Meat Eaters Guide: Methodology - Environmental Working Group

Meat Eaters Guide: Methodology - Environmental Working Group

Meat Eaters Guide: Methodology - Environmental Working Group


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<strong>Meat</strong> <strong>Eaters</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>: <strong>Methodology</strong><br />

Table 9. Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Pork Consumption (post-farmgate)<br />

Emission Source kg of CO 2 e per pound of consumed pork<br />

Processing 1.52<br />

Domestic Transport 0.38<br />

Refrigeration (retail) 0.11<br />

Home Cooking 1.64<br />

Waste Disposal 0.16<br />

Total 3.81<br />

Calculation for Total Overall Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Pork Production and Consumption<br />

c. Sources of GHG Emissions<br />

A swine farm operation emits greenhouse gases primarily from manure management and fuel combustion;<br />

swine generate small amounts of methane during digestion relative to ruminant animals. A<br />

third of pork’s overall emissions can be attributed to post-farmgate emissions. Processing (including<br />

freezing and packaging) and cooking each account for roughly 13 percent of pork’s total GHG emissions,<br />

followed by waste disposal (4 percent), transport (3 percent) and retail energy use/refrigeration<br />

(less than 1 percent). 53<br />

4. Poultry (Broiler Chicken and Turkey)<br />

The life-cycle analysis for chicken is based on a large-scale confined broiler production operation in<br />

British Columbia, with 50,000 birds per cycle producing 98,794 kg of broiler sales. 54 Due to lack of<br />

available data, the analysis did not consider more than one chicken site 55 . The model for turkey was<br />

based on input data for a small-scale turkey farm in Pennsylvania 56 that produces three 1,000-bird<br />

flocks per year.<br />

Broiler chicken and turkey production systems involve young hatchery-born chicks raised in a confined<br />

poultry feed mill.<br />

a. Cradle-to-Farmgate Production and Modeling Details for Chicken and Turkey<br />

• Chicks and turkeys are fed a commercial feed ration consisting of corn, soybean meal and<br />

fishmeal.<br />

• Energy used at the farm, hatchery and poultry and turkey feed mills includes diesel, electricity<br />

30<br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Working</strong> <strong>Group</strong> <strong>Meat</strong> <strong>Eaters</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>: <strong>Methodology</strong> 2011

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