Target Discovery and Validation Reviews and Protocols

Target Discovery and Validation Reviews and Protocols

Target Discovery and Validation Reviews and Protocols


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Pancreatic Cancer 71<br />

3.2.4. Ligating Linkers to cDNA<br />

1. After the NlaIII restriction digest, remove the supernatant <strong>and</strong> wash the beads<br />

twice with 200 µL of 1X BW/0.1% SDS containing 2X BSA.<br />

2. Wash four times with 200 µL of 1X BW containing 2X BSA (freshly made).<br />

3. Wash twice with 200 µL of 1X ligase buffer.<br />

4. Divide the beads into two tubes <strong>and</strong> place them on a magnet.<br />

5. Remove the last wash <strong>and</strong> set up a 10-µL ligation with linker 1AB (1 µL) <strong>and</strong><br />

linker 2AB (1 µL) in separate tubes. The amount of linkers used needs to be<br />

adjusted according to the number of cells (see Note 16). Two different linkers are<br />

used to prevent looping of the template in the PCR reaction. The linkers encode<br />

for the BsmfI restriction enzyme site.<br />

6. Heat tubes at 50°C for 2 min <strong>and</strong> then let sit at room temperature for 15 min.<br />

7. Add 1 µL of T4 high concentration ligase (5 U/µL) to each tube (10-µL reaction).<br />

8. Incubate at 16°C for 2 h <strong>and</strong> mix beads intermittently by tapping the tube.<br />

3.2.5. Release Tags by Using Tagging Enzyme (BsmfI) of cDNA<br />

1. After ligation, wash each sample twice with 200 L of 1X BW/0.1% SDS containing<br />

2X BSA (freshly made), by adding the 200 µL of buffer to the 10-µL<br />

ligation reaction.<br />

2. Pool tube 1 <strong>and</strong> tube 2 after the first wash to minimize losses in subsequent steps.<br />

3. Wash four times with 200 µL of 1X BW/2X BSA (freshly made).<br />

4. Wash twice with 200 µL of 1X NEB T4 with 2X BSA (freshly made).<br />

5. Set up a restriction digest with BmsfI. BsmfI produces a 5′ sticky end of four bases<br />

(10 bp + 4 bp into unknown sequence).<br />

6. Incubate at 65°C for 1 h, mix intermittently, <strong>and</strong> then centrifuge at 14,000g for<br />

2 min at 4°C.<br />

7. Transfer supernatant to new tube (see Note 17).<br />

8. Wash beads once with 40 µL of LoTE; thereafter, pool the 200-µL supernatant <strong>and</strong><br />

the 40-µL wash (240 µL final volume).<br />

9. Perform phenol:chloroform extraction by adding 240 µL of phenol:chloroform,<br />

pH 8.0 (“PC8”).<br />

10. Vortex, then centrifuge for 5 min at 11,000g at 4°C <strong>and</strong> transfer the upper aqueous<br />

phase to a new tube.<br />

11. Then, precipitate with 100% ethanol (EtOH) at −80°C. Centrifuge for 30 min at<br />

21,000g at 4°C. Wash twice with 200 µL of 75% EtOH.<br />

12. Resuspend pellet in 10 µL of LoTE by pipeting up <strong>and</strong> down.<br />

3.2.6. Blunt Ending Released Tags<br />

The tags now have a protruding end that needs to be filled in for blunt end<br />

ligation to form the ditags.<br />

1. Set up blunt end ligation by using Klenow (2 U/µL).<br />

2. Incubate at 37°C for 30 min.<br />

3. Then, add 190 µL of LoTE (240 µL final volume).

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