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72<br />

'l h€se birds were dividcd into €ightcen €:(pe.imenbl units conlaining hree birds in<br />

cach unil. Each exp€rioen(sl nnir ws kepl in sepuarc p€n_ Th* bnds Ner€<br />

rihdomly nlloled ro six expcriDent.l ralions in such a way rhar there were lhree<br />

cxperimental mir! on @ch mrion_ 'llte Erions were offe,€d to the birds ad libirum<br />

tor nine days. Iresh warer was svaitabte lo the birds all the rime. Weigh ot each<br />

bird was @rded prior to rhe exp.rimenr ed rherean€r a! the ed of rhe<br />

9.3 Manaeement<br />

The day-old chicks were reded under br@der for one Ne€k and<br />

drirs lris period lhey wcrc v!@inaGd agaiBr Newcdrt. diseasc. red and warer<br />

wrs suppli€d ad libilum. Feed and wat€r was supplied sepanlely in each pen and<br />

elcctric bulbs wefe fired in p€ns for mainraininS rhe lempe.ature. The droppinSs of<br />

lhe chicks were collecled on ptstic shets ak ady spr€ad on floor<br />

'n<br />

each pen.<br />

DrcppiDgs or dch pen qere *eiSbed daily, mixed woll ed r o% of qch was placed<br />

in bcakers having Ilrsoa.<br />

9.4 Data Collection<br />

Following data were recoded during the expeiment.<br />

'lhc trilrcg.n conrenti of eacl ralion w6 estimared 6.ough Kjctdahl s<br />

Weight of chicls in @ch expe.imenlal unir w6 re@rd€d a( the srart of<br />

qperinenl ard thereanq daily.<br />

Wcighl of drick in cach cxpc.jftnral unit was rccordcd at Lhe end of<br />

Feed oflered to each unit al srort<br />

Feed rcfiscd by ech unit al rhe e|ld<br />

Total weiShr of droppings voided by each uri1.

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