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70<br />

adjrKed at 7.0 wirh lN NaoH md temperaturc of thc fermenrer ws adjuned at 3?<br />

'C. l lre fermenter was then in@ulal€d with fresh jnocnlu it of B.Iavuh @ 5% ot<br />

the gorv(h medium. Again fernenrer \yas run at sp€ed of 100 lpm atong *ith<br />

contntuous supply of fresh nltqed ah. The pll of lhe mcdiun wN checked and<br />

adjstcd al ?.0. tq 24lou6 offtc addition ofsecond inocullm o. E0 hou6 of<br />

toral lbrmedtation pe.iod the biomds was rccovercd aner 15 minlles stcamirg.-the<br />

biomGs wa then dried in llal tra)s in lbrced air oven at65oC.<br />

Following eoc pbclice th€ f@.rls was run five rimes sd rh€<br />

biomass rccovered wa dried and g.ound. It was aratyzed for crud. protein, crude<br />

fibre, erher extracr, .sh md NFE following AOAC (1990) DiomN was<br />

'nethods.<br />

aho analyzed rof lrue protein (Munro and Fteck, 1966), amino acid profil€ (Moore<br />

and SGi\ 1954), Calciu'n sd Phosphorus (Anony'nous, 1954) dd RNA conrenls<br />

(Muro.nd Fleck. 1966).ltese ealysis ee shown in Appendixlr ort llr.<br />

9. Biological Evaluation<br />

Fo! biological cvahadon rhe biomass wd fcd ro 7-days old broil€r<br />

chicks for a period of 9 days. The triat ws @lducted.t Raja Mrham,nad Alcarr<br />

AniDal Nur.iton Rcs@h Cenre., Univ€Firy of^sricultur.. Fais,labad. Eighrccn<br />

sepdalc pens werc construclcd and birds we.€ placed on {ire net fo. rhe collecrion<br />

olrhen droppings on rhe plaslic sheets plac€d on $e fl@r. h this tial fish meat of<br />

the b.sal €tiotr was replaccd with thc biomass at 0,25,50, ?5 and t00 percenl<br />

lelels oD protein equiv.lenl basis.<br />

9.1 Experimental Rations<br />

Six cxperimenlal ralions viz., A, B. C, D, E and F wcrc prepared.<br />

Ration l: was prolcin free lo derermin€ endogenous |lilrcgo loss6. Ration A had no<br />

bioDass ond sewed as conrrol.In ralions, B. C, D and E the quarlityoffish mealot<br />

conrrol was replaccd yith biomss prorein on prorein equiv.tcnr bajs a.d rhese<br />

conlaincd 2.5, 5.0. ?-5 @d 10.0 percent bioh.ss, r.specrively, nE nnrient t€vels in

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