A User's Manual for DELSOL3 - prod.sandia.gov - Sandia National ...

A User's Manual for DELSOL3 - prod.sandia.gov - Sandia National ...

A User's Manual for DELSOL3 - prod.sandia.gov - Sandia National ...


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VII. Comparison of DELSOL, MIRVAL and HELIOS ,Per<strong>for</strong>mance Predictions<br />

The per<strong>for</strong>mance predictions of the MIRVAL, HELIOS and DELSOL com-<br />

puter codes are all in good agreement. A small system comparison is presented<br />

in this section since larger heliostat size/tower height ratios <strong>prod</strong>uce greater (but<br />

not necessarily significant) errors in the DELSOL predictions. The agreement of<br />

DELSOL in this more difficult application is good.<br />

The system considered is a preliminary design <strong>for</strong> the CESA-1 (Central Ener-<br />

gia Solar de Almeria) plant being built in Almeria, Spain. The complete system<br />

description, including heliostat coordinates, and details of the HELIOS and MIR-<br />

VAL calculations are given in Reference 43. A summary of the system is given in<br />

Table VII-1. The DELSOL calculations were per<strong>for</strong>med using the option in which<br />

the individual heliostat coordinates are specified in Namelist FIELD. Two cal-<br />

culational times are considered: 10 AM and 4 PM on winter solstice. The 4 PM<br />

case involves an extreme sun zenith angle of 82', which leads to considerable off-<br />

axis aberration of the canted heliostat images.<br />

TABLE VII-1<br />


Site: 37.099' N latitude<br />

Field:<br />

Helios t ats :<br />

Receiver:<br />

Tower Height:<br />

Insolation:<br />

Sunshape:<br />

North 'only<br />

282 Heliostats<br />

6.25 x 6.3 m (overall)<br />

5 (horiz.) x 2 (vert.) cant panels<br />

Canted <strong>for</strong> noon on equinox<br />

3.4 x 3.4 m square, tilted aperture .<br />

56.345 m<br />

0.7 kW/m2<br />

Rectangular<br />


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