Target Discovery and Validation Reviews and Protocols

Target Discovery and Validation Reviews and Protocols

Target Discovery and Validation Reviews and Protocols


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234 Vijayaraj, Söhl, <strong>and</strong> Magin<br />

b. Irradiate cell suspension at 15 Gy for 7 to 8 min.<br />

c. Replate irradiated cells on 10–15 75-cm 2 gelatinized flasks overnight.<br />

Trypsinize <strong>and</strong> freeze in aliquots or use in experiment.<br />

For use in ES cell growth, plate feeders on gelatin-coated dishes 1 to 2 h<br />

before plating ES cells. A density of 50,000 cells/cm2 is required. Feeder layers<br />

last approx 1 wk after treatment.<br />

3.4. Electroporation of ES Cells (First Step of Gene <strong>Target</strong>ing)<br />

The conditions recommended will work with a Bio-Rad gene pulser <strong>and</strong><br />

cuvettes of 0.4-cm electrode gap. Setting: 800 V, 3 microfarads (st<strong>and</strong>ard). The<br />

conditions will work with any ES line <strong>and</strong> are relatively insensitive to changes<br />

in cell number <strong>and</strong> amount of DNA. They do not yield the highest possible<br />

number of transformed cells, but they are gentle to cells. Other settings that<br />

yield higher efficiencies are 250 V, 500 microfarads (optional). Under these<br />

conditions, use 25 µg of DNA <strong>and</strong> 106 cells per electroporation. Changes in<br />

DNA amounts <strong>and</strong> cell number alter efficiency <strong>and</strong> cell viability. Optimal<br />

results are currently achieved if the DNA is purified with Nucleobond or QIA-<br />

GEN columns. EndoFree purified DNA is not necessary, but it may improve<br />

transfection efficiency.<br />

1. For a st<strong>and</strong>ard targeting experiment, trypsinize approx 20–30 million cells.<br />

2. Determine cell number in a counting chamber.<br />

3. Resuspend ES cells in 0.8 mL of 1X HBS buffer.<br />

4. Add cells to 200 µg of linearized DNA in 100 µL of sterile TE in Eppendorf tube<br />

(phenol/chloroform-extracted, ethanol-precipitated, remove 70% ethanol in clean<br />

bench).<br />

5. Mix by pipeting up <strong>and</strong> down using a 1-mL cell culture pipet.<br />

6. Transfer into electroporation cuvet.<br />

7. Apply one pulse (st<strong>and</strong>ard or optional) <strong>and</strong> allow to st<strong>and</strong> for 10 min at RT.<br />

8. Add cells to appropriate amount of medium <strong>and</strong> plate approx 1 to 2 × 10 6 cells/<br />

10-cm dish in 10 mL of medium.<br />

9. Start positive selection the next day (refer to additional reagents in Subheading 2.).<br />

Leave one plate without selection to check cell recovery.<br />

10. After 3–5 d, change medium again (electroporation is day 1). Colonies will grow<br />

after 8–10 d.<br />

11. Isolate colonies as described in ES cell colony isolation protocol (Subheading<br />

3.6.), use half for PCR <strong>and</strong> leave the remaining cells in 24-well plate with approx<br />

1 mL of medium.<br />

12. After a few days, multiple colonies should have grown.<br />

13. Aspirate off medium, wash with 0.2 mL of trypsin, <strong>and</strong> aspirate off again. Add 2<br />

to 3 drops of trypsin <strong>and</strong> incubate for 3–5 min at 37°C.<br />

14. Add 0.5 mL of medium <strong>and</strong> break up cell clumps by using a blue-tip Gilson pipet.<br />

15. Transfer cells to a six-well plate <strong>and</strong> add 5 mL of medium.

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