oils the cylinder constantly and<br />

perfectly. So little oil la used that a suvIiir of oil and<br />

ue.irv'iual to four times Its coal may bu cllcctcd In one<br />

season.<br />

Pint Size, $43. Half Pint Size, $30.<br />

818- -2 3m<br />


Ex Consuclo and Lady Lampson,<br />

.AXaEixtSG LotofHay<br />

OP 'I'llE NEW CHOP. ALSO,<br />

Whole and Ground Jiarley, Oatt, JBran,<br />

nnd Mj'Uffu Hay.<br />

We carry the largest stock of Horse Feed In this<br />

Kingdom, undue are always prepared to nil all orders<br />

wth accustomed promptness, and<br />


Ground to Ordcr.EJ<br />

Wheat, Corn, Cracked Corn, OU Cake. Middlings,<br />

jllxed Feed, etc., always on hand.<br />

3 3m LAINE Jb CO.<br />

Dis solution of<br />

Bargains at the C. 0. P. B.<br />




Expecting a large shipment ot NEW OOODR direct<br />

from New York, liOIlK llOOit IS NEEDED. My stock<br />

must be reduced.<br />

VUIC'EM ro Hl'IT AI.I.1<br />

ntlt'sUs BKLOW OTHER lleiWEat<br />


LADIES I Do not fall to visit my Store and price my<br />

uoods, ns the heuvteat He.lueti<strong>ui</strong>a has been made.<br />

Call early and secure some of the llurgalns.<br />

Bargains at the C. O. P. JB.<br />

? (MAS. i. FISHKL<br />



THOS. G. THBUBT9<br />

yKT ntohk.<br />

MIsa Bird's Uax<strong>ui</strong>Utn Artlftlaiio,<br />

P. Li. Siuuu<strong>ui</strong>id's TiopicalAyricult<strong>ui</strong>i,<br />

Wray'a Prattieul b'ugur Planter.<br />

llumllook of himbt oidery.<br />

Itogel'sTreasaiM of RujUih Wurdt and I'hratn.<br />

ALSO<br />

Fine Auortmsnt of PaptriM<br />

AND 110XES<br />


Willi other New Style Goods. In<br />



UrHOLSTXRKK and<br />

litlAl'iSK, MIL J. MAKl.NUUBK.,lh. oulr ar.ttlsss<br />

UphuUttnurlB'lhs Klusdotn (lata of Haa Vrajielsto),<br />

laiu vrepaied to all kinds of ,<br />

t ' In the Latest and Beat Style.<br />

WOII WA&&AMffll<br />

Call and Sss our<br />

r.rKinr bsvc.kmm,'<br />

'<br />

A MM. S.C,<br />

Ooesls, Parlor aWls aad Luuaaes, Cbalrs, ske.. ot tha<br />

UtstylM. okleh have Ja, ii aTraa<br />

clsee. f have also Just revived a new lot ol<br />

TIm LtJtt Ityitt r Fmrmiturt I<br />

WMsMtW MAM.<br />

PlaUM AM MRU CVsM,<br />

,. rWll'H,IMIt IAUA ffC<br />

All of(hkh will U tit sale ehssp. It will par t.m to<br />

C X. WILLIAM.,<br />

FOR SALE.<br />

Itw', a sr.w KNOfiiHir m- -<br />

tmmOSM IHOItri'lANO.mAilo expressly for Ihn<br />

II III I"'1""'", irjilwil pri Jlly nr Madrid frnm<br />

1 I London,<br />

2.!IaJL. A H ''.<br />


.Vm'im hah ritANiiiMco<br />

w u 11AVK mx'<strong>ui</strong>ruoA laiujk<br />

nddltlnti tit nnr fnrrnfr tlnrk ttf Mliln CUntuMtr.<br />

Mlilji Htori-i- ,<br />

rfovUIont ' rn wn Ihn<br />

Orofttont Assortmont of Goods<br />

Kepi nn Ihesn Islands, all f ttlilcft will be sold at llm<br />

Lowest Market 1'rlres,, as usual. Our frlouds and Ihn<br />

public K'lterally are respectfully Invited In e, amine,<br />

H IIOI.LHH CO,<br />


ZIllC Willie llllblilirlt t.esil.<br />

Ilolled I'alnt Oil In bulk and In B cillnn ilrnms.<br />

A full assortment Kane L'nlor I'alnls.<br />



lr.KM Oil, I W A .1 r qlM KT1T V KcrpHrrrl.<br />

5 C'nalnr Oil !l and BKallon tint.<br />

8 HOI.LIIrl A CO,<br />

mm: iugoino.<br />

ttixi.N rno.n ii.tufi to n nsvnrji rasn<br />

j nii 11 llOI.I.Kji A CO.<br />

jmaniisA coiviMGi:.<br />

;"'";". r f HiT.v.n rnon<br />

l. to Inch<br />



A M ANNIIIt'r.WKNT Ol NixtM Ho.f 'J<br />

' Inch inn Inch. Alan. Kiiniini. Ml.i,,,.' .......,<br />

11. hi..<br />

lloiisellne, U..11- -- Itoiindlnif, Ac.<br />

m' '.,<br />

IIOt.LIIH A CO,<br />


fjATK.iT iron nrnwvr.r. ntowun.<br />

M"".".1 '""' HlrApped Illrkks, I'ntent Bnahlnir,<br />

Plain lluahliif', a full assortment of alxea,<br />

llOLLKH A CO.<br />

GUOOKHimT<br />

faAIIllMNKrV I.AHD 1.1 PaIIJI, lis lfllb.<br />

In Jars and Kcks. Coetae. Cases<br />

Assorted Table I'itlts, Canniil Merits,. Tains and Jellies.<br />

Ilnney In Olnss, Tickles Kes nf I'lckles, Vegetables,<br />

Kegs of I'ljr. Pork for family use flays of t'nrree.ciieala<br />

and Cnddlea of Finest Tea, Hordlnes In fr and hf boxes,<br />

Vermicelli, Maccaronl, Crackers In rarlety, t;nb Hnirar.<br />

KesH<strong>ui</strong>rar. !t llOLLKH A CO.<br />


37 Fort Stroot,<br />



Geo. Wostenholm's Celebrated Cutlery<br />


RAZORS,<br />

8IIHARS,<br />

TWREZBR8,<br />

"STUB'S" FILES<br />

All NIjishi isiirl Nft-p- es.<br />

Cast Steel Firmer Chiseli,<br />

Steel Measuring Tapet,<br />

KetalJio Meaioring Tapet,<br />


I'ur Nettliiar up Wire aVcuevsf<br />


AND<br />



Tinned antl Ironed Tablo Spoons,<br />

Salter's Light Balances,<br />

Painter's Graining Combs,<br />

Limerick Fish Hooka,<br />

Chamois Skins,<br />

All direct from the. Manufacturers in England.<br />


Hygienic Water Filters & Coolers,<br />

No Ice Req<strong>ui</strong>red.<br />



(With compartment for lea.)<br />

Have Constantly on hand<br />

TOLL ZsTHXS Or<br />

Agricultural Implements, I<br />

B<strong>ui</strong>lder.' Hardware, i<br />

House Furniabinir Good<br />

Tabl. Cttlerj,<br />

Silver Plated Ware1<br />

Lamps and Chuutolun,<br />

Palntex!' Matoriab,<br />

XMhaaiet ToolaV<br />

Counter and Platform Scales,<br />

Carbollzetl Rubber Iloiie, 3 und i p)y.<br />


Paris Sttr Plow,<br />

With rm find Wood ItandUi,<br />

AGENTS lOK<br />

The Bain Vngon,<br />

Cortland TfaBonjJianut'swturingCo.,<br />

QaWaniced aud Painted Harbed Fuc Win<br />

und Staiilt, , V<br />

AxeriU's, qheinionl PsjJhI,<br />

California Win Works,<br />

HaUldio's Wire Rope,<br />

i. Albany Lubricatiog Compound,<br />

American Lsbiicittora,<br />

t<br />

AlljB7 0jrlWrpH.<br />

NEW QO0DS<br />

O'Wasyj.rU, (<br />

i T7<br />

II mi bb m aj a mm m ; OO.<br />

"""<br />

B<br />

i<br />

,TOI4<br />

MMMMM<br />

(ic,soosixbcIc4. NT Msm1<br />

'ird<br />

f 4j

jN.<br />


I! Y K . l A I) A M S .<br />



At 10 A, W. nlNnlm Itoom,<br />


Print', l'ln ('niton, t.nwns, Hfiawl. I'lsnn'la,<br />

Woolen Hhlrts, I'nnls. Hocks, lll, While Hhlrta,<br />

Cnserlels, I'riifka, lllankels, lltlll", Handkerchief",<br />

rnlisrrn, llalr Oil, PIiim, NeeMles, C'lwirs.<br />

r.livdiipe", Paper, rfsililles,'lpclis, llnpe, Ac,<br />

A Lino of Now Grocorios :<br />

Finn Snrar Unro.1 llsms nml llnrwi, ItnnsJ llerf,<br />

l.llitiy, .Me.VellA t)lbtil'nrnel I1f nl TonRiir,<br />

1'nrk sml (Ifcit I'm. I,n Crnlx Cnm,<br />

Asparagus, Pickles. Onions. Mr.Mnrmj Oysters.<br />

Hnfimm, lobster. l IJrsrkers,<br />

iJholresU.'alltiirnla .lams, Jellies una Table Fr<strong>ui</strong>ts.<br />

Jle ilium llfr'l, Hnrillncs, Cube Hiuar, I'lne, Teas,<br />

Mmtsril, I'epner, H'orTirflilrfl Hniice.<br />

Corn March, Omulrnseil Milk, Castor Oil, Ac.<br />

At.BO, AT IS O'CLOCK,<br />

lit IM)..Murray, from Han I'ranrlscn,<br />

Our, Ilucknkin Ihrte, 8 ;cor,i old, n food<br />

roadnlcr.<br />

Olio Hny Horse, (I yonm old, n fjootl I'liiiilly<br />

horse<br />

Ono Sorrel Horso (ill good driving hones<br />

I!. I'. ADAMM. Auctioneer.<br />



lly Order of the Chief Junllcq f the Hnprcine Coiirl,<br />

lll bi mill it Public Auction, ntlhe front iloor of tho<br />

Oovcrmiienl House, In Honolulu,<br />


At IS o'clock noon,<br />

A I.I. THAT<br />

Valuable Real Estate,<br />

On the makal unto of KIiik Street,<br />

Opposite Mr. Atherton'n Residence),<br />

Containing about<br />

Title, Hoyal ratcnt.<br />

Hale nnlcrrd because, the, owners arc lyiablc partition<br />

vltnotn ion. ,<br />

.AI1AMH. Auctioneer,<br />

Honolulu, Hept. 2, 1680. I It<br />


-- OK-<br />

New Styles<br />

-- OK-<br />



EX "CONSUELO,"<br />



AT THE<br />

"W , x o i O O XXL S<br />

OF THE<br />

California Furniture Company,<br />


2 1m E. 1. ADAMS, ARCllt.<br />

BerlisHlre Pigs<br />

or'rm: rmtKMT iMi-ourr-<br />

n<br />

' traln, ntid of nil ngc, KOK SALE,<br />

i lioxfd und dallvered to itteanicr or<br />

nrhoonrr, AT MODKUATi: I'HIOKS.<br />

Pcraoii Hlshliiirto tttrt wllh I ho Heftt Nlock<br />

or to Improve Hl<strong>ui</strong>t tliry nor hnvf.<br />

can buy In Hlr iiolnkln,<br />

81)6 2 A. HEItUEltT, Hawratlun Hotel.<br />

NOTICE.<br />


. plced to receive orders to convey perilous by ex.<br />

pro to any part In or out of town. Alo Hook Keeping<br />

ilonc. Order left at Mr. Kckart' Jewelry Store will<br />

lie promptly attended to. C. K. WOW.<br />

817 tf<br />

Westosvtt Uent,niRM JwiuHt<br />

?"l'H,';y" , VTlll. Cl..:,l.t,.<br />

u.1<br />

KnnuMS.<br />

. v. ?V3 -:-, -- j,t ::<br />


lirO, S. BARTOW.<br />


or -<br />


ON- -<br />

Suturdny, Soptombor 11. 1880,<br />

AT 13 O'CLOCK M.<br />


Hie CtlMr of I' .1, 0'llrlen, ileresseil. I urn In-<br />

structed lo tell at Public Auction on tint premises,<br />

Corner of Hotel and Union Sts.,<br />

Tlie entire Stock of Tool, (iml I'lltlnR<br />

Con lie sen<br />

ai anytime, y application in<br />

II. H. IIAItTOW, Auctioneer.<br />

ROOM SALE.<br />

ON -<br />


AT 10 A M WIIili Hi: 1101,1)<br />

An ABBortmont of Dry Goods I<br />

Clothing find Huts.<br />

Small Lot of Furniture!<br />

0IIOI0K AND Fill Ml I OltOOURIIvSi<br />

Tlim of Meats, Tlim of Crnckcrn,<br />

liiinl, HnrdlncH, OjHiorn,<br />


Ami nllnjr Merchandise.<br />

Hiimll Lot of Family Storm,<br />

Cases of Cliioiiiniic.<br />

O.H. IIAItTOW, Ancl'r.<br />

For Sale.<br />

o.vr. ;orr.ii; i'iano, a mood<br />

fflffll toned Instriimaiil.<br />

0. H. MAKTOW.<br />

JPor iBrt.lo.<br />

Valuable Real fEstate.<br />

0, H. IIAIiTOW. Aiif t'r.<br />


AX J I K It III'. It T, I'rnprlrinr.<br />

f ,Vy. Mt f ,,"<br />

.K.i?r,Ti.'ir.y xi. a?i w j?.,<br />

T r Vw"if' - '' rAii ''rAMr7<br />

i n TrtVkiV<br />

iiam..ir- - nuj ?<br />

SCQfira; TMySM<br />

I " SSrtfii'liiF<br />

Vl" Q?i- -i tyiUJ3.-dZZM- il MWiWKIIi'WItigW 'I1<br />


Kntrsncee on Hotel. Itlchnrtla. anil llcrctanln Htreeti.<br />


Prlcen the name a Flrit-Oln- Ilotols In Hnn Krnnclpco.<br />

KM S<br />


AIR SPACE,'<br />



Pniontod Jnnunry 10, 1806.<br />

Han been victorious over all other devices for coverlnc<br />

boilers with which It hns been brought Into competi-<br />

tion, both In Hurnpo and America, for tho pai-- t twelve<br />

yenrs. Kmlnreed by the Sctentljle Aintrican and London<br />

Knglnrrrina everywhero as belnjr tho best<br />

the most Itellable, the most Kcononilcal.<br />


Tho "Air Hpnco" Is n mechanical device. Tho old<br />

method of entering boilers, steam and other hot pipes,<br />

was to smear u coating of plaster m cr the holler and<br />

pipes, and directly In contact with the hot surfaces.<br />

Common si nse tenches that any compound thus applied<br />

wlll'soou liavo the life burnt out of It, and that tho ex-<br />

pansion and contraction of tho metal ocr which It Is<br />

smeared, will cause It. to loosen and crack, so that It<br />

will, nfter n time, fall off. Ilesltlcs this, experience has<br />

proved that the limn and other competition used lor tins<br />

purpose, when applied direct to the boiler surfaces,<br />

corrodes the boilers so as to greatly Injure them.<br />

The Air Space sertes a two-fol- purpose; first It pro-<br />

vides a stratum of air entirely around tho boiler, which<br />

Is tho best known of heat. Second, It<br />

provides a surface which Is entirely Independent of tho<br />

pl.ieed, and this surface being formed of wire cloth of<br />

mesh, furnishes a splendid means of clinching<br />

or fastening tho compound around the boiler.<br />

Tho wire space is supported at tho space of an Inch or<br />

more from tho holler or hot pipe by metal studs placed<br />

close together, so that tho expansion or contraction of<br />

tho boiler or pipes around which It is placed will not af-<br />

fect the outside covering, because the stud allows a<br />

sultlclent movement without disturbing tho surround-int- r<br />

wire and cover.<br />

Experience and practical tests hae demonstrated<br />

beyond a doubt that tho radiation or teat from a boiler<br />

surrounded by the "Air hpnco " and its covering. Is less<br />

than that from a boiler covered with any of tho other<br />

welllcnown boiler coverings; consequently thvro Is a<br />

gnatcr saving of fuel.<br />

In proof of what Is said abont the superiority of tho<br />

Chalmurs-Spenc- o Air Space, see Scitntljlc American,<br />

Dec, 1, 1877, and London Engineering, July 13, 1877.<br />

O. C. FOWLEH, Sole Owner for Pacific Coast.<br />

H. HACKFELD.4. CO., Agents,<br />

817 S Honolulu.<br />

R O S 13 X J3 OIL --DOWNER'S,<br />

Fulace, and Ooldf u Star, all abate, tho<br />

Hovcrnment tiro test. For salo by<br />

811 II0LI.ES Jb Co.<br />






W. H. Whiton, from New York, City of Madrid and City of Nankin, from England<br />


Plantations, Country Stoves and Families<br />

And bought from FIHBT HANDS FOR CASH, nnd will lie whl for OABH, with bent discount lot<br />

amc, or on usual terms to partly approved. Wo offer on linnd nnd to nrrtve,<br />

Palace Water White Hitch Test Kerosene Oil,<br />

Vuloan Water White Above Standard Kerosene Oil.<br />

I,rrd Oil, Cantor Oil. NwtnFoot Oil. Cylinder Oil, Flax 'lcdm;<br />

Flat l'nokino, 1, &c.x Anbentos btonra FncktnB. Asbcston Holler Covering<br />

iStubll StoUl. Canr.1 HaVrown, tkee ientller. Heltitm. 3, 4, li 8, 10 and 12 inch i<br />

J'IU ..r". . ""' ..".T",<br />

Hush Scythes and Bnnltha, ux mows, wnio wn a'iu'""'." """ ""r"',"",,? """<br />

i flAriwi UiKa..Lnnb,n riantors' Hoes. Axil nml Hick Mnttock, Hrcnkmg Plows,<br />

t? oMritona Mcliue Steel ItoMu Plow XO and XI Steel Hon,e Plows,<br />

IA<br />

Eaule No. 30 Plows. Planet jr. Howe Hoe.n few MOLINh QANQ PLOWS,<br />

mako QU How, IM, 1,11-4,- 1 1.3 and 2 inch<br />

Ik "standard Weston's Ceutrlfucnl LlninRs, 12 nnd U inch, best quality Portable torKeH,<br />

laldw In Feed Cutters. Ep Anvils, Spear & Jncksoit's & btubl.e Ashorted Files,<br />

DiHsUm'a celcbrateil Saws, all sizes i Machlnsts' Mnsons' and locksmiths IlnminerH,<br />

UnnnliiinMiiniArtl<br />

req<strong>ui</strong>red<br />

n,ul Svrun 'luenuometers. vtw naitH, nu stws , v<strong>ui</strong> djiim-b- ,<br />

luuu<strong>ui</strong> nana,<br />

liorHCk hoen. noxm anna, riwwwj, iw.<br />


SUCH AS<br />

i .b Units Screws, llinces, Aucers, Auger Hits, Chisels, SawB, Braces, Holts, Catches Ac,<br />

and ". bet tuunutacturo j Smooth, Jack and Jotutcr Planer,<br />

Plows and Match Plaues. A Full Line or<br />

Paints and Oils of tlio Best English and American Brands I<br />


Amoskeac Denims. 8 and 0 ox. Tickings, A C A H and D Jllenched Cottons, 4 wide, best make<br />

Unble.iched Cottons, Cherp, Medium nnd Fine Brown and Blue Drills, Linen Drills, heavy<br />

Iiutwia Diaper, Pure Linen Sheeting, Fine Mosq<strong>ui</strong>to Lace, Blue Flannel, Scarlet Flannel,<br />

A Superior Assortment ot American White Flannels.<br />


Velio<br />

--. llafovil<br />

s""i?<br />

v.'- --<br />

Of<br />

AM,<br />

OI..V.W,<br />

Cheap Tom,<br />

onuuea,<br />

r.i"' - .... u.... i.- - :'.<br />

'rue raTOrilo fancy nnu whs<strong>ui</strong>uk nunpo, uniu<strong>ui</strong><strong>ui</strong>n sua <strong>ui</strong>tuu utauuaf<br />

Hants, Corn Meal, Avena, Graham Flour, Ac., &c, Ac<br />

On CJoiiisiijgfMmetit :<br />

The Geo..?. Blake Mfg. Co's Steum Feed Irrifatiiij Vacuum Pumpt<br />

WcMoWa Patent Centrifugal,<br />

JVbodtcard tfc flro<strong>ui</strong>i's Celebrated Pianos,<br />

JNew Haveii Organ Co. Parlor Organs<br />

Washburn t Noen Nfg. Co. Barbed Wire, the Best Barbed Wire manufacture<br />

, Portlatia fiepuninSt'M'' Bags, 0a(s and Bran, California Hay,<br />

Columbia Jiiver Salmorifbbls, and hf. bbls., Salmon Bellies in Kits Very Fine,<br />

HMM'TMNO.<br />


Till! Al I'.ltlTIHII IIAttIC<br />

Lady Lampson,<br />

MAIlflTON, Master,<br />

ntitl<br />

Will havn q<strong>ui</strong>ck illnpatoh for itbovo port nf<br />

I'or Freight or pnsMite, apply lo<br />

JUT I IIIIBWKII A. CO,, Agents. "<br />


The favorite American liar "<br />

$&I.J. MURRAY,<br />

nn<br />

Will lm vo Q<strong>ui</strong>ck DUprttoii for thonliovo Port<br />

For fr'lxht or passage: apply lo<br />

JII7<br />

OAHTI.i: A, COOKE, A(enl,<br />

New York rtntl Honolulu Pnckct Line.<br />

JZ<br />

" A I VKHHMIj 'IMi III'! Jf,k vnl<br />

! ptitou for this port illrer t, in salt from J.S<br />

New Vork about lll'.Ul'.MIIIill 1st. Parlies desiring to<br />

rnre siiscn for their inerehnndlsn by litis popular line<br />

will do ws to send tlulr orders earl<br />

W II UIIOHH.MAN ,fe into., of<br />

Agents New Vnrk.<br />

(!HTI,i:,v. COUKI'.,<br />

HI7 I nm Agents, Honolulu,<br />

"tOi SAN KltAiNOISCO.<br />

The Al American llrlgnntlnn<br />

r '.i, nm<br />


. . T<br />

xiBxzkSj? VON SCHMIDT, JLisler,<br />

Will Imvo q<strong>ui</strong>ck tllsprttch for nbovo port.<br />

For freight or passage, apply lo<br />

ono<br />

Hlfi II. IIAOKI'I'.MI A. fO.<br />

C. BRF.WCR & C .'S &c<br />


kK TI1K A I llAItlf<br />

Will leave Boston for Honolulu Dircot on &<br />

or nbout the 18th of November next, bo<br />

For further particulars appl)lo<br />

am .1m C. lilt F.WEIi A. CO., Agents.<br />

From Honolulu to Hilo Diroot.<br />

Tho A I Clipper Schooner,<br />

"<br />

Onodman, Master,<br />

Wilt sail from Honolulu to llllo direct, and will rait at<br />

Intermediate Forts on the return trip.<br />

For Freight or Passage, apply to tint Captain on board,<br />

I or A. FItANK COOKE. Agent.<br />

Regular Packet forjilo & Kaupakuea.<br />

The :ilior Ncliooiirr<br />

iH ALEAK ALA!<br />

For Freight or Passage, npply to<br />

B"1 Jill AM. I :.V .ft ItOIIINHON, Agents.<br />


For San Francisco. be<br />

Till: NI'I.KMtin NTKAHNMIl' of<br />

eMt<br />


iir.Aititoio. con ,m a. nr.it.<br />


On or about Monday, Sept. 27.<br />


TIIK NPI.F.NItin NTRAMftllll'<br />


VII EVA I.li:it. CO.tl .11 A N IIF.II,<br />

On or about Monday, Oot. 4th.<br />

For Freight and Passage, apply lo<br />

S3) In. II. HAQiCPKI.D&fO., A'geilts.<br />

Joil lor .SIilHiieiit prr Ntcmnor can n<br />

he Ntorcrt, I'rvu ol :iinr(. Ittn firi-pro- ol<br />

Wnrrtioni.!' noiir tlio Mialllrr Ulinrf.<br />

TllVCIiJ T-AJBH-IE-<br />

k<br />

mUllLlKELM<br />

Ill.Ml, : I MAN IKK<br />

Tuesday. August 21th, S p m Circ<strong>ui</strong>t rf Hawaii<br />

Tuesday, August Hist, ftp in ........Hllo<br />

Tncsdsy, September ?tl. 5 p in Circ<strong>ui</strong>t or Hawaii<br />

Tuesday, September 14th, op m ..............Hllo<br />

Tuesday, He) temberSlsl, B p m Circ<strong>ui</strong>t of Hawaii<br />

Tuesday. beptcmbcrSSth, B p m Hllo<br />

or Xn sjroilll lor INiHsjntrii Monpy. -- r<br />

Wo posltlvelr decline to open accounts for Passages,<br />

nnd wo particularly call the attention of the trawling<br />

public to the necessity of havlii" llucRapo and hrclght<br />

plainly marked; the bteamcr will nut be responsible<br />

for any unmarked lluRgaRo, or for Freight or 1'arccls,<br />

unless UrcflplPil I'"'- -<br />

Frolght Money Due on Somand.<br />

In all cases nf freight for parties not responsible, or<br />

unknown, the freight money will he req<strong>ui</strong>red In advance<br />

lUeUAUKS orl.HlHOItS anil WIMI-- S Mlf.<br />


For tho party whom they are for, or plainly stated In the<br />

receipt to whom they art consigned.<br />

All demands for damage or loss must bo made within<br />

one month.<br />

In noway liable for loss or accident to me stock.<br />

EST" Hack Drivers. IJoys, and auch like, will not be<br />

allowed on board the btvameron arrival, until after the<br />

pacnger, have been landed.<br />

&pQ<br />



Wnilolo, y MaJolo,<br />

Waloll.<br />

Lillu,<br />

Walohn.<br />

Walmaln,<br />

Gen. SleRel<br />

Kolnno,<br />

and Hana.<br />

FLAG Rod with While Ball. Office-Cor- ner of Queen<br />

BIT and Nuuanu Streets. 1<br />


O. Browor fc Co.-Ago- nts.<br />

it. .,-- n.ll. r.l,l sinraKB Fret 4UE<br />

vit llheralcaali advances made on shipments by thlslliio.<br />

780-l- y U. line" r.rt<br />


ffK O, Brewer Co. --Agents, j&t<br />

feraa yavorabta arrangements can alvrai s baJiiS<br />

made tor jtorajre and shipment of Oil, Dere, Wonl.llldss<br />

sod other Merchandise lo Nowll.dforJ. IU.ston. New York<br />

ml itherKislsin Ports. Csb Adaiie made.<br />

7IO.lv O )lttr.n r.K LO.<br />


No. 83 Fort Struct, opposite K. O. Hall A Hon.<br />

Watch Clock, Jewelry ead Muaio Boxm<br />

rorSale.<br />

Or carcfallv repaired in a workmanlike maimer. Orders<br />

from the other Islands pr<strong>ui</strong>nptly attended to. 7r8 ly<br />

MfvPriS:.r?<strong>ui</strong>.IN'<br />

reaUoaaMe MUUaar end DrM Maker.<br />

1 New Ooods and Styles received nery month. ly<br />

J. NOTT Si COn<br />

Importers and Dealom la Stoves Ranges,<br />

Metals, llmise Furnlihlnr Goods, Crockery. Olais and<br />

China Ware, Practical Mechanics, Honolulu, It. I.<br />

i iy<br />


Attorney and CeaBMllsr at Law,<br />

jr 66 Fort btreet. Honr.lnlu. J<br />

THOS. O. THRUM,<br />

Importlns ead ManntkoturtnK Statloaar.<br />

New Ageat. Reek Biaaer, Om<br />

Merchant Street, and Healer In<br />

Fine Stationery, Uooks, Music. Toys ami Fancy Ooofls,<br />

1 tort Street, near Hotel. Honolulu. ly<br />


AN 1NV01CK or<br />



And Fo. Sale by<br />

1ACKHKLU A CO.<br />

WEO. IRWIN & CO.<br />


Iuvoict of Lubricating Oil<br />


Uard Oil, araafVIn All.<br />

." ."" " , 'T ri<br />

CylliMMr oil,<br />

la Assorted Packagci, wblt they Ofcr (or Salt.<br />

rl4 It<br />


MiPT MM Kit , 1H80<br />

NOTKS Or Tim WI31JK.<br />

Ijant Momlrty wnn tint .Tewlnh New Ycnr,<br />

wnn nliservnl by novornl rif our clll7.cn<br />

Hint purniinnloti. by clonltii; lliolr plnccn of<br />

litinliionn. .<br />

IlACl'.d. Wo benr llioro will bo n trotting<br />

rncc nt ibo I'nik (lilrt nflornoon. between two<br />

well. known Imported borHcn, "Oliver" nnd<br />

C'oititiiotloro,"<br />

Thf. now b<strong>ui</strong>lding In KIiij; rttrcct intended<br />

n rcitldonco fur our Ilnwnllnn Hovorolfiti In<br />

rnpldly niotiiriilng tho clmrnctcr of rt I'nlncr,<br />

mill, If wo nro correctly informed, of mi<br />

nrntmnl,<br />

ii'<br />

ljnX- - flovonil cotniniitiicnttnnn and oilier<br />

unlilc tnnller jirrpnrerl for thin Inntie, nrn<br />

ttunvoldnblo dufnrrcd, CorrenpondciitH will<br />

plenno obnervo the rule, to writo on ono nltlo<br />

the pnper only,<br />

Amuhkmknt. A cntnpmiy of "Thnmnn-Itirglnl-<br />

n"<br />

n good wont ntliorwlno nleif;bt.of"<br />

hiitid perforiiicrri, recently from the Colonic,<br />

ndvcrtlned to exhibit, nt the Tliuatro nuxt<br />

'J'bnrndiiy cvontlij;. 'J'lii'y nro mild lo bo nklll-f- nl<br />

purfonnfirH.<br />

A Suuoi'.Hrjo.N. Would it not bo n nonnd<br />

tnovu for the Uitnto<strong>ui</strong>n milhoritlcn tohiivonome<br />

Rtnlloncd nt Coco Ilend, wbono bnninenn it<br />

nlntll botoboiud lncohliii(; vcnncln Htomnern,<br />

nnd nvcotiipmiy tli<strong>ui</strong>n to tliinport? Thin<br />

only it Allocution,<br />

Hovk Out. Tlie Htcnnior " 0. It. liinbop,"<br />

which wnn icuontly on the reef nt Molnknl,<br />

wnn yentcrdny bovo out nt tbeynrdof Tibbetln<br />

Horcnnon, when tho dmnngu wnn found to<br />

tnttch lens Ihnn I mil been miticipnlcd. Hho<br />

will bo roady for ncrvice nniii in n fow dnys,<br />

Ktiinoi.ooy. Wlioro did tho wrifnr in tho<br />

Pin Ainu Icnrn to dcnlgnnto Hnwiiiinnn h<br />

rcrftk-lnt.- Wo were under tho improHHion<br />

thai tho term red akin wnn renorved for tho<br />

American Indimi, mid Unit tho Ilttwailmin<br />

belntig to Ibo I'olyncnimi or iroinn brnncli of<br />

our common Immunity,<br />

A <strong>ui</strong>tUHir fuctnry in Ho<strong>ui</strong>othiug now in Ho-<br />

nolulu. We found ono the other tiny on King a<br />

ntrrct, opponito tho 1'olico Htntinu, where n<br />

now nrrivnl from San Francisco wnn busy<br />

plying bin trndo nnd tiimitiriictiiringbrunbeH of<br />

nil nizcn mid dcncriptiotiH, JloimcwivcH will<br />

find there eomo ti n i rj u u but evidently usoftil<br />

i<strong>ui</strong>iiituro brtinhcH.<br />

N<strong>ui</strong>hanchs. Tlicso nro rightly Ktipponcd to<br />

under tho purviow of tho Hoard of Health,<br />

Now that tho Hon. W. M. Oibnon ia n mombcr<br />

that body, it in to bo expected that ho will<br />

remember t lint cleanliness., like charity, nhnitld<br />

begin nt home, mid no nttond to tho ug<br />

ancient u<strong>ui</strong>Rmiccn in the back yard of<br />

tho P. 0, A. cntnblinhincrit.<br />

Tin: baud will piny in Emma Squaro thin<br />

nflurtioou nt hnlf-pa- nt 1 o'clock. Tho follow-<br />

ing in tho progrmmno :<br />

Mnrch, "Tlio Hovno" Fannt<br />

Overture, " Hertin I.ifo" (nowl Conradi<br />

Wnltz, " Sounds from tboLein.it" Lnbitzky<br />

Selection, "Tlio Paritnnu" (new) Hellini<br />

Conict rolkn, " The Two 1'ontillonn" WicRnml<br />

Quadrillt', " In Mnaque" FatiBt<br />

Tho next moonlight cimccrtfl will tnko place<br />

on Tuesday, September 11th, nnd on Thurn-du- y.<br />

September ICth, nt tho unital titno.<br />

Wk no not know wIiodo particular duty it<br />

in to nco that tho sidewalks are kept clear,<br />

but it nhould be somebody's. On Nuuanu<br />

street, particularly, tho Cbincno shop-kccpcr- H<br />

who principally occupy that thnrotmhfnro nre<br />

in tho cotietnnt practico of lumbering up tho<br />

nitlcwulk v.tii bales mid box's of iroods, to<br />

the no Hiimll incarivcnienco of<br />

Y. M. 0. A. Wo nro requested to state that<br />

tho regular monthly meeting of tho Honolulu<br />

Young Men's Ghristimi Association will take<br />

placo nt the Lyceum on Thursday evening<br />

noxt nt 7:30 o'clock. Tho meeting will open<br />

with tho rending of an Essay by tho Rov. S. E.<br />

Bishop, on "Tho Climate of Hawaii its<br />

cunsen nnd its social results." Ladies, and<br />

tho public gunornlly nro invited to attend.<br />

Mr. Atkinson tho Principal of tho Fort<br />

Street School returned from San Francisco by<br />

tho " City of Now York." Ho baH secured<br />

tho sorviccs of Mr. Cone, a gradnato in honors<br />

of one of tho Eastern Univornities. Mr. At-<br />

kinson niado good uso of his vacation in visit-<br />

ing tlio vaiious great educational establish-<br />

ments of San Francisco nnd has made many<br />

valuable notes, which may bo useful to our<br />

Hoard ot Education.<br />

Absconded. It is understood that Mr. E.<br />

Wcllor, watchmaker, recently with Mr. Eckart,<br />

jeweller on Kuuhumanu street, left on Tues-<br />

day last on a vessel bound for Washington<br />

Torritory, without going through tho formality<br />

of bidding good-b- y to friends or even getting<br />

a passport through tho Custom House. Pecu-<br />

niary difficulties aro said to have caused the<br />

unceremonious movement bin liabilities aro<br />

stated at from $3000 to Si 000.<br />

On Monday ovoning last a meeting of the<br />

mombers of tho Honolulu Firo Department<br />

was bold at tho rooms of Engine Company<br />

No. 2, tho occasion boing a "welcome homo"<br />

to Chief Engiucer Geo. Lucas, who baa beon<br />

on a visit to San Francisco, Tliorowas a nice<br />

spread of refreshments ; there was the usual<br />

speech-maki- ng ; tho band was in attendanco<br />

nnd gavo appropriuto music, and altogether<br />

the firemen bad u good time.<br />

At tug regular business meeting of the<br />

Honolulu Library and Heading-roo- m Associa-<br />

tion, held at thoir rooms on tho evening of<br />

September 4th, the following officers were<br />

elected for tho eus<strong>ui</strong>ng year: President, Hon.<br />

A. S. Hartwoll j nt, Rov. Dr. 0.<br />

M. Hydo; Treasurer, A. L. Smith; Secretary,<br />

II. A. Parmelce; Directors: A. J. Cartwright,<br />

Titos. G. Thrnm, Walter Hill, William John-<br />

son, R. F. Bickerton, 0. T. lingers, M.D., H.<br />

11. Hoi lister, John Ashworth, and 8. B. Dole.<br />

Etymolooy. The writer in tho " Express"<br />

who parades hi "humble" loyalty and shake<br />

(he word disloyal at other, doe not seem to<br />

bo aware that the word "loyal" i only an<br />

other form of tho word legal and disloyal of<br />

illegal, A Sovereign may bo " disloyal'1 to<br />

ttt4 Constitution he ha worn to uphold, jtut<br />

a subject may be disloyal to tho Sovereign<br />

to whom be has sworn allegiance, or a mem<br />

ber of a brotherhood to hi lodge or order.<br />

Loyulty has no need of humility q<strong>ui</strong>to the<br />

reverse.<br />

A Special Constablk Mr, Win. II. Tell<br />

has been commissioned a a polieeruan am) as-<br />

signed the special duty of looking after the<br />

licensed wagon and drays of the city. This<br />

is a very proper move on tho part of the<br />

Deputy MrBal, for there hive be well-found- ed<br />

complaint about the looao way in<br />

which wagon drivers ami drayman carry oa<br />

S their b<strong>ui</strong>MM, with bet little regard to exist<br />

ing laws and regelatioes, each a going<br />

about at eiget without the wj<strong>ui</strong>eite Uvps;<br />

-- - "liCT<br />

overloading! driving nt too fnnt t pace through<br />

ihflntreeUjobntriictlngthoroughfnrcnjnnd lant<br />

not least, cruelty to nnimnln. Vigllanco on<br />

tho pnrt of tho ntw pollco tnmi cyglil to ro-- n<br />

til t in n anlnlnry rofortn in theno ropeutn.<br />

A mnlcli nt Cricket In nrrnnged for thin Sntur-dn- y<br />

nt 2 o'clock i. M. botweoii mi cloven of<br />

the " Honobitu Cricket Ollib" mid tho eleven<br />

or II, M. H. Ptlicnn, Wlckutn will be pitched<br />

on the clearing tolhowrnl of Mr, Wwlchouno'n<br />

Into residence, nnd wo Imvo no doubt thnl Ibo<br />

npectnlorn will nee good nport. The following<br />

nro tho iinmcri of tho ropectivo eleven .<br />

Vn.U!AHonirtrt Mesarn. Tunier, Dillon,<br />

Ilnrki'r nnil Illll .Von Com, Offireri, ttitntrit nnd<br />

mm Inn I . O<strong>ui</strong>grntn, Willie, I'<strong>ui</strong>hllck, C.<br />

Jonon, O. Jnticn, 1'rnlt nml timllli.<br />

Iloioi.m.uCiiK.'nrrCi.tin. Mcnnrn.lt. W.Jmilon,<br />

0. W, Holilswortli, O, II. lnr.-- , Jr., 0. K. I'nrry,<br />

liny WmlelimiHc, O, I), Frcclli, Harry Mny, J,<br />

Dowrwlt, 0. J). Mlllor mnl It. H. bcrliiiKootir.<br />

l'ot.iur. CotntT. Whether thcro wnn nomo-tbl- ng<br />

unitniinl in the nlr or It irmy have been<br />

tho effect of tho Wrdnttditi lltprm but for<br />

noma rennott thcro wnn nil utitiftuat nmount of<br />

ilrunkenncnn nbout (own on Wednesday oven-in- g,<br />

mid there wnn no lean than night canon of<br />

thnt nort before tho Muglntrnlo on Thurndny<br />

tnorulng. Among tho rent, n native who had<br />

nmilo a brewing of beer<br />

" Wllllo lirnwitl n ock o'rnntit, .<br />

Ilali nnd Allan ramo to prln,<br />

Tlirco hlltlicr lniln Hint IcpIiiiik night,<br />

Y wail tin find In (Jlirlnlcmllo,"<br />

Hut their blllhotienn ended in the ntntion-houn- i!,<br />

for " Wllllo " having with tin- - nagaul-t- y<br />

peculiar to drunken nipti informed tho<br />

pollco that "Hub nnd Allan " were Intoxlca-te- d,<br />

wnn bimaolf incarcerated for tho name<br />

nolf'cvldontoffenno.<br />

Dxatii'h Doinos, Tho nngel of death hnn<br />

been bony in our midst during tho pmt week,<br />

and "tho mourucrn go nbout the streets."<br />

First on tho lint wnn Ibo respected mother of<br />

tho Queen I)ov.ngcr, Mrn, Naca, of whom a<br />

moro extended nottco in given elsewhoro in<br />

paper. On Monday the death wnn<br />

ntinounccd of Mr. Alain, n well-know- n Chi-ne- no<br />

resident, n member of tho Fire Depart-<br />

ment, which body attended tho ftincrnl. On<br />

Tuesday occurred thnt of Mrs. II. L, Sheldon,<br />

Hawaiian lady who was widoly known nnd<br />

highly renpected ; her funeral wan vory<br />

largely attended on Wednesday, Mr. Chan.<br />

Long, n resident of thin city and a successful<br />

business tnnn during tho pant fifteen yoars,<br />

also died on Tuesday, after an illness of some<br />

six wcekn. And Inst on tho list was Mr. Win.<br />

Barnes, for nearly fifty years a resident of<br />

these Inlands, who died ht his residence in<br />

N'uunnu Valley on tho morning of Wednesday<br />

last, in tho 00th year of his ngo.<br />

Fiiib MAitHifAi.. Mr. J. W. McO<strong>ui</strong>ro, wlm<br />

was recently appointed to this newly-crcnt- cd<br />

office in this city, is doing good work, espe-<br />

cially in tho locality whero caro and vigilanco<br />

nro most needed tho crowded Chincso quar-<br />

ters on Hotel nnd Mnttnakea streets. Tho<br />

b<strong>ui</strong>ldings there aro closely b<strong>ui</strong>lt together,<br />

often in one largo block, of tho most inflam-mab- lo<br />

materials, nnd densely occupied by<br />

lodgers, whoso food is cooked on the premises<br />

nnd who nro moro or less smokers of tobacco<br />

or something worse. Tho Chineso proprietors<br />

and landlords generally aro q<strong>ui</strong>te ready to<br />

promiso obedienco to tho regulation)) precau-<br />

tionary against fire, but they do not always<br />

fulfill their promises, mid so tho Fire Marshal<br />

is compelled to mako frequent visits and to<br />

keep up a constant surveillance. Let a firo get<br />

onco started in somo of tho "match-boxe- s"<br />

inhabited by tho Cliinosc on a windy night,<br />

and tho result would bo a clean sweep in spite<br />

of any efforts of our Firo Department.<br />

Communicated.<br />

A ff.w years since there was an unusual<br />

attention to the subject of religion in some of<br />

tho churches in Honolulu. A number of the<br />

young pcoplo and BOino who wcro older wero<br />

hopefully converted. Among the latter clans<br />

" was a gentleman of refined manners, hand-<br />

some figure, nnd remarkable intellectual<br />

aspect." Ho made no hesitation in express-<br />

ing his strong convictions, and publicly cop- -<br />

lessed in a Inrgo meeting of tho church and<br />

congregation somo of the most heinottt sinx<br />

of which he said he had been g<strong>ui</strong>lty, and de-<br />

clared his intention to lead a better life. There<br />

was considerable comment on this remarkable<br />

case. Snmo confidently rejoiced in this in-<br />

stance of the power of Divine grace to the<br />

chi'f of xinnerg, who, though ho had in former<br />

yoars bcou tho enemy of all good, would uow<br />

be its truo exponent nnd friend ; another Paul 1<br />

or John Newton 1 Othors were doubtful, and<br />

said will ho ever make restitution ? Somo<br />

others decided to wait und see, before forming<br />

their opinion. Ala 1 he who runs may read<br />

it.<br />

Onsr.nvKB.<br />

From Samoa.<br />

By the last arrival from the Colonies we<br />

glean several items of interest from the Samo-a- n<br />

Islands. King Maliotoa.had received tho<br />

Troaty recently negotiated with the British<br />

Government, enclosed in a handsome silver<br />

box, the document bearing the suthograph of<br />

Queen Victoria.<br />

The Parliament of Samoa had pased an<br />

Act, which bad boon signed by tho King,<br />

prohibiting the landing of Chinese on any of<br />

tho Islands of tho group, under heavy penalties.<br />

Some two years since, a Treaty of Reciprocity<br />

wus concluded between Samoa and tho United<br />

State, wboroby the latter ttcipiired the har-<br />

bor of Pago Pago, on tho Island of Tut<strong>ui</strong>la, as<br />

a coaling station, in return for which, Samoau<br />

products wero to be admitted duty free into<br />

tlio United States, An influx of Chinamen<br />

had commenced to grow rico for exportation<br />

to California. The Samoaus, as well a the<br />

Tougans and Tahltians, aro, as is well known,<br />

people of bettor intelligonco than tho average<br />

of Polynesians, and rank next to tho New Zea-laud- er<br />

in independence of spirit. Perceiv-<br />

ing the near prospect of a Mongolian inv<strong>ui</strong>ion<br />

under auch favorable conditions, that would<br />

soon supplant thorn on their own soil, they<br />

have taken this docisivo action for the main-tainan- co<br />

of their natural existence.<br />

Qsmb'i HosrpUal Krt.<br />

Hosoiolp, Aoo. 31, 1880.<br />

To the TnaUu of M Qwtu't Hotfllnl f<br />

GsmruaucN, I bars the honor to submit th<br />

following report (or the quarter ending August 81,<br />

18801<br />

The total number of patients at present in the<br />

Uospital Is GU, vis I C3 HnwaiUns31 males and 81<br />

femalesi 17 foreijrners-llpayi- nB.<br />

The number of adaihwioun during this period<br />

were 10tf, viz t SI Hswaiiaas-- 37 males en4 'H fe-<br />

males t and 43 foreigners.<br />

Discharged 91, its; on Hawaiian w mates ana<br />

M female t 36 foraumam.<br />

Deaths 13. viz: 4 Hawaiian, Soutti Bee Is-<br />

landers, C foreigae'i. general debility, S pul-<br />

monary consumption. 1 dropsy, 1 fevw, 1 accident,<br />

1 nephritis, 1 cancer in the stoaeaek.<br />

The highest number of indoor patient was 79 ;<br />

tWlowesteU Deis aves 71. Member of pre--<br />

TaeBuabw'of paUenU In the Hospital was as<br />

follow i June, liotwr. i Augaet, .<br />

Ceils at tee rKsBiejsrr, 115. Xew neittee entered<br />

ia tee topeessry eaok, W.<br />

wsiaw.<br />

stolen? McXxaaBf,<br />

"--"' IpPeiH<br />

F--.- v<br />

.gg.JgXTBBBaM<br />

Hi On<br />

Mn. Kntrons In lite Adetrthtr nf Sep-<br />

tember lib tlio following occitrni "Wo wish<br />

ho (Mr, II. A. I'olrce) would tell us nboilt<br />

the vlnlt of Commodore Jones in the P'acock<br />

In 1820, ami many other mattcm of interest in<br />

Hawaiian history,"<br />

Thom-t- Ap Cntcnby Jones, a cnptnln of Ibo<br />

U. H, Navy, commanding tho PtiioKk, nrrivnl<br />

nt Honolulu In October, 1620, nnd remained<br />

hero until January, 1827, Thin In evidently<br />

the " Commander Joticn" rcfcrrcil to. As<br />

nellhrr math nor etturctil tiny rtclnmnllnh<br />

iclifikrer. If tho AdtMlfr really wishes tho<br />

truo account of Cipt.-tlt- i Jones's vlnlt, it can<br />

obtain It from " Jnrven'n History," pngen 200<br />

lo 271 ( nlno from " Missions of the American<br />

Hoard" (Dr. Anderson), pagen 71 lo 71,<br />

For tho benefit of ntiy who may wish to vo<br />

that nn officer nf the U 8. Navy did, in<br />

1820, makcoronforco reclamations ngaltmt the<br />

Hawaiian King or Government, I give the fol-<br />

lowing nucclnct ncotint, Lieutenant Pcrcivnl,<br />

commonly known nn "Mnd Jnck Percivnl,"<br />

had vinltcd Honolulu In tho Dolphin in the<br />

early pnrt of 1820. I'crclvnl became much<br />

enraged nt nu edict prohibiting Hawaiian<br />

femnlcn from going on Iward of ships for im-<br />

moral purposes. This law bad been announced<br />

tlirco months boioro bin arrival, and had been<br />

the occasion of nets of violence in October,<br />

1820, by Captain Hitokio, of tho Hngllnh ship<br />

JhtnM, nnd bin crew ngalnnt Hot, Mr. Itlch-urd- s,<br />

then n missionary at Lahninn,<br />

On Fcbriinry20, 182(1, at Honolulu, several of<br />

tho sailors o( tho Dolphin in nil o nn assault on<br />

tho house of Knln<strong>ui</strong>moku, tho Premier, whero<br />

ho wnn lying nick, the Itev. Mr. Bingham being<br />

(hero in attendance on him. They dcrmtnded bo<br />

the reperd of tho obnoxious law, nnd in the<br />

affray Mr, Binghnni was rescued from tho<br />

knives nnd clubs of these rioters by tho<br />

natives, who would have killed tho seamen<br />

but for tho ndvico of tho missionaries, Per-<br />

civnl the next day renewed bis demands that<br />

tho prohibition be removed, nnd succeeded at<br />

last, for owing to Knlnnimoku's illness the<br />

other chiefs yielded through fenr. Thero wero<br />

two parties then nt these Islands, sayn Jarves<br />

" Ono composed oi tho powerful chiefs, who<br />

wcro under tho religious inflticnco of tho<br />

of<br />

Mission; their polity boro tho imprenn of their<br />

now ideas ; and tlio whole force of Govern-<br />

ment was employed to crush tio licentioiis<br />

spirit of the nation and compel them to receive<br />

I<br />

instruction. Tho power and patronago I<br />

of tho chiefs carried with them the gonornl<br />

aentiment of tho nation; and their decrees<br />

were observed with it rigldticns which annoyed<br />

those whoso interests and pleasures lay in un-<br />

restricted freedom. Hence arose an<br />

enmity, which gradually settled into a syste<br />

matic hostility to every net of Government;<br />

nil wnn ascribed to tho Mission, and the party<br />

thus formed vigorously assaulted tho motives<br />

of its supporters, etc."<br />

Jarves further says, "Such was the state of<br />

affairs nt tho visit of Captain Jones. In tho<br />

management of their foreign relation.!, tho<br />

chiefs depended grently upon the Hilvice of tho<br />

highest foreign officers who touched nt their<br />

inlands. Tho conduct of Percival was a tri-<br />

umph to the liberal party, as they considered<br />

themselves; that of Jones strengthened the<br />

confidence of tbo Government in tho honor of<br />

his nation, and served fully to expose tho ma-<br />

licious designs of their defumers."<br />

Tho excitement was so great when Cnptnin<br />

Jones arrived that the missionaries prepared<br />

n circular, staling toe course tuey nau pur-<br />

sued, denying tbo charges mirde against them<br />

and challenginc; an investigation. A number<br />

of foreigners, led by Mr. Charlton, the British<br />

Consul, accepted the challenge. At the inves-<br />

tigation held at Boki'n house, Captain Jones<br />

and officers were present. Mr. Charltnu re-<br />

fused to reduce his accusations to writing or<br />

to proceed to prove thc<strong>ui</strong> ; and Captain Jones<br />

decided that the burden of proof rested upon<br />

those who had accepted the challenge, and the<br />

meeting broke up. Captain Jones spent some<br />

timo in investigating tho condition of things<br />

here and did much good by bis counsel and<br />

advice. In 1835 be wroto that, "The result<br />

of the trial was tho most perfect, full, com-<br />

plete, and triumphant victory for the mis-<br />

sionaries that could havo been asked by their<br />

most devoted friends."<br />

The abovo is the record of history aa to the<br />

visit of " Commodore Jones." One of the<br />

midshipmen of tho Peacock is the present<br />

Rear-Admi- ra! Craven, whom I had tho pleas-<br />

ure' of seeing frequently in New York State<br />

this Spring, and front whom I learned many<br />

interesting incidents of the visit of tbo Pea-<br />

cock.<br />

I repeat, Captain, Jonr enforced no reclama-matio- nt<br />

agaimt thi country. He left with the<br />

good will of the chiefs and people, which be<br />

deserved, and it ia q<strong>ui</strong>te time that theso ted<br />

and darkly-hinte- d insinuations that<br />

tho United States collected a large sum of<br />

money in sandalwood in tho way of damages<br />

agaiust this country, ceased for thty are not<br />

true. Yours, A, F. Judd.<br />

Honolulu, September 6, 1830.<br />

Son Authorities on CoBatitntioBal<br />

UoTsrnment<br />

'<br />

The Constitution compebends the whole body<br />

of laws by which tbe people are governed,<br />

and to which it is presumptively held that<br />

every individual has assented. Somert.<br />

This assemblage of laws ia distingnished<br />

from the term Governmetit in this respect-t- hat<br />

tho Constitution is tho rnle by which the<br />

Sovereign nwjlu to govern at all limes ; and the<br />

government is that by which he does govern<br />

ut any particular time. Bolintbrok.<br />

Tlie King is not seated on a solitary emi-<br />

nence cf power: on the contrary, he aeee his<br />

equal in the branches nf tbe leg-<br />

islature, and ho recognizes bis superior, in the<br />

land. Shrrldan.<br />

Translated from ' Wednesday Ei"?s.")<br />

"This paper is a beacon-lig- ht ; a defense;<br />

a fortress, and a' mouthpiece for Hawaii t A<br />

voice, patiently but firmly raised for the<br />

Government and uttlon of His Majesty, Kals-ka- ua<br />

1 It will be fearless and persistent for<br />

the progress and the health of the people t It<br />

will show its humble loyalty by truly sup-<br />

porting the King and throne ! It will work<br />

for the advancement of knowledge, industry,<br />

the beat interests of tbe Hawaiian Ooveruaseut<br />

and its perpet<strong>ui</strong>ty !"<br />

"TUK fiHBPHKBD OF IiANAI. Gibeon U<br />

the editor of tbe Wtdnetday Exprttt. He is<br />

a. man who has been greatly villified by a<br />

certain clique among the foreigners, but be is<br />

beloved and reapected by tbe Hawaiian from<br />

one end of the group to tbe other. lie has<br />

woiked hard, and be is now carrying out tbe<br />

deelre ot hie heart not simply for the material<br />

good uf tbe country --but, above alt else, for<br />

tbe preservation ef tb race i And be will net<br />

fail of being himself rswarded, seeing tbat it<br />

ie the earnest desk and tied dsternktatien<br />

of th King and bis .Cabinet to lift up native<br />

Hawaii out of th depths into which eke baa<br />

been crowded for tbeseuuny Tears Beat. Hur-<br />

rah ! Tb victory i at hand J"<br />

Cwnmonlesteil.J<br />

Mn, 8, LfAnVrtrt of Oiiome.ij Hllo, hlloih<br />

New York, Btibtiilllcd some samples of soil<br />

from Onornea lo Prof. Ilnrblshaw of New<br />

York, for nnslysin. The result w Intoly sent<br />

lo Prof. Hilgnrd.or tbo University of California,<br />

nnd bin ndvico nuked on to tho treatment of<br />

such noil for sugar cane, Wo aro permitted lo<br />

publish the reply of Prof, Hllgntd, ss well ss<br />

n note in reply to n question as lo whether be<br />

might not visit tho Islands professionally.<br />

Prof. Hllgard wn formefly connected wllh tho<br />

Unlvnrnlty of Loiililani, and o do not doubt<br />

that n visit from him nnd a report on tbo noils<br />

of our Islands otild be not only of grest ad-<br />

vantage to Individual planters, but also of na-<br />

tional benefit, In pronouncing on the nature of<br />

our noils, and perhaps In pointing out dormant<br />

rcsourccn in (lie way of fertilizers, If this<br />

suggestion meets tho views of plantetn who<br />

denlro lo unite In arranging for a vtnlt from<br />

Prof, Hllgnrd, Mr. H. h, Austin or Messrs, C.<br />

Hrewerfe Co. may bo addressed on tbo subjoit.<br />

IlinxaLcr, Csi.irotiKM, Auk. 18, ItX).<br />

Ho. H, A l(UnTnn Urun Him I inehnn a re<br />

pott on tho three soils of wlilrh jon nnt '.lie anal-ji- r,<br />

rwrmrAtHy no tlinlyrm may rnk! such farllir<br />

tiKr of It n jou may llifnk pror. If Hie conclu-<br />

sions lo which they lead nhonld bi found of Rni-r- nl<br />

application, 0i9y Aro of ctmaldcmhln practical<br />

lniortnrici, I nlirmld be !! to learn tho renulU<br />

of ntiy experiment tliat nwy,l rnndn In accord-<br />

ance with my Miiwestlons. Tho composition of<br />

tlienx noils is no anomalous, that IrmlrstibordlnA<br />

Hon to the Kunnrnl principles found to be. true as<br />

rejfnrds ordinary aoila, would be of somo scientific<br />

Interest.<br />

As regards tho making of noli analyse mre,<br />

wlilln I have not tlrnn to carry tbern onl personally,<br />

I can have llicm done under my Imrntdinto caper-visio- n,<br />

nnd triiarsntcn n to correctness, by young<br />

men In my Uborntory. Tho charges would vary,<br />

according to the dejzrco of dttail req<strong>ui</strong>red In the<br />

examination, from 1C lo fV or thereabouts tbs<br />

idea. bcincrttiAt nfter some Moerlenee with a cer<br />

tain class of soils full analyse would not always<br />

needed.<br />

An to visiting yonr Inlands with a view to agri-<br />

cultural rx Animation, it would of course lm prac-<br />

ticable only during my vacation, from Msy to<br />

Auguxt, the greater partnf which lias during the<br />

last yearn bf en given to Mine "expertlng." lam<br />

not unwilling lo substitute a rnjngo to your balmy<br />

clime to thoHC to Oregon and Arizona. Should the<br />

matter take any definite shape an regards the com-in- g<br />

year, it would bo desirable to arrange It torn<br />

time beforehand, ns I msy within a fow months be<br />

placed under engagements to devote m next vaca-<br />

tion to Oregon. Very Sincerely Youn,<br />

Euo. W, Hiloard.<br />

BKHirLET, August 18. 1830.<br />

Hon. H. A. P. CjtBTETi Dcia Hint Your favor of .<br />

Jnly Hist was received a few days ngo. 1 have, a<br />

reqnentod by you, examined carefully tlio snalyae<br />

Ilnwnllnn soils inclosed. They differ widely<br />

from nny cultivated soil heretofore analyzed, the<br />

nearest approach In composition Ixing to the cele-<br />

brated black noli of Central Hunala the Tshorno-Ser- a<br />

bat yet qoite materially distinct In some<br />

ewientinl points. From the few data before me.<br />

am nt n loss to conjecture bow such a noil could<br />

LA (rtrmttA rtl alalia masnmri ibmwa hh.Iam 4a4VMsM<br />

tjrj uai i uMWfjisu ia srraiupni rviin <strong>ui</strong>iu<strong>ui</strong> LllkUIII<br />

stances of climate nnd locality not realized else-<br />

where. 1 have no reason to dembt tho accuracy of<br />

Mr. HsrblahAw's work, especially as all three anal-<br />

yses agree so closely nn regards the general charac-<br />

ter of the soil. Hut I have written to him to ascer-<br />

tain the method of analysis pursued, in order to<br />

gtln n more accurate idea of its physical character<br />

than the chemical figure can alone famish. If,<br />

an I rnunt presume, these figures rcprcM-n- t the true<br />

soil, nnd not largely merely the inert rock powder<br />

that may lie preeent, the soil's want and virtues<br />

mny be simply slated thus:<br />

li is n. son vi <strong>ui</strong>iuauni ler<strong>ui</strong>iij anuaura<strong>ui</strong>iuy pi<br />

regards tho two most important, and in replace-<br />

ment, most expensive ingredients, viz, phosphate<br />

and nitrogen. Ouano of any ot the ordinary kinds<br />

would be thrown nway upon it ; no would bone--<br />

dust, snperphofipnntcM,ic.<br />

Tho one highly important ingredient in which it<br />

is so notably deficient as to be wholly without ex-<br />

ample in cultivateable holla elsewhere, is potaih.<br />

Tho oiual percentage of this subatnnce in soils of<br />

fair productiveness, is from ten to twenty times as<br />

great. It happen that the culture of sugar cane<br />

as unually conducted without return of the bagasse<br />

to the field is peculiarly exhaustive of potash. I<br />

nhould therefore expect that after bearing A few,<br />

perhaps vcryfull crops, the land would suddenly,<br />

and very decidedly, refuse to produce remunera-<br />

tive crope. Tlio fallow would under the circum-<br />

stances produce but a very short-live- d improve-<br />

ment.<br />

The fact that the potash-perccntag- e of the vir-<br />

gin soilt is so little above that of the cultivated,<br />

does not in nny manner invalidate this conclusion.<br />

Tlie loss sustained by a few years' cropping can-<br />

not, as a rule, be detected by the moat delicate<br />

analysis.<br />

The use of potash manures in. then, indicated<br />

an the prime need in maintaining or resuscitating<br />

the fertility of these soils. The ordinary commer-<br />

cial source of potash for agricultural purposes, is<br />

toe "kainite or natural s<strong>ui</strong>pnate oi potatn, now<br />

shipped in enormous quantities Irom Uerroanr, to<br />

all nans oi the world, 'xne home supply of potash<br />

ie to be found in the ashes of woods or weeds, and<br />

notably in the bagasse. The return of the latter<br />

to the soil would in a trreat decree Drevent the ex- -<br />

liaustion of potash ; but the aali ot bagassee, a it<br />

comes from the fnrnaces, is usually too nearly of a<br />

classy nature to be of much avail, the heat of c<br />

bustion having melted it.<br />

Possiblv thero mar be source of ootaah on the<br />

Hawaiian island, but if so they are not generally<br />

known.<br />

It is currently said that the soils of the islands<br />

nre very q<strong>ui</strong>ckly exhausted, and that their agricul-<br />

tural future is a dark one. If the analyses before<br />

mo correctly represent the nature of these exhaust-<br />

ible soils, the truth is tho very reverse of the cur-<br />

rent view. Apart from their deficiency in potash,<br />

their composition is sn eminently favorable one,<br />

in all cases where drainage is good. As stated be-<br />

fore, their supply of phosphates and nitrogen, the<br />

most expensive ingredients usually needed to bs<br />

supplied, is unusually large, both being about<br />

three times greater in quantity than usually found<br />

in soils. If, as now appears to bath ease, the<br />

Hawaiian soils need only to be supplied with po-<br />

tash, which is abundant and comparatively cheap<br />

in the world's market, their lasting fertility!<br />

readily assured.<br />

I would saggest small seals experiments, to be<br />

made with wood ashes or commercial potashes, for<br />

corroboration of the views sanestea by the ana-lyse- e.<br />

The correctness of the latter, both in letUr<br />

and spirit, is of course presupposed.<br />

Respectfully, Koo. W. Hrmtan.<br />

Fiof. Aeneelture, TJniv. of California.<br />




Office np to and ladodlni; tbeXXb day of August<br />

most be settled with J. II. Black oniy. All IndibUdnets<br />

sp to tbe same dale will b settled by 1, H. BLACK.<br />

Hcmolnla. Anfnit , IMP. S1T- -J<br />


In Barrels and Oans.<br />

ress ttnLE BT<br />

M. HAOKFX2LD oa<br />

81 lm<br />

L. G. SRES0VICH ft CO.,<br />



AL8(<br />

IWiita of every kind ' '<br />


LFrKh Xswton Oyster ia t SImII<br />


1 -<br />

H AmTu'rTtI A .'<br />

TM rMS)lBiU T BAT TeM nWMI IS<br />

pralM ot taU good oU iieaeata Fstally HeeUlae<br />

Itcaaaot b taokltaly rwoaaeadtd. w It I traly a<br />

Bteevel e th Aaje, sad bo aeeMkcM ae14 es<br />

wliboa It. It hvbu s wall as car tassel Ms<br />

aeee, ee. aUsesHSMaetanm. JweseHatte<br />

smt aman Asam) Uv<br />

. BUe. Wi4,<br />

liaa. revse at Saw.<br />

twsts. real aVeasai, fad every AUm brear,at es f<br />

gxTvtt4 by a disorder stusaack.<br />

' It parlies, tat Blood, Cwm tea '. 4 Vw-el- s,<br />

and elves the whole syauxst a Htalte aa BwMnt-- f<br />

al Taat. Tkir aavtr m a8ka far lb Maisery<br />

maal to It, ss-- t Utm1 toaptsMtt of Heta oilf . It, can<br />

t given safely to islsau. It I a trl<strong>ui</strong>pli la awetcist<br />

asnal, yet sVecloa. lavataael la tsWHaHr.oa<br />

the road, at sea, sas) raywat. '"'r""''<br />

Wat sal by all PtusmUU, ai4 at wtlsaH aw S<br />

lOTICt.<br />

IBS BKBRY Willi, OP1IJfi<br />

au<strong>ui</strong> aeaoM lor ww, w eaawas awswiBfAi,<br />

rilifeCitsta. laaeiWaa mi<br />

la IdxIUs bfacsex. IWaaa wfBMBfSfea W'Sesaa<br />

saersavWwek. fii.il.aa isJitj Ttaas m tm<br />

wk. Ciwr Bersli;4 seeAW Ats, mT<br />

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Slil'THMHEIi 11, 1880.<br />


A Roport on Uii Sngnr Indtiatrr In<br />

Qtirontilniiil.<br />

Mr. Henry Ling Roth linn prodiicctl nn<br />

exliMifttive liltlo work on tlionliovoniiiijcct.<br />

Sugnr plnnting, by which nt ono time such<br />

vnit fur! tincn wcro ninilo in llio West n,<br />

linn nlwnjH hrul n jipcnliir nllrnction<br />

for Knijlinh rnpitnl, though tho blow riir-tnin- rd<br />

by )ho imlantry in Jninnic.intul other<br />

pronpcrotin<br />

inlnniU in tho Cnrribo.in Hen<br />

tlirongh tho aniniiripiiliun of tho fJnvcn<br />

grndunlly warned llio cnpilnlint from looking<br />

to those fmr inndfl for tho romtiticrniivo<br />

investment of bin wraith. Whilo nbnontpo<br />

planters woro enjoying inngnificunt incomen<br />

f om their West Indmti proportion, it wnn<br />

only nnturnl thnt those who witnenned tho<br />

lavish inunificonco of their wny of living<br />

nhoiild htttiRcr nfter r.iniilnr iiivofttinont".<br />

When, thoroforo, tho chi<strong>ui</strong>go effected by tho<br />

omnncipition of tho laborers took plnco,<br />

find llio negro wns in tho position to work<br />

to tho extent thnt n<strong>ui</strong>tcd tho incrndicnbln<br />

indolonco of ft nntiiro debased by long<br />

yonrs of servitude, tho losses inflicted upon<br />

wealthy clnnncn in Knglnml wcroonormuti",<br />

nnd henceforth "a sugar plnntntion"<br />

ccftRod to lmvo Llio opulent ring for Uritish<br />

oars that bad so long disting<strong>ui</strong>shed it nn<br />

tho most nllnring of investments. Prosperous<br />

plantations slowly returned into tho<br />

condition of primovnl jtwglo, nnd sugar<br />

stank in the nostrils of tho Uritish cnpitnlist.<br />

Now, however, capital, nlwnys impationt<br />

of the small returns to be obtained in its<br />

limited home, looks onco moro n. field with<br />

n curious nnd spcculntivo oyo on tho<br />

vigorous growth of tho old West<br />

Jndinn industry in its now hnbitnt. It is<br />

the wont of this shyest of insensate things<br />

to carefully sniff the breeze till a certain<br />

nromn of ruccoes is detected, when, ns n<br />

rule, it discreetly puts forth nntctimu, nnd<br />

having satisfied itself of tho Hiiitnbility of<br />

tho field it proposes to fatten on, without<br />

moro ndo makes tho necessary leap. In<br />

our ense Mr. Iloth mny bo looked upon ns<br />

tho niitenniu of this sonsitivo creature<br />

which Australia is so interested in luring to<br />

hor pisttiros for dcfinito acclimatisation.<br />

Tho continued progress of tho sugar industry<br />

in QtieciiBlnnd prompted some capitalists<br />

to commission Mr. Itoth to visit tho<br />

country for the purposo of investigating<br />

nnd reporting on this ono ot its important<br />

sources of wealth ; nnd tho report, which<br />

is now published in n handy book form,<br />

shows how eminently judicious wns tho selection<br />

of this gentleman ior such n purposo.<br />

Mr. Iloth commences with n description<br />

of the four sugar districts of Queensland<br />

tho Southern, Ccn'rnl, Mnckny, nnd Card-well<br />

districts; describes tho formation of<br />

their soils nnd general characteristics; nnd<br />

compares their rniufnll, ns nmongst themselves<br />

nnd with thnt of other sngnr-produc-in- g<br />

countries. For this last-name- d purpose<br />

very carefully prepnred tables nro givon,<br />

which show tho Lower Herbert district to<br />

bo tho wettest, with a mean annual rninfall<br />

of OC'G-iin- Mnckny coming next with<br />

thou Bcouloigh with Maryborough<br />

showing tho smnlbist totnl of nil<br />

5013in. Then Mr. Roth devotes a chap,<br />

tor to tho tracing of tho progress of the<br />

sugar industry in Qucenslnnd from tho time<br />

of Mr. Thomns Scott's onrly efforts under<br />

tho onconrngcraeut nnd patronngo of Sir<br />

Thomns Brisbano in 1823, down to tho Inst<br />

season terminating in Mnrch of this yenr.<br />

From tho 70 tons mndo nt Port Mncqunrio<br />

in 1827 to tho 18,200 tons produced by<br />

Queensland's Inst crushing is n bigndvnnco,<br />

but whnt is it compared to tho increase thnt<br />

mny bo expected in tho next intervnl of the<br />

same durntion ? Thnt fifty-thre- e yenrs<br />

ngo sugnr-mnkin-g should have been demonstrated<br />

ns nn industry s<strong>ui</strong>tnble to Austrn-li- n,<br />

nnd yet thnt the colonists should havo<br />

nllowed tho recollection of tho experiment<br />

to lie dormant for thirty-fiv- e, yenrs, whilo<br />

they tried innumerable other crops thnt afforded<br />

n scanty living, is a curious exemplification<br />

of the difficulty men find in applying<br />

the experienco of other countries<br />

under entirely novel conditions. The<br />

steamy ennu-brnk- nnd swarthy lnborcrs<br />

of tho older suggested<br />

no counterpart on our healthier continent<br />

and till 1802 no effort wns made to<br />

test tho capabilities of tho Queensland soil<br />

nnd climate for tho production of thisvnlu-nbl- e<br />

staple Then of course the infant industry<br />

hnd to bittln with tho difficulties<br />

and trials inseparable from all now purs<strong>ui</strong>ts.<br />

It, nevertheless, continued to steadily prosper.<br />

Evory yenr saw a largely increased<br />

area under crop, nnd by 1875 planters'<br />

hopes knd risen high nnd fortune beckoned<br />

from the nenr future, when a wide and devastating<br />

blight brought r<strong>ui</strong>n upon half<br />

their number, find shook confidonco in tho<br />

industry to an extont that req<strong>ui</strong>red fivo<br />

years for thorough restoration. Mr. Roth<br />

does not admit that the rust is a<br />

HpociEo diboasc, but simply an unhealthy<br />

condition, duo' to a very unusual rainfall<br />

nt an unseasonable time, nnd ho believes<br />

thnt ,the introduction of bnrdier varieties<br />

of cane, which hns been taking plnce ever<br />

sinco that disastroun year, renders any<br />

destruction from this causo unlikely<br />

iu th'o future. In a chapter devoted to the<br />

causes., of failure bf ninny planters, Mr.<br />

Roth gives evidence of having listened to<br />

the grievances of mjny a victim of a too<br />

disproportionate overdraft. He arraigns<br />

money. leudera, the chief of whom are of<br />

course tho banks, ns amongst tho primo<br />

causes of the nou.iuccess of the unsuccessful.<br />

Mr. Roth visits us at a time when tho<br />

buccosh of sugar growing is assured, nud<br />

it is only natural that he bhould condemn<br />

tho short 6ightedncss of bank tnnnagers,<br />

who failed to dotoct tho bright future, ns<br />

having produced ft monetary panic. But<br />

in days of prosperity it is dillioulttoroalizo<br />

tho doubts and <strong>ui</strong>isgiviugs of a time of profound<br />

depression, and wp nre inclined to<br />

think the majority of colonial hanks show<br />

at much enterprise as is compatible with a<br />

safe busiueM. Mr. Roth, however, hn lit-t- U<br />

sympathy with m bank managers' apprehensions<br />

regarding his shareholders'<br />

half-yearl- y dividends, and says their " wny<br />

of transacting busiuoss greatly retards Lite<br />

introduction of further capital tutu the<br />

colony. Capitalists iu Euglaud judge<br />

things by results, and when tuey see industries,<br />

supposed to bo prosperous, recoivo<br />

uddeu checks, they ascribe tho failuro to<br />

unsoundness iustoad of to the unbubiupbs-lik- corrospoudout u<strong>ui</strong>iouticcu thnt Bishop<br />

e<br />

manner iu which the Australian banks<br />

Manage their attains." Mr. Roth devotos<br />

chapter to central factories, nnd examines<br />

th figures of our VhitadolnhUu com<strong>ui</strong>is-ion- tr<br />

to prove that tho Martinique fro<br />

tjriw onljr return 12 J per cout on tho capi-t- il<br />

invented. Here, wheio iulerest uu u<br />

biuk ovwt draft i charged at 10 per cent,<br />

Mr. Both eouaiders such figures hold oat<br />

0 ieiuoemeot for investment, but ho udds ;<br />

--.Fro By invtigUous into the pro.<br />

to of the industry, I believe tint a central<br />

f.mlory nt Mnckny, which nt present, nR I I<br />

havo previously hIiiiim1, is llio mont favor- -<br />

nbly situated di'Mnel, or probably nny ills- -<br />

trict to tho north of it, would tctnrn soinr- -<br />

whatncnr20 per ronton thocnpitnlitivcstrd,<br />

or nbout fi to 10 per cent less than n largo<br />

mill. Such n nlntonicut from a mnti evi-<br />

dently woll qunlificd to gio<br />

nn opinion<br />

hhotild prove n tempting inducement to tho<br />

capitalists who havo commissioned Mr.<br />

Roth to make theso investigations.<br />


American.<br />

New Youk, August 2tth. A Timet<br />

Washington special nays: Mrs. Kniinn<br />

Yonng, n er of Pntiiok<br />

llonry. is ill nnd penniless nt her homo iu<br />

this city. A week ngo Mrs Susan J,<br />

llonry, widow of Patrick Henry, n grand-Ro- n<br />

of tho great orator, died, leaving her<br />

daughter Mono nnd ill, without money nnd<br />

niiinroiitlv without friends.<br />

Nnv Yobk, August 2-- 111. Tho<br />

Tnm-mnn- y<br />

newspaper organ, which should spoak<br />

by nuthority, declares thnt tho attempt to<br />

linrmonizo tho conflicting inttrosts iu tho<br />

milks of tho Now York Democracy will<br />

fail. John Krlly is suprotnoly jcnloiiH, nnd<br />

nn L'nulknor, Chnirmnii of tho Stnto<br />

Uoni-mitte- e,<br />

drnwn his inspiration principally<br />

from Oratntnorcy Park, there does Hot np-peto<br />

bo n very good prospect of soothing<br />

tho great Snclioin's navngo breast. Til-don- 's<br />

advico to tho mnchino mnnngors is to<br />

ignoro Tnmninny nltogothcr.<br />

Ci.vciNK.vri, August 25th. Tho doif<br />

mutes of America nro holding hero y<br />

their first Convention. Thero in n fair<br />

nttendnnco of denf mutes from nil pnrts<br />

of tho United States nnd from Canada.<br />

The proceedings are nil carried on by signs.<br />

Washington, August 25th. A roport<br />

from llnvnna that tho French aro in treaty<br />

with tho Danes for tho Islands of St.<br />

Thomas, St. Croix, nnd St. John, is not<br />

credited in Administration qunrtera. During<br />

tho Prcsidoncy of General Or.mt it be-canecessary<br />

to inform tho Danish Government<br />

thnt any attempt to transfer its<br />

Colonial possessions iu this hemisphere to<br />

nny other European nation would bo<br />

ns nn unfriendly net nnd would bo<br />

treated ns such. It has been necessary<br />

sinco tho prcsont Administration anno into<br />

power to rcitorato tho Grant doc-trin- o,<br />

nnd if necessary it will ngnin bo done<br />

It ifl for this reason thnt tho report is not<br />

credited in official circles.<br />

Tho Treasury receipts nverngo over ono<br />

million dollars daily, 'lho general opinion<br />

hero nmong Government ollicials is tint<br />

unless tho debt is to bo paid otf nt n rapid<br />

rato, CungToss will be justified in ranking n<br />

lnrgo reduction in tho rato of taxation.<br />

Seciotary Shcrmnn favors paying tho debt<br />

rapidly, nnd thus getting it out ot tho wny<br />

nnd lelieving tho people from interest burdens.<br />

The now census will give reasonably<br />

neenrnto information nB to wbero the bulk<br />

of tho nntionnl debt is hold.<br />

Horaco Mnynnrd, to Tnrkoy,<br />

in company with Postmnstcr-Gcncr- al Koy,<br />

visited tho White House y to pay his<br />

rospects to President Ilnyos. Whilo thoro<br />

tho President signed Mnynnrd's commission<br />

ns Postmnstor-Genern- l nnd handed it to<br />

him. Lator in tho dny Mnynnrd appeared<br />

at tho Postofilco Department nud took tho<br />

onth of offico ns Postmaster-General- , nnd<br />

will ontcr unon his duties Tho<br />

President y signed tho commission of<br />

Judge D. M. Key to ho District Judge for<br />

tho Eastern District of Tonucs6CO. lie nlso<br />

signed tho commission of General Long,<br />

stroot ns U. S. Minister to Tnrkoy. Judgo<br />

Koy will remain iu tho city several days<br />

boforo leaving for Tennessee<br />

European.<br />

London, August 20th. A correspondent<br />

says he hears on good nuthority thnt tho<br />

British proposal to euforco tho decisions of<br />

tho Berlin Conference by nrmed measures<br />

is coldly roceived by tho Powers. Ger-mnn- y<br />

has declined to participate in buch<br />

intervention.<br />

St. Petersburg, August 23d. A tele-gra- m<br />

from tho Russian ngent nt Poking<br />

states thnt tho ponding locnl claims have<br />

boon sntisfnctorily decided. Chung How<br />

wns liberated on tho representation of Marq<strong>ui</strong>s<br />

Tseng.<br />

"London, August 23d. A Standard's<br />

Athens despatch says: Thirty Turkish<br />

officers, who have deserted their own ilng,<br />

hnd an audionce with tho Greek Wnr Minister,<br />

of whom they nsked commissions.<br />

They debcrtcd from tho Turkish servico<br />

because they were not paid. It is alleged<br />

thnt whole battalions nre ready to desert jf<br />

their pay bo not guaranteed.<br />

Bucharest, August 28d. Tho following<br />

nre ndditionnl details of tho murder of Dr.<br />

Parsons, nn American missionary. Ono<br />

of the nssnssins plnced tho muzzle of his<br />

rifle close to Dr. Pnrsons'sservnnt, fired mid<br />

killed him instantly. Dr. Pnrsons then<br />

started up, but boforo ho could say or do<br />

anything a bullet pierced his heart. Tho<br />

two Circassians threw tho bodies over a<br />

prccipico, at tho foot of which they wero<br />

found after a few dnys. Au American residing<br />

at Istnct telegraphed tho facts to tho<br />

British Ambassador, who communicated<br />

them immediately to Heath, the American<br />

Consul-Genera- l. A squad of soldiers went<br />

to the camp of tho Circassians, aud thro<br />

to shoot the wholo tribe unless the<br />

murderers were surrendered, whereupon<br />

the murderers wero delivered to tho authorities.<br />

Tho all'air caused great coustor-natio- n<br />

nt Constantinople, nud people travel<br />

nrmed, nnd if possible with nu armed guard,<br />

when riding or driving in tho suburbs.<br />

London, August 24th. A Times Geneva<br />

Her-no- g<br />

has left Switzerland for tho United<br />

States with the objoct of promoting a<br />

schemo for a federation of all Christian<br />

Churches in tho universe.<br />

London, August 24th. Tho Attornoy-Gener- al<br />

has consented to a Tichborue writ<br />

of error being bubmitted to tho House of<br />

Lords, appellant's solicitor Imviug givon<br />

adoquato reasous.<br />

London, August 24th. Rndicil Demo-emti- o<br />

Clubs of the city aud suburbs nssem-ble- d<br />

iu Westmiuutor lust night aud urged<br />

T. P. O'Connor, tho Homo Rule mom her<br />

for the borough of Galway, to press his<br />

motion adverse to tho ' existerco of the<br />

Houbo of Lords to a divisiou, and to pre<br />

sent his addreott ndvocatiug the abolition of<br />

the House of Lords. O'Conuur replied<br />

expressing his sympathy with tbo objects<br />

of the meeting. At tho meeting of Homo<br />

Rule members of the House yesterday,<br />

Parnell baid with regard to tho opposition<br />

to tho constabulary vote, that much would<br />

dopend ou the manner in which the Irish<br />

members wcro met by tho Government.<br />

If their proposals wero rejected it would<br />

be necessary to resist thc"Votolo tho Inst,<br />

but if the Government were disposed to<br />

listen to the protest of the Irish people<br />

against the manner in which the constabulary<br />

is now being used, extreme stress<br />

would be unnecessary. lie has resolved<br />

to place several amendments ou paper,<br />

agmust the voUs which will be teksu tonight.<br />

IIkKM.v, August 27th. Gormnny has<br />

definitely abandoned tho intention to ac<br />

q<strong>ui</strong>t o nnd coloimo tho bnmnan IslnndR.<br />

London, August 27th. Tho t'.obato in<br />

tho Commons, which begnn Inst night, continued<br />

until ono o'clock this afternoon.<br />

Hnrtington repeatedly urged tho Irish<br />

tnotnbcrs to proceed to tho consideration of<br />

tho vote of nnpply, nns<strong>ui</strong>ing them thnt thoy<br />

wcro much mistaken if thoy thought to<br />

wring pledges from tho Government by obstructing<br />

tho Government nnpply. Notwithstanding<br />

thin appeal, tho discussion<br />

wns kept up.<br />

In tho ilotiso, thin overling, (ho Mnrqnin<br />

of Hnrtington, Sccrotnry of Stnto for<br />

India, said tho Viceroy of India has under<br />

consideration tho iidvisnbitily of maintaining<br />

tho frontier prescribed by tho Troity of<br />

G<strong>ui</strong>ld mink. Ho nlso staled thnt ho had<br />

received 116 confirmation of tho alarming<br />

Afghan nows of this morning, relating to<br />

disq<strong>ui</strong>et nt Cnbul. Ho hnd a telegram<br />

from tho Viceroy, dntcd which<br />

makes no reference to thnt news,<br />

IIkiim.v, August 27th. The Powernhnvo<br />

ordered lho men-of-wn- r, dctnilcd in<br />

for tho demonstration in Turkish<br />

wnlers, to concentrate in tho Adrinlie.<br />

Tho l'jinporor William is now in<br />

oxcol-lo- ut<br />

hoilth, nnd, instead of declining,<br />

nppcnrn to bo gaining in ntrongth nud<br />

vigor.<br />

bunt in, August 27th. Tho weathrr<br />

continues nil that could bo dosiicd for lho<br />

harvest. Brilliant nunshino has been the<br />

rulo during tho last threo weeks. Tho<br />

groater pott ion of tho grain is now cut, ami<br />

half has already bcou cleared from the<br />

fields.<br />

Bucharest, August 27th. Tho Rou-mnnipoliticians<br />

nro somewhat excited<br />

over tho nllinnce question. Ono faction,<br />

led by Borcscot. Minister of Foreign Af-fairR,<br />

favors making common cnusu with<br />

Austria. Another party, <strong>ui</strong>iilor the leadership<br />

of Princo Gregory Stourdsn, loins<br />

toward Rtibsh ns tho only Powor which<br />

has over ro.illy befriended Roumnnin. A<br />

third party is opposed to nil forcigh nllion,<br />

desiring Routnniiia to become tho Belgium<br />

of tho Bast.<br />

Raousa, August 27th. Riza PnRhn<br />

tho Chiefs of tho Albaninn Lcngiio,<br />

nt Scutari, on tho instnnt. As thoy<br />

refused to yield to his domnnd in rcgnrd to<br />

tho cession of territory to Montenegro, ho<br />

sought to detain thorn in nrrcbt; but tho<br />

inhabitant!! rescued thorn, nud threatened<br />

Riza Pashn with denth. Tho Loaguo hns<br />

sent COO mou to Dnlcigno. Tho inhabitants<br />

thoro throatcn to burn tho town<br />

rather than ccdo to Montcnogro. Thero in<br />

gteat oxcitcinctit in Scutari.<br />

Pera, August 27th, Tho Porto has<br />

n, note to tho Powers, innouncing<br />

that Dulcigno will bo immediately ceded.<br />

Madrid, August 27th. An excited discussion<br />

is raging between tho Oppcbition<br />

papers nnd tho Ministerialist journals upon<br />

tho titlo of tho Queen's first-bor- n. The<br />

Cabinet holds that Princesses can only<br />

nssumo tho titlo of Aslurins by the net of<br />

royal prerogative, contrary to tho opinion<br />

of tho Opposition loaders nnd representatives<br />

of tho Province of Ast<strong>ui</strong>iis, who<br />

intend to lodgo n protest if tho Queen gives<br />

birth to n daughter. Tbo preparations for<br />

tho coming event nro coinploto. Tho diplomatic<br />

corps nnd Ministers nnd visitors nro<br />

nil hero.<br />

Simla, Angnst 27th. Tho Governmont<br />

havo no information of defection nmong<br />

Abdurrnhmnn's troops nt Cnbul. Tho mu-<br />


Furniture<br />

AIauufaeturing<br />

Company<br />



or<br />

iviiia DiaoiiirTxozrM<br />



tit otlitr partt of lho JaUadi,<br />



Ordqrs Filled at Lowest Rates<br />

lly uppllcntlon to Mr. K I'. AH AWK, Queo tjitutt, vrbo<br />

liu out lie.crlpllvu Catalogue wltli I'rlccs.<br />


himj rm:tT,<br />

Blaok Walnut Bedroom Sets,<br />

Mlnck Wulnut SldtboiirUi,<br />

Uluck Wulnut DliiiiiK Cl<strong>ui</strong>iri,<br />

Ouk Cune Heat Uiulne Chain,<br />

Cedar lledroom rjettt<br />


tot am<br />

CEO. 8. HARRIS,<br />


MII, Hill TUt:. IIOI'NK AND 1IKVV<br />

7 Wftfton Work, MouldluK ltt, I'lanlnj; Kiiliu,<br />

Auchort arnt Ant It rvralrnl, CooacnKki, C'ruok Ailf<br />

and Wa;ou Axlca wade (or tbe traila on ttaiomblt<br />

leiray.<br />

Heavy Wagons for Traction Engines<br />

AND<br />


With all their rutins, bp!altr.<br />

AU Onhrt i owutfy Alluded to, and Work<br />

Ouariinttfd.<br />

FWBhopouth. Kiplaoad, la lb. Hit of Mr. Go.<br />

Lucat Flauloc Mill. In lm<br />

Netic.<br />


ru. naoiins or caunlug wll4 eatn. or kocat w ta<br />

pnojlic kuown at KM4kua. Malutianalaa, aa<br />

t.p.ckeu, Ulaud gf U all, dUutcl of flllu.<br />

0 ' V. AlfONO.<br />

WILDER CO.<br />

Impor'torB and Dealers in<br />

LUMUEB<br />

-- AJfI-<br />


or A I.I, KINIIS.<br />


-- EX-<br />


-- HEVnitAI..<br />


--d'<br />


costriiimwi<br />


IN<br />




AJL.SO, OIV HVI1<br />

A Mont Complete Stock of<br />


He Milling ; Plunk, surfucml nnd rough,<br />

lloni-dd- ,<br />

Mirliict'd anil iniih; Itutluntt,<br />

I'ickum, Hustle. Liltieu, Clupbourdi.<br />



I.ATE4T NTYI.F.H.<br />


BUTT3. HINGES,<br />

BOLTS. SCREWS. Etc<br />

Paint and Whitewash Brushes<br />

wiiirt: j.i:ad,<br />

win ru zinc. 1AINT (IIM<br />


Class, Salt, Firewood,<br />


AI.I. NI7.i:N,<br />

Of Eastorn and California Mako.<br />


AND AT<br />

X. oxv rniom rs<br />

3lil SO'<br />

tiny nmong tho troops of tho Khnn of<br />

Khclat is confined to 14-- men. A dotneh-mo- nt<br />

of tho 78th Highlanders has gone to<br />

Khclat to restore confidence. A Cbanian<br />

correspondent 6ays tho mutineers havo left<br />

Khclat.<br />

London, August 27th. Musnrus Pnshn,<br />

tho Ottoman Ambassador nt London, writos<br />

to tho papers officially denying that tho<br />

rorto is trying to excito Musselmon in<br />

India nud Afghanistan through seditious<br />

publications.<br />

A lotter of General Primrose, received nt<br />

Killa Abdullah, gives some particulars of<br />

tho sortie from Candahar August IGth:<br />

Tho British attacked tho villngo of Dahkh-wajo- e,<br />

nnd got through it; but, finding it<br />

strongly occupied nnd reinforced by contingents<br />

from neighboring villngos, had to<br />

retire to the fortress. Tho otiomy's loss<br />

was- - E. O. HALL & SON,<br />

In addition to the Very Largo and Well aclcctcd<br />


AND<br />


NOW ON HAND,<br />


OF UUOIIh,<br />

UMfcOM! BOSTON<br />

By lho "Ceylon," nnd Overland by Railroad;<br />

heavy. British cavalry mndo two FROM NEW YORK<br />

charges, cutting down mnny of tho onomy.<br />

Co.vsTANriNOVLE, August 27th. A coun-<br />

Byth"T.F.Wnltoni"<br />

cil of Ministers yesterday considered tho<br />

last collective note from tho Powers. They Fxonn snsland<br />

wero of opinion thnt Turkey ennnot com-<br />

By the "City ot Madrid;" and<br />

mit an net of n.<br />


By the'.'DUcovery."<br />

Upon the arrival of thoie veiaola thoy will be prepared<br />

to eell to tho public tho FIncat and<br />

Most Valuable Assortment of Goods<br />

in their line that baa ever been offered In<br />

Honolulu.<br />

X3f Moro particular, hereafter. 813<br />


Yickcrj's Fireside Journal<br />

ONE OV THE<br />

Best Family Newspapers,<br />


Wo alao give four MnuulOreut Chrnmoi, 13x19<br />

in IU color., with the paper, for<br />

One Dollar for one Year<br />

J'ostago paid, payable to advance I<br />

Call and aubicrlbu at once, or addreaa<br />

t'll'UVKINU CO ,<br />

King Htruet,<br />

One door from F<strong>ui</strong>t atreet, Honolulu, It, I,<br />

In ordering, b. snro to write name and addrea., I'ont<br />

Oltlce, veir plain, and forward ono dollar (or each auu<br />

crlber.<br />

IIHDEK AT OStt'E<br />

Aa the edition la nearly run out. Her you havo Yawx<br />

UandioineCbremoa and an lll<strong>ui</strong>traud Slew.panir Included,<br />

fur Ono Dollar fur one year, pp( paid. Sauuplei<br />

can be aetu,<br />

tKMJin alt'KKa(IUt, AcwU.<br />



A lot of )hla aupcrtar brand of coal, In bulk for borne-hol- d<br />

purpoaea.<br />

BaraiFrt,<br />

la Try OiMUa,<br />

Aai Lmvm m lost<br />

Cheaper than Wood.<br />


la ajaalMi I MM<br />

to- - y.yWHaC.<br />

Llm. Llm;<br />

IA BL,A5b5f?. fW SSR,: MP<br />

.<br />

C. BREWER CO.<br />

-- NOW-<br />



HADON, MMttr, now about line from lloiton,<br />


I'rnnklln Ptno Con! In cMlt for fnmllr nr;<br />

Wilmington Tnr, ttoiln, Cotton Puck, No. I to 10)<br />

Iron Illotlii,Anflinr.iickI, Vltk llitnillfn,<br />

Onk flunk, llnnt'i IUtchct,Htirf Iloiita,<br />

OctrcaL TLcLtclxes,<br />

L'nirlfttgt Lining,<br />

U'W Ilcdfnnt Manila Cordite,<br />

Hp<strong>ui</strong>iynrn. HclrlnR, Mnrllnc<br />

Urtl UU, llollc.l Mntcccl Oil,<br />

AxleOrrnie, Damnr Vnmlth, Pntly,<br />

liltlo l'olton, tjnlrltnuf lurpcnltnr.<br />


Nulla, Oara, okcIcI,, r. lo29fcrt(<br />

Ilabbltt Muni, Compoeltlon Nnllf,<br />

Famllj I'ork, quartor barrrlr,<br />

Yellow JIfial ahc.itlni;,<br />

Twliic,Honp,Clialra<br />

Tomato and Mock Turtlo Soup,<br />

Tomatoet, Clamp, V<br />

Orctn l'raa.<br />

HanuRt Meat,<br />

llakrd Beam,<br />

Clam Chowder,<br />

Hiiccotauli,<br />

flrecn Corn,<br />

Lohatcra, 1 and '2 lb. tin.<br />

Corn Storon,<br />

Black Walnut, Warli Iloarda,<br />

Iluckctn, l'opcr Dnf , nafortrd;<br />

Cedar Ilont lloaida, Leather Waihera.<br />

Ncwllcdford Whalcboat,rironood,<br />






Invoice of Carriages!<br />

Phaetons,<br />

Brewster Buggies,<br />

Top Buggies.<br />

AND<br />

Concord Wng-ons-.<br />


Burnett's Extracts,<br />

DOWNER'S<br />

KEIfcOSJiJTVIi: OIXj.<br />

803<br />



HoUlster cfc Oo- -<br />



To the Fact that they have<br />

Opened at their Old Stand.<br />

No. 85 Nmiann Street, a Full Lino of<br />


AND<br />




T<br />

R<br />

U<br />

; .TR.US.SES.- - .<br />

E 8<br />


Complete Assortment of Perfumery<br />

iNTiiKcirr.<br />


I. In charsd of MH. J. I.. noYNT"X. a Pharmacen-tla- t<br />

of larrje eiperleuce, thoroughly competcut and re.<br />

liable.<br />

Cprl'rcacrlptlona compounded at all houra of day or<br />

night.<br />

Ni<strong>ui</strong>ir HEi.i.ov'riii; fhont dooh.<br />

805 8m<br />

MES. D. B. GllIFFIN,<br />

NO, 103 FQRT STREET,<br />

Formerly occupied by the lata Mr. Black, beta to In- -<br />

form tho ladle, of Honolulu, aud of the adjacent<br />

I.landa, that abo will keep constantly<br />

for aals a apltmdld and moal<br />


OK<br />


Hats Trimmed in the Latest Styles,<br />

Aud executed In the moat<br />

Brllliaat tad Delicatt Nicety of the Art- -<br />

She leave, a ataadlng order with her azenti to con<br />

atautly<br />


THE<br />


Iu Mra Art tMMlurrf.<br />

Notwtthitandlno! th. extra axpenao of nttlnv Good.<br />

to till. KlDldPOi. IIKRCIIAKUts WILI JK A MOD--<br />

KUATJt M Ikoaa of thu Milliner, oa lh. ComL<br />

th win also kp 'laot atook<br />



NOTICK.<br />

VTOTIOK Iai U Kit Kit Y GIVKN<br />

IV thai from and after.' Aom( tl,Me S,-Il- n m4<br />

local ft.,pUUtlon ord.ra and account, drawn en and<br />

paynbl. by u.. will b paid at our (Mac. oa TITKSUAYN<br />

and YHl IIA VU onlr. f.nin It A. M. la 4 V. it.<br />

rVnii.Hin ...<br />

A.<br />

Tit U a. HAkWIM' J.<br />

111,1<br />

iHiMIl<br />


ill k U ika Ball Town la Ibla city.<br />

iMsa hour. '" ItaMl to 10 o'eljek A. II. aul fnua ta 1<br />

B'clMk .U. JAMWt W, IJW.<br />

i t flie Maukal.<br />

WATCHES,<br />

&<br />

v JjflNj j gf a? a BBWBWwrvWBtjBMBBK3rSKgw<br />

M.<br />

McIBfE RfY<br />


Tho Finest Gold and Silver Watches ever brought to Honolulu!<br />

$3i<br />

CntislRtlngof "<br />

"Win. Ellory," "A p.<br />

llolon, Tmcy & Co.,"<br />

"StcrlitiK," "Home,'<br />

mil tho " Bromhvny,'<br />

(all Wnltlmrn movo<br />

iiiciiIb),<br />

JLlwtfSA<br />

tlio Newest nnd Fluent<br />

Stvlcfl from tho healv w<br />

nn well nn n 11 y<br />

M<br />

t2&s.MApiJ0' mntiiifncttirora. '771411W<br />


To Hiiit nil tnstns nnd nges, and<br />


' '<br />


Ho 1ms nlso on hriml an ExtciiBlvo nnd Elcj;ant<br />


SIZES,<br />

Such as Fintjor Ring's, Ear Ilfns, Bronstplns, Studs, Amiilots, and nil classes of Onod in<br />

lho Jowolry Lino. Thu Diamond Settings aro tho purest and host in tho mnrkot, and tho<br />

stylos tho most superb over offered horo.<br />

AbSII.AFBM, MJTE or<br />

The<br />

Best and most "Elegniit 5ilver.;vare<br />

1 fjfr7gjSiLBSR<br />


Tnnv hihk,<br />


Sole Agent on these Islands<br />

For tho nbovo Goods, nnd ns ho imports direct from the<br />

manufacturers on his own account for Cash, ho is prepared<br />

to soil<br />


AT A MUCH LOWER PIUCE than thoy can bo obtained<br />

mywhero outsido tho United Stales. Tho Trado supplied on<br />

good terms, and a Liberal Discount allowed for Cash.<br />

ins if<br />

H. HACKFELD&.CO.<br />

-- HAVE-<br />

Ex I.ate Arrlralt via Cape Horn and Panama,<br />


OF<br />


DRY GOODS:<br />

SUCH AS<br />

Prints, Brown Cotton, Horrcck'a tVhlta Cotton.,<br />

Dluo Cotton and Drill, 1 lcklnK, L'enlru., etc.<br />


Merino., nannela,<br />

Iluck.klii.. llarrge. Linen., Lawn.ri<br />

JIoultocttllIK, ToeI,Tliread,ete.<br />


Necktie., Klbbon., Ilandkerchleff.<br />

Fonlarda, Socki and Hlocklns.,<br />

CLOTHING :<br />

2?it.,Ovh119 sh,rU 1 0. D. Shlrti.<br />

TabloOtiver., bhlrta. Umbrella., 8bnw,<br />

FlorcnioHau, Hat fliier. and Feather.,<br />

stationery, Looklnc Olaiaea, (Jold Leaf, PlayCarda<br />


Lubirj". Hoap. and Kxtracta, Phlloeome.<br />

&lci.l'0"i'!ncl.,,ttl.r "' rlorld Water,<br />

llru.he., Comb., etc.<br />

SADDLES Sydney and English,<br />

Brlllua;, 4, O, a itntl Hlueh,<br />

font lliK.Uuaulca. Burlap .,<br />

Wrapping aud Prlullug Paper,<br />

Vteuua Ctialra. Trauka<br />

Pianos from L. Nuefeld, Berlin<br />


Pickle., Salt, Ulteulu, Ollre Oil, 8ardlnea.<br />

J'epper, Ulne MoltleU boap,<br />

LIQUORS :<br />

Urandy, Itum, Rhino Win.,<br />

Claret, Cliaiupucnn, ti. Paul'a Ale,<br />

Ua"tl"1 Vt"!:, " Ale and Porter,<br />

illtter lleer Iu pint., lllitcr., i<br />

Akohol In demijohn, of I gallon.<br />

HARDWARE :<br />

lloop Iron, She.t Zinc, BinkaTlD,<br />

cllow Mnal, Bucket.. Tub., O O iron..<br />

bhear. and Spur., W. 11. tin'. Amarican .Uta.<br />

OEAJENU't:<br />

Ited Urlck., Flro Iirlck., Blab., rilci, Coal Tar,<br />

UlacLinltu Coal tn barr.l., Oak Beata,<br />

Cniptr ilarrel.. Market Uatk.ta,<br />

U.mijoho., i, it, 3 aud 6 gallon,<br />

CORDAGE:<br />

Manila Hop from )i)neh ta 4 tnchii.<br />

ALIO<br />

From Sydney ic San Franoiscc<br />

ImkBatUrUTitA<br />

X4iua BrMd aaa CraekMn<br />

t I<br />

--ANDx<br />

Itirmy Petrel.<br />

aHMaClriiajlftWfMifc.<br />

,rpH BALK nt,'<br />

tot M. tKHH<br />

OrtgM Ftly,Pif Pwk.<br />

pwijf ijMirM;s urn, a rias<br />

Jau.liit ""W B0LUM4C0.<br />

I<br />

!<br />

VrATCHES<br />

M- - MolNERNY.<br />


Furniture manufactory<br />

J. H. BRUIMS, JR.,<br />



ANll<br />


FUR.3VITXJR.E1<br />




JJX Made lay XaXaolilxaxy<br />

ANP OFTI1E<br />


AND<br />

No Paint will be Spared<br />

TQ 9IVB W ij<br />


UphUlerlag tr4r.<br />

Coffins Always on Hand.<br />

T"l .gJTCAI.1, AWH BKK."tB8 Ur<br />




ANB<br />


ta KIXO HTUEKT,<br />




ftO r jl<br />

Hoi. Agenta for tb. Hawaiian I.landa,<br />

'IF '<br />

rIOKESIN A G.<br />

.p)I0fs Co.<br />

WVT<br />

The Attentlen ef Planter<br />

And all vlihlog tbelr Orda<br />

IHtay.<br />

M-yattM<br />

WUUt<br />

I. SmeUl u<br />

Addfta.na.p.o.Wjor<br />

t KIN (flUT MNHM.in.V. . I.<br />

twSlifcsS<br />


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