Target Discovery and Validation Reviews and Protocols

Target Discovery and Validation Reviews and Protocols

Target Discovery and Validation Reviews and Protocols


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138 Matsumoto, Miyagishi, <strong>and</strong> Taira<br />

10. Add equal amount of 4X sample buffer (final concentration 2X) to the proteins<br />

<strong>and</strong> boil at 99°C for 3 min.<br />

11. Size fractionate the proteins (30 µg/well) on 12% sodium dodecyl sulfatepolyacrylamide<br />

gel electrophoresis (200 V; 1 h at room temperature).<br />

12. After electrophoresis, transfer proteins to an Immobilon-PSQ membrane (15 V;<br />

overnight at 4°C) using Bio-Rad Mini-Protein II blotting system.<br />

13. Block membranes with 5% skim milk for 1 h.<br />

14. Wash the membrane with TBS-Tween three times.<br />

15. Incubate with primary antibody in 0.5% skim milk/TBS-Tween for 1 h at room<br />

temperature. Here, we suppose that antibodies against the identified targeted genes<br />

are commercially available.<br />

16. Wash the membranes with TBS-Tween three times.<br />

17. Incubate with secondary antibody in 0.5% skim milk/TBS-Tween for 1 h at room<br />

temperature.<br />

18. Chemiluminescence reagents detect reactive immunoreactive complexes.<br />

To validate the experimental design <strong>and</strong> selection assays, include some positive<br />

<strong>and</strong> negative controls, in particular when the signaling proteins involved in the<br />

investigated pathway are known (see Note 8). Here, we have targeted dsRNAdependent<br />

protein kinase R (PKR). The sequences of siRNA expression vectors<br />

targeted against two different target sites of PKR transcripts were as follows: site<br />

1, 5′-TAA TGA ATC AAT CAA TTC ATA-3′ <strong>and</strong> site 2, 5′-AAG ACT AAC TGT<br />

AAA TTA TGA-3′. Moreover, two negative controls also were included: NC1, targeting<br />

firefly luciferase (5′-ATG AAA CGA TAT GGG CTG-3′) <strong>and</strong> NC2 targeting<br />

Renilla luciferase (5′-GTA GCG CGG TGT ATT ATA CCA-3′). As shown in<br />

Fig. 4A, both siRNA expression vectors targeting PKR suppressed expression of<br />

endogenous PKR. Notably, inhibition of PKR inhibited dsRNA-induced apoptosis<br />

(Fig. 4B, C). Compared with the positive control, S1 to S4 clones also inhibited<br />

dsRNA-induced apoptosis (Fig. 4D) (see Note 9).<br />

Notably, the construction of large siRNA expression libraries against all<br />

human genes is a big task. These libraries should enable us to identify a number<br />

of known <strong>and</strong> novel functional genes. Scientists are making a great first step<br />

in functional genome analysis, <strong>and</strong> people will soon enjoy the unraveled mystery<br />

of cells (17–35).<br />

4. Notes<br />

1. To identify potential off-target effects (33) <strong>and</strong> nonspecific suppressive effects of<br />

siRNA expression vectors, or both, for each gene, at least two sites should be targeted.<br />

Two active siRNAs against the same gene should show the same phenotype.<br />

2. In designing the oligonucleotides, we recommend introducing multiple C-to-T (or<br />

A-to-G) mutations in the sense str<strong>and</strong>, avoiding near the 5′-sense terminal end.<br />

When constructing hairpin-type siRNA expression vectors, some technical problems<br />

may occur, such as sequence difficulty <strong>and</strong> high rate of mutation in hairpin

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