A User's Manual for DELSOL3 - prod.sandia.gov - Sandia National ...

A User's Manual for DELSOL3 - prod.sandia.gov - Sandia National ...

A User's Manual for DELSOL3 - prod.sandia.gov - Sandia National ...


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eceiver) or with aperture area (cavity receiver) from some reference system in<br />

which the losses are well characterized.<br />

a) IRADFL = 0, Direct Calculation of Losses (References 6 and 7)<br />

For this option, the individual losses <strong>for</strong> radiation and <strong>for</strong>ced and natural con-<br />

vection are calculated separately and summed as<br />

PLOST,R = Qrrtd + Qconv<br />

(1II.G - 4)<br />

In order to calculate the losses, the code assumes that the loss is not a function of<br />

time or method of operation of the receiver. This allows the approximation that<br />

the range of temperature operation gives an average wall temperature, Twall, of<br />

753 K (48OOC). Further assumptions are that receiver emissivity e = 0.90, average<br />

wind speed urn = 7.2 meters/second, and ambient air temperature T, = 20.0"C<br />

(Reference 29).<br />

The thermal radiation heat loss is expressed as a function of receiver area (ex-<br />

ternal receivers) or aperture area (cavity receivers) in the following manner:<br />

Qrad = EaATw,11 4<br />

Qrad = (0.90)(5.669 x 10-8W/m2K4)(A)(753K)4<br />

Qrad = 16,403A<br />

(1II.G - 5)<br />

where u is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant and A is the receiver or aperture area.<br />

The convection heat loss is calculated differently depending on whether the<br />

receiver is a cavity or a cylindrical external receiver. For an external receiver,<br />

The mixed convection coefficient <strong>for</strong> an external receiver is calculated accord-<br />

ing to Reference 29 as<br />

(II1.G - 7)<br />

where hn,t=g.Og (W/m2"C) based on the assumed temperatures and h<strong>for</strong>ced is<br />

separated into three cases depending on the receiver diameter (Reference 6).<br />

80<br />

In all cases, the Reynolds number is Re = (1.751 x 105)D.<br />


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