A User's Manual for DELSOL3 - prod.sandia.gov - Sandia National ...

A User's Manual for DELSOL3 - prod.sandia.gov - Sandia National ...

A User's Manual for DELSOL3 - prod.sandia.gov - Sandia National ...


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. CCFIXED = 2.OE6 +'0.14 x DCC + 0.093 x P, + CFIXED (V.A - 25)<br />

where DCC = all other direct capital costs<br />

P, = design point turbine electric power (watts)<br />

CF~XED = any other additional fixed costs<br />

The user only has control over CCFIXED, which has a default of<br />

CFIXED (CFIXED) = $0.0<br />

V.B. Calculation of Levelized Energy Cost<br />

Based on the total capital cost CCT defined in Equation (V.A-1) using the<br />

component cost models discussed in the previous section, a levelized (or dis-<br />

counted average) cost of energy over the lifetime of the plant is calculated as fol-<br />

lows (References 41 and 42):<br />

1) The total investment at operation startup, CCST-UP,T, will be the current<br />

capital cost estimate, CCT, escalated over the time period from the time<br />

of the cost estimate to the first year of construction (NYTCON), plus the<br />

interest on the borrowed investment during the construction period, iDc.<br />

Note that the length of the construction period is not explicitly stated,<br />

but that time period would be factored into the value of iDc.<br />

CCST-Up,T = CCT x (1.0 + iDC)(l.O + ESC) NYTCON<br />

In current, supposedly more valuable dollars,<br />

C C s T - UP ,T<br />

CCST-UP,cur$ = - NYTCON<br />

(1.0 + rinf)<br />

(V.B - 1)<br />

(V.B - 2)<br />

where rjnf is the general rate of inflation, which is not necessarily equal to<br />

the capital escalation rate ESC.<br />

2) The levelized energy cost includes both capital recovery and operating<br />

and maintenance (O&M) charges. The O&M charges are calculated as a<br />

levelized percentage of the capital cost. DELSOL splits O&M charges into<br />

heliostat and non-heliostat rates:<br />


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