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1J<br />

opetrirr8 rheir abdomisal cavilies. Afler dryinS birds werc wcighed and grornd and<br />

ll'e,r their body nirrogcn was esrimarcd by Kield.ht.s crhod. fhc d,opping<br />

collccrcd nr berke6 \!.rc wcighed. lhorolghly nrixed {nd irs niriogcn con(cnrs $.crc<br />

9.5 Parameteis<br />

'lhe fotlowing pahmelers w€le wo.ked out usin8 rhe fofinut.e of<br />

PelleleaDd YouDS ( 1980)<br />

a) IeedcotrveEion RaddFCR) = red consrncd / Cain in eeislrr<br />

bl Net l,rclein utilialion (Npu) = u_(Bk,lk)/t x t00. whqe<br />

B = .rod body nitrogen on rsr dict<br />

r.ik = .tolltbody nirrcgcn on l,n,tcir ftccdicl<br />

| = Intakeofnihsen on rest dier<br />

tk = lDrake ot nirrcgcn on prol.in tree dicr<br />

c) ltociD Bliciency Rado(pER) - Cain in wer8hr / r,rol.in imale<br />

10. Statistical Analysis<br />

]-he experimcnbt dara weE subjccred 1o shrisrjcat analysis usins<br />

CoDplcrcly Rando'nized Desien_ Fo. rhis puQose the mean varucs ot the each<br />

h.nn.nt rcplicate werc c.tcut.red. Ttresc repticalc rcrns wcrc lhcn !.cd for<br />

staristicdl analysh o. (r conrpurer rd anatysis ofrrnnncc r{orcs \verc ltup rcd<br />

for each experimenl. [inally the healmenl means \verc compared r,! t)uncan.s<br />

Mrlliple Range test(Sreetand lbdje, |980).

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