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effecled by addition of I % nolasses al vadous tirne periods<br />

Xl Analysis ofvtrime ofdata on thc eff€ct ofvarious lev.ls ofcom slcep 146<br />

liquo. supplenenbtion on biomsss protein yicld<br />

Xll A.alysh of varianc. of dala showing erecl of supplcmenfing 0.5% 14?<br />

com stecp liquor at various nme inlerals of f€rm€nialion<br />

XII Analysis of vari.ncc of data on lrue !rct.in yield of the biomas l4E<br />

hdsted !t diflercn( time pcriods<br />

xlv Analysis of va.idrcc ofdala showing effcct ol aul@lavine rhc growlh 149<br />

ot Anch ot6 species on nu. ptot in tield of B.lNun<br />

150<br />

xv Analysis of variancc of ddta shoping effcct of supplorentaiion of<br />

dir@t l.vels of molasq at 48 hou6 of h. grcwlh otAlM<br />

XVI Aralysis of vdiece showing erect of addirion of dircrdt lev.ls of l5l<br />

Slucose st ditfercnl lime peiods<br />

XVll Analysis ofvdidce ofdata showing effcct of2% cwh on dE biomrs 152<br />

XVIII Amlysis of variance of data showing cffecl of y.ast sludSe 153<br />

supplementation on biomass pro€in yield<br />

xlx Analysis of variancc of data showing innuence of hrwesring riDe on<br />

tue prcr.in yield by Enribrct timJlew<br />

XX Analysis of varianc€ of dara on fced consumprion<br />

XXI ADalysis of varianc€ of dsta on weighl gain of chicks<br />

XXll Analysis of vdime of data o! f..d @nve6ion mtio<br />

XXlll Analysis of vdioe otdara ner prct.in uritiation<br />

XXIV Analysis of vdiec. of dala on prorein efnci€ncy ralio<br />

Prcinrt. Anrlysi!<br />

Ether Extract (E.E)<br />

crudeFibrc(c.F)<br />

crudePmrein(c.P)<br />

Nitros.D Frce E(racr (N.F.E)<br />

Solubl€ Crrbobydnt.t<br />

E linrtior ofcirbon<br />

ardo.tio! ofTru. Protetu |I.P)<br />

Amim Acid Analysi!<br />

Ribose Nu.leic Acid (RNA) E fltn,rion<br />

F,stia.tioo of C.lcirn lnd phorphorus<br />

Estimation ofcalciurh<br />

Esti@tion ofPhosphotus<br />

154<br />

155<br />

156<br />

151<br />

158<br />

159<br />

160<br />

r60<br />

160<br />

160<br />

160<br />

i6l<br />

t6l<br />

t62<br />

r62<br />

163<br />

165<br />

165<br />

166<br />

l6E<br />

l6E<br />


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