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62<br />

fennsralion. Th. optimum lime for CSL suppl.menration obscded dudng this<br />

experimenl was followed in rhc subsequent €xpqimdts.<br />

4.8 Harvesting Time<br />

Under optinjad condilions for fi6t phssc of fcrmenrarion, final<br />

exp€irmenl was conduct€d to find out the oprimum harvestinS time for maximum<br />

yield of biomals protein. For $ir p rposc $e fcrmcntsrion tr?s r.rminared sr tlree<br />

di|fcrcrt time periods viz., 12,84 an 96 hours. T1€ oprimu,n hanesting timc<br />

observed during this experimenr wa! tollowed in the subsequenr experim€nb for<br />

obraining rhe highsl yield ofproEin.<br />

5. Preparation of Inocrtllum Ior B.Jlavum<br />

5.1 Inoculurn<br />

Fo. second phasc of fcmenlation, the oryrnisn Brevibacteriun<br />

lavM was used. The inoculun ofs.,/la,M wls prepnred from the pure culrurc of<br />

rhis orsanisn mised on agar slantj mcdium. Cc[s of E.jtovun vqe oanstercd<br />

aseptically from agar slants to rlree auloclaved 250ml erlenmeyer flasks each<br />

containing 50ml of iroculum medium. Tl|e composilion of f,e mcdium is shown in<br />

Table 3. Thc pH ofmedium prior to steritialion ws adjusred ar 7.0{1.2 wilh tN<br />

NaOH. Flasks wse $o incubared on oftiral shak* running at a rale of 100_120<br />

rpm to. 48 lou.s at J7.C.<br />

Tabfe J. Composixon of inocutun n ditm fot Brcvbackriw narw<br />

t0<br />

5<br />

NaCI<br />

5<br />

l0<br />

Dc'ilkd wa'.. addcd ro nEke ;;tu;;u!61 ljtt.. pH of the nediun m

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