A User's Manual for DELSOL3 - prod.sandia.gov - Sandia National ...

A User's Manual for DELSOL3 - prod.sandia.gov - Sandia National ...

A User's Manual for DELSOL3 - prod.sandia.gov - Sandia National ...


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IHOPT<br />

NUMTHT<br />

THTST<br />

THTEND<br />

NUMREC<br />

WST<br />

WEND<br />

NUMHTW<br />

HTWST<br />

HTWEND<br />

IOPTUM<br />

Namelist OPT9<br />

Control parameter <strong>for</strong> optimizing the heliostat densities.<br />

= 0, no heliostat density optimization. The “default” densities<br />

(which are a function of the tower height) are used.<br />

The heliostat field boundaries are optimized;<br />

= 1, heliostat densities are optimized.<br />

Constraint: Tower height cannot be varied if IHOPT = 1.<br />

Default: IHOPT = 0 (II.C,IV.B,IV.C-7)<br />

In optimization run, NUMTHT discrete, equally spaced<br />

values of the tower height are tested from THTST to THTEND<br />

(in meters). If NUMTHT = 1, then the tower height is<br />

set equal to THT specified in the REC namelist; THTST and<br />

THTEND need not be specified.<br />

Constraints: THTST 5 THTEND<br />

1 5 NUMTHT 5 20<br />

Default: NUMTHT = 1<br />

THTST = 75.0 (m)<br />

THTEND = 400.0 (m) (1V.C-2,1V.E)<br />

External receivers (IREC = 0 in REC namelist): NUMREC<br />

discrete, equally spaced values of the diameter tested<br />

from WST to WEND (in meters). If NUMREC = 1, the only<br />

value of the diameter considered is that defined by W in<br />

the REC namelist.<br />

Cavity (IREC = 1, 2) and Flat Plate (IREC = 3,d)<br />

Receivers: NUMREC discrete, equally spaced values of<br />

the horizontal dimension of the first aperture or flat<br />

plate, RX(l), tested from WST to WEND (in meters). If<br />

NUMREC = 1, the only value considered is that defined<br />

<strong>for</strong> RX(1) in the REC namelist.<br />

Constraints: WST 5 WEND<br />

1 5 NUMREC 5 20<br />

Default: NUMREC = 1<br />

WST = 8.0 (m)<br />

WEND = 26.0 (m) (1V.C-3 ,IV.E)<br />

Ezternal receivers (IOPTUM = 1): NUMHTW e ually spaced<br />

values of the receiver height to diameter ratio (HTW)<br />

tested from HTWST to HTWEND. If NUMHTW = 1, only the<br />

ratio defined by H and W in namelist REC is used.<br />

Cavity and flat plate receivers (IOPTUM = 1): NUMHTW<br />

equally spaced values of the ratio of the height to<br />

width, RY(l)/RX(l), of the first cavity or flat plate<br />

tested from HTWST to HTWEND. If NUMHTW = 1, only the<br />

ratio defined by RX(1) and RY(1) on Namelist REC is<br />

used. The width W is held constant.<br />

Cavity receivers (IOPTUM = 2): NUMHTW equally spaced<br />

values of W tested from HTWST to HTWEND. If NUMHTW = 1,<br />

only the W defined by namelist REC is used. The aspect<br />

*For all design/optimization runs, set IPROB = 4 in namelist BASIC.<br />


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