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7E<br />

Results iodicared rhai rh. lcid k ated subsL.t did nor yietd beter<br />

tue pro(eitr llan uDtroated ri@ polishings in the tinally hawesred biomas.<br />

Sulphuric acid lreatment solublizes hemicclluloscwirbolt in(.rsins irs micrcbial<br />

digestibility (H!n and Calliha[ l9?4). Moo Young e, a/. (t97?) obsded pa.lill<br />

delignifi@tion ofew dust wirh lakali, pa setic Ecid or H1SO. and s. reulr ih@<br />

was morc @llullac producli@ by Ttbhoderw yitide. C.celtutolttiM ti.td.,l<br />

highe. single c€ll protein, indic.tirS the prefe.enc. of microoreanism for<br />

substrares. Acid hydrolysis of $€ substnte somelimes results in the production of<br />

toxic faclors such as furfuBl, hydroxy ncthyl finfinal, rhc prccursoE md ph€notic<br />

compouds {hich supprcrs the microbial acrivity. The inhibirory eff@r of srch<br />

compounds could be minimiad by growing the fungi in a mcdium mainrained at<br />

pH around 6.0 or 7.0 (Chalal, 1984 and Chahal er al. 1989). Low pH (4.0) oflh€<br />

medium maintained in th. prgent study could be alributed ro poor biomals yi€ld as<br />

cotnpded to pr.viou studies. Ricch. .r dl. (t966) rcporr.d y.a$ biomass<br />

conrlirirg 36% prcrcin on l% rcid or hot hydrclyzed porlrG subskarc f@ent.d<br />

wilh c'lrltr. simildly Qui€zy er al. (t979) dporr.d hi8h.r singl€ e[ protcio<br />

production fiom fermerlatio! ofacid k..ted g.oud pear with Crrilir. In borh ih€<br />

above ref€red sludies rhe pH was mainllined al 6.0 or abov. which mighl hsd<br />

am€lionted the ellcr of loxic prcducrs from acid Lertmenr. Vollova ?r ul (t979)<br />

oblained 6low as 8-9 o/o prolein biomass yieb aner feme arion ofacid lMl.d<br />

subslrate wirh a y6t Cardtd, ttopicali. ar low (4.6) pH. T his vuialion could b.<br />

due to low pH snd lhe type ofy€ast used. Pre lrealm€nts of subsrrale can also havc<br />

a signiiicanl effect on th€ hemicullolose acc€ssibility to enzymic atlck. cupta and<br />

Datta (199?) achiev€d b€tte. Esulrs rhrouSh prei@tmenr of blsssc with 2% (Vv)<br />

calciun hydroxid.. SinG no improvem.nt i! prolein yield w6 nored wifi acid<br />

prctrc.t rot of ricc polishings, this t(c.rmcnr ws trot u.d i. funh.r GxDerimenrs.

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