Target Discovery and Validation Reviews and Protocols

Target Discovery and Validation Reviews and Protocols

Target Discovery and Validation Reviews and Protocols


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74 Beaty et al.<br />

19. Wash twice with 200 µL of 75% EtOH for 5 min at 4°C for each wash.<br />

20. Resuspend DNA in 10 µL of LoTE in each tube.<br />

21. Pool samples into one tube, 120 µL total.<br />

22. Remove 1 µL for quantitation of DNA concentration. The total amount of DNA at<br />

this stage should be 10 to 20 µg. If the concentration is not this high, EtOH precipitate<br />

<strong>and</strong> redo the large-scale preparation, <strong>and</strong> then combine the two 102-bp<br />

b<strong>and</strong> samples. If the DNA concentration is too high, then the sample can be split<br />

in half, <strong>and</strong> the two digestion reactions can be electrophoresed. If the sample is<br />

split in half, then the reaction should be brought to volume with LoTE.<br />

23. Digest the 102-bp DNA with NlaIII by incubating 1 h at 37°C (see Note 21).<br />

3.2.10. Purification of Ditags<br />

1. Extract with an equal volume PC8 (400 µL).<br />

2. Vortex <strong>and</strong> then centrifuge for 5 min at 11,000g at 4°C. Be very careful in the<br />

following steps because the small 20-bp DNA segments are unstable. A low temperature<br />

<strong>and</strong> high salt concentration are needed.<br />

3. Transfer the upper aqueous phase into two tubes (200 µL each) <strong>and</strong> then EtOH<br />

precipitate at –80°C.<br />

4. Centrifuge the tubes at 4°C for 30 min at 11,000g.<br />

5. Remove the supernatant <strong>and</strong> wash once with 200 µL of cold 75% EtOH. The<br />

EtOH is cold to protect the 26-bp ditags from denaturation. The melting point of<br />

26-bp DNA is below room temperature.<br />

6. Remove EtOH traces by air-drying on ice.<br />

7. Resuspend the pellet in each tube in 10 µL of cold TE buffer. This higher concentration<br />

Tris-HCL buffer (compared with LoTE) is needed to protect the 26-bp<br />

DNA ditags.<br />

8. Pool the resuspended DNA into one tube (20 µL total). On ice, add 2 µL of 10X<br />

loading dye (22 µL total volume).<br />

9. Load 5.5 µL of this sample into four lanes of a 1.5-mm 12% polyacrylamide-TAE<br />

gel (10 well) <strong>and</strong> electrophorese at 100 V to 140 V (see Note 22). Load markers<br />

on both sides of the four lanes of sample leaving one open lane between the sample<br />

lanes <strong>and</strong> the marker lanes.<br />

10. Stain the gel using SYBR Green I stain, at a 1:10,000 dilution.<br />

11. Cut out the 24- to 26-bp b<strong>and</strong> from the four lanes by using a glass plate, precleaned<br />

with EtOH, on top on the UV box.<br />

12. Place two cut-out b<strong>and</strong>s in each 0.5-mL microcentrifuge tube (two tubes total).<br />

More 0.5-mL microcentrifuge tubes can be used if more lanes are loaded with<br />

26-bp ditags or if the b<strong>and</strong>s are large. Pierce the bottom of 0.5-mL tube two times<br />

with a 21-gage needle <strong>and</strong> place the tubes in 2.0-mL round-bottomed microcentrifuge<br />

tubes <strong>and</strong> centrifuge in the microfuge at 11,000g for 5 min at room<br />

temperature. Continue to spin the tube until all of the gel is collected in the<br />

2.0-mL tube.<br />

13. Discard the 0.5-mL tubes <strong>and</strong> add 50 µL of 7.5 M ammonium acetate <strong>and</strong> 250 µL<br />

of LoTE (in this order) to the 2.0-mL tubes.

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