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EO<br />

lhe biomN containing bighgl Frcenage ofsingt€ elt prorein hs been obt ined<br />

alier fmenting com staw hydrolyale (Abo-Ahmad, t993) snd suge @e juie<br />

(H€rca .r dt 1995) yith liLlle prcportio. ottnotajsa added ro rhe Dedium.<br />

Dovhych (1975) obtained E to I l% incr€se in biomals yietd du€ ro<br />

addilion of moldss !o gro\4,th nedium but ir sss ar small doses of 0.0 I to 0.05%.<br />

An increse in the rrue protejn vslue ofbiomNs from j.4r4ro t5.t7% (Bajva d<br />

al. l99l) dd fro,n 5.9 mrml 10 7.78 mg/ml has be. repon.d in conpeison ro<br />

$ar or the subsr.al€ (A{iar er at 1995). Maximum yields q.rc obrai.cd ar I ro<br />

1.5% levels of molasses. Thes. differ€nc.s werc duc ro the variation in rime of<br />

supplemenradon compd€d ro rhe pres.nt sludy. ln tie above r.fercd studi.s rhc<br />

supplemenration wa! done und.r oprimum conditos.<br />

4. Effect of Dilferent Carbon to Nitrogen Ratios<br />

tn th€ previou r.ial lhe suppty of nitrogen $zs nol €noogh<br />

cor$sponding to incrcdiDg t€veh of nolasses. 11 was fiercfore decided lo scr<br />

ca6on lo nfuogen dio fo. minimat level of molasses in order to enhdce the<br />

biomas p.otcin yield. For lhis purpos€ four wbon ro nuogen mrrcs were lcsred.<br />

Ttc conrrcl without .xrmd .ddilion of nitrogcn had jnh.Ml cebon lo nitroscn<br />

ntio of25:1. Because I pcrc.nt notss.s eos supplenedcd |o lhe 8rcwrh medim<br />

al48$ hoors, sterilized ue was added atong wi0r rhe molasses for mainraining rhc<br />

Equircd @bon to Dibogen dio. Thc avemgc r.uc prcrein v.lu6 for @ch CrN dc<br />

show! in T.ble 5. Thc drts on biomas prct.in yietd wcrc subjer.d ro $aiistiel<br />

analysis (Appadix IX). The rerults reloted significrnt (p

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