The Electrical experimenter

The Electrical experimenter

The Electrical experimenter


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Wireless Telegraphy<br />

By E. B. PILLSBURY<br />

General Supeiintendent,<br />

Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of America, New York<br />

history of wireless telegraphy of such unqualified dis-<br />

THErepeats once more the old story tinction as Lodge, Ale,x-<br />

tliat is so often connected with<br />

great inventions. <strong>The</strong> world being<br />

possest of a new scientific<br />

principle, many minds in many parts of the<br />

world are simultaneously bent upon its<br />

ander. Muirhead, Fleming,<br />

Thomson and Rutherford.<br />

Slaby, Atco and<br />

Braun are the names best<br />

known in Germany. <strong>The</strong><br />

practical application, with the result that French are represented<br />

the fundamental principle finds embodiment<br />

in various methods of accomplishing<br />

a similar purpose. <strong>The</strong> startling nature<br />

by Ducretet, Branly,<br />

Rochefort and Tissot. besides<br />

other men of lesser<br />

of the discovery of electric waves was fame. Italy has contrib-<br />

bound to give rise to unprecedented activity<br />

in the field of experimental investigation,<br />

utedject,<br />

largely to the sub-<br />

principally thru<br />

and such experiments as were particularly<br />

successful were bound to prompt investi-<br />

Marconi, Bellini, Tossi<br />

and Righi. Denmark is<br />

gators to seek patent protection on their represented by Poulsen.<br />

modifications, and this in turn gave rise to Spain, Austria, Bel-<br />

several systems of radio-telegraphy.<br />

A voluminous list of names could be given<br />

of those who have contributed to the<br />

gium and -Argentina have<br />

all produced systems<br />

which have been more or<br />

advancement of radio-telegraphy in regard<br />

to both theory and practise. Among the<br />

less used in their respective<br />

countries. <strong>The</strong> Jap-<br />

best-known American investigators are Fesanese have also devised a<br />

senden. Shoemaker, de Forest, Clark, Stone<br />

and Massie. Each of these men las devised<br />

a system which bears his name. In England<br />

the work has been carried on by men<br />

system that successfully<br />

stood the test of service<br />

in the Russo-Japanese<br />

War.<br />

Gigantic Oscillation Transformers and Tuning Inductances In<br />

Marconi Trans-oceanic Wireless Transmitting Station.<br />

Interesting View of a Bank of High-speed, Automatic Sending<br />

Keys and Bus-bar Connections in a Typical High-power Marconi<br />

Radio Station.<br />

<strong>The</strong> development of<br />

the art in the various<br />

countries has been carried<br />

on largely by representative<br />

investigators,<br />

and in many instances<br />

the governments have<br />

adonted a system exploited<br />

by their subjects.<br />

<strong>The</strong> I'nited States government,<br />

however, has<br />

experimented with most<br />

of the prominent systems<br />

offered, and, as a result,<br />

the army and naxT equipments<br />

are comprised of<br />

quite a variety of apparatustors.<br />

of different inven-<br />

Wireless telegraphy<br />

was the subject of earnest<br />

experimentation as<br />

early as 1838, but, as far as the public mind<br />

is concerned, the science began when Marconi<br />

sent his first message across the .Atlantic<br />

from Cornwall to Newfoundland in<br />

1902. This wonderful accomplishment had<br />

so much of the spectacular element in it<br />

that wireless telegraphy and Marconi became<br />

famous at once and, measured by results,<br />

he has eclipsed all other inventors.<br />

JIarconi first interested himself in the<br />

problem of wireless telegraphy in 1895. In<br />

the following year he took out the first patent<br />

ever granted in England for a practical<br />

system of wireless telegraphy by the use of<br />

electric waves. In 1897 he successfully<br />

communicated across Bristol Channel, a<br />

distance of nine miles. ."Kt the invitation of<br />

the Italian government, Mr. Marconi subsequently<br />

went to Spezia. where his system<br />

was put to practical test on board two Italian<br />

b attleships. .\ station was erected on<br />

•International Cable Register Supplement.

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