The Electrical experimenter

The Electrical experimenter

The Electrical experimenter


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Perfection Radio Laboratory of Clinton,<br />

Iowa. One Short /Caxr .Imflifyiiuj Tuner.<br />

<strong>The</strong> writer used a tuner of this make<br />

during the last relay and could hear the<br />

-Sigs." of 4 CL and 2 PM, very Q.S.A. It<br />

is a very small and compact affair and am<br />

sure 8 Nil will Imd it a most valuable addition<br />

to their station. <strong>The</strong> owner or maker<br />

of this apparatus calls it a "Cow Sucker."<br />

It is the most sensitive and reliable<br />

receiver the writer has ever used.<br />


O. R. Terry, Stoughton, Wis., is awarded<br />

the prize of the Manhattan Electric Supply<br />

Company of Chicago. This is a pair<br />

of 3,000 Ohm Mcsco phones. <strong>The</strong>y are<br />

dandies, and the writer has been using a<br />

pair for the last year. Mr. Terry made a<br />

creditable report and great record for receiving<br />

thru Q.R.M. of the worst kind.<br />


<strong>The</strong> Phoenix Radio Club of Phoenix,<br />

Ariz., is awarded the donation of Mr.<br />

Philip E. Edelman of St. Paul. -Minn. This<br />

is his latest book, "E.vperiinental ll'ireless<br />

Station.^," and it is a wonder how so<br />

much useful information has been crowded<br />

into such a compact space. This book<br />

will put .Arizona on the wireless map forever,<br />

and the prize is awarded for long<br />

distance reception, cooperation in the relay,<br />

and real genuine .-\merican patriotism<br />

in keeping quiet when necessary.<br />


<strong>The</strong> prize winners may obtain these<br />

prizes by writing to the above Donees and<br />

giving your name and address, and referring<br />

to this issue of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Electrical</strong> Experimenter.<br />

Q.R.M.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is not enough space in this magazine<br />

to report all Q.R.M., but some of it<br />

was intentional, and the writer does not<br />

care to stir up any ill feeling by publishing<br />

it. If you are interested in knowing,<br />

however, who deliberately Q.R.M.'d the<br />

stations in Connecticut and Massachusetts<br />

at 10:35 p.m., the night of February 24,<br />

1917, write to 1 IZ—R. T. St. James, Great<br />

Harrington, Mass.<br />


Below you will find the names of the<br />

boys and stations that made "perfect scores."<br />


John M. Clayton, S BV, Little Rock<br />

ARIZONA.<br />

R. A. of Arizona, 6 FD, Phoenix<br />

L. E. Glenn, 6 IT, .\lhambra<br />

J. Giraud, 6 EO, Phoenix<br />

R. Higgy, 6 DM, Phoenix<br />


E. F. Doig, 9 ZF, Denver<br />

W. H. Smith, 9 ZF, Denver<br />


Seefred Bros., 6 E.\, Los Angeles<br />

L. Lynde, 6 UG, Long Beach<br />

C. H. Hirst, Stanford LIniversity<br />

F. Terman, 6 FT, Stanford University<br />

L. L. Hoyt, 6 SI Hayward<br />


H. Haugh, HH, Derby<br />

DAKOTAS.<br />

M. Tuve, MT. Canton, S.D.<br />

P. C. Green, PG, Aberdeen. S.D.<br />

D. Cottam, DCL, La Moure, N.D.<br />

E. Worthington, 9 .\PG, .Aberdeen, S.D.<br />

E. R. Is.sak, 9 TZ, Eureka, S.D.<br />

A. Shaw, AS, Parkston, S.D.<br />

FLORIDA.<br />

J. C. Cooper, Jr., Esq., 4 EI, Jacksonville<br />

C. M. West, U.S.N.. St. Augustine<br />

GEORGIA.<br />

D. L. Gaston, C\,'\V, Commerce<br />

A. F. Hood, CWW, Commerce<br />

Super-Sensitive Microphone Only $6 f<br />

This instrument is oHercd at an extremely low price. It is excellent<br />

for building your own radio amplifier. Can also be u»cd in many<br />

experiments where a sensitive microphone is required.<br />


Xhis detecting instrument of murvclous sensitivity<br />

can be used for detecting secret conversations.<br />

Outfit consists of Sensitive Transmitter. 25-fl,<br />

Black Cord. Receiver, Headband. Case and<br />

Battery.<br />

Send for One Today and Convince Yourself<br />




119 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK Makers of Super-Sennitive Microphone Apparatus<br />

Line space<br />

Adjustment<br />

Oirriaqe Returri<br />

and Automatic"<br />

Spacer<br />

R.H.Marcjin<br />

Release'<br />

Back spacer<br />


I want, throueh thl-s advertisement,<br />

to establish as friendly butflne=8 relations<br />

with you aa I possibly can. I<br />

want you to realize aW), thm It Is my<br />

eurnt'st efTort and intention to give<br />

you full, honest value for every dollar<br />

that you spend with uic. This la<br />

the only way I can ucceed. My<br />

advertisement ha-M apiK-ured In this<br />

maeazlne continuously for<br />

_ ^ , more than four years.<br />

Two Color<br />

ibbon Shifi I am building up my bus-<br />

iness on the foundation<br />

/TaburBtorKov of good value and square<br />

'iaDUiBiorr\ey dealings. I am saving<br />

- . thousands of BailsOed cus-<br />

'jntft Lock tomers thousands of dollars<br />

by supplying perfect<br />

—late St vie— visible writing—typewriters,<br />

at remarkably low prices.<br />

All my transact Ions are handled<br />

throughout by personal correspondence.<br />

I assure you every courtesy<br />

and consideration In your dealings<br />

with me. Your order will have my<br />

prompt, careful, personal attention.<br />

I will be glad to do business with you.<br />

0/(^nuMy<br />


Free TRIAL— Use as You Pay<br />

Send me only $3.00 a month until the low total price<br />

of $49.15 is paid, and the machine is yours<br />

This is absolutely the most generous typewriter offer ever made. Do not rent a machine when<br />

you can pay $3.00 a month and own one. Think of it—Buying a $100.00 machine for $49.15.<br />

Cash price $46.45. Never before has anything like this been attempted.<br />

'Wt^'iFUNDERWOOD<br />

Perfect machines, Standard Size, Keyboard of Standard Universal Arrangement,<br />

writing the full S4 characters—universally used in teaching the touch system.<br />

<strong>The</strong> entire line of writing completely visible at all times, has the inbuilt tabulator, with billing<br />

devices, the two-color ribbon— witli automatic re\'er3e and key controlled shift, automatic<br />

flexible paper feed—automatic paper fingers the back spacer— roller bearing carriage action<br />

—in fact every late style feature and modern operating convenience. Comes to you with<br />

everything complete, tools, cover, operating book and instructions, ribbon, practice paper<br />

—notliing extra to buy. You cannot imagine the perfection of this beautiful<br />

reconstructed typewriter until you have seen it. I have sold several thousand<br />

perfect latest style machines at m\' bargain price and everyone of these thousands of /<br />

satisfied customers had the beaut iful, strictly up-to-date machine on 5 day.s' free trial<br />

before deciding to buy it. I will send it to you F. O. B, Chicago for five days' free<br />

trial. It will sell itself, but if jou are not satisfied that this is the greatest typewriter<br />

you ever saw, you can returri it at my expense. You won't want to return<br />

it after you try it—you cannot equal this wonderful value anywhere.<br />

You Take No Risk—Put in Your Order Now<br />

When the typewriter arrives deposit with the express agent $7.15 and take the<br />

machine for five days' triul. If you are convinced that it is the best typewriter<br />

you ever saw, keep it and send me $3.00 a month until my bargain<br />

price of $10.15 is paid. If you don't want it, return it to the express agent.<br />

receive your $7.15 and return tlie machine to me. I will pay the return<br />

expre^^s charges. This nnachine is guaranteed just as if you paid<br />

$100.00 for it. It is standard. ( )ver one hundred thousand people own<br />

and use the^ typewriters and think them the best ever manufactured.<br />

<strong>The</strong> supply at this price is very limited, the price will probably<br />

be raised when my next advertisement appears, so don't delay.<br />

Fill in the coupon today—mail to me—the typewriter will be<br />

shipped promptly. <strong>The</strong>re is no red tape. I employ- no solicitors /<br />

— no collectors— no chattel mortgage. It is sirnplv understood /<br />

that I retain title to the machine until tlie full $40.15 is paid. /<br />

You cannot lose. It is the greatest typewriter opportunity<br />

you will ever have. Do not send me one cent.<br />

Get the coupon in the mails today—sure.<br />

/H. A. SMITH<br />

Room 738<br />

231 N. Fifth Ave.<br />


Ship me the<br />

U N D E R \V O O D<br />

F.O.B. Chicago, as described<br />

in this advertise-<br />

/ ment. I will pft>' you the<br />

. $42.00 balance of the<br />

/ SPECIAL $49.15 purchase<br />

/ price at the rate of $3.00<br />

per month. <strong>The</strong> title to remain<br />

in you until fully paid<br />

for. It Lh understood that I<br />

have five days in which to examine<br />

and try the typewriter.<br />

If I choose not to keep it. I will<br />

carefully repack it and return it<br />

to the express agent. It is understood<br />

that you give the standard<br />

guarantee for one year.<br />

Name ,<br />

HARRY A. SMITH Addre»9.<br />

738-231 N. Fifth Avenue Chicago<br />

You benefit by mentioning "<strong>The</strong> <strong>Electrical</strong> Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.

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