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69<br />

X:-Xr<br />

gP = Fx YPlx<br />

q, = p xYx/s, whcre,<br />

& = Final Producl<br />

Xr = InilialProduct<br />

la& = lng naltrnl<br />

P = SPecilic growth rate<br />

Y'i" = Gm3 ol microbial ccll produc.d/g sublrate utilized<br />

Ypis = cItm of pmduct flm€dg of subslrat€ ulilizcd<br />

Yp* = Gram! ofproducr rormed/s of c€ll forn€d<br />

Qp<br />

qs<br />

S) - s' =<br />

X: - Xr =<br />

P: - Pr =<br />

SPecific product quotienl i e I<br />

Specific subsrrare uptake rate<br />

Diflcrctre in sub$rakJh'<br />

Difleren(e;n c.llprcducliotr/h '<br />

Diffcrence in Product/h '<br />

br - br = Difl.r€nce in Time<br />

producug @ll/h<br />

as = volumekic rale ofsubstmle utilization Gnrh)<br />

a, = volum.rric iat€orcellma formation (tt4r)<br />

a"<br />

Vol@.tric mle ofproduc. fomrtion (8/Uh)<br />

8. Large Scale Production ofBiomass<br />

Large sol. femcntalion wd (sied out in Iwe litr. @Pacit) glass<br />

fementer. Th. go$'th medium eas prcparcd in fernent r, it wd then autoclaved al<br />

l2l"C for 45 ninutes. Anq auto.lavinS $e pH of the mediun was adiusted al4 0<br />

with lhc help of lN H1SO. added drcp wise silh the help of peruslaltic pumP Thc<br />

leDperalur€ of $e fef,ncnler wr! adjuslcd al 306C, by circulatinS water in the oucr<br />

jacket of the fmenter lftei ehich the 8ro*1h medim sas indulaled *ith frcsh<br />

inocn'r,m of lreluiota tp..s.plically @ 5%. Tle femente. rls tun at 300 rpm<br />

speed !lo!s with contituou supply of frcsh filtd€d air. Tte pH of the mcdium was<br />

checked md adjusted at 4.0. After 56 hours of fcrm€nlation lhe f€rmenler was onc.<br />

again auloclav.d at 12 I 'C for 45 ninulcs dd before 3tad of autoclave y6( sludSe<br />

was add€d 1o the nedium @ l%. Ancl autoclaving tl|c PH of lh€ mcdium was

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