The Electrical experimenter

The Electrical experimenter

The Electrical experimenter


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Simple Apparatus Comprising Box, Candle<br />

and Two Lamp Chimneys for Demonstrating<br />

the Principle of Ventilation.<br />

and become liglitcr and the heavier air at<br />

the top of the room will fall, forcing the<br />

lighter air upward. Thus it is that the air<br />

near the ceiling is always warmer than<br />

that near the floor. This shows the necessity<br />

of opening a window at both the<br />

top and the bottom for best ventilation.<br />

EXPERI.MFXT 19—<br />

Fig. 15 .shows very simple apparatus<br />

which can he made with practically any<br />

material available, for demonstrating the<br />

behavior of air near a source of heat.<br />

C, is a box thru which holes have been<br />

cut to admit tul)es (or glass lamp chimneys)<br />

B. 'A is a lighted candle. <strong>The</strong><br />

arrows show the direction of the current<br />

of air.<br />

EXPERIMEXT ^0—<br />

An interesting experiment giving surprising<br />

results and having a simple explanation<br />

can be performed by the use of<br />

a spool and a visiting card. (If no visiting<br />

card is available, the ace from a poker<br />

deck whicli you may have "up your sleeve,"<br />

will do very well.) Place the card up<br />

against the bottom of the spool as in Fig.<br />

16-A and the mouth against t e top of the<br />

spool. Blow vigorously and then let go<br />

of the card. One would naturally expect<br />

that blowing against the card would blow<br />

Experimental Physics<br />

By JOHN J. FURIA, A. B., M. A.<br />

Inatruc tor in Physics and Science Master, Riverdale Country School<br />


and was sucked out; i.e., there is no air<br />


pressure in the tube and the air pressure<br />

(Concluded)<br />

outside can hold up the mercury to a level<br />

rxpands when heated and bc-<br />

of about thirty inches. If now the seal<br />

AIRtnmcs lighter in weight. If we<br />

is broken the air rushes in and the mer-<br />

liave a confined bodv of air such<br />

cury in the tube falls into the cup. (See<br />

as in a room, for example, and<br />

Fig. 18-.\.) <strong>The</strong> pressure of tlie atmos-<br />

there is a source of heat in the<br />

phere changes from place to place and<br />

room, the air near the source will expand<br />

from time to time. It is, therefore, im-<br />

C/osed/<br />

enc/<br />

Fig- '6<br />

Closed/<br />

end<br />

A Glass Tube, Sealed at One End and Filled<br />

with IVIerctiry, Will Support a 30-inch Column<br />

of Mercury. Owing to Atmospheric Pressure<br />

Acting Against a Vacuum. <strong>The</strong> Principle<br />

of the Barometer.<br />

it away whereas actually the card stays<br />

fast, close to the, bottom of the spool.<br />

Sometimes, when the conditions are not<br />

just right, the card slides off perpendicular<br />

to the direction in which one blows, but<br />

to avoid this a pin should be stuck thru<br />

the card's center and tlien into the hole in<br />

the spool (care being taken not to stick<br />

it into the wood of the spool). Fig. 16-B<br />

shows diagrammatically what happens. <strong>The</strong><br />

air from the moutli passes down the hole<br />

in the spool and out along the upper surface<br />

of the card. It is a well-known fact<br />

that the pressure is greatest where the<br />

speed is least and vice versa. <strong>The</strong> air<br />

underneath the card is practically still,<br />

while that just alK>ve the card is in rapid<br />

motion, and hence the pressure against the<br />

card from beneath is greater than that<br />

from above. Hence the card tends to get<br />

as close to the spool as possible and does<br />

not fall.<br />

EXPERIMENT 21—<br />

In the First Lesson we learned that at<br />

any depth in a liquid there is a pressure<br />

due to the weight of the liquid above that<br />

depth. We also learned that air has<br />

weight and consequently we conclude that<br />

the air (at the surface of the earth) has<br />

pressure due to the weight of the air above<br />

it. <strong>The</strong> higher up we go, the less air<br />

there is above us and hence the pressure<br />

is less. If one sucks in at the stem of a<br />

pipe (see Fig. 17) at the bowl of which<br />

is stretched a piece of sheet elastic, the<br />

pressure of the air above it pushes the<br />

elastic down. Suction is not a mysterious<br />

force: it is simply a removal of the air<br />

from one side so that the pressure from<br />

Removing the Air V^ithin a Pipe Bowl by<br />


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