A User's Manual for DELSOL3 - prod.sandia.gov - Sandia National ...

A User's Manual for DELSOL3 - prod.sandia.gov - Sandia National ...

A User's Manual for DELSOL3 - prod.sandia.gov - Sandia National ...


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. b .<br />

IROTFL Parameter specifying heliostat rotation.<br />

= 0, stationary heliostat field;<br />

-= 1, heliostat field rotates synchronously with the<br />

sun in such a way that the sun appears to have no<br />

azimuthal motion. To simulate rotating fields<br />

DELSOL sets the azimuthal angle of the sun to be<br />

always due south of the tower.<br />

Default: IROTFL = 0 (11. B-3)<br />

The following variables require definition only if IDENS 2 9:<br />

DENSIT(K,L) Density (i.e., mirror area to ground area ratio) in<br />

zone (K,L) where K specifies the radial position and L<br />

the azimuthal position.<br />

Constraint: 0.0 5 DENSIT 5 1.0 (1I.B-2,11.C)<br />

Default: DENSIT = 156*1.0 (i.e., user must specify values)<br />

AZMSEP( K<br />

1/2 center to center azimuthal separation of heliostats<br />

in normalized units of heliostat widths (= AAz/Z*WM).<br />

Default: AZMSEP = 13~1.05 (11. B-2, I1 .C)<br />

The following variables require definition only zf IUSERF = 2:<br />

NRADMN L<br />

NRADM&J<br />

(L=l, NAZ )<br />

Boundaries of the user defined field. For the Lth<br />

azimuthal zone, NRADMN(L) is the number of the radial<br />

zone occupied closest to the tower, and NRADMX(L) is<br />

the number of the radial zone occupied farthest from the<br />

tower. If no zones are occupied, NRADMN(L) = NRADMX(L) = 0.<br />

Constraint: NRADMN, NRADMX 5 NRAD<br />

Maximum number of heliostats per row = 648<br />

Default: NRADMN = 12’1<br />

NRADMX 2 12’1 (11 .B-2)<br />

FSLIP Ratio determining slip plane correction; in radial<br />

stagger layouts, excess shadowing and blocking is alleviated<br />

by periodically placing g heliostats on a row where<br />

n+l heliostats would have been based on zone-wise<br />

AR and AAz values. FSLIP is the ratio of (n+l)/n.<br />

Constraint: FSLIP > 1.0<br />

Default: FSLIP = 4./3. (1I.C- 1)<br />

The following input cards are required only if IUSERF = 9 (User defined heliostat field<br />

specified by giving individual heliostat coordinates):<br />

NOTE: These input cards follow NLEFF (see Table A-1). These cards are<br />

not Namelists, they are input with the <strong>for</strong>mat specified below.<br />

~ -~<br />

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