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4.4 Setting CarboD to Nit.ogen Ratio<br />

An€. dcrenninalior ofop num lev.lof molscs !o b. added ar 4E(<br />

hours of ferne.rarion, anorher €xp.lim.nr was conducled for dcrerninin8 the<br />

opliDnn carbon to niroSen iatio to decide how mLlch nilrogcn is to be added along<br />

with the addjtior of motarses. For fis purpose five differenl C ratios viz.,27:1,<br />

20:1, 15:1, l0:l and 5jl werc tcst€d for addiiion to rhc Brofin nedium al48 ho!6.<br />

The opdminm cs6on lo nitroSe! rario obffed in rhrs expdimenl was used in<br />

subsequenr €xperiments fo. ,naximum producrion of b,omass prcrem.<br />

4.5 Setting time for Addition of Molasses<br />

FollowinA $e optimu,h l.vel of molsses ro b. add.d ard .ftd s€ninc<br />

C/N 6rio, uorh.r cxpcrimcnr war @nducred lo deide rhe rime ot incubarion ;<br />

vhich this con€nkarioo of motrscs wd to b. add€d. For this purpose rhrcc fim6<br />

ofincubation were setecred viz.,48,60. and 72 houB. Alt the fl.sks were harlscd<br />

alter 96 houls of f.rn.nhrion. Ttlc olrimum incubal<br />

experim€'r fo, addition of mo'",,* -", r"r"-"r," Jil::,":ffil:* -"<br />

4.6 Addition of Corn Steep Liquor (CSL) at 4g Hours<br />

An qpenmed was conducred ro rest thc tevel of CSL to be added in<br />

the femenblion medium ar 48 hou6 of incubation for moxmum yjetd of biojrsss<br />

proreir. Fu this purpce six lev€ls ofcom saeep tiquo. werc resred viz_, 0.5. t.0,<br />

1.5, 2,0, 2.5 and 3.0 perceni anq selting CN ratjo $ del.min€d pr€viouly. t}le<br />

optunum levet obs€ned durin8 this q\perimcnr was used in $bs€quenr<br />

4.7 Setting Time for Addition ofCSL<br />

Ir wd required to determin€ fie opdmun rime for supptementation of<br />

ophnized lwel of CSL. for riis purpose lh@ rin.s of hcrlbation wcre rcsrcd viz.,<br />

4E. 60 ed 72 hou6. The ft€sk ofalt rlE tine fE.iods we.c narvesrcd at 96 houB of

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