The Electrical experimenter

The Electrical experimenter

The Electrical experimenter


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<strong>The</strong> Ionic Radio System and <strong>The</strong>ory of Ionic Tuning<br />

By Otto E. Curtis<br />

Associate Member ot the Institute of Radio Engineers<br />

TIIIC<br />

physico-chemical science per-<br />

taining to the elemental constitution<br />

of matter and the relation of<br />

tlic i(i)i to the organization of<br />

matter dates hack to the time of<br />

Thales of the so-called "early school of<br />

Ionic Philosophers," which came into existence<br />

about six centuries B.C. Thales, and<br />

<strong>The</strong> Apparatus Used in Ionic Tuning of<br />

Radio IVIessages According to the Method of<br />

Mr. Curtis, as Described Herein.<br />

the other scholars of this time, made little<br />

real progress toward a scientific development<br />

of the subject, altho in the light of<br />

recent discoveries many of their heretofore<br />

seemingly crude experiments and theories<br />

appear to have surprising significance.<br />

For example, the ancient Alchemists of<br />

this period made many attempts at "transiTiutation,"<br />

that is, at converting basic metals<br />

such as lead into precious metals sucli<br />

as gold, and in connection with these experiments<br />

they developed theories which,<br />

while entirely too vague to lead to useful<br />

conclusions, bear similarities to the modern<br />

theories i)ertaining to tne transmutation or<br />

transformation of various radio-active compositions<br />

of matter into other comnounds<br />

having different ionic //rouf'iiif/s. However,<br />

the secrets pertaining to the part played<br />

by ions in the constitution of matter have<br />

not, at least up to the present time, been<br />

discovered and subjected to the use of man.<br />

During the past eleven years I have been<br />

continually striving to fathom some of these<br />

secrets and it is my present purpose to disclose<br />

one of tlie more important discoveries<br />

which has resulted from my investigations,<br />

this particular discovery forming the basis<br />

of one of my earlier patent applications.<br />

And in order more clearly to set forth this<br />

discovery I shall first describe some of my<br />

experiments and the apparatus employed.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first machine I built with the object<br />

of recording messages was completed in<br />

1906. It consisted of an E. I. Co. "Autocoherer"<br />

connected to a "Telimco-meter"<br />

galvanometer with contacts on the needle.<br />

Impulses received by the auto-coherer were<br />

intended to deflect the needle and close<br />

relay contacts, but they did not do so and<br />

this machine failed to operate. This was<br />

an attempt to find a self-restoring coherer,<br />

but, while the coherer was self-restoring,<br />

it was not sufficiently responsive to current<br />

of the magnitude which I then employed.<br />

A later machine, completed Xovember<br />

Z.'i. 1916. and shown in the accompanying<br />

photograph, follows the same original idea<br />

but its special parts have been much more<br />

highly developed. It receives perfectly the<br />

time from .Xrlington at a distance of 200<br />

miles, tichinii it off clearly on a bticccr and<br />

making tal'C records of the same, but as yet<br />

• CopyriRlit 1 91 7 by Roberts. Roberts and Clishman.<br />

KxcUisive rights tn Thf, Ei.kctrual Experimenter.<br />

it is not quite fast enough to copy actual<br />

commercial messages. It was originally designed<br />

as a chemically tuned call-bell for a<br />

wireless telephone, for which it works excellently.<br />

(This process of chemical tunimj<br />

or Ionic tuning will be explained further<br />

on.)<br />

<strong>The</strong> apparatus illustrated in the photo-<br />

device<br />

graph is made up as follows : <strong>The</strong><br />

shown in the upper left-hand corner is a<br />

Alulti-audi-fone pocket wireless set. <strong>The</strong><br />

wooden base in the lower left-hatid corner<br />

carries two of my ionic detectors constructed<br />

as shown in l-'ig. 5, and as hereinafter<br />

described, the one on the left comprising a<br />

zincite crystal and the one on the right a<br />

silicon crystal. <strong>The</strong> rectangular instrument<br />

in the center is a Weston relay, which comprises<br />

an extremely sensitive galvanometer<br />

having a very short needle which, when deflected,<br />

contacts with one of the platinumiridium<br />

points disposed on opposite sides of<br />

the needle. <strong>The</strong> instrument on the right is<br />

an E. 1. Co. polarized relay of 1,000 ohms<br />

resistance which may be connected to an<br />

indicating or recording or other device such<br />

as a buzzer, tape recorder, motor, lamp or<br />

explosive device.<br />

In the accompanying figures. Fig. 1 shows<br />

the circuit connections for the apparatus<br />

shown in the photograph, the various instruments<br />

being diagrainmatically illustrated in<br />

the figure in the same relative positions as<br />

in the photograph for the sake of clearness.<br />

<strong>The</strong> antenna 1 is connected to ground<br />

2 thru the primary 3 of the Multi-audifone<br />

set, the secondary 4, of which is arranged<br />

to be connected to the Weston relay<br />

by means of double throw switch 5<br />

either thru detector 10 or thru detectors<br />

7 and 8. When the switch 9 is to the left,<br />

7 and 8 being connected to the secondary<br />

4 by leads \yhich are not sho-a.11. <strong>The</strong> circuit<br />

connections as existing when the switch<br />

5 is in upper position, are shown in simplified<br />

form in Fig. 2, reference to which may<br />

be had in following out the operation.<br />

<strong>The</strong> alternating current of radio frequency<br />

received by the open antenna circuit<br />

1-3-2 is induced into the secondary circuuit,<br />

where it is rectified by the detector 10 and<br />

conducted to the Weston relay 6. This produces<br />

a deflection of the relay 6 which in<br />

turn closes the local circuit containing the<br />

polarized relay 11 and source of e.m.f. 12.<br />

This actuates relay 11, which closes the<br />

circuit thru a second source of e.m.f. 13 and<br />

the indicating, recording or power apparatus<br />

14. By employing one of my improved<br />

ionic detectors at 10, very feeble impulses<br />

may be detected ; and by employing<br />

a series of relays in the manner described,<br />

the feeble impulses may be magnified to any<br />

desired extent, each consecutive relay controlling<br />

a heavier current so that the last<br />

circuit 11-13-14 may comprise a power circuit<br />

carrying current of any strength.<br />

When using the machine for lecture purposes,<br />

with the sender in the same room<br />

a "Hertz" lineal resonator is used instead<br />

of an aerial and ground, as shown in Fig.<br />

3. This consists of two /s inch brass rods<br />

fitted on adjacent ends with brass balls of<br />

equal size and separated a short distance,<br />

this distance bearing a direct ratio to the<br />

length of the spark gap of the sender. <strong>The</strong><br />

free ends of the rods are fitted with the<br />

movable metallic plates IS. Moving these<br />

plates together with the similar ones on the<br />

oscillator of the spark gap tunes the system.<br />

This "resonator" serves the same pur-<br />

Diagram of Connections Used in the Curtis Scheme of Ionic Tuning. Whereby It Becomes<br />

Possible to Realize the Highest Efficiency In Radio Transmission and Reception. It Is<br />

Claimed. Besides, It Enables the Operator to Record the Messages If Desired.<br />

the zincite detector 7 is connected in circuit;<br />

when the switch 9 is to the right the<br />

silicon detector 8 is in circuit, the detectors<br />

pose as the "catch wires" used on the E. I.<br />

Co. "Teliinco Coherer Set." <strong>The</strong> resonator,<br />

(Continued on page 73)

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