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84<br />

Ne€lakantan, 1982 dd El-Masry.r al. 198?). Mrlmood-ul-hasw, (t992) and<br />

rh.r ., d/., (1995) while oprinizin8 rhc 8r@th condnions or orSoisds found<br />

tusp.crively, 1.2% od 0,75% of co step liquor 6 opthu for gcrrina<br />

maximum yield of biomals and bionass protein. Tl€s€ veiarions mighr b€ du. ro<br />

lhc veiation in typ€ of femenbtive orgrnkn, which mighr had diff@t toleMc.<br />

for lhe minerals in lho gowth mediutn. CSL has also b€en used rs temcnrarivc<br />

medium yielding snlficient mounr ofprotein (Foda er a4 1973 ; Shetlar! 1975 and<br />

Smith €t al. 1975).<br />

7. Determination of Optimum Time for Addition of0.5%<br />

Corn Steep Liquor<br />

A posilive effec! of supplcmentinS CSL to rhe fermenration medium<br />

was noliced in the previous expcdncnt and 0.5% lev.l of CSL was found as<br />

oprinum. In the presenr experiment oprimum time for rhe addilion of 0.5y0 CSL<br />

*s d.r.mined. The b'ontlls wa hd.srcd at 96 hom of f€menhrion. Th€<br />

averaSe lrue protein valus of biomas, obtain.d d a 6ull of.ddirion of CSL ar<br />

diffennt tine irtcflals arc prcs.nt d in Tablc 5. Thc srarisricat mtysis of rh. d{a<br />

were pdlomed atrd rhe mal)ris of variecc of dara is shoM in Appendix X . The<br />

results revenled non siSnilicanl difcrcnccs in biomds protein yield anong<br />

differcnt tin€ interyals i.e., 48, 60, and 72 ho!6 of f€mentaiion. The oprimum<br />

rim€ fo. the addition of 0j% CSL ro th€ f€m€ntarion nedium was. theretore.<br />

considered as 4E houB.<br />

Minor effect was obseryei by supplementing 0.5% com sreep liquor ar 48 hours bur<br />

$e yield dropped at 60 and 72 hours, ahloud riis change was non significanr.<br />

Almosl simild lrend was obsdcd in cile of molsses supptem€ntarion, lhat an<br />

@ly supplemenlalion suppo.!.d $c growlh whilc er(l| lare supplm€norion ir<br />

Emained uutilized, rh. diff.rcnc€ bcint thrt rhc supplmdtltim of molarscs<br />

bcyond 4sd hou dDpped prct in yietd siSrili@rty white rh. drcp h prot€in yi€ld<br />

wirh CSL wd non signili@r.Ahar .r al. ( 1995) fm.nred b€er putp with a y€asr

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