Target Discovery and Validation Reviews and Protocols

Target Discovery and Validation Reviews and Protocols

Target Discovery and Validation Reviews and Protocols


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Keratin Transgenics <strong>and</strong> Knockouts 233<br />

5. Remove medium, replace with 5 mL of fresh medium containing Pen/Strep, if<br />

necessary, <strong>and</strong> replate all cells on 25-cm 2 flask.<br />

6. The next day, replace with fresh medium without antibiotics. Routine culture without<br />

antibiotics is strongly recommended.<br />

7. To subculture, aspirate the medium <strong>and</strong> wash cells with 1 mL of prewarmed trypsin<br />

per 25-cm 2 flask (2 mL/75 cm 2 ).<br />

8. Remove <strong>and</strong> replace with fresh trypsin <strong>and</strong> leave in 37°C incubator until cells are<br />

dislodged by gentle agitation. Dislodging happens almost instantly. Do not<br />

overtrypsinize or damage to the cells may result.<br />

9. Add 1 mL of soybean trypsin inhibitor <strong>and</strong> 4 mL of medium per 1 mL of trypsin<br />

<strong>and</strong> pipet up <strong>and</strong> down against flask wall approx 10–20 times (you may vary the<br />

distance between pipet tip <strong>and</strong> flask wall between 0.5 <strong>and</strong> 2.5 cm). It is not essential<br />

to obtain a single cell suspension for routine culture, but large cell clumps<br />

must be avoided because they lead to differentiation.<br />

10. Check suspension under microscope before transferring cells into a centrifuge<br />

tube. There should be a uniform size distribution of cells <strong>and</strong> cell aggregates.<br />

In the meantime, gelatinize new flask(s). Spin cells for 5 min at 250g (at RT),<br />

aspirate off supernatant, <strong>and</strong> resuspend cell pellet gently in a few milliliters of<br />

medium. Replate at desired density <strong>and</strong> add 6–8 mL of medium to small flasks<br />

<strong>and</strong> 25–30 mL to large flasks. A 25-cm 2 flask yields approx 7–10 million cells,<br />

<strong>and</strong> a 75-cm 2 flask yields approx 25–30 million cells.<br />

3.3. Preparation of Feeder Cells From STO or MEF Cells<br />

Here, we describe routine culture <strong>and</strong> inactivation of feeder cells. When ES<br />

cells are grown in the presence of feeders, the culture medium containing serum<br />

should be used (refer to freezing of ES cells in Subheading 2. for medium components).<br />

There are two ways to inactivate feeder cells, mitomycin C treatment<br />

<strong>and</strong> γ-irradiation.<br />

1. Mitomycin C treatment:<br />

a. Add 10 µg/mL mitomycin C to a confluent culture of feeder cells <strong>and</strong> place in<br />

incubator for 2 to 3 h.<br />

b. Wash the dishes five times with PBS <strong>and</strong> collect cells by trypsinization (1 to<br />

2 min). Spin cells 3 min at 250g (at RT), discard supernatant, <strong>and</strong> then resuspend<br />

1 times in medium <strong>and</strong> respin.<br />

c. Resuspend cells in ES cell medium <strong>and</strong> count them. Adjust at appropriate density,<br />

e.g., 106 cells/mL <strong>and</strong> use them. Mitomycin C-treated feeder cells can be<br />

frozen, following the same regimen as described for ES cell freezing.<br />

2. γ-Irradiation:<br />

a. Grow cells to near confluence. Trypsinize cells from 10 to 15 75-cm2 flasks,<br />

spin down 3 min at 250g. Discard supernatant. Resuspend cells in 10–12 mL of<br />

culture medium in a 50-mL plastic tube.

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