A User's Manual for DELSOL3 - prod.sandia.gov - Sandia National ...

A User's Manual for DELSOL3 - prod.sandia.gov - Sandia National ...

A User's Manual for DELSOL3 - prod.sandia.gov - Sandia National ...


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No.<br />


1-1 Two General Types of Applications of DELSOL<br />

11-1 Coordinate Systems <strong>for</strong> Field Per<strong>for</strong>mance Calculations<br />

11-2 Angles and Basic Vectors<br />

11-3 Field Points and Zone Boundaries <strong>for</strong> Surround Field<br />

I '<br />

11-4 Method of Zone Numbering lJsed by DELSOL<br />

11-5 Field Points and Zone Boundaries <strong>for</strong> North Field<br />

11-6 Code Defined Field (IUSERF=l) .<br />

11-7 Numbering <strong>for</strong> Individual Heliostat Field (IUSERF=3)<br />

11-8 Example of Land Constraint<br />

11-9 Radial Stagger Arrangement of Heliostats<br />

11-10 Slip Planes in a Radial Stagger Layout<br />

11-11 Types of Ileliostats<br />

11-12 Images of Flat, Focused, and Canted Heliostats<br />

11-13 Types of Receivers<br />

11-14 Heat Absorbing Surface Within a Cavity<br />

11-15 Aiming Options<br />

11-16 Flux Points on a Cylinder<br />

11-17 Flux Points on a Plane<br />

Pane<br />

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