A User's Manual for DELSOL3 - prod.sandia.gov - Sandia National ...

A User's Manual for DELSOL3 - prod.sandia.gov - Sandia National ...

A User's Manual for DELSOL3 - prod.sandia.gov - Sandia National ...


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of the flux points along the s, axis scale with RX(1) and along the ;, axis with<br />

RY(1) as<br />

where RX( 1) and RY( 1) are the values of the receiver dimensions from namelist<br />

REC, RX(l),, and RY(l),t are the values used in the iteration, and xf and yf are<br />

the coordinates of the flux points generated by the values in namelist NLFLUX.<br />

Generally, the peak flux occurs in the center of a flat plate receiver, unless IAU-<br />

TOP is set to 2 or 4 (aiming at the bottom of the receiver).<br />

For flux-limited external or flat plate receivers the use of IAUTOP=l and 2,<br />

respectively, is strongly suggested. If all of the heliostats are aimed at the center<br />

or bottom of the receiver, then a flux level at the peak flux point will be closely<br />

related to a power level, so that any higher power level would exceed that flux<br />

level. However, if the aimpoints are spread out over the receiver, then changing<br />

the receiver size will vary the flux levels at any specific point, so that <strong>for</strong> any cho-<br />

sen power level a specific flux limit can be reached by increasing the receiver size<br />

appropriately. This is not a concern <strong>for</strong> cavity receivers, since the aimpoints are<br />

always located at the aperture, so that the flux levels on the heat absorbing sur-<br />

face can be decreased by moving that surface farther away from the aperture.<br />

It is suggested that fluxes should not be calculated during the initial per<strong>for</strong>-<br />

mance run which precedes the optimization calculation. This omission will facili-<br />

tate the process of designing a flux-limited system. Also, a single aimpoint (IAU-<br />

TOP=O) can be used during the initial per<strong>for</strong>mance run to save time, since the<br />

flux profile does not affect the system design until the optimization calculation is<br />

done.<br />

11. G-9. Oblique Ffux Considerations-The flux which is calculated by DEL-<br />

SOL is assumed to be flux normal to the defined flux surface. If the flux surface<br />

truly is smooth or if the incident flux is normal to the surface then the flux cal-<br />

culation is correct. However, if the heat absorbing surface is composed of small<br />

diameter tubes and the flux plane is a plane through the centerline of those tubes,<br />

then the flux which is calculated by DELSOL will be the flux at the crown of the<br />

tube only. Thus, if the angle of incidence of the flux is such that the flux is nor-<br />

mal to the tube at a location other than at the crown, this location on the tube<br />

may have a higher flux level than that recorded at the crown of the tube. This is<br />

one reason why the aim strategy IAUTOP-2 (aimpoints spread out horizontally<br />

and vertically) is not recommended <strong>for</strong> external cylindrical receivers. The prob-<br />

lem is most likely to occur in cavity receivers in which the heat absorbing surface<br />

is other than a right circular cylinder centered on the aperture.<br />


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