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t = 2217 and r = Radius of micG@pic ti.td which is mcasrrcd with<br />

the help of micronelg. ln one midomerer one dilision is eq@l ro t0<br />

'nic.ons(p).<br />

r= lEo !r /2 = 90<br />

As rhcE w€rc l8 d'vhion3so it becahc 180 p.<br />

So arca of micrcsmpic fietd came oul b be.<br />

^=<br />

22n a9O1<br />

Tle trmber of elh of Aldla per mt we.e mintdned at 4xt0t by<br />

dilutin8 the inoculum wi$ srerilized dislilled water 10 ger a honogenous suspension<br />

of thc o.g&ism. The inocutm thus prepe€d ws lsed in the grcwlh mediun @<br />

5my50ml lo invcsligale various conditions dudng second phare of femeDlaton.<br />

5.2 Culture Cultivation<br />

Th. r.covcrcd tungal biomds du.ing fiBl phas. of f.Dcnration was<br />

usr !s grcwih Dedium duing rhe s@nd pndc of fcmenlation. A rcqui.ed<br />

number of llasks were prepded accordihg ro the condition undd ltudy and 6eir pH<br />

*as ad.iusrcd ar 7.0 wnh lN NaOH aseplica y. Tt€se flask were ften inocutared<br />

$ill 5ml of inoculum wirh Oe hetp of stcriti&d ptperre. lh. n6ks eer. rhen<br />

incubated foi 72 holrs on o.biral shakcr workirg ar I 00,120 rpm ar 3 ?.C.<br />

5.3 Harvesting<br />

Trilli€re flsks of €ch treonen! werc heested by 5 minurcs<br />

sle.inirS. fte bionss ftw recovered ws dried in chiDa dish.s sepaErely attd<br />

putting then in oven at ?ooc remperarure for 24 houE. The died biomas was<br />

grcund md malyzcd for uuc prorcin.<br />

6. Optimization<br />

B.Jlavum.<br />

Expedmenb werc condu.red for opdmizing<br />

naxinln producrion of bion)N prolein<br />

of Fermentatiol Conditions for<br />

Following conditions werc optimied.

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