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l-3 Chemical Composition<br />

58<br />

fte dried detaned ri@ potishinss was flagzd for crude ,rclein,<br />

ether extracl, crudc libre, sI ed nitog.n free.xracL lblowing AOAC (tgBO)<br />

nethods. True protein corlent was esrimared by rh. m€lhod of MuDro and Fleck<br />

(1966). Aoino acid prcfile ws esrimared by rhe merhod of Moore ard Srein<br />

(1954). Crlcium ard phosphorus conlenrs w.re ako cnimared (Anonymous, t954).<br />

-llle cebon conrenl3 ofrhe ri@ polishings ed rhar of oth.r subsr,rnces uscd d!in8<br />

lh. cxpe.imen were Brinared by colorimetiic m.fiods dBcribc by (clnhms.<br />

I 948). The compocition of 0rc suhc|mcs is gircn itr Appendix L<br />

2.Organisms<br />

The certified pur€ cuttuH of fe.mmbrive<br />

tpe.i.r .ad Brcvibocteriu lI@M rerc obr.in.d ftum<br />

Palholo$/, Univ.Eiry of AgricultuE Fabatsb.d. ,.d<br />

Culture Collecrion of Micrcorganisms, Instiille or<br />

Univ€rsity of Tokyo, Japan, respecrively.<br />

orgsnisms,,,{'daruiors<br />

|ne d.pattnenr of PIor<br />

Jap.n@ Fcdcralion of<br />

Appli€d Microbiolory,<br />

'l he cultues w€re majnrained on Czap€k,s a8ar stan6 (Beneke, I 95j)<br />

flnd Modified Nude Asar (NCIMB, 1990). The coDtosrtron or,utienl ,sar<br />

medrum and<br />

'uodifi€d agarsta m€dium h shown itr Tables l.<br />

NaCl<br />

DefaGd .ice polishinSs _ 50<br />

._ 1.t25<br />

M8SO..?HrO : l?:<br />

KH,PO4<br />

Aaar ,n '<br />

5<br />

5<br />

,14.0 tot Atdch iorzs v andat1.ofo,;t1;;;"'""' r"'r h trr'dim *a adrBLcd

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