Meat Eaters Guide: Methodology - Environmental Working Group

Meat Eaters Guide: Methodology - Environmental Working Group

Meat Eaters Guide: Methodology - Environmental Working Group


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<strong>Meat</strong> <strong>Eaters</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>: <strong>Methodology</strong><br />

6. Eggs<br />

The life cycle analysis for eggs is based on average emissions of a British Columbia large-scale freerange<br />

operation and a New Jersey large-scale confined operation.<br />

a. Key Production and Modeling Details<br />

• Pullets are raised (from chicks born in hatcheries) for about 19 weeks until they reach layer<br />

size and then transferred to a laying barn.<br />

• A layer production cycle is 52 weeks, during which a single layer can produce about 25 dozen<br />

eggs.<br />

• Laying hens are replaced at the end of this productive cycle.<br />

• Feed ration consists of soybean meal, corn and fishmeal.<br />

• Other inputs include fuel for transportation of inputs and electricity for heating the hatchery<br />

and the laying barn.<br />

Table 21. Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Egg Production (at farmgate)<br />

Egg production system kg of CO e per kg of edible eggs<br />

2<br />

British Columbia large-scale free range 2.38<br />

New Jersey large scale confined 1.86<br />

Average CO e emissions per kg of eggs 2 2.12<br />

Table 22. Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Egg Consumption (post-farmgate)<br />

Emission Source kg of CO e per kg of consumed eggs<br />

2<br />

Processing 0.29<br />

Domestic Transport 0.37<br />

Refrigeration (retail) 0.07<br />

Home Cooking 0.23<br />

Waste Disposal 0.22<br />

Total 1.1863 Calculation for total overall Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Egg Production<br />

b. Sources of GHG Emissions<br />

36<br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Working</strong> <strong>Group</strong> <strong>Meat</strong> <strong>Eaters</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>: <strong>Methodology</strong> 2011

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