A User's Manual for DELSOL3 - prod.sandia.gov - Sandia National ...

A User's Manual for DELSOL3 - prod.sandia.gov - Sandia National ...

A User's Manual for DELSOL3 - prod.sandia.gov - Sandia National ...


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For optimizing cavity depth, the IOPTUM=2 option is specified. NUMREC,<br />

WST, and WEND refer to the width of the first aperture (in this case, the north<br />

aperture). NUMHTW, HTWST, and HTWEND define the width of the receiver<br />

and there<strong>for</strong>e the depth of the cavities. The aperture dimensions will have the<br />

fixed ratios RYTRX, RX2TRX, RXSTRX, and RX4TRX as the north aperture<br />

width is varied. Other input variables in $OPT$ are analogous to those in Sample<br />

Problem la.<br />

Testing <strong>for</strong> flux limits on a cavity wall requires some care with the input data.<br />

The bottom of the wall is calculated and input as described in Section V.A-5.<br />

The default height (since H was not specified in Namelist $REC$) is H=l.lxRY.<br />

The maximum angle active <strong>for</strong> the north cavity sets the width of the flux surface<br />

(FAZMIN, FAZMAX). A 20 point grid is set up covering the active wall area of<br />

the north cavity, and the 4 points along the centerline (NMXFLX) are checked <strong>for</strong><br />

a flux limit of 0.6 MW/m2. The flux map is initially referenced to the values in<br />

$REC$, and is scaled in the optimization search so that the same relative part of<br />

the cavity wall is covered by the flux map.<br />

Parameters <strong>for</strong> the reference receiver cost (CRECl and ARECRF in<br />

$NLCOST$) are provided to illustrate that receiver cost may be user defined<br />

based on the user’s previous experience.<br />

Comments on Output<br />

The Namelist $BASIC$ is printed in the output, followed by a code generated<br />

list ($FMTP$) of the data read from the file on Unit 20. The heliostat design is<br />

summarized as in Sample Problem la, but no initial per<strong>for</strong>mance data is printed.<br />

The optimization namelists are printed, a summary of the optimization parame-<br />

ters is given, and a limited summary of the optimization search is printed.<br />

The design summary tables are similar to those of Sample Problem la, ex-<br />

cept they are modified <strong>for</strong> the appropriate output cavity dimensions and include a<br />

summary of the cavity design. The height of the cavity wall is still determined by<br />

the new choice <strong>for</strong> aperture height (H=l.lxRY).<br />


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