A User's Manual for DELSOL3 - prod.sandia.gov - Sandia National ...

A User's Manual for DELSOL3 - prod.sandia.gov - Sandia National ...

A User's Manual for DELSOL3 - prod.sandia.gov - Sandia National ...


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1II.E. Shadowing and Blocking<br />

Shadowing occurs when one heliostat is in the shadow of one or more neigh-<br />

bors. Blocking occurs when a part of the unshaded region of the heliostat cannot<br />

be seen from the receiver because of its neighbors. Shadowing and blocking are<br />

strongly time and position dependent.<br />

Shadowing (blocking) is calculated by projecting the neighboring heliostats<br />

along the sun (tower) direction onto the plane of the heliostat being considered.<br />

The area that is shaded (blocked) is then calculated analytically. Twelve nearest<br />

neighbors are considered in the calculation.<br />

Two options are provided <strong>for</strong> overlapping of shadowing and blocking on a he-<br />

liostat. For ISB=O (Namelist HSTAT) the shading and blocking are assumed to<br />

never overlap. This is generally the case except at low sun angles. This approx-<br />

imation is an upper bound on shading and blocking losses. For ISB=1 the shad-<br />

ing and blocking are assumed to always overlap. This approximation is a lower<br />

bound on the losses. The default choice is the conservative one (ISB=O).<br />

III.E-1. Eflect of Slip Planes on Shadowing and Blocking-As explained in<br />

1I.C-1, heliostats have to be removed from slip planes in radial stagger layout pat-<br />

terns. These missing heliostats will reduce the shadowing and blocking. DELSOL<br />

assumes that the shadowing and blocking losses are reduced by the ratio of the<br />

number of missing heliostats to the total number of heliostats in a zone. For ex-<br />

ample, if 5% of the heliostats are missing due to slip planes, a 10% shadowing loss<br />

would be reduced to 9.5%.<br />

1II.E-2. Tower Shadow-DELSOL calculates the effect of the shadow cast by<br />

the tower and receiver. The tower and receiver shadow is modeled as that cast by<br />

a vertical cylinder of height TOWL meters (above the plane of the heliostat piv-<br />

ots) and diameter of TOWD meters. Both values scale with THT during system<br />

optimization, so that the ratio of these values to the THT specified in an initial<br />

per<strong>for</strong>mance run remains constant as THT is varied during the optimization. For<br />

this reason, the values should be carefully and correctly specified during an initial<br />

per<strong>for</strong>mance run (IPROB=4) and should not be input during the optimiza-<br />

tion process. The default values are consistent with the default values of THT<br />

and W:<br />

TOWL = 175.0 m<br />

TOWD = 10.0 m<br />


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