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6E<br />

nEdium ir sepamte flsk at 24 hou! of s@nd phsse of f.menrarion. On the basis<br />

of higher biomass protein producrion .iiher of th. rwo w.s usd in rhe subcqnenr<br />

6,5 Yeast Sludge Supplemertation<br />

To srudy the €ff@t of strpplemcnt.tion of y.ast studge on rhe<br />

cnri.hhcnr df fcnnenlation 'nedilm for .nhancement oferowrh of BJIarun.lning<br />

secotrd phAc of femen(ation, the arr@taved yosr srtd9 of Sac.huonyces<br />

ceNtrr?e was added to th€ medim al0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0,4.0, 6.0, 8.0 ad l0 percenl<br />

levcls. The supplemenrarion was done !t 0 nou$ of s@d phase of fem|cnlation.<br />

Th. optidun level so achieved wa 6ed unde. the prcviously opridized<br />

coDdilioB.<br />

6.6 Harvesting Time for 2nd Phase<br />

To lchiev€ lhe mosl suirable hawesting lime for maximum yield of<br />

biomas lrotci4 direren( hs€sring rim€s w€.. r€sred during seond phe of<br />

tbnnenlarion. Tte hadesling of biom.s wEs done sr 24, 4s ed ?2 houB of<br />

feanenta on. lle he€lting tibe Siving oplhruD biomss prorei, for sccond<br />

phe of fennentation *as foltowed during sqlc up fermmralion.<br />

7, Growth Kinetics<br />

crca1h are of Atdchniotu sp. afi Brdibacterim JI@M, lt td of<br />

products and sp€cific subshle uptake 6G dDring borh phas€s of f€mcnlar'on werc<br />

olculated using the following fonnulas.<br />

F = _l_ x<br />

Yp/s =<br />

Yp/x -<br />

hr n:<br />

x,- x,<br />

S:-Sr<br />

Pl-Pl<br />

Sr_Sr<br />

lo& XL<br />


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