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87<br />

candido utilis and ewn dqty linc (l6ho!6) 3 opti'num for supplc'ncnt rion<br />

ol0 75%oo(r st co liduor.<br />

8. Determination of Optimum Harvesting Time<br />

In rhe prese cxpsiment an attempt w8s mlde to ass lhc ol,rimum<br />

h vcstirg li,ne. Tlrc alcrutc lruc protcio values oflhe bioma$ harvcslcd al three<br />

dii&.€nl ttu€ periods i.e., 72, 84 and 96 hou6 are pr.s.nted in Tabl€ 5. I1t data<br />

werc stalistically anallz€d and the an.lysis of vari.nc€ of the data h$ be€n shown<br />

in Appendix XIII. The rcsulls rcvaled non siSnificanl diffd€nce in thc mean rrue<br />

protein values of lhe biomss harvested .l diflerenl line pe ods The hiehesl<br />

biomass prctein yield was obsened al 72 houB. Tlh lime period w.s thecfore<br />

considercd &s the optimlm fo. tungal8rc*1h.<br />

Similarly hwesdtrg ti'rc fo. mdimun biomas prct.in yi€ld hs<br />

been reporred fo. olher sp€li€s of'€ast and tunei (Foda.r al., l9?3 ; Reade and<br />

crcsory, t9?5 ! PciteBen, l9?5 ; volfova er 4l, l9?9 i Gar8 ed N€elaletan,<br />

l9E2 i Sandhu ud Waraich, 1983 and Abdullah €/ al, 1985). UsinS ,{/oc}'ior"r<br />

v..ier as f€rmentative organism Mahmood et al (1990) also repod€d 72 hours a5<br />

rhe op(imum harvesling lime. The period of f€rmentation vades with r€spect to kind<br />

of org.nism, numbs of organisns, kind of substratc and fmentatiot conditions.<br />

Le e/ al (19?9) obtaincd maximum c€ll mss yield nner 48 hours ot fementation<br />

using Crlllonotras (c€llulosic bacteria), whereas YoSo er,/. (1976) and Alb€no<br />

sd D Soua (19E0) obraincd mdimum biomss yi.ld throu8h fm.trlaion u5in8<br />

rwo dillcEnt y6t specis. As re8.rds ih. kind ofslbstrtt HM.t al. (1997)wh.n<br />

fement.d poullry fa€6 wilh . ye$t obtsined m.ximum @ll growth sRer 36<br />

houB. Rcade md Gresory (1975) forhd 20 hou6 a! n.ximum linc for conv.Fion<br />

of cassava Mls (a starchy lropical rcot crop) into sinSle ell protcin. The<br />

synsgis$c etl€ct belween two organisms promote thc Ere of femcntalion ad<br />

hence rcduce lim€ of maximun yield. Fuska dd Kallarova (1977) obsencd 52

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