, powerful

, powerful , powerful


There’s more to life with Fludara ®<br />

New 1st line confidence in CLL<br />

Name of the medicinal product: Fludara®. Qualitative and quantitative composition: Fludarabine phosphate 50 mg per vial. Fludarabine phosphate<br />

10 mg per film-coated tablet. Therapeutic indications: Intravenous. Fludara® is indicated for the initial treatment of patients with B-cell chronic<br />

lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) or after first line therapy, in patients with sufficient bone marrow reserves. First line treatment with Fludara® should only be<br />

initiated in patients with advanced disease, Rai stages III/IV (Binet stage C), or Rai stages I/II (Binet stage A/B) where the patient has disease related symptoms<br />

(weight loss, extreme fatigue, night sweats or fever), increasing bone marrow failure, massive or progressive hepatosplenomegaly or lymphadenopathy,<br />

more than 50% increase in peripheral blood lymphocytes in a 2-month period or an anticipated doubling of these cells in less than 12<br />

months. Oral. Fludara® tablets are indicated for the treatment of patients with B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) who have not responded to or<br />

whose disease has progressed during or after treatment with at least one standard alkylating-agent containing regimen. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity<br />

to fludarabine phosphate or to any of the excipients. Renal impairment with creatine clearance

Contents<br />

Corporate Members supporting EBMT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2<br />

Welcome Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3<br />

Organising Committee / Secretariats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4/5<br />

Programme Overview<br />

Sunday, March 28, 2004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/7<br />

Monday, March 29, 2004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8/9<br />

Tuesday, March 30, 2004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10/11<br />

Wednesday, March 31, 2004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12/13<br />

CME Accreditation at EBMT 2004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14<br />

Scientific Programme (Satellite Symposia)<br />

Sunday, March 28, 2004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15–21<br />

Scientific Programme (Physicians)<br />

Sunday, March 28, 2004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22<br />

Monday, March 29, 2004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23–40<br />

Tuesday, March 30, 2004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41–57<br />

Wednesday, March 31, 2004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58–68<br />

Posters Physicians<br />

Monday, March 29, 2004 (P407 – P668) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69–89<br />

Tuesday, March 30, 2004 (P669 – P927) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90–109<br />

Scientific Programme (Data Management Group)) . . . . . . . . . . 110–113<br />

Scientific Programme (Nurses Group)<br />

Monday, March 29, 2004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114–117<br />

Tuesday, March 30, 2004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118–120<br />

Wednesday, March 31, 2004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121<br />

Poster Nurses Group (P991 – P1086) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122–127<br />

Instructions for Authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129<br />

List of Chairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130<br />

List of Speakers and Authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131–152<br />

General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153/154<br />

Social Events and Daily Tours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155/156<br />

Sponsors supporting the EBMT congress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157<br />

Useful Information about Barcelona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158/159<br />

Travel to and within Barcelona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161<br />

Barcelona City Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162/163<br />

Metro Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164/165<br />

Exhibition Floor Plan / List of Exhibitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166/168<br />

Floor Plan Level -1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169<br />


Corporate Members supporting EBMT<br />

The EBMT would like to thank its corporate members for their generous support:<br />


Dear EBMT members, colleagues and friends<br />

It is our privilege and pleasure to welcome you to Barcelona for the 30 th Annual<br />

Meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, the<br />

20 th Meeting of the EBMT Nurses Group and the 3 rd Meeting of the EBMT<br />

Data Management Group.<br />

The scientific content of this meeting strongly reflects that haematopoietic<br />

transplantation is a rapidly evolving field, with the discovery in recent years of new<br />

indications for the procedure and development of improved transplant techniques.<br />

Thousands of patients have already received treatment for classical indications such<br />

as malignancy, marrow insufficiency and congenital diseases and an update on the<br />

positive results obtained in the treatment of these disorders will be given. What is<br />

more, recent observations demonstrating the plasticity of haematopoietic stem cells<br />

have led to their use in repairing extrahaematological tissues, and emerging clinical<br />

applications of this therapy will be presented at EBMT 2004.<br />

Transplantation techniques have further evolved and alternative haematopoietic<br />

stem cell sources are now widely used in place of marrow from related and<br />

unrelated donors. In the latter case, increasingly refined HLA-matching methods<br />

and more accurate criteria for donor selection promise improved results. Cord blood<br />

has proven to be a valuable source of stem cells for transplantation in children, and<br />

recently also in adults. Methods to exploit graft versus malignancy effect while<br />

avoiding the risks of high-dose therapy are now feasible through the use of reduced<br />

intensity conditioning regimens. All these topics will be extensively reviewed during<br />

the meeting as educational sessions, workshops, meet the expert debates and<br />

plenary lectures. Critical care of the transplanted patient, another burning issue in<br />

clinical practice will likewise be covered, presenting the views from a haematologist,<br />

an intensivist, a nurse and a patient’s family.<br />

EBMT 2004 not only offers you a full scientific programme led by top scientists in<br />

the field, but also takes place in one of Europe’s most popular cities. An impressive<br />

list of tourist attractions are bound to keep delegates busy outside of congress hours<br />

and Barcelona’s pleasant spring climate will make visiting the city all the more<br />

enjoyable. Modernist architecture, Roman ruins, Olympic grounds and the seafront<br />

promenades of Barcelona’s city centre never fail to capture the visitor’s imagination<br />

and we have tailored the social programme to incorporate a taste of the arts and<br />

culture that thrive in this cosmopolitan city.<br />

Welcome to Barcelona 2004!<br />

Welcome Address<br />

Jorge Sierra Charo Laborda<br />

Congress President Nurses Group<br />

Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau Local Organising Committee<br />

Universitat Antònoma de Barcelona<br />


Organising Committee<br />

President<br />

J. Sierra, Barcelona<br />

Vice President<br />

A. Urbano-Ispizua, Barcelona<br />

Scientific Secretary<br />

S. Brunet, Barcelona<br />

Honorary Committee<br />

H.R.H. Princess Cristina de Borbòn<br />

Joan Clos Mayor of Barcelona<br />

Ana Pastor Minister of Health of Spain<br />

Marina Geli Minister of Health,<br />

Catalan Government<br />

Carles Solà Minister of Universities and<br />

Research, Catalan Government<br />

Lluis Ferrer Rector, Universitat Autònoma<br />

de Barcelona<br />

Josep Carreras President of the José Carreras<br />

International Leukaemia<br />

Foundation<br />

Ciril Rozman President of the Catalan<br />

Commission on Haematopoietic<br />

Transplantation<br />

Vice-president, José Carreras<br />

International Leukaemia<br />

Foundation<br />

Emili Montserrat President of the European<br />

Haematology Association<br />

Alvar Net Dean, Faculty of Medicine,<br />

Universitat Autònoma de<br />

Barcelona<br />

Josep Antón Grau General Director,<br />

Hospital de la Santa Creu i<br />

Sant Pau, Barcelona<br />

Local Organising Committee<br />

R. Martino, Barcelona Physicians<br />

M. Rovira, Barcelona Physicians<br />

A. Sureda, Barcelona Physicians<br />

R. Laborda, Barcelona Nurses<br />

E. Gris, Barcelona Nurses<br />

C. Canals, Barcelona Data Management<br />

F. Mc Donald, Barcelona Secretarial Support<br />

E. Mc Grath, Barcelona Secretarial Support<br />

4<br />

Members of the<br />

National Scientific Committee<br />

I. Badell,Barcelona A. Iriondo, Santander<br />

J. Bueren, Madrid P. Marín, Barcelona<br />

D. Caballero, Salamanca J. Mª. Moraleda, Murcia<br />

E. Carreras, Barcelona J. Odriozola, Madrid<br />

E. Conde, Santander J. J. Ortega, Barcelona<br />

J. L. Díez, Madrid J. A. Perez Simón,<br />

Salamanca<br />

I. Espigado, Sevilla F. Pròsper, Pamplona<br />

M. N. Fernández, Madrid J. Román, Córdoba<br />

A. Figuera, Madrid M. D. Ruíz, Malaga<br />

J. García, Barcelona M. A. Sanz, Valencia<br />

J. García-Conde, Valencia G. Sanz, Valencia<br />

A. Grañena, Barcelona J. F. Tomás, Madrid<br />

F. Hernández, Madrid A. Torres, Córdoba<br />

EBMT Board<br />

J. Apperley, London President<br />

A. Urbano-Ispizua, Barcelona Secretary<br />

H. Schouten, Maastricht Treasurer<br />

M. Stephens, London Nurses President<br />

Working Party Chairpersons<br />

F. Frassoni, Genoa Acute Leukaemia<br />

H. Schrezenmeier, Ulm Aplastic Anaemia<br />

A. Tyndall, Basel Autoimmune Diseases<br />

D. Niederwieser, Leipzig Chronic Leukaemia<br />

A. Madrigal, London Immunobiology<br />

M. Cavazzana-Calvo, Paris Inborn Errors<br />

C. Cordonnier, Créteil Infectious Diseases<br />

G. Socié, Paris Late Effects<br />

N. Schmitz, Hamburg Lymphoma<br />

G. Dini, Genoa Paediatric Diseases<br />

T. Demirer, Ankara Solid Tumours<br />

EBMT Society and National<br />

Scientific Committee (Nurses Group)<br />

M. Stephens, London President<br />

B. Quinn, London President Elect<br />

M. Ni Chonghaile, Dublin Secretary<br />

M. Jansen, Maastricht Treasurer<br />

R. Laborda, Barcelona Local Nurses<br />

E. Gris, Barcelona Local Nurses<br />

Data Management Group<br />

C. Ruiz de Elvira, London<br />

R. Brand, Leiden<br />

P. Ljungman, Huddinge<br />

C. Canals, Barcelona

Physicians Scientific Secretariat<br />

Salut Brunet, MD<br />

Clinical Hematology Division<br />

Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau<br />

St. Antoni M a Claret 167<br />

08025 Barcelona / Spain<br />

Tel. +349 3 291 93 96<br />

Fax +349 3 291 94 66<br />

Email: sbrunet@hsp.santpau.es<br />

Nurses Group<br />

Mairead Ni Chonghaile<br />

HOPE Directorate<br />

St. James's Hospital<br />

Dublin 8 / Ireland<br />

Tel. +353 1 686 0722<br />

Fax +353 1 410 3428<br />

Email: bmtco-ord@stjames.ie<br />

Data Management Group<br />

EBMT Central Office<br />

Carmen Ruiz de Elvira PhD<br />

Department of Hematology<br />

Macdonald Buchanan<br />

Middlesex Hospital<br />

London W1N 8AA / UK<br />

Tel. +44 (0) 20 7380 9772<br />

Fax +44 (0) 20 7380 9597<br />

Email: c.ruiz@ucl.ac.uk<br />

Entrance Parc Guell<br />

Organising Secretariat<br />


c/o AKM Congress Service<br />

P.O. Box<br />

CH-4005 Basel / Switzerland<br />

Tel. +41 61 686 77 11<br />

Fax +41 61 686 77 88<br />

Email: ebmt@akm.ch<br />

www.akm.ch/ebmt2004<br />

Local Agency<br />

McCann Meetings<br />

C/Josep Irla i Bosch, 5–7 entr.<br />

08034 Barcelona / Spain<br />

Tel. +34 93 206 46 46<br />

Fax +34 93 204 97 32<br />

Email: ebmt2004@mccann.es<br />

www.mccann-meetings.com<br />

Secretariats<br />


Sunday, March 28, 2004<br />

08<br />

09<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

18<br />

19<br />

20<br />

6<br />

Auditorium<br />

Level 0<br />

16.00–18.00<br />

Taking<br />

transplantation<br />

to a new level<br />

F. Hoffmann-<br />

La Roche<br />

18.30–20.45<br />

Physicians<br />

p. 19<br />

Opening Session<br />

EBMT Lecture<br />

Van Bekkum<br />

Award<br />

p. 22<br />

Room J<br />

Level -1<br />

11.00–13.00<br />

Overcoming<br />

the burden of<br />

fungal infections<br />

Merck, Sharp<br />

and Dohme<br />

13.30–15.00<br />

Valganciclovir<br />

for anti-viral<br />

prophylaxis<br />

Hoffmann-<br />

La Roche AG<br />

16.00–18.00<br />

From oral to<br />

I.V. busulfan<br />

Pierre Fabre<br />

Médicament<br />

Nurses<br />

Room H<br />

Level -1<br />

11.00–13.00<br />

Novel strategies<br />

in graft<br />

engineering<br />

and cellular<br />

therapy<br />

Miltenyi Biotec<br />

GmbH<br />

p. 15 p. 15<br />

13.30–15.00<br />

Peripheral blood<br />

stem cell<br />

transplants<br />

Genzyme-<br />

SangStat<br />

p. 18 p. 18<br />

p. 20<br />

Data Managers<br />

Room F<br />

Level -1<br />

13.30–15.30<br />

Serious fungal<br />

infections in the<br />

BMT patient<br />

Pfizer Inc.<br />

16.00–18.00<br />

p. 17<br />

Antifungal<br />

therapy<br />

principles and<br />

practice<br />

Gilead Sciences<br />

p. 21<br />

Business Meetings<br />

Room A<br />

Level -1<br />

16.00–17.00<br />

Thalassemia<br />

Fresenius BioTech<br />

GmbH<br />

p. 21<br />

20.45 Welcome Reception at the Palau de Congressos de Catalunya<br />

Satellite Symposia<br />

p. 155

ProMISe<br />

Level +1<br />

13.30–15.00<br />

Practical<br />

session<br />

(continued)<br />

Sunday, March 28, 2004<br />

08.00–10.30 08.00–11.00<br />

ProMISe 2<br />

Training Session Business Meeting Business Meeting<br />

Working Party Working Party<br />

09.00–10.00<br />

Paediatric<br />

diseases<br />

Chronic<br />

Leukaemia<br />

09.00–11.00 09.00–11.00<br />

Database<br />

Business Meeting Business Meeting<br />

presentation<br />

p. 110<br />

Working Party<br />

Solid<br />

Working Party<br />

Aplastic<br />

Tumours Anaemia<br />

10.30–12.30<br />

Practical<br />

session<br />

p. 110<br />

p. 110<br />

Room D1<br />

Level -1<br />

Room D5<br />

Level -1<br />

Room E1<br />

Level -1<br />

20.45 Welcome Reception at the Palau de Congressos de Catalunya<br />

Room E3<br />

Level -1<br />

11.00–13.00<br />

Business Meeting<br />

Working Party<br />

Late<br />

Effects<br />

15.00–18.00<br />

Registry<br />

Subcommittee<br />

Meeting<br />

(RSC)<br />

p. 155<br />

08<br />

09<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

18<br />

19<br />

20<br />


Monday, March 29, 2004<br />

08<br />

09<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

18<br />

19<br />

20<br />

8<br />

Auditorium Room J Mare Nostrum Room F Room A Room B<br />

Level 0 Level -1 Hotel Rey<br />

Juan Carlos<br />

Level -1 Level -1 Level -1<br />

08.00–08.45 08.00–08.45 08.00–08.45 08.00–08.45 08.00–08.45<br />

Educational 1 Educational 2<br />

Workshop 1 Workshop 2 Workshop 3<br />

Anti-fungal Relapsed<br />

SCT in Auto- Chimerism & Transplantation<br />

therapy<br />

p. 23<br />

lymphoma<br />

p. 23<br />

immune diseases<br />

p. 24<br />

MRD<br />

p. 24<br />

in ALL<br />

p. 24<br />

09.00–10.30<br />

Presidential<br />

Symposium<br />

11.00–13.00<br />

13.30–15.30<br />

Oral Session 1<br />

Lymphoma 1<br />

16.00–18.00<br />

Working Party<br />

Chronic<br />

leukaemia<br />

Physicians<br />

p. 25<br />

Working Party<br />

Acute<br />

leukaemia<br />

12.30–13.30<br />

p. 26 Cellular support IX<br />

p. 28<br />

Amgen (Europe) AG<br />

p. 29<br />

13.30–15.30<br />

Oral Session 2<br />

Multiple<br />

myeloma<br />

16.00–18.00<br />

Working Party<br />

Paediatric<br />

diseases<br />

13.30–15.30<br />

Oral Session 3<br />

Reduced<br />

intensity<br />

transplant<br />

16.00–18.00<br />

Working Party<br />

Aplastic<br />

anaemia<br />

13.30–15.30<br />

Oral Session 4<br />

Stem cell<br />

research/<br />

Nonhaemapoietic<br />

tissue repair<br />

p. 27 12.30–13.20 12.30–13.20<br />

Meet the Expert 1 Meet the Expert 2<br />

Stem cell<br />

plasticity<br />

Unrelated donor<br />

p. 29 p. 29<br />

13.30–15.30<br />

Oral Session 5<br />

Graft versus<br />

malignancy<br />

16.00–17.40<br />

Paediatric<br />

issues<br />

18.00–19.00 Poster Presentation:<br />

Physicians: P407 – P668 Nurses: P991 – P1086<br />

(Level -1) p. 69–89 (Level +1) p. 122–127<br />

Nurses<br />

11.00–13.00<br />

Working Party<br />

Solid tumours<br />

Data Managers<br />

11.00–12.30<br />

Working Party<br />

Autoimmune<br />

disease<br />

Business Meetings<br />

13.30–15.30<br />

Oral Session 6<br />

Cytokines /<br />

Gene therapy<br />

p. 30 p. 31 p. 32 p. 33 p. 34 p. 35<br />

p. 38 p. 39 p. 40<br />

16.00–17.40<br />

Nutritional<br />

support<br />

p. 116 p. 116<br />

Satellite Symposia

Room H<br />

Level -1<br />

08.00–09.00 08.00–08.45<br />

08.00–09.00<br />

Educational 1 Educational 3<br />

Educational 2<br />

Central venous<br />

care<br />

Acute GVHD<br />

p. 23<br />

Complimentary<br />

therapies<br />

p. 114<br />

p. 114<br />

09.00–10.30<br />

09.00–10.30<br />

Supportive<br />

care 1<br />

11.00–12.20<br />

Donor issues<br />

16.00–17.40<br />

p. 114<br />

Addressing<br />

clinical<br />

issues<br />

Room D1<br />

Level -1<br />

16.00–17.30<br />

Room D4<br />

Level -1<br />

Educational<br />

Good Clinical<br />

Practice<br />

11.00–12.30<br />

MED-B sessions<br />

Autograft<br />

16.00–17.30<br />

Business Meeting MED-B sessions<br />

Working Party Infectious<br />

Autoimmune<br />

diseases<br />

diseases<br />

Monday, March 29, 2004<br />

Room E1<br />

Level -1<br />

Room E3<br />

Level -1<br />

ProMISe<br />

Level +1<br />

ProMISe 2<br />

Training<br />

Sessions<br />

09.00-10.00<br />

Database<br />

presentation<br />

10.30-12.30<br />

Practical<br />

session<br />

p. 115<br />

12.30–13.20<br />

p. 111 12.30–13.20 12.30–13.20<br />

12.30–13.30<br />

Meet the Expert 3<br />

12.30–13.30<br />

Meet the Expert 4 Meet the Expert 5<br />

Natl. Nurses<br />

Groups 1–5<br />

Transplants in<br />

paediatrics<br />

Natl. Nurses<br />

Groups 6<br />

Acute<br />

leukaemias<br />

Acute Promyelocytic<br />

leukaemia<br />

p. 115<br />

p. 29<br />

p. 115<br />

p. 29 p. 29<br />

13.30–15.30 13.30–14.30<br />

13.30–15.00<br />

Oral Session 7<br />

Infectious<br />

diseases 1<br />

(viral)<br />

Oral Session 8a<br />

Autoimmune<br />

disease<br />

p. 37<br />

14.30–15.30<br />

Oral Session 8b<br />

Aplastic<br />

14.00–15.30<br />

MED-B sessions<br />

Acute<br />

leukaemia<br />

14.30–15.30 14.30–15.30<br />

Workshop 1 Workshop 5<br />

Breaking bad Stress reduction<br />

Practical<br />

session<br />

(continued)<br />

p. 111<br />

15.00–16.00<br />

p. 36<br />

anaemia<br />

p. 37 p. 111<br />

news<br />

p. 115 p. 115 Workshop 2<br />

Internet skills<br />

p. 117<br />

p. 111<br />

p. 111<br />

18.00–19.00 Poster Presentation:<br />

Physicians: P407 – P668 Nurses: P991 – P1086<br />

(Level -1) p. 69–89 (Level +1) p. 122–127<br />

Room E5<br />

Level -1<br />

12.30–13.30<br />

Spanish Natl.<br />

Nurses Group 7<br />

14.30–15.30<br />

p. 115<br />

Room E6<br />

Level -1<br />

12.30–13.30<br />

Natl. Nurses<br />

Group 8<br />

p. 115<br />

14.30–15.30<br />

p. 111<br />

p. 111<br />

p. 115<br />

Workshop 4 Workshop 3<br />

Presenting skills Research skills<br />

p. 115 p. 115<br />

08<br />

09<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

16<br />


Tuesday, March 30, 2004<br />

08<br />

09<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

18<br />

19<br />

20<br />

10<br />

Auditorium Room J Mare Nostrum Room F Room A Room B<br />

Level 0 Level -1 Hotel Rey<br />

Juan Carlos<br />

Level -1 Level -1 Level -1<br />

08.00–08.45 08.00–08.45 08.00–08.45 08.00–08.45 08.00–08.45 08.00–08.45<br />

Educational 4 Educational 5 Educational 6 Workshop 4 Workshop 5 Workshop 6<br />

HLA<br />

p. 41<br />

Reduced<br />

intensity<br />

p. 41<br />

Regenerative<br />

therapy<br />

p. 41<br />

Infectious<br />

diseases<br />

p. 42<br />

Innoculum for<br />

Allo-SCT<br />

p. 42<br />

Immunotherapy<br />

p. 42<br />

09.00–10.30<br />

Joint Session<br />

Nurses/<br />

Physicians<br />

Critical care<br />

11.00–13.00<br />

Working Party<br />

Infectious<br />

diseases<br />

13.30–15.30<br />

16.00–17.30<br />

09.00–10.30<br />

Plenary Session<br />

Stem cell<br />

sources for<br />

allotransplants<br />

11.00–12.30<br />

Working Party<br />

Lymphoma<br />

13.30–15.30<br />

16.00–17.30<br />

11.00–13.00<br />

Working Party<br />

Late effects<br />

Oral Session 9 Oral Session 10<br />

Oral Session 11a<br />

Reduced<br />

Oral Session 12 Oral Session 13 Oral Session 14<br />

Acute<br />

leukaemia/<br />

Myelodysplastic<br />

Lymphoma 2 intensity 2<br />

p. 49<br />

14.30–15.30<br />

Infectious<br />

diseases 2<br />

Graft versus<br />

host disease 1<br />

Paediatric<br />

diseases 1<br />

syndromes<br />

Oral Session 11b<br />

Solid tumours<br />

p. 47 p. 48 p. 49 p. 50 p. 51 p. 52<br />

16.00–18.00<br />

Joint Session Working Party Working Party<br />

EBMT/WMDA Immunobiology<br />

Stem cell donor<br />

Inborn Errors<br />

Physicians<br />

p. 43<br />

p. 44<br />

Nurses<br />

p. 43<br />

p. 45<br />

p. 55 p. 56<br />

12.00–13.30 12.00–13.00<br />

Nature Publishing<br />

Group<br />

12.30–13.20<br />

p. 46<br />

European<br />

LeukaemiaNET<br />

European HSCT<br />

How to get<br />

published<br />

p. 45<br />

Meet the Expert 6<br />

Myelodysplasia<br />

platform<br />

p. 45<br />

p. 46<br />

13.30–14.30 13.30–15.30 13.30–15.30 13.30–15.30<br />

p. 57<br />

18.00–19.00 Poster Presentation:<br />

Physicians: P669 – P927 Nurses: P991 – P1086<br />

(Level -1) p. 90-109 (Level +1) p. 122–127<br />

p. 000 p. 000<br />

20.00 Gala Dinner at Reials Drassanes de Barcelona<br />

Data Managers<br />

Business Meetings

Room H<br />

Level -1<br />

08.00–09.00 08.00–09.00<br />

Educational 3<br />

Educational 4<br />

Nutrition<br />

Acute<br />

in transplant<br />

leukaemias<br />

11.00–12.40<br />

Standards<br />

of care<br />

p. 119<br />

12.30–13.20<br />

Meet the Expert 7<br />

13.00–14.00<br />

Solid tumours<br />

Nurses General<br />

Meeting<br />

p. 119<br />

14.00–15.30<br />

Debate Session<br />

Protective<br />

isolation<br />

16.00–17.40<br />

p. 118<br />

Psychosocial<br />

issues<br />

Room D1<br />

Level -1<br />

p. 46<br />

13.30–15.30<br />

Room D4<br />

Level -1<br />

09.00–10.30<br />

MED-B sessions<br />

Myeloma<br />

11.00–12.30<br />

MED-B sessions<br />

Allograft/HLA<br />

13.30–15.30<br />

Oral Session 15 MED-B sessions<br />

Graft MDS &<br />

engineering/ relapsed CML<br />

Cellular<br />

therapies<br />

16.00–17.30<br />

Statistical<br />

Symposium<br />

Tuesday, March 30, 2004<br />

p. 112<br />

p. 119 p. 53 p. 112<br />

p. 120<br />

p. 112 12.30–13.20 12.30–13.20<br />

Meet the Expert 8 Meet the Expert 10<br />

Reduced intensity Umbilical cord<br />

p. 113<br />

Room E1<br />

Level -1<br />

14.00–15.40<br />

Managing<br />

care<br />

18.00–19.00 Poster Presentation:<br />

Physicians: P669 – P927 Nurses: P991 – P1086<br />

(Level -1) p. 90–109 (Level +1) p. 122–127<br />

p. 118<br />

p. 46<br />

p. 120<br />

Room E3<br />

Level -1<br />

14.00–15.30<br />

Oral Session 16<br />

Late effects /<br />

Quality of life<br />

20.00 Gala Dinner at Reials Drassanes de Barcelona<br />

p. 46<br />

ProMISe<br />

Level +1<br />

ProMISe 2<br />

Training<br />

Sessions<br />

09.00–10.00<br />

Database<br />

presentation<br />

10.30–12.30<br />

Practical<br />

session<br />

p. 112<br />

p. 112<br />

p. 54 p. 112 000<br />

Room E5<br />

Level -1<br />

12.30–13.20<br />

13.30–15.30<br />

Practical<br />

session<br />

(continued)<br />

Meet the Expert 9<br />

Haploidentical<br />

p. p. 000 46<br />

18.00–19.30<br />

Business<br />

Meeting<br />

Working Party<br />

Solid tumors<br />

Allo-Subgroup<br />

08<br />

09<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

16<br />


Wednesday, March 31, 2004<br />

08<br />

09<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

12<br />

Physicians<br />

Auditorium<br />

Level 0<br />

08.00–08.45<br />

General<br />

Assembly<br />

09.00–10.30<br />

09.00–10.00<br />

Plenary Session Joint Session<br />

Biological IBMTR-EBMT<br />

aspects of GVHD Umbilical<br />

cord transplants<br />

p. 58 p. 58<br />

11.00–11.45 11.00–11.45 11.00–11.45 11.00–11.45<br />

Educational 7 Educational 8 Educational 9 Workshop 8<br />

Algorithms in<br />

AML<br />

p. 59<br />

Aplastic<br />

anaemia<br />

p. 59<br />

Complications<br />

in children<br />

p. 59<br />

Solid<br />

tumours<br />

p. 60<br />

12.00–14.00<br />

Oral Session 17<br />

Chronic<br />

leukaemias<br />

Nurses<br />

p. 58<br />

Room J<br />

Level -1<br />

12.00–14.00<br />

Oral Session 18<br />

Paediatric<br />

diseases 2<br />

14.15–14.45<br />

Awards &<br />

Closing<br />

p. 68<br />

Room F<br />

Level -1<br />

12.00–14.00<br />

Oral Session 19<br />

Stem cell<br />

source and<br />

biology<br />

Room A<br />

Level -1<br />

12.00–14.00<br />

Oral Session 20<br />

Donor issues<br />

p. 61 p. 62 p. 63 p. 64

Room B<br />

Level -1<br />

Room H<br />

Level -1<br />

09.00–10.20<br />

Critical care<br />

issues<br />

p. 121<br />

11.00–11.45 11.00–11.45<br />

Workshop 9<br />

11.00–12.30<br />

Supportive<br />

Workshop 7<br />

SCT in STI era<br />

care 2<br />

Gene therapy<br />

p. 60 Medical<br />

update<br />

p. 60<br />

12.00–13.00 Awards & 12.00–14.00 12.00–13.30<br />

Oral Session 21a<br />

Closing<br />

p. 121 Oral Session 22 Oral Session 23<br />

Supportive Care<br />

GvHD 2 / Minimal<br />

p. 65<br />

13.00–14.00<br />

Oral Session 21b<br />

Regulatory<br />

Tolerance &<br />

rejection<br />

residual disease/<br />

Graft versus<br />

malignancy 2<br />

p. 68<br />

issues<br />

p. 66<br />

p. 67<br />

Advance Notice<br />

Wednesday, March 31, 2004<br />

Room D1<br />

Level -1<br />

Room D4<br />

Level -1<br />

08<br />

09<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

31 st Annual Meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation<br />

21 st Meeting of the EBMT Nurses Group<br />

4 th Meeting of the EBMT Data Management Group<br />

Prague, Czech Republic, March 20–23, 2005<br />


CME Accreditation at EBMT 2004<br />

We are pleased to inform you that the participants of EBMT 2004 are eligible to<br />

receive Continuing Medical Education (CME) credit points from the European<br />

Hematology Association – European Council for Accreditation in Hematology<br />

(EHA-ECAH).<br />

CME accreditation for haematologists is one of the pilot accreditation activities initiated by EHA in<br />

association with the European School of Hematology and eighteen other haematology organisations<br />

throughout Europe. EHA-ECAH is partly funded by the European Commission-Leonardo da Vinci<br />

Programme. European haematologists are increasingly required to provide proof that they are<br />

continuing to update their knowledge and skills through participation in CME activities. They are also<br />

highly motivated to do so; over 5000 European haematologists have already opened an on-line CME<br />

account. EHA-ECAH facilitates identification and registration of CME activities which have been<br />

submitted to a peer-review accreditation process and responds to pre-established quality standards.<br />

CME accreditation is now a permanent feature of EBMT annual meetings and physicians attending<br />

EBMT 2004 are eligible to receive one CME credit point for every hour of accredited scientific<br />

programme. CME points will be awarded for the following sessions at EBMT 2004:<br />

• Presidential symposium: 1.5 points<br />

• Plenary sessions: 1.5 points per session<br />

• Educational sessions: 0.75 points per session<br />

• Workshop sessions: 0.75 points per session<br />

• Working Party sessions: 2 points per session<br />

• Meet the expert sessions: 0.75 points<br />

• Joint sessions: 1.5 points<br />

• Oral sessions: 1 or 2 points per session<br />

In 2004 EHA-ECAH has initiated a new pilot activity for the accreditation of corporate symposia.<br />

EBMT is the first society to participate in the pilot scheme, which is designed to measure the interest<br />

and feasibility of extending accreditation to corporate symposia. Symposia organised at the 9 th EHA<br />

congress (Geneva, June 10–13, 2004) will also be eligible for accreditation. The results of this initial<br />

pilot phase will be evaluated with all partners after the 9 th EHA congress.<br />

F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Miltenyi Biotec GmbH, Pfizer Inc. and Pierre Fabre Médicament have<br />

participated in the pilot project and have successfully been awarded CME accreditation (under certain<br />

conditions) for the symposium they will host at EBMT 2004. Information on the CME points awarded<br />

for these sessions and any relevant commercial disclosure information is included together with the<br />

symposium programmes.<br />

How to claim your CME points<br />

EHA will be present at EBMT 2004 and will be happy to open CME credit point accounts for delegates<br />

at the meeting. You will subsequently receive an ECAH username and password by email in order to<br />

have your own personal CME overview.<br />

In the congress bag you will find a CME attendance card and EBMT 2004 evaluation form for the<br />

main scientific sessions. Separate evaluation forms will be distributed at corporate symposia<br />

accredited for CME. Once you have participated in all the sessions you plan to attend, you should<br />

take the attendance card and completed evaluation form(s) to the EHA booth (located near the<br />

secretariat) in order to claim your CME points and certificate of attendance.<br />

Further information on EHA-ECAH is available at info@ecah.org and www.ehaweb.org.<br />


Scientific Programme Sunday, March 28, 2004<br />

Satellite symposium<br />

11:00 – 13:00 Important new evidence to overcome the burden<br />

of fungal infections in BMT patients with caspofungin<br />

Chairs: G. Maschmeyer (Berlin, D), R. Martino (Barcelona, E)<br />

Welcome/Opening remarks<br />

S1 Changing epidemiology and challenges of fungal infections in BMT patients<br />

N. Milpied (Nantes, F)<br />

S2 Experience with caspofungin: results from a case-documentation study of<br />

118 patients<br />

A. Glasmacher (Bonn, D)<br />

S3 Clinical experience and treatment study results with caspofungin<br />

R. Martino (Barcelona, E)<br />

S4 New advances in the empirical treatment of febrile neutropenic patients<br />

G. Maschmeyer (Berlin, D)<br />

Panel discussion – Q&A<br />

Faculty<br />

Closing<br />

Satellite symposium organised by Merck, Sharp and Dohme<br />

Satellite symposium<br />

11:00 – 13:00 Novel strategies in graft engineering and cellular therapy<br />

Chair: A. Urbano-Ispizua (Barcelona, E)<br />

S5 Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation for autoimmune diseases<br />

R.K. Burt (Chicago, USA)<br />

S6 Adoptive immunotherapy with antigen specific T-cells<br />

M. Topp (Tuebingen, D)<br />

S7 Natural killer cells for the treatment of haematological malignancies<br />

J. Passweg (Basel, CH)<br />

S8 Allogeneic transplantation of engineered selected peripheral blood stem cells<br />

from haploidentical donors<br />

J. Greil (Tuebingen, D)<br />

S9 Bone marrow stem cells for cardiac repair<br />

M. Vanderheyden (Aalst, B)<br />

Satellite symposium organised by Miltenyi Biotec GmbH<br />

Room J<br />

Room H<br />

This symposium has been accredited under the EHA-ECAH pilot project and attending physicians are<br />

entitled to receive 2 CME credit points on completion of the evaluation form. See page 14 for details.<br />

Commercial affiliations<br />

There is no affiliation or significant relation between any member of the faculty and the organising company.<br />


Scientific Programme Sunday, March 28, 2004<br />

Satellite symposium<br />

13:30 – 15:30 First things first: managing serious fungal infections in the<br />

BMT patient<br />

Chairs: E.J. Bow (Winnipeg, CAN), C. Cordonnier (Creteil, F)<br />

13:30 S20 Welcome and opening remarks<br />

E.J. Bow (Winnipeg, CAN)<br />

13:35 S21 The importance of epidemiology in the diagnosis of invasive fungal infections<br />

J.P. Donnelly (Nijmegen, NL)<br />

14:00 S22 Strategies for early antifungal therapy in the BMT setting<br />

E.J. Bow (Winnipeg, CAN)<br />

14:25 S23 The threat from invasive aspergillosis in allogeneic stem cell transplant<br />

recipients<br />

P. Ribaud (Paris, F)<br />

14:50 S24 Combination antifungal therapy<br />

F. Menichetti (Pisa, I)<br />

15:15 Panel discussion<br />

15:25 S25 Concluding remarks<br />

C. Cordonnier (Creteil, F)<br />

Satellite symposium organised by Pfizer Inc.<br />

Room F<br />

This symposium has been accredited under the EHA-ECAH pilot project and attending physicians are<br />

entitled to receive 2 CME credit points on completion of the evaluation form. See page 14 for details.<br />

Commercial affiliations<br />

Name of speaker Affiliation<br />

E.J. Bow Research support, consultant, speaker, scientific advisory board<br />

J.P. Donnelly Research support, consultant, sc advisory board<br />

P. Ribaud Speakers’ bureau<br />

F. Menichetti Speakers’ bureau, scientific advisory board<br />

C. Cordonnier Other<br />


Sunday, March 28, 2004 Scientific Programme<br />

18<br />

Satellite symposium<br />

13:30 – 15:00 Valganciclovir for CMV prevention after stem cell<br />

transplantation<br />

Chairs: P. Reusser (Porrentruy, CH), G. Ehninger (Dresden, D)<br />

13:30 S10 Valganciclovir for CMV preemptive therapy early after SCT<br />

H. Einsele (Tuebingen, D)<br />

13:50 S11 Strategies for the prevention of late CMV infections after SCT<br />

M. Boeckh (Seattle, USA)<br />

14:10 S12 Proteomics for early prediction of GVHD and CMV infection<br />

E.M. Mischak-Weissinger (Hannover, D)<br />

14:30 S13 Use of antiviral agents against other herpesvirus infections after SCT<br />

P. Ljungman (Stockholm, S)<br />

14:50 Discussion<br />

Satellite symposium organised by Hoffmann-La Roche AG<br />

Satellite symposium<br />

13:30 – 15:00 Peripheral blood stem cell transplants<br />

Chair: J. Sierra (Barcelona, E)<br />

13:30 S14 Introduction<br />

J. Sierra (Barcelona, E)<br />

13:35 S15 Update of the EBMT/IBMTR PB versus BM transplant study<br />

C. Bredeson (Milwaukee, USA)<br />

13:55 S16 Does thymoglobuline prevent GvHD in allogeneic RIC PBSCT?<br />

D. Blaise (Marseille, F)<br />

14:15 S17 Low dose thymoglobuline in matched related PBSCT after myeloablative<br />

conditioning<br />

J. Russell (Calgary, CAN)<br />

14:35 S18 Peripheral blood stem cell transplant with thymoglobuline<br />

A. Bacigalupo (Genoa, I)<br />

14:55 S19 Discussion / conclusion<br />

J. Sierra (Barcelona, E)<br />

Satellite symposium organised by Genzyme – SangStat<br />

Room J<br />

Room H

Scientific Programme Sunday, March 28, 2004<br />

Satellite symposium<br />

16:00 – 18:00 Taking transplantation to a new level<br />

Chair: N. Schmitz (Hamburg, D)<br />

S27 Introduction: What is required to enhance the utility of transplantation<br />

and improve outcomes?<br />

N. Schmitz (Hamburg, D)<br />

S28 Eradication of minimal residual disease: purging and maintenance in<br />

follicular NHL<br />

R. Pettengell (London, UK)<br />

S29 Achieving long-term remission in mantle cell lymphoma<br />

R. Buckstein (Toronto, CAN)<br />

S30 Stem cell transplantation for chronic lymphocytic leukaemia<br />

E. Montserrat (Barcelona, E)<br />

S31 Expanding the curative potential of transplantation in aggressive NHL<br />

C. Haioun (Creteil, F)<br />

S32 Summary: Taking transplantation to a new level:<br />

how far have we come?<br />

N. Schmitz (Hamburg, D)<br />

Satellite symposium organised by F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.<br />

This symposium has been accredited under the EHA-ECAH pilot project and attending physicians are<br />

entitled to receive 2 CME credit points on completion of the evaluation form. See page 14 for details.<br />

Commercial affiliations<br />

Name of speaker Affiliation<br />

N. Schmitz None<br />

R. Pettengell Research support, speakers’ bureau<br />

R. Buckstein Research support<br />

E. Montserrat Research support, consultant, scientific advisory board<br />

C. Haioun None<br />

Auditorium<br />


Sunday, March 28, 2004 Scientific Programme<br />

20<br />

Satellite symposium<br />

16:00 – 18:00 From oral to I.V. busulfan: new perspectives in<br />

conditioning treatment<br />

Chair: A. Gratwohl (Basel, CH)<br />

S34 Introduction<br />

A. Gratwohl (Basel, CH)<br />

S35 Conditioning regimen for HSCT: What did we learn?<br />

D. Blaise (Marseille, F)<br />

S36 Pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics of oral busulfan-based conditioning<br />

regimen<br />

G. Vassal (Villejuif, F)<br />

S37 Busulfan pharmacokinetics: improvement of the therapeutic window by<br />

I.V. busulfan formulation<br />

C. Puozzo (Castres, F)<br />

S38 I.V. busulfan based conditioning regimen for HSCT:<br />

current experience in adults<br />

J.A. Russel (Calgary, CAN)<br />

S39 Does I.V. busulfan reduce the risk of VOD?<br />

E. Carreras (Barcelona, E)<br />

S40 Discussion<br />

A. Gratwohl (Basel, CH)<br />

Open discussion<br />

Satellite symposium organised by Pierre Fabre Médicament<br />

This symposium has been accredited under the EHA-ECAH pilot project and attending physicians are<br />

entitled to receive 2 CME credit points on completion of the evaluation form. See page 14 for details.<br />

Commercial affiliations<br />

Name of speaker Affiliation<br />

A. Gratwohl Travel support<br />

D. Blaise None<br />

G. Vassal Research support<br />

C. Puozzo Employee<br />

J.A. Russel Research support, speakers’ bureau<br />

E. Carreras None<br />

Room J

Scientific Programme Sunday, March 28, 2004<br />

Satellite symposium<br />

16:00 – 18:00 Antifungal therapy: from principles to daily clinical practice<br />

Chair: J.F. Tomas Martinez (Madrid, E)<br />

16:00 S41 Introduction<br />

J.F. Tomas Martinez (Madrid, E)<br />

16:10 S42 High-risk BMT prophylaxis<br />

F. Aversa (Perugia, I)<br />

16:35 S43 Empiric antifungal therapy for haematologic and BMT patients<br />

C. Cordonnier (Paris, F)<br />

17:00 S44 Current and future therapeutic strategies with liposomal amphotericin-B<br />

J. Gavalda (Barcelona, E)<br />

17:25 S45 Combination antifungal therapy: What for amphotericin-B<br />

G. Jackson (Newcastle, UK)<br />

17:50 S46 Closing remarks<br />

J.F. Tomas Martinez (Madrid, E)<br />

Satellite symposium organised by Gilead Sciences<br />

Satellite symposium<br />

16:00 – 17:00 Current trends for the treatment of hemoglobinopathies<br />

with focus on Thalassemia<br />

Chair: E. Gluckman (Paris, F)<br />

16:00 S47 Current results and perspectives of treatment of hemoglobinopathies<br />

E. Gluckman (Paris, F)<br />

16:20 S48 Long term follow-up for thalassemia and first report from the<br />

hemoglobinopathy registry<br />

E. Angelucci (Cagliari, I)<br />

16:40 S49 Allogeneic peripheral stem cell transplantation in beta – thalassemia<br />

K. Hossam (Cairo, EGY)<br />

Satellite symposium organised by Fresenius BioTech GmbH<br />

Room F<br />

Room A<br />


Sunday, March 28, 2004 Scientific Programme<br />

18:30 – 20:45 Opening session<br />

Chairs: J. Apperley (London, UK), J. Sierra (Barcelona, E)<br />

18:30 50 Welcome<br />

19:00 51 EBMT lecture<br />

22<br />

Congress President: J. Sierra (Barcelona, E)<br />

National and local committees<br />

President of the EBMT: J. Apperley (London, UK)<br />

President of the Nurses Group: M. Stephens (London, UK)<br />

Data Management Group: P. Ljungman (Huddinge, S)<br />

SCT for CML in the imatinib era<br />

J. Goldman (London, UK)<br />

19:30 52 Van Bekkum Award<br />

NOD2/CARD15 mutations of recipients and donors associate with GvHD and<br />

TRM following allogeneic stem cell transplantation – results in 2 independent<br />

cohorts of patients<br />

E. Holler, G. Rogler, J. Brenmoehl, A. Dickinson, G. Jackson, H. Greinix, G. Fischer,<br />

H. Herfarth, J. Hahn, G. Eissner, J. Schölmerich, R. Andreesen<br />

(Regensburg, D; Newcastle, UK; Vienna, A)<br />

19:50 Catalonia Philharmonic Orchestra and Puig-Reig Poliphonic chorus<br />

The Catalonia Philharmonic Orchestra is renowned for its innovative style and<br />

vanguard streak, whilst Puig-Reig Poliphonic started-out in the Catalonian<br />

folk circuit and now performs widely in the international arena.<br />

20:45 Welcome reception<br />

in the foyers of the Palau de Congressos de Catalunya<br />


Scientific Programme Monday, March 29, 2004<br />

Educational session 1<br />

08:00 – 08:45 Rational use of anti-fungal therapy<br />

Chair: H. Einsele (Tuebingen, D)<br />

53 Invasive aspergilosis<br />

D. Denning (Manchester, UK)<br />

54 Emerging fungal infections<br />

C. Cordonnier (Creteil, F)<br />

Educational session 2<br />

08:00 – 08:45 Transplant in relapsed lymphoma<br />

Chair: C. Gisselbrecht (Paris, F)<br />

55 Non-Hodgkin lymphoma<br />

C. Gisselbrecht (Paris, F)<br />

56 Hodgkin's disease – autologous<br />

A. Josting (Cologne, D)<br />

57 Hodgkin's disease – allogeneic<br />

A. Sureda (Barcelona, E)<br />

Educational session 3<br />

08:00 – 08:45 Prevention and treatment of acute GvHD<br />

Chair: A. Bacigalupo (Genoa, I)<br />

58 New pharmacological agents<br />

A. Bacigalupo (Genoa, I)<br />

Auditorium<br />

Room J<br />

Room D1<br />

59 Monoclonal and policlonal antibodies and blocking coestimulatory molecules<br />

A. Zander (Hamburg, D)<br />


Monday, March 29, 2004 Scientific Programme<br />

24<br />

Workshop 1<br />

08:00 – 08:45 Stem cell transplantation in autoimmune diseases<br />

Chair: A. Tyndall (Basel, CH)<br />

60 Current results and ongoing randomised trials<br />

A. Tyndall (Basel, CH)<br />

61 Advances in non-transplant treatment for autoimmune diseases<br />

D. Jayne (Cambridge, UK)<br />

Workshop 2<br />

08:00 – 08:45 Making decisions based on chimerism and MRD<br />

Chair: T. Lion (Vienna, A)<br />

62 MRD: Quantitative PCR<br />

J. Roman (Cordoba, E)<br />

63 Chimerism: New insights<br />

T. Lion (Vienna, A)<br />

Workshop 3<br />

08:00 – 08:45 Transplantation in ALL<br />

Chair: J.M. Ribera (Barcelona, E)<br />

S64 Transplants versus chemotherapy<br />

B. Labar (Zagreb, HR)<br />

S65 Post-transplant therapies: Maintenance, STI, McAb<br />

D. Hoelzer (Frankfurt, D)<br />

Room F<br />

Room A<br />

Room B

Scientific Programme Monday, March 29, 2004<br />

09:00 – 10:30 Presidential symposium<br />

Auditorium<br />

Chairs: J. Apperley (London, UK), J. Sierra (Barcelona, E)<br />

09:00 66 The VAV regulatory elements are functionally active in adult haematopoietic<br />

stem cells of the mouse<br />

E. Almarza, J. Segovia, G. Guenechea, S. G.Gomez, A. Ramirez, J. Bueren (Madrid, E)<br />

09:15 67 Prognostic value of pre-transplant host thymic function in allogeneic<br />

haematopoietic stem cell transplantation outcomes<br />

E. Clave, V. Rocha, K. Talvensaari, M. Busson, C. Douay, M. Appert, C. Rabian,<br />

M. Carmagnat, F. Garnier, A. Fillion, E. Gluckman, D. Charron, A. Toubert<br />

(Paris, F; Helsinki, FIN)<br />

09:30 68 Randomised controlled clinical trial of intracoronary autologous bone marrow<br />

cell transfer post-myocardial infarction<br />

B. Hertenstein, K.C. Wollert, G.P. Meyer, J. Lotz, S. Ringes-Lichtenberg,<br />

C. Breidenbach, P. Lippolt, L. Arseniev, T. Korte, B. Hornig, M. Galanski, A. Ganser,<br />

H. Drexler (Hannover, D)<br />

09:45 69 The impact of post-remission therapy on outcome of patients with poor risk<br />

MDS and secondary AML (sAML) treated with intensive chemotherapy with or<br />

without stem cell transplantation in a joint study<br />

T. de Witte, A. Hagemeijer, S. Suciu, A. Belhabri, M. Delforge, C. Aul, M. Aivado,<br />

D. Selleslag, H. Schouten, V. Runde, A. Ferrant, T. Kovacsovics, P. Muus, J. Jansen,<br />

F. Beeldens, A. Gratwohl, U. Hess, E. Helström-Lindberg, P. Wijermans,<br />

G. Ossenkoppele, J.P. Marie, R. Willemze, S. Amadori<br />

on behalf of the EORTC, EBMT, SAKK, HOVON and GIMEMA Leukemia Groups<br />

10:00 70 Transferring donor immunity to pathogens across HLA barriers<br />

K. Perruccio, A. Tosti, E. Burchielli, I. Volpi, F. Topini, M.F. Martelli, A. Velardi (Perugia, I)<br />

10:15 71 Adverse impact of FLT3 internal tandem duplication in patients with poor-risk<br />

acute myeloid leukaemia allocated to autologous transplantation<br />

S. Brunet, G. Perea, J. Esteve, J. Berlanga, P. Torres, M.P. Queipo de Llano, J. Bueno,<br />

J.M. Ribera, M. Tormo, A. Llorente, J. Bargay, R. Guardia, C. Pedro, J. Sanchez,<br />

P. Vivancos, J.M. Martí, L. Font, J.F. Nomdedéu, E. Montserrat, J. Sierra<br />

for the CETLAM Group, Spain<br />


Monday, March 29, 2004 Scientific Programme<br />

26<br />

Working party<br />

11:00 – 13:00 Acute leukaemia<br />

Chairs: M. Labopin (Paris, F), F. Frassoni (Genoa, I)<br />

Report of ALWP activity:<br />

72 Hematopoietic transplants in acute leukaemia in Europe<br />

M. Labopin (Paris, F), F. Frassoni (Genoa, I)<br />

73 Results of matched unrelated donor transplants in acute leukaemia<br />

N. Basara (Idar-Oberstein, D)<br />

74 Role of genetic factors in patients with leukaemia<br />

V. Rocha (Paris, F)<br />

75 Report of the Registration Study<br />

V. Rocha (Paris, F)<br />

Auditorium<br />

76 Prospective study of imatinib after stem cell transplantation in Ph + ALL<br />

O. Ottmann (Frankfurt, D)<br />

77 Results of haematopoietic transplants show similar results in Eastern versus<br />

Western Europe<br />

B. Labar (Zagreb, HR)<br />

78 Presentation of mesenchymal stem cell trial<br />

K. le Blanc, O. Ringden, W. Fibbe, F. Frassoni (Stockholm, S; Leiden, NL; Genoa, I)<br />

79 Prospective evaluation of early allogeneic transplantation in patients with<br />

high risk acute myeloid leukaemia defined by karyotype and response to first<br />

induction therapy treated in the multicenter aml HD98a treatment trial<br />

R.F. Schlenk, D. Bunjes, F. Hartmann, J.T. Fischer, F. del Valle, A. Glasmacher,<br />

H. Pralle, K. Götze, W. Grimminger, E. Koller, H.G. Mergenthaler, H. Salwender,<br />

H. Kirchen, J. Preiss, S. Kremers, F. Griesinger, C. Waterhouse, U. Germing,<br />

M. Hensel, K. Döhner, H. Döhner on behalf of the AMLSG ULM<br />

80 Syngeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in acute leukaemia.<br />

A report of the acute leukaemia working party of the EBMT<br />

L. Fouillard, M. Labopin, E. Gluckman, A. Gratwohl, V. Rocha, E. Polge, F. Frassoni<br />

on behalf of the acute leukemia working party EBMT<br />


Scientific Programme Monday, March 29, 2004<br />

Working party<br />

11:00 – 12:30 Autoimmune diseases<br />

Chairs: A. Tyndall (Basel, CH), A. Fassas (Thessalonika, GR)<br />

11:00 81 Summary of activities and current autoimmune disease therapy environment<br />

A. Tyndall (Basel, CH)<br />

11:15 82 Scleroderma and ASTIS<br />

D. Farge (Paris, F)<br />

11:30 83 Multiple sclerosis and ASTIMS<br />

R. Saccardi (Florence, I)<br />

11:45 84 Cytopenias<br />

J. Passweg (Basel, CH)<br />

12:00 85 Crohns disease<br />

C. Hawkey (Nottingham, UK)<br />

12:15 86 Allogeneic HSCT – indications and limitations<br />

A. Gratwohl (Basel, CH)<br />

Room F<br />


Monday, March 29, 2004 Scientific Programme<br />

28<br />

Working party<br />

11:00 – 13:00 Solid tumours<br />

Chairs: T. Demirer (Ankara, TR), J.P. Lotz (Paris, F)<br />

11:00 87 Introduction<br />

T. Demirer (Ankara, TR)<br />

11:05 88 Random-ICE trial – an update<br />

S. Leyvraz (Lausanne, CH)<br />

11:15 89 Phase-I allo-mini transplant study – an update<br />

D. Niederwieser (Leipzig, D)<br />

11:25 90 New trial: phase-II randomised study in renal cell cancer<br />

D. Blaise (Marseille, F)<br />

11:35 91 HIDOC intergroup trial – an update<br />

J. Ledermann (London, UK)<br />

11:45 92 STWP-01 (relapsed ovarian cancer trial) – an update<br />

T. Demirer (Ankara, TR)<br />

11:55 93 Pegase-III trial – an update<br />

P. Biron (Lyon, F)<br />

12:05 94 New trial: phase-III metastatic breast cancer in PR setting<br />

M. Aglietta (Turin, I)<br />

12:15 95 New trial: phase-III metastatic breast cancer in CR setting<br />

N. Ueno, M. Aglietta (Houston, USA; Turin, I)<br />

Mare Nostrum<br />

(Hotel Rey Juan Carlos)<br />

12:25 96 Non-myeloablative stem cell transplantation in metastatic renal cell cancer:<br />

delayed graft-versus-tumour effect is associated with conversion from mixed<br />

to full donor haematopoietic chimerism<br />

G. Massenkeil, J. Roigas, M. Nagy, C. Stroszczynski, A. Wille, M. Mapara, S. Loening,<br />

B. Dörken, R. Arnold (Berlin, D)<br />

12:40 97 Graft-versus-tumour effect following reduced-intensity allogeneic stem cell<br />

transplantation in renal cell cancer<br />

L. Barkholt, M. Bregni, J. Peccatori, P. Pedrazzoli, M. Remberger, O. Carminati,<br />

F. Ciceri, J. Siena, R. Martino, J. Sierra, M. Brunes, S. Lenhoff, P. Corradini,<br />

G. Rosti, T. Demirer, D. Niederwieser, O. Ringdén<br />

on behalf of the Solid Organ Tumour Working Party<br />


Scientific Programme Monday, March 29, 2004<br />

Senior patron symposium<br />

12:30 – 13:30 The evolving world of cellular support IX<br />

Chair: J. Apperley (London, UK)<br />

12:30 S98 Introduction<br />

J. Apperley (London, UK)<br />

12:35 S99 Full dose vs reduced-intensity conditioning for haematopoietic stem cell<br />

transplants: comparison of early outcomes<br />

J. Sierra (Barcelona, E)<br />

12:50 S100 Pegfilgrastim: the potential of the long acting G-CSF for stem cell mobilisation<br />

N. Russell (Nottingham, UK)<br />

13:05 S101 Mucosal damage: the burden on patients and the potential options for<br />

management<br />

N. Blijlevens (Nijmegen, NL)<br />

13:20 Questions and interactive discussion<br />

Senior patron symposium organised by Amgen (Europe) Ltd.<br />

12:30 – 13:20 Meet the experts<br />

Session 1: Stem cell plasticity<br />

Chair: W. Fibbe (Leiden, NL)<br />

Session 2: How to select the best unrelated donor for a patient<br />

Chair: E. Carreras (Barcelona, E)<br />

Session 3: Current indications of transplantation<br />

in paediatric patients<br />

Chair: D. Niethammer (Tuebingen, D)<br />

Session 4: Best conditions for transplantation in<br />

acute leukaemias<br />

Chair: C. Gorin (Paris, F)<br />

Session 5: The role of transplantation in acute<br />

promyelocytic leukaemia<br />

Chair: M.A. Sanz (Valencia, E)<br />

Room J<br />

Room A<br />

Room B<br />

Room D1<br />

Room E1<br />

Room E3<br />

For the “Meet the Experts“ Sessions the participants have to register the day before at the<br />

Secretariat. The number of participants are limited. “Tapas” and drinks will be served.<br />

Availability will be on a first come – first serve basis. Fee: € 10.–<br />


Monday, March 29, 2004 Scientific Programme<br />

30<br />

Oral session 1<br />

13:30 – 15:30 Lymphoma 1<br />

Auditorium<br />

Chairs: A. Sureda (Barcelona, E), N. Schmitz (Hamburg, D)<br />

13:30 O102 Rituximab versus nothing after high-dose consolidative first-line<br />

chemotherapy with autologous stem cell transplantation in poor risk<br />

diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Results of the first interim analysis of<br />

the randomised LNH98-B3 GELA study<br />

C. Haioun, N. Mounier, J-F. Emile, P. Feugier, B. Coiffier, H. Tilly, C. Recher, C. Fermé,<br />

J. Gabarre, R. Herbrecht, F. Morschhauser, C. Gisselbrecht (Créteil, Paris, Villejuif,<br />

Vandoeuvre les Nancy, Pierre Bénite, Rouen, Toulouse, Strasbourg, Lille, F)<br />

13:45 O103 Dose-escalated CHOP+ etoposide and repetitive autologous stem cell<br />

transplantation (Mega-CHOEP) in primary treatment of aggressive lymphoma:<br />

dose intensity counts<br />

B. Glass, M. Kloess, A. Engert, W. Berdel, B. Metzner, L. Trümper, M. Löffler,<br />

M. Pfreundschuh, N. Schmitz on behalf of DSHNHL<br />

14:00 O104 High-dose therapy improves survival in relapsed follicular NHL;<br />

data from the randomised CUP trial<br />

H. Schouten, W. Qian, S. Kvaloy, A. Porcellinin, H. Hagberg, H. Johnsen, J. Doorduijn,<br />

M. Sydes, G. Kvalheim (Maastricht, Rotterdam, NL; London, UK; Oslo, N; Noale, I;<br />

Uppsala, S; Copenhagen, DK)<br />

14:15 O105 Addition of rituximab to TBI/CY improves the outcome of first-line autologous<br />

stem cell transplantation for mantle cell lymphoma<br />

B. Seyfarth, V. Boehme, R. Stuhlmann, R. Sonnen, M. Kneba, N. Schmitz, P. Dreger<br />

(Hamburg, Kiel, D)<br />

14:30 O106 ASCT is not superior to conventional-dose, anthracyclin-based chemotherapy<br />

in peripheral T-cell lymphoma<br />

A. Gallamini, D. Mattei, C. Stelitano, M. Martelli, S. Cortellazzo, G. Todeschini,<br />

F. Zaja, L Rigacci, L. Devizzi, E. Brusamolino, M. Brugiatelli, M. Federico<br />

on behalf of the Intergruppo Italiano Linfomi (IIL)<br />

14:45 O107 Prognostic factors affecting long-term outcome in patients with Hodgkin<br />

lymphoma who relapse after autologous stem cell transplantation<br />

M. Constans, A. Sureda, R. Arranz, M.D. Caballero, J.J. Lahuerta, J. Hernández-Boluda,<br />

M. Vidal, J. García-Laraña, J. Rifón, J. Ribera, P. Fernández-Abellán, J. Moraleda,<br />

M. Bernal, M. Mateos, M. Martín-Mateos, R. Córdoba, J. García-Conde, J. Sierra,<br />

E. Conde on behalf of the Grupo Español de Linfomas/Trasplante Autólogo de Médula<br />

Osea (GEL/TAMO) Cooperative Group<br />

15:00 O108 High dose therapy and autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation<br />

as salvage treatment for HIV-associated lymphoma in patients on highly active<br />

antiretroviral therapy. A multicentre study<br />

A. Re, C. Cattaneo, M. Michieli, S. Casari, M. Spina, M. Rupolo, B. Allione, A. Nosari,<br />

C. Schiantarelli, M. Viganò, I. Izzi, P. Ferremi, A. Lanfranchi, M. Mazzuccato, G. Carosi,<br />

U. Tirelli, G. Rossi (Brescia, Aviano, Alessandria, Milan, Rome, I)<br />

15:15 O109 Phase II study on sequential therapy with rituximab and PBSCT in<br />

B lymphoproliferative disorders<br />

P. Mazza, A. Maggi, M. Specchia, G. Pricolo, L. Stani, A. Prudenzano, B. Amurri,<br />

G. Palazzo (Taranto, I)

Scientific Programme Monday, March 29, 2004<br />

Oral session 2<br />

13:30 – 15:30 Multiple myeloma<br />

Room J<br />

Chairs: A. Alegre (Madrid, E), B. Björkstrand (Stockholm, S)<br />

13:30 O110 Preliminary results of the IFM9903 and IFM9904 protocols comparing<br />

autologous followed by mini-allogeneic transplantation and double transplant<br />

in high-risk de novo multiple myeloma<br />

P. Moreau, F. Garban, T. Facon, C. Hulin, M. Attal, L. Benboubker, G. Marit,<br />

J.G. Fuzibet, C. Doyen, L. Voillat, C. Berthou, P. Casassus, M. Monconduit,<br />

M. Michallet, A. Najman, J.J. Sotto, J.L. Harousseau on behalf the IFM group<br />

13:45 O111 Long-term follow-up shows no clinical improvment for CD34+ selection of<br />

autologous transplant in patients with newly diagnosed myeloma despite<br />

purging efficacy: an EBMT phase III randomised study<br />

J.H. Bourhis on behalf of the CLWP Multiple Myeloma Subcomittee<br />

14:00 O112 Outcome after autologous transplantation in primary plasma cell leukaemia<br />

M. Drake, C. Morris, A. Hagman, T. Lopponen, B. Bjorkstrand, G. Gahrton, J. Apperley<br />

on behalf of the the Myeloma Subcommittee of the Chronic Leukaemias Working<br />

Party of the EBMT<br />

14:15 O113 Outcome of autologous transplantation in rare and common-type multiple<br />

myeloma<br />

C. Morris, M. Drake, A. Hagman, T. Lopponen, B. Bjorkstrand, G. Gahrton, J. Apperley<br />

on behalf of the the Myeloma Subcommittee of the Chronic Leukaemias Working<br />

Party of the EBMT<br />

14:30 O114 The combination of sRANKL/osteoprotegerin ratio, beta2-microglobulin and<br />

CRP predicts survival in patients with multiple myeloma post autologous stem<br />

cell transplantation<br />

E. Terpos, M. Politou, R. Szydlo, E. Nadal, S. Avery, E. Olavarria, E. Kanfer,<br />

J.M. Goldman, J.F. Apperley, A. Rahemtulla (London, UK)<br />

14:45 O115 Low-dose TBI-based non-myeloablative allografting in newly diagnosed<br />

multiple myeloma<br />

B. Bruno, F. Patriarca, M. Rotta, D. Maloney, N. Mordini, M. Casini, A. Rambaldi,<br />

F. Carnevale-Schianca, B. Allione, D. Soligo, P. Bavaro, P. De Fabritiis, L. Giaccone,<br />

G. Aitoro, P. Corradini, A. Busca, R. Fanin, A. Gallamini, P. Coser, A. Levis, M. Aglietta,<br />

E. Pogliani, M. Falda, M. Massaia, A. Palumbo, B. Sandmaier, R. Storb, M. Boccadoro<br />

on behalf of Gruppo Italiano Trapianto di Midollo Osseo<br />

15:00 O116 Changes in serum free light chain concentrations after high-dose melphalan<br />

and autologous stem cell transplant in myeloma patients<br />

G. Mead, A.R. Bradwell, R. Lovell, G. Pratt (Birmingham, UK)<br />

15:15 O117 Risk factors influencing outcome after melphalan/fludarabine dose-reduced<br />

allogeneic stem cell transplantation in patients with multiple myeloma<br />

N. Kröger, J. Perez-Simon, H. Myint, H. Klingemann, A. Shimoni, A. Nagler, R. Martino,<br />

A. Alegre, J. Tomas, R. Schwerdtfeger, M. Kiehl, A. Fauser, H. Sayer, A. Leon, J. Beyer,<br />

T. Zabelina, F. Ayuk, R. Brand, J. San Miguel, A. Zander (Hamburg, Wiesbaden,<br />

Idar-Oberstein, Jena, Marburg, D; Salamanca, Barcelona, Madrid, Jerez, E; Chicago, USA;<br />

Tel Hashomer, IL, Leiden, NL)<br />


Monday, March 29, 2004 Scientific Programme<br />

32<br />

Oral session 3<br />

13:30 – 15:30 Reduced intensity transplant 1<br />

Mare Nostrum<br />

(Hotel Rey Juan Carlos)<br />

Chairs: J.F. Tomas Martinez (Madrid, E), S. Slavin (Jerusalem, IL)<br />

13:30 O118 Comparison between anti-thymocyte globulin and alemtuzumab as part of the<br />

melphalan/fludarabine dose-reduced conditioning followed by HLA-matched<br />

and mismatched unrelated stem cell transplantation in patients with lymphoid<br />

malignancies<br />

N. Kröger, K. Thomson, T. Zabelina, K. Peggs, R. Chopra, A. Shimoni, A. Nagler,<br />

D. Milligan, C. Craddock, A. Parker, R. Schwerdtfeger, M. Kiehl, A. Fauser, H. Sayer,<br />

R. Chakraverty, J. Beyer, F. Ayuk, A. Zander, S. Mackinnon<br />

on behalf of the United Kingdom Collaborative Group for Non-Myeloablative<br />

Transplantation and German Cooperative Transplant Group<br />

13:45 O119 Effect of age and previous autologous transplantation on treatment-related<br />

mortality and graft-versus-host disease in 110 patients treated with reducedintensity<br />

conditioning and allografting for advanced haematological malignancies<br />

P. Corradini, F. Zallio, J. Mariotti, M. Bregni, F. Ciceri, A. Bacigalupo, A. Dodero,<br />

M. Lucesole, F. Patriarca, A. Rambaldi, R. Scimè, I. Majolino, G. Bandini, A.M. Gianni,<br />

C. Tarella, A. Olivieri (Milan, Genoa, Ancona, Udine, Bergamo, Palermo, Rome,<br />

Bologna, Turin, I)<br />

14:00 O120 Reduced-intensity conditioning allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell<br />

transplantation with or without alemtuzumab in acute myelogenous<br />

leukaemia and myelodysplastic syndromes: comparison between two<br />

prospective studies using fludarabine and oral busulphan<br />

R. Martino, A. Ho, J. Sierra, M.D. Caballero, J.A. Pérez-Simón, A. Pagliuca,<br />

S. Devereux, M. Kenyon, J. Besalduch, A. Urbano-Ispizua, G. Sanz, C. Solano,<br />

J.M. Moraleda, G. Mufti for the Spanish and King's College (UK) Miniallo Study Groups<br />

14:15 O121 Allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation after reduced-intensity<br />

conditioning regimen from Societé Française de Greffe de Moelle et de<br />

Therapie Cellulaire (SFGM-TC): study of pre-transplant and post-transplant<br />

factors on outcome<br />

M. Michallet, Q. Le, Z. Chir, K. Bilger, M. Attal, A. Huyn, D. Blaise, N. Milpied,<br />

P. Moreau, P. Bordigoni, M. Kuentz, A. Sadoun, J.Y. Cahn, G. Socie, S. Fürst,<br />

X. Thomas, A.S. Michallet, J.P. Jouet, J.M. Boiron (Lyon, Paris, Marseille,<br />

Toulouse, Nantes, Nancy, Créteil, Poitiers, Besançon, Lille, Bordeaux, F)<br />

14:30 O122 Intravenous busulfan versus melphalan-based reduced-intensity conditioning<br />

prior to allogeneic stem cell transplantation: lower TRM and a more favourable<br />

toxicity profile<br />

A. Shimoni, I. Hardan, M. Yeshurun, A. Avigdor, A. Papatryphonos, F. Tsolakis,<br />

A. Nagler (Tel-Hashomer, IL; Nicosia, Limassol, CY)<br />

14:45 O123 Role of ATG in fludarabine phosphate-based nonmyeloablative stem cell<br />

transplantation: a national dose-finding study<br />

D. Bron, P. Zachee, J. Maertens, K. Theunissen, A. Ferrant, P. Martiat, C. Doyen,<br />

L. Noens, W. Schroyens, D. Selleslag, H. Demuynck, R. Schots, A. De Meuter,<br />

M. Boogaerts on behalf of the Belgian Hematological Society<br />

continued on page 33

Scientific Programme Monday, March 29, 2004<br />

13:30 – 15:30 Reduced intensity transplant 1 (continued)<br />

15:00 O124 Comparison of reduced-intensity conditioning regimen to conventional<br />

conditioning regimen in allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation<br />

for acute myeloid leukaemia<br />

L. Fouillard, M. Labopin, V. Rocha, J.M. Boiron, N. Gorin, E. Polge, F. Frassoni<br />

on behalf of the acute leukemia working party of the EBMT<br />

15:15 O125 Allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation after reduced-intensity<br />

conditioning in refractory or relapsed Hodgkin lymphoma<br />

I. Alvarez, A. Sureda, D. Caballero, A. Urbano, J. Ribera, M. Canales,<br />

J. Hernández-Boluda, R. Arranz, T. Bernal, J. de la Serna, J.L. Diez, J. Moraleda,<br />

D. Rubio-Félix, J. Sierra (Barcelona, Salamanca, Badalona, Madrid, Valencia, Oviedo,<br />

Murcia, Zaragoza, E)<br />

Oral session 4<br />

13:30 – 15:30 Stem cell research / Non-haematopoietic tissue repair<br />

Chairs: F. Pròsper (Pamplona, E), W. Fibbe (Leiden, NL)<br />

13:30 O126 Increased engraftment after transplantation of CD34+ cells derived from two<br />

unrelated umbilical cord blood units<br />

A.J. Nauta, A.B. Kruisselbrink, W.A. Noort, R. Willemze, W.E. Fibbe (Leiden, NL)<br />

13:45 O127 Repopulating haematopoietic stem cells show broad organ distribution after<br />

bone marrow transplantation in a competitive mouse BMT model<br />

R. Bistrian, Z. Fehervizyova, B. Rüster, R. Henschler (Frankfurt, D)<br />

14:00 O128 Relevance of haematopoietic progenitors' mobilisation in the generation of<br />

hepatocytes expressing bone marrow-derived markers<br />

O. Quintana-Bustamante, A. Alvarez-Barrientos, I. Fabregat, J.A. Bueren, J.C. Segovia<br />

(Madrid, E)<br />

14:15 O129 Haematopoietic stem cell properties of Fanconi’s anaemia (subtype A)<br />

knock-out mice<br />

J.C. Segovia, P. Rio, S. Navarro, A. Jacome, J.A. Casado, J.A. Bueren (Madrid, E)<br />

14:30 O130 Mesenchymal stem cells inhibit immune responses by arresting T-cell<br />

proliferation in the G1 phase of the cell cycle<br />

S. Glennie, I. Soeiro, E. Lam, F. Dazzi (London, UK)<br />

Room F<br />

14:45 O131 Mesenchymal stem cells are present in peripheral blood and can engraft after<br />

allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation<br />

E.M. Villarón, J. Almeida, N. López, M. Alcoceba, M.D. Caballero, J.A. Perez-Simon,<br />

L.I. Sanchez-Abarca, F.M. Sanchez-Guijo, J.F. San Miguel, M.C. Del Cañizo<br />

(Salamanca, E)<br />

15:00 O132 Human umbilical cord blood-derived stem/progenitor cells for cardiac tissue<br />

repair<br />

A. Nagler, F. Grynspan, T. Peled, J. Mandel, E. Guetta, R. Holbova, M. Feinberg, I. Bar,<br />

H. Galski, J. Leor (Tel-Hashomer, Jerusalem, IL)<br />

15:15 O133 Chimeric status of buccal epithelium after human haematopoietic stem cell<br />

transplantation<br />

A. Spyidonidis, M. Waterhouse, R. Zeiser, P. Faber, M. Follo, K. Grüllich, H. Bertz,<br />

J. Finke (Freiburg, D)<br />


Monday, March 29, 2004 Scientific Programme<br />

34<br />

Oral session 5<br />

13:30 – 15:30 Graft versus malignancy 1<br />

Room A<br />

Chairs: A. Figuera (Madrid, E), A. Torres (Cordoba, E)<br />

13:30 O134 KIR-ligand disparities are associated with a decreased risk of relapse after<br />

allogeneic stem cell transplantation for myeloid leukaemia<br />

D.W. Beelen, H. Ottinger, S. Ferencik, A.H. Elmaagacli, R. Peceny, H. Grosse-Wilde<br />

(Essen, D)<br />

13:45 O135 KIR ligand incompatibility has no signifcant influence on outcome after<br />

allogeneic haematopoietic cell transplantation from unrelated donors<br />

M. Bornhäuser, H. Martin, R. Schwerdtfeger, C. Theuser, K.H. Frank, G. Ehninger<br />

(Dresden, Wiesbaden, D)<br />

14:00 O136 In vitro generation of tumour-specific T-cell lines depleted of alloantigenreactive<br />

T-cells for transfer to renal-cell carcinoma patients undergoing<br />

allogeneic blood stem cell transplantation<br />

T.C. Wehler, B. Brandt, M. Nonn, R.G. Meyer, E. Schnürer, C. Wölfel, U. Hartwig,<br />

C. Huber, W. Herr (Mainz, D)<br />

14:15 O137 Indentification of a novel lymphoid-restricted minor histocompatibility antigen<br />

encoded by a gene on a 3.6 Mb region on chromosome 17p13.2<br />

H. Dolstra, B. de Rijke, A. Zoetbrood, F. Maas, P. Martin, B. Otterud, M. Leppert,<br />

T. de Witte, E. van de Wiel-van Kemenade (Nijmegen, NL; Seattle, Salt Lake City, USA)<br />

14:30 O138 Donor antigen-presenting cells regulate graft-versus-leukaemia effects after<br />

allogeneic transplantation<br />

E. Waller, J. Li, S. Lonial (Atlanta, USA)<br />

14:45 O139 NK cell conditioning to T-cell replete mismatched BMT monfers immediate<br />

responsiveness to infectious challenge<br />

L. Ruggeri, K. Perruccio, C. Montagnoli, L. Romani, A. Velardi (Perugia, I)<br />

15:00 O140 Graft rejection and leukaemia relapse after haploidentical stem cell<br />

transplantation in adult patients with high-risk haematological diseases<br />

L. Uharek, U. Hilbers, G. Hartung, T. Lange, M. Uhrberg, J. Hasenkamp, B. Glass,<br />

D. Niederwieser (Leipzig, Duesseldorf, Goettingen, D)<br />

15:15 O141 Mass spectrometry identification of renal-cell carcinoma antigens recognised<br />

by allogeneic CD8+ cytotoxic T-lymphocyte clones from HLA-class I-matched<br />

healthy donors<br />

A. Dörrschuck, A. Schmidt, E. Schnürer, C. Wölfel, V. Lennerz, M. Glückmann,<br />

C. Albrecht, C. Huber, M. Karas, T. Wölfel, W. Herr (Mainz, Frankfurt, Darmstadt, D)

Scientific Programme Monday, March 29, 2004<br />

Oral session 6<br />

13:30 – 15:30 Cytokines / Gene therapy<br />

Chairs: M. Cavazzana-Calvo (Paris, F), J. Bueren (Madrid, E)<br />

13:30 O142 Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in RAG immunodeficient mice:<br />

effect of Interleukin-7 treatment on increasing MHC incompatibility<br />

I. André-Schmutz, D. Bonhomme, F. Yates, M. Malassis, F. Seltz, A. Fischer,<br />

M. Cavazzana-Calvo (Paris, F)<br />

13:45 O143 Influence of IL-18 on T- and NK-cells during allogeneic activation.<br />

Relevance in aGVHD modulation<br />

A. Paiva, R. Silva, A. Freitas, C. Teodósio, A. Orfão, F. Regateiro (Coimbra, Salamanca, P)<br />

14:00 O144 Small interfering RNAs (siRNA) directed against wt1 gene induce apoptosis<br />

and inhibit in vitro growth of leukaemia cells and acts additive with Bcr-Abl<br />

siRNA<br />

A.H. Elmaagacli, M. Koldehoff, R. Peceny, H. Ottinger, D.W. Beelen, B. Opalka (Essen, D)<br />

14:15 O145 Lentiviral and retroviral gene therapy in a murine model of RAG-1 deficient<br />

severe combined immunodeficiency<br />

F. Yates, C. Lagresle, M. Malassis-Séris, E. Morillon, C. Hue, D. Stockholm, O. Danos,<br />

F. Rieux-Laucat, J.P. de Villartay, A. Fischer, M. Cavazzana-Calvo (Paris, Evry, F)<br />

14:30 O146 Kinetics of lentiviral vector integration sites in human NOD/SCID<br />

repopulating cells<br />

G. Guenechea, S. Laufs, A. Gonzalez-Murillo, K. Z. Nagy, M. L. Lozano, J. A. Bueren,<br />

S. Fruehauf (Madrid, E; Heidelberg, D)<br />

14:45 O147 Redirection of CMV-specific T-cells towards anti-leukaemic reactivity using<br />

T-cell receptor gene transfer<br />

M.H.M. Heemskerk, M. Hoogeboom, R. Hagedoorn, R. Willemze, J.H.F. Falkenburg<br />

(Leiden, NL)<br />

15:00 O148 Similar functional and phenotypic variations in human T-cells subjected to<br />

retroviral-mediated gene transfer and ex vivo expansion<br />

M. Lamana, A. Balas, J. Vicario, J. Bueren (Madrid, E)<br />

15:15 O149 Lentiviral vector and suicide gene systems for T-cell therapies<br />

W. Qasim, I. Chatziandreou, A. Thrasher, H. Gaspar (London, UK)<br />

Room B<br />


Monday, March 29, 2004 Scientific Programme<br />

36<br />

Oral session 7<br />

13:30 – 15:30 Infectious diseases 1 – viral<br />

Room H<br />

Chairs: M. Rovira (Barcelona, E), H. Einsele (Tuebingen, D)<br />

13:30 O150 Which children die from overwhelming adenoviral infection following<br />

haematopoietic stem cell transplantation?<br />

B. Kampmann, D. Cubitt, P. Naik, M. Depala, A. Hassan, K. Rao, H. Gaspar, G. Davies,<br />

A. Jones, C. Cale, K. Gilmour, P. Amrolia, M. Real, M. Foo, N. Bennet-Rees, N. Hewitt,<br />

P. Veys (London, UK)<br />

13:45 O151 Identification of HLA-class II-restricted T-cell epitopes of adenovirus serotype 5<br />

L.M. Haveman, M. Bierings, E. Legger, M.R. Klein, W. de Jager, A. Sette, S. Albani,<br />

B.J. Prakken (Utrecht, NL; San Diego, USA)<br />

14:00 O152 PCR-guided modulation of immunesuppression allows to manage EBV<br />

reactivation in allogeneic SCT without immunotherapy<br />

S. Cesaro, A. Murrone, C. Mengoli, M. Pillon, E. Calore, G. Tridello, S. Varotto, G. Palù,<br />

C. Messina (Padua, I)<br />

14:15 O153 Decrease of the EBV viral load under antiviral treatment after allogeneic<br />

haematopoietic stem cell transplantation<br />

S. Maury, K. Gourlain, C. Besson, C. Pautas, B. Pellegrin, M. Kuentz, D. Challine,<br />

J.M. Pawlotsky, C. Cordonnier (Creteil, Paris, F)<br />

14:30 O154 CMV-seropositive recipients of CMV-seronegative allografts do not mount a<br />

pp65-antigen specific T-cell response during the first year post-transplant and<br />

are at very high risk for CMV-viraemia and disease<br />

S. Ganepola, U. Hilbers, G. Hartung, T. Lange, U.G. Liebert, J. Hofmann,<br />

D. Niederwieser, L. Uharek (Leipzig, D)<br />

14:45 O155 Viral load as risk factor for development of CMV disease after allogeneic stem<br />

cell transplantation<br />

P. Ljungman, J. Jonsson, E. Sparrelid, J. Aschan, L. Barkholt, K. Larsson,<br />

I. Lewensohn-Fuchs, J. Winiarski, Z. Yun, O. Ringdén (Huddinge, S)<br />

15:00 O156 Prospective comparison of PCR-based versus late mRNA-based preemptive<br />

antiviral therapy for HCMV infection in patients after allogeneic stem cell<br />

transplantation<br />

H. Hebart, P. Ljungman, C. Paya, T. Klingebiel, J. Loeffler, I. Lewensohn-Fuchs,<br />

L. Lunenberg, B. Top, R. Razonable, R. Patel, M. Litzow, G. Jahn, H. Einsele<br />

(Tuebingen, D; Huddinge, S; Rochester, USA; Boxtel, NL)<br />

15:15 O157 PCR-screening for viral infections during allogeneic SCT: clinical benefit and<br />

economic considerations<br />

S. Matthes-Martin, T. Lion, A. Lawitschka, B. Keck, S. Karlhuber, C. Peters, H. Gadner<br />

(Vienna, A)

Scientific Programme Monday, March 29, 2004<br />

Oral session 8a<br />

13:30 – 14:30 Autoimmune diseases<br />

Chairs: R. Saccardi (Florence, I), I. Espigado (Sevilla, E)<br />

13:30 O158 Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation for severe systemic sclerosis:<br />

the European experience<br />

D. Farge, J. van Laar, A. Tyndall on behalf of the Scleroderma Study Group/Working<br />

Party Autoimmune Diseases<br />

13:45 O159 Immunoablation followed by stem cell rescue in refractory multiple sclerosis:<br />

long-term follow-up of MRI and quality of life<br />

R. Saccardi, G.L. Mancardi, P. Di Bartolomeo, A. Donelli, M. Filippi, F. Gualandi,<br />

G. La Nasa, A. Murialdo, F. Pagliai, F. Papineschi, G. Saglio, A. Solari, A. Marmont<br />

(Florence, Genoa, Pescara, Modena, Milan, Cagliari, Pisa, Orbassano, I)<br />

14:00 O160 Impact of cellular therapies on autoreactive, long-lived plasma cells in<br />

autoimmune diseases<br />

F. Hiepe, R. A. Manz, B. F. Hoyer, A. Thiel, T. Alexander, G. Massenkeil,<br />

G. R. Burmester, R. Arnold, A. Radbruch (Berlin, D)<br />

14:15 O161 Autologous stem cell transplantation for severe juvenile idiopathic arthritis:<br />

a multicentre survey<br />

N. Wulffraat, I. de Kleer, D. Brinkman, A. Ferster, L. Wedderburn, G. Horneff, P. Veys,<br />

R. Bredius, A. Prieur, M. Abinun, F. Zintl, R. Ten Cate, W. Kuis (Utrecht, Leiden, NL;<br />

Brussels, B; London, Newcastle, UK; Halle, Jena, D; Paris, F)<br />

Oral session 8b<br />

14:30 – 15:30 Aplastic anaemia<br />

Room D1<br />

Room D1<br />

Chairs: P. Marin (Barcelona, E), J. Marsh (London, UK)<br />

14:30 O162 Evidence for the polymorphism VNDR 1349 (CA) 12 of IFN-gamma as a factor<br />

associated with susceptibility to acquired aplastic anaemia<br />

C. Dufour, L. Giordani, J. Svahn, M. Capasso, A. Marrone, P. Di Michele, R. Haupt,<br />

A. Bacigalupo, C. Pongiglione, D. Longoni, M. Calvillo, A. Locasciulli, U. Ramenghi,<br />

M. Pillon, G. Menna, A. Iori, M. Lanciotti, A. Iolascon on behalf of the AIEOP AA Study Group<br />

14:45 O163 Horse ATG (ATGAM) versus rabbit ATG (Fresenius) for treatment of aplastic<br />

anaemia in children: results of prospective double-blind randomised<br />

single-centre trial<br />

M.A. Maschan, G. Novichkova, D.D. Baidildina, E.V. Suntzova, E.G. Kravchenko,<br />

O.V. Goronkova, L.I. Zharikova, M.M. Schneider, N.Y. Bogatcheva, A.A. Maschan<br />

(Moscow, RUS)<br />

15:00 O164 How can we quantify the risk of squamous cell cancer (SCC) and death in<br />

transplanted versus non-transplanted patients with Fanconi's Anaemia<br />

G. Socie, P. Rosenberg, E. Gluckman, B. Alter (Paris, F; Rockville, USA)<br />

15:15 O165 Integral management of Fanconi's anaemia patients in Spain<br />

J.A. Bueren, J. Surrallés, J.A. Casado, E. Callen, A.A. Jacome, J.C. Segovia,<br />

J.C. Segovia, S. Navarro, J. Sevilla, A. Cantalejo, E. Cela, G. Garrido, A. Villegas,<br />

C. Benavente, J. Cervera, A. Muñóz, M.P. Martinez-Badas, M. Tapias, J. Sánchez-<br />

Calero, A. Rodriguez Villa, T. Ferro, M. Talavera, I. Badell, J. Estella, A. Dasí,<br />

J.J. Ortega, L. Madero on behalf of the Spanish Network on Fanconi Anemia<br />


Monday, March 29, 2004 Scientific Programme<br />

38<br />

Working party<br />

16:00 – 18:00 Chronic leukaemia<br />

Chairs: D. Niederwieser (Leipzig, D), P. Corradini (Milan, I)<br />

16:00 166 Activities of the CLWP<br />

D. Niederwieser (Leipzig, D)<br />

16:10 167 DMSO toxicity<br />

C. Morris (Belfast, UK)<br />

16:20 168 Phase III trial of DLI versus imatinib followed by DLI for CML relapse patients<br />

C. Guglielmi (Rome, I)<br />

16:30 169 Plasma cell leukaemia<br />

M. Drake (Belfast, UK)<br />

16:40 170 A phase II-III, randomised, multicentre, clinical trial comparing thalidomide<br />

+ dexamethasone versus thalidomide + dexamethasone + bortezomib for<br />

myeloma patients relapsing after autologous transplant<br />

L. Garderet (Paris, F)<br />

16:50 171 A phase II study comparing non-myeloablative allogeneic haematopoietic<br />

stem cell transplantation following autologous transplantation to autologous<br />

transplantation alone in multiple myeloma (NMAM2000)<br />

B. Björkstrand (Huddinge, S)<br />

16:55 172 Stem cell transplantation in MDS: improvement over time<br />

T. de Witte (Nijmegen, NL)<br />

173 A prospective 2 x 2 randomised study evaluating the role of remission<br />

induction and consolidation chemotherapy prior to allogeneic stem cell<br />

transplantation and mobilised peripheral blood stem cells versus bone<br />

marrow stem cells using HLA-identical sibling donors in patients with<br />

myelodysplastic syndromes and

Scientific Programme Monday, March 29, 2004<br />

17:40 – 18:00 Chronic leukaemia (continued)<br />

178 Registry overview and EBMT CLL Autotransplant Protocol<br />

M. Michallet (Lyon, F)<br />

179 Prolymphocytic leukaemia<br />

W. Wiktor-Jedrzejczak (Warsaw, PL)<br />

180 Purging for autotransplant<br />

L. Fouillard (Paris, F)<br />

181 The impact of non-myeloablative conditioning on the outcome of allogeneic<br />

stem cell transplantation for chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: a retrospective<br />

study by the EBMT CLWP<br />

P. Dreger, A. van Biezen, R. Brand, J. Esteve, R. Martino, G. Lambertenghi Deliliers,<br />

J. Hansz, J. Finke, E. Kimby, D. Milligan, M. Michallet, D. Niederwieser<br />

on behalf of the Chronic Leukemia Working Party<br />

181a Prospective EBMT study of RICT<br />

P. Dreger (Hamburg, D)<br />

Working party<br />

16:00 – 18:00 Paediatric diseases<br />

Chairs: G. Dini (Genoa, I), D. Niethammer (Tuebingen, D)<br />

182 How to improve data transfer from National Registries to EBMT Registry<br />

J. Cornish, J. Ortega, T. Klingebiel, A. Pession, C. Ruiz (Bristol, London, UK;<br />

Barcelona, E; Frankfurt, D; Bologna, I)<br />

183 The Haemoglobinopathies Registry<br />

E. Angelucci (Cagliari, I)<br />

184 Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in children with juvenile<br />

myelomonocytic leukaemia: results of the EWOG-MDS trial<br />

F. Locatelli, P. Noellke, M. Zecca, L. Korthhof, L. Korthhof, E. Lanino, C. Peters,<br />

A. Pession, H. Kabish, C. Uderzo, C.S. Bonfim, P. Bader, D. Dilloo, J. Stary, A. Fischer,<br />

T. Revesz, B. Strahm, U. Duffner, C. Niemeyer on behalf of EWOG-MDS<br />

185 Quality of life in children undergoing mini-transplants:<br />

proposal for a cooperative study<br />

A. Lawitshka, A.M. Faraci (Vienna, A; Genoa, I)<br />

186 The Registration Study<br />

G. Dini, J. Cornish, T. Klingebiel, J. Ortega, F. Locatelli, E. Gluckman, M. Labopin<br />

(Genoa, Pavia, I; Bristol, UK; Frankfurt, D; Barcelona, E; Paris, F)<br />

18:00 – 19:00 Physicians poster presentation (P407–P668)<br />

(please refer to pages 69–89 for details)<br />

Abstract<br />

Room J<br />

Level -1<br />


Monday, March 29, 2004 Scientific Programme<br />

40<br />

Working party<br />

16:00 – 18:00 Aplastic anaemia<br />

Chairs: H. Schrezenmeier (Ulm, D), J. Passweg (Basel, CH)<br />

187 Working Party report: state of the registry, ongoing studies<br />

H. Schrezenmeier (Ulm, D)<br />

Clinical trials and prospective studies<br />

188 EBMT-G-CSF trial: ATG plus cyclosporin A with or without G-CSF: update<br />

A. Tichelli, J. Marsh, G. Socié, H. Schrezenmeier (Basel, CH; London, UK; Paris, F;<br />

Ulm, D)<br />

189 Fludarabine, cyclophosphamide and ATG for alternative donor transplants in<br />

aplastic anaemia: a report of the SAA Working Party<br />

A. Bacigalupo, F. Locatelli, G. Socié, G. Dini, A. Pession, A. Locasciulli, A. Prete,<br />

H. Schrezenmeier on behalf of Severe Aplastic Anemia Working Party of the<br />

European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, (SAA WP-EBMT)<br />

190 HLA-identical sibling transplantation with reduced intensity conditioning in<br />

elderly patients<br />

A. Bacigalupo, J. Marsh (Genoa, I; London, UK)<br />

Discussion of new proposals for refractory aplastic anemia, relapsed aplastic<br />

anemia, non-severe aplastic anemia<br />

Working Party Registry and retrospective studies<br />

191 Late clonal complications after stem cell transplantation or<br />

immunosuppression for aplastic anaemia<br />

G. Socié, A. Tichelli (Paris, F; Basel, CH)<br />

192 Comparison of outcome after alternative donor transplantation or<br />

immunosuppression in patients failing to respond to ATG<br />

J. Passweg, E. Korthof, H. Schrezenmeier (Basel, CH; Leiden, NL; Ulm, D)<br />

193 Influence of previous immunosuppressive treatment on the outcome of<br />

matched unrelated donor stem cell transplantation for severe aplastic anaemia<br />

E. Korthof, M. Knoester, J. Passweg, H. Schrezenmeier (Leiden, NL; Basel, CH; Ulm, D)<br />

194 Autologous recovery after SCT for SAA: What is the outcome?<br />

S. McCann (Dublin, IRL)<br />

195 Allogeneic transplantation for PNH<br />

H. Schrezenmeier, G. Socié, A. Tichelli (Ulm, D; Paris, F; Basel, CH)<br />

Discussion of new proposals for retrospective studies<br />

18:00 – 19:00 Physicians poster presentation (P407–P668)<br />

(please refer to pages 69–89 for details)<br />

Abstract<br />

Mare Nostrum<br />

(Hotel Rey Juan Carlos)<br />

Level -1

Scientific Programme Tuesday, March 30, 2004<br />

Educational session 4<br />

08:00 – 08:45 HLA and clinical outcome<br />

Chair: A. Madrigal (London, UK)<br />

196 Clinical impact of molecular matching: the NMDP perspective<br />

C. Anasetti (Seattle, USA)<br />

197 Clinical impact of molecular matching: the European view<br />

A. Madrigal (London, UK)<br />

198 Minor histocompatibility antigens: current and future impact in stem cell<br />

transplantation<br />

E. Goulmy (Leiden, NL)<br />

Educational session 5<br />

08:00 – 08:45 Reduced intensity transplantation<br />

Chair: E. Montserrat (Barcelona, E)<br />

199 CLL and low grade lymphomas<br />

E. Montserrat (Barcelona, E)<br />

200 AML<br />

R. Martino (Barcelona, E)<br />

201 Multiple myeloma<br />

B. Bjorkstrand (Huddinge, S)<br />

Educational session 6<br />

08:00 – 08:45 Regenerative therapy with stem cells<br />

Chair: F. Pròsper (Pamplona, E)<br />

202 Stem cell plasticity<br />

F. Prosper (Pamplona, E)<br />

203 Cardiac repair<br />

C. Stamm (Rostock, D)<br />

204 Vascular regeneration<br />

T. Asahara (Kobe, J)<br />

Auditorium<br />

Room J<br />

Mare Nostrum<br />

(Hotel Rey Juan Carlos)<br />


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 Scientific Programme<br />

42<br />

Workshop 4<br />

08:00 – 08:45 Early diagnosis and pre-emptive therapy<br />

in infectious diseases<br />

Chair: P. Ljungman (Huddinge, S)<br />

205 Viral<br />

P. Ljungman (Huddinge, S)<br />

206 Fungal<br />

H. Einsele (Tuebingen, D)<br />

Workshop 5<br />

08:00 – 08:45 Tailoring the innoculum for allo-SCT<br />

Chair: J.M. Moraleda (Murcia, E)<br />

207 Stem cell dose: patient and donor issues<br />

V. Rocha (Paris, F)<br />

208 Mesenchymal cells: effects on engraftment and GvHD<br />

F. Frassoni (Genoa, I)<br />

Workshop 6<br />

08:00 – 08:45 Different strategies in antitumoral immunotherapy<br />

Chair: J. Apperley (London, UK)<br />

209 Donor lymphocyte infusions<br />

J. Apperley (London, UK)<br />

210 Gene modified cellular vaccines for haematological malignancies:<br />

current status<br />

M. Theobald (Mainz, D)<br />

Room F<br />

Room A<br />

Room B

Scientific Programme Tuesday, March 30, 2004<br />

Joint session Nurses / Physicians<br />

09:00 – 10:30 Critical care in transplantation ◆<br />

Chairs: J. Apperley (London, UK), M. Stephens (London, UK)<br />

The different points of view from a haematologist, an intensivist, a nurse and<br />

a family member<br />

09:00 211 Haematologist’s perspective<br />

H. Schouten (Maastricht, NL)<br />

09:20 212 Intensivist’s perspective<br />

E. Azoulay (Paris, F)<br />

09:40 213 Nurse’s perspective<br />

O. Power (Dublin, IRL)<br />

10:00 214 Family’s perspective<br />

B. Kay (Grantham, UK)<br />

Plenary session<br />

09:00 – 10:30 Stem cell sources for allotransplants<br />

Chairs: C. Gorin (Paris, F), A. Urbano-Ispizua (Barcelona, E)<br />

09:00 215 Marrow versus peripheral blood<br />

N. Schmitz (Hamburg, D)<br />

09:30 216 Cord blood versus marrow in children and adults<br />

E. Gluckman (Paris, F)<br />

10:00 217 T-cell depleted versus non T-cell depleted transplants<br />

J. Cornelissen (Rotterdam, NL)<br />

◆ Simultaneous translation into Spanish<br />

Auditorium<br />

Room J<br />


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 Scientific Programme<br />

44<br />

Working party<br />

11:00 – 13:00 Infectious diseases<br />

Chairs: C. Cordonnier (Creteil, F), P. Reusser (Porrentruy, CH)<br />

218 Reactivation of toxoplasmosis infection after allogeneic haematopoietic stem<br />

cell transplantation. A prospective study by the European Group for Blood and<br />

Marrow Transplantation Infectious Diseases Working Party<br />

R. Martino, S. Bretagne, H. Einsele, A.J. Ullmann, J. Maertens, R. Parody,<br />

C. Cordonnier for the Infectious Diseases Working Party of the EBMT<br />

219 CMV-retinitis after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation; the final report<br />

on a survey from the EMBT Working Party for Infectious Diseases<br />

K. Larsson, J. Maertens, J. Arvidson, G. Juliusson, H. Einsele, A.N. Békássy,<br />

A. Lindmark, G. Gentile, R. De la Camara, A. Dekker, A. Zander, G. Socié, M. Boeckh,<br />

P. Ljungman, C. Cordonnier on behalf of the Infectious Diseases Working Party<br />

220 Long-term follow-up of hepatitis C virus-infected patients after stem cell<br />

transplantation<br />

P. Ljungman, V. Gomez-Garcia de Soria, A. Ferrant, A. Locasciulli, I. Franklin,<br />

J. O'Riordan, M. Rovira, J. Rodrigues Fernandez, L. Perez-Bercoff, A. Gruber,<br />

A. Fassas, P. Shaw, M. Potter, A. Békássy, L. Brinch, H. Greinix<br />

on behalf of the Infectious Diseases and Late Effects Working Parties<br />

221 Management of febrile neutropenia in regards to fungal infection in stem cell<br />

transplant patients: a survey in the EBMT centres<br />

D. Engelhard, C. Cordonnier on behalf of the Infectious Diseases Working Party<br />

222 Results of a prospective study on central nervous system complications<br />

following BMT/SCT by the EBMT-IDWP<br />

A.J. Ullmann, J. Maertens, P. Ljungman, R. Martino, M. Faraci, P.J. Shaw,<br />

S. Cesaro, P. Mundhenk, E. Faber, K. Schäfer-Eckert, H. Einsele, A. Bosi,<br />

A. Locasciulli, M. Sanz, M. Rovira, A. Wahlin, C. Cordonnier, D. Engelhard<br />

on behalf of the Infectious Diseases Working Party<br />

223 Comparison between early and late immunisation with three doses of an<br />

heptavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in allogeneic stem cell<br />

transplant recipients (EBMT IDPW01 trial)<br />

C. Cordonnier, V. Chesnel, M. Labopin, P. Ribaud, A. Ullmann, K. Pauksen,<br />

T. Ruutu, H. Einsele, A. Locasciulli, A. Karadimitris, K. Yakouben,<br />

R. de la Camara, R. Martino, M. Rovira, P. Reusser, D. Engelhard, P. Ljungman<br />

on behalf of the Infectious Diseases Working Party<br />

224 Immunisation guidelines in stem cell transplant patients: an update<br />

P. Ljungman (Huddinge, S)<br />

Auditorium<br />

225 A survey on the use of caspofungin in combination with voriconazole,<br />

amphotericin B or ambisome in the treatment of invasive mycosis<br />

(aspergillosis) in paediatric patients who underwent high-dose chemotherapy<br />

or haematopoietic stem cell transplantation<br />

S. Cesaro (Padua, I)<br />

226 Validation of severity grades of infectious complications in allogeneic stem<br />

cell transplant with reduced-intensity conditioning regimens<br />

C. Cordonnier (Creteil, F)<br />

continued on page 45<br />


Scientific Programme Tuesday, March 30, 2004<br />

11:00 – 13:00 Infectious diseases (continued)<br />

227 Survey on the impact of prior invasive aspergillosis in allogeneic recipients<br />

conditioned with a reduced-intensity regimen<br />

R. Martino (Barcelona, E)<br />

228 Prospective study on candidemia in onco-haematology patients<br />

O. Cornely (Cologne, D), A. Ullmann (Mainz, D)<br />

Working party<br />

11:00 – 12:30 Lymphoma<br />

Chairs: C. Gisselbrecht (Paris, F), N. Schmitz (Hamburg, D)<br />

229 Facts and trends in transplantation for lymphoma<br />

N. Schmitz (Hamburg, D)<br />

230 Lymphoma transplants in children<br />

A. Claviez (Kiel, D)<br />

231 Transplantation in Hodgkin's disease: autotransplants (HD-R^2)<br />

A. Josting (Cologne, D)<br />

232 Transplantation in Hodgkin's disease: allotransplants (HD-R Allo)<br />

A. Sureda (Barcelona, E)<br />

233 Transplantation in mantle cell lymphoma and follicular lymphoma<br />

(The European MCL network)<br />

M. Dreyling (Munich, D)<br />

234 The CUP trial<br />

H. Schouten (Maastricht, NL)<br />

235 The EBMT LYM1 trial – an update<br />

R. Pettengell (London, UK)<br />

New projects – proposals and discussion<br />

12:00 – 13:00 How to get published<br />

Room A<br />

How do I prepare my article? How do I submit it? What the editors are looking<br />

for? What happens in peer review? What happens at the publishers?<br />

John Goldman, Editor of Bone Marrow Transplantation (BMT), together with Jason Wilde<br />

and Victoria Giblin from Nature Publishing Group will present the editorial and<br />

publishing perspectives, and answer delegates’ questions.<br />

12:00 – 13:30 European LeukemiaNet<br />

Open forum for presentation of the European haematopoetic stem cell<br />

transplantation platform<br />

D. Niederwieser (Leipzig, D)<br />

Room J<br />

Room F<br />


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 Scientific Programme<br />

46<br />

Working party<br />

11:00 – 13:00 Late effects<br />

Chairs: G. Socié (Paris, F), A. Tichelli (Basel, CH)<br />

11:00 236 Report from the chairman of the LE WP<br />

G. Socié (Paris, F)<br />

11:15 237 Cardio-pulmonary complications<br />

C. Uderzo (Monza, I)<br />

11:30 238 Late vascular complications: overview on the subject and study presentation<br />

D. Wojcik, A. Tichelli (Wroclaw, PL; Basel, CH)<br />

11:50 239 Quality of life in RIC versus myeloablative transplantation:<br />

overview on the subject and study<br />

J. Halter, J. Weis (Zurich, CH; Freiburg, D)<br />

12:10 240 Late effects in the IMUST study<br />

J. Hows (Bristol, UK)<br />

12:25 241 Bronchiolitis obliterans, BOS<br />

M. Arat (Ankara, TR)<br />

12:40 242 Rules on the LE-WP<br />

E. Kansu (Ankara, TR)<br />

12:55 243 Closing<br />

G. Socié (Paris, F)<br />

12:30 – 13:20 Meet the experts<br />

Session 6: Transplantation in myelodysplastic syndromes<br />

Chair: T. de Witte (Nijmegen, NL)<br />

Session 7: Transplantation in solid tumours<br />

Chair: G. Rosti (Ravenna, I)<br />

Session 8: Reduced-intensity conditioning transplants<br />

Chair: S. Slavin (Jerusalem, IL)<br />

Session 9: Haploidentical transplantation<br />

Chair: M. Martelli (Perugia, I)<br />

Session 10: New perspectives in umbilical cord transplantation<br />

Chair: M.N. Fernández (Madrid, E)<br />

Mare Nostrum<br />

(Hotel Rey Juan Carlos)<br />

Room B<br />

Room D1<br />

Room E1<br />

Room E5<br />

Room E3<br />

For the “Meet the Experts“ Sessions the participants have to register the day before at the<br />

Secretariat. The number of participants are limited. “Tapas” and drinks will be served.<br />

Availability will be on a first come – first serve basis. Fee: € 10.–

Scientific Programme Tuesday, March 30, 2004<br />

Oral session 9<br />

13:30 – 15:30 Acute leukaemia / Myelodysplastic syndromes<br />

Auditorium<br />

Chairs: S. Brunet (Barcelona, E), J. Cornelissen (Rotterdam, NL)<br />

13:30 O244 Unrelated donor haematopoietic stem cell transplantation with myeloablative<br />

preparative regimens for the treatment of de novo acute myelogenous<br />

leukaemia in patients older than 44 years<br />

M. de Lima, M. Labopin, V. Rocha, J. Finke, G. Ehninger, T. Ruutu, D. Bunjes, L. Kanz,<br />

A. Fauser, N. Gorin, F. Frassoni on behalf of the Acute Leukemia Working Party<br />

(ALWP) of the European Blood and Marrow Transplant (EBMT) Group<br />

13:45 O245 Intensification of the conditioning regimen for high-risk AML patients with<br />

188 Re-labeled anti-CD 66 monoclonal antibody: final results of a phase I-II study<br />

D. Bunjes, M. Wiesneth, I. Buchmann, S. Von Harsdorf, R. Schlenk, U. Seitz,<br />

J. Kotzerke, C. Duncker, M. Stefanic, W. Grimminger, D. Dohr, A. Buck, G. Glatting,<br />

M. Ringhoffer, T. Zenz, L. Bergmann, H. Döhner, S. Reske (Ulm, Mainz, Dresden,<br />

Frankfurt, D)<br />

14:00 O246 Allogeneic stem cell transplantation for patients with acute myeloid leukaemia<br />

or myelodysplastic syndrome having chromosome 5 and/or 7 abnormalities<br />

H.M. van der Straaten, A. van Biezen, R. Brand, A.V.M.B. Schattenberg, R.M. Egeler,<br />

R.M. Barge, J.J. Cornelissen, H.C. Schouten, G.J. Ossenkoppele, L.F. Verdonck<br />

on behalf of The Netherlands Stem Cell Transplant Registry<br />

14:15 O247 Prognosis of patients with core binding factor acute myeloid leukemia after<br />

relapse: Results of the original data based meta-analysis of the German<br />

AML-Intergroup<br />

R.F. Schlenk, J. Krauter, T. Büchner, C. Sauerland, R. Krahl, D. Niederwieser,<br />

G. Ehninger, M. Schaich, H. Döhner, A. Ganser on behalf of the German AML Intergroup<br />

14:30 O248 Immediate allogeneic haematopoietic cell transplantation during induction<br />

chemotherapy in high-risk acute myeloid leukaemia<br />

U. Platzbecker, C. Thiede, T. Illmer, M. Schaich, U. Schäkel, U. Schuler, A. Neubauer,<br />

G. Ehninger, M. Bornhäuser (Dresden, Marburg, D)<br />

14:45 O249 Feasibility and results of autologous stem cell transplant in de novo acute<br />

myeloid leukaemia in patients over 60 years old. Final results of the<br />

CETLAM99 protocol<br />

A. Oriol, J. Ribera, J. Esteve, R. Guardia, J. Bueno, S. Brunet, M. Tormo, A. Llorente,<br />

C. Pedro, J. Sanchez, L. Font, A. Novo, R. Vilà, A. Julià, E. Carreras, J. Sierra, E. Feliu,<br />

E. Montserrat on behalf of the CETLAM Cooperative Group<br />

15:00 O250 Myeloablative treosulfan as preparative regimen for allogeneic haematopoietic<br />

stem cell transplantation: a single-centre experience<br />

R. Trenschel, M. Ditschkowski, A. Elmaagacli, N. Steckel, M. Hlinka, R. Peceny,<br />

H. Ottinger, M. Koldehoff, H. Biersack, D.W. Beelen (Essen, D)<br />

15:15 O251 Low transplant related mortality following allogeneic peripheral stem cell<br />

transplantation with reduced-intensity conditioning regimen in myelodysplastic<br />

syndrome and acute myeloid leukaemia from MDS:<br />

a prospective study from GITMO<br />

E.P. Alessandrino, G. La Nasa, L. Malcovati, P. De Fabritiis, M. Bregni, P. Mazza, P. Di<br />

Bartolomeo, A. Locasciulli, R. Scimè, N. Mordini, A. Olivieri, G. Lambertenghi Deliliers,<br />

A. Bacigalupo on behalf of the GITMO (Gruppo Italiano Trapianti di Midollo Osseo)<br />


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 Scientific Programme<br />

48<br />

Oral session 10<br />

13:30 – 15:30 Lymphoma 2<br />

Chairs: J. García-Conde (Valencia, E), C. Gisselbrecht (Paris, F)<br />

13:30 O252 Graft-versus-lymphoma effect in peripheral T-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas<br />

after reduced-intensity conditioning followed by allogeneic transplantation<br />

P. Corradini, A. Dodero, F. Zallio, D. Caracciolo, M. Casini, M. Bregni, F. Narni,<br />

F. Patriarca, M. Boccadoro, A. Rambaldi, A.M. Gianni, C. Tarella<br />

(Milan, Turin, Bolzano, Modena, Udine, Bergamo, I)<br />

13:45 O253 Efficacy of autologous stem cell transplant in aids-related lymphoma patients<br />

J.L. Diez-Martin, P. Balsalobre, P. Miralles, A. Gomez-Pineda, R. Carrion, I. Buño,<br />

S. Resino, E. Conde, J.M. Ribera, D. Serrano, J. Berenguer<br />

on behalf of the Spanish cooperative groups GELTAMO and GESIDA<br />

14:00 O254 Single or tandem autologous stem cell transplantation for relapsed Hodgkin<br />

lymphoma according to prognostic factors at relapse<br />

P. Brice, F. Morschhauser, P. Feugier, P. Quittet, M. Divine, C. Sebban, C. Ferme,<br />

O. Casanovas, P. Colombat on behalf of the SFGM<br />

14:15 O255 Predictive value of gallium-67 scintigraphy in Hodgkin lymphoma patients<br />

undergoing haematopoietic stem cell transplantation<br />

I. García Escobar, J. Pérez Simón, P. Tamayo, J. Mateos, E. Pérez, D. Caballero,<br />

J. García-Talavera, J. San Miguel (Salamanca, E)<br />

14:30 O256 Allogeneic or autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation for<br />

non-Hodgkin lymphoma: status at transplantation and outcome<br />

A. Ferrant, E. Van Den Neste, L. Michaux, J. Durbecq, D. Latinne (Brussels, B)<br />

Room J<br />

14:45 O257 Comparison of outcome of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma versus peripheral<br />

T-cell lymphoma with high-dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell<br />

transplantation<br />

M.K. Angelopoulou, A. Nademanee, A. Dagis, A. Molina, H. Fung, P.M. Parker,<br />

M.R. O'Donnell, A. Stein, P. Falk, A. Krishnan, N. Kogut, R. Rodriguez, F. Sahebi,<br />

E.P. Smith, D. Snyder, R. Spielberger, J. Zain, L. Popplewell, D. Smith, S.J. Forman<br />

(Duarte, USA)<br />

15:00 O258 Poor mobilisation status: an independent prognostic factor to predict outcome<br />

in patients with malignant lymphomas<br />

V. Pavone, F. Gaudio, U. Vitolo, G. Console, A. Guarini, T. Perrone, A. Giordano,<br />

R. De Francesco, G. Loseto, P. Iacopino, E. Gallo, V. Liso (Bari, Turin, Reggio Calabria, I)<br />

15:15 O259 ESHAP + fixed dose G-CSF as autologous peripheral blood stem cell<br />

mobilisation regimen in patients with relapsed or refractory diffuse large cell<br />

and Hodgkin lymphoma: a single result of 100 patients<br />

S. Akhtar, A. El Weshi, M. Rahal, H. Humaidan, A. Tbakhi, I. Maghfoor (Riyadh, SA)

Scientific Programme Tuesday, March 30, 2004<br />

Oral session 11a<br />

13:30 – 14:30 Reduced intensity transplants 2<br />

Chairs: E. Conde (Santander, E), D. Caballero (Salamanca, E)<br />

13:30 O260 Reduced-intensity conditioning with thiotepa, fludarabine and melphalan for<br />

allogeneic transplantation in multiple myeloma<br />

I. Majolino, M. Gabriel Arana, M. Riccardi, A. Locasciulli, A. Bacigalupo,<br />

P. Di Bartolomeo, R. Scimè, A. Olivieri, F. Narni, P. De Fabritiis, P. Corradini<br />

on behalf of GITMO (Gruppo Italiano Trapianti di Midollo Osseo)<br />

13:45 O261 A comparison of non-myeloablative versus reduced conditioning for<br />

allogeneic stem cell transplantation<br />

O. Ringdén, K. Le Blanc, M. Uzunel, J. Mattsson, L. Barkholt, M. Remberger<br />

(Stockholm, S)<br />

14:00 O262 Radioimmunotherapy with Bismuth-213 as conditioning for non-myeloablative<br />

marrow transplantation: a dose de-escalation study<br />

W. A. Bethge, D.S. Wilbur, D. Hamlin, E.B. Santos, R. Storb, B.M. Sandmaier<br />

(Tuebingen, D; Seattle, USA)<br />

14:15 O263 High response rate to DLI based strategies for the treatment of refractory<br />

disease/relapse following allogeneic HSCT for lymphoproliferative disease<br />

N. Russell, J. Byrne, E. Das-Gupta, M. Gilyead, A. Haynes (Nottingham, UK)<br />

Oral session 11b<br />

14:30 – 15:30 Solid tumours<br />

Mare Nostrum<br />

(Hotel Rey Juan Carlos)<br />

Mare Nostrum<br />

(Hotel Rey Juan Carlos)<br />

Chairs: J. Perez Calvo (Pamplona, E), G. Rosti (Ravenna, I)<br />

14:30 O264 Bone marrow mammaglobin expression as a tool for assessing micrometastatic<br />

disease after reduced-intensity allografting for advanced breast cancer<br />

M. Bregni, J. Peccatori, F. Ciceri, M. Bernardi, A. Pescarollo, E. Guggiari, F. Lunghi,<br />

S. Deola, F. Re, M. Monari, B. Mazzi, K. Fleischhauer (Milan, I)<br />

14:42 O265 Early high-dose chemotherapy for adult patients with extragonadal nonseminomatous<br />

germ cell tumours of the mediastinum and retroperitoneum<br />

G. Rosti, G. Papiani, H. Wandt, S. Leyvraz, T. Demirer, U. De Giorgi<br />

on behalf of the EBMT Solid Tumours Working Party<br />

14:54 O266 High-dose chemotherapy with stem cell support in high-risk primary breast<br />

cancer. Effect on overall survival<br />

T. Palshof on behalf of the DBCG Transplant Group<br />

15:06 O267 Feasibility of high-dose paclitaxel in the conditioning regimen for autologous<br />

haematopoietic transplantation<br />

J. Perez-Calvo, O. Fernandez-Hidalgo, J.M. Aramendia, E. Salgado, J.M. Lopez-Picazo,<br />

J. Rebollo, J. Rifon, F. Prosper, E. Rocha, S. Martin-Algarra (Pamplona, E)<br />

15:18 O268 Long-term follow-up after high-dose chemotherapy for paediatric patients<br />

with extragonadal germ cell tumour<br />

U. De Giorgi, G. Rosti, S. Slavin, I. Yaniv, J.L. Harousseau, A. Tobler, R. Ladenstein,<br />

T. Demirer, G. Dini<br />

on behalf of the Solid Tumours & Paediatric Diseases Working Parties<br />


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 Scientific Programme<br />

50<br />

Oral session 12<br />

13:30 – 15:30 Infectious diseases 2<br />

Chairs: M.A. Sanz (Valencia, E), R. Martino (Barcelona, E)<br />

13:30 O269 Outcome of pneumonia and clinical impact of bronchoalveolar lavage in<br />

allogeneic stem cell transplanted patients<br />

J. Mattsson, A. Nordlander, P. Ljungman, O. Ringden (Stockholm, S)<br />

13:45 O270 Prospective evaluation of mucosal barrier injury following various<br />

myeloablative regimens<br />

N.M.A. Blijlevens, B. van'tLand, A.V.M.B. Schattenberg, J.P. Donnelly<br />

(Nijmegen, Wageningen, NL)<br />

14:00 O271 Advances in the treatment of patients with central nervous system<br />

aspergillosis<br />

E. Thiel, S. Schwartz, M. Ruhnke, P. Ribaud, L. Corey, T. Driscoll, O. Cornely,<br />

U. Schuler, B. Dodell, I. Lutsar, P. Troke (Berlin, Cologne, Dresden, D; Paris, F;<br />

Seattle, Durham, USA; Sandwich, UK)<br />

14:15 O272 Pharmacokinetics of oral valganciclovir versus IV ganciclovir for CMV<br />

pre-emptive therapy in SCT<br />

H. Einsele, P. Reusser, B. Hertenstein, M. Bornhäuser, N. Kröger, P. Kahls,<br />

Y. Chalandon, F. Rohde (Tuebingen, D; Basel, CH; Hannover, Dresden, Hamburg, D;<br />

Vienna, A; Geneva, CH; Grenzach-Wyhlen, D)<br />

14:30 O273 Cytomegalovirus-specific immune recovery following allogeneic HLA-identical<br />

sibling transplantation with anti-thymocyte globulin-based reduced-intensity<br />

preparative regimen<br />

M. Mohty, A.M Mohty, D. Blaise, C. Faucher, K. Bilger, J. Gastaut, D. Olive, B. Gaugler<br />

(Marseille, F)<br />

14:45 O274 Prophylactic use of ribavirin in combination with preemptive cidofovir<br />

treatment protects paediatric stem cell transplant recipients from lifethreatening<br />

adenovirus infection<br />

J. Greil, P. Bader, P. Lang, R. Beck, T. Bock, T. Feuchtinger, D. Niethammer<br />

(Tuebingen, D)<br />

Room F<br />

15:00 O275 Comparison of infectious morbidity after allogeneic T-cell depleted peripheral<br />

blood progenitor cell transplantation versus T-cell depleted bone marrow<br />

transplantation<br />

A.E.C. Broers, B. van der Holt, S. Haze, J.W. Gratama, E. Braakman, B. Lowenberg,<br />

J.J. Cornelissen (Rotterdam, NL)<br />

15:15 O276 Infections leading to death occurring later than 6 months after allogeneic<br />

stem cell transplantation<br />

A. Björklund, J. Aschan, P.-A. Broliden, C. Löfgren, O. Ringdén, J. Winiarski,<br />

P. Ljungman (Stockholm, S)

Scientific Programme Tuesday, March 30, 2004<br />

Oral session 13<br />

13:30 – 15:30 Graft versus host disease 1<br />

Chairs: R. Willemze (Leiden, NL), J.A. Perez Simon (Salamanca, E)<br />

13:30 O277 Tacrolimus instead of cyclosporin used for prophylaxis against graft-versushost<br />

disease improves outcome after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation<br />

from unrelated donors, but not from HLA-identical sibling donors<br />

M. Yanada, N. Emi, T. Naoe, Y. Atsuta, N. Hamajima, M. Tanimoto, S. Kato<br />

(Nagoya, Okayama, Isehara, J)<br />

13:45 O278 Thymoglobulin as part of conditioning in unrelated donor allogeneic stem cell<br />

transplantation. A dose-finding study<br />

M. Remberger, B.-M. Svahn, J. Mattsson, O. Ringdén (Stockholm, S)<br />

14:00 O279 Association of pharmacogenes polymorphisms with toxicities and GvHD after<br />

HLA identical sibling bone marrow transplantation<br />

V. Rocha, R. Porcher, A. Filion, H. Bittencourt, D. Zanette, G. Vilela, W. Silva-Jr,<br />

A. Devergie, H. Esperou, P. Ribaud, G. Socie, E. Gluckman, M.A. Zago<br />

(Paris, F; Ribeirao Preto, BR)<br />

14:15 O280 Proteomics in the clinical follow-up of patients after allogeneic stem cell<br />

transplantation<br />

E. Weissinger, T. Kaiser, A. Rank, H. Kamal, H. Mischak, H. Kolb, E. Holler, A. Ganser,<br />

B. Hertenstein (Hannover, Munich, Regensburg, D)<br />

14:30 O281 A GITMO randomised trial in steroid refractory acute graft-versus-host<br />

disease: 6 methylprednisolone with or without anti-thymocyte globulin<br />

M.T. van Lint, C. Uderzo, G. Milone, R. Scimè, S. Dallorso, A. Locasciulli, S. Guidi,<br />

S. Sica, L. Cudillo, F. Fagioli, C. Selleri, A.M. Raiola, A. Dominietto, A. Bacigalupo<br />

fot the GITMO, I<br />

14:45 O282 Keratinocyte growth factor ameliorates acute graft-versus-host disease in<br />

a novel non-myeloablative haploidentical transplantation model<br />

A. VanClee, E. Oving, H. Schouten, G. Bos (Maastricht, NL)<br />

15:00 O283 Leukotac ® (Anti-IL-2) as salvage treatment of steroid-refractory acute graftversus-host<br />

disease<br />

J.L. Piñana, D. Valcárcel, R. Martino, M.E. Moreno, P. García, I. Alvarez, A. Sureda,<br />

J. Briones, S. Brunet, J. Sierra (Barcelona, E)<br />

15:15 O284 Cyclosporine-A and mycophenolate mofetil versus cyclosporine-A and<br />

methotrexate for graft-versus-host disease prophylaxis after stem cell<br />

transplantation from HLA-identical siblings<br />

F. Neumann, T. Graef, C. Tapprich, M. Vaupel, U. Steidl, U. Germing, R. Fenk,<br />

R. Haas, G. Kobbe (Duesseldorf, D)<br />

Room A<br />


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 Scientific Programme<br />

52<br />

Oral session 14<br />

13:30 – 15:30 Paediatric diseases 1<br />

Chairs: G. Dini (Genoa, I), J.J. Ortega (Barcelona, E)<br />

13:30 O285 Megatherapy/SCT activity in paediatric solid tumours in Europe<br />

R. Ladenstein, U. Poetschger, O. Hartmann, H. Juergens, E. Koscielniak,<br />

S. Dallorso, F. Doz, T. Philip, G. Dini<br />

on behalf of the Paediatric Diseases Working Party Solid Tumours<br />

13:45 O286 Cummulative incidence of adenovirus infection in children following<br />

allogeneic stem cell transplantation according to donor type, graft<br />

manipulation and adenovirus specific T-cell reconstitution<br />

T. Feuchtinger, K. Hamprecht, H. Einsele, T. Bock, J. Luecke, F. Neuhäuser,<br />

M. Schumm, J. Greil, D. Niethammer, P. Lang (Tuebingen, D)<br />

Room B<br />

14:00 O287 HSCT activity in childhood: report from the EBMT Working Party on Paediatric<br />

Diseases<br />

G. Dini, C. Ruiz de Elvira on behalf of the PDs WP<br />

14:15 O288 Haploidentical transplantation – a single-centre experience<br />

J. Motwani, D. Chandra, S. Kirk, P.J Darbyshire, S.E Lawson (Birmingham, UK)<br />

14:30 O289 Unrelated transplants in Fanconi's anaemia using a fludarabine, low-dose<br />

busulfan, non-irradiation protocol (GEFA-protocol)<br />

W. Ebell, J. Kühl, S. Lehmann, J. Savina, J. Vormoor, H. Tönnies, D. Schindler,<br />

H. Neitzel (Berlin, Muenster, Wuerzburg, D)<br />

14:45 O290 Reduced-intensity conditioned bone marrow transplant in children with<br />

haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis<br />

N. Cooper, K. Rao, A. Hussan, G. Davies, D. Webb, P. Veys, P. Amrolia (London, UK)<br />

15:00 O291 Reduced-intensity conditioning in first and second allograft in children<br />

without immunodeficiency: experience of three British transplant centres<br />

C.P. Raghuram, R.F. Wynn, A. Will, T. Carr, P. Veys, D. Webb, P. Amrolia, K. Rao,<br />

S. Barber, J. Cornish, C. Steward, N. Goulden (Manchester, London, Bristol, UK)<br />

15:15 O292 Analysis of risk factors for the development of GvHD after allogeneic stem cell<br />

transplantation in children and adolescents<br />

C. Peters, S. Matthes-Martin, A. Lawitschka, G. Fritsch, T. Lion, A. Rosenmayr,<br />

P. Höcker, G. Fischer, H. Gadner (Vienna, A)

Scientific Programme Tuesday, March 30, 2004<br />

Oral session 15<br />

13:30 – 15:30 Graft engineering / Cellular therapy<br />

Chairs: E. Olavarria (London, UK), A. Iriondo (Santander, E)<br />

13:30 O293 Human bone marrow-derived CD3+CD8+TCR-/low T-lymphocytes facilitate<br />

engraftment of CD34+ cord blood progenitors in NOD/SCID mice<br />

S. Bridenbaugh, C.P. Kalberer, E. Bouliong, E. Chklovskaia, A. Gratwohl,<br />

A. Wodnar-Filipowicz (Basel, CH)<br />

13:45 O294 Intravenous infusion of apoptotic cells simultaneously with allogeneic<br />

haematopoietic graft alters anti-donor humoral immune response<br />

S. Perruche, F. Kleinclauss, M. de Carvalho Bittencourt, D. Paris, P. Tiberghien,<br />

P. Saas (Besançon, F)<br />

14:00 O295 Early chimerism status predicts engraftment after unrelated-donor umbilical<br />

cord blood transplantation<br />

F. Moscardó, L. Senent, D. Planelles, J. Cervera, S. Oltra, A. Valencia, C. Martín,<br />

M. Reig, C. Jiménez, I. Lorenzo, S. Cantero, M. Remigia, M. Marty, M. A. Sanz,<br />

G. Sanz (Valencia, E)<br />

14:15 O296 Stem cell factor for haematopoietic stem cell mobilisation:<br />

results of the randomised IFM 99-01 trial<br />

A. Huynh, P. Bourin, M. Attal<br />

on behalf of the Intergroupe Francophone du Myélome (IFM)<br />

Room D1<br />

14:30 O297 Human stromal cells engineered with interleukin-7 enhance the survival of<br />

naive T-lymphocytes<br />

M. Di Ianni, P. Sportoletti, B. Del Papa, M. De Ioanni, L. Moretti, T. Zei, F. Battelli,<br />

M. F. Martelli, A. Tabilio (Perugia, I)<br />

14:45 O298 G-CSF stimulated peripheral blood transplantation contains higher doses of<br />

lymphoid and CD16+ dendritic cells than bone marrow transplantation<br />

C. Talarn, A. Urbano-Ispizua, R. Martino, M. Aymerich, J. Petriz, F. Fernández-Avilés,<br />

C. Herrera, J.A. Pérez-Simón, M. Batlle, I. Sánchez-Abarca, A. Alegre, E. Carreras,<br />

A. Torres, J. Sierra, P. Marín, E. Montserrat (Barcelona, Córdoba, Salamanca,<br />

Badalona, Madrid, E)<br />

15:00 O299 Antithymocyte globulin Fresenius or SangStat (Genzyme) as part of the<br />

conditioning for unrelated donor HSCT: emerging differences in posttransplant<br />

immune reconstitution<br />

H. Baurmann, D. Judith, C. Zey, M. Schleuning, R. Schwerdtfeger (Wiesbaden, D)<br />

15:15 O300 In vitro separation of GVL effect and GVHR from anti-leukaemia CTL lines:<br />

a perspective for adoptive immunotherapy after allogeneic HSCT<br />

D. Montagna, F. Locatelli, L. Daudt, I. Turin, E. Montini, D. Lisini, M. Zecca, P. Cerutti,<br />

A. Moretta, P. Comoli, R. Maccario (Pavia, I)<br />


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 Scientific Programme<br />

54<br />

Oral session 16<br />

13:30 – 15:30 Late effects / Quality of life<br />

Room E3<br />

Chairs: J. Odriozola (Madrid, E), A. Tichelli (Basel, CH)<br />

13:30 O301 Late adverse effects of AML treatment in children – comparison of<br />

chemotherapy only and allogenic stem cell transplantation in first complete<br />

remission<br />

D. Reinhardt, A. Llort, A. Hunold, J.J. Ortega, U. Creutzig for the AML-BFM Study<br />

13:45 O302 Secondary malignancies in recipients of allogeneic stem cell transplantation<br />

for CML in chronic phase using HLA-identical sibling or HLA-compatible<br />

unrelated donors<br />

S. Avery, R. Szydlo, N. Salooja, E. Nadal, E. Olavarria, E. Kanfer, A. Rahemtulla,<br />

J. Goldman, J. Apperley (London, UK)<br />

14:00 O303 Underlying disease as a major risk factor for occurrence of avascular necrosis<br />

after allogeneic stem cell transplantation<br />

C. Schulte, D.W. Beelen (Essen, D)<br />

14:15 O304 BMT nephropathy after allogeneic SCT with an intensified conditioning<br />

regimen: diagnosis, clinical syndrome and management<br />

T. Zenz, I. Buchmann, D. Dohr, S. von Harsdorf, M. Ringhoffer, H. Döhner, S. Reske,<br />

D. Bunjes (Ulm, Mainz, Zurich, D)<br />

14:30 O305 Quality of life assessment in patients undergoing reduced-intensity<br />

conditioning allogeneic transplantation<br />

J.R. Gonzalez-Porras, J.M. Garcia-Cecilia, M. Salinero, M. Salinero, M.D. Caballero,<br />

M.C. Canizo, J.F. San Miguel (Salamanca, E)<br />

14:45 O306 Avascular necrosis after allogeneic SCT in childhood.<br />

Description of cases enrolled in a case-control study in Italy<br />

M. Faraci, R. Haupt, P. Padovani, E. Lanino, C. Favre, M. Nardi, M. Monconi,<br />

C. Messina, S. Varotto, A. Iori, R. Cerretti, P. Di Bartolomeo, M. Nuara, R. Rondelli,<br />

G. Dini, C. Uderzo on behalf of the AIEOP-SCT Group<br />

15:00 O307 EORTC questionnaire module for assessment of quality of life during and after<br />

high-dose treatment: update of the module development<br />

G. Velikova, J. Weis, M. Watson, P. Morris, M. Kopp, M. Hjermstad, O. Sezer<br />

on behalf of EORTC Quality of Life Group<br />

15:15 O308 Factors influencing long-term quality of life in patients after allogeneic stem<br />

cell transplantation. Results of a prospective study with 2-year follow-up<br />

D. Biener, P. Kalhs, A. Schulenburg, H. Scheuringer, H. Greinix (Vienna, A)

Scientific Programme Tuesday, March 30, 2004<br />

Joint session EBMT/WMDA<br />

16:00 – 17:30 Evaluation and care of the stem cell donor<br />

Chairs: J. Apperley (London, UK), G. Gahrton (Huddinge, S)<br />

16:00 309 The informed consent process<br />

T. Egeland (Oslo, N)<br />

16:20 310 Medical clearance for donation<br />

E. Merry (Paris, F)<br />

16:40 311 Adverse consequences of PBSC and BW donations<br />

P. Anderlini (Houston, USA)<br />

17:00 312 Quality of life issues in stem cell donations<br />

G. Switzer (Pittsburgh, USA)<br />

18:00 – 19:00 Physicians poster presentation (P669 – P927)<br />

(please refer to pages 90–109 for details)<br />

20:00 Gala dinner at Reials Drassanes de Barcelona<br />

(please refer to page 155 for details)<br />

Auditorium<br />

Level -1<br />


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 Scientific Programme<br />

56<br />

Working party<br />

16:00 – 17:30 Immunobiology<br />

Chairs: A. Madrigal (London, UK), H. Einsele (Tuebingen, D)<br />

16:00 313 AlloStem Report<br />

A. Madrigal (London, UK)<br />

16:10 314 Eurobank<br />

A. Dickinson (Newcastle, UK)<br />

16:20 315 Eurocord<br />

E. Gluckman (Paris, F)<br />

16:30 316 LMP-2a but not LMP-1 specific CD8+ T-cells can lyse efficiently<br />

NHL-lymphoma cells. Implication for the design of adoptive immunotherapy<br />

of relapsed EBV+ lymphomas after allogeneic SCT<br />

M.S. Topp, O. Beck, G. Rauser, G. Kuntz, H. Hummel, C. Neff, H. Einsele (Tuebingen, D)<br />

16:40 317 Effective recovery of functional CD4+ CMV-specific helper T-cells in the<br />

presence of CMV-specific CD8+ T-cells is pivotal for prevention of recurrent<br />

CMV reactivation following allogeneic stem cell transplantation<br />

J.W. Gratama, R.A. Brooimans, G.M. Niesters, P.C. Southwick, L.A. Sullivan,<br />

G.J.J. van Doornen, B. Löwenberg, J.J. Cornelissen (Rotterdam, NL; San Diego, USA)<br />

16:50 318 Decreased transplant related mortality and better survival in HLA matched<br />

(12/12 A, B, C, DRB1, DQB1, DPB1) unrelated bone marrow transplants<br />

A. Filion, P. Loiseau, V. Rocha, R. Tamouza, S. Chevret, M. Busson, H. Esperou,<br />

R. Traineau, E. Gluckman, D. Charron (Paris, F)<br />

17:00 319 NK cell conditioning to T-cell-replete mismatched bone marrow<br />

transplantation protects thymic structure and function<br />

E. Burchielli, L. Ruggeri, K. Hafen, K. Perruccio, G. Hollander, A. Velardi<br />

(Perugia, I; Basel, CH)<br />

17:10 320 Dual transplants of unrelated cord blood and highly purified CD34+ from<br />

a related voluntary donor in adults: updated results (Eurocord-III study)<br />

M.N. Fernández, C. Regidor, R. Cabrera, J.A. García-Marco, R. Forés, J. Gayoso,<br />

E. Ruiz, S. Gil, I. Sanjuán, A. Madrigal (Madrid, E; London, UK)<br />

17:20 General discussion<br />

18:00 – 19:00 Physicians poster presentation (P669 – P927)<br />

(please refer to pages 90–109 for details)<br />

20:00 Gala dinner at Reials Drassanes de Barcelona<br />

(please refer to page 155 for details)<br />

Abstract<br />

Room J<br />

Level -1

Scientific Programme Tuesday, March 30, 2004<br />

Working party<br />

16:00 – 18:00 Inborn errors<br />

Chairs: M. Cavazzana-Calvo (Paris, F), W. Friedrich (Ulm, D)<br />

16:00 321 Allogeneic transplantation in x-linked, childhood onset, cerebral<br />

adrenoleukodystrophy<br />

W. Ebell, J. Kühl, U. Sydow, G. Strauss, W. Köhler, M. Baumann, A. Weddige-<br />

Diedrichs, J. Frahm, H. Hunneman, E. Willichowski, J. Gärtner, G. Gaedicke<br />

(Berlin, Wermsdorf, Goettingen, D)<br />

16:15 322 Stable T-cell engraftment in Omenn-syndrome after HLA-identical stem cell<br />

transplantation without the use of conditioning<br />

M. Hoenig, A. Schulz, K. Schwarz, K.M. Debatin, W. Friedrich (Ulm, D)<br />

16:30 323 Allogeneic haemopoietic stem cell transplantation for Wiskott-Aldrich<br />

syndrome. The GETMON experience<br />

A. Munoz, T. Olive, M.S. Maldonado, A. Martinez, A. Sastre, J.J. Ortega<br />

on behalf of GETMON<br />

16:45 324 Variable mixed chimerism after stem cell transplantation for childhood onset<br />

cerebral adrenoleukodystrophy does not affect disease control<br />

K. Winship, R. Garland, S. Groves, P. Jardine, R. McCarter, N. Stoodley, J. Cornish,<br />

N. Goulden, A. Oakhill, D. Pamphilon, C. Steward (Bristol, UK)<br />

17:00 325 Successful bone marrow transplantation after low toxicity conditioning of<br />

high-risk adults with chronic granulomatous disease<br />

T. Güngör, R. Seger, A. Klink, J. Halter, U. Schanz (Zurich, CH)<br />

17:15 326 Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis including HLA-typing of embryos to<br />

enable HLA-identical cord blood transplantation in congenital anaemias and<br />

immunodefiency diseases<br />

H. Van de Velde, M. De Rijcke, R. Schots, K. De Hauwere, K. Sermon, W. Lissens,<br />

P. Devroey, A. Van Steirteghem, I. Liebaers (Brussels, B)<br />

17:30 327 Successful bone marrow transplantation for immunodeficiency, centromere<br />

instability and facial anomalies syndrome<br />

A.R. Gennery, A. Bhattacharya, M.A. Slatter, T.J. Flood, M. Abinun, G.J. Breese,<br />

A.J Cant (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK)<br />

17:45 328 Outcome of boost haemopoietic stem cell transplant for decrease in donor<br />

chimerism or graft dysfunction in primary immunodeficiency<br />

M.A. Slatter, A. Bhattacharya, M. Abinun, T.J. Flood, A.J. Cant, A.R. Gennery<br />

(Newcastle upon Tyne, UK)<br />

18:00 – 19:00 Physicians poster presentation (P669 – P927)<br />

(please refer to pages 90–109 for details)<br />

20:00 Gala dinner at Reials Drassanes de Barcelona<br />

(please refer to page 155 for details)<br />

Abstract<br />

Mare Nostrum<br />

(Hotel Rey Juan Carlos)<br />

Level -1<br />


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 Scientific Programme<br />

08:00 – 08:45 General Assembly<br />

58<br />

Chairs: J. Apperley (London, UK), A. Urbano-Ispizua (Barcelona, E),<br />

H. Schouten (Maastricht, NL), F. Mc Donald (Barcelona, E)<br />

329 Agenda:<br />

1. President's Report<br />

J. Apperley (London, UK)<br />

2. Secretariat's Report<br />

A. Urbano-Ispizua, F. Mc Donald (Barcelona, E)<br />

3. Treasurer's Report<br />

H. Schouten (Maastricht, NL)<br />

4. Registry Report<br />

P. Ljungman (Huddinge, S)<br />

5. EBMT Annual Meeting 2005<br />

V. Koza (Prague, CZ)<br />

Plenary session<br />

09:00 – 10:30 Biological aspects of GvHD<br />

Chairs: E. Carreras (Barcelona, E), E. Holler (Regensburg, D)<br />

09:00 330 Chemokines and GvHD<br />

K.R. Cooke (Ann Arbor, USA)<br />

09:30 331 Impact of genetic polymorphisms<br />

A. Dickinson (Newcaste upon Tyne, UK)<br />

10:00 332 Vascular endothelium as a target in chronic GvHD<br />

B. Biedermann (Basel, CH)<br />

Joint session EBMT / IBMTR<br />

09:00 – 10:30 Umbilical cord blood transplantation: current issues<br />

Chairs: J. Apperley (London, UK), O. Ringden (Stockholm, S)<br />

09:00 333 Umbilical cord blood transplants: IBMTR / New York Blood Centre<br />

M.J. Laughlin (Cleveland, USA)<br />

09:20 334 Umbilical cord blood transplants in adults: EBMT / Eurocord<br />

G. Sanz (Valencia, E)<br />

09:40 335 Cord blood banking: potentials and regulatory aspects<br />

E.J. Shpall (Houston, USA)<br />

10:00 336 Unrelated transplants: is there a need for cord blood?<br />

A. Bacigalupo (Genoa, I)<br />

Auditorium<br />

Auditorium<br />

Room J

Scientific Programme Wednesday, March 31, 2004<br />

Educational session 7<br />

11:00 – 11:45 Transplant algorithms in AML<br />

Chair: J. Sierra (Barcelona, E)<br />

337 The MRC perspective<br />

A. Goldstone (London, UK)<br />

338 The EORTC / Gimema proposal<br />

S. Amadori (Rome, I)<br />

339 A German approach<br />

T. Büchner (Muenster, D)<br />

Educational session 8<br />

11:00 – 11:45 Aplastic anaemia<br />

Chair: H. Schrezenmeier (Ulm, D)<br />

340 Treatment of refractory or relapsed aplastic anaemia<br />

J. Passweg (Basel, CH)<br />

341 Role of stem cell transplantation for PNH<br />

H. Schrezenmeier (Ulm, D)<br />

Educational session 9<br />

11:00 – 11:45 Late complications in children<br />

Chair: G. Socié (Paris, F)<br />

342 Non-malignant<br />

G. Dini (Genoa, I)<br />

343 Malignant<br />

G. Socié (Paris, F)<br />

Auditorium<br />

Room J<br />

Room F<br />


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 Scientific Programme<br />

60<br />

Workshop 7<br />

11:00 – 11:45 Gene therapy<br />

Chair: M. Cavazzana-Calvo (Paris, F)<br />

344 Haematopoietic cell disorders<br />

J. Bueren (Madrid, E)<br />

345 Immunodeficiencies<br />

M. Cavazzana-Calvo (Paris, F)<br />

Workshop 8<br />

11:00 – 11:45 Transplantation in solid tumours<br />

Chair: T. Demirer (Ankara, TR)<br />

346 Current indications for autologous transplants<br />

T. Demirer (Ankara, TR)<br />

347 Use of reduced intensity regimens in allotransplants<br />

D. Niederwieser (Leipzig, D)<br />

Workshop 9<br />

11:00 – 11:45 Upfront transplantation for CML in the STI era<br />

Chair: A. Gratwohl (Basel, CH)<br />

348 Pros<br />

A. Gratwohl (Basel, CH)<br />

349 Cons<br />

S. O'Brien (Newcastle, UK)<br />

Room D1<br />

Room A<br />

Room B

Scientific Programme Wednesday, March 31, 2004<br />

Oral session 17<br />

12:00 – 14:00 Chronic leukaemias<br />

Chairs: M. Michallet (Lyon, F), A. Grañena (Barcelona, E)<br />

12:00 O350 Reduced risk of molecular and haematological relapse in patients with CML<br />

after KIR-mismatched haematopoietic stem cell transplantation<br />

A.H. Elmaagacli, H. Ottinger, M. Koldehoff, R. Peceny, R. Trenschel, D.W. Beelen<br />

(Essen, D)<br />

12:15 O351 Imatinib restores plasmacytoid dendritic cell function in chronic myeloid<br />

leukaemia patients<br />

M. Mohty, E. Jourdan, N. Ben Mami, N. Vey, G. Damaj, D. Blaise, D. Isnardon,<br />

D. Olive, B. Gaugler (Marseille, Nimes, F)<br />

12:30 O352 Pre-treatment with glivec increases transplant-related mortality after<br />

allogeneic transplant<br />

A. Zander, T. Zabelina, H. Renges, H. Schieder, A. Kratochwille, N. Fehse,<br />

C. Wolschke, H. Kabisch, N. Stute, F. Ayuk, N. Kroeger (Hamburg, D)<br />

Auditorium<br />

12:45 O353 Allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation – EBMT risk score<br />

evaluation for 1084 CML patients transplanted in Brazil<br />

C.A. De Souza, M.A. Ruiz, A.C. Vigorito, F.J.P. Aranha, R. Zulli, E.C.M. Miranda,<br />

F.L. Dulley, D. Tabak, A.M. Azevedo, R. Byington, W.M. Azevedo, L. Silla, A. Maiolino,<br />

M. Nucci, J.C. Voltarelli, V. Colturato, M.P. De Souza, R. Pasquini (Campinas, São José<br />

do Rio Preto, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Ribeirão Preto, Jaú, BR)<br />

13:00 O354 A risk factor approach for selecting patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia<br />

for allogeneic SCT: a model based on the EBMT score applied to the Spanish<br />

Registry<br />

J.F. Tomas, V. Gomez, E. Carreras, A. Iriondo, A. Torres, G. Sanz, A. Sureda,<br />

R. Cabrera, R. Parody, C. Cañizo, J.M. Moraleda, J. de la Serna, J. Diez-Martin,<br />

C. Boque (Madrid, E)<br />

13:15 O355 In vitro purging for autologous stem cell transplantation in chronic<br />

lymphocytic leukaemia. Preliminary results<br />

L. Fouillard, A. Van-Biezen, M. Michallet, D. Milligan, P. Corradini, D. Niederwieser<br />

on behalf of the chronic leukaemia working party of the EBMT<br />

13:30 O356 Relapse of chronic myeloid leukaemia after allogeneic stem cell<br />

transplantation: outcome and prognostic factors<br />

C. Martínez, V. Gómez-García de Soria, J.F. Tomás, R. Parody, A. Sureda, G. Sanz,<br />

C. Cañizo, J.L. Díez, C. Boqué on behalf of the CML Subcommittee of the Spanish<br />

Group for Hematopoietic Transplantation (GETH)<br />

13:45 O357 The influence of ATG source on the outcome after unrelated transplants for<br />

chronic phase CML – a single-centre experience<br />

M. Schleuning, J. Kaltenhäuser, M. Heshmat, H. Baurmann, R. Schwerdtfeger<br />

(Wiesbaden, D)<br />


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 Scientific Programme<br />

62<br />

Oral session 18<br />

12:00 – 14:00 Paediatric diseases 2<br />

Chairs: J. Cornish (Bristol, UK), I. Badell (Barcelona, E)<br />

12:00 O358 Two allele HLA mismatches neither increase the incidence of severe GvHD nor<br />

graft failure in the unrelated HCT setting in children<br />

K. Kalwak, J. Toporski, E. Gorczyñska, D. Turkiewicz, M. Slociak, D. Wojcik,<br />

M. Ussowicz, A. Chybicka (Wroclaw, PL)<br />

12:15 O359 10 years of a paediatric stem cell transplant registry: the UK experience<br />

J. Cornish, H. Hawkins, R. Thorne, P. Veys on behalf of the United Kingdom Children's<br />

Cancer Study Group Paediatric BMT Group<br />

12:30 O360 Clinical relevance of serial quantitative analysis of haematopoietic chimerism<br />

after allogeneic stem cell transplantation in children for severe aplastic<br />

anaemia<br />

P. Bader, W. Hoelle, H. Kreyenberg, P. Lang, B. Gruhn, M. Führer, D. Niethammer,<br />

T. Klingebiel, J.F. Beck (Tuebingen, Jena, Munich, Frankfurt, Greifswald, D)<br />

12:45 O361 Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients with haemophagocytic<br />

lymphohistiocytosis – a retrospective analysis by the AIEOP-BMT Group<br />

S. Cesaro, R. Rondelli, F. Locatelli, M. Pillon, F. Porta, W. Arcese, C. Messina, G. Dini,<br />

M. Caniglia, M. Rabusin, V. Poggi, A. Pession, M. Aricò, C. Uderzo (Padua, Bologna,<br />

Pavia, Brescia, Rome, Genoa, Trieste, Naples, Palermo, Monza, I)<br />

13:00 O362 Allogeneic stem cell transplantation for B-thalassaemia major<br />

(single-centre experience in 10 years)<br />

M. Ramzi, H. Noorani, M. Zakernia (Shiraz, IR)<br />

Room J<br />

13:15 O363 Unrelated bone marrow transplantation for thalassaemia:<br />

a single-centre experience<br />

M.C. Addari, M.G. Orofino, M.A. Sanna, A. Piroddi, G.F. Rizzo, M. Badiali, F. Argiolu<br />

(Cagliari, I)<br />

13:30 O364 Use of amifostine as a chemoprotectant during high-dose chemotherapy plus<br />

autologous blood stem transplantation for children and adolescents with solid<br />

tumours<br />

E. Kabickova, D. Sumerauer, M. Chanova, J. Prausova, P. Kobylka, V. Smelhaus,<br />

J. Koutecky (Prague, CZ)<br />

13:45 O365 Results of Nb 97 SFOP Protocol in children > 1 year with a stage 4<br />

neuroblastoma<br />

D. Valteau-Couanet, J. Michon, Y. Perel, C. Bergeron, H. Rubie, C. Coze, C. Rodary,<br />

O. Hartmann on behalf of the SFOP Neuroblastoma Group

Scientific Programme Wednesday, March 31, 2004<br />

Oral session 19<br />

12:00 – 14:00 Stem cell source and biology<br />

Room F<br />

Chairs: T. Ruutu (Helsinki, FIN), M.N. Fernández (Madrid, E)<br />

12:00 O366 Prognostic factors of outcome after standardised, unrelated donor umbilical<br />

cord blood transplantation in adults with haematologic malignancies<br />

G. Sanz, C. Jimenez, I. Lorenzo, F. Moscardo, L. Senent, D. Planelles, L. Larrea,<br />

P. Montesinos, S. Cantero, M. Remigia, J. Sanz, N. Puig, J. Martinez, G. Martin,<br />

I. Jarque, J. de la Rubia, M. Soler, M. Marty, M. Sanz (Valencia, E)<br />

12:15 O367 Results of unrelated cord blood transplants in Fanconi's Anaemia<br />

E. Gluckman, R. Pasquini, V. Rocha, R. Harris, F. Garnier, I. Ionescu, F. Locatelli<br />

on behalf of Eurocord<br />

12:30 O368 Factors influencing peripheral blood stem cell mobilisation in patients with<br />

lymphoid malignancies<br />

L. Sutton, R. Porcher, N. Azar, A. Drihème, H. Gaudin, A. Al Jijakli, N. Dhédin,<br />

J. Gabarre, H. Gonzalez, V. Leblond, V. Morel, F. Norol, P. Weber, J.P. Vernant (Paris, F)<br />

12:45 O369 Quantitative lymphocyte subset reconstitution after allogeneic haematopoietic<br />

stem cell transplantation: comparison of T-cell depletion with CD34 selection,<br />

campath in the bag and campath iv<br />

R.F. Schlenk, M. Ringhoffer, M. Mössner, C. Schöpflin, M. Wiesneth, T. Mertens,<br />

T. Zenz, S. von Harsdorf, S. Stilgenbauer, D. Bunjes (Ulm, D)<br />

13:00 O370 Identical, single-centre policy for unrelated cord blood transplant in young<br />

patients with high-risk acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: a long-term follow-up<br />

A.P. Iori, R. Cerretti, L. De Felice, M. Screnci, A. Mengarelli, A. Roveda, A. Romano,<br />

M. Caniglia, G. Gentile, M.L. Moleti, C. Alfieri, W. Barberi, F. Giona, M.G. Mascolo,<br />

I. Pasqua, M.R. Pinto, A.M. Testi, F. Mandelli, W. Arcese (Rome, I)<br />

13:15 O371 Stem cell mobilisation and collection in patients affected with primary<br />

systemic amyloidosis<br />

C. Perotti, C. Del Fante, G.L. Viarengo, S. Carbone, P. Bergamaschi, L. Salvaneschi<br />

(Pavia, I)<br />

13:30 O372 Predictors of the B lymphopoiesis after allogeneic stem cell transplantation<br />

J. Winkler, A. Biller, W. Rösler, K. Schäfer-Eckhart, H. Wandt, C.N. Kluender,<br />

R. Schwerdtfeger, J. Hahn, E. Holler, T.H. Winkler, M. Gramatzki<br />

(Erlangen, Nuremberg, Wiesbaden, Regensburg, D)<br />

13:45 O373 Good and poor CD34+ cells mobilisation in acute leukaemia:<br />

analysis of factors affecting the yield of progenitor cells<br />

D. Pastore, G. Specchia, A. Mestice, A. Liso, A. Pannunzio, P. Carluccio,<br />

C. Buquicchio, G. Greco, L. Ciuffreda, G. Pietrantuono, G. Guaragna, S. Sibilla,<br />

V. Liso (Bari, I)<br />


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 Scientific Programme<br />

64<br />

Oral session 20<br />

12:00 – 14:00 Donor issues<br />

Room A<br />

Chairs: J. de la Rubia (Valencia, E), J.L. Diez (Madrid, E)<br />

12:00 O374 Severe donor events after stem cell donation<br />

A. Gratwohl, Y. Kodera, H. Baldomero, G. Favre, A. Urbano Ispizua, N. Schmitz<br />

on behalf of the JACIE accreditation office and the Japanese Society for<br />

Hematopoetic cell Transplantation JSHCT<br />

12:12 O375 Impact of NK cell alloreactivity on mismatched haematopoietic transplantation:<br />

an update on donor selection criteria and on transplantation outcomes<br />

L. Ruggeri, M. Capanni, E. Urbani, A. Tosti, A. Mancusi, A. Santucci, F. Aversa,<br />

M.F. Martelli, A. Velardi (Perugia, I)<br />

12:24 O376 Change of paradigm in donor selection for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation:<br />

for patients above 40 years with early stage leukaemia HLA-identical<br />

siblings are no longer first choice<br />

H.D. Ottinger, D. W. Beelen, R. Peceny, A. H. Elmaagacli, H. Grosse-Wilde (Essen, D)<br />

12:36 O377 Morphologic and karyotypic analysis of bone marrow in 166 potential donors<br />

of hamatopoietic stem cells<br />

E. Guggiari, A. Pescarollo, L. Seghezzi, S. Gattillo, P. Servida, M. Bernardi, C. Corti,<br />

F. Ciceri, M. Bregni (Milan, I)<br />

12:48 O378 Allogeneic stem-cell transplantation with matched unrelated donors in the<br />

elderly (age 55-67 years). Age is no longer a contraindication when using<br />

reduced-intensity conditioning<br />

A. Shimoni, N. Kroger, A. Zander, M. Yeshurun, I. Hardan, A. Nagler<br />

(Tel-Hashomer, IL; Hamburg, D)<br />

13:00 O379 An automated and closed procedure for cord blood processing, freezing and<br />

thawing: The Barcelona Cord Blood Bank Experience<br />

S. Querol, C. Azqueta, C. Torrico, B. Amill, M. Torrabadella, L. Massuet, J. Garcia<br />

(L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, E)<br />

13:12 O380 Baseline CD34+ cell count does not predict response to filgrastim in healthy<br />

donors undergoing peripheral blood progenitor cell collection<br />

J. de la Rubia, I. Lorenzo, M. Torrabadella, R. Rivas, M. Insunza, P. Marín, C. Arbona,<br />

C. Zamora, C. Martínez, J. Sancho, A. López, A. Alegre, A. Galmés, C. del Cañizo,<br />

M. Díaz, M. Pascual, L. Benlloch, M. Sanz on behalf of the Spanish allo_PBT group<br />

13:24 O381 Anti-thymocyte globulin in unrelated haematopoietic stem cell transplantation<br />

for acute myeloid leukaemia: multicentre German Cooperative Study Group<br />

N. Basara, A. Yaman, K. Kolbe, L. Kraut, H. Baurmann, C. Huber, A.A. Fauser,<br />

R. Schwerdtfeger (Idar-Oberstein, Wiesbaden, Mainz, D)<br />

13:36 O382 The influence of postgrafting G-CSF on the outcome of unrelated transplants<br />

for AML after in vivo T-cell depletion with ATG<br />

R. Thödtmann, I. Burlakova, A. Yaman, D. Judith, H. Baurmann, R. Schwerdtfeger,<br />

M. Schleuning (Wiesbaden, D)

Scientific Programme Wednesday, March 31, 2004<br />

Oral session 21a<br />

12:00 – 13:00 Supportive care<br />

Chairs: T. Masszi (Budapest, HUN), H. Schouten (Maastricht, NL)<br />

12:00 O383 Naso-gastric nutrition in allogeneic stem cell transplantation reduces<br />

infection-related early post-transplant mortality: a single-centre experience<br />

on 45 consecutive patients<br />

I. Yakoub-Agha, D. Seguy, J.-B. Micol, J.-H. Dalle, C. Berthon, S. Depil, F. Bauters,<br />

P. Devos, J.P. Jouet (Lille, F)<br />

12:12 O384 Early detection of respiratory failure after allogeneic transplantation by<br />

maesurement of oxi-index-potential correlations with polymorphisms of the<br />

surfactant protein B (SP-B) gene<br />

T. Illmer, C. Theuser, S. Schiemanck, C. Thiede, J. Schetelig, A. Kiani, S. Trautmann,<br />

M. Weise, G. Höffken, G. Ehninger (Dresden, D)<br />

12:24 O385 The role of unfractionated heparin prophylaxis to prevent catheter-related<br />

thrombosis in patients with haemato-oncological diseases:<br />

a prospective randomised study<br />

A. Abdelkefi, L. Kammoun, T. Ben Othman, F. Ladeb, L. Torjman, S. Ladeb,<br />

N. Ben Romdhane, A. Lakhal, O. Ben Achour, M. Hsaïri, A. Ben Abdeladhim<br />

(Tunis, TN)<br />

12:36 O386 Obesity or underweight: Which is safer in stem cell transplantation?<br />

T. Katz, N. Haddad, T. Zuckerman, R. Fineman, I. Avivi, A. Oliven, J.M. Rowe<br />

(Haifa, IL)<br />

Room B<br />

12:48 O387 Patient's socioeconomic status influencing overall survival and transplantrelated<br />

mortality after allogeneic stem cell transplantation<br />

G. Fischer, H. Bittencourt, M. Grossini, A. Jochins, L. Fogliatto, S. Pilati, R. Bittencourt,<br />

C. Astigarraga, F. Fernandes, C. Bittar, T. Onsten, L. Silla (Porto Alegre, BR)<br />


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 Scientific Programme<br />

66<br />

Oral session 21b<br />

13:00 – 14:00 Regulatory issues<br />

Room B<br />

Chairs: A. Urbano-Ispizua (Barcelona, E), A. Gratwohl (Basel, CH)<br />

13:00 O388 Obtaining informed consent for haematopoietic cell transplantation.<br />

How much information is enough?<br />

A. Hotidou, C. Kartsios, I. Sakellari, P. Kalogiannidis, A. Fassas, A. Anagnostopoulos<br />

(Rennes, F; Thessalonica, GR)<br />

13:12 O389 Do mini-transplants have mini-costs? Cost estimation of non-myeloablative<br />

transplants in acute myeloid leukaemia patients and comparison with<br />

standard regimens<br />

C. Cordonnier, H. Esperou, S. Maury, J. Beaune, M. Rodet, S. Chevret, C. Pautas,<br />

J. Lagrange, F. Beaujean, J. Beaumont, E. Gluckman, M. Kuentz, I. Durand-Zaleski<br />

(Creteil, Paris, F)<br />

13:24 O390 Implementation of a total quality management programme in peripheral blood<br />

and bone marrow transplantation – beyond accreditation<br />

K. Aldous, G. Smith, R. Patmore, P. Hillmen, S. Kinsey, G. Cook<br />

on behalf of The Yorkshire Blood & Marrow Transplant Programme<br />

13:36 O391 JACIE quality management refers to an integrated programme of quality<br />

assessment, assurance, control and improvement. How can it be set up<br />

transplant units?<br />

Y. Dahmen, V. Bourcy, H. Jacques, C. Guéri, N. Azar, J.L. Beaumont, F. Norol,<br />

F. Beaujean, J.P. Vernant, M. Kuentz, M. Benbunan, E. Gluckman, H. Espérou,<br />

C. Cordonnier, C. Boccaccio on behalf JACIE program-PHRC Ile de France<br />

13:48 O392 Implementing the detection and evaluation of adverse events following<br />

JACIE standards<br />

Y. Dahmen, D. Thominet, V. Demarez, V. Bourcy, M. Kuentz, H. Boutemy,<br />

O. Roucoules, J. Beaumont, F. Beaujean, C. Boccaccio, C. Gueri, C. Cordonnier<br />

on behalf of JACIE program-PHRC Ile de France

Scientific Programme Wednesday, March 31, 2004<br />

Oral session 22<br />

12:00 – 14:00 Graft versus host disease 2 / Tolerance and rejection<br />

Chairs: A. Zander (Hamburg, D), F. Dazzi (London, UK)<br />

12:00 O393 Antibody-mediated depletion of human dendritic cells to prevent graftversus-host<br />

disease in chimeric mice<br />

J. Wilson, A. Rice, D. Hart, D. Munster (South Brisbane, AUS)<br />

12:15 O394 IFN-gamma 3/3 genotype associated with decreased IFN-gamma production<br />

as a risk factor of chronic GvHD in recipients of allogeneic haematopoietic<br />

stem cell transplants<br />

A. Mlynarczewska, B. Wysoczanska, K. Bogunia-Kubik, L. Karabon, A. Lange<br />

(Wroclaw, PL)<br />

12:30 O395 Transplantation tolerance in allogeneic stem cell transplantation with<br />

reduced-intensity conditioning<br />

R. Laylor, P. Dyson, H. Dewchand, E. Simpson, F. Dazzi (London, UK)<br />

Room D1<br />

12:45 O396 Kinetic of regulatory CD25+ and activated OX40+ T lymphocytes during<br />

acute and chronic graft-versus-host disease after allogeneic bone marrow<br />

transplantation<br />

J. Casano, J. Sanchez, M. Alvarez, C. Martin, C. Fernandez, M. Capote, M. Jimenez,<br />

A. Espigares, J. Garcia-Castellano, C. Herrera, P. Gomez, F. Martinez, A. Torres<br />

(Cordoba, E)<br />

13:00 O397 Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase expression mediates T-cell inhibitory,<br />

antibacterial and antiparasitic effector functions in human bone marrow<br />

stromal cells<br />

R. Meisel, A. Zibert, U. Göbel, W. Däubener, D. Dilloo (Duesseldorf, D)<br />

13:15 O398 New strategies to control T-cell mediated alloreactivity: analysis of TCR<br />

repertoire by CDR3 size spectra-typing after depletion of MLC-activated<br />

CD69+ cells combined with in vitro CTLA4-Ig treatment<br />

A. Moretta, F. Locatelli, A. Cometa, E. Assirelli, R. Tonelli, P. Comoli, D. Montagna,<br />

S. Pagani, G. Giorgiani, F. Bonetti, M. Labirio, S. Telli, R. Gentile, A. Pession,<br />

R. Maccario (Pavia, Bologna, I)<br />

13:30 O399 CD4+CD25+ regulatory T-cells favours leukaemia relapse after allogeneic<br />

stem cell transplantation<br />

E. Nadal, M. Macchiarulo, L. Lim, R. Lechler, F. Dazzi (London, UK)<br />

13:45 O400 Impact of small bowel exploration using video-capsule endoscopy in the<br />

management of acute gastro-intestinal graft-versus-host disease<br />

I. Yakoub-Agha, V. Maunoury, S. Depil, S. Couignoux, F. Bauters, J.F. Colombel,<br />

J.P. Jouet (Lille, F)<br />


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 Scientific Programme<br />

68<br />

Oral session 23<br />

12:00 – 13:30 Minimal residual disease / Graft versus malignancy 2<br />

Room D4<br />

Chairs: J. Nomdedeu (Barcelona, E), E. Kansu (Ankara, TR)<br />

12:00 O401 Hyperactive alleles of the non-cytokine genes may affect clinical outcomes<br />

in allo-HSCT patients<br />

A.B. Chukhlovin, T.S. Zabelina, L. Zoubarovskaya, N. Kroeger, B.V. Afanasiev,<br />

A.R. Zander, B. Fehse (St. Petersburg, RUS; Hamburg, D)<br />

12:15 O402 Molecular relapse of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia after allogeneic<br />

haematopoietic stem cell transplantation can be successfully treated with<br />

donor lymphocyte infusions<br />

A. Dominietto, A.M. Raiola, R. Grasso, A. Garuti, S. Bregante, C. Di Grazia,<br />

V. Galbusera, F. Gualandi, A. Ibatici, T. Lamparelli, M.T. van Lint, F. Frassoni,<br />

A. Bacigalupo (Genoa, I)<br />

12:30 O403 Clinical relevance of minimal residual disease after haematopoietic stem cell<br />

transplantation<br />

B. Gruhn, N. Pfaffendorf, S. Wittig, I. Wolff, I. Schiller, R. Häfer, A. Voigt, D. Fuchs,<br />

F. Zintl (Jena, D)<br />

12:45 O404 Allografted patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia in molecular remission<br />

harbour similar levels of Bcr-Abl transcripts compared to healthy individuals<br />

T. Lange, W. Poenisch, H. Al-Ali, U. Hegenbart, S. Musiol, D. Niederwieser,<br />

M. Deininger (Leipzig, D; Portland, USA)<br />

13:00 O405 Does graft versus Thalassaemia exist? Effect of GvHD prophylaxis on relapse<br />

after BMT in patients with Thalassaemia major<br />

P. Polchi, C. Giardini, S. Cicconi, D. Gaziev, P. Sodani, B. Erer, G. Lucarelli<br />

(Pesaro, Rome, I)<br />

13:15 O406 Quantitative minimal residual disease assessment demonstrates disease<br />

control by graft-versus-leukaemia effect in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia<br />

after non-myeloablative allogeneic in contrast to autologous stem cell<br />

transplantation<br />

M. Ritgen, A. Humpe, S. Stilgenbauer, A. Kröber, D. Bunjes, H. Döhner, M. Kneba,<br />

P. Dreger on behalf of the German CLL Study Group (DCLLSG)<br />

14:15 – 14:45 Awards and Closing Room J

Poster Physicians Monday, March 29, 2004<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

Cytokines<br />

P407 Neutralisation of IL-1 receptor antagonist is associated with increased IL-1 mediated<br />

damage in a human in vitro model of GvHD<br />

H. Cullup, X.N. Wang, L. Sviland, A.M. Dickinson (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK; Bergen, N)<br />

P408 Pegfilgrastim is able to mobilise autologous CD34+ peripheral blood progenitor cells in<br />

patients with lymphoid malignancies and solid tumours<br />

F. Kroschinsky, K. Hölig, U. Platzbecker, A. Haack, M. Schaich, M. Bornhäuser, G. Ehninger<br />

(Dresden, D)<br />

P409 Extracorporeal photopheresis differentially regulates the expression of phosphorylated<br />

STAT-1 and STAT-5 in treated monocytes and T-cells respectively<br />

J. Bladon, P.C Taylor (Rotherham, UK)<br />

P410 Adjuvant IL-2 in the treatment of relapse after allogeneic transplant refractory to donor<br />

lymphocyte infusions: clinical and biological effects<br />

E. Nadal, A. Fowler, S. Avery, E. Kanfer, J. Apperley, J. Goldman, F. Dazzi (London, UK)<br />

P411 Early-acting cytokines induce the generation of dendritic cell precursors from<br />

CD34+ cells<br />

A. Encabo, P. Solves, P. Sepúlveda, F. Carbonell-Uberos, M.-D. Miñana (Valencia, E)<br />

P412 Immunoregulatory effect of G-CSF on PBPC cells from healthy individuals and patients<br />

I.L. Barbosa, P.A. Benevides, F. Gomes, C. Sousa, S. Roncon, A. Ávila, A. Campos, C.P. Vaz,<br />

F. Campilho, P. Pimentel, A. Carvalhais (Porto, P)<br />

P413 Maintenance therapy with rituximab (CD20 antibody) following autologous stem cell<br />

transplantation for multiple myeloma<br />

B. Georgievski, L. Cevreska, M. Ivanovski, N. Siljanovski, A. Stojanovik, O. Karanfilski,<br />

Z. Stojanoski, I. Panovska, A. Pivkova (Skopje, MK)<br />

P414 Anti-thymocyte globulin induces imbalanced release of pro- and anti-inflammatory<br />

cytokines during pre-transplant conditioning in allogeneic stem cell transplantation<br />

J.F. Andersen, C. Heilmann, N. Jacobsen, K. Bendtzen, K. Müller (Copenhagen, DK)<br />

P415 G-CSF effect on NK cell phenotype of PBPC grafts from healthy individuals and patients<br />

P.A. Benevides, C. Sousa, F. Gomes, S. Roncon, A. Ávila, A. Campos, C.P. Vaz, F. Campilho,<br />

P. Pimentel, I.L. Barbosa, C. Carvalhais (Porto, P)<br />

Stem cell research<br />

P416 Co-transplantation of ex-vivo culture-expanded human mesenchymal stem cells and<br />

allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation – report of 12 cases<br />

S. Kang, Y. Jung, J. Park, J. Choi, H. Lim, H.C. Kim (Seongnam, Suwon, KOR)<br />

P417 NOD/SCID mouse human haematopoietic reconstitution is not impaired by long-term<br />

exposure of human normal CD34+ cells to STI 571<br />

W. Piacibello, L. Gammaitoni, M. Gunetti, L. Caione, M. Aglietta (Candiolo, I)<br />

P418 Mesenchymal stem cells cultured from human umbilical cord blood express the<br />

intermediate filament protein Nestin and Von Willebrand factor and differentiate into<br />

adipocyte and neural cell lineages<br />

J. Beo, Z. Varghese, X. Ruan, P. Rajananthanan, I. Zwart, R. Navarrete, C. Navarrete (London, UK)<br />

P419 Comparison of total bone marrow CD34+ cells and their subpopulations in the late posttransplant<br />

period between patients undergoing sibling allo-SCT and their respective<br />

donors<br />

F.M. Sanchez-Guijo, L.I. Sanchez-Abarca, M.D. Caballero, P. Menendez, E.M. Villaron,<br />

M. Alberca, N. Lopez-Holgado, A. Orfao, J.F. San Miguel, M.C. del Cañizo (Salamanca, E)<br />

P420 Murine mesenchymal stem cells: direct selection, phenotypic characterisation,<br />

in vitro and in vivo potential<br />

F. Gindraux, L. Obert, Z. Selmani, D. Chalmers, P. Hervé, F. Deschaseaux (Besançon, F)<br />


Monday, March 29, 2004 Poster Physicians<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

70<br />

Stem cell research (continued)<br />

P421 Engraftment kinetics of human CD34+ cells from cord blood and mobilised peripheral<br />

blood co-transplanted into NOD/SCID mice (Eurocord-III study)<br />

M. Ramírez, C. Regidor, I. Marugán, J. García-Conde, J. Bueren, M.N. Fernández<br />

(Madrid, Valencia, E)<br />

P422 The potential of autologous bone marrow stem cells for stroke patient management<br />

I. Lisukov, A. Kulagin, A. Krivoshapkin, P. Pilipenko, E. Netesov, E. Chernykh, A. Ostanin,<br />

O. Leplina, E. Melidy, A. Petrovskaya, P. Semin, V. Kanygin, V. Kozlov (Novosibirsk, RUS)<br />

P423 Human mesenchymal stem cells may promote the engraftment of human<br />

haematopoietic stem cells in NOD/SCID mice<br />

D.S. Hong, S.K. Park, J.H. Won, C.K. Kim, N.S. Lee, H.S. Park (Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, KOR)<br />

P424 Mesenchymal stem cells remain of host origin long after allogeneic peripheral blood<br />

stem cell- or bone marrow transplantation<br />

K. Rieger, O. Marinets, T. Fietz, S. Koerper, D. Sommer, C. Muecke, B. Reufi, W. Blau, E. Thiel,<br />

W. Knauf (Berlin, D)<br />

P425 Migration and NOD/SCID mouse engraftment of mesenchymal progenitor cells (MPC):<br />

comparison with haematopoietic progenitor cells<br />

B. Rüster, B. Grace, R. Bistrian, O. Seitz, R. Henschler (Frankfurt, D)<br />

P426 G-CSF increases the expression of VCAM-1 on stromal cells promoting the adhesion of<br />

CD34+haematopoietic cells: studies under flow conditions<br />

B. Fuste, M. Diaz-Ricart, G. Escolar, P. Marin, R. Mazzara, A. Ordinas (Barcelona, E)<br />

P427 Mesenchymal stem cells inhibit the expression of IL-2 receptor (CD25) and CD38 on<br />

phytohemagglutinin-activated lymphocytes<br />

K. Le Blanc, I. Rasmusson, C. Götherström, C. Seidel, B. Sundberg, K. Rosendahl, C. Tammik,<br />

O. Ringdén (Huddinge, S)<br />

P428 Changes in megakaryocytic-specific transcription factors during in vitro expansion and<br />

differentiation of cord blood cells<br />

A. Vannucchi, S. Bruno, L. Bianchi, M. Gunetti, F. Paoletti, A. Pancrazzi, M. Aglietta, A. Bosi,<br />

W. Piacibello (Florence, Candiolo, I)<br />

P429 RT-PCR (TaqMan) and flow cytometry to characterise human bone marrow mesenchymal<br />

stem cells cultures and proliferation<br />

S. Urbani, R. Caporale, L. Giabbani, L. Lombardini, P. Romagnani, R. Saccardi, A. Bosi (Florence, I)<br />

P430 Evidences for human CD34+ cells with very large telomeres<br />

V. Martinez-Muñoz, M. Garcia-Escarp, I. Sales, J. Barquinero, J.C. Domingo, P. Marin, J. Petriz<br />

(Barcelona, E)<br />

P431 Human mesenchymal stem cells increase interleukin-2 and soluble IL-2 receptor in<br />

mixed lymphocyte cultures<br />

I. Rasmusson, O. Ringdén, B. Sundberg, L. Lönnies, K. Le Blanc (Stockholm, S)<br />

P432 Kinetics of human platelet reconstitution in NOD/SCID-mice following transplantation<br />

with ex vivo expanded CD34-positive cord blood cells<br />

Y. van Hensbergen, L.F. Schipper, A. Brand, M.C. Slot, W.A. Noort, W.E. Fibbe<br />

(Leiden, Amsterdam, NL)<br />

P433 Origin of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells derived from isolated CD105+ cells in<br />

patients undergoing allogeneic stem cell transplantation<br />

A. Spiropoulou, M. Theodosaki, E. Goussetis, K. Stefanaki, I. Peristeri, V. Kitra, D. Petropoulos,<br />

I. Ferdinadou, S. Grafakos (Athens, GR)<br />

P434 Expression of microsomal carnitine palmitoyl transferase and potential for mobilisation<br />

of peripheral blood stem cells<br />

M. Fillitz, H. Karlic, H. Tüchler, A. Lohninger, E. Pittermann, M. Pfeilstöcker (Vienna, A)<br />

P435 Temporal changes in gene expression profile of healthy donors after G-CSF mobilisation<br />

C. Castilla, N. C. Gutierrez, I. Isidro, E. Ocio, M. Delgado, P. Maiso, M. C. Cañizo,<br />

J. M. Hernandez, J. F. San Miguel (Salamanca, E)

Poster Physicians Monday, March 29, 2004<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

Stem cell research (continued)<br />

P436 Immunological properties of human foetal mesenchymal stem cells<br />

C. Götherström, O. Ringdén, C. Tammik, E. Zetterberg, M. Westgren, K. Le Blanc (Stockholm, S)<br />

P437 Factors affecting short-term engraftment after high-dose therapy and autologous stem<br />

cell support in acute leukaemia and lymphoma patients<br />

P. Mensah, B. Piatkowska-Jakubas, D. Hawrylecka, J. Krawczyk, M. Szostek, E. Zdzilowska,<br />

Z. Walter, A.B. Skotnicki (Cracow, PL)<br />

P438 7-color, 10 parameter flow cytometry: identification of side population cells by<br />

phenotype and function<br />

V. Martinez-Muñoz, I. Sales, M. Garcia-Escarp, J. Barquinero, J.C. Domingo, P. Marin, J. Petriz<br />

(Barcelona, E)<br />

P439 Refrozen cord blood haematopoietic progenitors induce multilineage engraftment in<br />

NOD/SCID mouse<br />

F. Timeus, N. Crescenzio, F. Sanavio, A. Doria, L. Foglia, P. Saracco, W. Piacibello, M. Berger,<br />

F. Fagioli (Turin, I)<br />

P440 Ex vivo expansion and differentiation of human bone marrow, cord blood and peripheral<br />

blood mesenchymal stem cells<br />

M. Mohyeddin, M. Bashtar, K. Alimogaddam, B Ansari, A. Ghavamzadeh (Teheran, IR)<br />

P441 The effect of cryopreservation on mesenchymal stem cells<br />

M. Mohyeddin, M. Bashtarr, K. Alimogaddam, B. Ansari, M. Khalili, M. Solamani,<br />

A. Ghavamzadeh (Tehran, IR)<br />

P442 Functional and phenotypic characterisation of directly sorted mesenchymal stem cells<br />

Z. Selmani, F. Gindraux, L. Obert, D. Chalmers, P. Hervé, F. Deschaseaux (Besançon, F)<br />

P443 Role of high-energy shock waves on the expansion, proliferation and transfection<br />

of human cord blood stem cells<br />

M. Berger, R. Frairia, F. Sanavio, E. Madon, C. Venturi, F. Fagioli (Turin, I)<br />

Graft engineering<br />

P444 Predictive factors for full donor chimerism after reduced-intensity conditioning for<br />

HLA-identical allogeneic stem cell transplantation<br />

M. Mohty, J. Eliaou, C. Faucher, K. Bilger, O. Avinens, V. Bardou, N. Vey, J. Gastaut,<br />

D. Maraninchi, D. Blaise (Marseille, Montpellier, F)<br />

P445 Engraftment of allogeneic CD133+ selected blood stem cells from matched sibling<br />

donors<br />

M. Bornhäuser, C. Thiede, U. Oelschlaegel, T. Illmer, J. Schetelig, A. Kiani, B. Mohr, G. Ehninger<br />

(Dresden, D)<br />

P446 In vitro expansion of haematopoietic progenitor cells induced expression of Fas antigen<br />

and upregulation of Bax<br />

J.H. Won, H.J. Cheong, S.J. Kim, G.H. Jang, C.K. Kim, J.T. Cheong, N.S. Lee, K.T. Lee, S.K. Park,<br />

D.S. Hong, H.S. Park (Seoul, KOR)<br />

P447 Partial in vitro T-cell depletion with CAMPATH-1H in combination with DLI for CML<br />

molecular relapses decreases GVHD with 70% 5- years DFS in HLA-identical sibling<br />

PBSC for haematological malignancies<br />

Y. Chalandon, E. Roosnek, L. Waelchli, C. Helg, B. Chapuis (Geneva, CH)<br />

P448 Unexpected differences in the thaw clonogenic recovery of pre-stressed peripheral<br />

blood stem cells according to the cryoprotectant used<br />

C. Balsa, M.J. Watts, S.J. Ings, D.C. Linch (London, UK)<br />

P449 T-cell depletion of stem cell grafts with campath-1H “in the bag” followed by<br />

cyclosporin immunosuppression remains a cost effective strategy in transplantation<br />

N. Novitzky, V. Thomas, G. Hale, H. Waldmann (Cape Town, ZA; Oxford, UK)<br />


Monday, March 29, 2004 Poster Physicians<br />

72<br />

Graft engineering (continued)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

P450 Bone marrow transplantation after processing by gradients and negative immunomagnetic<br />

T- and B-cell selection to prevent GvHD without loss of engraftment potential<br />

F. Preijers, A. Schattenberg, W. Ruijs, C. Trilsbeek (Nijmegen, NL)<br />

P451 Influence of CD34, mononuclear, CFU-GM counts and cell viability on short- and<br />

long-term haematopoietic recovery after autologous stem cell transplantation<br />

J.M. Sancho, A. Oriol, J.M. Ribera, M. Torrabadella, G. Martin-Henao, L. Rodríguez, M. Batlle,<br />

B. Xicoy, C. Ferrá, A. Flores, J. Juncà, F. Millá, E. Feliu (Badalona, Barcelona, E)<br />

P452 Long-term culture impairs engraftment of normal and 5-fluorouracil treated bone<br />

marrow in sub-myeloablated hosts<br />

L. D'Hondt, C. Grimaldi, J.F. Lambert, P.J. Quesenberry (Charleroi, B; Providence, USA)<br />

P453 Use of CD3+/CD19+ depleted grafts from mismatched related donors in children<br />

P. Lang, J. Greil, M. Schumm, M. Pfeiffer, W. Bethge, R. Handgretinger, D. Niethammer, P. Bader<br />

(Tuebingen, D)<br />

P454 Feasibility of a novel clinical-scale CD3/CD19 depletion procedure, and how it compares<br />

to conventional CD34+ selection<br />

G. Fritsch, S. Matthes, C. Peters, V. Witt, J. Pichler, D. Scharner, C. Eichstill, E. Zipperer,<br />

H. Gadner (Vienna, A)<br />

P456 Washing thawed autologous aphereses with the Cytomate biomedical device results<br />

in diminished toxicity following reinfusion in cancer patients undergoing high-dose<br />

chemotherapy<br />

C. Lemarié, B. Calmels, C. Malenfant, V. Arnéodo, D. Blaise, F. Viret, R. Bouabdallah, P. Ladaique,<br />

P. Viens, C. Chabannon (Marseille, F)<br />

P457 A different but cost-effective schedule for mobilisation of CDd34+ cells for transplantation<br />

N. Novitzky, V. Thomas, G. Davison, J. Thomson, L. Abrahams (Cape Town, ZA)<br />

P458 Prospective characterisation of short-term repopulating cells in haematopoietic stem<br />

cell allografts<br />

K Raaschou-Jensen, N. Buza-Vidas, K. Theilgaard-Mönch, E. Dickmeiss, S.E. Jacobsen<br />

(Copenhagen, DK; Lund, S)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

Graft versus malignancy<br />

P459 Childhood pre-B-ALL blasts are killed by alloreactive NK-cell clones, independent of a<br />

HLA-Cw mismatch<br />

T. Feuchtinger, A. Pfäffle, H.-M. Telschik, M. Pfeiffer, C. Weinstock, D. Niethammer, P. Lang<br />

(Tuebingen, D)<br />

P460 Haploidentical transplant in adult advanced leukaemia: a 3-step phase I study of growth<br />

factors and DLI post-transplant<br />

P. Lewalle, A. Delforge, V. De Wilde, I. Ahmad, B. Nowak, K. Theunissen, D. Bron, P. Martiat<br />

(Brussels, B)<br />

P461 Possible graft versus neuroblastoma effect after partially matched related<br />

haematopoietic transplantation<br />

L. Lacitignola, V. Tintori, F. Bambi, M. Mariani, C. Marchi, B. Porfirio, M. Gelli, A. Tamburini,<br />

F. Tucci, A. Lippi, G. Bernini, L. Faulkner (Florence, I)<br />

P462 Reduced-intensity conditioning prior to allogeneic transplantation of haematopoetic<br />

stem cells: the need for T-cells early after transplantation to induce a graft-versuslymphoma<br />

effect<br />

B. Glass, M. Nickelsen, P. Dreger, J. Hasenkamp, G. Wulf, L. Trümper, N. Schmitz (Goettingen,<br />

Kiel, Hamburg, D)

Poster Physicians Monday, March 29, 2004<br />

Graft versus malignancy (continued)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

P463 Graft-versus-leukaemia effect of donor leukocyte infusions in acute leukaemia patients<br />

relapsing after allogenic stem cells transplantation<br />

E. Calistri, F. Patriarca, C. Filì, A. Sperotto, A. Geromin, F. Zaja, A. Candoni, S. Prosdocimo,<br />

M. Tiribelli, D. Damiani, R. Fanin (Udine, I)<br />

P464 Evidence of ''graft-versus-tumour'' effect following haploidentical transplantation in a<br />

patient with metastatic relapse of Ewing's sarcoma<br />

I. Dolgopolov, R. Protsenko, L. Andreeva, V. Boyarshinov, R. Ravshanova, G. Mentkevich<br />

(Moscow, RUS)<br />

P465 Second stem cell transplantation from KIR ligant incompatible donors with reducedintensity<br />

conditioning following AML relapse after HLA-identical BMT<br />

S. Matthes-Martin, A. Velardi, G. Fritsch, T. Lion, O.A. Haas, C. Peters, H. Gadner<br />

(Vienna, A; Perugia, I)<br />

P466 Efficacy of donor lymphocyte infusion following cytoreductive chemotherapy for<br />

relapsed acute leukaemia after allogeneic stem cell transplantation<br />

D.-Y. Kim, K.-W. Lee, T. Yun, S.-I. Kim, S.R. Park, J.Y. Paik, I.S. Choi, D.-Y Oh, S.-S. Yoon,<br />

J.-S. Lee, S. Park, B.K. Kim (Seoul, KOR)<br />

P467 Non-myeloablative cell therapy with partially HLA matched lymphocytes activated<br />

with rIL-2 in patients with resistant malignancies<br />

A. Ackerstein, S. Morecki, Y. Gelfand, L. Dray, R. Or, S. Samuel, C. Nabet, S. Slavin (Jerusalem, IL)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

Minimal residual disease<br />

P468 Applicability of multiparameter immunophenotipic analysis for the investigation of MRD<br />

in B lymphoproliferative disorders<br />

G. Pricolo, L. Stani, A. Prudenzano, G. Pisapia, G. Palazzo, B. Amurri, A. Maggi, P. Mazza (Taranto, I)<br />

P469 Disease eradication in patients with poor prognosis non-Hodgkin lymphoma by<br />

non-myeloablative verus conventional haematopoietic stem cell transplantation<br />

M. Mitterbauer, P. Kalhs, U. Jaeger, C. Mannhalter, F. Keil, N. Worel, W. Rabitsch, G. Fischer,<br />

K. Dieckmann, I. Simonitsch-Klupp, P. Hoecker, A. Rosenmayr, W. Hinterberger, K. Lechner,<br />

G. Mitterbauer, H. Greinix (Vienna, A)<br />

P470 Molecular monitoring of minimal residual disease after reduced-intensity conditioning<br />

and allogeneic stem cell transplantation in relapsed chronic lymphocytic leukaemia<br />

L. Farina, D. Soligo, E. Rizzo, A. Dodero, A. Locasciulli, R. Scimè, A. Santoro, A.M. Gianni,<br />

C. Tarella, M. Lucesole, A. Olivieri, P. Corradini (Milan, Rome, Palermo, Turin, Ancona, I)<br />

P471 Minimal residual disease in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia after stem cell<br />

transplantation. Comparison of ASO-PCR and flow cytometry<br />

C. Moreno, N. Villamor, D. Colomer, J. Esteve, F. Bosch, E. Campo, E. Montserrat (Barcelona, E)<br />

P472 CD34+ cell dose, reduced-intensity conditioning and prior chemotherapy:<br />

factors with significant impact on the Kinetics of donor chimerism after allogeneic<br />

haematopoietic cell transplantation<br />

B. Mohr, R. Koch, C. Thiede, F. Kroschinsky, G. Ehninger, M. Bornhäuser (Dresden, D)<br />

P473 Sensitive and quantitative chimerism analysis in ALL patients with real-time PCR<br />

M. Uzunel, U. Sundin, J. Mattsson, M. Schaffer, D. Hauzenberger, O. Ringden (Stockholm, S)<br />

P474 Cell lineage specific chimerism in post-haematopoietic stem cell transplant patients<br />

S. Adams, P. Veys, J. Hollifield, B. Gaspar (London, UK)<br />

P475 ChimerTrack: quantification of STR-based chimeric status using an interactive software<br />

tool<br />

D. Kristt, J. Stein, I. Yaniv, R. Narinsky, T. Klein (Petach-Tikva, IL)<br />


Monday, March 29, 2004 Poster Physicians<br />

74<br />

Minimal residual disease (continued)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

P476 Chimerism analysis using quantitative real-time PCR. A new method for clinical use?<br />

M. Schaffer, M. Uzunel, D. Hauzenberger, U. Sundin (Stockholm, S)<br />

P477 In vivo purging by campath 1H: molecular quantitative evaluation of minimal residual<br />

disease in CLL patients resistant to fludarabine<br />

S. Galimberti, N. Cecconi, G. Cervetti, S. Pacini, F. Guerrini, C. Manetti, R. Riccioni, A. Azzara,<br />

G. Carulli, M. Petrini (Pisa, I)<br />

P478 Real-time PCR SNP method for the monitoring of chimerism after allogeneic stem cell<br />

transplantation<br />

R. Eshel, O. Vainas, E. Naparstek (Tel Aviv, IL)<br />

P479 Long-term follow-up of PCR status after autologous transplantation during first<br />

remission in patients with Bcl-2/IgH positive follicular lymphoma and bone marrow<br />

infiltration at diagnosis<br />

T. Papajík, S. Vlachová, R. Kubaláková, L. Raida, J. Vondráková, S. Skranc, M. Jarosová,<br />

I. Skoumalová, K. Indrák (Olomouc, CZ)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

Reduced intensity transplants<br />

P480 Allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation after treosulfan/fludarabine<br />

conditioning in high-risk patients with haematologic malignancies<br />

J. Casper, W. Knauf, W. Blau, L. Volin, T. Ruutu, H. Wandt, K. Schaefer-Eckart, J. Holowiecki,<br />

S. Giebel, J. Aschan, A. Zander, N. Kroeger, M. Freund (Rostock, Berlin, Nuremberg, Hamburg, D;<br />

Helsinki, FIN;, Katowice, PL; Huddinge, S)<br />

P481 Chemo-based (reduced intensity or busulphan-based myeloablative) conditioning<br />

preserves the in vitro growth capacity of bone marrow stroma, which remains of host<br />

origin, compared to TBI based conditioning<br />

A. Spyridonidis, T. Küttler, E. Sammek, M. Waterhouse, K. Potthoff, M. Egger, H. Bertz, J. Finke<br />

(Freiburg, D)<br />

P482 Reduced-intensity allogeneic transplants: an update report from the Australasian Bone<br />

Marrow Transplant Recipient Registry<br />

I. Nivison-Smith, D.D Ma, K. Bradstock, J. Szer, A. Dodds (Sydney, Melbourne, AUS)<br />

P483 Reduced-dose conditioning followed by allogeneic stem cell transplantation induces<br />

stable long-term remission in high-risk patients suffering from acute myeloid leukaemia<br />

L.O. Mügge, K. Weiß, K. Wirth, K. Schilling, S. Scholl, M. Charbel-Issa, K. Höffken, H.G. Sayer<br />

(Jena, D)<br />

P484 Reduced-intensity conditioning and CD6-negative, G-CSF-mobilised blood cells for<br />

HLA-haploidentical marrow transplantation in high-risk haematopoietic neoplasia<br />

H.J. Kolb, B. Simoes, I. Bigalke, C. Schmid, M. Schleuning, J. Tischer, G. Ledderose (Munich, D)<br />

P485 A reduced-intensity conditioning regimen for elder patients with myelodysplastic<br />

syndrome or acute leukaemia employing radioimmunotherapy with an Yttrium-90 or<br />

Rhenium-188 labelled monoclonal CD 66-antibody<br />

M. Ringhoffer, M. Wiesneth, S. von Harsdorf, T. Zenz, R. Schlenk, S.N. Reske, H. Doehner,<br />

D. Bunjes (Ulm, D)<br />

P486 High dose of in-vitro T-cell depleted CD34+ donor peripheral stem cells after nonmyeloablative<br />

conditioning accelerates platelet recovery but does not establish<br />

complete donor chimerism<br />

R.M.Y. Barge, W.A.F. Marijt, S. Osanto, C.W.J. Starrenburg, M.R. Schaafsma, W.M. Smit,<br />

W.E. Fibbe, J.H.F. Falkenburg, R. Willemze (Leiden, Enschede, NL)<br />

P487 Thrombotic microangiopathy after non-myeloablative stem cell transplantation<br />

N. Worel, H.T. Greinix, C. Buchta, M. Mitterbauer, F. Keil, P. Hoecker, P. Kalhs (Vienna, A)

Poster Physicians Monday, March 29, 2004<br />

Reduced intensity transplants (continued)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

P488 Mixed chimerism can be associated with circulating auto-antibodies and may favour<br />

chronic graft-versus-host disease occurrence<br />

S. Perruche, F. Kleinclauss, R. Angonin, D. Paris, P. Tiberghien, P. Saas (Besançon, F)<br />

P489 Non-myeloablative stem cell transplantation in beta thalassaemia major patients<br />

A. Ghavamzadeh, A. Mousavi, M. Iravani, B. Bahar, S. Gholibeikian, M. Moradiseresht, P. Heydari<br />

(Tehran, IR)<br />

P490 Impact of graft composition on the outcome after non-myeloablative haematopoietic<br />

stem cell transplantation<br />

F. Baron, P. Frere, N. Schaaf-Lafontaine, G. Vanstraelen, E. Baudoux, C. Herens, V. Bours,<br />

G. Fillet, Y. Beguin (Liege, B)<br />

P491 Increased post-transplant morbidity associated with a greater cumulative in-patient stay<br />

in recipients of reduced intensity conditioning regimens (RIC-ALLO) compared to<br />

myeloablative conditioning regimens (CC-ALLO) in allo-stem cell transplantation<br />

E. Stephens, S. Feyler, K. Aldous, G. Smith, S. Kinsey, G. Cook<br />

on behalf of The Yorkshire Blood & Marrow Transplantation Programme, Leeds UK<br />

P492 Low-dose melphalan-TBI plus fludarabine and campath-1H as conditioning regimen for<br />

unrelated transplant in high-risk patients for age and disease: a GITMO prospective<br />

study<br />

A. Bosi, D. Soligo, L. Lombardini, P. Patriarca, D. Damiani, M. Cerno, A. Rambaldi, G. La Nasa,<br />

P. Di Bartolomeo, A. Busca, T. Lamparelli, A.M. Vannucchi, S. Pollicchieni, G. Lambertenghi<br />

for GITMO<br />

P493 Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation with non-myeloablative conditioning in the<br />

out-patient setting. Results, complications and admission requirements in a single<br />

centre<br />

S. L. Petersen, H. O. Madsen, L. P. Ryder, A. Svejgaard, H. Sengelov, C. Heilmann, E. Dickmeiss,<br />

L. L. Vindelov (Copenhagen, DK)<br />

P494 Case-controlled comparative analysis of ablative and reduced-intensity allogeneic<br />

haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in standard risk CML<br />

G. Gürman, M. Arat, P. Topcuoglu, E.A. Soydan, M. Beksac, M. Ozcan, N. Konuk, A. Uysal,<br />

H. Koc, Ö. Arslan, H. Akan, O. Ilhan (Ankara, TR)<br />

P495 Reduced-intensity cord blood transplantation for adult T-cell leukaemia / lymphoma<br />

D. Kato, E. Kusumi, S. Takagi, S. Koyama, K. Yuji, J. Ueyama, S. Miyakoshi, S. Morinaga,<br />

S. Taniguchi (Tokyo, J)<br />

P496 The comparison of two different conditioning regimens, myeloablative versus reduced<br />

intensive, in ABO mismatched allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation<br />

P. Topcuoglu, M. Arat, T. Bulakbasi, E. Soydan, Y. Ozer, O. Arslan (Ankara, TR)<br />

P497 Reduced-intensity conditioning allogeneic transplant in patients with aggressive<br />

non-Hodgkin lymphoma: results of a prospective multicentre trial<br />

R. Martino, M. Mateos, A. Urbano, A. León, J. Odriozola, J. Ribera, D. Valcarcel, J. Sarrá,<br />

L. Vázquez, A. Sureda, J. Sierra, J. San Miguel (Barcelona, Salamanca, Jerez de la Frontera,<br />

Madrid, Badalona, E)<br />

P498 Reduced Intensity conditioning in patients with B-chronic lymphocytic leukaemia<br />

(B- CLL): results of a prospective multicentre trial<br />

D. Caballero, R. Martino, M. Mateos, A. León, A. Urbano, G. Sanz, J. Sarrá, J. Perez Simón,<br />

D. Valcarcel, A. Sureda, J. Sierra, J. San Miguel (Salamanca, Barcelona, Jerez de la Frontera,<br />

Valencia, E)<br />

P499 Plasma pharmacokinetics of low-dose oral busulfan in Fanconi 's anaemia patients<br />

undergoing haematopoietic stem cell transplantation<br />

J. Kühl, A. Jenke, E. Schleier, J. Freiberg-Richter, U. Schuler, H. Neitzel, W. Ebell (Berlin, Dresden, D)<br />


Monday, March 29, 2004 Poster Physicians<br />

76<br />

Reduced intensity transplants (continued)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

P500 Optimisation of recombinant human erythropoietin therapy after non-myeloablative<br />

allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation<br />

F. Baron, G. Vanstraelen, P. Frere, G. Fillet, Y. Beguin (Liege, B)<br />

P501 Follow-up of patients with non-acute lymphoid malignancies after reduced-intensity<br />

conditioning regimen with allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation:<br />

results from a single centre<br />

T. Guillaume, B. Gueglio, P. Moreau, N. Morineau, B. Mahé, P. Chevallier, V. Dubruille, M.J. Rapp,<br />

J.L. Harousseau, N. Milpied (Nantes, F)<br />

P502 Reduced-intensity conditioning followed by allogeneic transplantation: poor outcome in<br />

secondary versus de novo acute myeloid leukaemias<br />

P. Corradini, R. Milani, A. Dodero, C. Tarella, G. Bandini, A. Locasciulli, M. Bernardi, M. Lucesole,<br />

A. Busca, D. Soligo, A.M. Gianni, M. Bregni, A. Olivieri (Milan, Turin, Bologna, Rome, Ancona, I)<br />

P503 Molecular monitoring of chimerism and minimal residual disease in multiple myeloma<br />

patients after non-myeloablative stem cell transplantation<br />

S. Galimberti, E. Benedetti, R. Fazzi, F. Papineschi, F. Caracciolo, E. Orciuolo, F. Andreazzoli,<br />

F. Morabito, M. Cuzzola, M. Martino, P. Iacopino, M. Petrini (Pisa, Reggio Calabria, I)<br />

P504 Cytomegalovirus infection and disease in allogeneic non-myeloablative transplant<br />

patients: a single-centre study<br />

M. Uzunov, O. Adam, E. Chachaty, F. Griscelli, P. Arnaud, C. Boccaccio, J. Bourhis (Villejuif, F)<br />

P505 Reconstitution of T-cell receptor CDR3 repertoire after myeloablative and reducedintensity<br />

conditioning allogeneic heamatopoietic stem cell transplantation<br />

P. Hentschke, B. Omazic, J. Mattsson, I. Näsman-Björk, D. Gigliotti, L. Barkholt, O. Ringdén,<br />

M. Remberger (Stockholm, S)<br />

P506 Reduced-intensity conditioning followed by allografting in patients with advanced<br />

haematological malignancies older than 60 years<br />

A. Olivieri, M. Lucesole, S. Cecchi, A. Dodero, F. Ciceri, M. Bregni, C. Tarella, M. Falda,<br />

A. Locasciulli, R. Scimè, F. Patriarca, M. Casini, A. Bacigalupo, P. Corradini<br />

(Torrette di Ancona, Milan, Turin, Rome, Palermo, Udine, Bolzano, Genoa, I)<br />

P507 The outcome of allogenic stem cell transplantation for myeloid leukaemias following<br />

reduced-intensity conditioning regimens is highly dependent on the pre-transplant<br />

status of disease and the occurrence of a graft-versus-host disease<br />

M. Varvenne, T. Winkler, H. Diedrich, E. Dammann, H. Kamal, M. Eder, A. Ganser, B. Hertenstein<br />

(Hannover, D)<br />

P508 Reduced-intensity conditioning allogeneic transplant in patients with indolent<br />

non-Hodgkin lymphoma: result of a prospective multicentre trial<br />

D. Caballero, R. Martino, M. Mateos, A. Urbano, V. Rubio, J. Odriozola, J. Ribera, J. Sarrá,<br />

D. Valcarcel, M. Cañizo, J.M. Moraleda, A. Sureda, J. Sierra, J. San Miguel<br />

(Salamanca, Barcelona, Jerez de la Frontera, Madrid, Badalona, Murcia, E)<br />

P509 Allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation after reduced-intensity regimen<br />

containing fludarabine, busulfan, and antihuman T-lymphocyte globulin (ATG)<br />

M. Doubek, J. Mayer, Z. Koristek, M. Krejci, Y. Brychtova, M. Navratil, I. Vasova, M. Tomiska,<br />

I. Buchtova (Brno, CZ)<br />

P510 Haematopoietic chimerism monitoring is useful in evaluation of clinical outcome in<br />

patients with haematological malignancies treated with non-myeloablative allogeneic<br />

transplantation<br />

J. Gozdzik, M. Iwola, K. Lewandowski, J. Hansz, M. Komarnicki (Poznan, PL)<br />

P511 Successful engraftment after second allogeneic haemtopoietic cell transplantation<br />

following conditioning with 3 Gy total body irradiation in patients who rejected after<br />

conditioning with 2 Gy TBI<br />

U. Hegenbart, J. Shizuru, M. Stuart, L. Uharek, T. Lange, W. Pönisch, M. Raida, S. Leiblein,<br />

H. Al-Ali, L. Grommisch, E. Edel, U. Schönfelder, S. Heyn, M. Schwittay, F. Kamprad, R.F. Storb,<br />

K. Blume, D. Niederwieser (Leipzig, D; Stanford, Seattle, USA)

Poster Physicians Monday, March 29, 2004<br />

Reduced intensity transplants (continued)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

P512 Economic analysis on reduced-intensity cord blood transplantation<br />

D. Kato, K. Yuji, S. Takagi, E. Kusumi, S. Miyakoshi, J. Ueyama, S. Morinaga, S. Taniguchi<br />

(Minato-ku Tokyo, J)<br />

P513 Importance of disease stage and C-GvHD for curative potential of allo-PBSCT after a<br />

reduced-intensitiy regimen using fludarabine (125mg/m2) and melphalan( 80mg/m2)<br />

J.F. Tomas, J. de la Serna, A. Alegre, I. Buño, F. Hernandez-Navarro, A. Roman, J. Lahuerta,<br />

J.L. Lopez-Lorenzo, J.L. Diez-Martin (Madrid, E)<br />

P514 Allogenic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation following a non-myeloablative<br />

(NMST) conditioning with fludarabine and low dose TBI in patients with haematological<br />

malignancies and metastatic melanoma: a single-center experience<br />

E. Benedetti, F. Papineschi, F. Caracciolo, S. Galimberti, A. Azzarà, G. Carulli, M. Petrini (Pisa, I)<br />

P515 Reduced-intensity conditioning for allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation<br />

in patients older than 60 years<br />

M. Falda, A. Busca, S. Santarone, F. Narni, A. Rambaldi, N. Mordini, B. Bruno, F. Locatelli,<br />

A. Bacigalupo on behalf of the Gruppo Italiano Trapianto Midollo Osseo (GITMO)<br />

P516 Fludarabine-melphalan reduced-intensity conditioning matched sibling bone marrow<br />

stem cell transplantation is an effective treatment for myeloid disorders<br />

R. Malladi, A. Peniket, G. Collins, T. Littlewood (Oxford, UK)<br />

P517 Red blood cell and reticulocyte chimerism studies in non-myeloablative allogeneic<br />

peripheral blood haematopoietic stem cell transplantation<br />

L. Harritshoj, A. Berkowicz, S.L. Petersen, H.O. Madsen, L.P. Ryder, L. Vindelov, P. Andersen,<br />

E. Dickmeiss (Copenhagen, DK)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

Regulatory issues / Supportive care<br />

P518 Fresh frozen plasma plus heparin has a possible beneficial effect in veno-occlusive<br />

disease prophylaxis: a retrospective multivariate analysis<br />

E. Yannaki, I. Batsis, P. Kaloyannidis, C. Smias, I. Sakellari, A. Fassas, A. Anagnostopoulos<br />

(Thessalonica, GR)<br />

P519 G-CSF after CD34+ immunoselected peripheral blood stem cell transplantation:<br />

a novel administration schedule<br />

N. Piccirillo, S. De Matteis, P. Chiusolo, L. Laurenti, F. Sorà, R. Putzulu, G. Reddiconto,<br />

G. Leone, S. Sica (Rome, I)<br />

P520 Circulating endothelial cells as a marker of endothelial damage in allogeneic<br />

haematopoetic stem cell transplantation<br />

S. Buchholz, A. Woywodt, J. Scheer, L. Hambach, H. Kamal, A. Ganser, H. Haller, M. Haubitz,<br />

B. Hertenstein (Hannover, D)<br />

P521 Effectiveness of fixed 50% nitrous oxide oxygen mixture and EMLA cream for insertion<br />

of central venous catheters in children<br />

S. Ladeb, A. Abdelkefi, Y. Benabdennabi, F. Mellouli, T. Benothman, L. Torjman, L. Kammoun,<br />

S. Aouf, M. Bejaoui, A. Benabdeladhim (Tunis, TN)<br />

P522 Protein-C serum levels as a prognostic indicator of sepsis and related diseases in<br />

allogeneic bone marrow transplantation<br />

F. Gualandi, D. Occhini, C. Di Grazia, A. Dominietto, A.M. Raiola, A. Bacigalupo (Genoa, I)<br />

P523 Home care in a department of paediatric haematology and oncology.<br />

Results of 3 years of activity<br />

M. Miano, A. Garaventa, L. Manfredini, S. Fieramosca, C. Savio, R. Tanasini, G. Dini (Genoa, I)<br />

P524 Octreotide shortens duration of toxic diarrh0ea after high-dose therapy and autologous<br />

stem cell transplantation<br />

M. Kauppila, M. Itälä, M. Putkonen, K. Remes (Turku, FIN)<br />


Monday, March 29, 2004 Poster Physicians<br />

78<br />

Regulatory issues / Supportive care (continued)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

P525 Analysis of thrombotic tendency and endothelial dysfunction of the peri-transplant<br />

period in patients undergoing autologous stem cell transplantation<br />

M. David, O. Toth, A. Szomor, B. Meng, H. Losonczy (Pécs, HUN)<br />

P526 Successful treatment of cyclophasphomide-induced intractable haemorrhagic cystitis<br />

with novoseven (recombinant activated Factor VII ) after allogeneic bone marrow<br />

transplantation<br />

M. Zakerinia, H. Nourani Khojaste, M. Ramzi, M. Haghshenash, M. Karimi, E. Ahmad (Shiraz, IR)<br />

P527 Incidence and outcome of renal dysfunction early in the course of haematopoietic cell<br />

transplantation<br />

Y. Caliskan, S. Kalayoglu Besisik, D. Sargin, T. Ecder (Istanbul, TR)<br />

P528 Administration of G-CSF after autologous peripheral stem cell transplantation is clinical<br />

and cost-effective<br />

C. Fruchart, V. Journet, S. Damourette, A. Rivière, O. German, D. Musafiri, A.-M. Peny (Caen, F)<br />

P529 Intensive care for haematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients:<br />

admission and outcome. Advantage of a “pre-emptive” policy<br />

P. Marenco, R. Cairoli, G. Grillo, A. Tedeschi, P. Brasca, A. De Gasperi, E. Morra (Milan, I)<br />

P530 Energy balance during stem cell transplantation<br />

H.M. Dekker-van Roessel, J.A.E. Langius, P.C. Huijgens (Amsterdam, NL)<br />

P531 Transfusion requirements after allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation<br />

M. Bini-Antunes, L. Santos, F. Campilho, M. Rosales, F. Amado, A. Campos, C. Pinho Vaz,<br />

P. Pimentel, A. Carvalhais (Porto, P)<br />

P532 Method to comply with the JACIE standards on qualification of staff involved in stem cell<br />

transplantation<br />

Y. Dahmen, H. Boutémy, V. Démarez, O. Roucoules, V. Bourcy, J.L. Beaumont, M. Kuentz,<br />

F. Beaujean, C. Boccaccio, J.P. Vernant, C. Cordonnier, H. Espérou<br />

on behalf JACIE program-PHRC Ile de France<br />

P533 A “single” dose of G-CSF after autologous stem cell transplantation in patients with<br />

malignant lymphoma - second interim analysis of multicentre randomised trial<br />

comparing standard schedule with delayed application and placebo<br />

E. Faber, R. Pytlik, M. Trneny, J. Slaby, T. Kozak, L. Raida, T. Papajik, E. Zikesova, J. Zapletalova,<br />

I. Maresova, M. Trnkova, K. Indrak (Olomouc, Prague, CZ)<br />

P534 Cost-benefit analysis of a programme to identify patients receiving TPN after allogeneic<br />

stem cell transplantation<br />

E.-M. Ocio, J.-A. Pérez Simón, B. Alonso, M.-V. Calvo, M. Díez Campelo, C. Castilla, C. Cañizo,<br />

M.-D. Caballero, L. Vázquez, F. Domínguez Gil-Urlé, J.-F. San Miguel (Salamanca, E)<br />

P535 Effect of human growth hormone in haemato-oncology patients receiving intensive<br />

chemotherapy. A double-blind randomised, placebo-controlled study<br />

R. Powles, B. Sirohi, S. Kulkarni, M. Das, J. Treleaven, C. Dearden, G. Morgan, A. Boast,<br />

R. McCormack, C. Marriott, C. Horton, J. Wass (Sutton, Oxford, UK)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

Stem cell source<br />

P536 Transplantation of peripheral blood stem cells mobilised by single-dose application of<br />

pegylated G-CSF in patients with multiple myeloma<br />

U. Steidl, R. Fenk, I. Bruns, M. Kondakci, L. Henze, B. Hoyer, T. Graef, F. Neumann, S. Knipp,<br />

S. Bork, R. Kronenwett, R. Haas, G. Kobbe (Duesseldorf, D)<br />

P537 Single-centre experience of umbilical cord stem cell transplantation for primary<br />

immunodeficiency<br />

A. Bhattacharya, M.A Slatter, C.E Chapman, D. Barge, T.J Flood, M. Abinun, A.J Cant,<br />

A.R Gennery (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK)

Poster Physicians Monday, March 29, 2004<br />

Stem cell source (continued)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

P538 The use of dimethyl sulfoxide in stem cell transplantation: a survey of EBMT centres<br />

P. Windrum, M.B. Drake, T. Ruutu, T.C.M. Morris on behalf of the Chronic Leukemia Working<br />

Party Complications Committee<br />

P539 Successful transplantation of haploidentically mismatched peripheral blood stem cell<br />

using AC133+ purified stem cells<br />

M. Bitan, M.Y. Shapira, I.B. Resnick, I. Zilberman, S. Miron, S. Samuel, A. Ackerstein, S. Elad,<br />

S. Israel, A. Amar, E. Fibach, R. Or, S. Slavin (Jerusalem, IL)<br />

P540 Hydroxyethil-starch can enhance efficacy in the harvest of peripheral mononuclear<br />

blood cells<br />

J. Fernández, J. Dupont, R. Campestri, S. Fridman, J. Solimano, L. Riera, D. Riveros, G. Garay,<br />

R. Cacchione (Buenos Aires, AR)<br />

P541 Mobilisation of haematopoietic progenitor cells for autologous blood stem cell<br />

transplantation: analysis of experience at Inha University Hospital<br />

C. S. Kim, M. H. Lee, C. H. Nahm, I. Kim, S. K. Kim, S. H. Pai (Incheon, KOR)<br />

P542 Circulating absolute number of CD34+ cells remain the best predictor of successful<br />

mobilisation in cytogenetic responders to imatinib<br />

E. Nadal, J. Davis, S. Loaiza, D. Marin, S. Avery, E. Dannie, J. Apperley (London, UK)<br />

P543 CD133 assessment in the peripheral blood before apheresis and in the autologous PBSC<br />

transplant is a valuable tool for prediction of the haematopoietic content of the graft<br />

F. Nicolini, G. Clapisson, T. Prebet, Q.H. Lé, A.S. Michallet, I. Philip, M. Michallet (Lyon, F)<br />

P544 Comparison of antigen expression on the haematopoietic stem cells derived from cord<br />

blood and mobilised healthy donors peripheral blood<br />

M.A. Krol, M.E. Feliksbrot, E. Urbanowska, E. Graczyk-Pol, J. Dwilewicz-Trojaczek (Warsaw, PL)<br />

P545 Autologous transplantation in patients with poor peripheral blood stem cell mobilisation:<br />

results according to whether or not additional stem cells are pursued<br />

C. Arbona, R. Goterris, J.C. Hernández-Boluda, A. Teruel, C. Gómez, J. García-Conde (Valencia, E)<br />

P546 Efficacy of unrelated donor cord blood transplantation for poor risk paediatric<br />

haematological malignancies<br />

R.E. Hough, R.D. Faulkner, J.C. Welch, A.J. Vora (Sheffield, UK)<br />

P547 Autologous bone marrow transplantation in lymphomas: pre-transplant cumulative<br />

doses of chemotherapeutic drugs have a negative impact on long-term engraftment,<br />

but little influence on short-term haematological recovery<br />

A. Martín, J.A. Pérez-Simón, M.D. Caballero, N. López-Holgado, M.C. Cañizo, L. Vázquez,<br />

J.F. San Miguel (Salamanca, E)<br />

P548 Is there any impact of stem cell source on long-term survival after allogeneic<br />

haematopoietic stem cell transplantation? Single-centre experience<br />

J. Pretnar, I. Preloznik Zupan, S. Zver (Ljubljana, SI)<br />

P549 Apoptosis in the haematopoietic stem cell products obtained by continuous flow<br />

apheresis method in allogeneic peripheral stem cell transplantation<br />

S. Bakanay, M. Arat, K. Dalva, O. Arslan, M. Beksac, E. Ayyildiz, O. Ilhan (Ankara, TR)<br />

P550 Uncontrolled-rate freezing of peripheral blood progenitor cells allows successful<br />

engraftment by sparing primitive and committed haematopoietic progenitors<br />

C. Almici, P. Ferremi, A. Lanfranchi, G. Rossi (Brescia, I)<br />

P551 Intensive chemotherapy with autologous peripheral progenitor stem cell support:<br />

a single-centre experience<br />

A. Carneiro, F. Principe, C. Granato, F. Trigo, T. Costa, A. E.Santo, P. Guimaraes, M.J. Parreira,<br />

J.E. Guimaraes (Porto, P)<br />


Monday, March 29, 2004 Poster Physicians<br />

80<br />

Stem cell source (continued)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

P552 Anti-CD20 effect of haematopoietic stem cell mobilisation in patients with follicular non-<br />

Hodgkin lymphoma, after combined treatment with fludarabine and cyclophosphamide<br />

S. Garcia, R. Arrieta, M. Canales, M. Sanjurjo, F. Hernandez-Navarro (Madrid, E)<br />

P553 Safety and prompt availability of UCB units can be improved by NAT<br />

P. Bergamaschi, C. Perotti, C. Del Fante, G.L. Viarengo, L. Bellotti, A. Marchesi, L. Salvaneschi<br />

(Pavia, I)<br />

P554 Diagnosis of acute foetal distress does not preclude umbilical cord blood banking<br />

A. Picardi, G. Ballatore, A. Tamburini, G. Suppo, L. Cupelli, T. Caravita, M. Mirabile, C. Malerba,<br />

M.I. Irno Consalvo, A.R. Camilli, A. Calugi, S. Amadori (Rome, I)<br />

P555 Volume reduction of cord blood units using top and bottom bags<br />

P. Solves, L. Larrea, V. Mirabet, G. Palomo, F. Carbonell-Uberos, M.A Soler, R. Roig (Valencia, E)<br />

P556 Influence of graft source on the outcome following HLA-identical sibling haematopoietic<br />

stem cell transplantation<br />

D. Stamatovic, L. Tukic, B. Balint, O. Tarabar, M. Elez, V. Glavicic, L. Simic, B. Todoric-Zivanovic,<br />

M. Malesevic (Belgrade, CS)<br />

P557 Comparison between progenitor cells from bone marrow and mobilised peripheral blood<br />

in healthy donors<br />

E.M. Villarón, J. Almeida, N. López, L.I. Sanchez-Abarca, F.M. Sanchez-Guijo, M. Alberca,<br />

B. Durán, C. Pata, A. Orfao, M.C. Del Cañizo, J.F. San Miguel (Salamanca, E)<br />

P558 Predictive value of peripheral blood haematopoietic progenitor cell count before<br />

mobilisation with high doses of G-CSF<br />

P. Marín, J. Petriz, N. Monfort, M.L. López, M. Pérez, V. Martínez, L. Jover, A. Ordinas<br />

(Barcelona, E)<br />

P559 Unrelated donor umbilical cord blood transplantation following a standardised regimen<br />

in 37 patients with haematologic malignancies<br />

G. Sanz, M. Gonzalez-Vicent, R. Martino, J. Ortega, C. Jimenez, M. Diaz, T. Olive, I. Lorenzo,<br />

A. Verdeguer, A. Torres, J. Bueno, L. Madero, J. Sierra, M. Sanz<br />

on behalf of the GETH (Spanish cooperative group for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

Stem cell donor<br />

P560 Differences in expression of adhesion molecules in correlation to mobilisation efficacy<br />

in healthy stem cell donors investigated by flow cytometry<br />

U. Oelschlaegel, G. Ehninger, F. Kroschinsky (Dresden, D)<br />

P561 Which donor should be chosen for haematopoietic stem cell transplantation among<br />

unrelated HLA-A, -B and -DRB1 genomically identical volunteers?<br />

O. Ringdén, M. Schaffer, K. Le Blanc, U. Persson, D. Hauzenberger, M. Abedi, O. Olerup,<br />

P. Ljungman, M. Remberger (Stockholm, S)<br />

P562 The probability of molecular HLA-C matching between patients and unrelated donors for<br />

promiscuous HLA-B allele B*5101<br />

P. Jindra, V. Koza, J. Navratilová, K. Cerná, H. Pittrová (Pilsen, CZ)<br />

P563 Does donor-recipient ABO incompatibility have impact on the outcome following<br />

HLA-identical sibling haematopoietic stem cell transplantation?<br />

D. Stamatovic, L. Tukic, B. Balint, O. Tarabar, M. Elez, L. Simic, L. Ristic, M. Malesevic (Belgrade, CS)<br />

P564 Outcomes of core and extended family donor searches – a single-centre analysis<br />

S. Vokurka, V. Koza, P. Jindra, K. Cerna, T. Karvunidis, D. Lysak, E. Bystricka, A. Volfova, L. Novak<br />

(Pilsen, CZ)<br />

P565 Utility of autologous blood collection for bone marrow donation<br />

T. Parkkali, L. Volin, E. Juvonen, E. Elonen, T. Ruutu (Helsinki, FIN)

Poster Physicians Monday, March 29, 2004<br />

Stem cell donor (continued)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

P566 Arterial access for peripheral blood stem cell collection<br />

J. Stein, J. Katz, O. Gelber, A. Grunspan, Y. Sverdlov, I. Yaniv (Petach-Tikva, IL)<br />

P567 Phenotypic analysis of CD34+ and CD133+ subsets in successive collections of<br />

mobilised peripheral blood progenitors<br />

L. Gopcsa, A. Barta, A. Banyai, A. Poros, K. Paloczi (Budapest, HUN)<br />

P568 Large volume leucapheresis for peripheral blood progenitor cell collection in healthy<br />

donors for allogeneic transplantation: a simplified single-apheresis approach<br />

A. Alegre, J. Cannata, B. Aguado, A. Granda, R. Córdoba, S. Nistal, S. Osorio, C. Cámara, C. Aláez,<br />

C. Blázquez, E. Martí, M.J. Fernández-Villalta, A. Figuera, J.M. Fernández-Rañada (Madrid, E)<br />

P569 Improving probabilities of identifying a matched family donor: the use of 'vertical'<br />

HLA typing<br />

D. McCloskey, T. Rintala, S. Agrawal, C. Murrell, A. Gupta, S. Hemmatapour, P. Sinnott,<br />

J. Cavenagh (London, UK)<br />

P570 Novel HLA phenotypes added to the British Bone Marrow Registry<br />

P.P.J. Dunn, J.R. Turton, C.J. Brown, V. Carter, A. Green, G. Cavanagh, S. Davey,<br />

J. Harvey, P. Heard, D. Pamphilon, C.V. Navarrete (Bristol, London, Newcastle, UK)<br />

P571 The outcome of patients with an identified HLA identical sibling donor:<br />

impact of transplantation rate on early transplant outcome<br />

E.A. Soydan, M. Arat, T. Bulakbasi, P. Topcuoglu, O. Arslan, M. Özcan, G. Gürman,<br />

M. Beksac, H. Akan, O. Ilhan (Ankara, TR)<br />

P572 Second donation of G-CSF mobilised peripheral blood stem cells: risk factors associated<br />

with a low yield of CD34+ cells<br />

U. Platzbecker, M. Bornhäuser, K. Zimmer, C. Rutt, G. Ehninger, K. Hölig (Dresden, Tuebingen, D)<br />

P573 Conventional unrelated bone marrow transplantation for patients with haematological<br />

disease: probability of finding a donor and outcome of 131 consecutive cases in a<br />

single-centre<br />

A. Sperotto, F. Patriarca, M. Cerno, F. Silvestri, F. Zaja, C. Filì, A. Geromin, E. Calistri, R. Stocchi,<br />

D. Damiani, R. Fanin (Udine, I)<br />

P574 Haploidentical transplantations following reduced-intensity conditioning regimens in<br />

paediatric patients<br />

I. Dolgopolov, R. Protsenko, L. Andreeva, V. Boyarshinov, R. Ravshanova, G. Mentkevich<br />

(Moscow, RUS)<br />

P575 Mobilisation of peripheral blood stem cells with lenograstim using a short mobilisation<br />

regimen<br />

C. Kreissig, A. Younis, J. Kadar (Ratingen, Cologne, D)<br />

P576 Induced acute graft-versus-host reaction after syngeneic transplantation by shortcourse<br />

cyclosporine A administration possibly provides acute graft-versus-malignancy<br />

effect resulting in long lasting complete remissions<br />

H. Bertz, B. Hackanson, O. Schmah, A. Spyridonidis, M. Egger, K. Mikesch, F. Dörfel, J. Finke<br />

(Freiburg, D)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

Tolerance and rejection<br />

P577 Is mixed chimerism after conventional and reduced-intensity conditioning allogeneic<br />

haematopoietic stem cell transplantation a good marker of early relapse detection?<br />

S. Fürst, A.S. Michallet, V. Dubois, Q.H. Lé, F. Nicolini, X. Thomas, Y. Chelghoum, J. Troncy,<br />

H. Rafii, A. Praire, L. Gebuhrer, M. Michallet (Lyon, F)<br />

P578 FISH vs fluorescent STR-PCR for post-SCT chimaerism quantification<br />

P. Nava, A. Simón, J.L. Jiménez, M. González-Rivera, P. Balsalobre, R. Carrión, D. Serrano,<br />

A. Gómez-Pineda, J.L. Díez-Martín, I. Buño (Madrid, E)<br />


Monday, March 29, 2004 Poster Physicians<br />

82<br />

Tolerance and rejection (continued)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

P579 A non-myeloablative treosulfan-containing conditioning regimen is capable of allowing<br />

long-term engraftment of allogeneic bone marrow for immunological tolerance and<br />

adoptive immunotherapy via depletion of recipient haematopoietic stem cells in mice<br />

R.E. Ploemacher, K.W. Johnson, E.W.C. Rombouts, J. Baumgart, M. White-Scharf, J.D. Down<br />

(Rotterdam, NL; Charlestown, USA; Wedel, D)<br />

P580 Influence of antecedent Glivec® therapy (imatinib mesylate) on allogeneic stem cell<br />

transplantation outcome in CML Ph+ and ALL Ph+ patients – single-centre experience<br />

J. Holowiecki, T. Kruzel, J. Wojnar, M. Krawczyk-Kulis, I. Wylezol (Katowice, PL)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

Non-haematopoietic tissue repair<br />

P581 Intramyocardial injection of mononuclear bone marrow cells to improve tissue<br />

regeneration after myocardial infarction<br />

C. Scheid, J. Müller-Ehmsen, P. Tossios, U. Holtick, D. Moka, U. Mehlhorn, R. Schwinger<br />

(Cologne, D)<br />

P582 Enhancing bone defects repair using autologous bone marrow buffy-coat:<br />

report of 70 cases<br />

R. Saccardi, R. Capanna, P. Bufano, R. Caporale, P. De Biase, M. Innocenti, L. Lombardini,<br />

F. Pagliai, S. Urbani, A. Bosi (Florence, I)<br />

P583 Correlation between the number of homed bone marrow mononuclear cells and the<br />

extension of the infarcted area in a rat model<br />

R. Pacchiana, R. Giordano, M. Ciulla, S. Ferrero, L. Lazzari, U. Gianelli, G. Busca, S. Bosari,<br />

F. Magrini, P. Rebulla (Milan, I)<br />

P584 Myocardial regenerative therapy from autologous bone marrow stem cells<br />

M.J. Penarrubia, M.E. Fernández, A. Cantalapiedra, O. Gutierrez, A. Sanchez, A. San Román,<br />

F. Fernandez-Avilés, J. García Frade (Valladolid, E)<br />

P585 G-CSF-primed haematopoietic stem cells accelerate recovery from acute and chronic<br />

carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced liver injury<br />

E. Yannaki, E. Athanasiou, A. Xagorari, V. Constantinou, I. Batsis, E. Papadakis,<br />

A. Anagnostopoulos, A. Fassas (Thessalonica, GR)<br />

P586 Transplantation of mobilised peripheral blood stem cells in unconditioned hosts results<br />

in formation of donor-derived hepatocytes in an experimental liver injury model<br />

E. Yannaki, E. Athanasiou, A. Xagorari, V. Constantinou, I. Batsis, C. Kartsios, A. Fassas,<br />

A. Anagnostopoulos (Thessalonica, GR)<br />

P587 Intracoronary infusion of bone marrow-derived progenitor cells in patients with<br />

myocardial infarction<br />

J. Toporski, K. Reczuch, D. Turkiewicz, D. Kratochwil, M. Dzidowski, R. Ryczan, B. Rybka,<br />

W. Banasiak, A. Chybicka, P. Ponikowski (Wroclaw, PL)<br />

P588 Quest for donor type cells in non-haematopoietic tissue in patients after HSCT.<br />

Analysis of tissue with high need for repair: hair and sperm<br />

A. Rovo, C. De Geyter, S. Meyer-Monard, D. Heim, J. Passweg, W. Holzgreve, A. Gratwohl,<br />

A. Tichelli (Basel, CH)<br />

P589 Autologous bone marrow AC133+ cell transplantation in acute myocardial infarction<br />

C. Plesa, B. Mut, A. Plesa, E. Suciu, V. Ordodi, I. Sisca, M. Serban, S.-I. Dragulescu, V. Paunescu<br />

(Timisoara, RO)

Poster Physicians Monday, March 29, 2004<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

Aplastic Anaemia<br />

P590 Subtyping of Fanconi's anaemia patients in Spain<br />

J.A. Casado, E. Callén, A.A. Jacome, J.C. Segovia, E. Lobitz, H. Hanemberg, J.A. Bueren<br />

(Madrid, Barcelona, E; Duesseldorf, D)<br />

P591 Non-myeloablative stem cell transplantation (NST) for the treatment of patients with<br />

Fanconi's anaemia<br />

S. Slavin, M. Bitan, M. Aker, I. Resnick, M. Shapira, R. Or (Jerusalem, IL)<br />

P592 Severe aplastic anaemia: long-term chimerism analysis after bone marrow<br />

transplantation<br />

E. Cortesão, A. Guimarães, A. Machado, L. Vieira, G. Boavida, M. Jorge, H. Alaiz, M. Abecasis<br />

(Lisbon, P)<br />

P593 Cyclosporin-A response/dependence in paediatric patients with aplastic anaemia<br />

P. Saracco, C. Dufour, D. Longoni, S. Varotto, G. DelVecchio, A. Iori, M. Zecca, M. Cellini,<br />

P. Paolucci, D. Sperli, G. Zanazzo, G. Menna, P. Quarello, R. Cerchio, U. Ramenghi, A. Locasciulli<br />

(Turin, Genoa, Monza, Padua, Bari, Rome, Pavia, Modena, Cosenza, Trieste, Naples, I)<br />

P594 A single-centre experience in the stem cell transplantation of Fanconi's anaemia<br />

patients<br />

D. Balashov, P. Trakhtman, E. Pashanov, Y. Skvortsova, I. Shipitsina, Z. Dyshlevaya,<br />

E. Skorobogatova, A. Maschan (Moscow, RUS)<br />

P595 Donor-derived acute myelomonocytic leukaemia in a patient receiving allogenic bone<br />

marrow transplant for severe aplastic anaemia<br />

J. Müller, I. Haltrich, J. Szabó, G. Kovács, R. Koós, M. Garami, G. Kriván, M. Dobos, G. Fekete<br />

(Budapest, HUN)<br />

P596 Persisting mesenchymal stem cells is the basis of successful bone marrow<br />

transplantation<br />

V. Rugal, K. Abdulkadyrov, M. Bercos (St. Petersburg, RUS)<br />

Autoimmune disease<br />

P597 Long-term immune reconstitution in patients treated with autologous stem cell<br />

transplantation for refractory autoimmune diseases<br />

R. Arnold, T. Alexander, G. Massenkeil, R. Burmester, A. Radbruch, F. Hiepe, A. Thiel (Berlin, D)<br />

P598 Autologous stem cell transplantation with in vitro purged or unpurged graft in the<br />

treatment of 25 patients with poor-risk multiple sclerosis<br />

T. Kozak, E. Havrdova, J. Pitha, K. Mayerova, E. Gregora, J. Slaby, P. Kobylka, S. Vodvarkova,<br />

P. Salaj, M. Kolar, J. Pachl, M. Trneny, J. Fiedler, P. Skopek, K. Koza (Prague, Pilsen, CZ)<br />

P599 High-dose cyclophosphamide and autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation<br />

for refractory chronic inflammatory bowel diseases – a two step approach<br />

K. Potthoff, W. Kreisel, H. Bertz, A. Schmitt-Gräff, J. Finke (Freiburg, D)<br />

P600 Three cases of haemophagocytosis (MAS) during SCT for systemic juvenile idiopathic<br />

arthritis, possibly caused by fludarabin<br />

N. Wulffraat, A. van Royen-Kerkhof, M. Abinun, C. Modesto, J. Ortega, P. Veys, L. Wedderburn<br />

(Utrecht, NL; Newcastle, London, UK; Barcelona, E)<br />


Monday, March 29, 2004 Poster Physicians<br />

84<br />

Autoimmune disease (continued)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

P601 Outcome of autologous HSCT for severe and refractory autoimmune diseases in Brazil<br />

J. Voltarelli, A.-B. Stracieri, M.-C. Rodrigues, D. Godoi, D. Moraes, M. Coutinho, N. Hamerschlak,<br />

E. Ferreira, A. Ribeiro, C. Massumoto, N. Castro, J.-C. Barros, K. Matias, M. Ostronoff,<br />

C.-L. Santanna, W. Azevedo on behalf of the Brazilian Cooperative Trial of autologous HSCT for<br />

autoimmune diseases<br />

P602 Treatment of severe systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) with autologous stem cell<br />

transplantation: clinical outcome in 6 cases<br />

T. Alexander, G. Massenkeil, E. Gromnica-Ihle, R. Burmester, A. Radbruch, A. Thiel, F. Hiepe,<br />

R. Arnold (Berlin, D)<br />

P603 Complete long term remission of relapsing pure white cell aplasia following RIC<br />

ALLO-BMT and DLI<br />

A.M. Marmont, F. Gualandi, A.M. Raiola, A. Dominietto, S. Bregante, M.T. van Lint, A. Bacigalupo<br />

(Genoa, I)<br />

P604 Alternation of T-helper 1 and T-helper 2 subsets in peripheral blood cells of patients with<br />

multiple sclerosis following autologous haematopoietic stem cells transplantation<br />

J. Ouyang (Nanjing, CHN)<br />

P605 Allogenic HLA identical bone marrow transplantation in patient with juvenile idiopathic /<br />

chronic/arthritis /JIA<br />

K. Nagy, G. Vertesi, G. Marton, B. Lombay, S. Sipka on behalf of the Autoimmune Diseases<br />

Working Party<br />

P606 Expression analysis of natural killer cell immunoglobulin-like and cytotoxicity receptors<br />

in patients with psoriatic arthritis<br />

C. Seidl, T. Tonn, C. Wild, F. Behrens, W. Boehnke, B. Möller, E. Seifried, E. Märker-Herrmann,<br />

P. Kaltwasser on behalf of the Psoriatic arthritis study group, Rhein Main Centre of Rheumatology<br />

P607 The study of apoptosis and Fas ligand in peripheral blood mononuclear cells in multiple<br />

sclerosis<br />

A. Rezaei (Isfahan, IR)<br />

P608 Autologous stem cell transplant in 4 patients with refractory autoimmune diseases<br />

T.L. Lee, S.Y. Ha, G.C.F. Chan, H.K. Ho, Y.L. Lau (Hong Kong, HK)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

Chronic leukaemias<br />

P609 Autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation as a first-line intensification in B<br />

and C chronic lymphocytic leukaemia<br />

L. Sutton, A. Drihème, M. Diviné, H. Gonzalez, P. Travade, M. Michallet, B. Lioure, S. Lepretre,<br />

M. Leporrier on behalf of the SFGM and French CLL Study Group<br />

P610 PBSC collection following G-CSF mobilisation in CML patients treated with imatinib mesylate<br />

P. Perseghin, C. Gambacorti-Passerini, L. Tornaghi, P. Pioltelli, M. Dassi, E. Elli, M. Fumagalli,<br />

E. Pogliani (Monza, Milan, I)<br />

P611 Conventional HLA-identical sibling bone marrow transplantation is able to cure chronic<br />

lymphocytic leukaemia. A study from the EBMT and IBMT Registries<br />

M. Michallet, A.S. Michallet, Q. Le, G. Bandini, P.A. Rowlings, H.J. Deeg, G. Gahrton,<br />

E. Montserrat, F. Nicolini, C. Rozman, A. Gratwohl, D. Niederweiser, C. Bredeson, M. Horowitz<br />

(Lyon, F; Bologna, I; Milwaukee, Seattle, USA; Huddinge, A; Barcelona, E; Basel, CH; Leipzig, D;<br />

Ottawa, CAN)<br />

P612 Conventional versus reduced intensity-conditioned allogeneic stem cell transplantation<br />

for CLL – single-centre comparison of early outcome<br />

P. Jindra, V. Koza, M. Karas, K. Cerná, D. Lysák, V. Vozobulová, M. Schutzová, P. Skopek,<br />

S. Vokurka, M. Svojgrová (Pilsen, CZ)

Poster Physicians Monday, March 29, 2004<br />

Chronic leukaemias (continued)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

P613 Unrelated donor stem cell transplantation for chronic myeloid leukaemia in first chronic<br />

phase: the Spanish experience<br />

M. Jiménez, V. Gómez-García, C. Martín, A. Iriondo, G. Sanz, C. Cañizo, J. Sierra, R. Cabrera,<br />

C. Vallejo, J. López, C. Martínez, A. Torres, R. de la Cámara, E. Carreras<br />

on behalf of the CML subcommittee of the Grupo Español de Trasplante Hematopoyético (GETH)<br />

P614 Low-dose (75mg) campath in reduced-intensity conditioning and allogeneic stem cell<br />

transplantation in patients with advanced CLL<br />

J. Schetelig, M. Bornhäuser, C. Thiede, B. Mohr, U. Oelschlägel, M. Hänel, G. Geissler, T. Illmer,<br />

A. Kiani, G. Ehninger, W. Siegert on behalf of the Cooperative Transplant Study group<br />

P615 Imatinib in the pre- and post-transplantation setting in philadelphia chromosome<br />

positive CML: a retrospective analysis<br />

M. Wabersich, R. Krahl, T. Lange, U. Hegenbart, C. Mueller, S. Musiol, S. Kim, D. Niederwieser,<br />

H. Al-Ali (Leipzig, D)<br />

P616 Imatinib for chronic myeloid leukaemia relapsing after allogeneic bone marrow<br />

transplantation<br />

M. Lucesole, A. Garuti, M. Sessarego, C. Di Grazia, M.T. van Lint, A. Dominietto, A.M. Raiola,<br />

T. Lamparelli, F. Gualandi, D. Occhini, S. Bregante, V. Galbusera, A. Bacigalupo (Genoa, I)<br />

P617 The ability to mobilise progenitor cells is impaired in patients with chronic lymphocytic<br />

leukaemia compared to other haematological malignancies and this is independent of<br />

marrow infiltration<br />

R.A. Lovell, K. Holder, M. Karanth, C.D. Fegan, G.E.D. Pratt, D.W. Milligan (Birmingham, UK)<br />

P618 The results of MUD-BMT in CML-CP are as good as the results of HLA identical sibling<br />

transplants. A single-centre experience<br />

A. Vítek, J. Sajdová, P. Cetkovsky´, D. Sponerová, M. Marková, D. Pohlreich (Prague, CZ)<br />

P619 A sequential chemoimmunotherapy protocol can obtain a high proportion of molecular<br />

remission in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia<br />

V. Pitini, C. Arrigo, C. Amata, G. La Gattuta, L. Siracusano, D. Teti (Messina, I)<br />

P620 Imatinib mesylate therapy in patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia previously treated<br />

with autologous stem cell transplantation<br />

M. Cortés, A. Sureda, R. Martino, A. Aventín, J. Nomdedeu, J. Briones, D. Valcárcel, S. Brunet,<br />

J. Sierra (Barcelona, E)<br />

P621 Factors influencing the outcome of HLA-identical sibling transplants for chronic myeloid<br />

leukaemia: collaborative analysis from three centres in Poland and Turkey<br />

P. Topcuoglu, J.M. Zaucha, M. Arat, H. Akan, J. Gozdzik, D. Szatkowski, A. Hellmann, M. Beksac<br />

(Ankara, TR; Gdansk, Poznan, PL)<br />

P622 Effectiveness of rituximab for in vivo purging before harvest of peripheral stem cells<br />

in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia<br />

L. Shvidel, M. Shtalrid, L. Bassous, N. Harpaz, A. Berrebi (Rehovot, IL)<br />

P623 Autologous transplantation after in vivo purging with alemtuzumab in chronic<br />

lymphocytic leukaemia<br />

I. Majolino, M. Ladetto, G. Anghel, C. Papetti, F. Benedetti, A. Gallamini, T. Chisesi, A. De Blasio,<br />

C. Tarella on behalf of GITIL (Gruppo Italiano per le Terapie Innovative nei Linfomi)<br />


Monday, March 29, 2004 Poster Physicians<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

86<br />

Haemoglobinopathy<br />

P624 New approaches to the second transplant for thalassaemia<br />

J. Gaziev, C. Giardini, P. Polchi, P. Sodani, G. Lucarelli (Pesaro, I)<br />

P625 Chronic GvHD outcome in thalassaemia major patients (12-year experience in Iran)<br />

A. Ghavamzadeh, M. Jahani, A. Mousavi, B. Bahar, M. Iravani, K. Alimoghaddam, S. Gholibeikian,<br />

F. Safavifar, P. Heydari (Tehran, IR)<br />

P626 Pure red cell aplasia mimicking graft failure in a child following fludarabine-based<br />

conditioning and allogeneic stem cell transplantation for homozygous beta-thalassaemia<br />

L.M. Ball, A.M. Hemling, R.G.M. Bredius, A.C. Lankester, M.Y. Bilgin, P.C. Giordano,<br />

C.L Harteveld, W.A.F. Marijt, M.J.D. van Tol, R.M. Egeler (Leiden, NL)<br />

P627 Bone marrow transplantation for thalassemia using different conditioning regimens<br />

including “short” anti-thymocyte globulin therapy<br />

M. Zakerinia, H. Nourani Khojaste, M. Ramzi, M. Haghshenash (Shiraz, IR)<br />

P628 Intensified immunosuppression for treatment of impending graft rejection in<br />

thalassaemic patients<br />

U. Duffner, B. Strahm, U. Kontny, C. Niemeyer (Freiburg, D)<br />

Inborn errors<br />

P629 Safe and efficacious allogeneic bone marrow transplantation with partial donor T-cell<br />

depletion and no post-transplant GvHD prophylaxis<br />

R. Elhasid, M. Ben Arush, T. Katz, I. Sami, O. Gidoni, N. Haddad, S. Postovsky, A. Ben Barak,<br />

J.M. Rowe (Haifa, IL)<br />

P630 Allogeneic stem cell transplantation in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy<br />

G. Kriván, Á. Bátai, B. Kapás, S. Lueff, M. Molnár, P. Reményi, M. Réti, A. Tremmel, T. Masszi<br />

(Budapest, HUN)<br />

P631 Cartilage hair hypoplasia: successful unrelated haematopoietic stem cell transplantation<br />

V. Bordon, E. Vandecruys, C. Dhooge, G. Laureys, Y. Benoit (Ghent, B)<br />

Multiple myeloma<br />

P632 Comparison of immunofixation electrophoresis with serum free light chain measurement<br />

S.D. Reid, G.P. Mead, M.T. Drayson, A.R. Bradwell (Birmingham, UK)<br />

P633 Thalidomide as salvage therapy for relapsed multiple myeloma after allogeneic stem cell<br />

transplantation<br />

I. Yakoub-Agha, M. Mohty, M. Attal, G. Marit, C. Bulabois, J.J. Sotto, N. Gratecos, B. Rio, J.P. Vernant,<br />

T. Facon, J.P. Jouet on behalf of the Intergroupe Francophne du Myélome and SFGM-TC<br />

P634 Allogeneic transplantation after non-myeloablative conditioning consolidation therapy<br />

following high-dose melphalan and autologous stem cell transplantation improve<br />

outcome in high-risk multiple myeloma<br />

M. Martino, G. Beltrami, M.T. Corsetti, G. Penna, G. Messina, F. Morabito, P. Iacopino, A. Carella<br />

(Reggio Calabria, San Giovanni Rotond, San Giovanni Rotondo, I)<br />

P635 Salvage of multiple myeloma patients relapse after an autologous stem cell<br />

transplantation, in the era of thalidomide and reduced-intensity allogeneic stem cell<br />

transplantation<br />

I. Hardan, A. Kneller, A. Shimoni, M. Berkowicz, A. Avigdor, M. Yeshurun, P. Raanani,<br />

Y. Davidowich, N. Shemtov, I. Ben Bassat, A. Nagler (Tel-Hashomer, IL)

Poster Physicians Monday, March 29, 2004<br />

Multiple myeloma (continued)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

P636 Update of autologous retransplantation in multiple myeloma patients:<br />

intra-individual analysis of event free survival (T2 model)<br />

R. Hajek, A. Krivanova, M. Krejci, V. Scudla, J. Bacovsky´, M. Schutzova, L. Pour, J. Mayer,<br />

T. Buchler, V. Koza, J. Vorlicek, Z. Adam (Brno, CZ)<br />

P637 Impact of deletion 13 detected by fluorescence in situ hybridisation on outcome after<br />

dose-reduced allogeneic stem transplantation in patients with multiple myeloma<br />

N. Kröger, G. Schilling, H. Einsele, P. Liebisch, A. Shimoni, A. Nagler, J. Perez-Simon,<br />

J. San Miguel, M. Kiehl, A. Fauser, R. Schwerdtfeger, H. Wandt, H. Sayer, H. Myint,<br />

H. Klingemann, T. Zabelina, F. Ayuk, J. Dierlamm, A. Hinke, A. Zander<br />

(Hamburg, Tuebingen, Ulm, Idar-Oberstein, Wiesbaden, Nuremberg, Jena, Monheim, D;<br />

Tel Hashomer, IL; Salamanca, E; Chicago, USA)<br />

P638 Specific lysis of multiple myeloma cells by T-cells engineered to express a chimeric<br />

immune receptor targeting HM 1.24<br />

M.S. Topp, H. Hummel, G. Kuntz, C. Neff, H. Einsele (Tuebingen, D)<br />

P639 Graft-versus-myeloma effect following reduced-intensity conditioning allogeneic stem<br />

cell transplantation<br />

M. Mohty, J. Boiron, G. Damaj, A. Michallet, J. Bay, C. Faucher, V. Perreau, K. Bilger, A. Stoppa,<br />

R. Tabrizi, J. Gastaut, M. Michallet, D. Maraninchi, D. Blaise<br />

(Marseille, Bordeaux, Lyon, Clermont Ferrand, F)<br />

P640 Double versus single autotransplantation in multiple myeloma; single-centre experience<br />

with 101 patients<br />

M. Putkonen, K. Remes, A. Rauhala, M. Itälä, M. Kauppila, T.-T. Pelliniemi, A. Rajamäki<br />

(Turku, Vaasa, FIN)<br />

P641 Long-term follow-up of a randomised phase III multicentre study comparing a standard<br />

versus an intensified conditioning regimen for high-dose chemotherapy in patients with<br />

multiple myeloma<br />

R. Fenk, P. Schneider, M. Kropff, A.-N. Huenerlituerkoglu, C. Aul, W. E. Berdel, A. Heyll, R. Haas,<br />

G. Kobbe on behalf of the Westgerman Myeloma Study Group<br />

P642 A multi state statistical analysis indicates a better outcome in autologous tandem<br />

transplantation in myeloma, if the second transplant can be performed within six<br />

months of the first<br />

C. Morris, S. Iacobelli, R. Brand, B. Bjorkstrand, M. Drake, D. Niederwieser, G. Gahrton<br />

on behalf of the Chronic Leukaemia Working Party Myeloma Subcommittee of the European<br />

Blood and Marrow Transplant (EBMT) Group<br />

P643 High-dose melphalan and autologous stem cell transplantation after VAD chemotherapy<br />

for systemic light chain (AL) amyloidosis<br />

J.B. Perz, S. Schoenland, M. Hundemer, R.P. Linke, A.D. Ho, H. Goldschmidt<br />

(Heidelberg, Martinsried-Munich, D)<br />

P644 Reduced-intensity conditioning allogeneic stem cell transplantation for multiple<br />

myeloma. Report from the Japan Myeloma Study Group (JMSG)<br />

C. Shimazaki, H. Fujii, T. Yoshida, T. Chou, C. Nakaseko, A. Ishii, T. Takagi, K. Takatsuki<br />

(Kyoto, Toyama, Niigata, Chiba, J)<br />

P645 Phase I/II study with bendamustine hydrochloride in patients with multiple myeloma<br />

relapsing after high-dose therapy and autologous stem cell transplantation<br />

S. Knop, C. Straka, H. Hebart, M. Haen, L. Kanz, H. Einsele (Tuebingen, Munich, D)<br />

P646 Longitudinal monitoring of the plasma cells propidium iodide and annexin-V /CD138<br />

indices during various phases of multiple myeloma<br />

M. Ordeltova, J. Bacovsky, M. Vytrasova, J. Zahalkova, P. Horak (Olomouc, CZ)<br />


Monday, March 29, 2004 Poster Physicians<br />

88<br />

Multiple myeloma (continued)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

P647 Employment of autologous transplantation of progenitor cells following effective<br />

treatment with thalidomide of patients with multiple myeloma resistant to conventional<br />

chemotherapy<br />

H. Ciepluch, W. Knopinska-Posluszny, J. Czyz, A. Hellmann (Gdansk, PL)<br />

P648 Thalidomide stimulates peptide specific CD8+ T-cells against viral epitopes<br />

A. Trojan, R. Giger, N. Rist, D. Jäger, C. Taverna (Zurich, CH)<br />

P649 Serum free light chain ratio is predictive of early relapse in patients who are in complete<br />

remission by immunofixation<br />

B. Sirohi, R. Powles, S. Kulkarni, H.D. Carr-Smith, G. Patel, M. Das, J. Iqbal, A.R. Bradwell,<br />

C. Dearden, J. Mehta (Sutton, Birmingham, UK)<br />

P650 Dendritic cells vaccination post-peripheral blood stem cell transplantation in multiple<br />

myeloma<br />

J. Gayoso, C. Regidor, R. Yañez, F.J. Peñalver, R. Forés, G. Bautista, E. Ruiz, J.A. García-Marco,<br />

S. Gil, I. Sanjuan, F. Díaz-Espada, M.N. Fernández, J.R. Cabrera (Madrid, E)<br />

P651 Intravenous neridronate for treatment of skeletal involvement in patients undergoing<br />

autologous stem cell transplantation for multiple myeloma<br />

G. Pittari, D. Costi, L. Mangoni, S. Frigelli, M.C. Baroni, V. Rizzoli (Parma, I)<br />

P652 Treatment of patients with multiple myeloma in first relapse after high-dose<br />

chemotherapy with single agent thalidomide – duration of first remission is the major<br />

prognostic factor for EFS and OS<br />

B. Hoyer, R. Fenk, U. Steidl, U. Germing, R. Haas, G. Kobbe (Duesseldorf, D)<br />

P653 A case control study of high-dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell<br />

transplantation versus conventional chemotherapy in advanced stage myeloma<br />

E. Terruzzi, F. Rossini, M. Parma, R. Montesano, L. Verga, S. Cammarota, M. Romeo, J. Navarro,<br />

P. Pioltelli, E. Pogliani (Monza, I)<br />

P654 Only a minority of myeloma patients aged under 65 years receive high-dose therapy<br />

with autologous transplantation<br />

T.C.M. Moris, E. Ranaghan, C. Ogilve, G.H. Jackson, M.R. Velangi<br />

(Belfast, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK)<br />

P655 High-dose therapy is given to multiple myeloma patients with similar clinical<br />

characteristics to those in conventional chemotherapy and improves survival in<br />

multiple myeloma: a retrospective analysis from a single centre<br />

M. Beksac, E. Soydan, M. Arat, P. Topcuoglu, M.K. Yuksel, S.K. Toprak, M. Kizil, O. Arslan,<br />

M. Ozcan, G. Gurman, O. Ilhan, H. Akan (Ankara, TR)<br />

P656 153 samarium-EDTMP in myeloablative dosage followed by autologous stem cell<br />

transplantation in patients with refractory multiple myeloma<br />

S. Knop, B. Dohmen, L. Kanz, R. Bares, H. Einsele (Tuebingen, D)<br />

P657 Autologous stem cell transplantation for primary amyloidosis: the Finnish experience<br />

E. Jantunen, T. Siitonen, E. Koivunen, M. Putkonen, E. Juvonen, T. Nousiainen, P. Koistinen<br />

(Kuopio, Oulu, Tampere, Turku, Helsinki, FIN)<br />

P658 Aiming at increasing allogeneic possibilities in multiple myeloma patients<br />

M. Paola, R. Cairoli, G. Grillo, A. Tedeschi, P. Brasca, E. Morra (Milan, I)<br />

P659 Combination thalidomide, doxil and dexamethasone as salvage therapy for patients<br />

relapsed after tandem autotransplant<br />

M. Offidani, M. Marconi, L. Corvatta, L. Malerba, A. Olivieri, A. Mele, P. Galieni, R. Centurioni,<br />

F. Alesiani, M. Candela, P. Leoni (Ancona, Pesaro, Ascoli Piceno, Civitanova Marche, S. Severino, I)<br />

P660 High-dose melphalan followed by autologous stem cell transplantation in patients with<br />

primary systemic (AL) amyloidosis<br />

S. Knop, C. Lengerke, H. Hebart, L. Kanz, H. Einsele (Tuebingen, D)

Poster Physicians Monday, March 29, 2004<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

Solid tumours<br />

P661 Low frequency of PBPC harvest contamination with tumour cells in Ewing´s sarcoma<br />

patients treated with VIDE induction regimen<br />

D. Sumerauer, A. Vicha, E. Kabickova, S. Matejckova, A. Hruba, T. Eckschlager (Prague, CZ)<br />

P662 A graft-versus-lung effect after non-myeloablative stem cell transplantation in a patient<br />

with an advanced chemorefractory squamous tracheo-bronchial carcinoma<br />

G.L. Banna, S.M.L. Aversa, G. Crivellari, V. Chiarion-Sileni, A. Favaretto, H. Koussis, S. Monfardini<br />

(Padua, I)<br />

P663 Submyeloablative chemotherapy with peripheral blood stem cell rescue in solid tumours<br />

in childhood. A single-centre experience<br />

M. Chanova, E. Kabickova, J. Malis, J. Koutecky (Prague, CZ)<br />

P664 Adoptive transfer Of IL-2 activated T-cells following autologous haematopoietic cell<br />

transplantation in patients with breast cancer<br />

P. Pedrazzoli, J. Peccatori, R. Schiavo, S. Deola, E. Setola, F. Ciceri, M. Bernardi, S. Secondino,<br />

C. Tullio, F. Lunghi, E. Guggiari, S. Siena, M. Bregni (Milan, I)<br />

P665 Inflammatory cytokines dominate with tumour regression after haematopoietic stem cell<br />

transplantation for solid cancer<br />

R. Conrad, M. Remberger, P. Hentschke, J. Mattsson, B. Sundberg, O. Ringdén, L. Barkholt<br />

(Stockholm, S)<br />

P666 Megachemotherapy with autologus PBSCT in Ewing's sarcoma in children<br />

K. Drabko, B. Wojcik, M. Choma, A. Zaucha-Prazmo, J. Zawitkowska-Klaczynska,<br />

J.R. Kowalczyk, E. Gorczynska, J. Toporski, K. Kalwak, D. Turkiewicz (Lublin, Wroclaw, PL)<br />

P667 Long-term survival and toxicity of tandem high-dose therapy with high-dose melphalan<br />

and ice regimen (ifosfamide, carboplatin and etoposide) followed by autologous stem<br />

cell support in patients with advanced breast cancer<br />

L. De Rosa, G. Anghel, L. Pescador, F. Blandino, M. Lalle, A. Pandolfi, I. Majolino (Rome, I)<br />

P668 Enhanced graft-versus-tumour effect with trastuzumab after non-myeloablative<br />

allogeneic stem cell transplantation in a patient with HER2 positive metastatic<br />

breast cancer progressed after chemotherapy and trastuzumab<br />

G.L. Banna, S.M.L. Aversa, C. Ghiotto, G. Crivellari, G. Casarrubea, S. Monfardini (Padua, I)<br />


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 Poster Physicians<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

90<br />

Cellular therapies<br />

P669 Purified human CD4+ T-cells can eradicate overt human acute lymphoblastic leukaemia<br />

as demonstrated in an animal model of human acute leukaemia<br />

B.A. Nijmeijer, M.L.J. van Schie, R. Willemze, J.H.F. Falkenburg (Leiden, NL)<br />

P670 Normalisation of the immune system and long term remission in severe autoimmune<br />

diseases after autologous stem cell transplantation<br />

R. Arnold, G. Massenkeil, O. Rosen, H. Radtke, E. Gromnica-Ihle, G.R. Burmester, A. Thiel,<br />

A. Radbruch, F. Hiepe (Berlin, D)<br />

P671 Role of HLA class I expression and KIR-mismatch for variable NK cell lysis of tumour<br />

cells in children with acute lymphatic leukaemia<br />

M. Pfeiffer, R. Handgretinger, T. Feuchtinger, M. Schumm, D. Niethammer, P. Lang<br />

(Tuebingen, D; Memphis, USA)<br />

P672 Cyclin D1 as a target molecule for T-cell-based immunotherapy of cyclin D1-expressing<br />

haematological malignancies<br />

M. Zeis, S. Siegel, A. Wagner, N. Schmitz (Hamburg, D)<br />

P673 Co-administration of apoptotic cells with a bone marrow graft to enhance marrow<br />

engraftment induces a TGF-beta-dependent expansion of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T-cells<br />

P. Saas, S. Perruche, H. Bittard, J.M. Chalopin, P. Tiberghien, F. Kleinclauss (Besançon, F)<br />

P674 Expansion of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells for clinical application<br />

H. Roelofs, R.M. Egeler, W.E. Fibbe (Leiden, NL)<br />

P675 Slow evolution of T-cell chimerism after transplantation of allogeneic highly purified<br />

peripheral blood CD34+ cells from HLA-identical sibling donors<br />

R. Peceny, A.H. Elmaagacli, R. Trenschel, H. Ottinger, D.W. Beelen (Essen, D)<br />

P676 A phenotypic marker for thymic activity: recurrence of CD31+ CD45RA+ “thymic” naive<br />

Th-cells after stem cell transplantation indicates reactivation of thymic activity<br />

A. Thiel, C.A. Schmidt, G. Przybylski, T. Alexander, S. Kohler, S. Kimmig, F. Hiepe, R. Arnold,<br />

A. Radbruch (Berlin, Greifswald, D)<br />

P677 Small interfering RNAs directed against growth factor independence 1B gene (Gfi-1B)<br />

inhibit proliferation and induce apoptosis in leukaemic cell lines<br />

M. Koldehoff, N. Steckel, R. Peceny, R. Trenschel, D. Beelen, B. Opalka, A. Elmaagacli (Essen, D)<br />

P678 NKG2D receptor-mediated NK activity induced by allogeneic CD34+ blood cells<br />

M. Arpinati, B. Urbini, G. Perrone, G. Chirumbolo, M. Baccarani, D. Rondelli<br />

(Bologna, I; Chicago, USA)<br />

P679 Human lineage-negative cells for regenerative stem cell therapy<br />

E. Rohde, D. Thaler, G. Lanzer, W. Linkesch, D. Strunk (Graz, A)<br />

P680 Detection of frequencies of allo-reactive natural killer cells with granzyme B<br />

ELISPOT assay<br />

J. Hasenkamp, S. Dingeldein, B. Glass (Goettingen, D)<br />

P681 Donor leukocyte infusion after stem cell transplantation in patients with juvenile<br />

myelomonocytic leukaemia<br />

A. Yoshimi, S. Matthes-Martin, U. Duffner, J. Star_, P. Bader, D. Dilloo, T. Klingebiel, F. Locatelli,<br />

C. Niemeyer on behalf of the European Working Group of MDS in Childhood (EWOG-MDS)<br />

P682 Immunisation of donor T-cells against minor histocompatibility antigens for conversion<br />

of mixed chimerism in DLA-identical chimeras<br />

M. Weber, W. Guenther, A. Kohn, H.-J. Kolb (Munich, D)<br />

P683 Lymphocyte subset reconstitution after allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell<br />

transplantation from unrelated donors<br />

V. Vavilov, T. Zabelina, N. Kroeger, B. Fehse, N. Fehse, A. Pugachov, A. Zander, B. Afanasyev<br />

(St. Petersburg, RUS; Hamburg, D)

Poster Physicians Tuesday, March 30, 2004<br />

Cellular therapies (continued)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

P684 Clinical experience of dendritic cells in various malignancies<br />

J. Park, Y. Jung, J. Choi, H. Lim, Y.J. Kim, H.C. Kim (Suwon, KOR)<br />

P685 Pharmacokinetics of treosulfan in a myeloablative conditioning combination with<br />

cyclophosphamide prior to allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation<br />

R.A. Hilger, M.E. Scheulen, R. Trenschel, S. Seeber, D.W. Beelen (Essen, D)<br />

P686 Immunotherapy using rIL-2 activated mismatched donor lymphocytes positively selected<br />

for CD56+ for the treatment of resistant haematologic malignancies after stem cell<br />

transplantation<br />

S. Slavin, S. Morecki, M. Shapira, S. Samuel, A. Ackerstein, Y. Gelfand, I. Resnick, M. Bitan, R. Or<br />

(Jerusalem, IL)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

Graft versus host disease<br />

P687 Elimination of human alloreactive T-lymphocytes by anti-CD95 mediated activationinduced<br />

cell death for preventing graft-versus-host disease in allogeneic bone marrow<br />

transplantation<br />

U. Hartwig, M. Nonn, S. Khan, W. Herr, C. Huber (Mainz, D)<br />

P688 Recipient specific transfusion with IL-2 into donor induced CD4+CD25+ cells preventing<br />

lethal GvHD<br />

D. Jeong, N. Chung, B. Choi, S. Park, C. Han (Inchon, Seoul, KOR)<br />

P689 Does donor/recipient parity have any impact on graft-versus-host disease?<br />

The results of a single-centre retrospective multivariate analysis<br />

M. Arat, E.A. Soydan, P. Topcuoglu, B. Aktas, M. Beksac (Ankara, TR)<br />

P690 Graft-versus-host disease of the liver: 109 cases from a single-centre<br />

R.F. Duarte, J. Delgado-Gonzalez, A.F. Quaglia, B. Shaw, D. Wrench, M. Ethell, A.P. Dhillon,<br />

S. Mackinnon, M.N. Potter (London, UK)<br />

P691 Patient and donor polymorphisms within the HLA class III genes associate with the<br />

outcome of allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation<br />

K. Bogunia-Kubik, A. Lange (Wroclaw, PL)<br />

P692 The conditioning regimen influences migration of donor T-cells in recipient tissues<br />

L. Cannella, R. Laylor, H. Dewchand, E. Simpson, F. Marelli-Berg, F. Dazzi (London, UK)<br />

P693 HLA-DPB1 mismatch is associated with acute GvHD after HLA-identical sibling donor<br />

stem cell transplantation<br />

D. Gallardo, S. Brunet, A. Torres, M. Alonso-Nieto, C. Vallejo, A. Jiménez, M. González, G. Sanz,<br />

D. Serrano, I. Espigado, S. Osorio, E. Carreras, C. Martín, C. Sanz-Rodríguez, J. Sierra, J. Zuazu,<br />

M.F. González-Escribano, J. R. González, J. Román, J. Pérez de Oteyza, R. de la Cámara<br />

On behalf oh the GvHD Subcommittee of the Spanish Group of hematopoietic stem cell<br />

transplantation (GETH: Grupo Español de Trasplante Hemopoyético).<br />

P694 GvHD after allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation: comparison between<br />

conventional and reduced-intensity conditioning regimens<br />

J.A. Perez-Simon, E. Ocio, M.D. Caballero, V. Mateos, F.M. Sanchez-Guijo, L. Vazquez,<br />

J.F. San Miguel (Salamanca, E)<br />

P695 A retrospective study on the efficacy and safety of campath in the prophylaxis of<br />

graft-versus-host disease in paediatric transplantation<br />

J. Shankari, M. Ortin, S. Patel, R. Ridwan, P. Fomasagaram, R. Sinha, S. Ball, J. Treleaven<br />

(London, Sutton, UK)<br />

P696 Persistence of CAMPATH-1H at detectable and functional levels 28 days after treatment<br />

in recipients of stem cell transplants: a comparison with antithymocyte globulin<br />

R. Garland, S. Groves, J. Hallinan, S. West, K. Winship, S. Robinson, A. Oakhill, J. Cornish,<br />

D. Pamphilon, D. Marks, N. Goulden, C. Steward (Bristol, UK)<br />


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 Poster Physicians<br />

92<br />

Graft versus host disease (continued)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

P697 Efficacy of tumour-necrosis-factor alpha blockade with infliximab for the treatment<br />

of severe steroid-refractory acute graft-versus-host disease<br />

F. Patriarca, A. Sperotto, S. Prosdocimo, D. Damiani, G. Morreale, A. Olivieri, F. Bonifazi,<br />

G. Milone, J. Peccatori, P. Corradini, R. Fanin<br />

on behalf of Italian Group of Bone Marrow Transplantation (GITMO)<br />

P698 Molecular mechanisms of the AICD paradoxon in human T-cells revealed by an apototic<br />

role for CD25<br />

G. Richter, K. Hahnewinkel, S. Burdach (Munich, Halle, D)<br />

P699 Impact of GvHD in long-term remission after escalated donor lymphocyte infusions<br />

E. Nadal, S. Marktel, R. Szydlo, E. Olavarria, E. Kanfer, A. Rahemtulla, J. Apperley, J. Goldman,<br />

F. Dazzi (London, UK)<br />

P700 Extracorporeal photochemotherapy for acute and chronic GvHD, a single-centre report<br />

of 43 patients<br />

E.J. Dann, E. Badian, I. Avivi, N. Haddad, T. Stravets, R. Fineman, L. Bonstein, A. Oliven,<br />

E. Kertsman, T. Zuckerman, J.M. Rowe (Haifa, IL)<br />

P701 Activation-associated phenotype of CD3+ T-cells in acute graft-versus-host disease<br />

S. Vidal, M. Morante, J. Briones, R. Martino, J. Sierra, J. Rodriguez-Sanchez (Barcelona, E)<br />

P702 Towards functional transplant donor matching by measurement of granzyme A and<br />

granzyme B production levels<br />

B. Kircher, E. Hack, A. Dickinson, X. Wang, M. Oudshoorn, E. Goulmy<br />

(Innsbruck, A; Amsterdam, NL; Newcastle upon Tyne, UK; Leiden, NL)<br />

P703 Outcome of patients treated with pentostatin as salvage therapy of steroid refractory<br />

acute intestinal graft-versus-host disease<br />

S.A. Klein, G. Bug, B. Waßmann, D. Hoelzer, H. Martin (Frankfurt, D)<br />

P704 Risk factors for graft-versus-host disease of the gut in paediatric haematopoietic stem<br />

cell transplant<br />

A.S. Hassan, M.A. Elawad, G. Davies, K. Rao, P. Amrolia, P. Veys (London, UK)<br />

P705 Combination therapy of daclizumab and sirolimus is effective in steroid refractory<br />

intestinal GvHD<br />

M. Weisser, V. Goede, X. Schiel, H.J. Kolb (Munich, D)<br />

P706 Impact of CD8+ T-cell dose on GvhD after antithymocyte globulin (ATG)-based reducedintensity<br />

conditioning (RIC) for allogeneic stem cell transplantation<br />

M. Mohty, C. Faucher, S. Bagattini, V. Bardou, K. Bilger, B. Gaugler, C. Chabannon, P. Ladaique,<br />

C. Lemarie, N. Vey, J.A. Gastaut, D. Maraninchi, D. Olive, D. Blaise (Marseille, F)<br />

P707 Dendritic cells (DC1 and DC2) recovery after allogeneic and autologous stem cell<br />

transplantation<br />

R. Stocchi, D. Damiani, P. Masolini, A. Michelutti, A. Geromin, M. Cerno, A. Sperotto,<br />

M. Baccarani, R. Fanin (Udine, Bologna, I)<br />

P708 Incidence of acute GvHD is reduced in mice transplanted with bone marrow from<br />

MHC mismatched donors pre-treated with G-CSF<br />

J.M. Wang, Y.B. Cao, W.P. Zhang, J.W. Lou, H. Zhou (Shanghai, CHN)<br />

P709 A comparison of the number of informative short tandem repeat loci between HLA<br />

identical donor-recipient pairs and the frequency of graft-versus-host disease<br />

K. Dalva, M. Arat, E. Serbest, M. Beksac (Ankara, TR)<br />

P710 Mycophenolate mofetil, cyclosporine and methotrexate as graft-versus-host disease<br />

prevention regimen in recipients of unrelated bone marrow transplantation<br />

H. Huang, Z. Cai, M.F. Lin, W.Z. Xie, L. Li, Y. Luo, J.S. He, W.Y. Zheng, J. Zhang, X.J. Ye, B. Liang<br />

(Hangzhou, CHN)

Poster Physicians Tuesday, March 30, 2004<br />

Graft versus host disease (continued)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

P711 Primary PUVA phototherapy can be effective for acute graft-versus-host disease of the<br />

skin<br />

T. Wetzig, H. K. Al-Ali, S. Kirstner, U. Hegenbart, M. Sticherlin, D. Niederwieser (Leipzig, D)<br />

P712 Results of extracorporeal photopheresis performed with 2 different techniques in<br />

18 patients with chronic graft-versus-host disease<br />

A. Indovina, R. Mannino, A.M. Cavallaro, S. Tringali, R. DiBella, R. Scimè (Palermo, I)<br />

P713 Treatment of chronic graft-versus-host disease by extracorporeal photochemotherapy<br />

H. Ullrich, J. Hahn, E. Holler, G. Schmitz (Hamburg, Regensburg, D)<br />

P714 The effect of conditioning therapy on Langerhans' cell density in human bone marrow<br />

transplantation<br />

M. Collin, T. Booth, A. Dickinson (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK)<br />

P715 Mycophenolate mofetil in combination with cyclosporine-A (CsA) ± prednisolone –<br />

the new standard for GvHD prophylaxis?<br />

D. Linck, K. Schaefer-Eckardt, M. Kroeger, M. Bornhaeuser, I. Blau, H. Wandt, A. Jenke,<br />

J. Kienast, V. Armstrong, N. Basara, H. Schroeder, A. Fauser, M.G. Kiehl<br />

(Idar-Oberstein, Nuremberg, Muenster, Dresden, Berlin, Goettingen, D)<br />

P716 Oral beclomethasone dipropionate for the treatment of gut acute graft-versus-host<br />

disease<br />

C. Castilla, J. A. Perez-Simon, F. M. Sanchez-Guijo, M. D. Caballero, M. C. Cañizo, M. Diez,<br />

E. M. Ocio, L. Vazquez, J. F. San Miguel (Salamanca, E)<br />

P717 Treatment of severe acute graft-versus-host disease with third party haploidentical<br />

mesenchymal stem cells<br />

K. Le Blanc, I. Rasmusson, B. Sundberg, C. Götherström, M. Hassan, M. Uzunel, O. Ringdén<br />

(Stockholm, S)<br />

P718 Unconventional treatment of steroid-refractory acute GvHD: pulse cyclophosphamide<br />

and/or intra-arterial steroid administration<br />

J. Mayer, M. Doubek, Y. Brychtova, M. Krejci (Brno, CZ)<br />

P719 Changes in dendritic cells following irradiation<br />

B. Turner, A. Burns, D. Munster, D. Hart, A. Rice (South Brisbane, AUS)<br />

P720 The impact of human leucocyte antigens in graft-versus-host disease and survival after<br />

haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients with leukaemia<br />

K. Ozdilli, F. Savran Oguz, H. Bilgen, S. Anak, M.N. Carin, G. Gedikoglu (Istanbul, TR)<br />

P721 Expression of cytokine genes in mononuclear blood cells from haematopoetic stem cell<br />

transplantation patients with acute graft-versus-hostdisease<br />

M Zaraiski, N. Mikhaylova, N. Ivanova, A. Vitrischak, A. Pugachov, V. Vavilov, L. Zubarovskaya,<br />

B. Afanasyev (St. Petersburg, RUS)<br />

P722 Graft-versus-host disease is associated with a lower relapse incidence after<br />

haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients with acute lymphoblastic<br />

leukaemia<br />

A. Nordlander, J Mattsson, O. Ringden, K. Le Blanc, B. Gustavsson, P. Ljungman, P. Svenberg,<br />

J. Svennilson, M. Remberger (Stockholm, S)<br />

P723 Blocking ICOS: ICOSL interaction before allogeneic bone marrow transplantation may<br />

increase acute graft-versus-host disease<br />

G. Richter, E. Uhlmann, S. Burdach (Munich, Halle, D)<br />

P724 Efficacy of receptor blockade, engraftment and toxicity under targeted adjuvant therapy<br />

with anti-CD25 in paediatric allogeneic transplant recipients<br />

A. Wawer, O. Diwan, St. Burdach (Munich, Halle, D)<br />


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 Poster Physicians<br />

94<br />

Graft versus host disease (continued)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

P725 Kinetics of chimerism donor cells in different non-myeloablative conditioning regimens<br />

and GvHD<br />

L. Savino, M. Carella, G. Beltrami, M.M Greco, M. Centra, A. M. Carella (San Giovanni Rotondo, I)<br />

P726 Treatment of steroid refractory acute GvHD with campath-1H<br />

H. Biersack, R. Trenschel, R. Peceny, A. Elmaagacli, D.W. Beelen (Essen, D)<br />

P727 CD8+ cell dose impact on development of Grade>iii acute graft-versus-host disease<br />

in allogeneic stem cell transplantation<br />

A. Prudenzano, G. Palazzo, L. Stani, G. Pricolo, G. Pisapia, B. Amurri, P. Mazza (Taranto, I)<br />

P728 Extracorporeal photoimmune therapy with uvadex® for the prevention of acute<br />

graft-versus-host disease in patients undergoing standard myeloablative conditioning<br />

and allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation<br />

P.J. Shaughnessy, B.J. Bolwell, K. van Besien, S. Abhyankar, M. Mistrik, O. Ilhan, A. Grigg,<br />

H.M. Prince, T. Dodds, A. Machado, J. Wang, U. Thienel, F. Foss, J. Apperley<br />

(San Antonio, Cleveland, Chicago, Kansas City, Exton, Boston, USA; Bratislavia, SK;<br />

Ankara, TR; Melbourne, East Melbourne, Sydney, AUS; Lisbon, P; London, UK)<br />

P729 Late-onset non-infectious pulmonary complications after unrelated donor stem cell<br />

transplantation are strongly associated with chronic graft-versus-host disease and<br />

with the graft-versus-malignancy effect<br />

F. Patriarca, C Skert, A Sperotto, D. Damiani, M. Cerno, A. Geromin, F. Zaja, S. Prosdocimo,<br />

C. Filì, R. Stocchi, R. Fanin (Udine, I)<br />

P730 The impact of HLA-dr antigens on chronic graft-versus-host disease associated oral<br />

lichenoid lesions<br />

H.E. Sanli, E. Ozdemir, M. Arat, P. Ekmekci, K. Dalva, M. Beksac (Ankara, TR)<br />

P731 ATG-fresenius allows for successful transplantation from mismatched unrelated donors<br />

A. Zander, T. Zabelina, F. Ayuk, H. Kabisch, R. Erttmann, N. Fehse, B. Fehse, C. Wolschke,<br />

N. Stute, A. Kratochwille, H. Schieder, J. Panse, T. Eiermann, N. Kroeger (Hamburg, D)<br />

P732 Clinical impact of early complete donor chimerism after allogeneic stem cell<br />

transplantation<br />

M. Bieniaszewska, J. Balon, M. Reichert, K. Halaburda, M. Zaucha, R. Pawlowski, A. Hellmann<br />

(Gdansk, PL)<br />

P733 The identification of patients at risk for GvHD by means of a more sensitive mixed<br />

lymphocyte culture<br />

A. Müller, R. Häfner, U. Schrey, H. Vogelsang, F. Zintl (Jena, D)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

Infectious complications<br />

P734 Surveillance of nosocomial sepsis and pneumonia in patients after haematopoetic stem<br />

cell transplantation. A multicentre project<br />

H. Bertz, M. Dettenkofer, S. Wenzler, R. Babikir, W. Ebner, H. Rüden, P. Gastmeier, F. Daschner<br />

(Freiburg, Berlin, Hannover, D)<br />

P735 Caspofungin is highly effective as secondary prophylaxis in allogeneic stem cell<br />

transplantation in patients with prior systemic or invasive fungal infections<br />

N. Stute, A. Kratochwille, T. Zabelina, N. Fehse, W. Hassenpflug, J. Panse, C. Woltschke,<br />

F. Ayuketang, H. Schieder, H. Renges, R. von Hinüber, H. Kabisch, A.R. Zander, N. Kröger (Hamburg, D)<br />

P736 Impact of cytomegalovirus infection on T-cell function after allogeneic haematopoietic<br />

stem cell transplantation<br />

S. Giebel, R. Maccario, M.A. Avanzini, M. Marconi, G. Rossi, R. Gentile, F. Locatelli<br />

(Katowice, PL; Pavia, I)

Poster Physicians Tuesday, March 30, 2004<br />

Infectious complications (continued)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

P737 Epstein-Barr virus reactivation after allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplant<br />

based on molecular monitoring is predictive of lymphoproliferative disease<br />

A. Dominietto, E. Tedone, M. Soracco, S. Bregante, C. di Grazia, V. Galbusera, F. Gualandi,<br />

T. Lamparelli, A.M. Raiola, M.T. van Lint, F. Frassoni, A. Bacigalupo (Genoa, I)<br />

P738 Delayed recovery of B-lymphocytes following high-dose sequential chemotherapy plus<br />

rituximab (R-HDS) does not increase the incidence of infective events in non-Hodgkin<br />

lymphoma patients<br />

A. Assanelli, M. Di Nicola, M. Magni, L. Devizzi, P. Matteucci, A. Guidetti, M. Milanesi,<br />

C. Carlo Stella, A.M. Gianni (Milan, I)<br />

P739 Pre-emptive treatment with rituximab efficiently prevents EBV lymphoproliferative<br />

disease (EBV-LPD) in paediatric allogeneic stem cell recipients<br />

J. Kalpoe, M. van Tol, R. Bredius, D. van Baarle, N. Annels, E Claas, A Kroes, A. Lankester<br />

(Leiden, Amsterdam, NL)<br />

P740 Risk factors for late cytomegalovirus infection after allogeneic stem cell transplantation<br />

using HLA-matched sibling donor: DLI and previous history of early CMV infection<br />

S. Sohn, D. Kim, J. Kim, W. Sung, K. Lee, K. Lee (Daegu, KOR)<br />

P741 Invasive aspergillosis in allogeneic stem cell transplant recipients from alternative<br />

donor: incidence, risk factors and outcome<br />

A.M. Raiola, C. Viscoli, V. Galbusera, A. Dominietto, F. Gualandi, C. Di Grazia, S. Bregante,<br />

D. Occhini, T. Lamparelli, F. Frassoni, M. Machetti, M.T. van Lint, A. Bacigalupo (Genoa, I)<br />

P742 Bacteraemia after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation: incidence and predictive<br />

value of surveillance cultures<br />

P. Frere, J.P. Hermanne, M.H. Debouge, G. Fillet, Y. Beguin (Liege, B)<br />

P743 What are the infections which increase mortality after allogeneic stem cell transplantation?<br />

Results of a prospective scoring system used in 190 consecutive patients<br />

C. Cordonnier, S. Maury, P. Ribaud, M. Kuentz, M. Legrand, F. Bassompierre, E. Gluckman,<br />

S. Chevret (Creteil, Paris, F)<br />

P744 Viral infections among paediatric stem cell transplant recipients post-transplant<br />

H. Savolainen, U. Pihkala, L. Hovi, K. Vettenranta (Helsinki, FIN)<br />

P745 Non-invasive ventilation in haematologic unit: single-centre experience in 24 patients<br />

F. Ciceri, M. Lupo Stanghellini, J. Peccatori, P. Servida, A. Pescarollo, M. Bernardi, D. Giudici,<br />

S. Colombo, D. Salaris, G. Torri, M. Bregni (Milan, I)<br />

P746 Candidaemia in allogeneic stem cell transplant recipients: low risk without fluconazole<br />

prophylaxis<br />

E. Jantunen, A. Nihtinen, L. Volin, E. Juvonen, T. Parkkali, T. Ruutu, V. Anttila (Kuopio, Helsinki, FIN)<br />

P747 Infectious complications in multiple myeloma patients undergoing autologous stem<br />

cell transplantation after high dose melphalan: a single centre retrospective analysis<br />

towards outpatient strategy<br />

G. Irrera, M. Martino, G. Messina, G. Console, F. Morabito, M. Kropp, F. Iuliano, D. Mamone,<br />

M. Brugiatelli, C. Stelitano, V. Callea, C. Musolino, S. Molica, P. Iacopino<br />

(Reggio Calabria, Catanzaro, Messina, I)<br />

P748 Clinical relevance of screening sinus CT scans and results of endoscopic sinus surgery<br />

in bone marrow transplant patients<br />

I. Yorulmaz, E. Soydan, M. Kizil, B. Ceydilek, M. Arat (Ankara, TR)<br />

P749 Human herpesvirus-6 antigenaemia: an association to acute GvHD?<br />

L. Volin, I. Lautenschlager, E. Juvonen, A. Nihtinen, V.-J. Anttila, T. Ruutu (Helsinki, FIN)<br />

P750 The use of dendritic cells transfected with in vitro transcribed mRNA for the analysis of<br />

CMVpp65-specific T-cell reconstitution after allogeneic stem cell transplantation<br />

R.G. Meyer, C.M. Britten, A. Gstoettner, C. Huber, T. Woelfel, W. Herr (Mainz, D)<br />


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 Poster Physicians<br />

96<br />

Infectious complications (continued)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

P751 T-cell depletion rather than persistent graft-failure determines the risk of viral but not<br />

fungal deaths in children undergoing second attempt HSCT for graft dysfunction<br />

L.M. Ball, M.S. Page, A.C. Lankester, R.G.M. Bredius, M.J.D. van Tol, R.M. Egeler (Leiden, NL)<br />

P752 Reduced and delayed incidence of human cytomegalovirus infection following<br />

non-myeloablative allogeneic stem cell transplantation in patients with refractory<br />

solid tumours<br />

A. Zambelli, D. Lilleri, P. Pedrazzoli, J. Peccatori, F. Baldanti, V. Fregoni, F. Ciceri, M. Renga,<br />

E.-P. Alessandrino, G. Gerna, G.-A. Da Prada, S. Siena, M. Bregni (Pavia, Milan, I)<br />

P753 Prophylactic use of rituximab to prevent EBV reactivation following HSCT in patients<br />

with inherited metabolic storage diseases<br />

A. Rovelli, P. Corti, A. Balduzzi, D. Longoni, M. Dassi, P. Perseghin, G. Gaipa, R. Parini, G. Uziel,<br />

A. Biondi, C. Uderzo on behalf of the MOMIN: Monza-Milano Network for Lysosomal &<br />

Peroxisomal Diseases, Italy<br />

P754 Comparison of quantitative CMV-PCR in plasma and CMV antigenaemia assay in<br />

monitoring patients after allogeneic stem cell transplantation<br />

A. Picardi, G. Gentile, P. de Fabritiis, A. Capobianchi, L. Cudillo, T. Dentamaro, A. Tendas,<br />

L. Cupelli, M. Ciotti, A. Volpi, S. Amadori, P. Martino (Rome, I)<br />

P755 Lamivudine for treatment and pre-emptive therapy of Hepatitis B virus reactivation<br />

following haematopoietic stem cell transplantation<br />

A. Locasciulli, L. Forte, L. Pescador, M. Gabriel Arana, M.R. Capobianchi, I. Majolino (Rome, I)<br />

P756 Comparable risk of cytomegalovirus infection after allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell<br />

transplantation following non-myeloablative or myeloablative preparative regimen in<br />

patients affected by haematologic malignancies<br />

D. Caldera, D. Lilleri, P. Bernasconi, A. Colombo, F. Montanari, F. Ardizzone, M. Parea,<br />

M. Lazzarino, G. Gerna, E. Alessandrino (Pavia, I)<br />

P757 Granulocyte transfusions for successful treatment of critically ill neutropenic patients<br />

with septic complications<br />

H.G. Heuft, L. Goudeva, N. Pulver, L. Grigull, B. Hertenstein, R. Blasczyk (Hannover, D)<br />

P758 Secondary prophylaxis with voriconazole for invasive aspergillosis in stem cell<br />

transplantation<br />

D. Mattei, N. Mordini, C. Lo Nigro, M. Musso, D. Rapezzi, A. Gallamini (Cuneo, I)<br />

P759 Delayed reactivation of Epstein-Barr virus in recipients of reduced-intensity conditioned<br />

allogeneic stem cell transplantation with campath-1H may impact on surveillance and<br />

pre-emptive strategies<br />

Q. Hill, T. Collyns, A. Hale, T. Fawcett, A. Hancox, G. Cook (Leeds, UK)<br />

P760 Invasive aspergillosis in immunocompromised patients: clinical findings and therapeutic<br />

options<br />

C. Peters, S. Matthes-Martin, A. Lawitschka, M. Minkov, M. Dworzak, T. Lion, P. Höcker,<br />

H. Gadner (Vienna, A)<br />

P761 Sirolimus – itraconazole drug interaction after allogeneic stem cell transplantation<br />

X. Schiel, J. Tischer, C. Rieger, A. Haas, M. Vogeser, U. Spoehrer, H.J. Kolb, H. Ostermann<br />

(Munich, D)<br />

P762 A high BK virus load in urine samples combined with graft-versus-host disease<br />

frequently precedes and may predict a risk for haemorrhagic cystitis in haematopoietic<br />

stem cell transplanted patients<br />

G. Bogdanovic, P. Priftakis, G. Giraud, M. Kuzniar, P. Kokhaei, H. Mellstedt, M. Remberger,<br />

P. Ljungman, J. Winiarski, T. Dalianis (Stockholm, Huddinge, S)<br />

P763 Cidofovir as prophylactic therapy for CMV infection in reduced-intensity allogeneic stem<br />

cell transplant<br />

M. Musso, F. Porretto, A. Crescimanno, V. Polizzi, R. Scalone (Palermo, I)

Poster Physicians Tuesday, March 30, 2004<br />

Infectious complications (continued)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

P764 Candida colonisation of patients undergoing haematopoetic stem cell transplantation<br />

and receiving fluconazole prophylaxis<br />

J. Sinkó, N. Radka, P. Reményi, S. Lueff, A. Bátai, G. Kriván, M. Réti, T. Masszi (Budapest, HUN)<br />

P765 Prolonged duration of cytomegalovirus viraemia after in vitro T-cell depleted<br />

non-myeloablative compared to myeloablative alloSCT<br />

J.S. Kalpoe, R.M.Y. Barge, R. Willemze, N. Vaessen, A.C.M. Kroes (Leiden, NL)<br />

P766 Secretory IgA of the oral saliva normalises earlier than IgA in serum after<br />

haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in children<br />

R. Haefer, M. Steinbrenner, B. Gruhn, A. Mueller, D. Fuchs, F. Zintl (Jena, D)<br />

P767 A retrospective study examining the United Kingdom Cancer Care Study Group’s fungal<br />

management strategy in practice<br />

R. Nolan, J. McDerra, S. Peters, J. Cornish (Bristol, UK)<br />

P768 Influence of CD34+ selection in cytomegalovirus infection after allogeneic peripheral<br />

blood stem cell transplantation<br />

S. Cantero, G. Sanz, F. Moscardó, J. Sanz, M. Remigia, I. Lorenzo, G. Martín, I. Jarque,<br />

C. Jiménez, J. Martínez, J. De la Rubia, M. Sanz (Valencia, E)<br />

P769 Infections after reduced-intensity conditioning for allogeneic blood stem cell<br />

transplantation in metastatic solid tumours<br />

L. Barkholt, M. Blomkvist, P. Hentschke, L. Klingspor, I. Lewensohn-Fuchs, J. Mattsson,<br />

R. Milosavljevic, P. Pisa, M. Remberger, P. Svenberg, A. Thörne, P. Wersäll, O. Ringdén<br />

(Stockholm, S)<br />

P770 Autologous stem cell transplantation in HIV-infected patients affected by lymphoma:<br />

virological and immunological parameters during high-dose chemotherapy<br />

M. Michieli, C. Simonelli, M. Rupolo, M. T. Bartolin, M. Mazzucato, S. Zanussi, M. Spina,<br />

L. Abbruzzese, P. De Paoli, L. De Marco, V. Gattei, M. Berretta, U. Tirelli (Avione, I)<br />

P771 Occurrence of Cytomegalovirus infection and/or viraemia shortens overall survival<br />

P. Topcuoglu, M. Arat, E. Soydan, K. Dalva, A. Ciftcioglu, H. Akan, O. Ilhan, M. Beksac (Ankara, TR)<br />

P772 Central nervous system toxoplasmosis in bone marrow transplant patients<br />

A. Georgala, K. Mboumi, P. Martiat, J. Debruyne, V. Duchateau, M. Aoun (Brussels, B)<br />

P773 Prospective surveillance of nosocomial infection among allogeneic haematological stem<br />

cell transplant recipients stratified by grade of neutropenia at a teaching hospital<br />

R. Fagnani, L.G.O. Cardoso, S.R.P.E. Dantas, M.L. Leichsenring, M.C.S. Carvalho, P. Trabasso<br />

(Campinas, BR)<br />

P774 Mucormycosis after allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation<br />

L. Clement, A. Salmon, L. Mansuy, S. Paczesny, P. Bordigoni (Vandoeuvre les Nancy, F)<br />

P775 Conjugated vaccines after autologous stem cell transplantation<br />

A.M.T. van der Velden, A.M.E. Claessen, H. van Velzen-Blad, D.H. Biesma, G.T. Rijkers<br />

(Nieuwegein, Utrecht, NL)<br />

P776 Secondary prophylaxis with voriconazole in patients undergoing stem cell<br />

transplantation with previous invasive aspergillosis<br />

A.M. Raiola, C. Viscoli, V. Galbusera, A. Dominietto, F. Gualandi, C. Di Grazia, S. Bregante,<br />

D. Occhini, T. Lamparelli, F. Frassoni, M. Machetti, M.T. van Lint, A. Bacigalupo (Genoa, I)<br />

P777 Invasive aspergillosis and haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in paediatric<br />

patients<br />

N. Crassard, M.-A. Piens, C. Galambrun, T. Basset, J.-C. Berthier, C. Pondarré, N. Philippe,<br />

G. Souillet, Y. Bertrand (Lyon, F)<br />


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 Poster Physicians<br />

98<br />

Infectious complications (continued)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

P778 Systemic fungal infections (SFI) in patients with haematological malignancies treated by<br />

voriconazole or amphotericin B. Descriptive analysis and impact of demographic,<br />

haematological and SFI factors on survival<br />

S. Fürst, Q.H. Le, A. Michallet, F. Nicolini, X. Thomas, Y. Chelghoum, J. Troncy, A. Thiébaut,<br />

F. Persat, S. Picot, M. Piens, M. Michallet (Lyon, F)<br />

P779 Epstein-Barr virus after haematopoietic stem cells transplantation.<br />

Incidence, risk factors, and treatment. Single-centre experience<br />

S. Guidi, C. Nozzoli, M. Bonolis, A. Orsi, L. Lombardini, R. Saccardi, A. Vannucchi, A. Bosi<br />

(Florence, I)<br />

P780 CMV-prophylaxis after T-cell depleted allogeneic stem cell transplantation:<br />

a comparison of 4 regimens<br />

S. Von Harsdorf, M. Bommer, T. Zenz, M. Ringhoffer, R. Schlenk, T. Schmid, W. Hampl,<br />

S. Stilgenbauer, H. Döhner, T. Mertens, D. Bunjes (Ulm, D)<br />

P781 Tuberculosis post stem cell transplantation<br />

C. Burton, E. Thomson, E. Kanfer, T. Rogers, J. Goldman, J. Apperley (London, UK)<br />

P782 The affigene(R) OPI panel for opportunistic infections – viral load monitoring of<br />

cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus and human herpesvirus 6<br />

T. Eriksson, S. Palm, V. Törmänen, M. Järpenge, A. Hedrum (Bromma, S)<br />

P783 In children undergoing HSCT, multiple and simultaneous non-albicans yeasts commonly<br />

occur but do not signify a risk of early dissemination or anti-fungal therapy resistance<br />

L.M. Ball, M.A. Bes, E.J. Kuijper, T. Boekhout, B. Theelan, R.M. Egeler (Leiden, Utrecht, NL)<br />

P784 Blood transfusion requirements and febrile complications after autologous PBSCT:<br />

cause or consequence?<br />

C. Scheid, C. Fritzsche, U. Holtick, M. Fuchs, D. Waldschmidt, K. Hübel, V. Diehl, D. Söhngen<br />

(Cologne, D)<br />

P785 Anti-fungal primary and secondary prophylaxis with liposomal amphotericin B<br />

(AmBisome) in patients undergoing family haploidentical allogeneic haematopoietic cell<br />

transplantation for high-risk haematologic malignancies<br />

F. Ciceri, M. Tassara, J. Peccatori, F. Lunghi, P. Servida, E. Guggiari, M. Bernardi, A. Pescarollo,<br />

M. Bregni (Milan, I)<br />

P786 Retrospective analysis of the use of valganciclovir in the prevention of cytomegalovirus<br />

following stem cell transplantation<br />

J. Subedi, J. Chappell, W. Ingram, M. Zuckerman, S. Devereux, A. Ho, G. Mufti, A. Pagliuca<br />

(London, UK)<br />

P787 Anti-fungal combination therapy for the treatment of invasive aspergillosis in patients<br />

undergoing allogeneic stem cell transplantation<br />

J. Tischer, X. Schiel, C. Rieger, G. Ledderose, H. Ostermann, H.-J. Kolb (Munich, D)<br />

P788 Infectious complications in severe aplastic anaemia: single-centre experience<br />

P. Saracco, P. Quarello, R. Cerchio, M. Giacchino, E. Parodi, E. Incarbone,<br />

L. Cordero di Montezemolo (Turin, I)<br />

P789 Hepatitis B and C infections in haemopoietic stem cell transplant patients and donors<br />

V. Milovic, S. Brioschi, J. Altclas, G. Jaimovich, A. Requejo, V. Listello, G. Drelichman, M. Garate,<br />

L. Feldman (Buenos Aires, AR)<br />

P789a Imipenem/cilastatin with/without a glycopeptide as initial empirical antibiotic<br />

therapy in recipients of autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplants:<br />

results of a multicentre study<br />

M. Sanz Jr., R. Martino, I. Jarque, M. Salavert, L. Vázquez, M. Rafel, A. Figuera, J. López,<br />

M. Batlle, A. Julià, J. Lahuerta, G. Debén, C. Pérez, R. García Boyero, J. Sierra,<br />

M. Sanz on behalf of the Antimicrobial Therapy Group of the Spanish PETHEMA Group

Poster Physicians Tuesday, March 30, 2004<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

Late effects and Quality of life<br />

P790 Metabolic syndrome associates with partial growth hormone deficiency as a late effect<br />

in children and adolescents after stem cell transplantation perfomed in childhood<br />

M. Taskinen, M. Lipsanen-Nyman, L. Hovi, U. Saarinen-Pihkala (Helsinki, FIN)<br />

P791 Malignant complications after BMT for thalassaemia<br />

J. Gaziev, P. Polchi, C. Giardini, P. Sodani, G. Lucarelli, G. Visani, E. Angelucci, D. Baronciani,<br />

G. Leopardi, F. D'Adamo, B. Guiducci, M. Mele (Pesaro, I)<br />

P792 Immune reconstitution following allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation:<br />

8 year, single-centre experience from more than 300 patients and nearly 1000 lymphocyte<br />

subset determinations<br />

A. Spyridonidis, D. Behringer, E. Bernhardt, C. Bachl, M. Egger, H. Bertz, J. Finke<br />

(Freiburg, Bochum, D)<br />

P793 Endocrine complications after paediatric haematopoietic cell transplantation<br />

G. Carreras, I. Badell, N. Pardo, M. Torrent, C. Lopez, J. Cubells (Barcelona, E)<br />

P794 Late toxicity after autologous stem cell transplantation for non-Hodgkin lymphoma<br />

patients: a competing risks analysis<br />

N. Mounier, G. Sergent, R. Ruiz-Soto, P. Brice, C. Hennequin, J. Marolleau, E. De Kerviller,<br />

J. Briere, C. Gisselbrecht (Paris, F)<br />

P795 Central nervous system involvement with seizures in patients undergoing haematopoietic<br />

stem cell transplantation. Single-centre experience in more than 500 patients<br />

S. Guidi, A. Gaudenzi, C. Nozzoli, G. Muscas, A. Vannucchi, M. Paganini, L. Lombardini,<br />

R. Saccardi, G. Pellicanò, M. Bonolis, A. Bosi (Florence, I)<br />

P796 Bone metabolism and risk-adjusted ibandronate drug therapy after allogeneic blood<br />

stem cell transplantation<br />

B. Steiner, D. Wolff, M. Freund (Rostock, D)<br />

P797 Quality of life as an important outcome of high-dose therapy+autologous stem cell<br />

transplantation (HDCT+ASCT) in multiple sclerosis patients<br />

Y. Shevchenko, A. Novik, T. Ionova, I. Lesukov, A. Kulagin, O. Malysheva, V. Melnichenko,<br />

G. Bisaga, L. Chelombit, A. Kishtovich (Moscow, Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg, RUS)<br />

P798 Quality of life assessment in long-term survivors post allogeneic haematopoietic cell<br />

transplantation. Are quantitative methods accurate enough?<br />

A. Hotidou, P. Kaloyannidis, C. Kartsios, I. Sakellari, A. Anagnostopoulos, A. Fassas<br />

(Rennes, F; Thessalonica, GR)<br />

P799 Autoimmune thyroid dysfunction after stem cell transplantation: a revisit<br />

W.Y. Au, A.K.W. Lie, A.W.C. Kung, R. Liang (Hong Kong, HK)<br />

P800 Nephrotic syndrome as late complication of chronic graft-versus-host disease after<br />

allogeneic haemopoietic stem cell transplantation<br />

A.A. Colombo, C. Rusconi, P. Bernasconi, D. Caldera, P. Bertazzoni, C. Esposito, M. Lazzarino,<br />

E.P. Alessandrino (Pavia, I)<br />

P801 DHEA replacement after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation<br />

E. Morello, R. Gaiardoni, M. Sorio, N. Pescosta, M. Casini, F. Benedetti (Bolzano, Verona, I)<br />

P802 Osteoporosis after autologous bone marrow transplantation: a short-term compliance<br />

R. Ria, A.M. Scarponi, F. Falzetti, S. Ballanti, M. Di Ianni, M. Cimminiello, C. Gasbarrino,<br />

B. Pallone, F. Russo, T. Cirulli, G. Di Pietro, A. Vacca, F. Dammacco, E. Mannarino, M.F. Martelli,<br />

A. Tabilio (Bari, Perugia, I)<br />

P803 Neurological complications after allogeneic stem cell transplantation: a retrospective<br />

study of prognostic factors 183 patients<br />

F. Bonifazi, M. Guarino, C. La Morgia, S. Falcioni, B. Giannini, M. Stanzani, F. Palandri,<br />

A. Stracciari, M. Arpinati, F. Cirignotta, M. Baccarani, G. Bandini (Bologna, I)<br />


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 Poster Physicians<br />

100<br />

Late effects and Quality of life (continued)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

P804 Severe hypogammaglobulinaemia in patients with lymphoid neoplasia after allogeneic<br />

HSCTwith rituximab during preceding therapy<br />

A. Buser, C. Bucher, D. Heim, G. Petitjean, T. Hauser, A. Rolink, A. Tichelli, J. Passweg,<br />

A. Gratwohl (Basel, CH)<br />

P805 Salivary gland function following stem cell transplantation: a prolonged study comparing<br />

non-myeloablative versus myeloablative conditioning<br />

R. Nagler, L. Barness-Hadar, S. Slavin, A. Nagler (Haifa, Jerusalem, Tel-Hashomer, IL)<br />

P806 Renal function shortly and 1-year after allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell<br />

transplantation<br />

M. Ertem, T. Ileri, F. Azik, F. Yalcinkaya, M. Ekim (Ankara, TR)<br />

P807 The role of inherited hypercoagulable abnormalities in paediatric haematopoietic stem<br />

cell transplantation<br />

M. Ertem, F. Azik, T. Ileri, E. Akar, A. Ulu, N. Akar (Ankara, TR)<br />

P808 Features of the metabolic syndrome present in survivors of bone marrow<br />

transplantation in adulthood<br />

K. Higgins, C. Noon, V. Cartwright, M. Davies, T. Howlett, A. Hunter (Leicester, UK)<br />

P809 Psychosocial late effects of bone marrow transplant in adolescents<br />

G. Peykerli, S. Anak, S. Ozgenc, E. Can, H. Bilgen, E. Tugrul Saribeyoglu, G. Gedikoglu (Istanbul, TR)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

Paediatric issues<br />

P810 Reconstitution of lymphocyte subpopulations in a paediatric cohort following stem cell<br />

transplantation from haploidentical family donors<br />

D. Chandra, J. Motwani, P.J. Darbyshire, S.E. Lawson (Birmingham, UK)<br />

P811 Haploidentical transplantation in paediatric patients with ALL:<br />

a comparison with unmanipulated grafts<br />

P. Lang, J. Greil, P. Bader, R. Handgretinger, T. Klingebiel, P. Schlegel, D. Niethammer (Tuebingen, D)<br />

P812 Unrelated donor marrow transplantation in children with-high risk haematologic<br />

malignancies in a single-centre from 1989 to 2002<br />

C. Galambrun, G. Souillet, V. Dubois, N. Bleyzac, M.-P. Pages, C. Pondarré, Y. Bertrand (Lyon, F)<br />

P813 Treatment of liver failure due to veno-occlusive disease in a two-year old child<br />

after stem cell transplantation with living donor liver transplantation from the same<br />

HLA-identical donor<br />

K. Mellgren, A. Fasth, J. Abrahamsson, R. Saalman, M. Olausson (Gothenburg, S)<br />

P814 Role of echodobutamine in the evaluation of cardiac dysfunction in children more than<br />

10 years after bone marrow transplantation<br />

C. Uderzo, E. Cavatorta, G. Trocino, A. Rovelli, D. Longoni, E. Viganò, A. Tagliabue, A. Balduzzi,<br />

G. Masera (Monza, I)<br />

P815 Prevalence and clinical outcome of polyoma BK virus infection in children and<br />

adolescents after allogeneic haematopoietic cell transplantation<br />

E. Gorczynska, D. Turkiewicz, K. Rybka, J. Toporski, K. Kalwak, A. Dyla, A. Chybicka (Wroclaw, PL)<br />

P816 High-dose chemotherapy followed by autologous peripheral blood stem cell<br />

transplantation in children with solid tumours: a paediatric hospital experience<br />

G. Deb, A. Landolfo, C. Ciscato, I. Ilari, R. Cozza, L. De Sio, P. Fidani, A. Jenkner, A. Castellano,<br />

G. M. Milano, F. Zinno, G. Isacchi, A. Donfrancesco (Rome, I)<br />

P817 Adoptive immunotherapy with recombinant human IL-2 after autologous bone marrow<br />

transplantation for high risk neuroblastoma<br />

A. Prete, R. Rondelli, F. Locatelli, S. Pierinelli, F. Fagioli, C. Messina, A. Garaventa, A. Pession<br />

(Bologna, Pavia, Turin, Padua, Genoa, I)

Poster Physicians Tuesday, March 30, 2004<br />

Paediatric issues (continued)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

P818 Chimerism after paediatric stem cell transplantation<br />

H. Bilgen, F. Aydin, K. Ozdilli, F. Savran, S. Anak, S. Ozgenc, M. Carin, G. Gedikoglu (Istanbul, TR)<br />

P819 High-dose busulfan and thiotepa followed by autologous stem cell transplantation in<br />

previously irradiated medulloblastoma patients: high toxicity and lack of efficacy<br />

D. Valteau-Couanet, B. Filippini, E. Benhamou, C. Kalifa, J. Grill, O. Hartmann (Villejuif, F)<br />

P820 Combined chemo-immunotherapy in children with ALL who relapse after allogeneic<br />

stem cell transplantation – an option to induce long term remission<br />

P. Bader, E. Koscielniak, P.-G. Schlegel, A. Kors, A. Lankester, H. Kreyenberg, P. Lang, J. Greil,<br />

D. Niethammer, T. Klingebiel (Tuebingen, Stuttgart, Wuerzburg, Frankfurt, D; Utrecht, Leiden, NL)<br />

P821 Cyclosporine-A induced severe neurological events after allogeneic haematopoietic<br />

stem cell transplantation in children<br />

D. Wojcik, M. Slociak, J. Toporski, E. Gorczynska, D. Turkiewicz, K. Kalwak, A. Chybicka<br />

(Wroclaw, PL)<br />

P822 Cord blood – a valid option for allogeneic transplantation in a heterogeneous risk<br />

population of 15 children lacking an adequately matched donor<br />

S. Schönberger, T. Niehues, H.J. Laws, R. Meisel, G. Kögler, P. Wernet, U. Göbel, D. Dilloo<br />

(Duesseldorf, D)<br />

P823 Rhesus mismatch in paediatric allogeneic haemopoietic progenitors transplants:<br />

a retrospective study on its influence on outcome<br />

R. Ridwan, M. Ortin, S. Patel, J. Shankari, P. Fomasagaram, S. Ball, J. Marsh, J. Treleaven<br />

(Sutton, London, UK)<br />

P824 KIR ligand incompatibility in haploidentical inborn errors transplants<br />

L. Dal Cortivo, I. Hirch, M. Ouachée-Chardin, S. Blanche, A. Velardi, A. Fischer,<br />

M. Cavazzana-Calvo, S. Caillat-Zucman (Paris, F; Perugia, I)<br />

P825 Low toxicity with a fludarabine-based conditioning regimen in haematopoetic stem cell<br />

transplantation for children with mucopolysaccharidosis (M. Hurler)<br />

L. Grigull, A. Beilken, A. Sander, T. Luecke, M. Schrappe, K. Welte, A. Das, H. Schmid, K. Sykora<br />

(Hannover, D)<br />

P826 Allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in children with myelodysplastic<br />

syndrome in Poland<br />

D. Wojcik, J. Toporski, E. Gorczynska, D. Turkiewicz, K. Kalwak, M. Slociak, W. Pietras, A. Chybicka,<br />

K. Drabko, J. Kowalczyk, M. Leda, J. Wachowiak, K. Pajdosz (Wroclaw, Lublin, Poznan, PL)<br />

P827 A preparatory regimen of high-dose busulphan and melphalan for autologous<br />

haematopoietic cell transplantation in childhood high-risk acute myeloblastic<br />

leukaemia, neuroblastoma and Ewing sarcoma<br />

E. Gorczynska, D. Turkiewicz, J. Toporski, K. Kalwak, A. Dyla, A. Chybicka (Wroclaw, PL)<br />

P828 Transplantation activity in Spanish paediatric stem cell transplantation centres:<br />

report from RETMON (Registro Español De Trasplante De Médula Osea En Niños)<br />

A. Rodriguez-Villa, J.J. Ortega, M.A. Diaz, I. Badell, A. Martinez-Rubio, M. Maldonado,<br />

A. Verdeguer, E. Bureo, P. Gomez-Garcia, J.M. Perez-Hurtado, J. Estella, E. Gonzalez-Valentin<br />

(Cordoba, Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Santander, Sevilla, Malaga, E)<br />

P829 A retrospective study on the influence of cyclosporin levels on GvL, viral infections and<br />

overall outcome in paediatric allogeneic HPT<br />

R. Ridwan, M. Ortin, S. Patel, J. Shankari, P. Fomasagaram, R. Sinha, S. Ball, J. Marsh,<br />

J. Treleaven (Sutton, London, UK)<br />

P830 Analysis of KIR-ligand incompatibility in children with haematological malignancies after<br />

allogeneic haematopoietic cell transplantation from unrelated donors<br />

D. Turkiewicz, E. Gorczynska, J. Toporski, K. Kalwak, A. Chybicka (Wroclaw, PL)<br />


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 Poster Physicians<br />

102<br />

Paediatric issues (continued)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

P831 Outcome of haematopoietic stem cell transplantation for refractory or relapsed acute<br />

leukaemia in paediatric patients: a single-centre analysis in Japan<br />

T. Tanabe, Y. Kawano, Y. Nagatoshi, J. Nagayama, Y. Shinkoda, O. Ijichi, J. Okamura<br />

(Kagoshima, Fukuoka, J)<br />

P832 Differential analysis of cell-line specific chimerism after blood stem cell transplantation<br />

U. Koehl, O. Beck, D. Schwabe, E. Seifried, T. Klingebiel, C. Seidl (Frankfurt, D)<br />

P833 12 Gy FTBI versus 13, 2 Gy FTBI in preparative regimen for allogeneic BMT from<br />

matched sibling donors in children with ALL in II CR<br />

J. Wachowiak, D. Boruczkowski, J. Malicki, G. Kosicka, M. Leda, A. Pieczonka, G. Stryczynska<br />

(Poznan, PL)<br />

P834 Survival of children with high-risk neuroblastoma after conventional treatment followed<br />

by high-dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation<br />

G. Caldas, A.F. Lacerda, A. Neto, E. Vieira, F. Pereira, M.J. Ribeiro, M. Chagas, A. Ambrosio,<br />

N. Miranda, F. Leal-da-Costa, J.L. Passos-Coelho, M. Abecasis (Lisbon, P)<br />

P835 ATG as part of the preparative regimen for paediatric allogeneic peripheral blood stem<br />

cell transplantation<br />

A. Kupesiz, G. Tezcan, V. Hazar, M.A Yesilipek (Antalya, TR)<br />

P836 CD34+ selected autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation in neuroblastoma<br />

H.S. Ahn, H.J. Kang, H.S. Choi, H.Y. Shin (Seoul, Goyang-si, KOR)<br />

P837 Low-dose imatinib may convert the recipient with overt haematologic relapse of<br />

Ph+ CML after allogeneic MUD-BMT to complete donor chimera and induce haematologic<br />

and cytogenetic remission<br />

K. Kalwak, D. Turkiewicz, E. Gorczyñska, J. Toporski, D. Wojcik, M. Ussowicz, A. Chybicka<br />

(Wroclaw, PL)<br />

P838 Dealing with the double role – experiences of parents donating haploidentical peripheral<br />

blood stem cells. A phenomenological study<br />

A. van Walraven, L. Ball, H. Koopman, R. Bredius, C. Ropes-de Jong, A. de Jong, M. Egeler<br />

(Leiden, Utrecht, NL)<br />

P839 B-cell recovery in a SCID patient after a second BMT following minimal myelosuppressive<br />

conditioning<br />

P. Hoogerbrugge, P. Brons, M. van der Burg, J. van Dongen, C. Weemaes<br />

(Nijmegen, Rotterdam, NL)<br />

P840 Treosulfan-based reduced toxicity conditioning for allogeneic BMT in children with<br />

refractory Langerhans cell histiocytosis – report of two cases<br />

A. Pieczonka, J. Wachowiak, D. Boruczkowski, M. Leda, J. Jólkowska, M. Witt (Poznan, PL)<br />

P841 Non-myeloablative stem cell transplant in paediatric neuroblastoma<br />

C. Castellini, A. Prete, F. Melchionda, M. Franzoni, R. Rondelli, A. Pession (Bologna, I)<br />

P842 Sequential reduced intensity and full intensity allografting using same donor in child<br />

with chronic granulomatous disease with coexistent, significant morbidity<br />

J.A.T. Nicholson, R. Wynn, T.F. Carr, A.M Will (Manchester, UK)<br />

P843 Autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation with BCVAC conditioning in<br />

childhood acute myeloid leukaemia<br />

H. J. Kang, H. Y. Shin, H. S. Choi, K. S. Han, H. S. Ahn (Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Seoul, KOR)<br />

P844 Autologous and allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation as compared with<br />

bone marrow transplantation in children with leukaemia<br />

A. Mousavi, A. Ghavamzadeh, A. Hedayatiasl, A. Shamshiri, M. Iravani, B. Bahar, M. Jahani,<br />

S. Gholibeikian, P. Heydari, M. Moradiseresht (Teheran, IR)<br />

P845 Epstein-Barr virus in paediatric stem cell transplantation<br />

F. Staehelin, D. Beutler, P. Avoledo, A. Gratwohl, T. Kühne<br />

for the Stem Cell Transplantation Team Basel

Poster Physicians Tuesday, March 30, 2004<br />

Paediatric issues (continued)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

P846 CAMPATH 1H in conditioning or reconditioning for allogeneic haematopoietic cell<br />

transplantation in children – analysis of outcome and early immune recovery<br />

J. Toporski, D. Turkiewicz, E. Gorczynska, K. Kalwak, R. Ryczan, B. Rybka, A. Chybicka<br />

(Wroclaw, PL)<br />

P847 CMV reactivation in paediatric HPT: A retrospective study on risk factors and efficacy of<br />

secondary prophylaxis<br />

S. Patel, M. Ortin, P. Fomasagaram, J. Shankari, R. Ridwan, D. Lancaster, J. Treleaven, S. Ball<br />

(Sutton, London, UK)<br />

P848 Correlation of immune reconstitution and survival in children undergoing allogeneic<br />

haematopoietic stem cell transplantation<br />

U. Koehl, K. Bochennek, S.Y. Zimmermann, R. Esser, C. Andreas, J. Soerensen, H. Gruettner,<br />

A. Ackermann, D. Schwabe, T. Klingebiel, T. Lehrnbecher (Frankfurt, D)<br />

P849 Non-radiotherapy-based conditioning with stem cell transplantation from alternative<br />

donors for children with refractory severe aplastic anaemia<br />

C. Urban, M. Benesch, K.W. Sykora, W. Schwinger, H. Lackner, E. Kloibhofer (Graz, A; Hannover, D)<br />

P850 Nine years of experience in use based on ATG conditioning of allogeneic human stem<br />

cells transplantation in Fanconi's anaemia patients.<br />

J. Lange, D. Dlubek, B. Wysoczanska, D. Dobrowolska, A. Lange (Wroclaw, PL)<br />

P851 Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation is effective curative treatment in paediatric<br />

refractory/aggressive Langerhans cell histiocytosis<br />

M. Caniglia, A. Lombardi, R. Pinto, I. Rana, F. Zinno, G. Peluso, C. Rapanotti, A. Angioni,<br />

C. Roberti, B. Pinazzi, G. Isacchi, W. Arcese, G. De rossi<br />

on behalf of the Inborn Errors Working Party<br />

P852 Analysis of immunoglobulin gene expression in CD27+ memory B cells after<br />

haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in children<br />

D. Di Martino, M.P. Terranova, F. Scuderi, L. Scarso, S. Iacovone, C. Cermelli, A. Valetto,<br />

S. Dallorso, G. Morreale, G. Dini (Genoa, Pisa, I)<br />

P853 Cidofovir in children after allogeneic stem cell transplantation<br />

M. Fernández-Sanmartín, M. Izquierdo, J.M. Fernández-Navarro, A. Verdeguer, V. Castel<br />

(Valencia, E)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

Acute leukaemia<br />

P854 Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation for acute leukaemia treatment.<br />

Catalonia, 1988 – 2002<br />

M.L. Amado, M. Clèries, E. Vela, C. Moreno, A. Bosch (Barcelona, E)<br />

P855 Treatment of relapsed acute myeloid leukaemia after allogeneic bone marrow<br />

transplantation with combination chemotherapy of cytarabine, idarubicin plus etoposide<br />

and subsequent donor leukocyte infusion: a prospective study<br />

S.J. Choi, J.H. Lee, J.H. Lee, S. Kim, M. Seol, Y.S. Lee, J.S. Lee, W.K. Kim, K.H. Lee (Seoul, KOR)<br />

P856 Genetic instability in CD34 positive haematopoietic progenitor cells from patients with<br />

AML in first complete remission and in the corresponding AML blasts at diagnosis<br />

A. Reichle, M. Zaiss, B. Panzer, P.J. Wild, G. Rothe, R. Andreesen, F. Hofstaedter, W. Dietmaier<br />

(Regensburg, D)<br />

P857 High-dose idarubicin and busulphan as conditioning regimen to autologous stem cell<br />

transplantation in acute myeloid leukaemia<br />

F. Ferrara, S. Palmieri, M. De Simone, M.R. D'Amico, A. Fasanaro, A. Viola, M. Annunziata,<br />

G. Mele (Naples, I)<br />


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 Poster Physicians<br />

104<br />

Acute leukaemia (continued)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

P858 Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation compared with autologous peripheral blood<br />

stem cell transplantation in patients with acute myeloid leukaemia in first complete<br />

remission<br />

M. Jimenez, A. Espigares, J. Santiago, C. Fernandez, M. Capote, C. Martin, C. Herrera,<br />

J. Casaño, A. Torres (Cordoba, E)<br />

P859 Allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation during aplasia induced by salvage<br />

chemotherapy for otherwise refractory haematological malignancies<br />

M. Ditschkowski, R. Trenschel, M. Hlinka, N.K. Steckel, M. Koldehoff, A.H. Elmaagacli,<br />

D.W. Beelen (Essen, D)<br />

P860 Improved overall survival in poor risk AML/MDS patients using PBSC compared to BM<br />

after allogeneic unrelated donor transplantation<br />

H. Bertz, M. Egger, A. Spyridonidis, B. Hackanson, O. Schmah, K. Mikesch, F. Dörfel, J. Finke<br />

(Freiburg, D)<br />

P861 Autologous bone marrow transplantation in first complete remission AML patients:<br />

the influence of infused TNC for engraftment and LFS differs after purged and unpurged<br />

marrow<br />

G. Milone, A. Tornello, S. Leotta, U. Consoli, P. Murgano, M. Poidomani, S. Mercurio, F. Indelicato,<br />

V. Pinto, R. Giustolisi (Catania, I)<br />

P862 GvHD and intensive chemotherapy prior to transplantation allow better leukaemic<br />

control in high risk CR1 AML after reduced-intensity conditioning HLA-identical<br />

allogeneic transplantation<br />

C. Faucher, J.M. Boiron, M. Mohty, J. Bay, V. Perreau, K. Bilger, N. Vey, A.M. Stoppa, D. Coso,<br />

P. Ladaique, D. Maraninchi, D. Blaise (Marseille, Bordeaux, Clermont-Ferrand, F)<br />

P863 Autologous stem cell support of induction therapy prior to allogeneic transplantation to<br />

improve treatment delivery in patients with relapsing or secondary acute leukemia and<br />

CML blast crisis<br />

I. Hardan, A. Shimoni, A. Avigdor, A. Kneller, M. Berkowicz, P. Raanani, S.M. Stemmer,<br />

N. Shemtov, M. Yeshurun, I. Ben-Bassat, A. Nagler (Tel-Hashomer, IL)<br />

P864 Factors influencing normal B-lymphopoiesis restoration and leukaemia detection after<br />

allogeneic stem cell transplantation for B-lineage acute lymphoblastic leukaemia<br />

J. Sanchez, J. Serrano, P. Gomez, F. Martinez, C. Martin, A. Rodriguez, J. Garcia-Castellano,<br />

C. Herrera, J. Casaño, A. Torres (Cordoba, E)<br />

P865 Combined in vitro drug resistance profile to prednisolone, vincristine and L-asparaginase<br />

predicts relapse after stem cell transplantation in childhood acute leukaemia,<br />

regardless of its type<br />

J. Styczynski, J. Toporski, D. Boruczkowski, B. Wojcik, M. Wysocki, A. Chybicka, J. Wachowiak,<br />

J. Kowalczyk (Bydgoszcz, Wroclaw, Poznan, Lublin, PL)<br />

P866 High-dose melphalan is an effective salvage therapy in AML patients relapsing after<br />

autologous PBSCT<br />

G. Bug, J. Atta, S. Klein, B. Hertenstein, L. Bergmann, S. Boehrer, D. Hoelzer, H. Martin<br />

(Frankfurt, Hannover, D)<br />

P867 Allogeneic transplantation of Bcr-Abl positive acute lymphoblastic leukaemia is<br />

associated with a low incidence of relapse<br />

M. Weisser, J. Tischer, G. Ledderose, H.J. Kolb (Munich, D)<br />

P868 Increased angiogenesis in the bone marrow of patients with AML: influence on survival<br />

and outcome after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation<br />

W. Rabitsch, W. Sperr, K. Lechner, A. Chott, E. Prinz, P. Valent, P. Kalhs (Vienna, A)<br />

P869 BAVC regimen and ABMT in acute promyelocytic leukaemia in II molecular CR. Updated<br />

results<br />

S. Capria, D. Diverio, M. Ribersani, M. Breccia, E. Baldacci, F. Simone, A.P. Iori, F. Mandelli,<br />

G. Meloni (Rome, I)

Poster Physicians Tuesday, March 30, 2004<br />

Acute leukaemia (continued)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

P870 Haematopoietic chimerism status may predict relapse after in vitro T-cell depleted<br />

allogeneic stem cell transplantation for acute leukaemia<br />

I. Baas, W. Marijt, R. Barge, I. Starrenburg, R. Willemze, J. Falkenburg (Leiden, NL)<br />

P871 Comparison of long-term outcome after autologous transplantation of noncryopreserved<br />

bone marrow and allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation<br />

for the treatment of high-risk adult acute lymphoblastic leukaemia<br />

J. Holowiecki, S. Giebel, J. Wojnar, M. Krawczyk-Kulis, M. Wojciechowska, L. Kachel, T. Czerw<br />

(Katowice, PL)<br />

P872 Development of Bcr-Abl positive acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in donor cells after<br />

allogeneic haematopoietic cell transplantation for Philadelphia positive ALL<br />

A. Athanasiadou, K. Stamatopoulos, I. Sakellari, I. Zorbas, M. Gaitatzi, A. Fassas,<br />

A. Anagnostopoulos (Thessaloniki, GR)<br />

P873 In vivo/ex vivo T-cell depletion with anti-CD52 monoclonal antibodies:<br />

long-term results in patients with acute leukaemia in CR1<br />

D. Bunjes, M. Wiesneth, B. Hertenstein, M. Stefanic, C. Duncker, J. Novotny, W. Heit, R. Arnold,<br />

G. Hale, H. Waldmann, H. Heimpel (Ulm, Hannover, Essen, Berlin, D; Oxford, UK)<br />

P874 Haemopoietic progenitor transplantation in the treatment of Philadelphia positive acute<br />

lymphoblastic leukaemia: a single-centre study on prognostic factors<br />

R. Sinha, M. Ortin, S. Patel, R. Ridwan, P. Somasegarem, J. Shankari, S. Mellor, J. Swansbury,<br />

J. Treleaven (Sutton, UK)<br />

P875 Role of stem cell transplantation in patients with advanced acute myeloid leukaemia<br />

M. Camós, J. Esteve, M. Rovira, A. Urbano-Ispizua, C. Martínez, J. Bladé, F. Bosch, F. Cervantes,<br />

A. López-Guillermo, F. Fernández-Avilés, P. Marín, B. Nomdedeu, E. Carreras, E. Montserrat<br />

(Barcelona, E)<br />

P876 High percentage of CD 34 positive cells in peripheral blood after chemotherapy correlate<br />

with high relapse rate in AML patients. Single-centre experience<br />

K. Steinerova, V. Koza, D. Lysak, P. Jindra, M. Karas, P. Skopek, S. Vokurka (Pilsen, CZ)<br />

P877 Granulocytic sarcoma in childhood acute myelogenous leukaemia: clinical characteristics<br />

and management<br />

H. Kook, C. Oh, S.Y. Kim, S.J. Kim, H. Noh, H. Nam, T. Hwang (Gwangju, KOR)<br />

P878 Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in treatment of adult patients with acute<br />

myeloid leukaemia in single-centre experience: results and risk factor analysis<br />

L. Gil, A. Czyz, A. Lojko, K. Sawinski, M. Kozlowska-Skrzypczak, M. Komarnicki (Poznan, PL)<br />

P879 Liposomal daunorubicin plus aracytin for relapsed acute lymphoblastic leukaemia<br />

can be a good reinduction chemotherapy before matched unrelated bone marrow<br />

transplantation<br />

A. Candoni, M. Cerno, A. Sperotto, R. Mestroni, A. Geromin, C. Skert, D. Damiani, R. Fanin<br />

(Udine, I)<br />

P880 ATG versus campath in BuCy transplant conditioning for adult patient with leukaemia<br />

in unrelated donor setting<br />

M. Sedzimirska, K. Suchnicki, J. Lange, B. Wysoczanska, D. Dlubek, A. Lange (Wroclaw, PL)<br />

P881 Unsustained platelet recovery after PBSCT in 39 AML patients autografted in first<br />

complete remission<br />

S.M. Trisolini, S. Capria, E. Baldacci, M.S. De Propris, M.L. Dessanti, M. Gozzer, M. Ribersani,<br />

C. Timarco, N. Villiva', G. Meloni (Rome, I)<br />

P882 The impact of the source of stem cells on the outcome of autologous haematopoietic<br />

progenitor transplantation (HPT) in patients with AML<br />

J. Berlanga, D. Gallardo, D. Benéitez, M. Hermosilla, M. Encuentra (Barcelona, E)<br />

P883 Stem cell transplantation in acute leukaemia: a single-centre experience<br />

S.I. Moiseev, R. Golovchenko, M. Nujja, K. Abdulkadirov (St. Petersburg, RUS)<br />


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 Poster Physicians<br />

106<br />

Acute leukaemia (continued)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

P884 Fludarabine-based regimens as salvage chemotherapy before bone marrow<br />

transplantation for relapsed and refractory acute lymphoblastic leukaemia<br />

M. Cioch, D. Jawniak, J. Manko, A. Dmoszynska (Lublin, PL)<br />

P885 Arabinosylguanine (araG) - an effective and selective therapy in T-ALL relapse after<br />

allogeneic stem cell transplantation<br />

H. Horst, A. Humpe, R. Schoch, R. Siebert, S. Gesk, M. Kneba, D. Hoelzer, N. Goekbuget<br />

(Kiel, Frankfurt, D)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

Lymphoma<br />

P886 Predictive value of gallium-67 scintigraphy in high-grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma<br />

patients undergoing haematopoietic stem cell transplantation<br />

I. García Escobar, J. Pérez Simón, P. Tamayo, J. Mateos, E. Pérez, D. Caballero,<br />

J. García Talavera, J. San Miguel (Salamanca, E)<br />

P887 Relapse or progression after autologous stem cell transplantation in patients<br />

with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: a nation-wide survey<br />

T. Kuittinen, T. Wiklund, E. Elonen, K. Remes, T. Lehtinen, O. Kuittinen, S. Leppä, R. Räty,<br />

M. Putkonen, T. Nousiainen, T. Turpeenniemi-Hujanen, E. Jantunen<br />

(Kuopio, Helsinki, Turku, Tampere, Oulu, FIN)<br />

P888 Improved overall survival of mantle cell lymphoma patients after high-dose chemotherapy<br />

and autotransplantation compared to non-transplant patients.<br />

A single centre report of 114 consecutive patients<br />

J. Romejko-Jarosinska, K. Domanska-Czyz, G. Rymkiewicz, O. Mioduszewska, R. Maryniak,<br />

J. Walewski (Warsaw, PL)<br />

P889 The number of DexaBEAMs given prior to autologous stem cell transplantation seems<br />

to have no effect on outcome in relapsed and refractory non-Hodgkin lymphoma<br />

S. Kim, H. K. Al-Ali, R. Krahl, W. Zschille, U. Hegenbart, A. Aldaoud, F.-A. Hoffmann, H.-J. Hurtz,<br />

R. Rohrberg, M. Wabersich, D. Niederwieser (Leipzig, Zwickau, Halle, D)<br />

P890 Cologne high-dose sequential chemotherapy in relapsed and refractory aggressive<br />

non-Hodgkin lymphoma – results of A multicentre Phase II study<br />

A. Josting, M. Sieniawski, J.O. Staak, J.P. Glossmann, V. Diehl, A. Engert (Cologne, D)<br />

P891 Tandem transplant for follicular lymphoma<br />

C. Recher, A. Huynh, F. Huguet, A. Cazeneuve, S. Galloin, T. Al Saati, G. Delsol, M. Attal (Toulouse, F)<br />

P892 Outcome of lymphoma patients undergoing autologous transplantation:<br />

Effect of increasing the dose of etoposide in the BEAM regimen<br />

A. Martín, M.D. Caballero, J.A. Pérez-Simón, N. López-Holgado, M.C. Cañizo, L. Vázquez,<br />

J.F. San Miguel (Salamanca, E)<br />

P893 Salvage treatment with pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (Caelyx), cyclophosphamide –<br />

rituximab (DC-R) plus GM-CSF in B-diffuse large cell lymphoma (B-DLCL) after<br />

autologous stem cell transplantation failure<br />

A. Olivieri, M. Montanari, L. Spitaleri, D. Capelli, M. Lucesole, I. Scortechini, M. Offidani, G. Gini,<br />

E. Troiani, P. Leoni (Ancona, I)<br />

P894 Long-term follow-up in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma treated with highdose<br />

chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation in first partial remission<br />

F. Gaudio, V. Pavone, A. Guarini, T. Perrone, P. Curci, A. Giordano, R. De Francesco, V. Liso (Bari, I)<br />

P895 Double induction combined with tandem autologous stem cell transplantation in<br />

relapsed and refractory aggressive lymphoma<br />

A. Reichle, A. Berand, E. Holler, R. Andreesen (Regensburg, D)

Poster Physicians Tuesday, March 30, 2004<br />

18:00 – Lymphoma (continued)<br />

19:00<br />

P896 Ifosfamide, carboplatin and etoposide for autologous stem cell transplantation in<br />

non-Hodgkin lymphomas<br />

L. Nassi, L. Rigacci, S. Guidi, R. Alterini, V. Carrai, C. Nozzoli, R. Saccardi, L. Lombardini,<br />

A.M. Vannucchi, A. Bosi (Florence, I)<br />

P897 Efficacy and safety of tailored high-dose chemotherapy with in vivo purged autologous<br />

stem cell transplantation in relapsed/resistant follicular lymphoma<br />

M. Magni, M. Di Nicola, C. Carlo-Stella, L. Devizzi, A. Guidetti, P. Matteucci, A. Assanelli,<br />

F. Ravagnani, M. Gianni (Milan, I)<br />

P898 R-DHAP – sequential high-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell support in<br />

combination with the anti-CD20 antibody Rituximab in relapsed aggressive non-Hodgkin<br />

lymphoma<br />

M. Sieniawski, J.0. Staak, H. Scheuß, J.P. Glossmann, V. Diehl, A. Engert, A. Josting (Cologne, D)<br />

P899 Allogeneic stem cell transplantation as salvage therapy for patients with lymphoma<br />

F. Zaja, C. Skert, A. Sperotto, F. Patriarca, C. Filì, M. Cerno, S. Prosdocimo, A. Geromin,<br />

D. Damiani, R. Fanin (Udine, I)<br />

P900 Double autologous transplant seems not to improved survival compared to single<br />

transplant for patients with Hodgkin's disease<br />

J. Czyz, A. Hellmann, L. Kachel, J. Holowiecki, J. Gozdzik, J. Hansz, M. Osowiecki, J. Walewski,<br />

W. Jurczak, A. Skotnicki, W. Knopinska-Posluszny<br />

(Gdansk, Katowice, Poznan, Warsaw, Cracow, PL)<br />

P901 Impact of a treatment with rituximab before autologous stem cell transplantation on<br />

haematological reconstitution<br />

F. Bouchand, N. Mounier, J. Manson, D. Nabet, J. Larghero, P. Brice, I. Madelaine-Chambrin,<br />

J. Brière, J.-P. Marolleau, C. Gisselbrecht (Paris, F)<br />

P902 Autologous stem cell transplantation for lymphoma: comparison of CBV and beam<br />

preparative regimens<br />

M. Remigia, J. de la Rubia, G. Martín, G. Sanz, I. Lorenzo, I. Jarque, J. Martínez, P. Montesinos,<br />

C. Jiménez, M. Sanz (Valencia, E)<br />

P903 Autografting followed by dose-reduced conditioning and allogeneic haematopoietic<br />

stem cell transplantation in poor risk malignant lymphoma<br />

M. Haenel, F. Kroschinsky, U. Platzbecker, G. Geissler, C. Thiede, G. Ehninger, M. Bornhaeuser<br />

(Chemnitz, Dresden, D)<br />

P904 High-dose thiotepa, melphalan and carboplatin followed by autologous peripheral blood<br />

stem cell transplantation in patients with lymphoma – a retrospective evaluation<br />

T. Demirer, E. Soydan, T. Fen, O. Ilhan, M. Ayli, M. Arat, M. Ozcan, N. Gunel, O. Arslan, Y. Genc,<br />

A. Uysal, R. Haznedar, S. Buyukberber, G. Gurman, N. Ustaer, B. Hazar, G. Ozet, H. Akan<br />

(Ankara, Gaziantep, Mersin, TR)<br />

P905 The impact of rituximab in stem cell mobilisation and engraftment in high-grade<br />

non-Hodgkin lymphoma<br />

P. Kaloyannidis, C. Kartsios, I. Sakellari, C. Vadikolia, M. Marantidou, A. Anagnostopoulos,<br />

A. Fassas (Thessalonica, GR)<br />

P906 Tandem autologous stem cell transplantation or non-myeloablative allogeneic stem cell<br />

transplantation following autologous stem cell transplantation for transformed<br />

low-grade lymphoma<br />

V. Dubruille, N. Morineau, P. Moreau, T. Guillaume, B. Mahe, P. Chevalier, J. Harousseau,<br />

N. Milpied (Nantes, F)<br />

P907 Prognostic factors and autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in<br />

lymphoma patients<br />

N.B. Mikhaylova, L.S. Zoubarovskaya, A.Y. Zaritsky, B.V. Afanasyev (St. Petersburg, RUS)<br />


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 Poster Physicians<br />

18:00 – Lymphoma (continued)<br />

19:00<br />

P908 Choice of adequate risk adapted strategy in Hodgkin disease<br />

W.J. Jurczak, A. Zaluska, D. Krochmalczyk, B. Piatkowska - Jakubas, A.B. Skotnicki (Cracow, PL)<br />

P909 Autologous tandem transplantation with high-dose etoposide mobilised peripheral blood<br />

stem cells in patients with refractory Hodgkin's and aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma<br />

M. Sieniawski, J.P. Glossmann, J.O. Staak, L. Nogova, J. Kisro, C. Rudolph, M. Reiser, C. Scheid,<br />

A. Engert, V. Diehl, A. Josting (Cologne, Luebeck, Cottbus, D)<br />

P910 Autologous stem cell transplantation in patients with relapsed or refractory Hodgkin's<br />

disease – an 8 year experience<br />

H. Minigo, R. Vrhovac, A. Planinc-Peraica, S. Ostojic Kolonic, R. Kusec, D. Radic-Kristo,<br />

I. Kardum-Skelin, D. Sustercic, B. Jaksic (Zagreb, HR)<br />

P911 Allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients with non-aggressive<br />

lymphoproliferative malignancies - single-centre experiences<br />

I.W. Blau, W.U. Knauf, O. Marinets, K. Rieger, T. Fietz, E. Thiel (Berlin, D)<br />

P912 In vivo purging with hyper-CVAD plus rituximab in newly diagnosed mantle cell<br />

lymphoma<br />

E. Benedetti, F. Papineschi, F. Caracciolo, S. Galimberti, G. Cervetti, G. Castiglioni, S. Mechelli,<br />

P. Scatena, M. Pelosini, M. Petrini (Pisa, I)<br />

P913 High-dose sequential followed by autologous bone marrow transplantation as salvage<br />

treatment in advanced Hodgkin's disease<br />

M.T. Delamain, R.C. Baldissera, K.B.B. Pagnano, G.B. Oliveira, I. Lorand-Metze, A.C. Vigorito,<br />

F.J.P. Aranha, K.A.B. Eid, E.C.M. Miranda, C.A. De Souza (Campinas, BR)<br />

P914 High- and low-risk high-grade NHL patients display no significant survival difference in<br />

terms of long-term follow-up after up-front high-dose chemotherapy with autologous<br />

stem cell support<br />

H. Bertz, R. Zeiser, W. Lange, D. Frauenschuh, S. Fetscher, C.F. Waller, J. Finke (Freiburg, D)<br />

P915 Non-myeloablative stem cell transplantation for mantle cell lymphoma<br />

S. Van Steenweghen, J. Maertens, R. Schots, A. Van de Velde (Antwerp, Leuven, Brussels, B)<br />

P916 Allogeneic HSCT for adult lymphoma patients. A retrospective study of myeloablative<br />

compared to reduced-intensity conditioning<br />

H. Hägglund, M. Remberger, P. Ljungman, J. Aschan, C. Löfgren, O. Ringden, E. Kimby<br />

(Stockholm, S)<br />

P917 Allogenic haematopoetic stem cell transplantation after reduced intensity conditioning<br />

for patients with non-Hodkgin lymphoma<br />

H. Schieder, N. Kröger, T. Zabelina, F. Ayuk, A. Kratochwille, B. Fehse, N. Fehse, C. Wolschke,<br />

H. Renges, A. Zander (Hamburg, D)<br />

P918 Autologous stem cell transplantation in patients with aggressive or follicular<br />

non-Hodgkin lymphoma between 8/1984 and 9/2003<br />

H. Kasparu, J. König, H. Hauser, O. Krieger, M. Girschikofsky, M. Bernhart, D. Lutz<br />

(Linz, Vienna, A)<br />

P919 Intensified full-dose induction therapy (HD-machop radiotherapy) followed by<br />

consolidation with BAVC regimen and autologous stem cell transplantation as front-line<br />

therapeutic approach for high-risk aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma<br />

F. Zaja, A. Sperotto, V. Tomadini, F. Patriarca, C. Filì, F. Kikic, D. Damiani, R. Mestroni, M. Tiribelli,<br />

R. Fanin (Udine, I)<br />


Poster Physicians Tuesday, March 30, 2004<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

Myelodisplasia<br />

P920 Allogeneic stem cell transplantation for patients with refractory anaemia with matched<br />

related and unrelated donors: T-cell depletion and reduced-intensity regimens are<br />

associated with an increased relapse risk<br />

T. de Witte, R. Brand, A. van Biezen, P. Guardiola, J. Cornelissen, A. Gratwohl, M. Boogaerts,<br />

V. Runde, R. Arnold, J.-L. Harrousseau, A. Fauser, G. Mufti, D. Niederwieser<br />

on behalf for the EBMT, CLWP-MDS subcommittee<br />

P921 Treosulfan/fludarabine as dose-reduced conditioning followed by allogeneic stem cell<br />

transplantation from related and unrelated donors in patients with AML and MDS/sAML<br />

N. Kröger, T. Zabelina, H. Schieder, K. Kratochwille, F. Ayuk, N. Stute, N. Fehse, J. Hassenpflug,<br />

J. Panse, J. Casper, M. Freund, A. Zander (Hamburg, Rostock, D)<br />

P922 Intensive treatment in patients with high-risk myelodysplastic syndromes and<br />

secondary acute leukaemia<br />

J. Bargay, S. Brunet, J. Esteve, J. Ribera, J. Ribera, A. Llorente, J. Marti, J. Sarrà, R. Guardia,<br />

C. Pedro, B. Nomdedeu, J. Sierra, J. Besalduch<br />

on behalf of the CETLAM Spanish Group<br />

Data management Poster Data Management<br />

P923 Trends in haematopoietic stem cell transplantation 1995 – 2002:<br />

a comparison of the Austrian Stem Cell Transplant Registry data with the EBMT megafile<br />

B. Lindner, D. Nachbaur, H. Greinix (Innsbruck, Vienna, A)<br />

P924 The Czech National Stem Cell Transplantation Registry<br />

K. Benesova, M. Trnkova , I. Karlachova, K. Doskocilova, I. Maresova, S. Hrabetova, A. Vrzalova,<br />

Z. Koristek, J. Nepomucka (Prague, Hradec Kralove, Olomouc, Brno, CZ)<br />

P925 The history and future of data collection and data flow. Single-centre experience<br />

K. Steinerova, V. Koza, P. Jindra, D. Lysak, B. Varvarovska (Pilsen, CZ)<br />

P926 Electronic management of the stem cell transplant schedule<br />

P. Balsalobre, I. Buño, R. Carrion, D. Serrano, S. Carrasco, A. Gomez-Pineda, P. Berasategui,<br />

J.L. Diez-Martin (Madrid, E)<br />

P927 Data management system in a single-centre<br />

S. Gholibeikian, P. Heydari, M. Moradiseresht, F. Safavifar (Tehran, IR)<br />


Sunday, March 28, 2004 Data Management Group<br />

110<br />

Data management<br />

09:00 – 15:00 ProMISe 2 training sessions<br />

Chair: C. Ruiz de Elvira (London, UK)<br />

928 Agenda:<br />

09:00 Database presentation<br />

10:00 Coffee break<br />

10:30 Practical session<br />

12:30 Lunch break<br />

13:30 Practical session continued<br />

18:30 – 20:45 Opening Session<br />

(please refer to page 22 for details)<br />

20:45 Welcome reception<br />

in the foyers of the Palau de Congressos de Catalunya<br />

ProMISe<br />


Data Management Group Monday, March 29, 2004<br />

Data management<br />

09:00 – 15:00 ProMISe 2 training sessions<br />

Chair: C. Ruiz de Elvira (London, UK)<br />

929 Agenda:<br />

09:00 Database presentation<br />

10:00 Coffee break<br />

10:30 Practical session<br />

12:30 Lunch break<br />

13:30 Practical session continued<br />

09:00 – 10:30 Data management educational session<br />

930 Good clinical practice in clinical trials<br />

M. Vignetti, U. Filibeck, K. Champion (Rome, I; London, UK)<br />

Data management<br />

11:00 – 17:30 MED-B sessions<br />

11:00 931 Autograft<br />

G. Rosti, M. Vignetti (Ravenna, Rome, I)<br />

12:30 Lunch break<br />

14:00 932 Acute leukaemia<br />

V. Rocha (Paris, F)<br />

15:30 Coffee break<br />

16:00 933 Infectious diseases<br />

C. Cordonnier (Creteil, F)<br />

ProMISe<br />

Room D4<br />

Room D4<br />


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 Data Management Group<br />

Data management<br />

09:00 – 15:30 ProMISe 2 training sessions<br />

Chair: C. Ruiz de Elvira (London, UK)<br />

934 Agenda:<br />

09:00 Database presentation<br />

10:00 Coffee break<br />

10:30 Practical session<br />

12:30 Lunch break<br />

13:30 Practical session continued<br />

Data management<br />

09:00 – 15:30 MED-B sessions<br />

09:00 935 Myeloma<br />

B. Björkstrand (Stockholm, S)<br />

10:30 Coffee break<br />

11:00 936 Allograft/HLA<br />

J. Apperley (London, UK)<br />

12:30 Lunch break<br />

13:30 937 MDS & relapsed CML<br />

T. de Witte, C. Guglielmi (Nijmegen, NL; Rome, I)<br />

112<br />

ProMISe<br />

Room D4

Data Management Group Tuesday, March 30, 2004<br />

Data management<br />

16:00 – 17:30 Statistical symposium<br />

Chair: R. Brand (Leiden, NL)<br />

938 Analysis of chronic GvHD after allogeneic transplant by the Landmark method<br />

F. Bonifazi, G. Bandini, S. Falcioni, M. Stanzani, F. Palandri, M. Arpinati, B. Giannini,<br />

M. Baccarani (Bologna, I)<br />

939 The current state of the EBMT statistical guidelines<br />

M. Labopin, S. Iacobelli (Paris, F; Leiden, NL)<br />

940 Methodology like competing risk, multi-state etc. to be expected to become<br />

“normal” in the next decade<br />

M. Labopin (Paris, F)<br />

941 Problems (and solutions) to be expected when converting to the new Data<br />

base structure as implemented in Promise-2 , in the framework of survival<br />

analsyis<br />

R. Brand (Leiden, NL)<br />

942 Round-table<br />

Informal meeting of all people involved in the actual analysis of BMT data,<br />

both statisticians and clinicians and data managers<br />

R. Brand, M. Labopin, S. Iacobelli (Leiden, NL; Paris, F)<br />

18:00 – 19:00 Data management poster presentation (P923–P927)<br />

(please refer to page 109 for details)<br />

20:00 Gala dinner at Reials Drassanes de Barcelona<br />

(please refer to page 155 for details)<br />

Abstract<br />

Room D4<br />


Sunday, March 28, 2004 Nurses Group<br />

18:30 – 20:45 Opening Session<br />

114<br />

(please refer to page 22 for details)<br />

20:45 Welcome reception<br />

(in the foyers of the Palau de Congressos de Catalunya)<br />

Auditorium<br />

Nurses Group Monday, March 29, 2004<br />

Nurses educational session 1<br />

08:00 – 09:00 Central venous care ◆<br />

Chair: T. Von Boxtel (Utrecht, NL)<br />

Nurses educational session 2<br />

08:00 – 09:00 Complimentary therapies<br />

Chair: A. Buxton-King (London, UK)<br />

Nurses oral session<br />

09:00 – 10:30 Supportive care 1 ◆<br />

Chairs: M. Stephens (London, UK), C. Laborda (Barcelona, E)<br />

09:00 N943 Welcome by the president of the EBMT Nurses Group<br />

M. Stephens (London, UK)<br />

09:10 N944 Influence of relaxation on adverse events during infusion of cryopreserved<br />

haematopoietic progenitor cells – a pilot study<br />

E. Gris, C. León, R. Laborda, M. Palao, N. Llàcer (Barcelona, E)<br />

09:30 N945 Stress reduction through massage in transplant patients<br />

J. Stringer, R. Swindell, R. Chopra (Manchester, UK)<br />

Room H<br />

Room E1<br />

Room H<br />

09:50 N946 Experience of nurse support to improve rehabilitation after allogeneic stem<br />

cell transplantation<br />

A. Kisch, A. Pizunski (Lund, S)<br />

10:10 N947 Changing communication between nurses and their patients with regards to<br />

sexuality by Business Process Redesign (BPR)<br />

C. Eeltink, P. Ruel, J. Kruijmer, A. Scheringa (Amsterdam, NL)<br />

◆ Simultaneous translation into Spanish

Nurses Group Monday, March 29, 2004<br />

Nurses oral session<br />

11:00 – 12:20 Donor issues ◆<br />

Chairs: M. Jansen (Maastricht, NL), J. Larsen (Stockholm, S)<br />

11:00 N948 How well organised is the care of the stem cell donor?<br />

W. de Nooij, T. de Vries, M. Verhoeven, H. Overbeek, H. van der Woude, C. Lubbers,<br />

P. Meijers-Sleiderink on behalf of the Working Party LOVeST<br />

11:20 N949 A nurse-led service for healthy PBSC donors<br />

L.A. Ritchie, R.F. Duarte, M.N. Potter, G. Poonawala (London, UK)<br />

11:40 N950 Coping strategies of parents donating haploidentical peripheral blood<br />

stem cells<br />

A. van Walraven, L. Ball, F. van Iperen, W. Broekhof, M. Egeler, H. Koopman (Leiden, NL)<br />

12:00 N951 Should we use children as bone marrow donors? The ethical and legal<br />

implications<br />

J. Stone (London, UK)<br />

12:30 – 13:30 Nurses National group meetings<br />

12:30 – 13:30 Workshops<br />

Workshop 1: Breaking bad news<br />

Chair: B. Quinn (London, UK)<br />

Workshop 3: Research skills<br />

Chair: A.M. van Walraven (Leiden, NL)<br />

Workshop 4: Presentation skills<br />

Chair: T. Von Boxtel (Utrecht, NL)<br />

Workshop 5: Methods of stress reduction<br />

Chair: A. Buxton-King (London, UK)<br />

15:00 – 16:00 Workshop 2: Internet skills<br />

Chairs: M. Stephens, P. Morris (London, UK),<br />

Simultaneous translation into Spanish<br />

This year we are delighted to be able to offer simultaneous translation into Spanish<br />

of the Scientific Programme of the Nurses Group.<br />

◆ Simultaneous translation into Spanish<br />

Room H<br />

Rooms H, D4, E5, E6<br />

Room E1<br />

Room E6<br />

Room E5<br />

Room E3<br />

ProMISe<br />


Monday, March 29, 2004 Nurses Group<br />

Nurses oral session<br />

16:00 – 17:40 Paediatric issues<br />

Chairs: H. Harvey (Newcastle, UK), C. Pino Molina (Basel, CH)<br />

16:00 N952 Support group for parents of children post-allogeneic stem cell transplantation<br />

D. Hutt, M. Weiss (Tel-Hashomer, IL)<br />

16:20 N953 Choices to be made: the role of the transplant team in empowering children<br />

and families to make personal end of life decisions<br />

F. van Iperen, L.M. Ball, J.K. Anninga, S. Harmsen, A. Nederstigt, S.A. Muntz,<br />

K. de Wit, R.M. Egeler (Leiden, NL)<br />

16:40 N954 Death after paediatric bone marrow transplant: does place of death make<br />

a difference to parents?<br />

D. Drew, B. Goodenough, S. Higgins, S. Trethewie (Randwick, AUS)<br />

17:00 N955 Pre-existent psychological disturbances are not an absolute contra<br />

indication to allogeneic stem cell transplantation in the paediatric setting<br />

but necessitate a comprehensive and structured multi disciplinary<br />

team approach<br />

C.C.M. Hofstra, C.C.M. Klein, F. van Iperen, L.M. Ball (Leiden, NL)<br />

17:20 N956 Working together: meeting the social and emotional needs of children and<br />

families during BMT at Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital<br />

D. Melvin, N. O'Neil (London, UK)<br />

Nurses oral session<br />

16:00 – 17:40 Nutritional support<br />

Chairs: E. Aerts (Zurich, CH), B. Quinn (London, UK)<br />

16:00 N957 Nausea and vomiting in breast cancer patients who receive chemotherapy in<br />

high doses with the support of peripheral stem cells: the educational role of<br />

the professional nurse and the writing out of instructions<br />

L. Orlando, G. Vasaturo, M. Clerici, C. Berti, C. Di Leverano, L. Casellato, A. Cocquio,<br />

S. Cinieri, G. Martinelli (Milan, I)<br />

16:20 N958 Developing an evidence-based nutritional care protocol for patients<br />

undergoing bone marrow transplant<br />

M. Davies, J. McLellan, J. Commins, C. Wilson (Manchester, UK)<br />

16:40 N959 Low bacterial diet in neutropenic patients. A review<br />

J. Iserte, S. Carrillo, A. Mantecón (Barcelona, E)<br />

17:00 N960 Addressing the issues of poor nutrition in the BMT population –<br />

towards a nurse led protocol<br />

S. Sinclair, A. Hewitt, L. Nicholls (London, UK)<br />

18:00 – 19:00 Nurses poster presentation (P991 – P1086)<br />

116<br />

(please refer to pages 122–127 for details)<br />

Room A<br />

Room B

Nurses Group Monday, March 29, 2004<br />

Nurses oral session<br />

16:00 – 17:40 Addressing clinical issues ◆<br />

Chair: E. Gris (Barcelona, E), M. Ni Chonghaile (Dublin, IRL)<br />

16:00 N961 The incidence of catheter-related infections from day 0 to day 100 in<br />

allogeneic stem cell transplant patients<br />

A. Berthelsen, H. Laursen, T. Lanther, J. Holder, S. Rasmussen, C. Heilmann<br />

(Copenhagen, DK)<br />

16:20 N962 Are groshong lines meeting the needs of our patients?<br />

L. Taylor (Bristol, UK)<br />

16:40 N963 Stomatitis: measurement and intervention as an integral part of routine<br />

nursing care in bone marrow transplant wards<br />

S. Shoen, D. Taou, A Morag (Tel-Hashomer, IL)<br />

17:00 N964 The hidden work behind the implementation of an individualised,<br />

patient-based, mucositis pain management protocol<br />

A. Ciurana, M.C. Rodriguez, C. Martinez, E. Chavas, A. Ovalle, I. Ruiz, N. Vidal,<br />

N. Borras, M. Valverde (Barcelona, E)<br />

17:20 N965 Improving mouth-care seems possible: knowledge, convenience and<br />

compliance regarding a mouth-care protocol for haematology patients<br />

M. van Vliet, C. Potting, N. Blijlevens, T. van Achterberg (Nijmegen, NL)<br />

18:00 – 19:00 Nurses poster presentation (P991 – P1086)<br />

(please refer to pages 122–127 for details)<br />

◆ Simultaneous translation into Spanish<br />

Room H<br />


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 Nurses Group<br />

Educational session 3<br />

08:00 – 09:00 Nutrition in transplant ◆<br />

Chairs: M. Ni Chonghaile (Dublin, IRL), I. Schlosser (Rotterdam, NL)<br />

Educational session 4<br />

08:00 – 09:00 The pathophysiology and treatment of acute leukaemia<br />

Chair: M. Stephens (London, UK)<br />

Joint session Nurses / Physicians<br />

09:00 – 10:30 Critical care in transplantation ◆<br />

Chairs: J. Apperley (London, UK), M. Stephens (London, UK)<br />

The different points of view from a haematologist, an intensivist, a nurse and<br />

a family member<br />

09:00 211 Haematologist's perspective<br />

H. Schouten (Maastricht, NL)<br />

09:20 212 Intensivist's perspective<br />

E. Azoulay (Paris, F)<br />

09:40 213 Nurse's perspective<br />

O. Power (Dublin, IRL)<br />

10:00 214 Family's perspective<br />

B. Kay (Grantham, UK)<br />

118<br />

◆ Simultaneous translation into Spanish<br />

Room H<br />

Room E1<br />


Nurses Group Tuesday, March 30, 2004<br />

Nurses oral session<br />

11:00 – 12:40 Standards of care ◆<br />

Chairs: A.M. van Walraven (Leiden, NL), M. Brown (London, UK)<br />

11:00 N966 Rituals and evidence based nursing in stem cell transplantation:<br />

a contradiction?<br />

A. Mank (Amsterdam, NL)<br />

11:20 N967 The evidence-based practice for prevention of opportunistic infections among<br />

haematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients: descriptive study in Milan area<br />

C. Soliman, S. Bonalumi, M. Casati (Milan, I)<br />

11:40 N968 Earlier discharge? Evidence-based study on planning discharge and feelings<br />

of safety for neutropenic patients<br />

A. Mank, H. v.d. Lelie (Amsterdam, NL)<br />

12:00 N969 Respiratory viral infections in haematological patients.<br />

J.M. Portos, M. Peyret, R. Martino, C. Salvador (Barcelona, E)<br />

12:20 N970 Facilitating the timely initiation of first line antibiotics in neutropenic sepsis<br />

P. Ryan (Sutton, UK)<br />

13:00 – 14:00 Nurses general meeting ◆<br />

Nurses debate<br />

14:00 – 15:30 Protective isolation – a waste of time? ◆<br />

Chair: C. Wardley (Manchester, UK)<br />

N971 Proposers:<br />

E. Aerts (Zurich, CH)<br />

A. Mank (Amsterdam, NL)<br />

◆ Simultaneous translation into Spanish<br />

Room H<br />

Room H<br />

Room H<br />


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 Nurses Group<br />

Nurses oral session<br />

14:00 – 15:40 Managing care<br />

Chairs: P. Ryan (Sutton, UK), I. Skoda (Ljubljana, SI)<br />

14:00 N972 The role of nurse-led care in complex BMT patients<br />

A. Hewitt, M. Real (London, UK)<br />

14:20 N973 Developing shared care for blood and marrow transplant recipients<br />

M. Ni Chonghaile (Dublin, IRL)<br />

14:40 N974 User involvement in the bone marrow transplant unit<br />

H. Vos, A. Finch, C. Kirk (London, UK)<br />

15:00 N975 Computerised data collection and database for bone marrow transplant<br />

co-ordination and quality control<br />

T. Faibish, H. Leibzirer, M. Markovitz, T. Zuckerman (Haifa, IL)<br />

15:20 N976 A qualitative exploratory study examining bone marrow transplant nurse<br />

views of palliative care within their speciality<br />

S. Carey (London, UK)<br />

Nurses oral session<br />

16:00 – 17:40 Psychosocial issues ◆<br />

Chairs: N. Borras (Barcelona, E), T. Von Boxtel (Utrecht, NL)<br />

16:00 N977 Making sense of cancer<br />

B. Quinn (London, UK)<br />

16:20 N978 The cost of cancer: exploration of the socio-economic issues affecting<br />

haematology patients undergoing stem cell transplantation<br />

J. Richardson (London, UK)<br />

16:40 N979 The negative impact of stem cell transplantation on psychological status;<br />

a single-centre experience<br />

F. T.Bilgin, N. Akgul, B. Paroz, A. Akgul, N. Yildirim, N. Cayir, H. Bilgen, S. K. Besisik<br />

(Istanbul, TR)<br />

17:00 N980 The patients' experiences of symptoms during stem cell transplantation<br />

J. Larsen, G. Nordström, P. Ljungman, A. Gardulf (Huddinge, S)<br />

17:20 N981 A longitudinal study of hope in adults undergoing bone marrow<br />

transplantation<br />

G. Butters (Bristol, UK)<br />

18:00 – 19:00 Nurses poster presentation (P991 – P1086)<br />

(please refer to pages 122–127 for details)<br />

20:00 Gala dinner at Reials Drassanes de Barcelona<br />

120<br />

(please refer to page 155 for details)<br />

◆ Simultaneous translation into Spanish<br />

Room E1<br />

Room H

Nurses Group Wednesday, March 31, 2004<br />

Nurses oral session<br />

09:00 – 10:20 Critical care issues ◆<br />

Chairs: B. Quinn (London, UK), O. Power (Dublin, IRL)<br />

09:00 N982 The decison and influencing factors in haemto-onocology patients being<br />

transferred to a critical care bed – a study exploring views of qualified nurses<br />

J.E. Green (Croydon, UK)<br />

09:20 N983 From ward to intensive care – utilising early warning scores in the<br />

haematology and bone marrow transplantation setting<br />

K.A. Midgley, R. Copland (Leeds, UK)<br />

09:40 N984 Critical care outreach improves outcome in haemato-oncology patients<br />

requiring intensive care admission<br />

J. McLellan, P. Haji Michael, J. Epstein, D. Tansey, I. Kapilla, R. Chopra (Manchester, UK)<br />

10:00 N985 Retrospective analysis of characteristics concerning death in patients<br />

undergoing stem cell transplant<br />

R. Panadero, C. San Roman, L. Suela, V. Gonzalez, P. Balsalobre, I. Buño,<br />

P. Berasategui, J.L. Diez-Martin, S. Carrasco (Madrid, E)<br />

Nurses oral session<br />

11:00 – 12:00 Supportive care 2 ◆<br />

Chairs: M. Stephens (London, UK), E. Bystricka (Prague, CZ)<br />

11:00 N986 A novel approach of specialising haematology nurses in their current posts to<br />

become a specialist resource for information and support to patients with myeloma<br />

T. King (Edinburgh, UK)<br />

11:20 N987 Regulation of haemopoietic stem cell collection: a network approach<br />

A. K Booth (Potts Point, AUS)<br />

11:40 N988 Improving symptom management: an ongoing prospective audit mapping<br />

specific symptoms experienced by patients who have undergone an<br />

autologous BEAM peripheral blood stem cell transplant<br />

C. Demosthenous, P. Statham (London, UK)<br />

Nurses<br />

12:00 – 12:30 Medical update / Awards and closing ◆<br />

12:00 N989 Update from physicians meeting<br />

J. Sierra (Barcelona, E)<br />

12:15 N990 Awards<br />

Closing remarks<br />

M. Stephens (London, UK)<br />

◆ Simultaneous translation into Spanish<br />

Room H<br />

Room H<br />

Room H<br />


Monday, March 29 and Posters Nurses<br />

Tuesday, March 30, 2004<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

Management<br />

P991 Cord blood collections: a Queensland (Australia) experience<br />

J. Shergold, L. Lockwood, C. Hutchins (Brisbane, AUS)<br />

P992 The management of chronic leukaemia during pregnancy<br />

E. Dannie (London, UK)<br />

P993 Management of CML: Glivac right from the start. NICE recommendations<br />

E. Dannie (London, UK)<br />

P994 The roles of the BMT out-patient nurse and the transplant nurse co-ordinator<br />

S. Haavisto, R. Keskimäki (Helsinki, FIN)<br />

P995 Making standing orders work on an adult bone marrow transplant unit<br />

R. Wilkinson, E. Higgins, C. Healy (Dublin, IRL)<br />

P996 Sibling BMT- donor and core family donor searches in patients –<br />

coordination and data methods<br />

E. Bystricka, A. Volfova, K. Novak, S. Vokurka, K. Cerna, T. Karvunidis, P. Jindra, V. Koza<br />

(Pilsen, CZ)<br />

P997 Haematology and haemato-oncology nurses in the Czech Republic –<br />

their projects and challenges within the Czech Haematology Society and EBMT<br />

E. Bystricka, V. Kaslova, V. Pavlicova, J. Scudlova, J. Vitkova, D. Mjartanova<br />

(Pilsen, Hradec Kralove, Olomouc, CZ)<br />

P998 Allogenic bone marrow transplantation in the patient of aplastic anaemia with<br />

Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome<br />

B.S. Kim, I. Choi, K. Park, S. Yoon, S. Oh, J. Seo, C. Choi, S. Shin, Y.H. Kim, J.S. Kim<br />

(Seoul, KOR)<br />

P999 Necessity of coordination in haematopoietic stem cell transplantation<br />

V. Bons, V. Rocha, E. Gluckman (Paris, F)<br />

Out patient developments<br />

P1000 A study of perceived quality in the Homecare Programme for Autologous Stem Cell<br />

Transplantation<br />

L. Garcia, C. Gallego, A. Hernando, S. Segura, L. Nevado, J. Güell, F. Fernández-Avilés,<br />

E. Carreras, M. Valverde (Barcelona, E)<br />

P1001 The continuing expansion of BMT out-patient services: delivering bone marrow top ups<br />

in a day care setting<br />

E. Walls, H. Harvey (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK)<br />

P1002 Homecare Programme for Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation: the role of hospital day<br />

care support<br />

D. Rambla, M. Monné, A. Hernando, C. Gallego, A. Ciurana, P. Pinedo, F. Fernández-Avilés,<br />

M. Valverde (Barcelona, E)<br />


Posters Nurses Monday, March 29 and<br />

Tuesday, March 30, 2004<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

Education and support of nurses<br />

P1003 Nurses are “invaluable players” in pharmacokinetic studies<br />

A.C.M. Smiet, B. Ruiterkamp, L.P.A. Kant (Nijmegen, NL)<br />

P1004 Education facilitation in oncology/BMT/ -taking the role forward<br />

A. Fraser, S. Peters (Bristol, UK)<br />

P1005 The importance of conceptional training for nursing newcomers in BMT units<br />

B. Kindel, J. Oertel (Hannover, D)<br />

P1007 Information and training needs of paediatric patients undergoing BMT<br />

G. Deiana, G. Bisaccia, E. Cervetto, M. Contarini, M. Cotrozzi, F. Esibiti, M. Francesia Berta,<br />

M. Matarese, C. Picasso, A. Raiola, M. Canepa (Genoa, I)<br />

P1008 Recognising the critically ill patient<br />

G. Parkin (Bristol, UK)<br />

P1009 Spiritualy: exploring its potential as a framework for staff support<br />

L.C Reid (Birmingham, UK)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

Palliative care<br />

P1010 Palliative care in the bone marrow transplant setting: Is it properly utilised?<br />

S. Mc Guckin (Dublin, IRL)<br />

Quality of life<br />

P1012 Tandem approach medical and nursing, does improve quality of life in patients<br />

transplanted with a non-myeloablative regimen who develop acute-graft-versus host<br />

disease<br />

A. Albiani, L. Martinelli (Pisa, I)<br />

P1013 Long-term follow-up of bone marrow transplant, is there a need for a specialist nurse?<br />

F. M. Allen (Dublin, IRL)<br />

P1014 Audit of bone marrow transplant late effects nurse-led clinic<br />

A. Griffiths, A. Bridgman, P. Saul (Birmingham, UK)<br />

P1015 Quality of life of patients going through allogeneic transplantation with reducedintensity<br />

conditioning. Frequent evaluations on 38 patients during the first<br />

three months<br />

U. Frödin, G. Juliusson (Linkoping, S)<br />


Monday, March 29 and Posters Nurses<br />

Tuesday, March 30, 2004<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

Psychosocial Issues<br />

P1016 Unrelated stem cell transplantation – anxiety related to the unknown donor<br />

C. Pimpão, I. Maestre, T. Moreno, J. Lacerda (Lisbon, P)<br />

P1017 Stem cell collection process as an empowering experience for patients through the<br />

transplantation pathway<br />

O. Daniel, E. Rom (Tel Aviv, IL)<br />

P1018 Is there a need for a support group 5 years post chemotherapy and/or bone marrow<br />

transplant?<br />

M. Murphy, Y. Ibbotson, G. McGlade (Manchester, UK)<br />

P1019 Impact of anxiety and depression on pain experienced during bone marrow biopsy and<br />

aspirate<br />

T. Bin, A. Zubani, P. Capodivento, L. Calabrese, C. Bressan, D. Laszlo, A. Cocquio, F. Peccatori,<br />

G. Martinelli (Milan, I)<br />

P1020 Research into the emotional and psychological aspects of bone marrow transplantation<br />

M. Rowe, A. Bunning (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK)<br />

P1021 Positive intervention to relieve the psychological effects on parents whose children are<br />

experiencing bone marrow transplantation for immune deficiencis<br />

M. Allan (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK)<br />

P1022 Caring for the child and family prior to bone marrow transplant<br />

H. Harvey, E. Walls (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK)<br />

P1023 Is there a difference in health-related quality of life between autologous and allogeneic<br />

stem cell transplanted patients?<br />

I. Andersson, C. Kristiansson, M. Brune, D. Stockelberg (Gothenburg, S)<br />

P1024 Quality of life in patients with aplastic anaemia and hypocellular myelodysplastic<br />

syndrome following treatment with anti-lymphocyte globulin<br />

M. Murphy, D. Macey, J. Nicholson (London, UK)<br />

P1025 How patients remember the experience of autologous transplant<br />

T. Santos, C. Gonzalez, R. Marco, E. Avellan, M.J. Majado, A. Navarrete (Murcia, E)<br />

P1026 Cancer: the impact of diagnosis<br />

C. Pimpão, A. Gomes, A. Ferreira (Lisbon, P)<br />

P1027 Why let the patients tell their story over and over?<br />

J.W.J. Repping, M. Verhoeven, N. Vermeulen, S. Damen (Nijmegen, NL)<br />

P1028 Psycho-social issues when having a transplant<br />

C. Smith, S. Levak (Surrey, UK)<br />

P1029 Trust and honesty, a prerequisite for a good medical outcome<br />

E. Mermans, L. Thys, G. Van Ackerbroeck (Antwerp Edegem, B)<br />

P1030 Peer group for allogeneic stem cell transplantation patients and their families:<br />

a single-centre analysis in Helsinki 2003<br />

H. Ikäheimo, P. Peltonen, T. Seppänen-Savela, M. Ekholm (Hus, FIN)<br />

P1031 Turning point in couple relationship following the ordeal of allo-BMT is an unexpected<br />

frontier for patients during the general coping process<br />

E. Rom, H. Schimmel (Tel Aviv, IL)<br />


Posters Nurses Monday, March 29 and<br />

Tuesday, March 30, 2004<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

Standards of care<br />

P1032 A mouth care protocol for patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation.<br />

Our experience on implementation<br />

M. Pallejà, C. Serrano, M. Florit, R. Azor, A. Lobo, S. Llorens (Barcelona, E)<br />

P1033 Central venous catheter care starts with insertion - the benefits of a nurse-led line<br />

insertion team<br />

A. Green (Cambridge, UK)<br />

P1034 Nursing care for paediatric patients treated with IL-2 post-BMT<br />

M. Suero, G. Tamborero, G. Martinez, A. Clemente, I. Badell, N. Pardo, J. Cubells (Barcelona, E)<br />

P1035 Combination therapy for post haematopoietic peripheral blood stem cell transplant<br />

cerebral and pulmonary aspergillosis using voriconazole and terbinafine: a case report<br />

J. Shergold, M. Whyte, M. Nissen, D. Siebert, T. Hassall, K.A Robertson, L. Lockwood<br />

(Brisbane, AUS)<br />

P1036 Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy in children undergoing SCT<br />

G. Hansson, A. Fasth, G. Göthberg, C. Fondin, A-L. Gustafsson (Gothenburg, S)<br />

P1037 Epstein-Barr virus – a case study<br />

J. Douglas (Manchester, UK)<br />

P1038 The need for an evidence based approach in preventing chemical dermatitis in infants<br />

undergoing BMT<br />

G. Pritchard (Manchester, UK)<br />

P1039 Review of enteral support in children undergoing stem cell transplantation for<br />

non-malignant disease<br />

C. Elwig, M. Conboy-Twomey, M. McCloy (London, UK)<br />

P1040 PBSC collection using existing Hickman line – a single paediatric centre experience<br />

N. Comey, A. O`Meara, A. O`Marcaigh, F. Clinton (Dublin, IRL)<br />

P1041 Re-establishing CVC patency with rtpa in paediatric patients<br />

E. Mourão, Z. Felix (Lisbon, P)<br />

P1042 Bone marrow transplant of unrelated donor in T-acute lymphoblastic leukaemia:<br />

a paediatric case<br />

A. Ferreira, C. Pimpão, C. Gomes (Lisbon, P)<br />

P1043 VP-16 is an efficient peripheral blood stem cell mobilisation regimen<br />

M. Azizan, K. Fazillah, S.Q. Chui, S. Tan, T.C. Ong, S. Jameela, A. Yong, K.M. Chang,<br />

V. Purushotaman (Kuala Lumpur, MY)<br />

P1044 Large-volume leukapheresis for stem cell collection in donors for allogeneic<br />

transplantation using a femoral catheter is a highly efficient and safe procedure<br />

B. Odijk, M. Ek, E. Bertelsmann, M. Koopman, J. van der Lelie (Amsterdam, NL)<br />

P1045 Two cases of autologous peripheral blood haematopoietic stem cell transplantation<br />

patients with severe and refractory multiple sclerosis in Bulgaria<br />

G. Mihaylov, B. Avramova, L. Gartcheva, M. Jordanova, D. Bobev, L. Popov, P. Chotekov (Sofia, BG)<br />

P1046 Autologous stem cell transplantation with alemtuzumab as part of the conditioning for<br />

B-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia<br />

M. Eibl, H. Auner, W. Zinke-Cerwenka, H. Sill, W. Linkesch (Graz, A)<br />

P1047 Nursing care protocol: patients' needs registered by nurses in the autologous transplant<br />

M. Prieto, A. Lobo, F. Vizcaino (Barcelona, E)<br />

P1048 Nutritional status of patients undergoing allogeneic stem cell transplantation, from<br />

pre-transplant to one year post-transplant<br />

F. Gossmann, H. Petersen, H. Borup, H. Laursen (Copenhagen, DK)<br />

P1049 Efficacy of vitamin E during acute mucositis in bone marrow transplantation<br />

P. Agüeros, M. Bárcena, M. Del Campo, P. Lucero, A. Bermúdez, L. Yañez (Santander, E)<br />


Monday, March 29 and Posters Nurses<br />

Tuesday, March 30, 2004<br />

Standards of care (continued)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

P1050 Pain: is it a subjective sign for the quality of peripheral blood stem cell collection in<br />

unrelated donors?<br />

A. Peles Bortz, J. Limor, A. Grunspan, Y. Sverdlov, Y. Kodman, J. Stein, I. Yaniv (Petah-Tikva, IL)<br />

P1051 Prevention and treatment of conventional respiratory virus (CRV) infections in adult<br />

recipients of haematopoietic stem cell Transplantation<br />

I. Magallanes, P. Net, T. Romero, M. Sanosa, R. Martino (Barcelona, E)<br />

P1052 The immune dysregulation, polyendocrinopathy, enteropathy, X-linked syndrome (IPEX) –<br />

a challenge for nursing staff<br />

A. Schwarzl, B. Birkenau (Vienna, A)<br />

P1053 Cryotherapy during chemotherapy. Could it delay or alleviate the development of mucositis?<br />

Ac Svanberg, K Öhrn (Uppsala, S)<br />

P1054 Hypoxaemic acute respiratory failure in haematological patients: feasibility and efficacy<br />

of non-invasive ventilation<br />

P. Monni (Milan, I)<br />

P1055 Meeting the challenges of communication: the pivotal role of the specialised paediatric<br />

nursing team for families of different ethnic backgrounds whose child is undergoing<br />

stem cell transplantation<br />

C.C. Hofstra, C.C. Klein, F. van Iperen, A.G.M. Neuman, W. Broekhof, R.M. Egeler, L.M. Ball<br />

(Leiden, NL)<br />

P1056 Prevention of haemorrhage in patients undergoing stem cell transplantation:<br />

information protocol<br />

M.A. Turró-Castillejo, A. Marín-Martínez, J. Martínez-Sisquella, C. Omedes-Fumadó,<br />

M.A. Corredor-Lobato, J.L. López-Mayor (Barcelona, E)<br />

P1057 Patients' knowledge about nutrition during illness<br />

S.S. Laursen, M. Schmidt, P. Trust, L. Vittinghus (Copenhagen, DK)<br />

P1058 Educating a patient in self-application of subcutaneous injections<br />

I.K. Skoda (Ljubljana, SI)<br />

P1059 Beating the bug!<br />

L. Sturgess-Durden (Bristol, UK)<br />

P1060 Importance of the position of the patient during catheter removal<br />

D. Quiroga, N. Vieites, F. Vidal, V. Docampo (La Coruña, E)<br />

P1061 Nurse care, responsibility and reporting of PBPC collections<br />

B. Szymczak (Wroclaw, PL)<br />

P1062 The best of all mouthwashes: water<br />

C. Potting, W. Scholte op Reimer, T. van Achterberg (Nijmegen, Rotterdam, NL)<br />

P1063 Review of the use of Filgrastim post autologous stem cell transplant<br />

C. Burnett, G. Gagne, B. Morin, L. O´Hagan, Y. Rousseau (Montreal, CAN)<br />

P1064 Caring for Afro-Caribbean and Asian patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation<br />

M. Brown (London, UK)<br />

P1065 Risks and benefit of double-prolonged interval of central venous catheter dressing changes<br />

in patients treated by intensive chemotherapy – proposal of a new randomised nurses' trial<br />

E. Bystricka, I. Chvojkova, J. Suvova, N. Mullerova, S. Vokurka, V. Koza, J. Scudlova, D. Mjartanova,<br />

J. Vitkova (Pilsen, Olomouc, CZ)<br />

P1066 Nursing clinical pathways in autologous bone marrow transplant<br />

M. Pallejà, C. Sánchez, A. Durán, M. Galiano, M. Mansilla, M. Baños, T. Peralta<br />

(Hospitalet- Barcelona, E)<br />

P1067 Guide for intravenous applications at in a haemato-oncological ward –<br />

development of new guidelines<br />

D. Zappová, J. Maaloufová, D. Pohlreich, P. Cetkovsk_ (Prague, CZ)<br />


Posters Nurses Monday, March 29 and<br />

Tuesday, March 30, 2004<br />

Standards of care (continued)<br />

18:00 –<br />

19:00<br />

P1068 How do you ensure clear and standardised information to the autologous bone marrow<br />

transplant patient and their family?<br />

I. Bonne (Aarhus, DK)<br />

P1069 Irradiated blood products – communication is the weakest link<br />

J. Nicholls (Bristol, UK)<br />

P1070 Skin care for paediatric patients undergoing busulfan-conditioning:<br />

comparsion of two different topical treatments<br />

S. Eichner, B. Birkenau, W. Kail, S. Matthes, C. Peters (Vienna, A)<br />

P1071 How the findings of a retrospective audit on the UKCCSG anti-fungal strategy will affect<br />

current practice for BMT staff and patients<br />

S. Peters, R. Nolan, J. McDerra, J. Cornish (Bristol, UK)<br />

P1072 Accompaniment of the adolescent, a challenge?<br />

M. Verbeek, Y. Blokland, D. Klootwijk (Rotterdam, NL)<br />

P1073 Nutritional monitoring of patients after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation<br />

M. Patorkova, A. Molcanova, K. Formankova, P. Benes, P. Cetkovsky (Prague, CZ)<br />

P1074 Effectiveness of transdermal fentanyl patch for treatment of acute pain due to oral<br />

mucositis in patients with haematologic malignancies receiving high-dose chemotherapy<br />

and stem cell support<br />

N. Bae, S. Sohn, D. Kim, J. Kim (Daegu, KOR)<br />

P1075 Why does the patient undergoing stem cell transplantation need nutrition support?<br />

S. Westin, S. Edlund (Stockholm, S)<br />

P1076 Mucositis and pain management in at-home autologous stem cell transplantation<br />

S. Segura, C. Gallego, A. Hernando, L. García, L. Nevado, J. Güell, M. Valverde,<br />

F. Fernández-Avilés, E. Carreras, E. Montserrat (Barcelona, E)<br />

P1077 BK polyomavirus and haemorrhagic cystitis after allogeneic bone marrow transplant;<br />

increasing pressures on transplant nurses<br />

C. Guest, P Hetherington, E. Ion, A Pettitt, R. Clark (Liverpool, UK)<br />

P1078 Respiratory syncytial virus – The Liverpool experience<br />

E. Ion, P. Hetherington, C. Guest, R. Clark, A. Pettitt (Liverpool, UK)<br />

P1079 The use of pain relief prior to a bone marrow aspirate<br />

D. Johanson, M. Plucinski (London, UK)<br />

P1080 Nurses' care of patients with skin-graft-versus-host disease<br />

M. Hebras, M. Bordy, Y. Idir, K. Tabani, S. Simonelli, H. Esperou, G. Socie, C. Ferry, E. Gluckman<br />

(Paris, F)<br />

P1081 Investigation of platelet requirement during haemopoietic stem cell transplantation<br />

H.S. Cho, B.E. Song, Y.H. Ki, S.H. Kim, Y.H. Na, H.J. Kang, S.S. Han, J.Y. Ban, J.H. Yun, E.Y. Hong<br />

(Seoul, KOR)<br />

P1082 Pilot study on self-administration of medicines scheme and its effects on patients and<br />

nursing staff<br />

A. Tan (Bristol, UK)<br />

P1083 Bone marrow transplantation and intensive care: patient centred<br />

V. Lewis (Cambridge, UK)<br />

P1084 An audit to evaluate the effectiveness of chemotherapy advice sheets<br />

T. Arthur (Bristol, UK)<br />

P1085 Implementing a new standard of care<br />

L.D. Cornelissen, M.A. Kok (Amsterdam, NL)<br />

P1086 Bone marrow transplant nursing: does networking work?<br />

A. Booth (Potts Point, AUS)<br />


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Instructions for Authors<br />

Speakers Centre / Audiovisual Equipment<br />

The Speakers' Service Centre is located in the Palau de Congressos de Catalunya on level -1 and will<br />

be available for speakers making an oral presentation.<br />

All lecture rooms will be equipped with a computer and a data projector (beamer) for PowerPoint<br />

presentations. PowerPoint presentations must be handed in via floppy disc, CD-ROM, USB compatible<br />

memory stick, or via the own laptop at the Speakers' Service Centre at least one hour before the<br />

beginning of the session. Speakers will have the opportunity to check their presentations on PCs<br />

available in the Speakers Service Centre.<br />

Poster Sessions Physicians<br />

Date Poster No Poster Sessions Poster Mounting Poster Removal<br />

Monday, March 29, 2004 P407–P668 18.00 h–19.00 h 08.00 h–09.00 h 19.00 h–19.30 h<br />

Tuesday, March 30, 2004 P669–P927 18.00 h–19.00 h 08.00 h–09.00 h 19.00 h–19.30 h<br />

Authors are kindly asked to be present from 18.00–19.00 h<br />

during the respective Poster Sessions.<br />

It is extremely important that authors mount and remove their posters at the above mentioned<br />

times to enable the poster boards to be used for the following session.<br />

Poster Measurements for Physicians are horizontal (landscape)!<br />

Size of posters: Width: 180 cm (70.86"), Height: 90 cm (35.43")<br />

Poster Sessions Nurses Group<br />

The posters of the Nurses Group (P991 – P1086) will be on display during the whole EBMT 2004<br />

congress, Monday – Wednesday. (Contrary to the posters of the physicians there will be no change of<br />

posters for the Nurses Group).<br />

Authors of the Nurses Group will have the opportunity to discuss their poster with the participants<br />

during the following poster session times:<br />

Date Poster No Poster Sessions Poster Mounting Poster Removal<br />

Monday, March 29, 2004 P991–P1086 18.00 h–19.00 h Monday, Wednesday,<br />

March 29, 2004 March 31, 2004<br />

Tuesday, March 30, 2004 P991–P1086 18.00 h–19.00 h 08.00 h–09.00 h 11.00 h–13.00 h<br />

Authors are kindly asked to be present from 18.00 – 19.00 h<br />

during the respective Poster Sessions.<br />

Poster Measurements for Nurses are vertical (high format)!<br />

Size of posters: Width: 90 cm (35.43"), Height: 130 cm (51.18")<br />

Publication of Abstracts<br />

All accepted abstracts will be published in the Supplement of the Bone Marrow Transplantation Journal<br />

as well as on a CD-ROM. Both items will be available during the congress and are included in the<br />

registration fee.<br />

As of March 28, 2004, accepted abstracts can also be viewed on the congress homepage:<br />

http://www.akm.ch/ebmt2004.<br />


List of Chairs<br />

Name Page Name Page Name Page<br />

Aerts, E. 116<br />

Alegre, A. 31<br />

Apperley, J. 22, 25, 29, 42,<br />

43, 55, 58, 118<br />

Bacigalupo, A. 23<br />

Badell, I. 62<br />

Björkstrand, B. 31<br />

Borras, N. 120<br />

Bow, E.J. 17<br />

Brand, R. 113<br />

Brown, M. 119<br />

Brunet, S. 47<br />

Bueren, J. 35<br />

Buxton-King, A. 114, 115<br />

Bystricka, E. 121<br />

Caballero, D. 49<br />

Carreras, E. 29, 58<br />

Cavazzana-Calvo, M. 35, 57,<br />

60<br />

Conde, E. 49<br />

Cordonnier, C. 17, 44<br />

Cornelissen, J.J. 47<br />

Cornish, J. 62<br />

Corradini, P. 38<br />

Dazzi, F. 67<br />

de la Rubia, J. 64<br />

de Witte, T. 46<br />

Demirer, T. 28, 60<br />

Diez, J.L. 64<br />

Dini, G. 39, 52<br />

Ehninger, G. 18<br />

Einsele, H. 23, 36, 56<br />

Espigado, I. 37<br />

Fassas, A. 27<br />

Fernández, M.N. 46, 63<br />

Fibbe, W. 29, 33<br />

Figuera, A. 34<br />

Frassoni, F. 26<br />

Friedrich, W. 57<br />

Gahrton, G. 55<br />

García-Conde, J. 48<br />

130<br />

Gisselbrecht, C. 23, 45, 48<br />

Gluckmann, E. 21<br />

Gorin, C. 29, 43<br />

Grañena, A. 61<br />

Gratwohl, A. 20, 60, 66<br />

Gris, E. 117<br />

Harvey, H. 116<br />

Holler, E. 58<br />

Iriondo, A. 53<br />

Jansen, M. 115<br />

Kansu, E. 68<br />

Labopin, M. 26<br />

Laborda, C. 114<br />

Larsen, J. 115<br />

Lion, T. 24<br />

Ljungman, P. 42<br />

Lotz, J.P. 28<br />

Madrigal, A. 41, 56<br />

Marin, P. 37<br />

Marsh, J. 37<br />

Martelli, M. 46<br />

Martino, R. 15, 50<br />

Maschmeyer, G. 15<br />

Masszi, T. 65<br />

Mc Donald, F. 58<br />

Michallet, M. 61<br />

Montserrat, E. 41<br />

Moraleda, J.M. 42<br />

Morris, P. 115<br />

Ni Chonghaile, M. 117, 118<br />

Niederwieser, D. 38<br />

Niethammer, D. 29, 39<br />

Nomdedeu, J. 68<br />

Odriozola, J. 54<br />

Olavarria, E. 53<br />

Ortega, J.J. 52<br />

Passweg, J. 40<br />

Perez Calvo, J. 49<br />

Perez Simon, J.A. 51<br />

Pino Molina, C. 116<br />

Power, O. 121<br />

Pròsper, F. 33, 41<br />

Quinn, B. 115, 116, 121<br />

Reusser, P. 18, 44<br />

Ribera, J.M. 24<br />

Ringden, O. 58<br />

Rosti, G. 46, 49<br />

Rovira, M. 36<br />

Ruiz de Elvira, C. 110, 111,<br />

112<br />

Ruutu, T. 63<br />

Ryan, P. 120<br />

Saccardi, R. 37<br />

Sanz, M.A. 29, 50<br />

Schlosser, I. 118<br />

Schmitz, N. 19, 30, 45<br />

Schouten, H. 58, 65<br />

Schrezenmeier, H. 40, 59<br />

Sierra, J. 18, 22, 25, 59<br />

Skoda, I. 120<br />

Slavin, S. 32, 46<br />

Socié, G. 46, 59<br />

Stephens, M. 43, 114, 115,<br />

118, 121<br />

Sureda, A. 30<br />

Tomas Martinez, J.F. 21, 32<br />

Tichelli, A. 46, 54<br />

Torres, A. 34<br />

Tyndall, A. 24, 27<br />

Urbano-Ispizua, A. 15, 43, 58,<br />

66<br />

van Walraven, A.M. 115, 119<br />

Von Boxtel, T. 114, 115, 120<br />

Wardley, C. 119<br />

Willemze, R. 51<br />

Zander, A. 67

List of Speakers and Authors<br />

Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr.<br />

Abbruzzese, L. P770<br />

Abdelkefi, A. O385, P521<br />

Abdulkadirov, K. P883<br />

Abdulkadyrov, K. P596<br />

Abecasis, M. P592, P834<br />

Abedi, M. P561<br />

Abhyankar, S. P728<br />

Abinun, M. O161, 327, 328,<br />

P537, P600<br />

Abrahams, L. P457<br />

Abrahamsson, J. P813<br />

Ackermann, A. P848<br />

Ackerstein, A. P467, P539, P686<br />

Adam, O. P504<br />

Adam, Z. P636<br />

Adams, S. P474<br />

Addari, M.C. O363<br />

Aerts, E. N971<br />

Afanasiev, B.V. O401<br />

Afanasyev, B.V. P683, P721, P907<br />

Aglietta, M. 94, 95, O115,<br />

P417, P428<br />

Agrawal, S. P569<br />

Aguado, B. P568<br />

Agüeros, P. P1049<br />

Ahmad, E. P526<br />

Ahmad, I. P460<br />

Ahn, H.S. P836, P843<br />

Aitoro, G. O115<br />

Aivado, M. 69<br />

Akan, H. P494, P571, P621,<br />

P655, P771, P904<br />

Akar, E. P807<br />

Akar, N. P807<br />

Aker, M. P591<br />

Akgul, A. N979<br />

Akgul, N. N979<br />

Akhtar, S. O259<br />

Aktas, B. P689<br />

Al Jijakli, A. O368<br />

Al Saati, T. P891<br />

Aláez, C. P568<br />

Alaiz, H. P592<br />

Al-Ali, H. O404, P511, P615,<br />

P711, P889<br />

Albani, S. O151<br />

Alberca, M. P419, P557<br />

Albiani, A. P1012<br />

Albrecht, C. O141<br />

Alcoceba, M. O131<br />

Aldaoud, A. P889<br />

Aldous, K. O390, P491<br />

Alegre, A. O117, O298, O380,<br />

P513, P568<br />

Alesiani, F. P659<br />

Alessandrino, E. O251, P752,<br />

P756, P800<br />

Alexander, T. O160, P597, P602,<br />

P676<br />

Alfieri, C. O370<br />

Alimogaddam, K. P440, P441<br />

Alimoghaddam, K. P625<br />

Allan, M. P1021<br />

Allen, F.M. P1013<br />

Allione, B. O108, O115<br />

Almarza, E. 66<br />

Almeida, J. O131, P557<br />

Almici, C. P550<br />

Alonso, B. P534<br />

Alonso-Nieto, M. P693<br />

Altclas, J. P789<br />

Alter, B. O164<br />

Alterini, R. P896<br />

Alvarez, I. O125, O283<br />

Alvarez, M. O396<br />

Alvarez-Barrientos, A. O128<br />

Amado, F. P531<br />

Amado, M.L. P854<br />

Amadori, S. 69, 338, P554, P754<br />

Amar, A. P539<br />

Amata, C. P619<br />

Ambrosio, A. P834<br />

Amill, B. O379<br />

Amrolia, P. O150, O290, O291,<br />

P704<br />

Amurri, B. O109, P468, P727<br />

Anagnostopoulos, A. P O388, P518,<br />

P585, P586, P798, 872, P905<br />

Anak, S. P720, P809, P818<br />

Anasetti, C. 196<br />

Anderlini, P. 311<br />

Andersen, J.F. P414<br />

Andersen, P. P517<br />

Andersson, I. P1023<br />

Andreas, C. P848<br />

Andreazzoli, F. P503<br />

Andreesen, R. 52, P856, P895<br />

Andreeva, L. P464, P574<br />

André-Schmutz, I. O142<br />

Angelopoulou, M.K. O257<br />

Angelucci, E. S48, 183, P791<br />

Anghel, G. P623, P667<br />

Angioni, A. P851<br />

Angonin, R. P488<br />

Annels, N. P739<br />

Anninga, J.K. N953<br />

Annunziata, M. P857<br />

Ansari, B P440, P441<br />

Anttila, V. P746, P749<br />

Aouf, S. P521<br />

Aoun, M. P772<br />

Apperley, J. S98, O112, O113,<br />

O114, 176, 209, O302, P410,<br />

P542, P699, P728, P781, 936<br />

Appert, M. 67<br />

Aramendia, J.M. O267<br />

Aranha, F.J.P. O353, P913<br />

Arat, M. 241, P494, P496, P549,<br />

P571, P621, P655, P689,<br />

P709, P730, P748, P771, P904<br />

Arbona, C. O380, P545<br />

Arcese, W. O361, O370, P851<br />

Ardizzone, F. P756<br />

Argiolu, F. O363<br />

Aricò, M. O361<br />

Armstrong, V. P715<br />

Arnaud, P. P504<br />

Arnéodo, V. P456<br />

Arnold, R. 96, O160, P597, P602,<br />

P670, P676, P873, P920<br />

Arpinati, M. P678, P803, 938<br />

Arranz, R. O107, O125<br />

Arrieta, R. P552<br />

Arrigo, C. P619<br />

Arseniev, L. 68<br />

Arslan, O. P494, P496, P549,<br />

P571, P655, P904<br />

Arthur, T. P1084<br />

Arvidson, J. 219<br />

Asahara, T. 204<br />

Aschan, J.O155, O276, P480,P916<br />

Assanelli, A. P738, P897<br />

Assirelli, E. O398<br />

Astigarraga, C. O387<br />

Athanasiadou, A. P872<br />

Athanasiou, E. P585, P586<br />

Atsuta, Y. O277<br />

Atta, J. P866<br />

Attal, M. O110, O121, O296,<br />

P633, P891<br />

Au, W.Y. P799<br />

Aul, C. 69, P641<br />

Auner, H. P1046<br />

Avanzini, M.A. P736<br />

Avellan, E. P1025<br />

Aventín, A. P620<br />

Aversa, F. S42, O375<br />

Aversa, S.M.L. P662, P668<br />

Avery, S. O114, O302, P410, P542<br />

Avigdor, A. O122, P635, P863<br />

Ávila, A. P412, P415<br />

Avinens, O. P444<br />

Avivi, I. O386, P700<br />

Avoledo, P. P845<br />

Avramova, B. P1045<br />

Aydin, F. P818<br />

Ayli, M. P904<br />

Aymerich, M. O298<br />

Ayuk, F. O117, O118, O352,<br />

P637, P731, P917, P921<br />

Ayuketang, F. P735<br />

Ayyildiz, E. P549<br />

Azar, N. O368, O391<br />

Azevedo, A.M. O353<br />

Azevedo, W. O353, P601<br />

Azik, F. P806, P807<br />

Azizan, M. P1043<br />

Azor, R. P1032<br />

Azoulay, E. 212<br />

Azqueta, C. O379<br />

Azzara, A. P477, P514<br />

Baas, I. P870<br />

Babikir, R. P734<br />

Baccarani, M. P678, P707, P803,<br />

938<br />

Bachl, C. P792<br />

Bacigalupo, A. S18, 58, O119,<br />

O162, 189, 190, O251, O260,<br />

O281, 336, O402, P506, P515,<br />

P522, P603, P616, P737,<br />

P741, P776<br />

Bacovsky, J. P636, P646<br />

Badell, I.O165, P793, P828, P1034<br />

Bader, P. 184, O274, O360, P453,<br />

P681, P811, P820<br />

Badiali, M. O363<br />

Badian, E. P700<br />

Bae, N. P1074<br />

Bagattini, S. P706<br />

Bahar, B. P489, P625, P844<br />


List of Speakers and Authors<br />

Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr.<br />

Baidildina, D.D. O163<br />

Bakanay, S. P549<br />

Balas, A. O148<br />

Balashov, D. P594<br />

Baldacci, E. P869, P881<br />

Baldanti, F. P752<br />

Baldissera, R.C. P913<br />

Baldomero, H. O374<br />

Balduzzi, A. P753, P814<br />

Balint, B. P556, P563<br />

Ball, L.M. P626, P751, P783,<br />

P838, N950, N953,<br />

N955, P1055<br />

Ball, S. P695, P823, P829, P847<br />

Ballanti, S. P802<br />

Ballatore, G. P554<br />

Balon, J. P732<br />

Balsa, C. P448<br />

Balsalobre, P. O253, P578, P926,<br />

N985<br />

Bambi, F. P461<br />

Ban, J.Y. P1081<br />

Banasiak, W. P587<br />

Bandini, G. O119, P502, P611,<br />

P803, 938<br />

Banna, G.L. P662, P668<br />

Baños, M. P1066<br />

Banyai, A. P567<br />

Bar, I. O132<br />

Barber, S. O291<br />

Barberi, W. O370<br />

Barbosa, I.L. P412, P415<br />

Bárcena, M. P1049<br />

Bardou, V. P444, P706<br />

Bares, R. P656<br />

Bargay, J. 71, P922<br />

Barge, D. P537<br />

Barge, R. O246, P870, P486, P765<br />

Barkholt, L. 97, O155, O261,<br />

P505, P665, P769<br />

Barness-Hadar, L. P805<br />

Baron, F. P490, P500<br />

Baronciani, D. P791<br />

Baroni, M.C. P651<br />

Barquinero, J. P430, P438<br />

Barros, J.-C. P601<br />

Barta, A. P567<br />

Bartolin, M. T. P770<br />

Basara, N. 73, O381, P715<br />

Bashtar, M. P440<br />

Bashtarr, M. P441<br />

Basset, T. P777<br />

Bassompierre, F. P743<br />

Bassous, L. P622<br />

Bátai, A. P630, P764<br />

Batlle, M. O298, P451, P789a<br />

Batsis, I. P518, P585, P586<br />

Battelli, F. O297<br />

Baudoux, E. P490<br />

Baumann, M. 321<br />

Baumgart, J. P579<br />

Baurmann, H. O299, O357, O381,<br />

O382<br />

Bauters, F. O383, O400<br />

Bautista, G. P650<br />

Bavaro, P. O115<br />

Bay, J. P639, P862<br />

132<br />

Beaujean, F. O389, O391, O392,<br />

P532<br />

Beaumont, J. O389, O391, O392,<br />

P532<br />

Beaune, J. O389<br />

Beck, J.F. O360<br />

Beck, O. 316, P832<br />

Beck, R. O274<br />

Beeldens, F. 69<br />

Beelen, D.W. O134, O144, O250,<br />

O303, O350, O376, P675,<br />

P677, P685, P726, P859<br />

Beguin, Y. P490, P500, P742<br />

Behrens, F. P606<br />

Behringer, D. P792<br />

Beilken, A. P825<br />

Bejaoui, M. P521<br />

Békássy, A. 219, 220<br />

Beksac, M. P494, P549, P571,<br />

P621, P655, P689, P709,<br />

P730, P771<br />

Belhabri, A. 69<br />

Bellotti, L. P553<br />

Beltrami, G. P634, P725<br />

Ben Abdeladhim, A. O385<br />

Ben Achour, O. O385<br />

Ben Arush, M. P629<br />

Ben Barak, A. P629<br />

Ben Bassat, I. P635<br />

Ben Mami, N. O351<br />

Ben Othman, T. O385<br />

Ben Romdhane, N. O385<br />

Benabdeladhim, A. P521<br />

Benabdennabi, Y. P521<br />

Benavente, C. O165<br />

Ben-Bassat, I. P863<br />

Benboubker, L. O110<br />

Benbunan, M. O391<br />

Bendtzen, K. P414<br />

Benedetti, E. P503, P514, P912<br />

Benedetti, F. P623, P801<br />

Benéitez, D. P882<br />

Benes, P. P1073<br />

Benesch, M. P849<br />

Benesova, K. P924<br />

Benevides, P.A. P412, P415<br />

Benhamou, E. P819<br />

Benlloch, L. O380<br />

Bennet-Rees, N. O150<br />

Benoit, Y. P631<br />

Benothman, T. P521<br />

Beo, J. P418<br />

Berand, A. P895<br />

Berasategui, P. P926, N985<br />

Bercos, M. P596<br />

Berdel, W. O103, P641<br />

Berenguer, J. O253<br />

Bergamaschi, P. O371, P553<br />

Berger, M. P439, P443<br />

Bergeron, C. O365<br />

Bergmann, L. O245, P866<br />

Berkowicz, A. P517<br />

Berkowicz, M. P635, P863<br />

Berlanga, J. 71, P882<br />

Bermúdez, A. P1049<br />

Bernal, M. O107<br />

Bernal, T. O125<br />

Bernardi, M. O264, O377, P502,<br />

P664, P745, P785<br />

Bernasconi, P. P756, P800<br />

Bernhardt, E. P792<br />

Bernhart, M. P918<br />

Bernini, G. P461<br />

Berrebi, A. P622<br />

Berretta, M. P770<br />

Bertazzoni, P. P800<br />

Bertelsmann, E. P1044<br />

Berthelsen, A. N961<br />

Berthier, J.-C. P777<br />

Berthon, C. O383<br />

Berthou, C. O110<br />

Berti, C. N957<br />

Bertrand, Y. P777, P812<br />

Bertz, H. O133, P481, P576, P599,<br />

P734, P792, P860, P914<br />

Bes, M.A. P783<br />

Besalduch, J. O120, P922<br />

Besson, C. O153<br />

Bethge, W. O262, P453<br />

Beutler, D. P845<br />

Beyer, J. O117, O118<br />

Bhattacharya, A. 327, 328, P537<br />

Bianchi, L. P428<br />

Biedermann, B. 332<br />

Biener, D. O308<br />

Bieniaszewska, M. P732<br />

Bierings, M. O151<br />

Biersack, H. O250, P726<br />

Biesma, D.H. P775<br />

Bigalke, I. P484<br />

Bilgen, H. P720, P809, P818, N979<br />

Bilger, K. O121, O273, P444, P639,<br />

P706, P862<br />

Bilgin, M.Y. P626<br />

Biller, A. O372<br />

Bin, T. P1019<br />

Bini-Antunes, M. P531<br />

Biondi, A. P753<br />

Birkenau, B. P1052, P1070<br />

Biron, P. 93<br />

Bisaccia, G. P1007<br />

Bisaga, G. P797<br />

Bistrian, R. O127, P425<br />

Bitan, M. P539, P591, P686<br />

Bittar, C. O387<br />

Bittard, H. P673<br />

Bittencourt, H. O279, O387<br />

Bittencourt, R. O387<br />

Björklund, A. O276<br />

Bjorkstrand, B. 171, O112, O113,<br />

201, P642, 935<br />

Bladé, J. P875<br />

Bladon, J. P409<br />

Blaise, D. S16, S35, 90, O121,<br />

O273, O351, P444, P456,<br />

P639, P706, P862<br />

Blanche, S. P824<br />

Blandino, F. P667<br />

Blasczyk, R. P757<br />

Blau, I. P715, P911<br />

Blau, W. P424, P480<br />

Blázquez, C. P568<br />

Bleyzac, N. P812<br />

Blijlevens, N. S101, O270, N965

List of Speakers and Authors<br />

Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr.<br />

Blokland, Y. P1072<br />

Blomkvist, M. P769<br />

Blume, K. P511<br />

Boast, A. P535<br />

Boavida, G. P592<br />

Bobev, D. P1045<br />

Boccaccio, C. O391, O392, P504,<br />

P532<br />

Boccadoro, M. O115, O252<br />

Bochennek, K. P848<br />

Bock, T. O274, O286<br />

Boeckh, M. S11, 219<br />

Boehme, V. O105<br />

Boehnke, W. P606<br />

Boehrer, S. P866<br />

Boekhout, T. P783<br />

Bogatcheva, N.Y. O163<br />

Bogdanovic, G. P762<br />

Bogunia-Kubik, K. O394, P691<br />

Boiron, J. O121, O124, P639, P862<br />

Bolwell, B.J. P728<br />

Bommer, M. P780<br />

Bonalumi, S. N967<br />

Bonetti, F. O398<br />

Bonfim, C.S. 184<br />

Bonhomme, D. O142<br />

Bonifazi, F. P697, P803, 938<br />

Bonne, I. P1068<br />

Bonolis, M. P779, P795<br />

Bons, V. P999<br />

Bonstein, L. P700<br />

Boogaerts, M. O123, P920<br />

Booth, A. N987, P1086<br />

Booth, T. P714<br />

Boqué, C. 176, O354, O356<br />

Bordigoni, P. O121, P774<br />

Bordon, V. P631<br />

Bordy, M. P1080<br />

Bork, S. P536<br />

Bornhäuser, M. O135, O248, O272,<br />

P408, P445, P472, P572,<br />

P614, P715, P903<br />

Borras, N. N964<br />

Boruczkowski, D.P833, P840, P865<br />

Borup, H. P1048<br />

Bos, G. O282<br />

Bosari, S. P583<br />

Bosch, A. P854<br />

Bosch, F. P471, P875<br />

Bosi, A. 222, P428, P429, P492,<br />

P582, P779, P795, P896<br />

Bouabdallah, R. P456<br />

Bouchand, F. P901<br />

Bouliong, E. O293<br />

Bourcy, V. O391, O392, P532<br />

Bourhis, J. O111, P504<br />

Bourin, P. O296<br />

Bours, V. P490<br />

Boutemy, H. O392, P532<br />

Bow, E.J. S20, S22<br />

Boyarshinov, V. P464, P574<br />

Braakman, E. O275<br />

Bradstock, K. P482<br />

Bradwell, A.R. O116, P632, P649<br />

Brand, A. P432<br />

Brand, R. O117, 175, 181, O246,<br />

P642, P920, 941, 942<br />

Brandt, B. O136<br />

Brasca, P. P529, P658<br />

Breccia, M. P869<br />

Bredeson, C. S15, P611<br />

Bredius, R. O161, P626, P739,<br />

P751, P838<br />

Breese, G.J. 327<br />

Bregante, S. O402, P603, P616,<br />

P737, P741, P776<br />

Bregni, M. 97, O119, O251, O252,<br />

O264, O377, P502, P506,<br />

P664, P745, P752, P785<br />

Breidenbach, C. 68<br />

Brenmoehl, J. 52<br />

Bressan, C. P1019<br />

Bretagne, S. 218<br />

Brice, P. O254, P794, P901<br />

Bridenbaugh, S. O293<br />

Bridgman, A. P1014<br />

Brière, J. P794, P901<br />

Brinch, L. 220<br />

Brinkman, D. O161<br />

Briones, J. O283, P620, P701<br />

Brioschi, S. P789<br />

Britten, C.M. P750<br />

Broekhof, W. N950, P1055<br />

Broers, A.E.C. O275<br />

Broliden, P.-A. O276<br />

Bron, D. O123, P460<br />

Brons, P. P839<br />

Brooimans, R.A. 317<br />

Brown, C.J. P570<br />

Brown, M. P1064<br />

Brugiatelli, M. O106, P747<br />

Brune, M. P1023<br />

Brunes, M. 97<br />

Brunet, S. 71, O249, O283, P620,<br />

P693, P922<br />

Bruno, B. O115, P515<br />

Bruno, S. P428<br />

Bruns, I. P536<br />

Brusamolino, E. O106<br />

Brychtova, Y. P509, P718<br />

Bucher, C. P804<br />

Buchholz, S. P520<br />

Buchler, T. P636<br />

Buchmann, I. O245, O304<br />

Büchner, T. O247, 339<br />

Buchta, C. P487<br />

Buchtova, I. P509<br />

Buck, A. O245<br />

Buckstein, R. S29<br />

Bueno, J. 71, O249, P559<br />

Bueren, J. 66, O128, O129, O146,<br />

O148, O165, 344, P421, P590<br />

Bufano, P. P582<br />

Bug, G. P703, P866<br />

Bulabois, C. P633<br />

Bulakbasi, T. P496, P571<br />

Bunjes, D. 79, O244, O245, O304,<br />

O369, O406, P485, P780, P873<br />

Bunning, A. P1020<br />

Buño, I. O253, P513, P578, P926,<br />

N985<br />

Buquicchio, C. O373<br />

Burchielli, E. 70, 319<br />

Burdach, S. P698, P723, P724<br />

Bureo, E. P828<br />

Burlakova, I. O382<br />

Burmester, G.R. O160, P670<br />

Burmester, R. P597, P602<br />

Burnett, C. P1063<br />

Burns, A. P719<br />

Burt, R.K. S5<br />

Burton, C. P781<br />

Busca, A. O115, P492, P502, P515<br />

Busca, G. P583<br />

Buser, A. P804<br />

Busson, M. 67, 318<br />

Butters, G. N981<br />

Buyukberber, S. P904<br />

Buza-Vidas, N. P458<br />

Byington, R. O353<br />

Byrne, J. O263<br />

Bystricka, E. P564, P996, P997,<br />

P1065<br />

Caballero, D. O125, O255, P498,<br />

P508, P886<br />

Caballero, M.D.O107, O120, O131,<br />

O305, P419, P534, P547,<br />

P694, P716, P892<br />

Cabrera, J.R. P650<br />

Cabrera, R. 320, O354, P613<br />

Cacchione, R. P540<br />

Cahn, J.Y. O121<br />

Cai, Z. P710<br />

Caillat-Zucman, S. P824<br />

Caione, L. P417<br />

Cairoli, R. P529, P658<br />

Calabrese, L. P1019<br />

Caldas, G. P834<br />

Caldera, D. P756, P800<br />

Cale, C. O150<br />

Caliskan, Y. P527<br />

Calistri, E. P463, P573<br />

Callea, V. P747<br />

Callen, E. O165, P590<br />

Calmels, B. P456<br />

Calore, E. O152<br />

Calugi, A. P554<br />

Calvillo, M. O162<br />

Calvo, M.-V. P534<br />

Cámara, C. P568<br />

Camilli, A.R. P554<br />

Cammarota, S. P653<br />

Camós, M. P875<br />

Campestri, R. P540<br />

Campilho, F. P412, P415, P531<br />

Campo, E. P471<br />

Campos, A. P412, P415, P531<br />

Can, E. P809<br />

Canales, M. O125, P552<br />

Candela, M. P659<br />

Candoni, A. P463, P879<br />

Canepa, M. P1007<br />

Caniglia, M. O361, O370, P851<br />

Cañizo, C. O354, O356, P534,<br />

P613<br />

Cañizo, M. O305, P435, P508,<br />

P547, P716, P892<br />

Cannata, J. P568<br />

Cannella, L. P692<br />

Cant, A.J. 327, 328, P537<br />


List of Speakers and Authors<br />

Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr.<br />

Cantalapiedra, A. P584<br />

Cantalejo, A. O165<br />

Cantero, S. O295, O366, P768<br />

Cao, Y.B. P708<br />

Capanna, R. P582<br />

Capanni, M. O375<br />

Capasso, M. O162<br />

Capelli, D. P893<br />

Capobianchi, A. P754<br />

Capobianchi, M.R. P755<br />

Capodivento, P. P1019<br />

Caporale, R. P429, P582<br />

Capote, M. O396, P858<br />

Capria, S. P869, P881<br />

Caracciolo, D. O252<br />

Caracciolo, F. P503, P514, P912<br />

Caravita, T. P554<br />

Carbone, S. O371<br />

Carbonell-Uberos, F. P411, P555<br />

Cardoso, L.G.O. P773<br />

Carella, A. 176, P634, P725<br />

Carella, M. P725<br />

Carey, S. N976<br />

Carin, M. P720, P818<br />

Carlo-Stella, C. P738, P897<br />

Carluccio, P. O373<br />

Carmagnat, M. 67<br />

Carminati, O. 97<br />

Carneiro, A. P551<br />

Carnevale-Schianca, F. O115<br />

Carosi, G. O108<br />

Carr, T. O291, P842<br />

Carrai, V. P896<br />

Carrasco, S. P926, N985<br />

Carreras, E. S39, O249, O298,<br />

O354, P613, P693, P875,<br />

P1000, P1076<br />

Carreras, G. P793<br />

Carrillo, S. N959<br />

Carrion, R. O253, P 578, P926<br />

Carr-Smith, H.D. P649<br />

Carter, V. P570<br />

Cartwright, V. P808<br />

Carulli, G. P477, P514<br />

Carvalhais, A. P412, P531<br />

Carvalhais, C. P415<br />

Carvalho, M.C.S. P773<br />

Casado, J.A. O129, O165, P590<br />

Casaño, J. O396, P858, P864<br />

Casanovas, O. O254<br />

Casari, S. O108<br />

Casarrubea, G. P668<br />

Casassus, P. O110<br />

Casati, M. N967<br />

Casellato, L. N957<br />

Casini, M.O115, O252, P506, P801<br />

Casper, J. P480, P921<br />

Castel, V. P853<br />

Castellano, A. P816<br />

Castellini, C. P841<br />

Castiglioni, G. P912<br />

Castilla, C. P435, P534, P716<br />

Castro, N. P601<br />

Cattaneo, C. O108<br />

Cavallaro, A.M. P712<br />

Cavanagh, G. P570<br />

Cavatorta, E. P814<br />

134<br />

Cavazzana-Calvo, M. O142, O145,<br />

345, P824<br />

Cavenagh, J. P569<br />

Cayir, N. N979<br />

Cazeneuve, A. P891<br />

Cecchi, S. P506<br />

Cecconi, N. P477<br />

Cela, E. O165<br />

Cellini, M. P593<br />

Centra, M. P725<br />

Centurioni, R. P659<br />

Cerchio, R. P593, P788<br />

Cermelli, C. P852<br />

Cerna, K. P562, P564, P612, P996<br />

Cerno, M. P492, P573, P707,<br />

P729, P879, P899<br />

Cerretti, R. O306, O370<br />

Cerutti, P. O300<br />

Cervantes, F. P875<br />

Cervera, J. O165, O295<br />

Cervetti, G. P477, P912<br />

Cervetto, E. P1007<br />

Cesaro, S. O152, 222, 225, O361<br />

Cetkovsk_, P. P618, P1067, P1073<br />

Cevreska, L. P413<br />

Ceydilek, B. P748<br />

Chabannon, C. P456, P706<br />

Chachaty, E. P504<br />

Chagas, M. P834<br />

Chakraverty, R. O118<br />

Chalandon, Y. O272, P447<br />

Challine, D. O153<br />

Chalmers, D. P420, P442<br />

Chalopin, J.M. P673<br />

Champion, K. 176, 930<br />

Chan, G.C.F. P608<br />

Chandra, D. O288, P810<br />

Chang, K.M. P1043<br />

Chanova, M. O364, P663<br />

Chapman, C.E P537<br />

Chappell, J. P786<br />

Chapuis, B. P447<br />

Charbel-Issa, M. P483<br />

Charron, D. 67, 318<br />

Chatziandreou, I. O149<br />

Chavas, E. N964<br />

Chelghoum, Y. P577, P778<br />

Chelombit, L. P797<br />

Cheong, H.J. P446<br />

Cheong, J.T. P446<br />

Chernykh, E. P422<br />

Chesnel, V. 223<br />

Chevalier, P. P906<br />

Chevallier, P. P501<br />

Chevret, S. 318, O389, P743<br />

Chiarion-Sileni, V. P662<br />

Chir, Z. O121<br />

Chirumbolo, G. P678<br />

Chisesi, T. P623<br />

Chiusolo, P. P519<br />

Chklovskaia, E. O293<br />

Cho, H.S. P1081<br />

Choi, B. P688<br />

Choi, C. P998<br />

Choi, H.S. P836, P843<br />

Choi, I. P466, P998<br />

Choi, J. P416, P684<br />

Choi, S.J. P855<br />

Choma, M. P666<br />

Chopra, R. O118, N945, N984<br />

Chotekov, P. P1045<br />

Chott, A. P868<br />

Chou, T. P644<br />

Chui, S.Q. P1043<br />

Chukhlovin, A.B. O401<br />

Chung, N. P688<br />

Chvojkova, I. P1065<br />

Chybicka, A. O358, P587, P815,<br />

P821, P826, P827, P830,<br />

P837, P846, P865<br />

Cicconi, S. O405<br />

Ciceri, F. 97, O119, O264, O377,<br />

P506, P664, P745, P752, P785<br />

Ciepluch, H. P647<br />

Ciftcioglu, A. P771<br />

Cimminiello, M. P802<br />

Cinieri, S. N957<br />

Cioch, M. P884<br />

Ciotti, M. P754<br />

Cirignotta, F. P803<br />

Cirulli, T. P802<br />

Ciscato, C. P816<br />

Ciuffreda, L. O373<br />

Ciulla, M. P583<br />

Ciurana, A. N964, P1002<br />

Claas, E P739<br />

Claessen, A.M.E. P775<br />

Clapisson, G. P543<br />

Clark, R. P1077, P1078<br />

Clave, E. 67<br />

Claviez, A. 230<br />

Clement, L. P774<br />

Clemente, A. P1034<br />

Clerici, M. N957<br />

Clèries, M. P854<br />

Clinton, F. P1040<br />

Cocquio, A. N957, P1019<br />

Coiffier, B. O102<br />

Collin, M. P714<br />

Collins, G. P516<br />

Collyns, T. P759<br />

Colombat, P. O254<br />

Colombel, J.F. O400<br />

Colombo, A. P756, P800<br />

Colombo, S. P745<br />

Colomer, D. P471<br />

Colturato, V. O353<br />

Cometa, A. O398<br />

Comey, N. P1040<br />

Commins, J. N958<br />

Comoli, P. O300, O398<br />

Conboy-Twomey, M. P1039<br />

Conde, E. O107, O253<br />

Conrad, R. P665<br />

Console, G. O258, P747<br />

Consoli, U. P861<br />

Constans, M. O107<br />

Constantinou, V. P585, P586<br />

Contarini, M. P1007<br />

Cook, G. O390, P491, P759<br />

Cooke, K.R. 330<br />

Cooper, N. O290<br />

Copland, R. N983<br />

Córdoba, R. O107, P568

List of Speakers and Authors<br />

Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr.<br />

Cordonnier, C. S25, S43, 54, O153,<br />

218, 219, 221, 222, 223, 226,<br />

O389, O391, O392, P532,<br />

P743, 933<br />

Corey, L. O271<br />

Cornelissen, J.J. 217, O246, O271,<br />

O275, 317<br />

Cornelissen, L.D. P1085<br />

Cornelly, O. 228<br />

Cornely, O. O271<br />

Cornish, J. 182, 186, O291, 324,<br />

O359, P696, P767, P1071<br />

Corradini, P. 97, O115, O119,<br />

O252, O260, O355, P470,<br />

P502, P506, P697<br />

Corredor-Lobato, M.A. P1056<br />

Corsetti, M.T. P634<br />

Cortellazzo, S. O106<br />

Cortés, M. P620<br />

Cortesão, E. P592<br />

Corti, C. O377<br />

Corti, P. P753<br />

Corvatta, L. P659<br />

Coser, P. O115<br />

Coso, D. P862<br />

Costa, T. P551<br />

Costi, D. P651<br />

Cotrozzi, M. P1007<br />

Couignoux, S. O400<br />

Coutinho, M. P601<br />

Coze, C. O365<br />

Cozza, R. P816<br />

Craddock, C. O118<br />

Crassard, N. P777<br />

Crescenzio, N. P439<br />

Crescimanno, A. P763<br />

Creutzig, U. O301<br />

Crivellari, G. P662, P668<br />

Cubells, J. P793, P1034<br />

Cubitt, D. O150<br />

Cudillo, L. O281, P754<br />

Cullup, H. P407<br />

Cupelli, L. P554, P754<br />

Curci, P. P894<br />

Cuzzola, M. P503<br />

Czerw, T. P871<br />

Czyz, A. P878<br />

Czyz, J. P647, P900<br />

Da Prada, G.-A. P752<br />

D'Adamo, F. P791<br />

Dagis, A. O257<br />

Dahmen, Y. O391, O392, P532<br />

Dal Cortivo, L. P824<br />

Dalianis, T. P762<br />

Dalle, J.-H. O383<br />

Dallorso, S. O281, O285, P852<br />

Dalva, K. P549, P709, P730, P771<br />

Damaj, G. O351, P639<br />

Damen, S. P1027<br />

Damiani, D. P463, P492, P573,<br />

P697, P707, P729, P879,<br />

P899, P919<br />

D'Amico, M.R. P857<br />

Dammacco, F. P802<br />

Dammann, E. P507<br />

Damourette, S. P528<br />

Daniel, O. P1017<br />

Dann, E.J. P700<br />

Dannie, E. P542, P992, P993<br />

Danos, O. O145<br />

Dantas, S.R.P.E. P773<br />

Darbyshire, P.J O288, P810<br />

Das, A. P825<br />

Das, M. P535, P649<br />

Daschner, F. P734<br />

Das-Gupta, E. O263<br />

Dasí, A. O165<br />

Dassi, M. P610, P753<br />

Däubener, W. O397<br />

Daudt, L. O300<br />

Davey, S. P570<br />

David, M. P525<br />

Davidowich, Y. P635<br />

Davies, G. O150, O290, P704<br />

Davies, M. P808, N958<br />

Davis, J. P542<br />

Davison, G. P457<br />

Dazzi, F. O130, O395, O399, P410,<br />

P692, P699<br />

De Biase, P. P582<br />

De Blasio, A. P623<br />

de Carvalho Bittencourt, M. O294<br />

De Fabritiis, P. O115, O251, O260,<br />

P754<br />

De Felice, L. O370<br />

De Francesco, R. O258, P894<br />

De Gasperi, A. P529<br />

De Geyter, C. P588<br />

De Giorgi, U. O265, O268<br />

De Hauwere, K. 326<br />

De Ioanni, M. O297<br />

de Jager, W. O151<br />

de Jong, A. P838<br />

De Kerviller, E. P794<br />

de Kleer, I. O161<br />

de la Camara, R. 219, 223, P613,<br />

P693<br />

de la Rubia, J. O366, O380, P768,<br />

P902<br />

de la Serna, J. O125, O354, P513<br />

de Lima, M. O244<br />

De Marco, L. P770<br />

De Matteis, S. P519<br />

De Meuter, A. O123<br />

de Nooij, W. N948<br />

De Paoli, P. P770<br />

De Propris, M.S. P881<br />

De Rijcke, M. 326<br />

de Rijke, B. O137<br />

De Rosa, L. P667<br />

De rossi, G. P851<br />

De Simone, M. P857<br />

De Sio, L. P816<br />

De Souza, C.A. O353, P913<br />

De Souza, M.P. O353<br />

de Villartay, J.P. O145<br />

de Vries, T. N948<br />

De Wilde, V. P460<br />

de Wit, K. N953<br />

de Witte, T. 69, O137, 172, 175,<br />

P920, 937<br />

Dearden, C. P535, P649<br />

Deb, G. P816<br />

Debatin, K.M. 322<br />

Debén, G. P789a<br />

Debouge, M.H. P742<br />

Debruyne, J. P772<br />

Deeg, H.J. P611<br />

Deiana, G. P1007<br />

Deininger, M. O404<br />

Dekker, A. 219<br />

Dekker-van Roessel, M. P530<br />

Del Campo, M. P1049<br />

del Cañizo, C. O380<br />

Del Cañizo, M.C.O131, P419, P557<br />

Del Fante, C. O371, P553<br />

Del Papa, B. O297<br />

del Valle, F. 79<br />

Delamain, M.T. P913<br />

Delforge, A. P460<br />

Delforge, M. 69<br />

Delgado, M. P435<br />

Delgado-Gonzalez, J. P690<br />

Delsol, G. P891<br />

DelVecchio, G. P593<br />

Demarez, V. O392, P532<br />

Demirer, T.87, 92, 97, O265, O268,<br />

346, P904<br />

Demosthenous, C. N988<br />

Demuynck, H. O123<br />

Denning, D. 53<br />

Dentamaro, T. P754<br />

Deola, S. O264, P664<br />

Depala, M. O150<br />

Depil, S. O383, O400<br />

Deschaseaux, F. P420, P442<br />

Dessanti, M.L. P881<br />

Dettenkofer, M. P734<br />

Devereux, S. O120, P786<br />

Devergie, A. O279<br />

Devizzi, L. O106, P738, P897<br />

Devos, P. O383<br />

Devroey, P. 326<br />

Dewchand, H. O395, P692<br />

Dhédin, N. O368<br />

Dhillon, A.P. P690<br />

D'Hondt, L. P452<br />

Dhooge, C. P631<br />

Di Bartolomeo, P. O159, O251,<br />

O260, O306, P492<br />

Di Grazia, C. O402, P522, P616,<br />

P737, P741, P776<br />

Di Ianni, M. O297, P802<br />

Di Leverano, C. N957<br />

Di Martino, D. P852<br />

Di Michele, P. O162<br />

Di Nicola, M. P738, P897<br />

Di Pietro, G. P802<br />

Diaz, M. O380, P559, P828<br />

Díaz-Espada, F. P650<br />

Diaz-Ricart, M. P426<br />

DiBella, R. P712<br />

Dickinson, A.M. 52, 314, 331,<br />

P407, P702, P714<br />

Dickmeiss, E. P458, P493, P517<br />

Dieckmann, K. P469<br />

Diedrich, H. P507<br />

Diehl, V. P784, P890, P898, P909<br />

Dierlamm, J. P637<br />

Dietmaier, W. P856<br />


List of Speakers and Authors<br />

Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr.<br />

Diez, M. P716<br />

Díez, J.L. O125, O356<br />

Díez Campelo, M. P534<br />

Diez-Martin, J.L. O253, O354,<br />

P513, P578, P926, N985<br />

Dilloo, D. 184, O397, P681, P822<br />

Dingeldein, S. P680<br />

Dini, G. 186, 189, O268, O285,<br />

O287, O306, 342, O361, P523,<br />

P852<br />

Ditschkowski, M. O250, P859<br />

Diverio, D. P869<br />

Divine, M. O254, P609<br />

Diwan, O. P724<br />

Dlubek, D. P850, P880<br />

Dmoszynska, A. P884<br />

Dobos, M. P595<br />

Dobrowolska, D. P850<br />

Docampo, V. P1060<br />

Dodds, A. P482<br />

Dodds, T. P728<br />

Dodell, B. O271<br />

Dodero, A. O119, O252, P470,<br />

P502, P506<br />

Doehner, H. P485<br />

Dohmen, B. P656<br />

Döhner, H. 79, O245, O247, O304,<br />

O406, P780<br />

Döhner, K. 79<br />

Dohr, D. O245, O304<br />

Dolgopolov, I. P464, P574<br />

Dolstra, H. O137<br />

Domanska-Czyz, K. P888<br />

Domingo, J.C. P430, P438<br />

Domínguez Gil-Urlé, F. P534<br />

Dominietto, A. O281, O402, P522,<br />

P603, P616, P737, P741, P776<br />

Donelli, A. O159<br />

Donfrancesco, A. P816<br />

Donnelly, J.P. S21, O270<br />

Doorduijn, J. O104<br />

Dörfel, F. P576, P860<br />

Doria, A. P439<br />

Dörken, B. 96<br />

Dörrschuck, A. O141<br />

Doskocilova, K. P924<br />

Douay, C. 67<br />

Doubek, M. P509, P718<br />

Douglas, J. P1037<br />

Down, J.D. P579<br />

Doyen, C. O110, O123<br />

Doz, F. O285<br />

Drabko, K. P666, P826<br />

Dragulescu, S.-I. P589<br />

Drake, M. O112, O113, 169, P538,<br />

P642<br />

Dray, L. P467<br />

Drayson, M.T. P632<br />

Dreger, P. O105, 181,181a,<br />

O406, P462<br />

Drelichman, G. P789<br />

Drew, D. N954<br />

Drexler, H. 68<br />

Dreyling, M. 233<br />

Drihème, A. O368, P609<br />

Driscoll, T. O271<br />

Duarte, R.F. P690, N949<br />

136<br />

Dubois, V. P577, P812<br />

Dubruille, V. P501, P906<br />

Duchateau, V. P772<br />

Duffner, U. 184, P628, P681<br />

Dufour, C. O162, P593<br />

Dulley, F.L. O353<br />

Duncker, C. O245, P873<br />

Dunn, P.P.J. P570<br />

Dupont, J. P540<br />

Durán, A. P1066<br />

Durán, B. P557<br />

Durand-Zaleski, I. O389<br />

Durbecq, J. O256<br />

Dwilewicz-Trojaczek, J. P544<br />

Dworzak, M. P760<br />

Dyla, A. P815, P827<br />

Dyshlevaya, Z. P594<br />

Dyson, P. O395<br />

Dzidowski, M. P587<br />

Ebell, W. O289, 321, P499<br />

Ebner, W. P734<br />

Ecder, T. P527<br />

Eckschlager, T. P661<br />

Edel, E. P511<br />

Eder, M. P507<br />

Edlund, S. P1075<br />

Eeltink, C. N947<br />

Egeland, T. 309<br />

Egeler, M. P838, N950<br />

Egeler, R.M. O246, P626, P674,<br />

P751, P783, N953, P1055<br />

Egger, M. P481, P576, P792, P860<br />

Ehninger, G. O135, O244, O247,<br />

O248, O384, P408, P445,<br />

P472, P560, P572, P614, P903<br />

Eibl, M. P1046<br />

Eichner, S. P1070<br />

Eichstill, C. P454<br />

Eid, K.A.B. P913<br />

Eiermann, T. P731<br />

Einsele, H. S10, O156, 206, 218,<br />

219, 222, 223, O272, O286,<br />

316, P637, P638, P645, P656,<br />

P660<br />

Eissner, G. 52<br />

Ek, M. P1044<br />

Ekholm, M. P1030<br />

Ekim, M. P806<br />

Ekmekci, P. P730<br />

El Weshi, A. O259<br />

Elad, S. P539<br />

Elawad, M.A. P704<br />

Elez, M. P556, P563<br />

Elhasid, R. P629<br />

Eliaou, J. P444<br />

Elli, E. P610<br />

Elmaagacli, A. O134, O144, O250,<br />

O350, O376, P675, P677,<br />

P726, P859<br />

Elonen, E. P565, P887<br />

Elwig, C. P1039<br />

Emi, N. O277<br />

Emile, J-F. O102<br />

Encabo, A. P411<br />

Encuentra, M. P882<br />

Engelhard, D. 221, 222, 223<br />

Engert, A. O103, P890, P898, P909<br />

Epstein, J. N984<br />

Erer, B. O405<br />

Eriksson, T. P782<br />

Ertem, M. P806, P807<br />

Erttmann, R. P731<br />

E.Santo, A. P551<br />

Escolar, G. P426<br />

Eshel, R. P478<br />

Esibiti, F. P1007<br />

Esperou, H. O279, 318, O389,<br />

O391, P532, P1080<br />

Espigado, I. P693<br />

Espigares, A. O396, P858<br />

Esposito, C. P800<br />

Esser, R. P848<br />

Estella, J. O165, P828<br />

Esteve, J. 71, 181, O249, P471,<br />

P875, P922<br />

Ethell, M. P690<br />

Faber, E. 222, P533<br />

Faber, P. O133<br />

Fabregat, I. O128<br />

Facon, T. O110, P633<br />

Fagioli, F. O281, P439, P443, P817<br />

Fagnani, R. P773<br />

Faibish, T. N975<br />

Falcioni, S. P803, 938<br />

Falda, M. O115, P506, P515<br />

Falk, P. O257<br />

Falkenburg, J.H.F. O147, P486,<br />

P669, P870<br />

Falzetti, F. P802<br />

Fanin, R. O115, P463, P573, P697,<br />

P707, P729, P879, P899, P919<br />

Faraci, A.M. 185<br />

Faraci, M. 222, O306<br />

Farge, D. 82, O158<br />

Farina, L. P470<br />

Fasanaro, A. P857<br />

Fassas, A. 220, O388, P518, P585,<br />

P586, P798, P872, P905<br />

Fasth, A. P813, P1036<br />

Faucher, C. O273, P444, P639,<br />

P706, P862<br />

Faulkner, L. P461<br />

Faulkner, R.D. P546<br />

Fauser, A. O117, O118,<br />

O244,O381, P637, P715, P920<br />

Favaretto, A. P662<br />

Favre, C. O306<br />

Favre, G. O374<br />

Fawcett, T. P759<br />

Fazillah, K. P1043<br />

Fazzi, R. P503<br />

Federico, M. O106<br />

Fegan, C.D. P617<br />

Fehervizyova, Z. O127<br />

Fehse, B. O401, P683, P731, P917<br />

Fehse, N.O352, P683, P731, P735,<br />

P917, P921<br />

Feinberg, M. O132<br />

Fekete, G. P595<br />

Feldman, L. P789<br />

Feliksbrot, M.E. P544<br />

Feliu, E. O249, P451

List of Speakers and Authors<br />

Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr.<br />

Felix, Z. P1041<br />

Fen, T. P904<br />

Fenk, R. O284, P536, P641, P652<br />

Ferdinadou, I. P433<br />

Ferencik, S. O134<br />

Ferme, C. O102, O254<br />

Fernandes, F. O387<br />

Fernandez, C. O396, P858<br />

Fernández, J. P540<br />

Fernández, M.E. P584<br />

Fernández, M.N. 320, P421, P650<br />

Fernández-Abellan, P. O107<br />

Fernández-Avilés, F. O298, P584,<br />

P875, P1000, P1002, P1076<br />

Fernandez-Hidalgo, O. O267<br />

Fernández-Navarro, .M. P853<br />

Fernández-Rañada, J.M. P568<br />

Fernández-Sanmartín, . P853<br />

Fernández-Villalta, M.J. P568<br />

Ferrá, C. P451<br />

Ferrant, A. 69, O123, 220, O256<br />

Ferrara, F. P857<br />

Ferreira, A. P1026, P1042<br />

Ferreira, E. P601<br />

Ferremi, P. O108, P550<br />

Ferrero, S. P583<br />

Ferro, T. O165<br />

Ferry, C. P1080<br />

Ferster, A. O161<br />

Fetscher, S. P914<br />

Feuchtinger, T. O274, O286, P459,<br />

P671<br />

Feugier, P. O102, O254<br />

Feyler, S. P491<br />

Fibach, E. P539<br />

Fibbe, W.E. 78, O126, P432, P486,<br />

P674<br />

Fidani, P. P816<br />

Fiedler, J. P598<br />

Fieramosca, S. P523<br />

Fietz, T. P424, P911<br />

Figuera, A. P568, P789a<br />

Filì, C. P463, P573, P729, P899,<br />

P919<br />

Filibeck, U. 930<br />

Filion, A. O279, 318<br />

Filippi, M. O159<br />

Filippini, B. P819<br />

Fillet, G. P490, P500, P742<br />

Fillion, A. 67<br />

Fillitz, M. P434<br />

Finch, A. N974<br />

Fineman, R. O386, P700<br />

Finke, J. O133, 181, O244, P481,<br />

P576, P599, P792, P860, P914<br />

Fischer, A. O142, O145, 184, P824<br />

Fischer, G. 52, O292, O387, P469<br />

Fischer, J.T. 79<br />

Fleischhauer, K. O264<br />

Flood, T.J. 327, 328, P537<br />

Flores, A. P451<br />

Florit, M. P1032<br />

Foglia, L. P439<br />

Fogliatto, L. O387<br />

Follo, M. O133<br />

Fomasagaram, P. P695, P823,<br />

P829, P847<br />

Fondin, C. P1036<br />

Font, L. 71, O249<br />

Foo, M. O150<br />

Forés, R. 320, P650<br />

Forman, S.J. O257<br />

Formankova, K. P1073<br />

Forte, L. P755<br />

Foss, F. P728<br />

Fouillard, L. 80, O124, 180, O355<br />

Fowler, A. P410<br />

Frahm, J. 321<br />

Frairia, R. P443<br />

Francesia Berta, M. P1007<br />

Frank, K.H. O135<br />

Franklin, I. 220<br />

Franzoni, M. P841<br />

Fraser, A. P1004<br />

Frassoni, F. 72, 78, 80, O124,<br />

208, O244, O402, P737,<br />

P741, P776<br />

Frauenschuh, D. P914<br />

Fregoni, V. P752<br />

Freiberg-Richter, J. P499<br />

Freitas, A. O143<br />

Frere, P. P490, P500, P742<br />

Freund, M. P480, P796, P921<br />

Fridman, S. P540<br />

Friedrich, W. 322<br />

Frigelli, S. P651<br />

Fritsch, G. O292, P454, P465<br />

Fritzsche, C. P784<br />

Frödin, U. P1015<br />

Fruchart, C. P528<br />

Fruehauf, S. O146<br />

Fuchs, D. O403, P766<br />

Fuchs, M. P784<br />

Führer, M. O360<br />

Fujii, H. P644<br />

Fumagalli, M. P610<br />

Fung, H. O257<br />

Fürst, S. O121, P577, P778<br />

Fuste, B. P426<br />

Fuzibet, J.G. O110<br />

Gabarre, J. O102, O368<br />

Gabriel Arana, M. O260, P755<br />

Gadner, H. O157, O292, P454,<br />

P465, P760<br />

Gaedicke, G. 321<br />

Gagne, G. P1063<br />

Gahrton, G. O112, O113, P611,<br />

P642<br />

Gaiardoni, R. P801<br />

Gaipa, G. P753<br />

Gaitatzi, M. P872<br />

Galambrun, C. P777, P812<br />

Galanski, M. 68<br />

Galbusera, V. O402, P616, P737,<br />

P741, P776<br />

Galiano, M. P1066<br />

Galieni, P. P659<br />

Galimberti, S. P477, P503, P514,<br />

P912<br />

Gallamini, A. O106, O115, P623,<br />

P758<br />

Gallardo, D. P693, P882<br />

Gallego, C. P1000, P1002, P1076<br />

Gallo, E. O258<br />

Galloin, S. P891<br />

Galmés, A. O380<br />

Galski, H. O132<br />

Gambacorti-Passerini, C. P610<br />

Gammaitoni, L. P417<br />

Ganepola, S. O154<br />

Ganser, A. 68, O247, O280, P507,<br />

P520<br />

Garami, M. P595<br />

Garate, M. P789<br />

Garaventa, A. P523, P817<br />

Garay, G. P540<br />

Garban, F. O110<br />

Garcia, J. O379<br />

Garcia, L. P1000, P1076<br />

Garcia, P. O283<br />

Garcia, S. P552<br />

García Boyero, R. P789a<br />

García Escobar, I. O255, P886<br />

García Frade, J. P584<br />

García Talavera, J. P886<br />

Garcia-Castellano, J. O396, P864<br />

Garcia-Cecilia, J.M. O305<br />

García-Conde, J. O107, P421,<br />

P545<br />

Garcia-Escarp, M. P430, P438<br />

García-Laraña, J. O107<br />

García-Marco, J.A. 320, P650<br />

García-Talavera, J. O255<br />

Garderet, L. 170<br />

Gardulf, A. N980<br />

Garland, R. 324, P696<br />

Garnier, F. 67, O367<br />

Garrido, G. O165<br />

Gartcheva, L. P1045<br />

Gärtner, J. 321<br />

Garuti, A. O402, P616<br />

Gasbarrino, C. P802<br />

Gaspar, B. P474<br />

Gaspar, H. O149, O150<br />

Gastaut, J. O273, P444, P639,<br />

P706<br />

Gastmeier, P. P734<br />

Gattei, V. P770<br />

Gattillo, S. O377<br />

Gaudenzi, A. P795<br />

Gaudin, H. O368<br />

Gaudio, F. O258, P894<br />

Gaugler, B. O273, O351, P706<br />

Gavalda, J. S44<br />

Gayoso, J. 320, P650<br />

Gaziev, D. O405<br />

Gaziev, J. P624, P791<br />

Gebuhrer, L. P577<br />

Gedikoglu, G. P720, P809, P818<br />

Geissler, G. P614, P903<br />

Gelber, O. P566<br />

Gelfand, Y. P467, P686<br />

Gelli, M. P461<br />

Genc, Y. P904<br />

Gennery, A.R. 327, 328, P537<br />

Gentile, G. 219, O370, P754<br />

Gentile, R. O398, P736<br />

Georgala, A. P772<br />

Georgievski, B. P413<br />

German, O. P528<br />


List of Speakers and Authors<br />

Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr.<br />

Germing, U. 79, O284, P652<br />

Gerna, G. P752, P756<br />

Geromin, A. P463, P573, P707,<br />

P729, P879, P899<br />

Gesk, S. P885<br />

G.Gomez, S. 66<br />

Ghavamzadeh, A. P440, P441,<br />

P489, P625, P844<br />

Ghiotto, C. P668<br />

Gholibeikian, S. P489, P625, P844,<br />

P927<br />

Giabbani, L. P429<br />

Giacchino, M. P788<br />

Giaccone, L. O115<br />

Gianelli, U. P583<br />

Gianni, A.M. O119, O252, P470,<br />

P502, P738<br />

Gianni, M. P897<br />

Giannini, B. P803, 938<br />

Giardini, C. O405, P624, P791<br />

Gidoni, O. P629<br />

Giebel, S. P480, P736, P871<br />

Giger, R. P648<br />

Gigliotti, D. P505<br />

Gil, L. P878<br />

Gil, S. 320, P650<br />

Gilmour, K. O150<br />

Gilyead, M. O263<br />

Gindraux, F. P420, P442<br />

Gini, G. P893<br />

Giona, F. O370<br />

Giordani, L. O162<br />

Giordano, A. O258, P894<br />

Giordano, P.C. P626<br />

Giordano, R. P583<br />

Giorgiani, G. O398<br />

Giraud, G. P762<br />

Girschikofsky, M. P918<br />

Gisselbrecht, C. 55, O102, P794,<br />

P901<br />

Giudici, D. P745<br />

Giustolisi, R. P861<br />

Glasmacher, A. S2, 79<br />

Glass, B. O103, O140, P462, P680<br />

Glatting, G. O245<br />

Glavicic, V. P556<br />

Glennie, S. O130<br />

Glossmann, J.P. P890, P898, P909<br />

Gluckman, E. S47, 67, 80, O164,<br />

186, 216, O279, 315, 318,<br />

O367, O389, O391, P743,<br />

P999, P1080<br />

Glückmann, M. O141<br />

Göbel, U. O397, P822<br />

Godoi, D. P601<br />

Goede, V. P705<br />

Goekbuget, N. P885<br />

Goldman, J. 51, 176, O114, O302,<br />

P410, P699, P781<br />

Goldschmidt, H. P643<br />

Goldstone, A. 337<br />

Golovchenko, R. P883<br />

Gomes, A. P1026<br />

Gomes, C. P545, P1042<br />

Gomes, F. P412, P415<br />

Gomez, P. O396, P864<br />

Gomez, V. O354<br />

138<br />

Gomez-Garcia, P. P828<br />

Gómez-García, V. P613<br />

Gomez-Garcia de Soria, V. 220,<br />

O356<br />

Gomez-Pineda, A. O253, P578,<br />

P926<br />

Gonzalez, C. P1025<br />

Gonzalez, H. O368, P609<br />

Gonzalez, V. N985<br />

González, J.R. P693<br />

González, M. P693<br />

González-Escribano, F. P693<br />

Gonzalez-Murillo, A. O146<br />

Gonzalez-Porras, J.R. O305<br />

González-Rivera, M. P578<br />

Gonzalez-Valentin, E. P828<br />

Gonzalez-Vicent, M. P559<br />

Goodenough, B. N954<br />

Gopcsa, L. P567<br />

Gorczynska, E. O358, P666, P815,<br />

P821, P826, P827, P830,<br />

P837, P846<br />

Gorin, N. O124, O244<br />

Goronkova, O.V. O163<br />

Gossmann, F. P1048<br />

Goterris, R. P545<br />

Göthberg, G. P1036<br />

Götherström, C. P427, P436, P717<br />

Götze, K. 79<br />

Goudeva, L. P757<br />

Goulden, N. O291, 324, P696<br />

Goulmy, E. 198, P702<br />

Gourlain, K. O153<br />

Goussetis, E. P433<br />

Gozdzik, J. P510, P621, P900<br />

Gozzer, M. P881<br />

Grace, B. P425<br />

Graczyk-Pol, E. P544<br />

Graef, T. O284, P536<br />

Grafakos, S. P433<br />

Gramatzki, M. O372<br />

Granato, C. P551<br />

Granda, A. P568<br />

Grasso, R. O402<br />

Gratama, J.W. O275, 317<br />

Gratecos, N. P633<br />

Gratwohl, A. S34, S40, 69, 80, 86,<br />

O293, 348, O374, P588, P611,<br />

P804, P845, P920<br />

Greco, G. O373<br />

Greco, M.M P725<br />

Green, A. P570, P1033<br />

Green, J.E. N982<br />

Gregora, E. P598<br />

Greil, J. S8, O274, O286, P453,<br />

P811, P820<br />

Greinix, H. 52, 220, O308, P469,<br />

P487, P923<br />

Griesinger, F. 79<br />

Griffiths, A. P1014<br />

Grigg, A. P728<br />

Grigull, L. P757, P825<br />

Grill, J. P819<br />

Grillo, G. P529, P658<br />

Grimaldi, C. P452<br />

Grimminger, W. 79, O245<br />

Gris, E. N944<br />

Griscelli, F. P504<br />

Grommisch, L. P511<br />

Gromnica-Ihle, E. P602, P670<br />

Grosse-Wilde, H. O134, O376<br />

Grossini, M. O387<br />

Groves, S. 324, P696<br />

Gruber, A. 220<br />

Gruettner, H. P848<br />

Gruhn, B. O360, O403, P766<br />

Grüllich, K. O133<br />

Grunspan, A. P566, P1050<br />

Grynspan, F. O132<br />

Gstoettner, A. P750<br />

Gualandi, F. O159, O402, P522,<br />

P603, P616, P737, P741, P776<br />

Guaragna, G. O373<br />

Guardia, R. 71, O249, P922<br />

Guardiola, P. 173, P920<br />

Guarini, A. O258, P894<br />

Guarino, M. P803<br />

Gueglio, B. P501<br />

Güell, J. P1000, P1076<br />

Guenechea, G. 66, O146<br />

Guenther, W. P682<br />

Gueri, C. O391, O392<br />

Guerrini, F. P477<br />

Guest, C. P1077, P1078<br />

Guetta, E. O132<br />

Guggiari, E. O264, O377, P664,<br />

P785<br />

Guglielmi, C. 168, 937<br />

Guidetti, A. P738, P897<br />

Guidi, S. O281, P779, P795, P896<br />

Guiducci, B. P791<br />

Guillaume, T. P501, P906<br />

Guimaraes, A. P592<br />

Guimaraes, J.E. P551<br />

Guimaraes, P. P551<br />

Gunel, N. P904<br />

Gunetti, M. P417, P428<br />

Güngör, T. 325<br />

Gupta, A. P569<br />

Gurman, G. P655, P904<br />

Gürman, G. P494, P571<br />

Gustafsson, A.-L. P1036<br />

Gustavsson, B. P722<br />

Gutierrez, N. C. P435<br />

Gutierrez, O. P584<br />

Ha, S.Y. P608<br />

Haack, A. P408<br />

Haas, A. P761<br />

Haas, O.A. P465<br />

Haas, R. O284, P536, P641, P652<br />

Haavisto, S. P994<br />

Hack, E. P702<br />

Hackanson, B. P576, P860<br />

Haddad, N. O386, P629, P700<br />

Haen, M. P645<br />

Hafen, K. 319<br />

Häfer, R. O403<br />

Häfner, R. P733, P766<br />

Hagberg, H. O104<br />

Hagedoorn, R. O147<br />

Hagemeijer, A. 69<br />

Hägglund, H. P916<br />

Haghshenash, M. P526, P627

List of Speakers and Authors<br />

Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr.<br />

Hagman, A. O112, O113<br />

Hahn, J. 52, O372, P713<br />

Hahnewinkel, K. P698<br />

Haioun, C. S31, O102<br />

Hajek, R. P636<br />

Haji Michael, P. N984<br />

Halaburda, K. P732<br />

Hale, A. P759<br />

Hale, G. P449, P873<br />

Haller, H. P520<br />

Hallinan, J. P696<br />

Halter, J. 239, 325<br />

Haltrich, I. P595<br />

Hamajima, N. O277<br />

Hambach, L. P520<br />

Hamerschlak, N. P601<br />

Hamlin, D. O262<br />

Hampl, W. P780<br />

Hamprecht, K. O286<br />

Han, C. P688<br />

Han, K. S. P843<br />

Han, S.S. P1081<br />

Hancox, A. P759<br />

Handgretinger, R. P453, P671,<br />

P811<br />

Hänel, M. P614, P903<br />

Hanemberg, H. P590<br />

Hansson, G. P1036<br />

Hansz, J. 181, P510, P900<br />

Hardan, I. O122, O378, P635, P863<br />

Harmsen, S. N953<br />

Harousseau, J.L. O110, O268,<br />

P501, P906, P920<br />

Harpaz, N. P622<br />

Harris, R. O367<br />

Harritshoj, L. P517<br />

Hart, D. O393, P719<br />

Harteveld, C.L P626<br />

Hartmann, F. 79<br />

Hartmann, O. O285, O365, P819<br />

Hartung, G. O140, O154<br />

Hartwig, U. O136, P687<br />

Harvey, H. P1001, P1022<br />

Harvey, J. P570<br />

Hasenkamp, J. O140, P462, P680<br />

Hasford, J. 176<br />

Hassall, T. P1035<br />

Hassan, A. O150<br />

Hassan, A.S. P704<br />

Hassan, M. P717<br />

Hassenpflug, J. P921<br />

Hassenpflug, W. P735<br />

Haubitz, M. P520<br />

Haupt, R. O162, O306<br />

Hauser, H. P918<br />

Hauser, T. P804<br />

Hauzenberger, D. P473, P476,<br />

P561<br />

Haveman, L.M. O151<br />

Havrdova, E. P598<br />

Hawkey, C. 85<br />

Hawkins, H. O359<br />

Hawrylecka, D. P437<br />

Haynes, A. O263<br />

Hazar, B. P904<br />

Hazar, V. P835<br />

Haze, S. O275<br />

Haznedar, R. P904<br />

He, J.S. P710<br />

Healy, C. P995<br />

Heard, P. P570<br />

Hebart, H. O156, P645, P660<br />

Hebras, M. P1080<br />

Hedayatiasl, A. P844<br />

Hedrum, A. P782<br />

Heemskerk, M.H.M. O147<br />

Hegenbart, U. O404, P511, P615,<br />

P711, P889<br />

Hehlmann, R. 176<br />

Heilmann, C. P414, P493, N961<br />

Heim, D. P588, P804<br />

Heimpel, H. P873<br />

Heit, W. P873<br />

Helg, C. P447<br />

Hellmann, A. P621, P647, P732,<br />

P900<br />

Helström-Lindberg, E. 69<br />

Hemling, A.M. P626<br />

Hemmatapour, S. P569<br />

Hennequin, C. P794<br />

Henschler, R. O127, P425<br />

Hensel, M. 79<br />

Hentschke, P. P505, P665, P769<br />

Henze, L. P536<br />

Herbrecht, R. O102<br />

Herens, C. P490<br />

Herfarth, H. 52<br />

Hermanne, J.P. P742<br />

Hermosilla, M. P882<br />

Hernandez, J. M. P435<br />

Hernández-Boluda, J.C. O107,<br />

O125, P545<br />

Hernandez-Navarro, F. P513, P552<br />

Hernando, A.P1000, P1002, P1076<br />

Herr, W. O136, O141, P687, P750<br />

Herrera, C. O298, O396, P858,<br />

P864<br />

Hertenstein, B. 68, O272, O280,<br />

P507, P520, P757, P866, P873<br />

Hervé, P. P420, P442<br />

Heshmat, M. O357<br />

Hess, U. 69<br />

Hetherington, P. P1077, P1078<br />

Heuft, H.G. P757<br />

Hewitt, A. N960, N972<br />

Hewitt, N. O150<br />

Heydari, P. P489, P625, P844,<br />

P927<br />

Heyll, A. P641<br />

Heyn, S. P511<br />

Hiepe, F. O160, P597, P602, P670,<br />

P676<br />

Higgins, E. P995<br />

Higgins, K. P808<br />

Higgins, S. N954<br />

Hilbers, U. O140, O154<br />

Hilger, R.A. P685<br />

Hill, Q. P759<br />

Hillmen, P. O390<br />

Hinke, A. P637<br />

Hinterberger, W. P469<br />

Hirch, I. P824<br />

Hjermstad, M. O307<br />

Hlinka, M. O250, P859<br />

Ho, A. O120, P643, P786<br />

Ho, H.K. P608<br />

Höcker, P. O292, P469, P487, P760<br />

Hoelle, W. O360<br />

Hoelzer, D. S65, P703, P866, P885<br />

Hoenig, M. 322<br />

Höffken, G. O384<br />

Höffken, K. P483<br />

Hoffmann, F.-A. P889<br />

Hofmann, J. O154<br />

Hofstaedter, F. P856<br />

Hofstra, C.C.M. N955, P1055<br />

Holbova, R. O132<br />

Holder, J. N961<br />

Holder, K. P617<br />

Hölig, K. P408, P572<br />

Hollander, G. 319<br />

Holler, E. 52, O280, O372, P713,<br />

P895<br />

Hollifield, J. P474<br />

Holowiecki, J. P480, P580, P871,<br />

P900<br />

Holtick, U. P581, P784<br />

Holzgreve, W. P588<br />

Hong, D.S. P423, P446<br />

Hong, E.Y. P1081<br />

Hoogeboom, M. O147<br />

Hoogerbrugge, P. P839<br />

Horak, P. P646<br />

Horneff, G. O161<br />

Hornig, B. 68<br />

Horowitz, M. P611<br />

Horst, H. P885<br />

Horton, C. P535<br />

Hossam,K. S49<br />

Hotidou, A. O388, P798<br />

Hough, R.E. P546<br />

Hovi, L. P744, P790<br />

Howlett, T. P808<br />

Hows, J. 240<br />

Hoyer, B. O160, P536, P652<br />

Hrabetova, S. P924<br />

Hruba, A. P661<br />

Hsaïri, M. O385<br />

Huang, H. P710<br />

Hübel, K. P784<br />

Huber, C. O136, O141, O381,<br />

P687, P750<br />

Hue, C. O145<br />

Huenerlituerkoglu, A.-N. P641<br />

Huguet, F. P891<br />

Huijgens, P.C. P530<br />

Hulin, C. O110<br />

Humaidan, H. O259<br />

Hummel, H. 316, P638<br />

Humpe, A. O406, P885<br />

Hundemer, M. P643<br />

Hunneman, H. 321<br />

Hunold, A. O301<br />

Hunter, A. P808<br />

Hurtz, H.-J. P889<br />

Hussan, A. O290<br />

Hutchins, C. P991<br />

Hutt, D. N952<br />

Huyn, A. O121<br />

Huynh, A. O296, P891<br />

Hwang, T. P877<br />


List of Speakers and Authors<br />

Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr.<br />

Iacobelli, S. 175, P642, 939, 942<br />

Iacopino, P. O258, P503, P634,<br />

P747<br />

Iacovone, S. P852<br />

Ibatici, A. O402<br />

Ibbotson, Y. P1018<br />

Idir, Y. P1080<br />

Ijichi, O. P831<br />

Ikäheimo, H. P1030<br />

Ilari, I. P816<br />

Ileri, T. P806, P807<br />

Ilhan, O. P494, P549, P571, P655,<br />

P728, P771, P904<br />

Illmer, T. O248, O384, P445, P614<br />

Incarbone, E. P788<br />

Indelicato, F. P861<br />

Indovina, A. P712<br />

Indrak, K. P533<br />

Ingram, W. P786<br />

Ings, S.J. P448<br />

Innocenti, M. P582<br />

Insunza, M. O380<br />

Iolascon, A. O162<br />

Ion, E. P1077, P1078<br />

Ionescu, I. O367<br />

Ionova, T. P797<br />

Iori, A. O162, O306, O370, P593,<br />

P869<br />

Iqbal, J. P649<br />

Iravani, M. P489, P625, P844<br />

Iriondo, A. O354, P613<br />

Irno Consalvo, M.I. P554<br />

Irrera, G. P747<br />

Isacchi, G. P816, P851<br />

Iserte, J. N959<br />

Ishii, A. P644<br />

Isidro, I. P435<br />

Isnardon, D. O351<br />

Israel, S. P539<br />

Itälä, M. P524, P640<br />

Iuliano, F. P747<br />

Ivanova, N. P721<br />

Ivanovski, M. P413<br />

Iwola, M. P510<br />

Izquierdo, M. P853<br />

Izzi, I. O108<br />

Jackson, G. S45, 52, P654<br />

Jacobsen, N. P414<br />

Jacobsen, S.E. P458<br />

Jacome, A. O129, O165, P590<br />

Jacques, H. O391<br />

Jaeger, U. P469<br />

Jäger, D. P648<br />

Järpenge, M. P782<br />

Jahani, M. P625, P844<br />

Jahn, G. O156<br />

Jaimovich, G. P789<br />

Jaksic, B. P910<br />

Jameela, S. P1043<br />

Jang, G.H. P446<br />

Jansen, J. 69<br />

Jantunen, E. P657, P746, P887<br />

Jardine, P. 324<br />

Jarosová, M. P479<br />

Jarque, I. O366, P768, P789a,<br />

P902<br />

140<br />

Jawniak, D. P884<br />

Jayne, D. 61<br />

Jenke, A. P499, P715<br />

Jenkner, A. P816<br />

Jeong, D. P688<br />

Jimenez, A. P693<br />

Jimenez, C. O295, O366, P559,<br />

P768, P902<br />

Jimenez, J.L. P578<br />

Jimenez, M. O396, P858, P613<br />

Jindra, P. P562, P564, P612, P876,<br />

P925, P996<br />

Jochins, A. O387<br />

Johanson, D. P1079<br />

Johnsen, H. O104<br />

Johnson, K.W. P579<br />

Jólkowska, J. P840<br />

Jones, A. O150<br />

Jonsson, J. O155<br />

Jordanova, M. P1045<br />

Jorge, M. P592<br />

Josting, A. 56, 231, P890, P898,<br />

P909<br />

Jouet, J.P. O121, O383, O400,<br />

P633<br />

Jourdan, E. O351<br />

Journet, V. P528<br />

Jover, L. P558<br />

Judith, D. O299, O382<br />

Juergens, H. O285<br />

Julia, A. O249, P789a<br />

Juliusson, G. 219, P1015<br />

Juncà, J. P451<br />

Jung, Y. P416, P684<br />

Jurczak, W. P900, P908<br />

Juvonen, E. P565, P657, P746,<br />

P749<br />

K. Besisik, S. N979<br />

Kabickova, E. O364, P661, P663<br />

Kabisch, H. O352, P731, P735<br />

Kabish, H. 184<br />

Kachel, L. P871, P900<br />

Kadar, J. P575<br />

Kahls, P. O272<br />

Kail, W. P1070<br />

Kaiser, T. O280<br />

Kalayoglu Besisik, S. P527<br />

Kalberer, C.P. O293<br />

Kalhs, P. O308, P469, P487, P868<br />

Kalifa, C. P819<br />

Kalogiannidis, P. O388<br />

Kaloyannidis, P. P518, P798, P905<br />

Kalpoe, J. P739, v<br />

Kaltenhäuser, J. O357<br />

Kaltwasser, P. P606<br />

Kalwak, K. O358, P666, P815,<br />

P821, P826, P827, P830,<br />

P837, P846<br />

Kamal, H. O280, P507, P520<br />

Kammoun, L. O385, P521<br />

Kampmann, B. O150<br />

Kamprad, F. P511<br />

Kanfer, E. O114, O302, P410,<br />

P699, P781<br />

Kang, H.J. P836, P843, P1081<br />

Kang, S. P416<br />

Kansu, E. 242<br />

Kant, L.P.A. P1003<br />

Kanygin, V. P422<br />

Kanz, L. O244, P645, P656, P660<br />

Kapás, B. P630<br />

Kapilla, I. N984<br />

Karabon, L. O394<br />

Karadimitris, A. 223<br />

Karanfilski, O. P413<br />

Karanth, M. P617<br />

Karas, M. O141, P612, P876<br />

Kardum-Skelin, I. P910<br />

Karimi, M. P526<br />

Karlachova, I. P924<br />

Karlhuber, S. O157<br />

Karlic, H. P434<br />

Kartsios, C. O388, P586, P798,<br />

P905<br />

Karvunidis, T. P564, P996<br />

Kaslova, V. P997<br />

Kasparu, H. P918<br />

Kato, D. P495, P512<br />

Kato, S. O277<br />

Katz, J. P566<br />

Katz, T. O386, P629<br />

Kauppila, M. P524, P640<br />

Kawano, Y. P831<br />

Kay, B. 214<br />

Keck, B. O157<br />

Keil, F. P469, P487<br />

Kenyon, M. O120<br />

Kertsman, E. P700<br />

Keskimäki, R. P994<br />

Khalili, M. P441<br />

Khan, S. P687<br />

Ki, Y.H. P1081<br />

Kiani, A. O384, P445, P614<br />

Kiehl, M. O117, O118, P637, P715<br />

Kienast, J. P715<br />

Kikic, F. P919<br />

Kim, B.K. P466<br />

Kim, B.S. P998<br />

Kim, C. S. P541<br />

Kim, C.K. P423, P446<br />

Kim, D. P740, P1074<br />

Kim, D.-Y. P466<br />

Kim, H.C. P416, P684<br />

Kim, I. P541<br />

Kim, J. P740, P998, P1074<br />

Kim, S. P615, P855, P889<br />

Kim, S.K. P541<br />

Kim, S.H. P1081<br />

Kim, S.-I. P466<br />

Kim, S.J. P446, P877<br />

Kim, S.Y. P877<br />

Kim, W.K. P855<br />

Kim, Y.H. P998<br />

Kim, Y.J. P684<br />

Kimby, E. 181, P916<br />

Kimmig, S. P676<br />

Kindel, B. P1005<br />

King, T. N986<br />

Kinsey, S. O390, P491<br />

Kirchen, H. 79<br />

Kircher, B. P702<br />

Kirk, C. N974<br />

Kirk, S. O288

List of Speakers and Authors<br />

Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr.<br />

Kirstner, S. P711<br />

Kisch, A. N946<br />

Kishtovich, A. P797<br />

Kisro, J. P909<br />

Kitra, V. P433<br />

Kizil, M. P655, P748<br />

Klein, C.C. N955, P1055<br />

Klein, M.R. O151<br />

Klein, S. P703, P866<br />

Klein, T. P475<br />

Kleinclauss, F. O294, P488, P673<br />

Klingebiel, T. O156, 182, 186,<br />

O360, P681, P811, P820,<br />

P832, P848<br />

Klingemann, H. O117, P637<br />

Klingspor, L. P769<br />

Klink, A. 325<br />

Kloess, M. O103<br />

Kloibhofer, E. P849<br />

Klootwijk, D. P1072<br />

Kluender, C.N. O372<br />

Knauf, W. P424, P480, P911<br />

Kneba, M. O105, O406, P885<br />

Kneller, A. P635, P863<br />

Knipp, S. P536<br />

Knoester, M. 193<br />

Knop, S. P645, P656, P660<br />

Knopinska-Posluszny, W. P647,<br />

P900<br />

Kobbe, G. O284, P536, P641, P652<br />

Kobylka, P. O364, P598<br />

Koc, H. P494<br />

Koch, R. P472<br />

Kodera, Y. O374<br />

Kodman, Y. P1050<br />

Koehl, U. P832, P848<br />

Koerper, S. P424<br />

Kögler, G. P822<br />

Kogut, N. O257<br />

Kohler, S. P676<br />

Köhler, W. 321<br />

Kohn, A. P682<br />

Koistinen, P. P657<br />

Koivunen, E. P657<br />

Kok, M.A. P1085<br />

Kokhaei, P. P762<br />

Kolar, M. P598<br />

Kolb, H.-J. O280, P484, P682,<br />

P705, P761, P787, P867<br />

Kolbe, K. O381<br />

Koldehoff, M. O144, O250, O350,<br />

P677, P859<br />

Koller, E. 79<br />

Komarnicki, M. P510, P878<br />

Kondakci, M. P536<br />

König, J. P918<br />

Kontny, U. P628<br />

Konuk, N. P494<br />

Kook, H. P877<br />

Koopman, H. P838, N950<br />

Koopman, M. P1044<br />

Koós, R. P595<br />

Kopp, M. O307<br />

Koristek, Z. P509, P924<br />

Kors, A. P820<br />

Korte, T. 68<br />

Korthhof, L. 184, 184<br />

Korthof, E. 192, 193<br />

Koscielniak, E. O285, P820<br />

Kosicka, G. P833<br />

Kotzerke, J. O245<br />

Koussis, H. P662<br />

Koutecky, J. O364, P663<br />

Kovács, G. P595<br />

Kovacsovics, T. 69<br />

Kowalczyk, J. P666, P826, P865<br />

Koyama, S. P495<br />

Koza, K. P598<br />

Koza, V. P562, P564, P612, P636,<br />

P876, P925, P996, P1065<br />

Kozak, T. P533, P598<br />

Kozlov, V. P422<br />

Kozlowska-Skrzypczak, M. P878<br />

Krahl, R. O247, P615, P889<br />

Kratochwil, D. P587<br />

Kratochwille, A. O352, P731, P735,<br />

P917<br />

Kratochwille, K. P921<br />

Kraut, L. O381<br />

Krauter, J. O247<br />

Kravchenko, E.G. O163<br />

Krawczyk, J. P437<br />

Krawczyk-Kulis, M. P580, P871<br />

Kreisel, W. P599<br />

Kreissig, C. P575<br />

Krejci, M. P509, P636, P718<br />

Kremers, S. 79<br />

Kreyenberg, H. O360, P820<br />

Krieger, O. P918<br />

Krishnan, A. O257<br />

Kristiansson, C. P1023<br />

Kristt, D. P475<br />

Kriván, G. P595, P630, P764<br />

Krivanova, A. P636<br />

Krivoshapkin, A. P422<br />

Kröber, A. O406<br />

Krochmalczyk, D. P908<br />

Kroes, A P739, P765<br />

Kröger, N. O117, O118, 174, O272,<br />

O352, O378, O401, P480,<br />

P637, P683, P715, P731,<br />

P735, P917, P921<br />

Krol, M.A. P544<br />

Kronenwett, R. P536<br />

Kropff, M. P641, P747<br />

Kroschinsky, F. P408, P472, P560,<br />

P903<br />

Kruijmer, J. N947<br />

Kruisselbrink, A.B. O126<br />

Kruzel, T. P580<br />

Kubaláková, R. P479<br />

Kuentz, M. O121, O153, O389,<br />

O391, O392, P532, P743<br />

Kühl, J. O289, 321, P499<br />

Kühne, T. P845<br />

Kuijper, E.J. P783<br />

Kuis, W. O161<br />

Kuittinen, O. P887<br />

Kuittinen, T. P887<br />

Kulagin, A. P422, P797<br />

Kulkarni, S. P535, P649<br />

Kung, A.W.C. P799<br />

Kuntz, G. 316, P638<br />

Kupesiz, A. P835<br />

Kusec, R. P910<br />

Kusumi, E. P495, P512<br />

Küttler, T. P481<br />

Kuzniar, M. P762<br />

Kvalheim, G. O104<br />

Kvaloy, S. O104<br />

La Gattuta, G. P619<br />

La Morgia, C. P803<br />

La Nasa, G. O159, O251, P492<br />

Labar, B. S64, 77<br />

Labirio, M. O398<br />

Labopin, M. 72, 80, O124, 176,<br />

186, 223, O244, 939, 940, 942<br />

Laborda, R. N944<br />

Lacerda, A.F. P834<br />

Lacerda, J. P1016<br />

Lacitignola, L. P461<br />

Lackner, H. P849<br />

Ladaique, P. P456, P706, P862<br />

Ladeb, F. O385<br />

Ladeb, S. O385, P521<br />

Ladenstein, R. O268, O285<br />

Ladetto, M. P623<br />

Lagrange, J. O389<br />

Lagresle, C. O145<br />

Lahuerta, J. O107, P513, P789a<br />

Lakhal, A. O385<br />

Lalle, M. P667<br />

Lam, E. O130<br />

Lamana, M. O148<br />

Lambert, J.F. P452<br />

Lambertenghi, G. P492<br />

Lambertenghi Deliliers, G. 181,<br />

O251<br />

Lamparelli, T. O402, P492, P616,<br />

P737, P741, P776<br />

Lancaster, D. P847<br />

Lanciotti, M. O162<br />

Landolfo, A. P816<br />

Lanfranchi, A. O108, P550<br />

Lang, P. O274, O286, O360,<br />

P453, P459, P671, P811, P820<br />

Lange, A. O394, P691, P850, P880<br />

Lange, J. P850, P880<br />

Lange, T. O140, O154, O404,<br />

P511, P615<br />

Lange, W. P914<br />

Langius, J.A.E. P530<br />

Lanino, E. 184, O306<br />

Lankester, A. P626, P739, P751,<br />

P820<br />

Lanther, T. N961<br />

Lanzer, G. P679<br />

Larghero, J. P901<br />

Larrea, L. O366, P555<br />

Larsen, J. N980<br />

Larsson, K. O155, 219<br />

Laszlo, D. P1019<br />

Latinne, D. O256<br />

Lau, Y.L. P608<br />

Laufs, S. O146<br />

Laughlin, M.J. 333<br />

Laurenti, L. P519<br />

Laureys, G. P631<br />

Laursen, H. N961, P1048<br />

Laursen, S.S. P1057<br />


List of Speakers and Authors<br />

Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr.<br />

Lautenschlager, I. P749<br />

Lawitschka, A. O157, O292, P760<br />

Lawitshka, A. 185<br />

Laws, H.J. P822<br />

Lawson, S.E O288, P810<br />

Laylor, R. O395, P692<br />

Lazarus, H. 176<br />

Lazzari, L. P583<br />

Lazzarino, M. P756, P800<br />

Le, Q. O121, P611, P543, P577,<br />

P778<br />

Le Blanc, K.78, O261, P427, P431,<br />

P436, P561, P717, P722<br />

Leal-da-Costa, F. P834<br />

Leblond, V. O368<br />

Lechler, R. O399<br />

Lechner, K. P469, P868<br />

Leda, M. P826, P833, P840<br />

Ledderose, G. P484, P787, P867<br />

Ledermann, J. 91<br />

Lee, J.H. P855, P855<br />

Lee, J.S. P466, P855<br />

Lee, K. P740, P740<br />

Lee, K.H. P855<br />

Lee, K.T. P446<br />

Lee, K.-W. P466<br />

Lee, M. H. P541<br />

Lee, N.S. P423, P446<br />

Lee, T.L. P608<br />

Lee, Y.S. P855<br />

Legger, E. O151<br />

Legrand, M. P743<br />

Lehmann, S. O289<br />

Lehrnbecher, T. P848<br />

Lehtinen, T. P887<br />

Leiblein, S. P511<br />

Leibzirer, H. N975<br />

Leichsenring, M.L. P773<br />

Lemarie, C. P456, P706<br />

Lengerke, C. P660<br />

Lenhoff, S. 97<br />

Lennerz, V. O141<br />

Leon, A. O117, P497, P498<br />

León, C. N944<br />

Leone, G. P519<br />

Leoni, P. P659, P893<br />

Leopardi, G. P791<br />

Leor, J. O132<br />

Leotta, S. P861<br />

Leplina, O. P422<br />

Leporrier, M. P609<br />

Leppä, S. P887<br />

Leppert, M. O137<br />

Lepretre, S. P609<br />

Lesukov, I. P797<br />

Levak, S. P1028<br />

Levis, A. O115<br />

Lewalle, P. P460<br />

Lewandowski, K. P510<br />

Lewensohn-Fuchs, I. O155, O156,<br />

P769<br />

Lewis, V. P1083<br />

Leyvraz, S. 88, O265<br />

Li, J. O138<br />

Li, L. P710<br />

Liang, B. P710<br />

Liang, R. P799<br />

142<br />

Lie, A.K.W. P799<br />

Liebaers, I. 326<br />

Liebert, U.G. O154<br />

Liebisch, P. P637<br />

Lilleri, D. P752, P756<br />

Lim, H. P416, P684<br />

Lim, L. O399<br />

Limor, J. P1050<br />

Lin, M.F. P710<br />

Linch, D.C. P448<br />

Linck, D. P715<br />

Lindmark, A. 219<br />

Lindner, B. P923<br />

Linke, R.P. P643<br />

Linkesch, W. P679, P1046<br />

Lion, T. 63, O157, O292,<br />

P465, P760<br />

Lioure, B. P609<br />

Lippi, A. P461<br />

Lippolt, P. 68<br />

Lipsanen-Nyman, M. P790<br />

Lisini, D. O300<br />

Liso, A. O373<br />

Liso, V. O258, O373, P894<br />

Lissens, W. 326<br />

Listello, V. P789<br />

Lisukov, I. P422<br />

Littlewood, T. P516<br />

Litzow, M. O156<br />

Ljungman, P. S13, O155, O156,<br />

205, 219, 220, 222, 223, 224,<br />

O269, O276, P561, P722,<br />

P762, P916, N980<br />

Llàcer, N. N944<br />

Llorens, S. P1032<br />

Llorente, A. 71, O249, P922<br />

Llort, A. O301<br />

Lo Nigro, C. P758<br />

Loaiza, S. P542<br />

Lobitz, E. P590<br />

Lobo, A. P1032, P1047<br />

Locasciulli, A. O162, 189, 220,<br />

222,223, O251, O260, O281,<br />

P470, P502, P506, P593, P755<br />

Locatelli, F. 184, 186, 189, O300,<br />

O361, O367, O398, P515,<br />

P681, P736, P817<br />

Lockwood, L. P991, P1035<br />

Loeffler, J. O156<br />

Loening, S. 96<br />

Löffler, M. O103<br />

Löfgren, C. O276, P916<br />

Lohninger, A. P434<br />

Loiseau, P. 318<br />

Lojko, A. P878<br />

Lombardi, A. P851<br />

Lombardini, L. P429, P492, P582,<br />

P779, P795, P896<br />

Lombay, B. P605<br />

Longoni, D. O162, P593, P753,<br />

P814<br />

Lonial, S. O138<br />

Lönnies, L. P431<br />

Lopez, A. O380<br />

Lopez, C. P793<br />

Lopez, J. P613, P789a<br />

Lopez, M.L. P558<br />

López, N. O131, P557<br />

López-Guillermo, A. P875<br />

López-Holgado, N. P419, P547,<br />

P892<br />

Lopez-Lorenzo, J.L. P513<br />

López-Mayor, J.L. P1056<br />

Lopez-Picazo, J.M. O267<br />

Lopponen, T. O112, O113<br />

Lorand-Metze, I. P913<br />

Lorenzo, I. O295, O366, O380,<br />

P559, P768, P902<br />

Loseto, G. O258<br />

Losonczy, H. P525<br />

Lotz, J. 68<br />

Lou, J.W. P708<br />

Lovell, R. O116, P617<br />

Löwenberg, B. O275, 317<br />

Lozano, M. L. O146<br />

Lubbers, C. N948<br />

Lucarelli, G. O405, P624, P791<br />

Lucero, P. P1049<br />

Lucesole, M. O119, P470, P502,<br />

P506, P616, P893<br />

Luecke, J. O286<br />

Luecke, T. P825<br />

Lueff, S. P630, P764<br />

Lunenberg, L. O156<br />

Lunghi, F. O264, P664, P785<br />

Luo, Y. P710<br />

Lupo Stanghellini, M. P745<br />

Lutsar, I. O271<br />

Lutz, D. P918<br />

Lysak, D. P564, P612, P876,<br />

P925<br />

Ma, D.D P482<br />

Maaloufová, J. P1067<br />

Maas, F. O137<br />

Maccario, R. O300, O398, P736<br />

Macchiarulo, M. O399<br />

Macey, D. P1024<br />

Machado, A. P592, P728<br />

Machetti, M. P741, P776<br />

Mackinnon, S. O118, P690<br />

Madelaine-Chambrin, I. P901<br />

Madero, L. O165, P559<br />

Madon, E. P443<br />

Madrigal, A. 197, 313, 320<br />

Madsen, H.O. P493, P517<br />

Maertens, J. O123, 218, 219, 222,<br />

P915<br />

Maestre, I. P1016<br />

Magallanes, I. P1051<br />

Maggi, A. O109, P468<br />

Maghfoor, I. O259<br />

Magni, M. P738, P897<br />

Magrini, F. P583<br />

Mahe, B. P501, P906<br />

Maiolino, A. O353<br />

Maiso, P. P435<br />

Majado, M.J. P1025<br />

Majolino, I. O119, O260, P623,<br />

P667, P755<br />

Malassis, M. O142<br />

Malassis-Séris, M. O145<br />

Malcovati, L. O251<br />

Maldonado, M. 323, P828

List of Speakers and Authors<br />

Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr.<br />

Malenfant, C. P456<br />

Malerba, C. P554<br />

Malerba, L. P659<br />

Malesevic, M. P556, P563<br />

Malicki, J. P833<br />

Malis, J. P663<br />

Malladi, R. P516<br />

Maloney, D. O115<br />

Malysheva, O. P797<br />

Mamone, D. P747<br />

Mancardi, G.L. O159<br />

Mancusi, A. O375<br />

Mandel, J. O132<br />

Mandelli, F. O370, P869<br />

Manetti, C. P477<br />

Manfredini, L. P523<br />

Mangoni, L. P651<br />

Mank, A. N966, N968, N971<br />

Manko, J. P884<br />

Mannarino, E. P802<br />

Mannhalter, C. P469<br />

Mannino, R. P712<br />

Mansilla, M. P1066<br />

Manson, J. P901<br />

Mansuy, L. P774<br />

Mantecón, A. N959<br />

Manz, R. A. O160<br />

Mapara, M. 96<br />

Maraninchi, D. P444, P639, P706,<br />

P862<br />

Marantidou, M. P905<br />

Marchesi, A. P553<br />

Marchi, C. P461<br />

Marco, R. P1025<br />

Marconi, M. P659, P736<br />

Marelli-Berg, F. P692<br />

Marenco, P. P529<br />

Maresova, I. P533, P924<br />

Mariani, M. P461<br />

Marie, J.P. 69<br />

Marijt, W. P486, P626, P870<br />

Marin, D. P542<br />

Marin, P. O298, O380, P426, P430,<br />

P438, P558, P875<br />

Marinets, O. P424, P911<br />

Marín-Martínez, A. P1056<br />

Mariotti, J. O119<br />

Marit, G. O110, P633<br />

Märker-Herrmann, E. P606<br />

Marková, M. P618<br />

Markovitz, M. N975<br />

Marks, D. P696<br />

Marktel, S. P699<br />

Marmont, A. O159, P603<br />

Marolleau, J. P794, P901<br />

Marriott, C. P535<br />

Marrone, A. O162<br />

Marsh, J. 188, 190, P823, P829<br />

Martelli, M. 70, O106, O297, O375,<br />

P802<br />

Marti, J. 71, P922<br />

Martí, E. P568<br />

Martiat, P. O123, P460, P772<br />

Martín, A. P547, P892<br />

Martin, C. O295, O396, P613,<br />

P693, P858, P864<br />

Martin, G. O366, P768, P902<br />

Martin, H. O135, P703, P866<br />

Martin, P. O137<br />

Martin-Algarra, S. O267<br />

Martinelli, G. N957, P1019<br />

Martinelli, L. P1012<br />

Martinez, A. 323<br />

Martinez, C. O356, O380, P613,<br />

P875, N964<br />

Martinez, F. O396, P864<br />

Martinez, G. P1034<br />

Martinez, J. O366, P768, P902<br />

Martínez, V. P558<br />

Martinez-Badas, M.P. O165<br />

Martinez-Muñoz, V. P430, P438<br />

Martinez-Rubio, A. P828<br />

Martínez-Sisquella, J. P1056<br />

Martin-Henao, G. P451<br />

Martín-Mateos, M. O107<br />

Martino, M. P503, P634, P747<br />

Martino, P. P754<br />

Martino, R. S3, 97, O117, O120,<br />

175, 181, 200, 218, 222, 223,<br />

227, O283, O298, P497, P498,<br />

P508, P559, P620, P701,<br />

P789a , N969, P1051<br />

Marton, G. P605<br />

Marty, M. O295, O366<br />

Marugán, I. P421<br />

Maryniak, R. P888<br />

Maschan, A. O163, P594<br />

Maschan, M.A. O163<br />

Maschmeyer, G. S4<br />

Mascolo, M.G. O370<br />

Masera, G. P814<br />

Masolini, P. P707<br />

Massaia, M. O115<br />

Massenkeil, G. 96, O160, P597,<br />

P602, P670<br />

Massuet, L. O379<br />

Massumoto, C. P601<br />

Masszi, T. P630, P764<br />

Matarese, M. P1007<br />

Matejckova, S. P661<br />

Mateos, J. O255, P886<br />

Mateos, M. O107, P497, P498,<br />

P508<br />

Mateos, V. P694<br />

Matias, K. P601<br />

Mattei, D. O106, P758<br />

Matteucci, P. P738, P897<br />

Matthes, S. P454, P1070<br />

Matthes-Martin, S. O157, O292,<br />

P465, P681, P760<br />

Mattsson, J. O261, O269, O278,<br />

P473, P505, P665, P722, P769<br />

Maunoury, V. O400<br />

Maury, S. O153, O389, P743<br />

Mayer, J. P509, P636, P718<br />

Mayerova, K. P598<br />

Mazza, P. O109, O251, P468,<br />

P727<br />

Mazzara, R. P426<br />

Mazzi, B. O264<br />

Mazzucato, M. P770<br />

Mazzuccato, M. O108<br />

Mboumi, K. P772<br />

Mc Guckin, S. P1010<br />

McCann, S. 194<br />

McCarter, R. 324<br />

McCloskey, D. P569<br />

McCloy, M. P1039<br />

McCormack, R. P535<br />

McDerra, J. P767, P1071<br />

McGlade, G. P1018<br />

McLellan, J. N958, N984<br />

Mead, G. O116, P632<br />

Mechelli, S. P912<br />

Mehlhorn, U. P581<br />

Mehta, J. P649<br />

Meijers-Sleiderink, P. N948<br />

Meisel, R. O397, P822<br />

Melchionda, F. P841<br />

Mele, A. P659<br />

Mele, G. P857<br />

Mele, M. P791<br />

Melidy, E. P422<br />

Mellgren, K. P813<br />

Mellor, S. P874<br />

Mellouli, F. P521<br />

Mellstedt, H. P762<br />

Melnichenko, V. P797<br />

Meloni, G. P869, P881<br />

Melvin, D. N956<br />

Menendez, P. P419<br />

Meng, B. P525<br />

Mengarelli, A. O370<br />

Mengoli, C. O152<br />

Menichetti, F. S24<br />

Menna, G. O162, P593<br />

Mensah, P. P437<br />

Mentkevich, G. P464, P574<br />

Mercurio, S. P861<br />

Mergenthaler, H.G. 79<br />

Mermans, E. P1029<br />

Merry, E. 310<br />

Mertens, T. O369, P780<br />

Messina, C. O152, O306, O361,<br />

P817<br />

Messina, G. P634, P747<br />

Mestice, A. O373<br />

Mestroni, R. P879, P919<br />

Metzner, B. O103<br />

Meyer, G.P. 68<br />

Meyer, R.G. O136, P750<br />

Meyer-Monard, S. P588<br />

Miano, M. P523<br />

Michallet, A. O121, P543, P577,<br />

P611, P639, P778<br />

Michallet, M. O110, O121, 178,<br />

181, O355, P543, P577, P609,<br />

P611, P639, P778<br />

Michaux, L. O256<br />

Michelutti, A. P707<br />

Michieli, M. O108, P770<br />

Michon, J. O365<br />

Micol, J.-B. O383<br />

Midgley, K.A. N983<br />

Mihaylov, G. P1045<br />

Mikesch, K. P576, P860<br />

Mikhaylova, N. P721, P907<br />

Milanesi, M. P738<br />

Milani, R. P502<br />

Milano, G. M. P816<br />

Millá, F. P451<br />


List of Speakers and Authors<br />

Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr.<br />

Milligan, D.O118, 181, O355, P617<br />

Milone, G. O281, P697, P861<br />

Milosavljevic, R. P769<br />

Milovic, V. P789<br />

Milpied, N. S1, O121, P501, P906<br />

Miñana, M.-D. P411<br />

Minigo, H. P910<br />

Minkov, M. P760<br />

Mioduszewska, O. P888<br />

Mirabet, V. P555<br />

Mirabile, M. P554<br />

Miralles, P. O253<br />

Miranda, E.C.M. O353, P913<br />

Miranda, N. P834<br />

Miron, S. P539<br />

Mischak, H. O280<br />

Mischak-Weissinger, .M. S12<br />

Mistrik, M. P728<br />

Mitterbauer, G. P469<br />

Mitterbauer, M. P469, P487<br />

Miyakoshi, S. P495, P512<br />

Mjartanova, D. P997, P1065<br />

Mlynarczewska, A. O394<br />

Modesto, C. P600<br />

Mohr, B. P445, P472, P614<br />

Mohty, A.M O273<br />

Mohty, M. O273, O351, P444,<br />

P633, P639, P706, P862<br />

Mohyeddin, M. P440, P441<br />

Moiseev, S.I. P883<br />

Moka, D. P581<br />

Molcanova, A. P1073<br />

Moleti, M.L. O370<br />

Molica, S. P747<br />

Molina, A. O257<br />

Möller, B. P606<br />

Molnár, M. P630<br />

Monari, M. O264<br />

Monconduit, M. O110<br />

Monconi, M. O306<br />

Monfardini, S. P662, P668<br />

Monfort, N. P558<br />

Monné, M. P1002<br />

Monni, P. P1054<br />

Montagna, D. O300, O398<br />

Montagnoli, C. O139<br />

Montanari, F. P756<br />

Montanari, M. P893<br />

Montesano, R. P653<br />

Montesinos, P. O366, P902<br />

Montini, E. O300<br />

Montserrat, E. S30, 71, 199, O249,<br />

O298, P471, P611, P875, P1076<br />

Morabito, F. P503, P634, P747<br />

Moradiseresht, M. P489, P844,<br />

P927<br />

Moraes, D. P601<br />

Morag, A N963<br />

Moraleda, J. O107, O120, O125,<br />

O354, P508<br />

Morante, M. P701<br />

Mordini, N. O115, O251, P515,<br />

P758<br />

Moreau, P. O110, O121, P501,<br />

P906<br />

Morecki, S. P467, P686<br />

Morel, V. O368<br />

144<br />

Morello, E. P801<br />

Moreno, C. P471, P854<br />

Moreno, M.E. O283<br />

Moreno, T. P1016<br />

Moretta, A. O300, O398<br />

Moretti, L. O297<br />

Morgan, G. P535<br />

Morillon, E. O145<br />

Morin, B. P1063<br />

Morinaga, S. P495<br />

Morinaga, S. P512<br />

Morineau, N. P501, P906<br />

Moris, T.C.M. P654<br />

Morra, E. P529, P658<br />

Morreale, G. P697, P852<br />

Morris, C. O112, O113, 167, P642<br />

Morris, P. O307<br />

Morris, T.C.M. P538<br />

Morschhauser, F. O102, O254<br />

Moscardo, F. O366<br />

Moscardó, F. O295, P768<br />

Mössner, M. O369<br />

Motwani, J. O288, P810<br />

Mounier, N. O102, P794, P901<br />

Mourão, E. P1041<br />

Mousavi, A. P489, P625, P844<br />

Muecke, C. P424<br />

Mueller, C. P615<br />

Mufti, G. O120, P786, P920<br />

Mügge, L.O. P483<br />

Müller, A. P733, P766<br />

Müller, J. P595<br />

Müller, K. P414<br />

Müller-Ehmsen, J. P581<br />

Mullerova, N. P1065<br />

Mundhenk, P. 222<br />

Munoz, A. O165, 323<br />

Munster, D. O393, P719<br />

Muntz, S.A. N953<br />

Murgano, P. P861<br />

Murialdo, A. O159<br />

Murphy, M. P1018, P1024<br />

Murrell, C. P569<br />

Murrone, A. O152<br />

Musafiri, D. P528<br />

Muscas, G. P795<br />

Musiol, S. O404, P615<br />

Musolino, C. P747<br />

Musso, M. P758, P763<br />

Mut, B. P589<br />

Muus, P. 69<br />

Myint, H. O117, P637<br />

Na, Y.H. P1081<br />

Nabet, C. P467<br />

Nabet, D. P901<br />

Nachbaur, D. P923<br />

Nadal, E.O114, O302, O399, P410,<br />

P542, P699<br />

Nademanee, A. O257<br />

Nagatoshi, Y. P831<br />

Nagayama, J. P831<br />

Nagler, A. O117, O118, O122,<br />

O132, O378, P635, P637,<br />

P805, P863<br />

Nagler, R. P805<br />

Nagy, K. O146, P605<br />

Nagy, M. 96<br />

Nahm, C. H. P541<br />

Naik, P. O150<br />

Najman, A. O110<br />

Nakaseko, C. P644<br />

Nam, H. P877<br />

Naoe, T. O277<br />

Naparstek, E. P478<br />

Nardi, M. O306<br />

Narinsky, R. P475<br />

Narni, F. O252, O260, P515<br />

Näsman-Björk, I. P505<br />

Nassi, L. P896<br />

Nauta, A.J. O126<br />

Nava, P. P578<br />

Navarrete, A. P1025<br />

Navarrete, C. P418, P570<br />

Navarrete, R. P418<br />

Navarro, J. P653<br />

Navarro, S. O129, O165<br />

Navratil, M. P509<br />

Navratilová, J. P562<br />

Nederstigt, A. N953<br />

Neff, C. 316, P638<br />

Neitzel, H. O289, P499<br />

Nepomucka, J. P924<br />

Net, P. P1051<br />

Netesov, E. P422<br />

Neto, A. P834<br />

Neubauer, A. O248<br />

Neuhäuser, F. O286<br />

Neuman, A.G.M. P1055<br />

Neumann, F. O284, P536<br />

Nevado, L. P1000, P1076<br />

Ni Chonghaile, M. N973<br />

Nicholls, J. P1069<br />

Nicholls, L. N960<br />

Nicholson, J. P84, P1024<br />

Nickelsen, M. P462<br />

Nicolini, F. P543, P577, P611, P778<br />

Niederwieser, D. 89, 97, O140,<br />

O154, 166, 175, 176, 181,<br />

O247, 347, O355, O404, P511,<br />

P611, P615, P642, P711,<br />

P889, P920<br />

Niehues, T. P822<br />

Niemeyer, C. 184, P628, P681<br />

Niesters, G.M. 317<br />

Niethammer, D.O274, O286, O360,<br />

P453, P459, P671, P811, P820<br />

Nihtinen, A. P746, P749<br />

Nijmeijer, B.A. P669<br />

Nissen, M. P1035<br />

Nistal, S. P568<br />

Nivison-Smith, I. P482<br />

Noellke, P. 184<br />

Noens, L. O123<br />

Nogova, L. P909<br />

Noh, H. P877<br />

Nolan, R. P767, P1071<br />

Nomdedeu, B. P875, P922<br />

Nomdedeu, J. 71, P620<br />

Nonn, M. O136, P687<br />

Noon, C. P808<br />

Noorani, H. O362<br />

Noort, W.A. O126, P432<br />

Nordlander, A. O269, P722

List of Speakers and Authors<br />

Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr.<br />

Nordström, G. N980<br />

Norol, F. O368, O391<br />

Nosari, A. O108<br />

Nourani Khojaste, H. P526, P627<br />

Nousiainen, T. P657, P887<br />

Novak, K. P996<br />

Novak, L. P564<br />

Novichkova, G. O163<br />

Novik, A. P797<br />

Novitzky, N. P449, P457<br />

Novo, A. O249<br />

Novotny, J. P873<br />

Nowak, B. P460<br />

Nozzoli, C. P779, P795, P896<br />

Nuara, M. O306<br />

Nucci, M. O353<br />

Nujja, M. P883<br />

Oakhill, A. 324, P696<br />

Obert, L. P420, P442<br />

O'Brien, S. 176, 349<br />

Occhini, D. P522, P616, P741,<br />

P776<br />

Ocio, E. P435, P534, P694, P716<br />

Odijk, B. P1044<br />

O'Donnell, M.R. O257<br />

Odriozola, J. P497, P508<br />

Oelschlägel, U. P445, P560, P614<br />

Oertel, J. P1005<br />

Offidani, M. P659, P893<br />

Ogilve, C. P654<br />

Oh, C. P877<br />

Oh, D.-Y. P466<br />

Oh, S. P998<br />

O´Hagan, L. P1063<br />

Öhrn, K P1053<br />

Okamura, J. P831<br />

Olausson, M. P813<br />

Olavarria, E. O114, 176, O302,<br />

P699<br />

Olerup, O. P561<br />

Olive, D. O273, O351, P706<br />

Olive, T. 323, P559<br />

Oliveira, G.B. P913<br />

Oliven, A. O386, P700<br />

Olivieri, A. O119, O251, O260,<br />

P470, P502, P506, P659,<br />

P697, P893<br />

Oltra, S. O295<br />

O`Marcaigh, A. P1040<br />

Omazic, B. P505<br />

O`Meara, A. P1040<br />

Omedes-Fumadó, C. P1056<br />

O'Neil, N. N956<br />

Ong, T.C. P1043<br />

Onsten, T. O387<br />

Opalka, B. O144, P677<br />

Or, R. P467, P539, P591,<br />

P686<br />

Orciuolo, E. P503<br />

Ordeltova, M. P646<br />

Ordinas, A. P426, P558<br />

Ordodi, V. P589<br />

Orfao, A. O143, P419, P557<br />

Oriol, A. O249, P451<br />

O'Riordan, J. 220<br />

Orlando, L. N957<br />

Orofino, M.G. O363<br />

Orsi, A. P779<br />

Ortega, J.J. 182, 186, O165, O301,<br />

323, P559, P600, P828<br />

Ortin, M. P695, P823, P829, P847,<br />

P874<br />

Osanto, S. P486<br />

Osorio, S. P568, P693<br />

Osowiecki, M. P900<br />

Ossenkoppele, G. 69, O246<br />

Ostanin, A. P422<br />

Ostermann, H. P761, P787<br />

Ostojic Kolonic, S. P910<br />

Ostronoff, M. P601<br />

Otterud, B. O137<br />

Ottinger, H. O134, O144, O250,<br />

O350, O376, P675<br />

Ottmann, O. 76<br />

Ouachée-Chardin, M. P824<br />

Oudshoorn, M. P702<br />

Ouyang, J. P604<br />

Ovalle, A. N964<br />

Overbeek, H. N948<br />

Oving, E. O282<br />

Ozcan, M. P494, P571, P655,<br />

P904<br />

Ozdemir, E. P730<br />

Ozdilli, K. P720, P818<br />

Ozer, Y. P496<br />

Ozet, G. P904<br />

Ozgenc, S. P809, P818<br />

Pacchiana, R. P583<br />

Pachl, J. P598<br />

Pacini, S. P477<br />

Paczesny, S. P774<br />

Padovani, P. O306<br />

Pagani, S. O398<br />

Paganini, M. P795<br />

Page, M.S. P751<br />

Pages, M.-P. P812<br />

Pagliai, F. O159, P582<br />

Pagliuca, A. O120, P786<br />

Pagnano, K.B.B. P913<br />

Pai, S. H. P541<br />

Paik, J.Y. P466<br />

Paiva, A. O143<br />

Pajdosz, K. P826<br />

Palandri, F. P803, 938<br />

Palao, M. N944<br />

Palazzo, G. O109, P468, P727<br />

Pallejà, M. P1032, P1066<br />

Pallone, B. P802<br />

Palm, S. P782<br />

Palmieri, S. P857<br />

Paloczi, K. P567<br />

Palomo, G. P555<br />

Palshof, T. O266<br />

Palù, G. O152<br />

Palumbo, A. O115<br />

Pamphilon, D. 324, P570, P696<br />

Panadero, R. N985<br />

Pancrazzi, A. P428<br />

Pandolfi, A. P667<br />

Pannunzio, A. O373<br />

Panovska, I. P413<br />

Panse, J. P731, P735, P921<br />

Panzer, B. P856<br />

Paola, M. P658<br />

Paoletti, F. P428<br />

Paolucci, P. P593<br />

Papadakis, E. P585<br />

Papajik, T. P479, P533<br />

Papatryphonos, A. O122<br />

Papetti, C. P623<br />

Papiani, G. O265<br />

Papineschi, F. O159, P503, P514,<br />

P912<br />

Pardo, N. P793, P1034<br />

Parea, M. P756<br />

Parini, R. P753<br />

Paris, D. O294, P488<br />

Park, H.S. P423, P446<br />

Park, J. P416, P684<br />

Park, K. P998<br />

Park, S. P466, P688<br />

Park, S.K. P423, P446<br />

Park, S.R. P466<br />

Parker, A. O118<br />

Parker, P.M. O257<br />

Parkin, G. P1008<br />

Parkkali, T. P565, P746<br />

Parma, M. P653<br />

Parodi, E. P788<br />

Parody, R. 218, O354, O356<br />

Paroz, B. N979<br />

Parreira, M.J. P551<br />

Pascual, M. O380<br />

Pashanov, E. P594<br />

Pasqua, I. O370<br />

Pasquini, R. O353, O367<br />

Passos-Coelho, J.L. P834<br />

Passweg, J. S7, 84, 192, 193,<br />

340, P588, P804<br />

Pastore, D. O373<br />

Pata, C. P557<br />

Patel, G. P649<br />

Patel, R. O156<br />

Patel, S. P695, P823, P829, P847,<br />

P874<br />

Patmore, R. O390<br />

Patorkova, M. P1073<br />

Patriarca, F. O115, O119, O252,<br />

P463, P506, P573, P697,<br />

P729, P899, P919<br />

Patriarca, P. P492<br />

Pauksen, K. 223<br />

Paunescu, V. P589<br />

Pautas, C. O153, O389<br />

Pavlicova, V. P997<br />

Pavone, V. O258, P894<br />

Pawlotsky, J.M. O153<br />

Pawlowski, R. P732<br />

Paya, C. O156<br />

Peccatori, F. P1019<br />

Peccatori, J. 97, O264, P664,<br />

P697, P745, P752, P785<br />

Peceny, R. O134, O144, O250,<br />

O350, O376, P675, P677, P726<br />

Pedrazzoli, P. 97, P664, P752<br />

Pedro, C. 71, O249, P922<br />

Peggs, K. O118<br />

Peled, T. O132<br />

Peles Bortz, A. P1050<br />


List of Speakers and Authors<br />

Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr.<br />

Pellegrin, B. O153<br />

Pellicanò, G. P795<br />

Pelliniemi, T.-T. P640<br />

Pelosini, M. P912<br />

Peltonen, P. P1030<br />

Peluso, G. P851<br />

Peñalver, F.J. P650<br />

Penarrubia, M.J. P584<br />

Peniket, A. P516<br />

Penna, G. P634<br />

Peny, A.-M. P528<br />

Peralta, T. P1066<br />

Perea, G. 71<br />

Pereira, F. P834<br />

Perel, Y. O365<br />

Pérez, C. P789a<br />

Pérez, E. O255, P886<br />

Pérez, M. P558<br />

Pérez de Oteyza, J. P693<br />

Perez Simón, J. O117, O120, O131,<br />

O255, O298, P498, P534,<br />

P547, P637, P694, P716,<br />

P886, P892<br />

Perez-Bercoff, L. 220<br />

Perez-Calvo, J. O267<br />

Perez-Hurtado, J.M. P828<br />

Peristeri, I. P433<br />

Perotti, C. O371, P553<br />

Perreau, V. P639, P862<br />

Perreau 176<br />

Perrone, G. P678<br />

Perrone, T. O258, P894<br />

Perruccio, K. 70, O139, 319<br />

Perruche, S. O294, P488, P673<br />

Persat, F. P778<br />

Perseghin, P. P610, P753<br />

Persson, U. P561<br />

Perz, J.B. P643<br />

Pescador, L. P667, P755<br />

Pescarollo, A. O264, O377, P745,<br />

P785<br />

Pescosta, N. P801<br />

Pession, A. 182, 184, 189, O361,<br />

O398, P817, P841<br />

Peters, C. O157, 184, O292, P454,<br />

P465, P760, P1070<br />

Peters, S. P767, P1004, P1071<br />

Petersen, H. P1048<br />

Petersen, S.L. P493, P517<br />

Petitjean, G. P804<br />

Petrini, M. P477, P503, P514,<br />

P912<br />

Petriz, J. O298, P430, P438, P558<br />

Petropoulos, D. P433<br />

Petrovskaya, A. P422<br />

Pettengell, R. S28, 235<br />

Pettitt, A P1077, P1078<br />

Peykerli, G. P809<br />

Peyret, M. N969<br />

Pfaffendorf, N. O403<br />

Pfäffle, A. P459<br />

Pfeiffer, M. P453, P459, P671<br />

Pfeilstöcker, M. P434<br />

Pfreundschuh, M. O103<br />

Philip, I. P543<br />

Philip, T. O285<br />

Philippe, N. P777<br />

146<br />

Piacibello, W. P417, P428, P439<br />

Piatkowska-Jakubas, B. P437,<br />

P908<br />

Picardi, A. P554, P754<br />

Picasso, C. P1007<br />

Piccirillo, N. P519<br />

Pichler, J. P454<br />

Picot, S. P778<br />

Pieczonka, A. P833, P840<br />

Piens, M. P777, P778<br />

Pierinelli, S. P817<br />

Pietrantuono, G. O373<br />

Pietras, W. P826<br />

Pihkala, U. P744<br />

Pilati, S. O387<br />

Pilipenko, P. P422<br />

Pillon, M. O152, O162, O361<br />

Pimentel, P. P412, P415, P531<br />

Pimpão, C. P1016, P1026, P1042<br />

Piñana, J.L. O283<br />

Pinazzi, B. P851<br />

Pinedo, P. P1002<br />

Pinho Vaz, C. P531<br />

Pinto, M.R. O370<br />

Pinto, R. P851<br />

Pinto, V. P861<br />

Pioltelli, P. P610, P653<br />

Piroddi, A. O363<br />

Pisa, P. P769<br />

Pisapia, G. P468, P727<br />

Pitha, J. P598<br />

Pitini, V. P619<br />

Pittari, G. P651<br />

Pittermann, E. P434<br />

Pittrová, H. P562<br />

Pivkova, A. P413<br />

Pizunski, A. N946<br />

Planelles, D. O295, O366<br />

Planinc-Peraica, A. P910<br />

Platzbecker, U. O248, P408, P572,<br />

P903<br />

Plesa, A. P589<br />

Plesa, C. P589<br />

Ploemacher, R.E. P579<br />

Plucinski, M. P1079<br />

Poetschger, U. O285<br />

Poggi, V. O361<br />

Pogliani, E. O115, P610, P653<br />

Pohlreich, D. P618, P1067<br />

Poidomani, M. P861<br />

Polchi, P. O405, P624, P791<br />

Polge, E. 80, O124<br />

Politou, M. O114<br />

Polizzi, V. P763<br />

Pollicchieni, S. P492<br />

Pondarré, C. P777, P812<br />

Pongiglione, C. O162<br />

Ponikowski, P. P587<br />

Pönisch, W. O404, P511<br />

Poonawala, G. N949<br />

Popov, L. P1045<br />

Popplewell, L. O257<br />

Porcellinin, A. O104<br />

Porcher, R. O279, O368<br />

Porfirio, B. P461<br />

Porkka, K. 177<br />

Poros, A. P567<br />

Porretto, F. P763<br />

Porta, F. O361<br />

Portos, J.M. N969<br />

Postovsky, S. P629<br />

Potter, M. 220, P690, N949<br />

Potthoff, K. P481, P599<br />

Potting, C. N965, P1062<br />

Pour, L. P636<br />

Power, O. 213<br />

Powles, R. P535, P649<br />

Praire, A. P577<br />

Prakken, B.J. O151<br />

Pralle, H. 79<br />

Pratt, G. O116, P617<br />

Prausova, J. O364<br />

Prebet, T. P543<br />

Preijers, F. P450<br />

Preiss, J. 79<br />

Preloznik Zupan, I. P548<br />

Prete, A. 189, P817, P841<br />

Pretnar, J. P548<br />

Pricolo, G. O109, P468, P727<br />

Prieto, M. P1047<br />

Prieur, A. O161<br />

Priftakis, P. P762<br />

Prince, H.M. P728<br />

Principe, F. P551<br />

Prinz, E. P868<br />

Pritchard, G. P1038<br />

Prosdocimo, S. P463, P697, P729,<br />

P899<br />

Prosper, F. 202, O267<br />

Protsenko, R. P464, P574<br />

Prudenzano, A. O109, P468,<br />

P727<br />

Przybylski, G. P676<br />

Pugachov, A. P683, P721<br />

Puig, N. O366<br />

Pulver, N. P757<br />

Puozzo, C. S37<br />

Purushotaman, V. P1043<br />

Putkonen, M. P524, P640, P657,<br />

P887<br />

Putzulu, R. P519<br />

Pytlik, R. P533<br />

Qasim, W. O149<br />

Qian, W. O104<br />

Quaglia, A.F. P690<br />

Quarello, P. P593, P788<br />

Queipo de Llano, M.P. 71<br />

Querol, S. O379<br />

Quesenberry, P.J. P452<br />

Quinn, B. N977<br />

Quintana-Bustamante, O. O128<br />

Quiroga, D. P1060<br />

Quittet, P. O254<br />

Raanani, P. P635, P863<br />

Raaschou-Jensen, K P458<br />

Rabian, C. 67<br />

Rabitsch, W. P469, P868<br />

Rabusin, M. O361<br />

Radbruch, A. O160, P597, P602,<br />

P670, P676<br />

Radic-Kristo, D. P910<br />

Radka, N. P764

List of Speakers and Authors<br />

Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr.<br />

Radtke, H. P670<br />

Rafel, M. P789a<br />

Rafii, H. P577<br />

Raghuram, C.P. O291<br />

Rahal, M. O259<br />

Rahemtulla, A. O114, O302,<br />

P699<br />

Raida, L. P479, P533<br />

Raida, M. P511<br />

Raiola, A. O281, O402, P522,<br />

P603, P616, P737, P741,<br />

P776,<br />

P1007<br />

Rajamäki, A. P640<br />

Rajananthanan, P. P418<br />

Rambaldi, A. O115, O119, O252,<br />

P492, P515<br />

Rambla, D. P1002<br />

Ramenghi, U. O162, P593<br />

Ramirez, A. 66<br />

Ramírez, M. P421<br />

Ramzi, M. O362, P526, P627<br />

Rana, I. P851<br />

Ranaghan, E. P654<br />

Rank, A. O280<br />

Rao, K. O150, O290, O291,<br />

P704<br />

Rapanotti, C. P851<br />

Rapezzi, D. P758<br />

Rapp, M.J. P501<br />

Rasmussen, S. N961<br />

Rasmusson, I. P427, P431, P717<br />

Räty, R. P887<br />

Rauhala, A. P640<br />

Rauser, G. 316<br />

Ravagnani, F. P897<br />

Ravshanova, R. P464, P574<br />

Razonable, R. O156<br />

Re, A. O108<br />

Re, F. O264<br />

Real, M. O150, N972<br />

Rebollo, J. O267<br />

Rebulla, P. P583<br />

Recher, C. O102, P891<br />

Reczuch, K. P587<br />

Reddiconto, G. P519<br />

Regateiro, F. O143<br />

Regidor, C. 320, P421, P650<br />

Reichert, M. P732<br />

Reichle, A. P856, P895<br />

Reid, L.C P1009<br />

Reid, S.D. P632<br />

Reiffers, J. 176<br />

Reig, M. O295<br />

Reinhardt, D. O301<br />

Reiser, M. P909<br />

Remberger, M. 97, O261, O278,<br />

P505, P561, P665, P722,<br />

P762, P769, P916<br />

Reményi, P. P630, P764<br />

Remes, K. P524, P640, P887<br />

Remigia, M. O295, O366, P768,<br />

P902<br />

Renga, M. P752<br />

Renges, H. O352, P735, P917<br />

Repping, J.W.J. P1027<br />

Requejo, A. P789<br />

Resino, S. O253<br />

Reske, S. O245, O304, P485<br />

Resnick, I. P539, P591, P686<br />

Réti, M. P630, P764<br />

Reufi, B. P424<br />

Reusser, P. 223, O272<br />

Revesz, T. 184<br />

Rezaei, A. P607<br />

Ria, R. P802<br />

Ribaud, P. S23, 223, O271, O279,<br />

P743<br />

Ribeiro, A. P601<br />

Ribeiro, M.J. P834<br />

Ribera, J. O107, O125, O249,<br />

P497, P508, P922, P922<br />

Ribera, J.M. 71, O253, P451<br />

Ribersani, M. P869, P881<br />

Riccardi, M. O260<br />

Riccioni, R. P477<br />

Rice, A. O393, P719<br />

Richards, S. 176<br />

Richardson, J. N978<br />

Richter, G. P698, P723<br />

Ridwan, R. P695, P823, P829,<br />

P847, P874<br />

Rieger, C. P761, P787<br />

Rieger, K. P424, P911<br />

Riera, L. P540<br />

Rieux-Laucat, F. O145<br />

Rifon, J. O107, O267<br />

Rigacci, L. O106, P896<br />

Rijkers, G.T. P775<br />

Ringdén, O. 78, 97, O155, O261,<br />

O269, O276, O278, P427,<br />

P431, P436, P473, P505,<br />

P561, P665, P717, P722,<br />

P769, P916<br />

Ringes-Lichtenberg, S. 68<br />

Ringhoffer, M. O245, O304, O369,<br />

P485, P780<br />

Rintala, T. P569<br />

Rio, B. P633<br />

Rio, P. O129<br />

Rist, N. P648<br />

Ristic, L. P563<br />

Ritchie, L.A. N949<br />

Ritgen, M. O406<br />

Rivas, R. O380<br />

Riveros, D. P540<br />

Rivière, A. P528<br />

Rizzo, E. P470<br />

Rizzo, G.F. O363<br />

Rizzoli, V. P651<br />

Roberti, C. P851<br />

Robertson, K.A P1035<br />

Robinson, S. P696<br />

Rocha, E. O267<br />

Rocha, V. 67, 74, 75, 80, O124,<br />

207, O244, O279, 318, O367,<br />

932, P999<br />

Rodary, C. O365<br />

Rodet, M. O389<br />

Rodrigues, M.-C. P601<br />

Rodrigues Fernandez, J. 220<br />

Rodriguez, A. P864<br />

Rodriguez, M.C. N964<br />

Rodriguez, R. O257<br />

Rodríguez, L. P451<br />

Rodriguez-Sanchez, J. P701<br />

Rodriguez-Villa, A. O165, P828<br />

Roelofs, H. P674<br />

Rogers, T. P781<br />

Rogler, G. 52<br />

Rohde, E. P679<br />

Rohde, F. O272<br />

Rohrberg, R. P889<br />

Roig, R. P555<br />

Roigas, J. 96<br />

Rolink, A. P804<br />

Rom, E. P1017, P1031<br />

Romagnani, P. P429<br />

Roman, A. P513<br />

Roman, J. 62, P693<br />

Romani, L. O139<br />

Romano, A. O370<br />

Rombouts, E.W.C. P579<br />

Romejko-Jarosinska, J. P888<br />

Romeo, M. P653<br />

Romero, T. P1051<br />

Roncon, S. P412, P415<br />

Rondelli, D. P678<br />

Rondelli, R. O306, O361, P817,<br />

P841<br />

Roosnek, E. P447<br />

Ropes-de Jong, C. P838<br />

Rosales, M. P531<br />

Rosen, O. P670<br />

Rosenberg, P. O164<br />

Rosendahl, K. P427<br />

Rosenmayr, A. O292, P469<br />

Rösler, W. O372<br />

Rossi, G. O108, P550, P736<br />

Rossini, F. P653<br />

Rosti, G. 97, O265, O268, 931<br />

Rothe, G. P856<br />

Rotta, M. O115<br />

Roucoules, O. O392, P532<br />

Rousseau, Y. P1063<br />

Roveda, A. O370<br />

Rovelli, A. P753, P814<br />

Rovira, M. 220, 222, 223, P875<br />

Rovo, A. P588<br />

Rowe, J.M. 176, O386, P629, P700<br />

Rowe, M. P1020<br />

Rowlings, P.A. P611<br />

Rozman, C. P611<br />

Ruan, X. P418<br />

Rubie, H. O365<br />

Rubio, V. P508<br />

Rubio-Félix, D. O125<br />

Rüden, H. P734<br />

Rudolph, C. P909<br />

Ruel, P. N947<br />

Rugal, V. P596<br />

Ruggeri, L. O139, 319, O375<br />

Ruhnke, M. O271<br />

Ruijs, W. P450<br />

Ruiterkamp, B. P1003<br />

Ruiz, C. 182<br />

Ruiz, E. 320, P650<br />

Ruiz, I. N964<br />

Ruiz, M.A. O353<br />

Ruiz de Elvira, C. O287, 928, 929,<br />

934<br />


List of Speakers and Authors<br />

Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr.<br />

Ruiz-Soto, R. P794<br />

Runde, V. 69, P920<br />

Rupolo, M. O108, P770<br />

Rusconi, C. P800<br />

Russel, J. S17, S38<br />

Russell, N. S100, O263<br />

Russo, F. P802<br />

Rüster, B. O127, P425<br />

Rutt, C. P572<br />

Ruutu, T. 223, O244, P480, P538,<br />

P565, P746, P749<br />

Ryan, P. N970<br />

Rybka, B. P587, P846<br />

Rybka, K. P815<br />

Ryczan, R. P587, P846<br />

Ryder, L.P. P493, P517<br />

Rymkiewicz, G. P888<br />

Saalman, R. P813<br />

Saarinen-Pihkala, U. P790<br />

Saas, P. O294, P488, P673<br />

Saccardi, R.83, O159, P429, P582,<br />

P779, P795, P896<br />

Sadoun, A. O121<br />

Safavifar, F. P625, P927<br />

Saglio, G. O159<br />

Sahebi, F. O257<br />

Sajdová, J. P618<br />

Sakellari, I. O388, P518, P798,<br />

P872, P905<br />

Salaj, P. P598<br />

Salaris, D. P745<br />

Salavert, M. P789a<br />

Sales, I. P430, P438<br />

Salgado, E. O267<br />

Salinero, M. O305, O305<br />

Salmon, A. P774<br />

Salooja, N. O302<br />

Salvador, C. N969<br />

Salvaneschi, L. O371, P553<br />

Salwender, H. 79<br />

Sami, I. P629<br />

Sammek, E. P481<br />

Samuel, S. P467, P539, P686<br />

San Miguel, J. O117, O255, P497,<br />

P498, P508, P637, P886<br />

San Miguel, J.F.O131, O305, P419,<br />

P435, P534, P547, P557,<br />

P694, P716, P892<br />

San Roman, C. N985<br />

San Román, A. P584<br />

Sanavio, F. P439, P443<br />

Sanchez, A. P584<br />

Sánchez, C. P1066<br />

Sanchez, J. 71, O249, O396, P864<br />

Sanchez-Abarca, L.I. O131, P419,<br />

P557<br />

Sánchez-Abarca, I. O298<br />

Sánchez-Calero, J. O165<br />

Sanchez-Guijo, F.M. O131, P419,<br />

P557, P694, P716<br />

Sancho, J. O380, P451<br />

Sander, A. P825<br />

Sandmaier, B. O115, O262<br />

Sanjuan, I. 320, P650<br />

Sanjurjo, M. P552<br />

Sanli, H.E. P730<br />

148<br />

Sanna, M.A. O363<br />

Sanosa, M. P1051<br />

Santanna, C.-L. P601<br />

Santarone, S. P515<br />

Santiago, J. P858<br />

Santoro, A. P470<br />

Santos, E.B. O262<br />

Santos, L. P531<br />

Santos, T. P1025<br />

Santucci, A. O375<br />

Sanz, G.<br />

Sanz, G. O120, O295, 334, O354,<br />

O356, O366, P498, P559,<br />

P613, P693, P768, P902<br />

Sanz, J. O366, P768<br />

Sanz, M. 222, O295, O366, O380,<br />

P559, P768, P789a , P902<br />

Sanz Jr., M. P789a<br />

Sanz-Rodríguez, C. P693<br />

Saracco, P. P439, P593, P788<br />

Sargin, D. P527<br />

Sarrá, J. P497, P498, P508, P922<br />

Sastre, A. 323<br />

Sauerland, C. O247<br />

Saul, P. P1014<br />

Savina, J. O289<br />

Savino, L. P725<br />

Savio, C. P523<br />

Savolainen, H. P744<br />

Savran, F. P818<br />

Savran Oguz, F. P720<br />

Sawinski, K. P878<br />

Sayer, H. O117, O118, P483, P637<br />

Scalone, R. P763<br />

Scarponi, A.M. P802<br />

Scarso, L. P852<br />

Scatena, P. P912<br />

Schaaf-Lafontaine, N. P490<br />

Schaafsma, M.R. P486<br />

Schaefer-Eckart, K. 222, O372,<br />

P480, P715<br />

Schaffer, M. P473, P476, P561<br />

Schaich, M. O247, O248, P408<br />

Schäkel, U. O248<br />

Schanz, U. 325<br />

Scharner, D. P454<br />

Schattenberg, A.O246, O270, P450<br />

Scheer, J. P520<br />

Scheid, C. P581, P784, P909<br />

Scheringa, A. N947<br />

Schetelig, J. O384, P445, P614<br />

Scheulen, M.E. P685<br />

Scheuringer, H. O308<br />

Scheuß, H. P898<br />

Schiantarelli, C. O108<br />

Schiavo, R. P664<br />

Schieder, H. O352, P731, P735,<br />

P917, P921<br />

Schiel, X. P705, P761, P787<br />

Schiemanck, S. O384<br />

Schiller, I. O403<br />

Schilling, G. P637<br />

Schilling, K. P483<br />

Schimmel, H. P1031<br />

Schindler, D. O289<br />

Schipper, L.F. P432<br />

Schlegel, P.-G. P811, P820<br />

Schleier, E. P499<br />

Schlenk, R. 79, O245, O247,<br />

O369, P485, P780<br />

Schleuning, M. O299, O357,<br />

O382, P484<br />

Schmah, O. P576, P860<br />

Schmid, C. P484<br />

Schmid, H. P825<br />

Schmid, T. P780<br />

Schmidt, A. O141<br />

Schmidt, C.A. P676<br />

Schmidt, M. P1057<br />

Schmitt-Gräff, A. P599<br />

Schmitz, G. P713<br />

Schmitz, N. S27, S32, O103, O105,<br />

215, 229, O374, P462, P672<br />

Schneider, M.M. O163<br />

Schneider, P. P641<br />

Schnürer, E. O136, O141<br />

Schoch, R. P885<br />

Schoenland, S. P643<br />

Scholl, S. P483<br />

Schölmerich, J. 52<br />

Scholte op Reimer, W. P1062<br />

Schönberger, S. P822<br />

Schönfelder, U. P511<br />

Schöpflin, C. O369<br />

Schots, R. O123, 326, P915<br />

Schouten, H. 69, O104, 211, 234,<br />

O246, O282<br />

Schrappe, M. P825<br />

Schrey, U. P733<br />

Schrezenmeier, H. 187, 188, 189,<br />

192, 193, 195, 341<br />

Schroeder, H. P715<br />

Schroyens, W. O123<br />

Schulenburg, A. O308<br />

Schuler, U. O248, O271, P499<br />

Schulte, C. O303<br />

Schulz, A. 322<br />

Schumm, M. O286, P453, P671<br />

Schutzova, M. P612, P636<br />

Schwabe, D. P832, P848<br />

Schwartz, S. O271<br />

Schwarz, K. 322<br />

Schwarzl, A. P1052<br />

Schwerdtfeger, R. O117, O118,<br />

O135, O299, O357, O372,<br />

O381, O382, P637<br />

Schwinger, R. P581<br />

Schwinger, W. P849<br />

Schwittay, M. P511<br />

Scimè, R. O119, O251, O260,<br />

O281, P470, P506, P712<br />

Scortechini, I. P893<br />

Screnci, M. O370<br />

Scuderi, F. P852<br />

Scudla, V. P636<br />

Scudlova, J. P997, P1065<br />

Sebban, C. O254<br />

Secondino, S. P664<br />

Sedzimirska, M. P880<br />

Seeber, S. P685<br />

Seger, R. 325<br />

Seghezzi, L. O377<br />

Segovia, J. 66, O128, O129, O165,<br />

O165, P590

List of Speakers and Authors<br />

Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr.<br />

Segura, S. P1000, P1076<br />

Seguy, D. O383<br />

Seidel, C. P427<br />

Seidl, C. P606, P832<br />

Seifried, E. P606, P832<br />

Seitz, O. P425<br />

Seitz, U. O245<br />

Selleri, C. O281<br />

Selleslag, D. 69, O123<br />

Selmani, Z. P420, P442<br />

Seltz, F. O142<br />

Semin, P. P422<br />

Senent, L. O295, O366<br />

Sengelov, H. P493<br />

Seo, J. P998<br />

Seol, M. P855<br />

Seppänen-Savela, T. P1030<br />

Sepúlveda, P. P411<br />

Serban, M. P589<br />

Serbest, E. P709<br />

Sergent, G. P794<br />

Sermon, K. 326<br />

Serrano, C. P1032<br />

Serrano, D. O253, P578, P693,<br />

P926<br />

Serrano, J. P864<br />

Servida, P. O377, P745,<br />

P785<br />

Sessarego, M. P616<br />

Setola, E. P664<br />

Sette, A. O151<br />

Sevilla, J. O165<br />

Seyfarth, B. O105<br />

Sezer, O. O307<br />

Shamshiri, A. P844<br />

Shankari, J. P695, P823, P829,<br />

P847, P874<br />

Shapira, M. P539, P591, P686<br />

Shaughnessy, P.J. P728<br />

Shaw, B. P690<br />

Shaw, P. 220, 222<br />

Shemtov, N. P635, P863<br />

Shergold, J. P991, P1035<br />

Shevchenko, Y. P797<br />

Shimazaki, C. P644<br />

Shimoni, A. O117, O118,<br />

O122, O378, P635,<br />

P637, P863<br />

Shin, H.Y. P836, P843<br />

Shin, S. P998<br />

Shinkoda, Y. P831<br />

Shipitsina, I. P594<br />

Shizuru, J. P511<br />

Shoen, S. N963<br />

Shpall, E.J. 335<br />

Shtalrid, M. P622<br />

Shvidel, L. P622<br />

Sibilla, S. O373<br />

Sica, S. O281, P519<br />

Siebert, D. P1035<br />

Siebert, R. P885<br />

Siegel, S. P672<br />

Siegert, W. P614<br />

Siena, J. 97<br />

Siena, S. P664, P752<br />

Sieniawski, M. P890, P898,<br />

P909<br />

Sierra, J. S14, S19, 71, 97, S99,<br />

O107, O120, O125, O249,<br />

O283, O298, P497, P498,<br />

P508, P559, P613, P620,<br />

P693, P701P789a, P922, N989<br />

Siitonen, T. P657<br />

Siljanovski, N. P413<br />

Sill, H. P1046<br />

Silla, L. O353, O387<br />

Silva, R. O143<br />

Silva-Jr, W. O279<br />

Silvestri, F. P573<br />

Simic, L. P556, P563<br />

Simoes, B. P484<br />

Simón, A. P578<br />

Simone, F. P869<br />

Simonelli, C. P770<br />

Simonelli, S. P1080<br />

Simonitsch-Klupp, I. P469<br />

Simpson, E. O395, P692<br />

Sinclair, S. N960<br />

Sinha, R. P695, P829, P874<br />

Sinkó, J. P764<br />

Sinnott, P. P569<br />

Sipka, S. P605<br />

Siracusano, L. P619<br />

Sirohi, B. P535, P649<br />

Sisca, I. P589<br />

Skert, C. P729, P879, P899<br />

Skoda, I.K. P1058<br />

Skopek, P. P598, P612, P876<br />

Skorobogatova, E. P594<br />

Skotnicki, A.B. P437, P900, P908<br />

Skoumalová, I. P479<br />

Skranc, S. P479<br />

Skvortsova, Y. P594<br />

Slaby, J. P533, P598<br />

Slatter, M.A. 327, 328, P537<br />

Slavin, S. O268, P467, P539,<br />

P591, P686, P805<br />

Slociak, M. O358, P821, P826<br />

Slot, M.C. P432<br />

Smelhaus, V. O364<br />

Smias, C. P518<br />

Smiet, A.C.M. P1003<br />

Smit, W.M. P486<br />

Smith, C. P1028<br />

Smith, D. O257<br />

Smith, E.P. O257<br />

Smith, G. O390, P491<br />

Snyder, D. O257<br />

Socié, G. O121, O164, 188, 189,<br />

191, 195, 219, 236, 243,<br />

O279, 343, P1080<br />

Sodani, P. O405, P624, P791<br />

Soeiro, I. O130<br />

Soerensen, J. P848<br />

Sohn, S. P740, P1074<br />

Söhngen, D. P784<br />

Solamani, M. P441<br />

Solano, C. O120<br />

Solari, A. O159<br />

Soler, M. O366, P555<br />

Soligo, D. O115, P470, P492,<br />

P502<br />

Soliman, C. N967<br />

Solimano, J. P540<br />

Solves, P. P411, P555<br />

Somasegarem, P. P874<br />

Sommer, D. P424<br />

Song, B.E. P1081<br />

Sonnen, R. O105<br />

Sorà, F. P519<br />

Soracco, M. P737<br />

Sorio, M. P801<br />

Sotto, J.J. O110, P633<br />

Souillet, G. P777, P812<br />

Sousa, C. P412, P415<br />

Southwick, P.C. 317<br />

Soydan, E. P494, P496, P571,<br />

P655, P689, P748, P771, P904<br />

Sparrelid, E. O155<br />

Specchia, G. O373<br />

Specchia, M. O109<br />

Sperli, D. P593<br />

Sperotto, A. P463, P573, P697,<br />

P707, P729, P879, P899, P919<br />

Sperr, W. P868<br />

Spielberger, R. O257<br />

Spina, M. O108, P770<br />

Spiropoulou, A. P433<br />

Spitaleri, L. P893<br />

Spoehrer, U. P761<br />

Sponerová, D. P618<br />

Sportoletti, P. O297<br />

Spyidonidis, A. O133<br />

Spyridonidis, A. P481, P576, P792,<br />

P860<br />

Staak, J.O. P890, P898, P909<br />

Staehelin, F. P845<br />

Stamatopoulos, K. P872<br />

Stamatovic, D. P556, P563<br />

Stamm, C. 203<br />

Stani, L. O109, P468, P727<br />

Stanzani, M. P803, 938<br />

Starrenburg, C.W.J. P486<br />

Starrenburg, I. P870<br />

Stary, J. 184, P681<br />

Statham, P. N988<br />

Steckel, N. O250, P677, P859<br />

Stefanaki, K. P433<br />

Stefanic, M. O245, P873<br />

Steidl, U. O284, P536, P652<br />

Stein, A. O257<br />

Stein, J. P475, P566, P1050<br />

Steinbrenner, M. P766<br />

Steiner, B. P796<br />

Steinerova, K. P876, P925<br />

Stelitano, C. O106, P747<br />

Stemmer, S.M. P863<br />

Stephens, E. P491<br />

Stephens, M. N943, N990<br />

Steward, C. O291, 324, P696<br />

Sticherlin, M. P711<br />

Stilgenbauer, S. O369, O406, P780<br />

Stocchi, R. P573, P707, P729<br />

Stockelberg, D. P1023<br />

Stockholm, D. O145<br />

Stojanoski, Z. P413<br />

Stojanovik, A. P413<br />

Stone, J. N951<br />

Stoodley, N. 324<br />

Stoppa, A. P639, P862<br />

Storb, R. O115, O262, P511<br />


List of Speakers and Authors<br />

Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr.<br />

Stracciari, A. P803<br />

Stracieri, A.-B. P601<br />

Strahm, B. 184, P628<br />

Straka, C. P645<br />

Strauss, G. 321<br />

Stravets, T. P700<br />

Stringer, J. N945<br />

Stroszczynski, C. 96<br />

Strunk, D. P679<br />

Stryczynska, G. P833<br />

Stuart, M. P511<br />

Stuhlmann, R. O105<br />

Sturgess-Durden, L. P1059<br />

Stute, N. O352, P731, P735, P921<br />

Styczynski, J. P865<br />

Subedi, J. P786<br />

Suchnicki, K. P880<br />

Suciu, E. P589<br />

Suciu, S. 69<br />

Suela, L. N985<br />

Suero, M. P1034<br />

Sullivan, L.A. 317<br />

Sumerauer, D. O364, P661<br />

Sundberg, B. P427, P431, P665,<br />

P717<br />

Sundin, U. P473, P476<br />

Sung, W. P740<br />

Suntzova, E.V. O163<br />

Suppo, G. P554<br />

Sureda, A. 57, O107, O125, 232,<br />

O283, O354, O356, P497,<br />

P498, P508, P620<br />

Surrallés, J. O165<br />

Sustercic, D. P910<br />

Sutton, L. O368, P609<br />

Suvova, J. P1065<br />

Svahn, B.-M. O278<br />

Svahn, J. O162<br />

Svanberg, Ac P1053<br />

Svejgaard, A. P493<br />

Svenberg, P. P722, P769<br />

Svennilson, J. P722<br />

Sverdlov, Y. P566, P1050<br />

Sviland, L. P407<br />

Svojgrová, M. P612<br />

Swansbury, J. P874<br />

Swindell, R. N945<br />

Switzer, G. 312<br />

Sydes, M. O104<br />

Sydow, U. 321<br />

Sykora, K. P825, P849<br />

Szabó, J. P595<br />

Szatkowski, D. P621<br />

Szer, J. P482<br />

Szomor, A. P525<br />

Szostek, M. P437<br />

Szydlo, R. O114, O302, P699<br />

Szymczak, B. P1061<br />

Tabak, D. O353<br />

Tabani, K. P1080<br />

Tabilio, A. O297, P802<br />

Tabrizi, R. P639<br />

Tagliabue, A. P814<br />

Takagi, S. P495, P512<br />

Takagi, T. P644<br />

Takatsuki, K. P644<br />

150<br />

Talarn, C. O298<br />

Talavera, M. O165<br />

Talvensaari, K. 67<br />

Tamayo, P. O255, P886<br />

Tamborero, G. P1034<br />

Tamburini, A. P461, P554<br />

Tammik, C. P427, P436<br />

Tamouza, R. 318<br />

Tan, A. P1082<br />

Tan, S. P1043<br />

Tanabe, T. P831<br />

Tanasini, R. P523<br />

Taniguchi, S. P495, P512<br />

Tanimoto, M. O277<br />

Tansey, D. N984<br />

Taou, D. N963<br />

Tapias, M. O165<br />

Tapprich, C. O284<br />

Tarabar, O. P556, P563<br />

Tarella, C. O119, O252, P470,<br />

P502, P506, P623<br />

Taskinen, M. P790<br />

Tassara, M. P785<br />

Taverna, C. P648<br />

Taylor, L. N962<br />

Taylor, P.C P409<br />

Tbakhi, A. O259<br />

T.Bilgin, F. N979<br />

Tedeschi, A. P529, P658<br />

Tedone, E. P737<br />

Telli, S. O398<br />

Telschik, H.-M. P459<br />

Ten Cate, R. O161<br />

Tendas, A. P754<br />

Teodósio, C. O143<br />

Terpos, E. O114<br />

Terranova, M.P. P852<br />

Terruzzi, E. P653<br />

Teruel, A. P545<br />

Testi, A.M. O370<br />

Teti, D. P619<br />

Tezcan, G. P835<br />

Thaler, D. P679<br />

Theelan, B. P783<br />

Theilgaard-Mönch, K. P458<br />

Theobald, M. 210<br />

Theodosaki, M. P433<br />

Theunissen, K. O123, P460<br />

Theuser, C. O135, O384<br />

Thiébaut, A. P778<br />

Thiede, C. O248, O384, P445,<br />

P472, P614, P903<br />

Thiel, A. O160, P597, P602, P670,<br />

P676<br />

Thiel, E. O271, P424, P911<br />

Thienel, U. P728<br />

Thödtmann, R. O382<br />

Thomas, V. P449, P457<br />

Thomas, X. O121, P577, P778<br />

Thominet, D. O392<br />

Thomson, E. P781<br />

Thomson, J. P457<br />

Thomson, K. O118<br />

Thorne, R. O359<br />

Thörne, A. P769<br />

Thrasher, A. O149<br />

Thys, L. P1029<br />

Tiberghien, P. O294, P488, P673<br />

Tichelli, A. 188, 191, 195, 238,<br />

P588, P804<br />

Tilly, H. O102<br />

Timarco, C. P881<br />

Timeus, F. P439<br />

Tintori, V. P461<br />

Tirelli, U. O108, P770<br />

Tiribelli, M. P463, P919<br />

Tischer, J.P484, P761, P787, P867<br />

Tobler, A. O268<br />

Todeschini, G. O106<br />

Todoric-Zivanovic, B. P556<br />

Tomadini, V. P919<br />

Tomas, J.F. O117, O354, O356,<br />

P513<br />

Tomas Martinez, J.F. S41, S46<br />

Tomiska, M. P509<br />

Tonelli, R. O398<br />

Tonn, T. P606<br />

Tönnies, H. O289<br />

Top, B. O156<br />

Topcuoglu, P. P494, P496, P571,<br />

P621, P655, P689, P771<br />

Topini, F. 70<br />

Toporski, J. O358, P587, P666,<br />

P815, P821, P826, P827,<br />

P830, P837, P846, P865<br />

Topp, M.S. S6, 316, P638<br />

Toprak, S.K. P655<br />

Torjman, L. O385, P521<br />

Törmänen, V. P782<br />

Tormo, M. 71, O249<br />

Tornaghi, L. P610<br />

Tornello, A. P861<br />

Torrabadella, M. O379, O380, P451<br />

Torrent, M. P793<br />

Torres, A. O298, O354, O396,<br />

P559, P613, P693, P858, P864<br />

Torres, P. 71<br />

Torri, G. P745<br />

Torrico, C. O379<br />

Tossios, P. P581<br />

Tosti, A. 70, O375<br />

Toth, O. P525<br />

Toubert, A. 67<br />

Trabasso, P. P773<br />

Traineau, R. 318<br />

Trakhtman, P. P594<br />

Trautmann, S. O384<br />

Travade, P. P609<br />

Treleaven, J. P535, P695, P823,<br />

P829, P847, P874<br />

Tremmel, A. P630<br />

Trenschel, R. O250, O350, P675,<br />

P677, P685, P726, P859<br />

Trethewie, S. N954<br />

Tridello, G. O152<br />

Trigo, F. P551<br />

Trilsbeek, C. P450<br />

Tringali, S. P712<br />

Trisolini, S.M. P881<br />

Trneny, M. P533, P598<br />

Trnkova, M. P533, P924<br />

Trocino, G. P814<br />

Troiani, E. P893<br />

Trojan, A. P648

List of Speakers and Authors<br />

Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr.<br />

Troke, P. O271<br />

Troncy, J. P577, P778<br />

Trümper, L. O103, P462<br />

Trust, P. P1057<br />

Tsolakis, F. O122<br />

Tucci, F. P461<br />

Tüchler, H. P434<br />

Tugrul Saribeyoglu, E. P809<br />

Tukic, L. P556, P563<br />

Tullio, C. P664<br />

Turin, I. O300<br />

Turkiewicz, D. O358, P587, P666,<br />

P815, P821, P826, P827,<br />

P830, P837, P846<br />

Turner, B. P719<br />

Turpeenniemi-Hujanen, T. P887<br />

Turró-Castillejo, M.A. P1056<br />

Turton, J.R. P570<br />

Tyndall, A. 60, 81, O158<br />

Uderzo, C. 184, 237, O281, O306,<br />

O361, P753, P814<br />

Ueno, N. 95<br />

Ueyama, J. P495, P512<br />

Uharek, L. O140, O154, P511<br />

Uhlmann, E. P723<br />

Uhrberg, M. O140<br />

Ullmann, A.J. 218, 222, 223<br />

Ullrich, H. P713<br />

Ulu, A. P807<br />

Urban, C. P849<br />

Urbani, E. O375<br />

Urbani, S. P429, P582<br />

Urbano Ispizua, A. O120, O125,<br />

O298, O374, P497, P498,<br />

P508, P875<br />

Urbanowska, E. P544<br />

Urbini, B. P678<br />

Ussowicz, M. O358, P837<br />

Ustaer, N. P904<br />

Uysal, A. P494, P904<br />

Uziel, G. P753<br />

Uzunel, M. O261, P473, P476,<br />

P717<br />

Uzunov, M. P504<br />

Vacca, A. P802<br />

Vadikolia, C. P905<br />

Vaessen, N. P765<br />

Vainas, O. P478<br />

Valcarcel, D. P497, P498, P508<br />

Valcárcel, D. O283, P620<br />

Valencia, A. O295<br />

Valent, P. P868<br />

Valetto, A. P852<br />

Vallejo, C. P613, P693<br />

Valteau-Couanet, D. O365, P819<br />

Valverde, M. N964, P1000, P1002,<br />

P1076<br />

van Achterberg, T. N965, P1062<br />

Van Ackerbroeck, G. P1029<br />

van Baarle, D. P739<br />

van Besien, K. P728<br />

van Biezen, A. 175, 181, O246,<br />

O355, P920<br />

Van de Velde, A. P915<br />

Van de Velde, H. 326<br />

van de Wiel-van emenade, E. O137<br />

Van Den Neste, E. O256<br />

van der Burg, M. P839<br />

Vanderheyden, M. S9<br />

van der Holt, B. O275<br />

van der Lelie, H. N968<br />

van der Lelie, J. P1044<br />

van der Straaten, H.M. O246<br />

van der Velden, A.M.T. P775<br />

van der Woude, H. N948<br />

van Dongen, J. P839<br />

van Doornen, G.J.J. 317<br />

van Hensbergen, Y. P432<br />

van Iperen, F. N950, N953, N955,<br />

P1055<br />

van Laar, J. O158<br />

van Lint, M.T. O281, O402, P603,<br />

P616, P737, P741, P776<br />

van Royen-Kerkhof, A. P600<br />

van Schie, M.L.J. P669<br />

Van Steenweghen, S. P915<br />

Van Steirteghem, A. 326<br />

van Tol, M. P626, P739,<br />

P751<br />

van Velzen-Blad, H. P775<br />

van Vliet, M. N965<br />

van Walraven, A. P838, N950<br />

VanClee, A. O282<br />

Vandecruys, E. P631<br />

Vannucchi, A. P428, P492, P779,<br />

P795, P896<br />

Vanstraelen, G. P490, P500<br />

van'tLand, B. O270<br />

Varghese, Z. P418<br />

Varotto, S. O152, O306, P593<br />

Varvarovska, B. P925<br />

Varvenne, M. P507<br />

Vasaturo, G. N957<br />

Vasova, I. P509<br />

Vassal, G. S36<br />

Vaupel, M. O284<br />

Vavilov, V. P683, P721<br />

Vaz, C.P. P412, P415<br />

Vázquez, L. P497, P534, P547,<br />

P694, P789a, P716, P892<br />

Vela, E. P854<br />

Velangi, M.R. P654<br />

Velardi, A. 70, O139, 319, O375,<br />

P465, P824<br />

Velikova, G. O307<br />

Venturi, C. P443<br />

Verbeek, M. P1072<br />

Verdeguer, A. P559, P828, P853<br />

Verdonck, L.F. O246<br />

Verga, L. P653<br />

Verhoeven, M. N948, P1027<br />

Vermeulen, N. P1027<br />

Vernant, J.P. O368, O391, P532,<br />

P633<br />

Vertesi, G. P605<br />

Vettenranta, K. P744<br />

Vey, N. O351, P444, P706, P862<br />

Veys, P. O150, O161, O290, O291,<br />

O359, P474, P600, P704<br />

Viarengo, G.L. O371, P553<br />

Vicario, J. O148<br />

Vicha, A. P661<br />

Vidal, F. P1060<br />

Vidal, M. O107<br />

Vidal, N. N964<br />

Vidal, S. P701<br />

Vieira, E. P834<br />

Vieira, L. P592<br />

Vieites, N. P1060<br />

Viens, P. P456<br />

Viganò, E. P814<br />

Viganò, M. O108<br />

Vignetti, M. 930, 931<br />

Vigorito, A.C. O353, P913<br />

Vilà, R. O249<br />

Vilela, G. O279<br />

Villamor, N. P471<br />

Villarón, E.M. O131, P419, P557<br />

Villegas, A. O165<br />

Villiva', N. P881<br />

Vindelov, L. P493, P517<br />

Viola, A. P857<br />

Viret, F. P456<br />

Visani, G. P791<br />

Viscoli, C. P741, P776<br />

Vítek, A. P618<br />

Vitkova, J. P997, P1065<br />

Vitolo, U. O258<br />

Vitrischak, A. P721<br />

Vittinghus, L. P1057<br />

Vivancos, P. 71<br />

Vizcaino, F. P1047<br />

Vlachová, S. P479<br />

Vodvarkova, S. P598<br />

Vogelsang, H. P733<br />

Vogeser, M. P761<br />

Voigt, A. O403<br />

Voillat, L. O110<br />

Vokurka, S. P564, P612, P876,<br />

P996, P1065<br />

Volfova, A. P564, P996<br />

Volin, L. P480, P565, P746, P749<br />

Volpi, A. P754<br />

Volpi, I. 70<br />

Voltarelli, J. O353, P601<br />

von Harsdorf, S. O245, , O304,<br />

O369, P485, P780<br />

von Hinüber, R. P735<br />

Vondráková, J. P479<br />

Vora, A.J. P546<br />

Vorlicek, J. P636<br />

Vormoor, J. O289<br />

Vos, H. N974<br />

Vozobulová, V. P612<br />

Vrhovac, R. P910<br />

Vrzalova, A. P924<br />

Vytrasova, M. P646<br />

Wabersich, M. P615, P889<br />

Wachowiak, J. P826, P833, P840,<br />

P865<br />

Waelchli, L. P447<br />

Wagner, A. P672<br />

Wahlin, A. 222<br />

Waldmann, H. P449, P873<br />

Waldschmidt, D. P784<br />

Walewski, J. P888, P900<br />

Waller, C.F. P914<br />

Waller, E. O138<br />


List of Speakers and Authors<br />

Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr. Name Prog. Nr.<br />

Walls, E. P1001, P1022<br />

Walter, Z. P437<br />

Wandt, H. O265, O372, P480,<br />

P637, P715<br />

Wang, J. P708, P728<br />

Wang, X. P407, P702<br />

Waßmann, B. P703<br />

Wass, J. P535<br />

Waterhouse, C. 79<br />

Waterhouse, M. O133, P481<br />

Watson, M. O307<br />

Watts, M.J. P448<br />

Wawer, A. P724<br />

Webb, D. O290, O291<br />

Weber, M. P682<br />

Weber, P. O368<br />

Wedderburn, L. O161, P600<br />

Weddige-Diedrichs, A. 321<br />

Weemaes, C. P839<br />

Wehler, T.C. O136<br />

Weinstock, C. P459<br />

Weis, J. 239, O307<br />

Weiß, K. P483<br />

Weise, M. O384<br />

Weiss, M. N952<br />

Weisser, M. P705, P867<br />

Weissinger, E. O280<br />

Welch, J.C. P546<br />

Welte, K. P825<br />

Wenzler, S. P734<br />

Wernet, P. P822<br />

Wersäll, P. P769<br />

West, S. P696<br />

Westgren, M. P436<br />

Westin, S. P1075<br />

Wetzig, T. P711<br />

White-Scharf, M. P579<br />

Whyte, M. P1035<br />

Wiesneth, M. O245, O369,<br />

P485, P873<br />

Wijermans, P. 69<br />

Wiklund, T. P887<br />

Wiktor-Jedrzejczak, W. 179<br />

Wilbur, D.S. O262<br />

Wild, C. P606<br />

Wild, P.J. P856<br />

Wilkinson, R. P995<br />

Will, A. O291, P842<br />

Wille, A. 96<br />

Willemze, R. 69, O126, O147,<br />

P486, P669, P765, P870<br />

Willichowski, E. 321<br />

Wilson, C. N958<br />

Wilson, J. O393<br />

Windrum, P. P538<br />

Winiarski, J. O155, O276, P762<br />

Winkler, J. O372<br />

Winkler, T. O372, P507<br />

Winship, K. 324, P696<br />

Wirth, K. P483<br />

Witt, M. P840<br />

Witt, V. P454<br />

Wittig, S. O403<br />

Wodnar-Filipowicz, A. O293<br />

Woelfel, T. P750<br />

Wojciechowska, M. P871<br />

Wojcik, B. P666, P865<br />

152<br />

Wojcik, D. 238, O358, P821,<br />

P826, P837<br />

Wojnar, J. P580, P871<br />

Wölfel, C. O136, O141<br />

Wölfel, T. O141<br />

Wolff, D. P796<br />

Wolff, I. O403<br />

Wollert, K.C. 68<br />

Wolschke, C. O352, P731, P735,<br />

P917<br />

Won, J.H. P423, P446<br />

Worel, N. P469, P487<br />

Woywodt, A. P520<br />

Wrench, D. P690<br />

Wulf, G. P462<br />

Wulffraat, N. O161, P600<br />

Wylezol, I. P580<br />

Wynn, R. O291, P842<br />

Wysocki, M. P865<br />

Wysoczanska, B. O394, P850,<br />

P880<br />

Xagorari, A. P585, P586<br />

Xicoy, B. P451<br />

Xie, W.Z. P710<br />

Yakoub-Agha, I. O383, O400,<br />

P633<br />

Yakouben, K. 223<br />

Yalcinkaya, F. P806<br />

Yaman, A. O381, O382<br />

Yanada, M. O277<br />

Yañez, L. P1049<br />

Yañez, R. P650<br />

Yaniv, I. O268, P475, P566,<br />

P1050<br />

Yannaki, E. P518, P585, P586<br />

Yates, F. O142, O145<br />

Ye, X.J. P710<br />

Yeshurun, M. O122, O378,<br />

P635, P863<br />

Yesilipek, M.A P835<br />

Yildirim, N. N979<br />

Yong, A. P1043<br />

Yoon, S. P466, P998<br />

Yorulmaz, I. P748<br />

Yoshida, T. P644<br />

Yoshimi, A. P681<br />

Younis, A. P575<br />

Yuji, K. P495, P512<br />

Yuksel, M.K. P655<br />

Yun, J.H. P1081<br />

Yun, T. P466<br />

Yun, Z. O155<br />

Zabelina, T. O117, O118, O352,<br />

O401, P637, P683, P731,<br />

P735, P917, P921<br />

Zachee, P. O123<br />

Zago, M.A. O279<br />

Zahalkova, J. P646<br />

Zain, J. O257<br />

Zaiss, M. P856<br />

Zaja, F. O106, P463, P573, P729,<br />

P899, P919<br />

Zakerinia, M. P526, P627<br />

Zakernia, M. O362<br />

Zallio, F. O119, O252<br />

Zaluska, A. P908<br />

Zambelli, A. P752<br />

Zamora, C. O380<br />

Zanazzo, G. P593<br />

Zander, A. 59, O117, O118, 219,<br />

O352, O378, O401, P480,<br />

P637, P683, P731, P735,<br />

P917, P921<br />

Zanette, D. O279<br />

Zanussi, S. P770<br />

Zapletalova, J. P533<br />

Zappová, D. P1067<br />

Zaraiski, M P721<br />

Zaritsky, A.Y. P907<br />

Zaucha, J.M. P621<br />

Zaucha, M. P732<br />

Zaucha-Prazmo, A. P666<br />

Zdzilowska, E. P437<br />

Zecca, M. 184, O300, P593<br />

Zei, T. O297<br />

Zeis, M. P672<br />

Zeiser, R. O133, P914<br />

Zenz, T. O245, O304, O369, P485,<br />

P780<br />

Zetterberg, E. P436<br />

Zey, C. O299<br />

Zhang, J. P710<br />

Zhang, W.P. P708<br />

Zharikova, L.I. O163<br />

Zheng, W.Y. P710<br />

Zhou, H. P708<br />

Zibert, A. O397<br />

Zikesova, E. P533<br />

Zilberman, I. P539<br />

Zimmer, K. P572<br />

Zimmermann, S.Y. P848<br />

Zinke-Cerwenka, W. P1046<br />

Zinno, F. P816, P851<br />

Zintl, F. O161, O403, P733, P766<br />

Zipperer, E. P454<br />

Zoetbrood, A. O137<br />

Zorbas, I. P872<br />

Zoubarovskaya, L. O401, P907<br />

Zschille, W. P889<br />

Zuazu, J. P693<br />

Zubani, A. P1019<br />

Zubarovskaya, L. P721<br />

Zuckerman, M. P786<br />

Zuckerman, T. O386, P700, N975<br />

Zulli, R. O353<br />

Zver, S. P548<br />

Zwart, I. P418

General Information<br />

Venue and Address during the Meeting<br />

Palau de Congressos de Catalunya and<br />

Hotel Rey Juan Carlos I<br />

Av.Diagonal, 661-671<br />

08028 Barcelona / Spain<br />

www.pcongresos.com / www.hrjuancarlos.com<br />

Tel. +34 93 364 44 57<br />

Fax +34 93 364 44 58<br />

Dates<br />

Sunday, March 28, 2004 through<br />

Wednesday, March 31, 2004<br />

Language<br />

English<br />

Address before and after the EBMT 2004<br />


Organising Secretariat<br />

c/o AKM Congress Service<br />

PO Box, 4005 Basel / Switzerland<br />

Tel. +41 61 686 77 11<br />

Fax +41 61 686 77 88<br />

E-mail: ebmt@akm.ch<br />

www.akm.ch/ebmt2004<br />

Opening hours:<br />

Monday–Friday during CET business hours.<br />

Congress Registration<br />

All documents including registration packets (congress<br />

wallet, personal name badge, abstract book,<br />

vouchers) will be handed over to the registered<br />

participants during the following opening hours:<br />

Saturday March 27, 2004: 18.00 – 19.00 h<br />

Sunday March 28, 2004: 09.00 – 19.30 h<br />

Monday March 29, 2004: 07.30 – 18.30 h<br />

Tuesday March 30, 2004: 07.30 – 18.30 h<br />

Wednesday March 31, 2004: 07.30 – 15.00 h<br />

Registration Fee<br />

Payment<br />

All fees for the congress registration and social<br />

events should be paid in EURO (EUR) – clearly<br />

stating the participant‘s name and address –<br />

–by bank transfer (free of charge) to<br />

UBS AG, Kloten/Switzerland,<br />

Account No. 278-821.000.64N (EBMT 2004)<br />

– IBAN Code: CH15 0027 8278 8210 0064 N<br />

Clearing Number: 278 /<br />

Swift Code: UBSWCHZH80A<br />

–by credit card (Visa, Eurocard/Mastercard<br />

or by bank cheque).<br />

– beneficiary: EBMT 2004<br />

c/o AKM Congress Service<br />

Responsibility<br />

The participant acknowledges that he/she has no<br />

right to lodge damage claims against the organisers<br />

should the holding of the congress be<br />

hindered or prevented by unexpected political or<br />

economic events or generally by force majeure,<br />

or should the non-appearance of speakers or<br />

other reasons necessitate programme changes.<br />

With registration, the participant accepts this<br />

proviso.<br />

Confirmation<br />

Upon receipt of the correct registration fee,<br />

each participant will receive a confirmation of<br />

registration. Please bring this confirmation to<br />

the registration desk at the conference center<br />

as proof of your registration.<br />

until as from January 16 As from<br />

January 15, 2004 to March 4, 2004 March 5, 2004<br />

Physicians EBMT-Member € 300.– € 375.– € 425.–<br />

Non-Member € 375.– € 450.– € 500.–<br />

Nurses EBMT-Member € 220.– € 280.– € 330.–<br />

Non-Member € 280.– € 350.– € 400.–<br />

Data Management EBMT-Member € 220.– € 280.– € 330.–<br />

Group Non-Member € 280.– € 350.– € 400.–<br />

Accompanying Person € 25.– € 25.– € 25.–<br />

The fee for active participants includes unlimited access to all Sessions, the Welcome Reception, access to the Exhibition, one copy of<br />

the Final Programme and one copy of the Abstract Book. The fee for accompanying persons includes the Welcome Reception and<br />

access to the Exhibition.<br />


General Information<br />

Cancellation / Refund Policy<br />

Refund of registration fees, less 25% administrative<br />

charges, can be applied for in writing<br />

until January 31, 2004 to the Organising<br />

Secretariat in Basel / Switzerland. After this<br />

date no refund will be possible. For any change<br />

of names, a fee of EUR 30.– will be charged.<br />

Badges<br />

Access to all scientific events will only be<br />

possible with your personal badge which you<br />

will receive at the registration desk in Barcelona.<br />

Please always wear your badge!<br />

Lost badges will only be replaced with proof of<br />

your original registration.<br />

Final Programme<br />

The final programme is also available on the<br />

internet www.akm.ch/ebmt2004<br />

Exhibition<br />

An exhibition of the latest technical equipment<br />

and pharmaceutical products will take place in<br />

the exhibition hall on Level 0 of the congress<br />

venue.<br />

Exhibition Dates and Hours<br />

Sunday March 28, 2004 13.00 h–21.30 h<br />

(20.00–21.30 h Welcome Reception in the exhibition hall)<br />

Monday March 29, 2004 08.30 h–18.00 h<br />

Tuesday March 30, 2004 08.30 h–18.00 h<br />

Wednesday March 31, 2004 08.30 h–12.30 h<br />

EBMT Society Booth<br />

Throughout the congress, EBMT staff will be<br />

available at the EBMT booth to answer any<br />

questions you may have or to deal with any<br />

matters concerning the EBMT Society.<br />

Important elections are being held this<br />

year and you are encouraged to vote.<br />

The EBMT booth is located in the exhibition hall<br />

(Booth Nr. 171).<br />

Lunches<br />

On Monday – Wednesday, lunch bags will be<br />

served in the Palau de Congressos de Catalunya.<br />

154<br />

Internet Corner<br />

Internet terminals will be availbable for all<br />

congress participants in the exhibition hall.<br />

Hotel Accommodation<br />

Before the Meeting<br />

AKM Travel AG<br />

Messeplatz 10<br />

CH-4016 Basel / Switzerland<br />

Tel. +41 61 690 94 11<br />

Fax +41 61 690 94 14<br />

e-mail: ebmt@akmtravel.ch<br />

During the Meeting<br />

AKM Travel will be present at a special desk in<br />

the registration area during the meeting. Please<br />

contact the counter “Hotel” during the congress.<br />

Tel. +34 93 364 44 55<br />

Fax +34 93 364 44 56<br />

‘EBMT Annual Meeting’ “online”<br />

In connection with an on-line registration and<br />

abstract submission programme, the following<br />

homepage has been set up for the EBMT 2004<br />

Meeting in Barcelona<br />

www.akm.ch/ebmt2004<br />

Before, during and after the congress this<br />

homepage will provide you with the following<br />

services/information:<br />

• Programme of the EBMT2004<br />

(regularly updated)<br />

• Online abstract submission<br />

•Online congress registration<br />

(payment by credit card required)<br />

• Online hotel reservation<br />

• Scientific programme including chairpersons<br />

and speakers<br />

• Possibility to set up your personal congress<br />

programme: You can search for topics and<br />

authors<br />

• Access to the accepted abstracts starting<br />

March 28, 2004<br />

• Information on the congress venue and the<br />

city of Barcelona, social events, tours, hotel<br />


Social Events<br />

Sunday, March 28, 2004, 20.00 h<br />

Welcome Reception<br />

After the opening lecture 80 musicians from<br />

the Catalonia Philharmonic Orchestra and<br />

Puig-Reig Poliphonic chorus will take to the<br />

stage to perform a selection of classical<br />

compositions. The Catalonia Philharmonic<br />

Orchestra is renowned for its innovative style<br />

and vanguard streak, whilst Puig-Reig<br />

Poliphonic started-out in the Catalonian<br />

folk circuit and now performs widely in the<br />

international arena.<br />

Participants, accompanying persons and<br />

exhibitors are cordially invited to this concert<br />

in the Auditorium and the following welcome<br />

reception to be held in the foyers of the Palau<br />

de Congressos de Catalunya.<br />

Free Admission<br />

Tuesday, March 30, 2004, 20.00 h<br />

Gala Dinner at Reials Drassanes<br />

de Barcelona<br />

(including a visit to the Royal Shipyard and<br />

Maritime Museum)<br />

Prior to Gala Dinner, the participants will have<br />

the opportunity to visit the Maritime Museum.<br />

This museum harks back to Barcelona’s<br />

seafaring past, with a staggering number of<br />

nautical exhibits, including a map by Amerigo<br />

Vespucci.<br />

The museum is housed in the magnificent<br />

Reials Drassanes (Royal Shipyards) where the<br />

Gala Dinner will take place.<br />

The Reials Drassanes dates from the<br />

13 th century and is the world’s most important<br />

gothic civil monument.<br />

After dinner the famous Catalan rock fusion<br />

band «La Tribu de Santi Arisa» will up the temp<br />

so that guests can dance the night away.<br />

Admission: € 90.– (Physicians)<br />

€ 65.– (Nurses and<br />

Data Management Group)<br />

19.30 h<br />

Departure of buses from various keypoints<br />

and hotels.<br />

Bus schedules are available at the<br />

«Local information» counter.<br />

La Pedrera<br />


Daily Tours<br />

Monday, March 29, 2004, 09.00 – 13.00 Old Barcelona:<br />

Gothic quarter and Picasso Museum<br />

€ 42.– / person<br />

Tuesday, March 30, 2004, 09.00 – 18.00 The Costa Brava and Dalí Museum<br />

€ 80.– / person<br />

Tuesday, March 30, 2004, 09.00 – 13.00 Montjüic Park: Olympic Ring<br />

National Museum of Catalan Art<br />

and Miro Foundation<br />

€ 48.– / person<br />

Wednesday, March 31, 2004, 09.00 – 13.00 Gaudí and Modernism<br />

Note for all tours<br />

156<br />

€ 48.– / person<br />

Meeting point: Main entrance of the Palau de Congressos de Catalunya (congress venue),<br />

15 minutes before departure.<br />

Tours are based on a minimum of 25 participants. If a tour does not take place due to insufficient<br />

numbers, the ticket fee will be reimbursed in full. Otherwise please note that tickets for excursions are<br />

non-refundable. An English-speaking guide will conduct all excursions.<br />

For registration and more information please conduct the «Local information» counter.<br />

“Dona i Ocell”, Woman with Bird, Joan Miró

Sponsors supporting the EBMT congress<br />

The organisers of the EBMT 2004 express their thanks and appreciation to all those who<br />

are generously contributing to the success of this meeting.<br />

Amgen (Europe) AG<br />

Amgen S.A.<br />

Fresenius BioTech GmbH<br />

F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.<br />

Genzyme – SangStat<br />

Gilead Sciences<br />

Hoffmann-La Roche AG<br />

Merck, Sharp und Dohme<br />

Miltenyi Biotec GmbH<br />

Pfizer Inc.<br />

Pierre Fabre Médicament<br />

Roche Farma S.A.<br />

Schering<br />

Therakos, Johnson & Johnson<br />


Useful Information about Barcelona<br />

City of Barcelona<br />

Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia, is located on<br />

the Mediterranean coast and bounded by the<br />

Sierra of Collserola and the rivers Besòs and<br />

Llobregat to the north and south respectively.<br />

Since its foundation over 2000 years ago, the<br />

city has served as been the traditional gateway<br />

of Spain. Romans, Arabs and Christians have<br />

all passed through, leaving their distinct mark<br />

on the city. The visitor will gain a sense of<br />

Barcelona’s history simply by walking through<br />

the city, whether roaming the streets of the<br />

Gothic Quarter, built on the original Roman site<br />

or the Modernist Eixample district that is<br />

illuminated by the exuberant architecture of<br />

Antoni Gaudí.<br />

Such diversity and harmony also flourishes in<br />

the character of Barcelona’s citizens.<br />

Enterprising and hard-working, they also<br />

possess a hedonistic streak along with strong<br />

civic pride and a love for culture. These traits<br />

have made Barcelona into a first-class tourist<br />

destination and the perfect setting for meetings<br />

and congresses. This open, welcoming city<br />

which hosted the Olympic Games in 1992 is<br />

now focusing all its energies on another global<br />

project: the Universal Forum of Cultures, which<br />

will be held in 2004 and will enable the city to<br />

complete its seafront area.<br />

For more information on Barcelona, you should<br />

refer to the official city council web site:<br />

www.bcn.es.<br />

Climate<br />

Barcelona enjoys a mild climate and an average<br />

annual temperature of 17 degrees Celsius.<br />

The sun shines on most days of the year and<br />

the Mediterranean brings cooling sea breezes to<br />

the city and moisture to the atmosphere. Rainfall<br />

is light, except during the few rainy months of<br />

the year, and needless to say, it rarely snows.<br />

Even the lowest temperatures are relatively mild.<br />

At the end of March, one can expect temperatures<br />

of approximately 13 to 15 degrees Celsius.<br />

(in alphabetical order)<br />

Currency<br />

Since the incorporation of Spain into the<br />

Economic and Monetary Union in January 2002,<br />

the Euro (€) has replaced pesetas as the official<br />

currency of Spain. The banknotes are in<br />

denominations of € 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200<br />

and 500. Coins are minted in the following<br />

denominations: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 cent or<br />

€ 1 and € 2 pieces. You can change money<br />

at the city’s banks and savings banks (‘caja’<br />

or ‘caixa’) as well as at the exchange booths<br />

located in the city centre and main tourist<br />

sights.<br />

Credit Cards<br />

Major credit cards such as American Express,<br />

Visa, Eurocard and Diners are accepted in<br />

hotels, stores and restaurants.<br />

Language<br />

In Barcelona, as in the rest of Catalonia, there<br />

are two official languages:<br />

Catalan – the language of the region – and<br />

Castellano – the official language of Spain.<br />

Restaurants – Spanish Cuisine<br />

The Mediterranean diet originated here by the<br />

sea and amongst the olive groves, vines and<br />

wheat fields of Catalonia. In Barcelona, you can<br />

eat out in the sun on open-air seafront terraces<br />

almost all year round. Choose from local cuisine<br />

including seafood and cured hams, or from a<br />

wide variety of ethnic restaurants. You can also<br />

enjoy tapas,small portions, which allow you to<br />

sample a selection of typical Spanish dishes.<br />

In Barcelona, as is common in Spain, people<br />

normally have their meals later than in other<br />

European countries. The first meal of the day,<br />

esmorzar, is usually eaten between 9:00 and<br />

11:00 and tends to be lighter than in the rest<br />

of Europe, being similar to what hotels call a<br />

‘continental’ breakfast. People sit down for<br />

lunch between 14:00 and 15:00 and for dinner<br />

between 21:00 and 22:00. Nevertheless,<br />

restaurant hours are adapted to the pace of<br />

working life, and you can find lunch as early<br />

as 13:00, while dinner may be serve as late<br />

as 23:30.

Useful Information about Barcelona<br />

Shopping<br />

Barcelona has a wide and varied range of shops<br />

for all tastes and budgets. Known for its<br />

excellent personal customer service, the city has<br />

become a magnet for shoppers and traders<br />

alike, and whether searching for designer goods<br />

or local craftwork it’s unlikely you’ll be disappointed.<br />

The Ramblas, the Born, Plaça de<br />

Catalunya, Passeig de Gràcia, Diagonal and the<br />

numerous shopping centres scattered around<br />

the city and its suburban areas are a delight for<br />

shoppers.<br />

Shops in Barcelona open their doors between<br />

9:00 and 10:00 and generally close for lunch<br />

at 13:30 or 14:00. They open again in the<br />

afternoon between 16:00 and 17:00 and remain<br />

open until 20:00 or 20:30. Nevertheless, it<br />

should be noted that many shopping centres<br />

and larger establishments do not close at<br />

midday. Many shops and all department stores<br />

and shopping centres open on Saturday<br />

afternoons, while all shops close Sundays,<br />

except for a few dates when they are permitted<br />

to open.<br />

Tax Refunds<br />

Value Added Tax (VAT) is charged at 16% on<br />

most goods. Cash back is the simplest and most<br />

widely used VAT refund service that issues cash<br />

refunds on departure from the country for a<br />

handling fee. Ask for a cash back form when<br />

you make your purchase.<br />

(in alphabetical order)<br />

Time<br />

Barcelona is one hour ahead of Greenwich<br />

Mean Time (GMT). As in most European<br />

countries, the official time is subject to change<br />

throughout the year.<br />

In 2004 clocks will be put forward one<br />

hour on Sunday, March 28.<br />

Tipping<br />

Service is almost always included in hotel and<br />

restaurant bills. If in doubt, ask “Está incluido<br />

el servicio” (Spanish is pronounced exactly as<br />

it is spelt.) A further tip of a few small coins<br />

is appropriate. Some typical percentages for<br />

tipping are: Waiter 5% (optional);<br />

Taxi driver 5%, Tourist guide 10%<br />

Working hours<br />

The workday generally begins at 8:00 or 9:00<br />

and lasts till about 20:00 with a one- or twohour<br />

break for lunch in the early afternoon.<br />


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Travel to and within Barcelona<br />

Barcelona Airport<br />

The international airport was designed by Ricardo<br />

Bofill for the 1992 Olympics. It is currently<br />

undergoing an extension programme in order to<br />

double its capacity. The airport is located 12 km<br />

from the city in El Prat de Llobregat and can be<br />

reached by the Castelldefels highway and by<br />

public transport.<br />


IBERIA AIRLINES has been appointed Official<br />

Carrier for the EBMT 2004. Please contact your<br />

local IBERIA sales office referring to EBMT 2004<br />

or AKM Travel Basel for a 25% discount on<br />

full Business, Economy and Eurobudget fares.<br />

By Road<br />

A17 motorway from Barcelona to La Jonquera<br />

(at the French border) links up with the French<br />

motorway network, and then to northern Europe,<br />

or through to eastern Europe via Nice, Monaco<br />

and Italy. The A-7 motorway to the west and<br />

south connects Barcelona with the rest of Spain.<br />

Travel from the airport to the city centre<br />

By taxi: There is a taxi rank outside the main<br />

terminal building. A taxi to the city centre or the<br />

congress venue should cost between € 15.–<br />

to € 20.– depending on the time of day.<br />

By bus: There is an Aerobus shuttle which runs<br />

every 12 minutes between Barcelona Airport<br />

and Plaza Catalunya. The length of the journey<br />

is approx. 40 minutes.<br />

(Fares: One way: € 3.45, Round trip € 5.90).<br />

By train: In the terminal, look for signs for the<br />

train. These may not be very clear but as soon<br />

as you walk out of the terminal(s) you will see<br />

a covered walkway leading from the terminal<br />

buildings over the car park. This will bring you<br />

to the train station where trains leave every<br />

30 minutes.<br />

It takes approx. 25 minutes from the airport to<br />

the Sants Station where you can connect with<br />

the metro network. The last train leaves the<br />

airport at 23.40 h. (Fare: One way: € 2.20)<br />

Travel within the city centre<br />

Taxi: Barcelona has 11,000 yellow and black,<br />

mid-to-high-level range taxis. A green light on<br />

top of the taxi indicates its availability. You can<br />

take a taxi from any of the city’s numerous<br />

ranks and if you want to hail one in the street,<br />

just put your hand up when you see one<br />

approaching.<br />

Public Transport: An extensive public transport<br />

network covers the whole of Barcelona.<br />

The system, made up of 5 metro lines and a<br />

fleet of 800 buses runs over 80 routes and<br />

covers virtually the whole city. Metro travel is<br />

quick and easy and there are a variety of travel<br />

passes available. A T10 pass allows you<br />

10 combined journeys by bus and metro. Three<br />

and five-day passes are also available for<br />

unlimited travel over these days. More information<br />

is available at www.tmb.net/eng.<br />

Courtesy of Roche Farma, Spain each<br />

participant is entitled to receive a T-10<br />

transportation ticket (allows 10 combined<br />

journeys in any means of transport)<br />

The transportation ticket can be received<br />

on-site at the local information desk<br />

and/or the secretariat in exchange to the<br />

corresponding voucher which is included<br />

in the congress documentation.<br />

Travel from the city centre to the Congress<br />

venue<br />

The Congress venue, Palau de Congresos de<br />

Catalunya can be reached by metro, line L3,<br />

which is the green line in direction Zona Universitaria.<br />

Get off at the last stop, which is called<br />

‘Zona Universitaria’.<br />

Please note – Barcelona is unfortunately known for its pickpockets. Thieves target travellers, particularly in the<br />

metro at Sants, the main railway station and on arrival by bus at Plaza Catalunya. Common sense is normally<br />

sufficient, although it must be remembered that these are professional thieves and are consequently very skilled.<br />


Barcelona City Map<br />

1 A<br />

13<br />

2<br />

3<br />

B<br />

12<br />

11<br />

4<br />

10<br />

C<br />


7<br />

6<br />

8<br />

5<br />

14<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

Congress Venue<br />

(Palau de Congressos de Catalunya)<br />

Sants Railway Station (connections to the airport)<br />

Gala Banquet at Reials Drassanes de Barcelona<br />

Hotels<br />

Rey Juan Carlos<br />

Princesa Sofia Inter-Continental<br />

Hilton<br />

Melia Barcelona<br />

Majestic<br />

Cristal/Calderon/Avenida Palace<br />

Le Meridien<br />

Colon<br />

Grand Maria<br />

Tryp Apolo<br />

Fira Palace<br />

Barcelona Plaza<br />

NH Ralle<br />


Metro Map<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

164<br />

Hotels Nearest Metro Stations<br />

Rey Juan Carlos Zona Universitaria<br />

Princess Sofia<br />

Inter-Continental Maria Cristina<br />

Hilton Maria Cristina<br />

Melia Barcelona No Metro (Bus or Tram)<br />

Majestic Passeig de Gràcia<br />

Cristal / Calderon /<br />

Avenida Palace Catalunya<br />

Le Meridien Catalunya or Liceu<br />

Colon Liceu<br />

Gran Marina Drassanes<br />

Tryp Apolo Paral.lel<br />

Fira Palace Espanya<br />

Barcelona Plaza Espanya<br />

NH Ralle Les Corts<br />

Arts Ciutadella Vila Olìmpica<br />

1<br />

2 3<br />

13<br />

11 12<br />

6<br />

7<br />

10<br />


7<br />

8<br />

5<br />

Buses<br />

The following buses will stop at the Palau de Congressos de Catalunya:<br />

From Passeig de Gracia take bus no. 7, 67, 68<br />

On Avenida Diagonal take bus no. 7, 68, 33<br />

14<br />


Exhibition Floor Plan Level 0<br />

166<br />

to Level +1<br />

Posters Nurses<br />

to Level +1 Posters Nurses<br />

Level 0<br />

Ground Floor<br />

List of exhibitors in alphabetical order<br />

135 Amgen (Europe) AG, Lucerne / Switzerland<br />

155 artus - the PCR reference, Hamburg / Germany<br />

147 Baxter Europe, Madrid / Spain<br />

173 Biosafe S.A., Eysins / Geneva / Switzerland<br />

151 Cell Therapeutics Inc.,<br />

London / United Kingdom<br />

105 CellGenix, Freiburg / Germany<br />

193 Chart Industries Inc., Sunbury / United Kingdom<br />

121 Chugai-Aventis, Antony / France<br />

193 Custom Biogenic Systems,<br />

Shelby Township / United States of America<br />

171 European Group for Blood and Marrow<br />

Transplantation (EBMT)<br />

to Level -1<br />

Lecture Rooms<br />

Posters Physicians<br />

@-Corner<br />

Auditorium<br />

113 Fresenius BioTech GmbH, Gräfelfing / Germany<br />

127 Fujisawa GmbH, Munich / Germany<br />

123 Gambro BCT, Brussels / Belgium<br />

133 Gilead Sciences,<br />

Foster City / United States of America<br />

179 Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V., Beerse / Belgium<br />

185 Lipomed AG, Arlesheim / Switzerland<br />

177 MDS Nordion, Ottawa / Canada<br />

183 medac GmbH, Wedel / Germany<br />

125 Miltenyi Biotec, Bergisch Gladbach / Germany<br />

143 MSD, Madrid / Spain<br />

159 Nature Publishing Group,<br />

London / United Kingdom

EHA / Hotel<br />

Local Information<br />

Secretariat<br />

to Level +1<br />

ProMISe Training Sessions<br />

to Level -1<br />

Lecture Rooms<br />

Posters Physicians<br />

Main Entrance<br />

Registration<br />

List of exhibitors in alphabetical order (continued)<br />

101 Novartis Farma s.p.a., Origgio (VA) / Italy<br />

107 OPi, Dardilly / France<br />

141 Pfizer Inc., New York / United States of America<br />

191 Pharmion, Cambridge / United Kingdom<br />

181 Pierre Fabre Medicament, Boulonge / France<br />

193 Planer PLC, Sunbury / United Kingdom<br />

145 PRETTL Reinraumtechnik GmbH,<br />

Pfullingen / Germany<br />

131 Roche, Basel / Switzerland<br />

129 Sangstat, Lyon / France<br />

175 Sangtec Molecular Diagnostics AB,<br />

Bromma / Sweden<br />

111 Schering AG, Berlin / Germany<br />

Palau de Congressos de Catalunya<br />

Book Display<br />

153 StemCell Technologies, Vancouver / Canada<br />

184 StemSoft Software Inc., Vancouver / Canada<br />

193 Telstar Industrial S.L., Terrassa / Spain<br />

157 The Binding Site,<br />

Birmingham / United Kingdom<br />

103 Therakos - Johnson & Johnson Medical Ltd,<br />

Ascot / United Kingdom<br />

161 Valeant Pharmaceuticals International,<br />

Hampshire / United Kingdom<br />

163 Wisepress Online Bookshop Ltd,<br />

London / United Kingdom<br />


List of exhibitors<br />

in numerical order<br />

101 Novartis Farma s.p.a., Origgio (VA) / Italy<br />

103 Therakos - Johnson & Johnson Medical Ltd, Ascot / United Kingdom<br />

105 CellGenix, Freiburg / Germany<br />

107 OPi, Dardilly / France<br />

111 Schering AG, Berlin / Germany<br />

113 Fresenius BioTech GmbH, Gräfelfing / Germany<br />

121 Chugai-Aventis, Antony / France<br />

123 Gambro BCT, Brussels / Belgium<br />

125 Miltenyi Biotec, Bergisch Gladbach / Germany<br />

127 Fujisawa GmbH, Munich / Germany<br />

129 Sangstat, Lyon / France<br />

131 Roche, Basel / Switzerland<br />

133 Gilead Sciences, Foster City / United States of America<br />

135 Amgen (Europe) AG, Lucerne / Switzerland<br />

141 Pfizer Inc., New York / United States of America<br />

143 MSD, Madrid / Spain<br />

145 PRETTL Reinraumtechnik GmbH, Pfullingen / Germany<br />

147 Baxter Europe, Madrid / Spain<br />

151 Cell Therapeutics Inc., London / United Kingdom<br />

153 StemCell Technologies, Vancouver / Canada<br />

155 artus - the PCR reference, Hamburg / Germany<br />

157 The Binding Site, Birmingham / United Kingdom<br />

159 Nature Publishing Group, London / United Kingdom<br />

161 Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Hampshire / United Kingdom<br />

163 Wisepress Online Bookshop Ltd, London / United Kingdom<br />

171 European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT)<br />

173 Biosafe S.A., Eysins / Geneva / Switzerland<br />

175 Sangtec Molecular Diagnostics AB, Bromma / Sweden<br />

177 MDS Nordion, Ottawa / Canada<br />

179 Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V., Beerse / Belgium<br />

181 Pierre Fabre Medicament, Boulonge / France<br />

183 medac GmbH, Wedel / Germany<br />

184 StemSoft Software Inc., Vancouver / Canada<br />

185 Lipomed AG, Arlesheim / Switzerland<br />

191 Pharmion, Cambridge / United Kingdom<br />

193 Telstar Industrial S.L., Terrassa / Spain<br />

193 Planer PLC, Sunbury / United Kingdom<br />

193 Chart Industries Inc., Sunbury / United Kingdom<br />

193 Custom Biogenic Systems, Shelby Township / United States of America<br />


Floor Plan Level -1 Palau de Congressos de Catalunya<br />

Room H<br />

Room A Room B<br />

Room J<br />

to Mare Nostrum (Hotel Rey Juan Carlos)<br />

to Level 0<br />

Posters Physicians<br />

Room D1<br />

Posters Physicians<br />

Room D4<br />

Room E1 Room E3 Room<br />

E5 Room<br />

E6<br />

Speakers’<br />

Centre<br />

Room F<br />


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1. Siena S, Piccart MJ, Holmes FA, Glaspy J,<br />

Hackett J, Renwick J. A combined analysis of two<br />

pivotal randomized trials of a single dose of<br />

pegfilgrastim per chemotherapy cycle and<br />

daily Filgrastim in patients with stage II-IV<br />

breast cancer. Oncol. Reports 2003; 10: 715-<br />

724. 2. Misset JL, Dieras V, Gruia G, et al.<br />

Dose-finding study of docetaxel and<br />

doxorubicin in first-line treatment of<br />

patients with metastatic breast cancer.<br />

Ann Oncol. 1999;10:553-560.<br />

LEGAL CLASSIFICATION: Medicinal product subject to medical prescription. MARKETING AUTHORISATION<br />

HOLDER: Amgen Europe B.V., Minervum 7061, 4817 ZK Breda, The Netherlands. FURTHER INFORMATION<br />

may be obtained from your local Amgen office. MARKETING AUTHORISATION NUMBER: EU/1/02/227/001.<br />

DATE OF PREPARATION: October 2002 © 2002 Amgen Inc. All rights reserved.<br />

Please refer to the full Neulasta ® prescribing information<br />

available from Amgen (Europe) AG, Alpenquai 30,<br />

P.O. Box 2065,Lucerne, Switzerland CH-6002.

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