A User's Manual for DELSOL3 - prod.sandia.gov - Sandia National ...

A User's Manual for DELSOL3 - prod.sandia.gov - Sandia National ...

A User's Manual for DELSOL3 - prod.sandia.gov - Sandia National ...


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Absorber: The portion of the receiver that absorbs radiant energy.<br />

Attenuation Loss: The loss of solar power by absorption and scattering as a<br />

result of atmospheric conditions between the concentrator and the receiver.<br />

Beam Alignment: The adjustment of individual mirror facets of a heliostat<br />

to place their images in the desired relationships to one another.<br />

Beam Characterization System: A video-based system <strong>for</strong> the rapid and<br />

automatic measurement and characterization of flux delivered by any single helio-<br />

stat onto a target.<br />

Blocking: The interception of part of the reflected sunlight from one helio-<br />

stat by the backside of a second heliostat.<br />

Capacity Factor: Energy <strong>prod</strong>uction in a given time interval (generally one<br />

year) divided by the energy that would have been generated if the plant had op-<br />

erated at its full capacity <strong>for</strong> the same time interval.<br />

Cavity Receiver: A solar energy receiver in the shape of a cavity in which<br />

the solar radiation enters through one or more openings (apertures) and is ab-<br />

sorbed by interior heat exchanger surfaces.<br />

Central Receiver Sys tern: See Solar Thermal Central Receiver Power<br />

System.<br />

Cloud Cover: That portion of the sky cover which is obscured by clouds,<br />

usually measured in tenths of sky covered.<br />

Cogeneration: The <strong>prod</strong>uction of electricity or mechanical energy, or both,<br />

in conjunction with industrial process heat.<br />

Concentration Ratio: The ratio of the reflected radiant power impinging<br />

on a surface to the radiant power incident, upon the reflecting surface.<br />

Concentrator Efficiency: The ratio of the energy collected by a heliostat<br />

field to the radiant energy that strikes it under steady-state conditions (includes<br />

cosine loss).<br />

Concentrator Subsystem: An array of heliostats, included the wiring and<br />

controls, that redirects the available insolation onto a receiver.<br />

Cosine Loss: The reduction of the projected heliostat area visible to the sun<br />

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