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83<br />

periods during fmenlatioo fo! prorein yietd. Such addition rhercfore was not<br />

adopied in tu(her €xperimetrts.<br />

6. Deferminalion of Optimum level of Corn Stcep Liquor<br />

(CSL| at 48 Hours<br />

Coh sr.ep liquor (csl) is a w6r. !rcducr or com sb&h indNlry ed<br />

ir.railabh in obundsnr qtrexry ar ch.ap @re. Beides it,, rich in viramms,<br />

rnDerdls and rilrogcn. An .ficry)r ws m.de to supple,rent rh. fermcniatio,<br />

Dedfun to deterftirc lhe opftnum levet for hjSher biomass prcreitr yietd. The<br />

suppreDEDlalton ofstcritizd csl ws done an.r &ljLrslinS ca6on lo nirrcSeo hrio<br />

at l0:l and Oe harvcsiinS ws donc ar 72 hou6..I.tE avenge true prorein vdws<br />

obtaincd as elTecied by supplenentalion of diffsent lerek ofCSL arc pr*enred in<br />

Table 5. The dsta werc subjected to st lhtical afttysts and rhe anatysis of veiarce<br />

ol rhe data has been shown in App.ndix XL Thc Esrrrs .cvealed significant<br />

differcnces in rruc p.or€in valu.s ofthc biomass amorg diIarc l€veh ofCSL. A<br />

gadual decrcasing rend i, biomass protein yietd was oDsefred by incieasing rhe<br />

levcl ofCSL. Tl€ prorein valuc obtained from conror wd comparabte wjth rhar<br />

oblained when 0.5% CSL was supplemente4 the difference betwen thc two bcing<br />

nolsiSnificant. TIe pdein vatue signific€ntty drcpp.d beyond rhis levet dl 1.0%<br />

CSL. The reujrs indicarcd thar CSL supptenmi€d ro ft€ ferDenrarion medium at<br />

0.5% l€vel wa3 good for its uritialion for b€rer bjomass yretd. However. the exacl<br />

ln€ for;tr supplemenhtion was requh€d to b€ del.rmined.<br />

Berause CSL conhins . numb.r of mincsrs, the quanriry of any of<br />

lhe mineral, lniehr had bsome hiSh by incre4ing ib levet. fth probabty had<br />

seprcscd grcwrh of th€ fenenr6rive organi$n and ulrimalety rh. biomass proiein<br />

yield was lowered d highef tevet. However, its supptementadon at lower l.vel<br />

proved 8ood. Yogo e/ al (1976) and Suaki er al (1977), aho .eported b.!er<br />

resulrs of towq l.vel (o.tyd) of suppl.menrafon. CSL n4 becn shown as good<br />

source of nitogen for supptem€nblion ro thc femc arion mcdium (Care and

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